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Page 1: PPLS Personal Tutors Handbook

The University of Edinburgh



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1. INTRODUCTION This handbook is intended to set out the responsibilities of the Personal Tutor (PT) and the standard practices adopted by the school of PPLS for the activities associated with being a PT. It is hoped that the PPLS Personal Tutor Handbook will clarify procedures and expectations in the hope that this will help PTs to carry out their work. You do not have to confirm attendance, check progression, enrol students on courses, nor perform any of the other administrative tasks associated with being a PT: the Student Support Officer and staff in the Teaching Office will do this. The principal function of the PT is to help undergraduate students to derive maximum benefit from their University studies; the role embraces academic and pastoral duties. Additionally there is a Senior Tutor who has overall responsibility for ensuring that PTs are supported and understand their responsibilities and to ensure that the PT system operates effectively in PPLS. (See section 3, p4) To make a distinction between the Personal Tutor and postgraduate tutoring staff the latter will now be known as casual tutors.

2. YOUR ROLE AS A PERSONAL TUTOR All students are assigned to a PT upon arrival at the University and may well seek you in moments of concern and trouble during their studies. Being a Personal Tutor is an important role and all staff are expected to take an allocation of tutees. Allocations are made by the Student Support Officer (SSO) with the load being shared as equally and fairly as possible. Due account is taken of staffs’ other commitments. You will be informed of your tutees by an email that is generated by EUCLID and or the Teaching Office. You may find the actual number of tutees assigned to you fluctuates throughout the year as students change programme of study or leave the University. The (SSO), who also manages the Teaching Office, takes on the majority of administrative tasks relating to student matters and can also provide advice and support on a range of queries and issues with which you may be faced. The SSO is happy to meet or correspond with students on your behalf where necessary. This handbook also provides a list of frequently asked questions which may help you respond quickly to student queries where relevant. There are several matters which must be tackled by the PT in the first instance. These are:

academic advice and guidance academic references completion of Special Circumstances submissions.

NEITHER PTs nor the SSO are expected to be

counsellors clinical psychologists GPs financial advisors

PT and Student Expectations (see Appendix II: Academic and Pastoral Support: Standards and Guiding Principles). The Standards and guiding Principles states the expectations of both the PT and tutee and says to the student that the PT will ‘guide the students in their course choices and advise them on study difficulties’, however it is important to

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be honest about your limitations (e.g. on Special Circumstances or appeals) try and see the issues from the student’s point of view be approachable, open and honest

3. MEETING WITH TUTEES Individual Meetings A PT is allocated to each student before the first week of the academic year. The role of a PT is to constitute an academic link between the student and the School. Tutees are expected to play an active role in their learning; PTs aim to facilitate that by providing advice in academic matters and advocacy in administrative matters. Where possible there is continuity of PT through a tutee’s programme of study; students can seek advice and guidance from their PT about their individual course choices each year. Tutees can find their PT’s name and contact information on MyEd. PTs and Personal Tutees work in partnership, taking a proactive and collaborative approach to enhancing the student’s learning experience.

The Roles and Responsibilities within the Personal Tutor System are set out online:

The University has adopted Academic and Pastoral Support Standards and Guiding


In PPLS, Personal Tutees can expect

detailed feedback to be given on coursework within 3 working weeks of submission, indicating the reason for the mark, strengths of the work and areas for future attention.

PTs to be available for discussion of feedback on coursework after the tutee has discussed any questions with the course organiser, lecturer or course tutor

In PPLS, Personal Tutees are expected to

identify their PT before the beginning of the academic year sign up for Welcome and Welcome Back meetings on their PTs office door in

Fresher’s Week or the first week of the academic year attend scheduled meetings with their PT fill out Progress Review Questionnaire (see Appendix II) in the first week of

semester two and bring it to Progress Review Meeting with PT be active partners in Personal Tutoring, sharing responsibility with their PT to

ensure that adequate contact with PT is maintained In PPLS, there will be three principal types of one-to-one meeting between the Personal Tutor and the Tutee: Welcome Meeting, Welcome Back Meeting, and Progress Review Meeting.

Welcome Meeting: Freshers Week or Week 1 of Semester 1, for new students (see Appendix II for guide to meeting content)

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Welcome Back Meeting: Week 1 or Week 2 of Semester 1, for Continuing students (see Appendix II for guide to meeting content).

Progress Review Meeting: Normally Week 1 or Week 2 of Semester 2, for all students (see Appendix II for guide to meeting content)

The goal of these meetings is to assist students in reviewing their academic progress and performance, to provide opportunities for students to reflect on how their learning can help them in pursuing their longer-term future development, and to help foster in all students a sense of belonging to a community of learners. These meetings might last between 20-30 minutes. Meetings at the beginning of each semester will be scheduled by a sign-up system on the office doors of each PT. However, Personal Tutees will of course be able to engage with their PT at other times through email, and may request additional meetings with PT if the Tutee needs. The Student Support Officer (s) is also available at clearly advertised times on most days, to provide support for students. Group Meetings/Events Personal Tutees should also be invited to attend group meetings and events with larger numbers of their peers. For each cohort, group meetings and events should be offered at least once per year, and would be tailored according to the particular needs of the cohort. Occasionally meetings could be social. They would be hosted by colleagues with the relevant expertise, not necessarily by PTs. Some could be run as peer support sessions. For example:

Year 1 - study skills (semester 2) Year 2 - international study/year abroad opportunities (semester 1); course choices

going into Honours (semester 2) Year 3 - careers services - work experience opportunities, preparing to write a

dissertation Year 4 - focus groups reflecting on skills acquired, giving feedback on their degree;

careers - CV preparation During Innovative Learning Week the School and the subject areas organise a number of sessions designed to support students' employability and academic development, including:

PPLS Alumni careers event Specialised careers sessions and CV workshops (e.g., So you want to be a Clinical

Psychologist; Selling your Philosophy degree; LEL employability event) Study skills sessions (e.g., good googling; speaking up at tutorials; blogging about

research) These events form part of the PPLS student support framework. Students will be encouraged to feedback to their PTs and/or the Senior Tutor about the usefulness of these group meetings and events.

4. SENIOR TUTOR The PPLS Senior Tutor, Dr Matthew Chrisman, oversees the PT system in PPLS. His office is room 5.11 in the Dugald Stewart Building. He can be reached by email ([email protected]) or phone (0131 650 3648). The remit of the Senior Tutor is as follows:

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• to ensure that new PTs are well-briefed about the role and have attended the PPLS training programme

• to help all PTs in the School to keep up-to-date with developments in provision • to deal promptly and effectively with concerns raised by PTs and Tutees • to ensure that the effectiveness of personal tutoring within the School is regularly

and systematically monitored by giving all tutees the opportunity at least once per year to comment on both personal tutoring arrangements and the wider framework of student support.

• to liaise between PTs and the Dean of Students

5. STUDENT SUPPORT OFFICER The PPLS Student Support Officer (SSO) is located in room 4.03 in the Dugald Stewart Building and is available 9.00am -5.00pm, Monday Friday. Tutees can see the SSO at the SSO drop-in sessions or by appointment made, in advance, with the SSO. The SSO is a key contact for PTs and should be the first point of contact for the majority of student issues. The SSO can provide help and information with

routine enquiries about programmes of study students with personal issues/illness degree transfers Freshers’ Week assisting with registrations/course enrollment applications for Authorised Interruption of Study factual reference letters - these include letters for banks and the confirmation of

student status for council tax EUCLID – ensuring student records are correct and making any necessary


The SSO and Teaching Office also hold information on the services available to students within the University, such as

accommodation services careers service chaplaincy counselling services day nursery student disability service finance/registry health centre/health issues nightline student support student association/the advice place

6. WHO/WHAT ELSE CAN HELP? (see Appendix I: Who to Contact)Senior Tutor

PPLS Undergraduate Director subject area Teaching Director Teaching Office PPLS Learning & Teaching Project Officer PPLS PT website College website


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Student Information Points, Main Library: a new system of help desks that provide an open access student support of a more generic nature

Other Formal Structures in PPLS integrated with the Personal Tutor System a) Staff-Student Liaison Meetings provide opportunities for student to feedback about

their courses and the quality of their educational experience. We seek to integrate the Personal Tutor System with these in order to receive further feedback on its activities.

b) The School Coordinator of Adjustments ensures that learning profiles issued by the

Student Disability Service (SDS) are communicated to the SSO and PT.

Students are encouraged to disclose a disability with the SDS in order to be able to receive the necessary support and to enable reasonable adjustments to be implemented.

Student handbook provides information about support mechanisms within the School and more centrally via the SDS.

c) Procedures for Academic Appeals and Complaints are noted in the Student Handbooks

and on PPLS website.

Students and staff informed of the procedure and where to find the appropriate forms and information via the Academic Services and EUSA Advice Place websites.

Where relevant a student will be advised of the procedures by their Personal Tutor. d) University Procedures in cases of Academic Misconduct are detailed in PPLS Student


Guidance on avoiding plagiarism is given during semester 1 or the start of the programme of study.

A clear definition of plagiarism is given to all students. The School's Academic Misconduct Officer liaises with appropriate academic staff,

including PTs, in cases of student academic misconduct.


For both PT and students alike it is vital that Freshers’ Week runs as smoothly as possible and below is a list of hints and tips to ensure that this week runs as efficiently as possible

please ensure that you are familiar with the EUCLID system and keep accurate

records of your meetings with your tutees. A user guide is available at

you must meet all your first-year students. Please put a notice up on your door by the beginning of the day of Tuesday 11 September to tell them when they can come to see you. These meetings should take place during Freshers week or the following week. During Freshers week you can arrange to see them in small groups. The purpose of these meetings is to welcome them and to introduce them to their academic point of contact. However it is strongly recommended that you meet them individually at this stage as that would then have the required one –to-one meeting per semesters completed.

you do not have to confirm student’s attendance or enrol them on courses. They will have been told the arrangements for this. If they are unsure of these arrangements, refer them the Teaching Office in DSB

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be aware of the degree programme tables (dpt) in DRPS see

Timetab is a useful resource of course information with a facility to create timetables to show clashes see

review the list of tutees allocated to you by the SSO, note how many tutees you have and whether any of these are continuing students (if you have been a PT before). You can view a list of your tutees in the student page in EUCLID

be aware of any notifications of disability or similar matters that have been sent to you.

before meeting with each student, take a moment to look at their student record. Check the basic information such as age, gender etc. Find out where they are from as this can provide a good conversation opener. Check their degree programme and have the appropriate DPT available for reference

be helpful to students – to a point. We are not personal assistants and where possible students should be encouraged to find answers for themselves

if you are in any doubt about anything, please contact the SSO in the first instance but be aware that Freshers’ week is a busy time and you may have to allow some time for a response

many first year students will be unfamiliar with the concept of an outside subject and unprepared to make this choice upon first arrival. Students can browse courses on the DRPS

The First Interview - checklist

welcome explain the purpose of the interview degree structure discuss course choices – ensure an alternative degree route if on a single honours

degree explain your role let students know where they can find the SSO and how she can help

Common Problems

timetable clashes quota courses contravening dpt (wrong courses) allowing student into next year of study without enough credits not submitting special circumstances report when you should

For guidance on becoming a PT /taking on new tutees in semester 2 see Appendix III

8. STUDENT PROGRESSION Adequate progress is defined as passing at least

80 credits after year 1 200 credits after year 2 NOTE: If the student is required to spend 3rd year

abroad no deficit can be carried into 3rd year 360 credits after year 3 no deficit can be carried into year 4

Failure to make adequate progress

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contact the SSO UG Director can approve retaking a year part-time the College Associate Dean needs to approve any such requests, based on

recommendation from the UG Director, and a strong case needs to be made for why a full-time (rather than part-time) repeat is required.

send a brief report of circumstances to SSO stating if you support a repeat year, any special circumstances or other relevant information

9. DEGREE TRANSFERS Transfers are not always straightforward, even for transfers between a combined honours degree and a related single honours degree programme (e.g. MA Psychology & Business Studies to MA Business Studies as single honours Business Studies requires 4 compulsory courses to be taken at first year) and careful attention must be paid to the DPTs when giving advice on course choices. Please note that PPLS students wishing to transfer to a degree programme in another School, within CHSS, are advised to consult that School at an early stage. See

all transfer requests should be sent to the SSO in the first instance the exception is first year students within the first two weeks of study only. These

students should be directed to undergraduate admissions, 2nd floor, DHT PTs do not have the power to agree to degree transfers student needs to have passed the relevant courses according to the DPT of the

programme into which they wish to transfer. Be aware that English Literature and Politics only look at transfers at the end of 2nd year

be aware that transfers to another college, or that will extend the period of study, must be sent to the College Office by end March. Application forms are available at!/fileManager/TransferApplicationForm.doc

Emphasise to students that because of targets and funding issues, extra years of study will not always be granted

10. CONCESSIONS Concessions

are required wherever a student’s programme deviates from the prescribed norms may be needed to allow a degree transfer may be needed to compensate for a ‘mis-direction’ or a deliberate departure from

the dpt Please send all students with concession issues to the SSO in the first instance. Minor concessions are granted by the UG Director; major concessions require College permission.


up to 3 weeks absence allowed with no permissions longer absences require an ‘Authorised Interruption of Study’ (AIS). For details see

ask SSO to complete the request for AIS who will send it to College needs Associate Dean approval permanent withdrawal – SSO to inform Registry

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12. SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES Students may apply for consideration of special circumstances if they feel that events out with their control have resulted in poor exam performance in comparison to their previous coursework record or even missing an exam. These circumstances most commonly include illness or bereavement but can be submitted for a variety of issues. It is the student’s responsibility to complete a Special Circumstances form giving as much detail as possible and providing supporting evidence. All submissions must be accompanied by medical or other documentation. PTs, who should countersign and provide supporting comments, must ensure that the form is submitted to the SSO by the advertised deadline which is emailed to staff by the SSO. This is especially important if the student is taking courses in another School as it will be necessary to send copies of the paperwork to that School. When advising students on the special circumstances procedure, it is best to be honest. Submitting special circumstances will not guarantee a pass nor transform a poor grade into a first class degree. If however the student receives a borderline final result (e.g. 48%) the Special Circumstances Committee has the facility to adjust the mark if appropriate. If in any doubt – contact the SSO for advice.


Below are samples of the most commonly asked questions by students. We hope this will be a useful resource for troubleshooting many issues faced by students and PTs.


I am a returning student, am I on track with my degree?

PTs must ensure that when looking at the DRPS that the student is not only taking the requisite courses for the current year but has also achieved all compulsory credits for the past year. If credits are missing, the student should be referred to the SSO as soon as possible. Such cases can be rectified by raising a concession or, in some cases, allowing the student to repeat a year on a full or part-time basis.

How do I choose my outside subject(s)? Firstly refer the student to the confirm attendance/course enrolment team in the Teaching Office. You can refer them to the PPLS Degree structure and how to choose your 1st Year courses 2012/2013 guidance document they were sent in the summer. However many students do not anticipate the notion of outside subjects and find it difficult to decide what to study and will come to see their PT to discuss course choice with his/her PT before signing up, perhaps because of some tricky academic issue. As a PT, you can provide advice but ultimately the final decision will rest with the student. Most degree programmes offer a free choice in the first year but you should read the dpt carefully as some programmes will restrict the schedules from which the student can choose. Many second year programmes do not offer an outside subject or provide a restricted list from which the student can choose.

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The student should be directed to the DRPS, which he/she can access from MyEd and the online EUSA Course Reviewer at to research subjects of interest. Some students use the outside subject as a chance to take on courses which complement their main degree programme whereas others may wish to seize the opportunity to study something completely different which has always interested; neither option should be discouraged. Students, on single honours degrees, should take an outside course they can take over two years to give them another degree progression option. As a rule however, there are certain courses which are more difficult to take as outside subjects due to limited spaces. These include: English Literature, Spanish 1A, and Politics. Information on how to obtain a place on these courses is available from staff in the Teaching Office. Students looking for a place on these courses should be encouraged to think of a back-up option.

I was not here for Freshers’ Week, what should I do? Student must go to the Teaching Office as soon as possible to confirm matriculation.

Can I get a letter confirming that I am a student? The Teaching Office can provide confirmation of status letters for many organisations and circumstances including banks and council tax.


How do I change a course?

Please ask the student to see SSO in the first instance. The student may well be advised to discuss the change with the relevant Course Organiser before confirming any changes.

What do I do if I have missed/will miss a tutorial?

Students should attend all tutorials and must contact their tutor to account for any absences and find out what preparation is required for the next tutorial.

What happens if I have failed a course(s)? Students can progress from 1st to 2nd year with a 40 credit maximum deficit. If they are missing any more than this the most likely option available is a part-time repeat year and they should speak to the SSO in the first instance to discuss this. A 40-credit deficit can be carried into the third year ONLY if the student will be in Edinburgh during that year. Students are NOT allowed to go abroad with any deficit. No deficit can be carried into the final year under any circumstances. NOTE – International Students: International students can study part time but have to be registered as full time therefore any international students lacking more than 40-credits at the end of a session should be referred to the SSO as soon as possible to discuss the options available.

Can I take an extra course?

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Students can take up to 40 credits worth of extra courses in Years 1 and 2 provided they have had appropriate advice from their PT. Additional credits are NOT permitted in Honours years.

Can I get help if I am struggling with coursework? The student should be encouraged to speak to their course organiser or casual tutor as soon as problems are identified. If the student is experiencing personal issues which are affecting his/her studies, you should discuss the possibility of a special circumstances submission.

Can I get an Authorised Interruption of Study (AIS)? Students who need to apply for an AIS should contact the SSO in the first instance to complete a request form and provide relevant documentation. An AIS can be granted by the Dean of Undergraduate Studies for students who require a leave of absence exceeding three weeks in duration. Supporting evidence (such as medical certificates) must be provided and there are strict deadlines in place for the application process. Interruptions cannot be granted retrospectively and can be backdated only by a maximum of two weeks therefore if you have identified a student struggling with personal and/or academic issues, you should refer him/her to the SSOs as early as possible.

I am an International Student. Can I take an AIS? International students can take an AIS BUT as per the terms of their Visa, should not remain in the UK when not studying. The Visa will be withdrawn and the student would have to re-apply for a Visa before returning to their studies in the next session. Please refer any questions to the SSO, EUSA Advice Place or International Office.

Can I transfer to another degree programme? Students wishing to transfer into another degree programme should contact the SSO at early as possible to complete a transfer request form. It should be remembered that whilst transfer to a different degree programme in CHSS is possible, it is not automatic and some transfers are not possible, particularly where there are tight subject limits and minimum entrance grades for degree programmes. The SSO will also be able to advice on procedures for transferring into another School within CHSS and transferring to another College. It should be noted that in the latter case – as with transfers which extend the period of study - these transfers must be approved by the Dean of Undergraduate Study. There is a strict deadline for such requests (usually mid-March) and students will be informed of the outcome in May.

Where do I get information on my year abroad? The student should be directed to the Teaching Office in the first instance.

How do I withdraw permanently from the University?

Please contact the SSO as soon as possible.

How do I get an academic reference? As a PT you should provide students with an academic reference upon request. You should draw on information available on Euclid for guidance if necessary.

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I don’t want to take (X) compulsory course, I would rather study (Y), is this OK?

Where possible, students must adhere to the DPT and take all courses noted as compulsory. If the student has a strong reason for taking another course (e.g. looking ahead to further study), he/she should be referred to the SSO to discuss a concession to allow him/her to deviate from the DPT. Please note that all concessions MUST be authorised by the UG Director (or, in some cases, College) and approval is not guaranteed. ALL deviations must be noted on the student’s record.


I have a disability The University welcomes students with disabilities and we strive to maintain equal opportunities for all, creating "reasonable adjustments" to curricular requirements to ensure that students are not disadvantaged. The Student Disability Service can offer a wealth of advice and support to students with both existing conditions and those which have developed during the course of their studies. If one of your tutees is issued with a Schedule of Adjustment you will be notified by email by the SSO or PPLS Co-ordinator of Adjustments.

I have health problems All students are advised to register with a GP as soon as possible upon arrival in Edinburgh. The Richard Verney Health Centre, 6 Bristo Square Tel: 0131 650 2777 Email: [email protected] If a student feels that his/her academic performance has been affected by health problems, he/she can apply for special circumstances to be considered by the exam board. The special circumstances form is available from the SSO or at and should be completed by both student and PT before being sent to the SSO along with supporting documentation. The SSO will provide notification of deadlines for these submissions. Please be aware that other Schools may have a different deadline to PPLS and this could affect students on combined degrees or whose outside subjects are affected.

I am absent through illness Students are advised to contact the SSO as soon as possible to record non-attendance of classes. It may be necessary to submit a medical certificate. Absences of up to three weeks duration are permitted and it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they can catch-up with your coursework. If illness has significantly affected the student’s progress, he/she can apply for consideration of Special Circumstances as above.

I have personal problems There is a network of support available to students, including Student Counselling Service, the Chaplaincy or Nightline. Information about these services is available from the SSO. If personal matters have significantly affected the student’s progress, he/she can apply for consideration of Special Circumstances as above. The Student Disability Service has a very useful guide, “Helping Distressed Students” available for download at

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I have had a bereavement/family crisis Let the SSO know. The SSO will ensure that course organisers and all relevant staff are aware of the situation and are able to offer support during this time. This may include giving extensions on coursework deadlines. The Counselling Service and the Chaplaincy Centre may be able to offer the student emotional support.

I have financial problems Students MUST contact the Finance department ([email protected]) at the earliest opportunity in order to find a solution. Further support is also available from the EUSA Advice Place in Potter Row, see The Advice Place will also be able to offer guidance on applying for Hardship Funds.

I am a parent and wish to discuss my son/daughter’s academic progress and/or inform you of a problem.

Under the data protection act, staff are not permitted to discuss students with any other party, which includes parents, unless we have specific written permission from the student. This policy applies to all students, even those younger than 18 years of age and where fees are being paid by parents. If the student is prevented from dealing personally with academic affairs due to illness or similar, he/she may nominate someone (e.g. a parent) to act on his/her behalf however we must receive confirmation from the student in writing before we will communicate with a third party. Please contact the SSO if you are in any doubt.

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WHO TO CONTACT Your main contact will be the Student Support Officer, UG Director, and Teaching Director in your subject and Undergraduate Course Secretaries in the Teaching Office. Although PTs are not required to know (and will seldom deal with) all contacts within PPLS there will be staff who it can be useful to know and can give you guidance and support.

1. Senior Tutor ( Dr Matthew Chrisman): ensures that Personal Tutors are well-briefed and supported and kept up-to-date with developments. The PT is also responsible for dealing promptly and effectively with concerns raised by Tutors and Tutees Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 3648 2. Student Support Officer (SSO) (Moira Avraam): can grant extensions to students for course work and Moira should be the first person to whom a student should be directed if they have any difficulties, personally or with any aspect of their studies. Moira also manages both Teaching Offices. Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 3661 3. Director of Undergraduate Studies (Dr Caroline Watt); supports and advises the Head of School in all aspects relating to UG teaching, development and strategy and in delivering University, College and School UG-related plans and best practice. Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 3382 4. Teaching Directors: are the central points of contact for all UG matters. Psychology: Dr Sue Widdicombe Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 65o 3411 Philosophy: Dr Campbell Brown Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 9942 LEL: Professor Heinz Giegerich Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 3595 5. The Teaching Office: enables smooth running of the School administration, and can help with most queries in this area. The Teaching Office is located on the 4th floor (room 4.05), Dugald Stewart Building. Opening hours are 09.00 - 17.00 Monday to Friday Phone: DSB 0131 650 3961 6. The Undergraduate Course Secretaries: hold the files and records for each course and its students, they know about student contact details, student absences, and essay extensions. They provide tutors with the tutorial lists for maintaining student records. Course secretaries are a key contact for COs. Philosophy: Sue Richards Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 651 3733 English Language & Linguistics: Stephanie Fong Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 3628 Psychology: Fiona Graham and Elizabeth Wright Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 3440 Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 9870 Teaching Office Assistant Secretary: Frankie Anderson Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 3961

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7. The Head of School (Dr Andy McKinlay): is the principal office bearer in the School and is responsible for the academic leadership and overall management and strategy of the School including development of academic and resource plans, promotion of research activity and management of resources. Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 4643 8. The School Administrator (SA) (Debbie Moodie): supports the Head of School in all aspects of the organization, operation and management of the School. The SA is directly responsible for financial strategy and management, project management, estates management, HR administration, and for overall management of the School’s support services.

Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 651 3084 9. The Learning and Teaching Projects Officer (Judy McCulloch): works independently, or with the SA and/or UG Director, on a series of projects that relate to the Learning and Teaching Strategy, quality assurance and enhancement that come down to the School from the College and University. Judy works closely with the Teaching Office. Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 3194 10. Academic Misconduct Officer (Dr Lars Penke): is the first point of contact for the School on any academic misconduct matter. Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 8482

11. The Coordinator of Adjustments for Disabled Students (Dr James Kirby: with the delegated authority of the Head of School, decides the adjustments to be made to the academic processes in the School for disabled students and oversees their implementation. Email: [email protected] Phone: 0131 650 3952

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Welcome Meeting with Personal Tutor (Semester 1, Freshers week or Week 1 - New Students)

At the Welcome Meeting, the Personal Tutor is probably going to be the first academic

that the Personal Tutee has met personally. First impressions matter! This guide provides some suggestions for topics to discuss at your Welcome Meetings

with Personal Tutees.

Personal Tutor role, and Personal Tutee role (refer to role & responsibilities descriptions)

Personal Tutor an academic - will try to be responsive but also has teaching, research, and other admin responsibilities! If student tries and fails to contact PT, refer them to SSO.

SSO role (refer to role & responsibilities descriptions) Other sources of support - course tutor/lecturer/CO for course-content queries

TO for course admin queries EUSA Advice Place; Careers Service; Disability Service; Counselling Service; Chaplaincy - see Facilities & Support page for UG students on main website:

What degree is the Personal Tutee enrolled on? Have they investigated outside course choices? (Sources of info - academic fair,

timetab, DRPS) Discuss course choices & check they allow for follow-on courses in 2nd yr to

allow for an alternative degree route. Check that course choices are consistent with DPTs (e.g. got any necessary pre-

requisites?) Refer to 7 Geo Sq basement concourse for confirming attendance and

enrolment to courses Gentle introduction to idea of reflective learning (reflecting on feedback,

considering what skills are being acquired, etc.) - meetings with Personal Tutor will help the Personal Tutee to reflect on their academic progress.

Any other questions? Reassure that they will soon find their way around & make friends - all Freshers

in the same boat.

Welcome Back Meeting (Week 1 or 2 of Semester 1 - for continuing students)

This guide provides some suggestions for topics that it would be good to discuss at

your Welcome Back meetings with Personal Tutees.

Get any interesting/useful work experience over the summer? How did exams go? How did resits (if any) go? Got enough credits to progress? (If not, refer to SSO) Happy with course choices? Want to make any changes to course choices? (If so, discuss then refer to SSO) Goals for this semester? (e.g.: Any areas of weakness to be worked on? Planning

on acquiring or developing new skills?) Longer term goals? (e.g.: developing CV; work experience; careers advice; study


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Progress Review Meeting with Personal Tutor - Form for Personal Tutee to complete before meeting

(Week 1 or Week 2 in Semester 2; all students)

In order to get the best out of your Progress Review Meeting with your Personal Tutor, please take a few moments to reflect upon and provide answers to the questions below. Then please arrange to meet with your Personal Tutor early in Semester 2, and use the completed form as a basis for discussion about your academic progress. Your name: Your degree programme and year of study: 1. What is the single most helpful item of feedback that you have been given over the

last semester? (Remember feedback comes in many forms, including conversations with tutors and staff, meetings to discuss projects and lit reviews, etc.)

2. Describe how you have responded to and implemented that piece of feedback in your

work. 3. What skills have you been acquiring through your recent studies and assessments? 4. Looking ahead to the coming semester, what are your main goals? 5. Are there any changes that you might need to make in order to help you achieve your goals for this semester? 6. Looking ahead to next year, consider the following issues: If you're year 1: start thinking about next year's subject choices If year 2: do you have more than one possible Honours route? Will you need to apply for any transfer? Year 3: next year's course choices? Dissertation? Careers ....? Year 4: Careers? Postgrad courses? 7. Longer term, is your degree progressing as you would like? If not, what changes might be needed? 8. As an aide memoire, note here any other issues that you'd like to discuss with your Personal Tutor.

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‘Who To Ask What’ Guidance

Type of Query e.g. Who to contact first IF IN DOUBT, OR UNABLE TO REACH PT, CONTACT SSO

Additional support

Personal I am having personal problems Student Support Officer/Asst SSO

Personal Tutor EUSA Advice Place

Academic Direction

I am thinking about changing my degree/course

Personal Tutor Student Support Officer Director of UG Studies

Academic Development

How is my overall development?

Personal Tutor

Academic Progression

I am short of credits

Student Support Officer Director of UG Studies

Academic Choices Should I choose this course?

Personal Tutor Course Organiser Degree Programme Tables

Course Enrolment Can I enrol on this course? Student Support Officer/Asst SSO

Degree Programme Tables

Course Content I don't understand x Lecturer/Course Tutor Course Organiser

Course Feedback How can I do better next time?

Marker/Course Tutor Personal Tutor

Course Admin When is the deadline? Course documentation

Teaching Office

Employability/ Career

What sorts of careers will my degree equip me for?

Personal Tutor Careers Service

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As a PT who is taking on a student in Semester 2 the tutee will have had all the necessary enrolment procedures completed in semester 1 and will have seen their previous PT. What you will have to do is provide students with on-going academic advice, when required. However it is mandatory that you meet with each tutee once in each semester. It is recommended that you make contact with your new tutees, by email, to introduce yourself and give them details on how they can make an appointment to see you. First-year students First year students may have more anxiety and concerns about academic matters particularly coming up towards the end of year exams and assessments and therefore there is a case for arranging to meet any of your first year tutees at some point in the semester. On- going students Any students who want to change their degree for next year or who may be unable to progress should be sent to see the Student Support Officer who will direct them appropriately. Degree Programme Tables You may need to refer to the DPTs for the purposes of giving students advice about course choices, for the following year. It is worth having a look at the DPTS of the degrees on which your tutees are taking. See Ongoing arrangements Detailed and very helpful guidance for PTs from the College is available at: If you need any further help or advice you should contact: Senior Tutor; Matthew Chrisman; [email protected] (503648) Student Support Officer, Moira Avraam [email protected] (503661) UG Director, Caroline Watt [email protected] (503382)

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