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Note: To complete this form, SAVE it on your computer, then send to your Division Dean/VPI as an

ATTACHMENT on an e-mail message.

Program Title Date Submitted

Key Findings:

1. Planning Group Participants (include PT& FT faculty, staff, students, stakeholders)

List of names and positions:

2. Contact Person (include e-mail and telephone):

3. Program Information

A. Program Personnel Identify the number of personnel (administrators, faculty, classified, volunteers, and student

workers) in the program:

FT Faculty: PT/OL Faculty (FTE):

FT Classified: PT Classified (FTE):

Volunteers: Student Workers:

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B. Program mission and goals

State the goals/focus of the program and how the program contributes to the mission and

priorities of the College and District. Address how the program meets the current year’s

strategic priorities. (200 word limit is recommended.)

4. Program/Service Area Student Learning Outcomes and Program Data

A. Summarize recent course (for instruction, including student service courses) or program (for

student services and every three years, CTE programs) SLO assessment, identify trends and

discuss areas in need of improvement. Please attach summary Tracdat reports with assessment

and analysis for SLOs evaluated during the last two years (prior to submission deadline of April

1st). (200 word limit is recommended.) Tool:

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Skyline College Annual Program Planning Page 3 of 11 November 6, 2013

B. Analyze evidence of Program performance. Review and analyze productivity, student

characteristics and outcomes. (200 word limit is recommended.)


C. Explain how other information may impact Program (examples are business and

employment needs, new technology, new transfer requirements etc.) (200 word limit is recommended.)

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5. Curricular Offerings

A. Program Curriculum and Courses. If your program does not offer curriculum, please state

“N/A”. Tools: CurricUNET;

Respond to the following:

What new courses (excluding individual Selected Topics [665] topics and Experimental [680/880] courses)

have you added to your program curriculum in the past academic year? List by Department, Course Number

and Course Title.

Note that you’ve added new courses to the department’s three-year calendar of assessment and requested that

they be added to TracDat.

Note that you’ve done the following for new courses on TracDat:

o Uploaded SLOs?

o Mapped course-level SLOs to PSLOs (including relevant interdisciplinary degrees) and ISLOs?

o Uploaded assessment method(s) (need not be specific)?

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B. Identify Patterns of Curriculum Offerings

Respond to the following:

Identify the planning group’s two-year curriculum cycle of course offerings by certificates

and degrees.

Describe the ideal curriculum cycle.

Discuss any issues.

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6. Response to Previous Annual Program Plan & Review

List any recommendations for the program and your responses to these recommendations based on

previous Annual Program Plan and/or CTE Professional Accreditation report.

7. Action Plan

Provide your action plan based on the analysis and reflections provided in the previous sections.

Note: resource requests should be connected to action plans

Respond to the following:

Describe data and assessment results for SLO assessment on the course level (for instruction,

including student service courses) or program level (for student services or every three years, career

technical education programs). Analyze and reflect on SLO assessment results and other measures of

Program performance.

Analyze and reflect on other evidence described in previous sections. Identify the next steps,

including any planned changes to curriculum and pedagogy.

Identify questions that will serve as a focus of inquiry for next year.

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8. Resource Identification

A. Professional Development needs

B. Office of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness requests

C. Faculty and Staff hiring, Instructional Equipment and Facilities Requests

Complete the following table:


List data requests for the Office of Planning, Research & Institutional Effectiveness.

Explain how the requests will serve the Student/Program/Division/College needs.

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Annual Program Planning Resource Needs

Program _______________ Date__________


How does this request align

with your assessment of

student outcomes

How does this request

align with your action plan

Estimated cost for

facilities and equipment
















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All courses All classes require some sterile materials. All labs in BIOL 240 required sterile materials and disposta. Funds must be reserved for autoclave replacement ($50,000). Majors Ocular micrometers for inverted scopes- $100 each x4 =$400 Slide holders for inverted scopes- $58 each*4 = $240 Computer/camera/software to project/record data- $2400 each Licor algae chamber- $10,000 Non majors crab rakes- $29.99 x4 = $119.96 sand sieves- $75 x 5 = $375 tents (8 person)- $219 x 2 = $438 dvd/vcr combo player- $119 x 2 = $238 Anatomy & Physiology -microscope with camera and software to project images ($10,000) For physiology: 1) 12 rubber mallets - used in reflex labs ($6 x 10= $60) 2) 6 Snellen eye chart - used in vision labs ( $5 x 6= $30) 3) 6 astigmatism eye chart - used in vision labs ( $5 x 6= $30) 4) 24 rulers - 12 inch, plastic ($1 x 12= $12) 5) 10 yardsticks – wooden ($5 x 10= $50) 6) 3 sets of tuning forks ($76 x 3= $228) For anatomy: 1) 2-4 human skulls, real bone if possible ($500 x 3= $1500) 2) 1-2 arm with muscles ($500 x 2= $1000) 3) 1-2 leg with muscles ($750 x 2= $1500) 4) 1-2 digestive tract model ($500 x 2= $1000) 5) 1 urinary tract model ($500) 6) 1 kidney model ($350) 7) 1 nephron model ($350) 8) 1 combined (kidney & nephron) model ($375) (Prices based on products from Denoyer Geppart and Carolina Biologicals) Safety Anatomy lab ventilation.  

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Course Assessment Report-- Four Column

SKY Dept - Biology

San Mateo CCCD

Department AssessmentCoordinator:

Christine Case

Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 101 - OurBiological World -Scientific method - Demonstrate anunderstanding of the scientific method and theability to use appropriate models to solveproblems. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Start Date:08/01/2006

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Weekly lab reports.Assessment: 15-point lab post test.

Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:Class average =>11

05/24/2014 - Class average = 6.1Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014Resources Needed to Implement Action Plan:Changing quiz format to WebAccess continuesto be problematic. Students are forgetting to takequizzes. instructions are in the syllabus and wewill continue to remind students--and encouragethem to take the quiz while in lab.

12/31/2012 - Average 9.2Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

12/30/2011 - FinalAve=6.4Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

Related Documents:BIOL 101_reflection.doc

09/10/2012 - More students missedquizzes when these were changed fromin lab to WebAccess. Need to makereminders for students.

09/08/2012 - Lab instruction waschanged to include intro lecture?We'llgo back to the previous procedure

12/30/2009 - FinalAve=11.0Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

12/31/2006 - FinalAve=9.8

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Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

09/10/2012 - Modify lab instrux toemphasize studying AND attendance.

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 101 - OurBiological World -Knowledge - Apply the knowledge of biologicalscience to distinguish between observations,inferences, relationships, and testimonials underinvestigation. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Term paper, including personal observations, ofan animal at a zoo or aquarium.Assessment: Scoring rubric (50 points)

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:Criterion: 50% will achieve =>40

05/24/2014 - 55% achieves =>40Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

04/07/2014 - The assignment have been given. Resultsare not due until the end of AprilResult Type:InconclusiveReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014Resources Needed to Implement Action Plan:39 students complete a paper on a mammal atthe zoo.35% scored =>4013 students chose to do a second paper on a fish.50% score => 50%

04/23/2012 - Scale: 4(excellent) to 1(needs work)Assignment fulfilled 3.3 Comprehension 2.4 Analysisand audience 2.9 Organization and audience 2.6Overall: 46%=>40Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

Related Documents:iSLO_questions_s12.doc

09/10/2012 - Provide more practice inreading and specifically answeringquestions.

09/08/2012 - The biggest problem isgetting students to complete theassignment.

05/30/2006 - 40% scored =>40Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

09/10/2012 - Modify instructions todirect students to answer the requiredquestions.

09/10/2012 - Study guide modified toinclude 1-hour observation, andbreaking out animal behaviors by time.

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Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

05/30/2012 - Provide instructions reanswering the questions.

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 101 - OurBiological World -Personal/environ - Demonstrate the ability to usescientific knowledge to assess personal andenvironmental health. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Start Date:08/01/2006

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.

Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:Criterion: 50% of students will score >=60%

04/09/2014 - 65% scored=>40

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014Related Documents:BIOL 101

12/31/2012 - 72% correctly answered question repollutant emissions.Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013Related Documents:BIOL 101_energy qu.doc

05/30/2011 - 100% of students scored =>60%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

12/30/2008 - 50% scored =>50Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

09/10/2012 - Could try using moreexamples from the textbook

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 101 - OurBiological World -Citizenship - Use the scientific knowledge andskills necessary for active citizenship. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2016-2017

Start Date:08/01/2006

Assessment Method:Method 1: Science Attitude Survey.Assessment: Students will complete a pre- andpost-course surveys.Method 2: Biodiversity projectAssessment Method Category:SurveySuccess Criterion:Criterion: Students will show a positive change in

05/24/2014 - Students completed Invasiveplant/biodiversity project. Average (43/50) Median(45/50)Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

04/09/2014 - Biodiversity poster: average 41 points out

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Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Course Outcome Status:Active

attitude about science after completion of thecourse.

of 50Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

12/30/2011 - 78% increased awarenessResult Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Related Documents:BIOL 101_reflection.doc

12/30/2009 - Students started with a good attitude aboutBiology and increased 10%.Slightly more(33.1%) students said they recycle afterthe course than before (32.5%).Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

09/10/2012 - Increase awareness aboutpersonal responsibility (recycling binson campus).

12/30/2006 - More students (80%) are comfortable w/science. Majority do not vote, b/c not citizensResult Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 110 -Principles Of Biology- Unifying theme - Illustrate the application ofnatural selection and physiological survival as aunifying theme to the basic problems common toall living systems. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Quizzes and exams requiring written problem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score => 75%

Related Documents:Unifying theme qu

12/30/2011 - Pre-qu: 71% correctPost-qu: 80% correctResult Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Related Documents:Unifying theme qu

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 110 -Principles Of Biology- Scientific method - Demonstrate anunderstanding of how experimental evidence and

Assessment Method:Weekly lab reports.Assessment: 10-point lab reports.

12/12/2012 - 72% of students scored 80% or betterResult Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:

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Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

analysis lead to ongoing pursuits of modernknowledge, theory, and methods of scientificinvestigation. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:80% of students will score =>90%

2012 - 2013Related Documents:Bio110_SLOAC_Fall2012.doc

05/31/2012 - 72% of students scored 80% or better (onelab report examine)Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 110 -Principles Of Biology- Scientific method 2 - Demonstrate the ability touse the scientific method to solve problems. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Weekly lab reports.Assessment: 10-point lab reports

Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:80% of students will score => 90%

05/31/2012 - 76% of students scored 80% or better. (3lab reports examined)Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 110 -Principles Of Biology- Citizenship - Use the scientific knowledge andskills necessary for active citizenship (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2017-2018

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Science Attitude Survey.Assessment: Students will complete a pre- andpost-course surveys

Assessment Method Category:SurveySuccess Criterion:70% will show a positive change in attitude aboutscience after completion of the course.

Assessment Method:Three multiple-choice questions and onemultiple-answer question posed to students afterterm project was completed.Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:60% of students would choose "agree" with thefirst 3 questions, and students would choose atleast 2 of 5 possible outcomes for the fourthquestion.

03/12/2015 - Question one: 90% agreed to have betterknowledge and skills in science.Question two: 74% felt better equipped to approachcivic issues.Question three: 94% felt better prepared to discussbiological issues.Question four: 100% of students chose multipleanswers with cooperation (26%) and public speakingskill (21%) leading as the two choices picked.Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2014 - 2015

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Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Resources Needed to Implement Action Plan:none

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 110 -Principles Of Biology- Functional solutions - Compare the functionalsolutions that various organisms have evolved.

(Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:In-class quizzes and exams requiring writtenproblem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score => 75%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 110 -Principles Of Biology- Apply - Apply the knowledge of biologicalscience to distinguish between observations,inferences, relationships, and testimonials underinvestigation. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2016-2017

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Term paper or field report, including personalobservations of organisms at a biological naturalcommunity, zoo, or aquarium.Assessment: Scoring rubric (20 points)

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:70% will score=> 75%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 110 -Principles Of Biology- Use knowledge - Demonstrate the ability to usescientific knowledge to assess personal andenvironmental health.

(Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2016-2017

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:In-class quizzes and exams requiring writtenproblem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score => 75%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 111 - NaturalHistory of California - Scientific method -Demonstrate an understanding of the scientificmethod and the ability to use appropriate modelsto solve problems. (Created By SKY Dept -Biology)

Assessment Method:Weekly lab notebook modules.Assessment: 10-point lab notebook modules.

Assessment Method Category:

04/09/2014 - The assignment have been given. Resultsare not due until the end of AprilResult Type:InconclusiveReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

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Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Course Outcome Status:Active

OtherSuccess Criterion:Criterion: 80% of students will score =7

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 111 - NaturalHistory of California - Knowledge - Apply theknowledge of natural science to distinguishbetween observations, inferences, relationships,and testimonials under investigation. (Created BySKY Dept - Biology)

Assessment Method:Term project, including list of topics to becovered and presentation of findings to Termproject, including list of topics to be covered andpresentation of findings to classmates.Assessment: Scoring rubric (100 points)

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:Criterion: 70% will achieve =70

04/09/2014 - The assignment have been given. Resultsare not due until the end of AprilResult Type:InconclusiveReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 111 - NaturalHistory of California - Personal/environ -Demonstrate the ability to use scientificknowledge to assess personal and environmentalhealth. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.

Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:Criterion: 70% of students will score above 70%

04/09/2014 - The assignment have been given. Resultsare not due until the end of AprilResult Type:InconclusiveReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 111 - NaturalHistory of California - Citizenship - Use thescientific knowledge and skills necessary foractive citizenship. (Created By SKY Dept -Biology)

Assessment Method:Natural Science Attitude Survey.Assessment: Students will complete a pre- andpost-course surveys.

Assessment Method Category:Pre and post testingSuccess Criterion:Criterion: 70% will show a positive change inattitude about science after completion of thecourse.

04/09/2014 - The assignment have been given. Resultsare not due until the end of AprilResult Type:InconclusiveReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

Assessment Method:14 assignments of 20 points each and oneassignment of 40 points to be active citizens innature.

03/12/2015 - 87.5% of students scored over 75% ofpoints possible. 21 out of 24 students. Lowest scorewas 220 out of 300 possible points.Result Type:

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Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:75% of students pass with 75% of points possible(300 possible points).

Criterion metReporting Cycle:2014 - 2015Resources Needed to Implement Action Plan:none

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 130 - HumanBiology -Scientific method - Demonstrate anunderstanding of the scientific method and theability to use scientific knowledge to assess bodyand environmental function. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Quizzes and exams requiring problem-solvingand analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >67%

02/07/2013 - 76% of students scored >70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 130 - HumanBiology -Anatomy - Demonstrate an understanding of themajor concepts in human anatomy. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Quizzes, examinations or writings requiringproblem solving and analysisAssessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >67%

02/07/2013 - 78% of students scored >70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 130 - HumanBiology -Evolution - Demonstrate an understanding of themajor concepts in evolution and ecology. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Quizzes, examinations or writings requiringproblem solving and analysisAssessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >67%

02/07/2013 - 79% of students scored >70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 130 - HumanBiology -Citizenship - Use the scientific knowledge andskills necessary for active citizenship. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Assessment Method:Science Attitude Survey.Assessment: Students will complete a pre- andpost-course surveys.

Assessment Method Category:

02/07/2013 - 87% of students showed a positive changeResult Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013

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Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Active

SurveySuccess Criterion:70% will show a positive change in attitude aboutscience after completion of the course.

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 140 -Animals, People, and Environment- Scientific method - Demonstrate anunderstanding of the scientific method and theability to use appropriate models to solveproblems (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Assessment Method & CriteriaClass Discussions and Presentation and study ofscientific experiments.Assessment: In-class examinations involvinganalysis of experiments.

Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:80% of students will pass with grades above 70%

05/09/2014 - This SLO is based on an assignment,Conservation. They had to define and evaluate anenvironmental problem affecting animals. Examiningthe efficacy of existing laws and NGO's was part of theassignment. Their constructive evaluation of thisindicates their propensity for active citizenship. 19/23>70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

05/29/2012 - 94% of students correctly identifiedcontrolResult Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Related Documents:Bio 140 F 11 Reflection.doc

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 140 -Animals, People, and Environment- Scientific method 2 - Apply the knowledge ofbiological science to distinguish betweenobservations, inferences, relationships, andtestimonials under investigation (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Term paper, including list of topics to be coveredand presentation of findings to classmates.Assessment: Scoring rubric (100 points)

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:Criterion: 70% will achieve =>40

05/09/2014 - This SLO is based on an assignment,Conservation. They had to define and evaluate anenvironmental problem affecting animals. Examiningthe efficacy of existing laws and NGO's was part of theassignment. Their constructive evaluation of thisindicates their propensity for active citizenship. 19/23>70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 140 -Animals, People, and Environment- Use knowledge - Demonstrate the ability to usescientific knowledge to assess personal andenvironmental health. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:Exam

05/09/2014 - This SLO is based on an assignment,Conservation. They had to define and evaluate anenvironmental problem affecting animals. Examiningthe efficacy of existing laws and NGO's was part of theassignment. Their constructive evaluation of this

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Course Outcomes Means of Assessment & Success Criteria /Tasks Results Action & Follow-Up

Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Active

Success Criterion:70% of students will score =>70%

indicates their propensity for active citizenship. 19/23>70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

05/22/2012 - 95% of the class completed an analysis ofan environmental problem in which they had to employscientific principles.Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Related Documents:Bio 140 SP 12 Reflection.doc

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 140 -Animals, People, and Environment- Citizenship - Use the scientific knowledge andskills necessary for active citizenship. (CreatedBy SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Assessment Method:Newspaper Summary, Environmental GroupReportAssessment: Students will summarize a newsarticle concerning animals and evaluate theactivities of 5 environmental groups.

Assessment Method Category:EssaySuccess Criterion:90% will complete the assignment as directedand score full credit.

05/09/2014 - This SLO is based on an assignment,Conservation. They had to define and evaluate anenvironmental problem affecting animals. Examiningthe efficacy of existing laws and NGO's was part of theassignment. Their constructive evaluation of thisindicates their propensity for active citizenship. 19/23>70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014Related Documents:BIOL 140

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 145 - Plants,People & Environment- Scientific method - Demonstrate anunderstanding of the scientific method and theability to use appropriate models to solveproblems. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Class Discussions and Presentation and study ofscientific experiments.Assessment: In-class examinations involvinganalysis of experiments.

Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:80% of students will pass with grades above 70%

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SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 145 - Plants,People & Environment- Scientific method 2 - Apply the knowledge ofbiological science to distinguish betweenobservations, inferences, relationships, andtestimonials under investigation. (Created BySKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Term paper, including list of topics to be coveredand presentation of findings to classmates.Assessment: Scoring rubric (100 points)

Assessment Method Category:EssaySuccess Criterion:70% will achieve =>40

05/31/2012 - 72% of students scored 70% or better ontasks requiring that they problem solve and present.

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Resources Needed to Implement Action Plan:(Two assignments: Students conducted groupprojects looking at plant allergens and globalwarming. Students conducted an exploratoryproject related to plant science.) Work wasevaluated using rubrics.-Students need guidance in reading data andapplying the concepts of the course to this task.

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 145 - Plants,People & Environment- Applying knowledge - Demonstrate the abilityto use scientific knowledge to assess personal andenvironmental health. (Created By SKY Dept -Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 145 - Plants,People & Environment- Citizenship - Use the scientific knowledge andskills necessary for active citizenship. (CreatedBy SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:News Summary, Environmental Group ReportAssessment: Students will summarize a newsarticle concerning plants and evaluate theactivities of 5 environmental groups

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:90% will complete the assignment as directedand score full credit.

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 150 - Intro toMarine Biology -Scientific method - Demonstrate an

Assessment Method:Class Discussions and Presentation and study ofscientific experiments.

12/30/2011 - Pre: 78% correctPost: 95% correctResult Type:

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understanding of the scientific method and theability to use appropriate models to solveproblems. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment: In-class examinations involvinganalysis of experiments.

Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:80% of students will pass with grades above 70%Related Documents:Control qu

Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Related Documents:Control quBio 150 F 11 Reflection.doc

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 150 - Intro toMarine Biology -Applying knowledge - Apply the knowledge ofbiological science to distinguish betweenobservations, inferences, relationships, andtestimonials under investigation. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Term paper, including list of topics to be coveredand presentation of findings to classmates.Assessment: Scoring rubric (100 points

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:70% will achieve =>40

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 150 - Intro toMarine Biology -Personal & environment - Demonstrate the abilityto use scientific knowledge to assess personal andenvironmental health. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 150 - Intro toMarine Biology -Citizenship - Use the scientific knowledge andskills necessary for active citizenship. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Science Attitude Survey.Assessment: Students will complete a pre- andpost-course surveys.

Assessment Method Category:SurveySuccess Criterion:70% will show a positive change in attitude aboutscience after completion of the course.

05/22/2012 - 90% agreed with: "I am inspired to takeaction regarding certain aspects ofsustainability/conservation in my academic andpersonal life after taking this course."Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Related Documents:bio 150 SP 12 Reflection.doc

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SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 170 -Principles of Applied Bioscience - Evidence -Demonstrate an understanding of howexperimental evidence and analysis lead toongoing pursuits of modern knowledge, theory,and methods of scientific investigation. (CreatedBy SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Weekly lab reports.10-point lab reports.

Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:80% of students will score => 90%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 170 -Principles of Applied Bioscience - Ethics -Demonstrate the ability to use sound ethicalreasoning when discussing biological science andthe use of biotechnological techniques (CreatedBy SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Weekly lab reports.10-point lab reports.

Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:80% of students will score => 90%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 170 -Principles of Applied Bioscience - Applyingknowledge - Apply the knowledge of biologicalscience to distinguish between observations,inferences, relationships, and testimonials underinvestigation. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Term paper or field report, including personalobservations of organism biological naturalcommunity, zoo, or aquarium.Scoring rubric (20 points)

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:Criterion: 70% will score =>75%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 170 -Principles of Applied Bioscience - Personal &environment - Demonstrate the ability to usescientific knowledge to assess personal andenvironmental health. (Created By SKY Dept -Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Assessment Method:In-class quizzes and exams requiring writtenproblem-solving and analysis.

Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:

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Course Outcome Status:Inactive

70% of students will score => 75%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 170 -Principles of Applied Bioscience - Citizenship -Use the scientific knowledge and skills necessaryfor active citizenship. (Created By SKY Dept -Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Science Attitude Survey.Students will complete a pre- and post-coursesurveys.

Assessment Method Category:SurveySuccess Criterion:70% will show a positive change in attitude aboutscience after completion of the course.

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 171 -Laboratory Principles of Applied Bioscience -Evidence - Demonstrate an understanding of howexperimental evidence and analysis lead toongoing pursuits of modern knowledge, theory,and methods of scientific investigation. (CreatedBy SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Weekly lab reports.10-point lab reports.

Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:80% of students will score => 90%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 171 -Laboratory Principles of Applied Bioscience -Ethics - Demonstrate the ability to use soundethical reasoning when discussing biologicalscience and the use of biotechnologicaltechniques (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Weekly lab reports.10-point lab reports.

Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:80% of students will score => 90%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 171 -Laboratory Principles of Applied Bioscience -Applying knowledge - Apply the knowledge ofbiological science to distinguish betweenobservations, inferences, relationships, andtestimonials under investigation. (Created BySKY Dept - Biology)

Assessment Method:Term paper or field report, including personalobservations of organisms at a biological naturalcommunity, zoo, or aquarium.Scoring rubric (20 points)

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Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:70% will score => 75%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 171 -Laboratory Principles of Applied Bioscience -Personal & environment - Demonstrate the abilityto use scientific knowledge to assess personal andenvironmental health. (Created By SKY Dept -Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:In-class quizzes and exams requiring writtenproblem-solving and analysis.

Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score => 75%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 171 -Laboratory Principles of Applied Bioscience -Citizenship - Use the scientific knowledge andskills necessary for active citizenship. (CreatedBy SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Science Attitude Survey.Students will complete a pre- and post-coursesurveys.

Assessment Method Category:SurveySuccess Criterion:70% will show a positive change in attitude aboutscience after completion of the course.

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 215 -Organismal Biology- Organismal level - Demonstrate understandingof how the major groups of living organisms arerelated to each other and of their adaptations forsurvival. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

12/30/2011 - 51% of students scored =>70%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

12/30/2008 - 36% of students scored=>70%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 215 -Organismal Biology- Writing - Write clear and well-argueddescriptions of topics in biological sciences,

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.

04/14/2013 - 84% of students scored =>70%Result Type:Criterion met

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based on the course material and textbookarticles. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

Reporting Cycle:2012 - 2013

05/26/2012 - Scale: 4(excellent) to 1(needs work)Assignment fulfilled 3.7 Comprehension 3.3 Analysisand audience 3.1 Organization and audience 3.2Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013Related Documents:iSLO_questions_s12.doc

12/30/2011 - 51% of students scored =>70%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

12/30/2008 - 36% of students scored =>70%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 215 -Organismal Biology- Lab techniques - Design, perform, and analyzeexperiments in biology. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Bi-weekly lab reportsAssessment: 10 point scoring rubricAssessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

01/31/2012 - 84% of students scored =>70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013

12/30/2011 - 96% scored >70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 215 -Organismal Biology- Continue - Continue to BIOL 230 to completethe core sequence. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:

Assessment Method:Check enrollmentAssessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:70% of students will continue

12/31/2012 - 44% continued.Many students were not concurrently enrolled inCHEM, another prereq for BIOL 230.4 students from Fall 2011 did enroll in Spring 2013BIOL 230, after taking CHEM.Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013

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ActiveResources Needed to Implement Action Plan:Need more information on Skyline's website tomake students aware of the need to take CHEM210 concurrently to prepare for their major.

12/12/2012 - 5/26/2012Spring 2012: 23 (36%) of 64went on to BIOL 230 in Fall 2012.Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013Related Documents:BIOL215_to_230_2012.pdf

05/26/2012 - Fall 2011: 30 (60%) of 49 went on toBIOL 230 in Spring 2012.Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

12/30/2006 - Fall 2006. 29 (60%) of 48 enrolled inBIOL 230 in Spring 07.4 (12%) of 34 from Spring 2006. 24 (36%) of 66 fromFall 05.

Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010Resources Needed to Implement Action Plan:Need to look at majors of students who did notgo on.

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 230 -Introduction to Cell Biology- Cell - Demonstrate understanding of the majorconcepts in cell biology, and the experimentalapproaches taken to address them. (Created BySKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

05/30/2007 - 22% scored =>70%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 230 -

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Introduction to Cell Biology- Writing - Write clear and well-argueddescriptions of concepts in cell biology, based onthe course material and textbook articles. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

05/24/2013 - 50% of students scored => 70%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013Related Documents:230writing.pdf

04/19/2012 - Scale: 4(excellent) to 1(needs work)Assignment fulfilled2.4Comprehension2.3Analysis and audience1.9Organization and audience2.9

Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Related Documents:iSLO_questions_s12.doc

01/11/2012 - 35% scored>70%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 230 -Introduction to Cell Biology- Experimentation - Design, perform, and analyzeexperiments in cell biology. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Capstone project (independent research)Assessment: 100 point scoring rubric

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

09/08/2012 - 90% =>70. 14 students presented at theSACNAS conference in Fall 2012.Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

05/30/2011 - 88% scored=>80%15 students presented at SACNAS

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2010 - 2011

05/30/2009 - Students were confident in their lab skills(Table in document). In Cell Biology, students developand implement a research project on a current topic inBiology. Working in pairs, the students reviewliterature, design and conduct experiments,and analyze

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their data. In the Spring 2008 semester, 12 (36.4%) ofthe students took presented their projects at scientificmeetings (Society for the Advancement of Chicanosand Native Americans in Science, Annual BiomedicalResearch Conference for Minority Student, andNorthern California-American Society forMicrobiologyResult Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010Related Documents:majors_09.pdf

05/30/2008 - Spring 2008:100% scored =>70%14 students presented at 5 scientific meetings

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 230 -Introduction to Cell Biology- Continue - Students have basic Biologyknowledge; lab skills; experimental researchskills; will continue with upper divisioncoursework in Biology (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Self assessment questionnaireAssessment Method Category:Survey

05/30/2011 - Spring 2011:100% scored =>70%15 students presented at 5 scientific meetingsResult Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2010 - 2011

05/30/2007 - Students are confident in their skills andabilities. Average response=4.26 out of 6

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010Related Documents:230_SLO_07.pdf

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 240 -General Microbiology- Asepsis - Use aseptic technique in clinical andlaboratory environments. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Assessment Method:Biweekly laboratory work.Assessment: 10 point scoring rubric.

12/21/2012 - The majority of students did master theimportant concepts of asepsis and overuse ofantibacterials. Comparing pre and post responses showsthat this material is new to the students and must remain

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Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>7

an essential component of Microbiology and pre-nursing curricula.

The effect of news media in influencing thought isapparent in the misunderstanding about normalmicrobiota.

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013Related Documents:SLO_240_F12.doc

05/26/2012 - 86% of students =>80%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

12/30/2006 - Class average = 83%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 240 -General Microbiology- Identification - Identify bacteria usingappropriate biochemical tests. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Identify unknown bacteria.Assessment: 100 point scoring rubric

Assessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

05/26/2012 - 93% of students scored => 80%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

12/30/2011 - 50% of students scored =>70%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

12/30/2009 - 68% of students scored =>70Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 240 -General Microbiology

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-

12/30/2011 - 70% scored =>80%Result Type:

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- Understanding - Discuss and understand therole of microorganisms in healthy individuals andin infectious diseases. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

solving and analysisAssessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

12/30/2009 - Although students showed betterunderstanding of cleaning injection sites andhandwashing in a pre-, post-course questionnaire, thepost-course scores were not 100%.Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 240 -General Microbiology- Principles - Discuss and understand theprinciples of cellular metabolism, moleculargenetics, and immunology. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problem-solving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

04/08/2013 - 70% scores => 70 (final exam)Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2012 - 2013

12/30/2011 - 20% of students scored =>70%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Related Documents:240 data

12/30/2010 - 44% scored => 70Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2010 - 2011

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 250 - HumanAnatomy -Organ systems - Demonstrate an understandingof the anatomy and interactions of the majororgan systems in the human body. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problemsolving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

04/09/2014 - Average=70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

04/29/2012 - Average score=76%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/30/2007 - Spring 2007: 74%

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Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problemsolving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score => 70

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 250 - HumanAnatomy -Experimentation - Perform and analyzeexperiments in human anatomy. This includeswet labs and computer simulations. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Weekly laboratory work.Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70%

04/09/2014 - Average=70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

04/29/2012 - Average score- 64%Result Type:Criterion not metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/30/2007 - Spring 2007: 83%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

Assessment Method:Weekly laboratory work.Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score => 70%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 250 - HumanAnatomy -Understanding - Demonstrate an understandingof the major concepts in human anatomy, and theexperimental approaches taken to address them.(Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problemsolving and analysisAssessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score ≥70

04/09/2014 - Average=70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

04/29/2012 - Average score-76%Result Type:

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Course Outcome Status:Active

Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/30/2007 - Spring 2007: 74%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problemsolving and analysisAssessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score => 70

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 250 - HumanAnatomy -Applying knowledge - Apply the learning ofanatomy to the medical situation in healthyindividuals and in disease states. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problemsolving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

04/09/2014 - Average=70%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

04/29/2012 - Average score-76%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/30/2007 - Spring 2007: 74%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problemsolving and analysisAssessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score => 70

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 260 - Intro toPhysiology -Understanding - Demonstrate an understanding

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problemsolving and analysis.

04/29/2012 - Average score-81%

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of the functions and interactions of the majororgan systems in the human body. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/30/2007 - Spring 2007:85%

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 260 - Intro toPhysiology -Experimentation - Perform and analyzeexperiments in human physiology. This includeswet labs and computer simulations. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Biweekly laboratory work.Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score =>70

04/29/2012 - Average score-80%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/30/2007 - Spring 2007:89%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 260 - Intro toPhysiology -Concepts - Demonstrate an understanding of themajor concepts in human physiology, and theexperimental approaches taken to address them. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In-class written examinations requiring problemsolving and analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score ->70

04/29/2012 - Average score-81%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/30/2007 - Spring 2007:85%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 260 - Intro toPhysiology -Scientific method - Apply the scientific methodin performing research on selected topics inphysiology. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Assessment Method:In-class oral presentation.Assessment Method Category:Presentation/PerformanceSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score ->70

04/29/2012 - Average score-100%Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/30/2007 - Spring 2007: 100%Result Type:

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Course Outcome Status:Active

Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 422 -Foundations of Biotechnology- Scientific method - Demonstrate anunderstanding of the scientific method and theability to use scientific knowledge to assess abiotechnology product. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Quizzes and exams requiring problem-solvingand analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >67%

03/27/2015 - 100% of students were successful. Spring2015Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2014 - 2015Related Documents:422_2015

Assessment Method:Quizzes and exams requiring problem-solvingand analysisAssessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score > 67%

Assessment Method:Quiz questionAssessment Method Category:Exam

Related Documents:422_2015

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 422 -Foundations of Biotechnology- Knowledge - Demonstrate knowledge ofbiotechnology used in the production of medicalor food products. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In class demonstrations with instructorAssessment Method Category:Presentation/PerformanceSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >90%

03/27/2015 - 100T% of students were successful.Spring 2015Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2014 - 2015Related Documents:422_2015

Assessment Method:Purify GFP using BioRad?s Secrets of theRainforest kit and answer basic questions aboutthe experiment and its applications.Assessment Method Category:Presentation/PerformanceSuccess Criterion:

05/26/2012 - 100% of students were successfulResult Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/26/2012 - This assignment isappropriate for student with diverseexperience in biology, giving all thechance to succeed and learn somethingnew. It will continue to be part of thecurriculum.

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Obtaining pure protein and achieving 70% orbetter on the written report.

Assessment Method:Purify GFP using BioRad's Secrets of theRainforest kit and answer basic questions aboutthe experiment and its applications.Assessment Method Category:Presentation/PerformanceSuccess Criterion:Obtaining pure protein and achieving 70% orbetter on the written report.

Assessment Method:Quiz questionAssessment Method Category:Exam

Related Documents:422_2015

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 422 -Foundations of Biotechnology- Applying knowledge - Use their specificknowledge and skills in biotechnology to discussthe process and ethics used in creating abiotechnology product. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Quizzes, examinations or writings requiringproblem solving, analysis and demonstration.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >90%

03/27/2015 - 100% of students were successful. Spring2015Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2014 - 2015Related Documents:BIOL 422 Spring 2015

Assessment Method:Present the wishes of a particular party (notnecessarily the students own opinion) withregard to the development of an anti-cancer drug.Analysis included looking at profit structure,animal testing, and patient needs in thedeveloped and developing world. Participate indiscussion of others? presentations.Assessment Method Category:Presentation/PerformanceSuccess Criterion:Instructor observation of ability to understandand articulate the point of view each studentpersonally presented as well as to discuss theothers? points of view as well.

05/26/2012 - 100% of students assessed effectivelypresented their assigned point of view. 86% of studentsparticipated in the discussion.Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/26/2012 - Preparing shy students tohave something that they arecomfortable offering during thediscussion phase of his assignment mayimprove the outcome of thisassignment.

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Assessment Method:Present the wishes of a particular party (notnecessarily the students own opinion) withregard to the development of an anti-cancer drug.Analysis included looking at profit structure,animal testing, and patient needs in thedeveloped and developing world. Participate indiscussion of others' presentations.Success Criterion:Instructor observation of ability to understandand articulate the point of view each studentpersonally presented as well as to discuss theother's point of view.

Assessment Method:Quiz questionAssessment Method Category:Exam

Related Documents:422_2015

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 426 -Genetic Engineering- Scientific method - Demonstrate anunderstanding of the scientific method and theability to use scientific knowledge to assess abiotechnology product. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Quizzes and exams requiring problem-solvingand analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >67%

09/28/2012 - Successful insertion of PCR product intoexpression vector. Demonstration of effect bycomparing negative controls lacking plasmid or insertto those with plasmid and insert in lab and bydiscussing these results in a laboratory report. Results:100% of students (9/9) obtained a grade of 70% orbetter on their laboratory report (Fall 2008).Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 426 -Genetic Engineering- Knowledge - Demonstrate knowledge of geneticengineering used in the production of vaccines,diagnostics, drugs and food items. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:In class demonstrations with instructor.Assessment Method Category:Presentation/PerformanceSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >90%

09/28/2012 - Successful production amplification of aPCR product to analyze their own genotype andresponse to questions in laboratory report. Results:100% of students (9/9) obtained a grade of 70% orbetter on their laboratory report (Fall 2008).Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

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SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 426 -Genetic Engineering- Applying knowledge - Use their specificknowledge and skills in genetic engineering todiscuss the process and ethics used in geneticengineering research. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Inactive

Assessment Method:Quizzes, examinations or writings requiringproblem solving, analysis and demonstration.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >90%

09/28/2012 - Successful participation in a groupdiscussion of the conflicting interests of various groupsin the drug development process (patients, drugcompany, PETA activist, natives where the substanceoriginates, etc.) using the BioRad ?Secrets of theRainforest? kit manual as a guide. Results: 100% ofstudents effectively presented their assigned point ofview in this discussion (Fall 2008).Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 430 -Introduction to Immunology- Scientific method - Demonstrate anunderstanding of the scientific method and theability to use scientific knowledge to assess abiotechnology product. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Quizzes and exams requiring problem-solvingand analysis.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >67%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 430 -Introduction to Immunology- Knowledge - Demonstrate knowledge ofimmunology used in the production of vaccinesand diagnostics. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In class demonstrations with instructor.Assessment Method Category:Presentation/PerformanceSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >90%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 430 -Introduction to Immunology- Applying knowledge - Use their specificknowledge and skills in immunology to discussthe process and ethics used in creating aimmunology product and doing research usingimmunology methods.

(Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Quizzes, examinations or writings requiringproblem solving, analysis and demonstration.Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >90%

Assessment Method:Carry out an ELISA test to determine whether ornot (in a simulation involving the sharing of?bodily fluids?) each student had contracted or

05/26/2012 - 100% of students successfully completedthe ELISA. 91% successfully completed theassignment. The 9% that was not successful was aknowledgeable (instructor?s POV) student who did not

05/26/2012 - This is a very quick androbust ELISA that makes the resultsrelevant to each student. They wereable to complete it without error and

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passed on a sexually transmitted disease.Assessment Method Category:OtherSuccess Criterion:Successful experiment as evidenced byappropriate positive and negative controlreadings and 70% or more of the written labreport correctly answered.

turn in the assignment.Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

understand their results. Instructorhighly recommends this assay forstudents with a broad range ofbackgrounds. It was adopted by thisinstructor for another course (BIOL240), and, subjectively, the studentsprovided more positive feedback aboutthis experiment than any other that wedid. It will continue to be used as-is inthe future.

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 432 -Fermentation Technology - Scientific Method -Demonstrate an understanding of the scientificmethod and the ability to use scientificknowledge to assess a biotechnology product.(Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2012-2013

Start Date:02/02/2009

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Quizzes and exams requiring problem-solvingand analysis.

Assessment Method Category:ExamSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >67%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 432 -Fermentation Technology - Ferm tech -Demonstrate knowledge of fermentationtechnology used in the production of beverages,food ingredients, enzymes, chemicals andpharmaceuticals. (Created By SKY Dept -Biology)Assessment Cycles:2013-2014

Start Date:02/02/2009

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:In class demonstrations with instructor.Assessment Method Category:Presentation/PerformanceSuccess Criterion:70% of students will score >90%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 432 -Fermentation Technology - Processes - Use theirspecific knowledge and skills in fermentation todiscuss the process and ethics used in creating aproduct using fermentation methods. (Created By

Assessment Method:Quizzes, examinations or writings requiringproblem solving, analysis and demonstration.Assessment Method Category:Essay

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SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2009-2010

Start Date:02/02/2009

Course Outcome Status:Active

Success Criterion:70% of students will score >90%

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 675 - HonorsColloq. Biology- Understanding - Discuss and understand onearea of biological science (e.g., marine mammals;emerging infectious disease). (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2014-2015

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Pre- and post-test.Assessment: Students will complete a pre- andpost-course test.

Success Criterion:Students will show increased knowledge of thesubject matter.

Assessment Method:Research projectAssessment: Scoring rubric (60 points).

Success Criterion:90% will achieve =>50

05/22/2012 - Demonstrate the connection betweenneuroplasticity and brain healing.-100% of students analyzed one of 6 case studies andeach mentioned neuroplasticity in their analysis.Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012Related Documents:Bio 675 SP 12 Reflection.doc

01/15/2012 - Fall 2011 100% scored =>45.Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

09/30/2006 - Spring 2006: 70% scored 50Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

Assessment Method:Presentation of findingsAssessment: Students will present project to theclass.

Success Criterion:Students will give oral, in-class presentation

12/30/2009 - Spring 2008-Fall 2009: 3 studentspresented their projects at the Honors ResearchSymposiumResult Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

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Related Documents:BIOL 675 SLOs

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 675 - HonorsColloq. Biology- Applying knowledge - Apply the knowledge ofbiological science to distinguish betweenobservations, inferences, relationships, andtestimonials under investigation. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)Assessment Cycles:2015-2016

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Students interest and perception of course topicand/or students projects.

Success Criterion:90% will find the material relevant to them.90% of students will complete the course project.

05/09/2014 - Explain how marine mammals are adaptedto live in the ocean. ?

Students answered a question about swimming speedsof two cetaceans and had to explain why. This madethem think about adaptations to living in water,specifically about being hydrodynamic. I chose aquestion like this as it encouraged them to integrateconcepts and reach a conclusion. 100% answeredcorrectly.

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2013 - 2014

12/30/2011 - 1. Explain the importance of water.2. Evaluate human impact on water resources.2. Discuss the water challenges facing society.100% of students analyzed water from one of 15polluted surface waters in San Mateo County. Studentscollected water samples over the course of the semester,determined bacteriological quality and attempted totrace the contamination to its source.

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2011 - 2012

05/30/2011 - 1. Evaluate the potential impact andliabilities of energy technologies.2. Compare the benefits and challenges of energysources.100% of students analyzed energy usage at SkylineCollege and developed an alternative energy plan forSkyline.

Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2010 - 2011

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05/30/2006 - Spring 2006: 100% said course wasrelevant and interesting.Result Type:Criterion metReporting Cycle:2009 - 2010

SKY Dept - Biology - SKY BIOL 695 -Independent Study in Biology - Individualized -Student Learning Outcomes are designed for thespecific learning experience in which studentsengage. Please refer to the individual learningcontract for the applicable SLOs. (Created By SKY Dept - Biology)

Course Outcome Status:Active

Assessment Method:Research ProjectAssessment Method Category:Capstone Assignment/ProjectSuccess Criterion:100% of students will complete individuallearning contract outcomes effectively.

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