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Social (new) media – different communication style requiring new approaches/mindset

Traditional media is a 1 to many message, broadcastingTraditional media is a 1 to many message, broadcasting

Social media is a 1 to 1 conversation, about connecting, community.


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Website (or blog) – always your home base

•You own your site, can’t control fate of tools•You own your site, can’t control fate of tools

•Emphasizes your marketing message – what problems you solve

•Social media is intro, site is sell

•Where ppl check you out

Is it ready for action?

•Think like a search engine – if they can’t find you, you don’t exist - good SEO (keywords)

•Dynamic - Fresh content

•Kill useless features – customer’s point of view, what they care about

•Mobile friendly

•No flash – not mobile or search friendly

•Good analytics – traffic patterns, where visitors come from, where they go after they

leave you, search terms used

•RSS feed

•Sharing button


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Use tools personally first so you can get a feel for them, what they’re capable of, how

they can help your biz achieve its goals.they can help your biz achieve its goals.

Use it for your own professional development or to learn more about social


•Read blogs, subscribe, comment

•Find thought leaders to follow on Twitter

•Join groups/pages on LI or FB

•Get a sense of the culture – etiquette, do’s and don’ts

•Complete your profiles


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LI – business reception, Twitter – after work happy hour, Facebook – backyard



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LinkedIn for professional use - online resume – 80% of employers use/plan to use it for


•Connecting with others

•Professional dev – groups

•Search – find out where prospects are (groups)

•Biz/professional branding – group discussions, questions/answers, status updates – be

content expert


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LI’s profile completeness suggestions.

Use same photo you use on other SM platforms – your Facebook profile on your Use same photo you use on other SM platforms – your Facebook profile on your

personal page may be different.

LI Search function will look for keywords so keep that in mind as you complete your

Headline, Summary, Specialties and job descriptions.

Your Headline can be edited if you wish to describe yourself other than the default –

current position.

Add web sites – blog, web site, company web site – and Twitter username.

Customize your LI URL so it shows your name and not a mix of numbers and name.

Add past jobs so former colleagues can find you.


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Applications can be added to your profile – Slideshare, Tripit (travel plans – good for

meeting connections in other cities), Amazon reading list, blog import, Events. Be wary meeting connections in other cities), Amazon reading list, blog import, Events. Be wary

of adding the Twitter application if you tweet a lot – can be obnoxious.

Get recommendations.

Differentiate yourself by adding Interests – may create bond with someone.

Join groups.


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Review your Settings. Go through all options.

•Visible to everyone. •Visible to everyone.

•Check name – full name, not first name/last name initial.

•Connections browse – allow.

•Profile & status updates – turn off Profile Updates when doing a lot of editing,

but turn it on before completing last edit. Turn Status Updates on.


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Personalize invitations to connect – don’t use LI default.

Connecting philosophy – everyone has a different connection philosophy. Choose Connecting philosophy – everyone has a different connection philosophy. Choose

Connect or Ignore. If you choose “I don’t know this person,” it’s possible that their

account will be suspended if that happens to them several times. Their connection

philosophy is different, that’s all, don’t punish them.


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People don’t get Twitter - whom you follow, how you engage.

Reserve your Twitter username so no one else takes it. Reserve your Twitter username so no one else takes it.

Individual – professional development, news, conversation, relationship building (mix of

personal/professional), branding/content expert

Biz – trusted source, build relationships, sharing news and info, marketing

Twitter – public texting –

You will see the tweets only of people you follow (click Follow on their page). If they

choose to follow you back, they’ll see your tweets too. You don’t need to follow back

those that follow you. Be selective. You will receive an email when someone decides to

follow you.

Tweet – message to your followers.

@ - used in front of a username when you are talking to or replying to that person, or

mentioning them in a tweet. Your @ tweet to that person will only be seen by him/her

and any followers you have in common.

RT – retweet – a way to share someone’s tweet with your followers – great way to share

good links or messages/tweets. Good twitter karma.

DM – direct message – private tweet to a person who follows you. No one else can see

it. Will also go to that person’s email. You can’t DM someone who does not follow you.

Shortened URLs


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Whom to follow?

•Twitter lists – Lists by topic to group the people they follow. Good way to find •Twitter lists – Lists by topic to group the people they follow. Good way to find


•Do the authors of the blogs you read have a Twitter account? A link to their

Twitter account may be displayed on their blog.

•Linkedin profiles now list Twitter usernames.

•Twitter website “Find People” search

• - Advanced Search – can search by keyword and filter

it by location.


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Complete your profile – photo, full name, web site (blog, web site, LI profile), location

(city, state) and bio. Bio is limited to 160 characters. Because I use Twitter for (city, state) and bio. Bio is limited to 160 characters. Because I use Twitter for

professional and personal reasons, mine is a mix. People will not follow you back if you

don’t have a complete profile.

Key to Twitter success – a mix of tweets, @’s and RTs. Do not self-promote more than

20% (MAX) of the time. Mix it up.

Give value.

Sharing and giving credit is highly encouraged.

Keep tweets to under 120 chars (or so) so don’t have to be edited to RT.

Be a real person, be interesting.


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Tweetdeck & Hootsuite (computer app), Ubertwitter (mobile app for BBs)

Columns by follow topics, search termsColumns by follow topics, search terms

Content – keep a running list of good reading, how-to’s, RTs,

SmartBrief enewsletters, NFIB, other tweeps (check lists, RSS feed)

Send emails to a specific folder – go through at once to save time – Qwitter

Warning – spam, phishing bots (Mashable)


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Personal – check privacy settings – defaults may have changed.

Very recent change to privacy - Go to Privacy Settings, Applications & Websites, Very recent change to privacy - Go to Privacy Settings, Applications & Websites,

Instant Personalization Pilot Program, and uncheck Instant Personalization

Everyone has different connecting/friending philosophies and may have different

ones for different platforms. Ok not to connect/friend with others. Follow your

own comfort level.


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News Feed – 2 options – Top News and Most Recent. Top News is based on a Fb

algorithim, they will select news for you based on that. I use Most Recent.algorithim, they will select news for you based on that. I use Most Recent.

Hiding applications (games, quizzes, snowball fights etc.) and people – place cursor over

upper right corner and Hide button will appear. Click on that and you’ll have the options

of hiding the person or the application.

Edit Options at bottom of page – shows whom you have hidden (in case you want to

bring them back). Also, shows # of friends that Fb will display in your News Feed.

Increase this number if it’s too low – I think the default is 200 so if you more friends,

you’ll want to increase it.


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Recent changes to public pages – not fan, Like. Google Analytics now.

When creating public/fan pages, don’t attach it to anyone’s profile or they will be

attached to it forever, seriously. Instead see the instructions here -

25 fans, sign up for a Vanity URL

Fan page updates go to the fans’ News feed so it’s a great way to keep fans in the loop.

Make it shareable. Not too frequent, 1-2x day (will compare to others).



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Youtube channel – video on FB too

Content marketing – how to videos, interviews, behind the scenesContent marketing – how to videos, interviews, behind the scenes

Tips – customize your channel so it looks like your brand, moderate comments, create

playlists to organize videos, tag videos (search), engage


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Future is mobile – younger generation, everyone’s attached to their phone

More and more applicationsMore and more applications

Latest tool – geolocation – Foursquare, TriOut– Facebook getting into biz soon


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Benes for biz – word of mouth marketing, customer loyalty rewards

Still developing so difficult to know how it can help other types of bizStill developing so difficult to know how it can help other types of biz


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Blogs - Good 1st step for using social media for learning - where I began –

reading/subscribing to blogs, later commenting (social mojo, link exposure)reading/subscribing to blogs, later commenting (social mojo, link exposure)

Can subscribe to a blog’s RSS (real simple syndication) feed – orange icon

Biz blogs – be the content expert, SEO, another home base, obvious link back to website

(and vice versa)

Challenge – time/talent to create or collect

WordPress blogs – free user-friendly blog platform


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See Commoncraft videos on RSS and Google reader

An RSS feed brings posts to you as they’re published. Read them when you have time, An RSS feed brings posts to you as they’re published. Read them when you have time,

won’t miss anything.


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Content marketing – ppl rather listen to promo or something useful? Basics of sales and


Trusted source, expert, trust agent

LI - demonstrate status as thought leader/expert

Twitter - links to news, info, how-to’s, RTs

FB – same

Blog – can feed into Twitter and FB


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Social media = word of mouth on steroids – if you make your content share-friendly –

useful, interesting, amusinguseful, interesting, amusing

Results - referrals, lead generation, brand awareness, better SEO, increased website


Market your online presence – website home page, collateral, biz cards, email signature,



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Position yourself to listen, respond and engage w customers – Southwest vs United

Answer questions – filter by ?Answer questions – filter by ?

Put out fires/solve problems/complaints, correct misperceptions

Hear issues of others – market research

Caveat – need to be present or listening


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Facebook fan page

Twitter – because of conversational nature (mix of personal/professional tweets), great Twitter – because of conversational nature (mix of personal/professional tweets), great

platform for relationship building – my experience with ASAE and Raleigh

Put icons on home page.


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Tools are free, time is not. Some of best players are small bc their culture is more



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Wrong reason - because everyone else is doing it, feeling pressure.

Right reason - tool for achieving goals.Right reason - tool for achieving goals.

But lots of biz don’t start with goals, instead created a Fb page or Twitter account.

Don’t do it backwards. Begin with goals and objectives, tie your strategies and actions to


First, lurk and learn. How are others using the tools?

Find those you want to interact with. Which tools are they using? How are they

using them?

Goals - Have some ideas about what you want to accomplish. These ideas may

change over time as you learn about the tools’ potential.


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First step for biz – listen. Critical yet many biz don’t do this.

Know who’s talking about you.Know who’s talking about you.

Know where industry conversation is taking place. Find out (Analytics) where your

visitors are coming from and where they leave your page for

Set up Google Alerts, Twitter advanced search, Backtype (blog comments).

•Decide on keywords. Check Google Analytics for search terms

Biz name/variations/misspellings/acronym, product/service names, CEO’s name,

URL for web site/other sites, competitors’ names, industry terms.

Start small, grow as you get more competent. Review/refine.

Be positioned to respond, engage and correct.


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Next step – Find where your target audience (customers, prospects) are hanging out so

you can fish where your fish can fish where your fish are.

Upload contacts to the tools. The search is based on email addresses.

Google analytics – what sites are your visitors coming from and leaving your page for?

Build it and they will come – can’t count on that but if you don’t have data, may need to



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Let’s review, you’re

•Familiar with tools.•Familiar with tools.

•Know how tools can help achieve goals.

•Listening tools are set up

•Know where customers are

Choose one tool. Let your customers know (market) – home page, enewsletters, signs,

biz cards, signatures

Or first improve your web site.


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Review some cultural issues

Focus on providing valuable content, not too much self-promotion – be the content

expert, content curator

Limit promotional messages – low tolerance for (and looser definition of) spam (self-

promotion = spam). Use content for promotional reasons.


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Digital generosity - link love and recommended reading lists in blogs, RTs, FB sharing


Focus on others - Share content of others, sharing spotlight – give credit to them

Be helpful

Expectation of giving, not taking. Good social media karma

Be a trust agent


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You don’t have control over how your brand is perceived. Consumers/users have control

– their perception = reality.– their perception = reality.

You do have control over how you interact in this space, but you’re sharing the space w

others w same control – user-generated content. New space.


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Expectation of authenticity, being what you say you are, no spin zone.

Caveat – don’t delete comments, hide behind personas – be real authenticCaveat – don’t delete comments, hide behind personas – be real authentic


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It’s social media -- people prefer to connect with a person (rather than a logo)

Success = bring personality, more interesting, differentiatesSuccess = bring personality, more interesting, differentiates


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Issue – privacy. Your views on your privacy may evolve as you get deeper into using

social media. Everyone has a different comfort level, and that’s media. Everyone has a different comfort level, and that’s okay.

Google search - – personal and private both come up and live forever online.

We’re 24/7 ambassadors

•Negative – if personal life is unbecoming

•Positive – it’s a social space, people connect with people, trust agent


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Don’t collect fans -- engage & activate them

Listen and participate in conversations through blog commenting, Twitter replies, Listen and participate in conversations through blog commenting, Twitter replies,

Facebook replies – requires daily attention .

Shows that you care about those who play in your space, take time to interact – don’t

take that for granted.


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We’re dealing with a lot of change now and we will continue to do so in the near future

– budgets, industry, online communities, younger generation’s expectations.– budgets, industry, online communities, younger generation’s expectations.

Time to be innovative, takes some risks, try some new things/approaches.

Anticipate mistakes, learn from them and move on. Everyone’s learning in this new



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You can lose a lot of time in the SM space if you don’t have a plan and a schedule.

Personal tips:Personal tips:

•Set a timer for your social media time online.

•Close social media applications when your time is up.

•Use your cell phone while waiting in line to catch up on social networking. Set alerts so

you can respond to a Twitter reply or DM.


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