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Chapter 1

The Relative Clause

1.  Jenis Relative Clause:

A.  Defining Relative Clause:

-  Who 

digunakan untuk menggantikan orang yang berkedudukan sebagai subjek.


Fini is angry.

She has just lost in the game.

Fini who has just lost in the game is angry.

Who diletakan tepat setelah kata yang digantikan.

The people were mostly young soldiers.

They were killed during the war.

They  pada kalimat kedua mengacu pada the people dan berkedudukan sebagai

subjek, maka gabungan kedua kalimat tersebut:

The people who were killed during the war were mostly young soldiers.

-  Whom 

Digunakan untuk menggantikan frase orang yang berkedudukan sebagai objek atau



The men are angry.

I don’t like the men.

The men whom I don’t like are angry. 

Lea lives in Thailand.

Brade loves her very much.

Frase orang yang sama pada kedua kalimat tersebut adalah her yang mengacu pada

Lea, maka gabungannya adalah:

Leas whom Brade loves very much lives in Thailand.

The man is angry.

The woman is talking to him.

Jika dalam kalimat kedua sebelum frase yang digantikan dengan relative clause

terdapat preposisi, maka preposisi itu harus dipindahkan pada posisi sebelum

‘whom’. Maka, gabungan kedua kalimat tersebut: 

The man to whom the woman is talking is angry.

The lady had moved to another city.

This letter is addressed to her .

The lady to whom this letter is addressed had moved to another city.

-  Whose 

Digunakan untuk menggantikan frase orang yang menyatakan

kepemilikan/kepunyaan (possessive).Example:

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The board was composed of citizens.

The citizen’ dedication was evident.

The board was composed of citizens whose dedication was evident.

Tom’s father is in hospital now. His health hasn’t been so good lately. 

Tom’s father whose health hasn’t been so good lately is in hospital now.

-  Which 

Digunakan untuk menggantikan frase benda atau binatang baik berkedudukan

sebagai subjek maupun objek.

I saw a dog.

The dog was beaten by the boy.

I saw a dog which was beaten by the boy.

Lupus is my cat.I feed it everyday.

Lupus which I feed everyday is my cat.

Apabila dalam kalimat kedua sebelum frase yang akan digantikan dengan relative

clause terdapat preposisi maka preposisi ini harus dipindahkan pada posisi sebelum


That is the chair.

I sat on it last night.

That is the chair on which I sat last night.

The yellow card is only issued for employees.

No one can enter the factory without it.

The yellow card without which no one can enter the factory is only issued for 


-  That 

Digunakan untuk menggantikan frase orang atau benda.

The girl who met me is very pretty The girl that met me is very pretty.

The girl whom Fred loves is very pretty The girl that Fred loves is very 


Lupus which I feed everyday is my cat Lupus that I feed everyday is my 


B.  Non Defining

Relative clause dengan bentuk pronoun yang besifat member tambahan

informasi/keterangan tambahan mengenai frase yang diterangkan. Non defining selalu

diapit oleh koma dan relative clausenya tidak bisa dihilangkan.


Mr. SOeharto, who is a former Indonesian president, was alleged for corruption.

Bandung, in which I live, is famous for Gedung Sate.

Exercise 1: Combine this sentence with relative clause.

1.  We saw some people.

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Their car had broken down.

2.  What’s the name of the girl. 

You borrowed her car.

3.  The man was on holiday.

You wanted to see him.

4.  The girl left him after a week.He fell in love with her.

5.  Johan is very friendly.

He lives next door.

6.  The dress doesn’t fit her. 

She bought it.

7.  Have you found the keys?

You lost them.

8.  The girl is now in the hospital.

She was injured in the accident.

9.  We know a lot of people.

They live in Surabaya.10. The girl is a Sundanese.

Budi is going to marry her.

Exercise 2: Complete these sentences with relative pronoun.

1.  We bought the stereo _________ had been advertised at a reduced price.

2.  Justin is the man ________ we are going to recommend for a job.

3.  The men __________ the woman is talking are angry.

4.  Dr. Brian is the only doctor _________ I have seen about this problem.

5.  Teachers ________ do not spend enough time on class preparation often havedifficulty explaining new lessons.

6.  This rum, ______ I bought in Virginia island, is very smooth.

7.  The company, _________ employees are on strike, is closing down for two weeks.

8.  The dentist is with a child ________ teeth are causing some trouble.

9.  Mr. Knight, ________ is a professor in applied linguistics, is traveling in Mideast this


10. All the money, ________ was accepted has already been released.

Chapter 2

Arguing and Debating

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Arguing and debating may take place naturally in meeting room when a team is planning

some strategies or when a company faces a big problem and the members of the management staff 

arguing on how to solve it. Arguing and debating may even take place in the canteen when you and

your friends are arguing about what food you are going to eat, or a couple about where to go on

Saturday night.

However, a formal debating usually takes place in a room in which there are two parties

which stand on different positions on certain topics. The candidates of U.S president always have a

formal debate on hot issues. The debates are usually broadcast ad on TV. In short, arguing and

debating need two or more parties (or individuals) with different positions on certain topics.


ArguingThe word argument is so miss-used that we need to look first at what it is not.

-  An argument is not about who can shout the loudest:

“Will you shut up and listen!”  

-  or about size:

“I’m warning you.”  

-  or about power:

“you are sucked and I don’t want any arguments.”  

-  An argument is not an excuse:

“I left it on the bus, Sir.”  

-  or a series of repetitions:

“Yes, you did!”  

“No, I didn’t.”  

The more logical evidence you can find to support your argument the better your argument will be.

Presenting a good argument. Avoid:

-  points that are irrelevant to the issue

-  statements that are not logical

-  emotional statements or opinions presented as facts

-  personal attacks on the speaker rather than against the argument

B.  Debating

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Debating is not just having an argument. It involves skill such as research, preparation, teamwork,

speaking-skills, and persuasion. A debate is a topic, usually called the moot. The moot is a claim that

something is true. There are two teams in debating one topic. One team agrees with the moot (the

affirmative) and the other team disagrees (the negative). Usually you are given the topic and told

whether your team is affirmative or negative. This means you may be debating a position you

personally don’t agree with. This is the skill of debating and it helps you understand that there are

two sides to most questions.

The following are phrases that usually used both in arguing and debating:

Opinions, Preferences:

I think ………  The way I see it …….. it’s fairly certain that ………. 

in my opinion …….   As far as I’m concerned ………..  I’m convinced that …………. 

I’d like to ………..  If it were up to me ……….  I honestly fell that …………. 

I’d rather …………..  I supposed ….. I suspect that …… I strongly believe that ……. 

I’d prefer ………….  I’m pretty sure that …………  Without a doubt ………….. 


I don’t think that……………………  I’m afraid I don’t agree ……….. 

I don’t you think it would be better ……..  Frankly, I doubt if ……………… 

I don’t agree ……………….  Let’s face it,

I’d prefer …………………..  The truth of the matter is ……………… 

Shouldn’t we consider ……………………… The problem with your point of view is that 


But what about ………………. 

Giving Reason and Offering Explanations:

I start with ………….  Many people think ……………… 

The reason why ………………….  Considering ………………….. 

That’s why ………………………..   Allowing for the fact that ……………….. 

For this reason……………..  When you considering that …………………….. 

That’s the reason why ………………….. 


Choose one of the topics, are you an affirmative or negative? Give the

opinion/reason/explanation in your conversation.

1.  Men and Women are equal at last?

2.  Violence in the media.

3.  Infotainment show.4.  The importance of Grammar.

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5.  Facebook habitual.

Chapter 3

Writing Business Letter

1.  Collection Letter

Costumers usually settle their accounts by cheque when payment it due, according to the

terms of payment. However, some overlook the date and have to be reminded of the amounts

outstanding. The first letter is written in a friendly tone, as the delay may have been due to anoversight. When payment has not been received in reply to this reminder, the creditor will write

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again in a firmer tone. If the debtor gives no reason for non-payment and sends no remittance, the

last course is to use the services of a collection agency to take legal action.

There may be good reasons for the costumer’s inability to pay. Where possible be should at

least make a part payment, and agree to settle the balance of this account within a reasonable time.

Every letter in a collection letter contains certain information:

1.  The amount owed

2.  How long the bill is overdue

3.  A specific action the costumer may take

In general, most bills are paid within ten days of receipt, with nearly all rest being paid within the

month. Therefore, when a bill is a month overdue, action is called for. Still, the collection process

must begin gently.

Phrases:We have pleasure in enclosing our check for $ ……. rupiahs 

In payment of your account we enclose a sight draft.

The Union Bank will accept your draft on our behalf.

Payment is being made by banker’s draft in settlement of your invoice for $ ……. 

According to our conditions of sale, your remittance was due on July 31st.

May we remind you that your payment has been overdue since 10th May last.

We must insist on receiving payment by 31st March failing this we shall be compelled to take legal


We have frequently reminded you of the outstanding amount but have received no reply or

remittance from you.

Your failure to pay on time is in turn causing us financial embarrassement.

We trust you will settle the reminder by paying in monthly instalment.

Costumers usually settle their accounts by cheque when payment is due, according to the terms of 

payment. However, some over look the date and have to be reminded of the amount outstanding.

The first letter is written in a friendly tone as the delay may have been due to an oversight. When

payment has not been received in reply to this reminder, the creditor will write again in a firmer

tone. If the debtor gives no reason for non-payment and sends no remittance, the last course is to

use the services of all collection agency or to take legal action.

There may be good reasons for a costumer’s ability to pay. Where possible he should at least make a

part payment and agree to settle the balance for his account within a reasonable time.

a.  Making payment

Carsons Incorporated

Bay Avenue

San Francisco

The Manville Corporation

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Willmington,Conn 71226

July 19, 2010


In settlement of your invoice No. 20015, we close our cheque for $ 870.

May add that we are pleased with the way you executed this order. The furniture arrived

exactly on time, and could be put on sale without delay.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

William S. Carsons

Enc. Check

1.  How do Carsons make their payment?

2.  What is Carson’ reaction to the way the order was carried out? 

b.  Acknowledging payment

The Manville Corporation

Willmington, Conn 71226

Carsons Inc.

Bay Avenue

San Francisco

July 22, 2010

Dear Mr. Carsons,

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We were pleased to receive your check for $ 870. It has been credited to your account,

which is now completely clear.

Please give us the opportunity of serving you again in any way we can.

Sincerely yours,

Robert L.


Enc. Receipt

1.  What is the state of Carson’s account after this payment? 

2.  What does the Manville Corporation enclose with this letter? 

c.  Reminder

TTG Industries550 Broad Street

Harrirburg, Pa 171501

Mandarine Importing & Exporting Co.

No. 64 market Street


February 6, 2010


We would like to draw your attention to the enclosed statement, which shows a balance in

our favour of $ 3, 750 as at December 31, 2009. May we remind you that our terms are 30

days net.

Kindly send us your remittance as soon as possible. Should you however have settled the

account since this letter was written, please disregard our reminder.

Very truly yours,

Credit Department

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1.  How long was payment overdue when this reminder was written?

2.  What should Mandarin Importing & Exporting Co. do if they settled their account in the


d.  Second notice

TTG Industries550 Broad Street

Harrirburg, Pa 171501

Mandarin Importing & Exporting Co.

No. 64 market Street


February 26, 2010


Three weeks ago we reminded of the outstanding balance in our favour of $ 3, 750.

According to our records, you have not yet settled the account.

Please give the matter your immediate attention and let us have your payment by 15th


Very truly yours,

1.  Why are TTG writing to Mandarin again?

2.  How long are TTG Industries prepared to wait?

e.  Final notice

TTG Industries550 Broad Street

Harrirburg, Pa 171501

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Mandarin Importing & Exporting Co.

No. 64 market Street


20 March, 2010


We have asked you repeatedly to settle your outstanding account for $ 3, 750.

Unfortunately we have received neither a reply from you nor your remittance.

Unless we receive your payment by March 31, 2010 we shall be compelled to place the

matter in the hands of our lawyer. As such a step would damage your credit standing, we

sincerely hope you will send us your check immediately.

Very truly yours,

1.  What do you notice about the tone of this final notice?

2.  What should Mandarin have done?

3.  How could legal action damage their reputation?


1.  The credit references of Ms. Migdalia Ruiz (818 Ocean Parkway, Brooklyn, NY 11202) are all

favorable and so her new charge account with Manson’s Department Store has been

approved. Write letter Manson’s should send to Ms. Ruiz. 

2.  For eight years Mr. Josef Larsen of 1 Penny Lane, Summit, Pennsylvania 17214, has been a

charge customer of Browne’s Department Store (900 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia 18107). A

‘slow pay’ he has nevertheless always remitted within sixty days of purchase. However, Mr.

Larsen’s balance of $ 268, 48 is now ninety days past due. He has not responded to the two

statements and two letters Browne’s has already sent him. Write the next letter that

Browne’s should send to Mr. Larsen. 


Office Universe386 Wheaton Avenue

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Boston, MA 02138


Angus Ltd.

Galloway Industrial Estate North Side

Unit 15 Your ref: OOU22.10

Aberdeen Our ref : RG 3472/5

Part Ref Qty Item Price

2356-1 100 Letter size zoom @ 3.50 $ 350.00

4563-1 2 Packs marker pens @$ 4.25 $ 8.502156-1 1 Staples 5000 packs $ 7.00

2134-8 20 Rulers @ $ 0.50 $ 10.00

3672-4 100 Colored ring binders @ $ 2.10 $ 210.00

3482-1 100 Pack of dividers @ $ 0.75 $ 75.00

Sub total $ 660.50

Less discount 5% $ 33.00

Sub total $ 627.50

State tax @6% $ 37.65

Shipping and Handling 10% $ 66.52

Total $ 731.67

Terms: 30 days from invoice date

Thank you for your custom.

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Sharks Innovations Computer Company

2801 Pine Lake Road

New Corner of 27th

, Lincoln, NE 68514

June 25th, 2009

Orange Computer

Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 12001


Dear Sir,

This is the second letter we send to remind you about the duty to settle your account on the order

of Medical Computer C-564 GF in the amount of $ 65,980.

We have the faith that you would abide by the credit terms offered you. We did after all supply you

with the computers you ordered and which so far as we know, were entirely satisfactory. Don’t you

think you have an obligation to reciprocate?

Please send us the cheque immediately. The idea of using other means of collecting money you

owed to us has not even occurred to us until now because we know what this can mean to one’s

credit reputation. We know you value yours just as we do ours.

Sincerely yours,

Billy Gordon




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Carsons Incorporated

Bay Avenue San Francisco

19 July, 2009

The Manville Corporation

Wilmington, Conn. 711226

Dear Sir:

In settlement of your invoice No. 200015, we enclose our cheque for $ 870.

May we add that we are pleased with the way you executed this order. The furniture arrived exactly

on time and could be put on sale without delay.

Thank you.

Sincerely yours,

William S. Carsons

Questions on the letter

1.  How do Carsons make their payment?

2.  What is Carson’s reaction to the way the order was carried out? 

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The Manville Corporation

Wilmington, Conn. 711226

February 6, 2009

Mandarin Importing & Exporting Co.

No. 64 Market Street


Dear Sir:

We would like to draw your attention to the enclosed statement, which shows a balance in our favor

of $ 3.750 as at December 31, 2008. May we remind you that our terms are 30 days net.

Kindly send us your remittance as soon as possible. Should you however have settled the account

since this letter was written, please disregard our reminder.

Very truly yours,

Credit Department

Question on the Letter

1.  How long was payment overdue when this reminder was written?

2.  What should Mandarin Importing & exporting Co. do if they have settled their account in the


3.  Welmar’s Software Emporium (617 Sherman Road, North Hollywood, California 91605) has

owed the Cray Inc. The Supercomputer Company (901 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1000, Seattle, WA

98164) $ 750.892 for forty days. Send Welmar’s a collection letter includes the invoice

(Invoice: according to your perception about the Cray’s products). 

Chapter 4

The Causative

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Causative adalah suatu pola kalimat yang menyatakan bahwa seseorang/subjek menyebabkan orang

lain melakukan sesuatu atau menyebabkan sesuatu dikerjakan untuknya oleh orang lain:


Active CausativeSubjek menyuruh/menyebabkan objek (pelaku) melakukan suatu tindakan.

Subject + have/make/let/help + object + V1


Mary had John washe the car. (Mary menyuruh John mencuci mobil)

The robber made the teller give the money. ( Pencuri memaksa teller memberikan uang)

Pola diatas mempunyai makna yang sama dengan pola dibawah ini:

Subject + ask/get/permit/allow/help + object + to V1


Mary got John to wash the car.

The robber asked the teller to give the money.

2.  Passive Causative

Apabila objek dalam causative berupa benda (mati), passive causative digunakan dimana

subjek menginginkan suatu objek dikerjakan orang lain.

Subject + have/get + object (benda) + V3


Mary had/got her car washed.(Mary menyuruh mobilnya dicuci)

Franky has his shirts cleaned at the drycleaner.

Exercise 1:

1.  The curtains of my room need washing.

Well, go to the laundry and ______

a.  wash them c. it should washedb.  they are washed d. have them washed e. make them wash

2.  My little brother had scattered all his toys on my bed, so I had him _______ the bed

before night fell.

a.  clear c. cleared

b.  to clear d. be clearing e. to be cleared

3.  ‘Why are you taking the car to the garage?’ 


a.  I will check the brakes myself 

b.  The brakes will be checked

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c.  I will have checked the brakes

d.  I will have the brakes checked

e.  The brakes will have been checked

4.  ‘I fixed the light in the bathroom yesterday, but it went out again today.’ 

‘Why don’t you have an electrician ______ it.’ 

a.  checking c. to checked

b.  checked d. check e. checks

5.  ‘I have tried to fix my motorbike, but it is still not running well.’ 

‘Why don’t you get a mechanic _____ it?’ 

a.  check c. to check

b.  checking d. in checking e. checked

6.  Rudi broke his leg in the accident; therefore,_____ drive him to his work.a.  He doesn’t have to ask Amir to 

b.  he won’t have to get anybody 

c.  Amir has asked Rudi

d.  Amir doesn’t have to 

e.  He will have Amir

7.  The fact that he was put into prison for something he had not done made his


a.  cry c. to cry

b.  to be crying d. to cry e. crying

8.  ‘This cake is delicious; is it home made?’ 

‘You know it isn’t. _______ 

a.  I baked it myself 

b.  Lucy asked me to bake it

c.  It was I who baked it

d.  I had Lucy bake it

e.  I had to bake it

9.  ‘After I finished my article, I had it edited.’ 

This means that _______________

a.  I had edited my article d. I was asked to edit my article

b.  My article would be edited e. I had to edit my article myself 

c.  Somebody edited my article

10.  ‘This English text on Biology is too difficult to read.” 

‘Well. You’d better _________’ 

a.  translate it d. have translate it

b.  have it translated c. have to translate it e. totranslate

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11.  If I don’t come to class today, the teacher will have the poem written ten times. The

underlined words mean:

a.  the teacher has written the poem ten times

b.  I will have to write the poem for me ten times

c.  the teacher will write the poem for me ten times

d.  I have written the poem ten times

e.  I will ask the teacher to write the poem ten times

12. We have our neighbor check our house whenever we go on vacation. This means that:

Every time we go on vacation,________

a.  we first check the house with our neighbor

b.  we don’t let our neighbor check our house 

c.  our neighbor comes to check our house

d.  we have checked our neighbor’s house e.  we ask someone to check our neighbor’s house 

13.  ‘I don’t know how to arrange these flowers; I’d rather ______ 

a.  do it c. have it done

b.  have to do it d. it has been done e. have done it

14. We are going on a long trip, so we must _____________

a.  have checked the car c. to have the car checked

b.  have had the car checked d. have the car checked e. had the car


15. The curtains are dirty; we ____________ at the laundry.

a.  must have washed them

b.  have washed them

c.  must have them washed

d.  are washing them

e.  washing them

Chapter 5

The Memo


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Memorandum usually called memos are the form commonly used for short, relatively informal

messages between members of the same organization. The memo provides a simplified. The many

uses of memos include announcements and instructions, statements of policy, and informal

reports. Because memos are usually used between people who have a regular working relationship,

the tone of memos tends to be more informal than the tone of other business letter.

C.P. Dalloway & Sons

Interoffice Memo

TO : Charles Dalloway, Jr.

From : Clarissa Woolf 

Date : August 18, 2009

Subject : Alternative methods of payment to suppliers

Because our suppliers have placed us on open account, there are the alternative methods of 

payment available to us:

1.  Check- this methods is slow, it requires clearance through the international banking system

and will cost some of our suppliers additional bank charges. In some countries, clearance can

take as long as a month. 

2.  Bank draft- our bank will issues a draft drawn on a bank in the supplier’s country and

currency. Because we send this directly to our suppliers, they receive prompt credit. 

3.  Electronic transfer our bank instructs an overseas bank to pay our suppliers in either our or

their currency. This is the quickest method of payment but our fees will be the highest. 

Please let me know your preference and I will communicate it to our suppliers.


Unlike other types of business letters, the memo is not prepared on company letterhead. Nor does it

include an inside address, salutation, or complimentary closing. A memo is a streamlined method of 


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Goleta Motors, Inc.

To : All sales representatives

From : Peter Koulikordis

Date : April 27, 2009

Subject : Rescheduling of monthly sales meeting

The May monthly sales meeting has been rescheduled. Instead of Tuesday, May 3, we will meet on:

Wednesday, May 4, at 10:30 A.M

In the conference room. Please mark your calendar accordingly.



1.  As administrative assistant to the president of Conway Products, Inc. it is your responsibility

to make reservations at a local restaurant for the annual Christmas party. Because of the

high cost per person, you would like to have as accurate a guest list as possible. Write a

memo to all employees requesting that they let you know by December 1 whether they plan

to attend. 

2.  Your employer, Penelope Louden, requested a schedule of the data processors planned

vactions so that she may decide whether or not to arrange for temporary help during the

summer months. The schedule is as follows: Josie Thompkins, July 1-15; Calvin Bell, July 15-

29; Stephen James, July 22 - August 5; Jennifer Coles, August 12-26. Prepare a memo to Ms.Louden informing her of the schedule and observing that at least processors will always be

present-except during the week of July 22, when both Mr. Bell and Mr. James will be on

vacation. Ask if she’d like you to arrange for a temporary processor for that week. 

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Chapter 6

The Presentation

The Language of Presentation

Non-native speakers of English have to consider not only the content of their presentations but also

the language to use.

Simple Presentations


Good morning, afternoon, evening

I’m happy to be here 

I’m glad to have this opportunity to …………………….. 

Today, I’d like to talk (to you) about ………………. My topic today is …………………..

The focus of my remarks is ……………………………. 

I’d like to share some thoughts on (topic) 

Main Points

Let me start by ………………. 

First, let me tell you about …………………. 

I’ve divided my topic into (three) parts : They are ………………… 

Giving examples

For example … 

For instance ………… 

Let me illustrate ………. 

To illustrate …………… 


In conclusion …………… 

To conclude ……………….. 

To summarize ………………. To sum up …………………… 

Referring to Visuals

Look at these phrases for referring to visuals:

I’d like you to look at this …………… 

 As you can see from this ………….. 

 As this ………….. shows, ……………. 

Let’s look at this ……………………….. 

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Bart Chart Graph

Expenditure on Education in Hongkong 1995-1996

Total expenditure ($ million) 33,611 39,165 45,315

% of government budget 17,6% 18% 18,2%Spent on:

-  primary education

-  secondary education

-  tertiary education


















Series 1

Series 2

Series 3









Series 3

Series 2

Series 1

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Look at these presentation phrases and decide whether they:

refer backwards, refer forwards, refer to visuals or deal with interruptions.

This graph indicates ………………….. 

 As I said earlier …………………. 

This leads me to my next point …………………. 

Taking this into consideration …………………….. 

 As this bar chart shows ………………….. 

If you don’t mind, I’ll deal with questions later on. 

Going back to a point I made earlier …………………………. Sorry, could I finish first? 

I’ll deal with this point again later. 

I’ll give you some more information on this in a moment. 

Vocabularies for Describing Trends


Verb: to increase, is increasing,

has increased, increased

Noun: an increase off $5500, an

increase in spending of $ 5500

Total Expenditures increased

from $ 3362 to $ 36 from 19995

to 1996.

From 1995 to 1996 there was

an increase in expenditure of $



Verb: to decrease, is

decreasing, has decreased,


Noun: a decreased of 0.7 %

A decrease in spending of 0.7 %

Expenditure on primary

education decreased from 22.2

% to 21.5% from 1995 to 1996.

From 1995 to 1996 there was a

decrease in expenditure of 


Rise Verb: to rise, is rising, has risen,


Noun: a rise of $ 5554Arise in spending 0f $ 5554

Total expenditure rose from

$3361 to $ 3916 from 1995 to

1996. From 1995 to 1996 therewas a rise in expenditure of $


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Practice: Let’s present these charts


Kilograms sold

-  the red is 2004

-  the blue is 2006

-  the green is 2008

The participant of class based on

the subject on Monday:

English is 68 students.

Mathematics is 22 students.

Calculus is 7 students.

Business ethics is 6 students.








Manggo Papaya Star fruit Orange

Series 1

Series 2

Series 3

Participant of class




Business Ethics

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