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Page 1: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office

- -NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Disposition Authority Records Schedule: DAA-oo&9-2019-0001

Request for Records Disposition Authority

Records Schedule Number DAA-0059-2019-0001

Schedule Status Approved

Agency or Establishment Department of State Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide

Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office of the Secretary of State, Principal Officers and other Senior Officials

Internal agency concurrences will No be provided

Background Information Flexible schedule which consolidates the records of the Office of the Secretary of State, Principal Officers, and other Senior Officials. Applies to records 2012 and forward. This schedule does not supersede existing records schedules for the Secretary, Principal Officers and Senior Officials. Crosswalk with additional detail is attached to the schedule.

Item Count

Number of Total Disposition Number of Permanent Number of Temporary Number of Withdrawn Items Disposition Items Disposition Items Disposition Items

1 1 0 0

GAO Approval

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Page 2: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office


NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Disposition Authority Records Schedule: DAA--0059-201!MJ001

Outline of Records Schedule Items for DAA-0059-2019-0001 Sequence Number

Secretary of State, Principal Officers, and other Senior Officials - Program Files Disposition Authority Number: DAA-0059-2019-0001-0001

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Page 3: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office


- -NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Disposition Authority Records Schedule: DAA-OOS9-2019-0001

Records Schedule Items

Sequence Number

Secretary of State, Principal Officers, and other Senior Officials - Program Files

Disposition Authority Number DAA-0059-2019-0001-0001

Records of the immediate offices of the Secretary of State, Deputy Secretary of State, Under Secretaries of State, including the Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State, the Counselor, Executive Secretariat, Special Envoys, Special Representatives, Coordinators, Ambassadors at Large, Assistant Secretaries, heads of Presidential initiatives and all other position titles equivalent to Assistant Secretaries and above, including documentation facilitated by their office staff, senior advisors, desk officers, etc., to carry out the duties in executing the mission of the Department of State. These records are segregated by the individual and are filed chronologically, by subject, by country or by TAGS/Terms that contain


substantive information relating to the following topics: • Formulating, issuing, and implementing policy • Prescribe procedures or effect organizational structures • Provide executive direction or documenting major functions • Pertain to relations with the White House, Executive Office of the President, Congress or the public • Pertain to foreign affairs • Pertain to major programs and plans • Pertain to budgetary planning • Prescribe supervision and direction of resource allocation and management • Pertain to engagement, consultation, or arbitration with external entities • Specific issues, requests, events, or people • Pertain to legislation, litigation, or precedent cases • Documentation on security awareness and protection, counterintelligence, countermeasures, counterterrorism, emergency plans, investigations, threats, and other related subjects • Pertain to historically significant events and structures. These records may include, but are not limited to, daily and/or weekly activity records, including calendars, appointment books, briefing books, schedules, call sheets, logs, diaries, formal invitations, replies to invitations, guest lists, manifests, agendas, annotated agendas, itineraries, checklists, briefing checklists, activity sheets, minutes, notes including handwritten notes, and other records documenting meetings, events, official conferences, appointments, transcripts of telephone calls, trips, visits, and other activities; all incoming and outgoing correspondence including background material and factsheets, comments, action memoranda, memoranda of understanding, information memoranda, memoranda of conversations, diplomatic notes, official­informals, drafts with substantive comments and edits; building blocks, scenarios, reports, issues, position, decision and policy papers, talking points, summaries, analytical papers, Congressionals; delegations list, legislation; proposals; recommendations; pleadings; speeches (text and transcripts) and testimonies, press releases, prepared statements, remarks, reports, (situation reports, program reviews, follow-up reviews, and other reports, including relevant statistics, studies and surveys), presentations, and condolence letters, biographic data, master set of publications, social media (regardless of platform) and other documentation on the

Electronic Records Archives Page3 of 6 PDF Created on: 09/11/2019

Page 4: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office

• •

NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Disposition Authonly Records Schedule: DAA-0059-2019-0001

activities, interests, plans, policies, and responsibilities of these individuals. See crosswalk for specific positions included, as well as for related series.

Final Disposition Permanent

Item Status Active

Is this item media neutral? No

Explanation of limitation Records are �xclusively electronic. The inclusive start date is 01-01-2012.

Do any of the records covered Yes by this item currently exist in electronic format(s) other than e-mail and word processing?

Do any of the records covered Yes by this item exist as structured electronic data?

Disposition Instruction

Cutoff Instruction Cutoff files at the end of incumbent tenure.

Transfer to the National Archives Transfer to the National Archives 25 year(s) after for Accessioning cutoff.

Additional Information

First year of records accumulation 2012

What will be the date span of the From 2012 To 2012 initial transfer of records to the National Archives?

How rrequenlly will your agency Every 1 Years transfer these records to the National Archives?

Electronic Records Archives Page 4 of 6 PDF Created on: 09/11,2019

Page 5: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office

--NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Request for Records Disposition Authority Records Schedule: DAA-oo&9-201 IMJ001

Agency Certification

I hereby certify that I am authorized to act for this agency In matters pertaining to the disposition of Its records and that the records proposed for disposal In this schedule are not now needed for the business of the agency or wlll not be needed after the retention periods specified.

Signatory Information

Date Action By Tltle Organization

10/10/2018 Certify Timothy Kootz Agency Records Off Bureau of icer Administration -

Records and Archves Management Division A GIS IPS RA

05/31/2019 Return for Revisio Sean Curry Senior Appraisal Arc National Archives and n hivist Records Administration

- Agency Services

08/12/2019 Submit For Certific Shelia Prince Records and lnforma Bureau of ation tion Management Sp

ecialist Administration - A/GISI IPS/RA

08/19/2019 Certify Timothy Kootz Agency Records Off Bureau of icer Administration -

Records and Archves Management Division A GIS IPS RA

08/20/2019 Submit for Concur Sean Curry Senior Appraisal Arc National Archives and rence hivist Records Administration

- Agency Services

09/05/2019 Concur Margaret Director of Records National Records Hawkins Management Servic Management Program

es - ACNR Records Management Services

09/05/2019 Concur Laurence Chief Records Office National Records and Brewer r

' Archives Administration

,. - National Records and Archives Administration

09/09/2019 Approve David Ferriera Archivist of the Unite Office of the Archivist -d States Office of the Archivist

Eleclronlc Records Archives Pages of 6 PDF Created on: 09/11/2019

Page 6: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office


IT!M 0001: RECORDS OF SENIOR OFFIOAU, 'Ibis crcmwalk Includes all the poslllans _.d by this sdledule. defined as senior leadenhlp with the Department of State Olpnlzatlan. lnduded are the Secreta,y of State; Deputy Secretaries of State; Under-Secmarles of State: Assistant Sec:n!tarles of State; Spedal � Representatives, and Ambassadar.s-at-l.arp; heads of mmponents that are equlvalent tD the Bureau-level; andaths spedal advlsois.

!OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF STATE ·Seoetary of Slate N1-45!Ml1·D. lb!m 1 • N1-G59-91·D, 11am 2 • N1-115!M11-a3, 11am I• N1-45!Mll-D, 11am 4 N1a59-!11-13, ltll!m 6 • N1-IJ59.91-D,ltll!m 3 • r�-•-r- -lephane CIiis FIie,

r,/a; 2012faiwanl anly n/a; 21112 faiward mt, Sub)Kt and 01Ulllry Chronaqical Fll1ls Mlscellaneaus llfleftrw Baab Secntary Schedule Flies 5peechu, Slalements MeetJnas Flies,; N1-m!f-Flies Clmupandera Fies and Tltp Flies 91-D, 11am 9 -Polley

Calls Mallin& Stall'Meellna les; N1-GSHIMl2, em 2a • Evl!nt Flies

!Chiefof Staff, Secretary of Slate n/a, 2012 faiward mt, n/a; 2012 farward only n/a; 2012 faiward only n/a; 2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2012 folward anly n1ay2012 faiwanl mt, In/a; 21112 faiward only n/a; 2012 faiwanl oniv n/a; 2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2012 faiwanlonly I . , Iy I I1

SenlarAdvlsor1DSertewyof n/a,2022 faiwanl anly n/ay2012 folward anly r,/a; 21112 faiwanl anly In/a; 2012 folward only n/a; 2012 faiward only 2012 faiwanl aniv n/a; 2012 faiward aniv n/a; 2012faiwardanly n/a; 2012 folwardonlv r,/a; 2012 folward mt, . n1a.1 I1Slate , ,y I Iy

e l:llumelar 1-0S!Ml1-GS, lll!m 1 1-m!f-91-G!i, llam 3 n/a; 2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2012 faiwanlonly n/a;2m2roi-ntonly n/a;2m2folwardanly n/a; zm2 faiwanlonly n/a; 2012 faiwanl only n/s; 2012 faiwanl anly n/a;2012 folward anlv 5ubject Ries,; N1-45!Mll· Chronoloalcal Flies

r115, lll!m 2 ·CDantry Flies ry Iy ly Iy I

II I IDEPUIYSKRETARIESOFSTATE Deputy SeCNIBry af Slate 2-45!Mll-311, lll!m 1 • 1-45!Mll-311, lll!m 1- -ao,ltll!m 1- 1-45!Mll-ao, ltll!m 1- 1-0S!M11.aD,lll!m 1- N1-G59_.1-alt Item 1- N1-45!Mll.aD, ltam 1- N1-45!Mll-311, Item 1 • N1-0S!Ml1 ... llem 1 • n/a; zm211rwan1 on1y

Flies of the Deputy Fnes of the Deputy theDeputy F ies ofthe Deputy Flies of the Deputy Fies of the Deputy FIia of the Deputy Rias afthe Deputy Flies af the Deputy � ryrSllcn!lary of!ilata rSecmarvafSlala rvofSlate rSecn!larv af Slate Secn!lalY of Slate Saaatarvof Slate Seaerar,afSlale SeCll!lalYafStala SecNtarv of Slate Iy I l::::Asslstant,Deputy n/a;2022 faiward oniv n/a; 2012 faiward mt, n/a; 2012 faiward only n/a;2022 faiwanl only n/ay2012 faiward only n/a;2022faiwanl only r,/a; 2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2022 faiwanl anly n/a; 2012 faiward anly 21112 forward aniv

of Slate ly ,yIy Iy . 1n1a.I I°nlnatorfor SancllaM Paky 2022 faiwanl only n/a; 2022 folward only 'a; 2022 faiward only n/a; 2012 faiwanl only 2022 facwanl only n/a; 2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2022 forward only n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 forward mt, n/a; 2012 faiward mt, n1a. Iy ry n1a. IF 1 I 1 I!DeputySeavtaryaf Slate.,, 1-0S!Ml1 ... lb!m 1 - 1-0SI-B1-311, Item 1- r1-IIS!l .. 1-311,lll!m 1• 1-0S!Ml1-30, item 1- 1-45!Mll-30, lttlm 1- N1-45!Mll-aD, item 1 • N1-45!Mll-a0, lb!m 1 - N1-0S!M11-ao, lb!m 1 • N1-G59�-ao, ltll!m 1 • n/a; 21112 faiward only

ManaaementandR- Files of the Deputy Ries of the Deputy Flies of the Deputy Flies of the Deputy Flies of the Deputy Flies of the Deputy Fies afthe Deputy Flies of the Deputy Flies of the Deputy r r ry I1-of 5rab! Secn!lalYafSlall! SeCll!lalY of State 5eclellllY of Slate r5"Cmanl of Slate Sec-,,ofstate 5ecll!tarV of Slate Seaman, afSlata Seul!talY of Slab! I E.lrealllwAsslstant, OllpUty n/a; 2012 folward anly n/a; 2012faiward anly n/a; 2012 faiwardanly n/a; 21122 fmwardanly n/a; 2012 forward only r,/a; 2012 faiward only r,/a; 2012 folward only n/a; 2012 folward only n/a;2012 forward anly n/a; 21112 folward mt, Secmary of Slate far Iy I I -..ment and Resourms Iy IyUNDER SECRE'l'ARIES OF STA11 • Includes ■D � amnions curnnt■nd within fldunl ,-nlratlom:lnclud■stllllrEaecalMIAatstanls In CllffYlllgautlhe dulll5of tlle Under Sea-■111 of Stale. I Unders■a..,farPollllcal N1-m!f-91-G4, Item 1 • N1-0S!Ml1-()4, lll!m 2• n/a; 2022 forward anly n/a; 2012 farwanl anly N1-IJ59.91-«N, lll!m 4· N1-0S!Ml1-G4, Item 3 • n/a; 2022 forward anlv n/a; 2012 fmward anly n/a; 2012 forward oyly a; 2022 farwanl only AlfallS Su-ct Fies ChronolD&k:al Files polntment Boob. Speech and Testlmon,

I Iy

� ry I calendars. nl Ill!! Files I'EncullveAssistant, Uncler n/a; 2022 fonward only In/a; 2012 forward only n/a;2012 faiward only In/a;2012 folward only In/a;2012 fonward aniv

n1a.2012 ran.ard only

1n1a. 2012 forward an1v n/a; 2012 forward anly n/s; 2012 forward only in1a=2012 farward mt, I-Secntlly for PolltlcalAffalrs lI 1

[UnderSecmary far N1-G59•9H6, lll!m 1a • n/a; 2012 folward only N1-G59.-.z3,lll!m 1 • n/a; 2022 faiward anly n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 faiward only n/a; 2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2022faiward only n/a; 2012 faiwanl anlv r,/a; 2022 forward only �napmant General SUbjl!CI Flln, C'llrmpondenm Ries

Budptary Plamlr& Stalllna Needs I

Em:utlw Assistant, Under n/a; 2012 faiwardonly n/a; 2022 faiward only n/a; 2012 faiward only n/a; 2012 faiward only n/a; 2012 faiwanl anly n/a; 2022 faiward only n/a; 2022 forward anly r,/a; 2012 faiwanl mt, n/a; 2022 farwanl anly n/a; 2022 forward mt, Seoetary for Manaaement White Ho- Liaison, Under n/a; 2012 folwardonly n/a; zm2 faiwanl only n/a; 2022 roi-nl anly n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; ZD22farward anly n/a; 2012 roi-nl anly n/a; 2022 faiward only n/a; 2012 l'orwa,d mt, n/a; 2022 forwad mt, n/a; 2022 forward only Secmarv far Mana1ement Dlfeclor, MaJorEuents and n/a; 2012 faiwanlonly n/a; 2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2012 farward only a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 fonward only n/a; 2022 faiward only n/a; 20J2 forward only n/a;2022 roi-nl only n/I;2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2Dll forward only eon�-,UnderSeaetary ry Iyfar M■-ent I DIIKtor, Olllce of Malllgl!ment n/a; 2012 faiward only n/a;2012 farwanl anly n/a;2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2022 farwanl anly n/1; 2022 faiwanl only r,/a; 2012 farwanlonly n/a; 2022 forward only n/a;2022 folward mt, n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; ZOll forward mt, Polley, Rllflaln'II and "--UnderSeal!laryfor Manaae,nent

I Dl.-r,Olb of Eme..-,Jes n/a; 2012 fonward only n/a; 2012 faiward mt, n/a; 2012 faiwanl only n/a; 2012 folward only n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2022 farwanl only n/a; 2022 forward only n/a; 2012 forward anly n/a; 2012 folwanl mt, n/a; Zll12 fanoard only In the Dlplamatic and 01nsular Secvlca1, Under Secn!!aryilr Manqement

Page 7: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office

Under SKRtary far Eainamlc GRIWlh. En■IIIV and the fmll- (alsa- as SenlartoanlNtarfar

N1-G9aM17, Item 1 • Fies af Under Seaatary afEcanamlcAffalis

n/a; :ZOU forward only n/a; :ZOU forward anly n/a; :ZOU farwardanlv n/a; :ZOU forward anly n/a; :ZOU forward anly n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; :ZOU forwardanly n/a; :ZOU forward anly n/a; :ZOU forward anly

lnmmatlanal lnfannatlan TKhnalallYDIPlamar:vl Elll!CUIMI Assistant. Under Seoetaryfar EmnamlcGrawtt,, En•IIIV and the Environment

n/a; 20121an111n1 anJv '

n/a; ZlllZ forward anly n/a;201Z forward anlv n/a; :ZOU forward only n/a; 2012 farNard anly n/a; :ZOU forward anly n/a; zmz forwanlanrv n/a; Z01Z fmwanlanly n/a; ZOlZ fmwanl anly n/a;2012 forward anly

Dlractar, Ulla af th■ Chh!f ecanam1st, UndetSeffl!lllryfar ecanam1c Grawth, EnafllY and the Envlranmant

n/a; ZD1Z forward anly n/a; Z01Z farward only n/a; ZOlZ forward only n/a; Z01Z forward anlv n/a; zmz farwardanrv n/a; Z01Z forward anly n/a; 2012 forward anly n/a; Z01Z forward anly n/a; ZOlZ forward anly n/a; Z01Z forwardanly

Under SecrW,ry far Arms CGIIIIIII and lntamallanal Sacurlly Affairs

Elcecutlft�. Under 51!cr81arYfarAnnsConlnllyand lnlilmallanal Security Affairs

N1-GSH1-G7,llem la- N1-GSH1-G7, ltem ila• n/a; Z01Z forward anly 5ub1Kt Flies; Nl-GS!Hll- Chmnalap:al Fies Iy I07, llem Za -Country Flies n/a; 2012 forward anlv 11/a;ZDlZyforwardanrv n/a;zmz forward only

Iy I

n/a; ZDlZ forwardanly


n/a; 201y2 farward only


1-e!Hll-G7,llam &a • 1-IIS!Hl1-G1,yllem4a • .Appalntmant Baab and SpeechandTesllmanyf rC'almdln (was TEMP) FIiisr;2012 forward anly n/a; ZDlZ forward anly


n/a; Z01Z forward anly

n/rti ZD1Z forward anly

1-GS!Hl1-G7, llem 911 • lni.matlonal Sllcurlly rAdlllsary Board MMlinl Flll!s n/a; Z01Z far#ard anly


N1-GS!HH.-G7, llem Sa-Wmly ktivllv Rlparts

n/a; ZD1Z facwanl only

n/a; 2012 farward anlv

n/a; 2012 farwanl -I


r Secretary far CWlan N1-GSIMl!M2,. llem 1 • Klll'IIV, D■maaay and Human SullfeaRles

Rlahls (alsa NMIS as 5pl!c:lal Camdlnatarfar'l'lbetanlssuu)

N1-GSIMl!M2,. llem z. Cllnmalap31 Flies

n/a; ZDlZ forward only n/a; Z01Z forward anly Nl�llem 4• Appalnlmant Baab, Clllendaisand Lap

N1-G5!MIM2, 11am 3 Speech andTestlmany Flies

n/a; ZDlZ farwanl anly n/a;201Zyforward� n/a; Z01Z forward anly n/a; 2012 forwardanly

EucutlnAsslstant, Under Semtaryflll'CMllanSecurlty, Damacrar;y and Human Rlahb

n/r. zmz forward anly n/a; ZDlZ farwanlonly n/a; Z01Z forward anly n/a; 2012 forward only Q/a; zmz forward anly n/a; ZDlZ forward anly n/a; 2012 forward anly n/a; Z01Z forwardanly n/a;2012yforwardanly n/a; ZDlZ forward anly

UnarSecietary rar Publlc Dlplam&yand Nlllc Rl&fllS

Nl-OS!Hl:Hl&,. llam 1-SubJ■clFIII!

Nl-O�llemZ• Chranalallr,al File

n/a; ZDlZ farwanl only n/a; Z01Z forward anly Nl-GS!M>Sa;, llem 4a -Sc:IN!dules af Dally Adlvllles

Nl�llem 3-Spachas

n/a; 2012 forward anly N1-Cl!ilHl!HI&, 11am 7-MHtlnpFIII!

n/a; Z01Z farward anly n/a; Z01Z forward only

Elrmltlft Assistant, Under �faryPubllc Dlplomar:y andPUbllcllghls

Nl�llem &• Subject FIie; Nl--059-03-y1111. llem 6- P■ISClll81 Assistant 5ubjed Flies

n/a; ZDlZ forward anly n/a; 2012 forward anly n/a; Z01Z forward anly n/a; 201y2 forward only n/a; zmz forward on1y n/a; 2012 forward anly n/a; :ZOU farwardanly n/a; 2012fafward anly n/a; ZD1Z forwanlanly

HEADSGFIUUAUS er EQUIVALEIRS. Includes an AUlstantSeamrv =-".!elll•nd 1n Dlheraasltlanl actlnl In ■a emmlentraleCMl!Sft!M I lllll'elu. oreautvalenl Dfln. lnduda ■a_. ,nd flllllntllllllt!mw. Assistant s.a.raty afState, n/a; :ZOU forward only n/a; ZD1Z folwlrd only n/a; Z01Z forward anly n/a; Z01Z forward anly n/a; Z01Z falward anly n/a; Z01Z forward only n/a; zmz forward anly n/a; zmz farwardanly Burau r/1 Admlnlstnltlan ....... nt �yafState, N1-G!i993-18, llem la • Nl�ll, llem la• -Z01Z forward only NHJS!HBGD, llem n/a; 2012 forward anly Nl--OS!MINII. 11am 3 - n/a; :ZOU forward anly n/a; :ZOU forward anly Bweau af Al'rlcan Affalis OVanalap:al and Qranalllllcaland 3b(1)-Masll!rBl1eftnl 5paecMs

�Rlell SUbJect FIiis; Nl-G!iMJ- Baab Z3,llam7-Chranamt,;al Flies

nt Seamry af State, --�-........,,__.._ r ..•�- n/a; ZD1Z forward anly n/a; Z01Z forward anly n/a; :ZOU forward anly n/a; Z01Z farwa rd only n/a; :ZOU forward anly Bureau af Anni Cllnlral Subject Flies; Nl-G!i!Mll- OlranalD&lcal Filas; Nly• uqalrw

llllcallanand tampllanm 1J,yllem 7a-talllllly SQl-GlQ,llamZa- � Ries Olranalaglcal Fies

n/a; 2012 forward anly

n/a; ZD1Z forward anly

n/a; :ZOU forward anly

n/a; :ZOU forward anly

n/a;ZOlZ forwardanly

n/a; :ZOU forward anly


Ass� SeamryafStatl!, Bureau af tanlllct and

n/a; :ZOU forward only Nl·GSl!J.11143, llem 1-Olranalclilcal Flies

n/a; :ZOU forward only n/a; zmz forward anly Iy

14i!I-JIMB, llem 3 rtall!ndalS

n/a; Z01Z forward anly n/a; 2012 forward anly Iy

n/a; 2012 farward only n/a; 2012 forward anly n/a; Z01Z farwardanly

StabllllatlanQalntfans AssldantSeaetaryafSlall!, Burau af Consular Affalls Assistant Secn!taryaf Slate, Bureau af C.auntal18TOdsm

N1-4!i!MIIMI&, llem 1 • Subl£lFlu n/a; 2012 forward anrv

n/a; 2012 falwad only

N1�11. llem la • ChranDlallc:al Rias

n/a; zmz farward anly

n/a; 2012 forward anly

n/a; Z01Z forward anly

n/a; Z01Z forward anly

n/a; zmz forward only I

12012 forward anrv n1ay1

n/a; ZDlZ forward anly

n/a; 2012 forward an1J I

n/a; 2012 fcnad anly

In/a; 2012 forward anly

n/a; :ZOU forward only


n/a; ZOlZ forward anly

n/a; 2012 forward anly

n/a; 21112 forward anly

n/a; ZD1Z forward only

AsslltantSl!olltaryafState. Buruuaf Dem-,, Human .. hie andl.abar Assistant SecmaryafSlata, Bllll!IU af Dlplamatlc 5el:ultty

N1�1Z,lem 1• N1�11.hmZ-�Flies Oiranalaabl Rias

Nl�lb!m l a- Nl�llem 1b-PGllcyFlles Chrancllalbl Fies

n/a; ZDlZ forward anly

n/a; :ZOU forward anly

N1-os!Ml5-1Z, lb!m 9-lll1ellng Baab (WelcameHIIIM) n/a; Z01Z forward anly

n/a; Z01Z farwardonly ==-12,lb!mZI- n/a;Z01Z forwardanly Iy Iy

a; ZDlZ forward only r zmz forward anly n/a;201Z forward anly lry

n/a; 2012 forwardanly

n/a; 2012 flllwardanly

"41-cJ59.95-1Z, llllm 8-Weekly Aalvllles Reparb n/a; Z01Z forward anly

n/a; ZOU forward anly

n/a; Z01Z forward anly I

Page 8: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office

4 (sw.t)


Assistant Secretary of State, nJa; 2012 l'Dlwlrd only N1-G59-94-19, ltem S • NHJS!l-94-19, Item 4 • NUJ59-94-19, Item 1 • N1-IJS&.94.-36. Item 3a . n/a; 2012 foNtard only n/a; 2012 fOrward �Y n/a; 2012 forw•d only N1-0S!Hl·19, Item & • n/; 2012 faward only Bureau of l:canamic and Cluanalaglcal J;ifes Carrespandenee Ries; Briefing Baab Schedules Dally ActMty Reports Business Affairs N1-IJS&.94.-19, Item 1 •

Assistant SeCIBlary's Flies

n/a; 2012 forward only ,Va; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012forward only n/a; 20u rarward only Assistant Secn!tary of Stak, N1� 11em 1 n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 liKWard only n/a; 2012 fanvardonly N1-0S9-0S-Ol. Item 2 n/a; 2012 flnWard only Bureau of &tucatlan and Cultural Subject Ales calendars Affairs Assistant Secn!tary of State, N1-0S!Ml!M3, Item 1 N1�,ltem 1 - N1-0S� Item 1 • N1-0S!MIM3, Item 1 • N1-0S!Ml9-43, Item 1 - N1�, ltem 1 · N1�, ltam 1 - N1-059Gl-43, Item 1 N1�, ltem 1 • N1-0S-:1. 1tem 1 -Bureau of EnelJIY Resources � of Spedal Records of Spoclal Records of Special Records of Speclal Records of Spedal Records of Spedal Recordsofspedal Records DI Spoclal Records af Speclal Records DfSpeclal (position also sems as Speclal Elways and Speclal l'INDys and Speclal l'INDys and speclal Envoys and Spedal Envoys andSpeclal l'INDys andSpeclal Envoys and Speclal l'INDys and Speclal Env,. and Speclal Envoys and Spedal Envoy andCaardlnatarfor RepresentatlveS Repn,sentatlvts Representalh,el Representatives Representatives Repl'l!Hlltatlves Representatives Represenllltlves Repmantatlves RepreselltatlVes lntematlanal Enelll'/Affalrs)

n/a; 2D12 forward only N1-059-!l9-02, Item 1 • N1� 1tem n/a; 2012 falWard only N1-059-99-o2, Item 1 - 1,va; 2012 rorwardonly N1-05M9-02, Item 1 · N1-0,.,...,.,,-02, Item 3a - n/a;a1u falwad only

f ,_ Assistant Se<mary Fies; Assistant Secretary Fdes Daly Actl,llty Reports Assistant Seaetary Fdes; 7a(1)-Master5et, Bureau of Eun,pean and Eurasia Affairs

..... , ..._ d _ Assistant Secretary of State,

N1-059-99-02, Item 4 Brleftng Books; N1-059- N1�9fi.GZ, Item (secret) 99-02, Item 4 (secret) ,.,,._._,,

N1-059-82-07, Item 1a • 1-059-91-35,ltem 1a- n/a; 2012 fanllad only n/a; 2012 l'orw.ird only n/a; 2012 rarwn only n/a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2012 fDIWard only n/a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2012falward only n/a; 2012 fDlw•d only Bureau oflntetllgance and

an:h Subject Flies Ia Chn>nalcp:al Flies; Nl-r

D59-91-16, lteln 1 -Cluan .......... laFlles

Assistant Secretary of State, N1--0S!HIS-17, Item 1 - n/a; 2012 forward only Bureau of lntemallanal Narmtics Par,cya(SubJect)FHes; N1-

n/a; 2012 fonnrd only N1-05lHIS-17, Item 2a -Briefing Books

n/a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2D12 faward only n/a; 2D12 fDIWard only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 20U forward only

and Law Enforcement D59-88-17, ltenlfi

Assistant Secretary of State, n/a; 2012 forw1rd only n/a; 2012 forward only N1-05!M!&-06, Item 6a • N1-0S�. Item 4a n/a; 2012 forward only N1-0�, ltem &aa- n/,a;2012 tl>rward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 falward �Y n/a; 2DU forward only Assistant SeCIBlaary Flies Baclrgmund Ind llrieftng Assistant Secretary Flies Bureau oflntematlanal

Baaba.unlzatlans N1-059-01-22. Item 2a • n/a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2D12 ftlrward only N1-059-01-12, Item 3a • N1-ll59-0l.·12, Item 1a • n/,a; 2012 forward only Assistant Secretary of State, N1-059-01-12, Item 6a • N1-059-01•12, Item Sa · n/a; 2D12 faNlard only n/a; 2D12 forward only

Bureau of International Security Subject Flies; N1-059-93· Cluanalastc:al �dos Dally AclMt,' Records Drpnlzatlan and Weekly !!,parts; N1-059-and Nonprnlifenitlon 27, Item 4 • Subject Ries (TEMP) Conference Fdes; N1-0S!I D1-12, ltl!!lll 2a • Dally

93-27, Item 3 Activity Records Orpnlzatlan and Canfarence Fdes

Assistant Secn!tary of SCrte, n/a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2D12 forward only N1�171 ltem 1 - N1-0S!Ml3-17, Item 3 - n/a; 2D12 folWalll only n/,a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2012 {Orward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/,a; 2012 forward only Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs Assistant SecretllY Ries Briellns Baab

n/,a; 2D12faiward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 flllWad only n/a; 2012 forward only N1�J-31, ltem 2 - n/a; 2012 forward only Assistant Secretary of State, N1-059-93-32, Item 3 • N1-059-93-32, Item 5 • n/a;2012 fanjlard only n/a; 2D12 forward only BureauofDteans and Subjectand Ca,..try Chranalaglcal Flies; N1· Dally Actl,llty Reports lntematlanal Environmental and FDes N1�27, Item 1159-!13-27, 1te1112 -Sclantlftc Affairs 1 • Sublect Flies Cluanalaalcal Flies Assistant 5eCl$IV of State, n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 folwanl only n/,a; 2012 limllard only n/a; 2D12 flxward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2D12 forward only n/,a; 2D12 rorward only n/a; 2012 rarw.d only n/a; 2012 forwardanly n/a; 20U forward only Bureau ofl'apulation, RefUgees, and MIRr:ation

n/a; 2012 forward only N1-059.P..29, Item 1 • n/a;2D12 farwad only n/a; 2012 forw•d only N1�U, ltem 2a • n/a; 2012 fprward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/,a; 2012farward only n/a; 2DU forward only AssistantSecretary of State, N1�29. Item 1 -Bureau of Pub De Affairs Correspandenc:11 and Correspondence and SpeechandWritlngs FIie

s� Files; Nl-059-95- Subject Flies; N1-059-95-27, Item 1 • Sut,Ject and 27, Item 1 - sot,Ject and Correspondence Flies; Com!spandence Flies; N1-0S!HS-27, Item 3 • NC1�:l!l, Item 1 -Subject Flies Cornspandente Flies

N1-059-99-12, Item N1-059-ti-12, ltem 2ba- n/a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2012 fOrw•d only n/a;2D12 fawardonly n/a; 2012 forward only n/,a; 2012 forward only Assistant S.cretary of S1a,te, n/a; 2012 forward only n/,a; 2D12 forward only nfa; 2D12 forlllard only Bureau of South and Central &A(1) • Master Set calendar Appointment Asian Affair.I Brleft1111 Books IIDDb Assistant Secretary of State, n/a; 2D12 forward only IN1-459-01-21. ltem17a • N1-059-D1·23, Item 1a • N1�·21, Items 11a N1-059-D1-24. lt•m 3a • n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 fprward only n/a; 2D12farward only N1-059-9UI, Item 1 • n/a; 2DU forward only

Dally Acti,llty Reports PolltJcal and MUilary �lrs Chronological Files; N1- Congl'l!SSlanalAffairs and 11b Brilflns Baab Schedules of Dally D59-01-24, 1tem 1a - ' Recalds AaMtles Chranaloglcal Flies

Assistant Secretary, Bureau of n/a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2012 forward only � Item 1· N1-059-94-0l, ltem 2b · n/a; 2D12 forward only 1�nem 1 - n/a;2D12f0rwardonly n/; 2012 farwadaonly N1� ltem 1- n/a; 2DU forw•d only Assistant Secretary files Westem Hemisphere Affairs �lstant Seaetary FNes IBrlefkls Books 1a rAssistant Secn,tary Flies la la I

l���rviceGrievance Bmrd, n/a; 2012 fcxward only n/a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 falward only n/a; 2D12 forw•d only n/a; 2012 fOrward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2D12 forward only n/a; 2012 forward only I

Page 9: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office

DAMlll59-2017-DOOl, I

IFarellJI Senria! Institute. l"'a; Z01Z forward only l"'a; 2022 faiwad an1v l"'a; Z01Z forward only jnl.a; 2022 forward only l"'a; Z01Z forward only l"'.a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 forward only ln/a;ZOlZ forward only JIii•;zmz forward only l"'a; 2012 forward only Dlrectar

hlef lnfannatlan af'ICl!I'. Bureauyn/a; 2022 forward ani, n/a; Z01Z forward only n/a; ZOlZ forw•d only "'a; 2012forw•d an1v •;2012 forward only n/a; ZOlZ forward only n/a; 2012 forward an1v n/a; 201 2 farwanl anlV n/a; 21112 forward anlr I"' .. 2012 forward only of lnfamlatian Remuias r Iy Iry 1 I I ly Iy

Olllcll of ludpt and Planlllna. n/8;2012 forward only n/a; 2022 forward only n/a; 2022 forward only n/.a;2022 forward only n/111; 2012 forward onlv n/.a; 2012 forward only n/.a;2012forwardonly n/a; Z01Z forward only n/a;2012 forward anlr l"'a; 2012 forward only DIM:lm' OfflmofCvaRl&hi.. a- rt/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 forward only rt/a; 2012 forward oni, n/a; 2022 forward only n/a;2022 rarw.donly n/.a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 forward anlv n/a; 2012 forward cnv n/,a;2012forward only n/a; 2012 forward only and Chief DlversltV Offtcer Iy

Olllcll of Otll 5adet'i' and n/a; 2012 forward cnv n/111; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 forward an1v "'., 2012 forward onlv 'a; 2012 forward oni, "'a; 2022 forward °"" n/a; 2012 forward only "'-= 2012 forward only n/a;2012forwardonly n/a; 2012 forward cnv Emqlna Dernactar.ies, I Iy Iy II Iy I r ly l I c-ntar 0111a, of Comptralar, Gklbel l"l � llem l y n/a: 2012 forward onlv ln/,a; 2012 farwud only jn/1; zon forwardonly ln/a;2022 farwardonly 1n1-. 2012 forward only n/a; 2022 forward only l"'a; 2022 forward only l"'a; 2012 forward only l"'a; 2012 forward aniv

I IFlnn:e 5\ml!ms. � Sublect Flies OEMPI I OfllmofE'ast Allan and Paclflc :.:::s10, 11em 1 - n/111;2022forwardoni, n/a; 2022forward only N1----1A, 11am •- N1-05!HJ9.10, ltem 2 - "'a; 2022facwantanlv n/a; 2012 forward an1v n/a;2012 forward onlv n/a; 2012 forward oni, n/a; 2012 farwardoni,

1 1Affalrl, Director Iy Brlefkw llaab C.alendar and Ily l lIy Baab Iy I I 0111a, afFaretp Msllans. N1-G59-087-0!I, 11am !I - l"'a; 2022 forward only -. 2012 forward only 111a;2022 farwanl onir 1111a; 2012 forward only 1 111a; 2022 forward ani, 111a;2012 forward only 1111a;2m2 falwanl ani, 1111a;ZD1Zfarward only 1111111; 201 2 forward only

I 1 1◄Dll'l!dar CllunllVFlles n1y I �man � "!a; 2012 forward an1v 111a; 2012 forwardy°"" 1111.a; 2022 forward only 1111.a; 2022 forward oni, 1111a; 2012 forwardonlv n/a; 2012 forward only 111-. 201 2 forward only 1 111a; 2022 forward only 111.a; 2012 forward only 111-. 2012 farward anly

I I1I Fof taplltiwe Affairs. N1-GSM3-40, 11am 2 - I 111a; 2012forwardoni, "1.(IS!MB-40,ltem l • n/a; Z01Z forward only 1111a;Z01Z forwardanlv 111a;Z01Z forwa rd � n/a; 2012 faiwad only I n/.a.;2012 forward oni, 1111a; 2022 forward only 1111a; 2012 forward only 1 1y I

lrectar I Sublectflles CDrrespandance File Iy0111a, af Manapmmt. Pollo/. a; Z01Z forward oni, n/a; 2012 farwad only 111a;2012 farwud only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2012 forward oni, 111•; 2012 llrward only n/a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2022 forward only r•;2012 forwMI only 111a; 2012 forward only n/y=Ill and lnnavallan. IIy 1y

I I 1 Iy I 1 I ornc. of Ml!dlcal 5aMcs. 111a; 2012 forward onlv 111a; 2012 farwad oni, 111a; 2� forward oni, ln/,a; 2012 forward only 111a; 2012 forward only I n/a; 2012 forward onlv n/a;2022 forward onlv ln/,a; 2022 forward only n/a; 2022 forward only 1 111a; 2012 forward ani, 1 1 1 1y IIDlrectar Olllcll ofDlersaas Bulldlnss n/.a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2022 forward an1v N1.(IS!Ml7-ll!I, llem 1 • n/a; Z01Z forward only n/a; 2012 forward onlv n/a; 2012 forward only 111a; 2012 forward anly 111a; 2012 forward 11111v n/a; 2012 forward only 111a; 2012 farwaRI only -Operations, Director -Ollla! af Pa11cyP1amin1CDunell, N1-GS!Ml2.(12, 11am 1 - 111a; 2012 forward anlv N14S!Nl!l-17, 11am 1 - n/a; 2012 forward an1v 111.a;2022 forward only 111a; 2022 forwardanly rt/a; 2012 forward anlv n/a; 2012 forward only Nl -G!iMNJ,. ltem !la- rt/-. 201 2 forwardanlr Dlrec:tar Open Forum Pn1Bran Dll'l!dar Open Forum Options·

SllblKt Flles � Fie Mastl!r s.t Ofllm afQliadrennlal �lamacV 111a; Z01Z forward only ,,, .. 2022 forward only 111a; Z01Z forward only 111.a;ZM2 forward only 111a; Z01Z forward ani, 111a;Z01Z forward only 111a;2022 forward anlv 111a;2012 forward only n/a; 2022 forward only n/a; 2012 forward only and Dewlapment Review, Dnctar. a.tannlal D""""8cv and Dewlapmmt Review

I I IOfllm ofth■ Chief af l'nltaall, .. 2012 forward only 1 111a;2012 forward only n/a; 2022 forward oni, 1 111111; 2012 forwardanlv ln/,a;2012 forward only 111a; 2022 forward only n/a; 2022 forward only 1 111.a; 2022 forward only 111a; 2012 forward only 1 111a;2012forwardonly Chief al PRl!Oall 1 111 Iy I 0111a, af the Executhle 111a; Z01Z forward only n/a; 2012 forward only 111a; 2012 forward oni, 111•;2012 forward onlv n/,a; 2012 forward only n/.a; Z01Z forward oni, 111a; 2012 forward onlv 111a; 2022 forward only 111a; 2012 forward oni, 111a; 2012 forward only Sea■tadat, ExecUllvll

I � 1 1 ly 1Iy I 11�


Olllcll af the lnspedllrGenera� DAM1115&-21117-IDl2. 2017OAA-GIISWD17-oom. 111a; 2022 forward oni, 1y DAIMIM-2017-D002, 2017, IIyOAMJll59.ltem0001item0001I DAMIIM-2017-mmI IlnspeclarG■neral 1temooo1 11emoom 1temoom ltemy0001 ltem0001 11,111100010AMl059-2017-aom, ltem0001DAA-OIS--oDll2, -QI02,I

Subject Flies Chmnalaslcal Rles lleaNd Copr, lllleftnB Iy1 ry Baalcs 1y ry rI 1

111.a; 201 2 forward only 111-. 2022 falwad only 111a;2022forwardoni, n/a; 2012 forward ani, 111-. 2022 forward an1v 111a; 2012 forward only 111.a; Z01Zforwardyanlv 111.a; 2012 forward anlv j1Olllcllafthe Lep1Adwlsar. LeplyAdvisor

Nl -059-95-11, llem la - N1-GS!l-9S-11, Item l b - a; ZOlZ farwad anlv Nl -GS!MIS-11. 1tem 11a- l1la;2012 rarw.danlv n/a; 2012 forwardoni, 111a; 2022 rarw.donly n/a; 2022forward anlv a;2022forwardanlr •;2012 rarw.d anlJ

Olla afthe ombudsmm, DIIKW

n/,a; 2012 forward only 1 111.a;2022 forward ani,

0111m afthe Special EIMIJID 111a; 2022 farwardoni, n/a; 2012 forward only 111.a; 2012 forward oni, 111-. 2022 forward only n/a; 2012 farwud anlv 111a;2022 farwanl anlJ 111a;Z01Zforwardanlv 111a; 2022 forward only 111a;2012 farwad only Guantanamo a.sin (Cb111111yaf the Guantanamo Detention Fadllty), Dlnictar .. SPB:IAL ENVOY IS BELOW Olllcll al U.S. Forelsn Asllstanc:a n/a; 2022 forward anlr n/a; 2022 forwardanlv 111a; 2012 forward oni, 111a; 2022 forward onlv n/a; 2022 fmward onlv n/,a;2012 forward oni, n/,a; 201 2 forward oni, 111a; 2012 forward oni, 111a; Z01Z forward only Resourms, Dil'l!Ctar

1yOlllcll af Weslam Hlmllphen, 111a; 2012 forward oni, n/a; 2012 forward onlv n/,a; 2012 forward only n/a; 2022 forwardoni, n/a; 2012 forward only 111a; 2012 forward onlv n/a; 2012 forward anlv 111a;2012 farwanlonly n/a; 2022 forward only Affaks, e-utlwDIIWC&er

SffCIALENVOYS:ylnclud• ancunmtandyfutu111 ...... ,., ._ - of - oldutlel. 'lha mllllon at ■ ys...tc111-•- llvll l1 to _,,efar e -u1ar -- ... such • the caldul:t af Spacfal Envaf / Speclal N1�. 11em 1 - N1-05!HIM3, Item 1 N1-o594M& 11am 1- N1�. 11m11 1 - !p-o5!MIM3, Item 1 • N1-o!ilMl!M3, llem 1 Nl �, ltem l y- Nl �. ltem l • N1-QS9.0t.4!1, ltem l • Re� (repnlessof Recards of Spedal Reconls af Spectal Rl!cards af Spec:lal Remrds af Spoclal RemrdsafSpeclal lleclanfs of Speclal R_,.afSpeclal Remrds of Special Rec.DIiis afSpeclal taplc, ar aJll!lallll> Erways and Special �nvavsand 5pec1a1 fnwovs and Spedal fnvays ands,eclal Envavs and Speclal Envavs and Spaclal EnvavsandSpeclal Envavs and Spaclal flWOVI andSpeclal

� Repmentatlva llll!pA!sentalMs � Relll'l!SlllltalM ReDmelltltlves ... _ - - ttw:es Repruenfalllles 0fFICB INJERAIIIIUSAOCJIIS.T-URGE: fadudas aD current andfubn Amllasadllrs«-1.aa, when CMmMaut duties !!!lllllalent ID Sueclal fnvotl. SDei illl � ar em,lnlant wltlans.


111a;2012 forward onlv

n/a; 201y2 forward only

.....;.. It Nl .ai!HIIMJ, Item 1 • "-- afSpeclal Envavsand Spedal ....,_.II_




Page 10: No...Record Group / Scheduling Group General Records of the Department of State Records Schedule applies to Agency-wide Schedule Subject Consolidated Schedule: Records of the Office


0fllce af Asla-9ac:lfk: Economic rt/a; 21112 folwanl anly rt/a; 2012 folwanl anly n/a; 2012 l'olwanlonly n/a; 21112 farwanl only 11/ay2012 farwanl anly rt/a; 21112 l'olwanl anlr 11/ay21112 farwanl anly ln/ai2012 fmwad only n/a; 2012 farwanl anly rt/a; 21112 farwanl onlv . .CaapeMIDI\, AmbasAdar-at-

Larae Iy Iy0fflce ofCau-.mrllm and r,/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanl anly rt/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 21112 farwanl only

1 rt/a; 2012 folwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanl only

1 rt/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanl only if,,;21112 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl anlr

CDWllellnalllalent Elctn!mlsm, Ambassadar-at-Larp

Offlc:11 of,._, Crlmlnal.lustk»,. N1-GSIMl2-0Z, llem 111 rt/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanlonly n/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 21112 farwanl only n/ai 21112 farwanl only n/a;2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 21112 l'olwanl anlr CDanllnator far Global Criminal tifect. Orpnlrallan �ustlce .. AmbassadaNt•larp and Caunt,y Flies

0lllce af Glabal Womeds Issues, rt/a; 2012 farwanlonly 2012 farwanl only n/yl 2012 farwanl only 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/lll 2012 folwanl only 2012 ran.an1 only In/yl 2012 farwanlonly ln/a;21112 farwanl only l"'a; 2012 rarwan1 only 1n1a. Iy Ily n1a. Iy 1n1a. IlyAmbassadar;it.lanla 1 0111ce af lntamatlanal RelalDUS """ 2012fmwanl anly n/a; 2012 forward only "'a; 2012farwanlanly "!8; 2012 farwanlonly n/a; 2012 farwanl anly n/a; 21112 l'olwanl only �· 21112 folwanl anly l"'a; 21112 l'olwanl anlr n/ay2012 farwanl anly rt/a; 21112 l'olwanl only

.F111edam, AmbassadaNt-La11e Iy 1y 11l Iy _Iy

1 I0lllce of Manllallna and n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 l'olwanl anlV lif,,; 2012 l'olwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 fmwanl only "'a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 21112 farwardonly 11/ay21112 farwanl only Carnbltt"'8 Trafflcldn&of .

I Iy Iy I l Iy..._, Ambassador-at-Larae

0lllce af the U.S. GlabalAIOS it,,; 2012 farwanl only n/a.l 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 21112 farwanlanlr n/a; 21112 farwanl anlr n/a; 2012 farwanl anlr n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanl anlr rand Health

�.CDanllnatar & I Iy Iy Iy Iy Iy Iyssadar-at-lale I

SPECIAL aJORDINA'IORS: Includes all aanmt and futunt S!!ee!al Caonllnatan .._ _ aut duties _,.nlent tDy-d _ S_I_ -1a-. ar-•,._nty_ I c:aantlnatar farlhmt Reu:tlan n/a; 21112 farwanl anly n/ai2m2farwanlonly n/a; 21112 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 l'olwanlonly n/lll 2012 fs1n111nl only n/a; 2012 rarwan1 only n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/lll 2012 faiwanl only PnHUams I I CDanllnatarfarU.S. Asslsaa n/a;2012 farwanl only n/a; 21112 farwanl anlr n/a; 21112 farwanl only rt/a; 2012farwanlonly rt/a; 2012farwanlonly n/a; 2012 farwanlonly n/a;2012 farwanlonly rt/a; 21112 farwanlonly rt/a; 2012 l'olwanl only n/lll 2012 faiwanl only ta Eun,pe, Eurasia, andCentr.11 Asia Secmlty Coocdlnatarfarlsrael n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 farwanlonly rt/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanlonly rt/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 21112 farwanlonly rt/a; 21112 faiwanlonly and the Palestinian AutliarltV. U.S. Lead Caanlnatarfarlran n/a; 2012 farwanl only rt/a; 2012 l'olwanl only n/y 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only 2012 farwanlonly n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/y 2012 farwanl only ln/a;2012Jarwanlonly. 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only Nuclear lnullemenratlan Iy Ill Iy 1n1a. Iy Iy Ill 1n1a.y I Caanlnatarfar lntemallanal rt/a; 21112 farwanl only N1-GS!HB-ll. lll!m 6 • I n/ai 2012 farwanl only In/y 2012 farwanl only l"'a; 2012farwanlonly 2012 rarwan1 only 21112 farwanl only ln/a;2012farwanlonly 1n1ai2012fan111nlonly 21112 rarwan1 only

n1a. 1n1a. 1n1a.lnfarmatlan Pn>arams OvanalmJ,alRln ai I1 Caanllnatar far 5anc:tlaas Paley n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 201 2 farwanl only ln/a;2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 farwanl only n/a; 2012 rarwan1 only 2012 l'olwanl only n/a; 2012 fanwanlonly ..,..y2012 rarwan1 only l"'a· 21112 l'olwanl only n/a;201 2 faiwanlonly

Iy 1n1a. Iy . I Spedal C-dnatarfar Tibetan N1-0SIMIM3, lll!m 1 • N1-4S!Ml!MJ, Item 1 • 1-0!i!Hl!M!, ll!m 1 • 1-4S!Ml!MJ, itl!m 1 N1-4S!Ml!MJ, lll!m 1- N1-GS!HIHJ, Item 1 • N1.Q5!HIH3. lll!m 1 • 1-4S!Ml!MJ, Item 1 N1-4S!Ml!MJ, Item 1 • N1-CIS!Hl!M3, lll!m 1 • Issues Reain1s af Speclal Records af Spedal Records af Special Records af Speclal Remrd! of Spectal Records of Spedal Records of Spedal RecanlsofSpedal Recanls af Spldal Recanls of Speclal

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