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Page 1: Possum Cook Book


By: By: By: By: Richard Matthews Richard Matthews Richard Matthews Richard Matthews

1111 young; fat possumyoung; fat possumyoung; fat possumyoung; fat possum8888 sweet potatoes; peeledsweet potatoes; peeledsweet potatoes; peeledsweet potatoes; peeled2222 tablespoonstablespoonstablespoonstablespoons butterbutterbutterbutter1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon sugarsugarsugarsugar

saltsaltsaltsaltbaconbaconbaconbaconthyme or marjoramthyme or marjoramthyme or marjoramthyme or marjorampepperpepperpepperpepper

First catch a young fat possum. This in itself affords excellent sport onFirst catch a young fat possum. This in itself affords excellent sport onFirst catch a young fat possum. This in itself affords excellent sport onFirst catch a young fat possum. This in itself affords excellent sport onmoonlight nights in fall. Remove the fur either by skinning or by soakingmoonlight nights in fall. Remove the fur either by skinning or by soakingmoonlight nights in fall. Remove the fur either by skinning or by soakingmoonlight nights in fall. Remove the fur either by skinning or by soakingthe possum in hot lye water, being careful not to get any on the hands.the possum in hot lye water, being careful not to get any on the hands.the possum in hot lye water, being careful not to get any on the hands.the possum in hot lye water, being careful not to get any on the hands.Clean, take off the head and feet (unless you want to cook it like wholeClean, take off the head and feet (unless you want to cook it like wholeClean, take off the head and feet (unless you want to cook it like wholeClean, take off the head and feet (unless you want to cook it like wholeroast pig), and wash well. Salt the possum well inside and out and freezeroast pig), and wash well. Salt the possum well inside and out and freezeroast pig), and wash well. Salt the possum well inside and out and freezeroast pig), and wash well. Salt the possum well inside and out and freezeovernight either outdoors or in the refrigerator compartment. When ready toovernight either outdoors or in the refrigerator compartment. When ready toovernight either outdoors or in the refrigerator compartment. When ready toovernight either outdoors or in the refrigerator compartment. When ready tocook, peel 8 sweet potatoes and boil them tender in slightly salted watercook, peel 8 sweet potatoes and boil them tender in slightly salted watercook, peel 8 sweet potatoes and boil them tender in slightly salted watercook, peel 8 sweet potatoes and boil them tender in slightly salted waterto which 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of sugar have been which 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of sugar have been which 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of sugar have been which 2 tablespoons of butter and 1 tablespoon of sugar have been added.At the same time, stew the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with aAt the same time, stew the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with aAt the same time, stew the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with aAt the same time, stew the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with alittle water. Arrange the potatoes around the possum, strip with bacon,little water. Arrange the potatoes around the possum, strip with bacon,little water. Arrange the potatoes around the possum, strip with bacon,little water. Arrange the potatoes around the possum, strip with bacon,sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or with pepper, and brown in the oven.sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or with pepper, and brown in the oven.sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or with pepper, and brown in the oven.sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or with pepper, and brown in the oven.Baste often with the drippings. Served hot, it sure is "a dish fo' a king."Baste often with the drippings. Served hot, it sure is "a dish fo' a king."Baste often with the drippings. Served hot, it sure is "a dish fo' a king."Baste often with the drippings. Served hot, it sure is "a dish fo' a king."

Recipe by Rock McNelly on Mar 26, 1998.Recipe by Rock McNelly on Mar 26, 1998.Recipe by Rock McNelly on Mar 26, 1998.Recipe by Rock McNelly on Mar 26, 1998.

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Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving

Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00


2222 poundspoundspoundspounds armadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meat1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup margarine; (1 stick)margarine; (1 stick)margarine; (1 stick)margarine; (1 stick)

salt; (to taste)salt; (to taste)salt; (to taste)salt; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)

Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine. Wrap inSeason meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine. Wrap inSeason meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine. Wrap inSeason meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine. Wrap infoil; bake at 325F for 45 minutes. Remove foil; add more butter and brown.foil; bake at 325F for 45 minutes. Remove foil; add more butter and brown.foil; bake at 325F for 45 minutes. Remove foil; add more butter and brown.foil; bake at 325F for 45 minutes. Remove foil; add more butter and brown.

Page 2: Possum Cook Book

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SOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks of MississippiSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks of MississippiSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks of MississippiSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks of MississippiContributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by Nancy ColemanContributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by Nancy ColemanContributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by Nancy ColemanContributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by Nancy Coleman

Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.

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Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00


1111 SmallSmallSmallSmall possum or bandicoot*possum or bandicoot*possum or bandicoot*possum or bandicoot*2222 litersliterslitersliters WaterWaterWaterWater1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 tintintintin corn*corn*corn*corn*

any other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desired1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch celery leavescelery leavescelery leavescelery leaves1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch parsleyparsleyparsleyparsley

flour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenfried bread; 1 slice per servingfried bread; 1 slice per servingfried bread; 1 slice per servingfried bread; 1 slice per serving

Skin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (Video tapeSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (Video tapeSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (Video tapeSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (Video tapethis please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you have to catch athis please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you have to catch athis please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you have to catch athis please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you have to catch apossum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.) Place it in a largepossum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.) Place it in a largepossum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.) Place it in a largepossum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.) Place it in a largepot or camp oven along with water and salt. Cover and simmer gently for 3pot or camp oven along with water and salt. Cover and simmer gently for 3pot or camp oven along with water and salt. Cover and simmer gently for 3pot or camp oven along with water and salt. Cover and simmer gently for 3or 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.) Add vegetables and simmer foror 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.) Add vegetables and simmer foror 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.) Add vegetables and simmer foror 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.) Add vegetables and simmer foranother 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. Even the vegies are resisting beinganother 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. Even the vegies are resisting beinganother 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. Even the vegies are resisting beinganother 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. Even the vegies are resisting beingassociated with this.) Strain soup through a large holed colander when meatassociated with this.) Strain soup through a large holed colander when meatassociated with this.) Strain soup through a large holed colander when meatassociated with this.) Strain soup through a large holed colander when meathas left bone and remove bones, especially small ones. Return soup to thehas left bone and remove bones, especially small ones. Return soup to thehas left bone and remove bones, especially small ones. Return soup to thehas left bone and remove bones, especially small ones. Return soup to thepot and add parsley and celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour orpot and add parsley and celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour orpot and add parsley and celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour orpot and add parsley and celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour orgravox. Cut fried bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,gravox. Cut fried bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,gravox. Cut fried bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,gravox. Cut fried bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,boiling hot.boiling hot.boiling hot.boiling hot.

*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something between a*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something between a*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something between a*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something between apossum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.

*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.

*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it away,*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it away,*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it away,*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it away,it does make me wonder why you started in the first does make me wonder why you started in the first does make me wonder why you started in the first does make me wonder why you started in the first place.

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*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be need some*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be need some*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be need some*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be need someflavor.flavor.flavor.flavor.

*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.

*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable alternative*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable alternative*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable alternative*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable alternativeif you don't happen to have a possum or bandicoot available.if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicoot available.if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicoot available.if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicoot available.

Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving

Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00


1111 onion, large; finely choppedonion, large; finely choppedonion, large; finely choppedonion, large; finely chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat

possum liver; (optional)possum liver; (optional)possum liver; (optional)possum liver; (optional)1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red peppers; choppedred peppers; choppedred peppers; choppedred peppers; chopped

Worcestershire sauce; dashWorcestershire sauce; dashWorcestershire sauce; dashWorcestershire sauce; dash1111 egg, hardboiled; finely choppedegg, hardboiled; finely choppedegg, hardboiled; finely choppedegg, hardboiled; finely chopped

salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender. AddBrown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender. AddBrown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender. AddBrown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender. Addother ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuff possumother ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuff possumother ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuff possumother ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuff possumand skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboil the possumand skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboil the possumand skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboil the possumand skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboil the possumbefore roasting. Others remove the skin and fat. Try rubbing possum with abefore roasting. Others remove the skin and fat. Try rubbing possum with abefore roasting. Others remove the skin and fat. Try rubbing possum with abefore roasting. Others remove the skin and fat. Try rubbing possum with alittle sage before roasting. Sweet potatoes are absolute requirement to alittle sage before roasting. Sweet potatoes are absolute requirement to alittle sage before roasting. Sweet potatoes are absolute requirement to alittle sage before roasting. Sweet potatoes are absolute requirement to aSoutherner.Southerner.Southerner.Southerner.

Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.Recipe by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving

Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00

Page 4: Possum Cook Book

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1111 young possumyoung possumyoung possumyoung possum2222 teaspoonsteaspoonsteaspoonsteaspoons saltsaltsaltsalt4444 largelargelargelarge red chili peppers; seeded, choppedred chili peppers; seeded, choppedred chili peppers; seeded, choppedred chili peppers; seeded, chopped1111 largelargelargelarge onion; choppedonion; choppedonion; choppedonion; chopped6666 peppercorns crushed in a mortarpeppercorns crushed in a mortarpeppercorns crushed in a mortarpeppercorns crushed in a mortar8888 stripsstripsstripsstrips fatty baconfatty baconfatty baconfatty bacon6666 mediummediummediummedium sweet potatoes or 4 lg. yams; peeled and slicedsweet potatoes or 4 lg. yams; peeled and slicedsweet potatoes or 4 lg. yams; peeled and slicedsweet potatoes or 4 lg. yams; peeled and sliced

-- 1\2 inch thick-- 1\2 inch thick-- 1\2 inch thick-- 1\2 inch thick

Put possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers, andPut possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers, andPut possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers, andPut possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers, andpeppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Put meat inpeppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Put meat inpeppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Put meat inpeppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Put meat ina roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cooking kettle liquid,a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cooking kettle liquid,a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cooking kettle liquid,a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cooking kettle liquid,boiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pour this over the meatboiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pour this over the meatboiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pour this over the meatboiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pour this over the meatand roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30 min., basting every 10 min.and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30 min., basting every 10 min.and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30 min., basting every 10 min.and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30 min., basting every 10 min.Arrange potatoes or yams around the meat and continue to roast 30 min.Arrange potatoes or yams around the meat and continue to roast 30 min.Arrange potatoes or yams around the meat and continue to roast 30 min.Arrange potatoes or yams around the meat and continue to roast 30 min.more or until meat is tender and potatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6more or until meat is tender and potatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6more or until meat is tender and potatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6more or until meat is tender and potatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6SERVE WITH: cooked turnip greensSERVE WITH: cooked turnip greensSERVE WITH: cooked turnip greensSERVE WITH: cooked turnip greens

Mastercook Formatted By Kurt Lucas <[email protected]>Mastercook Formatted By Kurt Lucas <[email protected]>Mastercook Formatted By Kurt Lucas <[email protected]>Mastercook Formatted By Kurt Lucas <[email protected]>

Submitted to the BBQ Mailing List by [email protected] on Feb 16, 1999,Submitted to the BBQ Mailing List by [email protected] on Feb 16, 1999,Submitted to the BBQ Mailing List by [email protected] on Feb 16, 1999,Submitted to the BBQ Mailing List by [email protected] on Feb 16, 1999,converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving

Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00

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1111 possum; whole, uncleanedpossum; whole, uncleanedpossum; whole, uncleanedpossum; whole, uncleaned1111 onion; large, choppedonion; large, choppedonion; large, choppedonion; large, chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon bacon fatbacon fatbacon fatbacon fat

possum liverpossum liverpossum liverpossum liver1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red pepper; choppedred pepper; choppedred pepper; choppedred pepper; chopped

Worcestershire sauce; dashWorcestershire sauce; dashWorcestershire sauce; dashWorcestershire sauce; dash1111 egg, hardboiled; finely choppedegg, hardboiled; finely choppedegg, hardboiled; finely choppedegg, hardboiled; finely chopped

salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Possums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scalding hotPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scalding hotPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scalding hotPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scalding hotwater. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair by scrapingwater. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair by scrapingwater. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair by scrapingwater. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair by scrapingwith a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hair comes off hard,with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hair comes off hard,with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hair comes off hard,with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hair comes off hard,dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water. Wash with soap and water,dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water. Wash with soap and water,dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water. Wash with soap and water,dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water. Wash with soap and water,then remove entrails, keeping washed liver. Remove head and tail (somethen remove entrails, keeping washed liver. Remove head and tail (somethen remove entrails, keeping washed liver. Remove head and tail (somethen remove entrails, keeping washed liver. Remove head and tail (somepeople keep the head on). Soak in cold water to which is added 1 cup salt.people keep the head on). Soak in cold water to which is added 1 cup salt.people keep the head on). Soak in cold water to which is added 1 cup salt.people keep the head on). Soak in cold water to which is added 1 cup salt.Drain and rinse with boiling water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close theDrain and rinse with boiling water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close theDrain and rinse with boiling water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close theDrain and rinse with boiling water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close theopening, and roast in black iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours atopening, and roast in black iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours atopening, and roast in black iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours atopening, and roast in black iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at350. Baste often. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour350. Baste often. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour350. Baste often. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour350. Baste often. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hourbefore possum is done.before possum is done.before possum is done.before possum is done.

Posted to the BBQ List by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25,Posted to the BBQ List by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25,Posted to the BBQ List by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25,Posted to the BBQ List by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25,1998.1998.1998.1998.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving Yield: 1 serving

Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00 Preparation Time (hh:mm): 0:00


1111 lblblblb lean ground beeflean ground beeflean ground beeflean ground beef1111 cup.cup.cup.cup. onion choppedonion choppedonion choppedonion chopped2222 clovesclovesclovescloves garlic mincedgarlic mincedgarlic mincedgarlic minced2222 cupcupcupcup 8 oz sharp cheddar cheese grated8 oz sharp cheddar cheese grated8 oz sharp cheddar cheese grated8 oz sharp cheddar cheese grated1111 pkgpkgpkgpkg taco seasoning mixtaco seasoning mixtaco seasoning mixtaco seasoning mix

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salt/pepper to tastesalt/pepper to tastesalt/pepper to tastesalt/pepper to taste1 161 161 161 16 ozozozoz pkg egg roll wrapperspkg egg roll wrapperspkg egg roll wrapperspkg egg roll wrappers

Cook first 3 ingredients until meat is done. Drain well.Cook first 3 ingredients until meat is done. Drain well.Cook first 3 ingredients until meat is done. Drain well.Cook first 3 ingredients until meat is done. Drain well.Add the next 3 ingredients and stir until cheese melts.Add the next 3 ingredients and stir until cheese melts.Add the next 3 ingredients and stir until cheese melts.Add the next 3 ingredients and stir until cheese melts.Spoon meat mixture in center of each egg roll wrapper.Spoon meat mixture in center of each egg roll wrapper.Spoon meat mixture in center of each egg roll wrapper.Spoon meat mixture in center of each egg roll wrapper.Fold bottom edge over filling, fold right side over, then the left side.Fold bottom edge over filling, fold right side over, then the left side.Fold bottom edge over filling, fold right side over, then the left side.Fold bottom edge over filling, fold right side over, then the left side.Lightly brush remaining flap with water.Lightly brush remaining flap with water.Lightly brush remaining flap with water.Lightly brush remaining flap with water.Fold over tightly, press gently to seal.Fold over tightly, press gently to seal.Fold over tightly, press gently to seal.Fold over tightly, press gently to seal.Fry in hot oil at 375* for 1 minute.Fry in hot oil at 375* for 1 minute.Fry in hot oil at 375* for 1 minute.Fry in hot oil at 375* for 1 minute.Serve with salsa.Serve with salsa.Serve with salsa.Serve with salsa.


2222 canscanscanscans mexican beansmexican beansmexican beansmexican beans1111 cancancancan rotel tomatoes and green chiliesrotel tomatoes and green chiliesrotel tomatoes and green chiliesrotel tomatoes and green chilies1111 mediummediummediummedium onion, dicedonion, dicedonion, dicedonion, diced12121212 oz.oz.oz.oz. can beercan beercan beercan beer1111 ground chuckground chuckground chuckground chuck3333 tbs.tbs.tbs.tbs. chili powderchili powderchili powderchili powder1111 tsp.tsp.tsp.tsp. cumincumincumincumin

Brown ground chuck and onion; drain. Combine with remaining ingredientsBrown ground chuck and onion; drain. Combine with remaining ingredientsBrown ground chuck and onion; drain. Combine with remaining ingredientsBrown ground chuck and onion; drain. Combine with remaining ingredientsin a slow cooker. Cook over medium setting for 12-24 hours. Add chiliin a slow cooker. Cook over medium setting for 12-24 hours. Add chiliin a slow cooker. Cook over medium setting for 12-24 hours. Add chiliin a slow cooker. Cook over medium setting for 12-24 hours. Add chilipowder as desired.powder as desired.powder as desired.powder as desired.


By: By: By: By: Lee Sparks, Possum Trot Bed & Breakfast, Unionville, InLee Sparks, Possum Trot Bed & Breakfast, Unionville, InLee Sparks, Possum Trot Bed & Breakfast, Unionville, InLee Sparks, Possum Trot Bed & Breakfast, Unionville, In

2222 margarinemargarinemargarinemargarine1111 cupcupcupcup granulated sugargranulated sugargranulated sugargranulated sugar0. cupcupcupcup molassesmolassesmolassesmolasses1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon nutmeg; groundnutmeg; groundnutmeg; groundnutmeg; ground1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon cloves; groundcloves; groundcloves; groundcloves; ground1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon cinnamon; groundcinnamon; groundcinnamon; groundcinnamon; ground1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon vinegarvinegarvinegarvinegar1111 eacheacheacheach eggs; beateneggs; beateneggs; beateneggs; beaten5555 cupcupcupcup flourflourflourflour1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon baking sodabaking sodabaking sodabaking soda

Mix the margarine, sugar, molasses and spices and bring to a boil,Mix the margarine, sugar, molasses and spices and bring to a boil,Mix the margarine, sugar, molasses and spices and bring to a boil,Mix the margarine, sugar, molasses and spices and bring to a boil,

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stirring constantly. Cool to lukewarm. Add 1 tsp. vinegar and thestirring constantly. Cool to lukewarm. Add 1 tsp. vinegar and thestirring constantly. Cool to lukewarm. Add 1 tsp. vinegar and thestirring constantly. Cool to lukewarm. Add 1 tsp. vinegar and thebeaten eggs. Mix thoroughly. Add 5 cups of flour and 1 tsp. bakingbeaten eggs. Mix thoroughly. Add 5 cups of flour and 1 tsp. bakingbeaten eggs. Mix thoroughly. Add 5 cups of flour and 1 tsp. bakingbeaten eggs. Mix thoroughly. Add 5 cups of flour and 1 tsp. bakingsoda. Refrigerate dough until ready to bake. Roll to 1/8" thicknesssoda. Refrigerate dough until ready to bake. Roll to 1/8" thicknesssoda. Refrigerate dough until ready to bake. Roll to 1/8" thicknesssoda. Refrigerate dough until ready to bake. Roll to 1/8" thicknessusing additional flour as necessary. cut into desired shapes withusing additional flour as necessary. cut into desired shapes withusing additional flour as necessary. cut into desired shapes withusing additional flour as necessary. cut into desired shapes withslightly floured cutters. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes onslightly floured cutters. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes onslightly floured cutters. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes onslightly floured cutters. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 to 10 minutes onan ungreased cookie ungreased cookie ungreased cookie ungreased cookie sheet.

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup limelimelimelime1111 gmgmgmgm waterwaterwaterwater1111 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt1111 red pepper podred pepper podred pepper podred pepper pod

Put 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldquickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,tail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyesand head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.

Put one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterand pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boilup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can bepierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forbaking.baking.baking.baking.

When ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in amoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willblister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.

Carve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichhave been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.

192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.Southern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapNew YorkNew YorkNew YorkNew York

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

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1111 eacheacheacheach onion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1111 possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, chopped1111 worcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dash1111 eacheacheacheach egg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

** THESE INGREDIENTS ARE DUPLICATED IN ROAST POSSUM RECIPE Brown onion in** THESE INGREDIENTS ARE DUPLICATED IN ROAST POSSUM RECIPE Brown onion in** THESE INGREDIENTS ARE DUPLICATED IN ROAST POSSUM RECIPE Brown onion in** THESE INGREDIENTS ARE DUPLICATED IN ROAST POSSUM RECIPE Brown onion inhot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender. Add other ingredientshot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender. Add other ingredientshot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender. Add other ingredientshot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender. Add other ingredientsplus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuff possum and skewer or sewplus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuff possum and skewer or sewplus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuff possum and skewer or sewplus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuff possum and skewer or sewthe opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboil the possum before roasting.the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboil the possum before roasting.the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboil the possum before roasting.the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboil the possum before roasting.Others remove the skin and fat. Try rubbing possum with a little sageOthers remove the skin and fat. Try rubbing possum with a little sageOthers remove the skin and fat. Try rubbing possum with a little sageOthers remove the skin and fat. Try rubbing possum with a little sagebefore roasting. Sweet potatoes are absolute requirement to a Southerner.before roasting. Sweet potatoes are absolute requirement to a Southerner.before roasting. Sweet potatoes are absolute requirement to a Southerner.before roasting. Sweet potatoes are absolute requirement to a Southerner.Recipe date: 01/15/63Recipe date: 01/15/63Recipe date: 01/15/63Recipe date: 01/15/63

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 eacheacheacheach possum, whole, uncleanedpossum, whole, uncleanedpossum, whole, uncleanedpossum, whole, uncleaned1111 eacheacheacheach onion, large, choppedonion, large, choppedonion, large, choppedonion, large, chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon bacon fatbacon fatbacon fatbacon fat1111 possum liverpossum liverpossum liverpossum liver1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red pepper, choppedred pepper, choppedred pepper, choppedred pepper, chopped1111 worcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dash1111 eacheacheacheach egg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Possums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scalding hotPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scalding hotPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scalding hotPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scalding hotwater. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair by scrapingwater. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair by scrapingwater. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair by scrapingwater. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair by scrapingwith a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hair comes off hard,with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hair comes off hard,with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hair comes off hard,with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hair comes off hard,dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water. Wash with soap and water,dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water. Wash with soap and water,dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water. Wash with soap and water,dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water. Wash with soap and water,then remove entrails, keeping washed liver. Remove head and tail (somethen remove entrails, keeping washed liver. Remove head and tail (somethen remove entrails, keeping washed liver. Remove head and tail (somethen remove entrails, keeping washed liver. Remove head and tail (somepeople keep the head on). Soak in cold water to which is added 1 cup salt.people keep the head on). Soak in cold water to which is added 1 cup salt.people keep the head on). Soak in cold water to which is added 1 cup salt.people keep the head on). Soak in cold water to which is added 1 cup salt.

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Drain and rinse with boiling water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close theDrain and rinse with boiling water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close theDrain and rinse with boiling water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close theDrain and rinse with boiling water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close theopening, and roast in black iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours atopening, and roast in black iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours atopening, and roast in black iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours atopening, and roast in black iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at350. Baste often. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour350. Baste often. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour350. Baste often. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour350. Baste often. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hourbefore possum is done. Recipe date: 01/15/63before possum is done. Recipe date: 01/15/63before possum is done. Recipe date: 01/15/63before possum is done. Recipe date: 01/15/63

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 eacheacheacheach dressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trussed1111 salt and peppersalt and peppersalt and peppersalt and pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon rosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbled1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup water withwater withwater withwater with1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup white wine (optional)white wine (optional)white wine (optional)white wine (optional)3333 lblblblb sauerkrautsauerkrautsauerkrautsauerkraut1111 eacheacheacheach onion; quarteredonion; quarteredonion; quarteredonion; quartered1111 cupcupcupcup beerbeerbeerbeer2222 cupcupcupcup chicken brothchicken brothchicken brothchicken broth1/41/41/41/4 lblblblb salt porksalt porksalt porksalt pork20202020 eacheacheacheach juniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushed1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon freshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon caraway seedscaraway seedscaraway seedscaraway seeds

Rub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. Place itRub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. Place itRub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. Place itRub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. Place iton a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in a preheatedon a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in a preheatedon a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in a preheatedon a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in a preheated350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours.350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours.350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours.350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours.If you wish, you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the panIf you wish, you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the panIf you wish, you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the panIf you wish, you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the panand baste the animal occasionally.and baste the animal occasionally.and baste the animal occasionally.and baste the animal occasionally.Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain the kraut. Place it in a kettleMeanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain the kraut. Place it in a kettleMeanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain the kraut. Place it in a kettleMeanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain the kraut. Place it in a kettlewith the remaining ingredients and bring it to a boil. Turn down the heat,with the remaining ingredients and bring it to a boil. Turn down the heat,with the remaining ingredients and bring it to a boil. Turn down the heat,with the remaining ingredients and bring it to a boil. Turn down the heat,cover, and simmer for about an hour.cover, and simmer for about an hour.cover, and simmer for about an hour.cover, and simmer for about an hour.Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platter and servePlace drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platter and servePlace drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platter and servePlace drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platter and servewith boiled or mashed potatoes.with boiled or mashed potatoes.with boiled or mashed potatoes.with boiled or mashed potatoes.

_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones Random_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones Random_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones Random_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones RandomHouse, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettHouse, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettHouse, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettHouse, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff Pruett

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

Page 10: Possum Cook Book

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1111 onion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1111 possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, chopped1111 worcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dash1111 egg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,stuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Someparboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.Try rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesare absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup limelimelimelime1111 gmgmgmgm waterwaterwaterwater1111 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt1111 red pepper podred pepper podred pepper podred pepper pod

Put 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldquickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,tail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyesand head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.

Put one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterand pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boilup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can bepierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forbaking.baking.baking.baking.

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When ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in amoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willblister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.

Carve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichhave been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.

192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.Southern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapNew YorkNew YorkNew YorkNew York

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


1111 young, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possum2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon butterbutterbutterbutter8888 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon sugarsugarsugarsugar1111 saltsaltsaltsalt

First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on amoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Besure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in arefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themtender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Atthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withbacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in theoven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.

Brent WilliamsBrent WilliamsBrent WilliamsBrent Williams1996199619961996

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


2222 lblblblb armadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meat

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1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup margarine (1 stick)margarine (1 stick)margarine (1 stick)margarine (1 stick)1111 salt (to taste)salt (to taste)salt (to taste)salt (to taste)1111 pepper (to taste)pepper (to taste)pepper (to taste)pepper (to taste)1111 lemon juice (to taste)lemon juice (to taste)lemon juice (to taste)lemon juice (to taste)

Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Wrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addmore butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.

SOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyColemanColemanColemanColeman

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


1111 eacheacheacheach small possum or bandicoot*small possum or bandicoot*small possum or bandicoot*small possum or bandicoot*2222 literliterliterliter waterwaterwaterwater1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 eacheacheacheach tin corn*tin corn*tin corn*tin corn*1111 any other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desired1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch celery leavescelery leavescelery leavescelery leaves1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch parsleyparsleyparsleyparsley1111 flour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thicken1111 fried bread,1 slice per servfried bread,1 slice per servfried bread,1 slice per servfried bread,1 slice per serv

Skin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (Videotape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you haveto catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)Place it in a large pot or camp oven along with water and salt. CoverPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with water and salt. CoverPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with water and salt. CoverPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with water and salt. Coverand simmer gently for 3 or 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.)and simmer gently for 3 or 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.)and simmer gently for 3 or 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.)and simmer gently for 3 or 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.)Add vegetables and simmer for another 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. EvenAdd vegetables and simmer for another 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. EvenAdd vegetables and simmer for another 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. EvenAdd vegetables and simmer for another 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. Eventhe vegies are resisting being associated with this.) Strain soupthe vegies are resisting being associated with this.) Strain soupthe vegies are resisting being associated with this.) Strain soupthe vegies are resisting being associated with this.) Strain soupthrough a large holed colander when meat has left bone and removethrough a large holed colander when meat has left bone and removethrough a large holed colander when meat has left bone and removethrough a large holed colander when meat has left bone and removebones, especially small ones. Return soup to the pot and add parsleybones, especially small ones. Return soup to the pot and add parsleybones, especially small ones. Return soup to the pot and add parsleybones, especially small ones. Return soup to the pot and add parsleyand celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour or gravox. Cut friedand celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour or gravox. Cut friedand celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour or gravox. Cut friedand celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour or gravox. Cut friedbread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,boiling hot.bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,boiling hot.bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,boiling hot.bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,boiling hot.

*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is somethingbetween a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.

*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.

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*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw itaway, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.

*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must beneed some flavor.need some flavor.need some flavor.need some flavor.

*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.

*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonablealternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootavailable.available.available.available.

Gerry NolanGerry NolanGerry NolanGerry Nolan

"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you even"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you even"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you even"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you eventried."tried."tried."tried."

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 cupcupcupcup glazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberries3333 shots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshine1111 possumpossumpossumpossum1111 pie crust with toppie crust with toppie crust with toppie crust with top1111 sliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbage1111 to tasteto tasteto tasteto taste

If roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipe

Cover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andbake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thewonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whichevercomes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.

Anthony TrummertAnthony TrummertAnthony TrummertAnthony Trummert

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

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1111 onion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1111 possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, chopped1111 worcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dash1111 egg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,stuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Someparboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.Try rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesare absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 possum, whole, uncleanedpossum, whole, uncleanedpossum, whole, uncleanedpossum, whole, uncleaned1111 onion, large, choppedonion, large, choppedonion, large, choppedonion, large, chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon bacon fatbacon fatbacon fatbacon fat1111 possum liverpossum liverpossum liverpossum liver1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red pepper, choppedred pepper, choppedred pepper, choppedred pepper, chopped1111 worcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dash1111 egg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Possums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldinghot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hairhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hairhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hairhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hairby scraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If someby scraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If someby scraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If someby scraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If somehair comes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) comes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) comes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) comes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water.Wash with soap and water, then remove entrails, keeping washed liver.Wash with soap and water, then remove entrails, keeping washed liver.Wash with soap and water, then remove entrails, keeping washed liver.Wash with soap and water, then remove entrails, keeping washed liver.Remove head and tail (some people keep the head on). Soak in coldRemove head and tail (some people keep the head on). Soak in coldRemove head and tail (some people keep the head on). Soak in coldRemove head and tail (some people keep the head on). Soak in coldwater to which is added 1 cup salt. Drain and rinse with boilingwater to which is added 1 cup salt. Drain and rinse with boilingwater to which is added 1 cup salt. Drain and rinse with boilingwater to which is added 1 cup salt. Drain and rinse with boiling

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water. Stuff with possum stuffing, close the opening, and roast inwater. Stuff with possum stuffing, close the opening, and roast inwater. Stuff with possum stuffing, close the opening, and roast inwater. Stuff with possum stuffing, close the opening, and roast inblack iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at 350. Basteblack iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at 350. Basteblack iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at 350. Basteblack iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at 350. Basteoften. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour beforeoften. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour beforeoften. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour beforeoften. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour beforepossum is done.possum is done.possum is done.possum is done.

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 flourflourflourflour1111 salt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; r1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon thymethymethymethyme1111 eacheacheacheach possum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and patt1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup red winered winered winered wine1 1/41 1/41 1/41 1/4 cupcupcupcup waterwaterwaterwater4444 eacheacheacheach sweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwis4444 eacheacheacheach apples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halved1111 cupcupcupcup brown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugar1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon allspiceallspiceallspiceallspice3/43/43/43/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon ground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamon1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon nutmegnutmegnutmegnutmeg

Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theMix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theMix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theMix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theanimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, covertightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inPour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inPour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inPour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inthe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thecored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothfruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.

_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith JonesRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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30303030 ritz crackers, crushedritz crackers, crushedritz crackers, crushedritz crackers, crushed1111 cupcupcupcup chopped nutschopped nutschopped nutschopped nuts3333 egg whitesegg whitesegg whitesegg whites1111 cupcupcupcup granulated sugargranulated sugargranulated sugargranulated sugar1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup whipping cream, whippedwhipping cream, whippedwhipping cream, whippedwhipping cream, whipped1111 grated coconutgrated coconutgrated coconutgrated coconut

Combine crackers and nuts. Beat egg whites until frothy. GraduallyCombine crackers and nuts. Beat egg whites until frothy. GraduallyCombine crackers and nuts. Beat egg whites until frothy. GraduallyCombine crackers and nuts. Beat egg whites until frothy. Graduallybeat in sugar. Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Foldbeat in sugar. Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Foldbeat in sugar. Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Foldbeat in sugar. Continue beating until stiff peaks form. Foldcrackers and nuts into egg whites. Turn mixture into a lightlycrackers and nuts into egg whites. Turn mixture into a lightlycrackers and nuts into egg whites. Turn mixture into a lightlycrackers and nuts into egg whites. Turn mixture into a lightlygreased pie pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until lightlygreased pie pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until lightlygreased pie pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until lightlygreased pie pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 15 minutes or until lightlybrowned. Cool pie. Just before serving, top with whipped cream andbrowned. Cool pie. Just before serving, top with whipped cream andbrowned. Cool pie. Just before serving, top with whipped cream andbrowned. Cool pie. Just before serving, top with whipped cream andcoconut. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN Oncoconut. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN Oncoconut. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN Oncoconut. Makes 6 to 8 servings. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On08-02-9508-02-9508-02-9508-02-95

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 catch possumcatch possumcatch possumcatch possum

Put Possum in 55 gallon drum and feed for 3 weeks (vegetables, grain,Put Possum in 55 gallon drum and feed for 3 weeks (vegetables, grain,Put Possum in 55 gallon drum and feed for 3 weeks (vegetables, grain,Put Possum in 55 gallon drum and feed for 3 weeks (vegetables, grain,etc.). Shoot possum between the eyes (his brain is real small, butetc.). Shoot possum between the eyes (his brain is real small, butetc.). Shoot possum between the eyes (his brain is real small, butetc.). Shoot possum between the eyes (his brain is real small, butit's around there somewhere). Scald in 140 degree water with hickoryit's around there somewhere). Scald in 140 degree water with hickoryit's around there somewhere). Scald in 140 degree water with hickoryit's around there somewhere). Scald in 140 degree water with hickoryashes and green pine needles. Scrape hair with mason jar lid. Rubashes and green pine needles. Scrape hair with mason jar lid. Rubashes and green pine needles. Scrape hair with mason jar lid. Rubashes and green pine needles. Scrape hair with mason jar lid. Rubdown liberally with salt and pepper. Place roasting rack in pan. 1down liberally with salt and pepper. Place roasting rack in pan. 1down liberally with salt and pepper. Place roasting rack in pan. 1down liberally with salt and pepper. Place roasting rack in pan. 1cup water and 1/4 cup wild turkey in bottom of pan. Slow cook 2 hourscup water and 1/4 cup wild turkey in bottom of pan. Slow cook 2 hourscup water and 1/4 cup wild turkey in bottom of pan. Slow cook 2 hourscup water and 1/4 cup wild turkey in bottom of pan. Slow cook 2 hours(medium possum) baste often. Remove top and brown 15 minutes. Slice(medium possum) baste often. Remove top and brown 15 minutes. Slice(medium possum) baste often. Remove top and brown 15 minutes. Slice(medium possum) baste often. Remove top and brown 15 minutes. Sliceand serve on sweet potatoes. Feeds one Hillbilly or 150-300 city folk.and serve on sweet potatoes. Feeds one Hillbilly or 150-300 city folk.and serve on sweet potatoes. Feeds one Hillbilly or 150-300 city folk.and serve on sweet potatoes. Feeds one Hillbilly or 150-300 city folk.Submitted By JENNY EUWINE REDDNIK On 08-02-95Submitted By JENNY EUWINE REDDNIK On 08-02-95Submitted By JENNY EUWINE REDDNIK On 08-02-95Submitted By JENNY EUWINE REDDNIK On 08-02-95

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings

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1111 mediummediummediummedium to 1 lg possum, peeled, and slicedto 1 lg possum, peeled, and slicedto 1 lg possum, peeled, and slicedto 1 lg possum, peeled, and sliced1111 largelargelargelarge onion, choppedonion, choppedonion, choppedonion, chopped1111 green pepper, choppedgreen pepper, choppedgreen pepper, choppedgreen pepper, chopped1111 bunchbunchbunchbunch green onions, choppedgreen onions, choppedgreen onions, choppedgreen onions, chopped1111 cupcupcupcup barbecue saucebarbecue saucebarbecue saucebarbecue sauce1111 cupcupcupcup waterwaterwaterwater1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon garlic powdergarlic powdergarlic powdergarlic powder1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon parsley flakesparsley flakesparsley flakesparsley flakes4444 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon taco seasoningtaco seasoningtaco seasoningtaco seasoning1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon black pepperblack pepperblack pepperblack pepper2222 cupcupcupcup grated cheese (cheddar, mozarella,; or combination of)grated cheese (cheddar, mozarella,; or combination of)grated cheese (cheddar, mozarella,; or combination of)grated cheese (cheddar, mozarella,; or combination of)

Peel and slice possum. Line cookie sheet with tin foil. Spray foilPeel and slice possum. Line cookie sheet with tin foil. Spray foilPeel and slice possum. Line cookie sheet with tin foil. Spray foilPeel and slice possum. Line cookie sheet with tin foil. Spray foilwith non-stick spray (Pam) In large bowl, combine possum, greenwith non-stick spray (Pam) In large bowl, combine possum, greenwith non-stick spray (Pam) In large bowl, combine possum, greenwith non-stick spray (Pam) In large bowl, combine possum, greenonions, green peppers and white onions. Pour onto foil lined pan. Inonions, green peppers and white onions. Pour onto foil lined pan. Inonions, green peppers and white onions. Pour onto foil lined pan. Inonions, green peppers and white onions. Pour onto foil lined pan. Insame bowl, mix barbecue sauce, water, and dry spices. Pour over topsame bowl, mix barbecue sauce, water, and dry spices. Pour over topsame bowl, mix barbecue sauce, water, and dry spices. Pour over topsame bowl, mix barbecue sauce, water, and dry spices. Pour over topof possum. Bake in 400 F oven for 45 minutes. Turn and seperate toof possum. Bake in 400 F oven for 45 minutes. Turn and seperate toof possum. Bake in 400 F oven for 45 minutes. Turn and seperate toof possum. Bake in 400 F oven for 45 minutes. Turn and seperate toensure even cooking. Bake an additional 10 minutes or so. (Bakingensure even cooking. Bake an additional 10 minutes or so. (Bakingensure even cooking. Bake an additional 10 minutes or so. (Bakingensure even cooking. Bake an additional 10 minutes or so. (Bakingtime depends on how thick you slice the animal) Sprinkle gratedtime depends on how thick you slice the animal) Sprinkle gratedtime depends on how thick you slice the animal) Sprinkle gratedtime depends on how thick you slice the animal) Sprinkle gratedcheese on top of cooked possum, and continue cooking until cheese hascheese on top of cooked possum, and continue cooking until cheese hascheese on top of cooked possum, and continue cooking until cheese hascheese on top of cooked possum, and continue cooking until cheese hasmelted and the edges become crispy. Let sit for about 4-5 minutesmelted and the edges become crispy. Let sit for about 4-5 minutesmelted and the edges become crispy. Let sit for about 4-5 minutesmelted and the edges become crispy. Let sit for about 4-5 minutesbefore serving to allow the cheese to set up a bit.before serving to allow the cheese to set up a bit.before serving to allow the cheese to set up a bit.before serving to allow the cheese to set up a bit.

Origin: Adaptation from another recipe Shared by: Sharon Stevens'Origin: Adaptation from another recipe Shared by: Sharon Stevens'Origin: Adaptation from another recipe Shared by: Sharon Stevens'Origin: Adaptation from another recipe Shared by: Sharon Stevens': Brother, Evan Stevens.: Brother, Evan Stevens.: Brother, Evan Stevens.: Brother, Evan Stevens.Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On 08-02-95Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On 08-02-95Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On 08-02-95Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On 08-02-95

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


1111 possumpossumpossumpossum1111 salt & peppersalt & peppersalt & peppersalt & pepper1111 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes

It jest stands to reason thet if you're jest newly hitched, you mightIt jest stands to reason thet if you're jest newly hitched, you mightIt jest stands to reason thet if you're jest newly hitched, you mightIt jest stands to reason thet if you're jest newly hitched, you mightnot know th' best way to fix `possom - (sum mothers fail to teachnot know th' best way to fix `possom - (sum mothers fail to teachnot know th' best way to fix `possom - (sum mothers fail to teachnot know th' best way to fix `possom - (sum mothers fail to teach

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their young'uns important things). So if you wants to weasel yoretheir young'uns important things). So if you wants to weasel yoretheir young'uns important things). So if you wants to weasel yoretheir young'uns important things). So if you wants to weasel yoreman's heart -- spring this recipe on him. Take a possum and parboilman's heart -- spring this recipe on him. Take a possum and parboilman's heart -- spring this recipe on him. Take a possum and parboilman's heart -- spring this recipe on him. Take a possum and parboiluntil tender. Take out of water and put in bread pan, then pepper tountil tender. Take out of water and put in bread pan, then pepper tountil tender. Take out of water and put in bread pan, then pepper tountil tender. Take out of water and put in bread pan, then pepper totaste. Take three large sweet potatoes and boil until tender. Laytaste. Take three large sweet potatoes and boil until tender. Laytaste. Take three large sweet potatoes and boil until tender. Laytaste. Take three large sweet potatoes and boil until tender. Laythese around possum in bread pan, put in oven and bake until brown.these around possum in bread pan, put in oven and bake until brown.these around possum in bread pan, put in oven and bake until brown.these around possum in bread pan, put in oven and bake until brown.Serve warm. Submitted By JENNY EUWINE REDDNIK On 08-02-95Serve warm. Submitted By JENNY EUWINE REDDNIK On 08-02-95Serve warm. Submitted By JENNY EUWINE REDDNIK On 08-02-95Serve warm. Submitted By JENNY EUWINE REDDNIK On 08-02-95

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 opossumopossumopossumopossum1111 onion choppedonion choppedonion choppedonion chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 hard boiled egghard boiled egghard boiled egghard boiled egg1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 water for stuffingwater for stuffingwater for stuffingwater for stuffing1111 quartquartquartquart water for roasting panwater for roasting panwater for roasting panwater for roasting pan4444 sliceslicesliceslice baconbaconbaconbacon

Opossum: Possum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting.Opossum: Possum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting.Opossum: Possum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting.Opossum: Possum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting.(Or however Jeff gets his dinner) It should be hung for 48 hours(Or however Jeff gets his dinner) It should be hung for 48 hours(Or however Jeff gets his dinner) It should be hung for 48 hours(Or however Jeff gets his dinner) It should be hung for 48 hours(that is more than enough time for you to come from Bama to Md) and(that is more than enough time for you to come from Bama to Md) and(that is more than enough time for you to come from Bama to Md) and(that is more than enough time for you to come from Bama to Md) andis then ready to be skinned and cooked. The meat is light coloredis then ready to be skinned and cooked. The meat is light coloredis then ready to be skinned and cooked. The meat is light coloredis then ready to be skinned and cooked. The meat is light coloredand tender. Excess fat may be removed, but there is no strong flavorand tender. Excess fat may be removed, but there is no strong flavorand tender. Excess fat may be removed, but there is no strong flavorand tender. Excess fat may be removed, but there is no strong flavoror odor contained in the fat.or odor contained in the fat.or odor contained in the fat.or odor contained in the fat.

Rub possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat. Add liver andRub possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat. Add liver andRub possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat. Add liver andRub possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat. Add liver andcook until tender. Add bread crumbs, Worcestershire sauce, egg, saltcook until tender. Add bread crumbs, Worcestershire sauce, egg, saltcook until tender. Add bread crumbs, Worcestershire sauce, egg, saltcook until tender. Add bread crumbs, Worcestershire sauce, egg, saltand water. Mix thoroughly and stuff possum. Truss like a fowl.and water. Mix thoroughly and stuff possum. Truss like a fowl.and water. Mix thoroughly and stuff possum. Truss like a fowl.and water. Mix thoroughly and stuff possum. Truss like a fowl.

Put in roasting pan with bacon across back and pour one quart ofPut in roasting pan with bacon across back and pour one quart ofPut in roasting pan with bacon across back and pour one quart ofPut in roasting pan with bacon across back and pour one quart ofwater into the pan. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender - aboutwater into the pan. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender - aboutwater into the pan. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender - aboutwater into the pan. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender - about2 1/2 hours. Serve with sweet potatoes.2 1/2 hours. Serve with sweet potatoes.2 1/2 hours. Serve with sweet potatoes.2 1/2 hours. Serve with sweet potatoes.

Charleston Receipts Cookbook == Courtesy of Dale & Gail Shipp,Charleston Receipts Cookbook == Courtesy of Dale & Gail Shipp,Charleston Receipts Cookbook == Courtesy of Dale & Gail Shipp,Charleston Receipts Cookbook == Courtesy of Dale & Gail Shipp,Columbia Md. ==Columbia Md. ==Columbia Md. ==Columbia Md. ==Submitted By GAIL SHIPP On 05-12-95Submitted By GAIL SHIPP On 05-12-95Submitted By GAIL SHIPP On 05-12-95Submitted By GAIL SHIPP On 05-12-95

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings

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1111 eacheacheacheach dressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trussed1111 salt and peppersalt and peppersalt and peppersalt and pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon rosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbled1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup water withwater withwater withwater with1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup white wine (optional)white wine (optional)white wine (optional)white wine (optional)3333 lblblblb sauerkrautsauerkrautsauerkrautsauerkraut1111 eacheacheacheach onion; quarteredonion; quarteredonion; quarteredonion; quartered1111 cupcupcupcup beerbeerbeerbeer2222 cupcupcupcup chicken brothchicken brothchicken brothchicken broth1/41/41/41/4 lblblblb salt porksalt porksalt porksalt pork20202020 eacheacheacheach juniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushed1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon freshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon caraway seedscaraway seedscaraway seedscaraway seeds

Rub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary.Rub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary.Rub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary.Rub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary.Place it on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tenderPlace it on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tenderPlace it on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tenderPlace it on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tenderin a preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 a preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 a preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 a preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours.If you wish, you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine inIf you wish, you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine inIf you wish, you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine inIf you wish, you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine inthe pan and baste the animal occasionally.the pan and baste the animal occasionally.the pan and baste the animal occasionally.the pan and baste the animal occasionally.Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain the kraut. Place it in aMeanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain the kraut. Place it in aMeanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain the kraut. Place it in aMeanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain the kraut. Place it in akettle with the remaining ingredients and bring it to a boil. Turnkettle with the remaining ingredients and bring it to a boil. Turnkettle with the remaining ingredients and bring it to a boil. Turnkettle with the remaining ingredients and bring it to a boil. Turndown the heat, cover, and simmer for about an hour.down the heat, cover, and simmer for about an hour.down the heat, cover, and simmer for about an hour.down the heat, cover, and simmer for about an hour.Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platter andPlace drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platter andPlace drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platter andPlace drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platter andserve with boiled or mashed potatoes.serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.

_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith JonesRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettSubmitted By JEFF PRUETT On 05-16-95Submitted By JEFF PRUETT On 05-16-95Submitted By JEFF PRUETT On 05-16-95Submitted By JEFF PRUETT On 05-16-95

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 flourflourflourflour1111 salt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; r1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon thymethymethymethyme1111 eacheacheacheach possum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and patt1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup red winered winered winered wine1 1/41 1/41 1/41 1/4 cupcupcupcup waterwaterwaterwater4444 eacheacheacheach sweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwis4444 eacheacheacheach apples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halved1111 cupcupcupcup brown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugar1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon allspiceallspiceallspiceallspice3/43/43/43/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon ground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamon1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon nutmegnutmegnutmegnutmeg

Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theMix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theMix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theMix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theanimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, covertightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inPour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inPour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inPour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inthe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thecored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothfruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.

_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith JonesRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettSubmitted By JEFF PRUETT On 05-11-95Submitted By JEFF PRUETT On 05-11-95Submitted By JEFF PRUETT On 05-11-95Submitted By JEFF PRUETT On 05-11-95

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 possumpossumpossumpossum1111 dumplingsdumplingsdumplingsdumplings1111 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes1111 onionsonionsonionsonions1111 saltsaltsaltsalt

After hunting with a lantern in your hand all night, take the possumAfter hunting with a lantern in your hand all night, take the possumAfter hunting with a lantern in your hand all night, take the possumAfter hunting with a lantern in your hand all night, take the possumyou have bagged and break his neck by putting your foot on theyou have bagged and break his neck by putting your foot on theyou have bagged and break his neck by putting your foot on theyou have bagged and break his neck by putting your foot on thepossum's head and pulling up on his tail. Use boiling water to scaldpossum's head and pulling up on his tail. Use boiling water to scaldpossum's head and pulling up on his tail. Use boiling water to scaldpossum's head and pulling up on his tail. Use boiling water to scaldBrother Possum. In a large pan, dress the animal by pulling out thoseBrother Possum. In a large pan, dress the animal by pulling out thoseBrother Possum. In a large pan, dress the animal by pulling out thoseBrother Possum. In a large pan, dress the animal by pulling out thosehairs on him. When all is well done, cut Brother Possum into fourhairs on him. When all is well done, cut Brother Possum into fourhairs on him. When all is well done, cut Brother Possum into fourhairs on him. When all is well done, cut Brother Possum into fourparts. Add salt and boil the meat until tender. Make your dumplingsparts. Add salt and boil the meat until tender. Make your dumplingsparts. Add salt and boil the meat until tender. Make your dumplingsparts. Add salt and boil the meat until tender. Make your dumplingsand add them slowly to the boiling meat. After the possum has boiledand add them slowly to the boiling meat. After the possum has boiledand add them slowly to the boiling meat. After the possum has boiledand add them slowly to the boiling meat. After the possum has boiledabout an hour, put the parts into a baking dish. Peel sweet potatoesabout an hour, put the parts into a baking dish. Peel sweet potatoesabout an hour, put the parts into a baking dish. Peel sweet potatoesabout an hour, put the parts into a baking dish. Peel sweet potatoesand slice them thick. Place the slices in the pan around the piecesand slice them thick. Place the slices in the pan around the piecesand slice them thick. Place the slices in the pan around the piecesand slice them thick. Place the slices in the pan around the piecesof possum. Add onions if desired. Bake for 1 hour. This is a Sundayof possum. Add onions if desired. Bake for 1 hour. This is a Sundayof possum. Add onions if desired. Bake for 1 hour. This is a Sundayof possum. Add onions if desired. Bake for 1 hour. This is a Sundaydinner for 12 people with the dumplings. Submitted By JENNY EUWINEdinner for 12 people with the dumplings. Submitted By JENNY EUWINEdinner for 12 people with the dumplings. Submitted By JENNY EUWINEdinner for 12 people with the dumplings. Submitted By JENNY EUWINEREDDNIK On 08-02-95REDDNIK On 08-02-95REDDNIK On 08-02-95REDDNIK On 08-02-95

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 no ingredients foundno ingredients foundno ingredients foundno ingredients found

Possum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. Itshould be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.should be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.should be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.should be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.The meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butThe meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butThe meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butThe meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butthere is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1there is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1there is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1there is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1onion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershireonion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershireonion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershireonion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershiresauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt watersauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt watersauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt watersauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt waterbaconbaconbaconbacon

Clean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theClean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theClean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theClean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theonions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the water andonions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the water andonions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the water andonions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the water andbacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffed possumbacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffed possumbacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffed possumbacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffed possumin a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay bacon stripsin a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay bacon stripsin a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay bacon stripsin a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay bacon strips

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across the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F oven foracross the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F oven foracross the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F oven foracross the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F oven forabout 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in theabout 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in theabout 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in theabout 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in thewinter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:winter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:winter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:winter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.

Submitted By SHARON STEVENS On 04-12-95Submitted By SHARON STEVENS On 04-12-95Submitted By SHARON STEVENS On 04-12-95Submitted By SHARON STEVENS On 04-12-95

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


5555 feet medium hog casingsfeet medium hog casingsfeet medium hog casingsfeet medium hog casings4444 lblblblb opossum, trimmed of all fat cubedopossum, trimmed of all fat cubedopossum, trimmed of all fat cubedopossum, trimmed of all fat cubed1111 lblblblb pork fat, cubedpork fat, cubedpork fat, cubedpork fat, cubed2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon white pepperwhite pepperwhite pepperwhite pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon tabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco sauce1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon crushed cumincrushed cumincrushed cumincrushed cumin1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon oreganooreganooreganooregano2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon sweet paprikasweet paprikasweet paprikasweet paprika

Prepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsePrepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsePrepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsePrepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsedisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bydisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bydisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bydisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bysauteing inoil until well browned.sauteing inoil until well browned.sauteing inoil until well browned.sauteing inoil until well browned.

Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Submitted By CAROLYN SHAW On 12-09-94Submitted By CAROLYN SHAW On 12-09-94Submitted By CAROLYN SHAW On 12-09-94Submitted By CAROLYN SHAW On 12-09-94

Yield: 5 pounds Yield: 5 pounds Yield: 5 pounds Yield: 5 pounds


2222 lblblblb armadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meat1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup margarine (1 stick)margarine (1 stick)margarine (1 stick)margarine (1 stick)1111 salt (to taste)salt (to taste)salt (to taste)salt (to taste)1111 pepper (to taste)pepper (to taste)pepper (to taste)pepper (to taste)1111 lemon juice (to taste)lemon juice (to taste)lemon juice (to taste)lemon juice (to taste)

Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.

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Wrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addmore butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.

SOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyColeman Submitted By NANCY COLEMAN On 10-21-94Coleman Submitted By NANCY COLEMAN On 10-21-94Coleman Submitted By NANCY COLEMAN On 10-21-94Coleman Submitted By NANCY COLEMAN On 10-21-94

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


1111 fat possumfat possumfat possumfat possum1111 largelargelargelarge onion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lardonion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lardonion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lardonion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lard1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 chopped red sweet pepperchopped red sweet pepperchopped red sweet pepperchopped red sweet pepper1111 hard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire saucehard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire saucehard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire saucehard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire sauce

To dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andTo dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andTo dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andTo dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andwith a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.with a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.with a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.with a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.Remove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and outRemove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and outRemove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and outRemove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and outwith hot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enoughwith hot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enoughwith hot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enoughwith hot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enoughwater to cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with cleanwater to cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with cleanwater to cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with cleanwater to cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with cleanboiling water. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue.boiling water. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue.boiling water. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue.boiling water. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue.Chop the possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. ToChop the possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. ToChop the possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. ToChop the possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. Tomixture add rest of ingredients together with enough water tomixture add rest of ingredients together with enough water tomixture add rest of ingredients together with enough water tomixture add rest of ingredients together with enough water tomoisten. Mix well and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffedmoisten. Mix well and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffedmoisten. Mix well and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffedmoisten. Mix well and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffedpossum in roaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderatepossum in roaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderatepossum in roaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderatepossum in roaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderateoven. Baste every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams andoven. Baste every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams andoven. Baste every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams andoven. Baste every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams andcollard greens. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On 02-22-95collard greens. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On 02-22-95collard greens. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On 02-22-95collard greens. Submitted By BARRY WEINSTEIN On 02-22-95

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings



Grape Drink.Gather ripe possum grapes--the kind that are still sour afterGrape Drink.Gather ripe possum grapes--the kind that are still sour afterGrape Drink.Gather ripe possum grapes--the kind that are still sour afterGrape Drink.Gather ripe possum grapes--the kind that are still sour afterthey br ripen br when the = frost has fallen on them. Hang up for thethey br ripen br when the = frost has fallen on them. Hang up for thethey br ripen br when the = frost has fallen on them. Hang up for thethey br ripen br when the = frost has fallen on them. Hang up for thewinter use. To br pepare,the = shell off the grapes from the stems, wash,winter use. To br pepare,the = shell off the grapes from the stems, wash,winter use. To br pepare,the = shell off the grapes from the stems, wash,winter use. To br pepare,the = shell off the grapes from the stems, wash,stew them in warm water. When they are throughly cooked mash them in thestew them in warm water. When they are throughly cooked mash them in thestew them in warm water. When they are throughly cooked mash them in thestew them in warm water. When they are throughly cooked mash them in the

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same water, let this sit until the seeds settle. Strain off the juice.same water, let this sit until the seeds settle. Strain off the juice.same water, let this sit until the seeds settle. Strain off the juice.same water, let this sit until the seeds settle. Strain off the juice.Bring juice to Aboil and thicken with a little cornmeal. Continue cookingBring juice to Aboil and thicken with a little cornmeal. Continue cookingBring juice to Aboil and thicken with a little cornmeal. Continue cookingBring juice to Aboil and thicken with a little cornmeal. Continue cookinguntil meal is done.Serve hot or cold.....sweeten to your desire...until meal is done.Serve hot or cold.....sweeten to your desire...until meal is done.Serve hot or cold.....sweeten to your desire...until meal is done.Serve hot or cold.....sweeten to your desire...


1111 opossumopossumopossumopossumsaltsaltsaltsaltpepperpepperpepperpeppersweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes

Live catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tablescraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanwater, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.

Prepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsout with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.Place sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiesheet and surround with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surround with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surround with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surround with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkfor tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 xxxx no ingredientsno ingredientsno ingredientsno ingredients

Ripe possum grapesRipe possum grapesRipe possum grapesRipe possum grapesLittle cornmealLittle cornmealLittle cornmealLittle cornmeal

Gather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toprepare, shell off the grapes from the stems, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stems, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stems, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stems, was, and stew them inwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letthis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thejuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tothicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from the

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fire and drink hot or and drink hot or and drink hot or and drink hot or cold.

Classification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: Unknown

From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At: "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sitesand the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 possum; wholepossum; wholepossum; wholepossum; whole1111 quartquartquartquart cold watercold watercold watercold water1/81/81/81/8 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt4444 orororor 5 beef bouillon cubes5 beef bouillon cubes5 beef bouillon cubes5 beef bouillon cubes2222 largelargelargelarge bay leavesbay leavesbay leavesbay leaves3333 celerycelerycelerycelery stalks; choppedstalks; choppedstalks; choppedstalks; chopped2222 mediummediummediummedium onions; slicedonions; slicedonions; slicedonions; sliced1111 bagbagbagbag stuffing; any kind is finestuffing; any kind is finestuffing; any kind is finestuffing; any kind is fine

pepper to tastepepper to tastepepper to tastepepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Soak possum in cold salt water forPreheat oven to 350ºF. Soak possum in cold salt water forPreheat oven to 350ºF. Soak possum in cold salt water forPreheat oven to 350ºF. Soak possum in cold salt water for12 hours.12 hours.12 hours.12 hours.Rinse meat in cold water; refrigerate about 3-4 hours.Rinse meat in cold water; refrigerate about 3-4 hours.Rinse meat in cold water; refrigerate about 3-4 hours.Rinse meat in cold water; refrigerate about 3-4 hours.Prepare stuffing according to package directions; stuff possum cavity withPrepare stuffing according to package directions; stuff possum cavity withPrepare stuffing according to package directions; stuff possum cavity withPrepare stuffing according to package directions; stuff possum cavity withprepared stuffing. Close the possum cavity tightly.prepared stuffing. Close the possum cavity tightly.prepared stuffing. Close the possum cavity tightly.prepared stuffing. Close the possum cavity tightly.Place stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bayPlace stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bayPlace stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bayPlace stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bayleaves,leaves,leaves,leaves,celery and onion and pepper.celery and onion and pepper.celery and onion and pepper.celery and onion and pepper.After 2 hours turn the meat and reduce heat to 300 ºF; cook forAfter 2 hours turn the meat and reduce heat to 300 ºF; cook forAfter 2 hours turn the meat and reduce heat to 300 ºF; cook forAfter 2 hours turn the meat and reduce heat to 300 ºF; cook for1 hour or until done.1 hour or until done.1 hour or until done.1 hour or until done.

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1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup limelimelimelime1111 gmgmgmgm waterwaterwaterwater1111 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt1111 red pepper podred pepper podred pepper podred pepper pod1111 possumpossumpossumpossum

Put 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldquickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,tail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyesand head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.

Put one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterand pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boilup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can bepierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forbaking.baking.baking.baking.

When ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in amoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willblister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.

Carve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichhave been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.

1928 DULL, Mrs. S.R.1928 DULL, Mrs. S.R.1928 DULL, Mrs. S.R.1928 DULL, Mrs. S.R.Southern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapNew York Submitted by John HartmanNew York Submitted by John HartmanNew York Submitted by John HartmanNew York Submitted by John HartmanIndianapolis, IN [email protected], IN [email protected], IN [email protected], IN [email protected]

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

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1111 possumpossumpossumpossum5555 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon balsamic vinegarbalsamic vinegarbalsamic vinegarbalsamic vinegar5555 onionsonionsonionsonions2222 cloves garliccloves garliccloves garliccloves garlic5555 carrotscarrotscarrotscarrots1111 stalk celerystalk celerystalk celerystalk celery2222 turnipsturnipsturnipsturnips3333 tomatoestomatoestomatoestomatoes2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon cold pressed olive oilcold pressed olive oilcold pressed olive oilcold pressed olive oil1111 clump italian parsleyclump italian parsleyclump italian parsleyclump italian parsley1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fresh rosemaryfresh rosemaryfresh rosemaryfresh rosemary5555 bay leavesbay leavesbay leavesbay leaves3333 clovesclovesclovescloves2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon vegemitevegemitevegemitevegemite1111 damper (like a hot dogdamper (like a hot dogdamper (like a hot dogdamper (like a hot dog1111 roll)roll)roll)roll)

Note: As mentioned previously, there is a species of possum which isNote: As mentioned previously, there is a species of possum which isNote: As mentioned previously, there is a species of possum which isNote: As mentioned previously, there is a species of possum which isprotected in Australia. They cannot be trapped, shot or hunted. If youprotected in Australia. They cannot be trapped, shot or hunted. If youprotected in Australia. They cannot be trapped, shot or hunted. If youprotected in Australia. They cannot be trapped, shot or hunted. If yourun over an Australian possum, and it is still alive, call WIRES,run over an Australian possum, and it is still alive, call WIRES,run over an Australian possum, and it is still alive, call WIRES,run over an Australian possum, and it is still alive, call WIRES,which protects Australia's native fauna.which protects Australia's native fauna.which protects Australia's native fauna.which protects Australia's native fauna.

If it's dead, then this recipe may serve a purpose.If it's dead, then this recipe may serve a purpose.If it's dead, then this recipe may serve a purpose.If it's dead, then this recipe may serve a purpose.

First, skin the possum, checking first for lice, myxomitosis, andFirst, skin the possum, checking first for lice, myxomitosis, andFirst, skin the possum, checking first for lice, myxomitosis, andFirst, skin the possum, checking first for lice, myxomitosis, andliving young in the pouch. Separate legs from breast. Discard head,living young in the pouch. Separate legs from breast. Discard head,living young in the pouch. Separate legs from breast. Discard head,living young in the pouch. Separate legs from breast. Discard head,neck, tail and claws. If you wish, hold the offal for thanksgivingneck, tail and claws. If you wish, hold the offal for thanksgivingneck, tail and claws. If you wish, hold the offal for thanksgivingneck, tail and claws. If you wish, hold the offal for thanksgivingstuffing. Then cut the possum into long stringy pieces. Marinatestuffing. Then cut the possum into long stringy pieces. Marinatestuffing. Then cut the possum into long stringy pieces. Marinatestuffing. Then cut the possum into long stringy pieces. Marinateovernight in vinegar, rosemary, bay leaf, clove, garlic & oil mixture.overnight in vinegar, rosemary, bay leaf, clove, garlic & oil mixture.overnight in vinegar, rosemary, bay leaf, clove, garlic & oil mixture.overnight in vinegar, rosemary, bay leaf, clove, garlic & oil mixture.Make the roll: split the damper, and spread vegemite on each side. PutMake the roll: split the damper, and spread vegemite on each side. PutMake the roll: split the damper, and spread vegemite on each side. PutMake the roll: split the damper, and spread vegemite on each side. Putaside. Chop the carrot, turnip and tomato into small pieces, thenaside. Chop the carrot, turnip and tomato into small pieces, thenaside. Chop the carrot, turnip and tomato into small pieces, thenaside. Chop the carrot, turnip and tomato into small pieces, thencook with the rest of the ingredients, and stew in a pot, adding acook with the rest of the ingredients, and stew in a pot, adding acook with the rest of the ingredients, and stew in a pot, adding acook with the rest of the ingredients, and stew in a pot, adding achicken stock cube for seasoning. Dip the possum pieces in the pot,chicken stock cube for seasoning. Dip the possum pieces in the pot,chicken stock cube for seasoning. Dip the possum pieces in the pot,chicken stock cube for seasoning. Dip the possum pieces in the pot,then barbecue for 20 minutes (or until cooked to personal taste).then barbecue for 20 minutes (or until cooked to personal taste).then barbecue for 20 minutes (or until cooked to personal taste).then barbecue for 20 minutes (or until cooked to personal taste).To serve: like a hot dog, use the damper & vegemite roll to surroundTo serve: like a hot dog, use the damper & vegemite roll to surroundTo serve: like a hot dog, use the damper & vegemite roll to surroundTo serve: like a hot dog, use the damper & vegemite roll to surroundpieces of possum.pieces of possum.pieces of possum.pieces of possum.Serve with chips, salad and beer.Serve with chips, salad and beer.Serve with chips, salad and beer.Serve with chips, salad and beer.Recipe by Holly and Chloe Bennett, Cootamundra, AustraliaRecipe by Holly and Chloe Bennett, Cootamundra, AustraliaRecipe by Holly and Chloe Bennett, Cootamundra, AustraliaRecipe by Holly and Chloe Bennett, Cootamundra, AustraliaDonated by Pat WoolleyDonated by Pat WoolleyDonated by Pat WoolleyDonated by Pat WoolleyFrom: Bill Swisher Date: 19 Sep 98From: Bill Swisher Date: 19 Sep 98From: Bill Swisher Date: 19 Sep 98From: Bill Swisher Date: 19 Sep 98

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Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 largelargelargelarge possum, skinned, dressed,possum, skinned, dressed,possum, skinned, dressed,possum, skinned, dressed,1111 and washedand washedand washedand washed1111 quartquartquartquart beerbeerbeerbeer4444 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon tabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco sauce1 1/21 1/21 1/21 1/2 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon saltsaltsaltsalt2222 onions, choppedonions, choppedonions, choppedonions, chopped1111 cloves garlic, mincedcloves garlic, mincedcloves garlic, mincedcloves garlic, minced2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce4444 sweet potatossweet potatossweet potatossweet potatos2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon celery, choppedcelery, choppedcelery, choppedcelery, chopped1111 ozozozoz whiskeywhiskeywhiskeywhiskey

Mix the beer, whiskey, salt, Tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire sauceMix the beer, whiskey, salt, Tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire sauceMix the beer, whiskey, salt, Tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire sauceMix the beer, whiskey, salt, Tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire saucetogether. Place possum in a large roasting pan. Sprinkle the celery,together. Place possum in a large roasting pan. Sprinkle the celery,together. Place possum in a large roasting pan. Sprinkle the celery,together. Place possum in a large roasting pan. Sprinkle the celery,onions, and the garlic all over the possum. Pour the liquid mixtureonions, and the garlic all over the possum. Pour the liquid mixtureonions, and the garlic all over the possum. Pour the liquid mixtureonions, and the garlic all over the possum. Pour the liquid mixtureover the possum as well. Cover and refrigerate over night. Preheatover the possum as well. Cover and refrigerate over night. Preheatover the possum as well. Cover and refrigerate over night. Preheatover the possum as well. Cover and refrigerate over night. Preheatoven to 350 degrees F. Place the sweet potatos around the possum andoven to 350 degrees F. Place the sweet potatos around the possum andoven to 350 degrees F. Place the sweet potatos around the possum andoven to 350 degrees F. Place the sweet potatos around the possum andrecover the pan. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Baste once or twice with therecover the pan. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Baste once or twice with therecover the pan. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Baste once or twice with therecover the pan. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Baste once or twice with themarinade from the pan as the possum cooks.marinade from the pan as the possum cooks.marinade from the pan as the possum cooks.marinade from the pan as the possum cooks.

Origin: Kitchen of Don Houston...circa...1976 Posted By: Don HoustonOrigin: Kitchen of Don Houston...circa...1976 Posted By: Don HoustonOrigin: Kitchen of Don Houston...circa...1976 Posted By: Don HoustonOrigin: Kitchen of Don Houston...circa...1976 Posted By: Don Houston2/93 From: Jim Bodle Date: 14 Mar 97 National2/93 From: Jim Bodle Date: 14 Mar 97 National2/93 From: Jim Bodle Date: 14 Mar 97 National2/93 From: Jim Bodle Date: 14 Mar 97 NationalCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo Ä

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 young possumyoung possumyoung possumyoung possum2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt4444 largelargelargelarge red chili peppers, seeded,red chili peppers, seeded,red chili peppers, seeded,red chili peppers, seeded,1111 choppedchoppedchoppedchopped1111 largelargelargelarge onion, choppedonion, choppedonion, choppedonion, chopped6666 peppercorns crushed in apeppercorns crushed in apeppercorns crushed in apeppercorns crushed in a1111 mortarmortarmortarmortar8888 strips fatty baconstrips fatty baconstrips fatty baconstrips fatty bacon6666 mediummediummediummedium sweet potatoes orsweet potatoes orsweet potatoes orsweet potatoes or4444 largelargelargelarge yams, peeled and sliced 1/2yams, peeled and sliced 1/2yams, peeled and sliced 1/2yams, peeled and sliced 1/21111 inch thickinch thickinch thickinch thick

The best possum is a fat one (taken in freezing weather), but its fatThe best possum is a fat one (taken in freezing weather), but its fatThe best possum is a fat one (taken in freezing weather), but its fatThe best possum is a fat one (taken in freezing weather), but its fatshould be boiled off. Parboil the meat in salt water for about 1 hourshould be boiled off. Parboil the meat in salt water for about 1 hourshould be boiled off. Parboil the meat in salt water for about 1 hourshould be boiled off. Parboil the meat in salt water for about 1 hourand pour off and skim the fat continually. Finally, drain entirelyand pour off and skim the fat continually. Finally, drain entirelyand pour off and skim the fat continually. Finally, drain entirelyand pour off and skim the fat continually. Finally, drain entirelybefore roasting.before roasting.before roasting.before roasting.

NOTE: In dressing possum, do not overlook the glands beneath theNOTE: In dressing possum, do not overlook the glands beneath theNOTE: In dressing possum, do not overlook the glands beneath theNOTE: In dressing possum, do not overlook the glands beneath thefront legs and at the small of the back; if not removed, the animalfront legs and at the small of the back; if not removed, the animalfront legs and at the small of the back; if not removed, the animalfront legs and at the small of the back; if not removed, the animalwill be unappetizing. Do not skin, but dip in scalding water and pullwill be unappetizing. Do not skin, but dip in scalding water and pullwill be unappetizing. Do not skin, but dip in scalding water and pullwill be unappetizing. Do not skin, but dip in scalding water and pullout the hairs, then wash and scrub the skin.out the hairs, then wash and scrub the skin.out the hairs, then wash and scrub the skin.out the hairs, then wash and scrub the skin.

Put possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers,Put possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers,Put possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers,Put possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers,and peppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Putand peppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Putand peppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Putand peppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Putmeat in a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cookingmeat in a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cookingmeat in a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cookingmeat in a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cookingkettle liquid, boiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pourkettle liquid, boiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pourkettle liquid, boiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pourkettle liquid, boiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pourthis over the meat and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30this over the meat and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30this over the meat and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30this over the meat and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30min., basting every 10 min. Arrange potatoes or yams around the meatmin., basting every 10 min. Arrange potatoes or yams around the meatmin., basting every 10 min. Arrange potatoes or yams around the meatmin., basting every 10 min. Arrange potatoes or yams around the meatand continue to roast 30 min. more or until meat is tender andand continue to roast 30 min. more or until meat is tender andand continue to roast 30 min. more or until meat is tender andand continue to roast 30 min. more or until meat is tender andpotatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6 SERVE WITH: cooked turnip greenspotatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6 SERVE WITH: cooked turnip greenspotatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6 SERVE WITH: cooked turnip greenspotatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6 SERVE WITH: cooked turnip greens

Recipes and tips from: cooking wild game by Zack Hanle copyright 1974Recipes and tips from: cooking wild game by Zack Hanle copyright 1974Recipes and tips from: cooking wild game by Zack Hanle copyright 1974Recipes and tips from: cooking wild game by Zack Hanle copyright 1974ISBN 087140-595-4 From: [email protected] 087140-595-4 From: [email protected] 087140-595-4 From: [email protected] 087140-595-4 From: [email protected]

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 opossumopossumopossumopossum1111 saltsaltsaltsalt1111 pepperpepperpepperpepper1111 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes

Live catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tablescraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanwater, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.

Prepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsout with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.Place sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiesheet and surrond with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surrond with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surrond with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surrond with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkfor tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.

[Remove sweet potatoes from cavity, discard possum carcass and enjoy[Remove sweet potatoes from cavity, discard possum carcass and enjoy[Remove sweet potatoes from cavity, discard possum carcass and enjoy[Remove sweet potatoes from cavity, discard possum carcass and enjoythe sweet potatoes!] From: "[email protected]" <boozedate:the sweet potatoes!] From: "[email protected]" <boozedate:the sweet potatoes!] From: "[email protected]" <boozedate:the sweet potatoes!] From: "[email protected]" <boozedate:Sat, 29 May 1999 02:34:01 ~0500Sat, 29 May 1999 02:34:01 ~0500Sat, 29 May 1999 02:34:01 ~0500Sat, 29 May 1999 02:34:01 ~0500

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 text filetext filetext filetext file

You'll find them a little harder to kill than rabbits which are aYou'll find them a little harder to kill than rabbits which are aYou'll find them a little harder to kill than rabbits which are aYou'll find them a little harder to kill than rabbits which are asnap to kill with a sharp blow behind the neck with a stick or thesnap to kill with a sharp blow behind the neck with a stick or thesnap to kill with a sharp blow behind the neck with a stick or thesnap to kill with a sharp blow behind the neck with a stick or theside of the hand. But I let you do the killing.side of the hand. But I let you do the killing.side of the hand. But I let you do the killing.side of the hand. But I let you do the killing.

Once dead, remove head, tail, and feet at the knees. Then skin justOnce dead, remove head, tail, and feet at the knees. Then skin justOnce dead, remove head, tail, and feet at the knees. Then skin justOnce dead, remove head, tail, and feet at the knees. Then skin justlike you did the rabbits. The skin will be a little harder to takelike you did the rabbits. The skin will be a little harder to takelike you did the rabbits. The skin will be a little harder to takelike you did the rabbits. The skin will be a little harder to takeoff than rabbit skin, but it will not tear and will come off in oneoff than rabbit skin, but it will not tear and will come off in oneoff than rabbit skin, but it will not tear and will come off in oneoff than rabbit skin, but it will not tear and will come off in onepiece just in case you want to save it as a trophy. (vbg)piece just in case you want to save it as a trophy. (vbg)piece just in case you want to save it as a trophy. (vbg)piece just in case you want to save it as a trophy. (vbg)

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Then you clean it and cut it up just like you did the rabbit. If itThen you clean it and cut it up just like you did the rabbit. If itThen you clean it and cut it up just like you did the rabbit. If itThen you clean it and cut it up just like you did the rabbit. If itis a young critter 1 1/2 to 3 lbs, cook it with any rabbit a young critter 1 1/2 to 3 lbs, cook it with any rabbit a young critter 1 1/2 to 3 lbs, cook it with any rabbit a young critter 1 1/2 to 3 lbs, cook it with any rabbit recipe.If it is larger, soak it over night in salt water and make it into aIf it is larger, soak it over night in salt water and make it into aIf it is larger, soak it over night in salt water and make it into aIf it is larger, soak it over night in salt water and make it into astew or some dish that allows you to cook it until it gets tender.stew or some dish that allows you to cook it until it gets tender.stew or some dish that allows you to cook it until it gets tender.stew or some dish that allows you to cook it until it gets tender.From: Earl Shelsby Date: 13 Mar 97 National Cooking Echo ÄFrom: Earl Shelsby Date: 13 Mar 97 National Cooking Echo ÄFrom: Earl Shelsby Date: 13 Mar 97 National Cooking Echo ÄFrom: Earl Shelsby Date: 13 Mar 97 National Cooking Echo Ä

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 possumpossumpossumpossum1111 quartquartquartquart waterwaterwaterwater1111 tarragon, dashtarragon, dashtarragon, dashtarragon, dash4444 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 thyme, dashthyme, dashthyme, dashthyme, dash1111 oiloiloiloil1111 marinademarinademarinademarinade1111 cupcupcupcup flourflourflourflour1111 margarinemargarinemargarinemargarine1/81/81/81/8 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon paprikapaprikapaprikapaprika

Soak possum for 2 hours in salt water. Rinse and dry meat well. CutSoak possum for 2 hours in salt water. Rinse and dry meat well. CutSoak possum for 2 hours in salt water. Rinse and dry meat well. CutSoak possum for 2 hours in salt water. Rinse and dry meat well. Cutmeat into chunks to fry. Marinate meat in for 7 hours. Coat eachmeat into chunks to fry. Marinate meat in for 7 hours. Coat eachmeat into chunks to fry. Marinate meat in for 7 hours. Coat eachmeat into chunks to fry. Marinate meat in for 7 hours. Coat eachpiece with mixture of flour, paprika, pepper, tarragon and thyme. Frypiece with mixture of flour, paprika, pepper, tarragon and thyme. Frypiece with mixture of flour, paprika, pepper, tarragon and thyme. Frypiece with mixture of flour, paprika, pepper, tarragon and thyme. Frychunks of prepared possum in oil until golden brown. Serves 2chunks of prepared possum in oil until golden brown. Serves 2chunks of prepared possum in oil until golden brown. Serves 2chunks of prepared possum in oil until golden brown. Serves 2

From: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]

From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:23:04From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:23:04From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:23:04From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:23:04~0400~0400~0400~0400

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 possum, wholepossum, wholepossum, wholepossum, whole1111 quartquartquartquart cold watercold watercold watercold water1/81/81/81/8 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt5555 beef bouillon cubesbeef bouillon cubesbeef bouillon cubesbeef bouillon cubes2222 bay leavesbay leavesbay leavesbay leaves3333 celery stalks choppedcelery stalks choppedcelery stalks choppedcelery stalks chopped2222 onions slicedonions slicedonions slicedonions sliced1111 bag packaged stuffingbag packaged stuffingbag packaged stuffingbag packaged stuffing

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10hours. Rinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Preparehours. Rinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Preparehours. Rinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Preparehours. Rinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Preparestuffing according to package directions. Stuff possum cavity withstuffing according to package directions. Stuff possum cavity withstuffing according to package directions. Stuff possum cavity withstuffing according to package directions. Stuff possum cavity withprepared packaged stuffing. Close cavity tightly. Place stuffedprepared packaged stuffing. Close cavity tightly. Place stuffedprepared packaged stuffing. Close cavity tightly. Place stuffedprepared packaged stuffing. Close cavity tightly. Place stuffedpossum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celerypossum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celerypossum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celerypossum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celeryand onion. After 2 hours turn meat. Reduce heat to 300 degrees. Cookand onion. After 2 hours turn meat. Reduce heat to 300 degrees. Cookand onion. After 2 hours turn meat. Reduce heat to 300 degrees. Cookand onion. After 2 hours turn meat. Reduce heat to 300 degrees. Cookfor 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heat and cook untilfor 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heat and cook untilfor 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heat and cook untilfor 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heat and cook untildone.done.done.done.

From: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]

From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:22:16From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:22:16From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:22:16From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:22:16~0400~0400~0400~0400

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 'possum, skinned and'possum, skinned and'possum, skinned and'possum, skinned and1111 cleanedcleanedcleanedcleaned1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon each: salt, pepper,each: salt, pepper,each: salt, pepper,each: salt, pepper,1111 onion, choppedonion, choppedonion, choppedonion, chopped1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon fatfatfatfat1111 'possum liver, chopped'possum liver, chopped'possum liver, chopped'possum liver, chopped1111 cupcupcupcup breadcrumbsbreadcrumbsbreadcrumbsbreadcrumbs1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce1111 hard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, chopped1111 salt and peppersalt and peppersalt and peppersalt and pepper4444 strips baconstrips baconstrips baconstrips bacon

Opossum meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fat may be removed,Opossum meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fat may be removed,Opossum meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fat may be removed,Opossum meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fat may be removed,but it contains no strong flavor or odor.but it contains no strong flavor or odor.but it contains no strong flavor or odor.but it contains no strong flavor or odor.

Rub 'possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat, add 'possumRub 'possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat, add 'possumRub 'possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat, add 'possumRub 'possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat, add 'possumliver with and cook until tender. Add breadcrumbs, worcestershireliver with and cook until tender. Add breadcrumbs, worcestershireliver with and cook until tender. Add breadcrumbs, worcestershireliver with and cook until tender. Add breadcrumbs, worcestershiresauce, egg, seasonings, and water to moisten. Stuff 'possum withsauce, egg, seasonings, and water to moisten. Stuff 'possum withsauce, egg, seasonings, and water to moisten. Stuff 'possum withsauce, egg, seasonings, and water to moisten. Stuff 'possum withthis mixture and truss. Place in pan belly down. Put bacon stripsthis mixture and truss. Place in pan belly down. Put bacon stripsthis mixture and truss. Place in pan belly down. Put bacon stripsthis mixture and truss. Place in pan belly down. Put bacon stripsacross back. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender, basting everyacross back. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender, basting everyacross back. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender, basting everyacross back. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender, basting every15 minutes. It will b done in about 2 1/2 hours. Serves 2 to 4.15 minutes. It will b done in about 2 1/2 hours. Serves 2 to 4.15 minutes. It will b done in about 2 1/2 hours. Serves 2 to 4.15 minutes. It will b done in about 2 1/2 hours. Serves 2 to 4.

About 1/2 hour before the 'possum is done, surround with cooked,About 1/2 hour before the 'possum is done, surround with cooked,About 1/2 hour before the 'possum is done, surround with cooked,About 1/2 hour before the 'possum is done, surround with cooked,halved sweet potatoes; sprinkle potatoes heavily with brown sugarhalved sweet potatoes; sprinkle potatoes heavily with brown sugarhalved sweet potatoes; sprinkle potatoes heavily with brown sugarhalved sweet potatoes; sprinkle potatoes heavily with brown sugarand dot with butter. From: [email protected] dot with butter. From: [email protected] dot with butter. From: [email protected] dot with butter. From: [email protected]

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 possum, dressed (formal?casual?) sa; lt pepperpossum, dressed (formal?casual?) sa; lt pepperpossum, dressed (formal?casual?) sa; lt pepperpossum, dressed (formal?casual?) sa; lt pepper1111 onion, choppedonion, choppedonion, choppedonion, chopped1111 opossum liver, choppedopossum liver, choppedopossum liver, choppedopossum liver, chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 hard-cooked egg, choppedhard-cooked egg, choppedhard-cooked egg, choppedhard-cooked egg, chopped1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon worcestershire (worst-for-wear, i c; all it)worcestershire (worst-for-wear, i c; all it)worcestershire (worst-for-wear, i c; all it)worcestershire (worst-for-wear, i c; all it)1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 waterwaterwaterwater1111 bacon slicesbacon slicesbacon slicesbacon slices

Rub possum with salt and pepper. Saute onion and liver in thefat. MixRub possum with salt and pepper. Saute onion and liver in thefat. MixRub possum with salt and pepper. Saute onion and liver in thefat. MixRub possum with salt and pepper. Saute onion and liver in thefat. Mixin crumbs, egg ad seasonings. Add enough water to moistern. Stuff inin crumbs, egg ad seasonings. Add enough water to moistern. Stuff inin crumbs, egg ad seasonings. Add enough water to moistern. Stuff inin crumbs, egg ad seasonings. Add enough water to moistern. Stuff inopossum's cavity. Truss like a fowl. Put in uncovered roasting pan.opossum's cavity. Truss like a fowl. Put in uncovered roasting pan.opossum's cavity. Truss like a fowl. Put in uncovered roasting pan.opossum's cavity. Truss like a fowl. Put in uncovered roasting pan.Cover with bacon slices. Pour water into pan 1 inch deep. Bake at 350Cover with bacon slices. Pour water into pan 1 inch deep. Bake at 350Cover with bacon slices. Pour water into pan 1 inch deep. Bake at 350Cover with bacon slices. Pour water into pan 1 inch deep. Bake at 350deg. until tender, about 2.5 hours. Serve with baked sweet pototoes.deg. until tender, about 2.5 hours. Serve with baked sweet pototoes.deg. until tender, about 2.5 hours. Serve with baked sweet pototoes.deg. until tender, about 2.5 hours. Serve with baked sweet pototoes.

Possum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. Itshould be hung in a cool place for 48 hours. It is then ready to beshould be hung in a cool place for 48 hours. It is then ready to beshould be hung in a cool place for 48 hours. It is then ready to beshould be hung in a cool place for 48 hours. It is then ready to beskinned and cooked. The meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fatskinned and cooked. The meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fatskinned and cooked. The meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fatskinned and cooked. The meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fatmay be removed, but there is no strong flavor or odor contained inmay be removed, but there is no strong flavor or odor contained inmay be removed, but there is no strong flavor or odor contained inmay be removed, but there is no strong flavor or odor contained inthe fat.the fat.the fat.the fat.

pgs 120-121, Betty Talmadge's Lovejoy Plantation Cookbookpgs 120-121, Betty Talmadge's Lovejoy Plantation Cookbookpgs 120-121, Betty Talmadge's Lovejoy Plantation Cookbookpgs 120-121, Betty Talmadge's Lovejoy Plantation Cookbook

Collected by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected]://

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 opposumopposumopposumopposum1111 saltsaltsaltsalt1111 pepperpepperpepperpepper

Clean an opossum and parboil in plain water. Remove from pot andClean an opossum and parboil in plain water. Remove from pot andClean an opossum and parboil in plain water. Remove from pot andClean an opossum and parboil in plain water. Remove from pot and

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season with salt and pepper before browning. Most people can eat onyseason with salt and pepper before browning. Most people can eat onyseason with salt and pepper before browning. Most people can eat onyseason with salt and pepper before browning. Most people can eat onya small amount of this because it is extremely greasy.a small amount of this because it is extremely greasy.a small amount of this because it is extremely greasy.a small amount of this because it is extremely greasy.

Classification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: CherokeeClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: CherokeeClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: CherokeeClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: Cherokee

From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At: "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sitesand the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 ripe possum grapesripe possum grapesripe possum grapesripe possum grapes1111 little cornmeallittle cornmeallittle cornmeallittle cornmeal

Gather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toprepare, shell off the grapes from the stemps, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stemps, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stemps, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stemps, was, and stew them inwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letthis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thejuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tothicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thefire and drink hot or and drink hot or and drink hot or and drink hot or cold.

Classification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: Unknown

From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At: "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sitesand the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


5555 feet medium hog casingsfeet medium hog casingsfeet medium hog casingsfeet medium hog casings4444 lblblblb opossum, trimmed of all fat cubedopossum, trimmed of all fat cubedopossum, trimmed of all fat cubedopossum, trimmed of all fat cubed1111 lblblblb pork fat, cubedpork fat, cubedpork fat, cubedpork fat, cubed2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon white pepperwhite pepperwhite pepperwhite pepper

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1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon tabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco sauce1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon crushed cumincrushed cumincrushed cumincrushed cumin1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon oreganooreganooreganooregano2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon sweet paprikasweet paprikasweet paprikasweet paprika

Prepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsePrepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsePrepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsePrepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsedisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bydisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bydisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bydisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bysauteing inoil until well browned.sauteing inoil until well browned.sauteing inoil until well browned.sauteing inoil until well browned.

Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.

Collected by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected]://

Yield: 5 pounds Yield: 5 pounds Yield: 5 pounds Yield: 5 pounds


1111 text filetext filetext filetext file

Plunge animal into very hot, but not boiling water for 2 minutes.Plunge animal into very hot, but not boiling water for 2 minutes.Plunge animal into very hot, but not boiling water for 2 minutes.Plunge animal into very hot, but not boiling water for 2 minutes.Pull out or scrap off hair without damaging skin. Slit belly fromPull out or scrap off hair without damaging skin. Slit belly fromPull out or scrap off hair without damaging skin. Slit belly fromPull out or scrap off hair without damaging skin. Slit belly fromthroat to hind legs. Remove entrails, feet, eyes, and brains. Dothroat to hind legs. Remove entrails, feet, eyes, and brains. Dothroat to hind legs. Remove entrails, feet, eyes, and brains. Dothroat to hind legs. Remove entrails, feet, eyes, and brains. Donot remove head or tail. Wash thorughly. If possable freeze for 2not remove head or tail. Wash thorughly. If possable freeze for 2not remove head or tail. Wash thorughly. If possable freeze for 2not remove head or tail. Wash thorughly. If possable freeze for 2or 3 days. When ready to cook. Wipe with a cold damp cloth. Sprinkleor 3 days. When ready to cook. Wipe with a cold damp cloth. Sprinkleor 3 days. When ready to cook. Wipe with a cold damp cloth. Sprinkleor 3 days. When ready to cook. Wipe with a cold damp cloth. Sprinklewith salt and pepper. Put into roasting pan. Add 1 cup water and thewith salt and pepper. Put into roasting pan. Add 1 cup water and thewith salt and pepper. Put into roasting pan. Add 1 cup water and thewith salt and pepper. Put into roasting pan. Add 1 cup water and thejuice of 1 lemon. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes,juice of 1 lemon. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes,juice of 1 lemon. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes,juice of 1 lemon. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes,turning once. Cover, reduce heat and bake in moderater oven (350turning once. Cover, reduce heat and bake in moderater oven (350turning once. Cover, reduce heat and bake in moderater oven (350turning once. Cover, reduce heat and bake in moderater oven (350degrees F.) for 1 1/4 hours to 1 1/2 hours.degrees F.) for 1 1/4 hours to 1 1/2 hours.degrees F.) for 1 1/4 hours to 1 1/2 hours.degrees F.) for 1 1/4 hours to 1 1/2 hours.

From the "Lily Wallace New American Cookbook" copyright 1946.From the "Lily Wallace New American Cookbook" copyright 1946.From the "Lily Wallace New American Cookbook" copyright 1946.From the "Lily Wallace New American Cookbook" copyright 1946.

From: Fred BallFrom: Fred BallFrom: Fred BallFrom: Fred Ball

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings

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1111 young, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possum2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon butterbutterbutterbutter8888 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon sugarsugarsugarsugar1111 saltsaltsaltsalt

First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on amoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Besure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in arefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themtender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Atthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withbacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in theoven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.

Brent WilliamsBrent WilliamsBrent WilliamsBrent Williams1996199619961996

Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN 1996 [email protected] From:Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN 1996 [email protected] From:Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN 1996 [email protected] From:Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN 1996 [email protected] From:"John M. Hartman" <[email protected]"John M. Hartman" <[email protected]"John M. Hartman" <[email protected]"John M. Hartman" <[email protected]

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


2222 lblblblb armadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meat1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup margarine; (1 stick)margarine; (1 stick)margarine; (1 stick)margarine; (1 stick)1111 salt; (to taste)salt; (to taste)salt; (to taste)salt; (to taste)1111 pepper; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)1111 lemon juice; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)

Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Wrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addmore butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.

SOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks of

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Mississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyColemanColemanColemanColeman

Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.

Recipe by:Recipe by:Recipe by:Recipe by:

From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04~0700 T~0700 T~0700 T~0700 T

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


1111 smallsmallsmallsmall possum or bandicoot*possum or bandicoot*possum or bandicoot*possum or bandicoot*2222 literliterliterliter waterwaterwaterwater1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 tintintintin1111 any other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desired1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch celery leavescelery leavescelery leavescelery leaves1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch parsleyparsleyparsleyparsley1111 flour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thicken1111 fried bread -- 1 slice perfried bread -- 1 slice perfried bread -- 1 slice perfried bread -- 1 slice per1111 servservservserv1111 corn*corn*corn*corn*

Skin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (Videotape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you haveto catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)Place it in a large pot or camp oven along with waterPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with waterPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with waterPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with water

*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is somethingbetween a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.

*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.

*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw itaway, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.

*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must beneed some flavor.need some flavor.need some flavor.need some flavor.

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*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.

*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonablealternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootavailable.available.available.available.

Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.

From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 cupcupcupcup glazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberries3333 shots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshine1111 possumpossumpossumpossum1111 pie crust with toppie crust with toppie crust with toppie crust with top1111 sliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbage1111 to tasteto tasteto tasteto taste

If roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipe

Cover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andbake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thewonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whichevercomes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.

Anthony TrummertAnthony TrummertAnthony TrummertAnthony Trummert

Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis,IN 1996 [email protected] by John Hartman Indianapolis,IN 1996 [email protected] by John Hartman Indianapolis,IN 1996 [email protected] by John Hartman Indianapolis,IN 1996 [email protected]

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

Page 40: Possum Cook Book

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1111 onion; large, finelyonion; large, finelyonion; large, finelyonion; large, finely1111 choppedchoppedchoppedchopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1111 possum liver; (optional)possum liver; (optional)possum liver; (optional)possum liver; (optional)1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red peppers; choppedred peppers; choppedred peppers; choppedred peppers; chopped1111 worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce1111 dashdashdashdash1111 egg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finely1111 chopchopchopchop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuffAdd other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuffAdd other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuffAdd other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuffpossum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboilpossum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboilpossum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboilpossum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboilthe possum before roasting. Others remove thethe possum before roasting. Others remove thethe possum before roasting. Others remove thethe possum before roasting. Others remove the

Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.

From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 possum; whole, uncleanedpossum; whole, uncleanedpossum; whole, uncleanedpossum; whole, uncleaned1111 onion; large, choppedonion; large, choppedonion; large, choppedonion; large, chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon bacon fatbacon fatbacon fatbacon fat1111 possum liverpossum liverpossum liverpossum liver1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red pepper; choppedred pepper; choppedred pepper; choppedred pepper; chopped1111 worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce1111 dashdashdashdash1111 egg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finely1111 chopchopchopchop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

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Possums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldinghot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair byhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair byhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair byhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair byscraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hairscraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hairscraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hairscraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some haircomes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hardcomes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hardcomes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hardcomes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard

Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.

From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 dressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trussed1111 salt and peppersalt and peppersalt and peppersalt and pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon rosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbled1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup water withwater withwater withwater with1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup white wine (optional)white wine (optional)white wine (optional)white wine (optional)3333 lblblblb sauerkrautsauerkrautsauerkrautsauerkraut1111 onion; quarteredonion; quarteredonion; quarteredonion; quartered1111 cupcupcupcup beerbeerbeerbeer2222 cupcupcupcup chicken brothchicken brothchicken brothchicken broth1/41/41/41/4 lblblblb salt porksalt porksalt porksalt pork20202020 juniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushed1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon freshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon caraway seedscaraway seedscaraway seedscaraway seeds

Rub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. PlaceRub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. PlaceRub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. PlaceRub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. Placeit on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in ait on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in ait on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in ait on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in apreheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours. If you wish,preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours. If you wish,preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours. If you wish,preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours. If you wish,you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the pan and basteyou can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the pan and basteyou can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the pan and basteyou can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the pan and bastethe animal occasionally. Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain thethe animal occasionally. Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain thethe animal occasionally. Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain thethe animal occasionally. Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain thekraut. Place it in a kettle with the remaining ingredients and bringkraut. Place it in a kettle with the remaining ingredients and bringkraut. Place it in a kettle with the remaining ingredients and bringkraut. Place it in a kettle with the remaining ingredients and bringit to a boil. Turn down the heat, cover, and simmer for about anit to a boil. Turn down the heat, cover, and simmer for about anit to a boil. Turn down the heat, cover, and simmer for about anit to a boil. Turn down the heat, cover, and simmer for about anhour. Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platterhour. Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platterhour. Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platterhour. Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platterand serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.and serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.and serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.and serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.

_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith JonesRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff Pruett

From: Neysa Dormish Date: 18 Dec 96 NationalFrom: Neysa Dormish Date: 18 Dec 96 NationalFrom: Neysa Dormish Date: 18 Dec 96 NationalFrom: Neysa Dormish Date: 18 Dec 96 National

Page 42: Possum Cook Book

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Cooking Echo ÄCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo Ä

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 flourflourflourflour1111 salt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; r1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon thymethymethymethyme1111 possum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and patt1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup red winered winered winered wine1 1/41 1/41 1/41 1/4 cupcupcupcup waterwaterwaterwater4444 sweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwis4444 apples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halved1111 cupcupcupcup brown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugar1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon allspiceallspiceallspiceallspice3/43/43/43/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon ground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamon1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon nutmegnutmegnutmegnutmeg

: Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside the: Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside the: Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside the: Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theanimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, covertightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.: Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes in: Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes in: Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes in: Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inthe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thecored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothfruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.: Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30: Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30: Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30: Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.

_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith JonesRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3

Courtesy of:Courtesy of:Courtesy of:Courtesy of:

Kathleen's Recipe Swap Page [email protected]'s Recipe Swap Page [email protected]'s Recipe Swap Page [email protected]'s Recipe Swap Page [email protected]://

From: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 possum, dressedpossum, dressedpossum, dressedpossum, dressed2222 red pepper podsred pepper podsred pepper podsred pepper pods1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon black pepperblack pepperblack pepperblack pepper1/81/81/81/8 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon sagesagesagesage2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon lemon juicelemon juicelemon juicelemon juice4444 largelargelargelarge yams, peeled and quarteredyams, peeled and quarteredyams, peeled and quarteredyams, peeled and quartered1/41/41/41/4 cupcupcupcup brown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugar1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon cinnamoncinnamoncinnamoncinnamon1/81/81/81/8 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon gingergingergingerginger

Place dressed possum in a kettle with the pepper pod. Cover with coldPlace dressed possum in a kettle with the pepper pod. Cover with coldPlace dressed possum in a kettle with the pepper pod. Cover with coldPlace dressed possum in a kettle with the pepper pod. Cover with coldwater and bring to a boil; simmer for 1 hr. Remove and place on awater and bring to a boil; simmer for 1 hr. Remove and place on awater and bring to a boil; simmer for 1 hr. Remove and place on awater and bring to a boil; simmer for 1 hr. Remove and place on arack in a dutch oven or roasting pan. Add 1 cup of water. Sprinklerack in a dutch oven or roasting pan. Add 1 cup of water. Sprinklerack in a dutch oven or roasting pan. Add 1 cup of water. Sprinklerack in a dutch oven or roasting pan. Add 1 cup of water. Sprinklewith salt, pepper, sage and lemon juice. Place yams around the roast.with salt, pepper, sage and lemon juice. Place yams around the roast.with salt, pepper, sage and lemon juice. Place yams around the roast.with salt, pepper, sage and lemon juice. Place yams around the roast.Combine sugar, cinnamon, and ginger; sprinkle on top of yams. CoverCombine sugar, cinnamon, and ginger; sprinkle on top of yams. CoverCombine sugar, cinnamon, and ginger; sprinkle on top of yams. CoverCombine sugar, cinnamon, and ginger; sprinkle on top of yams. Coverand cook over very low temp on top of stove or bake at 325 for 2 hrsand cook over very low temp on top of stove or bake at 325 for 2 hrsand cook over very low temp on top of stove or bake at 325 for 2 hrsand cook over very low temp on top of stove or bake at 325 for 2 hrsor until the meat is crisp and brown. Transfer possum and yams to aor until the meat is crisp and brown. Transfer possum and yams to aor until the meat is crisp and brown. Transfer possum and yams to aor until the meat is crisp and brown. Transfer possum and yams to ahot platter to serve. From: "Stewburner" <stewburner@sailorradate:hot platter to serve. From: "Stewburner" <stewburner@sailorradate:hot platter to serve. From: "Stewburner" <stewburner@sailorradate:hot platter to serve. From: "Stewburner" <stewburner@sailorradate:Sun, 15 Dec 2002 21:31:08 -0500Sun, 15 Dec 2002 21:31:08 -0500Sun, 15 Dec 2002 21:31:08 -0500Sun, 15 Dec 2002 21:31:08 -0500

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 dressed possumdressed possumdressed possumdressed possum1111 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon butterbutterbutterbutter1111 largelargelargelarge oniononiononiononion1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 red pepper, dicedred pepper, dicedred pepper, dicedred pepper, diced1111 worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce1111 hard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, chopped

To dress possum, remove entrails, head, and tail. Wash thoroughlyTo dress possum, remove entrails, head, and tail. Wash thoroughlyTo dress possum, remove entrails, head, and tail. Wash thoroughlyTo dress possum, remove entrails, head, and tail. Wash thoroughlyinside and out. Save the liver. Cover with cold salted water (1 cupinside and out. Save the liver. Cover with cold salted water (1 cupinside and out. Save the liver. Cover with cold salted water (1 cupinside and out. Save the liver. Cover with cold salted water (1 cupsalt). Let stand overnight. Drain off salted water and rinse wellsalt). Let stand overnight. Drain off salted water and rinse wellsalt). Let stand overnight. Drain off salted water and rinse wellsalt). Let stand overnight. Drain off salted water and rinse wellwith boiling water.with boiling water.with boiling water.with boiling water.

To make stuffing: Melt butter and add chopped onion. When onionTo make stuffing: Melt butter and add chopped onion. When onionTo make stuffing: Melt butter and add chopped onion. When onionTo make stuffing: Melt butter and add chopped onion. When onionbegins to brown add chopped liver. Cook until liver is well gone.begins to brown add chopped liver. Cook until liver is well gone.begins to brown add chopped liver. Cook until liver is well gone.begins to brown add chopped liver. Cook until liver is well gone.Add bread crumbs, red pepper, and dash of Worcestershire sauce. MixAdd bread crumbs, red pepper, and dash of Worcestershire sauce. MixAdd bread crumbs, red pepper, and dash of Worcestershire sauce. MixAdd bread crumbs, red pepper, and dash of Worcestershire sauce. Mixin boiled egg, salt and add water to moisten. Stuff possum with mixin boiled egg, salt and add water to moisten. Stuff possum with mixin boiled egg, salt and add water to moisten. Stuff possum with mixin boiled egg, salt and add water to moisten. Stuff possum with mixand sew end closed. Roast possum until tender, baste with fat fromand sew end closed. Roast possum until tender, baste with fat fromand sew end closed. Roast possum until tender, baste with fat fromand sew end closed. Roast possum until tender, baste with fat fromroasting pan.roasting pan.roasting pan.roasting pan.

An itching of the lip denotes that someone is slandering you.An itching of the lip denotes that someone is slandering you.An itching of the lip denotes that someone is slandering you.An itching of the lip denotes that someone is slandering you.

From Rocky TopFrom Rocky TopFrom Rocky TopFrom Rocky Top

In the memories of some of us, few things can be better than a mealIn the memories of some of us, few things can be better than a mealIn the memories of some of us, few things can be better than a mealIn the memories of some of us, few things can be better than a mealcooked on an old wood stove, a solf feather bed on a cold wintercooked on an old wood stove, a solf feather bed on a cold wintercooked on an old wood stove, a solf feather bed on a cold wintercooked on an old wood stove, a solf feather bed on a cold winternight, or the sound of a old mountain tune played on a dulcimer ornight, or the sound of a old mountain tune played on a dulcimer ornight, or the sound of a old mountain tune played on a dulcimer ornight, or the sound of a old mountain tune played on a dulcimer orbanjo. I hope that this page can help preserve, or rekindle, some ofbanjo. I hope that this page can help preserve, or rekindle, some ofbanjo. I hope that this page can help preserve, or rekindle, some ofbanjo. I hope that this page can help preserve, or rekindle, some ofthese memories for you or maybe help create an interest in ourthese memories for you or maybe help create an interest in ourthese memories for you or maybe help create an interest in ourthese memories for you or maybe help create an interest in ourmountain heritage for other people. Your ideas, stories, pictures,mountain heritage for other people. Your ideas, stories, pictures,mountain heritage for other people. Your ideas, stories, pictures,mountain heritage for other people. Your ideas, stories, pictures,recipes, or other affairs about plain living in our southernrecipes, or other affairs about plain living in our southernrecipes, or other affairs about plain living in our southernrecipes, or other affairs about plain living in our southernhighlands is welcome.highlands is welcome.highlands is welcome.highlands is welcome.

J. B. Simpson Fayetteville Technical Community College Fayetteville,J. B. Simpson Fayetteville Technical Community College Fayetteville,J. B. Simpson Fayetteville Technical Community College Fayetteville,J. B. Simpson Fayetteville Technical Community College Fayetteville,N.C. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

Page 45: Possum Cook Book

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2 1/22 1/22 1/22 1/2 cupcupcupcup macaronimacaronimacaronimacaroni1111 largelargelargelarge onion; choppedonion; choppedonion; choppedonion; chopped8888 potatoes; dicedpotatoes; dicedpotatoes; dicedpotatoes; diced1111 largelargelargelarge possum (or ground beef)possum (or ground beef)possum (or ground beef)possum (or ground beef)2222 pkgpkgpkgpkg frozen mixed vegetablesfrozen mixed vegetablesfrozen mixed vegetablesfrozen mixed vegetables1111 pkgpkgpkgpkg frozen cornfrozen cornfrozen cornfrozen corn1111 cancancancan tomato juicetomato juicetomato juicetomato juice1/41/41/41/4 cupcupcupcup butterbutterbutterbutter1111 salt and pepper; to tastesalt and pepper; to tastesalt and pepper; to tastesalt and pepper; to taste

Recipe by: Granny's Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook - ISBN 1-55853-271-4Recipe by: Granny's Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook - ISBN 1-55853-271-4Recipe by: Granny's Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook - ISBN 1-55853-271-4Recipe by: Granny's Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook - ISBN 1-55853-271-4Cook the macaroni, onion, and potatoes together in the water untilCook the macaroni, onion, and potatoes together in the water untilCook the macaroni, onion, and potatoes together in the water untilCook the macaroni, onion, and potatoes together in the water untiltender, while browning the possum in the microwave. Transfertender, while browning the possum in the microwave. Transfertender, while browning the possum in the microwave. Transfertender, while browning the possum in the microwave. Transfereverything to a bigger pot, including the water. Add the remainingeverything to a bigger pot, including the water. Add the remainingeverything to a bigger pot, including the water. Add the remainingeverything to a bigger pot, including the water. Add the remainingingredients, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook overingredients, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook overingredients, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook overingredients, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook overmedium heat for 2 to 3 hours. For the best taste, cook over low heatmedium heat for 2 to 3 hours. For the best taste, cook over low heatmedium heat for 2 to 3 hours. For the best taste, cook over low heatmedium heat for 2 to 3 hours. For the best taste, cook over low heatfor 5 to 6 hours. Yields 8 servings. NOTE: Fresh possum preferred,for 5 to 6 hours. Yields 8 servings. NOTE: Fresh possum preferred,for 5 to 6 hours. Yields 8 servings. NOTE: Fresh possum preferred,for 5 to 6 hours. Yields 8 servings. NOTE: Fresh possum preferred,but roadkill will work. According to Kim White of Blountville, Tenn.but roadkill will work. According to Kim White of Blountville, Tenn.but roadkill will work. According to Kim White of Blountville, Tenn.but roadkill will work. According to Kim White of Blountville, Tenn.who submitted the original recipe to the book; the possum is best ifwho submitted the original recipe to the book; the possum is best ifwho submitted the original recipe to the book; the possum is best ifwho submitted the original recipe to the book; the possum is best ifhunted with dogs. If possum can be captured alive, keep it in a penhunted with dogs. If possum can be captured alive, keep it in a penhunted with dogs. If possum can be captured alive, keep it in a penhunted with dogs. If possum can be captured alive, keep it in a penfor up to a week. Feed well to fatten it up and clean out. (Beef mayfor up to a week. Feed well to fatten it up and clean out. (Beef mayfor up to a week. Feed well to fatten it up and clean out. (Beef mayfor up to a week. Feed well to fatten it up and clean out. (Beef maybe substituted if a proper possum cannot be substituted if a proper possum cannot be substituted if a proper possum cannot be substituted if a proper possum cannot be found.

Yield: 8 servings Yield: 8 servings Yield: 8 servings Yield: 8 servings

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1111 how to catch a possumhow to catch a possumhow to catch a possumhow to catch a possum

Since all the recipes here involve possum, I figured it might beSince all the recipes here involve possum, I figured it might beSince all the recipes here involve possum, I figured it might beSince all the recipes here involve possum, I figured it might beworth it to include a section on how to get your hands on one.worth it to include a section on how to get your hands on one.worth it to include a section on how to get your hands on one.worth it to include a section on how to get your hands on one.

I know of several ways to catch a possum. Perhaps the easiest is toI know of several ways to catch a possum. Perhaps the easiest is toI know of several ways to catch a possum. Perhaps the easiest is toI know of several ways to catch a possum. Perhaps the easiest is tosimply drive around for a while in your truck. The problem will soonsimply drive around for a while in your truck. The problem will soonsimply drive around for a while in your truck. The problem will soonsimply drive around for a while in your truck. The problem will soonresolve itself. (SCCRRRREEEEEEECCHHH!!. . . SPLAT. . .)resolve itself. (SCCRRRREEEEEEECCHHH!!. . . SPLAT. . .)resolve itself. (SCCRRRREEEEEEECCHHH!!. . . SPLAT. . .)resolve itself. (SCCRRRREEEEEEECCHHH!!. . . SPLAT. . .)

Much more fun, however, is to take your dogs and shotgun, and go intoMuch more fun, however, is to take your dogs and shotgun, and go intoMuch more fun, however, is to take your dogs and shotgun, and go intoMuch more fun, however, is to take your dogs and shotgun, and go intothe woods and hunt one down. The advantage to this method is thatthe woods and hunt one down. The advantage to this method is thatthe woods and hunt one down. The advantage to this method is thatthe woods and hunt one down. The advantage to this method is thatyou don't have to scrape the possum off the pavement. Theyou don't have to scrape the possum off the pavement. Theyou don't have to scrape the possum off the pavement. Theyou don't have to scrape the possum off the pavement. Thedisadvantage is that you do have to worry about shotgun pellets indisadvantage is that you do have to worry about shotgun pellets indisadvantage is that you do have to worry about shotgun pellets indisadvantage is that you do have to worry about shotgun pellets inthe meat. (OUCH! Dadgum it! There went my best tooth!)the meat. (OUCH! Dadgum it! There went my best tooth!)the meat. (OUCH! Dadgum it! There went my best tooth!)the meat. (OUCH! Dadgum it! There went my best tooth!)

Not to mention that a shotgun blast can really mess up the hide, whichNot to mention that a shotgun blast can really mess up the hide, whichNot to mention that a shotgun blast can really mess up the hide, whichNot to mention that a shotgun blast can really mess up the hide, whichmakes it a lot harder for the taxidermist. It is also possible to setmakes it a lot harder for the taxidermist. It is also possible to setmakes it a lot harder for the taxidermist. It is also possible to setmakes it a lot harder for the taxidermist. It is also possible to settraps to catch a possum, but this method is notoriously unreliable.traps to catch a possum, but this method is notoriously unreliable.traps to catch a possum, but this method is notoriously unreliable.traps to catch a possum, but this method is notoriously unreliable.Possums like to stay in the trees, and you're much more likely toPossums like to stay in the trees, and you're much more likely toPossums like to stay in the trees, and you're much more likely toPossums like to stay in the trees, and you're much more likely tocatch something else.catch something else.catch something else.catch something else.

(Hey, Ed! There's something in the trap! See them bushes moving?(Hey, Ed! There's something in the trap! See them bushes moving?(Hey, Ed! There's something in the trap! See them bushes moving?(Hey, Ed! There's something in the trap! See them bushes moving?Let's see what it is! . . . OH, $# otherwise they just get up andLet's see what it is! . . . OH, $# otherwise they just get up andLet's see what it is! . . . OH, $# otherwise they just get up andLet's see what it is! . . . OH, $# otherwise they just get up andwalk off. It was real strange; right after he beheaded the possum,walk off. It was real strange; right after he beheaded the possum,walk off. It was real strange; right after he beheaded the possum,walk off. It was real strange; right after he beheaded the possum,lightning or something struck the garage, blowing out all thelightning or something struck the garage, blowing out all thelightning or something struck the garage, blowing out all thelightning or something struck the garage, blowing out all thelightbulbs and giving him quite a shock. (If you don't get the jokelightbulbs and giving him quite a shock. (If you don't get the jokelightbulbs and giving him quite a shock. (If you don't get the jokelightbulbs and giving him quite a shock. (If you don't get the jokehere, don't worry.) Please note that we're talking about the Northhere, don't worry.) Please note that we're talking about the Northhere, don't worry.) Please note that we're talking about the Northhere, don't worry.) Please note that we're talking about the NorthAmerican opossum here. There is a species of possum (spelled withoutAmerican opossum here. There is a species of possum (spelled withoutAmerican opossum here. There is a species of possum (spelled withoutAmerican opossum here. There is a species of possum (spelled withoutthe leading "o") native to Australia which is endangered. It isthe leading "o") native to Australia which is endangered. It isthe leading "o") native to Australia which is endangered. It isthe leading "o") native to Australia which is endangered. It isstrictly illegal to hunt, trap, or kill an Australian possum.strictly illegal to hunt, trap, or kill an Australian possum.strictly illegal to hunt, trap, or kill an Australian possum.strictly illegal to hunt, trap, or kill an Australian possum.However, this same species is reportedly a nuisance in New Zealand,However, this same species is reportedly a nuisance in New Zealand,However, this same species is reportedly a nuisance in New Zealand,However, this same species is reportedly a nuisance in New Zealand,so if you see one there. . . bon appetit!so if you see one there. . . bon appetit!so if you see one there. . . bon appetit!so if you see one there. . . bon appetit!

Of course, if you take this page seriously anyway... you might be aOf course, if you take this page seriously anyway... you might be aOf course, if you take this page seriously anyway... you might be aOf course, if you take this page seriously anyway... you might be aredneck. That ought to get you started. Now, on to the recipes...redneck. That ought to get you started. Now, on to the recipes...redneck. That ought to get you started. Now, on to the recipes...redneck. That ought to get you started. Now, on to the recipes...

Wild Possum KabobWild Possum KabobWild Possum KabobWild Possum Kabob

1 Still breathing, corn-fed Possum 3 Ripe but firm tomatoes 1 Large1 Still breathing, corn-fed Possum 3 Ripe but firm tomatoes 1 Large1 Still breathing, corn-fed Possum 3 Ripe but firm tomatoes 1 Large1 Still breathing, corn-fed Possum 3 Ripe but firm tomatoes 1 Largewhite or yellow onionwhite or yellow onionwhite or yellow onionwhite or yellow onion

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1/2 pound large mushrooms 2 large green peppers 1 package meat1/2 pound large mushrooms 2 large green peppers 1 package meat1/2 pound large mushrooms 2 large green peppers 1 package meat1/2 pound large mushrooms 2 large green peppers 1 package meatmarinademarinademarinademarinade1/2 cup soy sauce 12 skewers (sticks are okay in Arkansas)1/2 cup soy sauce 12 skewers (sticks are okay in Arkansas)1/2 cup soy sauce 12 skewers (sticks are okay in Arkansas)1/2 cup soy sauce 12 skewers (sticks are okay in Arkansas)

The possum must be alive so that you can scare it, giving you theThe possum must be alive so that you can scare it, giving you theThe possum must be alive so that you can scare it, giving you theThe possum must be alive so that you can scare it, giving you the"wild" taste from all the adrenaline it produces. It is best to hit"wild" taste from all the adrenaline it produces. It is best to hit"wild" taste from all the adrenaline it produces. It is best to hit"wild" taste from all the adrenaline it produces. It is best to hitit over the head with a large object in a humane manner. Boil theit over the head with a large object in a humane manner. Boil theit over the head with a large object in a humane manner. Boil theit over the head with a large object in a humane manner. Boil thepossum for 3 minutes to loosen the fur then skin and gut it.possum for 3 minutes to loosen the fur then skin and gut it.possum for 3 minutes to loosen the fur then skin and gut it.possum for 3 minutes to loosen the fur then skin and gut it.

De-limb (chop the little knubby legs off) the possum and cut the meatDe-limb (chop the little knubby legs off) the possum and cut the meatDe-limb (chop the little knubby legs off) the possum and cut the meatDe-limb (chop the little knubby legs off) the possum and cut the meatinto 1/2 inch square chunks. Marinate overnight in a mixture of meatinto 1/2 inch square chunks. Marinate overnight in a mixture of meatinto 1/2 inch square chunks. Marinate overnight in a mixture of meatinto 1/2 inch square chunks. Marinate overnight in a mixture of meatmarinade and soy sauce. Kentucky residents who have no fridge can usemarinade and soy sauce. Kentucky residents who have no fridge can usemarinade and soy sauce. Kentucky residents who have no fridge can usemarinade and soy sauce. Kentucky residents who have no fridge can usean ice chest and may use radiator coolant instead of soy ice chest and may use radiator coolant instead of soy ice chest and may use radiator coolant instead of soy ice chest and may use radiator coolant instead of soy sauce.

Thread the meat and veggies onto your skewer/stick in alternatingThread the meat and veggies onto your skewer/stick in alternatingThread the meat and veggies onto your skewer/stick in alternatingThread the meat and veggies onto your skewer/stick in alternatingsequences to distribute the delicious flavor evenly.sequences to distribute the delicious flavor evenly.sequences to distribute the delicious flavor evenly.sequences to distribute the delicious flavor evenly.

Cook over a barbecue, pit, 50 gallon drum or any other fire till youCook over a barbecue, pit, 50 gallon drum or any other fire till youCook over a barbecue, pit, 50 gallon drum or any other fire till youCook over a barbecue, pit, 50 gallon drum or any other fire till youget the desired result. For added flavor, you can cook it overget the desired result. For added flavor, you can cook it overget the desired result. For added flavor, you can cook it overget the desired result. For added flavor, you can cook it overburning tires.burning tires.burning tires.burning tires.

Servings: 6 Calories: 12,342 Carbs: Holly 4-barrel Fat: If you eatServings: 6 Calories: 12,342 Carbs: Holly 4-barrel Fat: If you eatServings: 6 Calories: 12,342 Carbs: Holly 4-barrel Fat: If you eatServings: 6 Calories: 12,342 Carbs: Holly 4-barrel Fat: If you eatthis kind of crap, fat probably isn't your biggest concern.this kind of crap, fat probably isn't your biggest concern.this kind of crap, fat probably isn't your biggest concern.this kind of crap, fat probably isn't your biggest concern.

Contributed by Don Shaw ([email protected])Contributed by Don Shaw ([email protected])Contributed by Don Shaw ([email protected])Contributed by Don Shaw ([email protected])

From: Jim Weller Date: 03 Apr 99From: Jim Weller Date: 03 Apr 99From: Jim Weller Date: 03 Apr 99From: Jim Weller Date: 03 Apr 99

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 possum and taterspossum and taterspossum and taterspossum and taters1111 young, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possum8888 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon butterbutterbutterbutter1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon sugarsugarsugarsugar1111 saltsaltsaltsalt

Directions: First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellentDirections: First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellentDirections: First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellentDirections: First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellententertainment on a moonlight night. Skin the possum and remove theentertainment on a moonlight night. Skin the possum and remove theentertainment on a moonlight night. Skin the possum and remove theentertainment on a moonlight night. Skin the possum and remove thehead and feet. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnighthead and feet. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnighthead and feet. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnighthead and feet. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnighteither outside or in a refrigerator.either outside or in a refrigerator.either outside or in a refrigerator.either outside or in a refrigerator.

When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil them tender in lightlyWhen ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil them tender in lightlyWhen ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil them tender in lightlyWhen ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil them tender in lightlysalted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stewsalted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stewsalted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stewsalted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stewthe possum tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water.the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water.the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water.the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water.Arrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle withArrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle withArrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle withArrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle withthyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste oftenthyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste oftenthyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste oftenthyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste oftenwith the drippings.with the drippings.with the drippings.with the drippings.

Possum Pot PiePossum Pot PiePossum Pot PiePossum Pot Pie

1 cup glazed huckleberries 3 shots gin or moonshine 1 possum -if1 cup glazed huckleberries 3 shots gin or moonshine 1 possum -if1 cup glazed huckleberries 3 shots gin or moonshine 1 possum -if1 cup glazed huckleberries 3 shots gin or moonshine 1 possum -ifroadkill: make jambalaya -if caught: proceed with recipe 1 pie crustroadkill: make jambalaya -if caught: proceed with recipe 1 pie crustroadkill: make jambalaya -if caught: proceed with recipe 1 pie crustroadkill: make jambalaya -if caught: proceed with recipe 1 pie crustsliced carrots it doesn't matter.sliced carrots it doesn't matter.sliced carrots it doesn't matter.sliced carrots it doesn't matter.


Put the rest in and let set for a long dang while. Before servingPut the rest in and let set for a long dang while. Before servingPut the rest in and let set for a long dang while. Before servingPut the rest in and let set for a long dang while. Before servingmake sure you have enough bread, Milk, and Toliet paper for aftermake sure you have enough bread, Milk, and Toliet paper for aftermake sure you have enough bread, Milk, and Toliet paper for aftermake sure you have enough bread, Milk, and Toliet paper for afterdinner. Serve. Enjoy Race for bathroom. Whoever is first will make adinner. Serve. Enjoy Race for bathroom. Whoever is first will make adinner. Serve. Enjoy Race for bathroom. Whoever is first will make adinner. Serve. Enjoy Race for bathroom. Whoever is first will make alarge stench. Have enough a ir freshner.large stench. Have enough a ir freshner.large stench. Have enough a ir freshner.large stench. Have enough a ir freshner.

Serving size of Meal-depends on how much you put in and the possum.Serving size of Meal-depends on how much you put in and the possum.Serving size of Meal-depends on how much you put in and the possum.Serving size of Meal-depends on how much you put in and the possum.

Warning-You're a redneck if you try this. (Either that or you likeWarning-You're a redneck if you try this. (Either that or you likeWarning-You're a redneck if you try this. (Either that or you likeWarning-You're a redneck if you try this. (Either that or you likereally hot chili.) May cause sudden urges to go to the bathroom. Mayreally hot chili.) May cause sudden urges to go to the bathroom. Mayreally hot chili.) May cause sudden urges to go to the bathroom. Mayreally hot chili.) May cause sudden urges to go to the bathroom. Maycause burnt tongues and mouths. May cause severe indegestion.cause burnt tongues and mouths. May cause severe indegestion.cause burnt tongues and mouths. May cause severe indegestion.cause burnt tongues and mouths. May cause severe indegestion.


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Possum TartarePossum TartarePossum TartarePossum Tartare


Kill a possum by Method #1 as described above. Sprinkle liberally withKill a possum by Method #1 as described above. Sprinkle liberally withKill a possum by Method #1 as described above. Sprinkle liberally withKill a possum by Method #1 as described above. Sprinkle liberally withsalt, pepper, and garlic. Some folks also like onion. Run over itsalt, pepper, and garlic. Some folks also like onion. Run over itsalt, pepper, and garlic. Some folks also like onion. Run over itsalt, pepper, and garlic. Some folks also like onion. Run over itone more time to mix the spices in thoroughly. Contact your mentalone more time to mix the spices in thoroughly. Contact your mentalone more time to mix the spices in thoroughly. Contact your mentalone more time to mix the spices in thoroughly. Contact your mentalhealth professional and inform him of what you're about to professional and inform him of what you're about to professional and inform him of what you're about to professional and inform him of what you're about to do.

Nutrition FactsNutrition FactsNutrition FactsNutrition Facts

Serving size: Depends on the possum Servings per container: DependsServing size: Depends on the possum Servings per container: DependsServing size: Depends on the possum Servings per container: DependsServing size: Depends on the possum Servings per container: Dependson the possum Amount per serving:Depends on the possum Calories:on the possum Amount per serving:Depends on the possum Calories:on the possum Amount per serving:Depends on the possum Calories:on the possum Amount per serving:Depends on the possum Calories:Depends on the possum Total fat: At least three times the U.S. RDA.Depends on the possum Total fat: At least three times the U.S. RDA.Depends on the possum Total fat: At least three times the U.S. RDA.Depends on the possum Total fat: At least three times the U.S. RDA.Sodium: Depends on the possum Total carbohydrate: Depends on theSodium: Depends on the possum Total carbohydrate: Depends on theSodium: Depends on the possum Total carbohydrate: Depends on theSodium: Depends on the possum Total carbohydrate: Depends on thepossum Protein: Depends on the possumpossum Protein: Depends on the possumpossum Protein: Depends on the possumpossum Protein: Depends on the possum

Disclaimer: The author of this page cannot be held responsible forDisclaimer: The author of this page cannot be held responsible forDisclaimer: The author of this page cannot be held responsible forDisclaimer: The author of this page cannot be held responsible forany injuries, indigestion, vomiting, mild intestinal disorders,any injuries, indigestion, vomiting, mild intestinal disorders,any injuries, indigestion, vomiting, mild intestinal disorders,any injuries, indigestion, vomiting, mild intestinal disorders,alienated friends and relatives, or P.O.'d animal rights groupsalienated friends and relatives, or P.O.'d animal rights groupsalienated friends and relatives, or P.O.'d animal rights groupsalienated friends and relatives, or P.O.'d animal rights groupsresulting from the use of these recipes.resulting from the use of these recipes.resulting from the use of these recipes.resulting from the use of these recipes.

This page created and maintained by Brandon Butler. Possums - The REALThis page created and maintained by Brandon Butler. Possums - The REALThis page created and maintained by Brandon Butler. Possums - The REALThis page created and maintained by Brandon Butler. Possums - The REALFlavor of the South The Possum CookbookFlavor of the South The Possum CookbookFlavor of the South The Possum CookbookFlavor of the South The Possum Cookbook

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 fat possumfat possumfat possumfat possum1111 largelargelargelarge onion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lardonion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lardonion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lardonion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lard1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 chopped red sweet pepperchopped red sweet pepperchopped red sweet pepperchopped red sweet pepper1111 hard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire saucehard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire saucehard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire saucehard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire sauce

To dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andTo dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andTo dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andTo dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andwith a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.with a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.with a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.with a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.Remove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and out withRemove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and out withRemove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and out withRemove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and out withhot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enough waterhot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enough waterhot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enough waterhot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enough waterto cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with clean boilingto cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with clean boilingto cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with clean boilingto cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with clean boilingwater. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue. Chopwater. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue. Chopwater. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue. Chopwater. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue. Chopthe possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. To mixturethe possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. To mixturethe possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. To mixturethe possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. To mixtureadd rest of ingredients together with enough water to moisten. Mixadd rest of ingredients together with enough water to moisten. Mixadd rest of ingredients together with enough water to moisten. Mixadd rest of ingredients together with enough water to moisten. Mix

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well and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffed possum inwell and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffed possum inwell and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffed possum inwell and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffed possum inroaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderate oven. Basteroaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderate oven. Basteroaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderate oven. Basteroaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderate oven. Basteevery 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams and collard greens.every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams and collard greens.every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams and collard greens.every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams and collard greens.

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 no ingredients foundno ingredients foundno ingredients foundno ingredients found

Possum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. Itshould be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.should be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.should be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.should be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.The meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butThe meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butThe meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butThe meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butthere is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1there is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1there is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1there is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1onion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershireonion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershireonion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershireonion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershiresauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt watersauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt watersauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt watersauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt waterbaconbaconbaconbacon

Clean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theClean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theClean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theClean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theonions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the wateronions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the wateronions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the wateronions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the waterand bacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffedand bacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffedand bacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffedand bacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffedpossum in a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay baconpossum in a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay baconpossum in a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay baconpossum in a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay baconstrips across the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F ovenstrips across the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F ovenstrips across the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F ovenstrips across the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F ovenfor about 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in thefor about 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in thefor about 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in thefor about 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in thewinter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:winter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:winter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:winter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.


Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings

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1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup limelimelimelime1111 gmgmgmgm waterwaterwaterwater1111 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt1111 red pepper podred pepper podred pepper podred pepper pod1111 possumpossumpossumpossum

Put 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldquickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,tail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyesand head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.

Put one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterand pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boilup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can bepierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forbaking.baking.baking.baking.

When ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in amoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willblister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.

Carve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichhave been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.

1928 DULL, Mrs. S.R.1928 DULL, Mrs. S.R.1928 DULL, Mrs. S.R.1928 DULL, Mrs. S.R.Southern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapNew York Submitted by John HartmanNew York Submitted by John HartmanNew York Submitted by John HartmanNew York Submitted by John HartmanIndianapolis, IN [email protected], IN [email protected], IN [email protected], IN [email protected]

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

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1111 possumpossumpossumpossum5555 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon balsamic vinegarbalsamic vinegarbalsamic vinegarbalsamic vinegar5555 onionsonionsonionsonions2222 cloves garliccloves garliccloves garliccloves garlic5555 carrotscarrotscarrotscarrots1111 stalk celerystalk celerystalk celerystalk celery2222 turnipsturnipsturnipsturnips3333 tomatoestomatoestomatoestomatoes2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon cold pressed olive oilcold pressed olive oilcold pressed olive oilcold pressed olive oil1111 clump italian parsleyclump italian parsleyclump italian parsleyclump italian parsley1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fresh rosemaryfresh rosemaryfresh rosemaryfresh rosemary5555 bay leavesbay leavesbay leavesbay leaves3333 clovesclovesclovescloves2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon vegemitevegemitevegemitevegemite1111 damper (like a hot dogdamper (like a hot dogdamper (like a hot dogdamper (like a hot dog1111 roll)roll)roll)roll)

Note: As mentioned previously, there is a species of possum which isNote: As mentioned previously, there is a species of possum which isNote: As mentioned previously, there is a species of possum which isNote: As mentioned previously, there is a species of possum which isprotected in Australia. They cannot be trapped, shot or hunted. If youprotected in Australia. They cannot be trapped, shot or hunted. If youprotected in Australia. They cannot be trapped, shot or hunted. If youprotected in Australia. They cannot be trapped, shot or hunted. If yourun over an Australian possum, and it is still alive, call WIRES,run over an Australian possum, and it is still alive, call WIRES,run over an Australian possum, and it is still alive, call WIRES,run over an Australian possum, and it is still alive, call WIRES,which protects Australia's native fauna.which protects Australia's native fauna.which protects Australia's native fauna.which protects Australia's native fauna.

If it's dead, then this recipe may serve a purpose.If it's dead, then this recipe may serve a purpose.If it's dead, then this recipe may serve a purpose.If it's dead, then this recipe may serve a purpose.

First, skin the possum, checking first for lice, myxomitosis, andFirst, skin the possum, checking first for lice, myxomitosis, andFirst, skin the possum, checking first for lice, myxomitosis, andFirst, skin the possum, checking first for lice, myxomitosis, andliving young in the pouch. Separate legs from breast. Discard head,living young in the pouch. Separate legs from breast. Discard head,living young in the pouch. Separate legs from breast. Discard head,living young in the pouch. Separate legs from breast. Discard head,neck, tail and claws. If you wish, hold the offal for thanksgivingneck, tail and claws. If you wish, hold the offal for thanksgivingneck, tail and claws. If you wish, hold the offal for thanksgivingneck, tail and claws. If you wish, hold the offal for thanksgivingstuffing. Then cut the possum into long stringy pieces. Marinatestuffing. Then cut the possum into long stringy pieces. Marinatestuffing. Then cut the possum into long stringy pieces. Marinatestuffing. Then cut the possum into long stringy pieces. Marinateovernight in vinegar, rosemary, bay leaf, clove, garlic & oil mixture.overnight in vinegar, rosemary, bay leaf, clove, garlic & oil mixture.overnight in vinegar, rosemary, bay leaf, clove, garlic & oil mixture.overnight in vinegar, rosemary, bay leaf, clove, garlic & oil mixture.Make the roll: split the damper, and spread vegemite on each side. PutMake the roll: split the damper, and spread vegemite on each side. PutMake the roll: split the damper, and spread vegemite on each side. PutMake the roll: split the damper, and spread vegemite on each side. Putaside. Chop the carrot, turnip and tomato into small pieces, thenaside. Chop the carrot, turnip and tomato into small pieces, thenaside. Chop the carrot, turnip and tomato into small pieces, thenaside. Chop the carrot, turnip and tomato into small pieces, thencook with the rest of the ingredients, and stew in a pot, adding acook with the rest of the ingredients, and stew in a pot, adding acook with the rest of the ingredients, and stew in a pot, adding acook with the rest of the ingredients, and stew in a pot, adding achicken stock cube for seasoning. Dip the possum pieces in the pot,chicken stock cube for seasoning. Dip the possum pieces in the pot,chicken stock cube for seasoning. Dip the possum pieces in the pot,chicken stock cube for seasoning. Dip the possum pieces in the pot,then barbecue for 20 minutes (or until cooked to personal taste).then barbecue for 20 minutes (or until cooked to personal taste).then barbecue for 20 minutes (or until cooked to personal taste).then barbecue for 20 minutes (or until cooked to personal taste).To serve: like a hot dog, use the damper & vegemite roll to surroundTo serve: like a hot dog, use the damper & vegemite roll to surroundTo serve: like a hot dog, use the damper & vegemite roll to surroundTo serve: like a hot dog, use the damper & vegemite roll to surroundpieces of possum.pieces of possum.pieces of possum.pieces of possum.Serve with chips, salad and beer.Serve with chips, salad and beer.Serve with chips, salad and beer.Serve with chips, salad and beer.Recipe by Holly and Chloe Bennett, Cootamundra, AustraliaRecipe by Holly and Chloe Bennett, Cootamundra, AustraliaRecipe by Holly and Chloe Bennett, Cootamundra, AustraliaRecipe by Holly and Chloe Bennett, Cootamundra, AustraliaDonated by Pat WoolleyDonated by Pat WoolleyDonated by Pat WoolleyDonated by Pat WoolleyFrom: Bill Swisher Date: 19 Sep 98From: Bill Swisher Date: 19 Sep 98From: Bill Swisher Date: 19 Sep 98From: Bill Swisher Date: 19 Sep 98

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Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 largelargelargelarge possum, skinned, dressed,possum, skinned, dressed,possum, skinned, dressed,possum, skinned, dressed,1111 and washedand washedand washedand washed1111 quartquartquartquart beerbeerbeerbeer4444 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon tabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco sauce1 1/21 1/21 1/21 1/2 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon saltsaltsaltsalt2222 onions, choppedonions, choppedonions, choppedonions, chopped1111 cloves garlic, mincedcloves garlic, mincedcloves garlic, mincedcloves garlic, minced2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce4444 sweet potatossweet potatossweet potatossweet potatos2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon celery, choppedcelery, choppedcelery, choppedcelery, chopped1111 ozozozoz whiskeywhiskeywhiskeywhiskey

Mix the beer, whiskey, salt, Tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire sauceMix the beer, whiskey, salt, Tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire sauceMix the beer, whiskey, salt, Tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire sauceMix the beer, whiskey, salt, Tabasco sauce, and Worcestershire saucetogether. Place possum in a large roasting pan. Sprinkle the celery,together. Place possum in a large roasting pan. Sprinkle the celery,together. Place possum in a large roasting pan. Sprinkle the celery,together. Place possum in a large roasting pan. Sprinkle the celery,onions, and the garlic all over the possum. Pour the liquid mixtureonions, and the garlic all over the possum. Pour the liquid mixtureonions, and the garlic all over the possum. Pour the liquid mixtureonions, and the garlic all over the possum. Pour the liquid mixtureover the possum as well. Cover and refrigerate over night. Preheatover the possum as well. Cover and refrigerate over night. Preheatover the possum as well. Cover and refrigerate over night. Preheatover the possum as well. Cover and refrigerate over night. Preheatoven to 350 degrees F. Place the sweet potatos around the possum andoven to 350 degrees F. Place the sweet potatos around the possum andoven to 350 degrees F. Place the sweet potatos around the possum andoven to 350 degrees F. Place the sweet potatos around the possum andrecover the pan. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Baste once or twice with therecover the pan. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Baste once or twice with therecover the pan. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Baste once or twice with therecover the pan. Cook for 1 1/2 hours. Baste once or twice with themarinade from the pan as the possum cooks.marinade from the pan as the possum cooks.marinade from the pan as the possum cooks.marinade from the pan as the possum cooks.

Origin: Kitchen of Don Houston...circa...1976 Posted By: Don HoustonOrigin: Kitchen of Don Houston...circa...1976 Posted By: Don HoustonOrigin: Kitchen of Don Houston...circa...1976 Posted By: Don HoustonOrigin: Kitchen of Don Houston...circa...1976 Posted By: Don Houston2/93 From: Jim Bodle Date: 14 Mar 97 National2/93 From: Jim Bodle Date: 14 Mar 97 National2/93 From: Jim Bodle Date: 14 Mar 97 National2/93 From: Jim Bodle Date: 14 Mar 97 NationalCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo Ä

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


brown together in l tablespoon of f; at:brown together in l tablespoon of f; at:brown together in l tablespoon of f; at:brown together in l tablespoon of f; at:1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup chopped onionschopped onionschopped onionschopped onions1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1/41/41/41/4 cupcupcupcup celerycelerycelerycelery

remove from heat and stir in:remove from heat and stir in:remove from heat and stir in:remove from heat and stir in:1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon sugarsugarsugarsugar1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon vinegarvinegarvinegarvinegar

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1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1/41/41/41/4 cupcupcupcup catsupcatsupcatsupcatsup1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon pepperpepperpepperpepper2222 cupscupscupscups chopped rabbit meatchopped rabbit meatchopped rabbit meatchopped rabbit meat

Simmer these ingredients at least l hour, adding water if necessary. ServeSimmer these ingredients at least l hour, adding water if necessary. ServeSimmer these ingredients at least l hour, adding water if necessary. ServeSimmer these ingredients at least l hour, adding water if necessary. Serveon toast or toasted buns. This recipe is excellent for older, tougheron toast or toasted buns. This recipe is excellent for older, tougheron toast or toasted buns. This recipe is excellent for older, tougheron toast or toasted buns. This recipe is excellent for older, tougherrabbit meat or leftover meat. It also freezes wellrabbit meat or leftover meat. It also freezes wellrabbit meat or leftover meat. It also freezes wellrabbit meat or leftover meat. It also freezes well

Yield: makes approximaYield: makes approximaYield: makes approximaYield: makes approxima


1111 young possumyoung possumyoung possumyoung possum2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt4444 largelargelargelarge red chili peppers, seeded,red chili peppers, seeded,red chili peppers, seeded,red chili peppers, seeded,1111 choppedchoppedchoppedchopped1111 largelargelargelarge onion, choppedonion, choppedonion, choppedonion, chopped6666 peppercorns crushed in apeppercorns crushed in apeppercorns crushed in apeppercorns crushed in a1111 mortarmortarmortarmortar8888 strips fatty baconstrips fatty baconstrips fatty baconstrips fatty bacon6666 mediummediummediummedium sweet potatoes orsweet potatoes orsweet potatoes orsweet potatoes or4444 largelargelargelarge yams, peeled and sliced 1/2yams, peeled and sliced 1/2yams, peeled and sliced 1/2yams, peeled and sliced 1/21111 inch thickinch thickinch thickinch thick

The best possum is a fat one (taken in freezing weather), but its fatThe best possum is a fat one (taken in freezing weather), but its fatThe best possum is a fat one (taken in freezing weather), but its fatThe best possum is a fat one (taken in freezing weather), but its fatshould be boiled off. Parboil the meat in salt water for about 1 hourshould be boiled off. Parboil the meat in salt water for about 1 hourshould be boiled off. Parboil the meat in salt water for about 1 hourshould be boiled off. Parboil the meat in salt water for about 1 hourand pour off and skim the fat continually. Finally, drain entirelyand pour off and skim the fat continually. Finally, drain entirelyand pour off and skim the fat continually. Finally, drain entirelyand pour off and skim the fat continually. Finally, drain entirelybefore roasting.before roasting.before roasting.before roasting.

NOTE: In dressing possum, do not overlook the glands beneath theNOTE: In dressing possum, do not overlook the glands beneath theNOTE: In dressing possum, do not overlook the glands beneath theNOTE: In dressing possum, do not overlook the glands beneath thefront legs and at the small of the back; if not removed, the animalfront legs and at the small of the back; if not removed, the animalfront legs and at the small of the back; if not removed, the animalfront legs and at the small of the back; if not removed, the animalwill be unappetizing. Do not skin, but dip in scalding water and pullwill be unappetizing. Do not skin, but dip in scalding water and pullwill be unappetizing. Do not skin, but dip in scalding water and pullwill be unappetizing. Do not skin, but dip in scalding water and pullout the hairs, then wash and scrub the skin.out the hairs, then wash and scrub the skin.out the hairs, then wash and scrub the skin.out the hairs, then wash and scrub the skin.

Put possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers,Put possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers,Put possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers,Put possum in lg. kettle with water to cover. Add salt, red peppers,and peppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Putand peppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Putand peppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Putand peppercorns. Simmer for 30 min. Drain meat; reserve liquid. Putmeat in a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cookingmeat in a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cookingmeat in a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cookingmeat in a roasting pan. cover with bacon strips. Continue cookingkettle liquid, boiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pourkettle liquid, boiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pourkettle liquid, boiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pourkettle liquid, boiling over high heat until 2 1/2 cups remain. Pourthis over the meat and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30this over the meat and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30this over the meat and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30this over the meat and roast in preheated 350 degree oven for 30min., basting every 10 min. Arrange potatoes or yams around the meatmin., basting every 10 min. Arrange potatoes or yams around the meatmin., basting every 10 min. Arrange potatoes or yams around the meatmin., basting every 10 min. Arrange potatoes or yams around the meatand continue to roast 30 min. more or until meat is tender andand continue to roast 30 min. more or until meat is tender andand continue to roast 30 min. more or until meat is tender andand continue to roast 30 min. more or until meat is tender andpotatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6 SERVE WITH: cooked turnip greenspotatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6 SERVE WITH: cooked turnip greenspotatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6 SERVE WITH: cooked turnip greenspotatoes or yams are done SERVES: 4-6 SERVE WITH: cooked turnip greens

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Recipes and tips from: cooking wild game by Zack Hanle copyright 1974Recipes and tips from: cooking wild game by Zack Hanle copyright 1974Recipes and tips from: cooking wild game by Zack Hanle copyright 1974Recipes and tips from: cooking wild game by Zack Hanle copyright 1974ISBN 087140-595-4 From: [email protected] 087140-595-4 From: [email protected] 087140-595-4 From: [email protected] 087140-595-4 From: [email protected]

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings



Grape Drink.Gather ripe possum grapes--the kind that are still sour afterGrape Drink.Gather ripe possum grapes--the kind that are still sour afterGrape Drink.Gather ripe possum grapes--the kind that are still sour afterGrape Drink.Gather ripe possum grapes--the kind that are still sour afterthey br ripen br when the = frost has fallen on them. Hang up for thethey br ripen br when the = frost has fallen on them. Hang up for thethey br ripen br when the = frost has fallen on them. Hang up for thethey br ripen br when the = frost has fallen on them. Hang up for thewinter use. To br pepare,the = shell off the grapes from the stems, wash,winter use. To br pepare,the = shell off the grapes from the stems, wash,winter use. To br pepare,the = shell off the grapes from the stems, wash,winter use. To br pepare,the = shell off the grapes from the stems, wash,stew them in warm water. When they are throughly cooked mash them in thestew them in warm water. When they are throughly cooked mash them in thestew them in warm water. When they are throughly cooked mash them in thestew them in warm water. When they are throughly cooked mash them in thesame water, let this sit until the seeds settle. Strain off the juice.same water, let this sit until the seeds settle. Strain off the juice.same water, let this sit until the seeds settle. Strain off the juice.same water, let this sit until the seeds settle. Strain off the juice.Bring juice to Aboil and thicken with a little cornmeal. Continue cookingBring juice to Aboil and thicken with a little cornmeal. Continue cookingBring juice to Aboil and thicken with a little cornmeal. Continue cookingBring juice to Aboil and thicken with a little cornmeal. Continue cookinguntil meal is done.Serve hot or cold.....sweeten to your desire...until meal is done.Serve hot or cold.....sweeten to your desire...until meal is done.Serve hot or cold.....sweeten to your desire...until meal is done.Serve hot or cold.....sweeten to your desire...


1111 opossumopossumopossumopossum1111 saltsaltsaltsalt1111 pepperpepperpepperpepper1111 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes

Live catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tablescraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanwater, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.

Prepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsout with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.Place sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiesheet and surrond with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surrond with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surrond with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surrond with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkfor tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.

[Remove sweet potatoes from cavity, discard possum carcass and enjoy[Remove sweet potatoes from cavity, discard possum carcass and enjoy[Remove sweet potatoes from cavity, discard possum carcass and enjoy[Remove sweet potatoes from cavity, discard possum carcass and enjoythe sweet potatoes!] From: "[email protected]" <boozedate:the sweet potatoes!] From: "[email protected]" <boozedate:the sweet potatoes!] From: "[email protected]" <boozedate:the sweet potatoes!] From: "[email protected]" <boozedate:

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Sat, 29 May 1999 02:34:01 ~0500Sat, 29 May 1999 02:34:01 ~0500Sat, 29 May 1999 02:34:01 ~0500Sat, 29 May 1999 02:34:01 ~0500

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 opossumopossumopossumopossumsaltsaltsaltsaltpepperpepperpepperpeppersweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes

Live catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tableLive catch a possum and pen him up. Feed him good clean food (tablescraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoscraps, dog food, etc.) and give him plenty clean fresh water for twoweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanweeks. Butcher and skin the possum, wash him thoroughly with cleanwater, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4water, soak overnight in a glass bowl or crock in a solution of 1/4cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.cup salt to a gallon of water. Remove from solution and drain possum.

Prepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsPrepare sweet potatoes buy washing thoroughly and trimming bad spotsout with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.out with a paring knife. Salt and pepper the possum carcass to taste.Place sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiePlace sweet potatoes in body cavity, put carcass on a large cookiesheet and surround with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surround with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surround with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andsheet and surround with remaining sweet potatoes. Place in oven andbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkbake for 3-4 hours or until sweet potatoes are done. (test with forkfor tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.for tenderness. Remove from oven and allow to cool for a few minutes.

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 text filetext filetext filetext file

You'll find them a little harder to kill than rabbits which are aYou'll find them a little harder to kill than rabbits which are aYou'll find them a little harder to kill than rabbits which are aYou'll find them a little harder to kill than rabbits which are asnap to kill with a sharp blow behind the neck with a stick or thesnap to kill with a sharp blow behind the neck with a stick or thesnap to kill with a sharp blow behind the neck with a stick or thesnap to kill with a sharp blow behind the neck with a stick or theside of the hand. But I let you do the killing.side of the hand. But I let you do the killing.side of the hand. But I let you do the killing.side of the hand. But I let you do the killing.

Once dead, remove head, tail, and feet at the knees. Then skin justOnce dead, remove head, tail, and feet at the knees. Then skin justOnce dead, remove head, tail, and feet at the knees. Then skin justOnce dead, remove head, tail, and feet at the knees. Then skin justlike you did the rabbits. The skin will be a little harder to takelike you did the rabbits. The skin will be a little harder to takelike you did the rabbits. The skin will be a little harder to takelike you did the rabbits. The skin will be a little harder to takeoff than rabbit skin, but it will not tear and will come off in oneoff than rabbit skin, but it will not tear and will come off in oneoff than rabbit skin, but it will not tear and will come off in oneoff than rabbit skin, but it will not tear and will come off in onepiece just in case you want to save it as a trophy. (vbg)piece just in case you want to save it as a trophy. (vbg)piece just in case you want to save it as a trophy. (vbg)piece just in case you want to save it as a trophy. (vbg)

Then you clean it and cut it up just like you did the rabbit. If itThen you clean it and cut it up just like you did the rabbit. If itThen you clean it and cut it up just like you did the rabbit. If itThen you clean it and cut it up just like you did the rabbit. If it

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is a young critter 1 1/2 to 3 lbs, cook it with any rabbit a young critter 1 1/2 to 3 lbs, cook it with any rabbit a young critter 1 1/2 to 3 lbs, cook it with any rabbit a young critter 1 1/2 to 3 lbs, cook it with any rabbit recipe.If it is larger, soak it over night in salt water and make it into aIf it is larger, soak it over night in salt water and make it into aIf it is larger, soak it over night in salt water and make it into aIf it is larger, soak it over night in salt water and make it into astew or some dish that allows you to cook it until it gets tender.stew or some dish that allows you to cook it until it gets tender.stew or some dish that allows you to cook it until it gets tender.stew or some dish that allows you to cook it until it gets tender.From: Earl Shelsby Date: 13 Mar 97 National Cooking Echo ÄFrom: Earl Shelsby Date: 13 Mar 97 National Cooking Echo ÄFrom: Earl Shelsby Date: 13 Mar 97 National Cooking Echo ÄFrom: Earl Shelsby Date: 13 Mar 97 National Cooking Echo Ä

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 possumpossumpossumpossum1111 quartquartquartquart waterwaterwaterwater1111 tarragon, dashtarragon, dashtarragon, dashtarragon, dash4444 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 thyme, dashthyme, dashthyme, dashthyme, dash1111 oiloiloiloil1111 marinademarinademarinademarinade1111 cupcupcupcup flourflourflourflour1111 margarinemargarinemargarinemargarine1/81/81/81/8 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon paprikapaprikapaprikapaprika

Soak possum for 2 hours in salt water. Rinse and dry meat well. CutSoak possum for 2 hours in salt water. Rinse and dry meat well. CutSoak possum for 2 hours in salt water. Rinse and dry meat well. CutSoak possum for 2 hours in salt water. Rinse and dry meat well. Cutmeat into chunks to fry. Marinate meat in for 7 hours. Coat eachmeat into chunks to fry. Marinate meat in for 7 hours. Coat eachmeat into chunks to fry. Marinate meat in for 7 hours. Coat eachmeat into chunks to fry. Marinate meat in for 7 hours. Coat eachpiece with mixture of flour, paprika, pepper, tarragon and thyme. Frypiece with mixture of flour, paprika, pepper, tarragon and thyme. Frypiece with mixture of flour, paprika, pepper, tarragon and thyme. Frypiece with mixture of flour, paprika, pepper, tarragon and thyme. Frychunks of prepared possum in oil until golden brown. Serves 2chunks of prepared possum in oil until golden brown. Serves 2chunks of prepared possum in oil until golden brown. Serves 2chunks of prepared possum in oil until golden brown. Serves 2

From: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]

From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:23:04From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:23:04From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:23:04From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:23:04~0400~0400~0400~0400

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 possum, wholepossum, wholepossum, wholepossum, whole1111 quartquartquartquart cold watercold watercold watercold water1/81/81/81/8 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt5555 beef bouillon cubesbeef bouillon cubesbeef bouillon cubesbeef bouillon cubes2222 bay leavesbay leavesbay leavesbay leaves3333 celery stalks choppedcelery stalks choppedcelery stalks choppedcelery stalks chopped2222 onions slicedonions slicedonions slicedonions sliced1111 bag packaged stuffingbag packaged stuffingbag packaged stuffingbag packaged stuffing

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10hours. Rinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Preparehours. Rinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Preparehours. Rinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Preparehours. Rinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Preparestuffing according to package directions. Stuff possum cavity withstuffing according to package directions. Stuff possum cavity withstuffing according to package directions. Stuff possum cavity withstuffing according to package directions. Stuff possum cavity withprepared packaged stuffing. Close cavity tightly. Place stuffedprepared packaged stuffing. Close cavity tightly. Place stuffedprepared packaged stuffing. Close cavity tightly. Place stuffedprepared packaged stuffing. Close cavity tightly. Place stuffedpossum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celerypossum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celerypossum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celerypossum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celeryand onion. After 2 hours turn meat. Reduce heat to 300 degrees. Cookand onion. After 2 hours turn meat. Reduce heat to 300 degrees. Cookand onion. After 2 hours turn meat. Reduce heat to 300 degrees. Cookand onion. After 2 hours turn meat. Reduce heat to 300 degrees. Cookfor 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heat and cook untilfor 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heat and cook untilfor 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heat and cook untilfor 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heat and cook untildone.done.done.done.

From: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]

From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:22:16From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:22:16From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:22:16From: "Karl E. Moser (Ke3nf)" <karl-M@hdate: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 09:22:16~0400~0400~0400~0400

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 'possum, skinned and'possum, skinned and'possum, skinned and'possum, skinned and1111 cleanedcleanedcleanedcleaned1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon each: salt, pepper,each: salt, pepper,each: salt, pepper,each: salt, pepper,1111 onion, choppedonion, choppedonion, choppedonion, chopped1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon fatfatfatfat1111 'possum liver, chopped'possum liver, chopped'possum liver, chopped'possum liver, chopped1111 cupcupcupcup breadcrumbsbreadcrumbsbreadcrumbsbreadcrumbs1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce1111 hard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, chopped1111 salt and peppersalt and peppersalt and peppersalt and pepper4444 strips baconstrips baconstrips baconstrips bacon

Opossum meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fat may be removed,Opossum meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fat may be removed,Opossum meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fat may be removed,Opossum meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fat may be removed,but it contains no strong flavor or odor.but it contains no strong flavor or odor.but it contains no strong flavor or odor.but it contains no strong flavor or odor.

Rub 'possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat, add 'possumRub 'possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat, add 'possumRub 'possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat, add 'possumRub 'possum with salt and pepper. Brown onion in fat, add 'possumliver with and cook until tender. Add breadcrumbs, worcestershireliver with and cook until tender. Add breadcrumbs, worcestershireliver with and cook until tender. Add breadcrumbs, worcestershireliver with and cook until tender. Add breadcrumbs, worcestershiresauce, egg, seasonings, and water to moisten. Stuff 'possum withsauce, egg, seasonings, and water to moisten. Stuff 'possum withsauce, egg, seasonings, and water to moisten. Stuff 'possum withsauce, egg, seasonings, and water to moisten. Stuff 'possum withthis mixture and truss. Place in pan belly down. Put bacon stripsthis mixture and truss. Place in pan belly down. Put bacon stripsthis mixture and truss. Place in pan belly down. Put bacon stripsthis mixture and truss. Place in pan belly down. Put bacon stripsacross back. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender, basting everyacross back. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender, basting everyacross back. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender, basting everyacross back. Roast uncovered in 350 oven until tender, basting every15 minutes. It will b done in about 2 1/2 hours. Serves 2 to 4.15 minutes. It will b done in about 2 1/2 hours. Serves 2 to 4.15 minutes. It will b done in about 2 1/2 hours. Serves 2 to 4.15 minutes. It will b done in about 2 1/2 hours. Serves 2 to 4.

About 1/2 hour before the 'possum is done, surround with cooked,About 1/2 hour before the 'possum is done, surround with cooked,About 1/2 hour before the 'possum is done, surround with cooked,About 1/2 hour before the 'possum is done, surround with cooked,halved sweet potatoes; sprinkle potatoes heavily with brown sugarhalved sweet potatoes; sprinkle potatoes heavily with brown sugarhalved sweet potatoes; sprinkle potatoes heavily with brown sugarhalved sweet potatoes; sprinkle potatoes heavily with brown sugarand dot with butter. From: [email protected] dot with butter. From: [email protected] dot with butter. From: [email protected] dot with butter. From: [email protected]

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings



Dress and skin the 'possum. Remove as much fat as possible from outside ofDress and skin the 'possum. Remove as much fat as possible from outside ofDress and skin the 'possum. Remove as much fat as possible from outside ofDress and skin the 'possum. Remove as much fat as possible from outside ofcarcass and be especially careful to remove any glandular tissue from hindcarcass and be especially careful to remove any glandular tissue from hindcarcass and be especially careful to remove any glandular tissue from hindcarcass and be especially careful to remove any glandular tissue from hindlegs.legs.legs.legs.

Salt and pepper 'possum well, then place in oven bag and cover with thickSalt and pepper 'possum well, then place in oven bag and cover with thickSalt and pepper 'possum well, then place in oven bag and cover with thickSalt and pepper 'possum well, then place in oven bag and cover with thick

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slice of onion. Close bag and punch holes in top as directed. Cook in aslice of onion. Close bag and punch holes in top as directed. Cook in aslice of onion. Close bag and punch holes in top as directed. Cook in aslice of onion. Close bag and punch holes in top as directed. Cook in avery slow oven 225 degrees F. about 45 minutes per pound. Meat falls offvery slow oven 225 degrees F. about 45 minutes per pound. Meat falls offvery slow oven 225 degrees F. about 45 minutes per pound. Meat falls offvery slow oven 225 degrees F. about 45 minutes per pound. Meat falls offthe bone with this treatment and isthe bone with this treatment and isthe bone with this treatment and isthe bone with this treatment and isdelicious.delicious.delicious.delicious.


1111 possum, dressed (formal?casual?) sa; lt pepperpossum, dressed (formal?casual?) sa; lt pepperpossum, dressed (formal?casual?) sa; lt pepperpossum, dressed (formal?casual?) sa; lt pepper1111 onion, choppedonion, choppedonion, choppedonion, chopped1111 opossum liver, choppedopossum liver, choppedopossum liver, choppedopossum liver, chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 hard-cooked egg, choppedhard-cooked egg, choppedhard-cooked egg, choppedhard-cooked egg, chopped1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon worcestershire (worst-for-wear, i c; all it)worcestershire (worst-for-wear, i c; all it)worcestershire (worst-for-wear, i c; all it)worcestershire (worst-for-wear, i c; all it)1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 waterwaterwaterwater1111 bacon slicesbacon slicesbacon slicesbacon slices

Rub possum with salt and pepper. Saute onion and liver in thefat. MixRub possum with salt and pepper. Saute onion and liver in thefat. MixRub possum with salt and pepper. Saute onion and liver in thefat. MixRub possum with salt and pepper. Saute onion and liver in thefat. Mixin crumbs, egg ad seasonings. Add enough water to moistern. Stuff inin crumbs, egg ad seasonings. Add enough water to moistern. Stuff inin crumbs, egg ad seasonings. Add enough water to moistern. Stuff inin crumbs, egg ad seasonings. Add enough water to moistern. Stuff inopossum's cavity. Truss like a fowl. Put in uncovered roasting pan.opossum's cavity. Truss like a fowl. Put in uncovered roasting pan.opossum's cavity. Truss like a fowl. Put in uncovered roasting pan.opossum's cavity. Truss like a fowl. Put in uncovered roasting pan.Cover with bacon slices. Pour water into pan 1 inch deep. Bake at 350Cover with bacon slices. Pour water into pan 1 inch deep. Bake at 350Cover with bacon slices. Pour water into pan 1 inch deep. Bake at 350Cover with bacon slices. Pour water into pan 1 inch deep. Bake at 350deg. until tender, about 2.5 hours. Serve with baked sweet pototoes.deg. until tender, about 2.5 hours. Serve with baked sweet pototoes.deg. until tender, about 2.5 hours. Serve with baked sweet pototoes.deg. until tender, about 2.5 hours. Serve with baked sweet pototoes.

Possum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. Itshould be hung in a cool place for 48 hours. It is then ready to beshould be hung in a cool place for 48 hours. It is then ready to beshould be hung in a cool place for 48 hours. It is then ready to beshould be hung in a cool place for 48 hours. It is then ready to beskinned and cooked. The meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fatskinned and cooked. The meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fatskinned and cooked. The meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fatskinned and cooked. The meat is light-colored and tender. Excess fatmay be removed, but there is no strong flavor or odor contained inmay be removed, but there is no strong flavor or odor contained inmay be removed, but there is no strong flavor or odor contained inmay be removed, but there is no strong flavor or odor contained inthe fat.the fat.the fat.the fat.

pgs 120-121, Betty Talmadge's Lovejoy Plantation Cookbookpgs 120-121, Betty Talmadge's Lovejoy Plantation Cookbookpgs 120-121, Betty Talmadge's Lovejoy Plantation Cookbookpgs 120-121, Betty Talmadge's Lovejoy Plantation Cookbook

Collected by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected]://

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 opposumopposumopposumopposum

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1111 saltsaltsaltsalt1111 pepperpepperpepperpepper

Clean an opossum and parboil in plain water. Remove from pot andClean an opossum and parboil in plain water. Remove from pot andClean an opossum and parboil in plain water. Remove from pot andClean an opossum and parboil in plain water. Remove from pot andseason with salt and pepper before browning. Most people can eat onyseason with salt and pepper before browning. Most people can eat onyseason with salt and pepper before browning. Most people can eat onyseason with salt and pepper before browning. Most people can eat onya small amount of this because it is extremely greasy.a small amount of this because it is extremely greasy.a small amount of this because it is extremely greasy.a small amount of this because it is extremely greasy.

Classification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: CherokeeClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: CherokeeClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: CherokeeClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: Cherokee

From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At: "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sitesand the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 xxxx no ingredientsno ingredientsno ingredientsno ingredients

Ripe possum grapesRipe possum grapesRipe possum grapesRipe possum grapesLittle cornmealLittle cornmealLittle cornmealLittle cornmeal

Gather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toprepare, shell off the grapes from the stems, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stems, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stems, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stems, was, and stew them inwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letthis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thejuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tothicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thefire and drink hot or and drink hot or and drink hot or and drink hot or cold.

Classification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: Unknown

From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At: "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sitesand the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 ripe possum grapesripe possum grapesripe possum grapesripe possum grapes1111 little cornmeallittle cornmeallittle cornmeallittle cornmeal

Gather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyGather ripe possum grapes (the kind that are still sour after theyripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toripen when the frost has fallen on them). Hang up for winter use. Toprepare, shell off the grapes from the stemps, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stemps, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stemps, was, and stew them inprepare, shell off the grapes from the stemps, was, and stew them inwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letwater. When they are done, mash in the water they were cooked in. Letthis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thethis sit until the seeds settle, then pour off the juice. Put thejuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tojuice back on the fire and, when boiling, add a little cornmeal tothicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thethicken. Continue cooking until the meal is done. Remove from thefire and drink hot or and drink hot or and drink hot or and drink hot or cold.

Classification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: UnknownClassification: Traditional Nation/Tribe: Unknown

From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At:From: The Native Way Cookbook: The Cookbook Of The Grandmothers At: "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sites "Visit the White Buffalo Sitesand the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"and the Native American Ring"

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 opossum, about 2 1/2 lb., skinned a; nd cleanedopossum, about 2 1/2 lb., skinned a; nd cleanedopossum, about 2 1/2 lb., skinned a; nd cleanedopossum, about 2 1/2 lb., skinned a; nd cleanedsaltsaltsaltsaltfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperflourflourflourflour

1/21/21/21/2 cccc waterwaterwaterwater4444 medium-sizedmedium-sizedmedium-sizedmedium-sized sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes2222 T.T.T.T. sugarsugarsugarsugar

Preheat oven to 350 F. Wipe opossum with a damp cloth and trim and discardPreheat oven to 350 F. Wipe opossum with a damp cloth and trim and discardPreheat oven to 350 F. Wipe opossum with a damp cloth and trim and discardPreheat oven to 350 F. Wipe opossum with a damp cloth and trim and discardexcess fat. Mix salt with pepper and rub thoroughly into opossum, insideexcess fat. Mix salt with pepper and rub thoroughly into opossum, insideexcess fat. Mix salt with pepper and rub thoroughly into opossum, insideexcess fat. Mix salt with pepper and rub thoroughly into opossum, insideandandandandout. Sprinkle inside and out with flour. Put opossum on its back in aout. Sprinkle inside and out with flour. Put opossum on its back in aout. Sprinkle inside and out with flour. Put opossum on its back in aout. Sprinkle inside and out with flour. Put opossum on its back in aroasting pan with a tight-fitting lid. Pour in water, cover, and roast inroasting pan with a tight-fitting lid. Pour in water, cover, and roast inroasting pan with a tight-fitting lid. Pour in water, cover, and roast inroasting pan with a tight-fitting lid. Pour in water, cover, and roast inoven for about 50 minutes. Cut sweet potatoes in half lengthwise andoven for about 50 minutes. Cut sweet potatoes in half lengthwise andoven for about 50 minutes. Cut sweet potatoes in half lengthwise andoven for about 50 minutes. Cut sweet potatoes in half lengthwise andsurround opossum [note: I am laughing hysterically as I type this] withsurround opossum [note: I am laughing hysterically as I type this] withsurround opossum [note: I am laughing hysterically as I type this] withsurround opossum [note: I am laughing hysterically as I type this] with

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them. If water has evaporated, add enough to cover bottom of pan. Cover andthem. If water has evaporated, add enough to cover bottom of pan. Cover andthem. If water has evaporated, add enough to cover bottom of pan. Cover andthem. If water has evaporated, add enough to cover bottom of pan. Cover andreturn to oven for about 25 minutes more. Remove cover and sprinkle sweetreturn to oven for about 25 minutes more. Remove cover and sprinkle sweetreturn to oven for about 25 minutes more. Remove cover and sprinkle sweetreturn to oven for about 25 minutes more. Remove cover and sprinkle sweetpotatoes with about 1/4 teaspoon salt and the sugar. Continue roastingpotatoes with about 1/4 teaspoon salt and the sugar. Continue roastingpotatoes with about 1/4 teaspoon salt and the sugar. Continue roastingpotatoes with about 1/4 teaspoon salt and the sugar. Continue roastinguntiluntiluntiluntilmeat and potatoes become crisp on the surface.meat and potatoes become crisp on the surface.meat and potatoes become crisp on the surface.meat and potatoes become crisp on the surface.

Yield: 3 to 4 servingsYield: 3 to 4 servingsYield: 3 to 4 servingsYield: 3 to 4 servings


5555 feet medium hog casingsfeet medium hog casingsfeet medium hog casingsfeet medium hog casings4444 lblblblb opossum, trimmed of all fat cubedopossum, trimmed of all fat cubedopossum, trimmed of all fat cubedopossum, trimmed of all fat cubed1111 lblblblb pork fat, cubedpork fat, cubedpork fat, cubedpork fat, cubed2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon white pepperwhite pepperwhite pepperwhite pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon tabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco saucetabasco sauce1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon crushed cumincrushed cumincrushed cumincrushed cumin1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon oreganooreganooreganooregano2222 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon sweet paprikasweet paprikasweet paprikasweet paprika

Prepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsePrepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsePrepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsePrepare casings. Mix remaining ingredients, grind using the coarsedisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bydisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bydisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bydisk and stuff into casings. Twist off into 3-4" links. Cook bysauteing inoil until well browned.sauteing inoil until well browned.sauteing inoil until well browned.sauteing inoil until well browned.

Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Source: Home Sausage Making by Charles G. Reavis ISBN: 0-88266-477-8Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.Typed by Carolyn Shaw 12-94.

Collected by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected] by Bert Christensen Toronto, Ontario [email protected]://

Yield: 5 pounds Yield: 5 pounds Yield: 5 pounds Yield: 5 pounds


1111 text filetext filetext filetext file

Plunge animal into very hot, but not boiling water for 2 minutes.Plunge animal into very hot, but not boiling water for 2 minutes.Plunge animal into very hot, but not boiling water for 2 minutes.Plunge animal into very hot, but not boiling water for 2 minutes.Pull out or scrap off hair without damaging skin. Slit belly fromPull out or scrap off hair without damaging skin. Slit belly fromPull out or scrap off hair without damaging skin. Slit belly fromPull out or scrap off hair without damaging skin. Slit belly fromthroat to hind legs. Remove entrails, feet, eyes, and brains. Dothroat to hind legs. Remove entrails, feet, eyes, and brains. Dothroat to hind legs. Remove entrails, feet, eyes, and brains. Dothroat to hind legs. Remove entrails, feet, eyes, and brains. Donot remove head or tail. Wash thorughly. If possable freeze for 2not remove head or tail. Wash thorughly. If possable freeze for 2not remove head or tail. Wash thorughly. If possable freeze for 2not remove head or tail. Wash thorughly. If possable freeze for 2

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or 3 days. When ready to cook. Wipe with a cold damp cloth. Sprinkleor 3 days. When ready to cook. Wipe with a cold damp cloth. Sprinkleor 3 days. When ready to cook. Wipe with a cold damp cloth. Sprinkleor 3 days. When ready to cook. Wipe with a cold damp cloth. Sprinklewith salt and pepper. Put into roasting pan. Add 1 cup water and thewith salt and pepper. Put into roasting pan. Add 1 cup water and thewith salt and pepper. Put into roasting pan. Add 1 cup water and thewith salt and pepper. Put into roasting pan. Add 1 cup water and thejuice of 1 lemon. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes,juice of 1 lemon. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes,juice of 1 lemon. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes,juice of 1 lemon. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes,turning once. Cover, reduce heat and bake in moderater oven (350turning once. Cover, reduce heat and bake in moderater oven (350turning once. Cover, reduce heat and bake in moderater oven (350turning once. Cover, reduce heat and bake in moderater oven (350degrees F.) for 1 1/4 hours to 1 1/2 hours.degrees F.) for 1 1/4 hours to 1 1/2 hours.degrees F.) for 1 1/4 hours to 1 1/2 hours.degrees F.) for 1 1/4 hours to 1 1/2 hours.

From the "Lily Wallace New American Cookbook" copyright 1946.From the "Lily Wallace New American Cookbook" copyright 1946.From the "Lily Wallace New American Cookbook" copyright 1946.From the "Lily Wallace New American Cookbook" copyright 1946.

From: Fred BallFrom: Fred BallFrom: Fred BallFrom: Fred Ball

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


By: By: By: By: Army Cooking, l9l0 Style, from an old U.S. Army manual Army Cooking, l9l0 Style, from an old U.S. Army manual Army Cooking, l9l0 Style, from an old U.S. Army manual Army Cooking, l9l0 Style, from an old U.S. Army manual


Clean and skin the 'possums, allowing them to hang in the open air forClean and skin the 'possums, allowing them to hang in the open air forClean and skin the 'possums, allowing them to hang in the open air forClean and skin the 'possums, allowing them to hang in the open air forseveral hours, then place in refrigerator for at least 24 hours beforeseveral hours, then place in refrigerator for at least 24 hours beforeseveral hours, then place in refrigerator for at least 24 hours beforeseveral hours, then place in refrigerator for at least 24 hours beforecooking. Stuff with an ordinary bread stuffing (sage preferred).cooking. Stuff with an ordinary bread stuffing (sage preferred).cooking. Stuff with an ordinary bread stuffing (sage preferred).cooking. Stuff with an ordinary bread stuffing (sage preferred).

Set in a deep pan so that no part will project above the top; season wellSet in a deep pan so that no part will project above the top; season wellSet in a deep pan so that no part will project above the top; season wellSet in a deep pan so that no part will project above the top; season wellwith pepper and salt, and pour about one inch of beef stock or canned beefwith pepper and salt, and pour about one inch of beef stock or canned beefwith pepper and salt, and pour about one inch of beef stock or canned beefwith pepper and salt, and pour about one inch of beef stock or canned beefbouillon into the pan.bouillon into the pan.bouillon into the pan.bouillon into the pan.

Fill the vacant spaces with peeled sweet potatoes, and sprinkle a littleFill the vacant spaces with peeled sweet potatoes, and sprinkle a littleFill the vacant spaces with peeled sweet potatoes, and sprinkle a littleFill the vacant spaces with peeled sweet potatoes, and sprinkle a littleflour over the whole; cover with a crust, the same for a pot pie, omittingflour over the whole; cover with a crust, the same for a pot pie, omittingflour over the whole; cover with a crust, the same for a pot pie, omittingflour over the whole; cover with a crust, the same for a pot pie, omittingthe fat, as the crust will be removed after baking and will not be served.the fat, as the crust will be removed after baking and will not be served.the fat, as the crust will be removed after baking and will not be served.the fat, as the crust will be removed after baking and will not be served.

Allow to bake slowly for about three hours. Remove crust and serve hot. TheAllow to bake slowly for about three hours. Remove crust and serve hot. TheAllow to bake slowly for about three hours. Remove crust and serve hot. TheAllow to bake slowly for about three hours. Remove crust and serve hot. Thecrust will absorb most of the fat from the opossum.crust will absorb most of the fat from the opossum.crust will absorb most of the fat from the opossum.crust will absorb most of the fat from the opossum.


By: By: By: By: Army Cooking, l9l0 Style, from an old U.S. Army manual Army Cooking, l9l0 Style, from an old U.S. Army manual Army Cooking, l9l0 Style, from an old U.S. Army manual Army Cooking, l9l0 Style, from an old U.S. Army manual


Clean and skin the 'possums, allowing them to hang in the open air forClean and skin the 'possums, allowing them to hang in the open air forClean and skin the 'possums, allowing them to hang in the open air forClean and skin the 'possums, allowing them to hang in the open air forseveral hours, then place in refrigerator for at least 24 hours beforeseveral hours, then place in refrigerator for at least 24 hours beforeseveral hours, then place in refrigerator for at least 24 hours beforeseveral hours, then place in refrigerator for at least 24 hours beforecooking. Stuff with an ordinary bread stuffing (sage preferred).cooking. Stuff with an ordinary bread stuffing (sage preferred).cooking. Stuff with an ordinary bread stuffing (sage preferred).cooking. Stuff with an ordinary bread stuffing (sage preferred).

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Set in a deep pan so that no part will project above the top; season wellSet in a deep pan so that no part will project above the top; season wellSet in a deep pan so that no part will project above the top; season wellSet in a deep pan so that no part will project above the top; season wellwith pepper and salt, and pour about one inch of beef stock or canned beefwith pepper and salt, and pour about one inch of beef stock or canned beefwith pepper and salt, and pour about one inch of beef stock or canned beefwith pepper and salt, and pour about one inch of beef stock or canned beefbouillon into the pan.bouillon into the pan.bouillon into the pan.bouillon into the pan.

Fill the vacant spaces with peeled sweet potatoes, and sprinkle a littleFill the vacant spaces with peeled sweet potatoes, and sprinkle a littleFill the vacant spaces with peeled sweet potatoes, and sprinkle a littleFill the vacant spaces with peeled sweet potatoes, and sprinkle a littleflour over the whole; cover with a crust, the same for a pot pie, omittingflour over the whole; cover with a crust, the same for a pot pie, omittingflour over the whole; cover with a crust, the same for a pot pie, omittingflour over the whole; cover with a crust, the same for a pot pie, omittingthe fat, as the crust will be removed after baking and will not be served.the fat, as the crust will be removed after baking and will not be served.the fat, as the crust will be removed after baking and will not be served.the fat, as the crust will be removed after baking and will not be served.

Allow to bake slowly for about three hours. Remove crust and serve hot. TheAllow to bake slowly for about three hours. Remove crust and serve hot. TheAllow to bake slowly for about three hours. Remove crust and serve hot. TheAllow to bake slowly for about three hours. Remove crust and serve hot. Thecrust will absorb most of the fat from the opossum.crust will absorb most of the fat from the opossum.crust will absorb most of the fat from the opossum.crust will absorb most of the fat from the opossum.


1111 young, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possum2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon butterbutterbutterbutter8888 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon sugarsugarsugarsugar1111 saltsaltsaltsalt

First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on amoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Besure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in arefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themtender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Atthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withbacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in theoven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.

Brent WilliamsBrent WilliamsBrent WilliamsBrent Williams1996199619961996

Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN 1996 [email protected] From:Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN 1996 [email protected] From:Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN 1996 [email protected] From:Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis, IN 1996 [email protected] From:"John M. Hartman" <[email protected]"John M. Hartman" <[email protected]"John M. Hartman" <[email protected]"John M. Hartman" <[email protected]

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

Page 66: Possum Cook Book

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2222 lblblblb armadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meat1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup margarine; (1 stick)margarine; (1 stick)margarine; (1 stick)margarine; (1 stick)1111 salt; (to taste)salt; (to taste)salt; (to taste)salt; (to taste)1111 pepper; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)pepper; (to taste)1111 lemon juice; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)lemon juice; (to taste)

Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Wrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addmore butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.

SOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyColemanColemanColemanColeman

Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.

Recipe by:Recipe by:Recipe by:Recipe by:

From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04~0700 T~0700 T~0700 T~0700 T

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

Page 67: Possum Cook Book

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1111 smallsmallsmallsmall possum or bandicoot*possum or bandicoot*possum or bandicoot*possum or bandicoot*2222 literliterliterliter waterwaterwaterwater1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 tintintintin1111 any other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desired1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch celery leavescelery leavescelery leavescelery leaves1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch parsleyparsleyparsleyparsley1111 flour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thicken1111 fried bread -- 1 slice perfried bread -- 1 slice perfried bread -- 1 slice perfried bread -- 1 slice per1111 servservservserv1111 corn*corn*corn*corn*

Skin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (Videotape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you haveto catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)Place it in a large pot or camp oven along with waterPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with waterPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with waterPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with water

*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is somethingbetween a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.

*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.

*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw itaway, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.

*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must beneed some flavor.need some flavor.need some flavor.need some flavor.

*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.

*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonablealternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootavailable.available.available.available.

Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.

From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings

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1111 cupcupcupcup glazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberries3333 shots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshine1111 possumpossumpossumpossum1111 pie crust with toppie crust with toppie crust with toppie crust with top1111 sliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbage1111 to tasteto tasteto tasteto taste

If roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipe

Cover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andbake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thewonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whichevercomes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.

Anthony TrummertAnthony TrummertAnthony TrummertAnthony Trummert

Submitted by John Hartman Indianapolis,IN 1996 [email protected] by John Hartman Indianapolis,IN 1996 [email protected] by John Hartman Indianapolis,IN 1996 [email protected] by John Hartman Indianapolis,IN 1996 [email protected]

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


1111 onion; large, finelyonion; large, finelyonion; large, finelyonion; large, finely1111 choppedchoppedchoppedchopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1111 possum liver; (optional)possum liver; (optional)possum liver; (optional)possum liver; (optional)1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red peppers; choppedred peppers; choppedred peppers; choppedred peppers; chopped1111 worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce1111 dashdashdashdash1111 egg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finely1111 chopchopchopchop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.

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Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuffAdd other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuffAdd other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuffAdd other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix, stuffpossum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboilpossum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboilpossum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboilpossum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Some parboilthe possum before roasting. Others remove thethe possum before roasting. Others remove thethe possum before roasting. Others remove thethe possum before roasting. Others remove the

Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.

From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 possum; whole, uncleanedpossum; whole, uncleanedpossum; whole, uncleanedpossum; whole, uncleaned1111 onion; large, choppedonion; large, choppedonion; large, choppedonion; large, chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon bacon fatbacon fatbacon fatbacon fat1111 possum liverpossum liverpossum liverpossum liver1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red pepper; choppedred pepper; choppedred pepper; choppedred pepper; chopped1111 worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce1111 dashdashdashdash1111 egg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finelyegg; hardboiled, finely1111 chopchopchopchop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Possums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldinghot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair byhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair byhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair byhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hair byscraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hairscraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hairscraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some hairscraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If some haircomes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hardcomes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hardcomes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hardcomes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard

Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,Recipe from by [email protected] (Daniel S Johnson) on Mar 25, 1998,converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.converted by MC_Buster.

From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04From: [email protected] Reply-Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 19:58:04

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings

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1111 dressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trusseddressed opossum; trussed1111 salt and peppersalt and peppersalt and peppersalt and pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon rosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbledrosemary; crumbled1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup water withwater withwater withwater with1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup white wine (optional)white wine (optional)white wine (optional)white wine (optional)3333 lblblblb sauerkrautsauerkrautsauerkrautsauerkraut1111 onion; quarteredonion; quarteredonion; quarteredonion; quartered1111 cupcupcupcup beerbeerbeerbeer2222 cupcupcupcup chicken brothchicken brothchicken brothchicken broth1/41/41/41/4 lblblblb salt porksalt porksalt porksalt pork20202020 juniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushedjuniper berries; crushed1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon freshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepperfreshly ground pepper1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon caraway seedscaraway seedscaraway seedscaraway seeds

Rub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. PlaceRub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. PlaceRub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. PlaceRub 'Possum inside and out with salt, pepper, and the rosemary. Placeit on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in ait on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in ait on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in ait on a rack in a shallow roasting pan, and roast until tender in apreheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours. If you wish,preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours. If you wish,preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours. If you wish,preheated 350 degree oven for about 2 to 2-1/2 hours. If you wish,you can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the pan and basteyou can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the pan and basteyou can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the pan and basteyou can put 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup white wine in the pan and bastethe animal occasionally. Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain thethe animal occasionally. Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain thethe animal occasionally. Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain thethe animal occasionally. Meanwhile, wash thoroughly and drain thekraut. Place it in a kettle with the remaining ingredients and bringkraut. Place it in a kettle with the remaining ingredients and bringkraut. Place it in a kettle with the remaining ingredients and bringkraut. Place it in a kettle with the remaining ingredients and bringit to a boil. Turn down the heat, cover, and simmer for about anit to a boil. Turn down the heat, cover, and simmer for about anit to a boil. Turn down the heat, cover, and simmer for about anit to a boil. Turn down the heat, cover, and simmer for about anhour. Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platterhour. Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platterhour. Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platterhour. Place drained sauerkraut around the roast 'possum on a platterand serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.and serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.and serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.and serve with boiled or mashed potatoes.

_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith JonesRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff PruettRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3 Typos by Jeff Pruett

From: Neysa Dormish Date: 18 Dec 96 NationalFrom: Neysa Dormish Date: 18 Dec 96 NationalFrom: Neysa Dormish Date: 18 Dec 96 NationalFrom: Neysa Dormish Date: 18 Dec 96 NationalCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo ÄCooking Echo Ä

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 flourflourflourflour1111 salt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; r1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon thymethymethymethyme1111 possum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and patt1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup red winered winered winered wine1 1/41 1/41 1/41 1/4 cupcupcupcup waterwaterwaterwater4444 sweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwis4444 apples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halved1111 cupcupcupcup brown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugar1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon allspiceallspiceallspiceallspice3/43/43/43/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon ground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamon1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon nutmegnutmegnutmegnutmeg

: Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside the: Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside the: Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside the: Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theanimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, covertightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.: Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes in: Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes in: Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes in: Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inthe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thecored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothfruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.: Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30: Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30: Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30: Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.

_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith JonesRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3

Courtesy of:Courtesy of:Courtesy of:Courtesy of:

Kathleen's Recipe Swap Page [email protected]'s Recipe Swap Page [email protected]'s Recipe Swap Page [email protected]'s Recipe Swap Page [email protected]://

From: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]: [email protected]

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 opossumopossumopossumopossumdash pepperdash pepperdash pepperdash pepper

1/41/41/41/4 cupcupcupcup fatfatfatfat1 1/41 1/41 1/41 1/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon poultry seasoningpoultry seasoningpoultry seasoningpoultry seasoning1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup chopped onionchopped onionchopped onionchopped onion1/31/31/31/3 cupcupcupcup waterwaterwaterwater1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup chopped celerychopped celerychopped celerychopped celery1111 sweetsweetsweetsweet potato per personpotato per personpotato per personpotato per person6666 cupscupscupscups bread cubesbread cubesbread cubesbread cubes1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt

Melt fat in skillet; add onion and celery and cook until tender. CombineMelt fat in skillet; add onion and celery and cook until tender. CombineMelt fat in skillet; add onion and celery and cook until tender. CombineMelt fat in skillet; add onion and celery and cook until tender. Combinebread cubes, salt, pepper and poultry seasonings with onions and celery.bread cubes, salt, pepper and poultry seasonings with onions and celery.bread cubes, salt, pepper and poultry seasonings with onions and celery.bread cubes, salt, pepper and poultry seasonings with onions and celery.Add water and mix thoroughly. Fill the body cavity. Close by sewing theAdd water and mix thoroughly. Fill the body cavity. Close by sewing theAdd water and mix thoroughly. Fill the body cavity. Close by sewing theAdd water and mix thoroughly. Fill the body cavity. Close by sewing theskin together with a heavy string or by skewering the skin together andskin together with a heavy string or by skewering the skin together andskin together with a heavy string or by skewering the skin together andskin together with a heavy string or by skewering the skin together andlacing with a heavy string. Place, underside down, on a rack in shallowlacing with a heavy string. Place, underside down, on a rack in shallowlacing with a heavy string. Place, underside down, on a rack in shallowlacing with a heavy string. Place, underside down, on a rack in shallowroasting pan. Roast at 300 degrees to 350 degrees F. for 2 to 2 1/2 hours,roasting pan. Roast at 300 degrees to 350 degrees F. for 2 to 2 1/2 hours,roasting pan. Roast at 300 degrees to 350 degrees F. for 2 to 2 1/2 hours,roasting pan. Roast at 300 degrees to 350 degrees F. for 2 to 2 1/2 hours,or until well done, basting occasionally with drippings and sprinklingor until well done, basting occasionally with drippings and sprinklingor until well done, basting occasionally with drippings and sprinklingor until well done, basting occasionally with drippings and sprinklinglightly with flour after each basting for a crisp, crackly crust. Whenlightly with flour after each basting for a crisp, crackly crust. Whenlightly with flour after each basting for a crisp, crackly crust. Whenlightly with flour after each basting for a crisp, crackly crust. Whenalmost done, place boiled or baked sweet potatoes around meat and bastealmost done, place boiled or baked sweet potatoes around meat and bastealmost done, place boiled or baked sweet potatoes around meat and bastealmost done, place boiled or baked sweet potatoes around meat and bastefrequently with drippings. Remove browned opossum and potatoes to a heatedfrequently with drippings. Remove browned opossum and potatoes to a heatedfrequently with drippings. Remove browned opossum and potatoes to a heatedfrequently with drippings. Remove browned opossum and potatoes to a heatedlarge platter. Allow 3/4 to 1 pound per portion.large platter. Allow 3/4 to 1 pound per portion.large platter. Allow 3/4 to 1 pound per portion.large platter. Allow 3/4 to 1 pound per portion.


1111 possum, dressedpossum, dressedpossum, dressedpossum, dressed2222 red pepper podsred pepper podsred pepper podsred pepper pods1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1/41/41/41/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon black pepperblack pepperblack pepperblack pepper1/81/81/81/8 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon sagesagesagesage2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon lemon juicelemon juicelemon juicelemon juice4444 largelargelargelarge yams, peeled and quarteredyams, peeled and quarteredyams, peeled and quarteredyams, peeled and quartered1/41/41/41/4 cupcupcupcup brown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugar1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon cinnamoncinnamoncinnamoncinnamon1/81/81/81/8 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon gingergingergingerginger

Place dressed possum in a kettle with the pepper pod. Cover with coldPlace dressed possum in a kettle with the pepper pod. Cover with coldPlace dressed possum in a kettle with the pepper pod. Cover with coldPlace dressed possum in a kettle with the pepper pod. Cover with cold

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water and bring to a boil; simmer for 1 hr. Remove and place on awater and bring to a boil; simmer for 1 hr. Remove and place on awater and bring to a boil; simmer for 1 hr. Remove and place on awater and bring to a boil; simmer for 1 hr. Remove and place on arack in a dutch oven or roasting pan. Add 1 cup of water. Sprinklerack in a dutch oven or roasting pan. Add 1 cup of water. Sprinklerack in a dutch oven or roasting pan. Add 1 cup of water. Sprinklerack in a dutch oven or roasting pan. Add 1 cup of water. Sprinklewith salt, pepper, sage and lemon juice. Place yams around the roast.with salt, pepper, sage and lemon juice. Place yams around the roast.with salt, pepper, sage and lemon juice. Place yams around the roast.with salt, pepper, sage and lemon juice. Place yams around the roast.Combine sugar, cinnamon, and ginger; sprinkle on top of yams. CoverCombine sugar, cinnamon, and ginger; sprinkle on top of yams. CoverCombine sugar, cinnamon, and ginger; sprinkle on top of yams. CoverCombine sugar, cinnamon, and ginger; sprinkle on top of yams. Coverand cook over very low temp on top of stove or bake at 325 for 2 hrsand cook over very low temp on top of stove or bake at 325 for 2 hrsand cook over very low temp on top of stove or bake at 325 for 2 hrsand cook over very low temp on top of stove or bake at 325 for 2 hrsor until the meat is crisp and brown. Transfer possum and yams to aor until the meat is crisp and brown. Transfer possum and yams to aor until the meat is crisp and brown. Transfer possum and yams to aor until the meat is crisp and brown. Transfer possum and yams to ahot platter to serve. From: "Stewburner" <stewburner@sailorradate:hot platter to serve. From: "Stewburner" <stewburner@sailorradate:hot platter to serve. From: "Stewburner" <stewburner@sailorradate:hot platter to serve. From: "Stewburner" <stewburner@sailorradate:Sun, 15 Dec 2002 21:31:08 -0500Sun, 15 Dec 2002 21:31:08 -0500Sun, 15 Dec 2002 21:31:08 -0500Sun, 15 Dec 2002 21:31:08 -0500

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 dressed possumdressed possumdressed possumdressed possum1111 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon butterbutterbutterbutter1111 largelargelargelarge oniononiononiononion1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 red pepper, dicedred pepper, dicedred pepper, dicedred pepper, diced1111 worcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauceworcestershire sauce1111 hard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, choppedhard boiled egg, chopped

To dress possum, remove entrails, head, and tail. Wash thoroughlyTo dress possum, remove entrails, head, and tail. Wash thoroughlyTo dress possum, remove entrails, head, and tail. Wash thoroughlyTo dress possum, remove entrails, head, and tail. Wash thoroughlyinside and out. Save the liver. Cover with cold salted water (1 cupinside and out. Save the liver. Cover with cold salted water (1 cupinside and out. Save the liver. Cover with cold salted water (1 cupinside and out. Save the liver. Cover with cold salted water (1 cupsalt). Let stand overnight. Drain off salted water and rinse wellsalt). Let stand overnight. Drain off salted water and rinse wellsalt). Let stand overnight. Drain off salted water and rinse wellsalt). Let stand overnight. Drain off salted water and rinse wellwith boiling water.with boiling water.with boiling water.with boiling water.

To make stuffing: Melt butter and add chopped onion. When onionTo make stuffing: Melt butter and add chopped onion. When onionTo make stuffing: Melt butter and add chopped onion. When onionTo make stuffing: Melt butter and add chopped onion. When onionbegins to brown add chopped liver. Cook until liver is well gone.begins to brown add chopped liver. Cook until liver is well gone.begins to brown add chopped liver. Cook until liver is well gone.begins to brown add chopped liver. Cook until liver is well gone.Add bread crumbs, red pepper, and dash of Worcestershire sauce. MixAdd bread crumbs, red pepper, and dash of Worcestershire sauce. MixAdd bread crumbs, red pepper, and dash of Worcestershire sauce. MixAdd bread crumbs, red pepper, and dash of Worcestershire sauce. Mixin boiled egg, salt and add water to moisten. Stuff possum with mixin boiled egg, salt and add water to moisten. Stuff possum with mixin boiled egg, salt and add water to moisten. Stuff possum with mixin boiled egg, salt and add water to moisten. Stuff possum with mixand sew end closed. Roast possum until tender, baste with fat fromand sew end closed. Roast possum until tender, baste with fat fromand sew end closed. Roast possum until tender, baste with fat fromand sew end closed. Roast possum until tender, baste with fat fromroasting pan.roasting pan.roasting pan.roasting pan.

An itching of the lip denotes that someone is slandering you.An itching of the lip denotes that someone is slandering you.An itching of the lip denotes that someone is slandering you.An itching of the lip denotes that someone is slandering you.

From Rocky TopFrom Rocky TopFrom Rocky TopFrom Rocky Top

In the memories of some of us, few things can be better than a mealIn the memories of some of us, few things can be better than a mealIn the memories of some of us, few things can be better than a mealIn the memories of some of us, few things can be better than a mealcooked on an old wood stove, a solf feather bed on a cold wintercooked on an old wood stove, a solf feather bed on a cold wintercooked on an old wood stove, a solf feather bed on a cold wintercooked on an old wood stove, a solf feather bed on a cold winternight, or the sound of a old mountain tune played on a dulcimer ornight, or the sound of a old mountain tune played on a dulcimer ornight, or the sound of a old mountain tune played on a dulcimer ornight, or the sound of a old mountain tune played on a dulcimer orbanjo. I hope that this page can help preserve, or rekindle, some ofbanjo. I hope that this page can help preserve, or rekindle, some ofbanjo. I hope that this page can help preserve, or rekindle, some ofbanjo. I hope that this page can help preserve, or rekindle, some ofthese memories for you or maybe help create an interest in ourthese memories for you or maybe help create an interest in ourthese memories for you or maybe help create an interest in ourthese memories for you or maybe help create an interest in our

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mountain heritage for other people. Your ideas, stories, pictures,mountain heritage for other people. Your ideas, stories, pictures,mountain heritage for other people. Your ideas, stories, pictures,mountain heritage for other people. Your ideas, stories, pictures,recipes, or other affairs about plain living in our southernrecipes, or other affairs about plain living in our southernrecipes, or other affairs about plain living in our southernrecipes, or other affairs about plain living in our southernhighlands is welcome.highlands is welcome.highlands is welcome.highlands is welcome.

J. B. Simpson Fayetteville Technical Community College Fayetteville,J. B. Simpson Fayetteville Technical Community College Fayetteville,J. B. Simpson Fayetteville Technical Community College Fayetteville,J. B. Simpson Fayetteville Technical Community College Fayetteville,N.C. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]. [email protected]

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 possum (whole)possum (whole)possum (whole)possum (whole)1111 qt.qt.qt.qt. cold watercold watercold watercold water1/81/81/81/8 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt5555 beefbeefbeefbeef bouillon cubesbouillon cubesbouillon cubesbouillon cubes2222 baybaybaybay leavesleavesleavesleaves3333 celerycelerycelerycelery stalks (chopped)stalks (chopped)stalks (chopped)stalks (chopped)2222 onions (sliced)onions (sliced)onions (sliced)onions (sliced)1111 bagbagbagbag packaged stuffingpackaged stuffingpackaged stuffingpackaged stuffing

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10 hours.Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10 hours.Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10 hours.Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Soak possum in cold salt water for 10 hours.Rinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Prepare stuffingRinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Prepare stuffingRinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Prepare stuffingRinse meat in cold water and refrigerate 2-4 hours. Prepare stuffingaccordingaccordingaccordingaccordingto package directions. Stuff possum cavity with prepared packaged package directions. Stuff possum cavity with prepared packaged package directions. Stuff possum cavity with prepared packaged package directions. Stuff possum cavity with prepared packaged stuffing.Close cavity tightly. Place stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water,Close cavity tightly. Place stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water,Close cavity tightly. Place stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water,Close cavity tightly. Place stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water,bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celery and onion. After 2 hours turn meat.bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celery and onion. After 2 hours turn meat.bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celery and onion. After 2 hours turn meat.bouillon cubes, bay leaves, celery and onion. After 2 hours turn meat.Reduce heatReduce heatReduce heatReduce heatto 300 degrees. Cook for 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heatto 300 degrees. Cook for 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heatto 300 degrees. Cook for 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heatto 300 degrees. Cook for 1 more hour. Test roast, if not done reduce heatandandandandcook until donecook until donecook until donecook until done


1111 possum; wholepossum; wholepossum; wholepossum; whole1111 quartquartquartquart cold watercold watercold watercold water1/81/81/81/8 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt4444 orororor 5 beef bouillon cubes5 beef bouillon cubes5 beef bouillon cubes5 beef bouillon cubes2222 largelargelargelarge bay leavesbay leavesbay leavesbay leaves3333 celerycelerycelerycelery stalks; choppedstalks; choppedstalks; choppedstalks; chopped2222 mediummediummediummedium onions; slicedonions; slicedonions; slicedonions; sliced

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1111 bagbagbagbag stuffing; any kind is finestuffing; any kind is finestuffing; any kind is finestuffing; any kind is finepepper to tastepepper to tastepepper to tastepepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Soak possum in cold salt water forPreheat oven to 350ºF. Soak possum in cold salt water forPreheat oven to 350ºF. Soak possum in cold salt water forPreheat oven to 350ºF. Soak possum in cold salt water for12 hours.12 hours.12 hours.12 hours.Rinse meat in cold water; refrigerate about 3-4 hours.Rinse meat in cold water; refrigerate about 3-4 hours.Rinse meat in cold water; refrigerate about 3-4 hours.Rinse meat in cold water; refrigerate about 3-4 hours.Prepare stuffing according to package directions; stuff possum cavity withPrepare stuffing according to package directions; stuff possum cavity withPrepare stuffing according to package directions; stuff possum cavity withPrepare stuffing according to package directions; stuff possum cavity withprepared stuffing. Close the possum cavity tightly.prepared stuffing. Close the possum cavity tightly.prepared stuffing. Close the possum cavity tightly.prepared stuffing. Close the possum cavity tightly.Place stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bayPlace stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bayPlace stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bayPlace stuffed possum in roasting pan, add water, bouillon cubes, bayleaves,leaves,leaves,leaves,celery and onion and pepper.celery and onion and pepper.celery and onion and pepper.celery and onion and pepper.After 2 hours turn the meat and reduce heat to 300 ºF; cook forAfter 2 hours turn the meat and reduce heat to 300 ºF; cook forAfter 2 hours turn the meat and reduce heat to 300 ºF; cook forAfter 2 hours turn the meat and reduce heat to 300 ºF; cook for1 hour or until done.1 hour or until done.1 hour or until done.1 hour or until done.


2 1/22 1/22 1/22 1/2 cupcupcupcup macaronimacaronimacaronimacaroni1111 largelargelargelarge onion; choppedonion; choppedonion; choppedonion; chopped8888 potatoes; dicedpotatoes; dicedpotatoes; dicedpotatoes; diced1111 largelargelargelarge possum (or ground beef)possum (or ground beef)possum (or ground beef)possum (or ground beef)2222 pkgpkgpkgpkg frozen mixed vegetablesfrozen mixed vegetablesfrozen mixed vegetablesfrozen mixed vegetables1111 pkgpkgpkgpkg frozen cornfrozen cornfrozen cornfrozen corn1111 cancancancan tomato juicetomato juicetomato juicetomato juice1/41/41/41/4 cupcupcupcup butterbutterbutterbutter1111 salt and pepper; to tastesalt and pepper; to tastesalt and pepper; to tastesalt and pepper; to taste

Recipe by: Granny's Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook - ISBN 1-55853-271-4Recipe by: Granny's Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook - ISBN 1-55853-271-4Recipe by: Granny's Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook - ISBN 1-55853-271-4Recipe by: Granny's Beverly Hillbillies Cookbook - ISBN 1-55853-271-4Cook the macaroni, onion, and potatoes together in the water untilCook the macaroni, onion, and potatoes together in the water untilCook the macaroni, onion, and potatoes together in the water untilCook the macaroni, onion, and potatoes together in the water untiltender, while browning the possum in the microwave. Transfertender, while browning the possum in the microwave. Transfertender, while browning the possum in the microwave. Transfertender, while browning the possum in the microwave. Transfereverything to a bigger pot, including the water. Add the remainingeverything to a bigger pot, including the water. Add the remainingeverything to a bigger pot, including the water. Add the remainingeverything to a bigger pot, including the water. Add the remainingingredients, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook overingredients, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook overingredients, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook overingredients, and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook overmedium heat for 2 to 3 hours. For the best taste, cook over low heatmedium heat for 2 to 3 hours. For the best taste, cook over low heatmedium heat for 2 to 3 hours. For the best taste, cook over low heatmedium heat for 2 to 3 hours. For the best taste, cook over low heatfor 5 to 6 hours. Yields 8 servings. NOTE: Fresh possum preferred,for 5 to 6 hours. Yields 8 servings. NOTE: Fresh possum preferred,for 5 to 6 hours. Yields 8 servings. NOTE: Fresh possum preferred,for 5 to 6 hours. Yields 8 servings. NOTE: Fresh possum preferred,but roadkill will work. According to Kim White of Blountville, Tenn.but roadkill will work. According to Kim White of Blountville, Tenn.but roadkill will work. According to Kim White of Blountville, Tenn.but roadkill will work. According to Kim White of Blountville, Tenn.who submitted the original recipe to the book; the possum is best ifwho submitted the original recipe to the book; the possum is best ifwho submitted the original recipe to the book; the possum is best ifwho submitted the original recipe to the book; the possum is best ifhunted with dogs. If possum can be captured alive, keep it in a penhunted with dogs. If possum can be captured alive, keep it in a penhunted with dogs. If possum can be captured alive, keep it in a penhunted with dogs. If possum can be captured alive, keep it in a penfor up to a week. Feed well to fatten it up and clean out. (Beef mayfor up to a week. Feed well to fatten it up and clean out. (Beef mayfor up to a week. Feed well to fatten it up and clean out. (Beef mayfor up to a week. Feed well to fatten it up and clean out. (Beef maybe substituted if a proper possum cannot be substituted if a proper possum cannot be substituted if a proper possum cannot be substituted if a proper possum cannot be found.

Yield: 8 servings Yield: 8 servings Yield: 8 servings Yield: 8 servings

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1111 how to catch a possumhow to catch a possumhow to catch a possumhow to catch a possum

Since all the recipes here involve possum, I figured it might beSince all the recipes here involve possum, I figured it might beSince all the recipes here involve possum, I figured it might beSince all the recipes here involve possum, I figured it might beworth it to include a section on how to get your hands on one.worth it to include a section on how to get your hands on one.worth it to include a section on how to get your hands on one.worth it to include a section on how to get your hands on one.

I know of several ways to catch a possum. Perhaps the easiest is toI know of several ways to catch a possum. Perhaps the easiest is toI know of several ways to catch a possum. Perhaps the easiest is toI know of several ways to catch a possum. Perhaps the easiest is tosimply drive around for a while in your truck. The problem will soonsimply drive around for a while in your truck. The problem will soonsimply drive around for a while in your truck. The problem will soonsimply drive around for a while in your truck. The problem will soonresolve itself. (SCCRRRREEEEEEECCHHH!!. . . SPLAT. . .)resolve itself. (SCCRRRREEEEEEECCHHH!!. . . SPLAT. . .)resolve itself. (SCCRRRREEEEEEECCHHH!!. . . SPLAT. . .)resolve itself. (SCCRRRREEEEEEECCHHH!!. . . SPLAT. . .)

Much more fun, however, is to take your dogs and shotgun, and go intoMuch more fun, however, is to take your dogs and shotgun, and go intoMuch more fun, however, is to take your dogs and shotgun, and go intoMuch more fun, however, is to take your dogs and shotgun, and go intothe woods and hunt one down. The advantage to this method is thatthe woods and hunt one down. The advantage to this method is thatthe woods and hunt one down. The advantage to this method is thatthe woods and hunt one down. The advantage to this method is thatyou don't have to scrape the possum off the pavement. Theyou don't have to scrape the possum off the pavement. Theyou don't have to scrape the possum off the pavement. Theyou don't have to scrape the possum off the pavement. Thedisadvantage is that you do have to worry about shotgun pellets indisadvantage is that you do have to worry about shotgun pellets indisadvantage is that you do have to worry about shotgun pellets indisadvantage is that you do have to worry about shotgun pellets inthe meat. (OUCH! Dadgum it! There went my best tooth!)the meat. (OUCH! Dadgum it! There went my best tooth!)the meat. (OUCH! Dadgum it! There went my best tooth!)the meat. (OUCH! Dadgum it! There went my best tooth!)

Not to mention that a shotgun blast can really mess up the hide, whichNot to mention that a shotgun blast can really mess up the hide, whichNot to mention that a shotgun blast can really mess up the hide, whichNot to mention that a shotgun blast can really mess up the hide, whichmakes it a lot harder for the taxidermist. It is also possible to setmakes it a lot harder for the taxidermist. It is also possible to setmakes it a lot harder for the taxidermist. It is also possible to setmakes it a lot harder for the taxidermist. It is also possible to settraps to catch a possum, but this method is notoriously unreliable.traps to catch a possum, but this method is notoriously unreliable.traps to catch a possum, but this method is notoriously unreliable.traps to catch a possum, but this method is notoriously unreliable.Possums like to stay in the trees, and you're much more likely toPossums like to stay in the trees, and you're much more likely toPossums like to stay in the trees, and you're much more likely toPossums like to stay in the trees, and you're much more likely tocatch something else.catch something else.catch something else.catch something else.

(Hey, Ed! There's something in the trap! See them bushes moving?(Hey, Ed! There's something in the trap! See them bushes moving?(Hey, Ed! There's something in the trap! See them bushes moving?(Hey, Ed! There's something in the trap! See them bushes moving?Let's see what it is! . . . OH, $# otherwise they just get up andLet's see what it is! . . . OH, $# otherwise they just get up andLet's see what it is! . . . OH, $# otherwise they just get up andLet's see what it is! . . . OH, $# otherwise they just get up andwalk off. It was real strange; right after he beheaded the possum,walk off. It was real strange; right after he beheaded the possum,walk off. It was real strange; right after he beheaded the possum,walk off. It was real strange; right after he beheaded the possum,lightning or something struck the garage, blowing out all thelightning or something struck the garage, blowing out all thelightning or something struck the garage, blowing out all thelightning or something struck the garage, blowing out all thelightbulbs and giving him quite a shock. (If you don't get the jokelightbulbs and giving him quite a shock. (If you don't get the jokelightbulbs and giving him quite a shock. (If you don't get the jokelightbulbs and giving him quite a shock. (If you don't get the jokehere, don't worry.) Please note that we're talking about the Northhere, don't worry.) Please note that we're talking about the Northhere, don't worry.) Please note that we're talking about the Northhere, don't worry.) Please note that we're talking about the NorthAmerican opossum here. There is a species of possum (spelled withoutAmerican opossum here. There is a species of possum (spelled withoutAmerican opossum here. There is a species of possum (spelled withoutAmerican opossum here. There is a species of possum (spelled withoutthe leading "o") native to Australia which is endangered. It isthe leading "o") native to Australia which is endangered. It isthe leading "o") native to Australia which is endangered. It isthe leading "o") native to Australia which is endangered. It isstrictly illegal to hunt, trap, or kill an Australian possum.strictly illegal to hunt, trap, or kill an Australian possum.strictly illegal to hunt, trap, or kill an Australian possum.strictly illegal to hunt, trap, or kill an Australian possum.However, this same species is reportedly a nuisance in New Zealand,However, this same species is reportedly a nuisance in New Zealand,However, this same species is reportedly a nuisance in New Zealand,However, this same species is reportedly a nuisance in New Zealand,so if you see one there. . . bon appetit!so if you see one there. . . bon appetit!so if you see one there. . . bon appetit!so if you see one there. . . bon appetit!

Of course, if you take this page seriously anyway... you might be aOf course, if you take this page seriously anyway... you might be aOf course, if you take this page seriously anyway... you might be aOf course, if you take this page seriously anyway... you might be aredneck. That ought to get you started. Now, on to the recipes...redneck. That ought to get you started. Now, on to the recipes...redneck. That ought to get you started. Now, on to the recipes...redneck. That ought to get you started. Now, on to the recipes...

Wild Possum KabobWild Possum KabobWild Possum KabobWild Possum Kabob

1 Still breathing, corn-fed Possum 3 Ripe but firm tomatoes 1 Large1 Still breathing, corn-fed Possum 3 Ripe but firm tomatoes 1 Large1 Still breathing, corn-fed Possum 3 Ripe but firm tomatoes 1 Large1 Still breathing, corn-fed Possum 3 Ripe but firm tomatoes 1 Largewhite or yellow onionwhite or yellow onionwhite or yellow onionwhite or yellow onion

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1/2 pound large mushrooms 2 large green peppers 1 package meat1/2 pound large mushrooms 2 large green peppers 1 package meat1/2 pound large mushrooms 2 large green peppers 1 package meat1/2 pound large mushrooms 2 large green peppers 1 package meatmarinademarinademarinademarinade1/2 cup soy sauce 12 skewers (sticks are okay in Arkansas)1/2 cup soy sauce 12 skewers (sticks are okay in Arkansas)1/2 cup soy sauce 12 skewers (sticks are okay in Arkansas)1/2 cup soy sauce 12 skewers (sticks are okay in Arkansas)

The possum must be alive so that you can scare it, giving you theThe possum must be alive so that you can scare it, giving you theThe possum must be alive so that you can scare it, giving you theThe possum must be alive so that you can scare it, giving you the"wild" taste from all the adrenaline it produces. It is best to hit"wild" taste from all the adrenaline it produces. It is best to hit"wild" taste from all the adrenaline it produces. It is best to hit"wild" taste from all the adrenaline it produces. It is best to hitit over the head with a large object in a humane manner. Boil theit over the head with a large object in a humane manner. Boil theit over the head with a large object in a humane manner. Boil theit over the head with a large object in a humane manner. Boil thepossum for 3 minutes to loosen the fur then skin and gut it.possum for 3 minutes to loosen the fur then skin and gut it.possum for 3 minutes to loosen the fur then skin and gut it.possum for 3 minutes to loosen the fur then skin and gut it.

De-limb (chop the little knubby legs off) the possum and cut the meatDe-limb (chop the little knubby legs off) the possum and cut the meatDe-limb (chop the little knubby legs off) the possum and cut the meatDe-limb (chop the little knubby legs off) the possum and cut the meatinto 1/2 inch square chunks. Marinate overnight in a mixture of meatinto 1/2 inch square chunks. Marinate overnight in a mixture of meatinto 1/2 inch square chunks. Marinate overnight in a mixture of meatinto 1/2 inch square chunks. Marinate overnight in a mixture of meatmarinade and soy sauce. Kentucky residents who have no fridge can usemarinade and soy sauce. Kentucky residents who have no fridge can usemarinade and soy sauce. Kentucky residents who have no fridge can usemarinade and soy sauce. Kentucky residents who have no fridge can usean ice chest and may use radiator coolant instead of soy ice chest and may use radiator coolant instead of soy ice chest and may use radiator coolant instead of soy ice chest and may use radiator coolant instead of soy sauce.

Thread the meat and veggies onto your skewer/stick in alternatingThread the meat and veggies onto your skewer/stick in alternatingThread the meat and veggies onto your skewer/stick in alternatingThread the meat and veggies onto your skewer/stick in alternatingsequences to distribute the delicious flavor evenly.sequences to distribute the delicious flavor evenly.sequences to distribute the delicious flavor evenly.sequences to distribute the delicious flavor evenly.

Cook over a barbecue, pit, 50 gallon drum or any other fire till youCook over a barbecue, pit, 50 gallon drum or any other fire till youCook over a barbecue, pit, 50 gallon drum or any other fire till youCook over a barbecue, pit, 50 gallon drum or any other fire till youget the desired result. For added flavor, you can cook it overget the desired result. For added flavor, you can cook it overget the desired result. For added flavor, you can cook it overget the desired result. For added flavor, you can cook it overburning tires.burning tires.burning tires.burning tires.

Servings: 6 Calories: 12,342 Carbs: Holly 4-barrel Fat: If you eatServings: 6 Calories: 12,342 Carbs: Holly 4-barrel Fat: If you eatServings: 6 Calories: 12,342 Carbs: Holly 4-barrel Fat: If you eatServings: 6 Calories: 12,342 Carbs: Holly 4-barrel Fat: If you eatthis kind of crap, fat probably isn't your biggest concern.this kind of crap, fat probably isn't your biggest concern.this kind of crap, fat probably isn't your biggest concern.this kind of crap, fat probably isn't your biggest concern.

Contributed by Don Shaw ([email protected])Contributed by Don Shaw ([email protected])Contributed by Don Shaw ([email protected])Contributed by Don Shaw ([email protected])

From: Jim Weller Date: 03 Apr 99From: Jim Weller Date: 03 Apr 99From: Jim Weller Date: 03 Apr 99From: Jim Weller Date: 03 Apr 99

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1111 possum and taterspossum and taterspossum and taterspossum and taters1111 young, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possum8888 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon butterbutterbutterbutter1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon sugarsugarsugarsugar1111 saltsaltsaltsalt

Directions: First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellentDirections: First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellentDirections: First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellentDirections: First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellententertainment on a moonlight night. Skin the possum and remove theentertainment on a moonlight night. Skin the possum and remove theentertainment on a moonlight night. Skin the possum and remove theentertainment on a moonlight night. Skin the possum and remove thehead and feet. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnighthead and feet. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnighthead and feet. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnighthead and feet. Be sure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnighteither outside or in a refrigerator.either outside or in a refrigerator.either outside or in a refrigerator.either outside or in a refrigerator.

When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil them tender in lightlyWhen ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil them tender in lightlyWhen ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil them tender in lightlyWhen ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil them tender in lightlysalted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stewsalted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stewsalted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stewsalted water along with the butter and sugar. At the same time, stewthe possum tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water.the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water.the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water.the possum tender in a tightly covered pan with a little water.Arrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle withArrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle withArrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle withArrange the taters around the possum, strip with bacon, sprinkle withthyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste oftenthyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste oftenthyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste oftenthyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in the oven. Baste oftenwith the drippings.with the drippings.with the drippings.with the drippings.

Possum Pot PiePossum Pot PiePossum Pot PiePossum Pot Pie

1 cup glazed huckleberries 3 shots gin or moonshine 1 possum -if1 cup glazed huckleberries 3 shots gin or moonshine 1 possum -if1 cup glazed huckleberries 3 shots gin or moonshine 1 possum -if1 cup glazed huckleberries 3 shots gin or moonshine 1 possum -ifroadkill: make jambalaya -if caught: proceed with recipe 1 pie crustroadkill: make jambalaya -if caught: proceed with recipe 1 pie crustroadkill: make jambalaya -if caught: proceed with recipe 1 pie crustroadkill: make jambalaya -if caught: proceed with recipe 1 pie crustsliced carrots it doesn't matter.sliced carrots it doesn't matter.sliced carrots it doesn't matter.sliced carrots it doesn't matter.


Put the rest in and let set for a long dang while. Before servingPut the rest in and let set for a long dang while. Before servingPut the rest in and let set for a long dang while. Before servingPut the rest in and let set for a long dang while. Before servingmake sure you have enough bread, Milk, and Toliet paper for aftermake sure you have enough bread, Milk, and Toliet paper for aftermake sure you have enough bread, Milk, and Toliet paper for aftermake sure you have enough bread, Milk, and Toliet paper for afterdinner. Serve. Enjoy Race for bathroom. Whoever is first will make adinner. Serve. Enjoy Race for bathroom. Whoever is first will make adinner. Serve. Enjoy Race for bathroom. Whoever is first will make adinner. Serve. Enjoy Race for bathroom. Whoever is first will make alarge stench. Have enough a ir freshner.large stench. Have enough a ir freshner.large stench. Have enough a ir freshner.large stench. Have enough a ir freshner.

Serving size of Meal-depends on how much you put in and the possum.Serving size of Meal-depends on how much you put in and the possum.Serving size of Meal-depends on how much you put in and the possum.Serving size of Meal-depends on how much you put in and the possum.

Warning-You're a redneck if you try this. (Either that or you likeWarning-You're a redneck if you try this. (Either that or you likeWarning-You're a redneck if you try this. (Either that or you likeWarning-You're a redneck if you try this. (Either that or you likereally hot chili.) May cause sudden urges to go to the bathroom. Mayreally hot chili.) May cause sudden urges to go to the bathroom. Mayreally hot chili.) May cause sudden urges to go to the bathroom. Mayreally hot chili.) May cause sudden urges to go to the bathroom. Maycause burnt tongues and mouths. May cause severe indegestion.cause burnt tongues and mouths. May cause severe indegestion.cause burnt tongues and mouths. May cause severe indegestion.cause burnt tongues and mouths. May cause severe indegestion.


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Possum TartarePossum TartarePossum TartarePossum Tartare


Kill a possum by Method #1 as described above. Sprinkle liberally withKill a possum by Method #1 as described above. Sprinkle liberally withKill a possum by Method #1 as described above. Sprinkle liberally withKill a possum by Method #1 as described above. Sprinkle liberally withsalt, pepper, and garlic. Some folks also like onion. Run over itsalt, pepper, and garlic. Some folks also like onion. Run over itsalt, pepper, and garlic. Some folks also like onion. Run over itsalt, pepper, and garlic. Some folks also like onion. Run over itone more time to mix the spices in thoroughly. Contact your mentalone more time to mix the spices in thoroughly. Contact your mentalone more time to mix the spices in thoroughly. Contact your mentalone more time to mix the spices in thoroughly. Contact your mentalhealth professional and inform him of what you're about to professional and inform him of what you're about to professional and inform him of what you're about to professional and inform him of what you're about to do.

Nutrition FactsNutrition FactsNutrition FactsNutrition Facts

Serving size: Depends on the possum Servings per container: DependsServing size: Depends on the possum Servings per container: DependsServing size: Depends on the possum Servings per container: DependsServing size: Depends on the possum Servings per container: Dependson the possum Amount per serving:Depends on the possum Calories:on the possum Amount per serving:Depends on the possum Calories:on the possum Amount per serving:Depends on the possum Calories:on the possum Amount per serving:Depends on the possum Calories:Depends on the possum Total fat: At least three times the U.S. RDA.Depends on the possum Total fat: At least three times the U.S. RDA.Depends on the possum Total fat: At least three times the U.S. RDA.Depends on the possum Total fat: At least three times the U.S. RDA.Sodium: Depends on the possum Total carbohydrate: Depends on theSodium: Depends on the possum Total carbohydrate: Depends on theSodium: Depends on the possum Total carbohydrate: Depends on theSodium: Depends on the possum Total carbohydrate: Depends on thepossum Protein: Depends on the possumpossum Protein: Depends on the possumpossum Protein: Depends on the possumpossum Protein: Depends on the possum

Disclaimer: The author of this page cannot be held responsible forDisclaimer: The author of this page cannot be held responsible forDisclaimer: The author of this page cannot be held responsible forDisclaimer: The author of this page cannot be held responsible forany injuries, indigestion, vomiting, mild intestinal disorders,any injuries, indigestion, vomiting, mild intestinal disorders,any injuries, indigestion, vomiting, mild intestinal disorders,any injuries, indigestion, vomiting, mild intestinal disorders,alienated friends and relatives, or P.O.'d animal rights groupsalienated friends and relatives, or P.O.'d animal rights groupsalienated friends and relatives, or P.O.'d animal rights groupsalienated friends and relatives, or P.O.'d animal rights groupsresulting from the use of these recipes.resulting from the use of these recipes.resulting from the use of these recipes.resulting from the use of these recipes.

This page created and maintained by Brandon Butler. Possums - The REALThis page created and maintained by Brandon Butler. Possums - The REALThis page created and maintained by Brandon Butler. Possums - The REALThis page created and maintained by Brandon Butler. Possums - The REALFlavor of the South The Possum CookbookFlavor of the South The Possum CookbookFlavor of the South The Possum CookbookFlavor of the South The Possum Cookbook

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings


1111 fat possumfat possumfat possumfat possum1111 largelargelargelarge onion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lardonion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lardonion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lardonion sauteed in 1 tbsp. lard1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 chopped red sweet pepperchopped red sweet pepperchopped red sweet pepperchopped red sweet pepper1111 hard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire saucehard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire saucehard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire saucehard boiled egg, chopped salt dash; of worcestershire sauce

To dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andTo dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andTo dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andTo dress animal, immerse in very hot water for 1 minute. Remove andwith a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.with a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.with a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.with a dull knife scrape off the hair. Slit and remove entrails.Remove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and out withRemove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and out withRemove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and out withRemove head and tail, if desired. Wash thoroughly inside and out withhot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enough waterhot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enough waterhot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enough waterhot water. Place in deep container. Add 1 cup salt and enough waterto cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with clean boilingto cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with clean boilingto cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with clean boilingto cover and let soak overnight. Drain and rinse with clean boilingwater. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue. Chopwater. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue. Chopwater. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue. Chopwater. The animal is now ready to stuff and bake or barbecue. Chopthe possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. To mixturethe possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. To mixturethe possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. To mixturethe possum liver and add to onion and cook until tender. To mixtureadd rest of ingredients together with enough water to moisten. Mixadd rest of ingredients together with enough water to moisten. Mixadd rest of ingredients together with enough water to moisten. Mixadd rest of ingredients together with enough water to moisten. Mix

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well and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffed possum inwell and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffed possum inwell and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffed possum inwell and stuff the possum with mixture. Place stuffed possum inroaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderate oven. Basteroaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderate oven. Basteroaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderate oven. Basteroaster; add 2 tablespoons water and roast in moderate oven. Basteevery 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams and collard greens.every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams and collard greens.every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams and collard greens.every 15 minutes until done. Serve with baked yams and collard greens.

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 no ingredients foundno ingredients foundno ingredients foundno ingredients found

Possum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. ItPossum should be cleaned as soon as possible after shooting. Itshould be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.should be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.should be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.should be hung for 48 hours and then it can be skinned and cooked.The meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butThe meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butThe meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butThe meat is light colored and tender. Escess fat may be removed, butthere is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1there is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1there is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1there is not strong flavor or odor contained in the fat. 1 possum 1onion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershireonion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershireonion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershireonion, chopped 1 tbsp fat possum liver, diced 1/4 tsp worchestershiresauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt watersauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt watersauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt watersauce 1 cup breadcrumbs 1 hard boiled egg, chopped 1 tsp salt waterbaconbaconbaconbacon

Clean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theClean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theClean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theClean possum and rub inside and out with salt and pepper. Saute theonions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the wateronions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the wateronions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the wateronions, then add to the remaining ingredients except for the waterand bacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffedand bacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffedand bacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffedand bacon. Combine together and stuff the possum. Place stuffedpossum in a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay baconpossum in a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay baconpossum in a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay baconpossum in a large roasting pan, add water to the pan, and lay baconstrips across the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F ovenstrips across the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F ovenstrips across the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F ovenstrips across the back of the possum. Roast uncovered in a 350F ovenfor about 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in thefor about 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in thefor about 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in thefor about 2-1/2 hours, or until tender. Possum is best eaten in thewinter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:winter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:winter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:winter time, and should be served with sweet potatoes. Origin:Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.Adapted from White Trash Shared by: Sharon Stevens, April/95.


Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 young, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possumyoung, fat possum2222 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon butterbutterbutterbutter8888 sweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoessweet potatoes1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon sugarsugarsugarsugar1111 saltsaltsaltsalt

First, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on aFirst, catch a possum. This in itself is excellent entertainment on a

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moonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Bemoonlit night. Skin the possum and remove the head and feet. Besure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in asure to wash it thoroughly. Freeze overnight, either outside or in arefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themrefrigerator. When ready to cook, peel the potatoes and boil themtender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Attender in lightly salted water along with the butter and sugar. Atthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panthe same time, stew the possum until tender in a tightly covered panwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withwith a little water. Arrange the taters around the possum, strip withbacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in thebacon, sprinkle with thyme or marjoram, or pepper, and brown in theoven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.oven. Baste often with the drippings.

Brent WilliamsBrent WilliamsBrent WilliamsBrent Williams1996199619961996

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


2222 lblblblb armadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meatarmadillo meat1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup margarine (1 stick)margarine (1 stick)margarine (1 stick)margarine (1 stick)1111 salt (to taste)salt (to taste)salt (to taste)salt (to taste)1111 pepper (to taste)pepper (to taste)pepper (to taste)pepper (to taste)1111 lemon juice (to taste)lemon juice (to taste)lemon juice (to taste)lemon juice (to taste)

Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Season meat with salt, pepper and lemon juice; rub with margarine.Wrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addWrap in foil; bake at 325 degrees for 45 minutes. Remove foil; addmore butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.more butter and brown.

SOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofSOURCE: Sunburst Samplings - compiled by the Sunburst Banks ofMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyMississippi Contributed by Walter Garner, Jr. Typed for you by NancyColemanColemanColemanColeman

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

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1111 eacheacheacheach small possum or bandicoot*small possum or bandicoot*small possum or bandicoot*small possum or bandicoot*2222 literliterliterliter waterwaterwaterwater1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon saltsaltsaltsalt1111 eacheacheacheach tin corn*tin corn*tin corn*tin corn*1111 any other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desiredany other vegies desired1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch celery leavescelery leavescelery leavescelery leaves1111 pinchpinchpinchpinch parsleyparsleyparsleyparsley1111 flour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thickenflour or gravox* to thicken1111 fried bread,1 slice per servfried bread,1 slice per servfried bread,1 slice per servfried bread,1 slice per serv

Skin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (VideoSkin and clean possum or bandicoot, then quarter the animal. (Videotape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you havetape this please. I have no idea how to do it. Also "first you haveto catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)to catch a possum or bandicoot", but then that's another story.)Place it in a large pot or camp oven along with water and salt. CoverPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with water and salt. CoverPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with water and salt. CoverPlace it in a large pot or camp oven along with water and salt. Coverand simmer gently for 3 or 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.)and simmer gently for 3 or 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.)and simmer gently for 3 or 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.)and simmer gently for 3 or 4 hours. (Tough little devils apparently.)Add vegetables and simmer for another 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. EvenAdd vegetables and simmer for another 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. EvenAdd vegetables and simmer for another 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. EvenAdd vegetables and simmer for another 1 1/2 hours (Still tough. Eventhe vegies are resisting being associated with this.) Strain soupthe vegies are resisting being associated with this.) Strain soupthe vegies are resisting being associated with this.) Strain soupthe vegies are resisting being associated with this.) Strain soupthrough a large holed colander when meat has left bone and removethrough a large holed colander when meat has left bone and removethrough a large holed colander when meat has left bone and removethrough a large holed colander when meat has left bone and removebones, especially small ones. Return soup to the pot and add parsleybones, especially small ones. Return soup to the pot and add parsleybones, especially small ones. Return soup to the pot and add parsleybones, especially small ones. Return soup to the pot and add parsleyand celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour or gravox. Cut friedand celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour or gravox. Cut friedand celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour or gravox. Cut friedand celery leaves. Thicken with a little flour or gravox. Cut friedbread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,boiling hot.bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,boiling hot.bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,boiling hot.bread into 1 inch squares and serve soup over toast,boiling hot.

*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is something*For those of you that haven't met a bandicoot, it is somethingbetween a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.between a possum and a raccoon, sort of, I think, maybe.

*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.*Tin of corn? Well a can I guess, 16 oz.

*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw it*Now, when you boil this meat for 5 1/2 hours, strain it and throw itaway, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.away, it does make me wonder why you started in the first place.

*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must be*Gravox is a meat concentrate seasoning I think. The dish must beneed some flavor.need some flavor.need some flavor.need some flavor.

*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.*Fry the bread any way you want to.

*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonable*All things considered, a brick or stone would be a reasonablealternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootalternative if you don't happen to have a possum or bandicootavailable.available.available.available.

Gerry NolanGerry NolanGerry NolanGerry Nolan

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"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you even"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you even"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you even"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you eventried."tried."tried."tried."

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 cupcupcupcup glazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberriesglazed huckleberries3333 shots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshineshots gin or moonshine1111 possumpossumpossumpossum1111 pie crust with toppie crust with toppie crust with toppie crust with top1111 sliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbagesliced carrots & cabbage1111 to tasteto tasteto tasteto taste

If roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipeIf roadkill---make jambalaya If caught---proceed with recipe

Cover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomCover a pan (or any implement you can put in a fire) with the bottomof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesof your pie crust and place the possum in it. Add the huckleberriesand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andand carrots, and shred the cabbage over it. Close up the pie andbake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thebake until the neighbors' dogs come sniffing around to see what thewonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whicheverwonderful smell is, or until the fire department arrives (whichevercomes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.comes first). Remove from fire/oven, slice and enjoy.

Anthony TrummertAnthony TrummertAnthony TrummertAnthony Trummert

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings


1111 onion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1111 possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, chopped1111 worcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dash1111 egg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.

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Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,stuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Someparboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.Try rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesare absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings


1111 possum, whole, uncleanedpossum, whole, uncleanedpossum, whole, uncleanedpossum, whole, uncleaned1111 onion, large, choppedonion, large, choppedonion, large, choppedonion, large, chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon bacon fatbacon fatbacon fatbacon fat1111 possum liverpossum liverpossum liverpossum liver1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red pepper, choppedred pepper, choppedred pepper, choppedred pepper, chopped1111 worcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dash1111 egg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Possums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldingPossums are roasted with hide on, so prepare a large pot of scaldinghot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hairhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hairhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hairhot water. Dip possum in it for a few minutes, then remove the hairby scraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If someby scraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If someby scraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If someby scraping with a dull knife, as you would scrape a hog. If somehair comes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) comes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) comes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) comes off hard, dip again in scalding (not hard-boiling) water.Wash with soap and water, then remove entrails, keeping washed liver.Wash with soap and water, then remove entrails, keeping washed liver.Wash with soap and water, then remove entrails, keeping washed liver.Wash with soap and water, then remove entrails, keeping washed liver.Remove head and tail (some people keep the head on). Soak in coldRemove head and tail (some people keep the head on). Soak in coldRemove head and tail (some people keep the head on). Soak in coldRemove head and tail (some people keep the head on). Soak in coldwater to which is added 1 cup salt. Drain and rinse with boilingwater to which is added 1 cup salt. Drain and rinse with boilingwater to which is added 1 cup salt. Drain and rinse with boilingwater to which is added 1 cup salt. Drain and rinse with boilingwater. Stuff with possum stuffing, close the opening, and roast inwater. Stuff with possum stuffing, close the opening, and roast inwater. Stuff with possum stuffing, close the opening, and roast inwater. Stuff with possum stuffing, close the opening, and roast inblack iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at 350. Basteblack iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at 350. Basteblack iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at 350. Basteblack iron pot with a little water for 1-1/2 hours at 350. Basteoften. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour beforeoften. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour beforeoften. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour beforeoften. SEE possum stuffing recipe. Add sweet potatoes 1 hour beforepossum is done.possum is done.possum is done.possum is done.

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings

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1111 flourflourflourflour1111 salt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; rsalt and freshly ground black peppe; r1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon thymethymethymethyme1111 eacheacheacheach possum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and pattpossum; dressed, washed, and patt1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup red winered winered winered wine1 1/41 1/41 1/41 1/4 cupcupcupcup waterwaterwaterwater4444 eacheacheacheach sweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwissweet potatoes; pared and split lengthwis4444 eacheacheacheach apples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halvedapples; pared, cored, and halved1111 cupcupcupcup brown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugarbrown sugar1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon allspiceallspiceallspiceallspice3/43/43/43/4 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon ground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamonground cinnamon1/21/21/21/2 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon nutmegnutmegnutmegnutmeg

Mix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theMix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theMix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theMix flour, salt, pepper, and thyme and rub inside and outside theanimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, coveranimal. Place on rack in roasting pan. Add the wine and water, covertightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.tightly, and roast in a preheated 350 degree oven for about an hour.Pour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inPour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inPour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inPour off all but a cup of the liquid. Lay the sweet potatoes inthe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thethe pan, cover, and continue roasting 45 minutes. Now lay in thecored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothcored and halved apples amid the sweet potatoes and sprinkle bothfruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.fruit and vegetables with a mixture of the sugar and the spices.Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30Continue to roast, with the roaster now uncovered, for another 30minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.minutes, or until the possum is tender.

_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith Jones_The L.L. Bean Game & Fish Cookbook_ Angus Cameron and Judith JonesRandom House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3Random House, 1983 ISBN 0-394-51191-3

Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings Yield: 4 servings

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1/21/21/21/2 cupcupcupcup limelimelimelime1111 gmgmgmgm waterwaterwaterwater1111 cupcupcupcup saltsaltsaltsalt1111 red pepper podred pepper podred pepper podred pepper pod

Put 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldPut 1/2 cup lime in about 1 gallon of boiling water and scaldquickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,quickly, and pull off hair while hot. Scrape well--remove feet,tail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyestail, and entrails--like you would a pig. Cut off ears, remove eyesand head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.and head if desired. Pour hot water over it and clean thoroughly.

Put one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podPut one cup salt in sufficient cold water to cover possum, add 1 podred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterred pepper and let stand overnight. In the morning remove salt waterand pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boiland pour boiling water over it. Cook in enough boiling water to boilup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can beup over possum but not enough to cover. Cook until skin can bepierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forpierced with a fork easily, and let stand in water until ready forbaking.baking.baking.baking.

When ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in aWhen ready to bake, place possum in pan with skin side up. Bake in amoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willmoderate oven until crisp and brown. If fire is too hot, skin willblister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.blister and burn.

Carve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichCarve possum and surround with potatoes (sliced or quartered) whichhave been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.have been previously baked.

192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.192 DULL, Mrs. S.R.Southern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingSouthern CookingGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapGrosset & DunlapNew YorkNew YorkNew YorkNew York

Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings Yield: 6 servings

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1111 onion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely choppedonion, large, finely chopped1111 tablespoontablespoontablespoontablespoon fatfatfatfat1111 possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)possum liver (optional)1111 cupcupcupcup bread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbsbread crumbs1111 teaspoonteaspoonteaspoonteaspoon red peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, choppedred peppers, chopped1111 worcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dashworcestershire sauce, dash1111 egg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chopegg, hardboiled, finely chop1111 salt to tastesalt to tastesalt to tastesalt to taste

Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Brown onion in hot fat, add finely chopped liver. Cook until tender.Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,Add other ingredients plus enough water to moisten mixture. Mix,stuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Somestuff possum and skewer or sew the opening shut. Suggestions: Someparboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.parboil the possum before roasting. Others remove the skin and fat.Try rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesTry rubbing possum with a little sage before roasting. Sweet potatoesare absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.are absolute requirement to a Southerner.

Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings Yield: 1 servings

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Taken from 'Wild Game--Care and Cooking' Extension publication B-987 andTaken from 'Wild Game--Care and Cooking' Extension publication B-987 andTaken from 'Wild Game--Care and Cooking' Extension publication B-987 andTaken from 'Wild Game--Care and Cooking' Extension publication B-987 andfrom a sheet in files of which the author is unknown.from a sheet in files of which the author is unknown.from a sheet in files of which the author is unknown.from a sheet in files of which the author is unknown.

Most people prefer to put an opossum in a safely wired pen to feed andMost people prefer to put an opossum in a safely wired pen to feed andMost people prefer to put an opossum in a safely wired pen to feed andMost people prefer to put an opossum in a safely wired pen to feed andfatten for two or three weeks before eating them.fatten for two or three weeks before eating them.fatten for two or three weeks before eating them.fatten for two or three weeks before eating them.

Opossum is light in color, fine-grained and tender with generous fatOpossum is light in color, fine-grained and tender with generous fatOpossum is light in color, fine-grained and tender with generous fatOpossum is light in color, fine-grained and tender with generous fatdeposits between the bands of muscle. Remove as much of the fat as possibledeposits between the bands of muscle. Remove as much of the fat as possibledeposits between the bands of muscle. Remove as much of the fat as possibledeposits between the bands of muscle. Remove as much of the fat as possiblebefore cooking to make the meat less greasy.before cooking to make the meat less greasy.before cooking to make the meat less greasy.before cooking to make the meat less greasy.

After proper dressing, soak in salt water (3 tablespoons salt to gallon ofAfter proper dressing, soak in salt water (3 tablespoons salt to gallon ofAfter proper dressing, soak in salt water (3 tablespoons salt to gallon ofAfter proper dressing, soak in salt water (3 tablespoons salt to gallon ofwater), soak overnight before cooking or freezing.water), soak overnight before cooking or freezing.water), soak overnight before cooking or freezing.water), soak overnight before cooking or freezing.

TO COOK: Place opossum in deep kettle, add enough water to cover well andTO COOK: Place opossum in deep kettle, add enough water to cover well andTO COOK: Place opossum in deep kettle, add enough water to cover well andTO COOK: Place opossum in deep kettle, add enough water to cover well andcook well without sticking or scorching. Add l medium onion peeled and cutcook well without sticking or scorching. Add l medium onion peeled and cutcook well without sticking or scorching. Add l medium onion peeled and cutcook well without sticking or scorching. Add l medium onion peeled and cutin half and l medium apple (not peeled and cut in half), salt to seasonin half and l medium apple (not peeled and cut in half), salt to seasonin half and l medium apple (not peeled and cut in half), salt to seasonin half and l medium apple (not peeled and cut in half), salt to seasonaccording to size of opossum. (Add boiling water if it cooks out beforeaccording to size of opossum. (Add boiling water if it cooks out beforeaccording to size of opossum. (Add boiling water if it cooks out beforeaccording to size of opossum. (Add boiling water if it cooks out beforetender).tender).tender).tender).

Cook on medium heat for a long as it takes to have meat tender when testedCook on medium heat for a long as it takes to have meat tender when testedCook on medium heat for a long as it takes to have meat tender when testedCook on medium heat for a long as it takes to have meat tender when testedwith fork stuck into it. When tender, remove onion and apple. Carefullywith fork stuck into it. When tender, remove onion and apple. Carefullywith fork stuck into it. When tender, remove onion and apple. Carefullywith fork stuck into it. When tender, remove onion and apple. Carefullyplace opossum in large baking pan, remove all layers of fat that you opossum in large baking pan, remove all layers of fat that you opossum in large baking pan, remove all layers of fat that you opossum in large baking pan, remove all layers of fat that you can.Then use 1 or 2 sticks of oleo, chipped over or rubbed on opossum. (This isThen use 1 or 2 sticks of oleo, chipped over or rubbed on opossum. (This isThen use 1 or 2 sticks of oleo, chipped over or rubbed on opossum. (This isThen use 1 or 2 sticks of oleo, chipped over or rubbed on opossum. (This isnot necessary, but could be used to season it). Pour some of the brothnot necessary, but could be used to season it). Pour some of the brothnot necessary, but could be used to season it). Pour some of the brothnot necessary, but could be used to season it). Pour some of the brothfrom 'par boiling' (first cooking) around opossum in baking pan. Use lotsfrom 'par boiling' (first cooking) around opossum in baking pan. Use lotsfrom 'par boiling' (first cooking) around opossum in baking pan. Use lotsfrom 'par boiling' (first cooking) around opossum in baking pan. Use lotsof black pepper, sprinkle opossum lightly with flour to help brown, takeof black pepper, sprinkle opossum lightly with flour to help brown, takeof black pepper, sprinkle opossum lightly with flour to help brown, takeof black pepper, sprinkle opossum lightly with flour to help brown, takespoon and put some broth lightly over flour (this is 'basting').spoon and put some broth lightly over flour (this is 'basting').spoon and put some broth lightly over flour (this is 'basting').spoon and put some broth lightly over flour (this is 'basting').

Place in 350 degree F. oven and brown light brown or as brown as you wish -Place in 350 degree F. oven and brown light brown or as brown as you wish -Place in 350 degree F. oven and brown light brown or as brown as you wish -Place in 350 degree F. oven and brown light brown or as brown as you wish -watch and continue to sprinkle top of opossum with broth (or oleo) whenwatch and continue to sprinkle top of opossum with broth (or oleo) whenwatch and continue to sprinkle top of opossum with broth (or oleo) whenwatch and continue to sprinkle top of opossum with broth (or oleo) whendone and ready to eat. Opossum has to be real brown, but to keep fromdone and ready to eat. Opossum has to be real brown, but to keep fromdone and ready to eat. Opossum has to be real brown, but to keep fromdone and ready to eat. Opossum has to be real brown, but to keep fromgetting hard I usually brown it in oven to light brown on top, then withgetting hard I usually brown it in oven to light brown on top, then withgetting hard I usually brown it in oven to light brown on top, then withgetting hard I usually brown it in oven to light brown on top, then withsome broth in pan, put it on top of stove, cover and baste often and let itsome broth in pan, put it on top of stove, cover and baste often and let itsome broth in pan, put it on top of stove, cover and baste often and let itsome broth in pan, put it on top of stove, cover and baste often and let itcook on low heat so it won't scorch on bottom.cook on low heat so it won't scorch on bottom.cook on low heat so it won't scorch on bottom.cook on low heat so it won't scorch on bottom.

In fact, I cooked opossum like I did ducks, coons and pheasants. RemovingIn fact, I cooked opossum like I did ducks, coons and pheasants. RemovingIn fact, I cooked opossum like I did ducks, coons and pheasants. RemovingIn fact, I cooked opossum like I did ducks, coons and pheasants. Removingthat fat from opossums when cooked tender is different. No one takes timethat fat from opossums when cooked tender is different. No one takes timethat fat from opossums when cooked tender is different. No one takes timethat fat from opossums when cooked tender is different. No one takes timeto cook wild game like I did. You might find some way to put it in ato cook wild game like I did. You might find some way to put it in ato cook wild game like I did. You might find some way to put it in ato cook wild game like I did. You might find some way to put it in a

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pressure cooker or crock pot, but I don't know that.pressure cooker or crock pot, but I don't know that.pressure cooker or crock pot, but I don't know that.pressure cooker or crock pot, but I don't know that.