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Example of Example of Phenomenological Phenomenological

InquiryInquiry• An interpretative phenomenological analysis of delusions in people with

Parkinson's disease.

• Todd, D., Simpson, J., & Murray, C.

• Purpose: to explore what delusional experiences mean for people with Parkinson’s Disease.

• Method: Eight participants were interviewed; interpretive phenomenological analysis was used to identify themes within their accounts

• Four themes emerged:

• 1. “I got very frightened” – the emotional experience associated with the delusions

• 2. “Why the hells that happening” – sense of uncertainty and of losing control

• 3. “I feel like I’m disintegrating” – loss of identity and sense of self

• 4. “I’ve just tried to make the best of things” – acceptance and adjustment

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Concerns, Criticisms, Concerns, Criticisms, LimitationsLimitations

• Not appropriate when one is trying to establish the pervasiveness of an attitude or behaviour, or to compare situations in order to predict or control

• An appropriate question - “What IS X,”

• Not appropriate – “What CAUSES X”

• Requires that the researcher becomes a phenomenologist

• The research must explore his/her own consciousness

• The researcher needs to be deeply empathic

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Concerns, Criticisms, Concerns, Criticisms, LimitationsLimitations

• Not an excuse for sloppy research; there is some confusion out there about what constitutes phenomenological research

• No clear recipe for doing research

• In some sense it is not a methodology at all but a perspective on what constitutes knowledge in the human sciences.

• Because of this it demands the research to be flexible and to self-check.

• Solipsism – “ all one can know is oneself”

• Researcher is the central point of study (Bentz & Shaprio, 102).

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Strengths, Advantages Strengths, Advantages & Inspiration& Inspiration

• No single, so-called correct way of doing research

• Does not explain but creates understanding among the observed and the observer

• Adapted to the needs of the individual study

• Makes public and manageable lived experience

• More accepting and receptive of its subject matter; careful not to impose order on its subject matter

• Openly accepts people’s point of view

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Strengths, Advantages Strengths, Advantages & Inspiration& Inspiration

• Specifically designed for psychology; developed across basically all disciplinary areas, such as learning, perception, language, cognition, personality and social life.

• Inspires insight in the researcher as well as the consumers of the research

• The sample size is usually small, allowing detailed accounts from each participant

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Individual ReflectionsIndividual Reflections• In order to reflect on Phenomenology we have

included the links to our blogs for this week:

• Kendra:

• Christine:

• Erica:

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Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions• There are some people who argue that empathy

cannot be learned and is an innate quality. Do you agree or disagree and if so, how does a researcher know if he/she has “enough” empathy to embark in phenomenological inquiry?

• If all we can know is oneself (solipsism) what do you think the benefits are of researching subjective experiences?

• What are potential limitations of openly accepting participant’s point of view?

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Discussion QuestionsDiscussion Questions

• Phenomenology emphasizes description rather then interpretation of the participants experience. Do you think that a description is sufficient to capture the experience or do you think that interpretation is necessary for understanding.

• Notice the two opposing views on phenomenological research. How can one theory have two opposite views? Why do you think this is?

• How do you think one’s lifeworld would influence one’s relationships with others? How might a lifeworld promote or hinder positive relationship formation? Do you believe that we all have different lifeworlds?

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ReferencesReferences• Todd, D., Simpson, J., & Murray, C. (2010). An interpretative phenomenological analysis of delusions in

people with Parkinson's disease. Disability & Rehabilitation, 32(15), 1291-1299. doi:10.3109/09638280903514705.

• Wertz, F. (2005). Phenomenological Research Methods for Counseling Psychology. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 52(2), 167-177. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.52.2.167.

• Hein, S., & Austin, W. (2001). Empirical and hermeneutic approaches to phenomenological research in psychology: A comparison. Psychological Methods, 6(1), 3-17. doi:10.1037/1082-989X.6.1.3.

• Bentz, V. M & Shapiro, J. J. (1998). Mindful inquiry in social research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

• Giorgi, A. (1997). The theory, practice, and evaluation of the phenomenological method as a qualitative research procedure. Journal of Phenomenological Psychology, 28(2), 235-260.

• Goulding, C. (1998). Consumer research, interpretive paradigms and methodological ambiguities. European Journal of Marketing, 33(9), 859-873.

• Laverty, S. M. (2003). Hermeneutic phenomenology and phenomenology: A comparison of historical and methodological considerations. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 2(3). Article 3. Retrieved July 10, 2010 from

• Wertz, F. J. (1999). Multiple methods in psychology: Epistemological grounding and the possibility of unity. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 19(2), 131-166.

• Burston, D. & Frie, R. (2006). Psychotherapy as a human science. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Duquesne University Press.

• Wimpenny, P. & Gass, J. (2000). Intervirewing in phenomenology and grounded theory: is there a difference? Journal of Advanced Nursing, 31(6). Retrieved from EBSCOHost.

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