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    Formulation of a killed whole cell pneumococcusvaccine - effect of aluminum adjuvants on theantibody and IL-17 responseHarm HogenEsch1*, Anisa Dunham1, Bethany Hansen1, Kathleen Anderson1, Jean-Francois Maisonneuve2 andStanley L Hem3


    Background: Streptococcus pneumoniae causes widespread morbidity and mortality. Current vaccines contain freepolysaccharides or protein-polysaccharide conjugates, and do not induce protection against serotypes that are notincluded in the vaccines. An affordable and broadly protective vaccine is very desirable. The goal of this study wasto determine the optimal formulation of a killed whole cell pneumococcal vaccine with aluminum-containingadjuvants for intramuscular injection.

    Methods: Four aluminium-containing adjuvants were prepared with different levels of surface phosphate groupsresulting in different adsorptive capacities and affinities for the vaccine antigens. Mice were immunized three timesand the antigen-specific antibody titers and IL-17 responses in blood were analyzed.

    Results: Although all adjuvants induced significantly higher antibody titers than antigen without adjuvant, thevaccine containing aluminum phosphate adjuvant (AP) produced the highest antibody response when low dosesof antigen were used. Aluminum hydroxide adjuvant (AH) induced an equal or better antibody response at highdoses compared with AP. Vaccines formulated with AH, but not with AP, induced an IL-17 response. The vaccineformulated with AH was stable and retained full immunogenicity when stored at 4°C for 4 months.

    Conclusions: Antibodies are important for protection against systemic streptococcal disease and IL-17 is critical inthe prevention of nasopharyngeal colonization by S. pneumoniae in the mouse model. The formulation of thewhole killed bacterial cells with AH resulted in a stable vaccine that induced both antibodies and an IL-17response. These experiments underscore the importance of formulation studies with aluminium containingadjuvants for the development of stable and effective vaccines.

    BackgroundStreptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a Gram-positive, encapsulated diplococcus that is commonlypresent as a commensal bacterium in the microbial floraof the upper respiratory tract without causing clinicaldisease. However, these bacteria also cause great mor-bidity and mortality throughout the world. Pneumococ-cal infections are a leading cause of pneumonia,bacteremia, meningitis, and otitis media in adults andchildren, and account for an estimated 1.6 million

    deaths, including up to 1 million children less than 5years of age, annually [1-3]. The burden of disease isgreatest in developing countries.Based on differences in the composition of the poly-

    saccharide capsule, more than 90 distinct serotypes ofpneumococcus are recognized. Current vaccines againstpneumococcus are a 23-valent vaccine containing freepolysaccharides and 7-valent, 10-valent and 13-valentvaccines composed of protein-polysaccharide conjugates.The free polysaccharides are T-independent antigensand induce a poor immune response in children lessthan 2 years of age. In contrast, the conjugated vaccinesthat are T-dependent induce a good immune responsein young children and infants. These vaccines have

    * Correspondence: [email protected] of Comparative Pathobiology, Purdue University, 725 HarrisonStreet, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USAFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

    HogenEsch et al. Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 2011, 9:5

    © 2011 HogenEsch et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the CreativeCommons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, andreproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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  • greatly reduced disease caused by the pneumococcal ser-otypes included in the vaccines in countries where thesevaccines are widely used. However, the vaccines do notprotect against serotypes that are not included in thevaccine. Many serotypes in developing countries are notincluded in the currently available vaccines and wide-spread adoption of the vaccines is limited by the cost ofthe polysaccharide and conjugate vaccines. Furthermore,increased prevalence of non-vaccine serotypes has beenobserved following the implementation of pneumococ-cus vaccination programs [4,5]. These considerationshave led to the pursuit of alternative vaccination strate-gies, including the use of protein antigens that areshared among the different serotypes. A potentially suc-cessful approach is the use of killed, non-encapsulatedpneumococci (whole cell antigen - WCA) which pro-vides multiple common antigens for inducing animmune response that is protective across the differentserotypes, and is relatively inexpensive to prepare [6].Previous studies showed that intranasal immunization

    with WCA and cholera toxin as a mucosal adjuvant,induced a robust antibody response [7]. The inoculatedmice had greatly reduced nasopharyngeal and middleear colonization following intranasal administration ofpneumococci of different serotypes [7-9]. Similarlyinoculated rats were protected from sepsis againstintrathoracic challenge with serotype 3 [7]. The protec-tion against nasopharyngeal colonization in miceoccurred in antibody-deficient mice, and was dependenton the presence of CD4+ T cells. Subsequent studiesdemonstrated that this protection was conferred byTh17 cells, whereas IL-4 and IFN-g were not necessaryfor protection [10].Although mucosal administration of vaccines has sev-

    eral advantages, the need for cholera toxin to induce aneffective immune response precludes this route of immu-nization for human use until acceptable mucosal adju-vants become available. Vaccines for intramuscularinjection often contain aluminum compounds as safe,effective, and inexpensive adjuvants. The two aluminum-containing adjuvants that are commercially available andwidely used in vaccines are aluminum hydroxide (AH)and aluminum phosphate (AP) [11]. These adjuvantshave large adsorptive surfaces, but different structuraland surface properties which affect their interaction withvaccine antigens. Adsorption of antigens onto aluminumadjuvants increases the retention of antigens at the injec-tion site and this property was considered essential forthe immunostimulatory effect ("depot-mechanism”).However, recent studies indicate that adsorption is notnecessary for the adjuvant effect of aluminum com-pounds [12-14]. Nevertheless, adsorption may affect thestructural stability of antigens and the availability of epi-topes [15,16]. The two main mechanisms by which

    antigens adsorb onto aluminum-containing adjuvants areelectrostatic attraction and ligand exchange [11]. Thesurface charge of AH is positive at neutral pH and that ofAP is negative at neutral pH. Therefore, these adjuvantshave different affinities for antigens that adsorb throughelectrostatic mechanisms. Electrostatically adsorbed anti-gens usually elute from the adjuvants upon exposure tointerstitial fluid following intramuscular or subcutaneousadministration [17]. Ligand exchange is the replacementof surface hydroxyls by terminal phosphate groups ofphosphorylated antigens creating a covalent bond that isstronger than electrostatic adsorption. Since AH hasmore surface hydroxyls than AP, it has a higher affinityfor phosphorylated antigens. Such strong adsorptionresults in poor elution in interstitial fluid and has a nega-tive effect on the immune response to phosphorylatedantigens formulated with AH as opposed to AP [18].Our previous work with aluminium-containing adju-

    vants was based on single antigens. Here, we report onexperiments aimed at formulating WCA, a complexmixture of antigens, with aluminum adjuvants. The goalwas to determine the formulation that induced the max-imum antibody and IL-17 response, two critical compo-nents of a protective immune response against S.pneumoniae [6]. These studies for the first time demon-strate that the type of aluminum-containing adjuvants(AH vs. AP) affects the magnitude and quality of theantibody response as well as the Th17 CD4+ T cellresponse to WCA.

    MethodsMiceAll experiments involving mice were conducted in accor-dance with NIH guidelines for the care and use of experi-mental animals and were approved by the PurdueUniversity Animal Care and Use Committee. Seven weekold female C57BL/6J mice were purchased from the Jack-son Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME). Mice were maintainedin a conventional barrier facility, exposed to a 12 h light/12 h dark cycle, and allowed free access to water andLabDiet 5015 (Purina Mills, Richmond, IN, USA). Theywere acclimated for one week, and injected with 50 μl ofvaccine intramuscularly in each hind leg (100 μL/mouse)two or three times with a two-week interval. Immediatelyprior to the last injection, blood was collected from thefacial vein. Two weeks after the last injection, mice wereanesthetized, blood was collected in heparinized tubes,and the mice were euthanized. Serum and plasma wereseparated by centrifugation at 14,000 × g for 10 min andstored at -80°C until analysis.

    Vaccine preparationsThe whole cell bacterial antigen (WCA) consists of asuspension of strain Rx1E, a capsule-deficient, autolysin-

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  • negative mutant of Streptococcus pneumoniae, killed bytreatment with beta-propiolactone [19]. The stock solu-tion (prepared by Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil)contained 1010 cells/mL (corresponding with 10 mg pro-tein/mL) in Ringer’s solution.Vaccines were prepared with 4 different adjuvants.

    Aluminum hydroxide adjuvant (Alhydrogel “85” 2%) andAP (AdjuPhos) were obtained from Brenntag Biosector(Denmark). Phosphate-treated AH (PTAH) and phos-phate treated AP (PTAP) were prepared by mixing theadjuvants with 60 mM phosphate buffer for 16 hours atroom temperature.Vaccines were prepared aseptically by adding different

    amounts of WCA as indicated in the text to adjuvantsat 1.2 mg Al/mL and mixing for 1 h at roomtemperature.

    Adsorption isothermsVaccines were prepared as described above with differ-ent WCA concentrations. After incubation for 1 h at 4°C, the suspension was layered over a 60% sucrose gradi-ent and centrifuged for 20 minutes at 1,500 × g to sepa-rate non-adsorbed WCA from adsorbed WCA. Thesupernatant was collected and protein content wasdetermined by bicinchoninic acid protein assay (Pierce,Rockford, IL) in triplicate. The adsorption data wasplotted according to the linear form of the Langmuirequation. The adsorptive coefficient was calculated asthe slope/intercept and the adsorptive capacity was cal-culated as the reciprocal of the slope.

    Light microscopy of vaccine preparationsThe bacterial cells in WCA were stained with gentianviolet prior to mixing with AH and AP. The stainedcells were mixed with each adjuvant and examined bylight microscopy using a 100× oil immersion objective.

    Anti-WCA ELISANinety-six well plates were coated with WCA (108/mL)overnight, blocked with 5% fetal calf serum diluted inPBS, and incubated with serially diluted standard andserum or plasma samples starting at a 1:100 dilution.The plates were then incubated with peroxidase-labeledgoat anti-mouse IgG (Sigma, St. Louis, MO), followedby 3,3’,5,5’ - tetramethylbenzidine substrate. After addi-tion of a 2 N sulfuric acid stop solution the color inten-sity was measured in a microplate reader (Biotek,Winooski, VT) at 450 nm. A standard curve was con-structed using serum with high antibody titer, arbitrarilyset at 120,000 U/mL.

    Immunoblot of plasma samplesThe WCA was diluted to 109/mL in lithium dodecyl sul-fate (LDS) sample buffer (Thermo Fisher Scientific,

    Rockford, IL) and incubated for 10 minutes at 70°C.The proteins were separated on a 4-12% gradient gel(Invitrogen) and transferred onto nitrocellulose. Indivi-dual strips were blocked with non-fat milk, incubatedwith pooled plasma at 1:500 dilution from each of theexperimental groups, and then with peroxidase-labeledgoat anti-mouse IgG. Bands were visualized with anECL detection kit.

    IL-17 assayForty microliters of heparinized blood was added to 360μL of Iscove’s Modified Eagle Medium supplementedwith 10% fetal calf serum, 10 μg/mL ciprofloxacin, and107 WCA/mL. After incubation for 6 days at 37°C and5% CO2, supernatants were collected and stored at -80°C until analysis by ELISA for IL-17A (IL17; R&D Sys-tems, Minneapolis, MN).

    Statistical analysisThe anti-WCA IgG concentrations were log2 trans-formed prior to analysis by one-way ANOVA followedby a Newman-Keuls multiple comparison test (Graph-pad Prism, version 5.02). Differences between groups atp < 0.05 were considered significant. The statistical sig-nificance of differences between means of IL-17 amongexperimental groups was determined by two-wayANOVA followed by Bonferroni post-hoc test with p <0.05.

    ResultsAdsorption of WCA onto aluminum-containing adjuvantsFour different adjuvants were prepared and incubatedwith different doses of WCA to determine the adsorp-tive capacity and coefficient. The adsorptive capacityand adsorptive coefficient (adsorptive strength) of AHwas greatest, followed by AP and then PTAH (Table 1).There was no detectable adsorption of protein to PTAP.The adsorption of the bacterial cells to each adjuvantwas verified by light microscopy using gentian violet-stained bacteria (Figure 1). The bacteria were associatedwith the AH and AP aggregates and were not observedin the liquid phase separating the adjuvant aggregates.

    Table 1 Adsorptive capacity and adsorptive coefficient(affinity) of the different adjuvants for WCA calculatedfrom Langmuir adsorption isotherms.

    Langmuir isothermcoefficient





    Adsorptive capacity(mg/mg Al)

    0.22 0.07 0.03 - a

    Adsorptive coefficient(mL/mg)

    4500 2026 803 - a

    a Adsorptive capacity and coefficient could not be determined because therewas no detectable adsorption.

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  • In the case of PTAH and PTAP, the bacteria were lar-gely present in the liquid regions. These bacteria weremoving freely by Brownian motion while the cells asso-ciated with the AH and AP adjuvant aggregates werestationary. Thus, the observations by light microscopyconcurred with the data derived from the adsorptionisotherms (Table 1).

    Antibody response to vaccines formulated with fourdifferent adjuvantsMice were injected with WCA (107 cells) alone or com-bined with one of the four adjuvants. After two injec-tions, blood was collected and the concentration of anti-WCA IgG was determined. All four adjuvants enhancedthe antibody response over WCA alone. The highestconcentration of anti-WCA IgG was observed in miceinjected with WCA/AP, followed by WCA/PTAP,WCA/PTAH, and WCA/AH (Figure 2). The differencebetween WCA/AP and WCA/AH was statisticallysignificant.

    Effect of AH vs. AP on antibody and IL-17 responsesSince phosphate treatment of the AH and AP adjuvantsdid not enhance the immunostimulatory effect of theseadjuvants, subsequent experiments were conducted with

    AH and AP only. Mice were injected with 3 differentdoses of WCA alone or combined with AH or AP.Blood was collected after two and three injections forthe determination of anti-WCA antibody concentrations,and after three injections for IL-17 production. Theadjuvants significantly enhanced the antibody responseto WCA at all three doses and after two as well as threeimmunizations (Figure 3). The anti-WCA IgG concen-tration generally increased with increasing dose andafter more immunizations. At the lowest dose of WCA(106 cells), the mice that received WCA/AP generated astronger antibody response than mice injected withWCA/AH. At the intermediate dose (107 cells), WCA/AP induced a stronger antibody response after twoinjections, while there was no difference between theWCA/AP and WCA/AH groups after three injections.There was also no difference between WCA/AP andWCA/AH after two injections of the highest dose (108

    cells), but after three injections the mice that receivedWCA/AH had the highest IgG concentration. Previousexperiments showed that anti-WCA IgG concentrations> 10,000 units/mL are protective upon challenge inmice [19]. These values were consistently obtained afterthree injections with 107 and 108 cells when formulatedwith AP, and with 108 cells when formulated with AH.

    Figure 1 Phosphate treatment of aluminum hydroxide adjuvant and aluminum phosphate adjuvant prevented the adsorption ofbacterial pneumococcal cells. Light microscopy of WCA mixed with the aluminum-containing adjuvants, aluminum hydroxide adjuvant (AH),aluminum phosphate adjuvant (AP), phosphate-treated AH (PTAH) and phosphate-treated AP (PTAP). The bacteria were stained with gentianviolet, and the suspensions were examined using a 100× oil objective.

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  • Thus, the effect of aluminum-containing adjuvants isdose-dependent with AP generating a stronger antibodyresponse at lower antigen doses.The adjuvants AH and AP have opposite surface

    charges at pH 6-7 resulting in different affinities for pro-teins with different isoelectric points. To determine ifthese differences affect which WCA proteins induce anantibody response, an immunoblot was performed withWCA as substrate and pooled plasma from mice in eachof the vaccine groups (Figure 4). The antibodies reactedwith a range of proteins varying in size from less than20 kD to over 200 kD. Consistent with the ELISAresults, the bands from mice immunized with the high-est dose of WCA in combination with AH had thegreatest intensity. Antibodies from mice injected withadjuvanted WCA reacted with more proteins than anti-bodies from mice injected with WCA only. In addition,there were several proteins in the 30 - 60 kD range thatreacted only with antibodies from mice immunized withAH or with AP-adjuvanted vaccines (Figure 4).The concentration of IL-17A (IL-17) was determined

    in the supernatant of whole blood cultures followingincubation with WCA for 6 days. A significant concen-tration of IL-17 was only detected in cultures from miceinjected with the intermediate and high dose of WCA in

    combination with AH. There was no detectable IL-17 inblood cultures from any of the other groups (Figure 5).

    Stability of the WCA/AH vaccine formulationTo determine the effect of prolonged storage of theWCA/AH vaccine on the immune response, the highdose of WCA (108 cells/dose) was prepared with orwithout AH and stored for 4 months at 4°C. Mice wereinjected 3 times with stored and freshly prepared vac-cines and the immune response was analyzed asdescribed above. A greater IgG response was observedafter three compared with two injections. The IgGresponse obtained with the stored vaccine formulationwas slightly lower than that obtained with the freshlyprepared formulation (geometric mean of freshly pre-pared WCA was 9,073 vs. 6,754 for stored WCA; geo-metric mean of freshly prepared WCA/AH was 60,256vs. 41,688 for stored WCA/AH), but the difference wasnot statistically significant (Figure 6A). Importantly, theIgG titers in mice immunized with the stored vaccinewere well above the minimum protective level of 10,000units/mL. There was no difference in the concentrationof IL-17 in supernatants of whole blood cultures ofmice immunized with WCA/AH (Figure 6B).

    DiscussionVaccines against pneumococcal disease for use in devel-oping countries should be safe, effective against a broadrange of serotypes and affordable. The existing conju-gate vaccines offer protection against the serotypesincluded in the vaccine which were selected based ontheir prevalence in North America and Europe, and arepredicted to provide incomplete protection againstpneumococcal infections in Asia and Africa. In addition,these conjugate vaccines are expensive to produce. Thework in this report demonstrates that a vaccine com-posed of killed whole cell, nonencapsulated pneumo-cocci and formulated with AH, induces a strongantibody and IL-17 response. Both the antigen and adju-vant are relatively inexpensive suggesting that the vac-cine will be affordable for use in developing countries.Previous work with a simple protein antigen, alpha

    casein, indicated that the strength of adsorption of anti-gens onto aluminum-containing adjuvants is inverselyrelated to the antibody response to these antigens [18].A similar relationship was found with a larger and morecomplex antigen, hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg),but the negative effect of a high adsorptive coefficientwas not as strong as with alpha casein [20]. The antigenused in the current studies, WCA, consists of killedwhole bacterial cells and some soluble bacterial proteins.WCA was mixed with four aluminum-containing adju-vants with different surface properties to determine ifdifferences in adsorptive capacity and adsorptive

    Figure 2 IgG titers in mice injected with vaccines with differenttypes of aluminium-containing adjuvants. Mice (n = 8/group)were injected twice with WCA (107 cells/dose) alone or combinedwith four different aluminum-containing adjuvants. The IgG titer inserum was determined two weeks after the second injection. Thesymbols represent individual mice and the horizontal line indicatesthe geometric mean. The geometric means of groups with differentletters are different at p < 0.05.

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  • Figure 3 IgG titers in mice injected with vaccines formulated with AH and AP and different doses of WCA. Mice were immunized twicewith WCA at 106 cells (A), 107 cells (B) and 108 cells (C) per dose, or three times with WCA at 106 cells (D), 107 cells (E) and 108 cells (F) perdose. The symbols represent individual mice (n = 4/group for WCA alone and n = 8 for WCA/AH and WCA/AP) and the horizontal line indicatesthe geometric mean.

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  • coefficient could be measured. Although the obtainedvalues should be interpreted with caution because of thecomplex nature of WCA, they indicate a range ofadsorptive properties for the four adjuvants. The highestvalues were measured for AH while adjuvants with

    more surface phosphates had a lower affinity for WCA.This suggests that at least some of the molecules inWCA are phosphorylated or associated with phospholi-pid membranes, and are adsorbed by the ligandexchange mechanism.The antibody response to the vaccine formulations

    with the four adjuvants with broadly divergent adsorp-tive capacities and coefficients for WCA indicated thatthe aluminum-containing adjuvant potentiated theimmune response even when the antigen was notadsorbed. In addition, the strength of adsorption wasnot a significant factor in immunopotentation. Alumi-num adjuvants may enhance the immune response tosoluble antigens by adsorbing the antigens onto theadjuvant particles that are more readily phagocytised byantigen-presenting cells [21]. Antigen adsorption by theadjuvant may be less relevant when the antigen com-prises killed whole cell bacteria as the bacteria are about1 micrometer in diameter while the primary particles ofthe adjuvant are smaller than 50 nm [11]. Since changesin adsorption through phosphate treatment of the adju-vants did not affect the antibody response, subsequentexperiments focused on AH and AP.The protective immune response induced by conjugate

    vaccines is based on serotype-specific anti-polysacchar-ide antibodies. In contrast, the immune response againstWCA involves antibodies directed against protein anti-gens and Th17 cells. Antibodies induced by WCA canprovide protection against systemic disease, but they donot protect against nasopharyngeal colonization in mice[7,9]. Nasopharyngeal colonization was inhibited by CD4+ T cells that secrete IL-17, and the concentration of IL-17 in WCA-stimulated whole blood cultures was inver-sely correlated with the degree of nasopharyngeal colo-nization following intranasal challenge [10]. Infection ofnaïve mice with S. pneumonia induced Th17 cells whichprovided enhanced clearance of the bacteria upon sec-ondary challenge [22]. The protective role of IL-17resides in the induction of secretion of antimicrobialpeptides and chemokines that attract monocytes andneutrophils to the site of infection [23,24]. IL-17 is alsoinvolved in the protection against other extracellularbacterial pathogens such as Bordetella pertussis, intracel-lular bacterial pathogens including Mycobacteriumtuberculosis, and fungal pathogens, indicating an impor-tant role against infections at mucosal surfaces and inthe lung. However, an excessive IL-17 response may bedetrimental and cause extensive tissue damage [23,24].It has been suggested that Th17 cells are critical for vac-cine-induced memory immune responses, and enhan-cing and regulating the Th17 response may beimportant in vaccine design [24]. In our studies, thecombination of WCA with AH was critical for theinduction of a population IL-17 producing cells

    Figure 4 Antigen specificity of IgG from mice injected withvaccines formulated with AH and AP. Immunoblot of WCA withantibodies in pooled plasma from mice injected three times withWCA only at 108/dose (lane 1); WCA/AP at 108/dose (lane 2), 107/dose (lane 3), 106/dose (lane 4); and WCA/AH at 108/dose (lane 5),107/dose (lane 6), 106/dose (lane 7). Plasma was collected 2 weeksafter the last injection.

    Figure 5 Vaccines of WCA formulated with AH, but not withAP or vaccines without adjuvants induced an IL-17 response.IL-17 concentration in the supernatant of whole blood culturesincubated for 6 days with WCA (107/mL). The blood was collectedfrom mice injected three times with WCA, WCA/AH or WCA/AP at106 cells/dose, 107 cells/dose or 108 cells/dose. The bars indicate themean ± SEM of 8 mice per group. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.005 (WCA/AH vs. WCA and WCA/AH vs. WCA/AP).

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  • following intramuscular injection. Neither WCA alonenor WCA with AP induced a significant IL-17 response,even though AP greatly enhanced the antibody responseto WCA. Such a dramatic difference in the quality ofthe immune response between vaccines formulated withAH and vaccines formulated with AP was unexpected.The induction of Th17 cells in S. pneumoniae infec-

    tion is dependent on TLR2 [22]. The ligands for TLR2include molecular components of Gram-positive bacteriasuch as lipoproteins [25,26]. The induction of Th17 cellsby WCA/AH and not by WCA/AP suggests that theseligands are not available in the WCA/AP formulation,possibly due to strong electrostatic adsorption.There are few published reports in which the

    immune responses to bacterial vaccines formulatedwith AP vs. AH are directly compared. In one study,acellular pertussis antigens combined with AH induceda stronger antibody response and greater protectionupon intranasal challenge with Bordetella pertussiscompared with AP, but the basis of the increased pro-tection was not further investigated [27]. Th17 cellsare induced during infection with Bordetella pertussis,but antibody-mediated depletion of IL-17 only had amodest effect on the bacterial loads in the lungs ofexperimentally infected mice [28]. Two types of vac-cines, a whole cell and an acellular pertusiss vaccine,are used to protect against whooping cough. Both vac-cines are effective, but vaccination of mice with awhole cell pertussis vaccine induced Th17 cells,whereas these cells were not induced by the acellular

    vaccine [29,30]. The role of adjuvants was not specifi-cally addressed in these studies.The basis for the difference in immune response gen-

    erated by WCA formulated with AH vs. AP is notentirely clear, but it is likely that the greater affinity ofAH for WCA proteins contributed to this effect. Theadsorptive strength, determined as the adsorptive coeffi-cient, of AH was 2.5 times that of AP. Previous workshowed that a high adsorptive strength may interferewith the antibody response and the T cell response,probably because there is insufficient release of antigenfrom the adjuvant to interact with B cells and for anti-gen processing and presentation [18]. A similar effectwas observed at the lower doses of WCA in which a sig-nificantly stronger antibody response was obtained withAP in comparison with AH. At higher doses, the differ-ence between AP and AH disappeared and AH induceda stronger antibody response than AP at the highestantigen dose.Immunoblot analysis revealed qualitative and quantita-

    tive differences in the antigenic proteins recognized byantibodies from the mice injected with different WCAformulations. The antibodies from mice injected withadjuvanted WCA reacted with more proteins than thosefrom mice injected with non-adjuvanted WCA. Antibo-dies from mice injected with WCA/AH and WCA/APreacted with an overlapping, but different set of pro-teins. The surface of AH and AP have opposite chargesat pH 6-7 resulting in different affinities for individualproteins within the WCA. This may in turn affect which

    Figure 6 Immunogenicity of the WCA/AH vaccine formulation stored for 4 months at 4°C. Mice were immunized three times with WCA(108 cells/dose) and WCA/AH stored at 4°C for four months (s) or with freshly prepared WCA and WCA/AH (f). The IgG titer was determined inplasma collected 2 weeks after the last injection. The IL-17 concentration was determined in the supernatant of whole blood cultures stimulatedwith WCA.

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  • antigens from this complex protein mixture induce anti-bodies. Further studies are necessary to determine thebiological significance of these differences in antibodyspecificities.Long term stability of vaccines is an important consid-

    eration. In order to assess the stability of the WCA/AHvaccine formulation, the effect of prolonged storage at4°C on the immune response was determined. Therewas no significant difference between the stored andfreshly prepared formulations indicating that the WCA/AH is quite stable.

    ConclusionsThe goal of these experiments was to determine theoptimal formulation of a killed pneumococcal vaccinewith aluminium-containing adjuvants. The data indicatethat formulation of WCA with AH induces a strongantibody and Th17 response, and AH is the preferredchoice over AP for vaccines for intramuscular adminis-tration. The marked differences in the antibody and cel-lular response to the two aluminum-containingadjuvants underscores the importance of proper pre-for-mulation studies in preparing safe and effective vaccines[31,32].

    AcknowledgementsThese studies were supported by PATH. The authors thank Drs. RichardMalley and Ying-Jie Lu (Boston, MA) for providing WCA and the anti-WCAIgG serum standard.

    Author details1Department of Comparative Pathobiology, Purdue University, 725 HarrisonStreet, West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA. 2PATH, Seattle, WA, USA. 3Departmentof Industrial and Physical Pharmacy, Purdue University, IN, USA.

    Authors’ contributionsHH and AD carried out the mouse experiments, and BH did the adsorptionexperiments. AD and KA performed the immunoassays. HH, JFM and SLHdesigned the study. HH and SLH coordinated the experiments and wrotethe manuscript. The manuscript was reviewed and approved by all authors.

    Competing interestsThe authors declare that they have no competing interests.

    Received: 19 February 2011 Accepted: 29 July 2011Published: 29 July 2011

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    doi:10.1186/1476-8518-9-5Cite this article as: HogenEsch et al.: Formulation of a killed whole cellpneumococcus vaccine - effect of aluminum adjuvants on the antibodyand IL-17 response. Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines 20119:5.

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    BackgroundMethodsMiceVaccine preparationsAdsorption isothermsLight microscopy of vaccine preparationsAnti-WCA ELISAImmunoblot of plasma samplesIL-17 assayStatistical analysis

    ResultsAdsorption of WCA onto aluminum-containing adjuvantsAntibody response to vaccines formulated with four different adjuvantsEffect of AH vs. AP on antibody and IL-17 responsesStability of the WCA/AH vaccine formulation

    DiscussionConclusionsAcknowledgementsAuthor detailsAuthors' contributionsCompeting interestsReferences

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