Please tick the box to continue:

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr ic e


    ... 160140120

    100 80

    ..., ..".. 70..!.... ...:.. 60

    R ichmond & Danville-1885Weekly C hart Completed railroad route from R ichmond to +Danville, V irginia in 1856. B y 189 0 it covered3,300 miles throughout th e s outhern states. ,~

    . "P rice up.. weeks in black.~ '\ j>h~ il" t~ l .. .~~~~~d~~~(Z~:' i f \ I ' ;

    .. H igh, low and ... ., .. t l r lclose plotted : T : t. for each week ..

    America's first cup-with-handle char t base ... along one .. ,7 4 w eeks of p rice a nd volume action.. - To count the w eeks in a base, b eg in w ith th e firstweek that clos es do wn in price a t point A . P attern ;,.. J... looks like a cup-with-ha ndle if v iewed from the side:'

    I". , , I L ! . . . .". 1 . . . : . ."j".~ ".. i .,:.. l

    Richmond & Danville increased 257% in 70 weeks.




    . 15Vo lu m e

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Ten n e s s ee C oa l & I ron -1 8 g 8Weekly C h a r t

    Mass-production of steel for T he Spanish-American W ar. .lowe red freight cos ts by using its own ra ilro ad and lowered cope :ating co sts b y emp loying convicts.Pr i ce220190

    . 1601401201008070605040343026221916.. 14-12108Vo lu m e80,00050,00030,00018,000

    Average weeklytrading volume for"p ri or 10 weeks ~. --~-------------~-----~~---'---'-\-'--r.~~~~~-'-------,-""",,--

    Tennessee Coal & Iron increased 265% in 39 weeks,

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    C hartered as the first transcontinental railroadby Abraham Lincoln in 1864. C ontributed. largely to th e o pening of the No rthwesternUn ited States.

    No rthern P acific C o rne r 1901: a financial ...contest for control of the railroad. At the end, :~. James H ill and J. P . Mo rgan secu red control .:... ,..No r th e rn P a c if ic -1900Weekly C h a r t

    Northern Pacific increased 1181% i n 29 weeks,

    Pr ic e600500400340300260220190


    ....... 10080

    .. 70 60504034302622Vo lume250,000120,00060,00030,000

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    n ce =~1~~1S80706050454036

    Be t h leh em S teel - 1914 Bethlehem Steel produced ab ou t 60% of theA llies ' munitions during World War I. AmericanW e e k l y C h a r t . . steel makers c ho se to stabilize profits for~ ...J domestic contracts so fo reign orders.... accoun ted for most of the profits.

    Pr ic e70060050040034030026022019016014012010080

    ....... 706050

    ... .40343026

    Vo lu m e


    ~ g2624222018U13121110

    \. .... "Q uarter by quarter plot of earn ings per share for prior12 months (earnings scaleis on the left) ...

    ~g ~2.602.40

    Bethlehem Steel i nc reased 1479% in 99 weeks.

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr i ce600500400340300260220

    ,. .190160140120100807060

    ... 504034302622Vo lum e9,0005,6003,400,000

    Ge ne ra l Mo t o r s -1 9 15W e e k l y C h a r t

    J un 191'

    General Motors increased 471% in 39 weeks,

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Vo lu m e

    i 30,00014,0006,0002,000

    U t a h S ec u ri t ies -1 9 24W e e k ly C h a r t .

    --50.45...... 40


    ... 282624222018

    Utah Securi ti es i nc reased 538% in 63 weeks,

    . .. Pr ice

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Du P ont de Nemours-1925 A le ader in science and technology across manyindustries including agriculture, film and automotive.Weekly Chart Hybridiz atio n o f s ee d corn in 1 926 by Henry Wallace and/-__ .:....,_ -:- -:-__ ..,- -.1moisture-proot cellophane were 2 notable achievements:..~

    : Market correction Market correction i.~ .. . . c

    l- .... " .. ,

    ....1.. . I.35-week double bottom-with-handleShakeout but .. ' ..never 8% below :las t buy point

    Du Pont de Nemours increased 1074% in 225 weeks.

    Pr ic e3403002602201901601401201008070605040


    . 26.. 22


    Vo lum e130,00050,00016,0006,0002,000


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr i ce1601401201000706050. 40343026221916141210

    B u rrou g hs A d d in g M ac hin es -1926Weekly C hartPr ice =20'eps9 g 87.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.502.25~ 2.001.80U 81AO1.301. : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.50OA5DA D0.350.30

    The largest manufacturer of adding machinesin the f ir st half of the 20lh century. In 1925,they introduced the "Burroughs P ortable" thatweighed less than twenty pounds .

    'Ma rket correction

    .E arn inqs accelerationbegins

    Burroughs Adding Machines i ncreased 1992% in 168 weeks.

    Vo lum e30,00014,0006,0002,000

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr i c e =20'eps I n t I . B us in es s M a c h i n e s -1 926Weekly ChartIBM wa s e xpanding and developing new, successful productsin the 1920s. In 1925, it released horizontal so rting mach ines.with a s peed of 360 cards per minute and the first standardduplicator. In 1928, it redes igned the p un ch card to holda lmos t double the previous capacity.0181 914131211109.00

    9 : g S7.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80H~1.401.301.

    .... Market correction..., Vertical lines on earning s linemark when earnings report'was released , ~Ve ry important: a fte r shakeout, .... if sto ck c ome s ba ck up through'tu-week line on even greater... volume you must buy it back!

    . 36-week cup-with-lonq-handle.that finally corre cts for wedging.uP along lows by shaking out. ltthen goes up 400%

    .Sell: down 8% from cos tdue to premature buying, ... 'stock wedged up a long lows:'...over prior 12 weeks. Handle:.should drift down along lows

    . . ; ; .:: ... ::' ~ : ::Ke y:A successtul inves to r learns to do what mostlnvestorsare not willing to do. P sychologically, mos t investors don'tuse charts, do no t want to buy sto ck s making new highs,and can't bring themselves to cut every los s at 8%. Even. fewe'r'i:an bring themselves, after selling a sto ck a t a lo ss ,to buy it b ack higher. This is the difference betweensuccessful and unsuccess ful investors .

    Internat ional Business Machines increased 400% in 161 weeks.

    Pri c e500400340300260220190160140120100807060


    Vo lu m e


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Price.~/.,.,. ,;' ...... 300


    ... ..190160

    ..... 140.120

    .... 100

    W rl'g ht Aeronautica l 1927 One of only three companies that continued- ..manufacturing aircraft engines after W orld War 1:"Weekly Chart ..Most u.s. fighte r planes used Wright engines in""'==~============~..the 1920s. The revolutionary alr-cocled engine, debuted in 1927.i-.. ..--{. ..... _,".l .~.-...

    ...~.+ ..~. : ~...!..!...Price =20eps151413121110

    9.00~ 9 g 87.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301. : 9 g0.700.650.600.55

    .,............ ~....~

    , Do Noi Buy Here! Note this is a........... + 3 rd s tage base . Seven weeks ago" run-up to 91 with stalling,closes barely u p for wee k o n Buy.._.... ' ..greater volume than prior week.. S to ck a ls o wedges up along lows. . ; ,. T - - T~- T i-~~-y. _ 1.[Buy .

    .... ... ;. ~..._... ...i. .....~

    Buy as soon as stock, i recovers ba ck a bove~ ";---""",

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr i ce ::020-eps6.506.005.505.004.504.003.50

    ~ 3.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301. : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.45~~ 8~~ 7~W6

    0.25:5for 1 spliton . .L- - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - ~- - ~- - - - ~- - - - - - - - ~- - ~At T . _ ~~- - ~- - ~t _ - - ~Vo lum e

    Rad io C o rp of America-1927 . R adios gained in popularity during the 1920s+trorn 5,000 in-home sets in 1920 to ove r 2 .5Weekly Chart ..million by 1924. In 1926 , through mergers .p.-----------_,__-----------------------' ' a nd acquisitions with RC fis own network, the;.National Bro adcas ting C ompany (N BC ) becamethe firs t major broadcas t netwo rk in the U .S .

    . Remember: examples o f g reat winners are split-adjusted for all splits. Don't fall.... jnto tra p o f incorrectly th in king becaus e buy point marked on RC fis cha rt was. 14, that was th e r eal price a t that time. It was really 5 times 14, or 70 since'-all s tocks in these 100 examp les have been adjusted for stock splits (note the..:.5. for 1 sp lit s hown a t bottom far ri gh t just above the vo lume weekly bars. F or .examp le both C i sco and M icrosoft's 1st buy point on their first bas e w as in the.. $30 range and G oogle was $113. O fthe more tha n 1,000 models we have ofhistory's greatest winners, the vast majori ty began by coming out of their first'base from $30 up to $100 or more, S ince our rules are historically proven,w e a vo id $3 , $ 5, a nd $ 10 s tocks because the quality, liquidity and caliber of: sponsorship is muc h lower. O u r minimum is $20 fo r stocks on the NY SE , . .. ",. .Shakeout o f buyer swho were wrong inbuying from 3 rd s ta ge .....base br ea ko ut to n ew h igh.

    Radio Corporation of America increased 739% in 74weeks.

    Pr ic e14012010080706050




  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Minneapolis-Honeywell R egulator-1933Weekly 'Chart

    Company was respons ible for the invention .of the pyrometer and the thermostat. In1934 , it began an aggressive expansion'strategy ,includi~g loreignmarkets,

    Price =20eps6.005.50~ 5.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80H 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.250.230.20

    ~.Ma rket correction Buy: c ome s bac k over .1O -week moving average'

    'Iine on volume increase '0f

    No tice how this 3rd base-an-base"finally is tighter and less wide and' i....Base -on-base -on-base 'loose than pri or bases in March, (3 bases , each correcting" .. and September 1934

    .. : and stopping in top area ot:.. previous base) . ..-': .

    Minneapolis-Honeywell Regulator increased 987% in 170 weeks.

    Pr ic e120100807060




    4.5Vo l um e3,2001,60000400

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr i ce =20'eps14131211109.00H~7.006.506.005.50) 5.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80H~1.401.301. : 9 ~0.700.650.600.550.50

    F ive cents bought you a C oke in the 1930s.C oke was e xpan ding into fo reign markets andwas b ecoming a bestseller in Western E urope:

    Ma rket correction ... Ma r~et correctiQn


    .............. 32., : , , .. : , : , 28


    Coca-Cola increased 565% in 165 weeks.



    Vo lum e13,8005,0001,800600

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    .One o i only a fe lv c ompetitors left standing in thece =~oeps7.507.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.50 ....~ 81AO1.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.50OA 5OA O0.350.300.25

    farm equipment industry afte r the G re at Depression ... Although it was lo sing money in the midst of the1-----..,--------' Great Depression, Deere gained fa rmer loya lty bycarrying farmers' debts for as long as possible.

    ...... 403430

    , ... " ................... 26............ ,... ,... ,., ........ " .......,............ 22

    19... 16

    14....... ~ ..,............ 12

    .. 10

    Deere & Co inc reased 307% in 104 weeks.



    Pric e

    Vo l um e




  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    P ri c e =10'eps~ 11 a 82.802.602.402.202.001.80U 81.401.301.

    Schen ley D is ti l l i n g -1 943 'In 1941, Schenley Distilling was, by governmentmandate, producing alcohol around the clock tor..'..Weekly Chart wartime use. It also began mass production o tr~~"'-:-~~~~~~~~~~~---" ~~~;i~~~~~~~~~~rn~~( s~~~eP~r~~~~~ue.

    Schenley Distilling increased 1164% in 185 weeks,

    Pr i ce1201008070605040343026221916141210876


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pri c e706050

    Pr i ce =10*ep$ C on d e N as t Pu b l ic a t i o n s -1 944 F irst publisher of lifes tyle mag azines such as their trend-setting ..; . .;;..1'\. / r Y '{fas hion magazine, V o g u e . Du ring the 1940s paper s hortage, ~.. S ell: climax to.p. J .. . " -We e k l y 'C h a r t C ond e N a st benefitted as les s profitab le pub lic atio ns were k il led :. :'. I '.P-_-- ''-- --- , ------ ---- -'off. Additionally, th e g overnment pa id for advertisement-free .:.. Dow J ones Ind. .magazine~and boo~S for thetroopsoverseas during W9rld W arl! ';H . . : . . 'H " : : 'T~ T. . .'. t 4~ J

    ~ 82.802.602.402.202.001.80H~1.401.301.

    Market correctionscreate s to ck b as e s

    E arning s a cc eleration

    Conde Nast Publications i ncreased 514% in 101 weeks.


    .. 3026

    22HH H 19

    16HH H 14H H 12


    Vo lu m e3,2001,600


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)





    G imbel appea led to iower- to medium-price clientele with the' bargainbasement of G imbel Bros . stores and to higher-end shoppers withtheir S aks stores. stores inside the department stores,

    Gimbel Brothers increased 674% in 103 weeks.

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    L-----~----_ 7------~~~~--~~--- -_ t----~~--- -------~----~----~----~------~~r_ ~~~--~~~~~~~~~-r~~~--~V~o~lu~m~e--~~30,00016,0008,0004,0002,000=~--;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Pr ice =20'eps O u tb o a rd Ma r i ne - 1 9 54 'Materials ' restrictions were lift'e d a fter th e Ko rean;War ended in 1953. Th is le d to ra pid exp ansionWeekly 'Chart .tor O utb oa rd Marine. It broadened its base by/- _ _ '-.- _ _ .,- ---....I.using its motors in snow blowers , lawn mowers, .'a nd cha in s aw s to increase year-round sales,........ :ra ther than just sumrner:oriented boati~g ~ivity.2.502.252.00 .;..~ 1.80U B1.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.30

    ... P ric es a re adjusted fo r 3 -fo r-1 stock.; . sp lit. so pric e atbreakout was S 13.50. :1 ~

    _ 'r~~~ti":. . .. i . . K . ' . : .;,.. . : . ; ,; _ .. ..

    . . . . < . ; - - ; ,,,c, 8',' Y ou may ask, why shouldn't you buy he re a t the 7: bottom to ge t a lower pric e? Y ou are no t trying to buy. .. ..... 6 at the cheapest price, but a t t he time th e s to ck has ~..:. the greatest probability of going up in price. Wh en it'L declining in price 9 weeks in a row below its 10-week ' moving ave rage line, only 3 or 4 out of 10 will be right:, ,buys, assuming fundamentals are the s ame. Buying : 4.0. .. . .. .. : . . . . when it's moving up and breaking out of a s ound base . 3.4! 'near a new price high, 6 or 7 out of 10 will be right, ......... :--- :- during bull markets . M os t people like t~ buy stocks .. 3.0.......... , ... ,. gO ing down when they look cheap , that s w hy they 2.6. . make more mis takes and lose more money. 2.2

    . .~. .. ,.!.

    Outboar d Marine increased 720% in 177 weeks.

    .. P r i ce605040

    .... .. 3430

    ..... .... 2622191614

    . 1210


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    K a i s er A lum i n um -1 954W ee k ly C h a rt

    .He ynoldsA lurninum broke out to new highs a fewweeks earlier and Alcoa broke out a fter Ka iser, meaningthis was an industry turnaround for the leaders in the''group' Rexnoldsad,vanced a ~l11i1a.ral11ount:

    .. P r ic e

    , , .. , , 80

    60.. 50

    Kaiser Aluminum inc reased 379% in 93 weeks,





    Vo lu m e


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr i c e =20"eps T h io k ol C h em ica l -1957Weekly' Chart Remember 90% of all cup with. handles are formed during ma rk et.. corrections. These w ill be the ne wleaders don't get discouraged-and stop looking for winn ers ju stbecaus e th e market is in a correction..~ ~-..y-- --

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr ic e20'eps3.503.002.50~ 2.252.001 .B OH 81.401.301. 9 20.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    B r u n s w ic k -1 95 8Weekly Chart Sell: cli~ax top.~,'J +tt~

    Company has new product-au tomati c pin-sp otters forbowling alleys

    403430262219. 1614

    , , "., .. 1210

    " B . ' . . . . . . .. .... - -- _.. ..,.. . ... - '. - _ .. 3 weeks '.... tight closes' ..

    S harp pullback ... ;.and PO~~ ir~eh...., ~ ~ ~ J D 0. ; - .,. 19 57 Bea r Market.'.B ig earnings ..acceleration ... quarter,,\" ,

    Brunswick inc reased 1500% in 162 weeks.

    Pr ic e706050

    B76,000B O ,O O O40.00020,000

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pri ce =20eps1211109.009 g 87.006.506.005.505.00~ 4.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80H 81.401.301. : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.40

    Z en i th R a d io -1958Weekly C hart

    . . r ..~

    Zenith Radio in creased 493% in 66 weeks.

    Pr ic e260220190160140120

    ........ 100 80


    45 38

    ....... 32.. 28

    ......... 2420171513119Volume80,00050,00030,00018,000

    Pri c e =

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    20'eps14131211109.009 g 87.006.506.005.505.004.50

    ~ 4.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301.

    Texas Ins truments-1958Weekly Chart leader in ne w s emiconductor. industry. . . . . . . ! . . ...~


    "'19S1Seai Ma rket':::'creates new bases ."for eaph new cycle...... 80

    ,,,, 70, 60

    ,Two quarters of deceleration 'inra te of quarterly earnings per share... growth from the earlie r ma jor growth.... trend rate can frequently can be a-time to sell +22%, +21 % versus-,+59%, +129%, +97%, +87%.. Texas Ins truments made a great'precedent for when to se ll Google'''at over 50 0 in J an. 2008 w he n it 22. . . . s n o w ec 4 quarters of earnings .. 19.deceleration to 39% from earlier. trend of 129%m.650.600.550.50

    Texas Instruments increased 772% in 116 weeks.

    16 14

    1210Vo lume16,0008,0004,0002,000

    Pr i ce300... 260

    . 220190160


    34... 30



  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    U n i v er s al C o n t ro l s - 1958W e e k ly C h a r t .

    N o i e numberoiiight ..'. wee kly c loses and ' ..'. tiny spreads eachweek from hi to low, '.:! : ' F ast drop after,.... : .... 'cjimax top, se ll ifyou hesitated to sellstock onthe way up

    Universal Controls increased 645% in 51 weeks.

    ... 80706050


    ....... 221916141210

    Ju n 1959

    Pr i ce100



    Pr i c e =20'eps Pr i c e

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    109.009 ~ 87.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 8, 1.401.301. 9 ~0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.35

    Xerox increased 1201% in 188 weeks,





  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pri c e =20'eps2.502.252.001.80H 81.401.301.

    ~ O~~0.600.550.500.450.400.350.300. 1 g0.

    Ame r ic an Ph o to c op y Equ i p ,-1958Week ly C ha r t

    40. 34302622 19

    " , , 16........ 14

    ... 1210

    8~~.,.i' ,;;;......';..;i . , . . ,. ..., . ..i..... , . . , . . 7.J__ J '~'+~~~.f=:~~~7,.,.:r .n~'vI;\/..:0 , ,.,..',., , , , , ,., , , , c s . .. , . , . ; . , . . . 6

    Amer ican Photocopy Equipment inc reased 696% in 133 weeks

    ... ... Pr ice..50


    F a ir ch i ld C amera & In s t r umen t-1959 Pri c e

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Vo lum e


    Weekly Chart


    Fairchild Camera & Instrument increased 582% in 73 weeks"



  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr ic e =20'eps6.506.005.50~ 5.004.504.003.503.00

    C h ry s l e r -1 9 62W e e k l y C h a r t .~

    2.50 .j.. 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.250.23

    Chrysler increased 215% in 51 weeks.

    Pr ice1401201008070 6050

    .. 40 3430 26 2219161412



    National A irlines-1962 Pr i ce

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    --4.5o lum e130,00070,00040,00020,000

    Weekly Chart

    National Airlines increased 1004% in 179 weeks"


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr ice =20*eps7.006.506.00~ 5.505.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301. : 9 20.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.25

    No r t h w e s t A i r l in e s -1 9 62Week ly C h a r t . New product: jet planes.: and new route to Japan

    Do N ot B uy! F aulty base. narrow ..v-shaped 2 weeks down and 2 weeks 'up o ff low (straight down and then...... straight up) and handle area does not.... drift down along its lows.\~~~-:~-.. 40" ~ ~ e ' ~ ~ ; ; ~ ~ " ' . : - ' : 34~~- ...... ,... ; , ,/ .. ,:, -30262219

    .... 16.. 141210

    .. 1962 bear market , ..... +. ,. iO oNo tBuy!Sto(;ids""extended stra ig ht u p ...; from 8 to 14 and it's, a third base

    Northwest Airlines increased 1240% in 186 weeks.


    8.. 765

    Pr ice140120100

    Pr i ce =20'eps Xe rox - 1 963 Pr i ce

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    . 00 Not Buy! S traightup from 17.5 to 32, 3 weeksto o o bvious and . tight closes ,market IS correcting ..... along lows .' Buy T'.\.:~\t


    9.009 g 87.006.506.005.505.004.504.00

    ) 3.503.002.502.252.001.80H 81.401.301. : 9 g0.700.65

    Weekly Chart

    Xerox inc reased 660% in 168 weeks.

    .. 340300

    . ... 260220190160

    ..... 140120


    80........ 70

    .. 60




  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pri c e120100807060504034302622

    19.. 16141210


    4.5Vol um e800,000500,000300,00080,000

    Pr i ce =20'eps6.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.00~ 1.80H 81.401.301. 9 20.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.250.230.20

    . New product "The P ill." Syntex was on the . Amer ic an S to ck E xchange when theylisteoa numbe~ of d ifferent qrowth.stocks _i

    .j.. .... ;.

    Syntex increased 451 % i n 25 weeks,

    Pri ce =20'eps3.50

    R o l l i n s -1 9 64 Huge acquisition ofO rkin exterminator - Pr ic e70

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    3.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301.

    W e e k l y C h a r t J o n e s In d .

    8 : 9 20.700.65~ 0.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    Roll ins increased 254% in 36 weeks,



  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr ic e =20'eps S im mon ds Prec i s i on -1965W e e k ly C h a rtH g

    ~ 1.000.938 ~ g0.750.708 : g ~0.578 : ~ 90.410.350.31

    .Market corrects

    Key precedent for S immonds'

    30.... 26

    .. 23201715

    . - -} ~ - -. ;.. t

    8 :~ ~

    Simmonds Precision Products increased 672% in 38 weeks.



    Vo l um e80,00050,00030,0008,000

    ~~::p~o n o g r am In d us tr ies -1 9 6 6 S upp lier to B oe ing jet airliners S &P 500 Prlcu70

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    ... 654. lu m e20,00070,00040,00020,000

    ~ .

    .. : ..;. 1966 Bear mark et' , ~

    We ek ly C h ar t3.002.502.252.001.80~ U 8 ; .1.401.301. : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    Monogram Industries increased 891% in 57 weeks.

    40 3430

    ... 26.......... 22


    ...... 141210


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Pr ic e19016014012010080

    .. 70. 60

    50.. 4034302622

    ........ 1916141210

    Pr ice =20'eps9.009 g 87.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81AO~ 1.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.50OA5OAO0.350.30

    D ig i t al E q u i pm en t -1 g 6 7 Manufacturer of iiighspeeddigital mini-computers,com pule r accessory equ ipment, test equipment, .,.I - W _ e _ e _ k l _ y _ C _ h _ a _ r t - , - ~ . . and modules:


    =----1~L- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~oDigital Equipment increased 743% in 156 weeks,

    P r ic e =20'eps3.00

    Loews-1967 Shortage of hotels since jets greatlyincreased travel. Loews Theaters Pr i c e60

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    ~ 2.502.252.001.80H 81.401.301.

    Weekly C hart land was used in cities to build hotels ..

    m.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300. 1 g0.

    . : , : '. . . . . . . . . _ ....... ".... _ .

    Loews increased 1025% in 101 weeks.



    ....... 1614

    .... 12. 10

    ...... 4.0


    8765 lu m e


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    !H!ll--------1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

    Pr i c e =20'eps5.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.30~

    Ma t t e l -1 9 6 7Weekly Chart Largest toy manufacturer in U .S ... . i " " ~ " .

    ... .~. " ;. .. :. , i 4034302622


    14/., ,/,...'JI'',..;",,., , , , 12

    ,.. ,10

    .. ; 1- -

    +. ..~.~J~0.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    Mattei increased 441% in 66 weeks.

    ...... 8070

    ......... 60...... 50

    4.5- .... 3.8

    . Pr ic e100


    Prtcur ic e =20eps2.001.80 40

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    U 81.401.301. 8 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300. L~'lg 1 j C--J~~~'ilOF.S:::tc'-:.:.:..:... 8 90.07L -t ~' ~05~t , ~OO~~- - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - ~- - - - - - ~- - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - ~~~- - ~~~~- - - - t _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~, -Volume


    ~ __ ~~~~~=- ~~~~~~~~- c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

    I!w~!rlrr".J 343026

    ... 2219

    ~--"c"c.c 16141210

    .. 8, .."....7

    ..... 6

    ... ;......... " 3.8,..., ... ,........ 3.2

    2.8..... 2.4

    2.0-i . .. , . . . . , . , . . . . ; . . .. . , . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . 1.7


    Skyline increased 715% in 98 weeks.

    Pr i ce = 0

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    20"eps2.502.252.00~ 1.80H 81.401.301.

    R edm a n In d u s tr ies -1968Weekly Chart Leading producer of and aluminum products ...

    R ~gi1700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300. l~

    Redman Industr ies increased 683% in 49 weeks.

    Pr i ce5040343026

    ... 22191614121087


    . .. lum e80,00040,00020,000

    Pri c e =20'eps4.00

    Levitz F u r n i t u re-1970Weekly C hart Pri ce80

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    3.503.002.502.252.001.80H 81.401.301. : ~ g0.700.650.60~ 0.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    4034/ ., .. ., .. , 3026221916141210

    706050 l um e320,000160,00080,00040,0000,000

    Jun 1971 Sep 1971 De e 1971 Ma r 1972 Ju n 1972

    Levitz Furniture increased 608% in 87 weeks.

    Pr i c e =

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    20eps4.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301. 9 g0.70) 0.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    R i t e A i d - 1 9 7 0We ek ly C h ar t

    40. 34

    30~ : . ~+. ,. . . . . . .. . .62219


    .. c , 1210

    ! , . . :.. .

    Rite Aid inc reased 421% in 71 weeks.

    8.... 7


    Pr ice80706050,00040,000

    M c D o n a ld 's -1 9 7 0W e e k ly C h a r t

    Prl co140

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    McDonald's inc reased 422% in 108 weeks,

    --40..... 34



    ... 5


    Vo lu m e460,000220,000100,00040,000

    Pr iceIl d r .o =;JU

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    807060 504034... 3026221916141210

    8 9 20.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300. 1 0.140.13L- ~~~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~__~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ __~~ -~~ -~~~~ -~v~o7I u~m~e~


    ~ 0.90

    Sam b a s R es t au ra n ts -1 971Weekly C hart

    mbo R t uront Incr d 458% In 104 weoks.



    Pri c e =20'eps) 4.504.00 Market correction

    Pr l co80

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    3.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301. ~ g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    Sea Containers increased 448% in 59 weeks.


    . 50

    40. 34



    Vo lum e80,00040,00020,000

    P r i c eC ompany provides high technologyP r ic e =20'eps Flightsafety Intl.-1977

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    ; - - - r~- - f - ~- - - - ~- - - - - - ~- - - - ~- - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~- - - - ~~, - ~- - - - ~~~~~~- - ~~~~- - - - ~~- - -140,00080,00040,000

    training to operators of aircraft andships through the use of simulators.3.002.502.252.001.80~ U 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    Weekly Chart

    Market cor rection 403430

    2622::+.'#t'~~~~~'/:.. , c,., .. .. 19__+-TT~tl~~~i~~ 16

    .. /,.,. 1412

    ..., .., .. :... , ..,. ..10

    ...... : : ..~ .+ ! ; .

    ........... 4.53.8

    . . . c ; , .. .. 3.2. :, ..... : ,. , 2.8

    ,., 2.4

    Flightsafety International increased 958% in 195 weeks,


    ...... 8.... 7


    Pllco ,.20-ops2.001.80

    Soil: C lllll~X 11101119111wonkalii of cup-wit i-hand le ,"

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    H 81.40~ 1.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300. : 8 9

    ! ~1)ftfT+ttj:~t?< 3430

    . . . . . . . . ~~ ~~!~ , . ~ ! . ! !~~ ! . : ; , *~~": / ' ! \ ~ :. ; 262219..:,+.., ...6

    , ..,", 141210

    Wang Laborator ies increased 1348% in 139 weeks.,000340,000240,000160,000

    Pr ic e =20'eps Pr ic e

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    9.009 g 87.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.50

    ~ 3.002.502.252.001.80H 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.30

    . Market correction'

    , " 22!Add:price . 19'back through.;. i10-weekline 16'on volume . 14'increase 12


    Resorts International increas ed 630% in 24 weeks.


    ........ 70. 6050 40

    Vo lu m e320,000160,00080,00040,00020,000

    I - ' I IGU 20' eps Tex as O i l & G as -1978W eek ly C h a r t.005.505.00


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    73.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301.


    X(, '+Tt)v ; 50

    Texas Oil & Gas increased 529% in 101 weeks,

    Vo lu m e



    '" .. 1916141210


    Pr ic e =20'eps Pric e

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    ,-"., ..... 3.0Vo lum e



    ~ 3.002.502.252.001.801 : g 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    , '.... - .. .... . ..~. i ~: .~...i.

    .... 40.. 3430

    ... 26 22

    19. 16

    ..i ,"" 14.. ;.... ; 12

    Note: sharp angle up of ' ,..... earnings line shows big % - " ' , "Increases In earning s fo r~las t 2 q uarters

    < , ~ ,

    ." : '" , '3 weeks... tIght closes

    , :"....~,.~.: .

    "~,,-, -

    . S tock at paint "8" .. 10undercuts low of p riorarea ''A " for a shakeout'a nd close s in upper half" ." 8..i ..:..of week's spread-s ign 7 ,.~fb"uy'i~~~up~~r~~ 6

    Global Mar ine inc reased 752% in 94 weeks.

    .......... 80......... 70

    60...... 50

    Pr i ce =20'eps Pic 'N ' S a v e-1 97 9W e e k ly C h a r t3.00


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    2.502.252.00~ 1.80U 81.401.301. : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    ; A,~0J~~~~~~~ ......... a i ~ r b w i mMk~~ . f ~~:,~~uv

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Week ly Cha r t lower prices for everyone plus 1.5 million new jobs .. 'S&P 5005.004.504.003.503.002.502.25

    ~ 2.001.80U 81.401.301. : 9 20.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.250.230.19

    16...........; 1412

    Wal-Mart Stores increased 882% in 158 weeks.


    4.0Vo lu m e620,000420,000280,000180,000

    S&P~.S ell: S econd 2/ 1 spl it in;~rrlf)only 8 months and volume; : tw 'increas es but p rice weekly :.:.1' ..

    Pr ic e =20"eps 30 26. 22



  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    :spreads retrac e much of ; . :.. ' 'It ;same price area from 26 -:30 . J........vv\;., f 1916



    1.000.908 9 g,m0.600.550.50OA 5OA O0.350.300. 1 8 90.Q70.

    .. ...... , . - .. , - ............ - , ; , , / .. ' .. About 50% of th e time, s to ck will: : pullback to pivo t buy point after its.. "'breakoyt, or sl ightl y be lowbuy point2.

    1.1-"-'~,J - - -,V;CO.,,mc:e--1


    ==c----1se e 1983The Limited increased 673% in 71 weeks.


    Pr ic eP r ice -20eps1.80

    Home Depot-1982 O n l y i n A m e r i c a . . . two l a i d o f f workp. r< .... o m a n o t h e r h a r d w a r e s t o re s ta r t f T " , ' ' , . . . . .A

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    U 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.30~ : 8

    ,. .. W = : : e : : : e : :: k - :, , :I Y :: - C : : : h : :: a :: : rt = : : = = = : : T = - :, I ' '' ; H ' o o ;m ; ~ ; e 'n ~ D e p o t .t u l t i m a t e l y a d v a n c e d ; , . . . . , . .. . . . 5 8 ,' 1 ' 5100' J" .,. 34I " ,"u i n o n c e b y t h e . 20)0. .. , '.... , , , ; , .. , .... , ............ ; e ...... ' .. , ' Y ' . ..,30. , . . . " ! " 1 ~ ~ k e t, la ; ' jI ' - . ' '' v , . .I."...,...,.. '11.... 26................................... ,.......;..;v'~ ~.~ ' f'--- u d y a t b u y p o J n Z iv" l u \ . 'r~"l ~:

    / "7 '

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    Vo lum e300,00060,00080,00040,00020,000

    4.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.30) : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.25

    This was using the old Livermore rule for shakeoutbelow a $ 30 stock and a retracement back up to $33,. . . . o . which becomes a new buy poin t. S ince, P ric e C lu b .,.was in the $15 range the retr acement was 1/2 of the 3......... 'points or 1.5 points a bo ve the first low of 14.50, whichmade $16 the buy point fo r P ri ce C lub.Second buy point was to-weeks later as stock emergedout of a double bottom with handle ba se a t 19 .7 5 o nhuge vo lume for the week. S tock's Return on Equity atinitial buy was 55.4% and annual earnin gs grow1h ratewas more than 100%. Later s tock merged into Costco.

    Pr ice Company increased 417% in 60 weeks,

    ;.S&P 500. Pricef~i::p~to p & Shop-19824.50 W ee k ly C h a r t

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;T ~L - - - - 4- - - - - - ~- - - - , - - - - - - ~- - - - ~~- - ~- - - - . - - - - - - ~- - - - ~- - - - ~- - - - ~- - - - ~- - - - ~~~. - - ~~~~- - ~~~~- -

    4.003.503.002.502.252.001.801 8 81AO1.301. ~ g( 1 . 7 00.650.600.550.50OA5OAO0.35 .'0_300_250.

    Add: 2nd pullback totu-week:"moving averag e line .Add: 1st pullback to to -w ee k". moving average line


    __- _16- --141210

    Stop & Shop increased 536% in 74 weeks,





    1 ' 1 101 1 IJ l g l l a l 'w l l .G l l 1 9 8 2'O~IPII5.00 W eek ly C h a rt4.504.00 S&P 500

    : .1 1 11 1 .1 11 11 11 )( l ! fp 11 11 .tnl 'j l l l \ l l l l H I lU I {.::" JAt end of 8 weeks, now uf much more I 10080

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    3.503.002.502.252.00 . .1.80

    U 81.40~ 1.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.50 . ~0.450.400.350.300.250.230.19

    N ote: up 20% in 1 st 2 weeks, !'mus t hold 8ell~eeks B ~ .tT :

    . uy . ,.,


    ...... 2622

    . 19} ; .., 16

    14.... 12

    : :; : - - ~... Buy after puil back below.: .. 10-Vleek moving averageline and as p rice comesup acros s 10-week lineon volume inc rease, , .., .. , ..10

    Mar 1979 Jun1979 Sep 1979 Doc 1979 Mar 1980

    Dig ital Sw itch inc reased 843% in 46 weeks,


    4.0Vo l u m e00,000


    "',I:v-,j" ..,Pricer ice =20'eps1,80

    "Cyclica l bui ldin g s to ck: "'.',36

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    . '.. . ~~ : :

    . ~ ':U~~ 1.15~g~0,880,788 : g ~0.570,51OA 6OA10,360,310,260,230,200,18

    27"" "" 23

    19" 16

    , " ,13" 11

    " ,,76

    '" ,3,6" 2,9

    """""c""'''' ' "",,,,,,2,5,,' ~"""'"'' 2,1


    m,118 : 1 00,090,088 :8 ~0,060,050,050,04

    Pu lte Home inc reased 733% in 47 weeks.

    , 4,6

    1,00,8Vo lu m e320,000160,00080,00040,00020,000

    I'rlcu -20'ops4.003.503.00

    S&P500 80.. 70

    Pr lc o

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)





    2.502.252.00~ 1.80H 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.


    . ..26

    . ::.: :. . .Scp 1979 . Dee 1979 Mar 1980 Jun 1980 se e 1980

    Liz Claiborne increased 211% in 43 weeks,


    Pr ice =20'eps3.00

    F r a n k lin Res ou rces -1984Weekly C hart r i ce60

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    2.502.252.001.80H 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    Stock se lls down on New Y ork base d financialp aper saying stock was overvalued; ultimately .'stock triples due to quar terly earnings and sates"acc eleration over 3 consecutive quarters .

    Dee 1981 Mar 1982 Jun 1982 Sep 1982 Dee 1982 Mar 1983 Ju n 1 983 Sep 1983

    Franklin Resources increased 811 % in 78 weeks,





    876 um e160,000



    M icrosoH-1986 lock couucts lor Iwu years back and lorllrWeekly C hart then advances 100 times in price lrom 198 9'- - . .. , . . . :"" '. " . . . . . . . , . , . ., . - - - ., .- . ". .. . ,. 1 to .1999 . Software maker for pes and servers..;..

    1',l clt340300260220

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    109.009 2 87.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.00

    ~ 2.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301. : 9 g0.700.65 I ., .0.600.550.50

    .. How do you te ll a potential big winner?1. S to ck emerges out of sound base on huge"volume and goes up 20% in only 1,2, or 3 weeks:2. S tock has unique new product and bigsales and earnings plus high return on equity.


    .~ 32

    . 28242017

    151311Vo lum e


    : ,Do Not B uy! 3 weeks is nota bas e, s ell on way up on . j .. ..t.his4th e.. ' . J.."~i~h ft~~f\~!~"\r . . . . . . : ' r t f l T iHo ld in g for 1st 8 weeks got you through l'st puliba~k down......... ~to 40 and now you're ahead 58 % rather than 20% . So due.. exceptional action, y ou c an h old through s tock's first .j . corre ctio n of 20% , or sto ck 's first pullback to around tu-week....... : moving average line, which will be another buy opportunity ., O r you could decide to just hold ano the r 8 or 10 weeks which could, b~ that time, create another base!..,..............

    Jun 1984 Sep 1984 Dee 1984 Mar 1985 Jun 1985

    Microsoft increased 272% in 30 weeks"

    80, . 7060


    Pr ice

    80Pr i ce =20'eps Adobe Systems-1986Weekly C hart Market'correction'".00

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)




    .. 30

    .. 26.~ 22

    .. 19 .. 16

    ..... 14.12108

    . .7 lume300,000140,00060,00020,000

    3.503.002.502.252.001.80] g RlAD1.301.

    ; ; ~ ~~ :"New iss ue at 5 .50 runs up to 9 .6 3, then builds: flag of 4 weeks . No te extreme volume dry-up", stock slo wly creeps up closing tight with p rio r... "week s and tiny spread from each week's high. .to low. S to ck is under slow accumulatio n w ith: little selling coming into stock. Little volumei. slight move up means few people notice the. stock It IS not obV IOUSto everyone Th at, along.with strong fundamentals, is w~y it. worked.


    ~J ~'0.650.600.55~ 0.50OA 5OAO0.35 ,.0.300. 1 g

    ...~ ..;.

    .~" : .~

    Dee 1982 Marl983 Jun1983 Sep1983 Oec1983 Marl984 Junl984 Sep1984 Decl984 Mar1985

    Adobe Systems increased 307% in 23 weeks.

    1' 1 11 1 1~'tJ~ "IIU

    3.b OCas lea W llO lc s a lc 1 9 8 8W eek ly C h a r t

    I IJIIIHIOI WiI:, PI IJVhttl :11ypnlillci willi S ol P lica'sPrice C o of S an DiegoPri c e706050


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    40. 34


    .... 14 12

    10... 8


    Vo lum e

    1,600,000800,000400,000200,000 : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    Costco Wholesale increased 712% in 163 weeks,

    Pr i ce220190

    Pr i ce =20'eps10


    M ic ro s o f t -1 9 89W e e k ly C h a r t

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    -". 10080

    --.. 70.... - 60



    Vo l um e13,000,0008,000,0005,000,0003,000,000,800,000

    9 g 87.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.00~2.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.35

    : Qu alc omm late r d id s ame thing in J an. 199 9 when.. '1st b as ewas lo ose and wrong , 2 nd b as e was w rong ... Buy: Third ba se fo rmed is n ow. and then 3rd time it tigh te ne d up and fo rmed correctly,. tighter, corrected le ss fr om h ig hb reaking out in J an. 1999 for a 20-fold advance in 1 to low, handle is in upper-half 0('H' t . I d t i d ouid .b as e and drifts dow n a nd ha s .,. year, IS onca prece en IS a soun gUi e. tight areas, first and second base

    lVe~e,wrongthirdtirne wasri9htDo Not Buy! W ide . .Do Not Buyl Se cond..and loose base and '... base faulty, most of price, ..low volume breakout work on handle in lower '.. (1st bas e attempt) : . half of base, 200-day llne:'~' ... .in downtrend.. " r+H '+ .. . .~. ~;

    Microsoft increased 517% in 121 weeks.


    S&P 500r ic e =20'eps


    Ame r i ca n Pow er C o n v ers io n -1 990Week ly C h a rt

    Pr i c e



  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    1.151 ) 8 ~0.880.78~8~~0.570.510.460.410.360.310. 1 0 . . .0.090.088 8 l0.

    : -:F un~a~entals were grea;bef~restock made its h~ge run-ub:3 y ears of annua l e arnings nearly doubling each year .Annual sa les g rowth up over 10 0%P re-tax mar gins at 26 .9%Return on equity at 50.7% i I U: R

    . ; . c . . , . . . .. . .. . . . Hi-tech stoc ks have mo re pullba cks andshakeouts makingthem harder tohandle. Therefore,'7 must really know. company well to s itthrough thenumeroustests.

    American Power Conversion increased 745% in 96 weeks,

    2319161311976 lume


    Pr i c e =20'eps New drug for cancer, chemotherapy patients,'Pr i ce8070

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    12,000,0007,000,0004,000,0002,000,000~=----tL- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~o

    3,002,502,252,001,80U 81A O1,301,201,101,000,908 9 g0,70~ 0,650,600,550,50OA 5OA O0,350,300. 1 g0.140,13

    Amgen increased 661% in 96 weeks.

    .. 60500343026221916141210

    4,5..,3,83,22,8Vo lu m e

    ~:", "'~'I' ''U l l l lo ! l 'Ialos 'lilylcal 1990~.!~gWeekly C i l a r t6.005.505.00

    Marketcorrection.S&P 500 I

    _ ,J -'V ,,,,Sell:breaks~Aj.. channelline.;..P ri ce140

    120... 100

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    4.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80~ U 81.401.301. : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.30

    ~---r-----~r--~---~~---~---~---~---~-----~-~~---~ ---~~~~~---71--~~~~~-~~~~-~ -~---~V~O~u-m-e--~~1,960,0001,120,000640,000360,000200,000

    ;Add:bigvolumeoff 10-week,movingaverageandbase-on-baseis beingcreated..'(correctionstoppedatprior. b as e 's pivotbuypoint, ..~... '.j ".~...,:""1-,,, ,.. ...~

    .~ -1- .~ .. ~.. :


    United States Surg ical increased 786% in 93 weeks.

    . 80. 70

    .., 60... 50

    . -40.... 34


    16. 14


    8......... ..76


    f~i::p~e a lt h c a re Comp a r e-19902.25 W e ek ly C h a rt2.00

    .. Pr ice50


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    1.80H 81.401.301.

    8 : ~ g0.700.650.600.550.50OA 5

    ~ OAO0.350.300.


    Healthcare Compare increased 540% in 61 weeks.




    1 ' .h ,1 I . .j .lO u ,,:33.503.002.502.25

    C is c o S y lem s -1 990 C I",," " v , , " ll i a ll y 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' , , 1 1 1 1 1 l I l) l Iw i th over i t 15 ,000% m o v e lrom, .. . W _ e _ e _ k - , I y - ,C . . . , . , .. h _ a r t . . . , .. . . _ . , - - : - - ' the intial buy point in 1990 Marketcorrection. 'Ma rket

    Pr ic e706050

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    2.001.80~ U 81.401.301. : ~ g0.700.650.600.550.50OA5OAO0.350.300.

    C isco at first buy had:33% P re-tax M argins36% Return on E quity9 quarters of large E P S growth396% Sa les growth fo r ye arended J u ly 1990f45% Earnings estimate for 199130 P IE Ratio7X P ric e to Book Value99 EP S Rating97 RS Rating257% 3-year annual E PS growthIndus try G roup 28 out of 197P rices adju sted for... .; all stock splits, so. actual price attimeof breakout was 30

    De e 1 9 89

    4.0 3.4

    3.02.6Vo lu m e



    \\:rection ...~ ....

    ... America leads the world in technology ..Nothing is imposs ible and problems.... are simply new opportunities.

    Cisco Systems inc reased 1602% in 169 weeks.

    8... 7


    . 26221916


    f~~:p~ew b r id g e N etw o rk s -1 9923.00 We ek ly C h ar t2.50

    , , - - P r ic e7060


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)

    70/99 81A O1.301.20~ 9 g0.700.650.600.550.50OA 5OA O0.350.30 I 'A 'r' .. .b '1' -,,;

    Vo lum e8,000,0005,000,0003,000,0001,800,000

    ce 1992 Mar 1993 Jun 1993 Se p 1993 Dee 1993

    Newbr idge Networks inc reased 699% in 49 weeks.


    hIlI!~W!PII L M C 1 9 ( 2

    W eek ly C h a r tU~1.301.201.1034302622

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    m0. __ ~ ~ __ -D~ __ ~ ~ -L-L L-~ ~__~L- __~ ~~~ __~~~~~ __~~~~~~~~~ __~~~~g

    Volume1,600,000800,000400,000200,000.,..,.",--L- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    1.00~ 0.90~J~0.650.600.550.500 0 4 50 0 4 00.350.300.

    .~..' .... :...~

    i , ' - "' , '. , , ;rJ i ; ., 8 ,, , 7

    654.0:: :.. Be careful to avoidgetting;" 3.4. ~ .. shaken out on 4th week 3.0out of base, S&P 500 ,.. corrected sharply and s tock 2.6

    W as,ofU 8o/Q ., ,.. 2.2..... 1.9;..... -.

    EMC increased 471% in 56 weeks.

    19... . 16

    14.... 12


    Pr i ce6050

    Pr i ce =20'eps3.002.502.25

    Ga r t n er G roup -1994W e e k l y C h a r t

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)




    .. 19161412



    .. ,



    2.001.80U 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.40

    ~ 0.350.300.

    Gartner Group increased 667% in 98 weeks.

    1 ' .1 1 ,1 1 -ilW4IjJ:: Peo p les o l t -1 99 4Weekly Ch a r t3.00

    2.502.252.00 ..40

    Pr i ce706050

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    Vo lum e12,000,0007,000,0004,000,0002,000,000

    1.80U 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.50

    ~ 0.450.400.350.300. 1


    Peoplesoft increased 1145% in 129 weeks.

    Pr ice =20eps A l l i an c e S em i c on d u c t o r-1 994W e e k ly C h a r t Ma rk et correction ',Market'correction'.00


    . Pr i ce706050

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    ==----1L- __~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 81.401.301.201.10

    ~ 1.000.908 g g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    . ,. . .

    . A ftei'third roU nd o f holding for BV leeks,'sf661i' 'is up from 7 to 2 4, over 240% , due to results, . i.

    Alliance Semiconduc tor increased 539% in47 weeks.



    ... 12

    .. 8

    ....... 76

    .4.5 3.8 3.2

    2.82.4Vo lu m e3,000,0001,600,000800,000400,000200,000


    3.00Market correction'2.50


    Pr l eo6050

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    U S1.401.301. ~ g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.25




    price closes liP olrer ..,..... ... C I 6

    America On li ne i nc reased 570% in 75 weeks,


    ". 221916141210

    Vo lu m e13,000,0007,000,000,000,000


    Ascend Communications-1994Weekly C hartPr i ce =20'eps 564842

    2A5mPr ic e

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    36... 31


    '1 "" . .. 8765

    ... .. 4


    1.951.801.65U 81.301. J ~~.688 g f i0.50OA 6

    ~ OAO0.370.310.270.25R :~ r~.200.180.16m0. 8 9 ~

    Heavy volume w ithou~'further pric e decline 'is support

    Ascend Communications increased 1384% in 75 weeks,

    Vo lu m e8,000,0005,000,0003,000,0001,800,000


    2.001.80H 81.401.301.20



    .. 30.. 26

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)

    77/99 : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.30~ 8 9

    . j.

    Mar 1992 Jun 1992 Sep 1992 Dee 1992 Mar 1993 Jun 1993 Sep 1993 Dee 1993

    Accustaff increased 1359% in 68 weeks.


    .. 8..7



    Vo lu m e3,000,0001,400,000600,000200,000

    Pr ice =20eps3.503.00

    ~ 2.50

    J L G I n d u s t r i e s - 1 9 9 5W e e k l y Chart This is all about money management and following sound rulesrather than personal opinions, emotions or being lazy and notdoing any homework but just hoping to be lucky

    1. S to ck up 20% in first 3 weeks 4 .The next week, the stock has its firstso must hold for complete 8 20% correction and s hakeout that you sit Market correction ..

    Pr ic e807060

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)

    78/99 S1.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300. : l g0.140.13

    weeks from pivot buy p oint l~~~u~S :~3r:rt~~~ko;~~~e~0~;;~tlgn2~ere .-/""V-_.../""---"_ is where your newly acquired chart reading.skill keeps you on track. You see the first'3 weeks of cor rection are o n much lessvolume than average and the fourth weekis a big volume w ith the week's price up.So you sit through the normal 5 weekscorrection

    5. It only takes one big winner handledproperly and following time-tested rules to ..offset the numerous normal mistakes. The3. N ow you're halfway through stock rallies 3 wee ks g iving you anotherthe tricky battlefield of the . buy point when a nother big earnings... market, b ut by the last week of report comes out. The repor t is the thirdNov. 1995, your stock i s at a in a row that shows EP S a nd sales growthsplit-adjus te d 2 8 u p from your acceleration. You add to your position over1s t buy at 11 (split-adjusted). 30, it's up over 20% in 3 weeks you holdYo u are way ahead when you .. for 8 weeks, at th e e nd o f 8 weeks stockis now 47 an d yo u n ow have the edge.. added smaller amounts. Yo u kept. to decide to sell if either a climax top, upyour a ve rage cost relativel y l ow channel-line rule is violated or 12 monthsso you ca n a fford to g ive your I t 't I' II"' dstock more room, especially ong erm capi a gains se Ing I S ue.since the last two earnings andsales quarters accelerated.

    2. At end of 8 weeks, stockis no w up 33% so with more.~ progre ss a nd a bette r c ushion,... you can hold through first orsecond pullback to 10-weekmoving average line or first 20%correction. Big winners areseldom th rough unt il they'vegone through one 20%correction.

    J L G Indust ri es i nc reased 670% in 53 weeks,


    ... 3026


    .. 7

    0Volume1,560,000 !940,000 j60,000340,000 j00,000 ~"

    P r lc o .20'eps4.50


    P ri ce80706050

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    ...~. 4.53.8


    Vo lu m e0,000,000


    2.25~ 2.00

    1.80U 81.401.301. 9 20.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.


    10 ,Neek , , . . .. ,2219

    . 16.... 14

    12.... .. 10

    Dell Computer increased 587% in 61 weeks,

    Market.. co rre cuo n

    Pri ce =20'eps7.00 P----------'6.30H 8 ,~", ..

    ... P ri ce180150122102

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    g83.90HR2.902.60m1.95U ii1.451.301 M0.958 9 ~0.700.638~~8 ~~8j ~

    ~ 0.26R~~0.20R 1~0.150.138110.098 : 8 90.07

    Yahoollncr a d 6723% in '130wk.







    Vo l um e

    Pr i c e =20"eps6.506.005.505.004.504.003.50

    Charles Schwab-199BWeekly Chart Schwab was the pioneerof d isount broke rages. ~llljl:'1..." " c ur n a x t o r) ;:S tock breaks out on follow- l f J tthrough day in-general market," r , 'r 80

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    uu, 5Vo lu m e


    J un 1999

    3.002.502.252.001.80U 8l AO1.301.201.10~ 1.000.908 9 g0.700.650.600.550.50OA5OA O0.350.300.250.23

    oj 70S chwab never touches ,r 'W all S treet 6010-w eek movmg average line brokerage-trorn buy at 29 until after It ' firm raises 50ha s c limax top at 150 I target price

    . B J .. i"r::! 'P 50 more 40.. uy~ W it j/;po,mts 34T OKto p ullback 30- as long as notttt~1ft~~~It.i~~Iltjll~ down 8% below 26

    ,yo,ur.~o~\~_ ::> ~:

    "P eak close on 16, ;hugeyolume .. 14OKfor handle to'Ucorre ct o ve r8-12o/,U 12If.i~.~e~r ,maxke! _u-l0at time: : .

    : ' :.~.!. ,.

    Charles Schwab increased 409% in 26 weeks.

    Pric e =20'epsm.755.10America On line-1998Weekly Chart .The Internet is still a young baby . .There will be follow-on leaders.

    Pr ic e.. 165135115

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    924.604.103.603.102.602.302.051.801.55U . ~ ~.570.510.460.410.36

    ~ 0.310. JL- - - - t ~~ L- - - _i ~~~~~~~L- ~~- - - - - - - - - L~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~- - ~- - - - ~- - - - L- ~~~~- - ~~~~~~~~~---

    .~1. S t o c k o n b re a k o u t r u n s u p o v e r .' :'. 20% in 1st 3 weeks , so rule is must .. ...; .. hold a full 8 weeks from buy point.: ; 2. E nd of 8 weeks, stock is now........................... up 30 to 52, or +73%, had its first

    pullback from 48 to 40.50 andclosed mid-range just like precedent ; ...of F airchild C amera in August, 1965, . 'which then bolted up another 200%:;...... S o decision is, must hold at least . -'"another 8 weeks s ince up 73% inonly 8 "Yeeks. . .3. At end of next 8 weeks stock is st:: .79 up 1 63% from buy point and tlrst..2 pullbacks in a probable ascending .base have both been support, sosit tight.

    ~.4. S tock now h its a class icclimax top and must be sold... according to the rules.. . ; -; : , , , ; ,Ru les were followed.. "'key stage of the moveunder 30 to o ver 170. 27

    2319Bottom week hass h i ik e o u f b e io w . . . 16

    J u ne '98 low and 13~~~~~~~e~~pser 11range, a goodsign onheavy volume" - -1 - - - - 7


    America Online increased 451% in 23 weeks,

    .... 72... 62. 46

    ...... 3.63.1


    .. 36


    J U . Unlphasu 1 09 6Weekly C h a r t1 ' 11 1 1 1:JWUPIImH B2.902.60H~


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    1.95U n1.451.30H~0.938 : 9 ~0.68~~~8 : 1 r0.37~ g ~ 9~:~~m0.14B : H I;,,0.10 .. ~. -: tJ tTtllH ii4J ? "B 8~ 8~

    S tiIlO Z~S ;~tight and in u pper 34.~alf:o:?AdS ..... ~:

    , ,Ad d: off 10-week.. : ''';'moving average 18: line 1513.. 10

    ..,...., ,,97


    .... 4,23,5

    . 2.9..2.4

    ..;.. , 2.01,61.4



    J D S Uniphase increased 1946% in 66 weeks.


    Pr i c e =20'eps Pr ic e180... .,.155

    . 13511498

    Qua lc omm -19 9 9Weekly C hart S&p.soo 'mm.90

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    '~t7~7-'-""----"7V -;::O -;:"lu=m=e-l


    ... 4135

    .. 302622.,19.. 16

    14...'. ,.. , .,12

    '.J ' .:F' , + < . .. . ; . . . ; .. . . .. .. .. . 109

    . .765

    up,', ....... 4.,-, .., , 4.2

    ~~83.903.603.30U~2.40~:~g1.901.751.601J ~ c ..... .,.,1.251.151 > :2 10.900.82~~:~~8 : g Q0.520.480.410.350.320.270.25~:~~

    .. Market correction .........+ .. . ..... . .; ..... .. . ..~.;. ... .. - ..... - . .. .'" .. ~.... -j

    ...!."... ,;1. Do Not Buy!Mos t weeks... are in l ower.... .'.. .. . half of base~\,.. , . 3. Do N ot Buyl':

    3 bo ttoms a nd .; ..: ... st o f p a ttern'in lower ha lf onbase \'


    Qualcomm incr '" d 20 1% In 4 w 1(.


    Pr ice =20'eps5.00


    T a ro Ph a rmaceu t i c a l -2 000W e e k ly C h a r tPr ice100


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)

    85/99 81.40~m1.101.000.908 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

    Taro Pharmaceuticals increased 382% in 39 weeks.





    3.6o lu m e


    .... Pr ice220190

    .. 160140

    Pri c e =20"eps10

    9.009 g 87.006.50

    . . . . . j....; Do Not B~y!S tock 'was not proper ..; ..'double bottom, did not undercut.. , 1st bottom, less volume on.." breakout week, 2 for 1 split stock..should correct before moves up

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    .... 8070

    ... 60.... ".... 50

    40..... .. 34

    30 26.... 22


    .14... 12



    Vo l um e80,000,00050,000,00030,000,00018,000,000

    6.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301.20) : 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.35

    eBay increased 282% in 115 weeks.

    1 ' 11 1 1 1 1:Wupu D ec k er O u ld o o r -20 03W ee k ly C h a rt2.502.252.001.80~ H R1.40

    1 ' l h , 1 I605040


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    1.30 ...

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    m2.101~g1.601.45H~1.108 ~ A0.820.750.68~ 8 g /;8~~0.430.360.300.278 :~~0.208 : 1 ~0.16 I , , .0.14B H0.11B 8 ~0.080.07B 8 g

    Characteristics of a high tight flag:1. A rare pattern usually seen only o nce ortwice during a b ull market year .2. Usually a little k nown company, not widely'.. known and certainly not the larges t company'in Its industry..3. Company has a new product that turnsthe not so well known s to ck in to one th at.... runs up rapidly, 100 to 1 20% o r more in only.... .4 to 8 wee ks and ho lds mo st o f t he huge .gain while it moves sideways 3 to 5 week sand corrects between just 10 to 25%


    ......... 342924

    . 20.. 17

    14.,.,," ..". ..., 12

    ... 10..... 8


    ...... 54.4.. 3.7

    TA R Int rn 1'1n I In r d 22280/0 In 39 w ks.


    Ju n 2004

    Vo lume

    Pr ic e =20-1e l s


    9.009 : 2 87.006.506.00

    P ri ce260

    . 220190

    160 140


  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    ~ 4.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80J : g R1.401.301. 20.700.650.600.550.500.450.40

    App le inc reased 1418% in 199 weeks,





    Vo lum e140,000,00080,000,00040,000,00020,000,000

    Pr ic e- . 60. 5040


    Pri ce .,.20eps2.502.252.001.80

    Sou t hw es tern E n erg y -2004W e e k l y C h a r t

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)



    6 lu m e


    UR1.401.301.201.101.00~ 0.908 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300. 1 g0.

    No te tiny spreads for 4 weeks. "price variation)....~... . - .

    ......~ .

    Southwestern Energy increased 556% in 83 weeks,


    ~ 2.001.80

    C B R ic h ar d E ll i s -2 004Week l y C ha r t



    Pr ice80706050

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    I . . . . r==~~==r.-Ea rnings acceleration

    1 9 Q1.401.301.


    I,,, , .

    Jun 2003 Sep 2003 Dee2003 Mar 2004

    .... lu m e


    ," ,.,,.,. . ~

    C B Richard El li s Group inc reased 538% in 149 weeks,




    ' 6

    Pr i ce =20'eps706560555045

    Google-2004Weekly Chart

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    403530252220181 914131211109.009 g g7.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.50

    Google increa ed 536% in 164 wk.

    t'ucu 20eps2.051.80

    U~.151.050.93~ 0.82

    Pr i ce3627 231916

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    ~ . ~ ~.570.510.460.410.360.310. . ~ ~.060.050.05

    Jun 2002 Sep 2002 Dee 2002 Mar 2003 Jun 2003

    Hansen Natural inc reased 1219% in 86 weeks.


    764.63.6 lu m e


    Pr i c e =20'eps1,80

    T i t a n ium Me t a ls -20 05We ek ly C h ar t Ma rk et cor r ect i on



    Pr i c e

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    L- ~~- - ~- - ~~~~~~- - ~~~L- ~~~~~~~ , - - ~=r~~~~~~~- - ~v~ol ~um~e~30,000,00016,000,000B ,O O O , O O O4,000,0002,000,000'-------l~L- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~o

    0,93~ 0,82m,570,510.460.410,36 I , c, . . . , ,, ,, , , , , , , , , ,, , ,, , ,, , , , , , , , , ,,0,310,260,230,200,18 " 3,6

    "" 2,9", ,,,, , 2,5



  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    5.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301.

    80; .. ; 70

    60. 50

    Precision Cas tpar ts inc reased 259% in 115 weeks.

    40...... 3430



    . 141210


    Vo lum e8,000,0005,000,0003,000,000,800,000

    Pr ic e =20"eps1~1413121110


    In t u it iv e S u rg i ca l-2005W e e k l y C h a r t

    Pr ice340300260220190

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    9 g 87.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.50

    ~ 3.002.502.252.001.80H 81.401.301. : 9 g0.700.650.600.55

    Intuitive Surg ical increased 418% in 123 weeks.

    . 160140120100


    60.... 50


    .. 30. 26



    Vo lum e8.000.0005.000.0003.000,0001.800,000

    1 1 11 1 1 1

    . ' 1 1 , ' T r lI~1"1109.009 g 87.006.506.005.50

    p, c u i /l U .C U Ii I ; . > O O l iW eek l y e lm ! P lcccdcnilor P was RedmanIndustries from J anuary. 1968

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    5.00~ 4.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80U 81.401.301. 9 g0.700.650.600.550.500.45

    Pricel increased 320% in 85 weeks.

    Pr i c e =20'eps F i rs t So la r - 200?W e e k l y ' C h a r t

    Sell: "Railroad tracks" 2 weeks retracing same area, clos ing in thes ame upper part but red volume was increased heavy volume withno further price p rogress . S e ll n ext wee k in 12 th week ot a dvance.20181 91413

    Pr i c e400

    .... 340300

    . 260

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    22i ; 19... 16

    Vo lu m e12,000,0007,000,0004,000,000,000,000

    1211109.009g ~7.006.506.005.505.004.504.003.503.002.502.252.001.80

    U 81.401.301. 89g

    .,," .. . ~.These comments about increased volume '..... 'without further price progress in the current:": .. ;.. direction tell you the resulls of s upply and . .demand and that the direction is about

    .. change. Th is is valuable to learn andunderstand and will give you an advantageover those unwilling to learn what they're .... doing and just listen to others' opinions who ..c.may also not understand how to use supply,.. and demand.

    : ; ; . ; :; :. 'V er y i r ii p o r t a i i i 's u b tl ed e f a i l : :p r f o r (e d ' B u y 'week, price is down 3. 7% and volume ..- -t - ... is 45% below average, but this red .. e . . : . . \second week down was a lot bigger : f t T H +volume, equal to an average volume' t ,.~~~~S~~I~;ia~J :~~ ~~~~~fnn~~e~s~%.L '.in volume. Th is is increased volume .. ..withoul further price progress down,or major support. Th is is pos itive andmost people w ill never s ee this clue! '

    'S tock close s up. :45.%dll low. 40good supportingaction compared 34to fwo prior . 30weeks thatclosed near lows 26

    ..... '... Hu ge quarterly sales.. growth and E P S g rowth .. ,.H igh P IE ratio doesn't ........ stop sto ck 's move from20 to 28 0


    Dee2003 Mar 2004 Jun 2004 Sep 2004 Dee2004 Mar 2 005 J un 2005 s ee 2005 Dee2005 Mar 2006 Jun 2006

    First Solar increased 807% in 47 weeks,

    220.. 190160140120100

    .80...... 70

    .. 6050

    Pr i ce =20'eps109.00

    ~~~6.506.005.505.004.504.00 .... 80

    Pr ic e220 190160140120100

  • 7/29/2019 O'Neil (2)


    3.50~ 3.002.502.252.001.80H~1.401.301.

    . 70... 60

    r\A dd o ff 1 0-week: . moving average l ine.... 'with volume up ..N ,;... !

    Mosaic increased 265% in 40 weeks.

    - 50 403430262219


    Vo lum e16,000,0008,000,0004,000,0002,000,000

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