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    Project: New Holbrook PreK-12 School Project No.: 13006

    Prepared by: Joel Seeley Meeting Date: 3/16/2016

    Re: Permanent School Building Committee Meeting Meeting No: 62

    Location: H-CAM Studios Time: 7:00 PM

    Distribution: Attendees, E. Kinsherf, (MF)



    Daniel F. Moriarty PSBC Chair Voting Member

    James Day PSBC Vice-Chair Voting Member

    Patricia Lally HPS Superintendent of Schools Non-Voting Member

    Matthew Moore Board of Selectmen Chair Voting Member

    Barbara Davis School Committee Voting Member

    Patricia Coppola-Lugo HPS Procurement Administrator Non-Voting Member

    Timothy Gordon Town Administrator Non-Voting Member

    HJSHS Principal Non-Voting Member

    Beth Tolson School Committee Voting Member

    Tom Taylor Member at Large Voting Member

    Peter Mahoney Finance Committee Voting Member

    Fred White Member at Large Voting Member

    Scott Towne Member at Large Voting Member

    Stephanie Trowbridge Member at Large Voting Member

    Mike Bolger HPS Director of Facilities Non-Voting Member

    Kent Kovacs Flansburgh Architects (FAI)

    Vince Dubé Flansburgh Architects (FAI)

    Jay Williams Flansburgh Architects (FAI)

    Christian Riordan Consigli Construction Company (CCC)

    Tim Vautour Consigli Construction Company (CCC)

    John Laperle Consigli Construction Company (CCC)

    Joel Seeley Symmes Maini & McKee Associates (SMMA)

  • New Holbrook Pre-K – 12 School




    Item # Action Discussion

    62.1 Record Call to Order, 7:00 PM, meeting opened.

    62.2 Record A motion was made by P. Mahoney and seconded by F. White to approve the 2/17/16 Permanent School Building Committee meeting minutes. No discussion, motion passed

    unanimous by those attending.

    62.3 Record J. Seeley distributed and reviewed the Budget Tracking Form thru 2/29/16, attached, for the Total Project Budget.

    62.4 Record J. Seeley distributed and reviewed Change Order No. 7 dated 3/15/16 in the amount of

    $93,881.00, Change Order Description Form and the Change Order, GMP Contingency

    and Allowance Budget Summary Form, all attached.

    Committee Discussion:

    1. B. Davis requested an explanation of the term Mechanical Doghouse in CR029?

    V. Dube responded that the term doghouse refers to the HVAC ductwork

    enclosure on the west side of the gymnasium.

    A motion was made by F. White and seconded by B. Davis to approve Change Order No.

    7, dated 3/15/16 in the amount of $93,881.00 and recommend signature by M. Moore. No

    discussion, motion passed unanimous.

    62.5 Record J. Seeley distributed and reviewed PFA Budget Revision Request No. 8, dated 3/16/16

    corresponding to Change Order No. 7.

    A motion was made by P. Mahoney and seconded by F. White to approve PFA Budget

    Revision Request No. 8, dated 3/16/16. No discussion, motion passed unanimous.

    62.6 J. Seeley Vouchers for reimbursement to Eric Kinsherf for $332.50 for CPA services, National Grid

    for $2,658.07 for Pole Installation, FAI for $85,750.00 for Construction Administration

    services, Consigli for $1,866,127.14 for Construction, SMMA for $54,080.97 for OPM

    services, were reviewed including the MSBA Payment Tracking Log, attached.

    Committee Discussion:

    1. P. Mahoney asked why Eric Kinsherf CPA was charging time for calls to MSBA to

    resolve a ProPay error message?

    J. Seeley will contact Eric Kinsherf CPA and inform them the Committee will not

    pay for such in the future.

    A motion was made by P. Mahoney and seconded by J. Day to approve the Vouchers. No

    discussion, motion passed unanimous.

    62.7 T. Gordon

    J. Seeley contacted Town Counsel to provide direction on who has the authority and what

    is the process and timing to classify some of the adjacent town-owned land as Protected

    Habitat to obtain an additional LEED point.

    Town Counsel requested formal direction from a Town authority before proceeding. T.

    Gordon will contact Town Counsel.

    62.8 V. Dube

    T. Vautour

    V. Dube and T. Vautour will provide a rough order of magnitude budget for the parking lot

    at JFK Elementary School and the elevated pedestrian/golf cart walkway from the JFK

    Elementary School to the project site including railing and lighting at the next Committee


  • New Holbrook Pre-K – 12 School




    Item # Action Discussion

    62.9 V. Dube

    T. Vautour

    D. Moriarty

    T. Vautour and V. Dube distributed and reviewed the pricing for VE items 0911, 3303,

    3307, 3330, 3340 and 3302, attached.

    Committee Discussion:

    1. J. Day asked why is there more concrete drive s.f. being added than asphalt drive

    s.f. being credited in VE 3303?

    T. Vautour indicated there was a slight discrepancy in the original asphalt VE take

    off from the Design Development phase, the concrete take-off is from the final

    construction documents. T. Vautour to provide a drawing indicating the extent of

    paving for both VE 3303 and 3307 for the next Committee meeting.

    2. J. Day asked if the existing temporary classroom modular building can be

    relocated and used for Maintenance Storage in lieu of one of the VE 3302 items?

    D. Moriarty to contact the company that originally placed the modular to review the

    viability and cost of relocating.

    3. M. Bolger asked where will landscaping be added to account for the additional

    40% in VE 3340?

    V. Dube will provide a drawing showing the extent of the 40%, which is made up of

    additional plantings and larger caliper specimens for next Committee meeting.

    4. S. Towne asked what is the 10% Design Cost figure for?

    J. Seeley indicated it is a place holder so the Committee can understand the full

    cost of the added work. Once the Committee decides on what, if any, VE items

    are to be added, FAI will be asked to submit a design fee thru the standard

    Amendment approval process for review and approval.

    62.10 T. Gordon

    J. Day

    T. Vautour

    Irrigation Well – Status of Four Options

    1. T. Gordon indicated the Tri-Town Water Board hearing for March has not been

    scheduled yet and that he will notify the Committee once scheduled.

    2. J. Seeley indicated the test on the existing Sumner Fields well was performed and

    the well yields 30 gpm, sufficient for the baseball and softball outfields. J. Day will

    follow-up with St. Joseph Parish about an easement should tapping off the

    Sumner field be the final direction.

    3. J Seeley reviewed that the Well Driller has indicated a Hydro-Frac test could be

    performed on one of the three test wells, which might be able to open a vein to

    increase the water flow. The cost is approximately $3,000 for each test.

    A Motion was made by P. Mahoney and seconded by F. Day to approve up to

    $10,000 for Hydro-Frac tests on the three test wells. No discussion, voted

    unanimously. T. Vautour to submit formal CR for signature.

    4. Performing a fourth test well – on hold pending results of Options 1, 2 and 3.

    V. Dube indicated the outside date for seeding the fields is 6/1/16 for this upcoming

    planting season. T. Vautour indicated CCC will need direction by mid-April to meet the

    planting date.

  • New Holbrook Pre-K – 12 School




    Item # Action Discussion

    62.11 Record B. Davis and B. Tolson distributed and reviewed the draft Topping Off Ceremony invitation

    and reviewed the preliminary agenda. The sub-committee will be meeting on 3/21/16 to

    finalize the agenda.

    Committee Discussion:

    1. B. Davis asked if CCC could provide a tent for the event?

    T. Vautour indicated yes.

    2. The Committee approves the invitation.

    62.12 Record T. Gordon distributed and reviewed the following documents relative to the role of the

    PSBC and the School Committee Maintenance Committee:

    1. History of the PSBC via Town Meeting article (1961-present)

    2. Statutory overview and opinion from Holbrook School Committee Counsel

    (Stoneham, Chandler and Miller)

    3. Legal opinion from Town Counsel (Murphy, Hesse, Toomey)

    The Committee discussed the documents and voiced opinions and concerns relative to

    successfully maintaining and operating the project well into the future, which all agreed to

    be a common goal. M. Moore indicated the PSBC and the School Committee should

    continue to dialogue to reach a mutually agreeable process which maximizes the strengths

    of both the PSBC and the School Committee Maintenance Committee.

    62.13 Record T. Vautour distributed and reviewed the updated OAL log, attached. Consigli has awarded

    approximately 92% of the trade work, with a buy-out savings of $75,222 to date.

    62.14 Record T. Vautour distributed and reviewed the Construction Progress Update, dated 3/16/16

    attached. Structural steel is complete in Area A and is underway in Area C. Elevated

    bearing wall masonry is underway in area B. Roof edge blocking, roof drain piping and

    exterior metal stud work will commence in Area A within the next two weeks.

    T. Vautour indicated the project is tracking on schedule.

    62.15 Record Next PSBC Meeting: April 20, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the H-Cam Studios.

    62.16 Record A Motion was made by P. Mahoney and seconded by F. White to adjourn the meeting. No

    discussion, voted unanimously.

    Attachments: Agenda, Budget Tracking Form, Change Order No. 7, Change Order Description Form, Change

    Order/GMP Contingency/Allowance Budget Summary Form, Pricing for VE items 0911, 3303, 3307, 3330, 3340 and

    3302, draft Topping Off Ceremony invitation, Role of the PSBC and the School Committee Maintenance Committee

    Documents, OAL Log, Construction Progress Update

    The information herein reflects the understanding reached. Please contact the author if you have any questions or are not in agreement with these

    Project Minutes.

    JGS/sat/P:\2013\13006\04-MEETINGS\4.3 Mtg_Notes\3-PSBC Meetings\2016\62_2016_16marchpsbcmeeting\Permanentschoolbuildingcommitteemeeting_16March2016-



    Project: New Holbrook PreK-12 School, Holbrook, MA Project No.: 13006

    Re: Permanent School Building Committee Meeting Meeting Date: 3/16/2016

    Prepared by: Joel G. Seeley Meeting Time: 7:00 PM

    Distribution: Attendees (MF)

    1. Call to Order

    2. Approval of Minutes

    3. Approval of Invoices and Commitments

    4. Protected Habitat for LEED Update

    5. Past VE Items Review

    6. Irrigation Well Update

    7. Elevated Walkway to JFK Site Budget Update

    8. Topping-Off Ceremony Update

    9. School Department’s Maintenance Plan and the role of the PSBC

    10. Procurement Update

    11. Construction Update

    12. Committee Questions

    13. Public Comments

    14. Next Meeting: April 20, 2016

    15. Adjourn

    JGS/sat/P:\2013\13006\04-MEETINGS\4.2 Agendas\3-PSBC Meetings\2016\63_2016_March16\Agenda_16March2016.Doc

  • Symmes Maini & McKee Associates, Inc. (SMMA)

    Holbrook School District

    New Holbrook PreK-12 School


    BUDGET TRACKING FORM as of: 2/29/2016 Budget Revisions

    Propay Name A B C D E

    code # Feasibility Study Agreement

    1 0001-0000 OPM Feasibility Study 160,000.00 160,000.00 159,250.00 159,250.00 - - 750.00

    2 0002-0000 A&E Feasibility Study 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 450,000.00 - - -

    3 0003-0000 Environmental and Site 100,000.00 100,000.00 63,706.00 63,039.69 666.31 - 36,294.00

    4 0004-0000 Other 86,272.00 86,272.00 8,416.38 8,416.38 - - 77,855.62

    Feasibility Study Agreement Subtotal 796,272.00$ -$ 796,272.00$ 681,372.38$ 680,706.07$ 666.31$ -$ 114,899.62$


    6 0101-0000 Legal Fees 120,000.00 120,000.00 97,515.66 27,857.26 69,658.40 - 22,484.34

    Owner's Project Manager

    7 0102-0400 > Design Development 254,666.00 254,666.00 254,666.00 254,666.00 0.00 - -

    8 0102-0500 > Construction Contract Documents 382,226.00 382,226.00 382,226.00 382,226.00 0.00 - -

    9 0102-0600 > Bidding 138,889.00 138,889.00 138,889.00 138,889.00 - - -

    10 0102-0700 > Construction Contract Administration 1,802,699.00 1,802,699.00 1,802,699.00 54,080.97 1,748,618.03 - -

    11 0102-0800 > Closeout 61,004.00 61,004.00 61,004.00 - 61,004.00 - -

    12 0102-0900 > Extra Services 100,000.00 100,000.00 - - - - 100,000.00

    13 0102-1000 > Reimbursable & Other Services 40,000.00 40,000.00 3,960.00 3,960.00 - - 36,040.00

    14 0102-1100 > Cost Estimates 100,000.00 100,000.00 52,250.00 52,250.00 - - 47,750.00

    15 0103-0000 Advertising 20,000.00 20,000.00 820.38 820.38 - - 19,179.62

    16 0104-0000 Permitting 50,000.00 50,000.00 1,757.94 1,757.94 - - 48,242.06

    17 0105-0000 Owner's Insurance 80,000.00 80,000.00 - - - - 80,000.00

    18 0199-0000 Other Administrative Costs 60,000.00 60,000.00 20,686.64 13,130.32 7,556.32 - 39,313.36

    Administration Subtotal 3,209,484.00$ -$ 3,209,484.00$ 2,816,474.62$ 929,637.87$ 1,886,836.75$ -$ 393,009.38$ Architecture and Engineering

    Basic Services

    21 0201-0400 > Design Development 1,730,000.00 1,730,000.00 1,730,000.00 1,730,000.00 - - -

    22 0201-0500 > Construction Contract Documents 2,550,000.00 2,550,000.00 2,550,000.00 2,550,000.00 - - -

    23 0201-0600 > Bidding 330,000.00 330,000.00 330,000.00 330,000.00 - - -

    24 0201-0700 > Construction Contract Administration 2,450,000.00 2,450,000.00 2,450,000.00 85,750.00 2,364,250.00 - -

    25 0201-0800 > Closeout 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 - 200,000.00 - -

    26 0201-9900 > Other Basic Services 300,000.00 300,000.00 300,000.00 - 300,000.00 - -

    27 BASIC SERVICES SUBTOTAL 7,560,000.00$ -$ 7,560,000.00$ 7,560,000.00$ 4,695,750.00$ 2,864,250.00$ -$ -$

    Reimbursable Services

    28 0203-0100 > Construction Testing 25,000.00 25,000.00 - - - - 25,000.00

    29 0203-0200 > Printing (over minimum) 120,000.00 120,000.00 - - - - 120,000.00

    30 0203-9900 > Other Reimbursable Costs 180,000.00 180,000.00 12,078.98 1,320.00 10,758.98 - 167,921.02

    31 0204-0200 > Hazardous Materials 240,000.00 240,000.00 - - - - 240,000.00

    32 0204-0300 > Geotech & Geo-Env. 200,000.00 200,000.00 32,230.00 10,703.00 21,527.00 - 167,770.00

    33 0204-0400 > Site Survey 80,000.00 80,000.00 57,475.00 57,475.00 - - 22,525.00

    34 0204-0500 > Wetlands 80,000.00 80,000.00 2,970.00 2,970.00 - - 77,030.00

    35 0204-1200 > Traffic Studies 100,000.00 100,000.00 - - - - 100,000.00

    Architectural and Engineering Subtotal 8,585,000.00$ -$ 8,585,000.00$ 7,664,753.98$ 4,768,218.00$ 2,896,535.98$ -$ 920,246.02$

    (A - B - E)




    PS&B Budget





    Amount Expended

    (B - C)


    Contract Amount

    Additional Projected


  • Symmes Maini & McKee Associates, Inc. (SMMA)

    Holbrook School District

    New Holbrook PreK-12 School


    BUDGET TRACKING FORM as of: 2/29/2016 Budget Revisions

    (A - B - E)




    PS&B Budget





    Amount Expended

    (B - C)


    Contract Amount

    Additional Projected


    CM @ Risk Preconstruction Services

    36 0501-0000 Pre-Construction Services 600,000.00$ (400,000.00)$ 200,000.00$ 193,500.00$ 193,500.00$ -$ -$ 6,500.00$

    0502-0001 Construction Budget 79,835,240.00$ 400,000.00$ 80,235,240.00$ 77,766,936.25$ 7,979,950.10$ 69,786,986.15$ -$ 2,468,303.75$

    89 CSI Code CSI Description

    89 0502-0010 CM Fee 1,524,560.00 1,524,560.00 156,071.34 1,368,488.66 - -

    89 0502-0020 Bonds and Insurances 2,079,305.85 2,079,305.85 780,698.60 1,298,607.25 - -

    89 0502-0030 Total GMP Construction Contingency 3,251,121.35 3,251,121.35 38,627.00 3,212,494.35 - -

    89 0502-0100 CM Staffing 3,264,261.75 3,264,261.75 631,275.78 2,632,985.97 - -

    89 0502-0100 GC's 238,687.50 238,687.50 108,143.56 130,543.94 - -

    89 0502-0100 Division 1 - General Requirements 1,780,043.50 1,780,043.50 171,230.25 1,608,813.25 - -

    89 0502-0200 Division 2 - Existing Conditions 954,750.00 954,750.00 - 954,750.00 - -

    89 0502-0300 Division 3 - Concrete 3,773,423.75 3,773,423.75 1,305,625.85 2,467,797.90 - -

    89 0502-0400 Division 4 - Masonry 3,022,837.30 3,022,837.30 204,326.00 2,818,511.30 - -

    89 0502-0500 Division 5 - Metals 4,867,562.50 4,867,562.50 142,547.50 4,725,015.00 - -

    89 0502-0600 Division 6 - Wood, Plastics and Composites 1,245,492.75 1,245,492.75 - 1,245,492.75 - -

    89 0502-0700 Division 7 - Thermal & Moisture Protection 5,926,130.40 5,926,130.40 - 5,926,130.40 - -

    89 0502-0800 Division 8 - Openings 2,871,440.55 2,871,440.55 - 2,871,440.55 - -

    89 0502-0900 Division 9 - Finishes 8,487,301.90 8,487,301.90 - 8,487,301.90 - -

    89 0502-1000 Division 10 - Specialties 699,782.35 699,782.35 - 699,782.35 - -

    89 0502-1100 Division 11 - Equipment 950,096.90 950,096.90 - 950,096.90 - -

    89 0502-1200 Division 12 - Furnishings 1,318,548.70 1,318,548.70 - 1,318,548.70 - -

    89 0502-1300 Division 13 - Special Construction 180,519.00 180,519.00 - 180,519.00 - -

    89 0502-1400 Division 14 - Conveying Systems 257,450.00 257,450.00 - 257,450.00 - -

    89 0502-2100 Division 21 - Fire Suppression 775,105.00 775,105.00 - 775,105.00 - -

    89 0502-2200 Division 22 - Plumbing 2,323,207.90 2,323,207.90 - 2,323,207.90 - -

    89 0502-2300 Division 23 - HVAC 6,403,000.00 6,403,000.00 - 6,403,000.00 - -

    89 0502-2600 Division 26 - Electrical 6,677,920.50 6,677,920.50 - 6,677,920.50 - -

    89 0502-2700 Division 27 - Communications - - - - - -

    89 0502-2800 Division 28 - Electronic Safety & Security - - - - - -

    89 0502-3100 Division 31 - Earthwork 2,884,721.55 2,884,721.55 1,978,624.85 906,096.70 - -

    89 0502-3200 Division 32 - Exterior Improvements 4,356,469.15 4,356,469.15 330,873.60 4,025,595.55 - -

    89 0502-3300 Division 33 - Utilities 3,668,005.10 3,668,005.10 1,654,347.10 2,013,658.00 - -

    89 0502-9900 Retainage 3,883,250.00 3,883,250.00 398,997.47 3,484,252.53 - -

    89 0508-0000 Change Orders 101,941.00$ 101,941.00 101,941.00 78,561.20 23,379.80 - -

    89 Construction Budget Subtotal 79,835,240.00$ 101,941.00$ 77,766,936.25$ 77,766,936.25$ 7,979,950.10$ 69,786,986.15$ -$ 2,468,303.75$


    90 0506-0000 Ineligible Work (Maint Blg, Press Box, Concession and Restrooms) 404,800.00 470,648.00 470,648.00 - 470,648.00 - -

    Alternates Subtotal 404,800.00$ -$ 470,648.00$ 470,648.00$ -$ 470,648.00$ -$ -$

    0600-0000 Miscellaneous Project Costs

    94 0601-0000 Utility Company Fees 280,000.00 280,000.00 3,009.57 3,009.57 - - 276,990.43

    95 0602-0000 Testing Services 300,000.00 300,000.00 110,000.00 11,010.01 98,989.99 - 190,000.00

    96 0603-0000 Swing Space / Modulars - - - - - - -

    97 0699-0000 Other Project Costs (Mailing & Moving) 200,000.00 200,000.00 - - - - 200,000.00

    0600-0000 Miscellaneous Project Costs Subtotal 780,000.00$ -$ 780,000.00$ 113,009.57$ 14,019.58$ 98,989.99$ -$ 666,990.43$

    0700-0000 Furnishings and Equipment

    99 0701-0000 Furnishings 1,971,000.00 1,971,000.00 - - - - 1,971,000.00

    0702-0000 Equipment

    101 0703-0000 Computer Equipment 1,971,000.00 1,971,000.00 - - - - 1,971,000.00

    Furnishings and Equipment Subtotal 3,942,000.00$ -$ 3,942,000.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 3,942,000.00$

    103 0507-0000 Owner's Construction Contingency 4,012,002.00 (101,941.00) 3,910,061.00 - - - - 3,910,061.00

    104 0801-0000 Owners' (soft cost) Contingency 802,400.00 802,400.00 - - - - 802,400.00

    Contingency Subtotal 4,814,402.00$ (101,941.00)$ 4,712,461.00$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,712,461.00$

    Total Project Budget 102,967,198.00$ -$ 100,462,801.25$ 89,706,694.80$ 14,566,031.62$ 75,140,663.18$ -$ 13,224,410.20$


    UPDATED: 3/16/2016


    Change Order Budget Summary


    Order No.

    Change Order


    Owner's Contingency


    4,012,002.00$ Original PFA Budget

    1 (19,298.00)$ CR-001

    2 (924.00)$ CR-003, CR-004, CR-005, CR-006

    3 44,268.00$ CR-008, CR-009

    4 74,261.00$ CR-002, CR-010, CR-013, CR-014, CR-015, CR-017

    5 3,634.00$ CR-018

    6 NA

    7 93,881.00$

    CR-019, CR-021, CR-022, CR-023, CR-026, CR-028,

    CR-029, CR-033, CR-037

    Change Order






    TOTAL 195,822.00$ 4,012,002.00$ 3,816,180.00$

    GMP Contingency Transfer Budget Summary


    Order No.

    Contingency Transfer


    GMP Contingency


    273,972.00$ Amendment No. 1

    1 NA

    2 (56,915.00)$ CT-003; CT-004

    3 19,569.00$ CT-001; CT-002

    4 27,240.00$ CT-009; CT-010; CT-012

    231,210.00$ Amendment No. 2

    154,304.00$ Amendment No. 3

    5 NA

    1,788,807.00$ Amendment No. 4A

    6 77,812.00$ CT-006, CT-008, CT-016, CT-017, CT-019

    7 4,317.00$ CT-020

    Contingency Transfer


    GMP Contingency




    TOTAL 72,023.00$ 2,448,293.00$ 2,376,270.00$

    Allowance Transfer Budget Summary


    Order No.

    Allowance Transfer


    Allowance Transfer


    376,500.00$ Amendment Nos. 1 through 3

    1 NA

    2 NA

    3 NA

    4 NA

    5 17,674.00$ AT-001, AT-002, AT-003, AT-004

    597,440.00$ Amendment No. 4A

    6 75,337.00$

    AT-005, AT-007, AT-008, AT-009, AT-010, AT-011, AT-

    014, AT-015, AT-016, AT-017

    7 NA

    Allowance Transfer


    Allowance Transfer


    Allowance Transfer


    TOTAL 93,011.00$ 973,940.00$ 880,929.00$

    1 OF 1

  • Change Order



    Consigli Construction Co., Inc.72 Sumner StreetMilford, MA 01757

    1484 Holbrook - New PreK-12 School



    To Contractor:

    Holbrook, MA 02343245 South Franklin Street

    Change Order:

    The Contract is changed as follows:

    Owner Change Order #7

    BT002-P1 Temp. Parking Lot Striping $0.00

    CR019-P4 PR#006 - Lintels at South Side Gym Wall $0.00

    CR021-P4 PR#008.3 - Door Schedule Clarification $14,926.00

    CR022-P4 PR#009 - GWB Location Clarifications $14,224.00

    CR023-P4 PR#011 - Curtainwall Dimension Revisions $7,750.00

    CR026-P4 PR#014 - Fixed Louver and Precast Sill $179.00

    CR028-P4 PR#016.1 - Additional Spray Fireproofing $12,585.00

    CR029-P4 PR#017 - Modifications to Mechanical Doghouse at West Wall Gym $2,063.00

    CR033-P4 PR#021 - Change to Cast Iron Closers - Entire Project $5,946.00

    CR037-P4 OAL16r1 - Change in Accepted Bid for Tile Work $36,208.00

    CT020-P1 Temp. Drainage Connection $0.00

    $93,881.00 Total:


    Town of Holbrook


    Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

    The Contract Time will be unchanged.



    The original Contract Amount was

    Net change by previously authorized Change Orders

    The Contract Amount prior to this Change Order was

    The Contract will be increased by this Change Order in the amount of

    The new Contract Amount including this Change Order will be



    77 North Washington Street

    Holbrook, MA 02343

    50 North Franklin Street

    Boston, MA 02114

    72 Sumner Street

    Milford, MA 01757


    Date DateDate

    ByBy By



    Page 1 of 1

    Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

    Construction Managers and General Contractors

    72 Sumner Street, Milford MA 01757 ● phone: 508-473-2580 ● fax: 508-473-3588 ● web:

    Hartford CT ● Portland ME ● Milford MA

  • Change Order #7 3/16/2016 BT002-P1 Temp Parking Lot Striping CR019-P4 PR006 Lintels at South Side Gym Wall CR021-P4 PR008.3 Door Schedule Clarifications CR022-P4 PR009 GWB Location Clarifications CR023-P4 PR11 Curtainwall Dimension Revisions CR026-P4 PR14 Fixed Louver and Precast Sill CR028-P4 PR16.1 Additional Spray Fireproofing CR029-P4 PR17 Modifications to Mechanical Doghouse at West Wall Gym CR033-P4 PR21 Change Cast Iron Closers – Entire Project CR037-P4 OAL16r1 Change Accepted Bid for Tile Work CT020-P1 Temp Drainage Connection BT002-P1 Temp Parking Lot Striping Additional striping and numbers for the temp parking lot related to the additional signage and traffic flow clarifications requested by the owner. CR019-P4 PR006 Lintels at South Side Gym Wall This was due to coordination of early structural steel design package to the final architectural openings at the CMU bearing wall at the north side of the cafeteria area. CR021-P4 PR008.3 Door Schedule Clarifications The final bid door schedule had inconsistencies related to door finishes, sizes, hardware and ratings. The changes were necessary to provide consistency of door finishes (wood finishes rather than painted steel doors), and to provide wider corridor openings at cross corridor doors to coordinate with the structural concrete openings. Some rated stair doors clarified that their glass transoms needed to be rated which resulted in glass changes. Hardware was revised where doors were changed. This a very small percentage of changes per the number of doors. CR022-P4 PR009 GWB Location Clarifications This clarifies the intent of the south wall of the STEAM area and minor exposed walls in the Cafeteria in order to provide a consistent finished appearance. CR023-P4 PR11 Curtainwall Dimension Revisions Additional mullions were added at some curtainwalls to align with ceiling heights. Curtainwall submittals have been returned. CR026-P4 PR14 Fixed Louver and Precast Sill The louver is required to finish an exhaust duct shown on the mechanical drawings and the precast sill replaces a brick sill in order to be consistent with other windows in similar locations. CR028-P4 PR16.1 Additional Spray Fireproofing This is a required coordination of the early structural drawings package with the final architectural plans, which resulted in additional beams needing fireproofing than anticipated at the time of the structural bids.

  • CR029-P4 PR17 Modifications to Mechanical Doghouse at West Wall Gym These modifications are necessary due to coordination of the early structural drawings and the final mechanical and architectural plans. CR033-P4 PR21 Change Cast Iron Closers – Entire Project The project specified heavy duty cast aluminum closers The school had requested heavy duty closers, but intended that request to be the heaviest duty closer available. Cast iron is considered more heavy duty and the closers are being changed to reflect the request of the school. CR037-P4 OAL16r1 Change Accepted Bid for Tile Work The original tile filed-sub bidder made a mathematical error and withdrew their bid. The second lowest bidder has agreed to accept the project. This change reflects the cost difference from the lowest to the second lowest bidder’s pricing. CT020-P1 Temp Drainage Connection This change was required to provide drainage of site water during the construction phase from new work until the final detention structure connection can be completed.

  • Budget Transfer Request


    Job: 1484 Holbrook - New PreK-12 School





    To: Joel G. Seeley AIA

    Symmes Maini & Mckee

    Ph: (617)520-9403 Fax: (800)648-4920

    Description: Temp. Parking Lot Striping

    We offer the following specifications and pricing to make the changes as described below:

    This budget transfer is being submitted for the cost of temp. striping 110 parking stalls with one coat of paint.

    Description Material Subcontract Other PriceLabor Equipment

    J. Derenzo COR#22, dated 11/13/15 $1,298.00$1,298.00

    Temporary walkway - J. DerenzoCOR#22, dated 11/13/15



    $0.00Fee (5%)

    $0.00SDI (1.4%)

    $0.00GL (1.2%)

    $0.00Builders Risk (.1%)

    $0.00P&P Bond (.75%)



    We have proceeded with this change to achieve schedule.

    As directed, we will not proceed with this change until formal direction from OWNER is received.


    Date DateDate

    ByBy By



    Milford, MA 01757

    72 Sumner Street

    Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

    Boston, MA 02114

    77 North Washington Street

    Flansburgh Associates, Inc

    Holbrook, MA 02343

    50 North Franklin Street

    Timothy Vautour

    Page 1 of 1Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

    Construction Managers and General Contractors72 Sumner Street, Milford MA 01757 ● phone: 508-473-2580 ● fax: 508-473-3588 ● web:

    Hartford CT ● Portland ME ● Milford MA

  • Change Request


    Job: 1484 Holbrook - New PreK-12 School





    To: Joel G. Seeley AIA

    Symmes Maini & Mckee

    Ph: (617)520-9403 Fax: (800)648-4920

    Description: PR#008.3 - Door Schedule Clarification

    We offer the following specifications and pricing to make the changes as described below:

    Change Request CR021-P4 is being submitted for the following worked added and altered in the Proposal Requests up to and

    including the lastest revision, PR#008.3 – “Door Schedule Clarifications”:

    References: A10.00, A10.01A-C

    1. Kelley Brother's will furnish the inventory for the revised hardware schedule. The changes up to and included in PR#008.2 were

    captured as an Credit Alternate of -($6,900) per OAL#09. The changes made to the hardware schedule from PR#008.2 to

    PR#008.3, which included:

    a) Deleting Openings A102A and C102A,

    b) Increasing the door size of C119 and C200 from 6' to 6'-6" and

    c) changing doors S2-01, S2-02, S3-01, S3-02, S7-01 and S7-02 from MTL to WD

    resulted in a change ammount of $14,092, per Kelley Brother's CP#3 . The net changes listed above resulted in a net change of

    $7,192 from Kelley Brother's.

    2. Kapiloff's Glass will provide and furnish glazing for the revised hardware schedule.The revised hardware scheudle changed the

    folowing square footage for glazing:

    a) Glazing was increased or added to A209, B114, B136, B220, B22c, B222d, B223, 2xS5-02, S6-01, S6-02, and S6-04.

    b) Glazing reduced or removed in B175a, B232, C212, C212a, and S6-03.

    c) Glazing in C119, C200, S7-01 and S7-02 changed from annealed glass to Fire Resistant.

    These changes resulted in a cost change of $6,554, per Kapiloff's Glass's COR#02.

    Rev1 - 3/16/16 - Reduced price from Kapiloff's COR#02 to $6,554 from $6,609. Additional backup detailing the change in cost for

    Kelley Brother's in CP#3.

    Description Material Subcontract Other PriceLabor Equipment

    Kelley Brothers, OAL#09, 1/5/16 $-6,900.00$-6,900.00

    Kelley Brothers, CP#3, 2/26/16 $14,092.00$14,092.00

    Kapiloff's Glass, COR#02, 3/7/16 $6,554.00$6,554.00


    $687.30Fee (5%) $13,746.00

    $192.44SDI (1.4%) $13,746.00

    $175.51GL (1.2%) $14,625.74

    $13.75Builders Risk (.1%) $13,746.00

    $111.11P&P Bond (.75%) $14,815.00




    We have proceeded with this change to achieve schedule.

    As directed, we will not proceed with this change until formal direction from OWNER is received.


    Milford, MA 01757

    72 Sumner Street

    Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

    Boston, MA 02114

    77 North Washington Street

    Holbrook, MA 02343

    50 North Franklin Street


    Page 1 of 2

    Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

    Construction Managers and General Contractors

    72 Sumner Street, Milford MA 01757 ● phone: 508-473-2580 ● fax: 508-473-3588 ● web:

    Hartford CT ● Portland ME ● Milford MA

  • Change Request


    Job: 1484 Holbrook - New PreK-12 School





    To: Joel G. Seeley AIA

    Symmes Maini & Mckee

    Ph: (617)520-9403 Fax: (800)648-4920


    Date DateDate

    ByBy By


    Flansburgh Associates, Inc Timothy Vautour

    Page 2 of 2

    Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

    Construction Managers and General Contractors

    72 Sumner Street, Milford MA 01757 ● phone: 508-473-2580 ● fax: 508-473-3588 ● web:

    Hartford CT ● Portland ME ● Milford MA

  • Contingency Change Request


    Job: 1484 Holbrook - New PreK-12 School





    To: Joel G. Seeley AIA

    Symmes Maini & Mckee

    Ph: (617)520-9403 Fax: (800)648-4920

    Description: Temp. Drainage Connection

    In accordance with the contract terms, this Contingency Change Request will be funded from the construction manager's projectcontingency. Please consider this Contingency Change Request as formal notification of contingency use.

    This contingency transfer is being issued for installing 66 lf of temporary 10" drain piping from the proposed drainage structure ICS#630 to the existing drain manhole located behind the existing school. This temporary drainage measure was approved by NitschEngineering.

    Description Material Subcontract Other PriceLabor Equipment

    J. Derenzo COR#29, dated 1/4/16 $4,317.00$4,317.00

    Contingency - J. Derenzo COR#29,dated 1/4/16



    $0.00Fee (5%)

    $0.00SDI (1.4%)

    $0.00GL (1.2%)

    $0.00Builders Risk (.1%)

    $0.00P&P Bond (.75%)



    We have proceeded with this change and use of contingency to achieve schedule.

    As directed, we will not proceed with this change and use of contingency until formal direction from OWNER is received.


    Date DateDate

    ByBy By



    Milford, MA 01757

    72 Sumner Street

    Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

    Boston, MA 02114

    77 North Washington Street

    Flansburgh Associates, Inc

    Holbrook, MA 02343

    50 North Franklin Street

    Timothy Vautour

    Page 1 of 1Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

    Construction Managers and General Contractors72 Sumner Street, Milford MA 01757 ● phone: 508-473-2580 ● fax: 508-473-3588 ● web:

    Hartford CT ● Portland ME ● Milford MA

  • Page 1 of 3

    TO: Director of Capital Planning

    FROM: Superintendent Patricia Lally

    Holbrook Public Schools

    New Holbrook PreK-12 School

    MSBA Project ID Number: 200801330505

    DATE: March 16, 2016

    RE: Project Funding Agreement Budget Revision Request, NUMBER: 8

    Pursuant to Section 3.6 of the Project Funding Agreement between the TOWN OF HOLBROOK, MASSACHUSETTS (the “District”) and the MASSACHUSETTS SCHOOL BUILDING AUTHORITY (the “Authority”), the District hereby requests a revision to the Total Project Budget, Exhibit A, dated October 23, 2014, for the New Holbrook PreK-12 School. As required, the District has provided the information outlined in the table below to indicate the Total Project Budget categories (line items) affected, the amounts needed and the reasons for the proposed revision.

    The District acknowledges and agrees that it will not seek reimbursement from the Authority for any costs that exceed the already approved line item limits set forth in Exhibit A until after the Authority has accepted this Total Project Budget Revision Request, and the Authority’s ProPay system has been adjusted accordingly.

    The District further acknowledges and agrees that in accordance with Sections 3.6 and 3.7 of the Project Funding Agreement, any revisions to the Total Project Budget will not result in an increase to the Total Facilities Grant amount set forth in Section 2.1 of the Project Funding Agreement.

    The District further acknowledges and agrees that the need for these revisions to the Total Project Budget have been identified in the OPM monthly report as required pursuant to the Contract for Owner’s Project Management Services between the District and the OPM.

    The District further acknowledges and agrees that all of the information contained in this Total Project Budget Revision Request has been reviewed and approved by Permanent School Building Committee, and it further certifies and acknowledges that the funds to pay for the costs associated with these proposed revisions are available as indicated by the signatures noted below.

    Use Table 1 for identification of expenditures against the Owner’s contingency. The Total Owner’s Contingency in the Current Total Project Budget, Exhibit A of the PFA dated January 8, 2015 is $802,400.00.

    From Classifi-cation Code

    From Classification Name

    To Classifi-cation Code

    To Classification Name

    Budget Revision Amount

    Reason for transfer (Attach all supporting documentation, e.g., executed contracts, amendments and or supporting invoices for reimbursable expenses)

    Amount Remaining in Owner’s Contingency

    Ineligible/Cost/Scope Items excluded from the Total Facilities Grant


  • Page 2 of 3

    Use Table 2 for identification of expenditures against the Construction Contingency. The Total Construction Contingency in the Current Total Project Budget, Exhibit A of the PFA January 8, 2015 is $4,012,002.00

    From Classifi-cation Code

    From Classification Name

    To Classifi-cation Code

    To Classification Name

    Budget Revision Amount

    Reason for transfer (Attach all supporting documentation, e.g., executed contracts, amendments and or supporting invoices for reimbursable expenses)

    Amount Remaining in Construction Contingency

    Ineligible/Cost/Scope Items excluded from the Total Facilities Grant

    0507-0000 Owner’s Construction Contingency

    0508-0000 Change Orders $93,942.00 Change Order No. 7, dated March 16, 2016 $3,816,119.00

    Use Table 3 for identification of expenditures against the Allowances.

    From Classifi-cation Code

    From Classification Name

    To Classifi-cation Code

    To Classification Name

    Budget Revision Amount

    Reason for transfer (Attach all supporting documentation, e.g., executed contracts, amendments and or supporting invoices for reimbursable expenses)

    Amount Remaining in Construction Contingency

    Ineligible/Cost/Scope Items excluded from the Total Facilities Grant

    0502-0030 GMP Construction Contingency

    0502-3200 Exterior Improvements

    $1,298.00 BT-002 was included in Change Order No. 7

    0502-0030 GMP Construction Contingency

    0502-3300 Utilities $4,317.00 CT-020 was included in Change Order No. 7

  • Page 3 of 3

    By signing this Total Project Budget Revision Request, I hereby certify that I have read and understand the terms of this Request and further certify that the information supplied by the District in the tables is true, accurate and complete.


    By: Matthew V. Moore

    Title: Chief Executive Officer

    Date: March 16, 2016

    By signing this Total Project Budget Revision Request, I hereby certify that I have read and understand the terms of this Request and further certify that the information supplied by the District in the tables is true, accurate and complete.


    By: Patricia Lally

    Title: Superintendent of Schools

    Date: March 16, 2016

    By signing this Total Project Budget Revision Request, I hereby certify that I have read and understand the terms of this Request and further certify that the information supplied by the District in the tables is true, accurate and complete.


    By: Arthur George

    Title: Chair of the School Committee

    Date: March 16, 2016




    Title: Director of Capital Planning

    Date: __________________________________ P:\2013\13006\00-INFO\0.9 Budget Revisions\PFA Budget Revision Requests\PFA_BudgetRevisionRequestNo.8_16March2016\MASTER PFA Budget Revision Request Rev 8.doc


    Description Takeoff Qty Total Cost/Unit Total Amount Original VE Total

    VM 0911 - PorcTile in lieu of Vinyl Plank at 6-12 Cafeteria (4,000 sf only)

    Vinyl plank flooring -2900 7.5 /sf (21,750.00) Porcelain floor tile at lobby 2900 25 /sf 72,500.00 10 % Design Cost 10% 5,075.00

    PorcTile in lieu of Vinyl Plan at 6-12 Cafeteria (4,000 sf only) 55,825.00 40,000

    VM 3303 - Change Bitmuinous Bus Driveway to Concrete

    Remove Existing Binder & Regrade East 3,680 sf 3.03 /sf 11,150.40 Additoinal Soil Export (Grading for Concrete) 310 cy 12 /cy 3,720.00 Driveway Binder Course -1240 sy 11 /sy (13,640.00) Driveway Top Course -1450 sy 6.65 /sf (9,642.50) Bituminous WAL -210 tn 115 /tn (24,150.00) Concrete drive (x/L12) ‐ redimix 8" +10% 362 cy 130 /cy 47,060.00 Concrete drive ‐ place and finish 13320 sf 3.10 /sf 41,292.00 Edge form ‐ 8" 240 lf 16 /lf 3,840.00 WWM of above 13320 sf 0.20 /sf 2,664.00 10% Design Cost 10% 6,229.39

    Change Bituminous Bus Driveway to Concrete 68,523.29 49,450

    VM 3307 - Change Portions of Walks from Bituminous to Concrete

    Bituminous paving walk -1628 sy 28 /sy -45,584.00Concrete sidewalk (x/L12) ‐ redimix 4" +20% 217 cy 120 /cy 26,040.00Concrete sidewalk ‐ place and finish 14,650 sf 3.1 /sf 45,415.00Edge form ‐ 8" 2,442 lf 16 /lf 39,072.00WWM of above 14,650 sf 0.2 /sf 2,930.0010% Design Cost 10% 6,787.30

    Change Portions of Walks from Bituminous to Concrete 74,660.30 28,813

    VM 3330 - Add (4) Dug-outs

    Split face, cmu at dugout ‐ say 9'h 828 sf 26 /sf 21,528 Dug‐out roof structure 960 sf 25 /sf 24,000 Dug‐out roof 960 sf 12 /sf 11,520 10% Design Cost 10% 5,705

    62,753 57,048

    VM 3340 - 40% Increase of Plantings

    Increase plantings 40% 887,170.00 354,868 10% Design Cost 10% 35,486.80

    40% Increase of Plantings 390,355 228,000

    20' X 40' Storage Shed

    20'x40' Pre-engineered Insulated Metal Building 10' High Clear - 1 access door (1) 8x8 OH door

    1 EA 40,250.00 /ea 40,250.00

    Concrete Slab with Haunched Perimeter 60 cy 130.00 /cy 7,800.00

    Place & Finish Slab 800 sf 3.10 /sf 2,480.00

    Add (4) Dug-outs

  • REVERSE VE ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATEEdge Form Haunch 120 lf 25.00 /lf 3,000.00

    Reinforcing of Slab 800 sf 1.50 /sf 1,200.00

    Excavate & Backfill SOG 924 sy 16.26 /sy 15,027.28

    Dense Grade 64 tn 12.25 /tn 784.00

    3/4" Crushed Stone 15 tn 13.00 /tn 195.00

    Additional Soil Export 100 cy 12.00 /cy 1,200.00

    Underground Electrical Service (Assumed Distance) 100 lf 29.00 /lf 2,900.00

    Lighting & Receptacles (Allowance) 800 sf 10.00 /sf 8,000.00

    Excavation & Backfill for Electrical Service (Assumed Distance)

    100 lf 53.00 /lf 5,300.00

    Area Restoration 1 ls 5,000.00 /ls 5,000.00

    Sitework/Grading (Allowance) 1 ls 10,000.00 ls 10,000.00

    10 % Design Cost 1 ls 10% 9,313.63

    20' X 40' Storage Shed 1 112,449.91 235,144

    20' X 40' Storage Shed

    20'x40' Pre-engineered Insulated Metal Building 10' High Clear - 1 access door (1) 8x8 OH door

    1 EA 40,250.00 /ea 40,250.00

    Concrete Slab with Haunched Perimeter 60 cy 130.00 /cy 7,800.00

    Place & Finish Slab 800 sf 3.10 /sf 2,480.00

    Edge Form Haunch 120 lf 25.00 /lf 3,000.00

    Reinforcing of Slab 800 sf 1.50 /sf 1,200.00

    Excavate & Backfill SOG 924 sy 16.26 /sy 15,027.28

    Dense Grade 64 tn 12.25 /tn 784.00

    3/4" Crushed Stone 15 tn 13.00 /tn 195.00

    Additional Soil Export 100 cy 12.00 /cy 1,200.00

    Underground Elecrtical Service (Assumed Distance) 100 lf 29.00 /lf 2,900.00

    Lighting & Receptacles (Allowance) 800 sf 10.00 /lf 8,000.00

    Excavation & Backfill for Electrical Service (Assumed Distance)

    100 lf 53.00 /lf 5,300.00

    Area Restoration (Allowance) 1 ls 5,000.00 ls 5,000.00

    Sitework/Grading (Allowance) 1 ls 10,000.00 ls 10,000.00

    10% Design Cost 1 ls 10% ls 9,313.63

    20' X 40' Storage Shed 2 112,449.91 0

    REVERSE VE TOTAL 877,016.01 638,455.00

  • From: Traniello, SarahTo: "Barbara Davis ([email protected])"; "Beth Tolson ([email protected])"; Christian Riordan -

    Consigli; Daniel F. Moriarty ([email protected]); David Curry - Consigli; "Fred White ([email protected])"; "James Day ([email protected])"; John Laperle - Consigli; Kent Kovacs - Flansburgh; Marjorie Godfrey ([email protected]); Matthew Moore ([email protected]); Mike Bolger - HPS; Patricia Lally; "Peter Mahoney ([email protected])"; Phil Brault - Consigli; Scott R. Towne; Seeley, Joel ([email protected]); "Tom Taylor ([email protected])"; Vince Dube - Flansburgh; "[email protected]"; "Vautour, Timothy"; "Tim Gordon"; "[email protected]"

    Subject: FW: PSBC Role Documents PNUM: 13006 - HOLBROOK: NEW PREK-12 SCHOOLDate: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 12:26:00 PMAttachments: 20160307182701340.pdf

     All, The role of the PSBC, relative to the new school facility, has been a topic of discussion at the PSBC meetings.  The attachment contains the following three documents: -History of the PSBC via Town Meeting article (1961-present) (pages 1-4)-Statutory overview and opinion from Holbrook School Committee Counsel (Stoneham, Chandler and Miller) (pages 5-6)-Legal opinion from Town Counsel (Murphy, Hesse, Toomey)  (pages 7-10) Bottom-line: The PSBC Town Meeting votes (over the years) do not address on-going maintenance.  We could bring an article to TM for a consolidated facilities maintenance function, however,  this would need to be voted favorably by the School Committee in order to implement it.  This will be discussed at Wednesday’s PSBC meeting. Tim    Timothy GordonTown Administrator Town of Holbrook50 North Franklin StreetHolbrook, MA 02343Telephone: 781-767-4312     Fax:  [email protected] 

             Holbrook…moving forward 

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:/o=SMMA/ou=First Administrative Group/cn=Recipients/cn=JoelSmailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • Consigli Construction Co., Inc.72 Sumner StreetMilford, MA 01757

    OAL # Trade Vendor

    Date Submitted Status

    Date Approved


    GMPBudget Hold Amount


    Buy / (Bust) $

    Buy / (Bust) %

    1 Early Site Electrical Systems Approved #VALUE! 54,600$ -$ 54,600$ -$ 0.00%

    2 Site Work Subcontractor J Derenzo Approved #VALUE! 8,340,000$ -$ 8,340,000$ -$ 0.00%

    3 Temp Fencing Steelco Approved #VALUE! 118,459$ -$ 118,459$ -$ 0.00%

    4 Structural Steel Subcontractor Trimax Approved #VALUE! 3,683,750$ -$ 3,683,750$ -$ 0.00%

    5 Concrete Subcontractor JL Marshall Approved #VALUE! 3,143,600$ -$ 3,143,600$ -$ 0.00%

    6 Early Site Landscaping Greenscape Approved #VALUE! 131,000$ -$ 131,000$ -$ 0.00%

    7 Masonry (TC) Lighthouse Approved #VALUE! 3,377,000$ -$ 3,377,000$ -$ 0.00%

    8 Spray Fireproofing RicMor 12/22/15 Approved 01/07/16 16 35,700$ -$ 37,000$ (1,300)$ -3.64%

    9 DFH Riggs/Kelley Brothers 01/06/16 Approved 01/07/16 1 593,610$ -$ 592,664$ 946$ 0.16%

    10 Kitchen Equipment Kittredge 01/26/16 Approved 01/29/16 3 521,778$ -$ 528,000$ (6,222)$ -1.19%

    11 Misc. Metals Heritage Iron 01/21/16 Approved 01/21/16 0 1,540,000$ -$ 1,540,000$ -$ 0.00%

    12 Waterproofing Chapman 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 676,100$ -$ 676,100$ -$ 0.00%

    13 Roofing Greenwood 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 2,164,000$ -$ 2,164,000$ -$ 0.00%

    14 Metal Windows Lockheed Window 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 2,297,000$ -$ 2,297,000$ -$ 0.00%

    15 Glass and Glazing Kapiloff Glass 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 128,550$ -$ 128,550$ -$ 0.00%

    16 Tile West Flooring 02/22/16 Approved 02/25/16 3 560,000$ -$ 560,000$ -$ 0.00%

    17 Acoustical Tile K&K Acoustical 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 595,442$ -$ 595,442$ -$ 0.00%

    18 Resilient Flooring West Flooring 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 722,459$ -$ 722,459$ -$ 0.00%

    19 Painting King Painting 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 467,000$ -$ 467,000$ -$ 0.00%

    20 Elevator Delta Elevator Service Corp. 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 271,000$ -$ 271,000$ -$ 0.00%

    21 Fire Protection Tyco/Simplex Grinnel 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 815,900$ -$ 815,900$ -$ 0.00%

    22 Plumbing Araujo Bros. 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 2,496,000$ -$ 2,496,000$ -$ 0.00%

    23 HVAC N.B. Kenney 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 6,757,000$ -$ 6,757,000$ -$ 0.00%

    24 Electrical Wayne J. Griffin 12/23/15 Approved 01/07/16 15 7,059,000$ -$ 7,059,000$ -$ 0.00%

    25 Wall Panels Riggs 01/19/16 Approved 01/21/16 2 3,390,720$ -$ 3,373,400$ 17,320$ 0.51%

    26 OH Doors & Loading Dock Equip Baron Industries 01/21/16 Approved 01/28/16 7 23,400$ -$ 21,600$ 1,800$ 7.69%

    27 Metal Lockers Manganaro Northeast 01/25/16 Approved 01/28/16 3 157,000$ -$ 137,000$ 20,000$ 12.74%

    28 Resinous Flooring Kaloutas Co 01/21/16 Approved 01/28/16 7 114,038$ -$ 112,750$ 1,288$ 1.13%

    29 Folding Partitions The Pappas Company 01/26/16 Approved 01/28/16 2 100,500$ -$ 101,000$ (500)$ -0.50%

    30 Drywall TJ McCartney 02/02/16 Approved 02/04/16 2 4,930,344$ -$ 4,920,100$ 10,244$ 0.21%

    31 Fixed Audience Seating CB Seating 02/10/16 Approved 02/17/16 7 99,000$ -$ 94,900$ 4,100$ 4.14%

    32 Wood Flooring Towne & Country Wood Flooring 02/02/16 Approved 02/04/16 2 308,415$ -$ 279,705$ 28,710$ 9.31%

    33 Carpet & Entrance Mats Allegheny 02/10/16 Approved 02/17/16 7 174,804$ -$ 171,815$ 2,989$ 1.71%

    34 Finish Carpentry Riggs/General Wood Working 02/10/16 Approved 02/17/16 7 1,332,045$ -$ 1,384,152$ (52,107)$ -3.91%

    35 Manufactured Casework Northeast Interior Systems 02/10/16 Approved 02/17/16 7 1,144,820$ -$ 1,144,820$ -$ 0.00%

    36 Acoustical Wall Treatments New England Interior Specialties 02/22/16 Approved 02/25/16 3 119,200$ -$ 109,000$ 10,200$ 8.56%

    37 Sound Reflective Ceiling Panels New England Interior Specialties 02/22/16 Approved 02/25/16 3 78,000$ -$ 77,000$ 1,000$ 1.28%

    Owner Approval LogHolbrook K-12 School

    As of: 3/11/16

    1484 Holbrook - OAL Log Page 1 of 2 3/18/2016

  • Consigli Construction Co., Inc.72 Sumner StreetMilford, MA 01757

    OAL # Trade Vendor

    Date Submitted Status

    Date Approved


    GMPBudget Hold Amount


    Buy / (Bust) $

    Buy / (Bust) %

    Owner Approval LogHolbrook K-12 School

    As of: 3/11/16

    38 Window Treatments Manganaro Northeast 144,126$ 51,200$ 92,196$ 730$ 0.51%

    38 Specialties Manganaro Northeast 136,538$ 10,000$ 110,802$ 15,736$ 11.52%

    38 Visual Display Boards Manganaro Northeast 113,690$ 11,900$ 87,801$ 13,989$ 12.30%

    38 Projetions Screens Manganaro Northeast 33,400$ -$ 27,201$ 6,199$ 18.56%

    Landscaping & Site Improvements 1,038,264$

    Baseball & Softball Mix 159,390$

    Athletic Equipment 191,055$

    Stage Curtain and Rigging 253,869$

    Signage 243,885$

    Bleachers & Press Box 190,020$

    Site Concrete 856,700$

    Play Equipment 151,000$

    Exterior Play Surfacing 287,167$

    Synthetic Field Sport Surfacing 600,000$

    Fencing 537,936$

    Building Demo & Abatement 1,005,000$

    Staging at Auditorium 80,000$

    Totals to Date: 64,543,274 73,100 58,800,766 75,122 0.12%

    Hard Cost of WorkNon-Procurred Hard Costs (i.e. Allowances, Amendment #3) 0.40%

    Trade Support 840,000 840,000 Access Doors 10,000 10,000

    Cost of Work to Buy #VALUE! 64,543,274 Cost of Work Bought 91.10%

    Allowances Held 73,100 Savings 0.12%

    Balance to Buy 8.67%


    75,122 5,594,286

    65,657,362 264,088

    1484 Holbrook - OAL Log Page 2 of 2 3/18/2016
















  • A B

























    C FIRST FLOOR (OH) 4/11/16


    Agenda_16March2016withAttachments_HANDOUT.pdfHolbrook- Holbrook Jr-Sr HS CO 1-4 + GMP Continengency Review Letter.pdfHolbrook- Holbrook Jr-Sr HS CO 1-4 + GMP Continengency Review LetterHolbrook- Holbrook Jr-Sr HS CO LogHolbrook- Holbrook Jr-Sr HS GMP Continengency Expenditure Log

    Blank Page

    Holbrook Logistics_March Update Rev 1.pdfSheets03D1 - March Progress03D2 - March Summary

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