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Start of a DreamStart of a Dream

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Welcome to G. D. Goenka Public School.

Here education is all about change.

Change in teaching methodology.

Change in technology. Change in outlook.

Change in dependance.

For Learning & Change are synonymous.

What is educationwithout change?

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Our VisionEducation is the apprenticeship of life. Our vision is to provide value based education with new innovations and ideas so that our pupils grow into aesthetically rich, intellectually aware and integrated young people, capable of fulfilling their dreams and aspirations.

Our vision is to strengthen the basic foundation and thereafter allow the latent talent to fully develop. Creative energies need a caring & nurturing environment and this is what we endeavour to provide.

Our MissionWe embark on the mission of creating individuals who are confident about their potential and are goal oriented, sensitive to their environment and above all, co-creators of their own destiny. Our aim is to help a child realize his/her inner strength and give him a conducive environment to grow & evolve as a good social being and a global citizen.

At GDGPS, we aim to provide an academic environment which treats each child as a unique individual and develops him/her to the maximum potential and to provide a variety of learning experiences which promote integrative growth in all areas, be it the physical, intellectual, moral, emotional or social.

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Keeping in mind our motto: "Higher, Stronger, Brighter", we give our little ones the very best, each and every day� an idyllic ambience, ideal location and pollution free environment for learning. All through, the emphasis is on closeness and togetherness just like in a family. Only the best is good enough to nurture the development of the child a long proven concept of harmonized instructions and a host of values that kindle the child's curiosity and prepares him/her to face life with equanimity and elan.

Higher > Stronger > Brighter

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It started with a dream.... a glorious vision to create an ambience conducive to creative learning. A dream which is an innovative route towards providing Global Education with its feet firmly grounded in the Indian soil. A humble endeavor to touch the grandest heights of excellence in Education. A school with a difference!

A school that became a trendsetter in radical and progressive education, the quality of facilities and its gamut of opportunities. Established in 1994, G.D. Goenka Public school, Vasant Kunj was the brainchild of the G.D. Goenka Group Chairman Shri Anjani Kumar Goenka. He aimed to immortalize the name of his mother Shrimati Gayatri Devi Goenka and hoped to provide the students with a sound education unheard and unexplored of before. His innovative mission reached the pinnacle of success due to the detailed execution of plans by Smt. Renu Goenka. Her finesse and sensitivity worked in unison with Shri A.K. Goenka's visionary enterprise, to give the school its present standard.

Start of a dream

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Today, under the aegis of G.D. Goenka Group, the G.D. Goenka Public Schools, are regarded as centers of educational excellence globally. The school philosophy, based on a set of strongly held beliefs, is put into action everyday by every member of the institution. It is a philosophy of treating each child in a sensitive manner and providing appropriate developmental programs suiting the individual needs, so as to encourage not just learning but also the love for learning. It is also based on providing an environment that is safe, clean, healthy and child-centric. An environment where classrooms are arranged in a manner that it offers challenging play and learning choices inter-woven with the pedagogy, directed at a range of varied developmental levels. Activity areas are designed where children are allowed to explore, experience and most importantly, succeed.

A Legacy of Excellence

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A school's atmosphere and facilities also advance achievement and success. The G.D. Goenka Public School provides amenities and facilities adapted to the needs and expectations of each student.

Area & Building Medical & Counseling facilities

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G. D. Goenka Public School, Sector 48, Gurgaon

has embraced technology and provides for

infrastructure keeping up with advanced and

international standards in a manner characteristic

of few city schools in the country.

The campus has been thoughtfully designed to

cater to the miniscule details and addresses the

contemporary needs of the learners.

Salient Features include:

Campus spread over 5.20 acres in the heart of

Gurgaon City with over 2.00 lacs sq. ft of built

up area for teaching - learning facilitation.

Centrally air conditioned with temperature

(heating and cooling) control, 100 % power and

water back up.

IBMS monitoring through Nerve Centre (Control

Room), CCTV surveillance for monitoring and

deterrence, Access control of specified areas, Fire

Detection and Fighting measures as per highest


Campus wide broadband e-connectivity.

Area and Building


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Meet Technology-the presiding member of the Goenkan Classroom. Interactive Smart boards are in all classes right from Nursery. They provide ways to show students all that can be presented on a computer (educational software, websites and others).

In addition, interactive smart boards allow teachers to record their instructions and post the material for review by student at a later time.

This is a very effective instructional strategy for students who benefit from repetition, who need to see the material presented again, for students who are absent from school, struggling learners and for review for examinations.

Smart Boards in all the Interactive


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Creative video files to teach a software application, a lesson, or as a review to be posted to the server or web.

Use the bui l t in maps to teach continents, oceans, countries, or states and capitals.

View presentations created by the student or teacher.

Have students create e-folios including samples of their work and narration.

Digital storytelling.

Take notes directly on PowerPoint presentations.

Reinforce skills by using on-line interactive websites.

Creating a project calendar.

Illustrate and write a book as a class. Use the record feature to narrate the text.

Use the Inter Write software to create lessons in advance at home or at school. Then save them for future use or to be shared with other teachers.

Diagramming activities.

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These are 21st Century classrooms! Here teachers are the facilitators of student learning and creators of productive classroom environments which nurture development of multiple skills and competencies. The teachers create a learning ambience that allows each child to acquire scientific temper.

The curriculum is CBSE based but amalgamates world class pedagogy and teaching methodology. The collaborative project based curricula develops the higher thinking skills, effective communication skills and knowledge of technology required in the global scenario. Students learn to use the enquiry method and to collaborate with others and they will experience the real world microcosmically. The emphasis is on creating life-long learners through a plethora of varied instructional methods and appropriate resources of opportunities to create a learning environment that allows each child to construct knowledge.

Each teacher encourages students� curiosity and intrinsic motivation to learn and helps students to become independent, creative and critical thinkers by providing rich and varied experiences and exposures in conjunction with regular curricular resources.

Our objective is

- not to instructbut to inspire

- not to merely learnbut to acquire wisdom

- not to limit thoughtbut to expand the frontiers of the mind

Not Just

CLASSROOMSBut...Workshops for


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TransportGDGPS has a large fleet of air conditioned buses. Each bus is designed for the safety and comfort of the children. The buses carry a highly trained driver, conductor and a guard supported by mobile phones and global positioning system and DVR camera.

Additionally a female teacher and a lady guard accompany the children on all junior bus routes. The commuting to and from school is made a pleasurable rejuvenating experience rather than a fatiguing and enervating travel for children.

The details of bus routes, pick-up and drop-off points, time schedules and bus charges are provided by the school at the time of admission of students.

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Safety and Security of a children are of pr ime importance to us here at G.D.Goenka, Sector 48, Gurgaon.Trained Guards are posted at all vantage points and in buses to safeguard children. The safety procedures at the entry gate are rigorous while screening visitors. Stringent safety norms are laid down to ensure that each and every child feels secure and protected throughout. It is not just shielding from external threats but also safeguarding them from internal hazards. The construction, the furniture designs, toxin free equipment, apparatus, swings, toys and games etc. are special features towards that objective.

Safety & Security

Our carefully selected and well-equipped security staff is supported by technical systems exceeding international safety norms.

There is a Public Address (PA) system, and a 100% power and water back up. EPABX connections enhance communication facilities for parents. In addition, the school is well guarded by trained security staff

Access control cards restrict student entry to academic block.

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Health and Hygiene

The medical care for children is of foremost concern in terms of care of child and life saving. The medical facilities are unparalleled in school health care. There is a spacious, airy and well-equipped medical room.Apart from a regular Doctor and Nurse, child health is regularly monitored by a team of specialist doctors as a preventive and restrictive measure. This includes regular eye and dental examination records.Well qualified Counselors cater to all age group of students and teachers for balanced mental health as well as behavior modification and guidance.The Guidance and Career counseling department helps every student to explore possibilities. The Counselors provide support that enables the students to become more aware of their resources.

Medical & Counseling Facilities

Good Hygiene is the key part of quality living. Hygiene training is a part and parcel of the school and is given at every level.Hygiene practices are employed as preventive measures to ensure good health. Sparkling cleanliness ensures quality and prevents the onset of disease causing organisms. Electronic faucets with sensors and other fitments are added shields. Highest standards of h y g i e n e a n d c l e a n l i n e s s a r e maintained. Another step in the direction is the provision for drinking water. Only

R.O. water is served for drinking purpose in disposable glasses through a large number of water dispensers placed at convenient locations all over the campus. The school cafeteria managed by a r e n o w n e d c a t e r e r s e r v e s nourishing, wholesome snacks, meals and juices in hygienic conditions. The menu is planned for its nutrition content and t a s t e , f o r g r o w i n g children, by a qualified nutritionist.

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An enthused, dedicated and qualified faculty oversees the well being of all children. Teachers use a student centered style which instills confidence, initiative and the development of critical and analytical skills. The entire faculty is t e c h n o l o g y - t r a i n e d a n d u s e s technological teaching aids and an imaginative curriculum to make learning more conceptual, interactive and effective.Each staff member also imbues the Goenkan culture and ethos, the thread that binds the entire teaching fraternity of the Goenkan Society.Regular in-service programs keep the faculty abreast of the latest national and international developments in the field of education. This influences them to think 'Out of the box' and innovate, improve upon styles, approaches and methodologies.The opportunities for formal and informal re lat ionships with the Goenkan faculty are plentiful and rewarding re su l t ing in l i f e long associations as well as professional mentorship that shapes students' lives and careers.

FacultyA master can tell you what he expects of you.A teacher though, awakens your own expectations.

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{develop} {outstanding}

The mission of G.D.Goenka Public School is to



leaders who contribute to

the well being of



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Each member of

{important role}

the Goenkan


in the pursuit of

the mission.


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At GD Goenka Public School children grow and develop in a reassuring world in the shape of their bright, cheerful classrooms. Hygienic environment and the best teachers �.. all perfectly harmonized to facilitate the child's quest for knowledge, his effort to embrace the arts and his ability to enhance the quality of life.

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Creative Self-Expression

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Visual Art is an expression of creativity and imagination. It is an outlet for individual thought, visualization and interpretation of ideas, events and environment. The elaborate Art Studios with the finest faculty guide the children to achieve finesse through numerous techniques and History of Art.

It is not just directed to evolve artists but to infuse in each child an aesthetic sense and appreciation of beauty in life and su r round ing s . The Vi sua l Ar t s Department has a wide range of activities : Fine Arts | Craft Work | Clay Modelling | Sculpture | Commercial Art | Best out of Waste | Paper Recycling | Aesthestic Appreciation.


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World-class Education for a Global Future The Performing Arts imbue self confidence in children apart from manifesting their inherent talents and nurturing them. This self expression through the Performing Arts defines our inner selves and projects it to others for all to appreciate and admire. All students are taught the importance of finer aspects and oratory skills :- the nuances, voice modulation, stress and intonation etc. which

make a world of difference to the words

spoken. Drama, Theatre, Classical Dance

(Indian & Western), Modern Dance (Indian

& Western), Choreography, Direction, Vocal

Music, Instrumental Music, Debating,

Elocution, Group discussion, Story telling,

Public Speaking etc., are all interwoven into

the fabric of our Educational experience.

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Performing Self-Expression

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Library and Internet Labs

Science Laboratories


A GDGPS education is about leadership. Our students excel in var ious f i e lds , and a l so l ead throughout their l ives in the communities and organization to which they belong to. Our learning model, campus, initiatives and alumni network combine to develop and focus the leadership abilities of our students.

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Sportspersons are not born but made.Sports impart health and agility of mind in a practical manner on the playground.

At G. D. Goenka Public School, Sports and Games are an integral part of Education.

Playground is a place of transformation and the nerve centre of all activities. In addition to

general physical development, it is here that they learn to become performers, achievers, decision

makers and leaders. Role models in the field of sports are admired for their passion globally.

Sports for All � Mass participation of children in Physical Education Programme / activities is considered mandatory in order to propel physical fitness of each individual.

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G.D. Goenka Public School provides many

opportunities for students to take part in team

games or develop refined solo skills. Students

of all ages and abilities are encouraged to take

part in sporting activities, to learn about team

work, fitness and the value of sport in life.

Well-planned Cricket, Soccer and Skating

facilities are being provided under the

watchful supervision of skilled instructors.

The Physical Education Programme has been

divided on the following segments : Sports

Activities Outdoor | Sports Activities Indoor |

Swimming | Taekwondo ( Self Defense) Physical

Fitness Training�Gymnasium | Health and

Fitness Training � Yoga & Aerobics.










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Scientific temper is inculcated in each c h i l d t h r o u g h e x p l o r a t i o n , observation & discovery. A hands-on a p p r o a c h i s a d o p t e d a t a l l developmental stages leading to conceptual understanding and an inquisitive and analytical mind.

Emphasis is laid on sensitising the learners to the application of concepts in not only day to day lives but also in the service of humanity and as a major instrument for achieving goals of self reliance, socio-economic and socio-ecological development.

Science as a stream is introduced for senior classes in wide ranging p r o g r a m s c ov e r i n g P h y s i c s , Chemis t r y and Bio logy. The programs provide a scientif ic approach to advanced studies. Students are exposed to the latest developments by regular visits to Science and Research Centers.

State-of-the-art labs form the basis of the research work. Robotics, aero modelling, electronics, space study and other science related activities propel a child�s mind towards i n n o v a t i o n , i n v e n t i o n a n d meaningful projection.

Science & Technology A unique school, which, in its b a l a n c e o f p e d a g o g i c a l a n d technological elements, provides the optimum conditions for learning.

Learning to DO...

Robotics Lab


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Learning to know

Library &Internet Labs

The superbly well-stocked library houses a vast collection of books, digital sources, resources and services on a wide range of topics.

The endeavour is on inculcating the reading habits in children, g i v ing a f re e re in to the i r imag ina t i on and mind s i n comfor tab le and conducive ambience. The Reference Sections supports the curriculum and beyond. The advanced digital Library and an E-library Section is the response to need of the times expanding the horizons of all learning beyond limits.

There is campus-wide broadband E-connectivity with Wi-Fi for anywhere-anytime computer learning. All students will have supervised internet access.

They will be familiar with the software packages used in modern business applications such as Word-Processing, Power Point Spreadsheets, Databases and Presentations.

There is a Hi-Tech E-Library students have access to online encyclopedias and reference material in addition to a wide gamut of books & magazines.

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G.D. Goenka Public School, Sector 48, Gurgaon is committed to nurture and equip young learners with

the uncommon ability of self exploration and development. It provides an environment that encourages

independent thinking and develops the ability of decision making, under the guidance of competent

faculty, elements indispensable for acquiring knowledge and wisdom. With an aim to foster children to

become confident, sensitive, socially committed individuals, GDGPS Gurgaon is set to give wings to

learner's dreams and aspirations to fly to the world of their choice.

The Greatest Gift that You can give to the Child are The Roots of Responsibility and The Wings of Independence

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