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PATH TO REVOLUTION Slide 2 The French and Indian War - clipclip A. French and Indian War 1. A war between the British and an alliance of French and Native American tribes. 2. Fought over land in The Ohio River Valley area. Brits wanted to get into fur trade and expand territory, France kicked them out and built forts. 3. Colonists like George Washington learned how to fight in this war. Slide 3 The conflict goes from 1740- 1763 Benjamin Franklin tries to unite all the colonies with the Albany Plan to help win the war. Albany Plan Not one colony is willing to give up its power and join with everyone else. Britain sends troops and supplies to help the colonists. The British take the New France Capital of Quebec with a surprise attack and pretty much win the war Slide 4 French and Indian War - clipclip Results of the war: Treaty of Paris is signed. Britain gets all of Frances N. American Territory Spain (French ally) has to give Britain Florida, but gets the Louisiana Territory in exchange. N. America is now divided between Spain and England with the Mississippi river as the border. Slide 5 I. Before the Taxes B. Proclamation of 1763Proclamation 1. After the War, The British gained large amounts to territory. 2. King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763 to prevent any future fighting with the Native American tribes in these territories. 3. It made the western boundaries of the colonies the Appalachian Mountains. 4. Many colonists were angered because they had already purchased land west of the mountains. 5. This created friction between the colonies and Britain because the colonists thought this limited their freedom. Now be good little colonists and dont stray across the Appalachian Mountains! Hey! Stop that! I see you! Slide 6 II. Here Come the Taxes! - SongSong A. Great Britain went into debt fighting the French and Indian war. B. The king and Parliament needed more revenue. 1. They thought it was only fair the colonists pay part of the cost by paying an increase in taxes. 2. The colonists believed they needed a representative to be taxed. No taxation without representation!No taxation without representation! Slide 7 WRAP UP Slide 8 Questions??? Who were the main combatants in the French and Indian War? Who was the British king at the time? What treaty ended the French and Indian War? Why did the British issue the Proclamation of 1763? What happened to the French as a result of the Treaty of Paris of 1763? What American hero gained practice in leadership and warfare during the French and Indian War? How did Britain justify the new taxes they wanted to put on the colonists? What phrase did the colonists believe in? Slide 9 II. Here Come the Taxes! Navigation Acts: Set of acts by England that restricted trade in the colonies to ensure that England made money! Navigation Acts Gosh darn Brits! Theyre telling us who we can and cant trade with! Slide 10 II. Here Come the Taxes! D. Sugar ActSugar Act 1. Passed in 1764. 2. Lowered taxes on sugar and molasses to discourage smuggling. 3. Colonists rebelled by boycotting British goods, like British sugar. 4. Repealed by Parliament in 1766. You mean to tell me that those sneaks in Parliament are trying to get us to pay a tax when we dont have a representative?!?! Shoot no that aint happenin. Lets boycott!!!! Slide 11 E. Stamp Act 1. Passed in 1765 2. Taxed all printed goods. All printed goods had to have a tax stamp. 3. Newspapers, pamphlets even playing cards had to be stamped. 4. Colonists formed the Stamp Act Congress to protest. 5. Repealed in 1766.Stamp Act Dagnabit! You mean we gotta put a stamp on everything printed? And still no dadgum representative! Slide 12 The Declaratory Act Said that British Parliament had the right to tax and make decisions for all British Colonies. Slide 13 F. Quartering Act Forced colonists to house and feed English soldiers for free.Quartering Act Now I gotta quarter soldiers in my house??? Awww heck no! Slide 14 G. Townshend Acts- taxed all imported goods.Townshend Acts- Taxes on my glass and paper?!? But I need those! I cant make em! Stupid Parliament and their taxes. Lets boycott again! IMPORT GOING INTO THE COUNTRY Slide 15 H. Tea Act- Allowed Englands East India Company to sell tea directly to the colonies, untaxed. This gave the East India Company an advantage because their tea was cheaper. Tea Act- No taxes for you East India Company on that tea! You pay taxes on that tea Dutch merchant! Now! Thats dadgum unfair! Slide 16 Questions??? Why did the colonists believe they should not have to pay taxes? What did the Navigation Acts do? What did the Sugar Act do? What did the colonists form to protest the Stamp Act? How did the colonists get rid of the Sugar and Stamp Acts? What happened to New York when they protested the Quartering Act? What did the Townshend Acts tax? Who would have benefited from the Tea Act? What phrase did colonists use as their rallying cry against British taxes? Slide 17 III. The Final Straws A. The Boston Massacre 1. Occurred on March 5 th, 1770 2. Colonists protesting British taxes attacked British soldiers with clubs, rocks, and snowballs. 3. The English opened fire killing five colonists. Fire you bloodybacks, you lobsters! You dare not fire! Oh dear. I do believe I am dead. See that? 5 people dead! Dadgum lobsterbacks! Slide 18 B. Boston Tea Party 1. 1773 2. On December 16, at midnight, the Sons of Liberty dressed like Mohawk Indians, dumped over 300 chests of English tea into the harbor. 3. The Sons of Liberty were founded by Samuel Adams 4. Retaliation for the Tea Act. Yeah dump that tea in the harbor! I love me some salt water tea! Slide 19 C. Intolerable Acts(The Colonies) Coercive Acts(England) 1. 1774 2. Were issued to punish the colonies for the Boston Tea Party. 3. Stripped the colonists of their basic rights. a. Closed Boston Harbor, forced soldiers to be quartered (again) in colonist homes, limited town meetings and changed the Massachusetts government. These Coercive Acts are dadgum Intolerable!!! Lets rebel! Ok. Ill rebel with you if youll just stop screaming. Slide 20 IV. The idea of a new nation is born. A. 1 st Continental Congress 1. 1774 2. Delegates included John Jay, John Adams, Richard Henry Lee, Patrick Henry, and George Washington. 3. Met in response to the Intolerable Acts. Said all the Acts violated colonists rights. 4. Important results Organized militia. 5. Established the first independent American government. Slide 21 Questions??? What happened in the Boston Massacre? Why did the 1 st Continental Congress meet? What did the 1 st Continental Congress do? What was the Boston Tea Party in response to? What was passed by the British because of the Boston Tea Party? What are some things the Coercive/Intolerable Acts did? What is the difference between the Coercive and Intolerable Acts? Slide 22 V. The beginning of the American Revolution! A. Battles of Lexington and Concord 1. April, 1775 2. Lexington and Concord were towns where the colonys ammunition was stored. 3. The British headed toward Lexington to confiscate the weapons. 4.Paul Revere and William Dawes rode to towns calling out, The British are coming! The British are coming! Slide 23 Lexington and Concord continued 5. As the British soldiers approached Lexington, they killed 8 American militia. The first shot is called The Shot Heard Round the World 6. The British were then lured to Concord, where they were ambushed by American militia. They used guerilla tactics. 7. The British had 174 wounded and 73 dead. 8. 1 st battles of the American Revolution! Slide 24 B. Battle of Bunker Hill 1. June, 1775 2. British win because the American militia ran out of ammunition. 3.Important, because it showed the British that a war with America wouldnt be quick nor easy! Slide 25 C. 2 nd Continental Congress 1. Delegates included everyone from the 1 st Continental Congress + Ben Franklin, John Hancock, and Thomas Jefferson. 2. Important results- Created paper money, created a post office(run by Ben Franklin), created the Continental Army(commanded by General George Washington) and declared independence! Slide 26 VI. The Declaration of Independence A. Signed July 4 th, 1776 B. 1 st signed by John Hancock. C. Written by Thomas Jefferson D. Declared independence from Great Britain and stated their intention of forming the new nation of The United States of America! When in the course of human events Slide 27 VII. Important People A. Thomas Paine 1. Wrote propaganda encouraging colonists to join the revolution against England. 2. Wrote the famous pamphlets: Common Sense(1776) - argued for freedom from the British The Crisis(1776-1783) - a series of pamphlets written to inspire the Americans during the Revolution. Americans should be free from British rule! Get your copy of Common Sense and The Crisis today! Slide 28 B. Patrick Henry Patriot who said, Give me liberty or give me death and I am not a Virginian but an American. C. Samuel Adams- Patriot and one of the founders of the Sons of Liberty. Strongly believed in independence. Cousin of John Adams. I know not what others may choose. But for me, give me liberty or give me death! Dont give an inch! Dump that tea into the harbor! Slide 29 Questions??? Where were colonists storing ammunition? What two men rode out of Boston to warn colonists the British were coming to seize their ammunition? What were the first battles of the American Revolution? What was the first shot of the Battle of Lexington called? Why is the Battle of Bunker Hill important? What are some things the 2 nd Continental Congress did? Name two facts about Samuel Adams. What is Patrick Henrys famous statement? What two things did Thomas Paine write? When was the Declaration of Independence signed? Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? What did the Declaration of Independence do? Slide 30 The End!!!