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Page 1: Situations Roadblocks Realities Facilitator Guide

Situations, Roadblocks, & Realities

East Central Division RFL Summit 2011 Facilitator Guide

Page 2: Situations Roadblocks Realities Facilitator Guide

Situations, Roadblocks, and Realities

Workshop OverviewReminder: notes to the facilitator are in blue; text in purple reference a trump learning style

Audience: Event or Community Level Relay For Life Volunteers Relay For Life Staff

Objectives: Identify potential barriers to growing your Relay Troubleshoot barriers and develop solutions Demonstrate the use of the GROW model in finding solutions to barriers

Length of Session: 1 hour 15 minutes

Pre-Summit Work Flip charts Wall charts

Materials List: Flipcharts- will need lots of extra paper Postcards for Postcard Partner Activity Stickers for dot vote Markers (2-3 for each table) 3x3 Post It Notes (for each table) 5-6 Flipchart sheets placed around the room either on a table or on walls (will

need to replace these after each breakout) Evaluation- one per person at each table, place before the start of each breakout

Program Handouts:1. Overcoming Icebergs2. Challenges & Solutions3. GROW model4. Create your Plan to Resolve Relay Hurdles

Agenda: Welcome/Introductions 10 Minutes What are the barriers in your Relay? 30 Minutes How do we overcome those barriers? 25 Minutes Taking This Back/ How have we Grown 10 Minutes

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Situations, Roadblocks, and Realities

Flip Charts

Welcome! 1) Pick up the postcard at your seat, choose a topic that is a hurdle for growing your Relay.2) Circle this topic and find 1 or 2 other people who have also identified this topic as hurdle for them. 3) Discuss why it’s a hurdle and take notes on your card.

If you can’t see this

image, it’s the image

on the iceberg handout

G – What is our Goal? The goal is specific to the challenge that you identified as your hurdle.

R - What is the reality now? There are barriers that are keeping our Relays from reaching their full potential.

O - What other options do we have? We brainstormed ideas to overcome those challenges/barriers

W - What will we do?

How will you apply today’s breakout concepts in your committee meetings?

The following charts are to be placed on around the walls in the breakout.


Objectives: Identify potential barriers to growing your Relay Troubleshoot barriers and develop solutions Demonstrate the use of the GROW model in finding solutions to


Committee Recruitment Team Recruitment Fundraising Plans

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Situations, Roadblocks, and Realities

Wall Charts

Sponsorship Recruitment Survivors/Caregivers Involvement Community Involvement

**each bullet will be on a separate flip chart, use the entire page > you will need to create 4 sets, one for each breakout

(4-5 blank flip charts posted around room for activity in section 1 > will need to be replaced after each breakout)

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Situations, Roadblocks, and Realities

Welcome/Introductions (10 minutes)

Talking/Movement/WritingWelcome! 1) Pick up the postcard at your seat, choose a topic that is a hurdle for growing your Relay.2) Circle this topic and find 1 or 2 other people who have also identified this topic as hurdle for them. 3) Discuss why it’s a hurdle and take notes on your card.

Postcard Partners

Ask participants to return to their seats following the Postcard Partner Activity.

Facilitators welcome attendees and introduce themselves.

As the 2011-2012 Relay season gets underway we all have the opportunity to look at our existing events and think about ways that we can engage more people in Relay, raise more money for research and patient services, and support more caregivers and survivors in their cancer journey.

But as we know, there are sometimes situations, and roadblocks that can keep our events from growing and reaching their potential.

So today, we are going to discuss identifying and addressing these roadblocks head on.

Talking May I have a volunteer to read off our objectives?

Objectives: Identify potential barriers to growing your Relay Troubleshoot barriers and develop solutions Demonstrate the use of the GROW model in finding solutions to


Acknowledging our challenges is not always the easiest thing to do, but we have to understand the things that can hold us back from reaching our goal of saving more lives.

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Situations, Roadblocks, and Realities

What are the barriers/hurdles in your Relay? (30 Minutes)

Talking/Movement Dot Vote and Discussion (10 Minutes)We already started to discuss the hurdles that you all have in Relay centered around a specific topic: Committee Members, Teams, Fundraising, Corporate Sponsorship, Survivors/Caregivers, and Community Involvement.

Let’s get a sense of what the major barriers/hurdles are for the group.

Please take a sticker and place it on the topic that you identified as a barrier for your Relay.

Committee Recruitment Team Recruitment Fundraising Plans Sponsorship Recruitment Survivors/Caregivers Involvement Community Involvement

Facilitators tally the number of stickers under each topic, address the topic that was “voted” the most.

While one facilitator moves on, the other facilitator should begin to write on the blank flip charts the topics from the dot vote /1 per flip chart- note you may have to have several sheets for one topic to allow for small group work.

4-5 blank charts posted around the room.

Identify a few volunteers who picked the popular topics and ask them to share what hurdles they are experiencing under that particular topic.

Now that we have a better idea of the challenges you experience we can dig deeper to find the solutions.

Please turn to page ___ in your program, to Overcoming Icebergs handout.

Overcoming Icebergs

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Like an iceberg, every challenge is much deeper than what it may seem on the surface,. only a small percentage of an iceberg can be seen from the surface. But if you are on a boat, it is the pieces you cannot see that can be the bigger danger to you.

At this time we are going to take a look at what might be below the surface of the challenges we just identified. Around the room are flip charts with the topics from our Dot Vote Activity.

Movement Please stand up and move to a challenge that you would like to dive into further – your own iceberg you want to tackle. Bring your iceberg hand out and post-it notes with you.

Once people are at each flip chart, please give them the following directions:

Talking/Movement/Writing STEP 1Take the issue listed on the chart and examine that issue further, what is at the heart of the challenge? For example:

If our barrier is that the event is struggling with corporate sponsorships, what is the deeper issue…, use the probing questions on the iceberg handout to help clarify what the real issues are, what is causing the hurdle.

If the get stuck > probing questions: Is it a resource issue? Is it a networking issue? A time issue?

Do they know people but are afraid to ask? Are they asking and not getting a response?

Please take a few minutes to brainstorm and write each of the deeper issues on a piece of post it paper and put it on your challenge flip chart. Keep asking yourselves “what else?”

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Allow 5-7 Minutes to allow the group to discuss their issue. Once you feel that the group has spent enough time brainstorming, get the group’s attention and continue the exercise.

Getting to the underlying issues within the issue may seem tedious, but baby steps are what get us down the road to solving problems.

Now, let’s take a look at the issues we just put up on the chart. Some of the items we brought up are things that we can fix – they are in our scope.

Other things are things that we maybe cannot influence or fix – they are out of our scope.

While it is important to focus on trying to find solutions to all aspects of the problem, focusing on the things we can influence can help us come to solutions faster.

Step 2Take a moment now to work with your group and discuss which of the deeper issues you have brainstormed are in your scope and which are out of scope. If they are out of scope, move the sticky off your flip chart. At the end you will have only those in scope items on your flip chart.

Give the group 2-3 minutes to discuss what is in scope and what is out of scope. Once they have completed that evaluation, move on in the exercise.

Step 3For those barriers that are on the page – those we can influence or solve– which hurdle does your group want to spend time focusing on – the one that if we addressed would have the most positive impact?

Remind your group: The challenge is now narrowed to one barrier to overcome (make sure everyone understands that resolving a challenge may take addressing all the barriers – we are choosing one today for the sake of time).

If the group is having issues understanding the exercise, feel free to walk through one example with them

When it comes time to pick one challenge to address and troubleshoot for solutions, make sure that it is really an issue that can have big impact. Don’t be afraid to guide their discussions to address that “elephant in the room”.

As groups are going through these exercises, be sure to monitor the group discussions and push the groups to really examine why what they named really is a challenge and if it is something that can be overcome.

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Wrap-Up (5 min)After the groups have all identified barriers and narrowed to one for their challenge ask: Do they feel like they’ve dug deeper into the challenge to reveal possible underlying reasons/barriers for the challenge?

If yes – move on to the next activity If no – have them ask more probing questions to get them to that point of

identifying underlying barriers. If only one group – work with them as an entire group to identify their focus


Next – we are going to take the barriers you all selected and begin to identify potential solutions.

Return to the tables and sit with your group from this brainstorming activity.

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How can we overcome the barriers? (25 Minutes)

Now it is time to focus less on the barriers that are out of scope and focus our energy on those things that we can control to start working toward solutions.

Talking/Writing Activity: (10 Minutes)Next, we are going to move onto what we as Relayers do best, solve the problems, and overcome the barriers.

STEP 1:Within your group, answer the following question: What do we each think could be possible solutions to this barrier? Select a scribe to write down your groups’ ideas.

Allow 10 Minutes to brainstorm potential solutions. Encourage them to think outside of the box to think creatively.

STEP 2: When the group has solutions, ask them to narrow it down to the top 3 solutions they want to share with the group.

STEP 3: Discussion: (12 Minutes)Turn to page ___in the program to the Challenges & Solutions to capture each challenge and the possible solutions to each of the challenges.

Challenges & Solutions

Talking Come back as groups to debrief and have each group give a brief report back.

Ask each group leader to share: Their group’s challenge The one underlying reason/barrier that they chose to solve Their top three ideas/solutions to overcome the barrier.

If time and group size allow, during each group’s report back, encourage everyone to provide feedback, additional examples of possible solutions and share if they have a personal example, etc.

Wrap Up: (3 Minutes)Who in your individual groups came up with your solutions?

o Was it just one person? No, it was a group of you. o This is so important to remember because collaboration can bring out

some amazing perspectives to help us get to our potential.

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These are great solutions and thank you for being so creative and out of the box with your thinking. Raise your hand if you heard a solution to an issue that you had never thought of before.

Solving the problem is only effective when you can truly understand the entire problem, the whole Iceberg, not just what you can see on the surface. Don’t be afraid to ask questions to be sure that you understand so you can better overcome the challenge.

Taking the time to brainstorm all possible solutions, not just acting on the first one that comes to mind, or the easiest solution, can save you in the long run. Our time is precious and it is imperative that we overcome those things that can keep our events from reaching their potential. We must have a sense of urgency in helping us get to our goal of “Saving More Lives, Faster”

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Next Steps - Taking this back – How have you GROWn? (10 Minutes)

What we have done through the challenge activity is identify what are our roadblocks to reaching our events’ potential and possible solutions.

We just led you all through a problem solving exercise copied after the GROW Coaching model.

Can someone tell the group what is GROW? Answer: GROW is a method to help coach people towards finding solutions by

asking questions.

In this workshop, you were the coachee and we, as your facilitators, were the coaches leading you to own your solutions. Let’s take look at what is GROW.

Turn to page __ to the GROW Model.

GROW model

Talking Select four people to read a letter from the flip chart.

G – What is our Goal? The goal is specific to the challenge that you identified as your hurdle.

R - What is the reality now? There are barriers that are keeping our Relays from reaching their full potential.

O - What other options do we have? We brainstormed ideas to overcome those challenges/barriers

W - What will we do?

Writing Turn to page ___ in your program, to the Create your Plan worksheet.

Create your Plan

You had the opportunity to use probing questions and the GROW model as a group to identify a challenge and brainstorm some potential solutions.

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Situations, Roadblocks, and Realities

Now we would like you to work individually to tackle a situation or roadblock that you are experiencing with your own local event. Using the Create your Plan worksheet go through the process of exploring the deeper issue through the GROW model’s probing questions to uncover the true issue. Then identify potential solutions.

Give the group a few minutes to work through their individual worksheet, walking around to help where needed.

Talking Turn & Talk Activity How will you use the skills you learned today when you return to your local events? Pick a buddy at your table to answer the following question:

How will you apply today’s breakout concepts in your committee meetings?

Allow a few minutes, then have the pairs report back to the group.

Thank you for taking the time today to dig deeper into issues. Take what we have learned so far and let’s keep building on it to start supporting others!

Please complete the evaluation before you leave.


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