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Page 1: Promotion Ideas   Gothenburg



(((communications team

How are we going to recruit more people? page 3

When are we going to do all this? page 4

"I will grab the world," says Peter, Social studies

student? page 2

Meet Johanna, a Business and Law student page 2

Who is Lars, a local

Engineering student? page 2

June, 2010

AIESEC Gothenburg sub-mitted the communication plan for the competition as a newspaper, an idea hatched by the clever Hayka, new VPTM of AIESEC Gothenburg.

Competition still baffledKRISTOFFER.LC.P. (EDITOR)[email protected]

It was an unexpected victory for AIESEC Gothenburg as they released the final version of their communication plan last night. In it were details, not only regarding who their target groups are for the next year, but also how to reach them and what message to convey to the targeted students. Additionally they also explained about the necessary actions to take after reaching them.

In the purpose of the com-munication plan AIESEC Gothenburg explained that they wanted to create a plan

for how to reach out to po-tential members in order to establish a secure member-ship base for next year and finding suitable candidates for leadership roles, thereby ensuring the talent pipeline.

“This is a perfect oppotunity to really find students inter-ested in world issues who are driven, pro-active and also available for a long term com-mitment in the organization,” LCP of AIESEC Gothenburg, Kristoffer Chiem, said yester-day while writing this article. “If we can find these students

AIESEC GBG n Cold-cake Please note that this is a fictional advertisement for internal, non-profit and educational use only and that any similarities to existing brands are co-incidental.

it is also very important to provide a down to earth and family-like environment. We want, not only to find the students we need in the organization, we would also like to implement measures for retaining them. In the struggle to make sure we are noticed by students we need to identify their profile, cater to their needs and also keep our promises in order to make sure we live up to the AIESEC brand.”

In the communication plan they identified three major

groups to focus on, business and law students, engineer-ing and technical students and social studies and global studies students. In these groups they made a stereo-typical profile which they thought would fit a future AIESEC member from the area of expertise.

AIESEC Sweden celebrating the incredible victory.


Do note that the pictures above are pending approval by the owners and thus not compliant with copyright law yet.

Buy the new


idea now! a

Page 2: Promotion Ideas   Gothenburg


AIESEC Gothenburg is interested in recruiting social studies students, engineering students and business students but who are these people and what are their needs?

Johanna is a young busi-ness or law student who is mainly interested in AIESEC because of the chance of learning professional skills and expanding her network. She also sees the internship opportunity as an important part, at least initially before she gets more involved with the daily operations and challanges she gets here.

She is very ambitious and proactive. Her interests involve but are not limited to entrepreneurship, leader-ship and improving her prospects for a top-job in investment banking, a re-spectable law firm or a large multinational corporation.

During her first university year she joined AIESEC Go-thenburg and at the time she felt like she was very busy because of how the business and law programme was made by the university, taking 35 credits compared to the normal 30 credits. However, she managed to overcome it with support from the leaders in the organization and has now been in AIESEC for three years and have succesfully completed an internship in

India or Turkey during the Summer Abroad campaign last year.

Lars is a freshman student at Chalmers who is interested in improving his soft skills and gaining relevant leader-hip experience for a future career. He joined AIESEC mainly because it is a bit different compared to most other organizations at his school and also because of the network and profession-al workshop events he tried arranged by AIESEC. Sure he joined on these factors but he stayed because of the people in the organization and the challenges he gets to face.

Lars is also very ambitious and has learned to be more pro-active through AIESEC. His interests involve but are not limited to technical gad-gets, programming , social media and web design. Since joining AIESEC he has been a major help with recruiting other students at Chalm-ers and the IT University as well as helping to design the website and promotional material.

Peter moved to Sweden when he was only 4 years old and started university at the age of 19. He is a true global citizen and that was

Johanna, in her first university year Lars in his home, the AIESEC office, the first university year.

Peter, first year student at the Global Studies programme.

one of the reasons for join-ing AIESEC.

He is likes to communicate and mingle with people from different backgrounds and cultures. He is interested in global issues, both big ones such as starvation, environ-mental issues, war, but also smaller ones such as cultural misunderstanding in Swe-den and how to improve society wherever he is.

Peter is also quite ambi-tious and feels that AIESEC can help him realize his ambitions, one of them is an internship abroad, the other one is improving soft skills and helping others to improve their soft skills and educating the masses on global issues. He is changing the world, one person at a time as he likes to say.

How can we reach these people?

AIESEC Gothenburg is planning to use social media and internet for all three groups. We also plan to have some specified lecture bashes, focused on recruiting for a specific position. Posters and flyers will be an important weapon in the struggle of recruiting students.

Internet will be by e-mail,

Do note that these pictures are pending approval by the owners and thus not compliant with copyright law and rules yet.

Facebook and the AIESEC Gothenburg website, when not using a specialized web-site for a specific project. In combination with the other measures, this will prove quite effective for AIESEC Gothenburg. Emails will be sent according to a email list found on the university internal website.

Lecture bashes will be con-ducted whenever there is ca-pacity and there is a specific need to be addressed in the organization. Posters will be more used than lecture bashes initially because of capacity issues and they will both lead to an AFTERWORK mingle or an informational half-day during a weekend where we can introduce AIESEC and bring some food and get to know the people who wants to join us.

The underlying message will be about the global learning environment, the unique combination of leadership experience, internship expe-rience, skills development, networks and being active.

The posters will be focused on the perceived needs of the students at the school. For example, business students will have more information regardning pro-fessional skill development with concrete examples of what kind of skills and how to improve them. Engineer-ing students will receive

more information about how working in AIESEC can improve their soft skills and also how they can get leadership experience through working in AIESEC. For Social studies students, one of the core selling points will be the societal impact and it is important to have examples to show.

In the promotions we will not only inform about what AIESEC is and offers, but also try to make sure they really get to know us and see that we have some pretty cool people in AIESEC (Swe-den and internationally) and that we do things which will impact society in one way or another(with examples).

Online presence will be quite important for us as it needs little resources, both time and staff-wise. We will work with Facebook and our website which will be more linked to each other. If we have any longer projects there can be a blog about them on the website where you can follow the process and see how smart we work in AIESEC.

On the website will be more information about all our LC meetings and the people who are interested can drop by at the end of our LC meet-ings and present themselves if they like to join when we are not focusing on recruit-ment.

KRISTOFFER.LC.P. (EDITOR)[email protected]

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Join AIESEC Gothenburg today on an exciting journey. You too can gain stardom in AIESEC Swe-den! If you want to join us, please send your CV by, pdf or other document and we will schedule a personal interview with you within a week.

Singing is optional, dancing is not.

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Please note that this is a fictional joke advertisement for internal, non-profit use only and that any similari-ties to existing brands are co-incidental.

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Start brainstorming and creating mock posters, flyers, t-shirts and other pro-motional material for using when recruiting freshman students at Handels, Chalmers, IT University, Pedagogen and Campus Linné. Contact people in charge of kick-offs at the campuses and universities. Create a schedule for how to allocate the members doing recruitment.

Contact the team at the end of July or start of August to prepare further for promotion to freshman students next month. Start printing the t-shirts and other apparel needed to promote AIESEC and building the culture in the organi-zation. Make sure all promotional material is ready for print by the end of July.

Make sure that all the posters and flyers are printed August 15, 2010. Confirm participation in kick-offs at the campuses and universities. Recruit the number of people needed for the different teams and projects.

Recruit the number of people needed for the different teams and projects. Start promoting events.

Start preparing for autumn EP recruitment in combination with events.Smaller focused recruitment if needed.Research and learn new innovative ways of promoting.

Recruitment of some EPs in conncetion to the planned Event.Smaller focused recruitment if needed.Research and learn new innovative ways of promoting.

Start preparing for Summer Abroad Promotion.Smaller focused recruitment if needed. Research and learn new innovative ways of promoting.

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