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Page 1: Print screen front cover

Here in this print screen, I have used a bold font, STENCIL for the masthead, I have used this font as it was the most chosen and it gives my magazine front cover that edgy atmosphere that I am looking for to gain my target audiences’ attention. I have decided to use the colour red as it was one of the most chosen colours picked in my questionnaire. However I also have chosen it because the colour red has connotations of anger and danger again emphasising the edginess needed for it to project the genre of music. Rock!

I have also used this picture as my central image as it show great effect, as his attitude that he doesn't care and also shows his aggression.

I have used Photoshop to help me create my front cover I have used this softwear before so I am awear on how to use it and It has been really helpful to used so far.

Page 2: Print screen front cover

As you can see here I have wrote my … in yellow which is one of the colours chosen most in my questionnaire. It says “RAWR TO THE MUSIC” because It show aggression and it is very linked to rock.

I have added a dark blue graphics straight along the top of the cover which I have written “MASSIVE REVIEWS” and then I have put some famous artists and bands this is used in may rock magazines link kerrang and NME! So I thought It would be a good idea to use in my own work to show that I have a good understanding of rock magazine layouts.

Page 3: Print screen front cover

Again I have used the same short of graphic design at the bottom of the magazine which contains information about the artists and thing that are going on inside the magazine.

I have used “PLUS” in bold letters, and the colour yellow to make it stand out, to the target audience so that they can see what is up for graps inside the magazine. Also it will emphasise that there is something special about this magazine, which would hopefully (if it where to be a really magazine) make it sell more.

I am finding Photoshop really helpful when it come to wanting things such as graphics in my work I am able to adjust the to what ever shape I want and I have many other great Ideas which Photoshop will help me with.

Page 4: Print screen front cover

I have written the main coverline in bold letters and in red to emphasise that this is the main story in side the magazine. I have given it a drop shadow to create more effect, also to help it stand out more from the picture and other cover lines that I am going to write.

I feel here that all the colour is beginging to come together, as the image uses the same colours that where chosen to be my colour scheme (Red, yellow, blue, white, black)

Page 5: Print screen front cover

This image here has all of the coverline on which are all in capital to make it stand out more each one includes something to do with great artists or great music which is what I want the target audience to see.

I feel I have done well here but there is certainly room for improvement, as some of these coverlines are hard to read, even focus on because there are some other things which are far to bold and stand out to much over most of the coverlines.

Page 6: Print screen front cover

I handed in my work so that I could get some constructive feedback. I knew I needed to make some changes. when I got my work back I started to realise that my work wasn’t nowhere near as good enough as it should be to get the mark I am hoping to get. So I began to do more research on magazine covers to help me find a way of making my work more professional and much more attractive to the eye as it seem a little dull and boring.

Page 7: Print screen front cover

I have change the dark blue graphics to both being black so that my work shows a more dark and aggressive tone, by doing this I have noticed the white, yellow and red writing stand out much more now.

Knowing that blue was a colour that was chosen to be in my colour scheme I will change some of the coverlines so that I can still use the same colour scheme.

Page 8: Print screen front cover

I have made a change to the central image, which I know has made a big difference and I am much happier with this picture as I feel it suits its purpose more than my last image.

Also I feel now I am needing to work far much harder as I only have a very little amount of time left to have this complete, but I know how to use Photoshop well so I will be able to do what it is I need to do as long as I plan ahead.

Page 9: Print screen front cover

Here I have change the colours of my coverlines and made some of them bolder and I have changed the sizes to create more effect. I have also added more coverlines to fill my magazine with more exciting things E.g. “THE ALL AMERICAN REJECT TELL US THEIR DIRTY LITTLE SECRET!” I have done this because it makes the cover look more energetic and fun. Also if you look you can see I have put a drop shadow on.. To make it stand out more.

I have also added a black Graphic down the side in a rectangular shape to place some of the coverlines. I have made it a little see-threw by lowering the opacity, so that you can still see the picture. But so that my coverlines can also be seen more clearly.

I feel now that my front cover is starting to look more professional and realistic.

Page 10: Print screen front cover

To finish off I have created some more graphic designs so that my coverlines can bee seen more clearly and Photoshop has allowed me to adjust them into the shapes I feel will make it look more edgy and rough as in this print screen you can see I have slanted one of the white graphic in which says “30 SECONDS TO MARS” in big bold capitals to help it stand out.

And towards the bottom I have created another graphic in red which includes some of the pictures used in my DPS to allow the target audience to feel more attracted to the magazine.