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Page 1: Survei, kewaspadaan dan pengawasan ( survey, surveillance and vigilance )


Survei, kewaspadaan dan pengawasan

(survey, surveillance and vigilance)

Page 2: Survei, kewaspadaan dan pengawasan ( survey, surveillance and vigilance )


• Pengamatan (survey) digambarkan sebagai pengawasan, untuk mendapatkan suatu pandangan menyeluruh atas pemeriksaan, pengujian dan identifikasi.

• Survei dapat dilakukan ketika insiden penyakit telah terjadi.

• Dilaksanakan untuk menemukan luas dan penyebab kerusakan panen.

Page 3: Survei, kewaspadaan dan pengawasan ( survey, surveillance and vigilance )


• Survei dapat juga diakukan untuk menetapkan besarnya kerugian yang disebabkan oleh suatu penyakit.

• Survei dapat dilakukan secara berulang-kali untuk memonitor insidensi penyakit dengan suatu penekanan untuk meminimalkan kerugian, kemudian hal itu menjadi pengawasan.

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• Pengawasan dapat digambarkan sebagai suatu pengamatan tetap untuk menahan laju perkembangan penyakit.

• Kewaspadaan dapat digambarkan sebagai suatu survei untuk memonitor penyebaran dan perkembangan suatu patogen dengan tujuan untuk pengendalian.

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Monitoring penyakit Survei Aerobiologi

Aerobiology adalah kajian terhadap mikroorganisme yang berada di atmosfer dan interaksi antaranya dengan lingkungan, tumbuhan, binatang dan manusia.

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Ada suatu hubungan langsung dan linier antara spora yang ditangkap dengan insidensi penyakit di tanah.

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Survey klimatologi Parameter fisik mempunyai pengaruh

dalam perkembangan penyakit.

Tiap-tiap penyakit tumbuhan memerlukan kondisi cuaca yang berbeda dan ideal untuk perkembangannya.

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Sehingga terjadinya epidemi dapat diprediksi melalui studi mengenai cuaca.

Munculnya penyakit hawar daun kentang

atau karat gandum dapat ditentukan dengan menggunakan tabel cuaca.

Dengan demikian, climatological survey membantu dalam dilakukannya peramalan kejadian penyakit.

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Remote Sensing

Penglihatan manusia merupakan alat remote sensing yang paling baik.

Tetapi mata manusia mempunyai batasan

pandangan dan waktu untuk meneliti, alat mekanik telah dikembangkan untuk melakukan pekerjaan ini.

Untuk meneliti suatu obyek yang menggunakan gambaran mekanis sensor ini menggunakan cahaya spektrum elektromagnetik.

Remote sensing menggunakan satelit sehingga manusia dapat melakukan pengamatan dengan jarak ± 900 km, dengan menggunakan perbedaan suhu atau infra merah.

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Page 11: Survei, kewaspadaan dan pengawasan ( survey, surveillance and vigilance )


Untuk memonitor phytoepidemics, terdapat dua satelit yang dapat diikuti yaitu : 1) Menggunakan satelit cuaca untuk memonitor cuaca yang mendukung epidemi.

2) Menggunakan Sumber Daya Bumi Satelite ( Earth Resources Satelite = ERS/ Earth Resources Technology Satelite =ERTS= Landsat).

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Landsat Earth Resources Technology Satelite (ERTS,

sekarang disebut Landsat) buatan USA pada tahun 1972.

Landsat menutupi keseluruhan bola bumi tiap 18 hari yang memotret area yang sama pada waktu yang tetap atau pada cakupan yang bisa diterima.

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Ini memungkinkan bingkai berbeda dapat diperbandingkan. Landsat membawa Multispectral Scanner ( MSS), sistem sensor utama dari satelit dan meliputi area 185x185 km setiap meneliti.

Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment

(LACIE), yang diselenggarakan oleh NASA dengan suatu tujuan untuk menyediakan peramalan tahunan pada tanaman serealia yang dipanen, pada basis global didasarkan pada remote sensing dari satelit.

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Processing data Dari hasil survei atau penelitian holistik

maka akan diperoleh informasi dalam jumlah yang besar.

Informasi ini harus diteliti dengan baik untuk mendapatkan penafsiran yang tepat.

Dengan adanya komputer maka dapat digunakan untuk menangani data lapangan, sehingga dapat data dapat dianalisis dengan baik dan diambil kesimpulan yang tepat.

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Di dalam eksperimen lapangan, pengamatan pada fenologi tanaman, cuaca dan perkembangan penyakit dicatat secara terus-menerus dengan maksud untuk mengembangkan model yang bersifat prediksi.

Karenanya, ketelitian harus dari awal di dalam perekaman data ini.

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Prosedur Percobaan Lapangan dan Hal – Hal yang Diperhatikan

Rumah kaca yang digunakan untuk pengujian dan evaluasi resistensi kadang-kadang tidak sesuai dengan pengamatan pada kondisi lapangan.

Diperlukan eksperimen lapangan secara holistik, dengan penyakit, fenologi tanaman dan berhubungan dengan parameter cuaca.

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Laboratorium ini mempunyai fungsi untuk memonitoring cuaca secara berkelanjutan

Informasi ini kemudian digunakan dalam analisis epidemiologi secara terperinci dengan mengunakan komputer.

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The Cryptic Error

Di dalam suatu percobaan lapangan, disain blok acak yang berulang diikuti tujuan analisa statistik.

Hal tersebut dapat dilakukan asalkan

patogen atau bahan kimia tidak mengumpul pada tumbuhan yang ditengah.

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Tetapi sering, spora jamur tersebar oleh angin dan menghasilkan suatu gradien.

Secara alami spora jamur jatuh pada

perlakuan yang berbeda yang dapat memberikan kesalahan/ eror.

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Kesalahan cryptic adalah kesalahan yang tak terlihat yang muncul dalam kaitan dengan percobaan yang salah/cacat.

Kesalahan cryptic dapat juga terjadi ketika

tidak ada pembatas (borders) pada baris antar perlakuan dengan maksud untuk mencegah penyebaran penyakit.

Propagul patogen pindah dengan bebas ke

plot tanaman yang lain dan mempengaruhi perkembangan penyakit.

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pest and disease surveillance and the role

of new technology

Dr Mike Robson, Plant Protection Service, FAO

Kampala, 28 March 2008

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outline of presentation

1. what is surveillance

2. improving national surveillance

3. technology to support surveillance

4. a cell-phone based surveillance pilot in S.W. Uganda

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1. what is surveillance?

“ The ongoing systematic collection and analysis of data and the provision of information which leads to action being taken to prevent and control a (pest or) disease”...

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applied to plant pests & diseases... According to the international standard,

“ISPM 6: Guidelines on Surveillance”

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...official surveysare for 3 purposes:

detection – establish the baseline (what pests are present – emphasis on identification) – drawing up pest list)

delimiting - how far has a problem spread (quantification, mapping) – establishing pest free areas for bactrocera invadens

monitoring – repeated to identify trends

[from ISPM 6]

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...but, why DO surveillance?[ this is a REAL question – will it actually help?; surveillance is not an end in


survey in order to: recognise new problems early and ‘nip in the

bud’ monitor pest or disease free status to be able

to trade provide early warning to others who may be

affected, particularly if pests or diseases are avoidable

understand patterns and trends (research) to counter in longer term

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in most countries, common problems with surveillance are to:

reinforce partnerships between the different agencies involved

provide adequate people, equipment, funds for data collection; standardise methods, data collection formats

improve technical capacity to analyse, map data

develop communications to issue timely warning messages at right level

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stages in surveillance – and technology

Data capture



=>Monitoring trends over time

[technology can help at each stage – focusing on

data capture]

Page 29: Survei, kewaspadaan dan pengawasan ( survey, surveillance and vigilance )

comparing technologies for data captureMethod For Against

Paper - cheap, accessible- minimal training needed

- gets lost or “filed”- data cannot be used for multiple purposes

Cell phone - widely used already (minimal equipment costs)- data in digital form

- running costs- no standard format

PDA or other customised handheld device

- designed for field conditions- allows roving survey- data standardised

- more expensive- cost to implement

laptop - maximum flexibility - not designed for field use- expensive

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Digital Pen – used in a pilot for livestock surveillance in Namibia

used by vet inspectors based on a standard form printed on special

paper a pen with built-in camera to record and

transmit image hard copy can also be retained

- - - - technically complex (pen, communications,

handwriting recognition software, database)- proprietary (SA company), expensive

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P.D.A. - crop surveillance project in India, to quantify pest and disease outbreaks

handheld device used by district research station scientists

touch screen, protected against water & dust; daylight viewing screen, long battery life

has GPS and sensors for humidity, temperature allows surveyors to return to precise spot and

monitor - - -

equipment can prove device was taken to field but not accuracy of what was recorded

still requires trained surveyors

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Page 33: Survei, kewaspadaan dan pengawasan ( survey, surveillance and vigilance )

…scale of P.D.A. exercise after initial test, running in 9 districts – both rain-

fed and irrigated - in Andhra Pradesh (total area covered approx 100,000 sq km) for March-October, 2008

equipment set up for cotton, rice, groundnut, pulses

180 devices to be deployed

Essentially for use by trained surveyors

Initially 20/ district (need to train new surveyors)

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4. a cell-phone based surveillance pilot in S.W. Uganda

crop and disease surveillance – a small scale FAO pilot run in association with Kachwekano research station, based on cell phone text messaging (SMS) for data (Nov 2007-March 2008)

[funded by Government of Norway, through FAO]

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Banana xanthomonas wilt Banana xanthomonas wilt (BXW)(BXW)

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• transport – mobility and communications difficult transport – mobility and communications difficult in fieldin field

• availability of trained human resourceavailability of trained human resource

• inspection tools and technical facilitiesinspection tools and technical facilities

• surveillance and reporting procedures not always surveillance and reporting procedures not always effectiveeffective

There are technical There are technical constraints to surveillanceconstraints to surveillance

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• farmers unwilling to provide information, fear of farmers unwilling to provide information, fear of blame and punishmentblame and punishment

• AdoptAdopt ‘wait and see’ approach ‘wait and see’ approach

• Whether farmers report also depends on Whether farmers report also depends on relationship with extension worker and relationship with extension worker and perception of anticipated assistanceperception of anticipated assistance

‘‘Social’ constraints to Social’ constraints to surveillancesurveillance

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Addressing these constraints could:Addressing these constraints could:

• help improve pest and disease surveillance,help improve pest and disease surveillance,

• assist control and eradication efforts, andassist control and eradication efforts, and

• potentially provide early warning of new potentially provide early warning of new outbreaksoutbreaks

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• Visual representation of data (graphs, maps) Visual representation of data (graphs, maps) • Better feedback to interested parties (bulletins, Better feedback to interested parties (bulletins,

messages via cell, radio)messages via cell, radio)• an analytical database on confirmed pest and an analytical database on confirmed pest and

disease outbreak for decision makers, extension disease outbreak for decision makers, extension workersworkers

• Improved information sharing among subject Improved information sharing among subject expertsexperts

And choice of data capture And choice of data capture technology ?technology ?

How could surveillance How could surveillance improve?-improve?-

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SMS may have SMS may have advantages in this areaadvantages in this area

• High existing mobile phone ownershipHigh existing mobile phone ownership

• Ease of reporting (limited technical skills Ease of reporting (limited technical skills required), can accommodate local languagesrequired), can accommodate local languages

• Mobile phones already being used to share Mobile phones already being used to share information among farmers, extension workersinformation among farmers, extension workers

• Lowest cost optionLowest cost option

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Participants were selected based on …Participants were selected based on …

resident of particular villageresident of particular village owned mobile phone owned mobile phone able to read and writeable to read and write able to use SMS functionable to use SMS function approachable and respectedapproachable and respected farmer or livestock keeperfarmer or livestock keeper interest in the pilot project interest in the pilot project

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SMS-based system model

Field worker

Sub-county extension (DVO,

DAO, NAADS Coordinators)

District Production Office


System monitor






Field workers insurrounding areas

confirmed data

Donors (Project funding)

Decision-makers (LC5 council, DPO


Decision-makers (Central

government, conditional grants)

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SMS reports include …SMS reports include …

• Name of LocationName of Location• Crop or livestock affectedCrop or livestock affected• Suspected pest or diseaseSuspected pest or disease• Urgent attention requiredUrgent attention required• Incidence (number of farm households Incidence (number of farm households


Page 44: Survei, kewaspadaan dan pengawasan ( survey, surveillance and vigilance )

- operational test- operational test

• the system worksthe system works• around 30-50 observations/week, across around 30-50 observations/week, across

the districtsthe districts• mix of animal disease and plant mix of animal disease and plant

pests/diseases were reportedpests/diseases were reported• fewer problems on message content than fewer problems on message content than

expectedexpected• extension workers need a ‘roving’ facilityextension workers need a ‘roving’ facility

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- information management- information management

SMS should link to existing system of SMS should link to existing system of reportingreporting

Important to have data ownership at Important to have data ownership at district/ research station level, then district/ research station level, then aggregateaggregate

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- acceptance- acceptance

Users accept but need to Users accept but need to • understand purpose and broader context of the workunderstand purpose and broader context of the work• have pest and disease identification skills have pest and disease identification skills • have some limited skills (literacy, SMS familiarity)have some limited skills (literacy, SMS familiarity)

financial / logistical support will be needed to financial / logistical support will be needed to facilitate reportersfacilitate reporters

Real motivation will come when reporters see Real motivation will come when reporters see follow up of reports (feedback to communities)follow up of reports (feedback to communities)

Page 47: Survei, kewaspadaan dan pengawasan ( survey, surveillance and vigilance )

concluding remarksconcluding remarks

SMS based reporting looks promising for local SMS based reporting looks promising for local early warningearly warning

Maybe other technologies for detailed validation/ Maybe other technologies for detailed validation/ confirmationconfirmation

Database and mapping skills needed if such a Database and mapping skills needed if such a scheme is to be implementedscheme is to be implemented

If decision to try something in this area, If decision to try something in this area, procedures must be integrated properly with procedures must be integrated properly with existing animal and plant reportingexisting animal and plant reporting

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