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9535 Clarence Center Road, PO Box 235 Clarence Center, NY 14032-0235

June 2021

SOUNDS OF ZION Love God, Love your neighbor, nothing else matters

March 14th for our 65 and up members. Lori and Chris Sauls organized a drive up vaccination

From the Pastor’s Desk

Dear Members and Friends,

More than likely when you read this message from me – we ELCA Lutherans in Upstate New York will have

met in Assembly (albeit Zoom!) and have elected OUR bishop to a five – year term. I would like to share with

you what she or he has been Called by the Holy Spirit to do --- on OUR BEHALF, here at Zion and the other

200+ congregations and institutions on the territory of our synod. I share a sample of the duties as cited in

OUR Synod’s Constitution (the bolded text is mine used for emphasis):

The bishop shall be elected by the Synod Assembly. The bishop shall be a minister of Word and Sacrament of

the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. As this synod’s pastor, the bishop shall: Preach, teach, and ad-

minister the sacraments in accord with the Confession of Faith of this church; Have primary responsibility for

the ministry of Word and Sacrament in this synod and its congregations, providing pastoral care and leader-

ship for this synod, its congregations, its ministers of Word and Sacrament and its ministers of Word and Ser-

vice (Rostered lay-people); Exercise solely this church’s power to ordain (or provide for the ordination by an-

other synodical bishop of) approved candidates who have received and accepted a properly issued, duly

attested letter of call for the office of ministry of Word and Sacrament; Consecrate (or provide for the conse-

cration of) approved candidates who have received and accepted a properly issued, duly attested letter of

call for service as ministers of Word and Service of this church. Exercise leadership in the mission of this

church and in so doing interpret and advocate the mission and the theology of the whole church; lead in

fostering support for and commitment to the mission of this church within this synod; coordinate the use

of the resources available to this synod as it seeks to promote the health of this church’s life and witness in

the areas served by this synod. Advise and counsel this synod’s related institutions and organizations. Prac-

tice leadership in strengthening the unity of the Church and in so doing exercise oversight of the preaching,

teaching, and administration of the sacraments within this synod in accord with the Confession of Faith of

this church; foster awareness of other churches throughout the Lutheran world communion and, where ap-

propriate, engage in contact with leaders of those churches. (A multitude of administrative tasks that a CEO

of a large institution would have to perform are listed, as well).

I will let you know who (via congregational voting members to the Assembly) the Holy Spirit Called and,

said: here I am – send me.

Pastor Carroll



A Letter from the

Council President

The Congregational Council has revised

Zion's Covid-19 protocol regarding

wearing masks at Worship:

Those people who are vaccinated and

feel comfortable removing their masks

during Worship may do so.




reflected in Zion’s

Covid 19 protocols.

Camille Wilkinson, Council President


A special congregation meeting will be held on Sunday June 20 at 10:30 AM to vote whether we will Call a candidate to be our pastor. To vote one must be at least 16, confirmed, and have communed or made a financial contribution to Zion in 2020 or up until April 30, 2021.

Voting MUST be done in person (no absentee ballots are permitted as per congregational and synodical Constitutions. There will be an opportunity to Meet and Greet the candidate on Saturday, June 19 from 1 - 3 PM. A biographical sketch will be shared with congregational members at the Meet and Greet and attached/inserted in the Saturday and Sunday bulletins. The candidate will Preach and Preside at both the Saturday 5:00 PM and Sunday 9:15 AM services.

Camille C. Wilkinson Council President

Council News


When I am working in the office late

afternoons I hear the Clarence Center

Fire House’s siren at 6pm. I hear that

siren as a message to me to pack my

bag and go home.

Zion members and friends, when those

of you who live in Clarence Center hear

the siren or, if you live elsewhere look

at your clock and see that it is 6pm -- I

invite you to stop what you are doing

and PRAY. Pray that on June 20th the

Holy Spirit will make known God’s Will

regarding the Call of a ‘shepherd’

among the ‘sheep’ at Zion.

Pastor Carroll



Zion Lutheran Church

Council Meeting Minutes

April 19, 2021

Via Zoom, an online conference video platform

Members: Mark Baehre, Will Baron, Dr. Julius Carroll, Maria Deignan, Bill Elliott, Anneke Ieda, Mary Kelley, Jennifer Kennedy, Julie Schmidt, Peter Storey, John Torrelli, Camille Wilkinson

Jennifer Kennedy led devotions based on Philippians 4:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanks-giving, present your requests to God. She also referenced the section on prayer from Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Eat, Pray, Love. Prayer should be deliberate and specific, and not lazy. God knows what we need, but do I? Prayer is a relationship, and half of the job is mine. Prayer is a clearly posed and authentic intention. Jen asked for prayer requests from the Council, and closed in prayer.

Justin Kennedy presented on behalf of the Call Committee. The committee has never made it this far with a candidate! Everyone was excited about this person, and they were in 100% agreement to present the candidate to Council for the next step. Communication has been smooth thus far, and this candidate shows many qualities and traits that Zion is looking for. Council thanked Justin for the work of the Call Committee, and the help of the Synod and Julie Grindl.

March Executive Minutes and Minutes for the Congregation were re-viewed, and an edit suggested. A motion to accept the amended Minutes carried.

Staff Reports

Elaine Baker’s Christian Education report was reviewed.

A motion to accept the Christian Ed report carried.

Pastor’s Report

Pastor Carroll’s report and Stewardship of Time was reviewed.

The 40th anniversary of Pastor Carroll’s ordination will be June 6. A motion to extend an invitation to Mack Smith, Pastor Carroll’s long-time friend and colleague, to join Zion for worship that weekend carried.

A motion to accept the Pastor’s Report carried.

Finance Report

March 2021 income was $21,451, as compared to March 2020 income of $19,200. Expenses for March 2021 were $27,645. Year-to-date income is $80,121 and expenses are $86,922. The differ-ence in expenses, this year to last year, is that we have a pastor on staff.

The Payroll Protection loan was deposited April 16. This will help close the gap between income and expenses—reflected in next month’s statement.

Mary mentioned monies in two accounts, one from a bequest now in an Edward Jones investment account and the other in a Thrivent account. The amount totals about $55,000. A motion to turn the management of these accounts over to Mike Bieger, who already manages our CMA account, carried.

A motion to accept the Finance Report carried.

New Business

Call Process Next Steps. Council will interview the candi-date presented by the Call Committee in person. After Council votes to approve the candidate, the congrega-tion must have 2 weeks notice about the candidates preaching and presiding over worship at the agreed-upon weekend. The congregation then votes on the candidate. Pastor Carroll recommends an in-person, paper vote. For confidentiality issues, the worship ser-vice must not be recorded or live-streamed. We have 2 unique services with different liturgies, and we would like the candidate to preside over both. This ac-ceptance process comes directly from Zion’s constitu-tion. The vote is a congregational meeting, with a quor-um needed and official minutes recorded. A member of the synod will be present. A vote of 2/3 majority will affirm the candidate as Zion’s new pastor. Through this process, the holy spirit works. A motion to accept the recommendation for pastoral candidate by the Call Committee carried, with one abstention by Pastor Car-roll. Camille Wilkinson will reach out to the candidate and Synod about an interview April 26 or 27. Council will email questions to her in advance, so that she can give them to the candidate.

Music in Small Groups. Members of Zion are interested to bring more music back to our worship services. Jen Kennedy reported on our state guidance. Although guidance for our schools has changed (reducing spacing from 12 feet to 6 feet for singing and wind instru-ments), we fall under different guidance as religious services. Anneke Ieda volunteered to reach out to Holy Trinity to learn about their practices and interpretation of the guidance.

Social Media. Julie Schmidt reported that a team has met, and they have delegated tasks. Look for more Zion FaceBook presence! Dan Wilkinson is training folks on live streaming the services.

AV Capital Campaign. Will Baron reported on the recom-mendations of PTZ Optics, a company that Chris Kre-mer connected us with. To start with, Zion needs new LED studio lighting: 4 at the front of the church at $800 each. With labor and wiring, this will cost $3,000. New hardware for sound and cameras would be about $7,000. $2,000 for a new computer. With equipment and installation, the total estimate is $20,000. We have 2 living bequests that put us halfway… already! Zion will announce the Capital Campaign through Mission Minutes and the Sounds of Zion. Peter Storey will make it a category in the on-line giving link.

Synod Assembly. Via Zoom June 3-5. Zion is looking for 3-5 male and female volunteers. Pastor Carroll encour-aged the participation of younger/youth members. We will use a mass-mailing (email) to announce this oppor-tunity.

Old Business.

Roof. No update at this time. Tabled until next meeting.



Zion Lutheran Church

Council Meeting Minutes

April 26, 2021

Present: Mark Baehre, Will Baron, Maria Deignan, Bill Elliott, Anneke Ieda, Mary Kelley, Jennifer Kennedy, Pastor Lee Miller, Julie Schmidt, John Torrelli, Camille Wilkinson, and the candidate for pastor

Camille Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Pastor Lee opened with prayer.

The interview commenced, with each Council member asking the candidate question(s). Some questions were communicated in advance.

The candidate then asked Council the following questions:

Zion lists 16 Core Values in the Strategic Plan. What is most essential to Zion? Council mentioned Youth Ministry, Youth programs, families tied in, Confirmation, Bible-based teaching, challenge, presence of the Holy Spirit, Call to Discipleship.

The pastoral candidate closed in prayer. 8:37 PM. Camille Wilkinson escorted the candidate out of the room.

Pastor Lee urged Council to meet after several days of contemplation, to vote on the candidate. This gives everyone a chance to formulate their own opinion of the interview experience.

Zion Lutheran Church

Council Meeting Minutes

April 29, 2021

Present: Mark Baehre, Will Baron, Dr. Julius Carroll, Maria Deignan, Bill Elliott, Anneke Ieda, Mary Kelley, Jennifer Kennedy, Julie Schmidt, John Torrelli, Camille Wilkinson

Camille Wilkinson called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM.

Council had discussion about 2 topics that emerged from the interview on April 26. A motion carried to table the vote until further clarification on these 2 topics can occur with the pastoral candidate and everyone in attendance.

Camille will reach out to the candidate and the Synod to schedule a follow-up meeting with Council.

Pastor Carroll closed in prayer. 7:28 PM.

Zion Lutheran Church

Council Meeting

Pastor Candidate Recommendation Vote

May 10, 2021

A motion was made that the Congregation Council recommends to the congregation a candidate for pastor of Zion. The motion was seconded and it carried.

Marks of Discipleship

READ the Bible every day.

WORSHIP every week.

PRAY daily.

SERVE others at Zion and beyond.

DEVELOP spiritual friendships.

GIVE of my time, talent, and financial resources.



Faith Journey– Love God, Love Your Neighbor, Nothing Else Matters

Attendance Saturday Sunday


Average Attendance as of: 05/18/2021 62

Average Attendance for the same period in 2020:

Benevolence: year to date as of: 04/31/21 $ 249.35

Resurrection Medical Center– given as of: 05/18/21 $ 44.00

Weekends 5:00 9:15 Total S.C.S Offering

05/01-05/02 12 50 62

05/08-05/09 17 57 74

05/15-05/16 13 64 77 $21,406

05/22-05/23 13 32 44

2021 High School Recognition

June 26 & 27, 2021

Each year we acknowledge and honor our high school graduates.

If you have a graduate in your family, Email the office with the name and their next step in

their life journey at [email protected], or call the office 741-2656.

Deadline to let the office know of the graduate is June 13th

Bill Smith (Okinawa) (son of Sandy

Smith); Jason Ferrari; (Ft. Riley, KS);

Anthony Ferrari (WA) (sons of Chris-

tine Morgan); MSgt. Chad Miller (Air

Reserves, NF Air Base) (son-in-law of

Linda Bosinski); T.J. Kobee (TX) (son of Chuck and Lynn

Kobee); Nathan Rogers (grandson of Bob & Shirley Hoehman),

Matthew Koeppel (Army, Arlington, VA) (grandson of Chuck

and Karen Strait); Michael Pagnotta (Marine Boot Camp)

(nephew of Bob and Pat Morris’ daughter); and Trevor Ward

(Fort Knox, KY) (husband of Lindsay Ward (Ziemendorf)

Prayer Concerns... Lord, may your healing hand be

with those who are suffering or enduring loss.

Prayers For The People Of God

Virginia Prellwitz (George/ Brenda Tapia’s sister-in-

law); Brian Rybarczyk; Shirley Willman; Debbie

Griffiths; Sue Aichinger; Jeff Malash; June Grier;

Bruce Gullberg; Geneva Carroll; Brian Guyer; Adam

Scott: Leona Allen: The Family of John Mosher

Pastoral Acts

Baptism “By Water and the Word”

Born Baptized

Henry Askey 01/28/20 05/16/2021

St. Francis High School is pleased to share that Colin T Kusz is a First Honors in

the third quarter of the 2020-2021 academic year. With a grade point average

between 95-100 and all grades passing.

In Memory of: John Mosher

LiPuma Family

Patterson Family

Edward E Zimmerman

Robert & Elizabeth Bergan







This kit is for kids K-8 and their families. It includes activities to experience God’s big and beautiful world. Many were given out during the final day of Sunday School, but if you missed it, don’t worry...they are still available to pick up at the church. Delivery arrangements can also be made by contacting the church office.

Find us on Facebook for updates, activities and more.

Believe it or not, it's time to plan ahead

for next year. If you are interested in Team

Teaching for Sunday School, or plugging into

Children's Ministry special events, please let me

know. It requires no more than a love for

Jesus, a love for kids and time to share it.

I encourage you to discover the gifts God

has given you and how you can make a

difference in the life of a child.

For more information contact Elaine

Baker. Please call the church office at ext. 207

or email to [email protected]

Stick this list up on your refrigerator or wherever you

will see it often—and see if you can get in the habit

of asking your kids at least one of these questions

each day this summer!

We hope they help foster awareness of God in your

midst and enrich connections between you and the

children in your care as you savor the summer.

What made you laugh today?

When did you help someone recently?

What are you feeling grateful for this week?

What has been a challenging Lake.Chautauqua.Lutheran.Center.

Summer Programs There’s still time

to register!

Week 1

July 4—9

Week 2

July 11—16

Week 3

July 18—23

Week 4

July 25—30

Week 5

Aug 1—6

Week 3

Aug 8—13



August 22 (9:15—10:15) Sunday Morning Kid Stuff




VBS is coming to Zion this summer!

We will be presenting a scaled down version for all kids Grade K-5.

Registration is required for PPP (proper planning purposes).

Please fill out the form and return it to church, or call the office at ext. 207 if your child wishes to attend.


God loves us.

Day 2

Let your light shine.

Day 3

No fear.

Day 4

God loves everyone

Day 5

Building God’s




Daytime “Zoom” Style


Traditional “In-Person” Evening Program 6:00—7:30


Youth going into 6th Grade and Adults may

sign up to help.

There are several areas in which volunteers

• Station Leaders

• Ast. Station


• Shepherds

• Photography

• Registration

Large Group


Bible Story Time







Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center Camping Dates 2020

is located at 5013 Route 430, Bemus Point

Youth in Grades 1 through High School are encouraged to attend. LCLC is committed to providing your children with safe opportunities to explore their faith while building rela-tionships with God and others. Due to the continued affects of COVID-19, the 2021 summer camp schedule has been pared down. Consequently, many of our regular programs will not be offered. The modified schedule remains contingent on NY State's continued approval for holding residential summer camp in 2021. We are however, moving forward with plans for the summer. In light of that, we are excited to open our regis-tration portal on Monday, March 15th. Take advantage of the convenience of registering online at

7/4-7/9 Classic youth Camp 7/11– 7/16 Confirmation Camp 7/18-7/23 Classic Camp II 7/25-7/30 Senior High Week Camperships are available for those needing assis-tance. Go to the website

Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center

LCLC sent a thank you letter for the generous donation. Zion’s donation will help LCLC continue to reach out and connect with many individuals. They thank Zion for sharing in LCLC outdoor ministries.

IN-REACH PROGRAM: In-reach reaches out to members of Zion who are on the prayer list to receive regular communication from members. This will

involve sending cards of encouragement and love. We will be including committee member names and phone numbers/emails to encourage these folks to contact us if they would like assistance, a phone call, a personal visit, to let these folks know that we are members of a car-ing and loving family through Christ. Cards and postage will be provided if needed. Please call Pat Domagala at 688-2116 or Sue Jarrett at 984-8612 if you have questions.

Like us on

Click on the “like” button.

Zion Evangelical Lutheran

Church, Clarence Center.

Members of Zion:

Have you considered becoming more

involved in Youth Ministry? Have you or your

children ever been to Lake Chautauqua

Lutheran Center (LCLC)? Are you a former LCLC

camper? If so, you may be interested in serving as a board

member on the LCLC board of directors. The board works

together to oversee camp finances, direct the camp mission,

help plan activities and envision the future of camp. There

are several openings due to expiring terms. I am currently

serving as an at-large board member and find it to be very

worthwhile! I’d be happy to answer any questions you have.

If you are interested, please contact the camp director Lee

Lindeman ([email protected]).

Yours in Christ,

Steve Diver



W.O.W– Women on Wednesday,

June 9, 6:30 pm devotion and fellowship

If you need more information, please e-mail April at [email protected]

Worship on-line and on TV

Our partnered television ministry has taken off and has

gotten its own website: WNY Church Unleashed.

Zion will continue to partner with St. Paul’s and Parkside

to have Saturday worship on Facebook at 5:00 pm. Sunday

worship on TV will be at 10:00 am on either channel 5

(meTV) or channel 67 (wbbz), with Zoom Communion at

10:30 am. Information is found on Facebook and the web-

site. Follow the link for Zoom Meeting Instructions. In-

vites are sent by email each week. If you are not on the list

and would like to be included, please call the church office

at 741-2656

Zoom Meetings

Men’s Breakfast and Monday Prayer

Men’s Breakfast, 9am -

Monday Prayer and Fellowship Group, 7pm - Entry link can

remain the same-

You can sign in here

but now you’ll be asked to enter a password and that number is


Please let me know if you have any troubles with this new login

info. I don’t expect there will be any hiccups but you can call me

at the number below if you do have questions.

Hope you join us.

Jeff- .984.7321

Nurturing team Volunteers Needed Volunteers reach out to members of Zion who are on prayer list to receive regular communication

Cards of encouragement and love are sent

Committee members contact information is included in cards so members can request:


Phone call

Personal visit

Cards and postage will be provided if needed

We are all members of a caring and loving family through Christ.

For more information, please call Pat Domagala at 688-2116 or Sue Jarrett at 984-8612.

Zion Book Club Monday, July 12th 2021

6:30 PM New time The Great Alone

By Kristen Hannah

Meeting outdoors bring a chair– Social distance with


The Great Alone is a compelling novel of sacrifice, love,

survival and home steading in Alaska’s wilderness in

the 1970’s.

All are welcome. Any questions call

June Grier 634-7376 or Heln Klebes 406-9719

Zion Handbell Choir Are you interested in

music and fellowship? Our bell choir needs

you! We rehearse weekly September through May,

then ring monthly during worship, and for Christmas and

Easter services. All are welcome in our choir! Not ready

for a commitment? We can always use your help as a

sub. If you are hesitant because of a meager music

background—no worries! We will teach you all that you

need to know and make sure you are comfortable

ringing before performances. We offer small group and

private practices until you are ready to join our group

rehearsals.Contact our director, Brenda LiPuma, at

[email protected] for more information.



Touching Hearts – Changing Lives – Making A Difference – Sharing God’s Blessings

Online Giving available at Zion!

Tired of writing checks? Out of town but still

want to give? We've added a feature for you

to donate online at our

Zion website. Whether you choose to give weekly,

monthly, or a one-time gift, it is easy to accomplish

through our online donation process. Your personal and

financial information are securely stored and never

shared. Just go to the "Online Giving" tab at the top of

our website and hit CLICK TO DONATE. Give it a try!

"Can In Hand Campaign"

Community of Good neighbors

Please remember donations are needed

for Community of Good Neighbors Food Pantry. Commu-

nity of Good Neighbors Food Pantry has moved and is

now at Crossroads Lutheran Church 4640 Main St Am-

herst, NY. If each family gets in the habit of bringing one

item each week, we can keep the shelves well stocked.

The bin is in the hallway as you enter Zion or in the large

blue bin outside the doors.


Outreach Ministry

Service Men and Women Care Packages

Outreach Ministry is collecting for service

men and women in Iraq and Afghanistan. The

list of items is on the box in the hallway. (Ex. batteries,

pens, pencils, pads, hot sauce, hard candy, granola bars,

cookies, trail mix, small lotions, shampoos, toothpaste,

mouth wash, socks: black, green or tan, hand sanitizer,

travel size items).

Angel Food Ministry

The Angel Food Ministry now has a small group of

dedicated volunteers who have offered to cook meals

for those in our congregation who are in need.

So how does Angel Food Ministry work? If you have a

short term need for meals such as recovering from

surgery or illness, death in your family, birth of a new

baby etc. please contact me. I'll do an initial screening

of individual needs and then get the team of volunteers

organized to develop a meal schedule that will work for


We can still use volunteers who would be willing to cook

a meal from time to time for a family in need. The more

volunteers we have, the more families we can serve.

Karen Forster-829-9565

Volunteers needed!

The Audio Visual Team is in

great need of volunteers to

help at the Saturday 5pm and

Sunday 9:15 am services.

Training is available. Call Elizabeth Schmidt for Saturday

service 445-1370 and/or Dan Wilkinson for Sunday

service 741-1017.

Readers are needed especially for the Saturday service

at 5:00 pm, and needed on Sunday morning service at

9:15am as well. Lessons are mailed or emailed early in

the week before your assigned day. Call the church

office at 741-2656.

Drop your donations in the red box

in the Zion parking lot.

Bring in your donations of clothing, shoes, blankets.

All donations go to Hearts for the Homeless.

Recycling clothes. Restoring lives.



Non-Profit Organization

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Pastor Julius Carroll E-mail: [email protected] (919-760-5482)

Elaine Baker’s E-Mail: [email protected]

John Willis Office Manager: E-mail: [email protected]

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday-8-2pm, Friday-closed

Church Office: 741-2656 Website: ZIONCLARENCECENTER.COM


Return Service Requested Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church 9535 Clarence Center Road, PO Box 235 Clarence Center NY 14032-0235

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