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Page 1: Realism presentation

Realism or ‘realisms’

Realism and the cinema

Defining Social Realism

Page 2: Realism presentation

Realism or ‘realisms’

Page 3: Realism presentation

What are the problems with the phrasal term “social realism”?

The main problem with the phrasal term

“social realism” is that it is put in place

with other terms, Such as “kitchen sink”.

This makes the phrase confusing and

difficult to remember as it has many

different meanings.

Page 4: Realism presentation

What is the critical consensus about “realism”?

The critical consensus about “realism” is

the dominant form of representation in the

western world.

Page 5: Realism presentation

What factors helped to create the context within which the realist

impulse first developed?

The factor which helped create the context

within which the realist impulse first

developed is; a period of change which

involved people moving from the country

to the city. The idea of communism and

socialism in politics and the secularisation

of society.

Page 6: Realism presentation

What was the development of realism in the nineteenth century?

The development of realism in the

nineteenth century was ‘critical realism’

this appeared as a oppositional expression

and representation.

Page 7: Realism presentation

What is carroll’s suggestion?

Carroll’s suggestion was that the term

should only be used with a prefix

attachment such as ‘social-realism’.

Page 8: Realism presentation

Realism and the cinema

Page 9: Realism presentation

Describe the development of realism in the arts at the end of the

nineteenth century.

The development of realism in the arts at the

end of the nineteenth century were that

literature, theatre and the fine arts which were

already developing realists features (aesthetics)

through formal and stylistic approaches and

devices. This helps to show the natural

environment and things as they are.

Page 10: Realism presentation

What new possibilities did photography bring?

Photography brought new possibilities

such as capturing ‘life as it is lived’. This

allows the audience/viewer to see the

natural view of each realist text.

Page 11: Realism presentation

What was the common quest shared by all media?

The common quest shared by all media

was to present reality or the truth; but this

is hard to find as everybody has a different

opinion to the next person.

Page 12: Realism presentation

What is the problem with the truth?

The problem with the truth is that

everybody sees a different version of the

truth. One person sees the truth different

to the next person which makes it difficult

for realist texts directors to please


Page 13: Realism presentation

What did Kraucher believe and what did his ideas about realism in film have on common with Zola’s about naturalism?

Kraucher believed that film was capable of

representing the real and should do this

with as little false elements as possible.

Kraucher’s theory and Zola’s theory about

naturalism both looked at representing

things as they were without stereotyping .

Page 14: Realism presentation

What did Gerhardie believe to be the goal of naturalism?

Gerhardie believed the goal of naturalism

was to recreate the complete illusion of

real life using the characteristics of real life.

Page 15: Realism presentation

Describe Bazin’s argument.

Bazin’s argument was that realism should

provide room for the audience to find their

own realities within realist film texts.He

also argues that technique such as depth

of shots and long takes would allow the

room for the audience to decide.

Page 16: Realism presentation

What do all of these approaches commonly seek?

All of these approaches commonly seek to

represent the truth through the codes and

conventions associated with realism texts.

Page 17: Realism presentation

How do Branston and Stafford differentiate between “realistic” nature of a hollywood film

and other “realist” texts?

Branston and Stafford differentiate between “realistic” and “realist” by stating for a film to be realist it must have one of two characteristics. The characteristics include the film-maker must of intended to capture the actual event depicted and the film-maker must have a message or argument to put across about the social world and use realist conventions to portray that message. Realistic is the way in which a film is made compared to how it would be in reality.

Page 18: Realism presentation

Defining social realism

Page 19: Realism presentation

Why is social realism so difficult to define?

Social realism is difficult to define because

it is both political and historical. The term

is understood in a variety of ways. Each

individual could interpret it differently.

Page 20: Realism presentation

How according to Hill are current realist texts linked to those from the

past?According to Hill current realist texts are

linked to those of the past by writing below

their own appeal to uncover reality by

uncovering the false features and

conventionality of what had previously

passed for reality.

Page 21: Realism presentation

What does Samnatha Lay say is a key feature of realist texts?

Samantha Lay says the key feature of

realist texts is the way characters and

places are linked in order to explore some

aspects of contemporary life in a similar

way to naturalism.

Page 22: Realism presentation

How do Hallam and Marshmentexplain this defining characteristic?

Hallam and Marshment explain this

defining characteristic as a characteristic of

social realism which they define as a

discursive term used to describe the

environment of a film.

Page 23: Realism presentation

How does Lowenstein see social realism?

Lowenstein sees social realism as being

'bound up with moments of contemporary

Social crisis‘.

Page 24: Realism presentation

What are raymond Williams' four criteria for defining realist texts?

Raymond Williams' four criteria of defining realist texts are: secular-propelled towards reason and logic;grounded in comtemporary-in terms of setting,characters and social issues;socialextension-extending the range of characters and topics to include under-represented groups and issues in society and focus on the intent of the artist-varying degrees influenced by the politicalintent of the artist.

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