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  • Who we are

    Yoppi Yogurt was created for people of all ages, from kids to adults with active and healthy lifestyles by offer-ing quick, delicious, and energizing meals conveniently packaged for consumers on the go.

  • 3Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines

  • Brand Map



    Dine in


    Repeat Customers


  • 5Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines

    Yoppi Yogurt

    Frozen Yogurt





    Self Serve

  • Table of Contents

    2. Who we are4. Brand Map6. Table of Contents8. Master Logo + Variants10. Alternative Logos + Varaints12. Logo Sizes14. Colors + Accents16. Typography: Primary + Secondary18. Typography: Alternatives20. Productions + Signage22. Frozen Yogurt Signage24. Business Cards + Letterheads

  • 7Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines

  • Master Logo + Variants

    The master logo consists of anthropomorphized yogurt cup, with strawberry frozen yogurt with a blue circle background and the Yoppi Yogurt logotype. It should not be redrawn, digitally manipulated or altered.

    For example: Do not stretch the logo Remove, add, move, or rotate elements Do not add visual effects Do not create in greyscale Do not change the colors of the logo Do no change the font and/or font case

    When using our logo in one-color applications such as faxing, newspaper ads, or on promotional items such as clothing and trinkets that require a knockout, use the black and white (or single toned, where viable) version on solid colored back-ground.

    Master Logo

  • 9Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines

  • Alternative Logos + Variants

    Textless logos are only to be used when the brand name (YoppI Yogurt) is displayed in another area.

    When using our logo in one-color applications such as faxing, newspaper ads, or on promotional items such as clothing and trinkets that require a knockout, use the black and white version on solid light colored back-ground. Do not use the black and white logo dark backgrounds; instead, incase the single tone logo in a white circle. In special cases, the black and white logo may be colored with a single tone and used (preferably with the colors displayed in the color palette section of this guideline)

    Textless Logos:

    Full Color Version Black and White

    Black and White (for dark backgrounds)

  • 11Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines

    Yoppi YogurtYoppi Yogurt

    Yoppi YogurtYoppi Yogurt

    Text Logos are to be used whenever type is preferred over an image logo. The background color must be either Strawberry Pink, Yoppi Blue, or Chocolate Brown. For fax and related mediums, use the back and white text logo.

    Text Logos:

  • Logo Sizes

    In order for our logo to retain full legibility, we have a required minimum size for each of our logos.. There are no limits to the maximum size of any logo, so scale up as you please!

    The minimum sizes are as follows:Master logo:1.25 x 1.50 inches minimumTextless logo:.75 x .75 inches minimumText Logo:1.25 x .50 inches minimum

    Minimum sizes





    .50 Yoppi YogurtYoppi Yogurt


    Our logo needs breathing room! To ensure that our logo has enough space to stand out, we need 1/8th of the logos height (from edge to edge) to be clear space! For example, if our logos height is 4 inches, there should be half an inch (.50) of empty space. The pink space only represents the minimum space needed for the logo to shine, the more clear space we have, the better.

    Clear space

  • 13Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines



  • CMYK:47%13%0%0%












  • 15Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines

    Accent Colors

    Main Colors

    This is our secondary palette that is generally used to accent our main colors.

    Here at Yoppi Yogurt, we have an official color palette that best represents our company and the products we serve. It is of utmost importance that these colors stay consistent throughout our imagery. Our official color palette consist of:

    Strawberry Pink

    Yoppi Blue

    Chocolate Brown

    Colors + Accents

  • Typography: primary

    Grand Hotel

    Grand Hotel has been chosen as our primary font for displaying titles and such. It was chosen because of its round curves resembling the peaks of soft serve frozen yogurt. Mmm, froyo.

  • 17Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines

    Typography: secondary

    Oswald Book Oswald Light

    Oswald Bold

    The Oswald family has been selected as our complementing font for Grand Hotel such as subheadings and accompanying paragraphs. It is used for anything written that is longer than a few words, as the sans-serif is easier on the eyes.

  • Typography: alternatives

    Helvetica LightabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 (!@#$%&.,?:;)

    Helvetica is chosen for the alternative to both Grand Hotel and Oswald when they are not available. Helvetica is a widely available sans-serif typeface on many operating systems.

    Helvetica BoldabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 (!@#$%&.,?:;)

  • 19Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines

    ArialabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 (!@#$%&.,?:;)

    Likewise, Arial should be chosen if all other options are exhausted as the primary typeface for our company.

    Arial BoldabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 (!@#$%&.,?:;)

  • Products + Signage

    StrawberryLow Fat

    StrawberryLow Fat

    ChocolateFrench VanillaStrawberryLow Fat

    ChocolateYoppis Signature Tart

    These are example signage for Yoppi Yogurts frozen yogurt machines. Adjust type size as appropriate. Make sure the type is centered!

    Here are additional colors for other flavors. Also adjust as necessary.

  • 21Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines

  • Business Card

    Your Name

    Your Name 3251 20th Ave, Ste 160 San Francisco, CA 94132 (415) 242-1092 [email protected]




  • 23Yoppi Yogurt: Brand Guidelines


    3251 20th Ave, Ste 160 San Francisco, CA 94132

    (415) [email protected]

    Yoppi Yogurt

    Lorem Ipsum,

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque rutrum ligula ipsum, sit amet varius tellus ullamcorper vitae. Sed pretium tortor id gravida malesuada. Fusce ullamcorper pretium suscipit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam ut lobortis leo. Etiam vitae mauris pellentesque, consequat diam non, mollis mi. Nulla mollis mi pharetra ipsum sagittis iaculis. Quisque sem ante, euismod vel metus sit amet, faucibus hendrerit lorem.

    Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Cras nec lectus magna. Curabitur libero erat, congue vitae odio at, lacinia egestas tellus. Sed gravida in libero eget aliquet. Quisque dignissim dui vel aliquet ullamcorper. Duis varius eleifend metus, eget gravida tellus tristique sed. Integer lobortis velit ac lacus scelerisque sollicitudin. Duis rutrum, metus vitae fringilla mattis, risus velit vestibulum mi, id gravida dui nisl in sapien. Aenean pulvinar vitae enim eget semper. Donec id tem-pus purus, non varius enim. Curabitur vehicula id magna eget dictum. Fusce vel varius tortor. Nam et pulvinar nulla. Fusce pretium mi eget augue posuere eleifend. In sed orci nec arcu auctor pellentesque. In sed ipsum non mi faucibus posuere sodales a dui.

    Duis fringilla porta mi, sed mattis arcu fermentum id. Proin sed mauris eleifend, posuere ligula a, posuere nulla. Nullam commodo, erat vitae volutpat sagittis, eros velit aliquam nulla, eget molestie enim purus at metus. Pellentesque suscipit porta adipiscing. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur elementum leo a luctus molestie. Phasellus pretium interdum eros gravida lobortis. Aliquam aliquam in leo at fermentum. Curabitur nec diam id tellus dictum tem-por vitae sed elit. Curabitur bibendum, elit eu convallis adipiscing, eros libero malesuada justo, at egestas dolor neque ut neque. Sed mattis placerat mi vitae auctor.

    Pellentesque vel ullamcorper mauris. Praesent pharetra eros eu tortor tincidunt, sed cursus velit iaculis. Nunc eu augue ut orci porta cursus. Etiam egestas tempor enim in laoreet. Ut at purus pretium, aliquet libero ac, sollicitudin sem. Nulla commodo aliquam lacus eu venenatis. Vivamus consectetur diam odio. Etiam euismod malesuada lorem, nec mollis odio ultricies vitae. Morbi dui enim, pulvinar vel eleifend quis, suscipit at dolor. Pellentesque egestas tellus ac dapibus volutpat. Fusce ipsum justo, ornare in egestas. Lorem, Ipsum Dolor

  • Peter WangDAI 325December 16th, 2013

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