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MODULES: 1.0 – 1.2

GRUPO: 22.1

ACCIÓN: 9113.1

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• MODULE 1.0

Listening: Buying a train ticket

Pronunciation: Voiceless Consonants

Readings: In the city

Videos: Old friends

• MODULE 1.1

Listening: Comparisons

Pronunciation: Voiceless Consonants

Readings:1- Superlatives & Opposites

2- Home Town

Grammar: State Verbs

Videos: Confessions

• MODULE 1.2

Listening: 1- Confirming a flight

2- Flight´s announcement

3- Pilot´s announcement

Pronunciation: Voiceless Consonants

Readings: Planes/Requests

Grammar: Articles

Video: Names

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Module 1.0 Listening Buying a train ticket

Listen and answer to the questions. 1. Where’s the man traveling to? 2. Does he buy a one way or a return ticket? 3. How much is it? 4. Does he need change?

Listen again and complete the conversation. • Hello, _______________________________a ticket to London, Euston, please.

• OK, er…_________________________ ________________________________ , mate?

• Er..return, please.

• Return. Erm…that’ll be 37 pounds, please.

• ______________________________, ___________________________________.

• Here’s your ________________________________.

Thank you

• Hello, I need a ticket to London, Euston, please.

• OK, er…one way or return, mate?

• Er..return, please.

• Return. Erm…that’ll be 37 pounds, please.

• Super, thank you very much.

• Here’s your change.

• Thank you


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Module 1.0 Phonetics


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Module 1.0 Phonetics


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Module 1.0 Reading In the city


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Module 1.0 Reading In the city



There you can





There you can



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It’s a KIOSK

There you can




There you can



Module 1.0 Reading in the city

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There you can



There you can


Module 1.0 Reading In the city


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There you can




There you can


Module 1.0 Reading In the city


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There you can




There you can


Module 1.0 Reading In the city


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Complete the following sentences.

• There you can see a film…

• There you can buy fish…

• There you can see clowns, animals, acrobats…

• There you can see paintings, sculptures…

• There you can send a letter…

• There you can see plays…

• There you can book your holidays…

Module 1.0 Reading In the city

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2. There’s a ……. You can read books there.

5. The assassin was sent to………

8. There’s nothing to eat. Let’s go to the……….to buy some food.

9. I need to buy some flowers. Let’s go to the………

10. My son is not feelong well today. I’m taking him to the ……..

11. At ……….. We study and learn.


1. I want to catch a plane. I’m going to the………

3. We can buy some bread and cakes at the……..

4. I’m hungry. Let’s go to a


6. My gandma needs to send some letters. There’s a…… the corner.

7. Everyday my sister goes for a walk to the……..

Module 1.0 Reading In the city

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A. Excuse me, where is the Police


B. It’s on the………, near the …………..

A. …….., how do I get to the……….from

the cemetery?

B. You turn right until the corner, then you

turn ……and go………...Main Street.

On the corner you turn right and

go………….You turn right again into

1st Av. and you arrive.

Pracise with your partner asking for and

giving directions looking at the map

Module 1.0 Reading In the city

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Work with a partner. Use the adjectives in the box to describe:

a) Your partner

b) Your best friend

c) Your parents

clever cool fashionable friendly funny nice

pleasant popular sweet trendy

Module 1.0 Video Old friends


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You are going to watch a programme about Louise and Mark, who met up again

recently after a long time.

Watch part 1 (00:00-00.45) and match the descriptions with the person. Write L

(Louise) or M (Mark)

a) Lives in Oxford.

b) Fashion designer.

c) Is 33 years old.

d) Lives in London.

e) Supermarket manager.

f) Got divorced last year.

Watch part 1 again and answer these questions.

a) How did Louise get in touch with Mark?

b) When was the last time they saw each other?

c) What do you think they expect to happen?

Module 1.0 Video Old friends


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Part 2 (00:46-02:22). Watch Louise and Mark saying what they remember about each other. Write L (Louise) or M (Mark).

Very popular.



Long hair

Played in a band



Average height.

Quite trendy


Long dark hair

Very fashionable.

Part 3 (02:23-04:17). Watch part 3 without the sound. Louise and Mark meet in a bar. Answer the questions.

a) How do you think they are feeling?

b) Is it a successful reunion?

Watch part 3 with the sound and check your answers to the previous exercise.

Module 1.0 Video Old friends


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Watch part 3 again and decide if the sentences are true (T) and false (F).

a) Mark offers Louise a drink.

b) Louise asks for a gin and tonic.

c) Mark thinks his job is important.

d) Mark manages the fish department.

e) Louise works for Gucci.

f) Mark knows a lot about fashion.

g) Mark is having a good time.

h) Louise doesn’t want another drink.

Part 4 (04:18-05:38)Watch the last part of the programme. After their meeting

Louise and Mark say what they thought. Write L (Louise) or M (Mark) next to their


a) ‘It was different to what I expected’

b) ‘He/she looked very different’

c) ‘I thought he/she would be working in the record business’

d) ‘It was a bit difficult’

e) ‘I really enjoyed being with him/her

f) ‘Our eyes met a lot’

g) ‘Well, I’m a bit disappointed’

h) ‘I don’t think he/she’s for me’.

i) ‘I really hope we meet again’

Module 1.0 Video Old friends


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Think of something funny or embarrassing that happened to you at school. Read

these questions and think about your answers.

how old were you?

Where were you?

Who was there?

What happened?

How did you feel?

Did the other people do anything?

How do you feel about the event now?

Think about what you say and how to say it.

Tell your partner about the event.

Module 1.0 Video Old friends


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Module 1.1 Listening Comparisons


Try to match each of these famous sport stars with their date of birth.

Then listen and check your answers.

Fernando Alonso Rafael Nadal David Beckham

Thierry Henry Roger Federer Cristiano Ronaldo

02/05/75 17/08/77 29/07/81 08/08/81 05/02/85


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Now listen to a discussion between a marketing director advertising

executive. Which sports star do they choose to advertise a new energy


Listen again and complete these sentences. You need to use some

names more than once.

• Beckham is more famous than Henry.

• _______________isn’t as interesting as_________________

• _______________is a bit older than____________________

• _______________isn’t as successful as__________________

• _______________is much younger than__________________

• _______________is the best looking, most…

And finally use the adjective in brackets with a bit/much/not as…as to

make true comparisons.

Then listen and check your answers

• Mount Kilimanjaro (high) _________________ Mount Fuji.

• London (wet) ___________________Rome.

• The US Army (small)___________________the North Korean Army.

• Heathrow Airport (busy)_____________________Los Angeles International Airport.

• Ireland (big)___________________Cuba.

• Big Ben (tall)___________________the Statue of Liberty.

Module 1.1 Listening Comparisons


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Module 1.1 Phonetics


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Module 1.1 Phonetics


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Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of

foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of

hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us ...

(Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities)


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About the Author

Charles Dickens (1812–1870) Considered one

of the greatest English novelists in history, Dickens

came from a very poor family. His books often talk

about the situation of poor people in Victorian England.

Discussion Questions

Some people say that the first line of the extract could

be about the times we live in now. Do you agree?

Are we living in the best of times and the worst of times?

Finish the following sentences with your own ideas.

It is the best of times because we can ... we are ... we have ...

It is the worst of times because we can’t ... we are ... we don’t ...

Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites


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Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites

Let’s practice!

1. __________ (large) cucumber weighed 66 pounds

2. __________ (popular) tourist attraction in the United States is Disneyworld.

3. __________ (successful) songwriters are Paul McCartney and the late John Lennon.

4. __________ (heavy) baby at birth was a boy of 22 pounds.8 oz. He was born in Italy in 1955

5. __________ (fat) person was a man in New York. He weighed almost 1200 pounds.

6. One of __________ (famous) painters was Pablo Picasso.

7. __________ (long) attack of hiccups lasted 67 years.

8. __________ (big) omelet was made of 54,763 eggs.


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1. Mount Everest measures 8,848 meters, Mount Kangchenjunga measures 8,596 meters and K2 measures 8,611 meters.

Mount Everest is the highest mountain.

Mount Kangchenjunga is the highest mountain.

K2 is the lowest mountain.

2. Anne is 43 years old, Lynne is 40 years old.

Anne is younger than Lynne.

Lynne is older than Anne.

Anne is older than Lynne.

3. The red dress costs 25.00, the blue dress costs 15.00.

The red dress costs less than the blue dress.

The blue dress costs less than the red dress.

The blue dress costs more than the red dress.

4. Russia is 17,075,000 sqm, France is 544,000 sqm.

France is larger than Russia.

Russia is larger than France.

Russia is smaller than France.

5. Box A is bigger than box B, box C is bigger than box A.

Box B is the smallest box.

Box A is the biggest box.

Box C is the smallest box

Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites


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6. I live 2 km from my mother. My sister lives 1 km from her.

I live nearer my mother than my sister.

My sister lives nearer my mother than me.

My sister lives further from my mother than me.

7. Jane has 1,633.20, Bill has 1,635.30, John has 1,632.10.

Bill has the most money.

Jane has the least money.

John has the most money.

8. Carrots are good for you, cakes are bad for you.

Carrots are worse for you than cakes.

Cakes are better for you than carrots.

Carrots are better for you than cakes.

9. Johnny was bad, Wendy was very bad, Billy was very, very bad.

Johnny was the worst.

Wendy was the best.

Billy was the worst.

10. I saw two plays, one on Monday 1st April and the other on Tuesday 2nd April. I enjoyed the Monday play, I didn't enjoy the one on Tuesday.

I enjoyed the second play more than the first play.

I enjoyed the first play more than the second play.

I enjoyed the first play less than the second play.

Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites


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Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites

positive form comparative form superlative form





The best

The worst

Old (people) elder the eldest

Little (amount)

Little (size)



The least

The smallest

Much/many more The most

few fewer The fewest

Far (place + time) further The furthest

Late (time)

Late (order)



The latest

The last


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Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites

Find the opposite adjective

1. People can be tall or ___________________

2. A book can be interesting or _____________

3. A family can be rich or __________________

4. A bag can be heavy or __________________

5. Weather can be cool or _________________

6. Water can be cold or ___________________

7. A car can be new or ____________________

8. A teacher can be young or _______________

Who is the most interesting/boring person you know?

boring short old light hot poor old warm


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Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites

Find the opposite adjective

1. News can be good or _________________

2. A man can be weak or _________________

3. A man can be clever or ________________

4. A woman can be beautiful ______________

5. Roads can be wide or _________________

6. Night can be dark or __________________

7. English tests can be easy ______________

8. A room can be tidy or __________________

Who is the tidiest person you know?

difficult ugly narrow messy strong stupid light bad


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Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites

Find the opposite adjective

1. Problems can be small or _______________

2. A box can be empty or _________________

3. Toys can be expensive or _______________

4. Hair can be dry or _____________________

5. A building can be high or ________________

6. A student can be lazy or ________________

7. We can go up or ______________________

8. A chair can be soft or __________________

Are you the most hardworking person in the classroom?

wet big full hard down cheap low hardworking


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Module 1.1 Reading Superlatives & Opposites

Find the opposite adjective.

1. Shoes can be clean or __________________

2. A pencil can be short or _________________

3. A question can be right or ________________

4. Children can be outside or _______________

5. A child can be healthy or _________________

6. An animal can be fast or __________________

7. A baby can be sad or _____________________

8. Sport can be dangerous or ________________

9. A man can be fat or ______________________

What is the most dangerous sport you know?

slow happy safe inside dirty sick wrong long thin


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Module 1.1 Reading Home town

Look at the following words.

• Art gallery.

• Bar.

• Bus.

• Cinema.

• Crime.

• Flat.

• House.

• Library.

• Metro.

• Nightclub.

• Park.

• Pollution.

• Restaurant.

• Studio.

• Theatre.

• Traffic.

• Tram.

Put the words into these groups. Can you add more words to these groups? 1. Public transport. 2. Types of accommodation 3. Nightlife, culture. 4. Other.


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Module 1.1 Reading Home town

Think about your home town and try to complete the table below.

Now try to make sentences using there is/there are.

• There are a lot of/much cheap flats.

• There are not many/not much hotels for tourists.

• There are a little/a few big factories.

• There are a lot of/too much English speakers.

• There is not many/not much unemployment.

• There are too many/too much cars.

• There are many/too much things to do for children.

Write now six sentences about your town. Use a different quantifier in each


Quantifiers with plural

countable nouns

Quantifiers with uncountable


too many tourists.

A lot of




Not many


A few


Not enough


Too much traffic.

A lot of


Not much


A little


Not enough


Imagine that you are going to live somewhere new. Which things are most important for you?


Module 1.1 Reading Home town

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Match the words with the definitions.

a) concoction 1. a story people tell about when they behaved badly.

b) Doll 2. a soft round fruit

c) Scissors 3. a long thin piece of wood

d) Plum 4. an instrument for cutting paper, fabric,etc.

e) Stick 5. punishment for someone who has hurt you

f) Mess 6. US English for back garden

g) Revenge 7. a mixture of different ingredients

h) Rocks 8. a dirty or untidy state

i) back yard 9. a children’s toy in the shape of a small person

j) Confession 10. US English for stones

Module 1.1 Video Confessions


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Watch all the confessions and match the people with the illustrations.

Darina, Joanne, Josepeh, Nicola, Matthew

Module 1.1 Video Confessions


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Write the names.

a) Who had a sister?

b) Who had a fried called David?

c) Who lived in London?

d) Whose mother got very angry?

e) Who never told anyone about what she had done?

f) Who broke a window?

Watch the programme again, check your answers to the previous exercise and

answer these questions.

a) Where did Darina and her friend pour all her mother’s shampoo and nail varnishes?

1. in the bath.

2. in the sink.

3. in a bowl.

b) How long was Darina kept inside as a punishment?

1. a day.

2. a week.

3. a month.

c) How long did Joanne’s sister not speak to her?

1. days.

2. weeks.

3. months.

Module 1.1 Video Confessions


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d) What did Joseph and his friends do with the plums?

1. they threw them.

2. they collected them.

3. they ate them.

e) Who told Joseph off?

1. his mother

2. the old man

3. his father

f) What did Nicola write on the wall?

1. her name.

2. her sister’s name

3. her doll’s name

g) What did Matthew and his friends put in the snowballs?

1. small stones

2. sweets

3. nothing

h) Where did Matthew and his friends throw the snowballs?

1. at houses

2. at cars

3. at people walking past

Module 1.1 Video Confessions

Work in groups. Discuss the confessions and decide which one you think is the

most serious.

Work a partner. Look at the phrases below. Tell a story from your childhood and

try to use some of these phrases.


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Module 1.2 Listening Pilot’s Announcement

1. The flight number is…

- 8735



2. The flight time is…

- 3 hours and 40 minutes

-2 hours and 14 minutes

-2 hours and 40 minutes

3. The local time in Paris is…




4. The weather in Paris is…





5. The temperature is…

-35 degrees

-25 degrees

-29 degrees


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Module 1.2 Listening Pilot’s Announcement

Good morning everyone, this is your captain speaking and I’d like to welcome you aboard this Plummet Airlines flight 7853 to Paris.

Our flight time today is 2 hours and 40 minutes, and we will be flying at an average altitude of 25,000 feet.

The local time in Paris is 10.45 and the weather there is sunny and clear at around 25 degrees.

Before we land I’ll be announcing details of connecting flights for those passengers who are travelling on to other destinations.

On behalf of Plummet Airlines and the crew, I’d like to wish you all a pleasant flight, and thank you for choosing to fly with us.


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Module 1.2 Listening Flight Announcement

Listen to the recording and answer the following questions.

1. What’s the flight number?

2. Where’s the flight going to?

3. What boarding gate does the plane

depart from?

4. Is the flight delayed?

Listen again and complete the transcription with the following words

This is an _____________________ for passengers on Iberia flight IB 7839 to Madrid. This flight is now ___________________ at gate 19. We ______________________ for the _________________________ and we wish

you a __________________________ flight.

delay boarding apologise pleasant announcement


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Module 1.2 Listening Confirming a Flight

You are going to listen to a telephone conversation about a fligh confirmation. Answer the following questions 1. Where’s the man going? 2. What time does the plane take off? 3. What’s the man’s name? 4. What’s the flight number? 5. Is there a delay? 6. What time does the man have to be at the airport?

Listen again and complete the transcription.

• Hello is that..erm..North East Airlines? • Yes sir, can I ______________________ you? • Oh erm I’m ____________________ to confirm my _________________ to Paris

this afternoon at 5.30. • __________________ ____________________ __________________ your

name please sir? • Yes, it’s Lopez. L-O-P-E-Z. Carlos Lopez • _______________________________ a ____________________________ Mr.

Lopez…………. Yes, flight number NE 389 to Paris. Departing at 5.30. • there a delay? • No, the flight is ____________________________ __________________________

at the moment, but check in time is one hour before take off. • Okay, thank you. • You’re ________


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Module 1.2 Phonetics


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Module 1.2 Phonetics


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Module 1.2 Reading Planes/requests

Work in pairs. Think of a long/interesting/boring/frightening journey you have been on.

Describe your journey.

Vocabulary: air travel. Find these things in the pictures.

Boarding card check-in hand luggage

overhead locker seat belt security guard


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Put the phrases in the correct order.

• Fasten your seat belt and wait for take-off.

• Book your flight and get your ticket.

• Get on the plane and find your seat.

• Go to the airport terminal.

• Show your ticket and passport at passport control.

• Go to the departure gate and show your boarding card.

• Go to the departure hall and into the duty-free shop.

• Pack your bag(s).

• Put your hand luggage in the overhead locker.

• Go through security.

• Go to the check-in and check in your luggage.

Module 1.2 Reading Planes/requests


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Functional language: requests. There are many ways of asking for something and

asking another person to do something.


(Excuse me,) please.


I’d like a glass of water

a coffee

(+ noun)

I’d like to

Can I

Could I

I wonder if I could

have a receipt

see your passport

(+ infinitive)

Can you

Could you

Stand over there

(+ infinitive)

Yes, sure

Yes, of course


I’m afraid that…

I’m sorry, but…

Module 1.2 Reading Planes/requests


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Practise now the following dialogue.

Passenger: Excuse me, I’d like a cup of coffee, please.

Attendant: Sorry, we’re not serving drinks anymore, sir. The plane is going to land in about twenty minutes.

Passenger: Oh , please, could I just have a cup of coffee? Please!

Attendant: I’m afraid that’s not possible, sir. Could you fasten your seat belt and close the table in front of you, please?

Passenger: Well, OK. Er, I wonder if I could go to the toilet before we land.

Attendant: Yes, of course. But can you be quick, please?

Role-play: Work in pairs, A and B. You are going to do the following role-play.


A: You are a passenger on a long-distance flight. You want to request some things from the flight attendant.

Decide what you want to ask for.

B: You are a flight attendant. Help the passenger.

Module 1.2 Reading Planes/requests


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Module 1.2 Grammar Articles

"A, An, The, Zero article" definite and indefinite articles in English

• A = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a number of the same objects) with consonants

Eric has a dog.

• An = indefinite article (not a specific object, one of a number of the same objects) with vowels (a,e,i,o,u) Can I have an apple?

• The = definite article (a specific object that both the person speaking and the listener know) The car over there is fast. The teacher is very good, isn't he?

• The first time you speak of something use "a or an", the next time you repeat that object use "the". I live in a house. The house is quite old and has two bedrooms.

• DO NOT use an article with countries, states, counties or provinces, lakes and mountains except when the country is a collection of states such as "The United States". They live in Bristol.

• Use an article with bodies of water, oceans and seas I live on a small island in the Baltic Sea.

• DO NOT use an article when you are speaking about things in general and in the plural I like Indian tea.

Life is hard.

• DO NOT use an article when you are speaking about meals, places, and transport He has breakfast at home, not at work.

• DO NOT use an article with many common expressions

In/to bed To church At home In/to hospital At/to work At/to university At/to work


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Module 1.2 Grammar Articles

Fill the gaps with an article. In some cases, no article is needed.

I am from ____ Winchester, Hampshire. Winchester is ____ city in

_____ United Kingdom. I live in_____ town called Taunton which is on

____ River Tone. I live in ____ house in ___ quiet street in the

countryside. ____ street is called "Hudson Street" and ____ house is

old - more than 100 years old!

I am ____ English lecturer at ____college near ____centre of ____

town. I like ____ books, ____ music and taking photographs. I usually

have ____ lunch at _____ college. I usually go ____ home by _____

car. We have all kinds of food in England. I like ____ Polish food very

much. Sometimes, I go to _____Polish restaurant in Bath. _____

restaurant is called "Magda's". ______ Polish food is delicious.


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Module 1.2 Grammar Articles

Now choose the correct answer.

1. I'm tired. I'm going to ______________. ( the bed / bed )

2. Blast! I forgot to go to ______________. ( the bank / bank )

3. I hate going to ______________, don't you? ( the church / church )

4. I'm nervous because I've got to go to ______________.( the dentist / dentist )

5. I loved being at ______________. ( the university / university )

6. We need to be at ______________ in an hour. ( the airport / airport )

7. I normally watch ______________ after dinner. ( the TV / TV )

8. I listen to ______________ in the morning. ( the radio / radio )

9. All politicians should be sent to ______________. ( the prison / prison )

10. Her husband got home early from ______________. ( the work / work )

11. I'm having ______________ at John’s tonight. ( the dinner / dinner )

12. I love ______________. ( the cheese / cheese )

13. Have you seen ______________ in the new delicatessen? ( the cheese / cheese )

14. Why didn't someone tell me he was in ______________? ( the hospital / hospital )

15. He lives somewhere in ______________ Germany. ( the southern / southern )

16. That pub is somewhere in ______________ of the city. ( the north / north )

17. Holistic medicine is practised by ______________. ( the Chinese / Chinese )

18. I love ______________ food. ( the Chinese / Chinese )

19. We met for drinks in The Lamb and Flag near ______________ Garden. ( the Covent / Covent )

20. __________________ is a rare quality these days. (the common sense / common sense)


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Divide the names into male and female. Then look at the names and answer these


a. Which names do you like best?

b. Which ones don’t you like at all?

Jack Harald Emily James William Harry Joseph

Sarah Adam Adam

Rachel Adriana Ryan Madeline Matthew Darina Alice

Esme Kieran

Anna Laura Charles David Claudia Katalin Rosemary




Module 1.2 Video Names


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You are going to watch some people talking about their names. Watch and

complete the information.


Matthew’s last name means

‘________________of David’. His first

name is an Old Testament Bible

name. It means

‘____________________ of God’.


Darina’s first name comes from


Her _________________ chose it.

Her second name is

_______________and means ‘judge’


Claudia’s last name is her

_______________name and it’s from

______________. It’s got a long

meaning, ‘You can say what you like

about leopards, but if you are faced

with one then you’ll still run away’.

Claudia is an ancient Roman name.

Her father chose it because

he_____________ Latin and Greek.


Harald’s names come from


His ________________name means

‘the man who leads the army’ and

his ________________

means ‘valley’.


Katalin is a Hungarian name. her

second name is from Hungary and

______________. Her sister chose

her first name in a

______________and her sister pulled

out her name!


Joseph knows the meaning of his

first name – but not in

_________________! His last name

means ‘the __________________of

Will’. His parents chose his name

because they liked it.

Module 1.2 Video Names


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Watch the programme again and write the names.

a. _______________________’s favourite name for a girl is Esme.

b. _______________________’s favourite name is his wife’s name.

c. _______________________’s favourite name is Matthew.

d. _______________________ wanted a different name when he was younger.

e. _______________________’s favourite girl’s name is Madeline.

f. _______________________’s favourite name is Anna.

Module 1.2 Video Names


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Work with partner and talk about the people in the programme. What do you find

surprising or interesting?

Work in groups and discuss these questions.

a. What’s your full name?

b. Where does your name come from?

c. Does your first name mean anything?

d. Does your last name mean anything?

e. Would you like a different name?

f. What’s your favourite name?

Module 1.2 Video Names


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