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Page 1: PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT · / PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Texas Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE

/ P I T T S B U R G G A Z E T T E


State of Texas

Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE KNOX, publisher of The Pittsburg Gazette, weekly newspaper of general circulation published at Pittsburg, in Camp County, Texas, who deposes and says that the advertisement, as per copy attached was published in the regular issues of The Pittsburg Gazette on September 4, 2014 and September 11, 2014. TIPS/TAPS

Signed Debbie Knox

Subscribed and sworn to before me this the day of 3 £ , 2014.

Notary Public in and fo /Camp County, Texas My commission expires June 25, 2018

Page 2: PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT · / PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Texas Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE

Deadline Friday at 4 p.m. • Caii 903-856-6029 to place an ad



Notce n hereby given o( Ihe rv tention o( the Pbnning arvl Zoning CommBsron of Ihe Oty o( RtWxjrg to hoU a pubk hearing al 5.15 p.m. on Vlfcdneaday. September 10 2014, n the Dty Hal CouncI Cfterrtoem, 200 Ri»k Street to cortecter and make recommenda-ttone on the folbwtog tpecral perm*

Request from Coflee Break S More tor a specal use peimil tor 308 S Greer (Lot15-BJk37 B-1 Lo­cal Business Distnct) to alow tor a Drive-Through VUnfow to' Food and Dnnk Estebfeshmenl

Request from Thomas G Hll (or a specBl (EC perm* for 217 Terry St (LotTS-BIWK) to uae as a Pnvately Operated Comrrunty Buildrg

Request from NTCC for e ape-dal use perm* tor t14 Jefleraon SI (LotaZ-BlkOI) to use as the NTCC Cuinary Arts InsWutorvCommurtey Buidrg

Request from Robert S CaiM Peoptes (The Holman House Bed & BraaMast) for a sprcal use per. m l far 218 North Texas St (LoCZ-BlrtS) to use as Ofl-Slte Dormlory br Student Housing

Request from Neoma Twining (Abemathy House) tor a special use permit tor 406 Outman SI <Lot04-Blk48) to use as a Privately Operated Communty Building

Consider amending Zoning Ordi-nence Section XIX - M-1 Light in-duatral Distnct

Consider amendng Zoning Oi-dtesnce Secton XX - M.2 Heavy Industrial Dstnct

The Interlocal Purchasing System (TVS) has posted new Request For Uendor Proposers (RFP's) at www bps-usa com for the folowng categories Automobiles: Indus, trial Equipment. Chemtcels & Supplies: and Permanent Modu­lar Buddings, Pioposab are due Thursday, October 16, 2014 at 3 00 p.m Proposals w*[ be approved at the November 20, 2014 Board Meeting,

Need a newspaper

on Wednesday

afternoon? Check out these local retailers Villager

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Pittsburg Nursing & Rehab Presenting: IVIemory Care Unit

A innovative addition to its continuum of s emces by creating a new memory care

unit for individuals needing dementia care : support.

We will need additional staff to support this endeavor


For defaifs confar f Ashley Hong. BDS 903-946-2510

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RJ f . s : a r e y o u In te res ted i n m e n t a l h e a l t h issues a n d / o r l o a k l n g f o r some p a r t t i m e w o r k . A p p l y i n pe r son . H o s p i t a l i t y House. 804 West I 6 t h . M t . P leasant . We have a weekend sh i f t o f t w o twe l v e h o u r days t h a t m a y be j u s t w h a t y o u w a n t .

Call to advertise in

The Gazette 903-856-6629

Tabor Sanitation Is looking for

FULL TIME CDL TRRSH TRUCK DRIVERS. Must hold o doss B or highet LUith

Qir broke endasement & o current medical cord.

IDc offer incentive bonuses ond profit shorirg. Rpply m pcison ot our office locoted ot 331 5 FM 21, Mt. Vernon Coll 903-572-2100 for directions


H C I A N Fi ist United Methodist Church in Winnsboro , TX is ioolung for a part-time C^iurch Musician, The pe ison w e seek is a proToent pianist and ( idea ly ) comfortable playing a two manual electronic organ. Our church mu­sician must t>e availatile to rehearse with our choir on Wednesday evening as well as play dur ing worship on Sunday morning Candidates should have experience as an accompanist and be comfortable with both tradi­tional and contemporary music. Experience in a Unit­ed Methodist Church is a plus Please serxl resume to First UMC, 301 Church St., Winnsboro, TX 75494 or email to fume-winnsboro@suddenl inkmail ,com or fax to (903) 342-3177.

Tabor Sanitation is looking for Full-Time

Diesel Mechanic. M u s t h o l d at l e a s t a c l a s s B o r h i g h e r C D L

l i c e n s e w i t h a i r b r a k e e n d o r s e m e n t & a c u r ­

r e n t m e d i c a l c a r d .

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R a i s i n

Raisin's family decided they didn't want her anymore and let her wander the streets of a busy neighborhood until animal con­trol was called in to rescue her. She's a very sweet girl and play­ful. Would make a great addition to any famUy, There is a $20 fee for adopting an animal.

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Now acftpune apphcabi for the folhnving positio

August 21. 2014

PitliilHirg: •ScmhTcch/RN (Surgery cxpc-

ncixt prcferivdl FT •RN (Surgery experience pre­

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irg/ Apply mime-> wwwstlnicor) johscorch and Tier "(1*1 .ppl fss,"..raprJy n person, l«< «).V»46-5271 nrrnuilcdX)

FTMC • sanFx,ual Opprrriunity Fjnptoycr

Windsor Place Nursing Home

CNA L V N S^R-On BoniLS after 90 liay

probation period Qu.-irliTly perlbrmance

bonus possible. aiUm64.3.3!)15 for info!

sen E Vfetson Blvd. Daingerfleld

ESTATE SALE F r i d a y * S a t u r d a y 9 -5

S u n d a y 2 -5 1 1 9 CR 4 3 9 0

L a a s b u r g , T X 7 5 4 5 1 Corner of Hwy 11

a c n 43B0 TmlleeEaatoflMlnnMboro Furniture, enllqueai deco­rator llemt, collectaMei, piano, i lassware, sllvor-waro, Inmpe, ruga, paUo

hirnlturo, largo choet typo ITooior, powor toota and

much mora

Garage Sale SepL 6 Hwy 271 South to­ward Gilmer, third house past Bo Pil­

grim house, on same side of the road.

Furniture, clothes, bedspread, etc.

G a r a g e S a l e 102 F u l t o n

located next to Elementary Sa tu rday , Sept . 6

Qothes, shoes, purses 11.00 each

Too mt i rh to l i s l

Call to advertise in

The Gazet te 903-856-6629

Page 3: PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT · / PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Texas Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE

rhePittsburgGazeffe, Thursday, September 11, 2 0 1 4 - 1 3

-ridav at 4 p.m. • Cal l 903-856-6629 to place an ad

y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H i i M i i

W a l k c r C r e e k Vi l lage 22 PR 5-1607

Pitt«b«rj5,TX 75686 903-855-0311

Now accepting applications

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t ^ llllQtliij

4BR/2BA, natural gas, Swepco electridty,

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central heat & air w i th f r e -place, fienced in backyard.

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3 bedroom. 2 bath, CA/CH. 2 car garage, fenced yard,

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V i n y l S i d i n g Free Estimates - Reasonable

30+ plus years experience Pea Jackson

9 0 3 - 7 6 7 - 0 9 6 7

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903-856-5677 Qua l i t y

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L o t i n P i n e V a l l e y ( n e a r L a k e C y p r e s s ) w / o w n e r financing, S2,500

B r a n d n e w 3/2 b r i c k n e a r G l a d e w a t e r , Y* a c r e , S I 5 7 . 7 0 0

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W a t e r f r o n t H o m e For Sale

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2141186-1947 903-573-2614

The InlBilac^ IAjr:*i«iina S'/Uem (TIPS) has posted new Request For Wndor Pmposal's (RFP's) at www Bps-usa com (or the following categories Automobiles: Indus-tiial Equipmem, Chemicals & Supplies: and PeftnanenI Modu-tar BuNdings. Proposals sre due Thursday, Octotier 16, 2014 al 3:00 pm Proposals will bo approved at the November 20, 2014 Board Meeting

Great f ami l y home near Golf Course .

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P i t t s b u r g S t o r a g e ;

9 0 3 - 8 5 6 - 3 4 9 1 1


903-856-3611 Clean, insulated, card operated

security gates, 24 hour access Moving

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5 x 5 t o 1 0 x 2 0 9 0 3 - 7 6 7 - 0 8 0 8


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P R O P E R T I E S U N L I M I T E D .

903-856-3526 Brenda Barn w d l Broker 767-0158

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advertises more or tries harder to get your property so ld . Ik lk to us-if you are in the market for Selling

HOMES 3/2-2lh>..fon»iildiiuii^^^f^^^lf^kit.,multii}le garages. 4lir - Queen Anne Victorian. Early 1900 j . Beautiful interior M2 M/.Tpurwiu,v/(v(>igroJdjJJ.swrm«>m. Joins golf course. .7 or 4Br.-'Ij>t of for the money'. Big living/dining.

Neat. 4Br -2Story-nk; 3/2 - on private 2Br - Brick w/r 15.7 acs. - - Pre 3/2-Cliarming pli

*New kitchen cabinets. -ports. Fence.

SprinJcler. 2 ac. lot. >d for starting out. \c w/ quarters. ?d. You'll love it.

iCIAL tpoint/Bob Sandlin. Reduced!

beautiful rolling terrain. II, nice pond, electric A Bi-County.

Thundcrhird Point. Wooded.

$47Sk.27+ac.Prmc $21&t - 72 acre. Gated $U5,S00 -42+ac.w/ha, $7,000 - Pretty interior $179k - Corn. bldg. +sho^^l^iienl +1.6 ac. US 271 North. 6+acs - Last com. tract/Loop 179. Big price reduction.' Call. $21,700 6.7acsAVoodeMI^.ComerFM993ACR 1230.

S22Sk-REDUCED PRICE! lwasS275k)

Hiiw-w/iuf a deal! Totally Kinodeled building down-

'invn Pittsburg. Start your own business. Includes building •rtdl equ^meitt. + fixtures,

^furniture. Lots (ffpossilrilities:

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down/bar up and more! Conie,..iake a look You'll be impressed!

Your Business is Appreciated! B e i n g Y O U R R e a l t o r / B e c o m i n g Y O U R F r i e n d

FOR SALE: Multi Beige/burgundy stripe sleeper sofa $150.00 call 903-856-3415

Page 4: PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT · / PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Texas Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE


ADVOCATE H i l t o n K o i i g r , l , » i i i \ i : i n a

Publication Date: 09/12/2014

Ad Number: Client Name: Insertion Number: Advertiser: Size: Section/Page/Zone: MAI/F006/MAI Color Type: Description:

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Page 5: PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT · / PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Texas Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE




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Page 6: PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT · / PITTSBURG GAZETTE PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Texas Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared DEBBIE

2 B M O N E Y

Ferguson shows a social media dividing line » CONTINUED FROM ^

tagc CEO Alex Houg, who per-f o m c d the analysis at the request o f USA TODAY.

A n engaged user was someone who eommentcd on the topic, shared a l i n k about i t or l iked a post w i t h the keyword .

The estimate seems to conf irm what had been largely anecdotal - that a Facebook user was much less l i k d y t o read about the Fer­guson protests than .someone on Twitter.

Facebook releases data on how much users discuss certain events, say the Wor ld Cup, the Royal Wedding or the Olympics. But Facebook declined to com­ment on Fergusoa

Twitter, the reigning social net­work for breaking news, is ex­panding its arsenal o f tools, which makes it easier for the publ ic to see how often a topic is discussed.

Reverh a new tool geared to journalists, d i ows that Ferguson or #Fcrguson was men­t ioned 14,7 mi l l i on t imes f rom Aug. 9 to Aug. 20.

Protesters tweeted photos o f marcher^ video Vines o f interactions w i t h RaanadRob -the police, and as protests Co lo r -tu rned to loot ing and tear O lChange . gas, images of smoke, ar­rests and gas masks. Some of these were rctwcetcd tens o f thousands o f times.

t i on to profcssionai soccer's Premier League to Ferguson.

Facebook is another story. I t uses a ranking a lgor i thm that fil­ters what people sec in the i r News Feeds. So what a person sees when he or she looks at the stream of posts and shared l inks is filtered based on that person's past activity, including poets l i k ed commented on or shared

The idea is to make the Face-book News Feed more relevant to the user, but Facebook is often less able to respond quickly to breaking news that stretches be­yond someone's previous in ter ­ests and those of his or her fr iends

I n other words even when Fer­guson was being talked about on Facebook, many people st i l l didn't sec ment ion o f i t .

Rashad Robinsoa executive d i -

M C i B O O K FUTER On Facebook, the discussion around Ferguson, Mo., appeared more muted i n the days fol lowing the Aug. 9 shooting o f Michael Brown. Instead Facebook feeds appeared to be filled w i th friends calling on each other to donate to research on anyo i roph ic lateral sclerosis or ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig's disease, and to dump a bucket of ice water on themselves

The explanation for the dis­connect was the big difFercnce in how the two networks surface news. A Twi t ter user sees what his or her followers are tweeting. Whi le you can customize t rend­ing tc^ics for location. It's also very easy to see what topics are hot among Twit ter users wor ld ­wide - f rom boy band One Direc-

nsoa c rector w i th grass-roots civi l rights organization says he saw Ferguson ail over his News Feed. But he fielded calls f rom whi te donors who were out­raged they d id not.

They wanted t o know why, and he suggested they ask their Facebook friends.

"People l ike Facebook for that, because it allows them to sit inside the

wor ld they want to sit inside of, and to be comfortable. The w r y nature o f what's happening in Ferguson is not comfortable for many people." he said i n an inter­view w i th USA TODAY.

Twi t ter is a very dit tcrcnt k i nd of social network. It 's a public square where breaking news trav­els fast and wide.

"Even i f you arc not necessarily interested in being a part of cer­ta in conversations, Twit ter has a way of making you a part of those conversations," Robinson said.

RFERGUSON Data on what was happening on both networks in mid-August contrasts how two occurrences played out on social med ia

Iccbuckctchallcngc or #ice-buckctchallenge was mentioned 1.55 mQIion t imes on Twitter, ac­cording to Twi t t e r data, o r about one-tenth the mentions of Fergu­son n r#Fc rgusoa

' 1 1 * . / 4 , ^ ? » - - -T^i'

'4> 1^ . f

A prxrtpster o f the sho o t i n g d e a t h o f teenager M i c h a e l Brc checks h e r phone as po l i ce keep w a t c h i n FWguson , M o .

Twi t ter took great pr ide i n its role in Ferguson, paint ing the hashtag on the walls erf its corpo­rate headquarters in San Francis­co. Twi t ter co-founder Jack Dorscy. who was raised in St, Louis and whose parents live there, marched alongside protes­ters in Ferguson.

When asked by USA TODAY on Twi t ter what he thought of the protests unfrJding there, Dorscy tweeted "Heartbreaking "

Anton io French, a St. Louis al­derman who provided a near-constant stream of tweets and Vines f rom Ferguson i n the two weeks after the shooting, said so­cial media were an outlet for peo­ple who felt they were witnessing a much different s i tuat ion than the one played out on cable news

Facebook filters what people see based on their past activity. So even when Ferguson was being talked about, many did not see it.

and mainstream media, where at times, l oo t ing violence and tear gas consumed the story.

" I f you were here, you saw that the other 20 hours a day i t was peaceful protest ing thousands of people, a lot o f courage and beau­ty, democracy in action," he said in an interview.

Early on, he was one o f the few people recording the protests. By the second week, many more were recording on the i r phones. Social media connected the p ro ­testers' experience and concerns to people outside Ferguson, even around the wor ld . When people came f rom outside the St. Louis area, it h d p e d them figure out how to contribute, he said.

" I th ink when this story is w r i t ­ten about, it w i l l be ha rd to wr i t e about it w i thout referring to i t as #Fcrguson." he said.

Twitter, he said, became the network o f choice because i t was faster and had a l imit less reach. For years, it has been embraced by younger black people and communi ty activists because i t was so easy to use on mobi le devices.

A Pew Research study found that 40% of black Internet users ages 18 to 29 use Tw i t t e r com­pared w i t h 28% of wl i i t cs in that age group.

BLACK TWITTER The cultural phenomenon called "Black Twitter , " which played a pivotal role i n the Ferguson p ro ­tests, is a growing and vilx-ant part of the service.

Kimberly Ellis, author o f the upcoming book Tbe Bombastic Brilliantx of Black Twitter, said she saw Brown, the unarmed teenager shot by a whi te police officer i n Ferguson, M o , t r end i n her Fbcebook account.

"That is a reflection of m y friends." said Ellis, whose ' I 'wit ter handle is (Sdrgoddcss. " I hang w i t h radical white people and black people."

But on Twitter, the walls be­tween communit ies come down when news breaks. Ell is notes you can fol low as many Twi t t e r accounts as you want and you can search out news by keyword.

"There is just a greater democ­ratization of space on Twit ter , " Ellis said.

And because users arc con­fined to 140 characters, people can scan more quick ly through tweets to get "a greater diversity o f in format ion, " she said.

"You had to be on Twi t ter to realty understand what was H ^ -pcning in Ferguson," H l i s said. " I f you missed that, you missed a lot."

M A R K E T P L A C E T O D A Y For odvertlslnginfoi-nation 1800.3970070 www.ruMel|ohns«xn/usat

To v i e w m o r e C lass i f i ed l i s t ings , visit ; w w w . U S A T O D A Y a a s s i f i e d s . c o m

ThainMrtocal Ptiichulng SytMm

(TtPS) has posted new Request For Vendor Proposal's (RFP's) at www tips-usa com br

the lotowng categories.

Industilil Equlpmefrt. Chemical i f tSwI iM;

and Permanent Modular BuiUlngs.

Proposals are due Thursday

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At 70, Gladys Knight is still *guided by the spirit' E l y n G a r d n e r ,tElvHr,r,riJn,T tiSATnO.AY

Gladys Knight was 4 when she sai^; i n her first church recital. S i e recalls " r u n n i n g u p and down the aisles, playing there. My mom and dad always let us be kids."

Thafs not to say that the be­loved R&B veteran, who turned 70 i n May, ever took what she was singing, or hear ing for granted. A t home, her parents would "sit us down and read Bible stories " Many decades later, she would earn two Grammy Awards in gospel categories, for the 2005 a lbum One Vote and a duct version o f Heaven Help Ut All per formed w i th Ray Charles, fea­tured on Charles' posthumous Genius Laves Company.

On her new album. Where My Heart Belongs, Knight lends her

in imitably husky, throbbing, s t i l l -robust voice to both original i n ­spirational songs and favorites ranging f r om Kirk Franklin's Always and Bcbe Winans" In the Midst of the Rain to the 1899 spir­itual Were You There.

"When I start work ing on an album. I usually have people submit songs," Knight says, "But this t ime — it was the weirdest t h i i ^ — they just started coming " K n i ^ t and her husband, W i l l i am McDoweU, revised some lyrics to -famaiar melodies I wanted to d a We're t ry ing to reach cwryonc. "

Raised a Baptist, she has "frequented many churches." But K n i ^ t jo ined the Church o f Jesus Christ o f Latter-day Saints in 1997. inspired by her daughter and son, who had also become followers,

"Seeing how my chi ldren J i m ­my and Kenya were growing in the G o ^ l , I found It to be a

Knipthtk new •thum. Where My Heart Beionge (out now), rcatnro oM and new songs orfWith.

Her faHh "has always been the best and most Important part of my life." spir itual c l c v ^ i o n for me as w d l , " she says.

The singer is quick to point out. l a u d i n g "1 am not perfect — I mess up sometimes." But she is "always guided by the ^ i r i t . That's always been the best and most important part of my life. I take it w i th me every t ime 1 step onstage.-

For Rolling Stone contr ibut ing editor Anthony D e G i r t i ^ i t makes perfect sense that Knight would embrace gospel, " the way somebody like Fric Clapton would (p) and miJtc a blues record,"

"These arc emotional and cre­

ative wcllsprings fur people," he says. "You don't have to be a be­liever to respond to the music."

Knight's fans can also look for­ward to seeing her play the m o t h ­er of "a dean-cut guy" i n the Lifetime movie Seasons of Love. set to air in late November,

"IFs a clean, spir i tual ly mo t i ­vated love story - we don't get enough of those."

She st i l l looks back fondly on her spin i n the 14th season o f Dancing With the Stars, in 2012: "An amazing event, because i t gave me an oppor tun i ty t o get outside my comfort zone."

Another TV st int that year, on Ccntric's Apolk) Live, prov ided the chance " to give something back. It's important to t e l l young people, the way my mentors t o ld mc, that you need to watch how you come on stage, and what you do once you're there. Because somebody is wa t ch ing '

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Proposals are due Thursday.

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Nowmber20, 2014 Board Meetng







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10 Flat-bottomed barge

14 Celestial ellipse 15 Exile site of 18)4 16 the way

(lead) 17 Household

converrlences 20 Preschool song

start 21 Big galoots 22 Tough boss 23 Swelling,

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66 Hard fatty tissue

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com 2 Decopod

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style 7 Stalely trees 8 Perry Mason's

org 9 InlernaUonal

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Open Requests for Proposals

RFP-Audrtorlum Seating or Bleachers Due September 18, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Automobiles Due October 16, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Computer Equipment, Peripherals and Services(For Louisiana Only) Due September 11, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Heavy Duty Trucks and Trailers Due September 18, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Industrlal Equipment, Chemicals and Supplies Due October 16, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Job Order Contracting(For Louisiana Only) Due September 11, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Medical Equipment and Supplies Due September 18, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Natural or Synthetic Turf, Courts or Tracks Due September 11, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Permanent Modular Buildings Due October 16, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Playground Equipment and Servloes(For Louisiana Only) Due September 11, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Sdence Equipment and Supplies Due September 18, 2014 at 3:00pm

RFP-Sports Facility Lighting and Installatlon(Fof Louisiana Only) Due September 11, 2014 at 3:00pm


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