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Page 1: Relation between Existential harmony and social harmony

Relation between Existential harmony and social harmony

Dr. Surendra PathakProfessor and Head, Department of CVMS-Value Education

& Dean, Social sciences, IASE deemed University, Sardarshahar, Rajasthan9414086007. [email protected]

Existential Harmony: Perennial & orderly presence in everywhere

Existential Harmony means inherent harmony in Nature andExistence (what ever exist), which is a perennial and orderly presencein the whole Existence. Existence is Co-existence. Each unit is self-organized within itself (Niyam, niyantran, santulan sahit nishchit aacharan ke sath)and fulfils its harmonious relationship with all whole/larger order.Every unit in the existence is harmoniously ordered and in a definitesystem i.e. existentially harmonious. There is no inherent andperennial conflict within the matter/unit. Nothing exists inisolation; everything is related to everything else. There is aninherent harmony (order) and balance in existence. Everythingin nature is complementary and mutually enriching each other.

Philosopher and propounder of Madhyastha-Darshan Sah-astitva-vad(existence-rooted human-centric studies) A. Nagraj elucidates theexistential order (Existence as coexistence) as an alternative toinstability-uncertainty based matter centric Materialism/Science andmystic centric Idealism. He says ‘Existence is in the form of coexistence’ 5 [1] asunits (anant prakuti) submerged in absolute (zero)energy/space/consciousness (Satta). “Energy is with distinction ofabsolute and relative. It is recognized and understood in the form of

1[] अअअअअअअअ अअ अअ-अअअअअअअअ : अअअअअ अअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअ अअअ अअअ अअ।अअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ अअअअअ अअअअ अअ, अअअअ अअअ अअअअअअअ अ अअ अअ अअअअ,अअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअअअअअ अअअ अअअ अअअअअ अअ अअअअअअअ अअ अअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअ अअअअ अअअअअ अअ अअअअ अअअ अअ अअअअअअ।अअअअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअअ अअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअ।अअअअअअअअ अअअ अअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअ अअ अअअअअअअअअ अअ अअअ अअअअअ अअअ अअ अअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअ अअअ अअ अअअअ अअअअअ अअअ अअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअअ अअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअ। ।अअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअ (अअअअअअअअअअ) अअअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअ अअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ अअअअअ अअअअ अअअ अअअअ अअअअअ अअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअ अअअअ अअ।अअअ अअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअअअ अअअअ अ: अअ अअ अअअअअ अअ।

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absolute-energy (zero-energy) and relative-energy. Work-energy isrelative (among units of Nature) and absolute-energy is eternal-present as omnipresence (pervasive Spirit).” 6 He further says“Consciousness (absolute energy) is Omnipresence. Consciousness ispermeating and transparent and it is a non-activity (devoid of pulseor pressure). Consciousness does not prove to be a unit due to itsbeing all pervasive (endless/boundary-less). Consciousness does notprove to be the root-cause of cosmic-order. Coexistence (unitssubmerged in absolute energy) alone is the root-cause of cosmic-order(existential harmony).”7

Since long time, Human-beings have remained unaware about thesource of energy required for continuous activity of atoms and itsparticles; philosophy of coexistence explains that absolute-energy(zero energy) is everywhere known as ‘all pervasive energy’. It isfound everywhere homogeneously. There is no activity which is devoidof (rikt) and without (mukt) Omnipresence Space/Consciousness. Spaceitself is absolute-energy, Space itself is Omnipotence.”8 (Nagraj 2012)“The state (reality) of non-activity is known as Space, and knowledgewhile not doing any activity or while not being an activity is thebasis and source-of-inspiration/source of entire activities.Therefore knowledge (Gyani) and Space/absolute energy prove to be oneand the same – and it is only from being situated in it, inspirationfor activity always remains available. There is no unit which isdevoid of or liberated from this zero energy.” 9 Because of thepresence this absolute zero energy each unit is self-organized withinitself (niyam, niyantran, santulan sahit nishchit aacharan ke sath) and fulfils itsharmonious relationship with all other units/orders. Vedas say that“Everything is essentially consciousness (Chenasampanna), purity andjoy (Anand).”10 And, “the Universal Laws are laws of truth, 11 truth isknowledge (Gyan).

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Harmonious co-relationship among natural four orders

Human centric philosophy ‘Madhayastha Darshan Sahastitvavad’ [2]elucidates Coexistence, i.e. existential/ natural order amongmaterial-mineral order (padarthavastha), plants order (pranavastha) &animal order (jivavastha). The relationships among the material-mineralorder, cells/plants order and animal orders are mutually fulfillingand mutually enriching and this process is cyclic (avartansheelii) innature as shown diagram-I. Right understanding between Human being(gyanavastha) and Nature will be necessary to fulfill the relationshipwith all these orders. Ultimate desire of human being is also to livein the harmony with rest of the nature/cosmos /existence. It meansthat no one has to create the harmony; it is already available, it2 अअअअअअअ अअअअअ, अअ-अअअअअअअअ-अअअ : अअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअ अअअ अअअअअ अअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअअअअ – अअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअ. अअअअअअअ अअअअअ अअ अअअअअअ – अअअअअ अअअअअअ, अअअअअ,अअअअअअ अअअअ अअ अअअ अअअअ, अअअअअअअ अअअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअ अअअ अअअ अअअअअअ अअअ. अअअअअअअअ,अअअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअ अअअअअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअअअ. अअअअ अअअअअअअअअ अअ-अअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअ, अअअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअअअअअअ अअअअ-अअअअ अअअअअअअअअअ अअ. अअअअअअअअ अअअअ अअअअअ-अअअअअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअ अअअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअअअ-अअअअअ अअअ अअअअअअअअ अअअअअअअ अअअ.


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exists in the form of co-existential harmony with mutual fulfillment.One only needs to understand existence and align oneself with it. Byunderstanding these internal activities/ phenomenon and processes ofmanifestation in nature, human being can survive & flourish easily.All the three orders i.e. (material-minerals, plants, animal orders)are fulfilling their relationship with human being. Subsequently Humanbeing must organize their life style to fulfill other three orders sothat civilization can move towards this path. Harmony in theindividual and harmony in human-human relationships (from family toworld family) is only possible by understanding the relationshipbetween humans and the rest of Nature/Cosmos.

The Earth planet is an important part of the whole cosmos. It isessentially governed by the Laws of Nature and its functions in aharmonious manner. It serves as the most important natural resourcefor the survival of a number of material bodies. On the Earth planet,there are billions of objects, comprising human being, flora andfauna, the atmosphere, hydrosphere and geo-sphere, which areinterdependent, interconnected and interrelated in a harmoniousexistential order. This Order has its own intrinsic laws, whichregulate its functioning, articulating physical, chemical, biological,and ecological aspects, as well as human activities. In order to livein harmony with Nature, human being must recognize and respect itsintrinsic laws and its vital cycles. In such a System, all theobjects, being and non-being must live within their limits asdetermined by the Laws of Nature.

Anybody who digresses with the Laws of Nature is bound to impingeupon the rights of others and consequently disturb the system harmony.Therefore, it is irrational and immoral to recognize any kind ofextraordinary privileges for human being at the cost of several otherbodies/units of the Earth planet. Human beings have to understandtheir essential obligations and functions in coherence with the largerinterest of existence. The human existence has to function and sustainitself within this System. Accordingly, we need to create political,economic, and educational institutions in consonance with the spiritof the laws of existential harmony.

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We can conclude here that (Universal) Existential Harmony {iii} isthe supreme potential of all natural balance & control. The purpose ofactivities of nature is to attain harmony. If one throws a stone intoa pond it would disturb the harmony of the pond by creating ripplesbut after some time ripples flow out and back until harmony isrestored, it is the same in natural patterns. This meansdisharmonious/conflicting action/activities in nature are temporaryand transient and this existential harmony is perpetual and perennialas shown in the diagram II.

Natural patters indicate inherent Existential Harmony and definiteness

In modern scientific studies of the Patterns in nature, visibleregularities of forms are found in the natural world this supports thelogic of perpetual and perennial Existential Harmony. These patternsrecur in different contexts and can sometimes are modeledmathematically. Natural patterns include symmetries, trees, spirals,meanders, waves, foams, arrays, cracks and stripes.12 Early Greekphilosophers Plato, Pythagoras and Empedocles studied pattern;attempting to explain order in nature. The modern understanding ofvisible patterns developed gradually over time. “The long-sought"grand theory of everything" must begin where there is no beginningand end where there is no ending: patterns which repeat themselves innature and which give rise to infinite symmetry. Similar patterns arerepeated from the micro-atomic/quantum to the macro-atomic/galaxy,from snail shells to spiral galaxies. There is no reason to suspectthese patterns end with individual galaxies. Thus, do not stop withindividual Galaxies, but characterize, collectively, all Galaxies, andthe Cosmos. Patterns repeat and this is the key for understanding theultimate nature of the universe.”13 we can reach in the conclusion thatthis order and harmony transit/percolates/ penetrates and innatelypresences from microcosm to macrocosm, as show in diagram II.

Donald L. Hamilton, in his work ‘The Nature of Universal Space’explains that “The ‘Laws of Nature’ contain all the physical laws inthe universe. They are inseparable and invariant - all intertwined andworking in perfect harmony. Each law has its specific duties. They

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create and guide the matter and energy of the universe.”14 He furthersays the "Laws of Nature" are the Foundation of the Universe Withoutthese "Laws" the Universe would not exist. John Adam (his bookMathematics in nature, 2002) is an enthusiastic and clear writer, andmanages to explain "symbiosis that exists between the basic scientificprinciples involved in natural phenomena and their mathematicaldescription". He presents the various phenomena at different levels ofdescription, from the fundamental power of estimation or the effectsof scale, to more sophisticated concepts, such as the connectionbetween the Fibonacci sequence and the branching patterns of trees. Itmeans that nature has its own mathematics and harmonious rhythms.

All tradition of wisdom speaks of the existence of such universallaws. At first sight, each wisdom tradition seems to describe thedetails of these underlying ordering patterns in a different way. Thisis not surprising when we realize that every attempt to describesomething so vast and all-encompassing will always be different tosome degree and in a sense incomplete. Moreover, the differentuniversal laws do not operate in isolation from each other, butsimultaneously and intertwined, like parts of a gigantic dynamicnetwork. Consequently, it is effectively not possible to totallyseparate one from the other and every attempt to describe thisdynamics as a whole, in the form of the operation of a number ofuniversal principles, will be done from each individual perspective ororientation. We may compare the differences in the descriptions ofthese patterns with the attempts of the blind people to describe theelephant in the Sufi story.15

It is definitely not possible for colours, patterns and the symmetryin the patterns of living beings to have been created through such amechanism. This is a very obvious fact. Although he is the founder ofthe theory, Darwin himself had to confess that the imaginary mechanismof natural selection could not be the cause of such an order. Also, J.Hawkes questions the meaninglessness of natural selection in hisarticle "Nine Tantalizing Mysteries of Nature", published in New YorkTimes magazine by stating that he has difficulty in believing that the

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dazzling beauty in birds, fish, flowers, etc. came about by naturalselection. Beyond that, he asks the question whether humanconsciousness can be the product of such a mechanism. In his article,finally, he concludes that the human mind that produced the blessingsof civilization, and the creative imagination that immortalized thosesuch as Socrates, Leonardo da Vinci, Shakespeare, Newton and Einsteincannot be the gift of the law of the jungle called the "struggle forsurvival" to us.3

Prof. Cemal Yildirim states this fact although he is an evolutionisthimself: "It is far from being convincing to attribute this order inliving things, which seems to have a particular purpose, to chance orcoincidence".4

(3. J. Hawkes, Nine Tentalizing Mysteries of Nature, New York TimesMagazine, 1957, p.33)

(4. Cemal Yildirim, Evrim Kurami ve Bagnazlik (The Theory of Evolutionand Bigotry), Bilgi Yayinevi, January 1989, p.108)

Everything is Interconnected & Harmonious

Marja de Vries while explaining Underlying organizing principlesin book 'The Whole Elephant' (2007) (Chapter 2 - What is the essence ofUniversal Truth) that “Everything is revealed as a vast interconnectedwhole, permeated by the same patterns. This marvelous order in theuniverse is illustrated by the Greek word kosmos, which means ‘order’and ‘decoration’ as well as ‘universe’. The common golden thread ofUniversal Truth woven through all the wisdom traditions is thereforealso about an understanding of these underlying, ordering principles ofthe universe, by which the universe organizes itself and keeps itselfin balance. These ordering principles are patterns that operate at alllevels of reality that is to say not only at the physical level of thevisible world around us, but also at all the levels of non-physicalreality. Because these are the same ordering principles operating atall levels, these Omni applicable patterns are known as universalprinciples or universal laws.” This shows that these universal laws arethe main cause of the harmonious patterns and symmetries in all naturalphenomena and processes.

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In his autographical note Einstein shows the faith in some(inherent) law exists to predict the events in the atom, the cravingfor universal harmony (meaning orderliness established by laws) of themacrocosm must be predicated upon a similar harmony within themicrocosm of the atom. Further, the harmony of the two cosmos must bejoined in a grand harmonious scheme for the entire universe. He wasconvinced that it is “logically possible to establish such rigorouslaws that they demand uniquely determined constants, whose numericalvalues could not be changed without destroying the theory,”26

Social Harmony:

Social harmony is about maintaining a level of equilibrium in economicterms in civil society. The natural tensions that exist within anyplural human collective are ameliorated through cross culturalunderstanding, respecting, and maintaining a level of balance in thepower relations, resources, functioning and capacities betweenpotentially conflicting groups, whether these be based on broadlyeconomic, political, social, racial and religious or culturaldistinctions.

Components of Social harmony: The six essential components of theconcept of social harmony are “democracy and rule of law,” “fairnessand justice,” “honesty and friendly affection,” “vitality,” “stabilityand orderliness,” and “harmonious co-existence of man and nature.”According to Hu (2005), “democracy and rule of law” means asubstantial realization of a socialist democracy and governing of thecountry according to law; “fairness and justice” impliesreconciliation of the interests and relations of all concernedparties, under which people’s internal and other social conflicts areproperly settled, and social equity and justice are implemented;“honesty and friendly affection” means mutual help in society, honestyand trust, equality, and friendly and harmonious relations; “vitality”is that ideas, activities, talents, and output of creativity arerespected as such; “stability and orderliness” means that there aregood social organizations and systems, social management, socialorder, that people enjoy their life and work, and that society is

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stable and solid; and “harmonious co-existence of man and nature”implies production is promoted and a wealthy life and healthy ecologyare secured.

We can conclude that various Research studies and new trends indicatethat there is orderliness in the universe/cosmos, i.e. ExistentialHarmony. Harmony is continuity of balance in the four evolution-stagesof Nature – i.e. Material-matter order, Pranic-order, Animal-order,and Knowledge/Human-order. Every unit in Nature is orderly withinitself and is effortful for maintaining the harmony in holisticorderliness. All existing non-living and living units are self-controlled and balanced by natural laws, which indicate certaininherent order. A segment of researchers and scholars are striving torecognize this inherent synergy in universal phenomenon that is orderin atoms, cells, organ system, chemical & physical activities, andhuman activities and so on. Having understood the importance of thisinherent orderliness in existence, and practicing this, struggle ofhuman being with environment, eco-system and internal conflicts couldbe subsided and an ever lasting peace and harmony could prevail onthis planet.

The Earth as a unit of existence is a harmonious system which is alsothe source of all manmade orders. It is an inseparable,interdependent and interrelated harmonious system comprising humanbeings, nature, the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and geo-sphere. Thissystem has definite intrinsic laws that regulate its functioning,articulating the physical, chemical, biological and ecologicalelements in a manner that makes harmony possible. To live in harmonywith nature, we must recognize and respect the intrinsic laws ofnature and its vital cycles and its cyclicity (avartansheel i.e., mutualfulfilling & mutual prosperity in nature). In an interdependent andinterrelated co-existential system like the planet Earth, In order torecognize and to live in sense of coexistence, balance and harmony, itis necessary to clearly recognize the responsibility andaccountability of humans toward nature. Survival of humanity can onlysustain & exist within this system therefore humans need to create

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institutional systems of social, political, economic, education andconstitutional on the basis of this innate existential harmony/naturalorder. This will help humanity to escape from wars, killings, andpains, and enjoy a happy life. Historically, in spite ofdifferences, humans have always been reluctant to live indisorder and glorify the chaos/conflict, wars, and no nation hasever claimed to be the enemy of peace, harmony and coexistence.Thus, we can say that all nations-states are naturally peace-loving. Mankind’s quest for peace and harmony has never stoppedby the any generations. To destruct world peace and naturalharmony is a crime against human desire of peaceful co-existence.Explorations and researches for achieving peace and harmony havebeen prevailing throughout the civilization and academics.

The Big question then arises whether human beings are instinctivelyviolent by nature or always keen for peace? If we see some doctrinesuch as "the idea that humans are peaceable by nature and corrupted bymodern institutions—pops up frequently in the writing of publicintellectuals like José Ortega y Gasset (1930) "War is not an instinctbut an invention", Stephen Jay Gould (2003) is a paleontologist andevolutionary biologist on the faculties of Harvard and New YorkUniversity argues "Homo sapiens is not an evil or destructivespecies", and UNESCO (Paris, July 1950, The Race Question) Quotes that“biological studies lend support to the ethic of universalbrotherhood; for man is born with drives toward co-operation, andunless these drives are satisfied, men and nations alike fall ill. Manis born a social being who can reach his fullest development onlythrough interaction with his fellows. The denial at any point of thissocial bond between men and man brings with it is integration. In thissense, every man is his brother’s keeper. For every man is a piece ofthe continent, a part of the main, because he is involved in mankind”3

3 Original statement drafted at Unesco House, Paris, by the following experts: Professor Ernest Beaglehole (New Zealand); Professor Juan Comas (Mexico); Professor L.A. Costa Pinto (Brazil); Professor Franklin Frazier (United States of America); Professor Morris Ginsberg (United Kingdom); Dr Humayun Kabir (India); Professor ClaudeLevi-Strauss (France); Professor Ashley Montagu (United States of America) (rapporteur). Text revised by Professor Ashley Montagu, after criticism submitted by Professors Hadley Cantril, E. G. Conklin, Gunnar Dahlberg, Theodosius Dobzhansky, L. C. Dunn, Donald Hager, Julian S. Huxley, Otto Klineberg,Wilbert Moore, H. J. Muller,

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which support that humanity is always peace loving. Also somehistorians opine that war is written by the winners and warriors tofurther their agendas.

There is so much misconception surrounding the academic community andmany people have assumed and accepted without any fact or proof thatpeace & harmony is impossible to achieve. However, it is not writtenin any ancient scriptures, most of the modern writings or in anypresent legal/constitutional documents that humans must never attemptto achieve peace & harmony on earth.  It is a self-imposed mentalbarrier based on poor and biased research, unproven assumptions orbeliefs. How can we retard our ability to think and reason, whichhinders our natural ability to solve any problem. Solutions arepossible or waiting to be discovered by those who are not restrictedby self-imposed mental barriers and are free to believe.

Many individuals and organizations have been working hard forrecognizing inherent system of nature and global harmony. However, itis necessary to improve the methods, explore new recognitions, andfind effective and alternative ways, in order to achieve significantsuccess. Everyone has the responsibility and obligation to contributeto the solution of the problem of conflict. Ultimately, the future ofour planet is in the hands of everyone. In fact, we must continue todesire and explore the possibility to live with the harmony andcontinuous peace & happiness.

Gunnar Myrdal, Joseph Needham,Curt Stern.

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Reference & Source:

1. Charak Samhita, Volume 4, P.V. Sharma (2008), Pub:Chaukhambha Orientalia2. Yajurveda 2243. Cowell, E. B.; Gough, A. E. (2001), The Sarva-Darsana-Samgraha or Review of the

Different Systems of Hindu Philosophy: Trubner's Oriental Series, Taylor & Francis, ISBN 978-0-415-24517-3 (p.222)

4. Basis for Ayurvedic Philosophy, Nagraj A., Samadhnatmak Bhotikvad, p.76. Nagraj A., Manav vyavhar Darshan (mathaysth darshan-part-1), Pub. By

IASE Deemed university, Rajasthan (2012) p. 14 7. Ibid., p.708. Ibid., p. 169. Ibid., p. 7010. Shankara – Viveka-Chuda-mani (Hindu mystic - 9th century), 11. Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), Quotation in Bruce McArthur, Your Life:

Understanding the Universal Laws, 1993, p. 119. 12. Stevens, Peter. Patterns in Nature, 1974. p. 313. Rhawn Joseph, Infinity, Patterned Symmetry, Pythagoras, and the Black

Hole at the Edge of the Universe, Journal of Cosmology, Vol 13, Inpress ( 2011

14. Donald L. Hamilton, The Nature of Universal Space, A New Cosmology for the 21st Century! 1999

15. Marja de Vries, The Whole Elephant' published in Dutch as ‘De Hele Olifant in Beeld’ by Ankh-Hermes bv, Deventer, The Netherlands (2007), translation by Veronica Verkaik

16. Holdrege (2004:215). Panikkar (2001:350–351) remarks: "Ṛta is the ultimate foundation of everything; it is "the supreme", although this isnot to be understood in a static sense. […] It is the expression of the primordial dynamism that is inherent in everything …

17. Dr. Satya Prakash Choudhary, The hidden orders of life: An introductionto the ancient Indian world-view,

18. Jnaneshvari,  3/7119. Hazrat Inayat Khan, (1923 )Volume II - The Mysticism of Music, Sound

and Word, Part I: The Mysticism of Sound, Chapter III- Harmony

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20. A.C.Sekhar, Microcosm and Macrocosm, (2003),

21. Birgit Heya, Ayurveda, the Indian Art of natural Medicine & Lifeextension (1990); Healing arts press, ISBN 0-89281-333-4 Page No. 34

22. Ziomkowski, Robert, Microcosm and Macrocosm, New Dictionary of theHistory of Ideas (2005) Quantum entanglement was predicted by the Irish physicist John S. Bell and

subsequently the French physicist Alain Aspect (1982) confirmed by experimentthe phenomenon that, under certain circumstances, sub-atomic particles prove tobe able to affect each other immediately - meaning without any time loss - evenif they are at a great distance from each other. These findings have far-reaching consequences, because they are in conflict with the thesis of AlbertEinstein that nothing is able to go faster than light. This shows that there isindeed a plane of reality that exists 'beyond space and time'. In 1998 and 2004,the same phenomenon was once again confirmed by Nicholas Gisin of the Universityin Geneva.

24. Ervin Laszlo, Cosmic Vision, The Dawn of the Integral Theory of Everything, 2004

25. Gary E. Schwartz, 'Intelligent Evolution', in Shift, June-Aug. 2006, No.11, p. 10-14

26. Einstein, “Autographical Notes” p 63 For Extended discussion on harmonyin Einstein’s Connection of the universe

Page 15: Relation between Existential harmony and social harmony

i ए. एएएएएए, एएएए एएएएएएए एएएएए,(2011) “एएएएए एए एएएएए एएए एएए एएएए; एएएएएएए एए एए एएएएए एएए एएए एए एएएए एएएएए; एएएएए एएए एएएएए एएएएएएएएए एएएएएएएए एए एएएएएएएएए एएएए एए एएएए एएएएए;

एएएएएएए एए एए एएएएएएएए एएएए एए एएएए एएएएएए; एएएएएए एए एएए एएएएए; एएएएए एए एएएएएएएएए एएएए एए एएएए एएएएएएएए; एएएएएएएए एएएएए एएएएए एएए एएएएएएएए, एएएएएए एएएए एए एएएए एए एएए एएएएएएएए एएएएए एएए एएएएएएएएएए एए एएएए एएएएए एएएएएए एए ।

एएएएए एएएएए एएएएएए ए एएएए एएए एएएए एएएएएए ए एएएए एएए एएएए एएएए एएए एएएएए एएएएएए एएए एएएएए एएए एएएए एएएएएए एए ए एएएएए एएएएएए एएएएएएएएएए एए एएएएए एएए एएएएए एए एएएएए एएएए एएए एएएएए एएएएएएएएए एएएएएएएए एए एएएए एएएए एएएएएएए एएएएएएए एएए एएएएए एए एएएएए एए एएएएए एए एएएएए एएए : एएएएएएएएएएए एए एएएएएए एए एएएएए एएएएएए एए एएए एएएएए एएएएएए एएएएएए ए एएएए एएए एएएए एएएएएए ए एएएए एएए एए एएएएए एएएएएएएए एए एएएए एए एएएएए एएएएए एए एए एएएएए एएएए एएए एएए एएएएए एएएएएएए एएएए एए एए एएएएएए एए एएए एएएएएएए एएएएएएए एएए एएएएए एएएए एएएएए एए एएएएए एए एएएएए एएएए एएएए एएए” (page 5)

ii ए. एएएएएए, एएएएएएएएएएए एएएएएएएए (), एएएएएए एएएएएए एएएए एए एएएएएएएएएएए एए, एएएए एएएएएए एएएएएए एएएएएएएएएए एएए एएएएएएएएए एए एएएएए एएए एएएए एएए एएएएएएएएएएए एए एएएएएएए एए एएएए एए एएएएएएएएए एए एएएए एएए एएएए एएएए एए एएए एएएएएए। ा , एएएएए एएएएए एए एएएएएए एएएएएए, एएएएएए एए एएएएएए एएएएए एएएए एए एएएएएएएएए एएए एएए। , एए एएए एए एएएएएएएए एएएए एए एएएएए एएएएएएए एएएएएएए एएएए एएए, एएएए एए एएएए एए एएए एएएए एए एए एएएए एए एएएएएएएए एएएएएएए एएएए एएए एएएए ए एएएए

Page 16: Relation between Existential harmony and social harmony

एएएएएए एएए एएएएएए एएएए एएए एएएएए एए एएएएए एएए एएएए एए एएएए एए एएएए एएए। ,

एए एए एएएएएएएएएए एएए एएएए एएएए एएए एएए एएएए एए एए एएएएए ।

एएएएएएएएएएए एए एएएएएए एएए । (page 223)

iii{} Existential harmony: Every unit in the existence is self-organized,harmoniously ordered and in a definite system.

Justice - behavior

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