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Page 1: Paleo Proteins Perfected: 9 of 11; Taurine

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Taurine is an organic acid that is present and widely distributed in animal tissues only,

making up approx. 0.1% of human body weight. It is technically not an amino acid as it lacks a

carboxyl group, however, it is often referred to as one even in the scientific literature.

Page 2: Paleo Proteins Perfected: 9 of 11; Taurine

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


High dietary intake of taurine is noted in all long-living populations studied.

It has been dubbed, “The nutritional factor for the longevity of the Japanese.”

Strong epidemiological evidence suggests that certain groups with the longest life spans

consume higher amounts of taurine than others so there appears to be a causation-related

mechanism rather than simply a correlation.

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Vegan and vegetarian diets are lacking in taurine. Deficiency is also a/w: liver, kidney &/or heart failure, diabetes, and cancer, all are known to

cause taurine deficiency.

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Taurine levels decline with age, obesity, and diabetes (obesity & diabetes: epidemic).

Although the body is able to produce taurine, aging bodies are often not able to produce

sufficient amounts.

Page 4: Paleo Proteins Perfected: 9 of 11; Taurine

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


It has a wide array of benefits, so many that it has been described as “a wonder molecule.”

Taurine is found throughout the body, but esp. in tissues containing excitable cells like nerves and heart muscle. It’s vital for proper function of the minerals potassium,

calcium, magnesium, and sodium. It regulates heart rhythm, cardiac contraction, blood pressure, and platelet aggregation, and regulates the

excitability of neurons. It detoxifies liver cells of various toxins, helps form bile

acids and maintains cell membrane stability. It reduces the synthesis of lipids and cholesterol that are associated with


Page 5: Paleo Proteins Perfected: 9 of 11; Taurine

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Diabetes & blood sugar regulation:1. Taurine helps improve or restore insulin sensitivity, improve

glucose tolerance, & mitigate diabetic complications. 2. It improves glucose transport into energy producing cells thereby

lowering Blood Sugar.3. It supports nerve fiber integrity (potentially slowing or reversing

painful diabetic neuropathy). 4. Taurine also fights glucose-induced oxidant stress and preserves

the health of light-sensing cells in diabetic retinopathy.

5. Increases the action of insulin, improving glucose tolerance, and acts as an antioxidant.

6. Supplemental taurine has been shown to aid in fat loss, reduce obesity, restore healthy insulin sensitivity and enhance blood sugar regulation while helping to prevent the onset of

type 2 Diabetes. 7. Taurine also helps prevent and reverse many of the negative

consequences of diabetes.

Page 6: Paleo Proteins Perfected: 9 of 11; Taurine

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Obesity & weight loss: Found useful in weight loss (3gms/d for 7

wks), most likely related to its many positive roles relating to blood sugar regulation.Additionally, obesity has been found to

reduce taurine levels creating a vicious cycle that further promotes obesity.

Page 7: Paleo Proteins Perfected: 9 of 11; Taurine

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Cardiovascular Disease: Taurine has been shown to reverse cardiovascular disease factors,

It also reduces triglycerides and the “atherogenic index.” Supplementation (1.5g / d) for just 14 days has shown to

reverse diabetes-induced abnormalities in arterial stiffness and in the ability of the vasculature to respond

to changes in blood flow or pressure. Taurine has also been shown to help protect heart

function and helps to prevent heart muscle damage.

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Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Taurine & CVD con’t: Taurine supplementation strengthens heart muscle cells, extends their life spans, and protects them

from damage, while reducing many of the factors that produce atherosclerosis and its deadly consequences.

Taurine supplementation lowers blood pressure in animal models by reducing the resistance to blood flow and

minimizing nerve impulses in the brain that drive blood pressure up.

Supplementation has been found to reduce arterial thickening and stiffness characteristic of atherosclerosis, to

restore arteries’ responses to beneficial endothelial NO, and to reduce inflammation.

Page 9: Paleo Proteins Perfected: 9 of 11; Taurine

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Taurine & CVD con’t: Shown to lower oxidative stress and improve heart function in iron-overloaded mice (the journal Circulation, April 20,2004). Taurine accounts for 25% of the free amino acid pool in the human heart and possesses potent antioxidant properties.

Deficiency has been correlated with dilated cardiomyopathy. The authors conclude that in this mouse model of iron-

overload, “taurine supplementation has unequivocal beneficial effects on survival and cardiac structure and

function, with marked reductions in iron-induced oxidative stress.

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Liver Health: taurine is an integral part of the liver’s self-protective mechanisms. Shown to defend liver cells against free radicals and toxins, helping to reduce

oxidative stress.

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Exercise related: Shown to improve exercise performance and duration with

less fatigue; Helps muscles work harder, longer, and safer;

increases muscle contractility; helps muscle rid itself of lactic acid;

Protects muscles from oxidative stress and damaged DNA…

Page 11: Paleo Proteins Perfected: 9 of 11; Taurine

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Neurological: Seizures: taurine plays a major role in the regulation of

excitable tissues. Taurine depletion is a/w > seizure activity while supp T is capable of preventing them. Appears to work

via > levels of glutamic acid decarboxylase which > GABA receptors in brain cells, calming them and < likelihood of

participating in the random, uncoordinated electrical firing that produces seizures.

Taurine and hearing: plays a vital role, studies have shown it can reverse the biochemical processes behind hearing loss in some cases. Also shown to almost completely eliminate the

ringing in the ears a/w tinnitus. Taurine helps restore and control normal Ca ion flow in auditory cells (a/w “hair cells”

which are the nerve cells that convert sound waves into electrical energy).

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Taurine and the eyes: found in very high concentrations in the retina, it declines with age. Fights oxidative stress (esp in diabetes) and helps

restore deficient levels of nerve growth factor (required for retinal health).

Deficiency a/w numerous vision problems: retinal ganglion cell degeneration and retinal dysfunction in

kids, shown to ameliorate diabetic retinopathy, strong evidence suggests it plays a vital role in maintaining

optimal retinal function.T protects retinal and inner ear cells from damage, normalizing the flow of calcium ions they need to

function properly.

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Page 13: Paleo Proteins Perfected: 9 of 11; Taurine

Clearly we’d be fools not to include extra Taurine in our Paleo Proteins Perfected Line.

Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


Finally, Evidence is growing for taurine’s role in:Preventing epileptic seizures and liver disease, two conditions that can be attributed to toxic

effects on delicate tissue.

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Video 9 of The Science Behind

Paleo Proteins Perfected

Body Symphony: Where Science Meets Nature


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