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Page 1: Richard Horowitz: The Top 10 Best Reasons To Get A Mentor



Page 2: Richard Horowitz: The Top 10 Best Reasons To Get A Mentor

A mentor or coach can play a vital role inany person’s life. Consider the followingreasons why it’s important for anyone to

have a mentor:

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1. Different PerspectiveA famous motivational speaker once stated that it’s hard to see the picture when you’rein the frame. It’s much easier to see the whole picture from the outside. Because you’reunable to get on the outside of your own life, consider getting a mentor who is wise,

understands where you’re trying to go, and has your best interest at heart.

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2. Encouragement A mentor is helpful for those times when you feel discouraged. When you’re trying

something new, it can be difficult to find motivation during those challenging moments.A great mentor will be a great source of encouragement because they know where you’re

trying to go and will say the right things to encourage you to get there.

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3. Forward Movement

A mentor is great for helping you to keep up momentum. Unless you’re a person who iscompletely self-motivated, it can be hard to move forward at a consistent rate. In order toavoid getting stuck in a rut, a mentor will help push you forward in those times when you

feel stagnant and prone to procrastination.

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4. NetworkingWhen you attach yourself to a powerful mentor, you’re also attaching yourself to theirRolodex. A good mentor will do their best to keep you connected. They’ll also help you

discover opportunities that will help you grow. In a lot of cases, it’s not really what you know.It’s more about who you know. Knowing the right people will help open the right doors.

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5. AccessibilityWhen you have access to a mentor and allow a mentor to have access to you,it opens up space for vulnerability and transparency. These two attributes arereally vital for growth in relationships. Relationships are really important forpersonal growth as well. Allowing someone in authority to have access to you

exposes you. It exposes areas of your life that need development.

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6. Example

We all need examples to emulate. While it is important to be an individual,we all need someone to look up to. A mentor is a perfect person to emulate,admire, and look to for encouragement to become better. Besides, when

you’re in the middle of a challenge, a mentor is a great person to look at andknow that the hurdle can be overcome.

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7. CustomizationOnce a mentor gets to know you and develops a relationship with you, they’re able to

understand the idiosyncrasies and quirks that make you who you are. As a result, they’re ableto customize a mentor-mentee relationship that will directly benefit you and what you need.

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8. ReinforcementA mentor isn’t necessarily a parent. However, good parents are helpful. They are there toreinforce the positive and discourage the negative. Much like a parent, a mentor is a greatperson to reinforce the good. They’re also there to reinforce why the bad attributes need to

get eliminated.

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9. Problem-SolvingWhenever you have an issue that puts you in a position where you feel verystuck, a mentor is there to help you navigate your way through the issue. No,they may not give you the answer through spoon-feeding. A good mentorwill help you with critical thinking and finding your way to a solution.

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10. Improvement Getting a mentor who actively works withyou and encourages you will only benefityou in a positive way. Whether it’s yourmarriage or your endurance during thefive-minute mile, a mentor will be thereto show you ways you can improve andhow you can thrive in the long-term.

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