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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Biroadcas11: P.1rograimme~ a Week in adlvan.ce

VOLUME 10 R.,.-iaWwli at tJw (i....P O.. 8,dM!I'. foT,.mill.•IO'I ,,. pou u • ~ .... ,,.p,,,.r- NUMBER 20


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Man will


uOISCo .

SUPER-0-NEUT Oft£-O\,._\.-

m Your


of Cost.

MANIU. A ! LOS ANGELES I on F,ve Valve• !-even Jap"n ur,dcr fa•ou,able ~ondition• ~l\tl't 1c-m· n~rt f'

Th~ l'dixo t.h!t-•Dta.l super N .. ~ nrp.... • Hl'n tb• wondvr of Al• dJin"• lamt1 1'hit l'dtit"n ov.riN hM twtntitth tl'nlury "111£1(' • t bl1 r•1nuru•n•I 111 hl!I nwn h.r.1tt•• \lad,lin had to "tbh .. !er th~ GenJi_, er Ow

I.limp. and "'•• nevff qi,lt• • rtt ot rnt1lt1,,. 1 lht" Ud t Oni,., lhal SuJM'r N•uL ewrwr 5•

ttrt• u af nn nc Jo..r what he, wanu. lh

~-~,h~ ~ t,~e (;~if ~r l~~p:; ~:: hrlnr• •11 thr. \h1:1ic or the ~pht•~i, at. ,.,u~ «-Ommnnil fh• l'd: t'o Ot11t-Or•t SuJ)(r ~cut. b tM OpM'I Saum• tn th• hmltlcu ft• •lmt of Plt-afllr•

The Ideal Set

for the Country

"""'•'atlon.• ill ,..,. Ow• HMn• l'ho11,• R 7921 ur yo1ir lorul dealer, and

ar1HJint the hour for a fr•~ 1h•monst:ra-1uu, ln your owu hu111c. \\'ithiu u !e" ra111ulc,, he will &how ,rou how ,a,lly you ran 11,'el un)· one nf n srore of SIAlions from anr part of the Coramon,.ealtb. 1'o biter or fuu. ?-o out.,.1de aerial• IUII' ll'••hwl• or nut kind. The l'di~co urn Dial Super-Nc•ut, i• •implilie<I rer­ledlon, and h '" rendered teu• of 1 hoammJs or IK'I• oullOlete


"UDISCO" SUPER-NEUT ONE-DIAL A.-.--f,,...,.J(l.64,':!:,

l I.A. Patt-. IOIHIA l\ridd,.-J~_....,..,11"1'11

l'.-™81 ...

D17li1b1 Rtttption

TN,..,_,._ la" .. , ... ..... --..... .... "It•'- \\· .t I

l• tcnlate Station,

AttractiSR rerma Anansed, Small Dtpout - Balance o .... r Twelve Montho

PRICES: Cancelfua .•II P..erioua


4 Valve Set with Philipa A609 Valva £201 comp,..., Sell ul Am••· 5 £30 ,..,,r-, lndudJn• l .oud G .£40 """•I<••· from .£12 up-8 .£551 __ _,.,,.



The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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t1•• •t• • ••••• o oooottooo ••••• otto ltt o ••••• •• •••••••1000 • •••• ••••• 01 ••• ••• •001110 ••• •••••••••• 10000001ttt o I l a looo oooaoo oaa, ..

MculdedGI= Scpa.r<ltot Inco1poraiedln.

Price 25/6

~ At all Radio Dealers.

High Tension Wireless "B'' Batterv ha~ no Wooden Separators to Decay, as they are of MouldeJ glass. The places ar<' speci~lly designed anJ are extra thick while the contairw1 i~ of one pie,e moulded glass.

The Three Star necdi, recharging only when die S.G. falls to 1,100. It hos a capacity of 2,500 Milli-Ampere hours, and a Voltage of 20.

Provision is made for 2-Volt tappings.

A 1-tii:h Grade product of Eo~li•h M:1nufa,1ure

~J$ci___ii).__,Wireless •·• - r.A~w-lrt,/M1t1J~


' . .......... .._ ................................................................................................................. .


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pa .. Two • WlllELE aa WEES.LY

Big opportunity for live dealers !

Buy all radio goods -through ONE House!

Get lo l<now t hL! •~Ira trading tadllty which lJarrinirtnn• d .. lor. rnJoy. Radio aupplif&-A:"IY YOU \\AST-from 0:-IE llou.... mearu< ton~enlenct In onlerini, drhvtries and at"-OUnt.,,. TIie lollo"ln,r 11,,t prov.,. how <0mpr.hHl!i•e ..

Harringtons •tock.


r:rr::,.::- 7 366 GHr,rr fllrttl,

)·ou may hr our pote.nllal Oulu m your distriel. You an, oll'uNI aso,,t pnen,w, db!rount,,, lnrge,n range or eoo,18. reJflllnr 11u~plles of ,bowrardi,, etc. .Mall the

cuupon now.

~YD:\"EY. I l'lou,• 8end me det.alb of ya11 r deo.ler propoMilion

I ADDRESS .. . .............. .

~AllE ......

L ................ w:w::;"u·,;'.,- 1 ___ .::...J

386 George AIM 11 Nf'wca1.llf', Ka&o• tnbll. lhlbourta~, Url•b• n,. Adelald•.

W,1110114• (N.7..). Aue~lontl (N.Z.).


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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,·01 ... ••• J-;" tt.

More Notes about Television.

THERE are at,11 many reier1'oces to the suppo,,,d eal'ly ,,ch ,•nt of "looking--i n." And t hf hazard,

thL•n'fore, of tli~nppointm~nl to nn expectant public dwijJop.- apace. U would he a l,'1'1/.Rt pity if vromige~. more or Je,;;~ liichtly mndc, rcgard­inl( the introduction of tel~vision, or radiovision as it ~hould mor•• properly be cnlted in its :rdntion to bt·ouucast­ing, weru not lo ue fulfiUl-u.

Damage ha~ been done already to young Industries lhr.t apJ>('al to popu­lar imugination hr over ~nt husia~t1c ~tat<•ll!euts us to the efikifncy nf the system concurncri. :'.l;ot inln·qu,mtly these statement/I have been made by interested per~ons who lutvc some fin­aucinl expe,·tationa lo rcali. ,. Ly "'8rl)" exploitation in th,• commercial tieltl. Rcu~on;,.ble puhlkity and prop11gandn cnunol lie objeetetl to in dc,·cloping a now industry or systcrr but pro­miHcs fhould not be made that can­not readily be fulfilk-d.

ThP scienti~ts nntl research wor­kers who arc giving their lim~ and enerj!'ie~ to the tlcvclopmenL of a workal,le sy~tem of radiovision arc not the offenderftjn thi" rt>J{IITII. They have not overstlltf'd the immediate poMihilities of I heir Sl'Hll'IIIH; their stat~ments havu l,,,en conlinl·.I lo 1111 explanation of what has hc!cn done. and In ~ome cases, the hues of acl­vant,• ha,·e been ,nrlkatcd. lt bait been th~ morf' nr less ,rn•~ponsible writerA In tll!' trdrnical pn•.~R who Rturlt•.l, nnJ hu,c ,·onlinuetl, I he un­de~el'ved publldt} concerning the early 11doption o! ,arious 11Yslems.

Although the basic pr,nciples of trunsmitting photo,rraphR or ,mag,,, wpre kno\\n ,1H inr hmk 11s fifty ycarR >11(0, it haH only been tluri11g the l wo or thn•u years that useful pro­gress has hc!cn made. The principal , ,cplanalion is the great conrentrallon of research work on radio phe11omc11a nnd ,nx,,·,·h trnn~mi~.,ion in p.,rlirntar. A~ in the c.isr of bmmknstinir lite modern Aluddin's Lamp, th.. \'alvc hll.!! had a lot to du with It.

Both ln EuroJN' and America great ,rnrk ha, IJOcn <lone h,• lnHt1tor< nr I l•xperimentors. Whil~ Uwru nrP no rnurke<l diff,·i·~nccs in lht• fundam~n­lal principle• of the vnriou• ~ystem , there arc Important ,nrlalion~ m del,iik The tri,nsmiss1011 of "still plwloB 1., t·<1mpnra,ivl'I)' 11 ell rlern­lopcd; the wr,rk of lh,• reaenrl'h rngineers of th,• Tt'lcfunk~n Comp,111y tn Germany, n11d of the Radio C'or­pon,tlon of Amcricn atandini: out prominc-ntl)·, In Engl:u11l the work of Dai rd hns uccn most suc(·essfut; in fact, hi$ 1·csult.s a,·l• specmlly nll'rl­tul'ious when on~ co11shlcn1 th .. l1a11d1-cnJJS he 11 under a" regard• fadlil1e and financial usbtancu 11~ compared with thP lat·l(t' com11,,n1a

The fret,lwn,·y lm11f1 nL'tei:;~n1'\ rur Lra11~mission i; much hi~her

uml there is no chance nt pres,mt of tran,rn,tung nny imng" that is not do~t.' up to the "electric eye" o! the ~•·11ding ec111ipment.

It is r]e:11·, therefore, thut we rn11st not "l(}iecl t.. have an) reaM>nabl • ay~t,;m of "lo<1king-in" for ~ome tlrne to come.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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r ar• ro1tt Wlll&Lltll WIU\JtLT

Cate/zing Up with the 11''ireless World.

By R. L. CORDl:H .

.. :~r ~::~}!'/·:~ :~'iro~ •lt•r .....,._,. C• n)'.l'-=c 4onOn P, b9 .. C'um.ln~ IO t'O!tlmon tbnt an Amtnan l'Otl«t n I• r,m1,H1nc • •1~l.1d toJ1• llook f, r the, purpo e-.

.,Ul".Rt,I •. Ot D11.1 .... ..,r the wir•• lta world, l• bt1lltjl' e11nrly 1ta!"f'btNI for by Srotl.u.nd Yarll Hl9 p,,d or pfCli!'U.a la to takci the addnu~• Gf th• houaa ln d fft-~nl •uburt. fttwd ,dth rt1d , ud ""ht-tt 11i ,.uutn <,r 111, } <.1PN h1111 lrh for worJ.;. h• cln• Ou, upb.nation t.hat be bas bt'ftl cnnt.J ~r•isdon t.t, n. tha- arL It he b admitted to th, bomobold h• takH tht!I wt away for -rr.pain," t:.uffl.ct- to t I)' th@ Ht h not hNrd cit •ir•in

1' A 110'\ \ L adnrtl.,iu,: plaC<"d In dalJ7 r11,upa1,c:,r111 '" Am~, ir • hy t11<11n tntu .. oelt d11rlni, the f~t Qf 102'6 <"'O!lt '""'" t.han .fll<I0,000, --,dln;r lo -,,,. .~ovrth F...&t•t~." • mw pep,-r tradtt Jourt'LflL Tl:e larretl Ulttll c,I ~n~ l'Df>fr ,ip,ttl' Wt-rf'! ! h• ,.qh1m ,Mle ad Tfrt.!:sen. who •pt"Pt mott than 0,lllM),000 lt,ri"I! la l y,sr 11 ......... ndu, adv,-.rt ina f'Iefffied tr"" adver tJ11I~ l,y ii re" than tll>OJ!JOIJ.

Tift: lllGITl':"T b<-..tJ-. ru Uon m I.he Unitt'd States. f'Ut of lb.• noc-ky 11 ,unt.Mln11 ~II bt'"1 , tal!liahe-1 rrcently •~ A1hf'v rh. N t· The eta• tfoa ha• h.,.a aul,,ird tbo <all l<Ucn \1/WSC, It bu a i-,.or of l.l)OO w•tu •~l u Cpt'ntu on • frrqt:tney or 1.f) IO klloc,c·li • ,irhkh 11 t1qt1lnlrnl ro • wav• l~rth of :1911.9 n1l'tNI. ·ne :Jtat.lQn Jo.a• b1-t1a tailed at • point whl,h b 2,4>6 f..t abon Ibo Ra

R \DJn ll.\1'll \l'Tl'BJ:.lL'I ill tl,e l ' StaWII rniduc-ed m.on thaa 1:rso.000 COM-:YPf loud lpH.krr, l!I lll.?h, 1itt,1rdt11s: tu • pr(•mJlltnt rµ.:Uo J.bltiUIC'u111. and nnorLI rifCfjlvftl from ...,,ufartunn illdkate tW the total l'T'O<lu<llon f tllla •«<_,.,. bl 11177 wlll ex<ffd last r•r'• fi,ruro It u 0U1aa1, I tt-.nt rru,u 1bn. 4,0()1,0(10 ot 1 fM, nd nceffln optr-attd 1n lhil roua.try are eq pped: wtth (one

'"""" and tliat rc .. tb.n l.000.000 UN nprt,duee.ra of 11thc!-r t) pn4

A 11111\1.ISG RU lllHll: 'l'b

P:i.~r~:.J: ~bd fn '"~" TJill )ICJl0RIST who, .t°LH emath.

::0~ to ~be ~:..::ia.:dp~s;or:, Lo airpply It 1'11.h a -Atlnlrsa 1...-t •

"T.1-..:1,},\'lBJOS.'• d~uH • xitn­U•t. •will he Otar tmlinary mun, of commwikat.:on.• \\ e .. ball h•·n to rrrurmb•r to pat on c Jr c.-r~hlftC dolhh. hf.tore •• rm~ 1111 t 11" lhC""nrn• 'fatA1Ma&OI'.

RAY: .. r u>-. old ff'llo'III', )'OQJ' ut h Ui1tort11,.r badly Whr don't you tun• It prorerly?"

ntO: -Ob, dldu't JOG know lhat the 1Latlou do Urat now 1 Tht'y aend out • tunh1,r Ml4', •o I hav"n•t h<1lht>tt1d about'r1r r~r qt.llti, • loQI' tini,-,"

_\ .110:\ K.Et IIUCh. llur:nr lh• lritrt\i•,w c ... rlNI by Mr .. Jrrnn!' lllll\1111 wit.b th~ monk.~4'.tt \lorltz, alld A.kb- the nvoll TIH,a. i~=~r~.n t:OT°;!~c-ll~\'hvilne~ 111c-ml,-r of 2Ff"• •t&fT wu huall:, f'tl p.~d ICk>k.usr aft.ff th~'~"r, Al.ta clfntbed ap ud put hb •rma r~d the ~nc-rt"•• n«k •nd kntctd hhn un Lhe rht•k4 What H1t1 en«in1·n 1aid would mah • sianct blmh and cunot he pl>t bile pnat.. Wb•n he arrlvtd t.odt al lhe Stlldlo, Ille on rinnr rnadt- • nquut thaL U ..,.., 8taUun !ff<J d'1cidt-d t,1 h 1t~·1 vl~w lion u111ttr1 or bear t.Atn~r•. c,r an., uLht'r braad ot tnfnen for that mau.r. he hoptod \hat he would Dot .,. pvt on lo <he Joi,,

A )I lilll( u. wriur mn,llona the - .. el • ••u •lU. •lillt.k: armw \\'bt-n teleTltlon f'Olllf'!j tn h• ttbould he • U•rh1I ii-1 forn,11r fur l,N>DIJC'u!llh .. ibhm.- ator-1,.._,

Yd: JB.\'E 1eed'l'ed • Jetter from a NKdtr who trlh ut lhllt. hi• •J,0•111to w•l•l1• oiily 1lxta-n atont. anti uks wbat. ., ca• IOl"nlt. Ot '"OunM' tlm QUHt>ftn was not lntftlded for WI. but w• ua &1.-a,1 wt:IU111l' 1.o obi!._~ Q\1r rt•den1 and our n•l\"krt 1a: R,111~ ton<llffl.lfr.

\fTORDJ~r, TO the Bathur,t "TlmH." • wtlt-known radio tratlt•r c,f th•.l C"ity h.11 bof'G "aj-,yin• fno,,- m•al for a whole wNk .as • p~nt fn,rn • Mlrhbomia..- butchtt IL •.~nui thee tlM' batthf•t .... , m,Jutt<I ln ln1y a nrU0: aet, •·hft-h 'WfH h11la.llt'd at hi, rNJd"""•• to th. ,atbfactlon or the famUr

USP J,;\tf'Nll\G lut Wf'tlc whllr ll8ttnlna: i11 du.ri.cs tbe l@lsure kon tfw b1.t.chn-"1i lnt.t"Nst" ••• &r1J11Nd: at ~ tn tM couratt <>f tho ,1.lty snarknt r~rlA .ftobl Syd

h11:; ~~ v!~;•:;h!n~h~~:J ~,~ all the huln u, ht. •ton and dt-gpatdaed them "lo th• c1ty ffl&l"ket Th• direct h!sull ••11 "Min lQ han1t In th~ natul"f' flf an ur-ccnmt NIH and dtt•que for an •mount .£17 p-eat.,r.r tban tha.t which b<' would ban ro .. t:-tlvld In tl,e u,m.J •·ay. had he not 14,hn lmrut11Ha1r ucfy•nhre of th• MWI from th• air.

111 ll l?ffllJL,, ,,.,t,, h""'ot<u,ly, bat h hu ita bullintU upect.. .Nut kn,r •lr,c:e,, a farnwr- nn.r Youn,: madr I • a httd on a !lock ol • http by re• u1vtna 4Nll'IJ lndmalic1n o( th", of the markf t nu hit rad11, 11t., nd It wu rttenlly tt~rud by a Sydn,r nd10 ftnn th• t • north west ITA&ler had bova-ht twp of tht motit .-:t1•~n1lvt' l"l!Cf°f'ftn on tM martot for tl:ie n:­prua pu,paoe ol k""!>lnr ID cl • twc-b • th th. ,rtalhn ttp0rt• dw­inK" th• •hnrh,ar tttlfon.

Tbere is 110 "jusl-as-cood" a. B~


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, !It• S.-~mbtr, 191'7 WIIU!:LESS WEBltLT Pan Flu

For the Love of Mike! Who is 11,,J ike ,

Man,, tho11sands of li~t1mers•in must have asked themselves this guestion of tl,e intriguing rodir, person• ality personified 011 our cover picture this week in tlu company of the ama:zed .lfr. llolbert and lJ,-. Cochrane. His mysterious confidences /,ave amused thousa,ids. Below we p11b/lsli an i11terview with Mike.

WH~;;,; a Studio Man•J:••• Anderwon, receh·td l~tte.n from ,.,,. ~rat citiuns re,..

tt1:itJ1 ukin1r him t" atop the a,iLt-rioua whispering emanating from 2FC, It wa& timf, on, would have thoughl, to rlo somclhinir draRtic. But. tb&e communitations dld not sLop nt ,~at. A!tP-r a week1

111 H111tcninR" lheir kn. chan{:eif, for ~omf!Ont 1t 2FC bad lt:nnbll!d upon th.- mo,t ingenious > ct de\,-.ed lor the amus.ement .r n.dio lis~ners.

No t,lht-r radio e:tation In the wClrJd u yot, had thought 0£ the Idea, ao,I wbtn thla scheme beeon1u world wide, !.FC will, with a certain ;.mount of pr~e. lay rightful elahn to its ori2"ir1. But what II it-who "' lhi1 lLke ! 1 had \.4) tcrrtt. out all t.hi" information re,u,lf, !or no onf' at the .atation \\'OUld hcir, me. The:, vro1P!tff (with a itmtlc) JanoTance of the whole thins.

Li,tf'ninc- in last I\fonday niJht, at. l.ll ontxpc,c~ mom@nt,. on the nigt,t'• prcJramn,e, "Mik:~" b<>c•n his °trnUI• J)fl"1n,:o. I will I•~ him t,II the story :ll bia own way. ~mt"rnber that theR .. httl, coriUdtme~ c:omr to one with almO!Jt on ttrie sen~atlori. 'l'hls inti• matt whh,perlng i.a ,.t=, different from Ult C'orrttt and practical announce• mtnU made from time to time, one teem" to be listenina: to M>ltlt'!thinc t1Jt1J11 nnto,·Nt from tho otdinary radio 1teom.

nut to i,:et baok to Miko'• otory, whlth rama in to my room in :i aibi­lant whiaper:

•GOOll tnning, fr1~nd11, Mike ht're, I am tallod in th• C'ontTOI Room. 'St. )hrh~1.' because I'm, the one the)' atwa)'S aend t.O tak~ th<' Chunh aer­nr.eit. or rcligioll.9 nusetina-11-ye.t1, l tl,lnk sol Would yuu like to Rnow what h•1 happen•d to OM Bill? If I ran ft.nd enuuch tiwe to,..n1rht, 1 will

~J~mi~!t ~.r."!: i!l':t :Ji: u tht\' tall hJm. but we know "• 'Olo Bill.'. He hu bfttn on studio ~-ork for month•, and know• every.

ontt, and ha tf'.'I h,ar t,;trything, whether he want.a to or not, from a soprano to a comtdian:-from a 1ou­br~Lt.e to .a lectern.

"lte is fi.Q veuatilo, they u~e hihl •• much •a lhey can. BilJ has been te,lling UR ho·"" htt commenct"d this whb1i,er-in"° bu~lnt«t, or aa we .\fikts coll it. 't.aJkiot in hi.a ,leep.' I heard th~ Chl•t tell Halbfon Ian _..,k that peopJe had bffn writing to him about tht whis~n. in 1he Studio. eo tl11nk in,r the inicrophone wu to blamt'I, they oent Old Blll ~• the workshop, H•r.'• tht announcer coming, .so I'll have to wait. (Interruption by Announcor.)

(Lat,~.) "A.-. :r~u thn, ! St. Alkhatl bore airain, I "u tdlinr you

"Mike-"' aA ho realty lt1.

about OM 81,L~ wht-n the Annou.n~e-, ~nt irL HIil told me how thne an­notruttra Interrupted him "lt..ho1Jt u mut'h •" 'h>• 7ciur )t;-:1&\"f'.' W tll, Old BUJ h:as b~tn t.:nt 11.w11;• to t,~ oHl"­hauled, nn<I a 11ew microphuhe h• to be µlueed in the Stu·.Ho every ui~ht thi~ \vN"k, At lN1."t, st> r hrard Ruth 1ay. 1Rurb." or l•oun.e, 1 Mr Hur­buq·: he looks ancr all WO AtlkH, •nd he says tho• wlll choo,e f r the Studio the one comes lhrou~h Uest. Tt i• my turn to-night-my turn mind you, aftt-r Joh1i: lhrt"e rhurch s"•r1,'iCt,I yeMttrdny! Sumlny niJ::ht lo.itt l WSIS all dreul'd up anrl nothrnr,r Ln liAY, wt1.itins to do a Church Sen·K't<. when auddtmly they 1w1t<-hel on to AtneritA. and l lli'&.'J ldl ther1t with-. out a lbinr to do, (Another lnt<rrus>­tion.)

(Later.) ' 4Tiei·e- I nm aia.111, and Ju~t timl! to l~ll you a joke,, DJ(Rin!,t mtaelf. Every week. they pat up in lhe ·~Iathin~ Room' whtre •II the Mikes are. a h!i:t of ploc-ea we- ha..:fl t,, go to. Th~Y c:all lht'.ae 'Out.I de Show!!,• and one M.ondar ni~hL it had up 'Orph:11111 l\!ecth1g1 Wurringuh Hall.' Som•• ,-;illy fool put 'Snint' In -front of ,v:1rrin1?ah aad llu.•)· Y1uugiit it was n. church meeting ... o thty M'tit ma a.crO'\!. I had never been to an Orphans' MHtin,t he1nre. but there m~t. have boen a numht r of orphan t.ov~ then hy thP amounl of gm ~u b<1~,r 1 h~y dri:i nk. };\•uy now and then a num would i::et u11 ,rnd l'l'B)' :­

'The next. WH.11 1., • . • snrnt-lhinlr:' or other.' snd 1C1mfo o! the P1torif11 I pat through lhnt night w,re rat.her fishy-y.., I think ..,l

(Intenurtlonl "Ar~ you 1tlll lh,tenin,r. .St, Mkhnt-1 hMl". Wh1lt! I think of it, 1ho micropho1Jt' they ui-e goinl,l' Lo u11a In the litudio to-nrnnow llikht is a ntw llik:e. \\e •:all him 'Yank." 11• apetks ao funnliy, and •tart.. ~••,.ythina: with 'Lo folb­li1te.ninr!' Vr,u'll ht-a.r him to-moT-1'"ow ni,rbt HP da,es nll 1he danc-~ ni~hte:, -nd <"OMC! from th Statf!s. .Mr. Coc,hr3ne wns in the Machine

"Hali the Cost because Uouble lhe LiCc": Burge:;s.


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Wla&L&aa W&& .. LT

RNm \he othtr da1, nadlnr a Nltu •bl<h had toaw Ill f,_ _,d>ocJ' wt. aee,u ta \ibJ,.;t , cry :mueh to Mn•ln·-.u.... Tkt -.·r1t1r •akl 'ff you dun't It.OJI thOM aoubt•lte Wotntu, J'U ,.rite to tit• ftadiu la.tprt""...ur and kll

~ t J>~ 'f::n ~{.°:. •~tt~~

J!,r;_~• ;! ~o ~~o ~h@ s:~~:;:

b«omu panJcutAJ'ly NNitiTe lo the rlan 5f •cam tMt bu a. tfil,.n!..Jn)i. ud

::~!~r~I~~ t~'!;.hw ~:w''i fl1IHN Wh\ ild BtJI, Ow StUdiu M~. wu.h bis nnatU1t)"', •• .a nluabkt I m dfluaihfd lo ... ,a ... M lb \\ rrk out and W~•1 ni1ht •• 'J41 V1dk•' Jircun~. Jl 9t .. A !'an1p)''1 ni~ht-tbP cm• whu wu ah,,.,,. b4W,ho« aLout &ppie &!Ill thh:iklnc I tt-rwn wanlcu ftOUuac elH but 0,HVliC.J ua~ • lou. Iii, did not h•n n-r, m geh to AAf, Hii \'uka wa,1 lodJ a.nd at to11•111 theatnl"al.

clmtur aid tu ft.spptn• tar~. and t~ tU• ton l1..a •bin tber heh&.a are f,Vl,, Tbt!y &r ~ Old Hill o"u ut lte "1 '•Q•trl! 011111 ni•nt, but 11,e l~c. 1<-111• ut lb• •toriu LhrGU,zh llill •h1.1"1lit nut hav. btta bta"!"d. Of rlVrH. , ..... bffft traintd to ttol.e lhoae 4uwn • bll.

;!;J ~=lp;u,.:;'! t:~:1~ b~~n,~: l"- I thlak "°~

"l put a,7 po,,cO down, alWI po,,­und ... .,. th• wliolo l!.lnr. V.-llat •

lit'T"•uae f'r• alw•)'• t•lldns: al,out Uapy.•. th,7 <all - ...... py. • ... , .... u .. u.e al- Willi l4onday, 8tll ALICUIL TM7 trll ffll" 3LO an

:ifth~ 1~,kn!~h:0~~ ou~i~' ,[:uc:: "'11 Room, whl9porh1c lo th_h.., and talkinc aboat "- uo•• Us.7 had ...... to. &Dd u.. ..... I.boy ..... rol1ls to, and all ti• tlt blta that 1,a.l Up. Pom<I to Ill..,.. It •pp,u.Iod 1• ,.. .r.u,. N the H:lt ,ucht I

~;~n 'ir"~~r!~1t;:n~)t.rn,1rs btM h

WU al Ill)" Nt. waJtJns &aJ lseu th•--... af •\'ank,' and 1 .. r• •ao~b bt1 nrw .alone' ju11t •ti• r ~ Sirin ,:rou~ of aumben.

.. La felb. lillk1 •pnkl.ftS

~< !!;:~~!.llr.:~~ h..... Yau i.nuw, wh•.,. l C'0mt !rc,m .. wa1 down JdiC"ht. "'"- we am .. .i.o't Wk 1o

i:.':!:"1t-!': ~1.i~:: .':i lhfn e-oma, 8L Mlkn who WM

in tti. 1toodlo lut •""' w•• t lhnC' u. aH • bout Old DU,,. briDI' Nat awa7 for Mnba\ll --. ...... started this •hJ•parinr 4oda, New what U0 ~·ou tt.lnt of thal J fo~tfJ l•l) know• bow HUI • ' ~ lnk.·r~lcn ) •t.._ t"'lb,. be-re J am ap!n. t-,,;p Im Nl'N'I h do alJ the dan0e1 1 bf)" HJ Uu1 da.m-e- aLLmb4n 1 t»tto h""ttrr UU-ouvb l'Q..,_I ): w an th. bl"" .. w•l1o h wu no1 lone bdor• lM bao,-. In th. .It I: K,oo,o ea led ru 'lank.' Thllf tl'ln r,amr11 (11r all tho M Iba. Th• bmt that doN the pol tk-&I &l)ff<bo and IWl<h , th<-Y ciall •~pn:ll,..,.,4 Tiu, hap wba cloe.1 tM that1 t.1 th.-, taU ·t· •1nP'l' 1 11• ,. DlW•Y• talk I r • Ile P1'fo, .... won­dnuw Un lMy an ro¼=r t lrtoadtatt. -J>ompadgur opin. • nd ho h•I"' &a tt11Jnt with bc,t.h Hl'I lu (ind 0111

.. w-.. u I sun, .haYtt ian.et1 M11De.• (lntNnlipltoa.J •La. t&Xh hr.-. Jam a,:1 n. I ha·u ju'lt lntnf'ti 111·hile I hHfl hftn waH !-nt Lu .-et • Wl)rd In that Pemn 11 on'° 1110TN1• n"rbl. -rt.:. rte

-w .. 11, Lr., foU::11 1 I U\fo Ja• a J .. 1, with •II the fN1ohne~1 .)l'OU orourM i r::lo n1f roam. and I an '" tnor. cltiarl1 'Jl,O'W ho._ the --~ IC~ optta•ni t:•ch ml pbon•

t-t;ood tnnfftl, ll.Jt,,,.,.1-Uihi b •1 think J oorht :o t•ll you to-nlcht

!:;. f., ~ cb':;_ ~!;_~!1::~; ~=rorf..,lh~~1!:r1 o~~ la :~ HrJ dL,II ht·n. Nu lmrht Uahh and mu1lt' Ukt1 Ill• thr.alt P, 1 tnlu Ehe

Ill~ tlw ,tudio t<Hnorn,w, R• l11 • gtt,1t Jol«-1 wllb bu)"L 1111! doea

What is 1llike?

'T.., eaa.-!tioa.t Uw ,_...., .... u.....,. ..... 11 •\wli N r. ,_..,.......,la.~ ~11, &e ,_.,a••- ..Ca.ti

~ .!.i:.--:-...... .::.~ ·: ~=-.:t:,t:~~~.: •tl'ect u,, UICI lk)'ll'.S,.r '" ... UIM JJMIJaa WIN, .. ld.-eU••,. un U. .-n1.a,r\ "'1• ,.._,~ 1ft lt1• paO .. 1• n,,. .. ....._., .. ._..~

r,.,. .. ,_._., • ....... ,..,. --.,. a.,~c-.e10-~ .,_, •• .., ~., u- .... -- tft'WI ... •• , ..... ~- .... , at .......... ~ ....... ....r.t. .,. 1M ..,n_, I• "'luck (h,· fl"'"'"'' .. a,,u~. lit Jl'fo!llr-lt.,, ttw • Moll • u,, N• tW. W..~ 11, .. r,. IM• Ill .1. ti•.- ..... lM _.._, .. .._. ·-~ ...... .-""1k7 ., _....~

A•dw ..... 1.r .....,...,,. .. ____,__-..h._..._. ... Um u. ............... tn_,.,_ .... "'111 ..

•••• 1al;j ........,1 •• •~ ... fl( ,-111aa.• ....., 1M ..._.., r1111•• ,r •na,,..,, f,~ .. r•ilNI 111111 11,.,..11d n .. 4!r""' Hnn, ,_..&a_.., 4-; U.. '-'"°'4'"' ~ ••• .. ••Mt, z:<10.._. a.tk_l.,..._dif• ..,.•••a..•.••._u- ..... .- .. ........... ....._.,_ .. ___ .,.. .,.. __ _ n,n,aa'-4M ... _. .._~ •.ualki• .. ""t-1-a • 1 • ,, tom ••!ft ••IJftae. " ill •• ....... cal1t• Ian.GI' G( •J1J111h,i-&s1:J I __,. t•, h .. ...,. W tw •IWUIII •• ... fT'r .t •l.ul I 'jl'&tt wl\J..11 ....... ,,.._ ..... W ...c.111 Ii.. na..iatei.r

"- ........ wn, -~ tn- II .......... ~,-•~ ... " ..____. ·-~ ........... ,..,.... ... O• ......... .,.,.._-...,. .- .,.._,__ _ _,..,.,._.,_

•11.i.e ...... bt," .... ti "9 - •.rtr ri•1-• lll'li •• 1• .. .-•lt,, .......

r::J,, t 1"'' t,.,.., .. , 1M ir•hlr. el uui-lnlaq, f:ilt•d•fJ• In e..., If lotr-~•:.!zhrll , .....WnahfJ l11n1~1u.t Th• __.._.. .. __. .... ., .. ur, .......... ..

....... ..... et .......................... ... "~ .... '""' ... v ............. ·~ •.ta u,. •-lift ., ... W--. • N 1.- ..... ,. u.b' .. tan,!•• ._,.,.._ "fl......,.

The etifQJlnli'l'nJ id•b ,..._lift 111 ..... n.-i1tnt?n ,., I• ,..,. •- _, __,_. •-- u.uaiahta. _, u. ............ ..... ....w ............................ u.. kft ....................... ~ .......

T1M ......... ,......, ............. ''""'' .......... ~ ·~ ·••I - •KNIii .... lrilffthNla\lt lhNflll ...... r .... •~llfiu .-.,-,i.w. a'l<t • olrt'- "~'-h a11l•lftt• wan, ..... Uw dlN• •f ,_.a b.a4::W. ud ta• ,,....ab ... 1......a11"1 ,,_ 11m ..... ~ ·""'· ... --- .... ln-m..&.

a •• ,....,._.ILO,"""-,fwb.ttliE,_1~_, .....,... ..... ,~ - er.-im:q .... •-.t-tt,t r4 .. ~U.. h .. .,. ... MU •,ta\afl I• A .. tra hi lo -k.. -.

., ,,,.. ""'" .w,.,111111• h l.i aa. ,....u,. a1! ~"• .,_..., • Otc.aa.. •M ii ,._,,.

......... lllftM'J' I• ....... ._ • .._ •""- r• .& ,......_ "9 ....... U. •m •-- .... -»"""- u _......,,.. wka 1k ...._ ..,_ id U. 1..-L

Bal"CflP W~nt wllla U.S. Mall i'l,)'en.

all th• daadtal caneeru and mwleal le«uttt. • nd w• want to •• how h~ Ptl 011 irl &t.. f.tudh... Wait until h111 1w.t lt> P\lt u .. With • 'H(Ue&l* rullnl Th,n wt'll au 'h1• c.?d la.tP ~\I nn lo d"ZUI' <lood-• lr~t. •vt"rytl04iy. S.. JPU •••In 1,r I.he ilh"

-~tl~~~r:u..p~,i. :~: \.lsal .. Le- F•lb" •Ml OU IIW arf'. 0a ca11 •M how toln ant a 1tudw mltrl'.IJlho11e baa to ff, U :,w h h• to tril•r ::.:r .:Sh&'~ of :;: r,:; -f''ftry lt.1'11 tfl't'In" lh fair lhah, oft.en at thl' eart~nae of hh:a •wn l•11tl~.. Well. Thunday nlrt,, pr-lM<I Hmtthlq lDWt'Ntln•. f•r aid Hlahhrow wa1 dv,, and 11trt naq-h h• •i....rud off' wttti • t·omplalnt.

No IIOODt'r lad I Jistt..S u •• lu• by • cofflf'dtaa. Ur.•n II• llro\, ill 'With • llr&k of ULL,e ap1nat the btd(c. nit)' or 11uocl.11thc • .. 1,,0 .. p11o .. that ha,I •;,,-~t hi• wbolt •~• 111 .._ atmo•Jlh•ft of U.. U... ... 8'• "'--a..t .. ~ Bad, • nd Brahmo­wi1h •la'h ord1n•t~~ J~P1• All tllrnu,rb t.,. ntrht l'I• hpt ~wit~ at lb• nueJ fate ,.t,ld, bd .,_,i,t. hi•, I<> "llll•.• He brithtcned ap ron•ldflrablJ uh"" htirua n1u,..

:1~1, ~:~~r'.!~~~.~.: •ta~ la....,i apln u lM P"'" s-na~ pTO<Wdc-d.. Jl~ ,ur­vlnd mo.L of lh• H~n\a, hllt th. 1:t1111kal t1<!nJ!}ec-h"1..-. bokb poteh of Jan-pro,od too mllt'II far him. Lbte1usr, blamitd 1M t rtnffn .__h•11 1b. .fla\.lOn wr,r1t <>ff tbt­alr, h111 i i Wtul Hi,r'hhruw'a /atilt n,- eoll•Pl"ri Uhdff 1::::: ~·~r!l ~~~t

On Friday nl~ht.. the Miko.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 9nla.obj-666354483National Library of Australia

F•ldny, !Ith 5!c-plct11l,rr, 1927. WlllELESS WEElltLY

2FC Broadcasts to the World ll'urU-11'/dr Slwrt 11",,:•r llroad• m•t ra"irrl arrt b:, :! n: /11,1 .11,m­J,zy-H,arJ in India, .\'014//, 1/rl,a, l,,oada, fntland and 1hr l'nitrd

Slat rs

SI \TIO:,; tl-'!',

F'I t

h will ~n duwn in history. Tl1t>s 11:r·,l /\.1Htraiiu11 11ta.tlo11 lo L,_, r••lmrl• l­'l'U r., F.:U2"h&1 J, Caruu.!.a, Jud • ~outh Afnca. and tn tho Umtfd State5 or A ui<o.

!Sctwe~n 2 11.m. and 4 a.m. on M,in. ~)' ln:'1-t 011) 111ost J'1t11 0 II llt\l~i(•iftnl,

~~:e<tt~~~~t:~!;'~ ~~d!~lr:t~ UI l1.&n- tn!t tho ftn11st pl'(J,.:-umml' l'<\flr tomptl1•d iu .A11Mrnlhi. The lt1111"­J•1 ,iion took pine~ 1m a 11pecial low •a.vtJc.nqth through the Ehort \\aVl"'

m.!fflllt'~ t.atiort att&C'brd to 2 .. C', imd w-u picked 1.11• h)' the l.ny,t -wuu• ,1.1ti, Tl'- or lilf" Jhtrc-,inl C1,mp:ll'ly ll Jr11ll:1, South A!ri(·n. nnd T~11~l:l•11I,

~!~~ !r~~~~~ir i~hl< Ru~ i~~r;fo[h; U led>s.

The pr0,rrAnUnC' v.·:111 hP9.nJ lJ)· ktl•tJtrJ of !!LO, l.<1n lu111 l1etwt•1•n ihtt

un of S and 7 p.rn. an Su1,>, S«ip .. miler 4, Tho_t;> h,ldn~ part Jn the rr••·

1r11tnme dicJ tw wilhout pn,imt•nt, Tll y includl•d, The Go,·erno1· Gct1er"al r che {ommcnwea1lh (Lcml StO'n~­

t, f ). Thi- Govel'uor (l{ Nt"W South Vi•I IS r Dudlc:, d• Chair\, TJ,t, l'r1m• 11 ml.Acr of A ui:.trulia (.\1 r. ~­~1. Bruce), 'l'ht! Prtiniit-r ot :,;.,y. li,,uth Wal•• (Mr. J, '1', LaDg), .\Ir. W. M. lluiihq, )Ir. E. T. Pl,lc, Ham• ,;,,11,, ~!•Iba, Mr. John ll1>lop, )llu f;trl"lla \\'ilaon, Mr . A11duw :\ld'uun, l4'r. ,r. II • .Mu. lyo, ~i1· ,Jurn~A Pall'ft1Jt, \fr. Alfrctl ('unninl(hnm, M.itt1o Jh•11;. )l.uwell, ~Ir. Rarmonll Ell"•, )!, Albtrt Caubon, Yr. Altnndtr 8Yft• jliftt,ky. ltr Ju1,s Von dt:r Kl~IJ an1l wu.ny olhrr1.

1'11 ,~alhcr lug<'lh .. r Jtlth. ta.lent ni tu ordinuy t"Oun.l't or •v,.nts would lun,. L"\,i,l,t rnarIr hundreds of potmd,.

'Thr- flr'"grtrnime 1\!0!I ns follows:-

••• .. n. Cbill:i.t!I et Bnae"• ~irttl Pal 01'1~ la $~ 'C',td lia¥fl- l"• Kh,,"

1.'!v,m; 111,,t Or('hr,-1;r11o

j;~llOIJ1!n"11'U'flt C'!Wf'lif;f !"1111 ohtallii M 0i .. tn---.Jwl,

, ~ trom l.k! Oc.wrec,r..("~I o! 1bit (.-..CllWf'alt.'1 ef A~•• Dl• J ,it"'f'I• ,i;uqt, Lnril l\4nn,i h•H:n, tu pt her J•1rC,. of lb!I F.r,1pltt.

Ca.J ~,.,,. t 1'0 l1:~tn1111c-1.l11l 'fri11,

Mr Uo1111l J.awM:>h, , i lln. Mr Gbil lalllfl ~II "ffl , llr. l.i1\4~ l:ftM, i,i.-.._

.,. JJ. "' .ay th- r.rst a:i,u-c-nt of 'I.-,,... 'frie '" n M11 r 1-1f.-:idr ..-llti.J r .. 11 -Gift!. l'n,m GOV1:rtNM.,.Nr JI01T~li',. SYDNEY 1lu, vr !'I &.1'". UM ~c• .._,. a r !>dkJ'•<'1l&Lr•IIl4t-l.-Tnadlllln...,.s• .,. .uw,.,. .. ,._ ., u.. r ... ,..,. Call ft1•" Mr J1,hn T!i; lnp, emlr,ent 1-·nslt•b tt1 lH,rJ', will

•Int: Ur Alkrt Helamttt at ti» pi«no. , ...... t·r,.,m llh bolM at Fnu;:,toa. Vktt.rrill (h11

J'tlr'!U' t,J1J.itLer •( the Cc,IIU• cuwn] 9\ "( A11n\r111t11. J:U Ho,,. B1a11kt1 .\l, fll!"lrN', 1,J I'. J' .{".,. Ill ( , w,I) clrllfl"r •u l:ml,ln! 111#.:Aa..._ 0V1<r • lu4 ~ .t. 6$1) r:aDet. Co tt.,, Sl•hr.a .r tFC Cati ~n. f rum tM' IU.udw, •rratlsar,•nt for hrtl

5.1l..111ofon:.Mt1 "W!Jltlwltid",ulll. ~lr rrau H"l~h-ta. aad Kr Llad~y £.va.&11

Gall ..,n. An •~ tc..._.,.. fra Ill,! l"n-m_., of ~~"°'" lloa.J T ,1.._.., 1111,.A f'n11 Kirn. ;.\fo.1111 Hc,-.lla 'WIJa• n, i,rhidpal .. r lbo Gilhrrc

lr:d R111H~ 0"4't11. C'entian1 lfr A!HI,.... llNCila", 11•1nl Dlttctar .t

'• u. WJUl,awa. L~ a&. Lbt r--. ., ran f'.is-n. A 1Ult!ll•1.:,e fN,m th,,, J,orJ Ma,,,r ttf fiJ•d11•1• t i l!I JU•hl Uut1. 'J', U . .MMh'n., J.i'., lo I.ha lAI .I flil•vfJI" •t IA>n4•-. \ c..u M.,..-a. ll6- keuP Mu.-.U iA.tnU.n ,ropfaMI

•ntJ Mr. Ma,-crnil ) ,Jllrill tc•in-• tlt1 INlr,~ t ruin rha }jr,L~I, National OJA',- '-'"DI" l.••11)'):

Il!l"L !.rt.ITT!. ••1,IU!e Oorc.Uio.''

llaU S.i,;rn. A lfftt:tt,. , ..... naa.. Nf'l!Je 111 .. lhe.

f'all t-,i-n. ..-.. u .. •n1o: .,An,la,,11 rrow f'1wrrrlo ltt A Minot' (ffo.11•

lf'tll\At Dl, m, ca!Mbtoaa iuu. C..11 £p. tUr ., __ J'Urn, Pr..,,id•Dt ft( tl,f' A ... lolia11 S1"tt1u11 ut ih,. F.mpb,. ,,,.,... lh1i1ofl.1 will ,1.-lhrc- • tru•••&~ tu 1~4 l'rrw ta. vtil"l' J•arll ur tJte- .;.mp,h',

C'.aU Steil. Mr A frH t"Uhttll•p.aM., l!awU4 t:ip&tnLICI

IM.rll,;Dl!t •uon 1h-, l•ll•rt>r'" (Old t1,1II bl,

f!ail ~,."'-tbr- P,,11.,. W, ,, .. TIJC&l 4'.Jlltlt;';_t>.,

lit Jl«-Ht

r .. u fl••"~ A fflolU•Jr'f' from JU Ulla. Yf ,. ' Hllihot&. r• 1 · , V1rt"1"l<1t or .A1ru1J,-una1,~ W1rttlH11,

(' .. u fllca. Mt. KaJ'ftland •·Uk krftClnf1 .... la rMlll(ll,. t ,w.,..... 1M .... taolu1.J PiaQQ, •r'\.-.n aN «u.. atto11tpar.imn1t

c 1111 R,wn, ~r ,\ltJ"rt c:'.a,.11bon. t'ou,1u1•t.(jt ot tfr4! Prln~

•'•lw.u-d ThHtre Uttbftua \: n!ln Mio

<'.all Sip. A ft f'U.A1,t(" Ln 'Mr r n )htfl<"'II. £ii.tlan .. ,,.... by Mr .A, Md>uru11d, t·lltot Y.nslf\.,.r .tiri~il,.l'nlll""- WJr, l<tii"'-

Csi.ll .iyn. M!ll11 ihbr-1 n-.tth•lur, •!Jflnln01 "'Al.MDlflN (S1r r,...rlcl..

can SIVI-Jlr A-..."4ff IMrJ.•b. 111.Mf....., aola1

.. Ttut 81.h-oUIL"' {ArtMkJ'J.

Call 8 1.,1, All1DrJ<Jt11:l11s r-9UI& ,4 ,-option ... ,,...

Call git'., Jtr, ., ... , • ..,,, ... KJ.t.. ·~ ..a.. ... 4.t~M'fl"" (hp:"1').

<"•,I 1110 Mud1m• F.rntl,- llub. 11opHr11u .. t'n,-r"" ("La ir-."") (!)

Ntarr, Mr u-cJ Ls---. .-ID!N •olot ., ""lfl&.I et ..._.. ~h),

cau 111,~. Mi• It.,,._ Ma~ll. •..:.Prs&ol ... A hayer" <Bario W-0... can sisn. CrMllDct.. World W'Ue. f"11,ll lit•, '"l'b"" Jl'wt Walt-.'" 'fOOAI ~Uta., "Corlllakl x.aQldJ&•• Ca.ll llaa. Jl"iul A~r.1,.

4 L.,_ ~ S...11e tli4 Jitlq-,• A.I th!I 1,l1UJ0:

:&fr A t,dr{'W li(ac,Cuaa. Mr. J.i,i.,_t...,. 1!,aaa. Mr. ,:Wu1, CblJpJ.,

n.. .. ~ aur.tlfl.....,.t:a IUld can •~ ,...tLJ be •'""'II It; l

llr, <..,,,.. Ca.r11..,, -n~LD1w1t 1·1,rJAQ tiotru,tai.1111.

111'. 8cati Al11U11dn, t:ta.,lilh .11,l!trr: lfr. Jack •it<. &r¢lWI ,-atd\&IDPt.

AD4 IIMi f..U.-iac e&,:lalit ~.aW •U. 8tltlOb !Y('!

ltr. A. 111. Cothn.111t,.

:~: ~{. Ji~rJii.-. Jil r. K. <<srliac., llt. t. f lno.pp .... .llr O. A. .....,.f'Ma, Mr. T. A Dut.ur,-, r,1i1:'.io"7, J:F'C'.,. Call .,_i1'M . A. n-...,.•n frf2m. Mr. 'll. T. FWr:. Mana,-lq DiN'IW'lf' W' A~l-r•M•W Witt..,_ tA dal, Lid..,. t.. ~i.e. latnN&a ornwu.. (Tv be

::· 1~r!!~ ':r °'.A.!!~~=i.~:,.~~ Th(\ wh11I~ o[ the a.rrangemeutff:

'11:l"J"P ratri~d oat by Fanni'ts1 Broad• muln1; Service, In ror\j""'1loa "lib Atnal,:amated \Virtlus tAu1L>1 Ltd-, ond "Th• Sylln..y .Mu1Aing Jlenl~."

3LO, Too Aa wt- go to 3LO, :\·Ielhoumci.

annountt that on Tu...ay nl«bt, from 11.-4& p..m. to 2 Lffl..., .a &bort wani hroadcutmg lf'SL c,n bii-h powrr wtll he Nn-rit-tl out frt1m their Hnt)'brook: Stollon.

Th, pro.-nmmo wlU ~ gl<ffl in Ille studio in the ordinary w•y and Jl"-"•d on tu Br.iybrook by lat1d line.

Conlim••" on Pai e £Jtl1r

'Ibe World's flyers earrlecl Bur~


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 10nla.obj-666354619National Library of Australia

Broadcasts to the World

I.. 1n.t.JtJpeL:•1! thi!! -..., ... l>!n~ w1U 1.- ~.8 rrl~N" and LIJ~ row r drawh ft I thf-' t1tafn• \\ t!J be t !Ul(k) "'"U•. At. D~)·l rook the oc:tput truan tho11 It t111 i api:,lw,I throoi.:h a llne :amplit, r aad -.--iJ~~uiator 1rnit to ttk­rrid:t uf ~ rmldul.!t ,,,. 1•1i>}Jt'r ,11tc1, lu huri i c:011111.,d W tha pfo• c,f lb• •PN..---ial • hurt wan <i'K'111Atfng- \'ah~ Thn-,1 Ynlvn a1 n ,1r 1u1lque dl"lll,"n .irt,I art11 t'U<'le>ffii h1 rn"t•I 1LCT1 f'n11 111 u,for tu dlJIUU., tc tbt!' lu1th fr1:1Juttll..Y JOQ111n o\'tr lbtl wht1l11t ot ! h11 du r<ll• nl6SH- iand tt.u~ r~Ul'1' the riff' of Jru:mti,at1 at th,• !tixb,1 uru.,d. The 01tJlla.t•1l' ~" •1•r•l-d 011 lht- amid fylc& drl1"~ a)"'!ilern &luvugh the, 1t,u."<11 1 t m~wflatfoo tn11dul1.t1tn:1 t LlnK' pl11~ an lfu• &a,,ct NP Thi, rml111,t from Oti, It lbt-11 (H li roua:J1 a 1.prt:1nlly ,I 1-m- I l pllnsr r ri·ull lhruuah • ltchu tK,I to lh 11 111lt ac-nol. Tho k-i brr Ii~ 4 vm. 1 t or ho hlalll)' in 11l:atr,I. 11$r'11lr ,tr,. •htffl W-il'ffl 5Upo.,1rtt"1I IHI mu1&lw·t> t8lr­

C'Tlph puln. 'f f'l,t'l'J.."J fri11n ll1" tram,, 'Irr ·, f..,J t11l111 the.a b~•f! u( th arriilJ l)"ttl'DI hy 11tfnna c,f n IJlf'Ciul c-utzphnr Ft 1 •tr t,11;1.,.n to Jll'H'Ntl n1.du1tior !'rem th"' IPch1•r ,n­trm &aod to .-Umlri11lo rdlt~llt:m ao u t.o im111re th .. fflndmum trnn frr of •nt>ricy !rorn lhr- ~ll& .. iu~ appi,ratU!i 16 Uln a1111U1I. 'rhc, a1fr111ll.ar1• hf t.hb ~pt,,,n Art' thot lb"' Hril/ mny '"'" l.t'J.t frr, ft', in nlrT(f~hN!' ltkf'I,)' h b. cau,"'d 1,y r,mfllttmc tlttl.11t' 114•1cb ln and around the ai•lual ~eM-nttine ap)'Jll,ralu Jiu M,nir, atld ;:,thrr flltt<irt lik1"17 to cau "' o!J,orp1lon ,I~"" I!'> t.h• e:11vnnote.1 lute1uuy of I.ha t-h'­r 1N.,u lie Grid Mt. 1111 ol Cr<,qltf"ftClr•,i o( tht'I ni•~lfnit·tdfl ,,f 1ht)tce t,, bfl a!!ad fur th-... lC!llte

'rhf, TP.rtou,. un t , ,, I h~ lru11cmit ti.ou- f'gulpmr11t ut• e-lFt"trk::illy 11,t·tr n,d lr1 rn nd1 ul.h•t, and I h• :frnrntti, and piiTlf'I ma•l!'t nr br~ Tl, .. dr('ult..J" ao l.ia!W~t1 tlut.t .U t•ld1, nrlllt'l!d fn th"" rr ,nr •mo- n.·11lrnl' t_•d

All )1Tirl, freqoOM? l')j' lh" ~111 p1 ul ""' Hi7Jl0l!'1.4'd un plal• t•~ ltrlp,1 t,1 rhnif 1t• 1lirlflt't tic

'Tho fH)l ,t •I 01~ th11 pLltc-1 ot n, .. r:ii1in lr.m 1itt1n., ,-1y,. wOI bfo 8.nn~ nlr 1poll«l b1• a Sl'<dall; , .. ,. aa.ructed !'J; phiu11 .. dirn1il.- wa,·<:'! re1 Wi~r a J ,aa datt-d a oot'iJ~ ,nnt Wtfb lhr• ,qul 111111'J11 11.0. al 11..,,.,.., wlll ha\"fl th• mo"t mGdl'MI and moet powf'rfril short wan hTn11-dt°.tU1t111f ,t.111i!,11 tn the Rll'ut'" 1'11. nemlt.phr1·"• whlrh ahoald he tan•bln flt htllnl' l,,•nt In •nr p.,rt of tho ,rnrld.

ltfff G.\1.LOW.\\: A !amou,: F.-r:ir• lab lu&i·lton. \\i1.h a fonc ,trfnr ur ,mponrnL tar11 and rit11.tfuTm trlu111phti tu hi~ c-l'f'dh, &y GaJJowa)' c-onses to :u.o • .It .-Jlx.iuu11. u1 afn,,h ll'!ld pJt"al in1r addition t: the pTOgrumm".t.

mm, I, II \,·1a:N: A J1rw C'Ofnf'• dlennc at 3W, who h2.J • n n"t naJyt, rt-p,i·rl,:,IN!0 ,u11I bl brua1kntttiag nuu1Y OYcl'iiC"ht <'e>meo~1r numbfn C0tqJMtl with R.t.i;r Galli,w~r in ,·omfdy d.uf!.."'-. h., I• 1lt<lldath1;g I 11trm•n •Hb tw-r

f.lU11l11t and cfo\tr ratt.r 11.nd ,illl'llls,

DempstJ v. 1iumeJ' , r.u ••••et, 4..-rf,,11.,, .. r u,.

lahl .... .....,,, 0~ . ... T"u•1 ,., ,..., ... ,w·. 1, .u.,, ... , 1hl111 ,.,,

li•pl•mlirr U, • Ill k '-ne•ra• ~

di. C.r.H1 n..U. C••JMnlio,11'• 11111,..,r•

... ,t ... u-. ···"· l'111e1n .... 11. ()hi.a. l..8A

TM tn• o111l•j.. ••II M "" :Ot ••'- dint ,_•"•l••,,_. ••••,i.a.lJJ ,,,_1' ,,. .,,.....,,...,,, •1th II•• htl•r•

-tun.I RM1tt t'e. t._.. ._.,_._. fat' llu f , .... ., j ., ...... ,.... Ill . ,,nn

fffffo- ,...,.., 4hl••• h lht' \noalc .. 1 ~HJ l._k•

llt,Jau ac J• .,..., Ra.Iara ~ ThlO• A......... 0.11 ..... ,....,, £2,. lt,1

nn"».,.i1111c ii•• ._,,. •m ~ a IL•· th• f•ll••iar ·•I' ftlf"irt••""• t3J,

A 1m1011s· "Rf.I> rt-unng ''.-'11thor-' WN-k.. ..-Vl'"rf

:fi:~1-~!n 1t: l~~t~~~~1~/·tJ,!7 v:;; lnipc,,rta.nt '-'f'~ .. lhe 1.nan. ln Lbe­atud,'' "it.h "l'• rd tn Au,,lr111i• n a11thont· l\ot tu 111ralt of •ulhol'l'I ,.., Poptra on th" sub.h-ct m11 be read frQJn Slu.du, :tO-.Na.G.UJn from our £.ivorlt.. nathf'I pMl.t will be 1ivd'I. • rtd nn t1t<rt1" will be left 11111.gro,.il In (1:111' t-fl\,rt to .. t1'!ll,- World" that ow ho~~vown produda can more than fJu'tnlraM)' Cetmpan, wflh tbto: 1n11j0rlt.:, <•t thf' lmport11d atul'r' we •ee lmlnl' our hoob.heh~, and book 5te_Jt,,.

Al~'TRA1..IA1" Al'THORS V. EF.H l\rtu.r6ttodn~ ll1>.ndlly. &:vt.cmb~r l Z, l'IQ Aultruh.nn Aucti,,r1' W11tok hat bffn prpnUed lhrou;-huul AtaHa Ja &c.L hJ!JI w: ronr"'d tu c=o--u1-..r•~ with th11 arg--a'nltt11 ""J 11n·' •P~lAl i,irog--numnt-1:.

A ::Wl::l't.\1. UJU.:AN rec.i.1t t',l b@ vtv•n Ju the AJdatd~ TuW',:;i llall lty the l 1t1 OTC'tUUJt lllr. W, It K110J1"), will b~ b1u1u1C-Qjil. by f.UL on &111J,,y n•n DV, &t'llnthtr ll, •t I 1,.11, In add1t QJI to o11CJ.n lt'leetlir.u&,, ltr-m" by \.'o•II 11.riowu .arWh wlll lll•o br, LtU!.ld r~u

Ji \TIii l'T:.'< SIM \lB. TM1 dn1ffllffl.- ,oprnno co111t"a lo

StuJJ) JLO. l1t'lboUJ nt>1 trum t.h1- tJnl n·nlt., n.11 Nvt1tor11.1m c,,f M1111ic • "" mafle: Ii. !or hi ,elf l'f't'ently hy luJ,11e ltt-lt"dt'J tu, Jklc011d pl111-i- w th,. 'rab/t- Talk VJiaaic11l CotntdY Arll"l' l'.on1pH1tJ,11 ... u honor, ki1dttd~ C-Ct1• •"1n nae I h11 l,uitr- numl"'i' of rhor,11 lnr .11.n1I t.ulentN con.peLitof"-

S< I. t II \RI fl 1l~I I,: The 61".I C'hntllY Bi.II hu l:,cr,u l11J,0kffl t.o lnle• r•lat~ tn the ).Lu5Clll de 11.t lill•nL ~le 1•0 1ht ,v1•hlnsr M Au.cwt 31, and f;11 uuainst ,ridc,rn-lXld intet·C'l-t, ·1 kk<-ti err h, ~._t d.eutand. and th111rr. •• PVl"l"J' ., ldtnre '1uat tl1C1 tun~ lion W'lll hti Yt-T)" Allt'Ct>Qful An-lQnlC' the (c«tur.--1 w-bftb wUI 1:1<' r,r•>iitiititod II' the, IU'T'l\"Jf t' P10ft.> ur Bravou fr(lm )lur,., Other no,,t1lli<:fl h:iv" Uf'•n tttrJ1ft%6d. •nJ n 1111mli•r of a&Pf"('ial m-t1drsl itrmM ar,., to h1: .11V'l'i1

.\SITA SIi 111.

A• Jr>11dmr :atJ,- with the I thrl "t ''No, N~. Nnnttt-e"' 'Compll1l). MlAII AnUia l• no •trancu tb Ab ... l;allan aodlenrtA. f-:h• h to bJ1r~r bi:!01@ LM "l.11k:t-'0 •c 3LO. Melbourn(", •hc,rU)', and haTinc an nttJ1Jho N•

fi~"!.a:,m .\I: Sb":;.. t~~=~~i~~ 11hcmld •ail broa,k,11li~1 e,J«lnlly • tr tiha has had a serloa err lfltttf!Sll~i- fl'I n,-ou, muitk.41 com.Sy, pJnto1uImo and vnitrly thi, 'ftorlJ o-.·n.

J'bilros are Ari,Jfo,rals amona )IMlfriet. •


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 11nla.obj-666354748National Library of Australia

Friday, 9th S•~t,mher, 1027, WIRELESS WB&ltLT Pai:,, Nino

Higher Class Music Improves 3LO Progra1nmes 3 l.O prog,:-ammes have im_provetl

out of sight duririg thP lt:1.~t month. At that ifi the

verdict of many who we1·e inclined tu trii.icisi:, t~m un th"" ttCOl"t:' of I hrht­PtS!i. The. reatton for the change of hurt. lie..-,; in thit excellc11L music i• beinr provided.

Sept-ember is to be a banner n,onLh tn thf-s l"(!oSpect. ~:r. J, Sntton Crow, ProfellO<Tr Bernurd H•i•,c• and ;M,, friu Hart ar,, thr., highly valued men who lead hill-lbou1-1e·11 muslcal thought. All of them an, co-operat­i,,g In making So1>tember n1u..;CJ1lly worth while in the region1:J of the air. On the 11th Scptembor, which is: a Sanday, Prof, HMnze is providing, .a programme ftolll UiC! Co~crvatorium. Some of the ftnef!;t in!'l:tYUrriettlal music yet given by ST,0 will be 1m1,·ide,l hy him. 1-tb Jfoutcmant. Sutton Cl"Ow, will follow on the Tuez:.da:r with Q

rvnUhuation of the opera ~cheme., of .,,.ruch 1 hJtv.e al ready written. This ti,ne th~ opera wHI be 0 0 Truvature.1


~ n<,xt dn.y Fritz H~rt will take up t.ha Tunning ½'1th a l)t.1 rfQrmancC! from the l!;tudio of Beethoven's caµitet work "Fide.lid."

It is t1-igni!lcant thkt whit~ musi­chulti in V.n,cland and eh!,ewb~re are damning t,h~ radio ns killin{C music, t he bes-t. mWUeia~ of Mclbourne"'f among may be numbP.rki Dr. Floyd, are 1,"'1C()Uraging the trnn,mis-1\iMt of the be,t, mUitit to listeners. Tber reg-n.rd this: ns aiding in t.he cul­tl\tO.don of 11 mw;ica.l tas«t. They cel'­taiD11, go to n gre..'1.t deal of truubJf' to ,iu,tiiy thei~ belief that ii' ]l"oplo tlll'lnot, 01· ,,;11 not, conlt> to the con .. re.rt room, tho ooncerl mll:!t be brought to the people. ArryU,inir ru!h., than that the public &hall b• !aft to jaiz nit th(\ only mu.-tlea I pro­,·ertdQr- provide::l for th~m.

I \Ytl."i interested .recE!ntty 1n obsuv­ing tho re3ctlon~ o.r a tomily to th~ J'"'l'sic of ~•'f.'loradOl'a." The melodie$ r..ame ove-:r the .ail' fron1 8LO's studio J)"rt'e-ctly. Those who li,;,t.cnL-d to the iuncl"u.1 u~r.a in thl! house J \\l(l.{I

visitinir wexe all young people, brought. up on mo~rn muskul eornffiy, \Vhen HTeJI Me., Pretty ti~aiden~ WAfl Mun,:, and capita.Uy, too, one of them :said, 1

• Well, I must 80.Y thn st~ff we, get now d~!!n't rompa.rc wJ\h th,t. 'Ihat number would malc• the fort.uTie of tl modfill musical , l1ow." 'Th~y Lhcm began t0 compa?'IB tho 11h1t,!:" of '"Floradora" with tho&~ rif a rf'l1f'-nt 11bow1 and rs.nut to th-, tOTlt"lusion that the former had n dnte-n, and the lattf.1" but three. nt'Ws a-.rd commmf from the Melhottm e Studio - firotl,er

Bill Eileen Castles


N li:VER >ince I tho advt!flt of bl'(la.densting- hlUI a epE!a'ker mec. with such sudden and triumph.

ant sue~~ us "Brother Billi'' the nl"W rhildron'• l'riend at 3LO, Me)boun,e, whose Sunday evening t.:t.Jlu- Rl'e giv­ing such wid<!apread (lelight, that ov<'r ~00 letter, are recei~d C:VC!.l')' day at the studio with all lc.ittd~ (Jf reqaesU n.nd meeag~ ot tt.ppredation.

So popular have UBrothcr nru·s•• tnlks ~_C!om.P that SLO, M,;i:thaurn(!e, h0,!, dee1ded, to J)rint them in heody 1,amphlet form for di.•trlbution. With­in a week :.:ifter tll,c :arui.ouncement w1uI made over t.h~ alr th~t 11Brothc,r UillJs" talks were availablo tor airy .. Ollt! npr,lying far Lhern nu l~s t..hnn 11,381 letter!I- were rec!eived by SLO for copies. '

Then- i~ a reason-or rerhapit mnn'y rc:Mons-for ht$ outstanding pop1:1l111·ity, liut no doubt th<! main fcntfile of "Brother Bill'~'' t.nlk!-: i~ .ht,i undoubted und.twst.11.mllng of nnd ,ym palhy with ehlldr•n •ml th• child mjnd. li<' i:s inUmutely alluned-&fl to apcak.._With t.h~ir mood.;i;1 and can, L~rt>:fore. cnt<'r intQ and adapt him­Sl"l:f to l.hf:! tru~ -1.plrit of tht< occasion. 'What 1:1n ineJChaw~tiblc- fioJd of l<now­lt>ti~"'e t if childrnn's likt.'JJ and ranck>a he has to dl'"1\W upon a:nd delight hi.s many th01.15andN of h!ii.tcn~n. nnd how WOT,dt>rlully well he tfoC's it i:, exempll­fled by ht,- success.

Who i, 13rothor Bill t 'l'hsl iM \he questhm f)O PYL-rybcdy'a lip~. vrf-111 c;ome dny JH'•rhups we. will kno.w, but fol" the present be ~ modestly con. tent to corn~ into the ilpot liKhl only 11,...,11; "Brothet· Bill," anti ltO a-is "Brother fl.ill" he ·will bt> lovin~Jy known ns the king of children':S .story .. tell6rs until he decides to emerge from bis wnc­Lum and reeeivo the CUii glorl.., o! his su~cs.,. Ho is !.O Vt'ry and una11~un1ing, howeY<"r, thnt it will 00 very difficult to g-rt him to do 10.

However, let UJ'I hope,,

Elli.EN CASTLES. A newc1.Jmer to brca.dc-~t.Jn"°, \Jut

by no me-ans o. newromt1r to the majority or li.;,.t(,Jl(U'~j l8 .M.i~ l:.i.l(l(·t\ Ctb--tlffl, w~ beautiful \•c,it~ will shortly be heard ovtt' tho nil"t from rtud!u 3LO, Mtl'lboume, .<\ rn:?-ITTbl>r of a di6tinguished musicnl i'nmii.v (bu sfate.r, Mi"" Amy C••tl.,., •njoy,, internatic>nlll fam,L Miss Eileen lu:ts spent nil heir lif('I in .an or song\ and, durin.a' her prof~~io11ul career, b.a.s undertaken every t3~ or vocal role, C'l'(lnd opera, .,ratorio_, 101d hf<> oven tripped it llght)y ns tho Fairy Queen in PontomimP. YL"' Castle!. hM done an ilnrneme atnl'JUnt oi: work for chu:rch~s • .a:nd he:r "~ofce !!I novel" silent when she is oked to rt.lile lt !or tlll> 1,~eot sake o? d,arity.


Ll•ten•r,; will b,, glad to henr that the wraatile Duo, Bower and Jtuth«r­fonl, ore M> be included in the pro­gram rnt1 bruedca..~t. from studio 3LO, Melbourne. The finely rooderr<l pianotortc :.ul o1> or Miss Kl.sie Bower"', ond l\lr~ Rutherford's banjo solos-to !'l:iY nothing o1 hl.11 clll\'tT imP',~6QrJR ... t ion or :.t j

1dark:it"," form a. di.stinct. ai their novel Pntertaininenr, wh.ils-L thC! '\\itty, toplra.l Rt1d UIJ"-t-0-da.te ftOn~ which are m.oluded in their repertoire add gron.tly w t.h+! @njoy­ment or th•ir contrll>uUon to the pro­<!.

SPF.CIAl,S FOR BOYS. Ar rangement.. Nlve l>e-e-n mad~ to

broadcM-t two ver)' !pedal aubjec~ during the children's houl'-5ubject:1 tht will dolight tho mind., ur all boH irom th._,, n.sre or !iix to .sixty. Thi:' nr~t wnt be " serie• of talks on stnm)) eolleeling--thc-ir M'igin, value~, an,J wl:llermarks-bow to n coUcc .. tion, how to cl:Hurlfy sp~imf'n..~, ,u,tl ll thow.:a.nd And qne other th.ing3- con­n<>ci.ed with tha fascinating and •h­~orbing hobby, whic-h will make every ~Y long to l)OS!ress a 1tlhum o! h1• own. The eecond will be th~ thrilling =d adventurou~ ,ubjoct or "Going- to Sea," &ml wil1 deal with the varfoJJS brnncbc.., nn.d rntJ11gs of 1 •·e servic~the A.D. !'!..ailing- before, mast, the wirelc!-s 0JHrator, th1• mitt .. 6hipman, and their dUtil''.\ wlJl bu c-x:­plainod from the ti me tl1er enli!t in the seTVke,, until tb~y leave it. crowned with hooor nnd glo:y. Bu:h t.hese lecture• nr~ Jn Lh~ hnnd"i of ffl'I expert--0.ntl the t:.e-ries on ~oiug to "'a delivered by on• ,.,hi, ha, apent tbe re<t ]>8rt or his llf• on lhe l,riny -will h• found o{ more than '1Sulll UJte?e,.-tt.

Bur&:ess Went with lJ,S. Mall Flyers.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 12nla.obj-666354876National Library of Australia

•••• Tta

For ti~ Love of .llike C".o"llnu.J f,-m Po_,. Su

•Spruil«.• 1114'4 for PoJ1lkal

::;c~.~ u~:r:~ ~'1~ >!':11%! trH1lnw1, 4'tf'n'l7 • hd i..ltr:1•1! UHRIN~· ,arUy, 10 bf" wu rull!li tiLll • nd thto

~lk~.lll!~;'~~f~f:; !°'J rtmatl~ ln rarinr p,arll.m-• at U. ,noon.a momt-nL1 16 •ILb Nllrf, I tun•iJ in u11 the M<1ndaf ,..-,m,ntc lo bear "014 lhll• ... In.

Wlt&l • tna lJ aid T'Oke 1w ha.•. whaL • ,.,,,.ui. old cha~ he prond to bf. Arid 'flhrn h" rtal.bfd thal lh~ eroeni-111 mn -H b,.lnl:' 11b,r,,I tn

.,~~~~t ,r:~ca~~ ~~-Jrt~0

~~ ::~

,,. a.rra. UM wi,I,. stTfft1 fa Jril irlbottrn•.

¥> .. '"~' .tU,~.:.~~-~.:~i:r; f!'nduT11m'ln~ to ad. bh 1outhPrn

~:~,=-~ '~:a;•.t:!:!./\~!~~·\.:. n:~· DCHlnNr kept c-loslar lt!m off at ~h nltJlo.i lllOrofn\. aMI ... WU not Cll JOIO At 1h,- end flf 1M rtlay~ rro­:1tramm.1 tbt h~ 'Wat • ti!., to trlumpt:anUr •J.1nal1te the tltu• bot,ou,,J qoutlon.

I Wt11t ta tl~ that •• I ff• wardfld. t r m, patltut lorarlbc of th,;.a m7n1-rio,a •nd r•t iritc-iutlr In trit'ulnr 1,ltl'ftt111.allt.J, and th• qoalnt•

::~:~~l~ '::tti!t~"fti:~:: hai:dt:. It was • powH that rould be­,.-.,Jd1 d •U.'h far ....-ath nc •ffl'f.'t and that the %f<1C MIL:4.! f"OM Htll .. ) t't>!lid bf thr 1rbit,tr1 lbr nhk, lhN plonttr, and aa .. .\rrua .. ,:ttl .. influtnt"" that C'MlJd be anade an lmeMt.,.. powu In th. lati:tl' ..\ u .JN4I t.hou.ta.nd liattntMI Nl.:!' ,. ·t · -whal • ft~ld'

• r.~rT,..\l~ ()111"'i \Ul \hllll..\TTI I'-n. .u to k:ow that

~r.~J,o::~~nli~'f.~:~ln l~ :~ol~r tint I rum !-lt:uli nW. ),h•lbtHff'nt", aftft hh1 a.rtlaUr lntnflJ'l'La.!.·Otl n,any -.i,n l'DOW11 an lffllMltff. arnnr-.d ., pe,lally for I bo v,olle, • OI bo m u<h

)~,~~h w~!uj~,m!~.i ~:'!110C'~J:: ltnltl to the nnowoe-,.l wr,.or, llr Joh.n llrloriurt, !tad Lh• d I nrtl<>n e! r...tffl>Jr .-.,.., .. 1 In_,. f"""' Frlu &" 1tt, 11-bo 1peb •alt. l"rffl •urulh •nd •ppndatlon of l h• Joun,: atlhl'I tik.l.11. A,pi1rt. from hi• IU'l, <'Apt. M-JJqth JI aA • vtator, 11,cd was the 6nt. and be bf... lleW'II the ont, cn.-to malt• • 1':iPt trndn Oar ~ ....... Brid_.., . • nt.llwr pPriln\111 pTr1't"ldunt, Lor. OWllll' to t~ • tnmilf condi1t1n., curr-ent•, th• auo-

~, name ta vl•f• aad rtffJ• wunry,rladwbaitllop..,,.

:i- taft-1.J' to -,.,-:-a Arma•

w1a• L • •• w •• ltLT

JJ;Jixing One's U7avelengtlzs O,~ ot I tno.i.. .nous ,~

•bout • ----·-· -: .. that la ntthlac • P"'""Jl'UH ,·ou &!'9

:•~:~ :;":,~;.~l,:n::~::;:~n1()~, ,~j~~ 1 .. admlsslble t.o picturt uqt-ls a.• M 1mpoLIP •• t~ be all l&Jk.Jnc all at •rnN> lt1. u.. n.Uwr •ar that. In tM anrag" IOTt of tt--t. lh('re h rt.':lttall7 an u111tnton11 of •t ,,lion and 111111le ('nmin• In abo hom "'t,"'r 1t.aL,on1 ... u 1,ttolnr Use •th-n at rt,• Nfflf' U111e. TIMI Ppl!rl term tor th

!:. :::;~;. ~~ ~n% r,~ ;:!: '"'"pt(nn, qllrt'f' hurna,irra, noh••• 111,d i rnatic mudc U('I 1lu• lo thl1 •mw,h" rathar t!u,1 10 the ocuaJ tb•Y ar• lilt~nl111 , ..

It mar bti ta\itn. as a nJ.-.ahhov.-h It •oetn• • iwrtJ, q~r uid aclt--con1ra• r1ktt>T) n11, lhlil th« 1 ...... 111nlcl•11t

:::. ~~we.~.:;.t•t~~ Jiot:;; th, .to17 of U.. pioa• aid lady who NjokH ,l'rtaUy O\·tr hn <r>n.aJ Nl l.«•lil,ut on Hur1tiM.y• 11he t:U1.11d ll••r lhe Jt"rvir.1 from at l•a•t two t·hurch,.,. &l of!!•t· .. Df.ll l'ully Anna. ac,h11U1• atanclinr lh • c-hqr(al aort of ld*Y• making- the bnl of botb worlda. or bo.&h ..... le~hs. car1 bt ovl'fUom.

M11inc orw"• drinh I, 11ot r,•• Nh-d iU II tok.t•.11 of 11<>hr~ty tv~n in th• moat tnUw ct dttlf'S .and when ~ r• n 11til1 tAJo1 ... .\ int Sbt ~Wwt't,. on \bf, .. %.OPhooe from •• 1tatiOL inn• trVU!y •ttt.anrlrd wtU1 *Ar" lhrr.• cm U,,. vtuUn, .-hlch bnrfly f'lf1"d11 tun, htl", from kn<1lh~1· 11l&Uo11,, It h • al•n leM of rMIT'f\il ol~ ... than o( mf1llla.l ~-.. Ohl doo-• ll:().l al.._flt NI h the • waJ, lowin,- of rtnn• f,t;,m othrr stat.ion• uloni: with the \11LA111lnf>• l•f SLO. but tM 1111-d:ih1 ! l• mt»>l a,ro,wunr4-d w-ht!tt UM ii doln.c ·~ • I .... Aid_ qJ.rit~ U.ft• awafft. .AN JOO auw lh• t all ,OU

~r J;':' ::::n~0!\t!~:. t~~:: d,)t•f• 11t l'l1teVthtt1J. '" ,1111ply :u.o, •nd nt»thu?sr mof'f''? AQ Ir. Jirnant litt"'"tr re nt.l) ,uot,r to a 1,--mpathcuc- ed Wt' r 1111pla11nnr thal h• ~ Ylm altffll" With bl. UO, •nd blLlerlJ bl,,,.ed hit t•, urll• I t oaJculb1,.:' atatlun fiW that mtJallikm:b h wat aJmo.t "• If one ahuuld ffll01.lnt• w1fr al o ct'&

hoto• '°' li:a-• my or tlu, 1n01t ltraun No• tn Un rim In onf'•• tt't i• n r::::~ ~rr~1:~TI t!pP.1!0::nft!.':~ ~~-:t~~"'{ .ii, •:.;•:9·,.:;~~~=~~~ nf arropthlr to I t'lf ._an l•nctlia t.bai L<IOl!l! w oth""', but. In Uw caA andn cvMiditrnlk»n~ fart, hll a 1im11lu tal•. Tt,1 111d1~nt unto'• hWn ,et waa lo Llun~, Ju the- wor,b t 11,. r.,rllhlr .... "Yna i,IL th•

door wide optn and somrt.ody •ltfo cnpt In."

Tbnt .,.. ao INQJ' wino..._. lC'h In vu- lhat &r• ~ on tlw Unn of poet. C'o" pti,r"• atudy door, tn "} 1i 11,fff' cut • bJK bul• fur tht C11&I and n little ono for 1he k1ll,n, Yi"hll• 81,0

~\ 4tDl:~~ --~it,:Ul:!; ,·:!~e:i: of -'fa lt-r and lu, f1Ucitou1 Jo .tlsfl.

~u~hfh~~:i~"ttoo~~~,!h~, o ul)'. 1( U1r7 _..r. th.a~ 1t.ttloi1 "• off r-prinr •• n would ... Wf'IL bTJt )'Oil c-an'I "t.l&me th• ut• '" Ht#l'J thlCC' that o«UN In an W4'...-ulatrd home~ld. •int Wr. IM' ht-am of. • hrU,,.r oC vm, or anr oll\t<r 1Lal1011,

~:!tatf..J:.0r. ~_:~~1~1t°oib:ia,::~ NntOrlfll'

h .nrat an nltaord.mary lhin.r to U-Hl l, )'et It h aeffrthel'1.• •1mff! lt\.l• th•t -very m• n)' wl,..11•• • t-t! a,rrre UP to U,.ir GWMN :fh(mMlt• a( ~art, enr,- bnadcaat~ atal1oa m Auatnlla. u w .. U u .r toru l,c,70:nd th@ aeu, and tM' lo• u~ly Jvn ...-.11 boli.,l•• lor e:,,•. I\ A, Nt" :,.,ea. land, th" nil>,. llhly )tHJ .,. tu bt•

IY~'1..::'!r:1,~!;.:'l.t.;tr irs u:~ In AmtraU• who hnr ,IOAK Crum far J111 •n. Juirt u \hf11 imbibe a .uMI,. ftavu111 td Orirn111 l'•k0oe- In lhttll' ~t,:fTloori , ... or hke lhl illlt1nte but ki.nd.Jy o1d cuU,maa wllo OM da.7 dL­,.,..,.., that ~ had a-n Lalkt"" .,.._ all hu Iii• with= knowtnir 11 •

ln tontradatlndion ID 1our)1 ,n·ent.t~ Ht. Lh•1• ar., of UIUl-1. U,. lll'ttf'r c-Llq pf ,-.ce-1ven that d"tn-m- aU) a p,ur• aocl u u.nad.iiiltarat.d: u ~ momt~•• a:Uk. ln aN..IC'd bollln Thff.t'­Al"C' oll.-d •SeJ'°"'h-.,• 1-eu. and In th,. !land• of the 11wr1• •r• "hQ kfWW liow tt.'I Hltct, th(•J' •NI c ,,-btt ut rc-.:nrl r inc Lo )'Oil eYerJ •ta~N»fl at. It.a best uncentarnlutcd with nobd from cl.Mr 'Wa....trn~ Bat """ •wh Nf~ a•U <'all be mu:hn.odled bl UNI••• 1t11rrs. 1:1m11 thfl 111rnd ••f ~nr, ,,.t, ho"nrr .,,.11 built,. hould tao .,_,.lbo<I Ill• wll• word, of th,, pot-t Urowait:r. h;zn .. lf • n •umpl~ el liow mu..1nl a.tlfirant6 can bP ,:'r1n oualy murdered by tm«JmJv"' rr n,iv,rt., n. ,.,,. "flh1 I~ Utt!!' mote and how m uth 1t b.. ll'nd thP htU. a..,. atld •hat world• away••• wlut.b tomp&gdy • llllUI up, t.t,• whoW ar-t of lwtdd.lir.a- cor.dNSNr adjuat~ rl'l•0-1\• t11, and all tht n I ~f lh• •M o! e,pnatln,:• '\littt"l.t-111 HL

Jut a W1 •a:rd' ltemPra.ber a.11 .SO.t not comt from oJW sta\iOn tl::at eeme-11 from UN- loud..-r,taktt, onJe-9 ) Odr Jet b •~ltd.IV• amd h.11 httn tm\NI t,, a rl•('t.1•11 t1J11Pr. or dtn two. Ult! l11.1maa f'.&dt11r I• the mor• nn POT tant. •"" t 'H11 • .. ..ttocn u·t In .-ood banob wtll ylold .....,lb K&tnlJ' la· !crktr lO tM beaL

'J'herc are no rirnl~ lo t be 1-'hUco.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 13nla.obj-666355009National Library of Australia

Friday, 9th Soptember, l 927. WIRELESS WEEKLY

The Safety Valve R,ad,rs are 11rged In •.~n,s 1/,eir of)inin11 o" ma//ers Mr• taill/ng to broadcustfae. If :you lwve some grieva11c,, if you ltave some conslmclitM critlt:ism to olJer, hi!rt ls :rour rl,anct /or Aff)r,uio11-,our s11fef.}• val:>r. 1 h~ ditor assumM 110 r .. s/)Oflsibi{//j•for staft11m1t., madr b.v rra,J,r_, fJnd Ptthlislwl on this t,ag,, as oPinfons of corr,spnndents do 1101 r,pr,srnt our edi­torlalt,olit:in or btli~.fe. Ano,u,mo11s /,tt~r, a,·~ m1r con.,idertd.

lrnARI) Nl(W YOlll( ON ··wnrn­LESS WEEKLY'' SET.

Dear Sir,-On Saturday, 23rd July, J built tho :i valve receiver aP. de~ ••rlbed in your ls•ue or ti.. 16th July, 19271 and ha\le had \"ety goo<l rl'!tUlt~

On Sundal', 24th .Tuly, I J)ick•d up 2XAP, N~w Y11rk, a.t good louli ,peaker •t.rength, and during th• 24 bour toot from PC.IJ l had no dilll­enlty in receiving ..tntion at any how·. Then yesterdar (Su,,dlly, 31/7/'2:I) I pickod up otatlon 2XAI•' at 6.60 p.m. and heard Preoidcnt Coolidge, al U.S.A. n,ako a •p«ch In i,rosenting Colonel I,lndbcrg with • deeoration, and LlndberR'• 1'1lply. Th~ announcer at 2XAF •tated there were 150,QOO people pl'l!Sont. Aft•r this a npeci.Ql progfflmme tor Hawaii was lranMUtted, and the whole received until 2X.A.F nnnoun~d the 2,tation wa11, <lo!ing down at 8.43 p.m.-The whole ()f thi3 transmi&!lion wa.11 received a.t good loud •peaker otrength, using 3 Racliotron UX20IA Vw"'•·

Thi• may he or lntcrert to readon, of "'Wirele&.'i Weekly,11 to which. l have ,5ubscribecl sltlee it.a i0ception and &ub• milted aceordln1tlY,

Your~, etc., H. H. BURRASTON.


MOR(S}E TROt"Bl,F.. Tlc-1u• !,;ir,• - 1 wish to draw your

atle.r;1tio11 lo the fac.L that. country l~tencu. have \)een consid~rably in­tPrru_pt.etl hy the ~Ol'fli@ c.ode from vtu•iou! Rtntion1~ Now I know -you will say an•ight a·,,ay that it i• lhrougl1 the set nc,t bein,r sefottive. T ha.VP been working n .Magnavox 5. which fo'r aelectivity il'i fill good at the Tifi'Xl, :md mu, nif!'ht during la11t Wt!Pk thf!I progran1n,e t1f ~neh E!Ul.tion wu,;; int•rropted by tha ll!oM!e rod<. 11 appl•af'tl the Mon:e <"()fflt'S rro:n-1 r,c.verul titations. One nll{ht 3AR and 6CL wfor~ eantinuuUy lnlru-rupt~d by a dull buxz. and 3LO wn,s subJect to a continuoui. whistling P:nd a far­aw3y jl;peech "''hkh was unint~Uigible. Par,nf-1''1 :!FC are m,1bject 11, fnl<!n-up. lion from :\forse codf'-, i:rnd it con­sider:tbly ha:mpen t.•.ountry lif;.ie,ncrs, ~ you mtJttt admit that while listen­ing to a 1iroi:i:ramme of mu:(jc, it ia

very ennoying t.o have to hear Morse, :Morse, Mor••·

t write tbi., ln good fnilh a:11d not :1.15 11 f4'ltt.Mti('. cnmplai11t, and for tht1 bot~erment of radio. 1'hti country pe()pfe r find are. jllit bt.•ginnintt lo. bP­come cntlm1;fa9.dc i-u winless metter11, and [t ~E'tml' a "Pity that i:i_r1m~thizur <'~nnot be doJ1e to ,·.-ctify thl13 annoy­anre.

r might 1t:atu lhM the lrnm.mis~ion from tho two Sydney •rAn statio1tl,' i~ nu\ ull that coul~ b• ,l,olr~d. ThL., or, is subjed, lo JiscuR<!..ion. hut mr own p,enonn.1 eX'Jl,:,rfence la t.hRt of the two station/!., 2FC is some­what s11perior1 but even the-n is nol vc-ry goocL

In conc!u,ion, I might add th•t th• MtHiie at time11 fs so loud th:i.t it is almowt irnpouiblc to bent" -nny other itema ztt a.IJ, nnd it &-ems- to he on occasions on aU wuve lc1t1rths trom ar,o to 460 inetrea.

Yours, et.1.1



Tlwr Sir,-1 hoartll)' endor,e Jaok Blair's views atod aleo think it is lime broadcasdna- companle~ Vi·ok, uµ to the fact that tho grf"at niajol'ily of H3t"'ntr~-in n.n, Kick of tli~ Sunduy l!!e:rri,r,tafl, n1,t u11I;• St111clay but also ~llturduy. H I htJ broud1·ssting 5.tOtil)n:~ tlrtl going lo ea.fer fot· ft1i-1tlou11 bc:idif>.:>,'. indltl'crenl cooks. peoplr ,vhn \."Atl't J·e~ld, wr:-tLht"r p1·oplwtt-, un,f oth\ r umutf'riC:!!ting .. ubjt-L'l4, tht"Y wHl ~oon he DeLter ~h,m u sle~pin~• draugLt.

Cut out churchP~. football rn11tc·IH1!:,

WPath<'r 1·e1>(1rt~. l'O'.'kt>ry ll"t~ures, race meeting1-, tips t.o punters,» lec­l \1re5 o[ ull klndb, announceh' +>f>lnions, clock nnd c-himc~ eYery ho.lf­hou1-, kids' storie,.. nnrl lies. alth) pfou!'J hymn sini~in~, 11.nd Jut Uil h.nvt> ~001e• U1iui,t wnl'lh lidflnln)t lo; nol the cfoll'­ful. Jl'eamy J.rivcl we hnve suffti--red so long.

Youn. clc:., THOMAS STILLEY.

Clovolly Rd.

:SO AL1'.E:R.ATION l'iECESSART". De;;ir Slr,-t hnv~ hoc:i -readmg- "'ith

considt:rRble inti."rt'St U,e cc.mtroY1:<l"'!.Y brtween li•hmffl's lc"f.rur,Jintc Lht> m,­luro of the Sun.cla-y !,ro..'IJras1·1nl,t' 11rn­grllht111os~ It make$ anu won,itir ja~t. "'hat 1ti1mt, P<'f•Pk rtnlly wont -lor the trillinf!' ~Olit d tb1111 um' J1C..1my

G:u,:.ay Li~:ns~0~~i~:;~ti~17u~i~~t·:.r:~~

lhP}~ ('(1f1nidoJ.· th,;.• ,,al':iety thf') ge-t (OT

their 3m1;1ll cor1trlUution1 be lltorc than E~tii.fied.

A• for the popularity of th• hroad­cA~t Chur(h sCTvfocs, to my hltn thiA is nut. to he di~putcd. A studio ser­Tit~f' tn be ccJrnh1ete.d tor tho benefit of Hsttmers .atunt>. whlt·h h.aK nlsp bCt"n •u11uosted, would Mt !uJI Int<. puWic :rnvour, bornus~ a seniee din~rt from tl1• Oathe<hal itsclt ,vouJd certainly be mvre- int~rc~ting.

lluw EinY t>PT~nn ctiuld lh1:ten to jaz1., ek .• six 11ight1 frum eveey week, nnd then notmilly d°'irc tho smno forttt of e-ntt1.rtninn1ent on tho ieventli nmiuea me \Q 1h• o,rlreme. I thmk ft t~ n ple-asant dPp~rlute !.tom tho wcP-1 programmes to \J~ .:;.ble to lL-1.tP.Tl tt. a rhurdt tervh:c 011 th& Sabbath unt! enjoy tha mwde rJl. urc:nn .u.nd cliolr.

I live in n town when ~nnfin.y flpl)rt I, well OllUl'.!'ltched, but l think 1 am vniclug tho rl!titlmcnbi of fellow li!,t"rie-rit iu this !lrua.11 P•utr1:1 by rC!­qt.JPSting l hat. I he Si.m,ia;· hro:\d~as!­ing progtanlml'ti r-cruain uoolter~d.

Yom-s, ete., H<"K \\'lLl.!Uiil.


nm )IER!t\ W!LIOW. Owin!'.!· to thu gl"~nt SOL'l'"~ o! lht11

J'P.ef!n~ )l\"\ltlUC'!.h.m pf "TIU ..\11.>rry Wldc1w'1 from atu,fiu 31.0. Me1hournt, Wlckir tl1f• dirrrtitm of M1- \\'illmm G. ,Jumrlll, a ~~nd rw-:rlo1·mo t1C!e ia to h{" giv1"n w1 &•r.itmnbt.•r 12th 'l"ht!" 1,n1wlpa1~ will ht-< ~he ,mm~ a.-, on .,.lu, i~ c.w..~~H•J1-:\fodurr.c Sulfo At'TIO\"

will give n go<>tt ,11.~tgunL nf thP soprnno role. which she rlnyL'd thnmg-hnu.t F.riglntl.d and th f'..(iutfo .. ent. with jlf~nt I H'l~t"1Hi-!iml the I W'l f)(')p\ nnnnuncers, !\fr, Alfr<-d .Amlrn,,.• nnd :Mr. Mnuril°P O1.:dJes. iue «,ac.h lending the 11rodudwn aMe BIIP• Jmrt.

J'ou can Rechar&re n Philco for a lew pence.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 14nla.obj-666355131National Library of Australia


·········••J••··········· ..................................................................................................... . . . . .

! THAT c1R/t~1 ~,!n~M ~0~0\!\ !;;•;-SET I ·:~ 'h hi\• Jlf4"f1Qt,d a numl:Nr r:(i~it;~~· tt?::h~"~".,!:. "•riv,u rN'th·in.1 • ..._, w•in1 i:

l;~~,;~m~11(:-ht.:~11'.~"~~1:d~d J:;ou~11~n:,-b:;··;:nt~u to::::rio::r. t,. ~=;~::. ~1:ft}'REFl. : ---------------- ,--------~ :

The Crescent Audio Transformer Audio Transformers Crescent Transformers

ft I" l nr

Variable Condensers

• · d Tut< El"oliot run, :Jl lo ~ 11

Th11 Cri·,<'•r.t, a 1Jr n1 tu 1, 1.1 o TI," Karas Hiarmonlk ..... ~ Th..e Emmt'Q, 6 or :ti to 1 ... 17 Thl· A..W.A .. ~ OT 31 '" 1 •• UI Thr f'urrn11, n 11t ,. lo l •• LlJ

are ruaru.teed &faiDsl b11taoul for one year.

Buy ECONOTRON VALVES once and you will buy them always

U,'{rn~ 11'\'l~g I UX201A I TU Udttl•r • . .. . •• .. . 0, G

~ " u,y 01& i:."m~~~;:t~•Pim. ... : \t; r. 1m •m·• ... , " w.,1.., w,tl.11 " 11ua1.• ,

SHORT WA VE ADAPTOR:~:;; 42/5 Here are the Requind Part, 42/5 ._ d.

T~:IH~~~~e:1:10 ft~~= ~,:• ;,,;:•~:. ~i•n•l'• .'.'~: U tl Tb C1mtlnlfnt.alr .\l.amhtium, :l hul11 rixf11u-,

1 LUJ.NM p.,lil.hed Hard Ruhbt!r Po.n~I. J:} x 7 • 3-10 ······ , ..••••••••••

1 Pilc>t Kilo.-n,f ~lo• Mot.tan Dial •.• , , •• l Phtlrnor(' 30 ohm. W£re: Wuubd •

• d. 4 8 6 9 l 10 7 ij 2 9 ~ ~ 8 6 1 6 I 0 1 4 II 11 0 6 I 0

.(l(k)(i ••••••••••••••••• • •••• • •••· • !l ThP Thon.1la: All b1·au, s.1..0 .•. ooori ••• • It! The Ctrtllle.l: ~f'W $.L,JI'. ("c,nd,.n~r. """ llr

Ll,tefl 111,le fl.aln«_, ,OUt,36 t!T .0005 . • , , , 'hr Knr-u Orthc.m'"trie~ llia-h11u,1 Qullt1•, .00,123 ••• • , •••.•••• , ••••••• 12 (Jo. tlOd:J'; , , ••• :,:1 n !Iv., .00(1S . . , • • • • • . • •• ._ 34 11

'rhr Aitvru1"1! r· .. nu111Jc1., Ura..,_ .. ,00,1~ and !lt,o:lf, • , • • • • • • 12 o .OOOG • • . •• • • ......... ,.. IZ U

Thn F.mtt1fD i:::1"'ltl)•ntt: Brn lt .I.Kl(l25 a.nd 1)003fi • • • • • .. • .. • • .. • • 12 o .ooori .•••••.•• , •••••••• 1i n

J J-; ••• , •••••• ,. ,, ••••••• I Mica .00026 Gnd Condenter a nd Grid1'•ak I AH Anu'th'.'•11 \'uh·• Sc~ket ........... . l &diolte, Radio 1' .. r.que-ncy Chcike ••• , •••• J Mku Jo'lx..-d ConJemer •• 002 . , •• , ...... . J J3alu-ht~ ~11h-Panril. fi 11: 4 11: 1-.8 ••• ., ... it Nk:ke}.J:tlatt'd Bindint Pow, 2d, ••.•• , , • ft lr111rth1 Squ.arr Tlnnliltf Hu,wtre , • , • , ,

i ~:~,re~1::~TfI'"n;7 T,1:inft. _s~ .. :

Total 42/5 Cost t.:ot:~TRY ('.US'l'O~IU-: AH &Qod!! carry a m4;1ney ba.c.k srw..ra.ntee of ~tidacbon if tttDrned in Jrood (11'd1;:1· within rnn •In: . W, J>A)' t'J\rr,11gf' on all or,lt,r. of 10 ind >Vt-r ,-x.:e,.,t on, l.outbpeakt-t1, rabint<t, anri V•luf" Payablf' PQ•t Patt,i..


'\OIRJ-l •·on 1-


Cer. ~f•rquarlf' • nd Churrh Sll %.i NRW HO.l AI, ARCA Ol:l_ Htt IIW1tt1r 81, WeaL : 'l'hooa: l:11 0601. "Phon., M 30'9. 'Phno: N••· 1~ 2. : JI••···· ....... , .............................. _ ...................................... , ........................................... .


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 15nla.obj-666355265National Library of Australia

Frida;•, 9th S•plember, 102'i. WIRELESS WBE.JtLY Pal'e Thirteen

Converting Your Broadcast Receiver for the Short Waves

CONSIDF.RABLE Interest is bein~ evh1ct!d lht: world UV<'.?' fa !.ho-rt wnve recepti-.m.. Short wa,re

lransmfasion i$ coming to lhe front Lef<>ni v@ry long it h, inten::~tin~ to learn lhut some of the big .\m('r1C-ltn Lroudcasth1l( 8Ulticrns 1lre ct.uging n jlrogrammei f,i-· 1,)VetS0&..'i cotmtrieg N'tl.ploying &hort wavei:; ir\ the vicinity nCIO or 40 metres. Agaln, ~'lr. UetltlJ 'M,i.rci.uU!, o! London, h:L~ ~nl(l-red the feld of 2,h('lrt wnve broadc:l:ltit1.trs 3nd 1nth o. ,-uitablo tf<!:eiver lhPre is -no re-~on why we m thii:t eountrr should nul teceive, it. Tht,> wnv-deugt!is are 23 amt 33 metre~, aod will be within the rango of th~ te~dvor nbout to bt df!i5.eribcd. )te-lhournPr, SLO, hsv<t annnun«!<l their intention to 6roudcan on the ~hort wave$, !'iO s.uroly t.o goQd­ncss thla station will he reeeived by t.he ow1wrs of short receiving $1!lS, •

Somo p~op1o who bullt. 1hort ~~we l'tte1Yers ,.~e,nt to ha"P some trouble in tuning in. Thi!: mny he !iO

for the nr~t week, but should nol- Le ~ geneTal rule. Us.ually the short w&vt b'l"O.B.dt'.asti:ng 11:t.ations. are niore f.t~Uy tuned in than the inter-State statlcmli. but. r,( rourse. lt.. is n~ePl­hl"Y to unde-rRtand y()u.r rerelvel" lhorour; beff'lre the be"t. may be ho.d from it.

That world famous i:itation of Philip• in Holl•nd, PGJJ, ue ,llll ~nding out good prograrnmP..& on t.hc ~h11rt wa.VeR-, and it. iR int..t-resti:ng to :not.e that the AUJ1tralian Manager is iii prMent on hi.s wa:y to "Ho1Jand, ond

:~!1m:::A1~!Y Ai:a~:fi:. 5~~~ J:~; i! a feast for the shorl wave man.

Think of it, Great Brit.nm, U.S.A., Holland and A u::..tr1..1lian titationt1 .all 11~1J1plying progrnlllml'!!l to be .tP• coivcJ on a aho:tl set.

Now eorue!-1 the quution of set-?. 'J'he a,~rngC! broudeast recei-vt'r tun­ing, from 200 lo 600 metre:1,, isn't suit uhlc for tt•ec,iving theS(• very short wavci;. Ar1otht•1· tiet jg neccsz,:,ary, .and this rt.~eiver mus.l hme lo tht';!;.£\ wnve­hm~th;. Tt i2:1 Ju~t ~s Wt•ll to receive thes.e, 1r;hnrl wave JJUl.tion!i on th4l loud $pc-uker us. 011 the eu.r11boncs. All th~ rest of the {1;1,mily wHl naturally bt-

SIIOJtT WAYF; AUAPTOR. (lltl.d-ll'.i!lh ,,.,. 11,0t'l-1 brio1'.• u.lkl ,t•;-iftU.T'"'' li\7'01':CJ'.~4)VI f~I' nrtfr1, ,,.,r., llir,.,, a:ctainl'w 1ue,d 1.1>11 1i$ ti\ O,r t-,r11i .... ""'lr dl':trnfitd, it untllt fl, pi>i'llf;:d Ql;I/ l/14t i( W tt<}l «t,.o,r..,t,t:111 t1,,.,01iaJ. /J1rs.l th~v b._t rlltidli, tti:11r"l•td t.i,.· purt• a/ •lf'\i/(.1,.,.. ')ll!J;T,1/ (l.l'ld r,«-hn.M?iil 1·nlot•·11 11lH11t,lJ j,u,r.tMm (l~ll


l Rad1on or DUecto Punt!. 1.2 X 7 X 3-16.

l Pilot K'.ilograd Dlol. l :lo ohms. llhcoatnt. l li~rnmeo~tari. 1 .00025 Gtld Condenser und

Leak. l .0Q025 Emme,, Stl'lll•lyne Con.

densei: 1 All Amerklln Socket. l Radioke.!i Rndio Frftqucncy

(:bol<e, J ,002 E1~e.trodyne Fix.~d Con#

deni,;('r. I Sub Panel. 6 • 4 ~ 1 8. 8 Bindlnf< Posts. Sp~ghotti, lias~board, et<".

if1tl-'re:-.Le-ri lo hear O\'t:it'"CUi.'! e-il\tioM evf."n although the ittU•n•!-ft in loc-al L1·o=;t,lc.~ ... L1ng ma:, huYt' wmi...-<l. It i!'t ,1bv1uusly "!e-1fi.s.h to Luild ~l tine \"Ul\'t• t-h<u·l Wt.Vt! reedvn (11r ,,_,uph1Jn~ W(lrk, )"t'~ a.g,dn if loud .sp4.111h1 r~.1-ception b required, oh ... ,,r tw(, .i;tiq.fcs of audio freqn~nc:t' o.mplitic.o.Uou. i!'l: es~ntinL

'I.'l'l£"; e.vcru,::r(I loli<l 1'p~!lkt>r ent!.u­.:,inst r,int.H·&Uy nwm1 n hromlt'a..•tmii: !.18l, witJ1 lout( 1-1~uk1..-r tTitHtn~. \Vlly nnl. muke U51l" c,( lhe loud ,;p<•a'khw 1,orUon tif t.he ))rn{itl<'!ni.ti111? ree1;>htr? It ia J<no\yn Hutt lhP JlUdu:i ft¥->q11r,w)' ~nd nf fl l"~~!ver ii:i nut 1u:1bk<•I' t , w1;1.viP.l~ns.rth rhn.nit~B b,· tunhur, If it is t.rau~foroH>r t"<Juoled, 01 re~btm1r<' coupled or imp~f3ence emiplfd, it doesn't me.ttcr-lt will amJillC} nny energy or ls P\Jt Into it, 1rtf­spc,cth·(I of wttvclength. Thi!sl i& in~ terc.sting I but how c>an we nrl21,-t1-t tt shoYt wave re(!~ivi'r to tb11!=t re¢~lvcr 1 What is common betwet n tbe te<'elVt>t'-4 '? 'ThP- Lntt4'-n· J1;>nd:-- only a.rf- common. Thia i~ so l1y vil"tut• of lh• fa.ct thnt the fihrntPnt of thP VDl\.' t• nrnst be lit and the plnte mUt!l nlti0 b1• rert with B b:.tlc.t'ey. S!ttCt', in n tn•n~Cvrnwr e11upfod ree-eivt•r th,. primary of t'ie 11r~t andil') l ra.nrlormt'.'r take" the 11l~ce, or lhe phones in n itinl-!I" valve H.,l, And i-., eith~r ru:.e th11 B b~tttor·y flow~:t thr,n.urh lhesl' unit~. thrn lt · Ii u11tv nec~R!larv to build n on<1 v-.Rlve ~hort wnve rer~h-t<r A.nd ll.Rl:! F-OJN1 l·On\'~Ui<>nt. mf"ffnK of conneac.Hnv t'his to thp ordinarv nudio portioH nf tht! brntt.dC#l-tl. fPCc-ivt-r

Thi!i i, dona by mei-,nl'I of n simpt~ ~Loo•hlu~ nh1o;. ihf' method or con­nec.:tinit tfa1 ti.vo un.H, .. i. loget.hel' <·en-

"Bur¥t8S" spells "Quality; Life; Service."


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 16nla.obj-666355391National Library of Australia

abt.1 of three ll,xll,I• load., 1<>ldered to lbe b:u;r tif a bW'nt cnit v• ltt. T),,e td.noa of lho -,nln,, it hroktn o!T And t.ho ba"' tit•~ c,f all t h•t adhn1w :::ur.n:i~~~te~·= :o~ to U.. lffllllnab of U. -ht, o"" to A paattJn-, on, to the A

~~~ a,;i w°:.:u-:r~e!: t~~ftl~::; tio!d the buc W'ith th11t Jdn t.unrd• )'Cu. tM rr.t.r two &?'9 A po11tfve and

:.:1:;;.~·iZ'i:~1'1-'::'~ Soldff u ... enn 111 ,oaiu..._ 1111~ • 1tun 1o&dt'rirt~ Iron. thm platt &II ldfnUJlcaUon. ui: a! tbo •t~ end. Fm 111• the lia•o wlth ,om'-" Qf thu\ COfflPl•Unrl from th• top (tf • di• ortlit4 n battt>ry llttd thl' ULJ1 • f!'MI~ ft:rst. (If c-ourn, In an Id tir,. thon rw It In, .., place oo- m,alJ

~~ ~ro: ~if'1~,: ~9:t:~ IIJUnr Ibo "- fall and allow t.> <0ol.

Now l111 11d conrtrudh n mu.,· l.e r.urieil out- t'fr,t of •U look ai th• oreu!t d~ Thm, ,oa wiU .,,, that thh la a plain out ti,,., ccU ~hru. •slll \aa ht'e'Dff'aUOO t:ont.n>UNI ai., a n.ria);l, rn-1tor flln•

~~. ••rgl: ~~~tu/!~t~ ti.•11,~.,.t~i,;

lhe r•nte uf };1nmt•0111l.a.da or a U&n• tnl•b '"i111 •r or • C'luo' of from ~nu IO id0.000 cabm. rf:!llif!Unt'e

A .ooo: .. r.i. ,uiAl>le ,.,:,1,_. t~n.. IJ>e rr!d OT N<Onda rf rail. U,. oetW '"' 1 rim&rJ rnl 1MP1111' 1Pft un lutitd Ir &11"''1,octlt. 1'htse cvU.. nu1.~ 1,, .. r I Ii• • ..,. nN oll 1hort ,...,., roll• Ill" the I rt-mn- TnUy ,hort ••we rihl II dnlttd, lb,, A!rw,e • rt nu ...0 1na7 t ra.ialolH'd nlo ,lqopo. 'Ill Al~,. roil ~ l'ttrChut-ti at ~ m11C'h fu • ln:rJ,b of 12 la ~~ •'WI u many tarn, .at n,q,dnd mat lot 111t d,

Th• 111u trntft1n 1 11Mw th• ~httanf'l on which att mowHnl tbt' n«n1ar7 t..-mlna t avppcrt the A !n,,ne rolh

~J~•~n~bl:i::-.. :~ t D llll' __. •• ,.,. toll. .. It •• •dTI• ,bL- to Mnrl the b,ainn nn and the



TIie pmnaey coll ,nay bf of ~ to C lllffl!. lh• t«0nd.a1T NII !or tun• lnJr from 10 to .C5 mettts. 1 tllTM, ind I~ tDl"nl wUl t=ue from ,&tl l 1 91.1 n1ttrts Th• rcartlan c-c,11 1r.ui1 h"' li 1,11111, but up to 1 ehould b.. triod. tlotn be alrald lb UT"r,.nt NII nhu. -qvit. a lot cl,prnd.o .,, lhu. In .. ,oal pradlN, It will M foimd that an n,rt .. at SO d~ troa lh• ba,. ..m nit both T"im•rr and ,.. utliott cod!, • rid! tht' rec" nr wUJ ap.,,.I• tw,,, t.h• whole ,,av•· l.11nil,

Th"' 8 hlit.tn1 i• •1-o a ran, dtta• tloo from u,, Pol,,, ot ••• of -m•­Uon. ,\dJ~.t Oda C'llftfully to a.U.

:·.~.:.i ~· ':';.'~':.j :~ l'-<l•m l'm,,t Uhf, I \'ult nh'• Jllf'OVed wotl.1lt1rfu1, anil u luclt •• 4, n•lt•

wh..-. tbl1 KTPW ah,iuM rn. A 1ao Nmember that the pa.Ml Ila.• to l-e lbad lo 1i.. la-rd, ,o make -Yillwn to• thno holes at lh• bottom cf tM ptlMI, ODIi In Iba Util~ And OM NCb OM lach frorn NlCh N'hr_. ...

Whll, tlie drill I, In Jl>UT b.wd, drill • tM Rl1p11ML 111a plan 'l'l•• will ID<llcate ..-bcn the '"'111,huils ca. i.o ,11....,..,. .. .,. rt...,,, ''" tJin. "'1,tnrl on Ju,t what form •f h!durt ..... JOU daln, l.o ""' llai.., lhb 1ul1poJ1,1 o.iT t!M, balL'ho,1,rJ, uau,c

i::\1:~•n,z :U'74t~ r':~ :r)f t1: JWl'U. wcl'l'wtnc dow1I rart"fllllY. ll l:t • ~ plan to d,'(l tM b&J.flboant • coat of thtllai: Tarnish to take • war tr-era tht 1,an appeanMt

Thto 'lnrfn,r b Tf'.1.,- NU-Y. Tlt<-' w!r In.I' dlarnm th""' lhi11 (h<carly. h l:1 OJ!~lt to u,o vvnubfd Cllnlbrle

~:!.a~;::.,':~~~ 'Df, •hkh la l>Hta than bmbv fr,,m the point ot ritw t,( 1tray rapacll1C""1.

Start the fflriPI' by Jomtna, the atrial t.o one lldc- aC "he primar, toll mou:nt. anti th• f'artb ter mlul to U.. -~ aide. '"- n,n fn,m u,. llfflal - •f tllo NCOPQ17 ten,.mla rii:h; lo th, 0Hd pla.._ o! the ..-mat.le ,._se1uu,r. link 11.ll up on. •"'••' add r-ondtnJt1' •,n r11u1.• .. 'IM 011po1Uet-iJ .... r l~•anabk eon ,1......-tbo ""'""Ir ,1 __ Jotntd to Ibo nmainin,r Nffi>d6'T l•nnlnal 1a en. ruar-1 .....,,lul o! u.. YalH aorbt and to OM .W. et tltt .OOS 11..,d <011d..,...,

Th• rrld cond•NNr 11 cl~111J>('d = lM :mt t=~ ~6~ o}~~: Nt"l:ft to the Hl"Afl w&dhr:, unninal and to o,,e dd. or u,., n,1. nW. ..,.i.i.r_ Th,, oth•r aWo of th, -variable 1'1'!11111,tt l111k to oti• dd. ,...f the- ehc,ke AJU,1 to th,, rtl'fftlibiin .. •id• 1lf the ,110:.! d.l'Nt f'Ofldf111tf!\• •nd to the nmalntn« reactron t,rrmlnal Theo ..-a1 ha,, ..,,. ,Id• Jotn.d to that P lff!nltlOI GI th,, Yam -ht •hldi hun't • .-Ion lo ll. All that l'GW Nm M to hr done ts lo link i.ap tho plur ronnllCl!on,.

r!:!tow:1:lh :::aid bl' uwd In corr • r------,,---------,

TIie -I "'-Id Le plaNd on a ft.a&. ,urfare •nd mark...t oat anrt

:.u~ ,..~ri·~ -~':. ~rr:;·:: I )'uu, Not~ tf:21 th• pf'l'lal and tut\ tarmfnab art" on tM aubtianel and J10C on lh• front pao,I Wbilo muklftc out, P-""' rcr th• - whlrh lb ..

~:11:::"!~; • .,:;.;ne~· ::pl~ ~=====:i,it>:=======: for 1.htt prpo141 or indln.Une ;11 t

Square <.lua Cella wllla - ~ l'hllca.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 17nla.obj-666355526National Library of Australia

PridaT, 9\h S•ptembcr, 1927 WlaEL&SS W&IUtLr ---------~ MlH in the Morola•-


Turn oJI the PHILIPS CHA.JlGD aad re•o"l'e your accu•atalor- ·:·~· ,.,-


Philip.I "PC)]" Mdtl,I uJd Sp,ilhr • . £6/10/-

No. 17,-l'h,t,p, "B 'D,1111:1 l'linri11•tor •• . • £91,,1-


S_l[MPLE MODER~ r•din rttth·ers J,,,,a,J an "A "

llatrtry Owgcr. I low ci.c ran the a<t1Jmu­bmr ~ ltpt up to It> h1i-:hnt dlic1cncr ?

Admtt thar a Llwger IS , n«-c,rny. Then sckc"t the host. To tdJ of lll 1he adnn1>g<s c,f the PhiliJ" <lat,;« ukcs • $ book.kt, ·but here arc some of tts mtjor pnims :-SILE.'\T-10 • dcgr,e There i, nr, unnying hun,

Sl RE-tn opcn.llon. You c:,n be cermn rlm when you turn rhe instrumcnr off> tlur your .1:tcuma• lator h:U h.:ld Jon c-thdcn1 c:hargc-. Sl.\lPl.ll-so much 50. tn fuc1, rhat the dcLbcrat: shomng of the output leads c-an do no hum. SArF. <o such s-11 extent that 1t is 1mpo~siblc to rcccivt th• •lightest •hod-. SA VL-.:G in money, for a charge coSH bur }d. or 4d. BL'll.'l' 01 'l'IIF. f,[NEST

MA l'P.RIAI s. rr WTI.l,Lt\ST .. 5/5/· FOR YEARS, SERVL,G llfl lc:TEI\TLY .l\'-;0 \\ET.L •-•lete

\tadr lit,,,, r,ulJt (atlo,,, llr1Jt b.Nilt t11'd maifltmfl.J ] ll.Jio J"1,1,.,, 1 CJ} • hitb /irst f'tll:}td LnJ,,, Hratllkd1I J>,.,,,,.11111111t1 la t°!t • .,/d 1111J 111111,/Jil Riy,111,J Id ,p,,,.t to //,,four ,on,,r, ,if IM ,✓.111.


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Pac, 8Jlffn Wll\11: L ESS WIESS.LT

- ... ... ..... =~ :.. = •• = ... = ; = = . -·· -~--- -··

tune wi:th I.he Vffnl~r dal TliP r,r. t •t•Ucm hNr,J may boe b111m111ly. Thli vannW. nst.ater will adjust thb and hsr 1, ap mcoly, )!Ollly will Joa

liur Mone ftld•. • IC you •ntllW il ,J'tlu •·ill ha\" s.vme tnt.("rNUn;- hour" 4'hn, • 11,I ruorr. u1•ltttt111L11i: l• l>1. int t"Ondu,::ted oa short wnf'-. IO It • · 11 not, be IOfl&' be.torn Htty t'OLl.DlrJ'

la °'" ._ld '1111 ~ t. ..-udlnr ""'

~ i~wUlt.::. °:h,.~ n· ll!I ,ma 1pc,

Radio Tests Motor Cars.

S OM I, ,...,. • p •,,nL wu •1,aJe 1itckno• l1·!!g-h ~ LhlYt ~•t~ Wu ,u, uuuay or th1

mrtor ar, for wb!I~ thr ftlnner tf'ftUS t,, koq, poop!, ooL of doon U.. l• t• tar d: JM..DCl.t tll•lr PttHnte at hom1 At n.ttarxe .--,J.h t.ha.:. .Utrmeet b an annw. mint from an ,,ff"K"tal of a ,,ill.-kr,ow~ t.:.K A lum,:;h!Jc, rnanu. 1nc:t1.11.-r In lh r<ff'tott r.hat r,u!i,,1 • Ji r11-nt1U ha.11 be-t-n •mJIIO)'t'd In • man•

Fri<l•Y, Pth S•ptemhot, I l!2'!

...- to •rtDAlly bm,1\t tb, IJ'od,_n at mo\or nra.

A ,P3rtK1.1lar h:1,1t.all11\1on of • r'! tiVI! nd.:n+phun~, amp1it1eon. I rad •si / onr• llUd I ltca~ln• .. m '6l th• t'r• nk~n factory ,. .. ..i bir the tesUr tn the l'QJ' ildl' df1lllDOm roaa, to lon.t• nK1di, •pot.a on t h or dlJ! en!IIUal n~ cean.

C',u,oJ..J hp In A doublt.'" wulled suu.n,J pruof box, 111 .. tt-tt41:r H,t•ttA l~ th whir of aoftly •nau&inr gear,

!"~ •:p ~; U:!:°':s -~~ r,o...,. ampliAawon ,..hi.le h '-'>•• ..-ukh the- v-~tiu ftnftl' or • rlrant.le lllal lhut IU"'lu.rt!a the Jell­c:Lt.f put,n ot thci cut1 ,t. conautntid 'l:n npro<lac-tnl' the aouw!.

S,na!I Ac-c~tallle IJalL nu-.., PolllU on u,. olW an tho

llmlto t.-1• «n ,. klch he I• pcm Itta~

~1ath~ .~~e n~:!;.e!1'~t


thrc,uah UM loud •~•k•r ln boa.r• sta'-'<likP "'""""" rnnl br plt<b and t • ty the most miniate rouc!,n,u on I.he hod -1...., f the cun •• tbfy ct1CW OYtr ~•eh othc,r 11t. tou,r nuJH an ho\.lr.

T"1l ma111n wbffh of .-tttl au wh.!.rlinr at eacb .. net t tb.e axle. n. =q °'; u:: . ~-~e;:: po"'ff load. A Nl'\I atJ &pddo,-. lc'T en the lmtrvmrnt. bo:r,I c:hck.­otr th, nulr.-. tho •P"d fuJknta-l" m,,pl11~ hla-btt and hl,:hot, II = u,;~ :_,t:Jt a I mulwi::~~t and tht ht• of Neap~ir that clAmp.1 down the lJ.J'O&d ba.ed o1 a tl'.1tm,111l Inn tnk• a,iahut 'th«t 0)1 ltl' drive, aha.ft. alto eiiwpped •·hfi a • !Anda.rd univawl J t.

\\1thbl 41 ltt'OCl'b tha wheeh a,-. &!op;,,! and the op,r• tor bu pra...S bu t 11hoM Ith • donor'• ecoµe to n.rtom I rtiOM of tbe a('•r cu•. H~ t.t1all b1.lh rn .. •ctf,-rlllJul'I

:-1 d "cr~~,i~'0:r '~he~~•~:~ at8 1ub~ t.o pn "

Twice uch n1~ ., ,pc,ded up and Ue brake a;,1 od; ll r.n lhe n1Ql.t Gk11nsr ten: of all, lh!! ft>ut. At a t01 Ly 1nUo tpc:rd Lhe pawt'r b auar,~d otI • nti thr of the .-bl't!IJ h perrni1Ud to nm dowa of its own ....,nl. IL Lo ID 1Ju. '"I that mlc,n,­kQpic ~ "" l'OUhnta on t.h, Nfl'Ni or aur(11et1 w1tl rnab thclr l'""~" lq w if at iall. It t.iu~y &LN h<srd • nd are l,.yond the thno mlll • cms:prn Um t lhe ,....,. arw a.::t back •--0 U.. nuochino •bop '° i.. npoh heel: If not. l.hty ..,.. pa....s on to tl!e .... Hmb '1 Llu!

AdJ1&auncnt of tha t.n1.nmn Hh ,.C ap;,arahu b 10 t1,llralo that ca•e ,...., ~ tobn it .._ - plct up and nampl ty lA ffi'll Nlmd or the - ~ ..n.n.tioo> U..t f'O'"""''" tho tee houae f=n t.lle ucl."'7,

.A111ulc:a'a lluhlU.rUlu all uu B~


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 19nla.obj-666355784National Library of Australia


Vhe Genie in lhe Sun!/?µy carlori

I ? 1raa a rar11 •n1l e-T1Tit1d lhrng m thf' d,011 nf old to be able to rt1njurc up a ge-nie C'R[l&hle ol fa)·imi: thr worlfl ,it your ftC'L Tn

rio~..e;.~ ";ic lamp PT a rna1,,-ir rit'I~ wa..111 th~ a,nhiliun of t>mpc,ron ..

T 0-DAV ~ f'lln. ,ill h.u, ,nit c•nlf' ln ,.-rl"J' llRMf"l"\:N 6Q'11-R11rr C'•rff'n n, " .,,.u. •!lit al IM hrihtffi t11chJm• •ill JlllU'• 11111 .,,..,..1, ., -,,nor ,th,~, ..... 1 A tom _,. !hf'

hmtnn OR"Ot-.D K1ov Morie" Tn-A ...... nd ,-r,ur wW! •• :,1'1111111.•~. Th•n:1·11 "" "'111ia!ii11.t:"' with •n ORMO~ll C-r,n ,~~T. No IJrrMt'!'lfl 1.w1d'1Ju,.( 11t •n•I lw 1111111 •·"11 a1nu1,1 l"fll 1n1"' \ 011'1• 1h~n • 1 wi1,.,IJ11c:; 11f att .,.,.,.

Thtt~ arc ORMOND Condnucra to ault th.r n.cech nl ev~ruon.t: at prlc:es 1dthtn n:aeh uJ orl


TH£ ORMOND ENGINEERING CO. LTD. 199-205 Pentooville Rd., Kin&'• Cross, Lo,Joa. N 1, E11g.

... -nr:u.f;HAL>.: lJIS'fRJOLTTOH.8 1 OR. VJl'TUlU.r\:

A to Bf"tfins and n,. Pt:, .• f .to1 .• ~,~.;q;.t PMt nmr-: 1'l•c.~, Mr u .. rrnt ..

~~~ l'.!' -1n1: r. · a Slr""°'t Mrlbourni-

r.U'!Trnti REPRf:S-Y.'iTATJVE Jnt,n Arnl'l!M. 1!~ U. Tl, 11•1'.r&T• J;t""t,



The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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w1aa1.••• wa1t1tL'f

1···························································································· .. ···························; Carry Your ACCUMULATORS in Comfort and without Risk with the "ENT LEY" Battery Carrier

It is an lngoniou,. but ~imf)le dcvico, "'11 srrit> •eeu~ly nil th" usual t)'J>e ur ue!,umula• tors nnd entirely o\'l'rcomoa tho trouhle un,I intomftni,•nra u1uall) ar;sodat•d with c,m,• ing havy .J&.nd cumber1-1omo Ratleril"a.


Jl!udo of mot.ti with 11ur1-<:orro1lio ,·onltni: and rubb<'r hAn11le.

Adjustabl~ trow l lo 15 lnclll~.

PRICE 4-Pootaa• 1-·rH lhl'qQ.QhOut th• ComlQOQWC'a.llb


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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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!'rld• y. ~tb ~opt~rnb,r, Jtl~7. WIRELESS WBEltL~


Friday, Sept. 9 2FC, SYDNEY.

Farmer·• J:lroadcasting Service. \\'&'{Cl Le.l'll"Lh. 44.2 Metrf"~

F.ARl,Y ~f01'IHNCi g,-..,ssmN. "J 11..m. to I &.m.


)!J un,-".lH~ Beu" 11nd!~tlll.L lll.i .1...tr1.-S~udlo mtuk-. lQ.H a.m..-"S,·i!tlf.Y 111.umla~ Jh.ra1d," llf'W.I

.l<lrYICJt. '\IJO a...m, -St.ud.0 mu,i-r:. ~-~ 1 m. It, rl'lll.din •• ;n.o LID,........t:iluilo m,t1lc-. II ;a,.m,-"Bir ~t:D." M.ALM:hhi.:" 1111..Mt.lct for

1-(11:11111,11 chlJUroefl, ·u a,JI\.-A.r.A. and Riei1fe:~:l ~-:able !!iet'V[~o~. lU6 • ~- Stu(lil) rrm~le. l l.I~ Lm.--A tali. 011 hum" e(.Joi.lns; and- n,,­

"lPfll b7 Mi~ .R.ulh hn:-t.. l!Jll 11,111L~lo.,e.Ja'1'Pt1,


H. 00011. --niit llt"cnu and anbtlutiameo~. n1 1u'rl.-6tot.JI: E:tel'l•rutt, Ill'¢ .-...ti. U-1 v.m.-Offlela.l wnthel' torceut, nCl'l!all. 11,.~ r,.m..-:\luiJ!o mu .. k. ll.lD p.m, Rummary f>r •'S,.di,1!)' Momin.a;

fll't'.lld'' TIOWll M'Mltt. Rucby w~cu• TI~"·· ,Uli Jl,M, ,:Jmdio m1&1'ft'. 1:.111 J...111., Matebint: mfl.1de for ~I c:bih:INQ.., !UO p,m A,inii,1 11-,,·ne. m~o:

•·R(>()nc-;t" Wrant). )!,'6 1)',M. THE. 0Alt llALL L'{SfltUM'F:1'-

TA.L TRTO. l2,.S.;i ai:m.,-&tu4ic, rn11.1i~ J ~-.. .Sh: &n.'' Weatll"r l"~tni:e:ne~. U ,p,JJ\, "i-~vt1nUI~ New•" ~:lddey n•.,. ,.-,..

,.1t,1. rro4u~,· Dlit.rlhuUti~ 6oo>U>''• ~ .,,L Ji, J'!,tn.-TBE OAK KALL INSTRUMEN-

TAT.. TRW. 1 U t,,M, $t1)dt l!.x11llansc. .11~iJ.nd c:a.ll U•D l'-m.-lia.rchl.tic tot acbout cl)ililru., u~ p.ra..-Ann• r.,.,.,, an"io:

"C:ar(Ol'll" (l\011!1\~ty Clal'W.~1. Llfi »·"'· fl;tu,.!N) mUal.e. J In p.m.--TKJ!l 0"1< RAr .. r. lN'STRUIIIKN­

TAJ TRIO : t'-ffl "Hi: ti-en." Cloae deown.

t''JJ!r &YI.'' and, rto~p:·amme arinCt\l:ll~ l'llt'IILI,

U ,.m..~l.u.dll'l mU11111l: GtrLttde Latnlw'i"t.

•-tJ:~t.r!':i~~C~•':!~~~.1r(~~~""~ll) au 11 m, !iivdltl mule. j_ll ~.Ill A rndi11t. JO 11.m,-M• rchiat MUliC tor ,~hOC,l chffiirffl.

l-~~O:~tfu'°~:htJ~inl~~-:::~l. J4& p.m.-'tHE OAK HA.I.I ll'ffiTRtlll~N­

'fAL ·rn10. I~;; p,rn. t.ett.ntde 14.m,ktt, • ot,i'lln!'>. I r,-m,-"Hi.r Hen.:• Fr•nk Bothstm. hfl'rUMHI

"Y11Pk11d-'a &n1" {(;\luilclH.

, ~ ~e C9MING WEE ,,,..., ✓

U Jt.m 171K OAK 1HL1 IN'STrU.'~b.N­'rAL 'fR10.

( IA p,lll, Frnt,_.. ~rah.,ll. C!"I• ta,lol "~Willi:' Low ~ .... l'<'t t't1•rillt' (Slllrtl;,1al).

4.20 p.._m. folMln l\ritun, <l(II't''J-nol ..,\ AOfllf of :-i.un .. lur.e'· \Thum-•

4.:?1$ fvn.-'[lrl!i OA.h.. HALL ll.S'l'.kUM.1:a,. TALTRW.

Uf6 ~1.m. ~tu4ip fflllll.(t· . -4.A(I 1,1.m.- t"nnk nt'lth"n,. hu!tnt'"",

.. .l!lur,t>n:i" {R1~lll. t 1l'f p.m • ..$~k 1-:xt'h•t11r<-. lhn'd ~IL!l, u.; J'l.ln. THE W.tN l WORTH ~•11 Mt'HOt,;TC

Dl\.1','CE OROHts:rnA 1,1,n1kr tbc Mt.on <>t C::,-:rn Kay.-~

5 ».m.-••fli,r lwn." \.ltdl" dq..,11. E.ATI.J.Y F.VF.1''ThG S.t::.:i~UN,

~.40 p.ttt.--'.rh,· t'hinlNI Qt f'C ~.45 p,m.- Thi, "Il"ll• llla..n·· I.Al.Ir.a tQ tile ~hil•

(l~n. fl.15 p.m. o\ Re-dUI..I by .AOA

HAICY.1l"S Juve,uh- IJi,,pll•t

~1~_"•~~_.1t°"''..-" rn1atr-r).

"LltUto lrbh Girl'' rJ,obr). Rt!C.lt8Uurui, h:, JittJ, ,Jo11n PuAc.11. J>"!:!i., .. .N~ l.lfe" (GkbdL Sons, ··Th,r F'' l ,11,undry•• iPh11Jio• l . Cbnn.e, '' fluab I bcrr, comf'!I 1h11 DtMrl!I Man.'•

f:\:,40 p.1:11.-0tn.neT 1>1W.te.

'1 fl,nl..-"'l:Cili' l~n-·· Lui 111,1r1.u1~ .-,u'>nlt,C ln• Iormn.Ciqn Qt ~)1.,. :ti:'(.- Rodn_i: Ci',~r

hlO ti.m.· ~Y".- m.t.dtt-t, rr110,r111 lwov/,' whNLt and at(l(l\l\.

'1,1& p.m.-F'rnit ft.nd V<!"l:", mutt.-t,,, 7.20 p.a,..-Weathfr anti a,.b.J(.IIW!,• n.,w,. 'j,jl, p.'l:n. ··t:nmnr;:- Kt1w.1'" l•te I'l'J;'ric:.o.

MJ(iUT SF,8$10.N.

f.dS J1,m.· Pl'l'1ifT8fflJUe atHWUnr.rmfil ia_

i·•~_;:~•::jj~ 't.~ ::ll tTrld_R-e ..

J,au""n<'e: Mac11,uh,.y, hn-ritC1ne: (a) "Yim J.o~J-,. Thln.r" IAt1.dt.nw.,q, o,, "'llt"JU' m,-t \'.t' wi11d1 and Wlllwat"

(HandtJ), .11.t p..m.- ~··ho ;you Kll.O'W ! ..

St'°'• 1101JTB WALES .. A~ AND ••i;,. ( 1, ABS BttOAUUi\-STINC 8TATJON~

U'C.-tf•n11t:r'a Dr••lilu•Ut1.c JS.tall•R, Lt• ... Sydft•f, .,,vdt1rti,tb. ••~ mll!lt.Ntl, 1HJ~l!.r liOtJQ wat la

::BI.-llrH4r&J1tttr•· 1,WI .. SJ11n11!'Y, ....,,~ ~n«-tlt U3 tntµ-H, i.w,wer iOOi> -...,._u..

2GB,-1'b.uao»hit-al Hr .. dc:utinlr' St• tJ•t1, Ltd.., 8-,rdn,,-, w • v,l""'*L" !li melJIN!, flll-•f'r !006 •at~

J:KY .-l'ralih •n• .Lakr c .. ndl, s,,. in:,, wavrJcmrtb 2.'!.IJ'lf., fWlW"'r not ~•t~

2ll'f\'.-Oll• N• n14"1, A1dl\t!1, W.ffl•n•tb 261 n1..-tt'>""~. J>I'...,.~" 6M Wll\.\9,,

UrifK,-M.otkltt Bree, B•lfllNl, wntt• ttn~lh ~Uii mfll~. ""'"".r 1!.H "'111-t..

:nri:.-t;lulri...aJ taUuk,- Sagpl.r r--. 8Jdno, ••V't,'ko'lirth fil l'n\"lrt9, 1'1'1Wtr ••«~.

JBl::....--»tif"tln Eleclric C•., 8.Y4nt-T, •••,.1"n.rth Slli mMH'll. 1110 wart..

tHD.-.ll. A, Do11a-lu, Nu•T•Rtl,., wnt .. !~hath, ~!II ll'lllltN!lt 1(10 ,._.a.Lt..

fi.t i,·m. M-.inr«- F011tr-r ,mfr,, ,..,1'°'1 ~1111 ••~eh:n..i.Je" 18chubert•. !ht '\flnuf't" !l'a(!r-n•·-..k1I

~ 17 pni.- w. ~ h.•t will i.aTk {'D 'tfo!rl: St:uc(" Vut,1in'I.,.

e..aJ J>.m..--Au Ad. rrom U- Tl1111ii 'J'h.-at"C-. a,&2 ti.u1.-Mk1:1rl,e .il'ail,-r, ,lolht abloe:

(i1 •·1·rt llHfl'!h 1hti llil'lv~\ Mnu"'-•111." 1.b) ··Wh.-:1, >•.Al ,1rnJ 1 .,...~,1i 1oun1, lllaic1r."

IUiO 11-m.-Lat.-d wcalbel' forl;!dl,.t, j;I P..1'1 '

1ni! F•n .... 'Bi"t'111t1or ~lao.l...,n, J'Of'Ju.!tu· (•' •·or,,t,.,u• wllb l<-•• l,o~·• '"ulllYan}, tl.i} '''l'b., l.aal HITTl:r"',

l.t. p.m. Willi.c.m llmr)'f'T and Wllll.11.111 Grubwu ~'Q\l'b (t"lonr) 1

lti.e.L,. 1a·1 "Wbet1 otinc &!I B...-~t .. fStmcn. {h) "Th,. M'Klr. hlu nWd hrt· L:tm:i- (b.<"fl~

Jld). t.u:. 11 m Jul.-. \'•n Dl-'r hhd, •,..11-i aul,111, ~ ~" ~.•11 -lhtunt.un G1lr1, wiH t.a. nf rhn T'C"l"o

1M)n.a.l1ty rif M.Att:oni. ~.30 p.m.- -L6u:rtincse Meca,..J-91, 11,iril"""' '

::; :•.~;l ~r,111z~1:~l~b). ,_jk 11.m.-AJ Cr=. ScvU.h c:unt,t!dll.Tl, 11.U p,m. W1ll11un QQW)'l'r rb..u<,\ 11,nd W'tr.

1i1W1 UHt.h1ua ~ni1~b ((~tut) l)q<'(, ' H,-,e·:. to HI• t.hlrlt,fl ,,f n .... Mul ftf­L.-.-n" I 171 I, Ctol'l\ul')').

'41 p,m --Clltlr-r 'Patllni. '"J!Nlt1": r'LI "Tnir11f" Sur;1,'" C(;rrfrharnnnfrl ,U) "l •~ s tbru.b a.t ew•"" (C'a.\UllA.n).

9,~3 - . i-n Ad Cr •· !-ll'ctt-h Cull Nlia11 lO u.m.-''Bl:: &1 "

Jute& Vaa Dl'T f(l.,,I, 'tt]U) l(l)r,., llt'1 J),m. T•:~unor :O,tantnh, rrwtna..'C.a1

,~, '4ltr.- !Sand1nar," ,Bnl,,u_l (h 1 ""Th~ 8w"IJr.,1,,·•• f!lnibmnj

JI) l!i 11.m -AU Cr..-ti• &:uU!b t:=.cM!dla.11 ,,, u r,.rn -Cil•Wr P•ttlnl, \'Tl'""'• Mnl

fA\ "C'rru Nun,•"' ln•'JI ••H-,11,tdt->" (\'enil), 4bl ''Tb"' lJl:-Jb" (R(,wlelll

te.1'7 J).m,-Jul{,. \.'•n Der KTt-1, 'c,•ljl) t,~•l'). l•'-32 p.m Wllli1tm 0(1\1.)'ttr, ITTUI~ ao:011;

1,d "N.,.1»1t1'11 ,i:'lht .tHRl!il ..... 1L11htl CbJ .. nil't,,- ¥thlittn,tn"" 1hyr-n1 .

l'l.",I) JI.Pl, 'rhe. W.-r11.""'1'r'h Symph!lrllr nAnC. Ottfil't;lt'A. ,1r,,J the ~t·n rir Gm! Kaw..

1(1./1? p.m. L o.II' nc:WI 11n:I !l.btJ0\l!1«u:ieJ\I..I • ll l).rtl ,-"lfc- B-· " 11 ~::;, :.::~t·;~~~:rnx:~~ J~aa.-(' nn:M~tra.

t:\oJ!:4,1 d1lWJl

2BL, SYDNEY. Broadcaster's Lid.


10.,VJ a m.,- t; P O, Cl""'\: u4 t.'hJtnt& M u.tUt'• I Pn>l:' from :-:tu,hri,

UUfJ a m.-.Ntwa lNlll the: •·D11U~ T!l!t',i'.TJlll\ f'il'tori11!"

10.50 -.,n.-,llualn.l ,,n)t'"quuau: tn'U:ll U.. :-;tucho.

Philco natteries Save Pounds in a \'ca.r.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pqe TwBttJ

II att1 ,,pil (Joirl ad Ch ..... A-...,11i'l('o-1t:"11t

11,i ••1· M,-lli-.1 ti,_, •• ,.., fro. ltw N1a1U!lo. ti 11, • a T•II• "" ~rl" .rt:· by xi- Varl,,y.

u,,1,u1.-..,.• W,n•n'• f11•u1J1 A1o11Mrtt.. ~,:,clal N~: 1<4os,hr.i1 lo ~•rtta bJ' Nr•. .lotr>Ju. Talk - •111,..,._M.llr,z...• b)I' ~-

I ;f ... ,., a r o Ol«ti ar. .. 01-. s ... ,1.-1 tkmn J'<1tdallt &nd Walilu ~.

U.I p tr1 llr1n.,..ld; P••tr• .. 111,.lr• I ..,_ ~•tal.

1111 ..... -1,,,l.l'ffll.Uoet ~,.u, AJJtVIIIIII", and l'Cll'l~PJ'

u.1• 11.n, 8-t. In all ltr •J,.-tcs.,, U.11 ,, • -rn,'t M..,11.,.. 1-...,r, l?,tl o.-.- \ cr...-.ui.. M..-rlu,,. .Rf'Nrt IJ,U .... I. 1141" MIH•i illlark-c. lk(l(lrt,. ll.2f. 11.a. O.Jr, •M .f'attn f'f'Alb~ir M.-rht

H••n. J: ill l'l.&.---G..1'.O. Cqk •~ C'hlm-..

~ ... u• ltulurl Jl,.-rt 1!.111 11.a.. -1'16h lhrld. JL,,i.-ur_ •• ll>t j• ,-. a.l:ilth Marin,. ll"'8'r1 u.H o.-..-.lu1u ,,... 1- .,.b. uu ,,a.;_fflJh• fll ll'Nllhll'ltt, .... I o..,.n, ... ,

,l\,..U..C.:41l'Jt"11lllllria. I :)(I • m O -"·O CldcJr. • n.d c•1-.

Ta.lit. .. Ot1ldft,1, •n4 S~1• 1 Ea&.l'Wll­,n.,11t ta• Cb-Hdn-n 1n Jfm .. ,• 1

I tt• -(11 0. C:llit~ -~ (."lit-. I;: .........

U-• lt11 l1,f,Utnat><,tti 1,,._,1.-.• .1 ""'""""J•t.1:, • t,•!" a.cb Haar, bJ c<111rt-Pv .,, •~ -siia.."

f i,-. G.l',0 C"l& ,.t,. \•1,t,~• N.,.,.,. lw. I.Ii• "kn...,.

I It. 11 r-, -Ch•II 8•1'-f"k-ft llt•,rn T'rlu ~ 11~~ li-,. )t, .... Gwr~ 8r('tul\",

J30 Plft ,;ro Pllotlr. ..... ci,1-. N'.-.. , f,- ··&.1•"

l 4!l 11.1111 -C•ntn -Won,1111'11 an.11,n lt. t1i,kl,1a. l,)" '•U• 'w1!1,,1-fl.

l!I() pm .N-. !ru111 llttt .... fl,· • 11.._ -4.1-11.0, \k\ •l'I· ( I IMft.

Civil '""vi. fi\OfH Tr-. ~ 11\ pm _,..,,_I ._,, • t,i r, ·t1 -~l p~-1' Ir,;,"' d,,. .f,c!JQI ... tkl :,..'"- N-. ''''"' 1h, ''llw:11.'' , I.\ p.m Ba..•1..,,. et 11..-111•• 1•rwra.11trnr •.l'f • IN l~1l11s lw-.1i11 .. U-0 ~ ~flll«'ial o-n POr"l'QIIL. I 11,. ,f, P.O. I ._Ii eml C,")11•••

i.:~ ...... n..

'-~t,l.r":. ~CZ;!!-!:*" •I'd Cln_, 1'.n. -Muaktt.J 1rr·wru111M from 1M itu&.

NtJ:CIAL CtJ\!VUT d:6&10N

I II m CI' 0. l:b-1, u •I t'11,_ .Au~li• o Jt,1n-•11U.., 1.11-JMI IIIW Pin~

Ot.'11 ft,•ruf., Ww.hc.t J.w9urt. a..--1 t,_t, lt.s CDUl'"f4,7 "' !Iv ..... ,. ..

J•r•""'1-• :1Ht1rtb1nJ,,.i: ..-... -..,-•, t·r•11 \,'r,-l'tabl«llarbi &,,1•1>"l, ~cl,a.aa,., lh'P<,,.,., t:rat111 ••• Pc.Wo,,t a-o,1.1" (-Son .. , I.Jolltt)' j•r,~ "'')WI l Nu11:•J

1.U 11.m.--<"ooMrT .r,.,,.. t«11n th.. "Nan." 1 11; .,"' l'•l& b Mt. o,...,,,,., al 1N

, ...... A. I.N ... l ·1.1, ... '"'GA,tlilnlac "' .. """'" k

,it, c~. hd S1i111u1a\0Wlefl,, l."'lt:,- cqu ... t:11,


I p.111.---G i'.O. \'l<ir\- u-11 t.~hno:iL tlrcad.-.,,._~1,• 't'ui1,11J CllooTLb,

&J p,-.. l1~ J.i1t.M uotk.r th, iil~tl.,. qr )4 ~. I K1thrhl fla",i,ti.

I.ti I"• -Mr. O~y H«laridi. (bul\i,-.I, • 1\1 • m ,u. K.,rle 9Jl11a-.i, (d,-.n,•1111

• .ru-). !I.Ji" 11 .le ~.r P11ir f•~MIS. ll'11ulct"'"'1, I U t_.. Jl,-J.eel.,.N" Ala.ti~ •ill

1,1lk till F•111,la• ,II,

WlBl:LISSS Wlll:ltLY

~ 41 I', in 11111111'16,i,Q a• .t Ill• mo1rrn.rUJ;ffl, t-l'WrllA {IN);!tl LM 8-1,,..._,,.._ or th<! BoOIIII l""'laoa. II m ~,n,\lk•r .kqH,n and Fot~I 1'J' 41\1111'1•)' wt llril1, ~. J N•NIL Guvt. .llt<!1tov,.._ -• ,-.,a...-t.. P.u, r'hir.k 01/ c;hl--.

L1 s,.111..- "r~• 1Jslllt °'""'n., I Jl p M lala• trt,,rd-1\ l.....,.'-"1 ._, * -or 1t • .rwt.Y-tl1 pJa.-·<'~ M..-lna aiwt hll Qle,;in\t.f&• 'I,,.

•n-4e.N1 f,- lli Balb-am11 <Jf &IJ&J C11••·•l

tu p.m -Tit• Rr-tll'fl' &blot"~~ -Sin.• w-111 111" 11• t .... J'~l'INU o,f a.t1Jrdfl11" tt.t"n••·

Ji.t ra,..-l1r....i,.,,t,,,tt 1.i..ttt Ord1wl.fa. It.II 11,111 Mr, Dllul.-r lklm.urh. i..v r rn Mr. c,. hit, II.ti~• CM fllw,._. •• tll•Olo«t11u.atf'ft,

\rotld,r..._ fr-om ,a. 0..Jlroom o( tb. 80M1 ("lllla.1$11

JO IJ/"i p.m,- Mr K:,rJ,e 5Yh1"'Y 19 t1 II.Ill ~l!n•• 1,t fulloWlq 4-1"• ~­.,.._~

An...,.~oiw. lU.i) ...-..-c.e. Jit..iltlaea &.11!1 h.i• il'-'1("1iaHfS.

.."**O' r,-.. .... "" ll•llrw11t fl' .... S<lM1 ........ 11 tr,• -0 P.() r-·•k •n4 c:tu"'"

:-l1111iOG•t A.nJb.t.a.

2GB, SYDNEY Tht"n1n1•I Droadf.,t.fna $~r•1':.,

WR\e Ltn1lh. 314 lrftln._

t .a.m N1.• lo a.a C,...f'fio Talk 11.U ""'· \hj,t.11 1.15 a .111.--t'o•dk/li,c,dj c.:IWill, •·•• aM lh1odr !I.Cl ..... lb• ltlt •nd Du•L Jt a_ !"I\. r--, ri,Jwa. p.m.-JlllMM. D-.'1 Jt-"1.-....Aihl,._ Irr W~ n.-11 1.11 11.... 111, ..... ~ f P-•-4•111'""" .. M~. Wc,o,4

fSTIIJUJTAT• "4" 4ND '""' c-u,a 11.Kd.u>CUTJNC ffAfJDNS.

JLO-&• C-am11•111-, "' A­ll'•I~ Lt•- M..l..,1111r111. •••--.11a;.1A, 1:1 -\n-.. ,..1, 117iN .-au...._

tU.-4-fflM fl.Ml• (.11,,, Ltlll,. M•t­b,.,ur,w, "'•v~1tC-l~ .tH tlll.e:1,-, "_.. IIOQ -•II

U•••~•••t.-' RMJe M"•Clt. B,­llatu1, ••••lw,,•th IN •.U., ~•et 1116111 ••U..

lf"l.-4_,lllr•I lltMM_,.t,,.• I, .... AoMl.aitlw, wa•tin.¥0i • - • u., lr-•""•r iatO •alia, •.,r-w .. .:,uJI• • J • .,.,,.., Lcli,, luta. wawalt.n.vta l;t.O .. alra, IJOll'W"' 60IO •all.II

T~Tu .. • i• fl AnMkuh:r•, ltL,. •, ••r••nll 611 ..,.1.-..,. IIIM ......

au•-0-.... 1.-..1:h •• .,.,..., ani 1'u•11l•d t .. ltrot. Jt.d.,_,,.., -.,1....-tJI. :.w­_tr.., r,...-.,, I IHI ••lta

l l!L-0. J. Jl;U.._n A c:-.. it,I.._.._,_ . .,..,.. • .,_ lit -u.-.. """ . ., , .. • • u ... ,G--• ...a.l ••d_... ~t.,- Sel"Tiu. T..,_ .-.... .._ O-tt•I••'- •u~•"•\a tu -~ ..-,r JIit • .ua.

,u. ........... ,. • • ••• ,. ...... u .. lkatJ-. A4~1• '4~ 'lrt:nJ.ui.-0., lM 11Htrt•. f'1,W• r ll>Ci4' ••111>

lD1'1----6D~ P1:,,. LU.. .A~ ••­i.• . U. U J •"-"•· Ht •u 1t.t.

FriWI)', 9th S.ptembcr, 102'1,

2UW. SYDNEY Sandel Radio, Llll.

W•\ti Lt'nrih, %87 Metu-1.


I • •· s .. ,.,. allir,1•1"4'. •a1i,,-, "'nip.I ii•_,,,.._ !.A!J "111.-Rn- of ..,.. ••• Vf'tll"r .. m1> IQ.,,, r1- ...,." ! P•.-llu.-J ll.e!a. 1'1U p-. tt..u-. Ill ._1,r·• 11,.n1111m•. > -('.I- d,.-1:1. i P• lli:i.&t•I 1fttn• 1111' l).a 1.-u.. flll ..... ,. r,,,•. • s, rn r1.-- 11..-wn f )'•Ill. 11{..,..,., t. ..... 6 .111 p,-.-..___tul 1inrr-. J.IICI ....... Jlr. (;/'illflwrtolft 'l'•lb lo ll,i•-

Mbt.oriu, T lit 11.• W,alnl lt.m• t,z, b --.-na.u- fl( lfdt·, li:-c.-raam•. t./Jt i,.--.('11111,,t ~


Ilroadc:-J$(in11: Co. of Aust.

Waye ln,Q1h, !71 l!ot«,..

JJI IDD,\ y suamN,

is """'" T,111<1 , •-1- llrl.&I pr- ""N"••"• Ji,- Lh Awu1o,..-i:t p,._ A.-:lalklta f.,..,.to1i th,, J,.,1(1,ft llcw'- C..rM,.-.. tit .. dar htnla.h vtl\rl.11.J •iNleu 11_, JN.ftl Ila•h-.,­lt.t.n- • •M "- ..... tn.11 .. '"""'- A•atwi•• tllOII ~1...... "Arr"' --., ......

12-2' ...... -WAJ,,,ft"R. MlAIIPNEY, -•Ntl!of .. IStLt.tN' CJl.bK.HT, ~"""-''11""' I

flMn11 Sane. ''Wl\t" l Ma,'" ~ir Jolt" ... ...,.., ~ w-,.·, ~• CII Co.a. h••

1"CouM17 ... II.It 11 • -.IU1JNltl'OH'8 ennuo IIA Nn 1"- 0-Z...-," Mtrrh. "Jttilll"'tw1 •

U,40•, ... 1.t~ u ... p,-......JAlll~ an,T.T. T-O(>f-1

:~.~~:1~--•~ (c:-bpb,<,Olulc)


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 23nla.obj-666356304National Library of Australia

Friday, \Ith September, 1927.

1u;, p,m.-JO~STON'S STUDIO DANO: 0.1tlf'1J\t.., ··p~Qa."

lU'i p,m.-HtJ.x.11.A..M'~ SERENADERS: &tEth lhncham. R<"nn Kill~. LIW4 i>e,anl!.

Hur;h BUii:b.u.m, .l)Vll,y Durd-ut, Jobnny M.-rb. Enid ?lllc~- ··1n 'l'we.r,,t.;,• 1;1f SONG ,t\ND ~TORY/'

1,17 v.m.-Me~olot ·ical fot'orM.:i.tiun. We11.• tber .,.nopd. fDr Ytct.ti.rla., Ta1mu1la, Swtb AUiua.lla and New SoUt.b W&lf'f!. Oi:-..ean Jol'«uta. Rinr rei)r;irta for V ldo:rta, Ta.a~ ma-nia. Scutla Ata, tralL,. u d N•w Soutb WalN,

J.U p..m.-JOHNBTON'S STUDIO BAND; 1'ro.mbon• Solo. '"the Vlat01'7~"

UK 1>..m.--ERN 'l'RO'J'YAN, burn~rl-.t.: ''The Mflqltntl ShoY•.''

1.411 p-lft_--.J'OHN~T().N'S STUDIO 13A.NO:', d' "~ c,( ~h• Jlarn," b;r W. Uof\41Y &lld -1. k&ll'9on,

U& p.m • ......J."i.MES lUL.t.:Y, Te.nor: •·M•t"' O' Mine" (E.l liQn).

US' p.rn. ,J011N'ST(lN'~ ~TUDtO BAND, ''Crud &eltetion lNm!. Go11nod. ••

J i,,m,-Cl01• down,


I iuri,-~TUPIO ORCHESTRA; ''Otd Er,rii5h CounLcy A.lni.."'

1.10 -p.m. ]il1S6 l!H.A.SCJ!l$ .1<·RASER: 'The Je.,.~~m)' Dr~."

1.25 t,.m.-STUDJO ORCHESTRA I ~lrcLion, nf Minmet.:I and.•otta.

U2 i,.01.-.M.OLLY MACKAY, 5(1pt'IIDU! "l,ullabr' (IJ:,;11,J:rnu). ''T)w, J\~h <:rove" (,Wel&h).

U(I p..m . .......S•rUDJO OltCHESTRA ~ •'Co,ckney Suite," J'•rt l.

l.~Q -i,.m.-UUXJlAM"S ~ERENAD"ERS: J,;dllll Huxham, Hngb JluJfb;uu, .Beall M.llltt, Dolly Burd¢tt. Lcm.ll l>, John.ny M.arb, "&old Nd,~tt. lri C<,urt oa-, in tile W11.1biadc.: 'THE VII,l,AG& CUUKTl:IOU5E.'"

(,1() Ji.:ro.-STt;OIO OROHES'l'lt.A: "'Cocluii!y Suite." !'a.rt. t .

, .UI p.m,- M:01,LY MAO.KAY. ao11n1no1 ·'N)'fflD~ A'?'J S,,·• (~einbel-«} '"l'be Hoot Owl,"' ,.r:., -r,.m. -S'TUDlO ORCHESTRA: ,"NuHkLt.41.. (Ma-rw1lll).

UO p,m. MRS. M. ~ALLAWAY MAHOOD, "Tho Ad 0( l)~qratirm."

,4,q ri..m.-"H,irraM.. nrw11o IIC!r"ioc. Stork ~ch•Ji,•e fntncma lICn.

I p,.m.-t,;loal'. dawn.


1.30 i;.m..-An&wflr-. v, lc-tt.ens a11d 8h-thcl117 (.rectln~,i. b>' "'DILLY .BUNNY,"

t i,.m.-MtJVIO ORCffi~TlL\.1 ''f'aN!well Symphony"-Pre&tb rTia-ydfl),

(1,10 x,,m P,UKlC YOl{EL, thr {amou11o wrttt• k:r. will tcU Lb~ children a 11«irr

t.80 p.m.· STUDlO ORCJm:STRA t "P•n:wl!JI Sf?Dpbon,--""Xtl•J::Jo.•• ri.m.-''lfttr.14"' .newa sem~. •ytoJu•i:J:i:, 11hlp$1lt,£: mo'v.-mi!!/"IU,

t.1\2 v,m . ......Sl«k ~t' l.nt~l'mll:ltion. U1'Uh lharket report. by J . IL llor4

rett, J,td. Rahblt. 11,i~. 7 t,m.-Rlver r¢nrt:il. 'j.3 p..m,~M.liiirkd. upc,rU b, Lbe Vktnrl•n

l'T'Ddp.«,_•,ive Co,. Ud.-Jlll.e, O.ln- PNdoce-, Potati>1,1. Onlur,s, Ni!'"m.ark.,, s-b~t'I u.1"'.

't,l\ Jt m.-M.arket rl!plJTtl!I i;,f' fnut bt the Vk• W1'1J1.n t-'ruJI.l!.r11n' M,<icillUun,

~H;RT SESSION. US t•,m. limier the aq,:.rfi«-Fa r,t th(- or-::.

'PAllTMX.NT OF A(JH1our~TURE1 lUL R, T, ARQli~ &niorDairy ln.-p,o~t.tl1',

wiU 1pe11.k on: .. JweuJu of f'j_.: ~'e<e1Hnrr ~~rimci:nu."'

i.SO 1t.10. ~T11016 ORCH'F.$TRA : ''O.noe er the Ho.ura" (l'onehle-llo)

HO p.m.-WALTl!.K CHA).{PNEY, u11i1t.N1 br EILT.El'<i UlLBERT,

Duet-"Q11RTrr•llinsr." !tom ""J'l>r' C<lnl)tl')" Glrl."'

W1dtrl' Cham.--on~r: "St.tip u.d Look and Lia.ten."


.'1.60 p,m,• M,Jt, H. K , LOVE: ''Teehul.:aill.k., ..

e p.m. --c:01.~n•owooo c 1'1'1zu.:s• BAND: U"ertur~, "Tt'P.-111~~ f)t CoMnnll.,. Much, '"l'{,, (llulch),

"· !~,;;r;:~ ·~~ ~~::.:-~k!~~'.j~ Trflt~ 1nan).

"kul>l"u•tEfo c•JJa" (K-an;c-n:wbC'd Trutmaol. 11•ller.

&,JS ,p.m.-S'r.4.TION T:RTO: "Cy-nno d& 13-l'rF'f'ac'' \Rllk-),

6,:t8, f+.m.-ltR. C. 1. WH,f,l ft,M:j: ''T0-0'.J()t'l'(J"''• SLadfom 1::v~nt,"

.11.a.$ p.m.-· --(;OJ.1,lt'rriCWOOD CITIZENS' BANI!,

W•Jtg, "Vir,io"n ttf $11lu11, .. ," 8 4-,~ p.m.-Tbo G&i,t..:a..ilL, f)f Lhe An«-iafed

I ·oucball will talk on "'tU--mvrrr,w'e- .Seml,BDAl Match.''

!.~fi t1.m.-Wlune.n1 of LAUCllL"\!C COM· P.l!i'l'J'tlON tee<'ntly held by :u ... (1 Ah:lbcmr1W-, whQ \tj ll #i'I'<: ca.:hlblLiuu.. u1'lr: \'fi1wlu.: lauclu,t

li~e.J Mautlt. Archie Clarkr.-. J~ Jfod.

I) p.ra...--TAfiMA ~n:&RNAN, 'tlltl101 Chaot-5 H.11",w:' (-S-al'1),

u~ p.m.-J,'\.MKS R!L'EY, T<!nori "Sunll• I'll An.~y" (C:IIJ'i "EU~D A,.ijl,nMl."1

\ rhum.;ta:1J. 1:U7 r,.M.-..~IIOHJ 0.8:Cl:tES-'lllA :

Ovut"J.R, WUliam "]'1111." 11'.2,5 11,m.. YlOLl,.Y J\lAt.;.KAY, •q;r..-.aMl

"April Moot." (B1nt('nl, "Tbe St!eoad )(im11't" i 811.d~y 1.

1.3:J J>,ln, COJJ.lNGWOOD Cl'l'IZB!'IIS' ltA.NUt

Ccrrn-e1. aolo, '"WMD Yflu and 1 Were Yc,unar, Ma1nric·" f1111JIQ,1,;.t,. W • .::Ummnfl't~).

iil,it!: t,.Jn.-ER..~ 'l'ltUTMAN, huruurl1t.: .. At a Jtll4tc.J En•.niblf." ''Th~ Dbitrfbu.tlati ot l"ri~.,."

IUO p,i:n,-·•tAROlCAN," Mr. H. A., Wolfr., .l;J)(Jr lin11 rdiLor uf "'Ihe A .. 1'"1S" 11.nrl "Atu1ln1.~ la11l11n," wJll •"O'!al on SM~urda.y'• r~.

JO p,m. -STUDIO onc1m~"rkA: "R11bti,•t• 11 Suite" lLn."i@)

lO.b·p.m,-MULLY 'MhCk.AY., .,.,...,1iraM: "A liMrt lhiU.'• Jo'ti-1:1" tltob)'fl} "Tbl'I Srey" (Wasl'ick-Eu,na).

JO.lit p,m. Road Nger.i,, °M.OU!Qroto1t<:111J lnfnr. m•tic:in,

Jl).211, p.o,.--COLLlNGWOOD CITl:t.~Ns· DAND,

S,eleetiori, "Wocka of Haydn.' J0.3$ p.m-.-kUlliAM'S 1m1u;NAOJ:.IUh

t::wtb Rtn:b11m, Tluirb HU.le.W1..t11. -P.erin Milles', llu.lJy .bU'drtt.

Nl!W ZEALAl'(D STATIONS: {Oornielfl'd Lisi, I

JYA, _\ ucklu.ttd, 'l'ha Radio JJro•dciwtin~ Co. of New Z•alond, Ltd.

Power 600 V{ alh_; "rave~ lt•ngth, 331! Moti·ea. Silent Nighl, l\To11<la:i,·,

2YA. Wclllngtnn, Th• lbdio Broad(a.s.ting Cu, uC New­

ZealamJ, Ltd. t'owtn' ~moo \\'.a.tt15j "',tvo­

loni:th, 420 M•tn,•. 8Y A, Christchurch, Th• Radio Broadca~t,iug Co. of 1" ew,

Zealand, Ltd. Powtir 600 ,vatta: Wave-

longth. 306 Metres. Silent r, iglit, Th ursuay. ( Y .A, Dunedin, 't'he Radio Bro¥dC&Stintc Co. or .New z,al•nd. Ltd.

Power i .50 Watl,;; Wa\'e• lengL\11 463 Metn,i:.

~Da DE•n<, Jt1h1111y \l.flrlu. ~nid M1:l.-,aJ1.

In a Macirf .Mllaital &~~ll: "h'l•m•. My M11 ,,-1 Mu.Id."

Jn,r,o fl.l!'I, "Arw-U11" li,:!W. !O:!TVkl'. 1h•l11J.~ iidi~J 1idr,;;L¥.i r.t'IIII f~m llui,;b;y 'tHE ROYt~• ,\11 fOMOIUU CL,L.8 OF

VICT01UA'~ SAH:.'l'Y .Mlf'.$8,\GF. l<lt

tlldftJ' Ill'"" f\l•:Rl:llODY: "th,t.u-r he tired .,.,.lfh ~nth,1,da.,ns ro, 9/tf.,.O' tllaft flirr•I f<tf rf'IC!kirs•m~~."

11 s,.m.-O(;R CH€AT 'fllOt:UH'f: ''Caut\111:1. 1)1ou.:11 Vl"?'J nftP'11 wa.nttl, UI a

SIJvd rl.oiii. II\ Dtk('."--H W. Sba,,., 11 I p:in. JO h ARO!\SON Al\-0 ms SYN•

Ct,lf'.t\TIN(t S\'M,PII(INJS:1'S IU{J i,r:u..-COD ~AVF. 'rHb, Kl.NC.

4QG, BRISBANE Queensland Rarlio Service Ltongth, 38..i Metre&.


')1.1.l>UA'f SESSl()N

I 'f',m.,.c~ JeepUtl"- •,"f'Jtlh111r h,f,,rmatic,n, -~r1u- 0.all)" .M..i,.•1" •nd "'fba ll•JI)' hi&ndaN .. N~W!J, )lfi(J.h[ non:L C.,U:LTON l

UHJ .1,1.ui.-L1,Vtch hr,,1t' nu:uue, b)- J:!'.(,~d C,a-r11nn :-iy,n11ht,n.; O~hlt-\.re.. HWM TUK. t)8~1!JWA'l'QIW;

I.Iii r,,ul, Stf:tr,d.i,Td \.imcr 1>11;0.b,l, t p.111.-- Cla,c dl)'wn.

AF'l'F.JlNOON bf:6:-;1:)'4,

ti.SI) ('l,m. ~ r,ro,;:-mmr., ! ij! b.L..i:1Je b; tM ~tt>dfo 0.tdt-t".ili.rA. in.elu,fin8', O~•,-,-t,4,-c,-. ''R.rchm"r,:l,'' tlhtQJf<bcin.1. v.i.. ·,·'"° t,;;11,. TC-r J,"1n,ntai1.1" l Ji.Lt" l : H11iJ11!;Jtr1H.n t'W<'l-..'l"P"f'l,

"Tb.ti lhil'l"l' l'rin«-" t TMnn1 I : r11prite, "Ft<U de- t.UI'' \lllltr.11•. u1l.t:.ntu!x:v.,; ":-;panlnb R«ruuie;,• , Kinri; c-h111,11 .. ,..11.dll'I, ''Mon•" ! D,hnd<"anl . ',1tl110t. L' IduJ., (Gte,,:-h1: u,w• •l'l'"V 1tu1..rrlt. "I.H null,.,." \fo11.a. rJ,..._1'oh111d\.

ol. lfi J).m, "The 1'rirlol'r11l!h'' Ne.-1 Ul(I J',m.· Chlliff' Jc,1,1, n...

I J1.n1,-"l\.llil} ::\.tan<l&rrl" llfWfl, w~tber i04-tu:--n1Ji.tklu. ann<."nt(l('mrnt~.

IJ,iu p.~. T\,"!l~inic· ~tun,,-, b)' "'-n.e ~I!~ mMu:•

'1 Cl,ftl Mukd, n•port•, •tr.t"lr- fffl(l{l'I

,;-.30 l}.m. We111tltt-t now-s, 11rt,noonc4n;anta; lhally SL111-1tl.11.rtl" 1/'l'Wa,

7~d "n1..--SU:1rH!ard thn• $Qi"T'l• l.

Nlt:IU 5~1 0.N.

FROM THE RECErTtoN HALL: i.&.:5 p.m. Thi' ffrud w.l~.A :\IUKie C'lu~ ,.,~ tlio

-1:r.~9t1. 'l'bt f(l]h,.,llll; 11Ti,.I~ "''Ill Jlllli!llntle Mr, &nnpM?n'v 1-N-tur lf'l•till(.br: l'of1ss Col• t.d.tzc (pLa111;11. MiM v.,,s. Jt!!Tl"ri('lt I fin;.L 'flulinl, b-lla,,, Larwill (.ilt't'ODd vlo!1t\j. Miu Cw~n de! Gt'sr .. 1.- (..-lnln.1 Mia li.a.rJ J~ttffid f '1=ellll• loJWM 1'1H.: ~fl/U10=

j 11.m -Mt'tc-nvolitt!i.n •·11;"1.U\u tO!'el:a.,,• W"('k•c•1d l~tJ Information tor Mc,1.irl. ~. affit>bl;!ly «Pl'lird hy tbc ~I Aat.Nuvbll~ (ilub ,;t Qu(•rn~i:.nrf.

AN:lA(: 1101-,TF.l, CONO~l\T. T~ lu•,t,u P<>rtion "' thC' i1rvxr11mn•• wfll

o::omprJiie 11 .eJoeel't. rl'ln.~ from th.. Ho~~~,. f,illn!,ll.r'NI l't.'lm. f ROM 7H8 A,N'?. \C ROS't.1!.:L t

11,16 Ii 1n.~Bt1rltt.1ne •r>in, ·i,~hln l>llntt" (MO&&). 'Mr. Stau. Mitc~~l, rnttKZf)•NJlftM a-ol<1, ''My Dear Sc'N\.I" tSaritli!!n.u111. Iii"' &rrlc- Yarn:,w; TT"dbltir>", "Ole:~-i:-r JU,, mlnik-t::nClt.'ll"-1' L, . .\h. \'iv lll'llhrn,,; CJU,U~ttf',. "J.1\tle TDfl'.'lm)' Weflt A,.)<'lah£n«, •• Ant"io-M.•le Qii.t"\t'•.; eol'ltt"a.Jt.0 •olo. •·sue .. 11llM a.r.d l[Jl1n" (Blllll)l!oth.44,, .M.i.111 .,\Ila

Let Your Battery_ Save our Purse : l'hil£0.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 24nla.obj-666356432National Library of Australia

Jt.v1111 111•t"'•' ..,. ,11,l,.uc, •·1..1r, l& l'arb'" f1-liiP ('.,.."'7), Jlt, Ll!OU 01qall1 .. .-i .. n• """' •~l )Ir 81- .ltnc..,u ._,,,.,. MflHilo ...._, .. At r-...,.-,'Jlllt" (l'-6i,11et. Jli"9 1-.rrt,,, l'af't,_I tNll•U""- ••p .... fl' a.,. "'~1----·----ratt ll. Mr. 'itT. llr•lunJi1 qiq.....U.. -rh• l,...,lr u,-." A,,.,- M• ... Q~. et•n.tnlt. ~•-~ '1'1:itt ~•• (Dr-I ,unn•), ICIIII A,.,. ,h ... hl ft--1 ,,..,.. ... lnr,;e. -J'bit llu.t W•'t'la .. • Sk,r:,'' \Will• l~ I Mr. I.,,(,. ,~ .... u. ...,""',.. ,I ...... A .... w ltJIJI, Q'"1'WlliU ..-iMl•r "'"Jo.Im h1 ..-n,-,t 1••fQ' i all\lmh,.._..irt. Mr. L~ll la.t• ... ,

Ill ...... -r .. O.llt Mtlr" ••• Yi,'1&1bf'!" ._L


t't=olraj 1:lrn, Ltd.

Wau 1..cngLb, ~U J.lur11: ..


MOJlNt'H.i S¥:S.::JON. ll .... 111 CO ! P·•

An W!.'ti: IJON •.EUI.O!l,

I p.-.-Q1-., 11 ,,.,.. •J•r ,,_u tJw Ma.Nf i...r (At,

Otchnln..t NJ«t.iona l..tJI Im ~..,_ U. 11111&1

>t i,• J h,ie.111 ,.,.,J a,.,...,, ~I• 4 ...... \."111-. '- I ..,_ H..-.ta,- tr--,n Uhe Arr:alu. Cafu

t l~tie,tnl &lfflLoria. v-..M. N6N Ah• ............. l"llna ,a.r, 111-l'l'I _,-.,tariOII an111111u_....._ Jlt4HN N, l' Wu-J 11Wi1 C..'• i,1,1.t LI•

dl,U\h l••U.,-m:r:, • • a, i..lllt•H.

.t,· llaClNG ,tiit.!Sunr.

• p.llt.. ..r.i,1-. • 1 1• •• 1L!Jar fn.:,ro llut Cu\-C!ll Ca,1tm n.,.

t.1111,u1nt PiQlll·r tic-.

1 In , .... trwu- .ewi .. • u ....,1,-ltoul~ el U.., t.iu:1 \\'et x,,,._ fi 1$ p.MI. l-lf!llr1h~ ~tML. c,orituniK

l \~.p.-:llS•~l:~u!!.. v.·;::s::..d t,.:rr~~i !'nT,~· ~,_:.,:-~ [!!._•;~ ::_,·,-..~1!•~ ~=J!~.~'!11·; .!•~~r.:~~!~ ~:~•

'I.» a, DI ~I' ;:'tll".a' laDI l,y "Ytmrtbli• '" ,.111 • , •~1• l• Jl 11, •1rt1Pua.ut.• '11>.m.. ,~1:1•a. ti I 1• • #111 r,r Tn.r,lh;nl'llilrt, .. 1,,...,r. 111.u l'-M ~t,:,li0 orehialn, tlt11 .. .JIL O•n C ll"'-1 Pta!l,"'41. a..1n..-, IJW!lo.O,,·t-N•r• .,.., p...,n, •·•-T brsu,illln'an:. • 1'>1,._l'\ai. ,- ~!I ._.. ltttlffl I Ot'ctlaitf'tl. • .M ......_.. G'n11 tbtlet1. 11netnitbt ltl .. lU ~l~-ctn.:inhlnaa1h,a. U t' at. -o.JC'fl)'._ _..,... ru1un.. t I t• • -a:iu.i• Oro:hl!Mr•.

t ti P,,ffl Alu W•IM?II la 1•ni,11ll.t r,; .. i-,.!9

1ff .,"' l'r,Pr tlle au•tJ-- r u,~ •· A ,\.l"rli: ,itanl EM-~r Mr 1• 1r A• .. ,_ri ,\f,lM•ar 1r d• , 1.,.11, J 1"1lu,h.~ ... ,1, .. , wDl talk.

• ti. r,.-. .. ta410 On-t..t~ "u II.Ill. \In w.~IW Io llOV•lH nu-bc?L 1- t1 P-'!rl --61\ldln OtT,_.!91,.._ 1°'bf~,1/~:n7.!::." fl~~in~~~:."•'-• I tll a,.m .fil.Cdli, Orr:b9Ln.

l ~II pm u•, fnffll C.iddC T,-Jilallioti VMlhMane..

''.'::, tj1

.. ! .:: ·;::. r,~-r.;,,i,e~ I'•\ 111-1 A1 'lwm.


6WF, PERTH W111lraluu, f'•rmrr'~

Wne L-t'ri1tb1 125,Q lfrtrca.


1UO t'•t1 T1111• '"• u.&11 •m.--MIIJ'ti.1'1&, Nr"'• •~ r•hJo-• J -TIIH 11,JW rtrnn l'elU ~•tor,-• I.I ,,-.. W•'1lff ,.,...._ IJIU!l•hN h tN

\(,etec,N:1lciaical hat'nll ;;it 1¥-.m .A1a\ftha..

l I 11a. $di. (J aitlt.dte,

: (',l'ftr-C'k!N: ,f .......

t.lf p.m,- TllN" ta. Ill pi-. Wiulaw,l Jlf tar_,,..., EN!,it lie = .. Uwit11t

1~::1cri!':~'. Mt~~"'..,!:~'"' 1M p.,111--Cl?M do.-11.

r, '.:,i~ :!~=~ ::rnJ:! ~~-~,I~~ l•rr,- •1111 Pl,«,

f:t f.-.-..-.•u,,.Js. aMI ~ t~ ll•tlloH. ~, • ......_ L4-l•la. Notw1 'r C>Gur~ wf ''llli! W'Ml Ava,, tral .. !1'' N.,._.p,,1~r Cl-Ji'.

ft:. 1•"1.-lla~lq \al.I.,.,, t)w, ~•t1U Edli.u ti! -Ttw.11 }'l!"w,-paJ~r Cb,

I ,.m. T!nt •!Snal ,,..,, ,._,u CiWn•tOf"J' LI JJ.. W.-ukl' lillkl!. 111nr.,J.W .... u.

Jl&-..,.,.,1 .. 1r1o1 ki»e••L 1,f W~• .a,q4'•1._,

f'OrliLAft ~1•,.HT

ij,I p,m.o- Mudcal ~ b.lud.b# \:oc.&J.

r~:ir; J:""»~ ...... ·" 1 .. tl«lla,. ln!l~nm"'l•l llu4t M' tl111 t.L Ku·•11U.

, p.m Tallu · (i.11..,nfflll' -"~" lo Mr I'! A 11 .,,-.. ,..,_i.lJq )4-,,-. ll,r,-.noa •114 wu,-.,,""

HI • r11.. )All• .....,, ...... ti, ,_,.,.,, ~ fba I\IUf' ~-•.., ,,_.,_~ ~ lllwm within nnsa .1•t11Ja11~t ll/N,:.ti,,rJlrf"lf1&111lr,:,~L

111.IO J,,•.--i:'I~ -.ltw11


Jon..--. • ...,. a..• n~,._..t1..- r. ~•11ata, '\f'_A/1, l U• ... •ln"- ttH ,,,.1~ ,An11 .. IU'lt.iU:t lll r~li• .... Z.1••--i.

,,, t_,,.., u,-.. .,_, .. u.,. .--. .. t ... lt. •• JJ.J•A.s, ., .. m • . 1 ... •all-. IAlln .. l>~ti.1 f• t'111111i9'11 ... -'••·-··

JO,O,-T.&.1• l\ftll4'•••11 ... I ... f11kJ-. JAl"A.!I, :SU llUU'ff. I ... •alta. 1,h,...11-• .... ••t I• t.111,.,_JI 111MI Ja1111_._,

.JIT-llal••-·ha R,t1l• Vtf'Mtljtt11l"'II, DAi.\.\JA. :UI ••tnL ,tt •ui.a. .,.IOC •.\hall111, r-JtlLIPl'l"t1 JA-1.4,Ni,a; UJ 19.-Vq, 1• •11t:..

'"'"'"'"'"'~·"'"' ,. 1: .... 11.11 ... r~Li..tlw.u\••I k4,tt-"'1t•n.L<tl• ,\•u•tU_,,,. ff....,i.lL

H4~AII. no ••I,.., J ... •llfta. 11:;(;o-u.u .... lAr.11roaNIA1 dl.J

111.t.tti, 59111 ••lta.

iJl'l--t.. ,bre-. f.;.A.UtHL'iU~ tU .,.-L'"- Afl •aUa.

Kll4-(J,n,,fff. fOLUJlAUO: Jtt I tlJtff ..... ,. ••• , , .

rriJ,,y, 9lh ~"l'tnnber, 1U2'T.

7ZL, HOBART T,um1anl11n llroadC"8lc~,, Ltd.

AS!lociai.ed Rlldio Co. Wa,·e WIil>, 48' M•l.t.._

t'rldaJ' Jt.ORNO,.G 8El5$ION-u Laa. &o i: n•a.

&11:EB.NOOH ;!t:&!lOlt.

I .... ,;.ft.I>. Cltid. Q.111:.-. 11 1 p~1·,r.i..11t.,..i.,,.eiJfM1 I.A t,.fti. H•r! lft.wl,. 1:.H"-1'Ct ~lll•t.lUc11wt.

W•tharbtraaat.._ 1..nlot (1' l11ll"'"'I AYl._,_.,,'lt.

&.I• l).nt.--Otdlallral l<UK.uaM ... tll, Or• ,,..1,... , IJ g.M . .-.Mo..euiotial ~ or M..iwcat ltftl:MI. •·» , •. , ... -ca ... .i<i .. 111.

UJ1LY !!YDL"l(Q $1:s&IOk". 1,llJ"I r n,: ~1dllP•11'1 L:.,,-•r •1'-- ~ 'IIMMI LaQ.·• 'S.H11 'P...-h\;,1 r._ ganl,,uka •

Mr. t.eors:• ,

Xie.RT .RUIO#,

T ~Cl 11 "I -f, r.dL Paolu7 aoC ~• -..,OOC'1A, \llntui,;11 •• ... ,._,. .t Acit.n. arul (lo,, Lw., Jb.u.T I;<"""- JhNITt-

t :1~ pi,, L-•.-u,~, i: 1 .. 11,,., j,;a, lh. 0Mt-t11 N•4 U..,G~n N~r.c~

t~~-x.-rcu("' l!U1W1 T11.-.nlu ...,...

lt.u,,.,, AuU. 1•,<.lhr'• • 1-. u.._n. &&ock bth.un Q-.,t.J.111ra. 1' Milin ftll'ft&IU.,

111,.-.--0.l•-"·Clud:~, c.. • 1 t-ta.-:ireff.' luQ:l'>t. 111r,II.,. b)' Mr_ &

W. N-t-., 61' Jl1-n , . ...,._ t'll,po1. t.6 s,...m.--0~ ~ ~ 'jUJ o,-.

('~ ..... !.ti. .,,..-bllrt,.- ~c a-i.u. •ill h,a.

~ i!!'n•~ ~~'"' a..1. 1 N fl ~"'1 .. 1 ll'tl SalUltara l'lal.lill.U, .7

.. ._ .. ,. •• .lbnL II 10 p .._,-1.ll1lW. Offlfo&i1 'Wl"1- b•wa,. 1160 11,ta •• · Mo,rnl'>'" •loetla.l J11.1-1.1• .. I"--•

,l;ft'Yice, ~ •IUn• wtra..a,a ••11.._, ,._..-..n nl#U1ct w..uiiu ~ , "·""' w-.111...- ,---. tilMll,n ... sou---•"'-t,-.. n..• .,......,., • lafl ,.._.l111a. N..Uuaa.l AaU!II-.

Saturday, Sept. 10 2FC, SYDNEY

11.AAr~T MOft.Nllh, :r.: ION, i• I 1 ...

SOft.Nl.NG IDltoN

It • ,a -••Jue- O.•·• - • I •11ooa.n11r.1 rD. 11-4 •-m.--6~ WIit ailln!, JIJ, JI "·--- lhd .. )' Mo:rnl111 u ... ,.i-- .. ..,.

~l'flk!C'. JUt Lllll,--BIDdJ. --'r. 1'.14 1.-.-. k.ll 11.r U• 1,0 Leh,. C:..m• ,. ... .,.... It. Ii. a.--,:bi,1,a ,.,.,1 •. 11 • •.-""Ri.- .. ,.... 6,~ --IT 111 •. , .. ,\,PJ'I -~ii....,·,-.; .......... . 1.Lll •--.-8c..1.iia m,.k', IL il a.a. -"IA 1atl • n~•• •, 11,. o.

J, Loe&.Jey t''Wtu••·, . llJI.U •.-. <·-u•a.

M!DlJA Y A..."'(lJ AJ;'rf;:A.,"lOO?li ll'.MlO:-l3 JI ....... •·Jt:w ».." all,\ •itMllll>,.._11.11, . U:! .. ""~" Ja..,.11~. t..r&-t ai.U. U.:& II' ni -Shdm •lldr.

lluy a Bnri:CA and Cut &Utty C06l.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 25nla.obj-666356569National Library of Australia

Friday, 0th. September, 1927. WIRELESS WEEltLT Pace Twenty.Three



A, '


They're Coming to You ! ! These Super Power Radio Batteries of the Bag type construction insure greater radio enjoyment. Cost the same as ordinary batteries. Allhouiih BRIGHT STAR Radio Batteries cost no more than ordinary batteries, you are getting up to 40% more power-greater lasting qualities and the surpassing joy of radio entertainment clearly reproduced.

To-day - to-day - " hitch your Radio to a BRIGHT STAR"



International "Radio Co. Ltd. 200 CASTLEREAGH ST. SYDNEY

. . , ........................................................................................................................... .


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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I'" ·it , "" 'rl-J4'n•r ~ .... "'"• H--nW00 ,.,.., .. ., ...

II 1ck7 • .... 1- a"',n l .!JI, p.m, MIIICllf'I •J ir..

1''1T~ n .. Jt', Jh,ana f'1),..111tlo • ., ... ""In ~ 1n th n111nlC1r, tllt: .-.I"~~ '1ff o .. 1'•ta.,,.111'e I It tit rtna JIH'll,,c •I II• ..... ...

l I' hi Ut1 ....... "''"l/•1u• , ....... 11...,,-I I Jl,rll: --t:, '!'tl"IQC JII"-••• !l"!ldtlis)' ...,,.., •e'• ..... ,,., ,. .... ,lhi,d .. ••ir

l>urtq 1119 an.,r..,11• !.b,,, f .. 1 ..... 1,.,. Mitilltll.l tltm• -.·111 t1r: siv"'"; 'I"- rr:,,i:bll f'.:1 ... n.-,tr• flrr.., ,-,... '-''~nt•flrtJI M"MN'JllnHI [,."ltt On-.-\r11,

.,, _.r .. , l!or .,. c,,11 .,..,., bw,ri,, Mnul, n.v.-llr p6ani.l (tN'l!ll t""' 1,,11111,,,.

• 'If J•.• o.r,"i-111 ,... me ttl u.., dar • • ll"lrl.

'"""'11bl.. I 11.111 ~ l-ttt • C:ia. ~

• 4' r, ... ne ch,_ ., i::t1.1. •.t I'M fi,. II• Kau· a.1•1 c., I~" 4'.hiJ. .,,.,, II <I I•& 8tM7 ti- fa, llw ,_..ll l'1Fk..

r . .1t "•· .zNn~ •udr.

1 r; .... ~1::: .... , .. n11.t1oM

t,ll !1!'1,--W~"T llnc?!T.,.:a,.•"' 1,11 $' • t.,,_• ,1>1 Nr-.00 1&1.e Mwe "-n•r.lL

t f!'l' SI. J'ri.,,.N- • n"'911fll!llllfl••!).l.a.

T.11 i,.-. A w1 • Uf...a.•._, I 11'1.111 h/9: llffl

J•h•l,! lb(), fle.Mt.oMI 1• -ri.~ Jl11lllt,J M.tto..,. .. IMt11111, tt.l ... ,arc-u·• CLWdJ•J-

1 ~ •'" Wl,j allll Wtftl'tl., I na-ll1'9 ni,•, ......... I 1, 11,fOI .a.o,..fl4 tllle tb•hd1 a.,u..,.,,

.... }ahl D.AnY ltflWaftOI ... ,n ,,,....,,,. '"'" ~, d tof • -eia ,,t Oll'l'nctkl 11111111• ra.. l'l:' • ),miealJJl.11, lh.-. C~aA and ~ la

'""'" Jilr, ),,111~ wtD lklu&P lta•• fl:- "I>o• 4.~••t'" '1111• haiiwr ,11 ..,,-iC." •M •1w1MI aal Gtc:Ld."' MIN E.nWI t>•A~y /1r11tT1Tlrtl -,nJ 1h1.-1 !•I \'.t ~ •IM'l<il., 1 i-l1aru .. ) Uloiul') lbl"O..-n• M'm ,i;/" f''Lt. 81.1lwn-r•J (Pu,..,


I~ p Tl\ ~ 11 J'ti"' r'~l#IM,,IU'IV lal 'Al\ I -""'•11rt M mlM'' (Hutu). tlot "Mu~.,. .. .,. !Harr••

I At. p..a.-~ Muir. bnltn,_, l•l ·~ 1atM., IN H-.rl"11IJU11,da" IOlhu) (I, '"'li- 1Jl'lflll' 11111 Cr~• l"n11r- fQ\lll• .... ,.

I n 11.-. &irlr, r:-,k.. .,,,,r'Uinf'F! •-n.11,,a~u•~•

I U i,,• W111 Hd W1a,u,, t:r,1U,d1, flatrt• Lalllflhl "'T~IUb1• ~I__,J .. ,r•• ('W'l,q),

IC.I 1,1..tL-h:ald D'Az-n-. e.'ltrf"IIIIQ;

l•I '"L1f•._ ~IM:._ .. fll-,o). lb! '0 1,hlp ., "'' .... ,.h, .. rnrm,..,.

f 1).a llfc [\~... l.a.teal ..atMr fnnicut. ·r""' wn1 ... ,..,. R,wr-h•-tt 1 .. ,.. On'-.-,a IPldtt U11t baioli 1,1t Ml. C;nA Ji.ay~

, .11 IUII -l!~lrln 0.01,-. ellc.rtalAff (1"'111 tJI,. Stud•I:

"A-tr.• Lnlt.J,," t.,ltnl, I Jt p m.-'TM •tnnrprtil Sc7111JlK,nw- 1'911N'" Or1~ 11N111, 1M '-tlllf\ r,f Mr. c,,ru Ku,,



• r •·* 1'111 uul W1•dl.._ ~•II•~ •.'ttff,, l•IINll'1l, •·H•l ~.,,J, 11¥11'1.l

l o rr.n1 -Nlir~ C'~ f'"''rhl'll"rt ··i ... rlr,·• (l'r.lfll"I•

t l'>I O,IJ\ -'Jl,., W"!'rri-.l'VII R)m,.,11...- Ill,-" o,..M.JLn ... ow u .... HNI Ir ,.., C'.'yr,I ......

lt.t f\ftl • h Pr1~ •91rrt.lP1f'fl 'T""1 NI~ Wkl•~-a.Mtt:t ,i.. ,-,..m,,.·•

(\lul, ·r••hll , ..... ,, .,, ,..._, ,,.,,.,wi,rtll 5'1fl'Jl" .. l'IW llu•~­


lltJ4 r,f!I fl)il,...,, f'll<\\r "t••t•h•­'Altt1i,, /iri,unll. ..

I• lf-t 11,.. 'f'lrll, 1ir"11.\.,1),01 5T,,,1.ft!lt11e O•tr•• lltt-...,_

1~,, 1,,.,_ 1111 .. J•r-. ""t"11itl"'" I•• •·-r.,f' of• r., .. «:-, ~t.amf> (A!'l,inl tlol ,-,._,l t .. 11• lA.,,..n:J

lit U. p.•.-'1.1!r 1l-'e,t11W'--.'1IJ Sntlti~. o.-",."""'t,. HL.,t Jl,.JL-1'n 'lln1"tl",.., P'!,P.Jat tiantomoo. 1n.1n ti 1t1. 1 .. ._, .... • allC aon • .,,---.11 .. II 1,.-. "'BJ• Dr111."

Tlw W•"l~rlk )!)'ffll"li•tll! 11,iu.,,. n~t, .... 1,. It It •. nt. LI• ~,bunn-. l"'J>tlar ~tt.o!K'. bm Til!I 'WflnTYl)n.11 51m1b,-,11 .. n, .. .-11

Ordlatit.n . 1111: l'... l,,n )1111"'""', ~ il• r \,1rrton,., u.114 11,,.. 'TIie W•nt•orlh a,,nrtw,u1~ ll1.'lr.., ~-n II U ar.m N•tlfll.lAI A11thhr\.


2BL, SYDNEY Satarday.

l:.ABL'r MORNDI<. &b...lON" 1.t I ••·


u a..n-G.P.O. t:lod. .Atwl clum"'-\11 •rtlul i,,,..,.,.,,., tr.- ll• 8tw1il•

ti.II •·~lat .NOi.ei, 1,J Ml"-, JMLat1. T• I\ ,,. "~6eli,1a r....-kina tor tiultt1n,'' 11-7

J&n. J,.,rGan

"-ffLR.'fOQ..~ ;,ES.SION

U fl.-in. f.l ~o t'loet. •11111 c-.u .. --. 5pe,tical <k-•'n r_.._, ar.;,i WH..IJilit r .&np,n.

u, ti.,. Ht•• fro.Ill, .. ''ti ...... U.111 p .•• -S,.oruar •ud Addcitie 'F'1no"""'. l:C,U t,1t1-fill.n1 n 1111 1h• J'iri,,;,... a11.t

""""'"" ll :Ii.I i, "'- Ui:;i:n••ir-Jo I'autrt'p, M.,uol<!al ... rltal.

11 IO p '1"I S-• t"""- tM ''l•TI JUO p..m. JfN.lq Jt..iJM. Tl.Ii i, m .lhaial ,..,,.,.,...,,,. .. ["".'"'I, f-'1..,._

J :;:-~;;~:=,.;!-~,.Ho. 1.10 p.M -tis,c,nJ.._ wtk aad a&Ji.U. t...tu,..

for- V"• ,} LM,..... Jlw.Ji., ,, 'Iu.,ni-. F•· hll ki..illi.L "4•1.111•.

l.:NI p.-a.- ~JilLU:ical Pf'<lltnM.i• f"'ft l1w! Jt1:1•1hl•·• UO .,_...,. 0.1• 0, Cludi •!lid Clll-.

hlk. to C'b.ild.tta •rid ~r-rial T.nlff'-'iruMII• fur CtilWa11 111 11, • ._u,a1.

: ii-.• .... ..(;.1'.0. CIM)I, and C....,_ $fr111l,lht,i.-,

:!.,ll Jl.,D:1.,--Jt_u,.IQJ p:t'Clff9 .... ,,,. tl_, st.w!Je. ..... • ffi rc.d11, ,...,.__ .. , X.IO ,.ni..-<Ll .O. Clot.Ir: attd Cll.--.

N,_ Cttilll lb• .. Ftu-..1• JJ,mitt tlwt ._,ld'll(IOO Spa,rt.,;ac lall'Jn•.~ •Ill_. 1oroac!r.Nt. h ~nurt...,7 .-,f tM "'"tr"-" 1,.i.,~ wlUl -Leal ud •to• o1-r••hn1 •f Y~U .au ....

I 11.--0.P,O. Clw\. aad Cbmea.. AM:, ... , •. ,11,111•.

I.I g ..-..~ d'1•a..

F.AJU,Y ~£.NlNC 8I.SSJ.0.S.

.. '-1 ti •.--O.P.0, r,klel. •- a,--., ntw,. ... ,.... __ 8.M ..-.-truafdl .,......,. t- .Llle.6&.u ...

Al!k for tbe New 83X Philco J3allczy,

TU p'" l"'"-tll• .,r all ....-IJ• a.111!1 ... ~l-11• 111.rnrm.11i1n, tnrJadJ"& Flu,u1c Rc,·,l'I• •r.,i .. t,t,. A»1,tt1,;s.tir1·•....,~1,ru,,.•·s. .. ,

t.Jt p.111).,---{:<Nn\.f'T n .. '11'11 trorn ~i,,. •·&m. ·•

J'.\' •:~tlSj:: tlf..&JON

, .,. • , .. r II r·i.,r1,. •"" t·11,_..~ l'rQll4o.·u~••'T~! rh,,.rira.

~..I I• 111 r,nrt.111.- r"f'llll'Pll•mr W"IUI lll'fUl!Lil 1e,,,,. 1-"J Ill• follo,,,bc: '-h,. a \C•11-lh~ .,,..._.,.. 'Mf e.,..n W.rt1"' ,~1-1111) ;llr P11,l•1• ,..,.rt'ipU+« •P1•\'

JUI fl·"'· 'f- A111--..dun1 or- Ra.a~. .. ,,..... ... rnim th• rw11.-- r.t 11... A­~ b1nl• ltdtt">UII ... l>1«~ D•llt!n "1111,.·· ..,.., • .,,n t,.,, b,..._.,. ...

ll fl,.....,"4.U',O. Llock •rwd 1''i--. N11,thtna.l fl fl!kffi

2UW, SYDNEY Saturda1

7 p.m. Wtll'rr tO so,. T 11 ,. m: Mt»iuf 11-. •.?! t ,ll...-,R-,n,. tlf comlnt ,._11,•• pro.

11'11Ne,,-, , ........ -c·1~- """'"'·

3LO, MELBOURNE. S11tunf•r~

MOA,Nl.~G t,11.UIO!'/:

11 • • ht 1.11 p~

Af'flltNOOX J;r:QtO~ 1-p'" - ~rltlk-" or "d:OO?al! VALLr.Y • lhZJ'liCILA5~. &~ i'j Mil-.

llO(l'.'fF.K \'Ar.J TY ]IA,f"&8, 1''1 ...__.,.t •• • f ~11 11'!1"111\a QIIIIIIJ, •

U 11.• ,i,,"TTTDIO ORCHllJrJ.A, Malf'• l l\t;N ... Jy .... 11,f,.,

...... 1~•1.ntri, GrrL • .... ,,7" 11 ll 1• ffl--~crtio<l er I f;:AfltlB )l'r)OT

MALL. Kul!TH M.n.ao1·ttNE • • (if':1.:­J.O"NH, .,, ~,i. ,.,,...._,,llflM!• It)' Mr. R,,,d )1,,1,._,,,. , ,11111.n .. ,-.u,...1

, ra ., .. UUDl(1 nttnn•:rnu.1 ..,...,,.. IM ll 111. D,wr,r,lill:M ., n..i., ..... }l11MIM"•rr

J'i fnli,,9., )IV{JNU \'A.LL~ tt.ACl:JI,, a., • ~1u.l1tt., ,.f "'TfM, t:,c,,1ili• G'JQht"

3.11 p.& ·STODJO OJtCIIDTL\:

l rt.ffl-~tl1•tk,., r,( t.F.Ar;n,: P"OOTBAl,t., IIOUtil Mlo;I.AQ\fRNt -.. 1.,tl!'.l1.0N1,, al South M•lt:.o.nK-, bl' )h &.....t ..lkG""'l<il' 1blttlwt).

• It ru• n.r:n,,l..,. al C:,,.,,.,,_ H•ndi. ft.I•,_., • ._ fu.rlohlDI. .. MPON>:¼ \ 41...1...E!'f, b)- "lllffkl,t.." o( -rh., !:ll"ur1irrar Gk>bt ...

• 1J ,,...,-«tUIJJO QJU'JffFl'JtA, "'Alr- A•~- • IIHil Ill~.'·

4.44 i,.a.--n-,r,s,U1111 Ill Xvlla Sialla trt!lt.r", •h tio,1,..,.,, MOONt . .E VAI.Lt:T H"C'F.S. b7 ".Xuab:t, .. G( ""1:111! 6P<>rtl.u.a (,! •. "

,.1) o-. 0.-n t>tl<!a •t JLAGOJt ffl()7'. •AlJ.,. &OIJTH JfF.LBWR!\)j •· GK&.. LONQ. •' a..h M,a.ia ..... •>' Mt 'fl .... 1111:Gttc'llr (~rtn ume1.

4 U l).t~"l(u.a.111'1 n,.... 111'1"\oW.. Stoel. F'.stb&a,tll l.fl.fwmatkm

I ...--~ptlon et LlAGUE FOOTR.A.l.,t., liOUTII Xl\U.F!OO'l.,llt... • r.t'.kl.ONG. a, 5a•Hll 111,......ui. ,., Mr. ~ ¥1C..ftSor 11\ul~).

I.II 1t,--aa..t 40--.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Fr!Js.!I,·, 9th Sept.c-mbfl; !121. WJSELESS WEEP.LY

Honest Trading is the keyntte of Radiokes Success Radiokes Quality is the outcome. of Honest Manufacture All lhe Leaden; in !he RADIO F1£1,D use and Specify RADIOKE8 Products

as a rcr,«;lt of experience of above.

lhis wcck·s SHORT WAVE CONYE:R'l'ER, published in this i~;;ue, bll~>rilies


used In eorns[rnction--0bvlously b~cause of excellence uf pcrforman~c.

8/6 Each

Last bsue of "Wi1·(•lc~s Weekly" specified

Radiokes Shielded Coils

for use in !!-Valve .Receiver, and, in fact. all thi~ season'" winner.,, including:

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are made in lh~ following type11:-Antenn:1 Coupler, Split PrimAry, Split Secondary, Reinartz and Inverse Duplex.

AMl'ERITE is also ~pecified for all the most popular coni<truction Receivers both here and in America­remember what that means--- AMPERITE ia un­doubtedly without an equal.

No tube is better than Its filament regulation. And AMPERITE alone gum'llntees that perfect regulu­tion required lo bring the utmost in clarity, volume and tone quality out of your tubes. With Af[PERITE you can forget both tubes and rheostat~.

All Types, 2~/- per unit.

New Low Price, 6/9 each.

At au good deakrs, o-r direcl from

Metropolitan Electric Co. Ltd., 27-29 ~ Street, SYDNEY


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nta.JM. ....... .,,._

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••p,.,,_ uf •••-. .. Im. •,-.. Art• ,.lana. -,ho!~ ll.A,-•n•

t .,.._... Ut,t:,'. G.. I: 'RA..""a:t:.N ,Wl'l.)i U.. r1-t I. LM <td9"9o

ta p.a. P&AHIAN' CITY BAWD ..... ~I.ff.,. c.w...-. t•~ JU f1A -CHUftT .-,l'fb ntAIIPJiUa

11W\., • W11N a~ AA.r Mwrt ....... l.:&lr,,," fJU1-tt,. 1·11aq ,Alw•p r1rli, u :M• ..

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hb••ll,-.. --•--• I ._. ot.'"K CJl&.\T THOUCDT

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It IP•· .JOI: AR.Oh:JUN A.NO W21 'r"°• ('(tl',U'O"O &Hlf'UO. ... Lffll

•1t1.-.-C,- .... L

4QG, BRISBANE. Saturday.

NO llltm.\r 'l'lt\.HU4G+IOJI'


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1101.Nl lZ J.f,i l •• I.ti ·J ar..01J,

At1iT.1t1-Ct•~ tu.a•JON'.

• :.:.rt' ' ~ ·1. ".!.!tif'tt - ... 'l!.'::.!" "J t~ • t.:.aa•• l!h ... T .. 11to .......... ,, .--.

l'crCed a-pUoo ETery Vay l'osaible with l'hil~


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 29nla.obj-666357086National Library of Australia

Frld.o.y. Uth ::ie.1,tem.bcr, 1927. WIRELESS WEEKLY " Twenty-Sen.a


NM, t1'e- gencrou, ,nd c-cmitruc-tfon 0£ lh.c: Wonderful Mullatd P.M. filam~nt 1hown i.n the above tcu:tional view of the P.M. 5 Tl-Ii, l8 rhe COt\•

:~~~(~'!a:nbv~~~~%~d;:. Obtainable / e,,e,-:,, radio dealer

iu Audralia.




BUY BRITISH Glass tubes and bases are much of a muchness; rigidity of con8truction UI also in itself an easy achievement. But remember that there is but one Filament which will do full ju~tkc. to your set and to your sense of hearing-

The Wonderful P.M. Filament in MVLLARD P.M. VALVES. Longer,stronger and rougher,it carries the published test report of the British National Physical Laboratory, 1he tt!St that protects you. Demand thewonderlulP.M.Filament. Obtainable only in Mullard P.M. Valves. A British Filament in a British Valve.

••• \''I llf'n'P l.l fl> ... , •• l'I I l'n,r ll l'i - • ., 0·1 am11 l,l h

" \)'D •ft"n I;\,(>

,. ... ••· 0·1 •mri. J,\·6 , .. II l ..,.,r,, 13•6 .•. e l :imc. lJ:6


.\RKS 16.\

....................................................................................................... ·-···················


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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unr.T cv~nm ITMJOll. I» ,-.-..-"'LQe"i,, P"•r"• .. h• lr-lt-,ur. 1 It m '"Urtir .. IIIOCWf'"' t.:i,. to lM •lU.a,,-111.

litf'K1' lt»ION ,11 .111. M ir-111 ~!Wo1. 'f II ~• TIIUli. t-, A,1,te,uu,a J 1• \'•lrtt•

:::e.J.t.. ·r. 111a1>1• •• • 1 ... ,ua --.,,.._" l,.li!t Jl.m 'M•rr.-r:r" ,nw,,-,.J T•~-n .. R >;....,. ,11c,,.

LihntT Jl.'IH11fllt Pr,,,\_. ~_!...., "'1••• ", 11 flllll'1114U.,._ Moiiart .f.tnirt f.uhann Q,a;,uu,..n ..

I""' QPO lbt. n,~ fl ti I'"' ll911C'o' ,U,Ml'orh br ."- ~-.Jt~•<l.t"

1",1~ Jt,e ll'<q,ffl• f H,,a.l, l!ol•H h- h1,r»r"'-t f,r•rr, '11,L Eh.11:!ii,. 11,t l h<t •rNI l~I(• ,c._.., "' ·r..,•• h•II. u•n.

JU.SO s. m. Rr,11,Ji l'lfl\rl•I \o't t/'dda N'~ W•1M lt1r.m ... 1to-. k•1l:111n antonu"etln~!ltli "'f,u "•I AttUt"""-..

Sunday, Sept. 11 2FC, SYDNEY

)U,RNI~~ 81:'.b.'iJflN 1114'1 • 1'1 l',_u.•IN! 1nn.-..__llloll. 1~5' • ,n Tt-, R•ll• •f iiL Lrlc'w II ... , 111t: JlflkN1~':.; -~;O\;Rg t,.1,- It,

r,fJIRJ;.~, l•11rlh1f J'l"'l• f , .... ,ti .. , l'ANr>N' t: unwAnu U.A

IJU I ffl s ..... ~,e,n frua IM" f.1.,-t,,,,_ l t.11'1 .. ft! 1,'k-. •••L

41•1'•.n~noN r...S 0>-

1 ~~•: '"" 'f':to•J,. .... f't-.. rU0,1!1111' • • fll'III-

• • o ,._ f'nmt 1J, .. ?-,....,1 ti, lu,•'11"• • r.1.,. t 'lilcl " • """9n11u11• flf ,.1,.,.1 •11• ln•

... ~I~ .. ";,t .. 1..,..,,...,. l•.--n •"11 ~ ... 1.l """"~

lbl °"'.ll' II.ah llil"•I fir• .. " l ~h Al•) J•,fin l'i,."

I t ; ,.......,,."" •lf1\. l•nr" ,- M,.,tri.• ,11,..,111nwn1

Lh I' A, l••111•n lill Wl,,n boni; • Ill.,,,.... ' ::;.,oc,1\

IMW'II' {'lio!r, 1,1 hrt ":l,Qnl Paaml' llY .. lbn-.-.nL

\lhr,1-....(lwolr I .M ,, -. Tht' Mnl) M• 91ieqllll &nil. iii •

I N.,_.,_111 __ , ,1_.,,.,. hp fllr .J I ""M"l,tt: I 11.• 1. "'ltllS Den. CIB.e :Io•a.

I II m ··11is lkn .. arat p~ram,•, •••l"'llnot _,,ta I.I p.m.. L..,1ttl'U;~ M-,..a1,1la,y, .. 1'1ttin,-~

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ilq )',<G l"""I_. l'hl•,. .. l(J••• J,I ,\,..l'Wln) I.JG fl•- &l•,.n s~,mwr. ll.11s1"'h ~ia:u.

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•ru llll!I., 1"'711 ,11,,.111.r, tr••••h ,1-. t.k,11i.t..

'N I• 111 r ....... lll• r 1TT 1-1'fft l"1' t.VIN• OJt.~·a.'rlOSAL C1i\J•CH . .en:t,,Nft, An o.._ ... n..r:::.-1 Mr. E. J 11 ..... lnnr,1.

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.Mm Fran,:• 't~Cf'> l .4C r, • •~1 -rwa"U"rrlrnlir r-•

, 11.Minlwrsnl , ,_.., ·11,lc f'-'t1"' Th. y,,,.m,. .. ~,..,...

fn• n u .. 1..'IJhGR>..L;ATIO,-;U. t:Rllh.cll, r1rr n~rm- BHU(P.Y

rrradi,ar. It., T t_. RUTII 1;,. ti a.~1ti,,. M11•lr MneWI.-J 11.• nol.. eait•

111.wl ... ti, M, • .J f•t..101,q,


f1l11.a . , 1.,11.aJtdn, .il'f~ih, .. Ht<iN •I•~ ft: ::~:_t t.!'~~;1.:a~:~J!Cal, fe• .. ,.. .. IICl,b A IIINr- CQi'/p'lal,

t ~- ,, lr• Ak lhu.Y ,.-1un111 ht dw Mt'lldMI tor- 11 f~ WTl"'I of A1t..-.1-uP11 'I .. U,•. ,-.. utJe ..r •1• ..-b.-1 thl• • .,..., Inc: "'CoNNt W"1UI ..,, i. the 1'1111!11 "'ArTadr' ~• ...,_,,, "'"'l"tl ,,_,,.,,, •l 11t,,. bl•-- •t

TotflS ANIU., •"11 • ,..mll• &ftllftQ' tlw ••U•• hhati I u,t.1

f:•fllliat lhi;r t,,,, 'Will ld,; Jlllt •ld11 mD1 •nr • ....,..,. - • tl,allv• nttn-, l"'l&~, :-rinle ....,.n11ir. (<i'IN:un, btcl,r,. ... 1•1¥1" 11r111 ,,_.11,I •It l'JNn ..,,,.,.,11 .. W lMI nllA~~ ~-,i .,,111"'• •IU be c iyt!lo <t!l •• ,-,..,,,, lit.- •t 1119 ,_,,,,_, 11,11 _,.,I • prtr,. a l CUlto:11,11. .-ff'

M•>1'111 •1'1.-t l• •, .. "•th•..,,,_,, •lll • il'(t­•n• f.•1RA!• llar'io'• ulk, Th,. iov.r will Nl'l('.ti.i.l, •ll.111 • 'I 1;1r'stMI 1•-.r-4,twft, 1 ... 1r1a. be!.n.,: tw'i,, r,il'lllNII' &k'l.efl 1• ,.Ottft •••• ,. --~ c ............ 11 ....... ,t,.,;,,. • , ... , ....

h~II', 11..P i, ,,._ 41,,,....,d"" •••r""11•l1, 1tl•110l1,rW ~ .. ,

"A~-.l.11 •,11t P~•- IA g Pl.i )(IIJ,1...-1th09-h:11.

1'.11' p,ei- °!i•I •"•' Afl!t,,.. ca.. .....


1·•• .... """kl p,. ... , ,._r~ltw, It •-M S.-r-1~. b-dc::..l rn:a S\. .l•uW·'•

r:),:ut .. ,w t!,iat111 .... II.I hll•l,I.

ArU.(ll!NJ)(lff m.;~.,un~

I. fl,.. -G I' 0 r~I. ·"' Ct,,m,.. ,, .. G.t,.,t" .. liotftit .. I-Ii\ •- HM\" :tif•Jatral "-'tttal I 16 •m t-,w. 11-• • 1•"1. tlPO ,ffo•·'- •-.f [1t.,..,. ll rt •t. 111• ,-.. hLh J;j1,al11-.. •11iu11tLllll!>at. Il l .... Plll•11• ntl~- w.n,..t' ·-l''•"'H 1 IJ ,.I'll fllr l!ley~ t.a•trr /•.,.1111 ''""-1, l.!li pm. M .. .1-,h~ Ff'l".,,r 1 .. 1,...1111,,.,itu, I :1,1 P,M. fllli• M'II .._ ff,.l,_Jll'il lfmlLNltf'II l.tQ ,.i11n Jlr JJ.-,-,..,. 1.-h n-,.-11.,,. .. 1, I H • I'll 1111 ... t'.dltii hltn1l.,.l.f'r lii.Z pi,i 'MIIM HIid• W• ll.r' t t\ 111. G r'.O.. r,.,k ,...,. l~t,,_, • 1 J'I•"'- Mr. Bn,r" C.Pll'r '" .,.. ,_, ... tot1111 '-'~"" t H p..n• -N'111• lb_., J!,.1.,rN'"' •u •"" "'"· 11 ... ,,. t.tlftt! f 1• Pm -R$1'" Cl-. h-r Mr ..,._

"('~m .. Hr•otlrr, •111'-IJl~do-.

J:V~U•Y. fl:fl,.<CIIITQN

i l'i ,- "' CldJ.t,...,.•, F_,a...,_ 'l 11,-.. 1'1-rv_,, h,-dau trca (Ju.l.r.14

}',,, Clivr"'-

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clt)l'IJ'\.f"Oi, ti! .... , 0 J. Jlana,. C.,,.f. ,11.....,,_ ,. ..... • S!,llt! -4'; P.O Cklf''k • t14 Olh, ._. kl~ .lll• ,..__. t1,t1t1,p (-tB.Iu.j. f, t> • M l• l)11)1n, RI•" 1T111h• .... l f II 1111'1 ll(r l_.fll'• JHl°"'9 IW~!•tl 1-lll l'•,a,--lk-M(ka•r,,111• .,,., l.ll p.l'I\. l)u,'1 ,CS. lfrNma ,.._art •nj Mt

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2GB, SYDNEY S11nd11.

2UW, SYDNEY Sund11

t~ Ill &Ill 11 .. ,ri ,.1'-111,

ur.. r,"' •-""' or evr,uns •net rarlh~• 1111'. ""'•'"'"""" ,, .. ..... r.i.- 4o.,.._

I ''·"' tt•1.1•U1t 11, .. 1r • ,,•.;_--;;;_lb ,...., .. ,..,. Iii. •·11~~" o.., ll.lO .... ''CAidn" Duo.., ,led CW'U.,.,_ • I" a,.~ ..l',,,l-i-a. f "·"' :--,;uidto It-, I ~~ .. ~.. ., ,,.,..., "''"ff.. ,,._ ''"' »• r.i,..., --


World's Besl Rechara-ble Battery; Philco. _


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~'ridRy, 0th s~p.tomhor , 1~27.

, ILLUMINATED DIAL, 12/• No. 1277


,oe-6..,l,m ... ---·-·-··-} 910-10--ohm ···-··-·--··· 3 /6 920-20.obm ...... .,_ ...... . 930-30.ohm ................. .







Pa,.e Twenty-Nin•


MIDGET CONDENSERS M7- 7•pl•t• 5 / tl MIJ-IJ.plate .......... -.. 6 / 6




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~'l'Q .-CSTO,c" IM p.a.-A,na;.,.c,,_ I• Idu1 ••14 ihrUuh,­

GNet!r, .. l.r I U.l,T 11\:)H(Y • I •--ll,-.• .... .__ ~ Tilt: Prt:ll .,_ I..D ._. '"IIIIOTWD BD.L" "":'5'=..:.,. nr.,11 .... ,... s.. ., .. I U ___.a. In. k. P • al"I.

KJ'GJIT RSSJOH". lvr.mta _,_.I" Ii I: FRCK 1'.E:U..1.1'

<"HUJU..11. LO.S I AU: ITRKBT ,,........ 11:tv t 1a1suro u~uic: x Cfrpain. MA. WlLUAM a .IAIIL"' I~ .. i.... .. talt• I T ... ha,tt. "'11w o.--r Gata. U.,• "•a. &.et...... ..~ ... ... , .. l'r•Nr. TIN I•_,. l Tl AIIIIIMII. au ,.,. n....,h!t i.,-u.... --....... • "'._ ~ ni.. • M••r 1..-ftt.-.... IIUXflfLY IMJOk Ka.110-Jt U.V C

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~if~l~';~l tl)-1 Itri-... Mn I nu.,u:-rr ltt•U w -, ..... _. ..... ,

A~ l~hl t U .. .._ ff "' t'NT Dr. PACL'I

OUJLISAt;S U1''?lt .,...., lt,&la. ·- ,.,..._,..

I.A i,.----1.11 r;J;1,I' ffA.aJl. ...,.,. .. "('11,.,..• I •F VMIW .. (A-'hh 1\,1 .. .WWio• bf A. C.._.,llat•h

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... ,.,...... Mi,o;rO, t •t p.m -llu.tlUUH.NE ffRIJtr, QU,Uc. ..

TF:rrr. -.::-=-?ai.W" Twb!f1.11•Ut a:. MIUWa ~ '"•--- ..,, ........ --- ... __ _,._

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11 "'"' .4 t•U BAVK TUE h."tNO

4QG, BRISBANE. Sunt111

;AJ"Ttr1.'Hlf'Hrf [r.!\1nl'I llrNI t,fl(ALIAS'tJ n I ,.....-.1, ._, ,._, lk,._._,_ t~1,nl U.n,1 , Mr \Ii II lJt.TIII .,, ._ ""' &aY9111 ff'Oftl U.. llatan~ ........... FIW.M TH bO't A.JUI,. QAI.Ul.:

1 11...-. .... c..i-n1. ..................... &.

w1asL••· WSKltLT

Jlri'TQ UT II: 10N,, IAP.IITS" IJll' I CU OJ> [Yr.LANO Tlwr « KWlliA• kn• •l "-N'!a,.. r,._ AU W•lt c-r,. "' &ulMII

, ... p.a.--Clliud; ........ .... ....... ~ .... •AIC'D COXC'J;ltT

A, ~ wudail• ., 1M 01nd1 8effk'• lhfl c:11 ... rt tr,- Ori Dr.,._,_. M•1•r.t,•I c~,,..

•rt &aNI will Ill NlaJ"M ffta Ww,U.. ~· .... ...,-cs.a.. ....

GWF, PERTH. :-iuril•1.

.._ .. •- T .... la 11 a..a It...., &.nW ,..,... '""" ,,_ .. h .... A~DIM-LPW ..... ""111

U..11 p.- 0-4-. ....... __,,._ .. " as.1.AY-

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t.N .--.----a.. .... ..... ,....., .. ....... ~-~ litcll1a.

TJe • .._.. 1:.-:n.1as tknte. "',... ,,_. t11,o, r, 1111, CuaC"rq•Ull••I l:hlolrah- 6t., c..«irw• I 'l_.n-., l 'fflb.

•nn mt-run 1raV1c:x. ..... • .. (.~ .,. Slact• &" tdr,... , ..... ~-- Ila ltftn. l'U111.

lt 11• C1-i ._,.,


•oa."'1NC t S

II aai <"hudl ~ ,.._ M!!morlal Chttk, II.ti.rt. a..-, A rttnir C r-.,1,oa. /\I eoMt-ftiiM el I llqrc• 1$.cnlc<'J ll•t r.u ,r_ tafiu•lkill. .... -~

£.lRL1' E'YOONC 5T.3&1CE'I',

• .., .,..., --UiWfflt•• Con,n 'r dot .. .....,_, Lob

T •,. C'\11N111 .. ,..... fl'MM It..'• c.u.,,. 11 ..... , -'t - -. .e- ... -:-'-" c..._.. -lk-M .I.a. (.,-a f-.ra-.. ., .. .,.,- ......... , . ..... ...,..,... .. --,. t4r '•"'- • i.r fTW!11t1&1. k,• ,:.w11rl llallti~ lj ll. (h.-.11lt•t, Mr 0,1ut,o ••i. ldl'mlf'lll• nt,

I •11 ... l'ti. lbtnf'JI •~"Cial lntttatat-N••• .....,._ .,.. .... ~•--i...t.i w ..... ...,. __ .._ ....... ,..., .. ""-' ... -------tlat-• l Aa\lll!a.

Monday, Sept. 12 2FC, SYDNEY. ILARLT llOL,-u,c USSJOlf.

11 ._..., 1111 t.,I am

.M01t:Cbl'0 JJ:~UOl)llrl

lll LIii tlta ..._,." aa,t AnflWMIJffln\•,1 ,11...., lw,,tM, Mum.

H •-- ......., --·• llenW"' z..--, ....... uea.a .,.....,...._ II.IS ._._ 1.- JI. .. ,-na.. 1-,~,-

&r, uw.,, Jta • cC;f ... __.., t) • ,11,, ""•Ila M~lr

UU w.m 'h~ lln1·••'lhlal' X-Jak- fa, tk! ..... I Cl1ll,I,." ~ a.-. -A I" A, ud tcetu'• CaU-.

I 1; a_, Ji ----••· ...... (.~ DMo&.

O'rer•slu llur&'e$8 for Heavy Curren! Drabul,


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Frlday, 9th September, H/27. WIRELESS WEEltLY

Acclaimed Everywhere I R. C. A. LoudSJ)eaker Model 100, with its new principles and flaw­less distortion-free reproduction, bas revolutionised the ideas of thousands of listeners-in.

ASK the fe!lo,1 who used to sa.y that he preferred a. pair of headphonos to a Loud­

~pcake1·, what ar~ his ideas now. \' nil will find I hem conRiderably ch,,aged-if h~ has heard lhe )lode! 100. Tile Morlel 100, with its deli­cately responsive. fto,ttlnis cone, il, bala.n~ed armntu.-e, 1rnd its electric tone clai·ifler. that filters out distortion, ha.• revolutionised the idea~ Qf thou~ands of such listeners-in. IL has made pos­sible the ftawles~ distortion-free reproduction th~t has foi- so Jong heon I he dream of .-adio enthu­siasts.

Like tvuy (>L'ht,lr basic developme11t of radiu. Lhe \ ·Iodfll 100 i.J a pr odue.t a-r

itb_ .i(reat Rftdio Corpol'ation o( Amcrle,. h h,. ~he latett a~hie,vc,n,fH'll o( an ot1itani.&alicn with over 20 yea.i-11 M .. iuho ruuJ no yea~ of ~lcctrical expMi­~nce behind it. [{l's.r- it to-day, at .;1TI)' good ra.dio deale.rto1. To >"ou, too, it will give a 11ew rnnception ot wha,t Loudspeaker r~producti•n eQin bi!.


f~,~E~! ~ !~~C(o'!!!t 93-95 Clarence Street, Sydney

S3 King Street, Civic Centre Newcastle. Canberra.




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~l<Jttl' IM&IOX

2BL, SYDNEY U1n.da1.

t.o;RI.T llllk.~lf'O ID'lt10N t 14 I•-.

.UOL"'ll'<J U ln"i

IU3 •• Cl.f'O Qid. .... •--11~ ..,_,...- trwa It...._

&o u ..-. ,J,im ,,_ .._ nat, T.t.s,.p ......... , 1'11t i&M M_...,.I ,.....,..,,... r,._ ,1,,. --11 • 111 tlPfl t'l••k u 1 ct-i .. , ................. 1• II •• T• II ... ""'l'n,•-- h 11111'1• G • •II

\..,.KJ' ~• w~• ~ a .. -a.1a1 ,,.,._ a..u- .. "'' a t •• ., :M!:t. J .... Ta.11r. .. r•1a. liJ" .,.. ,., ...

1: ,.,..111-, -'11°0 CMCk .... C,..__ .,_,,al o-" ,.,..._, e 1,d 'jlll,'•llu r It.,.,._

IU p • ..., UN-11::l Pt .. t«~ M.....,1.! lt.-. S..L

l!.1 ..._ l•f--•UI• lla.._ a ...... ....,; ............ I. t ...._ ..._;. ._ a.I.,. -~ I .It ".-. '"..-in&W.. ••"-• ~ U U aa,.-.,- .......,_ IIIMJ Mar\M ..... f'L.

WlllEl.1t•• wa&-.1.1'

l • .ft f.-,-11• 1,y • 11,i r• r• 1'f'tldUfle,, -1111 ..,._. 41 P,O. C1nd, • nil C!llmn. t'.....-Mvknltnon..

11.aa ~- .......... ._.. ........ .......... ----ltaliau •• ,..... ....... II.II p-. M._ f,- .._ a.• 11-U .....-Kwatt, IIIICl'--..J: '-IM~

~('.'airll:a.t!IN I.M 1•a.---G.1".0. (!ck 1od C'llnNI,

T•I~ la ,-.od,-.1 -•I lllftir61 Eritnt• i• fN tllll._n W ll•r,a.l,

I "'" .fJ PO. Cl•lr. , .. 01-

C.. -a. a-1., 1..-W-\. ..... ~ .,,, .... u,,. •fttr Nd1 I'-, t-, .-,i., ., uw, • ».11

I I • t,.J• I I Clotk • !NII ~ lunus. 111...-ial p .... t"anl- fNm ~ Stldiu

1.11 p,-.... -, .. ,,,.. Ir- 1119 "'kL ,.u - ._.... "",.._ma•..,_-. ......... ~,nia•'"loul.. .. IAt • .._ .0.--•• "-Ml .......... -..~

tr.- .... .,._..... C:U.Nl. & ._. ..c;J-.O..Q....11 •IIIIDimft

N._ f.t,• Lht ~It. 4 II ri a a.rla St«r ,.., 51-..-~ wa t .. 11&• lldd ,r.t ,..._ ~"""• fr,_ Ill- "'t,qn-t.M pa. a..- •f Ma:W. .... hlll-4.IT ,.._ .a...,tq ...,_,_ •-" • - .,_..._ a... r-... > ... -G.PO, Oodt, &llilll ..._ \C-.-L

K\RLY 1\.'DON'O 5UiSI01'i

I •$ 11 ,a.. G.P 0. llNII and <:h•-· f ~ldn•·• Jl-6oa. ......... ~....---~•·---

• r: r.'?~~,0 l(,~:11:~II l,~:a.-=-INI flMH• c .... H..,,.."

... , ... ......., .......... r.. ... ..u.nn, e-f'(,e,r\.[',I~ .....

...... ...,. IJ~ 8arwt,. n.11 .... V~M•rlwl-....,..__ K ....... .......... Oratt11 an• .-..... .- ..,_, ~ .. , I '-tff .. NllflM-• krp,,,rt 1 ...... ,

1 lll p,_rr.., t. .. ntry J\'.'""' INM Laa .,8',n. 1.11 •,. i-.111 • i'I II•• t-41 ri0io11t111 V.ur

Ii.Ah.Iii. ..,. l•P Uu ltaia,wr. , , ., •• -Td • ..,... JIii~ c.t, b 11,



• 1• r..rc, r1M~. u4 l'kbt, .. , lltM,I, 1.t~a• 'I tflk"II UM r 11•• A"' 11,..,,•, tf'tll:t•ll!!t>I- ttf"llttll,Mi .., LI ..... .. ,.." .....

•• .... ·7- ,,...,, .. 1"7 ••t- ... IJI ..... Iii- hafJ' •taan , ..... ,_ .. , U1 ,.-.--('-.r4p ~ ~ Ku liaan,... ,_ ......... o.m-tn ,,._ ~ ~'"• •N. bna.k ... ,,.._

INh,-1rial Jfal' N-1 • ., •4ft •"'- ~,., U<P11Ulduih1ci ,.,_rl1011• If~ • 111 Mf T""11'!11f (1,t,j1 IHll-lt\l •­

iilnJ f,i .... .,.._I...., Jl..,..ri aN r.,_.n,. h ~-'lb C: J Iii.a.-.~-•~ ......

tJ..., -(er M~ ad kaC--.._..., .,_ .... I,._,,..., 8altr- '1lf tho- Kl,ul . ...... tu ...... '~""'"' AU ,,,.._. C..i--t •UI

I.Ml. b• l~•-r11I •,an\ ... ••• • •l Mr. WIUl,i• U...• 11_,, t.U • • ,.._ )It•,-• la.Id. t.&,t t.a .)I• N•IM~ .lhlr f...,.e. la .... C-.!M••---.. ~~" ......... "- ..................... , c..-. at,11 •·--- lb. W1IU.. i; .... ._

For rurfft M1111lc u .. Onl)' l'bllco.

10 11 I' ni l" .. •-.1 ti:Lt r.. 111,:11->1....-.. kr..,h1ut hvm tilt 1h ~ _, lM 1.._,1 c.u...

l&U , ....... _...,,,..,_•a,-• .,, .. ·-, .... ·- 0- •.-rt- ............. ~ ... ·~t,ca-~.adla U6twi ,_... ••.u ..... • ... );1tlalit- "1 ...

1e1n1.,., (-M..rr1Mn•111'1 ~lltJ1-tn,h.t.,.., •:,..i ... , In• Ulr>!roo;,a "1 th B...-.AI c..i-

n p.a -01~0 .,:;c& .... ~ J(,U... ,......,


-Arru..KOO:-C f£S&,Or-,.: LIO p.-i . .,At. '­u- ... "-•..,__ a..u,..-i. 11 .... ._- p.a. A..,__ t..a...-.M.&a. ..... ..... c-. ....... , .... ·-' .I fl-- U.lallft Law\, .. , ........... . f.29 t-..1D. Ad4,._ '1-U .,_,.. M..w,J I".~ 1.ce .... " ..... ~ ... , ........ ~ ....... ·-- ~-- ID>ia11• ...._~~,Ou...,,, IIN:ice. N•r-6rr1 .... , ... 1 ..... ___ ,~

't. •,....i, olA•_,... tY- I 111 1-1 ~ ,..,,._. lo, f'rof• , l..--1 V.-r""-t,,lfl ,._fl\ , .. , l>r ,1 .,. kathl""'"' k. ~fl

t.U to M. rla.N Wis Mia I t'lll/ lhu-a... IN 1•• ,_,,.,....,taJ l,l~n~ lta MU

• ::w-.:..=r:~a.'.~ 1t:.=~ .II• ..... 11:n.ha It.a..'"

"" ----~ .... ·- X. ..... -, ... ,..11..,. v.._..._.,.n. • ....., l •An .. •I• fNa l•~• a.-t I ,-._1, t1_,,,,. , o..-,..

jl.11 p ..... -M1p, NI fltn!IGll:oti:..,_, '• E. J"nw"l:L 11 lt ,._.,. th, • IM I•• • •IIN • ,k •I• .. IKallU~~• lhr.n. -lkaa)' A.. Br~ •--•I,_, ........ t.-... ...... a- ....

2UW, SYDNEY :.1111114.1.,

taa Nr•• ... _. .. .s .,... •--•~• It ~ f\111..U. t1a', T•• i. w_.n. • " ·-- ....... ,n( ..,.. ""'-,-.,,.,-.. lD .. ,.._ -G- Jtowa, I•"• ,ihlllll,, 14~ U• ._.. R.,...• f -••• ,,-.,......_

, .... o... ..... I•• ....... ll!9S .......... ~., - ~ ,.....,.---., C ... -l_,. ... ._ t,rr. w .. ,

f,lt JI• JIIUIW'III l•.#-1 .. rn. Na n H.aton Till JI a

Ea• , ... , Lift.• .., c...,. ....... 1.a,.,.._ IIUSilal~ .,. ........................ , .. __ , .• r,.a. -a-•--.


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Ft'1d'l-y, 9th Sep~mber. 102"7. WIRELESS WEEKLY Paa:• Thln.y-thr ..

"Truest to nature" CLARITONE Speakers stand far ahead among all the newest thing~ in Radio. Their greater tone range brings in the extreme high a.nd h>w notes Iha! make -.-oices t<Ound real and repro­duce lhe subtlety and quality of instru­

mental music.

Tht! human speaking voice 18 interpreted with unusual richne.s-q 1md freedom Crom metallic Yibmlions. And distortionleM volume is another advantaire i,nsured by CLARTTONE Speakers. You·ve got to hear CLARITONE before you can really understand why they are "truest i. ».a.tare..'~


Suppliers of Everything in Radio and Electrical Equipment Th• !mNIOR CLARITONE Tbe JUNIOR CLARITOlnt (illu•tral.od) 1$ priced at only (W267), .11.'/10/- 'the Re-£5/10/-. Other CLAlU- flex CLARITO'\fl,; Statue1t~. TONES (listed oppo•it,•) re-- • •uper •~flu: model, R17/10I . .fl.oct the same Ul'lUSual nluc.

)f ~'llr .l,le~~ u ll'flllbl_. tt ,1119,a(v i:!11.rit.n• NMi,n,,~at. w.•ri:.. •• <tirr~t.. tt~,ei,Jiq,111"J' .._.. -·

CLARll'ONE Headphones, 21/-.

DEALERS NQT&/ Writt1 "' f~r ~"l'"rlP', •f O'JII •,xrild t""CC,. ~,-,,un1, .


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raat> Thlrt1-rou..: ..


.1t PAY laat.OH,

U 1 <1.I '?rt h Offl I WI...., ... ,._. ,,..., .... ,.. k>' t&.r'• ... 1hr A<.1,waJ.laa J',-• A11-.1o11,U. ,a ,r...,. Araiat •~• anllll.,,

lJ .. tQ I'-"'• JU& 1,.nn~~09' AND Ul5 •Yr-, ... u.:n 111rs11,~ ISTa.

);:: f.u"'j,"-J°iAJ~'.t~ 11\:!IA.lll'lll""tY, ...W S«!L .. , .Do Lo.-. MJ Lil' Uld fia.~ 11,,11_ .. _ l'lu.d., 'l'lwtty l'.Ar" 1t.rom "TIie Carp.,_ f

J',UCI ll-lft. 6t<it'• ft1furr ... 1 n 11: P ,..,. ~v AllOM 1U)I Al'lilJ au,

lil'N0:1-t'nlrR<H•rlST.\, u.t:,!:.• / A. ~-· ••nw-

·A 4,1rls ..,: ~U 1f) 1 \'.!ll.-TlMM Al U ., • lOlr. !i; O:,,C AJiH tt[S l\'}(CO.

'IJlilrJILSCl'Tai 11• 11 ..... ~•1-alash:aJ 111tum.1.w ..

W•.Sitoll ,,..,_.,, itu• \")ft11rM, "luDt6nia llaotll A .. o•li• • ,1 'H.., 101101 w.1 .. 1Jc-,.._.,~" 111 r,. 1 14,u,1r,1r. 3\/f-r\.ot"III T•••nta. f;,1u1• Ai&ltnh• 11Jltl I( w 8o tr, w., ....

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'~&~u Jj'~l'U~i~: ''N' Atrll ml 1.1• ,, ... 1,11'[ C.AJILIWAT .. ruou1

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j •• 1\M .Jlt)~ AJtllNUtN .urn :m .. trYN((1.,,.;fMl'UOSIST!'\

l,r:.11:::...;,il,!!ftll,IJ,lli ,Afr(tl 11101 IJlT•

M,•ttlr;tf Uinf 8oticll.• Hhl .. 1!tf iy 1''.n•­lrnu..

l 1t.S,.,, tt. t:\nloiir Tm" ,U¢ih•niefl> ..... ,.-~ .... n.


,o • II\. !-f~ """ HJTIC9, .... , I) ~IIUI. &kiVclwr tllo•-Ml•llk.

t.r,:i • IQ.. s,.-11 ~hahi,we- illfor~Jon, u; ,. en mu,r "'""''-• t.U p.111, )·\ill -""L "'"~ h ,. n.. ll~IW. Jlal,~~11...,_

Lt i, m_- .t,t,1.,._c,t 1~ l,r ll•• \"ldorian t'~ ~rath• C• I.hi, 1"1111tl,Q' lrr• ,n ti-,, • l'll• ,ht,,,, ,.,1 f7 i"ntlillllbl. 1«11.~ ~ c:wu,-. )lti...--1..,., ~,..r,or_. or fruit "7 UID v~1.n11n1 lhlk ... o\ao­l"oation

21man ~Y-~lON, t..n vm-t,adc1 I.It« 1111..-, - .,, tJrtri LJt:i.JI.

J.<U' ..AUU&.41.IA LEAtUIB,, )1.R. JI o. J•,:rr.J'L:ltiN "" • .,..1 1 n

, ~~~ .. ,t,umvM::t ... , ~1,";i.'i'{aa" •~"" !:~~t. o.'!;i;t::.ia•;,

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I t p-.m. &arlhiDt::' - r lnk'fttl, lt)t LI••••• 11! -Aun.nUi11"1 1J1~111,.,

l Hl rtn Ml' nU\' ",ww Ait.c:1-,41 0-.m ,1 .. 1 ~11, _, \ICTflll U1if,I: ,\N'O I.ti! tftAll'lo fa"fl"" ~ Anm""' noss-. M·•lc ti,, 111. ... SZ U;tl,tJI ,·11..,..,t..t ... V..-•& l.._,OS. tS. .I.C,I, 11

.lU.JJL--\C& \'dtllt.., ?'lht>u .., 1.-.uta.

Rt.ilil't )UL I J lt M ~ "t th1......,,

.IOl!Ji J.JC.l'NO¥A~

~•~ rj '1,: ... ,i~j~ ,::=l•::~l, .liL\I Jf.11."& I ur,i,,[Y

M 11,}l .. tJ .. er hr. l,tptlaa)I CllAJlt..13 JIO:!>ot.L"'IO.

l't1""'4' ll•r,Oc) llkM'°'~Ml'J' •I J.-..U,•1 I ltl10N\lt.

Jt•ru11 1•, (t cn.t,n,w"'S.u A,,.......,, ,N l'II ,I

AIHlMJ AIH•Rtw, w.u ..... , ... ,.. t"flF.V NtY.Yw,

N•1.J1l1• i"I'" t>t l"-i!4) .IW.lTH liUUIA.lL

Ulnt:tt:1,) f.t1U•1JW~l1J

rJ~y~.~ ~(t~Lt~ JiW.-lt "M~iu.~i ttti .. i-riM"" ., M••1•·1 ' ti,Qflll tTh• fllw-,1 lA14ow,

a,\• .-11 AKSA'{. ~T~OhlS OJ ~, LS&::;

Act I ''l"J, ;',1..,.111iat1 1:19, ... , In r.n, At:t. ~~t1nu1i c,.{ ~• Howie .. ~, J•ar ... An. J.-lllarln• 1 l<auior.ut. hr;a. '''it.;' l~o~fWlkMUttc r,i.,..,.. .,, At.-

c....,," 4~ 4t "'""- front the .\H.I.UUl,Jl<Ml' CHtlK.·\I,. lfNlt>X • .-,i-d full i,"ff;, ••~•" ,._ • ,nrt-.a el WIU,IA.ll JAM13,

IIUJilt'At, Jrn.JM1tl:n;. ACT I.

lunih--h>p""- w°"'"" • If!._ lU ••••I CNri, "- wwW'll1t

Dt.,n f,"i--r:UL aud lhtrulo), rNrl Ull•t•III' •Utl ca .. , I' •nJ ((It, ... ,

u~ o,_h k.-1ma11tt 1r.-• 11r111, ""L.1•• l,i lh n~ut.."

11,111• • -, 1-n •wu:uur 1 n11111o1

IU. .. , I,.! I W•Et.• .,1:11,. "o'IN.l S. )'oo.•wa!Jt)

A<.'T tit 01•~!n1 ~'1W.. (.,J,11 h1U l!uato. lL,,n •m..-.. \111 .. t'Nt I .. ll ...... 1 1'-tiUa.l.

"I WI.-. y..,_ Brr (Tbaula l HF •irt ,_,.,_, I .. , ·'"' kt f\lM ...... J,

FrnM (Y,)11 mv .iai1 kr ••n • J",;llJ ... 1\•,\;:i° ,CROY GAi.L'i.lWAl" an.I ll..tJtYL

I.M\JubJ" 1t.:,...,p11;11:11.

, ... ·----11,1 .. t, 'lai1u=-JLir.lir• I! 14 .,_"I Ars-111 n,o- -•nf• AnlHIOl1t' ..

IOO'I IC0tl~ltal 111fo11 .. • ih TUii: Brt\'.\I Al Tf•MOffil CLJl,t flY Vli.'1' lll .\'I •AtPl'tY Mt: t-M,~ I UR T0l1A\ II• (-..:1- )II+ TOKIS'f"!l: Xu 01' • .. ,. i!l U.11 bt• ,., • nn,• "''-'' ., ..,_ nr.-4,:..:. lnllb 1" rei: .. t WIIII •• -~"1"111. ''"'" In u,,,. ... , ..... , .. ~hh,,.,,

JI Ill!!< 'JRt &J' TUOIJl.Jt l

r!.ih.:.1•:.;rn::.n. ••~,~ II,:"':',~ ::; • ",_-,. J,1111U111" .r.::: f",-.r1.-.1, Wa:rl11n<l ll:'£~~.;:~,n~::~~N ANO IJUI

11,, I>'."' .. ,ttb aA.vt. ·rua: at!-lc.

4QG, BRISBANE. .l\1ond•t•

.IIIJ)lU\ f1• H N: 1 t,, 1 pm. A l'°"ffHSOOlf SE.' ION

II i:.,t Ill f..a:1i~~n~"="' ~::•, ..,._t:"Y""' h 1 ~tl!:tk..'!"'°" ••"' lfl I t,..y •·•t ~ ~- 1l-& .:I,_ .t-n

t;Ali,T 1-:\'ENINn 1J 111:t.

II ::,.:..~~• •n- w;,pJk,J 1rJ "t\1' 011 ;t,-

1.Jl~,t•l•-. -~l~I~ ~ WorW eun-11.• IL.Ill. fl1<' l'h 'Wr,·11• ~lcni ,n·--..,,_ .. t,.111.11 ·, •M J.l1rltd h,i u •tad .. npi·1 1 • ot-ri:• I -·· .,..,,, II ,..._ ""tht-1 -- •1101 )IOlallnla,. I U "A 41t•11Mr.J "-1 IIIP14la. T,CJ I a l.artiuttt,, l'i'II l-.:1'1 INIIII 1111 ...

C: r,,n,".,. nit..._.. l,1 -rha lllf'liel :M,,s. ..

Nrrn rr n:s~o"N


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 37nla.obj-666358126National Library of Australia

FYiday, lJtl1 Sopl•mhor, 1927 WIRELESS WEEll:LY Pa,re Thirty-f'lvo


cA Sensational Announcement by HERE it is at C 1l dl out of order. You

last- the y ~ just connect it to latest pro - \'5j, the base plug or the

duct of the famous light socket and the Clyde Engineering Workshops- power from the mains trickles the Clyde Radio "A" Power Unit. through, keeping the cells at a It's ideal-storage battery powe,· CONSTANT POTENTIAL. This with socket power operation. It ensures PERMANENT POWER and combines all the good qualities eliminates the recharging and re• of the battery eliminator with the placementexpenseoftheold battery. good qualities of the battery. The new Clyde "A" socket power Now-FOR THE FIRST TIME- unit is strictly a quality product, you can obtain an ample, steady built of the same fine materials uniform flow of power for you!' and by the same careful workmen receiver long sought butNEVER that have made Clyde Products BEFORE ACCOM- ~==--===,-------, famous. Yet at the PLISHED inawholly PRICES: I same time it is the satisfactory manner. Type o-c1.rm °'•.,·.o •• ,·,:t1,, cheapest on the market

,. 1-CL-R, £7 •· Yet this new unit is ,. n-CL-Rr. ~'1iW,o because it is made in

h ,. 1-CL-R,; ti 111,0 A (' d ' f so ingeniou, t a t Charc,r u~" only a;Jo,u I ustra Ja an ts ree there is nothing to get J.:;;;;;=------':.:.=;;..;.:;..;....:..:=:.1 from tariff duties,



The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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flea.-) &1'4 X~ Bt• Cl«ilnic l~UI I ""'"U"llll• ll<lll. -,,.Ir t.rl'it1• It .a,turiiln-a,. 1r,- •-i"t--C..eW -.en "IMm•• .__. r ... 1,1ab"'L :ar, .. )IIW,."4 a,.,u: it .... b~ •rn,,...11•, ....,.. ll••• 1.lrhu., OQ d.,. HI• Sr•" trnm »•MIJ'"Br• ..,co"' ••1..-,...,. Bn,.,._"1

I • 111..- fltet.1"..,.lll,11.• .__u.., f•~ l'AW't h ONK...At1' PLAY

p._Arl rlar ntiO,,. ~ lt:aJttrr ·Ol'"•h,00 htrt .. •• ha.••1 .. ,.-, •1'•-- tn ~ hf• c,f &l,,'(,hnt'lll,, b7 M.icMl-1 Oroc,.r. @p('('t-­aUr •rl'lffl JH ra,11,a lra•m..,.(""" r,oei,... uiir, ansti~ "7 Mldl;t.rl CfflC"l'r.

lfl o• 'Thot 01tUJ ~Ir" .. ,.,, •PIW --C•- ,1--.-,

6WF, PERTH. Hottda1.

11 . ..IO .. 11t.-Tw.N ta. 11.ll ll.lU -MIP'lrr.v.. Pff•A. an• C:al-LM 1 •r-. ,ic,,.._t ,,,,_ hrlll o...,.,,.l0f1', l l 1,,a-W•tM.r 11.... ,.\lt>PH"" ti,, U,.

••~1,.wa.1 lta,nu ur 'W..a.,,i, AYatnla. 1,.j p-.a.--Sllldlllt Q$-int¢&L I••• ,<:1- .,_.,. 11.M ,,..._-Tu,w- ill-I 1,1 p.-, ll1alnl J<"'flFa..,,_, lnrh,din•

.,.ria1one W-l- ~ iu., llul)'II WIJh&. AnClt u, •• ._ ~UlinL nlll..7911 tr,- 1M Or.11.11!111

"11-lff.M.f;PTUS~, • • ,., fswtllo l,n,nr4,.rnl.l ·r,-. •• pm.-<·h- ...... ~ I .. _.._--'I' 11•• Ill ti~ r,.1111 - ,i;.t,of"WII rr:,, '1M \.ldd.18. by A.11.niatto

-,.u• i- •n4 UMJ• !luffr, , .:• .,..,,, ~-«n«k .w &bue J.nte.114ic11oe..

~h~ ~=--•17 ,..., .. ''ft, W.-t AIII t~•II••- S.'"1111~r ,-.,.

, ~J'·; ,.!·~..!~'::r~~~: ~~- ~~t I e"' T.,._ ,.,-n..., fn91 r.-l'l. .. <1ti.n•111,r, 11 ,, ~ w..,.1wr ,,l'IUJI, ..,,r,111U..rl b1 tt,,.

M1,l,,l,Gfvl,--.i nv-.-11 .-f Wh-1 111 A•lllltllli..

~l;UicQT' NICJU',

• ,i • ...._ JI( lo:al f'l'IIISl'W'IIM l.cJud111a VOGIII _.wth,1 ArdirtCIL tm.b..t"I m-9ir 1'T ~Ji• c;,._l'iil l,.,,.-r,b<lf'!7 l),c~i• "9a1_. ,,_ ,.,_ Unrwl n..t,.,

t!l~•J:-',!..""::... Mif:MI. \., CllW"i_,. l1f.,... '-"'11, K--. ?-'"""llQe't' c.y. Jlhl1'4 'Wlt.bhl nnn ·---...-11L W1•\lttt a.,pWT, •11U J"ONCAII-L

, ... 1'"' ...,,_ ~ """

7ZL, HOBART Mnnda,.

aron.'l't~G •ESIIIO~ I""' 11 L,. •• ,. II """'··

A.rI'UNOON' IY.:'.St0!'(-1 p .•. -0,1" 0. Ckd-~

~i ;~~~••s~Jlh ~Qa,_

.-, .. 11rin· bftJ,,..l»tl, I~ of 1nmwa1 .-..oa:1cH:11m1.&.

111 ~---ott•1n.1 ..,w-tti,u. lt7 ';tt, O,.._ ......... 4 11 p,.....- FW-iiMl T&I\:. hy .. .A.m.t Una,. .. Ol

ll'1>w .. ll,, UC,. Hr4N!n. t.. p..-..-0-. dtl'lrfl.

EAltt..Y li\.'ESL.._G 6£86.(0.!ot

, " , ...... a'll1m11•• Contn, wonr• ~ ..<•ur,

1 .,_, UIICW Jlllel«'' lallt l•J Ii,"' (hlJ.lrr,rt.

"1i:IUT 812."HP!f, T:W ••-ll'•1tial .,..:~. 1 J:1 ._.... J••,.__I i 1,iw,.._ T •Zk. l,J u.&,, lttc-1..Dot.W M'd ... ..,~

WlllELlt99 WEltltLT

t.H fl.N..-''Xt'revJ7'' 8,-lal Tt., ... ..,. N.--~ -A.11 .. , Aucti... 'hodllOI .. ,.,. w.,.,.,.~ '"""'"tii· JJ .. u1 ~t<J<li lhr ... t...-e Q~,1.1.U,ir,o

I 1'-.-i.-C, P 0. l'iorlr. C11Qllf'f. 11 •<m (~rl ,,_, IMo Stud,. p.-.--·11,.l'ffl'J'" •ll'fW:lal fotrnlaa. Nlow-1, .......

Tum•n.ia1\ Dlatrl~ w-11in- Jlrporta I 1' nil. W .. th,,I' f ..... (U!;jio

,-IA110tl ll'i•<;illll""""'"'• x.ti<r0u1I Afltlv- n.

Tuesday, Sept. 13 2FC, SYDNEY J:41lJ.Y 111.0IVUN'-I 1- l 10!'

'fa.'" IO I a.-,. Jif.OB..'IIIKG .S.181:ilON

JR a.nt We llffi'' -.rid --~..ta. H,I ---•• ..awJlo mlll'4e, 10. H, a tt. -'"Sid.ac1 M...M-autc H"'-1.-,- .,.... -~· IO.M ....._---i:R, in•1c-. 10 o ,_.,_ A talk ..,,. 1ti. ui,. a.• 1•1111.1' c.. .. ,.

u:..iwoioacr, 1 •. 4\ a.-.--llll1•\)ofl ,,.,_if' u .. n,--r·o...c lk!ftr.00 .ll11rdMn1 fflial4 ror

91'hiltol cl1Jhll'fll-lU1 .. ,.. A r.A 1,11.d Jt.rut•r'• '-a'hi.., U,lt ..-. ·SbidS. ffl"llllllf' Jl.11 .,_..., 4 uuk o,11 ,._" «w.•~~, anitC ft ~:- ..,. Jil•• K11lh l''tmrl. ll.J11t ,e ---lb• lllfl•n..

t: '"'"" 'kc ~"' •"11 a11tld\lt1,..mttt•.1 UL\ p ~-tiC,..-k J;.-rlliabt~. lr•t. MIi n.a pu-.• {lfff<>lat -o, .... ,.,,.....1, ,.1,.,.,,1 '1 6 • ,._ li~I .. •1-1••· u.1• l,l.~mnur.q l)f ··~,11""1' ~"'u,,

.Hf'tllf"" n-• °'"'k:11,. • J~ ,_,,..J,_,. t<..-.. 21.~ p,-.--t-f1.1d10 m•k• U .. H &1.-..-ll11,rt1&.n1 111,1,u, .. lot- ..-:II ... 1111uM• -lJ,~.;.:-c..~~1•~~)~•11-N U-•!i 11.-. TlfJ!l OA~ HA.LL IKBl'RlfMT.N.

'r'AL 1"1'10 ll.N p.-.-stodfe "'•~· I ~-- ·e1~ N.-ft ..... W11Mk~ uu~ct,:~--. I~ p.-.-"J;,,- hr"'•"' __..., JIP'I _.._ . , ... u::i.•"J11rJ-UI Oil B..U.,J. INSTIU!)LK.~.

I .!!II ,.11t -8.,_l hdm:-nff, 1111COll4 catt. I l!G SI lb - M•n-~•11• -n••1• tor " ..... ,lln« ..... l ~\::...,t;;.111U:i~-.::: •••.ritc111~; 1 0 •.., - llf:fflo 1111i,dr. u:"t~'iln~ oA.i.; HALL tN-,TkG"MF.N~

! P·•--•·ailJ ~n.. • Cc.. dP'I!,


I fl.-.-.. Bi.a hi1" aad --~t. II p,11n,- tin: LYO&llJf TH~.A.TJll! Oil.


; lt :.=-~~ Tf~tfu-r:NT~~:· OJt-OJJF~TtA.. .

1-!1 ;, m YILANJC ADAMJJ • ..,_.,_" i "Tlrintf".,,. '"'•nr•,_,_

I.JIil 11.m. MU't'•taw Jiu.-._ ,_ ld,w,I Wtllil-,.., . a.,t1 r, ... , n..n.,..-. C...nt, ...,n,.,

"A Putan.1"" 1 WU•r111\l. llrtl ,\ T•U1 l,y II 'Jt,s,'""""1.aun .,, t)ie

CtNi..n.Lr,- ~•-~n•• ,\.'90Cjetlon CI> pl!\. j<-lli. 8-" • J8 ... \I• n .. .,..,., r ....

tnlko: .. ,.ff A'1"09a th" n-rll '-•ni•" •Fin .. "'• 11 f' •· -'ltk t.,--.i,a T...._,. Ol'dllatu, C II i,.1n ~ lna 'rt-ctn-IC·""· CQ-SH111. 4,0 •m-.,,,,.__ ....... ,,, • .,, ..... 1

"J ffOJ'f,. t,hmm).

Friday, 9th Seplemoo, l9i7,

• II ,-m.-n.a l.t,lillu11a Tbd.tlt o,u.t.n 4 111 • 111 -- ,.._ (I .. Hill J11-1r11 .. ,qt.aJ T11P. t.U , ,n, -Frank A.daau, hrillln•i

-~AUM I Lot<f Y•"' 11',,t.rltftl, 4 10 p..rh Jf'19nrr1~ ~. Oiu1\nlt•1

:-:~ ~:.: !lt::IA h::"r 11tlt-d caJI. Lit p. m.-T~,., ~ a..lllM'lb. s,.....i-1~ U• lk'tt

or.-,ntn, 111t'I"'' Uw b111n11 « C)rll R •,,. I.I I• m, -~UJ1 84-n"; Otc. llitw1.

1~"1n.v Y.Vll:N1N1'- lif"SC! ~-m ·n .. Cll<lnln o( tf'C-, fll ~ m Tt- 'Ht'II• 'M•~·• 1'111,b ~-4> f\i.,.

• hUdN'a 10 •.m ~IQO' 1unf' (,w th,- \'Oll'll f-"vlk,

• ,ll t' 11'1 ftl~ff• M11•S. 1,n ,.,,._ a1,. a.-.- 1-411~ t>t~•-- N•wa. , 1(1 • m r, ... l'h"• 11,uli.,.. lwtU>FIII (Wait1.

WbRL •1111 ltl)O'};l 11~ r ,.., J>ruft. .,,,1 v .. .,.-t,i,1,r, i.a,1..t1a, 1 _fl f'-111. W•tbtt • M S-i!•I IIJD" :S~•• l.D ~--La..,_ "'l:....aqi,: ~fr••·• :,ift'tl• &~ . ... i JO •,-PNCrtl&ffl• A.noourte:n:i•U. 1.111 r1r1 A- 1'•111. ~a.•"'" low-•~, tllo111

l .~~:~111~';" C:!~~::m,.f,;:~:~1'7

• "To Alfotbea boa Pi'._... 1 lttd"t.

TM""" .'1.>nl t'lltf1h1. ~nh:r- MHli!!a. 'i.111 r.111.- \'eta 1:...m.. &•Pt._1

lat ·I( T•..-1M1l1,·· CCAPl.;-,r,ril, j8• '"'"'"' I 111"1 'rJ.., C JIIJ,t and \bolt Tw.tlahl · I ...,n .. ,,

• C I...._ A 6lirJ,n T•ll on "'Aothar•'. w,.,.1,, '• I a ,- a. t ""'" lM W•I 'NJIUPIIS tir,-.w,I .. t

o\ru.. ti• roUc:7 Stle'Pl"h a,,, th~ 1...rlldt-r •f o •• "i."' U....11\r, ra,t.',i,. Mr, •· A. 11-,u,..,. •h••

t •• p.tlo .. , ... tlw llAolli,u Alt,,t1 ru.11111 • • .... 11.,,~, 1111 •1-f,., M•, Y• Wi-,1l,i • mi Wa,••

hu.J~II, iM •1'hoi i:;.., et 1i. !7'11'.'l,. fJ\4.lrrJ...11\.

; ~ 1;;':,•.-t:. y=r~·IK~' ~l,.:,~-:-nfl"f'• talflHIII u,t -~h.. K.eq•• 1L."' '-• •·nl•i.,o• A-'- IU~ oo1add1..-1,

111 ,-m,-v..,.. 1'a.11u, 2HlorUtM 01 "W"-' 0.(.,,. Pl..... IAl'll"/, (ftlof

t;n~1i.1u ,I,) *'lri;JI F"l!lli hn;-• ITi,,:,tlt, lffrfri..~t)

I* lfl ._W!. Hat \·au'• Urd1nrin, la r"ruLu

11.1~~--:--- Attr,,,f Cv•"'-'..,."· n,an,,u,,r1 ,a) --s..,ed. Jt u 11:0ra"' 1,uJ .. ._,o,.

Jtg•~ ~-~·~ c;:~i•~.~::1~~. tfl!'.~ , "' ff• I V•11e•• ""'"'ftlllra U..J1; .. m. J-~ •ad Ju,k t.._..,,....,, l:.nll"I", ,.1,,-1

,a, "'l•Wlll._ Wlfflla 1,AII r-1-1n,, M,. ... 01-,.

tlil ...... ..., ,,_,. Ownn• t.. 11••• '1"1t-11l•h, .. f~l-

lll ti pm 11•1 Van.,'• O~ia. Hi.lJ p.~.-LN M.•.ur'-c, •ritfte. It 11 • 1t1 J.ei.s N-• anc AMl'IOOl'f""~1't.,,,,, i I • fl •· ·-ru. fl•••: Lloa, a.r,d Jlldl La.nd~

Y«1,,t;11?Ttai941n1 l'"i.a• arui JIS&11j0 SiiJ,.a.

JI-: I! 111,.:....Jlal Va-'• 0TC".-• t,-._ 11 n •"'-L--. ilaurWll>. r ... o .. iu ft.u11,.,..-. IUO ........,:Hal V.u~·-• Ordintn._ II 'I , WI. N••lo1u .\•th,.., Cka9• Ji,-9 •

2BL, SYDNEY. Tue11day •

U Rt Y Jr0RHN0 ff.l;tnON 1 t• I a.• MOANL'iG ~O'S,

10 M ·- a., t). CktH- ud °''"'"-M111ial ~- ,,,_ b"ttldta.

10;!~.• :of••• C,--,,111 tl1a- Pally T•Jur,,oll

II)$« a.'ISI !'if,plt• I l'f"'•T•III- fr,1'1 11111 ....... u ,.,.,. r:.p.o rw• •nd mi. .....


11,1 •""" llh•'-'-l Prtlrl",_..,_t~.-.,Allullo,. 11 -ll aM,--l!tlt'MIJ Note.: U..ll• to eotli!!ltJoa.•

"""' h '°'"" Jc,r,J.u, on "Th h~"""-"~ at r_,.,...~ 11,... h'Mt ,.u,.""-

Buri:e.,. w~nl oter lhe Pole with Byrd.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Frid11) , nth Sei,t,emb,,r , 1027, WIRELESS WEES.LT Page Tbirty.SOftn

Take Your Choice of the Programmes with

The G and R One Control Five Valve Receiver!

SWITCH from one station to another just as you can the headlines of your newspaper- and take your choice of

the programmes! (J Mere child's play with the G, & R, One Control Five

Valve Receiver. fj You can cover all that's "on the alr" within range in a few

minutes, then settle down to the enjoyment of listening-in without interference and annoyance.

fJ The New G. & R. "V" Circuit combines in one Receiver aU the desirable features you would look for in the ideal set.


Attractive G. & R. "V '' Proposition.


G. & R. "V" Th.~ CubilU!-t, 4!' ah~ 0,bot!t , V m nuuterpi,r.u, af.;t 36 :,i:: .11 ;z: 11 i1tekeB, with. ti w«lnut finuh. l t h"" ttt·• ,omport­,,,uutl,.,, '""" on tti<ui, fur fh• A and fJ hritt,ri,_.. Tit< tet is guaranteed to bri-n.g in. ft}.I intMatat• •la.turn,; tlte Wu,,ti:uted dn.on cottt?"Ol ta pwticulnrlv odv<t'llk>g <OWI /or irtdk.ctti7t.t1 attitlo~ a.t. mg/It. A log i.< funti,,h...t wUh tko 1tt, girn11g t /r.o •uct looation "" tho drum t4t ,ui!! ,,,..,.11 in •aoh p«rticul,,r ,tatio» °" o •lmtdar<I curial.

:".'~!:.!! '~'.': ... £30 =~t~ £40IJ0I-

.. Get everything on the air with the G. & R.Five" Manufactured by the G. & R. ELECl"RICAL Co .• 4 H"ill St.. Darlinghunt

Sales Agent to the Trade: MANUFACTURERS PRODUCTS P'J'Y. Limited, Challis House, Sydney


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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JI h0<.1!1 -o.r 0 C'ltirl and C''11-• a.w,1t..1 {Jff1111 r ........... ~ \.\•1h,.r -., .. ,rt.

JU ~- llrti.,_WHr. l'•n11110N M\lffl'.1 ~ ..... 1:-J; •.m..---lJlfOr'll.atl•:Ja M..U., Qi,.w.-. ..._

'"-t lJt.,..,'°'7 .._..--k•h b ,_II li, •Ir.a... 1u11 p.n1 f'rwn1 11.,•hl ...,.._ ~ pm ..... "lf!Jt1.a '• )brti... ll,-11: U ,U ..,,,, I~• M..u1 Mir\" Rit,r,wt. l!Jt •---• lJ:a.!rr u.l fana l"""'u.. )luln ..__ U .1111 ~,-e; .P.Q, (ltd aad (ldaa

t, •n ••rat. n...on, 1':11 11..01 l'l•llt, iib,k .. 11"""'­

lUt ~I\ ICMU't ·• U-111 .,. .. _,~,.. fn;, 11~ · JLd p..rn JlltU.t'I, 1-..J11M11t:al 0-rtrll•

J.••'':'.:!G\!'3" .eu~n::,. rt ~la IO f 1111•"'" aNI 11"]11.'~I ,t.eT\.111~"'.,., f,. ClllulrMI t• 1L,Q,1al

I .. ,n. •ir,,. c,.;1~ ant& Ult ... CkM! 40lla.

AMDtiv• 1f lltUJON;rhr,.._t.lM.._.11 ,.,_..,._,. att.r cae.h 1:.-, b '-'rt.ft' el U. .,l!1111.'"

I t;:; ~1..:.:-) J;.i•~ ~:: Qin,-.

I.JI p._..:..t:J,.U ~ 8101a 'rM: ll•r-lr.i,. tici .. llbi r:->11rwJ" ttrrm.n

1..- r,.-.-0.f.O. Clork •- Qtn,1!11 JifWI tNIIII tli• ,1111-•

,_ .. Pr,11' .. ,..I_ ,~ tiMt Eua1ll11.

D.M .._.. Ko1•• '""" iti-, "'tl1,1•"' I .... (jJ' O. (lqek u4 (."ll;lrua.

ChiJ ~ l!l- Tth"' ,i Tl J..a-Somal !~r,, 1,1$ p,ati ll•tiilad 11"C"lm- fNrn ,,-1u.,,1la,. ... 1,1.-.~ ,_ ... lnL" 4i.Q. l'I 1't ..,_.,,,. •f altllill"• ~fll&HnmJ•, ,.at t,..,. RJu• II' ar.,.i;,1111..

,.,p 1•-•..:.......a~ 0.1•1re P'""fir..-L. • .. ,n -Otu ll•ICk ad w­c;.., o:l,,...,

Ma.LY I.\DU.N1; Ujt\tol(

•.n 1 • G 1• o. CJw:11 aeit (lih,:iN t>ildft.u'• )!l,m,Jun.,

.... ... 11, t •• c\US!.ulla.11 IL-11:an* La11.t •1111 Fltt•

a..-c:-·11~ "'•"-r &oQ\a'1 •UI y..,.,:wt, '1 ~ at lj,191,, N••,..on,,l .... lti..

I ,.,,Sltel:'.1.- &.,~IWlq $.et-kt,._ ,W!ut •r" \'~ .. ,11 .. ~ ~-~ .... , .. ,., Gr,ili, •N Pod.htr l~rt , .. s.u .. ,. u.11, r,.,I( .. ,~,, r._.,. .. ,

T.11 p.a.-OJUC'J" !i_.. ftlSQ. U. "'lti11." t,JIS 1t.-..-.?II-II& _.. "'l"•M-lil." h I.If lll.-lUM"'"

&VJ;NOC"Q l:J:8S,ION".

I •.m.-C ,-,0, Cl..._ aad ClaLmial.. 11,_._,,...,.. !f\lJ!bl cba,..._ •• llllur·• fnc,..._m,, .:p,..DW :.,, u...c,, , •• 1 .....

1.1 , m-----JE,_._,_. U.J·t o,~. """-" Ull \1.1:tectia:n d Ab. J Jtm,rlrtt

I 11 • ••• -Jh fu,...., 11. (!,4.IICl t•u••· fl-I!! 11Jn..----ll:,, ~11 Hu""bo!ra-h uuu.hl:tl.

:.:! ;:::_::.-r)=,.. w,Y!:~n!::'.::-1 •

t N p.a. • ., .. ._,_ ....... au,i 1'u....,1L ti, ~ flt !Mr ~ J. ~ C....-L. Jd __ ,.,.

t ~a -Q.P.0. Clnt'k ... QI_..

! !1 ~~~r: i.l,el~U::~:t'-,L. ...... ,. tl!I p.-..-Nld M11.r, N-.1.! (awra6,1. t ff pa,--•r. II~ IJ,,1"1ll,,l'flt, 1 1.t. 1•---bm-t.. lf-st.oi. tl. 11.. Cat!..U •fA 1t

(" lh•l:u:i.ttr,-, • 4-lll r.. ., ........... '-. r.1elrt Otp,hftll1 •M n~-x,. t;~n1q.a r.clcu,.. I,. ,, ---,.,. Cl,,111Jir1 1'•1c"'" lijl v~r. li•rkrt .c. Hinrhtl~ ..

:~ll :.:.'.::t~ A~~:~,.. n.- ft.1,,. b.n.illM& ,.,_."" a..11..,...,, •« 1h.-, Atti• ......_,.,_ Diui~ llllttvalll l«wl!'ft ~

1·f'" """ •111 Le .-rl'ladcut, U •1&1111-1\s..-,.«:.V,O. oa-:1c llllil. c.ilia-.,

Jr.aU,_J 41\UlaTT\,


2U\V, SYDNEY lu~,1•,

t •• 1'•~ l~tit-4 • .._lk,, Muir• 11.-. t H ,.._ c\•n1i.- t • -,..11; far \Ii ,aun. tH •• J""•,_ 14 Alix-w Pftll'nm• 10 •&. Cl- d9w'IL. I 1•& •1111 II Ill._ P• ••11. !lu.;111111 ell .....inr ,,.,.r&ft\rr,-.

t tt a. CJ,_ 41,,.n, • .. -. a.u- 111 •walnl .t,twruuuc. I' ft\ -ClfMa ,lr,_fl 1,.- Whl>nt lk.

,J: :.:- t, 1t!.,~"::.. 1 T•lh an 11111'-!, ... •tu.. Nuu:•I l1Mna. • I • "1tll ' t , ... 11,.., 'II, ~-- N •

A.W.U .. tYt'JJ. I '""""P f !'1111 ,I

:l:,1, ~;:.-::,~11--1- .,, Iii .. , th ........ 1 ..... ,_ -"· .......---· YIII •• Gu- .w;_,,._

3LO, MELBOURNE. iUt!!Hla,.

,unnA r ~Ltsl<m.· ltnol t11~ ellalO, lik•wl rr""- ,_

l!.tw.l .. , .... A111u111 ............. ,,,. Mnal1 A~lll fl'IIOI lrw l.o...-,e htbfl D• 1•Ja1111• 1-.... .. ..,,, IS.diu,11 Or1,dal \ltlr-~)Gp N-• t.rmr. R<4h., ~'l"I'• ~ U. ,\-a>­t,talla11 t·nu ~l- t:6ula. A•••·• 2'-•&.nk--

!l 11 JI,. (.UMIUTHIT\' t.n;•ll:m ,,,_m ltl• 1:1n·o1u. 4.~1, h Mr. C. .J, )4A1"KAY, ... 1r..c1

t'k~he_~~~'if~N~l:,}:.1:;!~ TM V · Un Llal'a,,;

'Glrlo ,m.\l:a .r.t.CKt,ON, c, .. ,,.1 .. •·a..•r:ta,.Jt.,... ,t.:r••l•t.11•) ll.._ Y•" 0~ N••.,lllt),

I (t,. :111.a,.-&ock. ~a-t Jntorae\in.i, ~__,".,..__, br~" w.,1i,.,. , .,.. ..._ for \•~~ °Ja.enanS.. &,;.ulb, Aat-1uu11 &llll ,1,1..- ~h ,..l',J,aat Ckfll.ll 1,·..,.,. 1:utt • .,..q, hc;c,tiao tt.!..C•ll t., \'.....,1, .,_._J.,, lo11-~ Aa\r-.fill and ti•• ~h

"'-· %0 P.11\ -~;. v. ...... A"t:K~OON 11£:<i.c!JIJlt"

111 • Ill Jor. ,Ull'~lUUi' A~O mi, IITN• COl'AtlNO Blllt'KONIJITA.

J II p .111 .. ,ur FAH ... •·1cuk• T&lk.•

~tn~An-;f.ll:,f=~~~~T~){fl Tits SYN• JU PIil WAT.Tt!R 1':'HA.)U'l•IJ-;-r, _...,.

J,, t:u ti~)( f.H.J.111 ll'1', llflaa, •·Row llarw Y11111I'' ... -. fiitll11 .IIH llt111U..''

&.,tU .f.m. Jut; .AROJ~~IJS AN'b 8J4 lits. l'lll'.4.TINO flT.111'.Mrl~UITII

~-C:.~,=~~~l~;.u:vi:rr• "J-.n . .r """"1,1).

u p.Jl'I. JO"r.: AROJl.""!:ON' ~n m,; UNro. l'.A.TUfCIHNll"ll(l:,rfl.-r&

UV. p ,__'W\..NbLl.NC .£ND HOU.OT. !Ptl• , .. r.i-11, .. ,..

'bn11tJf1l lf•"'ii" iSam:1,r,nJ. ·ia.11'-lolu" 1(, .... ,g_..,,

Ut •. m.-JOt AHO~SON A...'°D JUS .S.YN• rl}l"ATINn f'Y1Cfl'ffftN"'1'"&

4i.U •llft.. MAtMN MOJll<~ •·,u,1....,..11""

C.U JI-"'- 'ltt'nl.f• S:• ·o !il!'f"riee IIIM\ 1.,. ~~•-• lh n,1,IMI.

l.rJ ._,,.,,_ , . .._ lll,wa.

r., f'.:111~1] lU,;82:10.N rml.f1.R£:-i'te nor~.

-~II P-ffl. ..A ... ,,.. ..,. l..trtli,n •IN llrtJ.,

~:;;'.t~~.&'ar~:,t:,i.c~t~:.~;;(, •i~ f'Olil,\ii 1Ji.\1TTY VFJIRAC,/•J Ff>R TO. hAY IS l•\JA LVl-:AYINll1"1 "NMtl'-"•­,. llO tnd.bUcni d: OOQtq-,t Ir• ' NI.,! .,. .i ..... , • ...,..1,.

lit .,_._-l!T(TOIO Ql"AIIT1':'lTP.r ··n ... , .. ol UI• lltou:1'11 .. ,rDO,.h,r(W,J.

II H I••~ f'J~l'.J),\ NClftTll"~OTI "WOI &inllC' ..... , lnUil .... Ji.. ... .,.,. c•Ll"1•n,

~H '"" .A.Aki Gll...LkAF .. , . .,_ MWII '"l'he MQ"w. l'lCll'k."

'-~ !till t<I\Jllo\ N'.•lttt1U(l'Tf!. w!Jt •l'IC JllttN llltlc' k-,ap IW lk du!J.Na. ... ,.I), 1.1,u '-,\lAtt.Tl~TI,,., It. M..-ae •lid liw t,.;-1l

11,.411 pa, •t1tAJ btli,fl Ill ,_.,....,rlr"l fill"'!'.. ~ ... i., t1ie .1i..-q1.a,,,.. aw.i. • ..., 1111,11.,_

~,¥':·~'l"t':".'!J t~~ !':'::'"; .. ;-.:.::~! .. [M

,_.,. 11.111 lU:?"•lr" ~-• llc,ln\ft w .. , 1,n S1n•11•I , :-.Ml,llplro• ,a.,._,,in.t,

ll,M • ffl f I• I ~ f• lnlw111ia1•1• t...11 1J 111 ll!wr k.·l«l,1 . t. M t<.Atl r Lt• karltri -..,,,~,11 .,, , ft..

D,~fflL f,lol h.a t ,1 I ........ -:.1 j .111 ......... t ..... '1"111 hr ,, ... Yl,rturl.a•

PN!N-.ra• C-..-..,ra\.. .. • U•,..l•UI, J.ld.. f I ,1..llr11 t:...,1", 11.,., -..,... .1...... n1o,"' t•mib,, l'i.ta ,._ a..e: I lt11'lM I kv\'l"t i~c­.. , t-u 11t l'nrit ;., 1ti. y.-.,._n >'ru1~rn•• AIIIIMlf.llieft

N~lll' tiDtl.llJN

't.U p,.m. H.,!aA. , ll•ft4hlr pa, .....

.~ .,_.,1 tJ114tr U\,t Aii.e.-,, "' 1h• U11-. ..,.,.._. t...._1_ a.N,, lua OLGA tAtC•i'JC. N \ . •It, i-• •1 "':\:bud L,~1A; l,J nu.iralian AuU•m•.•

'TA3 ••'· •• ll, W;, L1,.,.u •111 ... .,.. t-1:it • Aunn11i.1U1 w..-.u w niffa.,111

•t ,,.., H\!l Of ....... ollM .. k, A,uil"'II•"• cu. .. ,,1 ... Jl.ea1i C,,cJ .. u ..Pt,...•r•1u11 1,11" Au.uli •it ~~•1'"7 t• :M,•

.._,.M".N-rd.• t- 11 11.n. --Ptll'U.I.D Mti'~':ATII V.lolltu

fta-.•h·•• 1 W.._l•w-,JIUj. t1-1:~('f1,1"a.,,1•11d1

''U.,,l_.. 1W~31••&11.ll Uo ,._,n.-8.ot GAJ..J.JJ\1-A~ •rid JilJl\L

IIATfll'IJ1 blo~.un..., •·1·11•Jtli{" (.Ulltm•J. c,,n..,..1 .. ,.", .,__.,.., .. ,w .... 111).

(Julll, ..,,... , .. ,., "'' lUirinmi:" "'" l' Jl'1 "''n'ttlO PJtlit-£~"'TATlflN OV

1 IIC Ufi.11.A · IL TkU,A'TVllt"..00 t•11d.-r rti,1:1 Dlt.tlMI ol i W1'10N <'RO',\" t A .. ......i ... TH~ fl"l'l'J.Ull Okl'Ut:aTJU. •lld AllDURS atETJIO(llt'M' OJO.L.!.,

CAl!T LeGaora ,. • . • l:t..81~ J)AV~ Soc,,..._ fflat ,, ~ Dt.ATJl:ICI: Jll1f.VI IT, flo:,,,.,_ ·~--IUDAllfl: AflHU U.NA',N. c,,rrt...U.. Mu,._ • .:.JOJO, !) BlJLLI.VA)(, ,-_,_ •uni f.1.lA.PLltG n, RICGAl,I,, T11t~t" II °""I• •II l,11111,,

J AU:-XA.NOD JIB(JWN, flar,t"""' ,-.,.,,I'll., .,. "A vsr-", n-t..Jt ,_..__,--;A.>111 C.L,Al'ILUI, ....... ~p'\efl n:i~: .. "71r:l:t ~:'ts, ·hl1!:r-·· UII

1,.0 ,,_._ JQV. A,wu,,os r~n hit' 1\-N"• UJt'-'Tf',ifJ bV•t-J10~11'tH1 "111hahm1.,·• r.ormll, J•A I• tJ.. 11,,s·• fNkllull.

"itw!IQ'J" w,,•• rl.J"mn\ 11

:~11 ~n"' o:.'~~ r,;nr1,

1';"'~~~:.! ""•- fn,,1 .....

10n t-m-WALTU Cfl.lMl'Sff ..-..u-.:1

t'ri,:.11:~._:.!l.f~;!"~ ~uutr, nt,1.• f':'1111n Gntll'l't, .,,._, 1,IIU* J4n•.-., ,.,.., -

IO ff .. m.. .,iOt ,\aO~{J!'( A~U lllS 8\"S­l"llPA1'fl«i IYNPHONlST'Jit M.•rw. M•rW, x.,i. .. ihm•••I

•.f~ • ._ I" IJW Illla~.• "'tr,,t"°" L,_ Cab" IF11•Jl-

l-;:~11l i"'" n!"".:i.'Y1r.".\t;aM~ro~.Pi"';'i~,1;';t (MIi YFl'fORlA'8 lifl:TY Tl(l~&.ua: FflM 'fn1,,y r!l roa, ·

EVl>.:R\'BODY: "~l-11- • - h•• t.::r-- N>IIUs,! 11..-M ._. ·~ a l,-•••

ri,n ""' ...rot Aaoss-m1 A)m n•~ ,rv~. ("Ot'Al'J.NO ~YIU'HONUTS1 "'Row l,lul,• ff"Tlmh,

~~~\.",.• Lb.tJ• .... 11'"111 Y. Wvll­

"'A'"I Ir• T,..,jt11y La,b'" fllt'&tllll.

1·rom k>· Pole to Tropic Jungle: BWlless.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Yridor, 9t~ S,pte1nber, I :1~1. WIRELESS WEEJtLT Page Tl1lrty,nlo1

................................................ , .......................................................................... .



'1' 1ATTllY I I.I It I NATOI The btttcf"yOur s-e.t the- more it dienn•e.s on Emmco "B" Ehm1n-ator The mnn: pnwuful }OUt .stt the more. Jt de-maods .tn E1nmcn °B'' Etim1oiiltor Nt) sacrifice. of power, JS with other dirninato1·1-~ven if your Ht bas u~n v11lvu. Not onlr takes the pl•ce at "B0 batttt.riu but g,\'~s you the TRt;E rq_uiv;tl('nt of their MAXIMUM voh . .ag~- ALL th.e cu.r-rcnt,.your nr re,,uirh, .;\t' all limes. Trouble-proof-fool-p roof-economicaL •Nothiog ,to wt,tr· out: no atid or water. Go oow to )·Out dcalu .and su. and he.u this nur•, ,•rlou• dr"·icr in action. The .Emrnco "B'' Eliminator, nanul&C'IU.rt.d in• Aus1rali,1, is specialty ddaptcd fol" the C1J.T'~t and \Oltages ,of Au1tr.a.lian. <lrctric. A,C .. lithbng mama. lt rt.NiAu both .fuJvr.r·.;ofa thc_A.C..,ctclie..

MA!li 8Y lil.i5TRIGITY MI.TIR MFG.G8el.,t •

............... -..................................................................................................................... .


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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4QG, BRISBANE T...._1,

:atlPPAY UA1')Jf-1 141 I p111.


• raoou•n nr 1un11a l'ROJ& nra ,_. 5;':_~l~a ... ,...,...., _ _, • .,..._ hr ._ ... ~ (l~ln. illdlwlLJ::!S't-l'Ht.•a.., ..,S111J1Wt,ap•• iu.u.lar'l • .,.,S.,, ..,.Olio ~.,.. nu. J.-1• · 1w•1•wJ1ta-t>: 1,mvt,J10 NIO.. .. ~ M• D,m, .... 810.-u; ITTU'ios da~~.rilur.. Ja • M..-autrt na....., ...

if,:.11::{,1 .:~-1;.1.a -~ V,rrna ll'l'f'C• ... lmMOl'I.. ''Pri.nw O..r-1»-1aa·· 1liJ••l1 ~ ..i., •a.t,,,.1. M• = ~ .. ~,•:'~~lsa'::tt.a~

6 -:-;~ hlk.."' •·a.ti,~., 4,_tl i>.a.---X,...- Tdl'fra,b"' _...,._ 4.N l'---C~ duw•,

.A.11,Y aivi.NJNl1 u:11101«.. I .,....-•·Uaiq s~·• --..; annwu.­,..,.._ 11~w· ~ XmMn« .r ~

..,_ta.• "1 ill'• Mnt* JI,._ • N pa.--1"1• Qdliln-a'• ..... I

lkln. .., ''UNI.- .la .. T •11"1,-8,(adU ..--. ..,-ri,:i,,: ~ ffPWia:

M(IU ffpat' ... .,, .. p.--Wnl.JlltT ...... , aDDOll~D--' 41 ,,.a. laMl•hl W-. .._,.,11. '"I

'·" .,..__.l«tvf't•: ..... .....,,.... c:«Ncl ~-- l.i,' b, 'c..,.,.,1t,•

Jr,il(.i.ltt !DIJION.

IIAN~n: 11rmotil!T CJIOlft Ttt-a!alt.l .. ~ will le Pf'ftiW ••

llM as....1.,i. 11-t.Jiodllll Clurif1 _,..,.,_,_., Nr, .!"W'IU.fl Ev.,.; .,,_.,...i, •- lWtan.le ,._..,_ .I IC.OJI TWO tlTUDIO I

I 11 • 0..-1 ... 11bwul. "I 'hlw•• 5- a.n4,,. Plf'< flhhlktori ), th,, t.'llillr; PNl .ona-.. Afl~""'" f"-'11-..ti), .,.._ CWr: .. 1~ ••U.

id.niatns __....,.__. um.q.. a.,, N. &\'•n&. ~..-..J••· (lf••~• Mr. I. --·• "Ullo ....... \al r,,m.,--. "• t~::.). ~Ir)• U. ~I ~~c:-:i; -J'b&.ab1Whir0 4c.-n1. 11.-,.. ff, w ~40=&n,. NldlaUM. Ml«W. )h. Lrna J....,. re&; •016. ,.ft.a l111-i-rc ----~ni .,.,...,.. .,. >10 -..-.. ~ Aalli Orw>i.­tYt,',,tdt, )lft!lqJ, Kr. BYrt.h .:wan•: .-,n ..,n_., •,61-p, U••U. t..dr (I ...... ), tN ~r; ~ wit'h lla .. uw fttnu:.11. • r:r. hr

~~~:~"~ ,.::=. !~~.J.!a:!'J: t~~i:~;,.i.rk.~o~::!:a;. ·~r;-.;:: Jq.1{,p.11'" (lca',ln), Mr, a,. Jl rta.n.1 hln• a- .. ,.. ~t y.._ ....,._.. 11'Ullf• ilhl ••.ta. •bh 1111-hl:# .,._,.,.,,_.rit. ""ft)• •-.... •I All•- W-.tff"' CU11.l1Jorl'I. ». Gen T..,...I _..H _._, •1-"'4, ... W nnla •-•• ,Jllbilm Oti,-.. .,.._,.

~! !::_ti': h •ll~t-=111 T~n'=!~ ""fbi, WlN'" (Nidloh, M- Mcinr,a WIMJII. .,_.L ollUll:L ~ l,o ib• Tait"'" (~­Jurtul0 •'- JC!.:.. Co:x .lUt Jtr. A.. lf.. ......


I rm-X•lt'\>cKoDta11 w...,,b,r ~M1J tet,t. I" d1.aruu. "11/Ul IUU (1.( tt1- an \,1,1 lfl;JQIC' t>t w,-, - bniOOl!n Bria.. •* •i1ll h11•n1hw •N1Jrnp1l.11!-<nt1'1Sl !lre.. ., N .I!;,._,., ""I'll"'°' r1u,i,,. ... iHulJalLI 11n C. H OU-; JuMlff th,...,_, ''I'• A'r'!Mlln•... llfa ... ;,i11 lJroi,; reC'lt..ll<Mt. ltf'l.etetl, M.r. Lall ,h,r~ r"'l l laiti..• ,,...., "'1'M !111111.•u 11f ell" Pkllr .la LJ"III' l~hatdaoJII, I.he Lada. •IN:•'-- Mf U,-1.., 111!.nir111dnw "'~I A•N•" 1,.1.or. bykmJ; -=«Ulll1 f/6. H,m.._ CODU,..._, tnUtid In• '"llrlli••lri•.. IA. P. n,14,-1 "ai.,nnl.t>r....- (I t' Nahr-1, Cul» Iii.­Inc'" IP R. .1, lh""7i, m., Ch•t I IIOU,, and ehnua. ""n.. N•~ ut le,.." ho{adiadq luc. ""8'>l.1110nl.~ Iii,. U W. CM1,,..._a, h.l:nM,r,,..• 4-...t. t''lffllniil!"' CAn.fal, Mt. ,. ... ,. .... J lt Tiu111'-"n: ,-f'l aonl', """'r l,mt t~d:'" (8- 11 ... 11), UI• r;a..,, ,Mio, •llh nuaJ•, ,W,NL. '"Alll"'QI la mt ~·• i f''°tn,,l,

~,_,,A·J'!• ~i., •;ta::~':t; l~ ;.0::; 11ffl ... , 'WIN• IN ...... '-ln• IJI fr"'!l01• ::ka.,. Hima,O. Mn. L lhabu,J, )Ir, N' tr••n• .,.,,. F•r1'1 IM•i -"•· ·•1.-11.,t,r" ,..,.. Wtilia-t, tho Chat; ,-r,. .o,i.e. •·,Petllacl I.ta,•• t,hl'Ollol-1\nhli, ll.- fll•{r

10 )' Ill, Lt,ailr 111.ul'' ..... 0 •••\br n-•• ta.- ......


7ZL, HOBART ,._4•1.

MORNn.:O S'alltOJt.-11 L M, t. II 11,-. 4"ll:&!r'OOM l.118&tON'.

J ,, .. -r.,-n a.Jr c:iw... 1.1 • ..-.-nu.a.~ ..... :.~~ ...............

lt.•u .i ioir,-tr An............,, l-11 .--o .................. 'l&L 0... .,-,._ .. 11~ ........ 'Taa.•JI .......... t,- a. $tqc1Nt,, •n..,._or........_

f.,\' ~:V'F,!'4JNG f-t:5:>10~ I at ,.... U1111>- ,n,,,..·· lu.lf.l1,m '( ., •1'1 J't:'llt'l• H1.,t1,,r I•"" M tblo ,MhJr,ra.

lfit,HT UE,&10!4 7.N ........ -tlu oJ NitcuutL ~.It ,,.., UWnr, 1 .. .,_ and 1.n.r-r1 J,wt.,

lty Jilr. tr t... J'.W.r " --• tlhltU,Y -ltPN'ill1 Tua1anlan N., ..

&nille. .R•D•u Allh'Urm rruilur• S.k9.

:':.~' ~Nl~6;_han, Ou.UI IQ!JII. ll~ltl IU•f Clilditl11-JI.J p.a.-lld~-1 t!rfllt ln:m ~ t,t.uiti,s.. 11• ra. Chlrut• -.~t-n l:r, lltt, 11'.llrl,,._r,.'

T.rt<t trnu h::ipo,tial H"ul lfr.lJ.rt llfstM bl,-,,.,_,.... lr."1 u,.. Uld

I.ta b,.a1 II u.h IJl!l,dal V.mflfil ~,-.

, .u "fll,-- M..,...urr"" ....,~1-f bMntaw 1h••• MnliN.I. Ta.•man'-i• DPtrirt li'OIIU.r ~ I 1,.- .......... '1,r,c:u1-. lltntkln •",._.""°"'nda. IUl11• "" 1'11" .,,,.1- ,a1 s .. Nat.aba.l Ar,tJw.n:r.

W eclnes., Sept. 15 2FC, SYDNEY.

; •• "' • •m MOJ!lSJNG fiJ::NITOM,

11 • ,m-... ll ..,_,. • orl LllDOIHt~•lTb., 11.11.a..~l,tfJe MUW' JI 16 •..m..-~MT Manues H"raJd" niht• .-h .. ,

Jt.,O &.Jl'l':-Rl.udio ..u.Se. lftll • Ill, A ....eiliw . 1• ,t,!i a m,-"6tllltl., mlWIL 1l •,n, -a1w S..a... M•"-ld•• 11111aie f..,

twb<»l Quidnn. U I a 1• .-A,1' A ud &,ul#:r't C••T•. ll lt .._._.-at.111110 •IJdtt. 1U6 &.1n.-lt. T•llL. 1'1a u ... (lf<.t1ns- mul

...,._ h Ill.- Jhll~ Ii'~ JUO a.-..-C.&.. '°""a..

llll>J>.\ Y lltSllON.

JI IIOOllr- 1111( ti,,•'" •M ••~111.&. U .i ltn>b•lllfl'. ftrn call It.a to •,-Ulllc' -..u-,, tdr«••&. nh1f•IL JU 'J.&-StuQ,O -11.10 •·•· n-~fl' el "'ll,.._, Mwnlne

Hc,.W" """~ .8\1101' Witt.~• MWa • iun ... a,..l'jl-l(l a,JtW, J.U@ ,-..n.~ .__ fut tldrotl

ChlWn,L )!Cl> ..--1'7 Du--......, 1141f a.•.---TIO: OAK HALL 1Nff11VJU!l'r•

TAI, •r,uo, tLH ~.-8tadio ••~

:.:-:::_~_,:::a• N.:.~~~~"!!:::-.. UII fl• Tlllt OAK JIALt. JNSTJltJMl::N•

TAL TltlO. 1.h .., •. -Rwk ~ .. ,. _._,t: all l.N ~.-.-Miudth1a: _.... te: Sctlwl

,·hlw,.,i, • 1 ... .,..-.-hy• ..-... l.&1 ...-.-flta•io •u•~ u, ...... .rrm: OAlt UA.LL l!<.l!TallUJ',

TAt. TJl.10. I ._,_ -.''ll• 11.n."" ca-. ck>wa.

Canada dlOH Borress for her Olllposl&


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 43nla.obj-666358907National Library of Australia

F1i~ay, ~th Scptcinher. !PZ7. WIRELESS WEF.IU,T

In Aluminium: .0OOii •.•. • 11/ ~ .0002G •••• Ill• .00035 •... 11/·

A •vlOLIN SOLO and tlto late.a. dAnu num~r ~·e~ nev~t" m•ant to be

heard tog~t.hor. ht thAI.'• the 11rorl of lhing ynn find io; hap. pening on thr 111dio eveT"Y day. tnle~, nf couT,1e, you've yoo.r 11et with the ne,r ' 1LitUt ('entralignn COT1• den:srr. With \h9 ••J,11~ c.-... tralllt'D"' lne-r t-uni~ &. __,,,Nd; th• u,foa• .tat.I~" are con<1'enl,t\tl., wr•.-1 '"'r llta ,..h.t• of th• di.t, ad •• tt.,,.dilllr-Mld: COD .. Q.Ut'Dt l'lt"1'1JiftS el .t•liohs----oc:",ar,,

Mllld.o In A•"rofLJ b'I/

RADIO CORPORATION OF AUST. PTY. LTD. Melboun,_e Sydney Bn&bano Adelaide

WILo&.Mlia Diatrffliu1or» tor N.S, w. FOX & MACGILLYCUDDY LTD. HARRING TONS LTD,

l)aa,, Tet..r•"Pk 8ulldlap, S,-dnv» C•rr• s,u.,

P•,.. Forty.On•


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r-Aar.r ~f:'a e:ssm!f,

h'11lt1T ~ox 7.111 'P ..,.._.p~ unOIQJlr.ntniU. 1., • .,_., .lfa,..W IU.U,, ~

, •• °"'All Gr.t A•Uli'PI~ , .. ,. .. ('l')

4~l "l'llf '"" Al-" 4Uellb0, ?.,4l p rs.-G1ad"'9a• 8od1, 'c;.lh> IIOl•I

n.,ru.n• Mn r ....... lfta111W'11. f,H JI.JI!. -A ,- ..,,Nb, &buul AuOlr.,t",

I ;;!:111c ~n.."' lli1muket OJMrtSd& Lm· 1,atn DI 1T ~ tMllw U. '-WII ,-, M.t. mua,,,- r.-.

1-l~~•n~i.~=~l~,.!;_•~~ll ·~~1=•~ I Ila th!nl id' • nor in td a -.,-n:ti11 tttrnll ..... tt1t~1 rw &bl, \' Wala IUlCI llnuin• la

k~ ~ •tll ,l,i1 1Lllalboen , ....... JI,.., .. .-nd"'Jl-,.hlilt.,t.,W, 111

•J 1~':' .:t:::: ".U" 1111:ft~ e' Lo, ..

lb!fr .. c~"" 1 .... au,ra• f~ ::,.,_..,, 'Na.,,..11'"' (lh·1vr'-•!

t..lD p..m..-W UI &tid W Lal.I.I,.. .t;1111l'-II ._ .. ,. la=n.

• '" p.m..-·ru rtq, o,,..,..i. On..i>IA'l.l'L 1, 1',hL-lla,q.lJ JI l,,c7 '-<'"°ti

(•)' ...... t"K"" 1n..c·}.

1it~.::.eu1~~:,:;;. ~!''~, ""&tf'C~-.JCll'ld:Jn.'"tG••rdJ.

• t~t·'fi~. t-::i,,~~':~~ 11 "Ji:·.= e-:~~~; r;•t~I';:-Ji~

u,. t;,;Hil-J aar......- l'h'II Violin ldlta Ii:, lb M,..., ••.--K.h-. v .. 1 u:m.m" ltY Jlt. a. Mt1rt:Q' Cit>"-. 11len, tari.. toki. Jd__.. WmLil W~II.

.... thm,,lt~\l,t'~". a.ia. '11til'i ~- ,mi,,. •·A.!nl.a:r:t• r.u,~L,.-'"' ~~lo.iln, • ..i.o.

t 4fl .. m. 9'tt. anti W'IN11', l<'t11:1J1III diet'• --,.,11 ••1 Raymf'"d Ell'-, t•1cfblt b•,l(fnr t M Jl.m..- , 1w Ha.rmvk.e& flps,at!.: On~11

111 J1 ...-.llPT9 ta--',r •he kflffl 111 Mr. fiUlnll-1 l'_,.ff.

l•J pffl-~ raT---. l"S?at'.ftf

::i :t•i~!~'~J~;:::.o II II Jt .• .,...on,.,. Jfi1111Utl•i Opor&I, • o.-.


10.30 l' .... -Frr,111 1/w> .,.,_,. T'l111'11 JfalJ llu1u wnur. .i1,,11,,,1 .., O,._..__u-.. ftt:11 ri~ b,- X•,.. 1.Jllh .. "°r. 'UlS 1111e.;Mk,i; of i>. AaM• J'11mlli- lbll

l•.l; ~ L&ta 91•WI al!'l • ¢.111111...,~llk. u 11-.- ·R..- 11--.

04 u • .,." •11nM r,-a "" """'n." r.'tW11 Uan, 1101Q 11.1, ••· 0 pm, ?utiuul An~ , .........

2BL, SYDNEY. \\c-dnQd• .r ..

IE.Al.t.T MO.rtNDtO 11.;!!;IC)J'i. 1 t.o I a 1111


U ••· C 1'.0. 1~a; • JNI 1:ai1rn.,., .. .._._, ,,,...r,.,._ ,_ biaitld.. I\ 14 11 Ill TAik llll '0Alhirtia, • 11,. 1111- Vn..

k'1 l,~,.r:a• W 1™111 I -..Wta AldAoont, hi• J K41-, &,rpu .. i.o Nll'h'qlC!nlirnta,, "' \I"- ,r~.a..L T• lk otr ""t""'tal HITI.-." k,- a m.-1t1.1- •' ~llll 111111ta,,I U 1,an1.

"rtlll.."IOON' aa:uimr Raan.- inCOffllll.tlon. ! ,-d.f91't '!1-odlmt,, •/ .. f .. CJ, ....._ lii.t l111U'lnp of lhli "BtiL"

1 IU!nn...-G.'P.O. Clork • H c•1....._ ... ~1-:~~~=-~~!!~.!~-:J~=-.: .. ,, 1U4 P.• ... id'~ ».u.., a½r,1..,, • ad

1•0~ J•~•,. t.:.U. l•.lk.---t. tn .U h' •IL'dna. JL:111' ;ti.a ffllit Mark.,,!W\. ~ JI,..., \,ilet&M• lt11flU/1 f<"l>O"-

!i"~ :·:. ~-:,:•J:\.»j:~~=\d ,_ ... ILIIO tun O..r,O. CJ-..11 u.i Cllla-. t" -nn 1111.,lltc l~•i11. ll.U ~- ..... Mann ~ J.Ll4 ,,...,,t; flh,rk.. l'...,..r\. •~• fr.- u. ·a.,._• &.!.ti J',m,-..Ihlll'ef1 J• ..1ran.-.Ul Q~:1r-U.;

d~'~~;ii ~~~~;.d a.-•• T»1' LO ('l11Wn•• .... ttt-lla.l l'JJ1 .. '1alll1Daul fur c.:~ 111 U°"'J\al.

I tt & G.1".1,11. ciat:J.. • nd n-.1-M aka.l Pfl!Shcaa.11 t,ua ltiWI&

IICII S'nt.-KM!ns ........ 111 1111-,lD.,..,'I\I_. h-ar11 th• ''a!m." J.U- p..m.-<•prn1w Talk. "?Ii,, O.·

111_,., ·· l'l" Mr. G A. a.,n..,r•• I 11,M,-G.l',0.. r ..... k and n ......

N_. ,,_,.. Ui.t 'fua." I fl l'~l"'llll th.Scusut • 1.:-0 p... ,..ll • •,l.!JMt, 1,q :IC•lilltaui. ,.__,.

H,oa,nh ... t.)' U,. Du K• aiff. IAII 9' 111 ll1,1na,,.•n rJ11,1tt1P lt&.Qd,, l,fM,l<.M

lr•.im Ml.e Di...airo-M C.::UUl!L ( 11 la..-•0 l',O U•\ •"II C'h1111.._

H.,... btm the 'll,ni.. • .... Jl.11\ ~, Stl'f1 •JII i,..m ll"aa:o••n b • no11 h• nL 4 d, .. ,n N ... ltOltl •h• "'llu .. •'-· ,•ll'-"··llach11: nsUD10. C,1~ .. m-Srtt1:l• l Cl~ P'CINICIINL. I •·• Q..ft tl. t f•" ••d th ...... c1- down..

EAaJ.T EVDilN't: ~ON. t U p.J11.-(I; ... o. Clncl: ... (.,i1-.,

Chimn::i•• Smkm. UO 1,_.._. -11\IMl!tl .,-cisn1t1 .. t,- Ulillt·ut1••

t.1"'7.CT AL l"OUlITllT o:sstON',

'i 11...._ G.l'.tJ. Ckck n-d OJ_,. • A~n,J1,1• lfn11111I~..._ &..111• .... ,..,_._,. c..•-~

W11• u,,., Rlir1'!N • d I) rtc111t. b uu11_,, If! lieri., M~rr,!.,sl•l

r-,.,,,.,-n' rii.1m,11111c ,-.1,.a,·, , ·ruu •flt \-·.,..i.,ii. ll• rht. &1-i..

'l'ri;t...1 ·1\•q:11~. '"!II • ....,. •..i11n J""'",t ('-r..1, ,. i-:i:It!"1:i ltnM1 ( lill•' ,.

lfH >,a:i ~r-p N11•• ~ o,., ~ ... '1.:.1 ... 'ralk 1,1 • IIUm- et' lh• HI- ,li,h

AMMailm .... aaruiticm..

Tho llllll'hty sax l'hilrn iJo Supromt,

'P'riday, 9th Septtmbu, 1927.

I •. m. -t,.P.U (:..d: dd Chl12111'S, llr~n.• T..,..,111I <Thlni•

tJ, p a.-Tbo l!uit.f!~.-, J.Jl,nrid Han,l . u...1r,'IT a,.,, eu,1, Hl•both • ~ uu b~ .bd:aO tJ&ll,. ('ur.JIUII.

• n ,.. llr: H•ttl•• Al•r• (1tll'.lh,li1Pnh,f), 1!,I~ 11• Mr lw1Ja!d Wc:.Nt1">• lloulloea.i. I.Al ,-m.. ,M'"°'an• .. bhl;lo.,.nc.b ~r,

tn.11. ,,, lrc.m U. •tl.npia ,,r ctJ. .l\cnuu ... .._ I IS I 1111. Mr II, J 'W'tl1• il~r1L• lk\),

D ~ ,re.rth• sola, ~ I 1,-.,.... •••tlwr 111..,. •t ••I !'.,...t_ b

«>11ri.7 41f llr C J Mua, Gllvt. lbtatwv. .... 11 t 11.111.-B:,,..uten• All th1C111a r..ven will

w• ,,. n.a• "•· ou,tt ,.nd 11""1,11• ,,.W1L" t.l • .ffl. ,Nab.r,.,t Oc,Oll,llffl5o--\ ICtrhl)' l-.... t..h IUll.-'l'lie e• at,• nll.l"J' 111N. II U II a ""t Vimahl 1\'{«m-w lit.I ,,.-. t.:ftl Monlw,,a ... b.._Cl_cli.a.iw~

hf'Q...._,., tr- U.. a.11- ,..., • 80..U c .. 1na.

Ill lo\ • .ffl -lh TT 1, w,uir ll1M1trna-r1t.al11t) H.U 1•Ja 0,. llanl1,.11.••htaCT--• hllW'r••

l-l'tl• ll:ald. lt.i;Di U.. ».U~ ~ .,- D•m411 l ... l...._

to.r.i ,..,. -R"9lll'rle or li:1111,.-1,ca ttu·• .,.,._ Sfll1'1.\JII._

JQM ""' (ff' lhni•llll • l'>dlhl,.Gl,..~fffW.o ""...._."' ,,.. u. .. u,..,.. •t •• nc,,i41 c. , ...

Utl 9'.111 ~,.·• 1',n :S.U1,

It•.:.:~ ~~~-~=•~i~:ma:;'t;;~ <a,•= JI •·"'- n r.o <ii.t., .,, .. ,·hla&

~,.u.-al .6.t,IIN&

2GB, SYDNEY Wtd11~ay.


..... 1 .. U ••

A.rn:.aNOOM 1,1 JON

1,k t .._ ,IC1111k. l.n p.a. -Add,.._ 1.U,..... 111111k. 4.'I l'-IIL A-Id.Nill Q' Ma. Cr,.,...o.u_ ,i_n 11 -..-.lfinlr. ... M1•-•-<::lulott!, .,.. 'p,n ,,..-..,. >..lp.a..4..Sr-. :, ii 1• Qr ll.-11c111hctk<11 .,f ti. Matt 1£:;q S.rt ..

""''1'-T,41 1) .... -.Atld,-.. h r·,r. I' K. :a..t. 'l',N ,,., .A1111o•111,1u-..,..u. 7M r.-.-&11 .. by I!;"• Cutmh•:

I 'f)lfl"!'1t,, i,.11llll ,.._tt. . (l(lbDu,lal• lk-nq.U,) I "U•'lkl"' llhnnl•r"" (OM l':n-'1• 111 Al,.)

I.I, p ta.,- .A6Jtw1 h;r l'n.t~ l:ni• V.oed. 1.n :,.e-·C•O. • alal, Ji!u-rt11U111 Z...au1

1, ••A.ue.-~i, l:.srn !k,iu,'-•"' I. .. A•~• 1,... &m• ta., ffl-11m-m..)

1,U ti--. ,Cl:.11 \-•111 Qllll.l1~ I. "Q,rk Did:, .. L .,11- n,llS LaO.C (",,~.•• a,_ "O. (\~ l\l11$il. P".a11ta.tfot1 ~IL J:du" J•--. J;,• U..1mu. ftui.a. J[ll,JJ ~•t ff'1l'klar.

lit I"• •Vlr,J n ..... K11r<le11t ff••'"' l,.. "Nliillllabt 8,,U.,"' (~t'JUI',.~ 1L ,.,n. it••11., lkirrt «-•r.1,J

1-~11~ :::0-:.~~,;!:._.a.. ...,,_b IIW;ief'. L ...._,, IWN! ,,..._ t6m,_. tfll• -t. I

t •.1t1--lt.i-dtl.l.., ""t-.rr H1111J-t.t1 , ................ b c1..,.~11l H""'lihta.

1,'Al~aa,li,._1,,, ,: .. v11~••·• "",.. ... ,r_,_, t ._LI Jl,Q.--1'\&n ~ _..., A,._ ~,....i,_ 1 ~•1 ri,o,,.1• It• ll•hllft ..... ~·• t dill 1ll > Z. ••,u.i, j •r>t. ki•rv.,. II lkorin.)

,.~ fl, ... .flo.l,c:• ,,,. r.11 .. 1 J.,..u., L ~lf•41ftf' l!h.1~n, ) a. "r..-,o.a,, Lit-an! .. (ltd ft.fft.,


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l'tiday, eu, S•ptombor, .10~7. WIRELESS WEEKLY Pap Fort:,-"n,rn

1927-1928-1929 -The Cossor Point One Valves set· a new record for long life.

g:[~l 13/6 6 Volt ~ Each

Super Power Valves 15/-UX Bases or


A ,:i;r.n:l.~r) :;!~~~h.,li(Ccer::~ l'/JUl.t Ou-e \'afT,.. ,ihr'l'Wffl a.bnrn w;.11 l:rokr-n nJ)'.,n l'l)d au~i,l!fidcd h:, il• 111•~,r:. Eviru af't,-,.-r OJ. .11-n1.11.&h11r

~'IT!L~~~ "~J~~;~,.,w;-::';! :~c~\~~ •cirri• 1,r brhr.ienu.. 1r1dt!+.d, Ui• niv,· coo!J b.n, lflvori qtiPf11rt-onr :a.crvire fr,r an Q,:('n S'l"@'af~r :s,uiud. ~ll!Ed iiPOtl an &'ie.nsaC! qt 2(1 tioui, ""'' Wl'(rk., U1l'1 i• '''l•~l .. •l.cnt :o :.! !., )'ritrl" Tt'J'Ull'?' no,e.

Nf'\--+r Le!Q.J'e ln the hint"11'J' of v,tlvll' 1111•klT1., h11,.-n ~fl<'h 1".t!Ull'kahlt 1•..,_ .11ulu ll«n .1uulh(e, Ont,, th-, new AJ&.ltin4t!J lH.11.ttJl'llt i'IG'!Jht tni.,·e • llc­~dull:r wlth~t«id anch IL ~nuitio , .... Tb• ruHa. b onioCl.'I. 1'.he Ocat.u-

Xa!Mtr.ed lll~•nt cl.-ea tit. .... n'rtt 11r 1'14C"n·oM 11,rattfeal!.,. ,.,Jth­Gtat bt11L (".,•rtnlTtlY' TIO e!uw l!I ~IB.H:lli, wb,.n the V-'l\'6 Id worldr!J{ HNt llli th~ dt'IIIT11cUvir :1Jl1n1nes which •rta oo c:r,-1t• Jli111.tiou. lr:i the CN.u, fiJlffl'lr"IL Tht' tm:tlec.ul.,. 1Jeel'T!1l~ 1(li;pl;ar< :f----4 Wdl.k ,;:p<1\. OC'l:'Ul'•-.ruf, 11Wlr1c>nty Wlth'OUi wa..rnia_r, tha ftlam~L rract.u~ AU Utla ii bi>W i:a~. ~ ~a~r :15 tb" C,uly Valnt !(I bcl- •Ith ll:!11: l\11M'lnf~, It U1,. In• d,t,;.d. Lh~ It~ 1',,a::f Jiff' TIIIV"P. l-:ou u:. thri,w,i wi1'ele11J e1,th1,1s:~ •Ill f'bJtOIMI thl! Talu Which wllJ last l1m1~t .... iw., thn lc-11•t t'O"tt&'lll:llplUm 4..( r. i,rrnt. ThaL le why ,-au mu war;I. lh~ Couut" Point 01:.e--tlie Vo.U Em,u.r ~ina aoly ot>1h.U.u.lh Ct( 4J:I 1Ul'fl0Nl.

WROU:K.\l.E ONLY: Uhilc-4 Dutrihu1Jt11. Lti.,

712 Cla~l'lca Shwt;. SY-U.tiEY.

.RBl'AU,1 tr. Jl&n)- Wfle,.

ritt 6 0-IIM,r-n Sta.

C(lh-!U1.1f..,_, 1t1relt. Eiiappllts. ..... t-t.

kt1..-fl Bad.i• f.qpfJJn. fU. Park St.

lh0 "'1.wt111c: RtuU. s-.,liN. ~,al .4ra41e u•

f'•rn•aU.a.. lli• P. V. W&II~

ltOT&I. Ahad.e.

Obtainable from all good ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The British Valt•e wliich radio & electrical dealers \'Sb,~~~~ 8 s"rves you longest.

LiJten-in to the "Conor Mo,ical Hour" every Tuesday Night, 8 p.m. to 9 p.m., from Station ZBL Sydney


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Make Sure you are supplied j witla reouine :

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Bwlt. .ruw1iJ thi, C"arb1 rundum Hud lktector I, thl, lughly •ff".1tit•11t Stabtlbln.l' rir.·Tl<'e, Ahsdl!.lt('I)• controlll ~U Ol'ldJla­Uua Jn ra,lio ftttttSellr-J tubM •nd pttmitl opat\t.iun at ~ulli of rieireneration. A 1maU ai~ed ftalh•l11"ht batt41'tl ta all it r~"'O:i-. •···················· ................ .

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IO o.a-lCB Yucal Q-.rtd-1 "1-,,r..q Nicllt. .. I "Tlw Jrilaj/h1• n,f Ut,11 l t.ur dti 1.,., ... ._ ''Gn-,ci Kin .. 'Yt~Dt'~ ...

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t.11 a,.tllL 'T1lk,

10 J• l:!lr-CMIM 4-1,



I •• Nm, ~ipp1q, •••k. ..,,uiJuJ itnn.• l,U ..._ 411,.1~ f'lo>'• &&Ill t- 'IIJ-.:a. 1.1111 • 111--8-1,_ .,, du'• JA'91t'II• ... IO •m •Cll- .....," I p.m.-....'<ttdMII wrm._, I, .. u ..... -"4,11,1- f1' ... ,u,if .,,..R.a,•~ l n.a.---4!1• down. •~~ • • .... 11 ...... •n•hlf 11"-ra•tM • ,,..,-ckl6e llawa.. ,,._. 'W'Mft!MG<:t. 1.if p.a.~ ih11lu.l ll<I~ I ,._.,_Jt.1eqrt w, ._,...,,_ ,.11 fl""- -tic...llo 11-I .. U p.-..Jl,,w-q-111.., fl( ffll"W•r( 1•~m.. f.lCI , .•. -c ........ a.



n 11«n1-"n..e itf•aal. lll'(AJ ,.rv .. ,.....,,,.. D1 i.t. Amt.nit .. .Mi- aad .lletalt ~ e.iaclo• ,,,_ lM ~ 811d E.u-11 .. ,,_ llua !IA)'. llr1U,h 4.61.t w1ttl• _...,, ,.,_ RuP'J'. Jl.f':ltff'I •nil ll• AlillllAJl•n 1.,_ A• - latt.,in 1e•W.. "'"'-111" "-•Q -IUt O,.al,-.10£ ARONSON" AND ms ST"NCCPATtNG IYllPROSl&fl,

li..M JI -..-Wb:bUUNG 4ND llOJ...LOY. ~ c.ria1nl'nt

'"11<>1'.'.itlat." ''Bl•i.. 11,,h VP 1n Ui.• nw.-.. ,1..-111-

Y()llftCJ, , U,4ll! p.a.-S-tOd .. dtun .wr.f-• uon. l:U.1 .,._,.....J(Jk All0Kd.0N AND t111

SYNCOPATING 8Y"M.PII.OJHST8. ll.U 1'..M.-J.~~ au.r.Y, AllltOU

''YtaJ Ali111.- (')' M4"' IWil!Hd Sa. ..... ). ... ah L lnq Lai" Cllt,1,-l.1-dl.

J p.oa.-l'• .r..• .r Tfm• bl•• -1e 1,t.tlot bit at fl If '""" )tJi,t Oa"dl•lil'ln'• ... 4pl ......

1.1 tr..m,.-JOE ARONSON A.."m Rl8 l'(N'('C)l'ATlt,fCI ll"NJ'IJQNUITS.

1.JO l',-.--llf~llt'iuJ lnl~tloe. Wu• lWr ,___t ,_ \'k!tori• . .,. ••• 1 ... .. ,11 .All• and r-:- 8claila. w--. C..• f-u&. lh·rr t-'1"'1-C'I.II a.i,d•II ,.,,r Vit­t.wt&. ~t.11 ,._tnb._ ~ ud New a-,,nw.,...

L17 p.-.-l<Jlil AIOt.AON A.ND ntS BTNCOPA rrx1;. n"Ml'ffO~un-..

U7 11,-..- ,c:n.flERT AN"D CUAIIPN£Y:r "-•• •·()IL Ult, ll t • Trrrthh1 '1'•1._ .. "JilatT)(,'("-.•

l ~T p.._--.10~ ARO!<fOS A..~D WS 8TNCOPATl1'oC 8lllMIO!'t,l.fiTI.

LH •.m._-11.DlYL IL\YDtN ~ldh~ 'Ntllloia• _, )l,o." ' 'Swl .LndJ...._

l H .,_.,. ..JOt AU)t,.J.(1,-t ANIJo IU& SYNCOPATt!\'C H1'1lP.l:i()!>.l8D.

I fl-•· - bHtnp1r.. 11( U.u,ll• a.-.. t_.. .,.,u..,, 84NOOY,,!?-C P4Rlt RACES, b, ··M•-lt..C..'" 1-.t tha "'lll"NIJaa c:.1.,1 .. ..

~, • ffl ('1- .... ft.

:rlU p..,.__0.V:riptiffll 11of :rrlat W .. 1, .. r, •"" ,,,a-, l4NPOWJil rAR1' ft.At'J.1. tir "M•••· lut." fl( Ow •~DQf"UnR tJI •• "

Ull •. m.-Malal ~ftlllr• fflm. fn1111 M~, AH•n ..,.. C.. ".a etasiG at th a.ra1 &bow t,n:,11 .. ,

!kiloctl-- •••••• •••••••• UUII MOLYNrtrX. "0..'t SJ"-" A~'" .. ..__.,u.. '!'A f ll11ilU. lACK O'JIAOAS. • ,,, .... (llUfl •

Fll.ASC'ES LEA. "1'-ola.ill ·-- N BOB IIOt.Yll:&CX AND .. u,cg O'IU.G-.,.M. IM .. ·tri..


.a to• ~U- o( &Ad-,i rla<e, ,r.z f11r-Mf\,-. IIAMOOWN I' AUX a.At~. 1o.r .. M1DUL.'" ol> "SIM!rl,mc Globt.,.

t.l ..... -aTVDIO ijlJAnn.7' 1 '"Noonhstii $ou.1a."' 1A ~t (S­

lh¥q), U,5 p,.m..-flL~ TRO'l'llAl'<. lra-moriat1

4 1,1...,..., 0.-~11a·: ,., , ..... , • .. ,,.,.., ..... ID ,.,n, RIClt-.A r.l'I ltllAOL.liY. \'f'lllfll

....... UI. l• C l{m.Crl'."" bi Slffot.m..u.l tUr-i._1.

UII ,_111. Otaa1J11.loa fJl Su~ .t-'a-rk ll&Ntna,t, 1t. ail-. •t. ~A.l"-"llOWN PA1U(, b)' ' .ati.aii.el. ' 6l U. ''99on.MIC GJ~"

114 •m ..JAICJCll JUJ.JyY. o--t-1 tw 111. • fNn'-la·• \CWke,. ~ o,t P-inr-'7" tllmt,o. ~·-11,

l U it,ni --4U:U0}1; TIUO: ·ri11111u•i•i_.. tM•..,.>· Z.U.11:IU'ffra· (llari>o.1

Ul ••·- WVSI'IUNO Alt-U MQLLOT. 1 ..... 1~ Ml"ll

"'~n- V•ttk.• .t'A!'l11)' Y~

• 1f.-.-o-~rqiir.. l1if Sud,... r.rv • • 1111,lh-, ll,UmoW.N" J-A,U.; N.At.1'111.. \Ir • ·1111.a .. lrrl.'" of tll9 "S)l('nh-.- Glolilot.'"

4 I-·•· JfJ\llfl\ 'flPNAN, .,.lh "'~" (M-.n-1,

, UI ...--1to"I' G.\l,l-,OW4Y, hr11 " u 'M...-t., X, Glrl"" tAJtk,al.

•·tr•1rJ11c•'" ~lil•l'l•nl •.11 ..-.-8TtlU10 QUAJt'D:T~ .. A,.hlu, n.n1,c.. ' 'Cir'"- Uuc:-R'' 1Cn1t.).

' 11\.,.:u~:';'~u'.tfwt t•::;::n~~•: "M ...... . •'If lbl' ''"-'-'n.hif Gl1._, ..

, lO .. -.--WAL'lt:lt G'ff..Utl'St.'l·. &Nia.led Irr EJLPrSK CJt.CJJ:"JlT:

•·o"' A.,...1,...," ..A• a P~fn• Pin .. ,~ Ir. Pflril."

44' ,m.-"H.ral.JI·· .,.. • .-rylc-. titock a:..., of'l.turfl ht/(11"1fl• UOfl •


Ui> ._m ••111ARY )(AkT"' w,:U ndbu• ·n .. ,o, R('I.Qr•, .. w •••• •* kMho ,a ,..._ &.n4 Uuu1\ GUMn t111 tkcu­J,t\Je lt"llr!'t o< •ro111'111W!,0"8.

i p.m..-;;.TUDIO QUAJn"ETi W-1 l'lt. .... '" i llod.J-,)

uo Jl.#l.--<m.ACE JACli'.BON, *ntnf--.: W~•••U•nlli Mliil'l.-i,

i 11 S>...1%1 -"'ll.A.RY JlAR_\-""'' •ill t,:J th1 ..,"•Nita ,.uir, •f aola!. 1,-1 ••111 1.i1u.­Jolal."

I ;. Ill. -'tJJt.: ROYAL A.U10MOJt1LJl C.LtiD OF VlCTO"W;IA'S 8AFIM'Y J,U:·;,s.

,\QF. fo, W-•lllt I• f.r,,r CHIL.DBLN ••Jad: al'd JlO ••,u. lfP 11'1!

h,:: I...,, •• tW f,or 11,od,la,I IM1• J-.~lr, Ulllt" <i_.. w--i:h • ~,.. f\No•ll •H JU '"'.,. ,.l"'V#' l!.t l\11114 W"

I.U 1 .m. ·THT. 8Tt.11'l0 QUART": J\IJMn H'6oil Juda..,

ti ..... rn,--·nflt'"11lr .,._... o,c,nlt~ 'I''••· b'!'f npgrU. ffhlf'litl"'.- 1!Slq,,,,l'l9ffll4

•.• 1 11111 -tik<~ I uhu ... ,,.~. .,It f'--•..-Fl...h Mu\.-s: 1-~ •r J. ll, lk,,c-..

,,.ll LtL i..l)l,lt, 1'-ri,(11•. I..» f'.1'/I.- R1.....- "'"llr"..a.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, 9th September, 1927.

t.&a rMl\.-1:fJ.rket rl'1)0J'til. Offiel,t repor-bt, nf NlhVmll.l'kt't 1Mq) a Jfll by thi• A1l!rc,c1nt~ Stoel and StM.lun Ai'tJlltl,. ltc>urko Sll'H!t, X • :WU.rn""- l'&ull.q, Jl'flin, hA,1, i tl'IIIW, fai;.(t, Wry .»roduce, pr,tBtooa and ooiou11.

1.IJ. p,!b.-l1h,rlu1c. lffN>c'I• ~r fruit. ~ ,~. Vrc. t<.iriln 1'TUm.'nra1 A.nociatfon, c"111»ifod by "Trut Erult WorJd,"

NTGHT Sl:SSION'. t.U p,m.---\Jnrlcrr •u~Plee& o1 the D.&­

J>ART..M..BNT OF AGRJCULTURE-ltn, !i. OROWE, Ac.Unr i>ittc:t.0r or Ai:rkvlline. ,.,,,JI 11.uUcht.&U y..w:r ink:rwll in oue Cll tlut

i~a!"'"t~~\~u~1~tL :1o~ cuminit •"Tho [email protected] l:xh{b1L."

7.t!Cl 13.rn. -OAP'rA.I.N PB'J'f,i{Ui; " •nd New Zeal•nd AuLhtrr•" '"-~-"

f.64 \:l.ff)..- MR. U. SCHWIEGER wru -.-.k a lew •ard. frvm tb• Jt:OYAL AGlUCUl.,. TUK.At, aHOWGU,OlTND.

I P.zn..--smnet.hiui.:: tJI in~li '° l1n•erw ot A116t.t.:lu.n l11.el'Jl4tr1t.

ll.Ui p.ta.-",li'IDF.aLlO." All 0~.a in t'11.'0 act., ~y Jkocthove.n, By

THE MELBA CO)l.!)J!',;RVAtOan:™ OPERA SOCIE'IY-- 1$.ll. A,. 0. BARTL£. MAN'S MA.LE CU10lR ANO TIU: 1JEL.. ROURNlG' SYM.lHl'ONY ORCHF .. •n·n A. u,id\"1' the d.iroctlou o.l MR. Plt.J't'Z UART.

CHAJt.AtTEB..'-1: J.c,qoora (trndu t.he J)ame of Ficl.t'liO-),

lSJS BROWN M•~JIW (t.ho J8Ubi:'s, <fa..ta'1;1'ler-),

CRE'l'A CALLOW •1lotl"l!'lu (Lm11ora.'1 bu~b..nd).

~TA.~LI;¥ ALLEN JlUJOino (POit'~ of. ,~ t•ri~).

LEJ,,,'NOX .1111.,ll;W&R J'l~TO (Ct!Yttnnr of Lb .I'ri,Qn),

HOWAJtO ANDMWS. lfttnaodo (l1Unio~ ot S t.n.t.eJ,


J, BOWARD KU.-0 Ohoru• o! Soldie1', Prilon!'r. lln'\I "Towt1...,.

Pt,•uple. ACT L

tlc1..TJe.- Tb111 oour&.Ya-t-d of I.he -pri&<iti. Jaquhu:, mak~ fo,re t.o Jl&reelll11a..

Ovl?-tlure, !Jut"L, (Nvcellio. Jaquino) i

"AL r..-,;r-, fk-ax,, l .t'l.a.d You A.:llne." Arla (.lta~1nUlna) :

"'OIi, D-.y Of J<l'y," Q,J1u·,tt. \.M.u", Leoaora. iJaQu.wv.

~&b lo Mo JocliDI!', .. Arla iR«c0) !

''Lif-0 h Nutblni:- Wfthwt lt.onff'," Trtn fLronOO"a, .M.aar~elliu•, ~o) I

"Wnll Said. lly ~in;.,. Mucil:I.· Ari• with. Chortl• (l'ln;rro •nil Cbona of

SoJdl.~1): "'U&l What. ._ 0-.y ia Thi<'

Duet., ··l,:1,;Hl'lf". J,.•~11t...... Harlr.elll. 'rbuo Mu.rt

Obe,, Me.•· Rt>eital.lvE! lilad Arill (J~Pf"&.):

"Thc;11 Mun1tmu3 FiCl'f\d." Pri.a~l!n' C}u;,ru1 !

'Oh, What l:k:liirbt.." 4.:b.oru,:

"l<'~f-11, Thon Wa.rm a.nJ Sr11tnJ' l!,am."

ACT ll. 6{'ene.-'L"h" •et-c-'11 ortaon "'hrrt< Flo~ar,

1• confined.. .ffe i,, 11lni,4 ud aalt!ca, wheii. Rnc¢e> And r'nh:r.

ttedL a.nd. Ari&. {!-' • ''Hca,•n. Wbat. OtO(U'n l 1rofwnd.''

()l)i:,l ( l,.eoJ,~l'"- and J,t«-i:o) 1

"/;;tay Not 'lft7 WOTit,'' 'l'rlo (Jl'IITTT.F.Um. Le(.Xlnl"II,, Roe~):

"In BcLtt-r Wnrlds." Quart.1Jt; ( J,..eom:Jtll, Fln'l'r;• t&.n, Piun-G,



11•••••••• 1 ll••• • 1•• 1••• ••••••• 'I'•• ••1• 1 a ••• 1•••••••••••••• •1 ••••••••••• III••• ti 'i All Leading Radio Dealers Stock



Wireless H. T. Battery Type CG

Thil'.l. model h.ns been m•de v_p ia order t" mM tho popular rft:?m,u,il ior a low 11rfced H.T. wiralesa: .ac:cUJTtulaU'lr. Bach 20-volt unh i:1 complet~ In a neat. rarr>;ng ttate. the ceH:­~r o completely. seali!d in with a c.:entr~ tapping fr)r JO volt.s. The cnpacity ilt 2,600 tnilli-$.m-pero holll's et very low ditthari;c ;;, which ls amplP :for- oll ordinary wixf'Jcs.-:s ~ce-h•in~ i;at11. }

1or one. nr two valve sets where the Jl.T. tUl'Tellt iJ. cmn11. t hu a.ccumulJttor ,,..-:m last. for many -weeks before a re-cb.n-rg-c Ja 11t'C('s .. .wry, Hnd wh1:-n tho set is stnnding: idle the sccumnlAtor is not $t!lf~discharging.

Dlrttensiom: 13tins. Jong, 2iim1, wide, 5Unt:. high. Weight (including noid). 81lb•. apJ>rox.


EJ:duding Acid 30 / • 1',r 20 ,·olt unit.

Bottle of Acid of con-cct specific gravity for ('itt'h :?O voll u11it, as above, I /6.

Co:rr1int1 Crat• for Four Unit• (80 volt,,), 10/·.

Smith, Sons & Rees Ltd. 30-32 Wentworth Avenue, Sydney.

Aod at Melbourne. Al,o Gomer Stewart St, and Se. West, ~OWCAstlo, N.S. W.

............. -·-·········-·· ... ·-· ·-·---·-••«• ............................... ...


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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A New Terror 1

I Wilt en,,.,;,rlna • hairr.Dt. )"!tt.ttti•Y "ben aomethinl' aa, down ou the, thair tJt.s I to n e. flown eJl '..h chfrok. It. ~d • hlac.k stnp of h,ur hko tho tr1dl1t I ro,n • tar tiu.nell

.. Wht•fll did tt ,rel kkl•e1" l cktrl the bar.bu, He rhr.111lJe-J. "Oh thntil tho MW Aruorifatt 11tyh•,-Vule21tir.o Jdt IL in hfa will.~

Now l undentand what thf! Com• mllllon on the M.ovi.u muns by 0 \inr.~nlaation.." I'd tl•P • 1upr-r­ on nert ID.In rau;hU

The 1lt:J.L thiur \'Ifill be I '"GoalH,"­c,no of \hn .. tu!tirtd. tl'Ulf11'l~1 on the t.'.hf11 "-.irle u yD-:i talk •rul a,t u !°"'I lnPI,

And ........ ...,,~.... lorror,-lhO l'IIO'DOfilm, whW, I•~ you hew- the artnn talk u t.b4ll IUtn runN thNJU~b. Fancy hurt.II.- u,• awff'i.factd hrrolne In l11e 1.!m, "l.,jhmu.• Cur "l'wo," U• da1TUln1t trcderl7:

"You Holl;waod ,tit', wbadya ob•T­lnc :tori-

.And thtn 111.t,.n fn to th• manly 11tr,ly from the hamll'lome he-ro:

... Fer•tbf'-luva.J.t.ike g,et off' me chew• I~ i:uml"

But J mutt rut In a l'oocl wnrd for Udo Phoaodhn Wu. ll'h<.n Llndb,r¥1l. ....the yaUtllf .\mcrlcan who kl'rt him• eeJf w:rnn when boppittC' DTH th,,. At.hi ntic •itb &lam WDOI, lnvmLt'!t

~(.~~~::~~1 n·':'h~;;t;;nl'~~ OQO and woko1ttt1f by 1hl!' l'ra1dent...

Thi, Phcm .film llhmn th1I h111clf'llt and yuu t:&D ~ar tlki ~cnt.11 adrlrou, Lmdbush'• rtJrl.t, and tho nar.ul nni1~,c all around. .roJrinc ai,IU\, It ru.uki'd • new ua lbr ft.lma.

And htru &.1 wh•tr, llur..,::r:.A r..,.dlo BaUerie1 eamP 1nto the i,kture~ Tho \'bolt" cJC(-~rkul power l'mpJ07rrd 1'-'ll.l

11rodU(erJ by thc,o ~lttrln, &Tlrl thl!')' are ,rt.a.rid:,rri eq~11mf!m on n.11 the r~ r-irtt,JUf1uc •mt•liften of the Phonofllm Cotr1r,an7.

As th-ta i1S my bn,..7 day, pleaec wa,;~ me wrltln~ anothrr fllh'"1\}lh t-0 loll )'nu that the!a ar~ tho Rmo ~ttctiP!!I )'OU buy lo ,\ 1at ralik, and Ou.t lho Avatr21ian re-trr t1ntaU.r1 on 11t :M OIL tl""agh Stro<t. S;·dnoy, an I a wtr to, name o! ?i:ow $JW2t·m Tr~f'rhfln,. Pt.l-.. Lt~


wta&La•• W&l!.ltLT

Tklri (T-..i-nn 1 ~II) I 'i,lb., jl .. flJ 11_,P

Fi M ... \ ... r ... It• l to lh• U.t•

fll• 'Nt1dte, t -~~• '""•rd ,Ccw T...., Wl1;iM1tl\ ••fl~ 1\11

, .. Uao, i,,t Thm u.,, ... HI 11 p,111. ""A..,..,- ,-• .. r-v~. J'il"1."" ,,_

...-i.w 1.n-,-,uan. tlr1Ur.l1 ..m.c,iaJ •iro.­._,...,,, 1(1.U •• Jflt: Att.0!-4:&0tf AJIID JII

:f[Tli1 'Of' .A 'flM< S rM PllQN?,:TB wiJJ d,.. O\•, ... hMr 9'flo."I • ->I• ra• a. IDI

:::!"~!--in;;_, ~~~;t~ •1-t,1y """'"' hr IM WM" (._.111"",.l•

Jtli.1 c-,.•. tri~ 'n!11t'IIA)f, l.:..••tat. ttrlU a!ff ll .ti:r,14 •I t~ IH•n'11

"tft• 1'1•,-illltll" 11114 •&,1bu111t• 1·.u. Hi• T • ill.r,'"

'M Q 1•• JU,:; AUtl>,IFtfl!II AhD Ill. liY,.r_:(,,IPATL"'i~ fi\.MPRON1"3n. .,.-,t..,. .Afft"I N• M-,N 1• Ml 1!111,, 1 );:,-.11 ........ ,.

.,.,., ~ ,,. ,.1,1. tl>tti1•M..,.,. "J-:.nturk, ~ !11!'1ll..,)0

Hitz -.1111 o\n..,.1.....,..,,,1.. 71ri,: 11:n,..,1 ~.\UTOMOBl.U! curp o, ,·11,:l)l:UA 'S J.,H'Cl"Y )mH.JM.& , .. tao-!lu " r., t..:llll..l>LCE..-.;.-"'Jad lt.N JUI ._, 11J, Ila"

l,,OI I.a, •foot, r., l1.-Jdtt4i th.._ .IAd. 111•4- d..-11. •lll!o • .. ,..J.1111 .. ,.._u_ •114 JIU tl,117 n-'-' 121 I ""°· ..

101.11 .._-Jtt.. ARONBl'.:IS A.ND BJ.8. *Y:,i('OP~1lSC l\'l,lrH1iNlJT'11

'""1'.-o L11:Jit .W::.,1-,.l,a-111,. P·•n), -.hd"l~,a•

ll am Olll ti.RJUT TJtuU<lHT1 ""Tlir:'9 I• • ... h . .l,f,11 ,._,,,ini., •~t ..,,.111

cfnli;, Uutt a.-.w ~ am.1••• ,..11,s lillllfflatafrsa •llb «lit ............. , l 111, .. ,. ''

~•••l111n•lrm , 'II ~ lU ""' ..101': ARo:-,;;.o,t Al'lffl ms

liYhtUPA-nNU l\)U'Jf1lNIIT "Th• \' U.laatt n, • .._kh riw1111 lht vm.r­N.,.• 111,.-J, "Wh1~ ('. ..... "'-Ptuo Sill-. rr ... Pl, --r.11.e In 11.., 8u, lw•lf Out tu 111--.~

cW•xM. .,rt" ,...,. ~-~u,.. ,.., DrHm1 .. •O'Ranilll,

• MIii ,._. II• Jl11., Ill• flli' lnrt•ti.)o 'lfrif1J,i~ and Dn.mla<' 1w.-1, ..,,. • 1-i1ut. e,-11ar11 , ..,ti• rw., ... 1 '"C.J. Wbll IUl 1:'lethut If Y111, Wuu 011

11"""'-lllitW ftis" f'l...,,.I I a.Jr a 1lf.«- 1- kitr tbn l-i'I .M...i,"'

,,._,., .... t ""lt,i,,, Ll1CIC' Jrlu.1. l W•lt t,w 'r«i'" IM.alieJ. "1111• f'oo&• (lild,) liJ,11t lb.._,.. (t•c.inal•I,.-.),

11.11 uaw- ,.0~ "tvr -:-·1tr J.:L~o

4QG, BRISBANE \\rcf11Ntf•r• I.AIU.,. MOIUil?<O •~10s ...... '/ a.n1

MfZ>DAY £l,,SlilON I tq I , ••

ArtT.a.."fonN' .11!18Sto~. u~ ri.,.__An.r-n a ...,..1, ,,.... H,,.

IINU>,-._ ,,..,, .. .,, n..w C.rllna ltffli•llott7 o...-,._

,. II "·" Hautl ·r.:ir t.J Uwt,t ... 'k,~•tr l ' ........ k-CDJl"la- ---

, ... p-... Cb• flw-.

1:A JU, T J;VF.."fTNQ l.&$1ll01'

, ..,._ lil.uliiard.. ..,,,... aariuir•c­,....._ 4.IS II•• t.«-111mtit 11.,_• 'W~ ta1l. -r,,.,,

l'q' ... n• fl~, Nr A i, 1\'u, tnt, .... r =,r., &m ,,.-llr-. Y.lll,t.·..&.).

UO • ,_ ~- O,ihllrt•'• H•r I w.i... h, l !tile- ..... lht•li.Dt.N

T ,. • .fi'tN"hl ttPwt rl'"tke tri•'"""' ,.n.Ut ,i«lt n1«-_.,,

1~ IIJI•• \\'ntttn ,.,,_ . •• , .. ,.1~•la.

t.O • 111 laAl!Jlf:ti U•• rll ••I ,,a I·'"' LiMlul'ttl"' 1 A 1,,,(,1-1,,..t...,. .,,.,,! t,, ..... O'•t-P•I- A•rWt11111••I U~A lk'hM'l .iit_ i.;..n...:&.

:,.11;ur u:a,JoN

1;,Jtl'lt:: Nl1l1UIC MIJl'S1'.U':l.ll. 1\,-,1'-ilt4• i, .... p.-, ~i).I ~11,,.,,. It,.,,

,,.!,,u,, a.t • N1c-•,t 11..,n~I ,..,,.n.,1,111H1t, •Wt.h •111 h Moll In tht- lli.,.,_.r• J.laJI, l,)•t.J, "' "" .... 11'"' ••111 ~ "'O , .. lt.•I. ... 0,lll,ll•lf-'" 1t,u1•...-I. l'ROlll <,,111· 11<.

I ll'M. J'l,Wsd lltltnalnl ,_t.-ri.alrl..,lil It ,~-. ,.,_ ,,.11,• ~"' ...... U,•r "" .... ,·1- ff'Jll1'.

6WF, PERTH . \\Nf"ft.da3, U.41l p,,.,or..,, ,._, tt.:H, Jl.ns. t-Vlt L,_J :,.,,11 R11n.t1-. r,rr,­

r,I .... j , ,,.,.,,1'!'7 11( 1M w.,, AlilU1ha,,i•• .-.:~liar-r~~R-l.1!1:Wl"trldhll •• , •h• .,. ... ,..,'-" ~~•u:.ti•;;. 7..!c~~A& ~ .. lh~

It: ... 'w"•,:;11111!: ~p:;:u:--•.:1-=:r.:

~t'l~,~i~l flirr- nt .,,.,.,.,. A•tllfli-,. J • ,, ftl. t.11t1t:Jt flll>!r r.....,n, ,.,.r-·• t""" •-no. lfUSM"<n, Lim-,~ T.,JT'ie ffcl..._

lltlu,.,.,_, IH-«-. l IJ} ..,,,_,......$C,Od1<t,. ,.-...a... .. , .. 11, 1.10 •. an.-1'llM la_

. :_:;;~,.:~ •::•;::.•~lld,!:"~t11,:.~ A l~f: M

~.J";:~li:.';:..-ht&l f~I.,,

"" .... -r.. h:. '!1,. .. 'u.m.i!!:~ for u.,. T·iir ,._1 .,. 7.1 i,.a..-LJricJ,e, wm 1.alk lo the a... t tn """'-'41ot"li: •"4 !il\•,_ l111f>IID_,...,

Jlarbt 1'.Mtla.. t'.aW.._ :,..,_.. hJ toll.._, •t ~ 'WIIII A .. trlJJla.11'" :,,:.._,..,., C'U).

,; n i,,n-1't~t '1',,.._1 JM!ftt.t• m•. H. ~, Nr • .._...,_,,. 't\'111\Jutl..

I P '"-'""'"' ~i.aa1 ,n,m PM'UI ~,...., ,,,.... ~ J '~"'' W,.ua ... ., n,w,..,11, •unlW a,, U.11 N•~Qial a.,...,_11 at...,__,,. A~.


,: 11• A ~ wllll 1~eu1-ftwJ ... ,,. V-a h"1t•• h1tlllM . ..,,.,.,.11 '"""' Uwt flJ.••,,,,1••• ,t••l11 Waflfl,ai,li . ._, ••rt..r et ttlft 11u11••.-.-11t.

U r,-. t.t• N.,_ I......_ •--,.IW I , 11~""' '"'' or lh• ''!Wl:r Jt.111 .... N .... ,.,..,Pf'r ~­f;hi .. ,. 1hl111 , • ._.,, llll~fl~HI. 'W~ ~ .,.. f!INCNI.

Jt.JIO 9-tn.-~~ ",o'lfr,

7ZL, HOBART ,hdftfl.-.d• y.

u a.i11--G.P.o. L'i•o! ll" rllllllrrl!L 111 tUII, T111-. f,i, • IOW'f lfl,i l U •-Ill DruW.h OMt:t..J lrlru,,,,;a 111..-.. n JI) • .111.r lrl,rfllrt .. ,,._ • .-"1rP J.I_JQ • 1n,..PIIIS uif-.Uo• illti pa

• trl!'f' .... Ntt,., JS u am M•U MIMBI ·-fltl'ftl•I ..,, ... ,

~·-~•c-1111k. U .til a rn .a1,.-u..c utwl,,1ui.-, 11•11 • 111,-M~ .-..;illfl.._ II.II • 11, T •....t1allb11, •1•dr• 11t

9 a e.. ..,,.mi,.r ffll<al't.. It,._ 0 J' n. t ·••lr. ).,,..,.



The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, 3th Septembor, !U21,


I II t -G.l'.O. Clot.It chitnil":'!. t'l.t 1,.111, 'funr. 111 l'IC.Jrc:hon.

U\l.t·~~rH~~: Exf~;!~ ,:rt~= A11'QWfl,('""'1irt1U.

8.l'i J'l.m.-.fh1.JJ0 Aui::Uo.r~ Brbl,;:e Gllffl.h No. 10 , ~.•-Suct.1 a.eid Scllle.aiiond Oakt1d.u tram

11111~1.nlled Ttuu:na.nU..n lh,rt. £,15 p.illl,--,Story !roni IllYttratti! 'J'um.11'.l!an

M11,il. Ut> J.).m.-0.P.O. Olotk u.lme1.

EARLY -i!:VENlNO SESSION. ,.M p,,n.- "'Untle J>r.-l<-r'• .. ba.t£.hQ\IJ' 'i Jt,~r-St'O)l'y frQm flff181JV,tl::d T11armrnl11,n

M.ul. Ul.rt.hda.y C.~~ll\:$,

N l~.ffr 't:i£SS.ION. i'Jlll p.m.· .\11,1/iliqal 1:11"Jecll61:t. i'.!l 1•J11.,-'"N,rw~ ntiTlr~:£-n" f,.mn Ute: lleiui,.rt.

mcnc of Mtt.r:kr~ 11.nd M1sra~fon. 7.'8 p,m.-·''Mt"rc!lly" S~t:l.l Tumaniu ftl"Wlll

11~·,•J.Bt,i, R•ftw•y g,qrtifm r~nd:u.:e We ... w~~ fo~t.e. Hobart. !ltoek. 1/lxt"M-i,re ttaotaLlooe. Aba.ft~r• • nd Stock Mark,•t r,i,wd,:1,, Lhrouc:h- tho eovrtANl-y or M~rbo and Cn .. J,trt.

1 p.1t1.---G.P,O. Cllnc-lr ch1rru·1 I. I 1',l'l\.--lh111inl eelectioM 07 77.1, !Slu(ST,i

Trio, ink~<'r-:d with rroto. Uti!' StmHo: ll• Je•11 1lllihar,i. hlt-"Al.(M.6'1t'&£iQ. '.Mrs. 8, S..:iri'Wr. fol•nkt),, (-.tDh;e .M.w.r, wnor.

9.HI ~~!~f~u'!t1~ctll'IW~~- Y,('WJ'

,0.5fl JJ.rn, '")1.-n:,.ury" •V('Clal I~~~ai•t" rll'W'l!I )<"n·lte. ffi,1[1" whMn Wfn-hta rn.111,,~. "f:ta. 11,~nUl.H dlttr1ct. W'il~ibCT Tf'fM"1J1. SU11Jm1 a11" 9 )un. wn.tbc, foNlc.a~tfl. N».~lo:IUIJ


7 LM. LO fl a.~.


10 a .m.-"Fllc R,n" """ il.fl.BOUt\U!m.rnU!. Inti a,Dl, l5!&1dilllo uwalc. tfl u; 11 .m.-''S)dDQ' M•l('flillc litta.!d.'' 111:,.,...\•ka, llJ,$1.1 11.m.-~lwlio tUU•£c. "lJ.!1$ a...m..-A ra.c:lns bilk 11,v tb,e no CCIU•

m-.ionor. : o.411,.. li JL.m.-''BI~ B~.'' llnrth.lti,r n:1urfo. fi:,t'

1l•b~ rhildrnu. 11.l Lm-A..P..A. 11.ruf nll!\ltn·• l,';11,,~ t-t.1"1lte11, ;LlO a.,n. St11t!fo r,,muc:. 11.llj lt..m. ·/\ rt'llltln.\l, a . t11.:-f,,:J~n di>Wn.


)ll n"'Olll, •"Bia: l,lett'' ud •, u.i ;,.~wck L,i:1':liari.t:<', ~ call. :!.:i 1>,,.w.-Offloii;i\ \u!lllhe-t toi't.<&ot, ninlalf.

,..._cu,.-rgt-1,1n:w. 11.G p.m.-SLudlo mu.1Jc. 12~!rJ4~!:!oa~i~o?. ·~u~?J' ~f~1~!


JU:!i p m.-htudlri mule'~ t=.,:io i;,,m, p,u.-i~ t,~ Khoo! c:1'11·

dmc 1.~.ffl p.m.- F'o,,~e Drul"'U• Mf'1tran1;1:

•·,:;iu l Ulll!'S'[I"""'·" (3111"•,,_n,,111\L 1!. l!, p,111. THI-: UAh. liALl, 1MIT-Uli"'\1LN•

TAL 'J'T\t(). l~.M p.m. ~twJi11 1111r•1t:. J fl.11\.-''ltl~ Btb," WnHu"r- l"t .. 1fir-"e•,. 1 :I iun--'"Ji;v~ina N'~·• ni.1dd..-._,, nr~" aN'•

,..,.,.• rroduC"T>4• Uhtrlb~tlni. B""1rty'.a r~· p,it:,


90 Per Cent. Of Bad Rece12_tion is due to BATTERY TROUBLES.

90 Per Cent. Of Battery Troubles is due to FAULTY Charging or Neglect.

Tho Colmovox Bilttery Churpr will eha.rg, bolh A and B bnth•rles. ls thurtcd "'1.·h.i.le you Bleep, nnd 1t m .ahi-.olutely guar:mtced, tolmovox: Ch.nrger ,\ .imd B \fo,•h·I, ,:oflh Jll It:", £~.'Hi.' •• Tcn!1.,, 17/. deposit, und 11 wct,U~,. r:iJ1rrt'!t'Ht8 ul' fl •• Colrr:.o\'OX ChBrg{'r A l\ro<ld, (',:t1d1 p• ict1 £5/10/·.

lfi/ .. rli.,J')f)J'.it, auJ 14 wt•rldy pnymc-nt:; ,,r 7/6.

Heir" ffl. a Ii~ of pa.rts 1:uitnblo for buflding tlu.! hort wave, adifJltor. M de5f.ribed in I his it11aw:-

l r«oel &kelil.-., 1.! J: 7 x 3 .. 1G1 7/

1 Pilot Diul • . ..• •.. H/{I

I :lll lll11n lit· Jtll' Rbea,Lat •.. 3/0

I \dHrnce Porcr?ain So\'.'ki;t . , 2, G

I Jtadiok..,. JU . Ch•ke , .. , • 8/o

1 Pnnol, G x 4 x 1-8 .. , , .. 1 /4

1 E1nrnco~t~t. ••••••.•••••• 7/b 8 .B:tk~lit~ :Bmdfnc- .fl-0.&ts • 'l./. l 1-;;Ject,rad Gri(j Cuhd(•m•el' <inri

J,c11k ................... ,t;G Lrmrl h .4. li zon& Short V, avo Coil ..................... 7/0

1 .0()02~ J•:mmon S.L.F. Con-dcn.-.c1• •••••• , •••••• , •••• 12/•

[n"r. or Lhc Atrzfm~ ]ov. loss colL11, Y.,('- cn.n iur!U)' ill!'.' ! Ml:lcn'lbl~ kit. us uist."O tu the lhre-t· \.Jtl,.•c- 11)\to foiSa r-c-i..•t'l\'l"J". a de~ !'leribe<i in "\\'ircleM Weekly/' Jul~• 10th.

Prit<•, £4/U /fl, cutnplde ·with :;horl. ttoil Ion,-: wavP c.011".

Colville Moore Wireless Supplies Limited 10 ROWE STREU, SYDNEY Nrtt llnlil Aulrali1

'Phone B 2261

••-••••••••••••••••••••••a••••••...,••••• .. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••-.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Better recep­tion a~ i.'-80

cost Cdmnbia Bea~ Duty 'B'' Battcrlea do two thinga-they laet twic.e •• Ion,, under the aamc coaditi0111, u lii:flt duty batterlca and they tr&atly impro•• th• ,_ption,

Fct c~ hour ol we you now an £tom )'Qur amallcr ba~, you will get two !roin eit.htt thcColumblaNo. •770 or the C\'en more row· arrut, !oncer-lived Columbia L~crbilt No.4486. You wm ccta clearer tone. 1rcater volume and crestcrdia­ta.nce. For ccnutne """"omy and .wr...,. tion, inei,t upon either one of tileoc two bat• t,:ria.

Columbia ....... tteri.

-tMI/ tut k,ngu


Ufl .,.a..-·1"JU. OAI. JB,l.t tK.!U'liUMl..ff• 1'AI, ';r• TO.

I J,11 I ..... ·fh-Wli );.•d1an11;1' • .....-id c•'L Lan , ""'" "-•r-t"h,.,,a 11:1ualil [1111" .,r:+11.I d,ol ..... J Ill "'m 'I"_,. & ... ifll, """'"Tt.q

11e,,a11.._, .. ,n,~ I U ._.,.. ..,._.,n n11~k. Ul\ .,.,.,_ TM OAft HA r.1~ 11-ffill Ml,1,1',


I ,, ,.m.. -f.ut ,o11,,iut• ,ar.-rur faf~rn-•~ ~ Vw • .,.C eat.~.

,.., ",. n- ... ~.

I "w llJw Ir•• • 11!1 .. .._••n.•hl• .,,n, ,,_ .,,. ... IJ 1'-"' A ,.._._. ""u..J N' ._ f'IUIII• f,I( Mt

Willia.., n.11aonn: '"'I1Nr nit., lhlt Muu..,,.·• ttln•J•

Kitti Trnnn. I~ ""' .J"8Mhui: • •tr11i.11111111a'" iall11M .. )

,1,..11 Eldff I JI •·"' ''Ji11•1o-.'11 kts'- tttn.n.a..1

M•lk A. h~a.

a.O~A ..... 1nc.

IJA •• "'flii,.. 111,,._t, •'111 tl1r 41-n,,.,~,, p.adtC~I.

.111.-0.wooa,,,.~ 1,..,1n itrn-M.v1"Mr,I' ..,,1,1• ,,.. •li.,.. Al).. ., ...... I 10 • lfl M.11,,l >(ulle• (IOfl(,alto

•o,......,_ I lO~f' lite n'IW'fll11 ... tWnl'lllt, (Ji'raa ;·•nri_., T~ ~'

I ,tr1 ... m TB:& HALL UiSTKLMt N­TAT, TA/o,

J,b f,m..-6171111- l'ia JI 'f'I• \'ffl/'-"Q "· 1,,-.

aa1.11fo" tDotibit:W). t·J..,,. 1btiL

, ~.s--ri1- w_.... • ....,..,.., ""'"-"- u.a , .. r . t"•Nha'' tAffrihl­

' I II Ill .. JoM R Jrn ........ riiac:iMJ .. A Pa.,...l'lr llJ-At-U.),

• ' ""' Tm; OA~ Ill.LL IN3"I·,u·.11y.11. LAL lI.1{1

• 1:1 ...... f , ... J((,lf1.,., ,.,~,, .... -i-.. t-....e ..._ .. t&_...._,.J

• JI!, •m II I• hl'i,...., •- IOtl"•-1 -r1-, Jladc SNC"' CLocu.J-

'-1" ~.ffl 1 !Ml •u11e, e-« ... IC anr Ult;• ot ai11.e" (.._...,

4lf ._... ..J ... II,,. Jiltaft', toulttl,ia l • r:-.rflll-• r..n,(lffllt.'' lTo.Ri,.

u .. .,._·ro.UA-'- UALL msrnc~ "tAt. TKIO.

UI »,a.- 1':Lt'~ Sc-,lftq, o:i.llll"&lle: '"H"' ....... U. fflRlml P9W"' 1Qw1ftrtt),

4 40 p.,n.-.Ej~ ,Iii~, al'lm'UOI •·va ..C ~\._ 111111u,._" t4· Jtu,J,.W).

• •l'i pm;; Xsrlwnp, thtrc rail. t,'7 .,m.-H.W. w.t.oa ...... •rsw•

"'AN Mula-. (J;ahn.,

4.10 1' m..--TM "·a.11Nrt1t. &yn:ip.bcldc D•­()1•Q11111,-. nk &M Mlea Ill Jtr. Cntl x ....

I, s,.----·a1,- ...._.. ClftM ... Ill,

.t:AflLY J!.Vl:~"IHG 8£5.d.lON.

1,..0 .,,., P,.-rall'!"1'1 • 111101m•M••L11 &111t Uia clalntNi., !HI.

I U ._11\.jL"l't1• ' 'll&tlc,, x ....• le i.liia 111Wl,, ....... UO p.1n,--,M1-y -um. fnr th )'l'l'llllS fl'llk

':" p.-~ia &e.'' Law ~ ~ t ta i,.rn - P•tnl.7 1 .,.,1i.-1 ~ , ..-..a.

,.,-.~ •DII tl«.k), I.JI .... -!t u.d ~...-el.a.ate mu.uta.

,.11 r, ._ ~ ••'-"' •n4 .,1,t,.,i•c St-a. 'r 15 11-... ;;~._.1, s 111-.•·' ~ ""''•

J'it(;ITT b~Jg,q,

•,J.,.; 1..m.-thtrflkalDIII a1,-1ael!mat,.,

, I.I 1••- \ talk \t • rt-tff- 11!.h-4.., u .. t '"U.C1,.,. w(alrn'• ,.,l(oc:.aaw-

' ~ I ... Uinta 16 t.u11n1 I t I It• 19dtnk-AI ..C,wr 1,f .,Wit .... W...-ll),,"'

Iii 11 • lllc- IJ-... _.,_ .Ii bih:D.,._ 111, t,1 ... ,1.

'lfu'fl lir-n "'" cr.,, • ..,,t,. t t f•.111- .U.1.111,J..- a .. ;..m,, . .,,. at ~ ., .... JbJ.a.t fl,..__• ll

Ill,. nf ran•I- al • w11,q-r~1r• (N..,_ /l.l&IUIJ

1.14 .._.,, ..._ .. C"••~h.. i•ur•rwi. l'°b'l, t... :il,!IJ1l1'1'Mo 11'11fW, w I J'lfflloel 1M Wr,I flt II _,_ lot' 1")'4!fltl ff.ltet'ttta. china It .... Ullw. evr• b:tl' :frl',-.l'~lla ll I' ad­v-<••- ••d .,.. _..,, .........

iu .. 1:1•h wall •U1• •·J~ 11- lhrt 11_,,.. .,,... .. •111 Trrw•,

~1•1..-,111 •·~qr,era·• (C'umf:!!'t., tfli..-t~.

Mr. ,,..,... .. ""' •• •- '""' •u :RNl'f' ...... " •r..-,."" •nt '"Th Buwr r-t ....blf'I."

I.II 1• 1ft, O•-.•• ,-.......,."" ri,,H"ld ~oot ,,_ «M>L"\t\ IW~Ja.-al '•

J.I! ti,.. F ,..ttk M P.!ad'IWtl. ltarao i Out. oo lilt! """1"' I t.a,!,r,.

• -M '"""' All"~ lhffJfflAU'. t'i&autetrt• -ti,• h,d,. t:hanr,~r• 1•1 t.11.11 l'h,neue Clt7,. (t,·1~)

!! 4J ,,.._ ~ 1- •"'"'• •Mt A"'~"'·• w..,1,.... f n ~ t·r- r• llt',J'I 0--~rt. fl•JI A

l"'"l'TII,... •t ._., a,-,IDaJ" llwlrls•l ~ c:,rl'I' Ul... ._,..1.a., f'W'l!Cal.1. &I t r,.-.

PP I\WI J, Lt•~•._",_. (f,,_ tJ,a, •tmli.,f NI • ... o,"1. l.&.ll. V. ... d .... &ttl.ll"U. ...........

11. ... Slt, Ji..t..i,dta,a. '--: ''1'hu,P, ..,.~ 111-,,r ..., -,11 .......- t1"ncarc-, •

0 N ......, •"--"dn • .,,rj:-111,\.,, "Ahblen. ...... ""0"1 Vl,1t1•• t•~n. --uu. R.ll• u,iOd.)'"' U:..-t)

Ill t4 ,.._.,. ...... C,o,,k, 1•t.ra.lton1 -rtt.,. .P:11d1J1mrnas" tLuont. •MlCY'• \lh ... Nll+

p ~I ,. .• _,,Ulfl• r "fh,,n!-. ~1111.1 I •ol'W'II,-~ 10,.11. •V11.M11-A1e1" (l'-arU~ra11ltt),

ll p.~11 n-" t"ktiol tltt-$))1ena, ""1ur.

lU p,a.-.Ma,o HllMU, ~la&. 11&1\j,,,a.,,,tul

•lt!l.Jb.rcli" "t.. • lit.1111 '11111.-.L.h to.a• fW..,.,..\.

lo.ti ~.-Lon KtMU'NIII'. ,..u;r kPlt.e.. lO..U p.m.-WA,• tbrun, hanJ• &u..1

1'0<lftlic•, ta 1rd11"~ IK•n.). .. t11i .. IL.._., lh•ha),

n.N ,..,...-ni. w-tw..1h 1,-.,t. .. ,a. l>a•u• 0~ WIii...- Uie bau. cl\f CYTII ~Ale,

UUt ,._,._ t- Mun-In • .,...ol.v 1,u,...._ lUlt 1tJ'ft..-1'k W1111twwth l)>axl,11.(,Dic Dlmr•


10.t• -.1111 - \f"IN H>0•'-"~ .. nJo ltirm 1 "".IJ ... )iJIII J4'-lh 1 (JA•f--)

10 U •. ,,, Th, Y,,'llll''"'•t.l. l1¥1Qh,m.lo D•11t .. --... l«ul .,. · 1.a\11 ""'• aq4 •n~r,.-..,._ta., 11 p.___.'2ic •11.'" __. ,._. 1oJ u. ~·crn.t.

•o~ 8)11'll•hlfllc n._. Ort;!1-t,a. 11-U p.m.-'-". .M•al<-a. J)c!Jlulu ban1411-t. 1t H, • ffl .... 'rt,. 'W fu-...-tll itmJt1'tlMW -~,_ will J)la, ,111t.H II.IO •. ._

11..M IILll'l-~atn11al A.~ Cl!MJ1~.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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J'rldoy, 81h ~•pl,mber, 1827.

2BL, SYDNEY. TnurSlday

F".ARI.Y JIOR..~rwo SE!,~Jo:,,,: ' t6 I a ••

MOllNfNG SESSJON. IUD .. m.-1 I' 0. Clucls. and C"hl.m.,._

,Mi.1lcaJ. 1,r.,.,r1,01me riom ,'-llluHu. Y 'JJ • .m. -Nn·• lrvm ~ '·Oall,1 -r.1..,.._i,tt t'kt(Jrlal''

oao •.a.-M•llal l'~ from U.• ....... 11 un .. -G.P o. Cl"'°k atllf Cltl--.

A,nlMIQD~tita. Jl,I • .m. "Mt1le-l v~mrne trom tb• SUldlo, JI ta •.m. -~l•f N~: U•pll+- lO CWl'M•

pc,r,CM-nta. by Mr•• Jotdl.n. Talk on •·Period .-..ruit'-lft.'" IJy ,.,.._

U m:ioa.--0 P O Clark ao4 Chtm-. IP«iill ~n l"otMut. a.lMI w .. dMr _.......,

1ll >,-. 8f\ni•-kk hnatr~ M\Uic-al a.. <IW.

1ua i,.rn..-Inrttrmatlon: Jlalliil, &Mpp(ftC', • "4 l'ort 01.t'Nltur,.

1:: U D 111.-Boa.h In call ff •INi..... 11.zt p..m..-Fn!.\ lbr~t B.t,e,rt. p.a.-V..,.utta. Jl&lk.« ,C.-port. 11.U _. _,. LoMN 11-Ul Karll.c a.pc,rt. lJ.!I p.m.-0.irJ and tr&.n11 J'Muc-.e

Kl'P'\l'l~ lU0 0. Clock and Chi...,._

i'Ol'9i:-e' Ma,lrfl\ R~pori. 1 t-1:!: p.m..---Uall Muk.-t R•P41't, l:LU p..-.. R.lbWI lh..rU1. Jl4t.-rt. lt.H ..-.--....-. t..-. U.. •au• ... Jt 4S 1»-m.-Hlllliw'a Iaac:rn.nt&I Qqrtdt•:

dirertwa.. C'ar,1 Cullins. J 111,1 u.r:n.-(:.r.o. Cloclc • tld l"!hhnN.

111111- t.., t:hUJ.n-11 11nd St!'!'CW M'.ai.rta'lnm• t1t. f r Chl..d""' In Hlllpllal

I i'M.......-GJ-.O. Cl«ll ._.. C~la ... o,.---.

AJTERNOON U'SSIOK. Jl:ad1.1~ 1nlutmatfo,n, bN,.dca,t immediatfl1 ;11rt,-r N.Cb &i:.. by enarl.M)' uf ,is. .. Sun.••

I 1.111.---G.P.O. OIQU at1d Chlln•. MIUia.l P1'UII',.,.... frca thot 8ba!IH>..

11• p--.-~ ,,.._ U1e ""l•n." 1.N p..., )lt11tc• l J,1,l"Olt"n.m_f.,._tM-StMia. I.ff,_. tram lM ""Sun." I 411 p.~.-Ou1icowaa D•~ ll•rwl. ~

fram th• 0111\•uw• q C&bal't't. t f1 rn.--0.P.U. l'lor.k a,nd Ch1m ...

!l.'•Wll fnwn Ill. "'Sun. -4 11 •.m.-&n• I 8',tlry. iµn.--l>uDl'owa" Pa-. .. .._ ..... p-.-li ... ,.._._ t)w -&'11.o..." • r. .._rn-rt.nin• or nlaht"• •Nll"MlmllM', 4.!,, JI n,.--R.adrllf J""llffll!', UR JJ.m. 1':~l•I Otta-n l'lloY,.N,ll, I aa,.m.-<;:v.o. Clot'k .llfld Cbt~

(LIie 4owu.

&ARLY r.vr.-.INO ~ESllON'.

l.41 fl,•-C.J" 0 "*k a11, Cklffln,. (1'1ilt.!"f'n"11 ,U,.•IOTL

C p.m.-Tl1e µu111Ja ~f MhMI Mohlra ScuUr ,rltl .-1,1t1ri•in tlw rtilldl?Ti.

UII 1-llL-Mu•lnl PNIISn.,nm• fr,cm tM ~tudJo.

J!FECIAL f'Ol,~Y dJSJOlf. t .._. -a.r o. CL.Ir and Qbila.

A'OW1.rvl1-n M.-r-cab~ J.u41 and l"loanH 00.'1 Rf,tJOn,

WNther .R .. wr1 and Foren.l, h7 eDlll1N7 •l,CT11'1'(.M<ftaot'o~.

J"J'1'(N,f:,..,-• D•trtbuuns llanatJ"• l'N:JI aM V~blt Marl'" Jt..;en..

!1\-.k t:a-Mnr• lkMru, Gna]ri and Pvd4"' Bepur1, ("'Su .. ), n.1,,- .Pl-udu..,.. ,t..,port. l"1bn .. ), l\'J!"'klJ •r, lhilliet.l.n..

f 11 p,m CtnJtilty N.,_.11 from tt.• "S'un. .. f .2• J..a:a.-Tatk li7 • awm._. of the Country

W'OD!tll'a A...-iatlnn. 'l'..11 p 1!11 -bl.Ir. -. ~ O'N•ill 1Dvt1-.

pSdao,d .\awrioa• Pta:,,,,rlsll&), by JIii:"• SuP""rt Mnlit.A-,, B.E.

'i U J,1.11t. T• lk on "A'WlnHat1 Movina Pht­ture ~:ruaiu•UD"," ~, Kr. Pabo,T.

Wlal:Ll:88 Wl:1:lltL 'I

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• l ••• N• M•••••••••--•- ••-- •---

Radio Folk· Like Them 1'1>@ radi<> pubUc dulre. above all, I.hat their batwrlee ual1 combine Ions and •llkient HrVice with ..i,.olute nllullit7, F.Ter -Ready Radio Bau..ri.. are ..,Id t• the _,,_. -on...r manufa,tw,e.--tha ahort periocl tbay ..., OD U. clealra ~h•l\'t'1s emurf!II longer worklnl' life. They're cran,meJ full ot IMl'l'Y, and will sift trwbl..CZ-...., vice at all dmu. WiJ,a them Ill ADW and Ha the ,wr--,

The " Sludanl " Dry Wt CeD Prtce,a,-.

TIie EVfl'olleNy "8tudMd" Dry ••••• C.U. •• ._......_ .. _ ...... _ ..... ............... -ltalDball __ _

with ~• nocau, uen ....,...,...... ... -... ...__.. __ _ _ ....... .... -. ....... w ....... - --~·::.~.~all .. - ..... ..... Ac.

"Wanda" Plug Radie Battery Tlola lllutnlft the - ndlo .....,___ "B" llattay, wbldl na ._ - 311,U • 93 - --•W..._ ......... --

II • ....._w. 1-llr, writ• lw ......... ol _. •- ef """'71o

The Ever-Ready Co. (Gt. Britain) Ltd. 183 Pitt~ n SYDNEY

"' .......................... , ............. , .................................... ...


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Pare Flllr

The Moving Block Cannot Fall

The nmier monmipnt C'Oftl

J riiff thr,e NU of erwlutt>d ptd1,on .machine-cut ;rc-o1H, ao,I rod ,. tlio -.S et ti.. -. AS ired ~, • tlrnu Ski• p1atn. f'O-•I ~ and

kn<,I I tu 1rt11tfe bal~llte m()uld lo;r All metal pub .... Vlly n lld pb~ ll.11.t. C•r S.ft H

••ll u rJc~ Un.I

'T11'0 '"''" l •W•t , -4 U~ ,v, nth W Ill f,i C'C111bul lluiil~ It/& -h S.W•t t :.I U.W.r U/1 ._ Ill a. Ceetrel 1t1•i.i.. IVI ~


COILHOLPERS )bda b7 lb mabro of U.. falDOa Lot~ 8007aat7 \ A H

Hold<r Cunett, Wll.llkle)' I, Co. LtJ.

Lou,a ~B~f:'.r lld. John Anso14. P 0, Bo,c B71,



CV U,'"IWG •uaio...,_ f 1>--.......0.tO. O.k,,..1.t.1-•

J'l!'hil,._..,.. Tnu,r•! ciii,,..._ tJ • nt ,\<, All Autnllu Cinifffl. qn. ••W ~ U.. 'Wrltda ..i C..~ ~ ..... ,....,...,,.JL ...... ~ ..... ,11.. ....

lnua•A ..... 11t-t ...... 0-.-,.w I,. ..,_ ... , Ina U.. T'...-1' H Tah.inl ....... .. , ••• ~ •• ,,.... .11,M.r.s..v..1, ... ,. .. ?'N ... t ,,ua ,i.. llallr-., ., tlMo Jkti.i( ,,a,1.,._

U •• --GP,.CI. c:1or\ . .. t,'-. )J-1--.l AaU..

2UW. SYO~EY Than4!a, ..

' •• .a, ..... ~ •"'- .. 1ra1 IIHI• t 41 •-. A•au,, n. • NII- f-. ,......, •u ... ....._ _. .,.,._ ••~-.

II ... (3- ..... ... : .......... 1:;i4.lltlui, ... . a.,, p.... ._a_ -' •••"'--- fnlil"Bm•• ·~......-(;J ..... . .... ~ .......... .,_,,.... • .,.._ c:a.. ... .._ .,..__ ........ •Ge. ll~ ••bl...,._

....... -ait, °""1ret .W•tial.: ....... ...,_i.11,t' (MI-D•'1~

I .~ p.n, J,lf,1,,Jta.a•Jl•1 1"11•.,_"" MIMro ~ a,...._ ••lcNI,.. V•• . ._, 11 ..- •• c:-.. r :at•...._ WMt

., ... ., .. Ga • fo...i...tu •• -c.i.t1 ,A.ala"" rt-fflll

... .,_ ......... ,,_ , .. tN,,1"9-, IC p..,.._..I_..IWI H••ol.,, .,...,_rt_.. •• IH I.. 1,,1a. Ml•u"'r, ,hr,.- lJfllltl Ht.lHllltJ t..,~• aollr,, "liaa.. l1 0.ry w,msr 'Pf-. :a

.-i, :tu.,,...,.... 7 111,__.,, i-.. , ..... fT.c, II M- 1--1 JbolldWJ, --~ ..:., t ..... M i,. ...... ........ 1,1 ,,.. , , .. llffltt I.ft 111'1 ~ td' ,.,._._,., ~,.._ .... ... ll-• .!OM..,,,...._

3LO, MELBOURNE. n • ....i.,.


lj ..,..._ 'lilu 11ctd, lldd Jrln9 Nff .... II, U. A~•" II._. •'Ml Jlrlab •­da, ... ,,... i.o..t.NI ~ ~cM.,.ij Oitl ~,. 1.,1ln"1 alld 1M Atarv.h..n p,._ -'-i.tlal on aul~,i,. t1,1,,.ai Ultwi•I 't\'~--•• fn- ~1 Ali. ... .,.. a1n ...

11u .. -. tJ~U.--.,1-fllUM-t__.. I'•,_ •N l~Y au.•" .-.u., ~~.Ti. 5'H~.: .. !~'!:'

1..-s , • ~ r.utia..-, i.,,_, __ Wt& _.., ru,-,.•ltf IM Vlrttana. ...

th1wh A1utnHa •nil N•• 80111!1 ¥,'1J,.,. UMI• la"'61ML ,r:,.,n rl' rt.a Ha\111,0 , ..

\ ~ ~•la.. haUI .-tUtnn. .... .... a-&ai .. .... , .... ~ ... ...

........ Jili&lkal ·~- fn:ia )fn:n'I AU.a •· l •• N_. " S.. Bain,;; Arr' ..... hltal 11..- l,,uuftil, aou 1t10Lrt1a·:t.1

.,., a,,u .. 1..,. TAY DI ,_ .. .1AU. 0114~: ...., r ,,... ... ,..,. P1U,,-t I.EA. •ais. r,...,.....,.. •J.o-• • l1l0 MOL'\J"EUJ: a:1111 ,IAi.11,; O"D4<1A.1' ... , ...

Friday, Pili ~-•• 110r.,


! .,.._ ftl~l:U~~~~?rf/~.r~~1~UON •UI .._, Jnlrl u W !J,1-. "'1111• ~\;-, t• l\i n

-r .... T•n .t 1k 'W•"'---" IP•• .Ka. lll"'II 0. ,141U::J a.. • r­..... ._ . ., ...,_ ,..,. •• ·'Oak.-u• •--•L" 11ow1~ aou J•·• ,.._ f_..k!WP ltll ... ITl:UIU QlJAN:Trl'

,\ • oo ,R11i1,r tL,,.,.,1 111 ".1111 J .... ,. ... ]ULf.Y ,,....,.

J-•· lun-~ Mft'l(-rlWHtl

• .! p.a. UX.C(ALD llk.U>LET, •Uollll1 ,-.,.,.1,a ...... '- ,:. .IIIMr"" ...... , . ~-. ''--" ... ,.,_...._.,. .. :. ... , • • • ~kH 'JllOTM4W, ....... .o,

• l l,itJ' ....... • Ml CN1~ U-H • 4 la•• -ti"TATJON \'"II-JO h.,..__ ----•• t..trt' a...u • .Ml .,_ lhftllr' •- _...._ .... , ,. ........ ,.,_ .... &4-t .__, r.:\it:.'CJUN l,.._.fl:.., ,,._ SL r. • eau..tra1.

.,_. .. ,n -t!r-l•i ,' tnfwmatii•'" ,4,.,_ c:rJM;,11.,... S:;r ~-,•• ,.,,_ ,u Al•ri.l•••

nan,a ,, •,o..., CJIIW&Dl"8 NCR....._

& II • .-. IU.R.1" QUlfl.U,-. • ...-. .. ,.., .. ....... ,. ... tr_. .... ,, . .. , .. , ,.11.,

•• ,. ... 1:1.1u: hll:411 114W .111 • lo: NIIIP af ltai,n ,-kitif~...,

& U •- •11111.AKT 1,U• LEAr ...... ---....... ~~Ca•D..· s .... ,.... ... aau.e. ... ,

-n. n • «, i-u, At11d - -.uua. f,yp th• .W.. ... ihl,-111

A Tall, •h,dt,t lt.,.••rll "t" '' t.,o :,,.- t l.a,,Ut 8K.U111JtAYt' ,.ill 11111: ..._,.

...... ., .... " Jw I.JI.._., ""lkn,W'• -• .. Nk• W'H\ltu .,......._~ ......... 1.U ..... --lh-d ~rta•n l.,....U... &.11 ..... J(h.y ~-............. ,. .......... , ,. a..,....,

T"1S. I ... ILllllCI&~ .. I" a, -.u\ .. l""T4"1 tor 1 ..... \"1,1..-&.11 ,. ..... (Ifft' Co,4p,trt.Uv• '". l.W .Ptno1lv, t.n.lll. IIH' k,.• I••• D.W, ..... _. ,._.,_ ... 0.--

"& ,, __ .... ......, ....... ., P'ra!t,., a.. v ... --•l"nlLfnn•............,

NJCHT 81'.SStux.

Ill ,ra-ll&. A. 'I\.IA.CIQON •lll ... ak u11 ......... •.at • .., Nr IL k."21WlmtA • II, ... ._ •

,_ ... ,,_ - .... A.VlnJhanJ ·-· a .................. .... .. ~.:.::. ~ .. !!;!'1:.,-::..~=-t. -:: 1'":;

,1,......,_-. -n,.,.t,.., .,11 • 1 •• a ,..._ huu. ._ .,...1..,.,..--., W ............ .t J , ~m1 .... .,,. u.t.

I pa lrll. ROD W..Cft.DJOR • Ill ..... •"oat 1'....n. ..

'II ... Jo,: ,1,aow,row ANO ms .,..,... t.'OrA~1 Y•r110Nl'ITII ~ lioft • Glr~ \A.lhJ

o Wlfll;dlf II- I Lo,..- W.11 l_,, .'\.a ..... (J~J. "A :I.A• i11 -fo• U.--1,)

Ut • .._ I Ill 1'ROTIIAH0 i..-lb1 ....-. f.8 .,,,., ,,og .AA0N501' ANl) .H AYN

tt.trAT... &Y'IIJPHUNliitnl -"'511a ...... &f U. lUJ.i,,i tJiillllhuO. 1 ., )1111...., .... • llnt•!tt. a.ri111a

tWaftat ..,.r1w,,_ T ,u'te 'Tilh,\ , )b"•I Ut .... .,_._Ll~Q AND MOU or ~ ..............

l.d •• J r. Ak0,.11tnf #.!<0 I a'l'M C"OP.ATl!ro STnDON~~

"'T'ln. AJa'I • Jt.a,N la 1i1t7 ~ e &J'W­fKaUI

'"be.II P•--•" tllN .. 11,...,•t '1'hoe Al\taal riur· !LA P.-r..-,.,11:t •


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}'riday, 11'.h !l•pt•mher, 1~27. WlllELll:911 WEEltLT

I~ Pt:fLi;:-:~1r:1:R~l[ANrNF.Y. ,- .1at.,a r---------------------------. .. ,.,.. Gee. a Lat nl I.-• tor Yuu.. •

1.01 r 11t;1...-JOt, A.RtH•.---tOJ',; A1'oi0 JHS S\~!'t. co1>.\TI.NO RUU'UO.,,.IWJ'IU

•·1 C'u1't l'OJ'K11l" (Ct•rriek). ··oh. What II. ... , ..... Whoo1hl .. (IC.ha). "l'•,..,lie• AH,;" fArdln-1. f, "t.m.-JA.Mf;~ JIILt!Y Wcac.t Aciont_ .. ("hl•a1.

t JI -..m..-lOE AnON~N 4).'11 ma .&\'Jrii· OOP4TDi0 8l'Mi'ttUNUiTll 1

1'Wbl1- the \•aN <i., Drihi11r n.,. ' (Kahn).

"Af S1mtlvwn·• iDnl"lalrf,,.nl lilitiaal o .. u11und" iEJJetl,

ttl p..111.-DO!l:Al,O Mt11Jl'.,l.TII, "l,ql!p;! ''lfill.DM. 1• C .. I 'RH-l~r!ll ~ l-. U.. j &rtbou r, ),

.. R,,.,,ch•o·• (U..lllooii~ei,.

t tt r,.m,-..10111 A"ON&ON AND Ut1 ~\•~-COPA'l lNtt MY.MVll()Nlf,.T!'!I.

"Parrot.ten'' (O'IIJpnl, ''II \""i,tt flM $1•11Y" (l(ahl'l. '"All I Wat1l a. \"l'l'J"' ({'!\•,-'

t ~11'itao~~"?1'2'·~~1

i>foBJUi rt.UR C"tr \'ICTOJlfA .. l~Yf:'TY llr;.<l'IAl.;I: l'(IR Tt.>-llAY &. tor ,.,•rnvnN"t\""1 'Oa• )hn'1 •ft",.~ i"•u4 ••••l1 ra.,- be

11,rnall. but all 11,.«thf'f <i1•i! •tt 110 a ci.-.t."

I 4f'i pm.-JOJ: Allt'lll&ON A.Wn "'" an;. OO'PATINO 1i\ ..... ril0h7~TI-I 1

.. S-_bn. Solnc\iedr • WaLLb' ,., y:_ .. lAb.1) •

.,,.. )I_. W• AN ~ lr'o&IIClwH). • 1'111 Looldtit' o ... .t a .tVI.IJ"•t..f "'""r"



t U p--.-B.UtYL HA YDF.N A.):O ltOT G4LWWA.Yt t>vet. ··o.a" .... 11,,ta at • na .. a...u .••

I ~t p,o..-JOJl A ff(}NJQN A ~D 1111!1 SYN•

rg;:~T~~ J~?J~~~!61!~ \olavn•Out.}, · W:lin,. n,i, Yo t Work-. Joha f" (M•rk1J. ··Do tM 81-,.\ &uoa Wlt1' JI•" lk.,ff).

11.t J.a.-•A.,.,...'" Nt"'h S.,...lot: M~ N~I lSlJ~lloa, ~l.tal' Nc•?M by ••1'frDWW"' ,t brldii\l Omdal "tr.I~ 1'h• (t'()Dl Rv11i,.

Jn.21) p,m,,-JOB ARONSON A:NU lilS SY)l. i'OPA'rum Jj,YAH'HONt&Tlt ·~V)Httltt Yo,.ir fU11H .4....,.,., .. (N."'7ft'L "'io'allir,lf Ir. fAH With You·• (llf'YU). .. J!I_.--. ... tc- Ji&. ..

UH p..-..-WALTP CHAlilPNl'Y, --~ liv tal.81':JtT: · H-.r )ur,.ltue Bu• JII•,- Ohuo. •

JG.If ~.m.-.TnP: ,ARONSON ANO ms SYN­C'Ol'A'l'.lN(i- tiY.M.PHQJ,,"18111: '"Ain't 8hif' l'h••• fYrll•"'I, • 1',.l,- lo Cho- S.,n,. JTa111 Ovl tit.• Moua ..


•N•J. N • F. ll•i1bbiwr"" fC.h••t Jt H _. .i.t.MRI JUT..J.T, Tnaor.

1'1,,o.r• ol Ant.y•• (Cl~>• 1UJ p.m.-JOM A"RON~N AN!J KIi 'B\.'S­

COPATINI.': St"MPHONlR'tth ''M•do'w t.a,11.,. (Fiiorito). •· ot' YNt• rit•y•• (Lawr11nu·e) ""Ba• the ow Aect,,rdeo• ... "' .. cra.h•1.


"'Tbff ar. .,..,.. lo. whie:11 a JMlft woaht bi,, ....,."'"" Mt 1,. 'hnllll ..... I'\ tm»\JO'!d UJ>C:\21.., 'nwre 1, • tt,ri.ftd!•ft~ ~rv t,. tium11n IM•reourv-. aC'ltl ... "ti!rft ,-,.u ar,e, olWft ...,. h,JQNd 19 'Iha!, "'• • ui,.iiiaion.­tkU U.W ....W .. ilJ &llll lMlll"WJ fl( ot.t..,,.."

-Burt-"' 11 I ~.-JOE AR{r.,ffl09 AND JOI SYN ..

~OPATDIIU &YMPH0~1sn. J Ut p.a.-COD 8A."\1'11l 111!: K.INO.

IW T,,, ANU11tvilalN' I" l•llittelil , .. ,,



4J (I) Lure ... i.hona. wklelo allow liberal Jrte add Qt.ace aboTe pbc.u t:l'.... i.~• • .••dr• "J'&<•

q (I) lif• ,,u..,, ~•iGI" ~Gt HI put.

«J (8) Perlouto4 Han! . Jlabllu S.parat- ,rlJcl, ... __,,., .. tJ : ~~ii';::.:: :1:~/:r:!~'

~························· Fuller's Badl• Aecmn,i • laton aN 1ped&lly do­•lcned for u1• 'frilb lladlo \' alTu-~ SW tn,• for Brlrbt Vain,, and th• SWD type !er Dull Emit­ter Vain.!. ~ I aeparat<, 2 nit nib, In 1trou cdlulGld or ebon•

I to """"'· with larr• acid 1paee and llborally ral.ld plat...

SW TlPE FOR UIIHT YALYES : T,,.. An 0.p, bl. Cn, 'PrS.,.

A tin. A, Hr._ EMnti. Sx'Worb • O.U11lald'

IIWI U UlWT :It aaw, o UJW1t H ....... .. 18'Wl1' N bWtllH

" .. .. ... "' ... ...

.. . . ' II ' 11 • u • ... It • ...

•· d . II I

" ' II I II I ... II I .. ,

SWD TYPE FOR BULL VALVES. JSWDt 41 l( I U I 1-S'tfUl If 11 I 1• t i•1'Dt It 11 I 22 t ..........................



Calllcll .. FULW, CIIAIIWIU •utr WMI ... U... Ii.-.~). ll.O, 1111 U. _. IUTU\'1




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Rechargeable- I DRY! I

T11u.• •h•1 ttiT• "'..-"• r~un ht.­,_.,. t .. r UM prlir. •f °"•

1···2::~:;:~::~:~;···1 i NEW l =WETLESS=


Next Week's Paper There ia something to interest.everyone!




-·· ··········· ·· .............. ......... ti


4QG, BRISBANE. Th~,-da,.

-'fllill"l: !lt.SSIO.N.-1 1,.. I 1,.111


uu •m -A a,rQft'allllw! or 11_. uw f;l»,lia \Jk•l,,.lra, lrwhlili"I t- Jlhrl'11 f'f\.nni,t.

l1>ri-d11.•• Ii.. OM 5\"'lU<h .. lll•wl) "•'·", 7~• IAri,oWI. i.n •1nu1~1 .,, 1u.Jnu1111r

., '-hi' ll•llo"""' Or.ia. 1•u,,_"°' •·uu,ti Ulf 10~ .. l~lf ....,,. _ _.., •l«t.,rol.

lhL,t. b"lll 'b-.-rfl.]j,.•· ""1h• f.u•~ In• ll1111w• ,k,_""': -~fl '"(1-.-1-, .. ...,nl& ... lll'fl. '·t;arril~aJ lt-r•t. .. l\<1t,li•I ll'Ol•U'tlhot Mio. •1..,-~. JI~ ~ Jc.a., Mlll'fb, lt.u1,1n1f' 1¥1111 4W-r M0 1ui.-A1.

• p,m. A t~OW.•r'J' Ta,c,. hr "Brlt7 ~lmsPl'IL" t IA I 111 ' ·nio, n~1h IWW• 4M p..Wv-Ck.- Gr.iw11.

MRLY J>lt'.t,HUI(; Sf.S:llON

I Jl.l,L ()1.111 ,wJwi.rJ· -•• 1,1 JIOIIIIDl-n P'i:411,

I 1.$ v "' 11..,,.• W ,.. T•tii., n,.. llr,, • .,,f Ill• :,.,i;, .. ,1 ... _.., Ill' . .A. A Wo \Vo-y"' W.at11 t1uwt1J1 '1'•(1ft.).

I.Jlit »..tr1.-Tlw ChJdN-a'1 S.-111m: f.l•Hiit• ., ""f"I•• l(.w..i1111fl"

ff ll"m.-S-i«I-.I "'"'" M!r¥k:-tl .. dd ~: •t...-1. "'lMlf"t ..

, .... J>.lU. t'.C"alher 11.f"WI! ,naotUtfffllf'llt.l. I U 1, •• t,:i1..J1N l~ 1i.n1l 'f.-'4 p.n1. 1....-t~not!At A "hll,, 1n1 ~." 11r

N, W A !t,11,.1•n 11ttl~•~•

.SIDHT' llF:~fON

TllR M.'Rl,l;W TROOll-4Df>trn.JIL 'l"•nl•M"• I'll·• .. ••••" •Ill ...... /V..,_I '"

the t.-"1.11'lo@'w 1'NJQbMoun (aioo~t." • .Ill". Jt..• \'uTll\<l'fl) l'ltQ.M. 'I.ILK 8TU.Uf0:

• ,.,,..,_ N•I• ctH.nia,, "no, Viki .. •• ti..,q"' 11.••rl«t,,..'f~lw,. di. Tt<,,~,... 1t>h<H' ,,1,._ "Nr 0-11 (;11ktll\lf s,-,• ()li,,'fl},

1ilr. A. !Jt11Ul, ~t'rle, •u~u WonN,. IM'oarnl. thoo TUIIMAOI.II" Jno,vm,nt.J Q11• f'­ltoLl.otJ ,....._i U....t. · l:WM", CH'-tllf bttu'~ 1P• rf"F), M-.-. Kci4b PIii P-ikr: l"lrt IJOJIII, ·nu.rh1al•11 Vu!••ll•ol... Iii. 1'""',

•lniafwo• .,i,..., .... 1,....ua11121"' (U-1-.t•. MM ~'.l•llt l'w•llfll, Nl,llo,11• IIIHo. •·~i,i.• .. Sollr' Clr'uinl Mm.i C'llh1 Cilaw''I, Ill'. D . .II. "'"""'Pl m•'- t'hN&. "'l'wll J'1ti.n,n Vin"" ,J,'ullh1111, i. Troob•dwn 1MTMN" .., ·t>r""' o,, .. Ar•I•,. th111,..-. Mr (', T,

81,:klieclt; ...eUoa ...•UOa JtcJ~.,_ ~--.._ tr,_ tlw SINtl,·• I Kt,,hrl, TNh~

lkl1u· rPINm ... Utt~: lu,_,,... ltrm.. .. ~ "Ill' ~,!ry.. tf'folh--rt, •:r . ._ K,ftJ1111 tU. ._...rUilllrtl , ---1• 111UWU(lf, ~ Jl:lnt"41 IS.• 'n.111 ~ hr' tU•w• IPrl. IM TtwbaA.o11ft.,

9 pm.. M~ll.a• --tM f--.eiiTl: _._.l"f.11, J•,.,t.h111'" t>tottl'Wfll, Tl'OllN4uui' l1t11N•

mf!nu.Uall r a.not- Hid. "'TH Lhlk .Dff1t,.·• tt'lrtt1l......,i,1J_ Mr, A. a.,h_.1 --~ ,._rt, Nllll', ''0¥,-r Ute l'w,._ 11t 1'Mfy Xcrnt,'' tNI T"'9..._6t, pUl"IJf'"'to • ntn, .. (),._ H 'IVIUU. la AJl'!• t· l~l, Jl.i• I. Elate Y~ •tOfl. n••l• ,. .. r1-111. ,,,_ 1'\u,•• cts.4r,.N." ibfl ~--"'I "••I c;lu.c, .,. __ ...t

!'A!t::11 .. -i!.~AM&:!,•~tor~~\.uT:::

ladc,a:r Inaru--nlaJ11Yf .,_,lt1'JM ....,, •1-...n1·1 • La"'° (All1twnl, Nr T Urif• ftthll r ....,Nl'tl" ,:o,W'ITII, ''Nl• "ri.• lt.r.-" if'rotluetutl, the Tl'Wb.4DW9, lrnt>r •olo•, -r..-. 1.11 W1itlns,. (~u_.lf,..,, llr. C.. T Btr~-

C~ t ~r;:~:ti~~.:n~h~:a'fflll;~ ,on.,:, .., .. O,bl1. Ow, T,v,11...&oi, .. I

kr, .. 901, ·t.ov~·- Gar&!. el Ro!N!!I .. t !larih• WfH141, lll;r. 0, IC llt•<l•td I • H!'llll'• .ua I-Caul. ~ Ti,.. 1Allt. Yn~ flluW-. f}o,trttJI Mr S.. K•11T011 HlM "' ~rl• i~rJ flMlof.. '"A Lll:lta.lrr" IJ. Bnt.11), th• T...,._ , .. ,11aa ....

11< Jl..._-•"l'tia. i,.,1, M•O"' ...... , •••tlrt..r .,.,.. Cl_ ..... _

Frhh.y. 0th S4'ptrml)f1'1 J027.



Jt Lnl.-0.P U. l!J.:d. UU'I_,., 11 l • 1111,, T,n,.. in -l«llutl. 114 A"' tkl\4di oei.e,_.a \\,Nlaa )'1.-.11 11.1• .._.,. •-M..,.,.,,,,.-• .. ,... •'"'"'" U II ...__ hi111,,r,. lllfurm•tqu IH1l1<>

•ithla wirll'- nntto' 11.11 • & ••• , 11,...,__ ~••1 .. ,~ .........

f1•l""ll'Sl PUha!,_ --1'•1. .ff~-1\1• f\lld•

11.U.&..m. ?Ai.uohl "'°loct\1,1ia., 11 Al •• "1'1t.:1W1111>i•M IIIAlln• ........ _,._ti••• .... " 1t ..._. .. (: r Cl t'lu.-l, ,bl...._

0..• dtlW-.

AfTl.R}.OON SE;SS;IOS, I ,,_.., 11 ,._t,. ('11,c, •IMI ',tliu.1~11, 1.1 p.m.,, T9r,,. II wiM'bon.. ~ a • "" 11,._tt flt•-~ Sut.i11•1• fMu1~t'""'"'

·•~;o..l.Mr IAf-• ""-tl ll•tt- wt 1,11_1 111•111•m""'\.f..

ll.l• p.a.-lkwtwu. by ,7.L. fi~i<, T111J ~ II J•--- n,.1 t,,- '-ltlW w.11.,.. .N.,.. ... •M v . .._ 4..b, ti.,..,.

J:A«.t.Y £\'J:.NlliH l.,_101' Cl.Ml p.a-"' Undli ..... tan.. W th ( blld~ .. .. t i,.a.-"Uaete l'.Un'' h•·t. hCNt,


't It 11 -·•• i"1ll •r...dJ.m '1.aJo ~-'rh.o l'llu:,a-ra,h,r t';,rai>r, *'A 1r,p Ui.tvud1 •• ANWlilll.•1 f'1101,.n11t1ie ff\t,lo1f')" •• &., Mr. (,._ t-iillt•• of l,ld.

"-"· f,,.. ,,.-.. 111 ,_,.... u..,.l•I 1'• -1•"1•11 • .... • •rv,,., &aa.-.ur ·-~•\Ill IINdW!9' 11a1_... w.,,,,,.., t .. r-Lt.. U•rt llkWllo• -·· Ill I• M CI.P Q, ('"I,;•· t'trl..,ll'I..

•J P...._ .,....,_....,.... •Y Jlub•.rt ntlw"- 1~• IC,nr~t!'lar Mr. I. ti H,ri ,.Ill

1.4• ,._._ -Jh-UIQI (llfldJ Yo~,~ .,.,.., •.i.. t1-ar-· J1err.,u7• •~itll fl'l.....,tai.., n .. .,.

Mrvi-,. l,h(a. ,dthlu w!t1-i.1._ r11..,., •. ·r1--11lati 0.trwt, W,..,b,,r WloOf'f"- $1.ati~ •nf'ltJOl•f'-•I 1-, f l1 lit Vi-.•il., '"°r, S•t.wm.a.l Aul--.

Friday, Sept. 16 2FC, SYDNEY. liRJ..Y MO•NT•irJ UI O'.

..... Wt Lm,

M.OltNJ~O ft:nlON

J$ •-•-"~c ""11"' •ti· -..-.u-.lllfflh. HI-' ..._........,ualJID .-..Jc. 10.H ••--"8,-.t~q l\orni"• 11 .. ,.w-_,..._ 10 M 6.-111..-SLufio au,lr. to.n -..-4 ..... u.,. 10 ... ll--11'1,---SW•HO p;utv-li • .111. ''Iha fl•r,,."' lolar·dal~ .._..14 t~•

.-,haol 1=liiWML II.I • ti.- 4.t'.A. aatl 1\,,\11...-, c•bl• 1111nl«n., lLH •.•. -Sullllw -•u:. u.u •• .- .. MJIL INl ...... v.,..h,r ""' y.,._

d;le. »y Ill• R4\II hhl. 11.N ••.-c\,-. i:1-11.


\! nOGl:L-""8.i~ 8~- •a4 UUClntfotH'llt• ll.J ua. -e1.Mk ~lli&lq'jO, A._. 0111 IU 11 .. --0meilll -~ f"'"8'°1, ral11r.11 IIU11-.,.,fli1.1...._._ .. l!.lt 111.m .....S1.im111uy- ef .'fy#i,q Mom hi•

ffMllr.i'' ....... n .... ttuelloJ '• If ............ 1in ,.,..---ti-lillfio au._ lilt ,..., lf..,..hf,u m .. 1, fer •~•l f'hi&. ....... llt.H .... t»l)rll c,_.,,, IIOntull •Tr-"(lthlriacli1tt..~lalr~IJ,


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 55nla.obj-666360469National Library of Australia

Priday, 9th September, 1927.

i!.tli SUtt,-T.llF. OAK llAL.L INSTft\JMi-!tt-TAL TRIO, p.,ru..-81uJ.lo 111wdc. 1 p.111,- ... .Die .B~, .. We11.the1' hJltllJ_cE-ll.l!~ p.m, "F,v11nlns N•wa" :mhld.ay n.-wi ~""

vittt. J>rodua-n• Oi.1t.rib.itin11 ~1t-tz·,- r .... purl.

l,:!1,1 it.:m. THF. OAK IlAI.J.. 1N-STRUMF..N 'J'.l,L. 'llUO.

Ul/J JLm.---#t.oclc 1-l:ic<'hAn~"• ~und e.u.11 l.Stl i.,.rn.--Marcbloa, wu .. lo f1,1r M'buul chil•

drel). 1-4<1 1,1,m,-Dorla Cro11.s:tr;111.11, contralto l

1·m11,. fllf «~n-n" 1I~obr). 1 lli p."v-StudiP n:1\l!>ic, LG0 p.m.-THt!'.. C>AJ\, llALl .. INSTRUMF.N~

TAL '!RlO. t! i,,m., "8[8 Bett.." c!J_,. do'WTI,

AFl11'JRKOON S.ESSION, I p,m.-"' lien" and nnP1C1tm~l'?Dtmls.. U p,1n.-K11.1.b)effl C'.olh. m•u,o:

"A 011WI ot~" fCl a.rk"), t.'l' p.m, -StudJo Mtlltf.c:. !IU &,.m. A UO p.J11.-:MA.uhi11,r mu1t~ for 41!bool ohUQ'tlrn, l.•O o.m.- b'tauli,: tlotham, bu·ltonie. I trom

Fan)l.l?t-'• 'lt'i.. Rixw,J6J I "8.tJh. v: Vuri~'1ll" (f;aru fcr10Xt).

U~ 11m, THE OAJ. HALI. rNBTRUf(E!,i. 'l'AL TRfO

1lij p.lll.-.Anni,p Payne, to~1tUI '''U.-r Swb..lluw1f' (C'.OWf'n),

, 1,''fj.1.Jr 8en." C.lAd)'a Aubtn, t11Joran1;n "The l'l.;ie& or J>ai.11" (Moock-too).

~ r, p.m..- Studfo DSU.Jfo,

1 JO s, . .o., 'nm OA'h. HALL lHSTRtTXE~. TAL ' l'ft.10.

, Ir. p.1u..-l\c,,U.• Mu.llnll"Ey, mf'uo1 ''Hen'• tQ .Lo"'"'' t R·,,bPna).

,.::~ D,ln,-1-'l'aul. l}olJunrt, ba.rltone: "Oive a • b..rt,, h• di.le''

(O'lh1111) • .C.e, p,m ~iithl .. n Colh. met::wt

''/llii,:ht.y li1u, a Roa&'' tNe-vfo). t~tl ti • .w..-'l'JW OAK HALL. .L."l:rt'RVllEN­

TAL TR10, C lf. p.rn.-Annie P1yat", mtonot "~I"' Lbro' t.b~'' (Old Sool6b).

, ~O J1.nt. ClMf,1 Aul,Jn, 1w,:,n;"~: "Al M.y \vindow" (>,

.t.U p.rnr-i.<;~k ""F.).cban2e, tbinJ c-alL 4.-(7 J),ftl,- Net.l-11 1~'hlllA't'l.ey, Olt=r•H

"Th.., Sw,e,et.e:it !'lower" (Hawley). 'B0 p.m.. Th-e We1lLWOl'~ .S,lll,phon..Jc J>anc•

Ordi.eitr., undtt W• balou ot Mr, Qyril Ka.,-~.

t p.rn.,-''Bl1r Jku." CIOSe tfown.

l!ARr.Y EVEl\·tNa ::;&SS.IOh\ i.•0 a.m...- 'The Clilme• ut 2FC. ii.~~ a,m,- The " lrdlo Man.. 'tJLlka io tht

Chfli..lttn. t.:rn »,m, Sw17 "rlmfl for Youcs 'Folk, f.40 p.m.-Dftu1,tr ~UEi<", 1,11 Jt-.m.-''Oiic llc-n''; Lat~i SpQrtini: Into~

mat.Jori by tbf' ~FC Rar.['ll' Oomml•k> 1.11) p,m, O.leecy•~ '-1Wet Jkp,.>ria (W®I,

Wb.eaL uJ StAiek}, 'J.b 1,1.m-l'rult aud. V~Je .Marlc .. .te. °I' 2d p.m, WlMI.~ •ml Sbippil'Ltit N~ , 2, p,n;i.,-"E~ • N~wt-" La.t.. Ne""• S,w..

Yll!o!'. NIGHT SF.,S..~[ON.

? ,o l:Ull,-Projt'rllJIHl'le Antll)un~tnent,a. ';.U JI m.-Under t,be Au.p~e• ot tM Au11-,

tralia.n Examination ~rd, a le-etl.l.1'ect.. bn EioeuUOb hy Mr, W11lt-tt RuM.

IO J1..m.-'' H\1r 81'0"' I The tr-yd.Ii i hi~ "t'h,-cr,;, Orcbee.tra, undt-.r t.he b-1;on of M.r. liuo -Stone.

U4 p.1D.-luymon4 EJU.1. Envt&h. Ba.rlto11«. In Oon•hc. Nr.imh4!r3.

U! lhlll.-A. Bddire TAIL b,- Mr. Grahua K<"M,

t.VI 11.m.-Cba:r.l~ LawtetLe~. Jr:nt«na.inu: "1"hG.a.µ:ht.'" (G~Y).

~.H p m.------,(!JTiJ )lo~lc-. Vk)lln{st.. ,.o p,m,- "Ui.- Bon"; Lat..Jt. Weathu l"ore­

t.ut.: Wtlli u.d WlnJll.e. .Elitll.tb. !lnbfl"" t11.lriers,

U 11.m.-Tb111o ~ P.-lac.e ThNtr@. ooa• dtidecl lbJ 11.t. B llrr,- Stoue.

t.lS- ~ .-Jtvaumd lilllD. Opa,rati& B&rJta:n..,

WIRELESS WEEltt.l' Pogo Fi!ty-Thrtla

.A new savinf!

Wark direct from your light socket

No more "A" Battery trouble

With the Cooper "A" Unit another radio problem has been solved 1 You won't miss any programme because your " A " Battery has run out, you won't have to carry heavy, clumsy bat­teries to be recharged after you instal the Cooper " A " Unit. ft works direct from the light socket : just a turn of the switch and you have full power.

The Cooper "A" Unit consists of a six-volt accumulator, and expertly designed and con­structed trickle charger. The operation is en­tirelv automatic. T he Cooper " A " Unit super­sedes the accumulator, charger and "A" bat­teries. There arc no moving pacts-no replace­ments. There is only the first expense. The Cooper "A" Unit obtainable at David Jones' remarkable price £ 8

Wt bwit, you to ,u /Ji, Coop,r "A " Unit i~ (1111' RQdio D~partm<11t, 22 York Strut.



The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pa,. Pl1tJ•i'""r WlaSJ.&89 WEEllLT

':········ .. ·······-····-· ............. - ............ - ..................................... !

i Announcement 1 I =========== I

; ; i Jefferson T ransfonners i

~g~mi'::Ju~:7h~t ~~11 1rr:~w tc;!:~t~~•tr.~~ 1!.~l1!~~:~; ;!.;~~=!!~.t,,:fi~~[~~i,!~; 1~: ~~1i!r~~0:!t;1 •t'ld rrlla\.llltl.-. t.c-.t. h .. ,.. f•1n,d th•• Pf rlect.. la ~Y1'r7 rl.t•il of t1>tltl1'lklJ,;,,n.. Dllt.lnt 1tation1 •r• Lllnt'd In with E-.1.">~, sod you llrlll l,1 ~dt:b.11 11IM.Hd Wtlh lbq U\t"DHI 1en1-lt\vit)', tiUh:thUI arid th,.. frfflor,i fr-om dlnorti~n.


1816 Ratio:

3.75 to 1

ELECilllC.U. CIUll4cr.EalSTlCS.

N•. il-ll&U. Ul to l.

Jloelp,,,ito,~ wkJ>.Uota.....,d Lu-

i. :RaU. o! a-..lGJ' lo~ twns, 3.'ni to 1.

~ 1l..r.J -· ~ --· '°"°°° eytle,,. i a. AU.-.,,,_ oo .. c1o ...-.... 10 a,lll14mpm,._ • ~~~~ &114 _.,.,,., - s,rln,ary,

Ii, Mui- opont.lq ~ II, c.iaotloa w!U. t\ll>o, 300 ....iu. s. D.O. --of wi..n-:

~~':oo~.~-r.i;,i;:-.!.), ~ r. !':'~ __.....,,. "°""" -..itb l'io. 40 , .. ,.,1 ... ..,..,4

Obt&Ju W1 r..... aD R.-t11t1,. RH~ n.&J,r1.


Fox & MacGillycuddy Ltd. : Daily Telepph Bui.ldi.ii11, Kins SIJ'eet : .......... ...... __ ........... _ ••··••1tt ••• -···· -·········· ····· ···········-

Frhl&y, Qlh St-p'N"-bw, Jt1'21.

!l.n ,1..- A T•lk rt .\11t1iora• W"' .. r.,.t 1, ..... 111\n•ol\ Wldtif. 811,111,., 3l>I.-... 11 40 ,,~ Win ., •• "~bufl•, J .... li•h J l•l ­, .. ,..,.. :·:i' i, ,:~~l;,!':'~-~~•11w1

,u A Cano,,,! a-.. Pi., .. (J,;•1 I 0.) •t•i,1,1ri. C•11•~0,-• ,1 ... ,.

IG I II m.-Th,r 1.."nwi..l P~ Tbu.1.N , tN-.tra. ualtt o .. , •n er Jih·. )!arr, lillM,.

~: :; :: '::,t:,.,:~ ~~u!~""".:t:•· IO.U l',M, 1'"'41 c.,,n..J Pa~,.. 'MtHLP'9

O""I J._. JIUO l•fll -Tl•r w-.hvor'UI $,Jm,,bMof~ tla•~

Orthoetr-. ..... 111111Wil llt x, C,-111 ... ,.. rru• PJl'I, -11.urNua WMte,. J:ICJO ac,1-,.. 111 P ,._.. Thll Wn.1.ww11t a;,,otw11le J11uu,.

""b•i"-111 t, !ff• N'-• a-it ,,t1t11own...._M1h 11, • ...... 111. n.-•"• ,..., w-t•lh'IJ1 a.,...

11"'111• r.1a1u•• urdl.Mb'-.. _..,.,._. ..,, M• t.7.II ~11.,-.

h,1"'"""' •~ d:~ lV~nh llll..S h

IJ'j.iu::_~~!lffi~e::ll~ Down.



L1 MOl'I _.,.... •lt'U+ Xo!fAI flflNli .._1 .... 1,,- ,.._ .A011tnJ1&11 p,- .._1.uo11 f«­u. Llffllll<•n St«k lbl;ck1ip 1-ltl. , ,._,.. ar1tt.'III .a1t1&1 •'"• ...,.. '"-- n.,1r,o. P~W. &Doi "11• AvMnill.aa hs, ~1.,._ l!.h b!,l& •Ar.-" .,._. N"'iio6. l' M.-WC.'DLIYO A)iJ) lCOLLOT. J;11!d"I• ..,,..,

• W.U. Walla..'" J.2 ... pa,... &TL'tHO QU.AIITl:TTa1

MUQ, ''5'21tlmtila .. \C::.- Cal),

12,H ll.11t..-atock ~Cll lnf--...iioa.

••~ 'i.~~'W~~l:NSON. •l•Jfni ,JI UJ p~-aJIN TMO'J?CAJ,,". ha,,;srtd 1

"'Tli• .. ~tnii-•• lltiraub.. .. "C_,,., 1'U:l>'lr tM t. ...... -

1.J U 1•---'t4Tt0l't 1'&Ji.t1 "'Tra......,.t"'f61sh~. •Ati._.ll...., ftlfl,••Pl,

l.p,a.-·r1-a1ct1a1. I J • 1Ji......6't ATJOf'i "tnto I

"'"tbe Lu& ~ IBA.rori.). I 'I' p.,n,,,1,r.14,.GI infonnJttJ4ri

w ... o.r .,.,...... tel" v--..._ Tunnu1.i.. Soli.lh Aiatu1- elld N,... SW:UI W &i.. t'-'t,i l~t.. JU"" NJ«tl, fu r \ le-e.r1a T.11&m••U1. Scndl A•&n.llao. lit4i li•• &ui_.; ........ UI :1r..:-~~-~inm.w.&.»n:u ..... """ It,.

.._.b&, wm n.i, ~ '" "11«. wi..oo. ... .,., f Llrr• •1 IJI' 01' It.A..-.-.-.,

UODM.." 1,U p • ACNr.:il FOHTUNI:,, l'latrA.

1lt'.a1 IIA JOk.U.1£..'iSUS, ool:i11. ,.,._._. N J, hrt I 19"\k ... a1.

1.JI p-111 .1,U.1 •-3 11J.J.Er. ~~

~~i!,a~'",J,~;•Jh.,..,. 14~ • ffi.- .....,,lnUi QUAJtTHT'J't:1 ~rl!t11u•l11 kr Mnabl'),

I lt .. l'lt.-bi:f!TL liA't'DEN, CGICR"dl.-rua-1 'C.,,1..,. 111 0• Ak,"' "1\lnus, !tq:i,.•

I tt • Cl11 .. ,1,,.,1

! ~l·~~.-;:'(~':!' ,::7:~17: ~'!', 1;::;..; 1.;:n.1 an- c;,,..,.u,1. .......... 1,0:0 llOLT!ttUX

f't,l"!S IJI th,- Wa11tl,tf'I"" l"lanNtth- 'TAT JllUtf JA<.'I( H.\••-'N1

11..,..11,. o· 111 ..... J-"R \SC!/"..;- LK.A 1

~11,· JI f1lJ M..OlJ'Sl;UX A.>."D IACE" ()'Il.AC..-\ l'lf .. -~


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 57nla.obj-666360726National Library of Australia

Frid•l', DLh September, 1927.

Arrt;RNOON :t~'HON. I p,.m.-t1'TUDIO QlJ" HTI:."TTE 1

0 'Cq.r01•ft M11.t111h" CDbtt\l, 1'1',ni!.111,.u Ma.rM" (8-L~UMI'),

a to Jt..m.-.M.lS~ F'lU,1'CE.S ] 'ltl\S£R w,U

f/r:" w~: 1 jft: i~ia,:.!:,c~:e!~;~~; tt~' b~~:.f •l'J'ow l!ll-l:lt it;:= ah;:1Ju"' ovn Aoatr'°'lia a.M vl hciw it i1"1L \o ~ II •·t.:un•rkt fl;\l'o',"

UII 'l'H,at.~~'S, 'cdJ.u: "Cb1rnf• 1'11.n>I'"'' {TtcllJulu,w-.k,1),

t.:\·1 p,n1..-JAMF,3 RLL}:,\, l11t1cr: ., ~·vu.d I~ VIU\" tn,1.~•ellJ. '"Th• Btar-" 1:Rt1srM\.

, :J! lJ.'O'l.-ltrcit•T ot 1,J,...1,o. hy Au.stall•,. l·unsi~ri- .... rru,l{O"(t h1 WILi.JAM l,.

JAID;s,. rua:ulfrd l,y :l.lllU.T.. SA:F.k'O AJUiAV. l'i-JR RJo..;GJNALO BR-WL.lY. 'fHJI: STUOtO Q0AY..Tl11l'l'E.

<4 p.m-.-S't'A'/10~ TRIO 1

Sdt.~Uod fr~m Ratl)t1'io Work,. '111 p,rp • .RO\' t1ALJ.()WAY, "b!!.titoti~I

'A Mn;: or Th1u11u!1li\•in1 ·• "A :;!Aifor'.F Gr .. vi>.''

4:r:"!'..G1NAI.D .RRADLl:~ • ..-loiin: •·Meu.Jd:1iu,hn C'Joc:tott.v-Attd._Tit-,,.'•

f ~~11::AH."~ n!~r~t}l,t.WAY \f,\JJOOD1

,.,.,.r, p,m. ''TTtol'" nt!w• ~i"?l'l~~ Stod,, ~:r. du11ni,'e 111!(,.r,nuuJort.

I ,v.w.--Clu,ri ~uwp,

l•~\'}-;~mn ~F.l::9ION. rmr,nRF.N'S HOUR

UO p.m. ''BJL.L~ JJIJ.l\f\\'" t1ill µv ''1,fanJ &PP)' Ri-1urn:11·• n1,1 ·"l'b:iinl, yu,u !~r a,oui: 11M·,.. :.,.urrr., J!Q)'JI and Gl-rlt."

~ t•_ftt,--CLl1'1"01LU llKAD~lTAW ~m 11:lnsto 1 0 11 r,r th,, bM•ti.,, 1-h~~ Jive l n t.1~ f1,rt-"'-•

,:; p,m,-' DILL): OU.NNY"': ''1"d1.n:i.<"••hr SWr\"" 11.bu•.~ Anlm111l'!I."

C l'i r,.fl'. TTTF'. ROYAL AUTUMOnTT.T. (.LUB. Ul" vu1·tDlUA'!-. ~hFli."'T'Y ,nis~ J:li\(Jft roH TQ,t)A Y i11 (c,r Jo.NERYO.NE:

.. A1wllr- 101,k t,otb \'·av~ befO'r~ c:ro-:i-lu.11,· 1'1itlu't 1ud<l~nty et.i, cil[ U..- f1.1ULway with­l>C.ll• WOklna and with J'PUr Nork to 612• l'Qtnlnt trftfflr.'•

t 11\'l'.LlYJl'ORO HH.AD~HA W will •lns yu 1 ffllJrf" IOllifll of -th1t ,,,,,.~t trtlltu!"i'l!I..

Ur, fl,N,-''lHLLY J3.UNNY'' wUJ t'ommeriet' a 1 lury-''Th<t ~ton- <'r tr,~ T,.,.a,mrl'I SN-~~r,.."

fl Ill pm -"fJ,.ralJ" 1 ...... 1 • .-rvir,. Wrulh~r ">'.r,i;,utlll. Shipmn1t m"TI'mtsntll.

f..H Jl.1'1, $tr'('k l'JJtcha111!~ 111/•Jrm~LNnL t,.i2 ,un. --l"'h!b m».rl.rt, ttvt}.rt• 1,,. J. R, IIQr•

rl'fl Lid H.11til",it f"'l l'('tl, 11.,,(1,,,_m. Rli>e'!' ff"l'flf"fl',

,.s:,:,:~~J~~~:t~d ~~n l~1A.lllou:; ,~r1"'T.. 1,1,n,tJn-rnto. M•rlo..-ul 1"1'1,orUI t,y ~bn \'itfQrua..n J'r,-.,.Jut'l't$' (':Q•u11,r11-Uvt1 ~Jl&M' 1.t,l. Pnulr.rY, JO"ll,fl\,. J1a,v, ,itt'&W, Jui... cu.lr1,· i,r,dlJ~. ,1<'l-lW@~ a..nJ. 1iilnn.,. '

'! t:: t1 . .tn.- 111;1.rll.f'l "h>llnrfl'4 of fnilt ll;v II,, Vj<'r<>riao F'ruitl'lf'l'lr.t• M•«-\IUon.

Nll:JJT !--1•::-i;SION.

'l:~ 1uu. l!tHler lh., 1r.1.11-,i,.. .. r,• th~ DE~ I'Art1MF.N'T OE' A(iRlC1IJ.,TCJRE, KR. ~ A. (:OC:K. t.'1trk\JJtU!'b;', ••Ill il,~lrnH ,,..,u Ir:. u., 11:l,Llture ur Uu11i r,'u1od ,it thQ Goo111

'"lbl' ~11TI"I OrtinP.l'' .A1Ml-Jotl't t-.rat>L--"0~ a. dily ~• th•

dodur 11....-.,-... • '?.H t).h1. COLLINGWOOD CITI2E'S"fl'

0,\?,i:D; ,

~\';~~r;:":ttf1,.ct~~~· ul ~,.\·il l-." 7 11) l' m .. Wl•~~ITJl,t~G ANf• JrlOLl,OY,

i"4Jh,rt!liJ..ta.J'iJ: •1,-,1 Th1111 ,11.n,I l'rar t frrn'I Nr,w." · Coek,a~OOt.l~ - l 'ru urt' My NoOOI•!'

-: II p.rn.-M.K. II. J(. J.OV~ wm l,r st.d l.d at1o1ncl tn 7n11r --wiN"lr.i du'l'lrulti..,,, awl ••• tuk :,l>U. to WTll.e lO hl.m for J.t.l.lf a:i.dvk.- thn:. )()q ln.11.7 1"11'1'.i~lr.... li-' wJII fl(IW rh·• h:, u111sl t.alln

""Tri• hi:.11:•lH l"'°i." av m.-- ['01,1,lNGWl""lfJb ot'tr1..J•:NS'

HA.XO• W•la. ' ·hrf'U:1• cm th"' ON'an."

S,11) p.m. (m11.(1F. .1hCK$0N', et.1.utl!'ll.ltos ''&11n. tbl@t "8nrr., .. "Koep M Ho_»ill".'' (Mu.wt-JI).


······ · ··· ....................................................................... .

BE CAUTIOUS! Don't buy your componl'"n1" \\herr you cnnuot t>htufn corr-Mt advi~ ..

ou .. rumpnnentic: .and ad, lt'f' 3Jwayp;. tud 1-u ~re-ct Bati.-1r.11rtion. W c only 1.upplJ, part.Pl 1H· &.rt'• sure frill dc-liYf'r the 1ood.ii.

Our tl!p.ufation bu 1wf-n built. no thrs• prlndplf'I.IL

Keogh Radio Supplies 40a Park Street,

Sydney's Pioneer Radio House.

Calling for Special Attention: HI ~:lt'ffiAN Tfu\.NSl•'ORMT:."l!S.

T_hP fKhHJtU 1-r,m,formt'r ut· wo.nde-rfltt raputatiun.

19/6 Price. 4e't6.

Sl'l,:l.'IAL OFFllll OS l.lmTJill QUAJI: l'ITY ,. ..•

BALKlI.E JIATTF.RY CHARGERS • You.r- accumolat.c>r .. .,\,. Battery at .. ays Cully cbxr1:NI, l'soal Pric•. £~/ 10/-. £5/5/

SPECIAi, O•"FER, IGO Onl,1 •. . •

G.[. KO LOSS .ouo:; CO:-IDEXS.ERS. Str:ti,:-ht Un~ Frt•que-oty. Pira:x- Insulation • .Accumo t'ap..,.dty. l~nal l>riu. 12 ·5, 7/6 SPl>l'lAI, OFFER, Lillll'f;o QL~NTITY .•.•... ••·•••

2 Amp. Tungar A&B Charger


.. ~rt' you hnvior- rroubJe: with ynur ~Up•r BtU'rodyne Sf'l! _:\In u1 hPr f'JLl)trl hit~ tu,d lht' •xper1Pttrr, of our J~nJ'illN.r, .Mr. c..bu.. ,r. SJad~. with tl1i11 rl• AA of "tl. Lel him rewire it (or you. H.Nlulh nb:-culultl)' l{UDrant~Nf.

Keogh Radio Supplies 40a Park Street 9•:,i~;11~~~.:"'

Open till 9 p.m. on Fridays. . . • ••••• ·····••.J1...!._~&•u.••t1••··-• •1.• •·······•• ... ~ .. "-AU..••· .. ··~······ ....


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Piro Fllty-Sb WlllELJlSS W&lUtLT

1···Li·~·d,;~·;·~·h···s~~························1 and Heard Through

Burgess Batteries

Phonofilm Triumph

WHEN Lindbergh. Lone Wolf of the Atlantic, reached Washington on his return. President

Coolidge honored hlm In the Nation's name. That scene of m;igniflcent enthusiasm wu also made memorable by another gre.1t exploit.

Phonoillms were taken and hurried away to the leading cities. Within 24 hours million~ ol Ameri­cans saw and heard the tumultuous 11ekome, the President's speech. and Lindbergll's reply! That remarkable milllifestalion ol modern science owed the completeness ol its success to the use of Burgess Radio Batteries, which supplied the electrkal power. These batteries are now used in all Pbonofllm reproducing amplifiers.

::,01!~ ~:l~C::;:~::t:: .. ~~:1:,t:..~:R"'

• product of fh• BN1'1Ja• IQl>orctfot'~-1\ad krpt 1111" •o wa:rm lAW II• WiaJ lorcftl to o,Nn o M'!lndoucl

Al Any HJ&h-dass RadJo De:ilus.

New System Telephones Pty. Ltd. 280 CASTLEREAGH STREET, SYDNEY

25 Qotn'o Brtd,c SL, S ' Molbourae Cha,IQ St., Admfdc Q'wid Aacaey. Caud> Cydt & Molor AlJmq (Q.) Lid

csw• ...a .u,a..;c •,,.,, .. u. 11n.-..,..

. . ....................................................................................

Frldar. 9t.h Stptrmht-t, 1027.

I · T· II\,· ( OLLllfQWOOP ctTil1!',h~• b.\Jr,IU1

CorlWt &II) ·r-·• ow F.-..i. .,, .... tlkoh11id. W. W lUJUJoNlJa.,

flil Pl'II Ji."'ft:,,,; TROTifl\N, hmonlu 1.r .. rkl:hll"' •Ur1,tr,1111 ~ ... 1•,-..,.,..11u.1t.a e,I. l':ri.-..- flll,1rdolllhl

•.Ill 1 • 1 IIONA.1J1 ..- t1 Ko11t rr1 •Ml(.111 ,..., I'°" $0,ltJ t~r.,.rtial1 1•1,,11'C'il-ltc, 1 11y,fnj J'...,\,o,h lC...-. •.

• -~ PAIi, \lfl. C J. ",t.r,ro11.vs wlD ~,-~ lhf' •PJ.N'lllM ,,, .... ·"" "'''"' ...... ttu:,c 1•• l•d- f r Ult' 01,-av ... Gl'lldllt •' tJI• flu.,,lj4n,1 1,1-• .,r..,.. a.1111.L

tn p.JI\. 4.'0LT.lNOlnlOD CJ11Jl£w,:;• llANPt

t;uw.i., ""SnlhJ1:, t11 o,- Wliod,'" .... ,-.1-. .... ,i,1-•,.-u .run.---COLLIN'GfYOOD C'ITltENB"

UAN,PI GFaad Sdcnkut-''l.& ''

t~ 1, ... M&LIIOURNC GIIOl'l.At, UStO'Ns Tw., r,11:Joi;

'°'Tllll Klllttt-.1 B~• • ·ne u .. nr 'Jlat V1Mlt- •

P•n f:ooa•• ••Lffn" 1BtW1r1I. , 1• .,..,, "• ,r acuw1wu ..,m .,. ... ,. ,~ ,..... tilt k~T.AL AGatco'l.TUltA.1.. 1\.110.W GROtmns.

t..U :l\'t~'Ql,.LlKGWOOD trruJ;N'S"

SetNl-tOCI. •·Jlaceacc,lo"' lS.c,~). , .n r, ... -.¥1U.Ot'llNI: rtt0ftA1, VNlON t

&llotTP~ 1.-i "Cannan.• ur1u1,M "7 M•o"IN n..1,.,.

, " .,,.. ·c,uu,10.AN."' 11. .. If •· Wo1'•. ~t•rwtflfl' FAfltO'f uf tlN .. A.r.-" an4 .. A.,. Jn.Jut.a, • •ll l ,,._ut lo NU 1!1• Of'Vl­~nuti(llll ~ or ••p..,_..,.... .1

, .... ,..-.. ,aj'dl.

nm ROYAL AtJT(DIOULlt CLUB OP VfL"'f'ORJA'I IIAJ l'iTT Mf.UAO't J'Oft TO, OA\' 1t tor lJ\'a\YONli.:

• Alwa-n 1-k lolltli wan '-'""' C'rc-,i,h1•• DoCl''I 119d(lpf,y •WV .tf tiw IMll,..1' w ltboMJI ao,,\hlt ..-.,. •IQ )"Wt li•dl ~ 11llt'WaJac­u-aa.r."

t.M ..--JOI: All()NSON' ANO ms STS-t"OPATINO IY.l'IION1!5l'S-•t1· ' "-,,...,, ., ,..,......, .. ~

""n. l~•\ .. 1-.1h•). --s.. 1k Old Mcm.ode<,. l1bn"

lti.t1•kf.t1N11. '"rbr Mc-e W'C' ~C' TPlt,'r (C&mpbeJl't.

1t.~,..t:~.~A~t..Cf~1~,.,j'.'"'"'1,a .,..,. JM''" nm,• mtn'INI cs-nl

14 UI"A.raYI .. W11'1 •""let llr"••lli mdal 1'1,.. ... 4 "•"" 1"""1' Ru.-br

" !0 11.111 -COLLl~OWQCIIJ C lTIZICNS• })AND:

W.h-. 'T11•1-JI" 1Ta•lll. ti-I', ,-.m. --OtLBE&T A.~D CH.AltPN&Y-1 w.i..oci...,..-1,11,.

Dtld.. ••)I:,- Srn.s.lllrw 1ullt.!' U ll<T •"' llmr .. ;s.,1""° •"'ill '"""'-1~~""'"''· U• -tD p,n1 ,10£ AI.OWSON AMO HJJI SY?(.

{"OPATtNn RTMFll()Nl.Bn, ·.r:1....r • ., .. ocm,,1 . .. Lrt.·• AU R•l\l'J' y.,.r rn. .. n .

... ru Oria-h1al Jt.-clr lt1.tti.m""' tlb1,.i•nva,. 1th 11 WI U~ T.ROT>IA.~• t

'1'1>t> V ,.,._ (•-.-rt"" h.L 1'lllto111 11 j'l.-.-(u.rn Cl.KAT Tl10UGRT1

·u. ff1tlr 1• •1h·•n•l11• 1fl Iii. ...... h-r\ • rd.Lin,- •ulld. w-baf, l>.wo<I .,.,...,., •h­. r11tn ou.l.tkfl', ._._ •t•!tlt .. •rr""lq IM,1 uwiq ,-r!C' ... __.._~.11.

. JI'" .ron A)f.O~'M'IN AND ll1lt ,ll\?-1, C'Ol"ATlNG ~T'MJ'UOStlTI,

"1 flwln"t l.:a'IW' • (Swlr\.J. ·rr f!'•n,....l!T" 1tt.t}."_,,,

••p,..ti•pa y..,•n Thld· of ai..- (fi'r.r.•). M114,I,- " •Ur'" O, R..-1, 'r.a•liW' f~T'l'Ulll Tl'II "" M, Wu H"""• (llnllt1l.

•·("M~ \1-,.,a" fN~'-1111 • lhrattll• l f.1,v• Yoo .. ln• tllal, "P'or \!., :,lw~,n~rt"' CO'U..can) • .... ('f'.,.t,lftl'' 10·11 .... 11,

H Yw ~ !11l°b' "1.kakt1J. ""Ju-4 • ,l,.... r,., """"''" (l1',f1•1,e.nll,, lit"-" l.,v,. 11'1 '"'"' l\f'Mru,, .. tT•Mll'nL),

•·H•l>D. aJ,14,i-,I (Ff'Wlllll, 11~~ • M. t'HIP ... VS 'lV!I &!Nil,


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 59nla.obj-666360985National Library of Australia

F,idi,y, 9th Sept,mb,r, 1927.

Saturday Sept. 17


7 11..n,. tc, ~ a.m.

It a...m. "Bli,t Bon .. a.nd announec:ml'llti'. 10.l, •.m :St1,1di1> mini,:-, 141.J~ 11..m -• Srdnq Tt1o:rnt11,- lh-nild'" nrw•

·'""tt'rt. 11'1~0 a.m. -~T•tdlo m1nlc.

10.~C. a m.-A tall. l.t¥ U,e !ff-"(' 1adr.~ Cul.II.•

10.J. .• &.m..-StuJ..11 .w ,~Jc

II • ffl .. Blu 8'-11." ~hu,dfo mu.• ir. ll..6'.A a1iU J~•ttt,.-r'11 ~1,• APr ,.,.._ 11.10 11..m -:qtorfin J'l'llllllli-

JI ir. a .m- " u.n, (ff! ~•nh•nlnc by lfr r.. .J l,r.,rkJ•y t"Rtielrum"I.

lUJf,1 Lw,--0101.1!1 duwu~

M.TDDA"l' AND AFTl-iltNOON ~t'..SS10NS,

U DUUll--'"8fl' li!!ll" ,Uuf fflJUlolihetmPnta.

1~.2 I,, .. Ei:~l1.1.nti:e; br.1t taH. l:!Jl ».m.--6t\1dLet mink.

12.U ».m,-"f,).'dfl'"Y M. -rnlnr Ihl'SI.W." ttPft ll"r·•IN", wl1·"lP81- nt'W!,

U.llb -p.m.- ~-1--qd~ mu,;[I'. Ndr. Th• :.:~·c tllflittll" t"Ommlnfonn will

d.e-11.-r-iW i11 lhc r,urnlnt th., ieanUII uC t..b• Ru~~hUl ttaclnV OJ.uL·• Dii!"t"Uu1t-

l 1= m.-··Ble- 81P11:' W"'tb"l' fncrll!1"nl"9, 1 :1 -"B\••11\inir :N°"''fll'a'' m..J()ar new, 11,.....

l.!Q n..m..-Stuilio mruh:•. [Pu:rint" Uw Jl.!'t.ffTloon th'" .trAluwint tr1u•Jeal

ltL'ffl't w-aTt 1,(1 ,rivt!n: r1 tr Arnold. t.uvelt.Y 11Ul.11Ult. ~-id ltloutll'ut-. uJrufole n1unben. 'J'ht! We,,,twortJ1 8).-mnhonfo Dan.c-e Op.

d~tra fund,p.r thP baton of Mr, ll)rU .Kaye-) at. lntcl'vall thrr,q.-hgot lh• a!

uo 11.tll.-Coms,l~• runm.1P oC lM dU"• .. ~lar e\'wnh,

G J1.m.-''8i2' n~.•· CI011e down. '1AlUS EVENING SESBTO'i,

~ f.(.I i,.m.-1"1-.a d,ltneii of :2FO. • , tri s:i.1t1t-Tha •·Reflo )Ian'' t• llc1 to tb•

ch.Jdr~ G.lO p m.-Sl017 tirM- fo"r l bP 71)Q.n8' folk. ' ~n Jl,m.--D{Dl291' IUU8~-

o;.o p.Tn -"Die OC!'n": J~t Spc.ttl..Lns Tn,. forbu1tk111 ...

~.Ill IJffl-" --..~Mtbr Tnt..Jl~r"'. ,,u F..vV1lt11r Nnr.1 .. l.ab'l 1',~•• ~


7 40 p.m..-P.rownmnil!" An.naunOlfJll<>nt•• ~ U p m.-A Talk on "Anthon• WMk.'" ~ tit p,m -N"eiUir, f;OJ)l'"•~aa

f•l ''&)J'i"risi;'e Srm,r"' (Griria:). !ht '·LuUa'bl'" (Sao(t),

.1.0 p.m.-.,Ye Idlf!rii lllMt~ TrGUIM!',"' Ope.a in., Cboru•

"'Yt: ldJ~ni. Ca.:r A1'1! We•• •• Th• CoJtipany U p.m.-••n~ Cam- lbe Cboeolate lhjaT, ..

Syd .Ship9V'fU' •nd Ce.mpll.lU'

J 1~ p.m.,-''K&a8a111 In Uie Coif, Cot.I Gr:ounll'• 'fhti Com_pan-1

WIRELESS WEEltLY Page Fifty-Senn

························································ .. ,·······-···-··•..a• The World's Super ..... ~ Transformer ,._~






Beaut-y Lies Deeper The V arnislz

LYRIC Now Only



Deeper e11en than the Circuit Diagram-­chiefly indeed in the Audio Transformer.

li'i1. I. ll'&td• ,id-1,-w~ L"'Vn!II

Firurtt 1 MD~ th• voltar,. e-mpll8utloo. or U1e- ••1tau1and-Lyrlc'' at vuiouA (rN1nPnc1t, Jt wllf bt't not.NI that the •mplificatiou ia -vny uniform, up to 3,000 tydei1, nnd beyoud this point there i~ a gentle unti1 8,808 cycle~ is recache.d. Fram the ~tandpOint oC practical amp.litlcation, thls Js or v~t·import.anc:e-. Most 101111 speaker11 h>.vf' a dec.ide.d Und~rK-Y to slight these highr.r rnqoenciH, IU'Ld tJ1e reprp­duc.t.ion. from en amplifier ha:vlnt:; a true- trlraischt..-linP <"ha.ra:rte.ri&tit, would hf: Q1Jite Jne.ftiC"ient on 11ome harmoni~ omd o\·ert ones. This, or ro1111,e.1- ·would dtstroy th~ CuU roon.d~d qonlity ot the orie:inaf ma&fo or voitt. 1'b~ •'Rauland~Lyr-ir'' (ompen&atC!fl fo.r th~ loud 11:J)eQ.krr dt'6ci,meitA by puppl)'hlK tttu puw"r at .,lhtt hiehcr ft'C!QU~Dcleri, and faithruny reprodU(('lt Lhoi;i-e quJ\litif'8 Whifh diJII• t.iu..-ni1b lhe various instrumti.nls: Cram one uotbt-r .

~OUfJ AGEN'l':

0. H. O'BRIEN, (Sydney) (L• t. O'BrlUI arul. :Si'f'fr.all)

: 17 .• a, J'~ .,_BT;,;~~~ Hf Etlnril :!: ~~~ifT,. MBLIIOL"&NE. • ........._~,_•••, .. ~la!U•-•••••,•••-.111••--•_,••••••••••••"-•-"'••••••• .. •111•••••


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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P•rt Fl!ty.F.lchL w lllBLEaa Wlt)Ut Ly

"Pw.,et broadcaat mu~ic I ever hurd I These Philco Battcrlc,i do make an amaz­ing differe-nu."'

That will I,,: th.., verdict of your friends when the heart of your radio ••t i• a Philro R«b• rg.,,.hle "B" Battery,

Phiko Batt.,,ica can he u~d two hour• every nia;ht, yet not need ,~tharginii for tlueror four month.. Mo~ver, they may be re,hariie<l at home for a few pc,nr~.

Buy your Philco now­on Easy Terms

At all hiph-claAJ deol<'r5


NEW SYSTEM TELEPHONES PTY. LTD. 280 Castlereagh Street, Sydney

25 Queen's Bridge S!reel, South Melbourne

Charles Str~e,. Adelaide

1.U p,u -Jk.ow, Yt'i.i11 a aa..uo,• ULI JI.. -01,i 1'l'tll 1• k.7 tfo1!f'I' S.rpa°"'

• •J·i.,. C'omt:<&'1:,-11.JA .,,, R.-,,t•I 111, .I 111 ~• D,,,, ..

'T.-.1 Wrsht IJU • '" ...... Vt'..-\.. ••• 'll'altr a11J11-t 1-4 p.11,. V.- QM tl.at1J,t,. •

J•di l"•h an4 n,,.,,N;,t)' UI.,. a-.. '11•~• ~- Jhuet , . ._,l'lt. ..

Tflt11 l>ilcin<>,.• 1141 PP• f,,I a1IIIII" • 'Ii. t••u- W,11.!J••• ~ 47 • 111--!'llffC T<1m ("rh1,i •~ t:cmn\l.n~ t II .. 11 .... L fl I ••r,a 'ft'tatl, t.y,.,. , ....

.w, 11.1.-,. ••- r..,. ,,_ .iwe C".oo 1,..,. t I , m 'Ad..,.,- h~ U• l.}f,ft,,•

fL Jf111 ,'!Ml.II aMI C.,1r,.,.._. tJ. •·"' II-. • JlGUII! rott.r ,1K 11 111 ...,...m,-,1.,. .. 11, ·11, l:.OfDNnJ' •:11 ,,.... S..i,. \t~.-

• H "n, ''1'1'llll' ,;'1,~:a:,~,: ... ••tt ~=::::: t.111 ,.m-c.nno. ""ldk-n AJL At• """·" II• l-....,_., UIII t,.~ 1.8 It- 0._Tith> .. \'1r,lh,ht , ,.., w.11.., ,-...,1"1e1i, ,.,,,.1111

i • 't•l.hitu• N'"• Trtu• tC.111 fb "A ••~ ,if (Jlr111n.,_ .. tWll0110

t ti! I I'll. .4f1'9tt Alt-talldn • II IJftlt"'! tti• f\rrt uf • •rl• fl.C r.-,.lni-n.-.. .. titi-d.

J'an,..,. .,.,,,.,.. I U•"lf'I MrL ,o-v~ R, 11,n-..,_ tlw 11.idl\()r1 ,,.u • m 1,.,..., 4,....,.r, I',...,

t.•t 11.hl.-LM ,a. u«iiftri.. Vl,,ll•'"t

J\I :1r.!-~1

t • 11

~~ ..... ~~. ':t,!,.:i~~"'1:\,:~~ t,g-f,- Wntl.-111 1'• ("_.l'llll'!HI 8•11, '°"'"' thliod Mr l'u•-.r ., l..umlootl - HI ~­«t-i,, Mt' ,U.-1.u.oll'T ...-rll .... ,-uypiart .. l ti.JI lolR ewn ltMlw f ,ttt .. "11'

J•.UI 1:1 •- l"n:&ftlll AreMF, T..,tif' Sl..t'i p.,., l- .. C-,,·trlu. ,,..,Ila.I. J .. t~ lJ.fll......S,.,.it A""UCl,l,tf'" •HI d"' ,....,,

1Ui 111\ ot ti• M•rtl11 .. .,_.. ........ ,1.,.,., Ue at,,. f"uh,1 al l._...l'rtl' t•••M t<,-,a.iall,­

._.ritt•~ ru , ,..,1, .. 11... ~, ~11.n ..... 1111 1111• ,-_ lf.,,1l•11r'I• Jlir!l'\1•1-flor ()~•

Ou11B1rw ......... 111,a, 1-t~c,f Mr '-'Jfil K•••

;~:~ : ::: ,r;:";:.,.:~~ ·~-=bl,Q~ 01uu•4 llrrti•ln..

JU• I ffl - -L'"ill Jla11, .. ,, Pc,fluJa, &rO.n~ 11 r,"; ._.. T.ahl lli.,•• a-C l\•'1ffVtU•--n~ 11.1 • M ·o.., Jwr, .. ~ n,, "'·•11t•...,._ a ...

11hlllfJir lhn,M ('h,.l,...t,.._ IJ tit 11,m 1.- Ma1ui1111, Pc1Nlar fta1'1fu,,• 11 tti p.hl r.,. Wet•ortl1 1-r-µ,._ic- b..1,,·•

Otd1,.,.trL II I,\ t, •• · In 'lt,11,.;,.., larll(l,I,• 1· •• ,.,,. ,,.. ,r.,,~ .. "• ~,1...,.1~ n, ....

On-~•ra. 1u, t, fll-. 1 ... M11n,IN. ~,lllllft .. 11 1• • ,...__,.._ "wt•1,rtll. :,,.,11han1a- l>ure

f\rdt••+, .. 11 ~~ • . , .. .-Hulnrial l,nth,_t n.- n .. 11.

3LO, MELBOURNE R.tturda,

ti ll .,._ 11"110111 QUAnffl'1 •·s;...-rn,.I Jl,-11,. f~•,,.ri-1

1t Jl• • m •tH.tilJl!KI. ANh Mnf,H.:Y .,.,_ t,,AJ&lf!P'"l o .. I• 11, ..... I'll-fl .. , •

P"l'QIUf'II~ 11 If ,. ., JiU'TUA. ,uaarmm,r .-i.i1,. 1

M'ntltaUoc1·• ,11.......,,• UJll am l!'f1'T11JH ,.,un

A.Jiot,al,1,91an ~"•.-· 11t~•U, II .U • 111 ,I 00"'1 11 II J+;T IMLM

0.,_11 tn Ult I w 1•c1• I~ .&.,r,11.WJ. 'I f1'.,a,. Ynu liffl•'-w"' I Rr • r•.,,.wu,

11 il a~ 'l'ilMA TllJt.M,\J\ '••ri!o; (')r,..11.u" H'l~J

•c:...i..a.,.-•• n"-""fl, Tl I~ a rn. ,tr'l'tlTIIO Qth\JITT.T t

UU••"' .. ~I°"" •J:UI $L,.v~ .. ~ft'UU)'J\,


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 61nla.obj-666361242National Library of Australia

Friday, flt!, ~,pt.•rllbf'l", 1927,

11 t10Qfl, ·IJ'fmf' •h:n:i.l. Mtu.t ptJe~ rt-H>ivN hy tht' .\U~t.:r•H•.n Miril"liJ 11ntI 111,w. A9u--

~~i";j/./rom1h~~~h LA•~::., s~t~1~t·::r. frurn Ruslw, Q,,uw-r'• !lnd 1ht• A",s.Lt'allu;r, l->r,-y AA!IOCi.tfl,fJ t'• ltl... ,\ryu,11" a~w• .,.mff.

]!.io i;i.m.-STllDl(l Q~A~'l'.hrr. "lt,tc-:r-maiJ~ Cl11n1•h" I fluU:tl

!l,$(1 v.m WAL1'!.:rt f'UAMP.NEV' u,:,i•~M by t.:11~1 Gllbttt,

'.At Z~eni•r. }~a,1., "'~.s:"<ik••I -:,lo," Eiliten Gith<!J1., "Alk~"

11L,o 1>.tn.-tltOl'k Kitrh~n,t:I!' lnformut.1m1 ll.4J p,m -Bl!:B.YL t!AVU~ ASI) R(W

(..iALJ,0?.'A'f: Du~ "HtttH1.7 (:b.lj.dhDl".d P•J'~,'• "lm1'f,Mlblllt~ ...

11-5(1 p.m -STA.TlON TRIO: .. Arid 1-he Rav<>n ,ilt1 .... fB«l.fonh.

l s,.J11.-T1m"' eirU.U. lJ i, T'ROTMAN, btim<nhn:

.,Sll\lfeff aDd 'l'aJJr,-n'• tli.1rn1 n!"rlarrl '&. 'l"r<>tm,Ul),

"Rnbc"~tf!i1l Call•"' (Clu"•• 1.i s,.m, J.fd-N>l"O\l>lkAI lnfurm~llfln, Wn,

tMr ti:-~••~ut fnr Vlttor.ia, Ta.c-rn,u1ia. Sovth A~l.nllil\ ,..,d .N'EIW St11:11h W•lf'i,.. 0.eenJt f<lC'ff:.,1-,, .lC.iv•.r N\loOl'U,. lh,m{a,lJ f(,t Vl~­tnr:1. T-t1m.llnl•. Soutlt. A•1'1lh11la, 111t14 N .. w !:iautb WAIN.

LU p,m.-A,;.~t,:; TOR'MJN.hl, fl,1•111,1

"Wa;I'?' W11.a-t...U'' {Sflff$;t).

1.26" 1Lm.--.fAMF.S "RtLYV, t.em1n·, "ll.y So~-tu-"uh•d PMtl" !Old h i111hl, '"l'rwt1~•· tOb:)

l t! 11-,111,,• lU:G BR.AOL~Y-, l•lolin • 'Theo ~WIil'" (Rt.. fJ ... o•). Su;i11i-lo C. Z.hllw, 2n•• nu;,;•,ttn•11• Wries-).

1 "' 1",nt.- BA.SBBALL, J_,17 p.m.- ~7UtHO QUA.ft'Cm'~

••talrodu,; AIJd A1•j• des ]A~slri'' ('l'~hJi.fkow:,l;:J).

1 p.m.- Clost1 down.

2,# p 1n.-D"8erlpUG11 , t l..11d.11H 4aal11 &,)'

'tr. Pnc, St.Nol. !..iO p.m.-llAflrlPM.l ... 2,.4:S l)..m.,--~ipUon of 0.Pffl Ilandic;av, •b.

lurlOIIP, A1.l-!N1"0~Ji: HAC'ES, J.y "MuM~." of tAf' .. SJ)Ot't.lut: UJubr..'"

!.&io V-~r-Oot.crlpttMJ. d LltAr:nro FOO'J'­BA.l.L, MmMlnals, al M t!..G., 117 M,. ftmJ Mriln-Pt',


U I p .m . ,JQfl ARO'NSQN ANO JilS ~tN .. C:OPAXJNG S-YJrtl'llONl~TS.

:S l& p.ra. ~riptl"'1. ff( Hmoh S~mJ~haat>-, J ,,.n,._ IW .,-1,a-iru, MENl"O.N'E 8.At:XS, 1'.1 ••M~aket,/• ot tli(! "l;";JK1r'llr11l GIQba."

3..!'I) p.m.-Ue•erlptlon tr( J,h!AGU!il FOOl'­BALL, ae-101-An,ra, a\ .M.C.C., bj Alt. Roel .Mt.-Ctt1(<1r. Q\.a.ttu 't lni.~

l.!40 AitOS"SON ANP WS SYN• COl'ATING S\'Ml11r0NJS'n,

s.~3 J).m.-D11HripUo.n of :ri.1~ntor'l~ Ha.ntlldlp, NF.NTONE RACt:S, b,- .,Mu~lc1't.._ at cbe "$tlortul• CloN • .,

1.10 P m.-.JOE AROJl.::!.ON AND H1S sn.­COPATlKQ $Ylll'H0.NISTS.

4 I p.~Dt:ttrllltfon of LJt.AOUE "FOOT­BALL, ~i•, at. .M.C.(l., D,iy :Ah. Rod Mi:0H1:0I'. Hall 'Xlou!.

• 111 ,:n:.·M~'8~w: tt"f.o~~tb; ~U.:t~~:

of ~ "Spqrtins (ilolie." uo 11,Jq.---JOE AR07'f:ON AND ms sYN'­

COflATf'NG EiYJilPHO~ST&~ .cJ!IO ti,tnr tk.t.r!J>t5on ol LEAGUJI: FOOT•

DALL. .N!llli-ftn11.f1, at ll-1.C.C. .• by ltr . .Rod Mc01'1'l'Or. '11lrf!ol'1ll•TUr Timr-.

<i.~0;~8~t~POJO~fs~.Nn lTtS SYN-


O.V.D. Accumulators

E VERY OldhQ..m Aecomulator 1! rn41.1e to the 11111,e d, fiui1-I! :,,.,t,amh"rd 1Juftlity.

The fl•!ltrct of IL:_.. 8mazi11i! ,.fficJency a i.n th.. Rpcdal Artivotion. 1-.rh<'l!xs urulc.-r which r-ach plate iJ: muiJ1•. 'fhls tUfUy JlrtlCt.f!s is u.500 (or tivot-y type of Old.h:lru Accumulator il're.11J.1lflc. nvo of prieo. As J.t- re,st1lt of thh1 1;1aft?Uu . .nl ~t•ry ·wlreleg cn­t.hniriasi cnn buy hi-0 Oldham with the full k 1owk-d,te that it will give hint Yt'IU~ of hane-1 ae-ITicc, 11roor ,._gumat the- ill,- to which rr.otj: ae:curn ul:1f-0i-.a raphlly JUl!'t'Utnh.

The Oldham O.V.D. Type Accumulator.

Pir'lurrtl hPI"'e is. '1tted with the m•w J..ummod,.. plnt<· whid1 , .. -r­mit r1 Pi:.- -·irr~11ttt i,ln 01' the alecLrolyte within ~ p.ul.te iWJf. 1'h"y cnn b~ fully recb..t.rgt..:l in tight 1,ours und )et \\tJI tirJTd thci1' t h:,t"l(4l uvet· r-xc--.e<J.ingll, lt.init" ~rlotl.,s. "ilh.out ffl) J'iak CJf t;Ulpha.Liou.

Anolhor lug r•nturn or th.- O,V,D. Oldham is thut. it is aUpJtlied in dry charged J1t.att•, tbe nd1lition of a.rid. only bem,¥ 1.-equlred to umder ft a.vailal,1.e !or 1mmedHrto ~.

F.vcry Ohllulm Aecumulal.or hrt.!. Uw ~,cking o! good Britl•h matC'rlal and hun(:Mt B1·iU!!h workru.unt.h\p lh•hlr,d lt, ~o tkm't lw~it11Le, P."et. you, Oltlham O. V.D. and s.:avr, money, i.1U10, Atu} WOJT}" •

Oblairul..Ll.i !rotn ru..l Radio anJ Eledrin Dealm~.


10/6 Sole A gent,:

NOYES BROS. (Sydney) LTD. 115 Clare.nee St., Sydney Als.o a.U l\l,ellJourne-, Rrh1bane, 11nd ~ewc83tl~.


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 62nla.obj-666361376National Library of Australia

WlllBL IISS Wl!J!lltL'r

~ .... •••• ••••• • ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• 4 • •••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••• ~

;:::_=:i :::*~!~'::~s ==_=:=I Bd ow are a few of many 1imilar lette,a which we continually receive from appreciative user,.

• 1111, , la N• •i-91"11. Q,1 "~ !IMl1u, l"UI Jab•. 11:1.

,Al,-n-. 1.;-11 .... liftl' ..,,_, V..-, .,.., thaW far 11w llrowaln_. Unk• Bhw Prtllot •IUdl

J'QII, ...-nt "'"" ft ... Vff7 ~fut_ .. b-T it,t au'! J ,... ... ••J!fll 1W., bl, ,t,111,0 ... "'• .... Wl•k.h .. bOIIW ..... inc Nrlttt.l:,, Tl>.a, ,.,u .. aed dartl,:, &I'll ~ -~ ~ tb-n l "-9• ffft' btoud bet".,.. ,,_ • fOV•Y•llfW W'1

Tb• A......,1,1 fJullil "'""~ 1 ~ Me mJ ...-1 11.!1 d .. t ru ho! 11-.JrM.

., 1,.,.1-. l..hrdlad.

Youn ,.u1,, .. u,.

.Nardlau.._..(f~ Ult1 ,hi,. 111;;


~-1 .. ~~..!..~J,..1:'~il•~l. Let r!:1r." •. ~~r7.: ::.. ~:"r:.r: ~~':'':':.. 'lrid•n•Jt •11r ~ 1 ..._ lr,eu,t •QO, ···~. JUL.. 11;-.;, IKY IOR, JAR n.o.

t1W, IIJU. ICL, 1\' A U I N, l.ltll 'll• t..1 tw1,1 ._rd at •i,,1•1•111 •II i.i.atJvo. "11:oept. llf..ll, urn and JKJ. ~• I.a •Rh ,p~diil vtilisrn• Oft aft A11111Hoa lt...,_, Kut..,, 11,0. :IOI .. lrCI, .-QG. <1111 b9 lfl tl111 lichL-

I ti.•• • l.twud worlrfnr an 11lrht-vahe -. M 9ffltt tn.rinc Uw pt"rl~ 4"\N <,I .. , .-&. h.11• &till& tJw .. ,__

1 m, .. " two eorih9, Ila band •t.t aaan- u nip i,sa, • ~ .,..._ 'll'@CI tot rw, olNl.i li -'114 tal>.L

n.-- ~ AluH lr\a. u.11 ·c:.

,., .......... lJ• t..t a., IUn.---4 .. _.dUns 1,o 1-1. ~ ~ l h., • t,,....l...aJ' .t ,-r Jb-11.t.n:.­

l>ral• C /I au 1Q tbt .t • n-, utlltT tm lb. • • rbl ,,.ri.,, I ha- lri•id •1•117 ,-.,. tuiUIN, h l ~ ~ .i.talJ'lr,t ._....., not .,..~ OIi

par ,ratli 1,h,a ,.._,,,. • f'.hlin,.. t,r ,1'1aa' r(lllo,,.. I .__..., rff¥Jltl) Nfl•bwt...., 1'­•ul .. t. li.d•• • 111'1 • I rc-.1r 111_,.. )l,....,.. ll !1ML' l>nlt"' Uc411o, •n•I a1,..,.,....,_ ,,. ll"l'llhJtt la _, "'1th• ciiad11• tit-c ,:rir., frq~ 11,0 1,r " tr. "..._ "J.1,. r,,wlt_.

WJl• tl II~~ .u ... , ....... U..n )'OIi elalftl ,..,. UI• .. n .. Fop.-inc ii • ll•• et 11Ullll6tui r~hot!lf up w ifate-. J .. ~ ~ndm• •ly thr­

r,, 11• atttu " ,,__ tlH~ 1YA. Ati'!'ld.usd (fa.Jr ,rsl"U,.,- -'""""~. SU Wr-lli~r- /lair, • ll:"&1btt l1f'!""'

lttJnirl. S?Fr ~-,, ..... :mL .. Ul'l'-aL, tUW • ...d. rc.n ...... tu> ....., ~

AKr~i 14tl1':.~· :~ ~ K~iz! .:::ru~"!: ~=1

~ .. ,4lu ~ ......._, 1 <aa.ntc. • µn.J. t.09 ia rbl:, of the- -.i~1Jnt)' .; 7111l r •ooliff coil._

Tc,,119 lahhl '11b,

'Th, •ri.CU,N _..,.... Wu•n n n \ti M11n al MT .att ~U. ChJN11 Su:,ttt. r.,..,. • .,.._ Rc mc:rnf#r,. J A HI b n,. b,fl,rr than th• Po"'• It coittelru .

AIRZONE PRODUCTS ._,. "J"•• ., ..... ,....Ju,

Soll'l< Agenlll to Che Trndc:

Manufacturers' Products Pty. Ltd., (H. J.

ChnUI~ l10U11•, 4 .\I.\RTl~ PL\CE, SYDNEY. "rho -. •wiaa&

l : ..........................................................................................

Fri.Jay~ Pt.h S:~pt<"mber. 1927 ..

• ';~ :~;r~~rn!~·~,~~.~ or '!.he .. SporU. G.lbbor ..

• Dll • lfl ...JQ.K AJlU!-1:SOY A.NU 111:! flrN .. t'OP.ATl.1''C Sl'Jtll.Hor-.1.!i'ti.

4 4' v-11'.--" UuJtll"' I<,.-,., SerflN, Hl•k &uti..~ l•fUff'lllt""1. U •-11l. ON,erll!UP• 11f L£A(;U!: l'UOJ". ftAl;J. •ffl.f..fh..-la, •I Mr.,G. i111' Mr ~ M~,rl'f r, 1tlul as.,rNL tO p.m C'kill• Pn--.

l.\'lt1UNO IH:;38ION


IOp."" 8"41IJ"- ~. i ,o •..m Ml.Ii$ KOOKADtJRR,\ 'W'ill .. ,,,!

b!J"l-..lq MIWtalisna t.t all N ..... ,. .• roll. aiut ,.._nil all liltk 9U"lba r..- t1!,.,,,lr (rlsnili, ll't11'r...._

'o:ll it.n».-MUS F.Lb:Jlt flftAN,:JU,W •HI •In• 114 th• 1·kli1hHi

• 17 to,.m..- ffUBfC. JiO<lltA.ffHltJIA wm tt-11 !.!'1' li.-'11biln.-ttN abu~ i.tulb •M U.. \l.('Oll "F•.irift," 1111 4 ''Tluli f.'"rM ... .t thtt !lal#J' .Ian" •

I Iii • 111. "'lf•r•W"' Sflw1 ~k'r W'f'l.lhf'I' R~.a.-1, .!41il&li> ... X-,rMwi&a,

• t~ • I'll -,., ... EnM1,ir- ll'lfn,...atl,"' I t7 rs m.~l'kb: JlfARfl ll,f'1)0f'Q by I, B .

11,,,..1, tll. a.1o1,, ,., ... _ •.U » .B,tJW:>rt.a,. ~.., ... m. N-rnui..~ !i._.J1 s-1-. ..., ... ~t,111 SIMlt aad Suir ... Arna.. llam1,. 11,,...1 ;.1,.a,ui,~. JUukri. l! r.,:,r\i, lol' !hr Vl~nt la11 J•todurrnl" (;o-,<)tl,"n.tlv, ec...,_

,~~- J;~~ ,1;:::~· 1~!::::.. 1!:· :.~ '! 1ft ._,.,_ Natkr1. R,-.i:>l"lt of tr111l t,J \'k-

i.o:rian Er,uwr,n' A..ociatit'II.

N"tfTR'l' tiE!-S:Jn"S'

, lJ .._ m.-am. C'. Ill.Us, l 'MIMI,- • .., rrr-..•

': .0 JI.WI-MB.. f. CIRAl'JI-\W't ' l 'oa,,1'-• lk!•,f:IUlle .\tlUluttJil1 bl ,A.., ..


-, ii ,-,m MIC. JL HCJIWIJ<.f.Elt •Ill • hi-~ fmtn th'"' Jl0JA! AGRU"ULTUR.AI;

I IOW (il(OtJfti[J..~.

I.I r.111. MAl'tlO,'oft'S R.t.W.t.nAW IASD1 tu_. IIJ<-•, """al nn.11.d.. --.iw:1, -ti• l"'"'fu- nf ...,_.,.. 11,,-,..r ... lh,t ~!lad• ,., ..,t ....tln• t,al.,11• l l • ..._. •• •r 111.u,li.J' aa•J4l',i. ..,_11U ,.u.rau.-.1. l1rtu>i•«­fhrliuotr -.h~ MIit-if 9' llotn-r1 ll•••ha . .u BafMi. wbo will t,.ow pa.,: w.--. --Xoalhu."

'"Ju.I Pnla. fJ. I Du • Q1111!'TPU,. rQ,wl'f~-, ... " f ,•r iw» • 1• •1

IMhar:a • l\d. Slulsu.h .-uluu. Ut r,-.. KJCS:Sfflf fMr10T0 ..,.lt<tloll;J

·rQ Anilwirl'" 11:1a..Lt.1 1. ~~-t n1n • Lr,n,hJir r .... .,.. ... O~•llh


fi 11 r.... UO"NAUI M."nJC•TJI., v--.11., Cra1Ufl llclns- (Jiu. lt1'1t't/

A'"' Marla• IC-1111>111 '8;,&AJ,.Jt, Mttoon....... (l'.llamJ:aaJ.l{,-1,.,) •

,2· PIM, MA,-"7.0NT"S llAWAIIAH Jf.\."NDt A1- (J,e'' J'• rl'w/10 k l T.ilee. --1,. P•lmn•·· ,c ... 1 .. 11 Jl<,r•naJ•,

• J1h l l•••I ... JhloL • 1..1--:- ,_., ,_Kf-:-sNJ:Tlf Jltf'l·Tr, Dart&,,,1., ,

"rli<f Jtlas.-n"' 1ffr~11ti.a l.,lfnl '"(!,._ ()( Ilh11," I W t,,,..., .J••MI,

...... "--· ·ONIC-At'T rt.A.Ta "'fianod la Uw E7-1 ... r, .. ,.... .., I Ul•lluN Ed.J.t.<.ra ..... JUlll4


U p.a..--.-\.ONES J'OJtTU?-E, r~: ""f.lllllrrt f'o\1Ut1tU" lflnrl l~rm• aw.>ii•"' t ic••""-llllOb:n).

f 11 111,.,. ,o-,.fi:,ti..n i.,f • .--1111 <ridt +• t.t.e;N~ · J..,.-,i,r'"llrelllla,1tro• Ql,.t<c• rrY.'


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 63nla.obj-666361509National Library of Australia

Friday. Bt), Seplember. l9l¼7.

l:SO p, UtJ1t:'1T, BaritO'l'll!!t ''Tn SlllllltU~ttln1"" On 11,edon"' (Gr•h"ll'I

PM•. "rlndins'' (Eh::t.r).

t"7 MIL-lt1AN2ONT'S Tlo\WATIAN TIAr-;f); $@'1,tcl.i,:,n, "ll11waHan M•lodks.''

I.Ii.I "fRf.l'TMAN, Hu:awrh.t: ,:nt::,11 (iO, at piano with ba11Jol.Lt.u?., St<l?'J'•

ett.«. 10.2 11,m.-Annoo1-.c•Tmrnt..,, 10,g J')..tQ.-W.Aun:R. OJTAMP'.NEY. &

br ElLEE.."'f GILBERT: "l Do LU1.e an Ei,rl.:' Pvr My T-:•

llUA p;m •. M,\NZO~ltS HAWA.TlAN BANlh lta.adoltxi Solo, •~edley,.. b.t 0, C. Man•

:arnl 10.22 p,m.-\VENDLING AND ll.OL.T.OX', En­

t..edaUl.u-1: ''T,p,-ni,d'lt" Yon RcJm,._, to Me" (l> "Jun, Ann'' (Ilmdenon)

Jil,:!2 9.m.--MANZONl'S RAWAIIA.N' BAND: Band, "'Ibr,e,e O'Clock in the- NoroinK"." .. 1,mH Poi. .. ''!lula."

HUG p,m..-t.t~ St:t6rtlnit NOUW.

10.&t p.m.-M.A.."JZO:-.Tl'S HAWAIIAN 8.AND1 "Se-r,n&J.le•• (Got1nodl. M1mrlnlifl 5',lc,, bY O. G. :Manwnl.

lL0 p,m.-THE 'Q.OYAl, Atrrm.,nnu..E {;l.lln OJr VICTORIA'S SAFETY MES­SAGE POR TO-DA.\: IS )l'()R.:

Jo.:\1GYBODY: '"Rmni, wag not lnlitt ln. • rla.,y. Ndtbe.r r~ sa!ety a.c-<1nh-..-d thn.,ugb (U'lirt aQOd l'~httk,n, ..Kc:eti e-\'Hlutitirlr -~ It."

OUR GRF.AT THOT:CHT :-"It t• • Dctd. pro11erb tb!U 'r,&!al CMla ffl>thh1:,:-,' n~b •r• ll• ti~n&' c;ti•Utl" I" d11.11tp

~1~tNot :~~;fu~~ C:!!. 'tt'is·.~t tha more- lt ~A,jJlS.••-to;:n,~hj(JO.


11.40 11.m.----COD SAVE 'JHE KING •

.......................... "'""' -, ' Cobies of the J11~ a11d J11l1 I

issuu of the ,iew "Radio" f are ,iow ava{/abl~. I In addl/io,i lo ,iu,nero11s a/her i features these ismes co,itairi j the following constructional j article.,:- l


Comit11n~tirm•l D-.i.ta. for the 1'-l'tillL\'OdYM 1br- ttln:""8 Fcr;;.r V11,lvl'" l rivr.~ne .Dui,1u:. A. C•mplete Short W•y• Sf1.tion

Tp;umitt~r an,d 8.ceel~!!.I'. Wti..l Uonat!tu~e a Good Aeo:rial?

(0, D. )(11.dU.n::a.bJ.


'l~.El9t.reeSi:c. '{)Ir"'°' V11.lve Shurt. Wav~ n.~,-lllf'lr, le o~ Valv. Hmll.upll. How to Make • CON JA\lrl ~pflakl'"r. List of: ::-l.Z~ a;m1 Amatciur

1 Tta.De.mittor,i. !

·lA limited su(J/1~ of thes,wum• j b,rs is In hand and readers I w/,o were unable lo obtain i ,opies are .,rged to write /or i

.:~'..: .. ~:~:::~~~:~.=.::: .. ~~: . .!


.................................................... , ........................... :



HERE is the most remarkal,I., re.:enl invention fn radio. It is absolutelr thi, last word in wireless. You just "switch on," and there

you have marl'cllous .reception as never before. Tremendous volume-excellent tone-wonderful clarity. Interstate stations are heard ma~ficently. You can use the new ASTOR BA1'TEH.YLES.q Set in all di<1triets where 200 And 230 A.C. elertric current is available.

Call and Inspect th~

ASTOR FIVES. Astor 5, All Electric Cootrolled, £50 Complele £56-5-6 Astor 5, Table, £26 ,, £39-5-6 Astor 5, Console, £35 ,, £48-5-6 Porta Self Contained ,, £37-10-0

Armax "B" Batteries Last Longest Single Drawn Cells

45 Volt 22½ Volt •

25-'• It Volt 3.i. 13/6 4½ Volt "C" • • 4.

Dlatributon to the Trade for A5tor Seta, Porta, Baldwin Speake-~ Neutron. and Arm.u: BatterJe,,

Manufacturers Products Pty. Ltd. Challis House, M-utin Place Sydney

··"··········· .......................................................... ········· ..


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IJ!xiO e •



AhuJf! l,,y the aim- 1 ana. lar.-m &ttery l,hhra i11 tho World. 1 b1,r OLlodJ~ 1:1-.:ctrlcai Storage Uo. Lld., En:la.n.11.

ffixiht "A" BATrnRIEs m 2 vol T uNrrs.

r~~--r Z.3. (,.JU, r...z.r,. ('.Z.U.

C-ar-11rity 40 am11. U, ur1 111t~r1nlu ut tQ urq,, fluv:r, interm tt•11t • 80 &l!'ltJ- Haun ~nternullenr. ••

• • •• 100 am11, I I 1rJ in c-rmil tit ••• •• !:?a am1•. l11t-.-rmltt.nt •••.

l'J n •11r-h <1t'll f•Jfl7 th.arpil a • d 1 I 0 1 'i 0 I U G I 14 0 J 19 D

(6.ri~t " A" BATTERIES L"1 2 VOLf U.NllS.

'Vf.'u. 11.l',G,

(l;.ri~ e

~· wn.

Soil •bl11 for UuU }.:tuittc-1 \ at,,

('npaeltJ, 20 -.mJ'- llou.r• lnLumiLttnl •• ,tS amp l101.1r in~r!'QftU•n~


C'a~rit;r. ;!O T(Jlll, ~.r,;oo AtHlbmp. Ji1JU!11 u volt 11, O,flOU mm I inp, Ir nun ...

Pt c t'a1h ,, .. n tally darp,tL I d. \1 8 6 0 JG 0

t'riro r,,r bat fully i:har~d £ d l IU 0 • lS o

,\II Ualle-riu wJ1,q dJ'fhU&t•d ,a..n 1'4 r~harr;Nf

tr thelC! nil, art uot !r.ill.1 d harg,d •ad ki.1t f,t,ci, t.h(I!, y,

IJ..J: moutbt witbnut .s1UJl~t1!inr nd

T,l.r ll IOSD 31A 2:!.a3

'S~S.W .. lllStrib1U.ur11 nnd 1r,id• SurJ~ ~01tio11:

GIBSON S: CO., t.TD. ll\;ST STllf'.£'1', sn,NF.\', (0:f Wentwortb Anaut)

1'd,1 City

i ............................................................................. ..

. Ill Rl'adu.~ • Q11trics

1l11su•rred Hert•

QUERIES 11 It rf'nil,rn k.llffllf 11•1• fl"t o/1

trr/,alt'dl q11fflr• ora 11ft.Slt"rr-r-tl thro 1111 ,,., ftt,un1:.1 11/ lhrw/uat 1ruA·f11 TAI' ,. rut (ll(l(M ,,. '" uml r 'htr ''""'Pf! ior odtrrraed n •·~opu, ft,.,, on,1-, rr, ,I •'1.111 i11 tl1- ,illf.1111,bf., of q111• tiVNM /1,,. h111fi••rl r.t /ottr. U', turfOrl~• 41.Za' .-.,n=.rf ,k,1' wtJh. f11rlnintl 4f'l"•1"1•• 1,,, 1,lepA,111, or,,, ""1'11u.l (fl//.fr•.

JPt. fC:ft"-l.-VULt 1 N'1 1.W.-.,,W "°' IN: ln,N,n

AJ't' ilo ll:?iIWJNt. 'J·lik, .. U•• ... ual ft blto 'lrl~ II coll , . ._.., • ..,, 111, ,....,_, Mlltlo.­

lklfli td "fn e --•• th"° ~l flhl"1-'1t J ••Uf r:lilll to e twt -.N-4. D.11 L CLUU1r1 U ,wt ••Ii m.-

~ 1~1·~ l~~r.~•t.;; ,! ~= 1111,art. Wria. •• )t.rr! .. «-. Ud. of 11,u ettr, rot "1J1Ju:- hlf,,nn.atkm,

I UU-LUJ lKA'tlUll:1.11• ¥•r p~u .. l b ,ez-l"'11,. , h Iii __ .., hi en,,.-4 )' ....... kt •t••fll '9 lb awaila .... qioc~

Ji: fl 1~;AR1.-onrn. &,. •11 ....... bu.iht lh" J, ai.,11,111.U•~rt tn1• \alu ILtalnr: I Ul!l'I H7 "Wbl ~ wlll ""'- 111,11,.. 11.1.t'Mttd. of 11 J-1, ltu,Wiq: Mi" ... ~. i,.,,_ ..... 111.&. 10 lrt;t -.r L~ d..llJO!h men •M-d. OH,. .. , . ..-101"1-•hlf 'I' ,Ut' ,.. .,. 1111bit 1otrlaci.1.. ·••m"I att:rn,1, t,, ft(" II!' ~ • ~

U.J ll 1n1 Ji,!iU:n f'-a ie Ott1 1 MfJ af'III t: ~ UM: .!A. tOll!ML,-r 'tCIV lr•n­f,.,_,- • r• ''" 1 lutL

llJ,ll CUA'n'TJS. Y ,-It 1p,p,.-." I• ttte 1)1 'fflllt' 10.1 I ~•t fatrlL ...... It.,,,,: &At:,., 1,Jl11,irCu,t1o a•uta& t. I.~.

U trot, I Zl&.. »•••1 1-..1,l,1 ta, "¥••111' ·•·i:rrrl:.:..o, wl:1rtt 11 & •er, r<Nd ••1r, an( ~·•u l,,c, •C.- 11)1 Jll ;f'II

l!..8. UbOMJ W Jll!' h• 11.llrrtn(Una, 1.tJ al 1C 1Aot JII RN 'l!tuf ..,~lal k ~111 .. altwl•L I ,nhu.,,t Y• j,.a.,t l,cti.,., ..... ri... Lu u. ···••11111Uft't QI ,91M ,....,,., .l-lit.11 fLA?•F. tv,£> h S,tp~bcor la•• t4 IU .. l<IU" M.C !NEWC1ffl.f,, -T 1r t. 11 '".,,...,.

etl'a•p «1ftt11(1 ,A,I., a f.-,r t•,t h) ,uuf u,•I • 11.h:-.u:i1 t.h11 ,.~ el LM "nr)o. •~r wills 11 •Qii;J r.n.1 •"11l&.,-,.

JKI( 1us1111t:1u, Ehi:U WtlCln ... oi,kl '- M\l« I l hsiW•n ,.,. al.t•m•ltlJ. frut11 •r.,- 114nrti.t la "1UU.L,st$ Y. t.Lb.LY -l'l~ QF7". 1!1-., \9 lj:.6,11\f A.fl ., .. ,.. at. .. i. • •• , kll,l'U uC D l .,.,., • .., """'.--•

!~1~.!.:r:-.,tt:t. ~;.::1..-.!~~'ul~ l'l'J' r. ,_,...,

1...X. tTllfiRNLt..I•~Hl 8ec Hq,l.fflt.bc,f IHI• 111! 'R.VIO"

lt.W lit! AlUXtS-1.-Jl:ilt.~ \·&hd c11,_ •11 .a.ta ...t -.. h 1 X b,i. l'irtt- t,1 1 he ria, 4oal, r h._ •ll•im y~ '(111,..II.UN ~..,., ..,t '°'Al"lhls r:llr •Otn "'"'°" •• I lM'P• .,11,..,1~ Hfi~ llliaeulll 4U'l'un,, t111dirn' """u ln tllln ttt·1191," Y«ir a,rial .,_ cii!t• •IJ"l91,t..

JJ., M~III llHXI, YlC 1.--- W• l-NI 4u ,'-

:~ ,,::, •; •~•u!'l:,a.:..:~ ,:1~: n 9( • -tntit1 •hlr\ 11 4illlllll'tl..,; I the

I "' 111111 1111"" ,~,•tr-"- - ln•l t-Qlt' •h•t LIii' 1t-ins Dia:- ..... "' • uhJ

i W, tt'Altt.UNCro,o 'l'our ..-.nlalhi..-. •"' t,,u -.-n.. Wr.11< q-al!L


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Fridny, nth S•pt,ml,or, 1921. WIRELESS WEEK.LT Page Sixly-Throt

A "'l.f.C.G u,i;;;::n. (1WG-•\ .. HAUJ. l;if'III •w.w .. •· r.:==========================::;-i

w .11.c (<;:ORFTELDl -~ DvJLJ~ ltnu,t."­dl!'Dt't' Cc,uult'l'I AmJJllffcil' If 1111lt.ahle! fnr thl" N.,.tot1p,v, l(CO ];t'('adr-S:ai.. t'l:t 11 ~,-,. ?rncth ~ :i:n.:i: 11Ucti-.... •rh.- !-!,;,1~ .. .fr 1~ 1.:.11l 1,. ~J '-'U L1J.t: L,,..,,,_ fli~tlt'l1)'4'1'. (: 11.Tl,1 r nf •!ii,, L,;c MLn and rt'm'1~t lh•• Loop ae~ lht t:,r,,J (. •m~•!lt i:,f Lb ... \' a.Hr.

S.F.K, tWAHROONGA 1,--Yo11 LnYr '1" "':,en r,uu,t 111 thr, IT•!k'tl•in Tf>!cr. f'~ir,n,rt Lh11 ltul.lWl'J 1.l tbr 1¥r-c.ln• Lurna tr.i 11'.e t'I ti 1J. Lh« ltilh l\m&..

It KU. (~A~C:O'rJ :;:.,.~ .. WW .. •• :2.S-;'!! J'i

,v J 8 fDULLll Why n,,t n: ,_1 a -,nun, .b!,f11..•1.r11 ch'tLIL ~..-c "1L\U1V"" u1 AIJU'ID!.

\\I.A. tWU..J...o\\·m..tL.:•.-'To h.--3 H a d•J1l rmHfrr' ,-11lvc bu llw li1am<e1 t 11lhu:l. t"OU .Hit !ht!' t111n1rnl 1,... .. 'n , ~rJrlll wjtb , 1•Qi1 11£ "'lal •,:,e, t1.111l ~}1~ ••.\ .. b:1.u~r~• A c:'k'lt 1,,011"! Ir tM 'p}),Jt.r- l11,IJ.r,1~r111 lhnt ~h"!' t!lan.n,ul I:, tJVI, l,r,,k,u, Ji. M J1 ~1 .• , ....... 11 \-C, IQfL \,I y, ur · tc·· lht'"toth.• for I.._ 11,;,,11rcl! uf rr•c:kl"'llf ITT • !<1,11111 r.-.•u.:.i1!1:,Jw,

J.R.W. tWALU8f.:KOi-!-;!'k't • t':mt,fo·r Jtl"" ll'lvi1111" tu., ••mrt •.•.~rlril".lll ,,;• h,i, ~ · It••

:;!':f .-tr~ .. /7\7:t! .. ft ,:~!. ~~"::1~ ?',~~:

"Q lifll'JI.(' ,v,t~. rt~<'! yu<Jr 1·<.J'.l.t!ler~tu:i the ~'l!'l'H 1,r.:11:th with <liUJ!.t' 1,."1Jh~t' "'irll', •md if ri•­.,;,11~. l:11T1,l.-<.}io~4'bi <l''M• rnt'11.1h thr .11,·.rJa.l, at a h,l11bl W I t.It ~ IJJ lb (f.i<J" 11,nv,. •I:,, rr,JJI 1J.

'.,,lL 1lH:J.LMONT1 . F...-Jrl .. r,1ly 111'\1• .-,( 111,, fo1>l.-f t:tnll ha_,. h\.l,rf.1.1 l)Vl in )'{ll,lr l('flP~,.,- 11r,ft,

or tb,J ,Hnphn•«m i• ,u I a.dJ'"'~"'l ~-,-N.:-~l,y. l! th,. !unH,r, 111.1,.-, i• t•• y1nir o«wr..,.t N.iio il,nlrr, ...-~,., 11ill h.,,,-;• 1L r.,.;::tll1.,..d 1,:,t II .... "·ori­.a\.,l,e J>lt'_..,

P11.t,l\1hP" b1 A.nbur \\' IUl.iun W • t1 ot "'r,1:la~Luue •· I.•, .. n,l,:r Str('~t, T,.\l!l\drr Da,, for H.e f'rot,rh•luni. \Virrleu .Nrw1p.1 ~ t, T.lml:~11. iU Cn,1!1?r~lt!lh LTT'el. ~\'dT•~J ~ r.nd pr!" ,..J b-. "-tuoau &. Cu,, LW., l!L.t t;~1,1!b,lna ~tr,...~r, S~·J.u.ey,

li,I!' will N' 11:11,t M• 1"Q11•ldrr ·rrrt.. 11:.Cal 11rtri '1"1rpie11,1 \rtj~ics 1Jf irltcj'l!!lt ti:i l,·,1 .1.r11lill!i. Rt:"<1<;,Tr~ /ill Mtr.i;,uu,rinh• anrl n .1.~t-t11!10111 •N l'lf',t Ill th,, ... r.h,,r'I rlt>l: • .-111 .. ;•hu1111h Ll,t" lt"l'('atf'3t rort ,.tU ~ rd.m 1-0 rClf•J~n ltrl~Ulllllt.14!' tr1AtM" (1( n.rrDmpa11!Nt b, t:l'lf1>1"}, tl:u: LJltur tJlllnuL AC("ier1t l"bl"ou,.l­t.1iit> tor 1t1 !Ulfl! tt~\l.rn.

S.ubeerlpl!nn ri' .. ,-•t "'"h• rr'lotilh~ fl5Z lmrr•), 13/· r,:al. 1TH. i;\_g nu,ntl:.1, (H juw.,::11 I. 6/G PM~ fr~ !-.hl,rle eoJ'l" id. ca.t.b, nr nrnit. Crt-to. _.d, $uh,;,('rlpr1(1Tui 1b0•.1.ld

~l Cit~!f:!!!b ~h=:."J~"7Df~~w•1J11per1 Ltd.,

Adv1:rti1.tnr: t"hi-r •d~<"rt!tlna 1'1'(11'9'PDbt.• tivr k~P• in rt~~ tl']..1cb willi '-dvr-rt"Ulo~, u1d he h ,...r,. Ill at~ tiruet la IUPPl)' tul~t• 91lltion CUIIC~rnlbll' 11clrrrtja[1!1C".

Ai-nH& In G·~~ Drll.ain :-The • r ... ·.Jo-r,\al

:~a1;:~~~:~~'5t~~~·. &,~jt Hoo.,~ SouUi• • l;Vj.,..,lf'H, Wr.-kh'"" 111 fu:17 t:JT()tecW t.::,

::r:;h~i,~r,,\,~t:~:r:7 C::'111 •~~~~~..,-~!a~: 111-eelal f'• rm.iu.lon.. Th• u.tto ot our arl1fllff OJ" 111..l)~th,lM fl"('HII lbem. n,r &"D)' 11tHp~ 'lll'IIAt_.OCl'""I' la Ml'il' 'JUlnDlliad .,-n"boa.t 01&1 a.111horit.1".

Farmer's new Five Valve Receiver Price £52/10/-, Complete

Farmer• N,w Model 5 Valve Receiver, set in hondsome Queensland l\laple Cabinet inlaid with Walnu~ Ouco finish.

J las smgle dial control. ,cach slage lol•lly proteclcd with Copper Shield,, C .. binet p1ovidesample space r.,, all batterie., Supplied with l11t:h-11;radc accus­orie, and loud speaker. Price £52,110 • complete.

Farmer's will erect this set free in all ,uburbatt areas.


Farmer'• dn nol

P"-11 the. cQrrlage 011 Wir«"lt!'ss. ooocu

F'a,'t Sttmdard 2.Val.1'f" Rttd""' An 1cl,e1l} ~1vn fn~ re-e"pUon cf lu ut.d­r~l pt(ll(1'"AJ1.-n1N-. P."'"'l'tlion I• c!t._r • rui cli,,,.•t,. .. hllit it_. •l"l«lliYlb 111 qn..lJJ r•ITLS"l't&hle. t.Le.r",!- f!; ah4nh,.1tel7 VO int«r­l~H,rl> fN11' Olbt!r ~-tiona, 1, I~ !,IJJt• p1Jieo.l ,11 a f'Jl.l m,el t,! T111.-.n• .n.lati IHnrJr:. 'll'ut>"i. eor, •'"'" w1lb all t..r<'.fSl'Dt1eo1 r.!11.Q

~~1e!m~~!~. 1'.:r: •..•...••. £14 I 01-

u• t.L.1t,. 'rrkkJ,. Ch•n•nr.. c-~1u,rin;, .,_ 4 a.mp11, 11~vvr\t• ._.tµba.th11ir • l'ld btrt'.lthnv a11d 11.-,.._, n-n·-tr bQ •!ilrN1m.-.·l-t!<..I W &r-• c-•l"ll"?Tla•ur l.,l'lui: cbsn,t"-1 ,rt,j!Et c•ro~llt.iDt t4'f!ffi~-.-. TM .,p,e.taLhi,i: wa1.0tftla11e-,, h

,rl~~-.~~ ................. .£4l7,&

FARMER'S, SYDNEY Winltss Dqartmt:nf, Ground Floor, ltfarkd St.


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B!llll:91111111Ut:.:Dllllll!lll!llllr" !It II II ITtl · , 11111!!!1::!lll Ill


I "Wireless Weekly" I o,,.,,., ,OST 13/:• 0•• Yn, ••

I ~

SUBSCRIPTION FORM •ro th.e k:d1lo Winli'l.:, \\ic't-kly, ;;i) C•i,tl,.rt~ • .-n f:trtot't,


l'leuo forwar,J ''\Y,r1•lr"" W~~,1~" r,.,. a J>•rl,,., nr

.............................. for wluch J enclo;;e

...... ..... .... ....... for .... .. ............ .. (A,14 ••4-11~ t• t:.,11,t'7 11litth•-1

Name .................... . .................. ..

Addr,•" ...................................... .

Sub~(·rlpt,~~ 0liut',e'..'. . 12 -~onlh .. 152 ·;;,.,.~): iii'.:: p,;;t

fn·e: G 111u11l11s (2~ l••ucs), G U 1,osl free


FIGHT ··LOTC~" \'aJw m.,w,,,~ flu,.., whh Jar,Z-111' JlUWl't \'&h·i-~ a..nJ nx..t to taill>oa.fd or ••()nJ 11!.itor Lf,IT)", drin·n CJ\'t!"r r ... 1.1,t1h rud ror .~J mil,- • 1ui--vh,'-d ltw lt:':.1t At thP ftni.Jh, f'lldl ,priq wo u11: it BlartNl--pe,-1'Ht Nu &Wmaa-rt (Ir l11wi•t11<.1,i at t11m .. cllon of lt1t toock.el Aud •prln,:­"°' Yaln loott• (tarn UH• h11hlM". Hath 11·1•rtt rlt-rt.rkally Pf'rf,.rL aU the WP)',

f'jt lht" *UJ'f('~•• 141 Jrtur jtt'I, ltlld prolt'rl )u•r 0 1011,

Carnett, Whiteley & Co. Ltd., Liverpool, Eng.


Ct't•trrrr,Nfln\i,lleu r/uri~I ra./ fHntMb-1, lbt rt"-~'' "h)' "iAJ.P. 8.i.n.c>ti.n l iu l,)t!J:c-r --ca,c /,,, pn rwdi,J houd C:h.ln&t' lO ):AU.I

~Tt(Att n AU UOtO lliUJtl

~~s;,:-mtWitar: u,. i/.li_,.01> LIi.



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Wlll&LltSS WBltltLY

--- -

Bears this Seal ~

Popular Radaotro--.

VJ Rndiot'rons~


The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Frnta.y, 9th St:pt.embet, U,27.



WlaSLl:911 WEKltLT

Otlu:r Sw.ta.~ Nrck Modt-h: .. Jt,,.alor' AJt, )8 .. u . "'S..Alor"' ,\ .R. SB •• U •·• ••Oc L1.11t~"A.ff. Q:01 wi11' oak thn .• Cl/10,I

"Briti,h ,rnd Be1t."

The ir11ceful Swan-:-l'eck models are 11cknowledied 118 essentially efflcieot types; they are provided with units of a size carefuU)• balanced whh the acoustic duct and undoubtedly represent the greatest value lo verticn!"horn"Loud Speakers.

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