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Page 1: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CT

Page 2: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

This presentation contains graphic sounds,

images, and language that many may find

disturbing and offensive. Frequent breaks

will be offered during the presentation.

However, if you feel the need to step

outside the room for a reprieve, please

know that you are welcome to do so.

Page 3: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Representatives Of: • Healthcare Institutions

• Education and Academia

• Business Sector

• Law Enforcement

• Houses of Worship

Page 4: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death


Non-Profit Ministry Founder / President (1992-Present)

Hospice Chaplain / Bereavement Care Manager (1994-Present)

United Methodist Pastor (2015-Present)

Maryland State Prison Chaplain (1987-2017)

Non-Denominational Pastor (2007-2015)

National Sheriffs’ Association Chaplaincy Committee (1996-2009)

Radio Host (1989-2009)

Law Enforcement Chaplain (1995-2006)


BS – Southeastern University, Lakeland, FL

MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX

CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death Education and Counseling

Ordination – International Church of the Foursquare Gospel

Licensing – UMC Local Pastor Licensing School

Certification – Active Shooter Response Training (ALICE Training Institute)

Certification – Hospice and Palliative Care Chaplaincy, CA State University

Certification – Healing Through Art, CA State University

Certification – Columbia School of Broadcasting, Washington, DC

Page 5: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Offer strategies to prevent and prepare for

a potential active shooter incident.

Provide options to enhance survival when

confronted with an active shooter.

Describe actions needed to safely interact

with responding law enforcement officers.

Page 6: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

[Jesus said] For I was hungry and you

gave Me food; I was thirsty and you

gave Me drink; I was a stranger and

you took Me in;

How can Houses of Worship continue to

welcome strangers, yet remain safe?

- Sheep

- Wolves

- Sheepdogs

Page 7: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

1 I was glad when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the


2 Our feet shall stand within thy gates, O Jerusalem.

3 Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together:

4 Whither the tribes go up, the tribes of the LORD, unto the testimony of

Israel, to give thanks unto the name of the LORD.

5 For there are set thrones of judgment, the thrones of the house of


6 Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

7 Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.

8 For my brethren and companions' sakes, I will now say, Peace be

within thee.

9 Because of the house of the LORD our God I will seek thy good.

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I will camp around My house because of

the army, because of him who passes by

and him who returns. No more shall an

oppressor pass through them, for now I

have seen with My eyes.

Page 9: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

21 Then they went into Capernaum, and immediately on the Sabbath He

entered the synagogue and taught.

22 And they were astonished at His teaching, for He taught them as one having

authority, and not as the scribes.

23 Now there was a man in their synagogue with an unclean spirit. And he

cried out,

24 saying, “Let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did

You come to destroy us? I know who You are—the Holy One of God!”

25 But Jesus rebuked him, saying, “Be quiet, and come out of him!”

26 And when the unclean spirit had convulsed him and cried out with a loud

voice, he came out of him.

27 Then they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves,

saying, “What is this? What new doctrine is this? For with authority[a] He

commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him.”

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But beware of men, for they will

deliver you up to councils and scourge

you in their synagogues.

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36 He (Jesus) said to them, “But now if you have a

purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t

have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the

transgressors’ and I tell you that this must be

fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is

reaching its fulfillment.”

38 The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two

swords.” “That’s enough!” he replied.

Page 12: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

A prudent man foresees evil and

hides himself, but the simple pass on

and are punished.

The LORD tests the righteous,

but the wicked and the one who loves

violence His soul hates.

Page 13: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

According to the FBI, an active shooter is an

individual or individuals actively engaged in killing

or attempting to kill people in a populated area.

Active Shooters primarily use firearms and there

is no pattern or method to their selection of


Page 14: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

• Unpredictable

• Evolve quickly

• Typically over in 10-

15 minutes

How long does it typically take law

enforcement to respond to your

church location?

The majority of individuals are killed

or wounded in the first (5) minutes

of an active shooter event.

Page 15: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Usually involves one male shooter acting alone

Has usually exhibited recent changes in behavior or signs of untreated mental illness

Acting out of frustration and rage

Attempting to correct a perceived wrong

Desires to kill without concern for safety or capture

Normally has intended victims and seeks them

Accepts targets of opportunity while searching for intended targets

Will continue to move throughout the building or area until stopped by law enforcement, suicide or other intervention.

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Service times are publicly posted

Services are free and open to the general public

Often advertised as “gun-free” zones

Most churches have little, if any, security

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Columbine High School Virginia Tech University

Pulse Nightclub

Sandy Hook Elementary School

Las Vegas, Nevada First Baptist Church









Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School


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“The reality of the situation is – it’s a sad

reality, but it’s reality – there are no

sanctuaries anymore. We’ve seen this

happen in schools, in malls, playgrounds,

parks, churches. No place is safe anymore.”

- Karl Kick, Washington Post

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Page 22: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Taking action makes a difference.


Response to minimize or eliminate the threat will need to be taken by YOU.

Page 23: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Harden the target (security upgrades)

Report suspicious activity to law enforcement Consider a security committee / team to assess

potential threats.

Train and prepare! A survival mindset is critical.

Page 24: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

A “red flag” indicator is a questionable, suspicious or

inappropriate behavior that presents in someone’s

appearance, spoken or written words, or specific


Although no single set of warning signs are

reliable predictors of an active shooter, there

can be “red flags.”

Page 25: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Behaviors which regularly interfere with the worship

or study environment

Overly aggressive behavior or threats towards others

Poor decision-making and coping skills

Low frustration tolerance; overreaction to

circumstances; anger management problems

Notable changes in behavior or appearance

Writings, comments or social network postings

endorsing violence; an unusual interest in violence

Page 26: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Development of a personal grievance

Contextually inappropriate and recent acquisition of

multiple weapons

Contextually inappropriate and recent escalation in target

practice and weapons training

Contextually inappropriate and recent interest in explosives

Contextually inappropriate and intense interest or

fascination with previous shootings or mass shooting


Having a significant real or perceived personal loss such

as a death, break-up, divorce, or loss of a job

Page 27: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Always be aware of your surroundings.

Always be aware of at least (2) exits.

Know what you are able and willing to do in a life threatening situation.

Mentally prepare by visualizing yourself in a situation where you need to escape, hide or fight.

Designate an assembly area.

Ushers / Greeters / Receptionists greet guests.

Report suspicious behavior.

Lock doors / limit entry after events begin.

Page 28: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

There is a sense of security

in knowing we have a plan…

Knowing what to do and

when to do it keeps CRISIS

from becoming CHAOS.

Page 29: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

You will be required to make life and death decisions

before help arrives.

Always be mindful but not fearful.

Mindfulness allows you to take appropriate survival

action and use all your senses.

Mindfulness allows you to trust your intuition – your

gut feeling knowing the right thing to do.

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Controlled Violence of Action


Page 32: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Respond Immediately

Repetition in training and preparedness shortens the

time to orient, observe, decide, and act.

Recognize the sound of danger and act.

Alert others to the danger - “A man with a gun! Get out!”

Upon recognizing the danger, and as soon as safe to do

so, call 9-1-1 with as clear and accurate information as possible.

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Number of shooters and detailed physical descriptions

Location of shooter(s)

Number and type of weapons

Known explosive devices

Number of potential victims

Your name and call back number

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Decide if you can escape safely.

Leave your belongings behind.

Help others escape, if safely possible.

Run as fast as you can away from the

direction of the gunshots.

DO NOT stop running until you are far

away from the area.

Prevent individuals from entering the area,

but not at the risk of your own safety.

Page 36: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

If running is not a safe option, get away

from the threat and hide in a safe place

(thicker walls and fewer windows).

When fleeing from danger, keep buildings,

cars or other objects between you and the


Do not attempt to move wounded people.

Call 9-1-1 when safe to do so.

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If escape is not feasible; hide and create a stronghold.

Lock the door, turn off the lights and close the blinds or


Move away from doors and windows.

Take lower cover behind large items.

Silence your cell phones and turn off vibrate mode.

Remain quiet.

Page 38: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Reinforce locked doors with

chairs, desks, and other items

Page 39: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Erect barricades on ALL the doors

Fill in the


Active shooters will take the path of least resistance!

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Reinforce the primary barricade

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Once you have secured the door do not open it for anyone other than identified law enforcement.

Prepare yourself mentally and physically for the possibility of engaging the shooter. Put yourself in a position to surprise the suspect(s) if

he/she/they enter the room.

Call 9-1-1 when it is safe to do so – if you can

not speak, leave the line open to allow the

dispatcher to listen to events.

Law enforcement will use identification to enter the room when the situation is over.

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This is a last resort – fight for your life!

Improvise weapons (chairs, extinguishers, etc.)

Attack in a group if together – formulate a plan.

Act as aggressively as possible.

Yell and make loud noises to disorient the

shooter (Interrupt his OODA Loop).

If possible, grab the shooter’s limbs and head,

take him/her to the ground and hold him/her


Commit to your actions – whatever necessary

to overcome the shooter!

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Officers may not be wearing

traditional police uniforms.

Instead they may be in “tactical”

gear with rifles, helmets and

ballistic vests.

Their first priority is to

eliminate the threat.

Officers will advance to the

area where the last shots

were heard.

Initial officers will not tend to

injured victims nor stop to

speak with you.

Page 49: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

To minimize risk, everyone

must be treated as a suspect

until the suspect is identified.

Officers will issue loud

commands and may get

physical – they may push,

shove or restrain you.

Page 50: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Remain calm.

DO NOT approach responding law enforcement officers.

Point out the shooter(s) if possible but do not hinder.

Follow all instructions by officers.

Put down any items and DO NOT pick up any weapons.

Keep your hands visible.

Avoid quick movements.

Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling at officers.

If you are barricaded in a room, DO NOT open the door

until proper identification is provided by officers.

Page 51: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Be aware that there may be

situations where people:

May be hearing or sight


May be mobility impaired

Responding law enforcement

officers will not treat the injured

until the scene is safe and


Do the best you can to help

without putting yourself at

risk – EMS will arrive ASAP.

Las Vegas, Nevada

Page 52: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Safety corridors / evacuation

routes will be established.

Remain in secure areas until instructed

otherwise. Do Not go home. Information from

you will need to be gathered by law enforcement.

You will be escorted out of the building by law

enforcement personnel when it is safe to do so.

If you self evacuate, get to a safe location

(preferably previously identified) away from the


Page 53: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Complete a Safety Audit / Facility Assessment

Create an Emergency Action Plan (practice it)

What To Consider:

Access Points

Exit Routes

Safe Rooms

Cameras / Security System

Communication strengths / weaknesses

… Let’s examine these one-by-one …

Page 54: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

Where could someone potentially enter your church as

an intruder?

How could each entryway be fortified? (planters out front)

Does your congregation know the importance of keeping

doors locked at all times?

• Are exits clearly marked? Are they easy to find?

• Is the church fortified from the outside but easy to exit?

• Are there (2) exits from all your main church areas?

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If your parishioners can’t get out, where can they hide?

Safe rooms should have a locking door and an exit window.

Map out a route from populated areas to safe rooms.

Have a first-aid kit available in each safe room (stock it with medical supplies, bandages, tourniquet, etc.)

• Do you have one? If so, is it functioning?

• Is it centrally monitored?

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Wheelchair and scooter-bound?

Hearing or visually impaired?

How will you protect and assist

these individuals?

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How do you know who is in the building and where?

How would you communicate a threat in your building?

How would you communicate a threat to the Pastor

during the Worship Service?

How would you communicate a threat to members?

- 2-Way Radios?

- Text Messaging?

- PA System?

- Digital Signage throughout the building?

- Social Media?

How do you raise awareness among your leadership

about issues that need to be addressed so action can be


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If you permit them to be armed, they must meet the

minimum legal requirements to carry a concealed


They must be familiar with the use of force laws

regarding use of force.

If you permit them to be armed, they must be

sufficiently trained to use firearms in a tactical


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Working as a team:

1. Look around the room. Consider what you would

do in an active shooter situation and whether it

would be better to Run (escape), Hide (lockdown)

or Fight (defend).

2. Develop a list of actions you would take to protect

yourself and those around you.

3. Select a spokesperson and be prepared to report

back to the class.

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Count Off In Groups of (5)

Group #1 – Archaic Lockdown (hiding under tables, benches, etc.)

Group #2 – Run (how? where?)

Group #3 – Hide (barricade and cover)

Group #4 – Hide (barricade and counter)

Group #5 - Fight

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Prepare and plan ahead of time.

Always be aware of your environment.

Always know your (2) best escape routes.

Your survival options in an active shooter event:


Call 9-1-1 when it is safe to do so.

Never approach a law enforcement officer

during an active shooter event.

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Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for

Houses of Worship

Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for

Institutions of Higher Education

Planning and Response to an Active Shooter: An Interagency

Security Committee Policy and Best Practices Guide

Department of Homeland Security Active Shooter Preparedness

FBI Active Shooter Resources


FEMA How to Respond to an Active Shooter Event

Page 64: Rev. Howard F. Travers, Jr., MA., MDiv., CTdistrict/...MA / MDiv. – Southwestern Assemblies of God University, Waxahachie, TX CT – Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death

1. Law Enforcement Active Shooter Emergency Response (LASER) Instructor Course

Louisiana State University; National Center for Biomedical Research and Training

Federal Emergency Management Administration and the Department Homeland Security

2. Rapid Deployment, Awareness Intervention, Deciveness, EMS, Recovery (RAIDER) Solo Engagement Tactics Instructor Course

ALICE Training Institute

3. Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Texas State University

4. FEMA/DHS “Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Houses of Worship

5. FEMA/DHA “Guide for Developing High-Quality Emergency Operations Plans for Institutions of Higher Education

6. Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy

7. Blackwater USA/International

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