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Only God Can Save the American Experiment

In Government of the People and Preserve

Liberty For Posterity.By Chris Farrell



The United States is at war with Islam and she

has a Muslim illegally occupying the Oval Office.

America is in the midst of a constitutional crisisof incomparable magnitude and gravity with no

legal sitting president and an enemy agent of Islam

illegally occupying the presidency.

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Compounding America’s catastrophic ongoing

coup in progress are the facts that the U.S. has anIslamophile, Liberal-socialist mainstream media that

is entirely manipulable, (even getting their stories

cleared by White House staff before going to press),

a corrupt and facilitating judicial system, and an

ongoing purge of military personnel who will not fall

in line with Mister Obama’s regime’s agenda—allthis while the pan-Islamic jihad moves forward with

immense financing and weapons and intelligence

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provided by Mister Barack ‘King Hussein’ Osama, Jr.,

America’s usurper-in-chief.

The outlook for the preservation of the

American experiment in government of the people

which has brought an unequaled degree of 

individual freedom to a nation’s citizens onto the

stage of human history is bleak.

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Both wings of the false paradigm of a two party

political system theatrically presenting themselves

to the American public, the Republican and

Democrat wings, are complicit in the conspiracy tocontravene the Constitution and the cover-up of the

criminal usurpation of the presidency by an enemy

agent of Islam practicing taqiyya.

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Only God Can Save The United States Now. God

the Creator from whom all men are endowed with

certain unalienable Rights; the risen Lord Jesus

Christ of the Bible who came in the flesh to save us

all from sin.

Christians across America are turning to God and

seeking His merciful blessing upon the woefully back-slidden United States with a day of fasting and prayer on

September 11th

, 2013.

“Will you sign up” at  “to register your expression of support and your intention to participate?

This is a matter between God and His people.

His word tells us in 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If mypeople, which are called by my name, shall humblethemselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turnfrom their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven,

and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” 

We‟ve got our instructions. God is waiting on usto act—His people. He‟s not waiting on the whole

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world to act. He‟s not waiting on a majority of  Americans to act. He‟s waiting on us. 

Will we follow His command and accept Hispromise to forgive our sin and heal our land?

Mark the date—Sept. 11, 2013.” („9/11/13: A Call For A

National Day of Prayer and Repentence,‟ 4/12/2013.)

LIBERTY:'Coach' Kevin Collins writes in his May 23, 2013 article 'Why Rush

is Wrong About the Results of the Scandals Around Obama,' on

his website, "When Rush is proved “right” and nothing

“seems” to change, the fuse of a renewed TEA party revolution will be


Though I can agree with the Coach that Rush Limbaugh is wrong

about the impact of the three current most prominently broadcasted

scandals on Mister Obama, I must disagree with the Coach’s choice of a

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metaphor for what he perceives as the eventual result of the scandals

upon the grass-roots movement of Patriots who frequently join

together in groups they call Tea Parties.

It is not the fuse to an explosive device

that needs to be lit within the hearts and

minds of those within the Tea Party, but the

torch of Liberty.

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"The preservation of the sacred fire of 

liberty, and the destiny of the republican

model of government, are...staked on theexperiment entrusted to the hands of the

 American people." —G eorge Washington,

First Inaugural Address, 1789. 

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The Tea Party must recognize that they have

been co-opted by Republican Party front men who

have completely undermined their patriotic efforts

up to now as evidenced by the multitude of 

turncoat Tea Party candidates who were sent to

Washington and failed to honor their oath to

defend the Constitution by demanding a

congressional investigation into the criminal

usurpation of the presidency by fraud.

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Many if not most of those candidates that Tea

Parties across the country sent to Congress were

Republican plants who deceived the naïve Tea

Party rank and file patriots and proceeded to fall in

line with the elitist Republican Party leadership inWashington after being elected.

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A Liberal-socialist worldview has permeated the Republican Party

elitist faction. For all intents and purposes there is little difference

between the elitist faction within the Democrat Party and that withinthe Republican Party. The homogenous nature of the elitist faction

within both parties is personified by the spineless Speaker of the House

Boehner—the consummate coward.

The advance of a Liberal-socialist agenda in America

equates to the advance of the Civilization Jihad agenda of Islam. America's enemies may now properly be termed jointly

as "Liberalislamism,”much like the Republican and Democrat

parties, Liberalism and Islamism are two wings of the same

bird, two-sides of the same coin. Liberal-socialism facilitates the

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advance of Islam. Islamo-fascism and Liberal-socialism are birds

of a feather. All Socialism is “National Socialism” (read “NAZI.”) 

Funny how humans are supposed to be "evolving" from apes and

before apes from rocks rained down upon for "millions and millions of 

years" when that narrative suits the religion of Liberalism's arguments

that mankind is nothing more than a species of animal, and that

sometimes the culling of the "herd" is asserted by Liberals as the

"humane" thing to do to "lumps of flesh" within the womb of a

pregnant female human being, yet humans are supposed to all be

equally "evolved" when such a position suits the argument of adherents

to the religion of Liberalism relating to their mantras of "pluralism,"

"unity," "tolerance," and "multiculturalism." Logically one can't have it

both ways, but nobody ever accused an adherent to the religion of 

Liberalism or Muslims of being "logical."

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If a Liberal is consistent he will logically arrive at the conclusion,

based upon his faulty "Darwinian" evolutionary origin of species "logic"

and the faith that Liberals have that everything in the universe came in

to being when nothing went “Bang!” that certain groups are a little bit

more "evolved" than others. The National Socialists in twentieth

century Germany, a.k.a. the NAZI Party, went down that path of Liberal

"logic." Quite naturally, they concluded that they themselves were the

most "evolved," the superior "race." History shows that it did not fare

well for many of those considered by the National Socialists to be

“lesser evolved” contemporaneous peoples.

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Liberalism is most inconsistent—delusional really.

‘Liberalism is a Disease’ by John McNaughton. 

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A society which values Liberty really cannot afford to dialogue

with Liberals. Liberalism has wrought such immense damage within our

society that it needs to be cut out like a malignant cancer.

The task before the Tea Party is to cut out the cancerous

Liberal-socialist elitist faction within the Republican Party, and

utterly defeat the Democrat Party, and return our country to a

foundation firmly established upon the Constitution and the

Word of God, the Creator from whom all men are endowed

with certain unalienable rights, the risen Christ Jesus of the

Bible who came in the flesh.

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The elitist faction within the Republican

Party realize that the Christian element within

the Tea Party is their greatest enemy and even

now Republican organizations across thecountry are reaching out to secular-humanist

Libertarians in order to establish a new base to

the G.O.P., a more Liberal base, instead of 

turning to the Creator from whom all men are

endowed with certain unalienable rights.

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The problem before the true patriots within the grass roots Tea

Party movement is that the largely Christian element within the

Republican Party which is for all intents and purposes one and the same

as the body of folks who gather together at Tea Party events does not

realize the true nature of the elitist faction in control of the RepublicanParty just as the Christian Church across America doesn’t realize, by and

large, the true nature of the Liberal theology that has infiltrated the

Church and re-established a foundation on the shifting sands of the

supposition, conjecture, and lies of the so called “higher,” Liberal

schools of literary textual criticism as opposed to on the unadulterated

Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The corruption in the Republican Party and the Christian Church inAmerica can be traced in both circumstances back to the infiltration of 

Liberal ideology that leads to irrational constructions of “communities”

that are counterfeit. In the case of the Church, counterfeit to the Body

of Christ; in the case of the Republican Party, counterfeit to the

previous composition of the Republican political body which by and

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large embraced a traditional Christian Conservative worldview that

contributed richly towards the determination the party’s political

ideology underlying its espoused moral values.

“Barack Obama’s rise to, and abuse of, political 

 power has proven to be a litmus test. It has exposed 

the GOP’s protestations of allegiance to the

Constitution for what they are: a hollow ploy, used 

to get votes from gullible conservatives loyal to the

Constitution and its principles. Meanwhile, by actionor inaction, many of the people they vote into office

end up helping the would-be tyrants of the Obama

 faction cultivate the seeds of its destruction.”  

(‘Impeachment: Rush is Wrong This Time,’ by Dr. Alan

Keyes. May 23, 2013.) 

Islam Enslaves:The incremental embracing by the elitist faction

within today’s Republican Party of Liberal-socialist

ideology as evidenced by Republican Party

leadership’s submission to and compromise with a

multitude of Liberal-socialist perversions of concepts to the distorted and delusional collectivist

definitions of such concepts as “tolerance,” “multi-

culturalism,” “pluralism,” and “diversity”—to name

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a few—is indicative of their inability to confront and

defeat the dualistic deception of the totalitarian

philosophical/political ideology of the murderous

cult of Islam which, in an exceedingly similar

manner as Liberal-socialism, intentionally perverts

the rational, plain meaning of a multitude of 

concepts within the sphere of political dialogue

while being evidently aware that the meaning they

present when engaged in dialogue with non-Muslims is antithetical to the meaning as

understood within an Islamic worldview—the

meaning codified as religious doctrine in those

religious texts authoritative to Muslims. The

doctines and tenets of the murderous cult of Islam

are aimed at the subjugation of all non-Islamicphilosophical, religious, or political ideology under

the totalitarian philosophical, religious, and political

ideology of Islam and under the legal, religious,

economic, political, military authority of Sharia as

de facto slaves, or in Islamic terminology


The false paradigm of a two major political

party structure in America, Republican and

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Democrat, is headed by an elite faction that is

homogenous and Liberal accommodating if not

outright Liberal. Liberal-socialism facilitates the

advance of Islam within a society under siege.

In order to defeat Islam Americans must defeat

Liberal-socialism within the apostate Christian

Church and within BOTH major political parties.

Rick Warren: Interfaithism’s prophet of doctrinally aberrant Liberal

Theology and ecumenical syncretism.

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Along with the many banners of destruction under which

the religion of Liberalism has brought much destruction upon

the American experiment in government of the people can now

be added the black flag of Islamic Jihad.

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Liberalism facilitates the advance of the totalitarian

philosophical/political ideology of the murderous cult of Islam

within any society under siege by Islam's modus operandi , the

multi-faceted Islamic Civilization jihad (economic jihad ,educational jihad , political jihad , militant jihad , revisionist

historical jihad , entertainment jihad , media-manipulation jihad ,

etc...), employed for many centuries in the effort by Islamist

interests to entrench Islam more and more deeply within non-

Islamic societies in the process of relegating those societies to

the de facto slave status of dhimmi under the tyrannical

totalitarian legal/religious system of Sharia.

P lease read the article ‘As Rights are Unalienable, the Battle for Right 

Can Never Be Surrendered’ by Dr. Alan Keyes at,

 published April 8, 2013.

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$9.99 ON AMAZON - GET it Right NOW!

“Written by OBC Founder Capt. PamelaBarnett, Retired U.S. Army Intelligenceofficer, it explodes the myths of Obama's eligibility for the Presidencyand shows that there is NO mechanism

for vetting federal elected officials. Nexttime someone tells you that Obamanever could have been installed illegallybecause there are people who are paidto check such things, you can smile

knowingly and refer them to theappropriate chapter.” ( 

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The criminal usurpation of the presidency of the

most powerful nation in human history is the single most

significant achievement accomplished by any adherent of 

Islam in the 1400 year history of the murderous cult.

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'Liberalislam' must be stopped. There is a time for

talking and a time for fighting. Dialoguing with Liberals is

an exercise in futility. Debating with Muslims is a

complete waste of time. The only thing that either group

understands is brute force.

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Now the criminal usurper Obama is purging

Air Force officers who control nuclear missiles.

What does anyone want to bet the officers who

replace them are Islamic sympathizers orMuslims?

The White House has been infiltrated by an

Islamic cabal.

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Hello America! We have an enemy agent of 

Islam practicing taqiyya illegally occupying the Oval

Office and directing the downfall of the American

experiment in government of the people with the

devoted assistance of America's Liberal mainstream

media which amounts to nothing less collectively

than a government propaganda agency. Little to no

resistance is being exerted by the sham

representation we have in Congress, or the judicial

system, or by military personnel because to do so

would contradict the Liberal-socialist mantra of 

“Tolerance.” ‘We the People’ are supposed to sit

down, shut up and “Tolerate” an enemy agent of 

Islam illegally occupying the Oval Office.

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Please find someone to run for political office in your area who

will demand a congressional investigation into the criminal usurpation

of the presidency and work to get your candidate elected to Congress.

Hold them accountable for their promise. 

When we all got together at the Tea Parties we were

played by Republican Party point men who co-opted our

gatherings, allowed us to vent our frustrations, allowedus to bring up our candidates and let them speak, and

then at the appointed time in a classic bait and switch,

the Republican Party organizers stood up and told all of 

us that we would be nominating Mitt the Mormon—like

it or not. All of our efforts at grass-roots organizing and

putting someone who would represent our

political/ideological worldview into office was for naught.

We in the Tea Party were deceptively played just like the

Occupy Wallstreet rabble were manipulated by the

Liberal-socialist Leftists.

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To defeat 'Liberalislamism' and preserve the American

experiment in government of the people we must first throw

off the Republican 'old guard' elitist faction. We must assert

ourselves as 'We the People' who hold certain truths as self-evident or it is finished.

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In case you haven't noticed THREE of the high probability

possibilities being touted by the mainstream media as potential

Republican candidates for president in 2016 are NOT constitutionally

eligible. Rubio, Jindal, and Cruz. Ask yourself: What are the odds of 

that happening? Why is there a concerted effort within the

Republican elitist faction strongly supported by the Liberal

mainstream propaganda department of the U.S. government to prop

these three up as presidential hopefuls in 2016?

The reason is that for the 'Liberalislamist' agenda under the

criminal usurper, 'Bath House' Barry Soetoro, to be preserved so that it

shall continue to further advance a Liberalislamist agenda it is

imperative that the Republican Party NOT nominate a presidential

candidate in the next presidential election who can, by Executive Order,

order an investigation into the forged documents which Harrison J.

Bounel, a.k.a. Mister Obama, has proffered as evidence of hispurported constitutional eligibility to be president.

Such an investigation would quite naturally lead to a broader

investigation into the criminal usurpation of the presidency by a

constitutionally ineligible person who fraudulently represented himself 

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as eligible to be president and could possibly lead to the unthinkable

for Obama: the retroactive abrogation of both of his illegal

elections to the office of the president concomitant with the

retroactive abrogation of all that Mister Obama’s illegitimateregime has accomplished in the commission of crimes. 

People: Obama's very own literary agent publicized him as having

been born in what we now call Kenya for over 16 years before the

usurper-in-chief campaigned for the presidency and that literary agent,

as is the case with ALL literary agents, used the biographical data

provided by their client, Mister Obama.

Only months ago—that is to say over 4 years into Obama's

criminal usurpation—Greta Van Sustern mentioned that Obama 'was

born in Hawaii of course,' because the newspapers in Hawaii read so.

For such a ridiculous suggestion to be made by a major news reporting

personality in the face of the fact of the matter that the two major

newspapers in Hawaii gleaned their birth reports from a registration log

book at the Honolulu Department of Health in which "unattended"

births could in 1961 be recorded by any resident who simply walked in

and claimed that a birth had taken place with no requirement of 

validation of the claim is an unfathomable failure on the part of Ms.

Van Sustern's to uphold her proverbial 'Fourth Estate' civic duty to hold

ALL citizens accountable for their words and deeds and report the


When lead detective of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's volunteer Cold Case

Posse Lieutenant Mike Zullo attempted to inspect the birth registration

log book in the Honolulu Department of Health he and the detective

accompanying him were shown the door by two Hawaiian law

enforcement officials in a most threatening manner. That is what

America's experiment in government has been reduced to: Thug-like

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intimidation and mendacious mass-media manipulation of an

heretofore unparalleled depth of deception.

Many still wonder if investigative journalist Andrew Breitbart was

murdered shortly before he was to release his information on Mister

Obama. Many still wonder if the Navy Seal Team Six members who

supposedly killed Obama are being killed off for what they know. 'Dead

men tell no tales.'

At least Obama did not bury the Boston Bomber the way he had

his other Muslim Brother from the Hood, Osama bin Laden; buried with

a reverential Islamic body wash and wrap in fine white linen followed

by a ceremonial reading from the Koran while Osama's body was slid

into the salty brine off the deck of a United States aircraft carrier.

Some say the Navy band played and that Obama ordered the

ships flag lowered to half-mast; some say there was a twenty-one gun

salute rendered. I can't say for sure. There are no witnesses from the

US Navy aircraft carrier who can say that they saw the corpse of Osama

bin Laden. Hmmmmmmm.

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Personally, I think it was another theatrical ruse for political value

like Benghazi started out as. The "protest over a video" narrative was a

complete fabrication—a fable—a lie. I think that the Navy Seals picked

up a long dead Osama or somebody else's body. Funny thing though:

Practically all the Navy Seals who participated in the raid where Osama

was purportedly killed have been killed off themselves. How


I wonder what type of funerals the US Navy Seal Team Six

members got. I'm reading stories on the internet now that Obama had

a Muslim cleric curse their souls at their funerals. At least the master

media manipulating 'Mufti," Mister Barack 'King' Hussein Obama, Jr. (if 

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that is his legal name) is consistent in his Muslim faith. What was it that

Barry is infamous for having said? "The future does not belong to those

who slander the prophet Mohammed." 

Who would have thought that Americans could ever have arrived

at such a position of abject cowardice as is demonstrated by thetoleration for even one more hour of the enemy agent of Islam, Mister

Barack Hussein Obama, Jr., or Barry Soetoro, or Harrison J. Bounel, or

Soebarkah, illegally occupying the presidency and dishonoring the

office of the president and endangering the lives of American


The very suggestion that there are in reality

two opposing political parties is a false paradigm

promoted by the homogenous elitist faction within

BOTH parties.

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The Republican Party elitist faction are cowards—greedy

cowards—self-serving greedy cowards. The Democrats are delusional

idiots—both the Democrat elitist faction leadership and their rank and

file morons.

Both elitist factions are guilty of complicity in the

most sinister crime committed against the American

experiment in government of the people and against

our Constitution in our country's history. Judges and

party officials from both parties across the country are

guilty of misprision of treason.

Nobody in either major political party is going to fix this thing, and

in fact they are conspiring to put the next president into office in order

that he or she is as equally constitutionally ineligible as Mister


In order to preserve the phony two party sham of representation

in the U.S. government the elitist factions within both the Republicanand Democrat parties must make sure that whoever is elected in 2016

MUST NOT BE A NATURAL-BORN CITIZEN or everything that Mister

Obama has accomplished in the commission of his criminal usurpation

of the presidency and the ongoing conspiracy to contravene the


Please don't let another constitutionally ineligiblecandidate replace Mister Obama. That will only

preserve all that the criminal usurper has accomplished

in his crimes.

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Don't let any constitutionally ineligible candidates be nominated

in the next presidential election, and make sure that the candidate you

support promises that if elected president he or she will sign an

Executive Order for an investigation into the documents that Mister

Obama presented to the American people as purported evidence of his

asserted constitutional eligibility—documents which have been proven

beyond any reasonable doubt to be amateurishly contrived

fabrications; utter forgeries.

Keep in mind that Mister Obama presented us with those poorly

constructed forgeries after having incarcerated a Lieutenant Colonel in

the US Army; a surgeon, Dr. Terry Lee Lakin, after having court-

martialed Col. Lakin for his having, according to the officer's oath that

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Col. Lakin had taken to defend the Constitution, requested

authentication that Mister Obama did in fact legally occupy the position

of commander-in-chief. For this Dr. Lakin was dishonorably discharged,

court martialed, and imprisoned.

We must restore honor to the office of the presidency and

prosecute Obama to the fullest extent of the law. We must defeat

Liberal-socialim and Islam, Liberalislamism, lest the American

experiment in government of the people, by the people, and for the

people perish from the earth.

The Associated Press phone scandal is nothing but a

choreographed lovers quarrel intended to distract from the only

scandal that can bring down Obama's criminal usurpation of the

presidency and undo everything that the enemy agent of Islam

practicing taqiyya has accomplished in his crimes—the ineligibility


The AP phone call scandal is a diversion. Obama’s camp release

the information then pass it to Holder and multiple slaps on the wristwill follow—that is all. Mission accomplished. Obama's love affair with

the media will heal soon enough.

‘ Benghazigate’ has teeth but the Obama-worshipping, Obama-

sequious Liberal press will soon return to protecting their ‘lord and

savior’ Barack Obama. 

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‘Bath House’ Barry can effectively shut down the Benghazi

investigation any time he wants to on grounds of 'National Security.’

But the ‘Empty Chair’s’ sophisticated media manipulators never let a

crisis go to waste—whether it is a manufactured crisis or just one that

raises its ugly head out from under Obama's best effort at covering it


Hillary will be made to take the fall for Benghazi. Mission


Although Benghazi is a disaster for Obama, his team will not let

the crisis go to waste. Benghazi also serves as a most effective

distraction from the only scandal that can put Obama in prison: the

'Birther' issue.

The IRS scandal too is a diversion. The timing of the voluntary

release of the information by the IRS is no coincidence. “  J. Russell 

George, the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, is known

today as the man who helped unearth the Internal Revenue Service’s

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targeting of conservative groups. But to one Virginia congressman,

George is also notable for having once “dated” First Lady Michelle

Obama.”  (“Wait, Did the Inspector General Who Audited The IRS ‘Date’ Michelle

Obama? May 22, 2013.) 

Multiple scandals minimize press coverage on any one particular

scandal. Obama’s camp is spreading the manure so that the press

doesn't focus too much on any one big pile of **** and the **** is

getting deep.

Obama’s people know that they can play the IRS scandal out for

three and a half years in the courts until the end of his illegitimate

occupation of the Oval Office and that they can use underlings as fall


In fact, the way Osama is worshipped, I mean Obama, his

theatrical directors will have no problem finding people to fill the roles

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of those needed to fall on their swords for their idol. Mission

accomplished. No real harm done to Obama or his fundamental

changing of America.

The real fight is in Alabama. 

Only in the Alabama State Supreme Court can Mr. Obama's

criminal usurpation of the presidency be challenged and the process

begun to address and undo everything that Mister Obama has

accomplished in the commission of his criminal usurpation of the


Please send a financial donation to Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s

volunteer Cold Case Posse to keep the investigation into

Mister Barack Obama’s eligibility ongoing: 





Mr. Obama fraudulently represented himself as

constitutionally eligible to be president while knowingly not so;

he was in the commission of a crime when he was illegally

elected to office in two presidential elections. Documents that

Mister Obama or Soetoro has proffered as evidence of his

purported constitutional eligibility to be president have been

irrefutably proven to be poorly manufactured forgeries.

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Mister Obama's very own literary agent publicized the

'Empty Chair' as having been born in what is now called Kenya

for over 16 years. The literary agent used, as is their policy withall of their clients, the biographical data provided by their

client, Mister Obama, or Soebarkah, or Harrison J. Bounel, or

'Bath House' Barry Soetoro.

On May 14,2013 published Lead

Detective of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s volunteer Cold Case Posse 

Lieutenant Mike Zullo’s affidavit that will be presented beforethe Alabama State Supreme Court and its new Chief Justice Roy

Moore. Please read the affidavit at

Obama’s minions know that they can’t buy or intimidate

Judge Roy Moore, the famous ‘Ten Commandments’ judge. The

best they can do is to create diversions and distractions,

intimidate who they can, and bury the story. Well, then again, Iguess they could put phone taps on the phones of journalists in

order to locate leaks and journalist’s informants and intimidate

them into not contributing to the story—perhaps by

threatening them with an IRS audit, (but that’s just conspiracy

lunacy…, right?)

Just like at the preliminary release of the findings of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s volunteer Cold Case Posse at the Maricopa County

Sheriff’s Office in Phoenix, Arizona, no mainstream media

outlets will be present in Alabama to cover the court case as it

unfolds. They will receive their marching orders to ignore the

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story and malign any reporting of the case before the Alabama

State Supreme Court as ‘Birther’ nonsense.

Did any mainstream news media outlet cover the story of Detective Zullo’s affidavit? Of course not. Don't think for a

minute that the Associated Press's love affair with 'Bath House'

Barry Soetoro is over. The phone scandal is but a 'bump in the


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Have you ever wondered why the three Republican

personalities being touted as potential nominees in

2016 are all constitutionally ineligible? Neither Gov.

Bobby Jindal (R-LA), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), nor theCanadian born Cruz (R-TX) are constitutionally eligible

to be president or vice-president natural-born citizens. 

For Obama and his supporters it is imperative for the

preservation of all that Mister Obama has accomplished in the

commission of his criminal usurpation of the presidency that

the Republican Party's candidate in 2016 be as equally

constitutionally ineligible as Obama himself. 

An equally unconstitutional Republican victor in the next

presidential election will assure that the next president will not be able

to issue an Executive Order for a congressional investigation into the

forged documents that Mister Obama has presented as purported

evidence of his constitutional eligibility to be president.

Such an investigation could uncover that Mister Obama

fraudulently represented himself as eligible to be president in two

presidential elections and was illegally elected to office while in the

commission of crimes. Such an investigation could lead to the

retroactive abrogation of both of Mister Obama's illegal elections and

the retroactive abrogation of everything that the criminal usurper's

administration has accomplished while complicit in the crimes includingthe retroactive abrogation--effective annulment--of the appointments

of two justices to the Supreme Court by Obama in the commission of 

his crimes.

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It is imperative that 'We the People'

do not permit the Republican Party to

nominate a constitutionally ineligiblecandidate who, if elected to the

presidency, will assure that everything

that Mister Obama and his Muslim

minions have accomplished in thecommission of the conspiracy they have

contrived to contravene the

Constitution is preserved.

Ask yourself: What are the odds that of the three individuals being promoted as

frontrunners within the Republican Party

right now not one of them would be a

constitutionally eligible natural-born


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Republicans had the chance to lead and they failed miserably.

Now they need to follow or get the Hell out of the way.

They had the chance to follow the patriotic citizens who

gathered together at Tea Party events and voiced their

demands for a return to the rule of constitutional law, but

instead the Republocrats co-opted the Tea Party movement—

first allowing Tea Party members to vent all of their frustrations

and suggest this candidate and that candidate, then at the

appointed time the Republocrats slipped in their decoy, theman whose only claim to fame was turning around a pizza

company—and, oh yeah, he was conveniently dark enough to

fend off charges of Tea Party racism—Herman 'Loverboy'

Cain—then, exactly as planned, as state primaries and state

caucuses approached, the Republocrats pushed into position

the man who they had all along been planning on putting on

the ballot—Mitt Romney. I mean he only ran for how many…,six years? Hello!

My neighbor Gary King ran for congress here in Louisiana

in 2012. He attended the Louisiana Republican Convention in

Shreveport as an elected delegate where an overwhelming

majority of delegates were there to support Ron Paul. Theelitist faction Republicans literally changed the "Robert's Rules"

while delegates were on the way to the convention.

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The Ron Paul delegates who were a majority were told to

sit down and shut up. They protested and State law

enforcement officers were called in. One delegate was badly

injured. When the Ron Paul delegates attempted to reorganizeoutside of the public building the police shut it down.

Then there was the National Convention. Louisiana G.O.P.

delegate Gary King filmed the fiasco where, as a vote was

supposedly being taken which would significantly alter the rules

in the future and effectively stop any future effort by merecitizens in the Republican Party (read “Tea Party”) at ever

electing someone they might decide upon other than the

Republican Party’s elitist faction of deeply entrenched

leadership’s pick for a candidate.

While the speaker on the stage at the G.O.P. National

Convention was asking for the "Nays" to vote aloud was still

vocalizing the question, the teleprompter already started

scrolling down with the result of the "vote" reading before the

'Nayes' had even responded with "The "Ayes" have it!"

This is the level to which the Republican Party has sunk.

They are no better than the Liberal-socialist Democrats. In factthey are one unit; two wings of the same bird of prey.

‘We the People’ are the prey “stupid.” 

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It is time for the Republican Party, Liberal-

socialist accommodating, and spineless elitist


Now we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the old

fashioned Tea Party way—with tar and feathers and a match, or

perhaps a torch—yes, a torch, the torch of Liberty. That's how it was

done by Colonial citizen patriots, the original state militias.

It is up to the citizen journalists, ‘We the People,’ to cover this

story and spread the news. It is up to us to defend the Constitution andthe American way of life. The mainstream media will not be in the

courtroom in Alabama; they have abandoned their traditional 'Fourth

Estate' responsibility for the protection of the American experiment in

government of the people and the preservation of our constitutional


Mister Obama, or Soetoro, or Soebarkah, or Bounel has achieved

the inconceivable: The most sinister crime committed against the

American people in our country’s history–the criminal usurpation of the

presidency by fraud. This mockery of our Constitution must not be

allowed to proceed any further.

In view of the fact that Islam has a doctrine within its teachings

instructing a Muslim to feign being of the same cultural cloth as those

within a society under siege, and that Mr. Obama was indoctrinated

into Islam during his most formative young years wherein he attended

Islamic madras schooling/indoctrination in Indonesia, those entrusted

with the national security of the United States are remiss in their duties

to fail to recognize the clear and present threat that a Muslim

deceptively representing himself as constitutionally eligible to be

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president—even producing documents proven to be forgeries in a

cover-up of incomparable magnitude—represents to our country.

“Data released Tuesday from the 2010 U.S. Religion Census

shows Islam was the fastest growing religion in America in the last 

10 years, with 2.6 million living in the U.S. today, up from 1 million

in 2000.” (‘Muslim Population Doubles in USA Since 9/11,’ May


Mister Obama is an enemy agent of Islam practicing taqiyya.

Everything he has done while illegally occupying the Oval Office

confirms that the 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa is dedicated to

the advance of the world domination agenda of Islam and the

relegation of all non-Muslims to the de facto slave status of dhimmi .

Thousands upon thousands of Muslim immigrants are being granted

visas as you read this. Consider the gravity of the recent news reports

that several Pakistani immigrants with chemical engineering degrees

were taken into police custody while walking through the woods

around a reservoir outside of Boston. America is being infiltrated by

Islam in the first stage of domination within the Islamic strategy forsubjugating a non-Muslim society under the totalitarian system of 

Sharia wherein all non-Muslims are reduced to the de facto slave status

of dhimmi . Obama's usurpation of the presidency is part and parcel of 

Islam's strategically organized infiltration of America. You and I are

paying for Islam's world domination agenda every time we fill up our

cars. Noticed the guy at the counter named Mohammed who runs your

credit card?

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Let us not forget that Mister Obama, the criminal usurper currently illegally occupying the Oval

Office called the graduating class at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point "the enemy."

Obama has now proven beyond any reasonable doubt that he is an enemy agent of Islam

practicing taqiyya.

The remainder of Mister Obama's illegal,

illegitimate administration—If he does not declare anational emergency and suspend the next scheduled

presidential election—is about one thing and one thing

only: Making sure that everything his regime has

accomplished for the advancement of Islam in America

and the furtherance of the domination of the Islamo-

facilitating Liberal-socialist elements within theAmerican political spectrum is not undone by the next

presidential administration, be that administration

constitutionally legal or not. 

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Any agendas such as gun control for example that Mister Obama

may have wished to advance are effectively derailed for the remainder

of his criminal usurpation of the presidency. The most important thing

to the preservation of all the advances that Mister Obama has made for

Islam is that the next president of the United States be constitutionally

ineligible—NOT a "natural-born" citizen.

If that can be arranged then the next criminal usurper will have

his or her hands tied from addressing the crimes of Obama for he or

she will be living in a glass White House where they would not want to

throw such a stone at the 'Manchurian' Muslim from Mombasa and

everything that 'Bath House' Barry Soetoro has accomplished in his

criminal usurpation of the presidency will be preserved. (All the

Muslims in the White House said, "AALLLAAHHUUAAAHHKKBBAARR!" )

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Our  Nation‟s Founders Drew a

Line in the Sand.

The Declaration of Independence begins with a preamble

under the heading 'The Unanamous Declaration of the

Thirteen States of America,' and continues, "When in the

Course of human events, It becomes necessary for one

 people to dissolve the political bands which have

connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to

which the laws of Nature and of Nature's God...", the

Lord Jesus Christ, "...entitle them, a decent respect to the

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opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the

causes which impel them to the separation."

Said preamble needs now in our time at the helm of our 

ship of state to be amended by the following sentiments

inserted after the words 'which have connected them with

another' by extending the wording to address the enemy

we face today, the murderous cult of Islam and its world

domination agenda, and read as follows: '...which have

connected them with another even to the degree of 

tolerating intolerable ideological or religious beliefs

which have and do define themselves through the actions

of adherents to such beliefs as the enemy of the liberty

which with we are endowed by our Creator, the LordJesus Christ.

Since the murderous cult of Islam has throughout its

history and does today explicitly hold to doctrines of 

world domination under Sharia and the

„dhimmitudinization‟ of non-Muslims, 'We the People'  

must recognize that those values espoused in the

teachings of Islam are incompatible with a free society

and that the murderous cult of Islam cannot — must not — 

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 be tolerated in the United States of America or any of her 


It was the contention of the signers of The Declaration of 

Independence in recognizing the entitlement of separate

and equal station availed by the laws of Nature and

 Nature's God, the Lord Jesus Christ, unto a free nation

that any such nation's citizens should rightly exercise the

action of decently respecting the opinions of mankind in

the Course of human events by declaring the causes

which impelled them towards separation from — in the

trial of their time — Great Britain.

Americans today should as well decently respect the

opinions of mankind in the Course of human events and

declare as we face the trial of our time — the world-wide

expansion of the murderous cult of Islam, an enemy as

insurmountable in its dimensions as Great Britain seemed

unto our Founding Fathers — the causes which impel us

now unto the separation from Islam and the rejection and

exclusion of the murderous cult of Islam from

 participation in our free society.

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America must determine to defeat Islam. Nothing short of 

unconditional surrender will suffice for to permit Islam participation within any society is an invitation for the

viral spread of the cancerous cult which holds

fundamentally to aspirations of world domination under a

one-world Islamic Caliphate.

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Holding truths which are self-evident as did our nation‟s

Founders denies the toleration of any encroachment uponthose same truths by erroneous totalitarian ideologies

which deny the Creator, the Lord Jesus Christ, from

Whom we are endowed with 'certain unalienable Rights.

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The truth that '...all men are Created equal, that they are

endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of 

Happiness' rings familiar in the hearts of all those who

would call themselves Americans.

Those words are the very tintinnabulation resounding for generations within the hearts of 'We the People' of the

United States of America of the Spirit of '76', the

American Spirit of Liberty, revered and saluted

symbolically in America's Liberty Bell which, though

cracked and silent, still resonates strongly within the

 breast of all those who assent to the truth that all men are,in fact, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable

rights. There is no question as to whom our nation‟s

Founders referred when they used the term “Creator.”

They were referring to the risen Lord Jesus Christ of the


The Declaration of Independence continues, "That to

secure these rights, Governments are instituted among

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Men, deriving their just powers from CONSENT OF THE

GOVERNED, — that whenever any Form of Government

 becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the

People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new

Government, laying its foundation on such principles and

organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem

most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long

established should not be changed for light or transientcauses; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that

mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are

sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the

forms to which they are accustomed. BUT WHEN A







The freedom of religion determined by and for 'We the

People' in the First Amendment to the Constitution needs

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not be extended — should not be extended — unto

adherents to the murderous cult of Islam for upon close

consideration of the words 'When a long train of abuses 

and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object...'  

one cannot but recognize that they are a working

definition for Islam's doctrinal strategy, that is to say,

'design,‟ of pursuing the same object of domination that it

has pursued invariably for all of its 1400-year history over 

non-Muslim societies instituting a long train of abusesand usurpations by illegitimately justifying in their own

sick minds the relegation under Sharia Law of all non-

Muslims within said society under siege unto the de facto 

slave status of a Dhimmi.

Islam advances an invariable pursuit of an object: namely,

a one-world Islamic Caliphate, and evinces a design to

reduce America under the absolute despotism of Sharia.

It is our right and our duty to throw off the tyrannical

chains of Islam and throw out such a murderous cult as

Islam as sure as it would be to throw off any government

that might arise which so clearly and precisely met the

description of such a government which the Founding

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Fathers realized might one day arise on history‟s stage

about which they chose to give us warning.

It is as well our duty to provide ‘New Guards’ for our

future security: a new, legal, legitimate president who

will lead us in the war in which we are engaged with

the murderous cult of Islam.

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Our enemy, Islam, reduces all non-Muslims unto the de

 facto slave status of dhimmi; a status with no rights under 

the absolute despotism of Sharia law.

The words written to protect America from abuses and

usurpations by a future hypothetical derelict American

government apply equally, indeed more so, as instruction

as how to proceed against any foreign enemy which meets

the description in the warning from our Founding Fathers

so precisely as does the murderous cult of Islam.

Islam is not just a religion. It is a cultural mandate unto

every dimension of a society antithetical to the

foundational principles of the American experiment in

„government of the People, by the People and for the

People.‟ Islam is, strictly speaking, not a religion alone; it

is a totalitarian religious/political/philosophical ideology,

a tyrannical legal system, a depraved sociological

guidebook, and a military instruction manual mandating

and sanctioning murder.

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Islam is an evil religious cult, yes, but much more.

America‟s collective failure to recognize our enemy Islamfor what it is in its totality is the single greatest advantage

that our enemy has facilitating its effort at defeating the

United States and dominating Judeo-Christian culture as

well as all other non-Islamic cultures.

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Please visit the website of the brilliant scholar who goes

 by the pen name Publius Huldah at

constitution-prohibits-islamization/ Feb. 18, 2013; and

listen to her speech before the Act for America Chapter in

Fayetteville, Tennessee.

It is the right and the duty of those who would defend the

Constitution and American Liberty to exclude the

murderous cult of Islam from the religious freedoms

 bought with the blood and toil of Americans and throw

out of our country adherents to such a murderous cult

which espouses an agenda of world domination through


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America must expel all Muslims who advocate any

dimension of cultural jihad in order to guard her future

security and she needs now to terminate any further 

immigration of adherents to Islam into the United States.

If we do not take this drastic step now future generations

of Americans shall suffer the same fate as the citizens of 

all non-Muslim countries where Islam has conquered in

its 1400-or-so year history and there will be more bombs

at crowded events across the country.

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Future generations of Americans shall have to take up the

fight under far worse conditions wherein the murderouscult shall have entrenched itself more deeply within our 

 borders by means of infiltration of all areas of American

society wherein Islamic agents practicing taqqiya advance

 policies that facilitate their achieving their ultimate goal:

the world-wide domination of Islam.

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No free society should tolerate the totalitarian

system of Islam.

America must determine to defeat her enemy and demand

nothing less than unconditional surrender from our pan-

Islamic enemy.

History has clearly demonstrated that compromise withthe murderous cult of Islam inevitably leads to


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“Our Framers were exquisitely educated in Logic,

Judeo-Chr istian values, poli tical phi losophy, and 

statecraf t. The Amer ican People of our Founding Era 

had the Wisdom and Humi l i ty to li sten to our Framers.

Let us once again show that same Wisdom and 

 Humility. Listen to Our Framers.”  (Publius Huldah ‘The Balance

of Powers Act –  How People Are Destroyed For Lack of knowledge,’

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We must not accept the „Manchurian‟ Muslim from

Mombasa‟s RESIGNATION for to do so would open the

door to Mister Joe Biden, an accomplice in Mister 

Obama‟s criminal usurpation of the presidency, to

illegally assume the office of the president and even

extend to Mister Obama, purveyor of the most sinister 

criminal conspiracy against the Constitution of the United

States of America in the history of the United States, an

illegal pardon for his crimes.The only option for restoring honor to the office of the

 presidency is RETROACTIVE ABROGATION of the

illegal elections of the constitutionally ineligible fraud,

forger, and enemy agent of Islam, Mister Barack Hussein

Obama, Jr.

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Send Petition to:

I, the undersigned American citizen, demand that the unconstitutional

election of an ineligible candidate, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama Jr., also known asBarry Soetoro, Soebarkah, and Harrison J. Bounel, who fraudulently represented

himself as eligible to campaign for the office of the President of the United States

of America in two presidential elections and has presented ‘We the People’ withforged documents including multiple birth certificates and a Selective Service

registration card in an effort to cover-up his sinister conspiracy to contravene the

Constitution, and has used fraudulent Social Security numberS, be retroactively

abrogated forthwith along with all that his illegitimate regime has illegally

affected while complicit in the unconstitutional, criminal usurpation of the presidency including the illegal appointment of two persons to the United State‟s

Supreme Court.

Printed Name: _____________________________

Signature: _________________________________

Date: ______ /___________ / Anno Domini 2013

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