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    REVOLUTIONIZING THE CONCEPTS OF MIASMS an essential update in Homoeopathy Science


    Logical Reasoning Miasms basically were labeled to be as a cause of chronic diseases. As we know after a long time of research by Master due to failure in curing chronic cases. Eventually, He came up with a foundation that tried to establish the Cause and effect condition in constraints of his journey. It

    explained beautifully the Etiology of all diseases or we say the real cause. As he explained that, there must be a suppression of skin any ailment which gave rise to all of his/her future diseases i.e. miasms This he concluded with thorough history of all patients. In his lifetime he came up with three basic miasms PSORA SYCOSIS SYPHILLIS which were the root cause [according to him] of all Chronic Diseases. THIS WORK WAS DONE IN 19th CENTURY.[As far as it is concerned, that could be the State Of Art of that period]

  • Living in 21st Century it always pinches or clicks the medical students mind about the authenticity of work done prior to the present time [that is, the miasms theory explanation given at that time] due to many obvious causes. Some of the causes are- Scientific Assistive techniques like modern labs, better conclusive tools for study, array of scientific tools, many scientific reforms which were made after Masters death WHICH COULD HAVE LED HIM TO TESTIFY HIS THEORY A


    In order to have a genuine theory, it has to be time-tested as well as it should be able to defend its model clearly. Also the Miasms cannot be explained in terms of Physical meaning that is to say- we cant actually imagine its pattern of presence. Importantly, we still dont know whether miasm is a thing or susceptibility or merely a word put in non perspective form.

    Experimental Design A theoretical research, retrospective study put in modern perspective with latest scientific aids. To achieve its State of art with best LEVEL OF EVIDENCES.

    It is not a matter of putting the things in a more perspective manner, but instead a step to defend its authenticity, which has to be defined clearly with logical reasoning, otherwise it would always lead to discrepancies in Homoeopathic Medical Fraternity.


    Unfortunately the subject of Miasms is extended too much by many Homoeopathic Physicians in light of unscientific logics. The term unscientific justifies the ignorance of thorough research in the subject which creates more confusion among Medical Fraternity. The secondary sources are all Individualized i.e. the number of miasms are increased now for example Cancer Miasm, Tubercular Miasm [It is supported by many], the disease are their respective miasms. But the basic theme of the research itself was to completely DISREGARD the theory of miasms to reshape it in light of Current Scientific State of Art which nobody tried to do and instead following the same pattern of Influence of Miasm.

    Dr Praful Vijayakar connected the three miasms to cellular functions, He described the survival mechanisms of the body as, [1]

    Homoeostasis Psora

    Growth/Repair Sycosis

    Defence/Destruction Syphilis

    The above correlation cannot be sustained because there are so much overlapping mechanisms interconnecting the three Miasms as he defined. It can be said as for example, When a Cellular Machinery is under active form it stabilizes it with overlapping forms. Here the Author tried to stick with The Three miasms view and interlinked it with cellular manifestations

    Likewise Dr Rajan Sankaran created a system of ten miasms which he placed within a flow chart. So here we still get essence of biasing towards the Miasms

  • which however should have been replaced with some more BROAD VIEW. Sankaran sees Miasms as an expression of Depth of a state. He says The miasm is therefore, in my understanding a measure of how much or how intensely or how acutely or chronically or how deeply or desperately the situation is perceived to be [2]

    Here Miasms are likely to be linked with Intensity Scale of Measure of certain Quantity which modifies the expression of Person and likewise the remedy.

    Dr Jan Scholten placed these miasms within the periodic table of elements and connected them with the stages he described in Homoeopathy and the


    Here we once again see the Analogical Conceptual Analysis which still do not fulfill the scientific basis of explanation.

    What Some Other Great Homoeopaths have thought about the miasms

    References to miasms are encountered in the writings of various authors. Granier, [4]in his homoeopathic lexicon, follows the initial exposition of Hahnemann and simply characterizes them as emanations or effluvia i.e. tiny volatile particles

    which cannot be recognized by any instruments.

    Henry Allen View quoting[5] The character of Miasm yields the character of the disease or the form of illness

    Another Mexican master who also left writings, Dr Lara de la Rosa, recognizes, together with Federico Averastury, that psora is a state of conflict between the it

    and I generating a neurovegetative dystony that it is the origin of the primary

    and basic disturbances of the human pathology, and he refers to Herbert A.


    advanced the hypothesis that psora is the equivalent of the so called deficiency diseases.

    Above clearly denote the very confined theory and confines only few game players.

    Coming to review of Miasmatic concept in dimension of clinical case [6], Chronic recurrent diarrhea, recurrent upper respiratory tract infection, history of atopic dermatitis; measles.

    The Discussion of case highlighted the importance of suppression of skin allergy and disappearance of skin symptoms leading to affection of colon mucosa, also the overall deterioration of patient. He indicated the Psoric miasm as dominant in case and termed Sycosis as fundamental miasm [according to family history.

    Now this case is classical for understanding the stigma of suppression in terms of medicine application. But the main point to highlight here is, that it has been seen that all patients served with skin suppressant treatment do not develop any further disease. This relates the Hahneman concept of psoric miasm suppression which had some flaws in theory [will be discussed later] The science needs evidences, Till now the homoeopathic society is not able to prove its Suppression Approach which is very well integrated Miasmatic Theory.

    Articles Reviewed which linked miasmatic approach to Epigenetics[7] and its role were definitely a step forward in taking Miasmatic Approach more Scientific. It showed the applicability of miasms in terms of transgenerational Inheritance.


    The primary aim is to edit the conceptualization of Miasms and to bring its new form in modern science which could embrace it comfortably. The new theory proposed is SEDE


    This includes all the possible inclusions of scientific state of art.

    The Spectrum denotes the overlapping features of Theory which clear cut

    discards the three miasms classification. This presents the better mode of representing the essence of Homoeopathy Science.


    To evaluate the concept of miasms in terms of Evidence based Science Data which includes the critical relation of Cellular Biology

    To incorporate various fields of Cellular Biology like Cellular Immunophenotyping studies, Cell Signaling, Genomics and Epigenomics, Biochemical Transformation.

    To evolve the rational aspect of Backbone of Conceptualised Homoeopathy by analyzing the OVERLAPPING ASPECTS IN NATURE.

    To model a schematic representation of Proposal which is self explanatory. To bring into light the concept of equilibrium dynamicity in terms of

    Spectral analysis of Health and Disease


    It is an Analytical Research to make the critical evaluation of the Miasmatic

    Theory which was proposed by Master in 19th Century and to test as well as

    include necessary updates to the theory to make it more scientific in Eye of

    Modern Day Science.

    It includes following strings of research

    A rigorous analysis of Masters Work through his compiled work done, i.e.

    Chronic Diseases, Organon Of Medicine, Various Journals, etc- To have the

    more confined approach

    Collection of Articles, Research papers, Journals on Miasms To know the

    pattern of understanding of miasms with time i.e. how the authors started

    to view miasms as a big picture

    The Remedial analysis according to new Method i.e SEDE[ Spectrum of

    Equilibrium Dynamic Entanglement, articulation

    Genetic Concepts related to micro to macro level Studies were analyzed,

    i.e. in context to miasms to construct new theory

    Collection and analysis of new researches executed in past years as well as

    present researches taken into an account to reshape the Theory at its best.

    The development of Inter Relationship Criteria of Various Aspects of

    Biological Science was done


    This demonstrate the Interconnection between various factors which

    affect the person in affecting its expression. Be it social, internal or


    The Observations in accordance of new model SEDE [Spectrum of

    Equilibrium Dynamic Entanglement] ;

  • The model theorize the importance of following factors explained


    Genomics It is purely inherited manifestation. It determines the

    individual make up

    Its Importance [Health and disease]

    1. Expression of Cellular proteins

    2. Autoimmunity Arising from a combination of inheritance of

    susceptibility genes, which may contribute to the breakdown of

    self tolerance, and environmental triggers, such as infections

    and tissue damage, which promote the activation of self

    reactive lymphocytes. [8]

  • [ Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th edition]

  • [ Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th edition]


    3. Mendelian Inheritance Genetic Disease AND Non classic


    Disease caused by trinucleotide repeat mutations, or in

    mitochondrial genes, or associated with genomic imprinting or

    associated with gonadal mosaicism[9]

    4. Neoplastic transformation

    5. Tolerance Capacity

    6. Constitution [partially]

    EPIGENOMICS Despite all advancement in understanding and

    human variations, it is clear that alterations in DNA sequence

    cannot by themselves could explain diversity of organisms. It is

    Epigenetics which is heritable changes in genes expression that

    are not caused by DNA sequence.

    Its manifestation is involved in tissue specific expression of

    genes and genomic imprinting.[10]


    The risks of developing chronic diseases begin in fetal life and continue into old age. Thus, adult chronic diseases reflect the combined effects of prior exposure to damaging environments. Preventive measures can, therefore, be taken at all life stages. In the womb and in early infancy, several risk factors can influencesusceptibility to the development of diet-related chronic diseases later in life. Delayed fetal growth has been associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and high blood pressure. Unusually large size at birth, possibly resulting from overnutrition in the womb, has been linked to an increased risk of diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

  • Breastfeeding may lower the risk of later developing obesity. In contrast, breast-milk substitutes (formula) may increase the risk of developing several chronic diseases,such as type 1 diabetes and cancer, in childhood and adolescence. The level of cholesterol and specific type of fatty acids present in the milk fed to babies are thought to affect the maintenance of cholesterol levels in later life. During infancy and childhood, both delayed growth and excessive weight or height gain have been shown to contribute to chronic disease in later life. For instance, infants with a low weight or short stature may experience an increased risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, or diabetes. Shorter children who gain height particularly quickly have an increased risk of stroke and certain cancers. During childhood and adolescence, the adoption of habits such as unhealthy diets, low-levels of exercise, as well as alcohol and tobacco use has been shown to increase the risk of developing certain chronic diseases. An unhealthy diet contributes to high blood pressure in children causing changes in the body which are associated with the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and obesity. A high calorie intake in childhood is also linked to an increased risk of cancer in later life. Worryingly, not only do chronic diseases occur earlier and earlier in life, but they tend to persist throughout life. Most chronic diseases are expressed in adulthood; therefore, it is a critical time for reducing risk factors and increasing effective treatment. Risk factors that prevail during adulthood have been strongly linked with cardiovascular disease and diabetes including tobacco use, obesity, physical inactivity, high cholesterol level, high blood pressure and alcohol consumption. An individuals ability to take control over his or her life and to make healthy lifestyle decisions appears to be an important determinant of health. The main burden of chronic diseases is observed in people older than 60. Cardiovascular disease, type and some cancers are most common at this stage in life. This is mainly due to multiple disease processes combining with age-

  • related losses in physiological functions. As the risk of developing disease is generally believed to be reversible at any age there is an absolute benefit for ageing individuals to eat healthily, maintain their weight, and continue to exercise.[WHO SUMMARY][11][12]

    EQUILIBRIUM - ENTANGLEMENT This is inclusion of new Manifestation OF QUANTUM BIOLOGY

    Recent evidence suggests that a variety of organisms may harness some of the unique features of quantum mechanics to gain a biological advantage. These features go beyond trivial quantum effects and may include harnessing quantum coherence on physiologically important timescales[13]

    [Source -]

  • IMMUNOPHENOTYPE It shows the Cell surface protein expression. The characteristic of cell, how it signals and how it perceives it. In many conditions its alteration leads to dynamic cascade of reactions. It embraces the importance of MHC Major Histocompatibility Complex which affects immunity of Individual.

  • DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION The study tries to emphasize the importance of modern scientific tools as an aid to co relate the Primitive concepts of Homoeopathy Science which are not edited. IT HAS NOW BECOME CLEAR THAT THE DETERMINANTS OF MANY PATHOLOGIES INCLUDING CANCER, AND OTHER CHRONIC DISEASES LIKE DIABETES, HYPERTENSION ARE MULTIFACTORIAL IN NATURE Rather than having a specific causal agent or agents whose presence is both necessary and sufficient , the appearance and progression of the aforementioned diseases reflect the COMPLEX INTERPLAY BETWEEN EACH INDIVIDUAL GENETIC MAKEUP, OTHER INHERITED OR EPIGENETIC FACTORS AND ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS SUCH AS DIET, LIFESTYLE, TOXINS, VIRUSES AND BACTERIA. [14] NOW, PSORA SYCOSIS SYPHILIS were given importance due to lack of scientific evidences in Hahnemanns Time but they are no more lacking. As he stated in Book Chronic Diseases that Psora is fundamental cause and three fourth of all diseases are from it. Co-relating this with modern day science, it deals with Genetic, Epigenetic and Complex interplay with environment. NATURE has no distinctions among the biological molecules which actually affects the Person and DISTURBS EQUILIBRIUM The itch concept is vague in any form due to formulation of illogical reasoning due to absence of scientific evidences. Coming to Syphilis, the concept was formulated in a way that the chancre was termed as primary stage but due to deficiency in medical advancement then Hahnemann was unaware of its consequent stages -

  • This, he thought that The suppression of chancre has taken the deep impression and caused subsequent illness. So the idea of Syphilitic Miasm is false in modern day science. This relates the Hahnemanns Explanation for miasmatic theory now destabilized. The CRUX of all Research lies in SPECTRUM OF ENTANGLEMENT RELATING TO DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM, That is to say All factors mentioned in observation are in constant entanglement to maintain the equilibrium so that body attains the least disturbance. It is known that a chemical bond is always formed to decrease its total internal energy or to become stabilize, likewise the Body is in constant state via Cellular Pathways to attain its Best Stabilizing energy which equalizes the Stability Form.

  • SUMMARY The SEDE Model clear cut discard the three miasm Model which do not stand rationalized in modern day light. It explains the importance of Interlinking and future perspects of Entanglement of various Factors which Can help in Formulating Remedies by taking in account of Constitution of Patient. Remedy Action can be explained by stating the Homoeopathic Remedy tries to bring the Entanglement in the state where system attains the Least possible state of energy to become stabilized.

    REFERENCES 1- Praful vijyakar Theory Of suppression and his work[predictive

    homeopathy] 2- Sankaran R. The Senssation in Homoeopathic Medical Publishers 3- Scholten J. Homoeopathy and the elements. Utrecht; Stiching Alonnissos

    4 5 Notes on the Miasms by Dr Proceso and S. Ortega [ Medicina homoeopathica edit. La Aurora. Buenos Aires and Homeolexique Edit. Delahaye, paris] 6 Heritage Journal Vol 40 no 11, Feb 2015 7 Homoeopathic Links 4/12 Vol 25, 2012 8 -10 Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th edition IMAGES [above book]

  • 11 12 - Hill, Austin Bradford. "The environment and disease: association or causation?." Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 58.5 (1965): 295. 13 - 14 The Chronic Diseases Dr CFS Hahnemann

    [ Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th edition][ Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th edition]8 -10 Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease 8th editionIMAGES [above book]11 12 - Hill, Austin Bradford. "The environment and disease: association or causation?." Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine 58.5 (1965): 295. - The Chronic Diseases Dr CFS Hahnemann

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