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Page 1: Soundings January 2013

Soundings “Men for Others, Delivering News to Others”

January 2013 Issue

Page 2: Soundings January 2013

“Men for Others, Delivering News to Others”


Brandon Yep’13


Matt Kingsbury’13


Ethan Doerger’13

Assistant Editor

Paul Cashman’15

Arts Editor

Will Coupe’13

Campus Life Editor

Joseph Sanfilippo’13

News Editor

Liam O’Reilly’14

Sports Editor

Frank Bramble


Dear Readers,

I hope you’ve had a great Christmas and New Year year so far!

Since early January, Soundings has been working hard to get an issue released, however many complications stalled us. We now can finally release our second issue of the year and also announce good news about the future of the newspaper.

At the beginning of the month Soundings decided upon a new Editor in chief for the next school year. The person who will continue to lead Soundings is Jack O’Connell’14. Congratulations to Jack as we know he is the right person to lead Soundings forward

If you have any interest in joining Soundings, please contact Brandon Yep at [email protected].

Thanks and enjoy,


Prep’s Official School Newspaper

Soundings Editorial


Page 3: Soundings January 2013


Campus Life Senator Slossberg Comes to Fairfield Prep

Gayle Slossberg came to Fairfield Prep on Thursday September 27th. She is one of the thirty-six senators to

represent Connecticut. She represents Milford, Orange and the Southern part of West Haven. She has a son Alex

who is currently a senior at Prep. Senator Slossberg was elected in 2004 and she has been serving Connecticut since

then. She is currently in her fourth term and will run again in the upcoming election.

She talked to students after school that were interested in hearing more about the current state of

Connecticut and the country as a whole. She told us that right now the biggest issue is jobs. The unemployment rate

is still way too high. We are not talking about jobs at like flipping burgers were talking about jobs that will help move

us forward. She says that Connecticut is known for Sikorsky and other companies that need engineers. The problem

is that there is a shortage of qualified engineers in the state. Big companies are willing to hire, but not enough

people fit the positions that they are offering.

With Senator Slossberg we also talked about infrastructure. Too many people are stuck in traffic on their way

to work or school. This is eating up precious gas that people pay a fortune for. Building a double-decker highway like

they have in New York isn’t a viable option being that it would take about 25 years. The merit parkway is a scenic

highway and there are houses close by. Eminent domain and other factors would not allow for the expansion of the


While serving Connecticut she has helped Veterans to get more benefits. Passing laws that will give veterans

free passes to Connecticut state parks. She helped to work out a veterans benefit package to provide financial

assistance to family members of people serving the US Armed forces and the Connecticut National Guard.

Senator Slossberg also talked to prep students about a law she passed following the death of a baseball and

football star at Amity High School. The kid at the high school collapsed while playing baseball. They rushed to find an

AED (Automated External Defibrillator). These devices are used to try and resuscitate someone if their heart stops

beating. They tried two different locations and there was nothing. They finally found one and at that point it was

too late. Senator Slossberg passed a law that makes every College in Connecticut have and AED within a quarter of a

mile of their athletic facilities.

Overall the information that Senator Slossberg talked about was very informative. It was a kind gesture for

the Senator to come to the political awareness club and speak about different issues facing Connecticut and the


By: Will Coupe’13

Page 4: Soundings January 2013

“Gentlemen, We have a new beetle!”- Mr. Cashman

Campus Life

Angelos Levee (Mikes)

This is a pizza place on the campus of Fairfield

University. You will often see prep students here if they

have a free period around the time of lunch. It is a two-

minute quick walk from Prep.

They serve pizza, wraps, garlic bread, chicken

parm sandwiches and salads. Mikes is most famous for

their chicken turnovers. The turnover is almost like a

calzone with mozzarella cheese and chicken in them.

Students usually get buffalo sauce or barbeque sauce

on them for some extra flavor.

Mikes has delicious food and comfortable

booths. They have TV’s throughout that are usually

playing sports center. Mikes is a bit pricier but the

delicious food has kept students coming back for more.

You be the Judge…


The Cafeteria is what most Prep students settle

for on a daily basis. Its prices are fair and it is the

fastest way for a Prep Student to get food.

The cafeteria has several drink options like

PowerAde, chocolate milk, apple juice, ginger ale etc…

The food is very greasy. Chicken nuggets and chicken

wings are very fatty. These foods are decent and are

served once a week. Other food options include pasta

with meatballs, mozzarella sticks, wraps, sandwiches,

cheeseburgers, fries, and tater-tots. Most of these are

average at best.

The specialty of the cafeteria is there cookies.

They serve four different types of freshly baked

cookies including chocolate chip, Rainbow (m&m’s

inside), double chocolate and cinnamon sugar. The

cookies are usually warm and soft. Some of the best

cookies you’ll ever taste.

The cafeteria really doesn’t have any healthy

options. They don’t serve fruits, vegetables or salads.

How are we going to get the food we need for our food


The cafeteria provides an easy way to get food

and the prices are pretty good.

By: Will Coupe’13

Cafeteria or Angelos Levee

Page 5: Soundings January 2013

Per Fidem Ad Plenam Veritatem

Arts Hobbit Movie Review

On December 14, 2013 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

directed by Peter Jackson, was released into the world. This

movie was based on the novel, The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien

published in 1937. The story is a thrilling tale of dragons,

dwarves, and little creatures called Hobbits. After much

anticipation and excitement due to the popularity of Peter

Jackson’s Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

drew thousands of people to movie theaters. After a few days the

reviews began to trickle in. The movie was not getting the feed

back that the producers had expected! Movie critic, Scott

Mendelson writes, “This first film plays less like a theatrical cut,

or even like an extended edition DVD version, and more like an

assembly edit, with everything tossed in and nothing pruned.” He

is referring to the additional story line added to the original plot.

In the novel Bilbo Baggins, the main character, is dragged into an

“unexpected journey” with a group of thirteen dwarves and a

wizard named Gandalf. They travel miles and miles to reclaim the

stolen treasure that was taken from them by Smog the dragon. In

the movie, this plot was included entirely but along with this, an

entire new story line was revealed. An antagonist named the

“White Orc” is introduced and a tale unravels, running parallel

with the original plot. In my opinion, the movie involves a more

intense and interesting scheme. Action was waiting for the

viewers around every corner in the film, while in the book there

were too many incidents of boring travel and dialogue. Along

with the non-stop action there is humor, lessons to be learned,

and whimsical music. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is

definitely a boundless introduction to The Lord of the Rings and I

recommend it anyone who is interested in medieval action and

an adventure waiting at every turn.

By: Paul Cashman’15

Page 6: Soundings January 2013

Through Faith to the Fullness of Truth

Arts Macklemore’s Debut Album

This month, Hip-Hop’s newest gem, Macklemore, released his official debut album, The Heist.

His style of music is technically considered Rap, but can hardly be limited to the bounds of a genre at

all. In an era of music that seems to value glam and flare over content and integrity, Macklemore has

some how broken the chain and engineered his own genre of music, transcending the typical

restraints of Rap stereotypes. The Heist is a powerful display of passion and love for, not just, music,

but life in general. Throughout the sixteen tracks, Macklemore dispatches an uninterrupted stream

of impassioned verses, in which he shares stories of heartbreak, hard work, struggle, abuse, and

celebration. . He recites his stanzas with a certain eloquence that is unparalleled in Rap music today.

This album is a must listen for any fan of rap, poetry, and just overall honest passion.

By: Tim Kiernan’14

Page 7: Soundings January 2013

Dean Davis Center for Higher Learning


App of the month: Fun Run

This month’s app is the Fun Run app. I discovered

the Fun Run app while sitting in the cafeteria with

nothing to do and downloaded it with some

classmates. We instantly liked being able to compete

head to head in four player races jumping over

obstacles and other hazards that are thrown are way

throughout the race.

By: Matt Kingsbury’ 13

Page 8: Soundings January 2013

Go Fairfield Prep!


We Have Heard it All

From breaking news across the country because he landed in New Jersey, to completing 2 passes and leading the Denver Broncos to victory, Tim Tebow is everywhere. And, there is no escaping him.

Every time you turn on the TV or internet, Tim Tebow's face is plastered somewhere. But this article talks about a different side of the official creator of "Tebow Time."

Tim Tebow is known for being religious, outspoken and a genuinely great character. He is the trendsetter of the worldwide sensation of "Tebowing," a celebratory action that other athletes such as Dwight Howard and Lionel Messi have copied over the past year.

However, after being treated badly by the Jets organization, Tebow is left without a starting quarterback job, which would cause many players lose confidence and faith. Tim Tebow is not your average quarterback, though.

According to CBS New York, Tebow keeps God at No.1, family at a close second, while football in dead last in his priorities. While this may not surprise you, it certainly paints a picture about the life of the center of "Tebow Mania."

It's easy to become distraught after other awful quarterbacks such as Mark Sanchez and Greg McElroy take the field in place of you, if you're Tim Tebow. Not surprisingly however, Tebow still puts the biblical verses on his eyeblack like he did at the University of Florida, and still "Tebows" before every game.

As stated before, it's easy to become frustrated, overwhelmed, preoccupied and all other nervous emotions when put in a situation like Tebow. However, with such a devotion to God and religion, it doesn't even phase him.

Tim Tebow is easily one of the most well known players in the NFL in every aspect besides skill. He is also the most interesting and curious case.

He is a great role model, and doesn't let anything come in his way. He is a warrior on and off the field.

That is how Tim Tebow keeps his faith. Period.

By: Brent Kaiserman’14

Page 9: Soundings January 2013

NHL Lockout

After a long 133 days of the National Hockey League being locked out, hockey is back, for the next eight years anyway.

625 regular season games were canceled or in other words, half the season. On January 6 this all came to an end when the NHLPA

came to new collective bargaining agreement. Both the NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman and union head Donald Fehr announced

labor peace. During a news conference Gary Bettman discusses the deal being done saying, “We have reached an agreement on the

framework of a new collective bargaining agreement, the details of which need to be put to paper. There’s still a lot of work to be

done, but the basic framework of the deal has been agreed upon.” One of the major topics of discussion in the final days of

negotiations was the 2013-14 salary cap. It is going to 64.3 million. In December, discussion became more and more intense during

the time that the two sides shared many proposals regarding an agreement in only a few days. As there was no progress being

made between the two sides, it took another person to help make progress in getting a deal done. This person was Federal

mediator Scot L. Beckenbaugh. By meeting with both the NHL and the NHLPA, he was able to come up with a contribution that led

to a deal being made. Some of the things that this deal included were that players received a benefit pension plan for the first time,

free agents will be limited to contracts of 7 years, each team is allowed to use two buyouts to end contracts before the 2013-14 or

2014 and that salaries in a contract cannot change by more than 35 percent. The feelings toward the NHL lockout were mixed. "I'm

thrilled for our fans, I'm thrilled for all of our people that work around our sport that have been hurt by this," Flyers chairman Ed

Snider said. "I'm thrilled for the players, for the owners. I'm just sorry it had to take this long. The great thing is, we don't have to

look at it for hopefully 10 years, or at worst eight, and that's good stuff." Ed Snider told the associated press that he was happy that

the partial schedule had been saved. The impact that the lockout had was major in that it could cause 1 billion dollars to be lost in

income due to the fact that half of the season schedule will not be played. Despite this major issue for the NHL, it was a simple

notion for American hockey fans but a huge deal to Canadians.

By: Liam O’Reilly’14

Go Jesuits!


Page 10: Soundings January 2013


Sports Prep Sports Roundup

As the air stays cold and class stays boring, it is a great time for Fairfield Prep

sports. Hockey, basketball, and swimming and diving seasons are all and full swing. It is

safe to say they’re all kicking tails and taking names with a combined record of 28-1.

The hockey team is 11-0, routing Cheshire 9-1 in its last game. Lead by head

coach Matt Sather and captains Sean Henry, Connor Henry, and David White, and

complemented by underclassmen such as Dean Lockery and Matt Wikman, the team is

ready to square off against a more competitive Don Bosco Prep of New Jersey.

The basketball team is off to hot start, firing out with one of the best starts in the

team’s history. Sporting a 10-1 record, it is currently third in the state. Aside from a

hard fought loss to number one Hillhouse, the team has been virtually perfect. The likes

of Xaviers, Amitys, and Notre dames have all fallen before the powerhouse that is Prep

basketball. The team has notable size with big man Tim Butala and very big man

Paschal Chukwu. Peppered with finesse from young guards Keith Pettway, Tom Nolan,

and Ryan Murphy, Prep basketball is ready to make a run for a ring.

The season for Prep swimmers and divers has been victorious as it has been wet.

According to captain Andres Ramos, the team has been “working hard,” but, frankly,

with the clobbering they gave Cheshire (103-63) Wednesday, they’d do fine if they

showed up. But that is not the Prep way. The team is bracing itself for Greenwich, at

home at 4 PM. It is looking for its seventh victory in a row.

By: Jack O’Connell

Page 11: Soundings January 2013

The NFL Playoffs 2013

The divisional round of the playoffs this season was full of excitement and a few surprises. The

Seahawks almost came back in the 2nd half only to let up a game winning 49-yard field goal by Falcons kicker Matt

Bryant in the final seconds of the game. A much bigger upset was Joe Flacco and the Ravens beating the Broncos 38-

35 and Ray Lewis finishing off his career with 5 forced turnovers so far this postseason; they will definitely present a

big challenge for the Patriots who are without tight-end Rob Gronkowski.

However, the most exciting faceoff of the divisional round was between the 2 NFC powerhouse teams, the

Packers and 49ers. As most people didn’t expect, San Fransisco’s rookie QB performed extremely well against the

Packers defense putting up 45 points and setting the record for most rushing yards in a playoff game by a

quarterback in NFL history.

In the final round of the playoffs, the 49ers with the up-and-comer Colin Kaepernick will take on the Falcons in the

NFC Championship and Tom Brady, once again will face enormous pressure as the Patriots battle the Ravens for the

AFC title

By: Alex Marchese’15

Hail Fairfield!


Page 12: Soundings January 2013

For the Greater Glory of God

News Devastation of Hurricane Sandy

On the fateful day of Monday October 29th at around 5 o’clock I was watching TV in my

basement. Then the lights went out casting my whole house into utter darkness. Little did I know

that I would not be able to turn on a light, flush a toilet, or use the refrigerator for over 120

hours. o

In the days and hours leading up to the landfall of Sandy, I kept putting off the inevitable saying,

“The storm won’t be that bad “and “Maybe it will go out to sea.” I must have watched over 6

hours of news coverage that weekend hoping and praying that the storm wouldn’t hit. Of course

now we know that it did hit and it cause complete and utter destruction not just for CT, but also

for states such as New York, Rhode Island, and New Jersey. Looking back I wish I had taken the

storm more seriously.

Some facts concerning the devastation of Sandy are as follows. The scope and cost of the

recovery is estimated to cost as much as $50 billion. Speaking the day following the hurricane,

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey called it “incalculable. Over 8.1 million customers were without

power in 15 states and the District of Columbia, according to CNN. The worst affected states

were New Jersey with 1,983,694 customers out of power; New York with 1,514,147;

Pennsylvania with 526,934; and Connecticut with 352,286. An estimated 149 people lost their

life. At one point, Sandy's hurricane-force winds (at least 74 mph) extended up to 175 miles (280

kilometers) from its center and tropical storm-force winds (39 mph) out to 485 miles (780 km).

And sea water along the Jersey shore surged to almost 14 feet.

All in all I consider myself quite lucky. Because I don’t live by the shore my house did not flood

and none of my personal belongings were trashed. My electricity came back in 5 days while I

know people who lost power for at least 7 or 8 days. Honestly some parts of the storm were

even fun, including a monopoly marathon with my family. I found I wasn’t as devastated by the

loss of TV, computers, or telephones as I thought I would be. Hurricane Sandy certainly put

things in perspective.

By: Joseph San Filippo’13

Page 13: Soundings January 2013

Soundings Newspaper January 2013 Issue

Format by: Brandon Yep’13 and Matt Kingsbury’13

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