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Page 1: Newspaper advertisement analysis

Newspaper Advertisement Analysis

Page 2: Newspaper advertisement analysis

I found this newspaper advertisement on the internet but later discovered that it was scanned in, therefore meaning that originally the colours were not black and white.

The name of the show is connoted in the largest typography to signify its importance and to make it stand out.

Ant & Dec have branding familiarity with ITV, therefore the channel uses them regularly to promote shows as they are popular icons.

Ant is highlighted to be a button essentially, with the image semantically relating to the name of the show to therefore emphasise the point of the game show. The image also looks exciting, which draws the audience towards it.

The information about the show is clearly depicted, with this being vital information to allow the audience to know when it is being screened.

The ITV logo is denoted here as black and white, but it is infact the typical colour of yellow and white (though this has changed now), but branding consistency is connoted with the advert.

There is a small website link next to the logo, this implies the importance of web 2.0 and uses cross media convergence to highlight the range of products that ITV has.

Page 3: Newspaper advertisement analysis

More AnalysisAnt and Dec are represented as both wearing suits which therefore gives them a sense of credibility and also makes them appear to look extremely smart. Their representation highlights ITV to be a professional channel as they look smart, as well as the way that the famous duo are synonymous with the ITV brand with other flagship shows. Dec is represented with a huge grin on his face whilst having his tongue out therefore signifying his personality to be exuberant which the audience will enjoy, with the purpose of this advert to be entertaining because this is what Ant & Dec are known for. The positioning itself is used for humorous effect because both celebrities constantly play on their small heights for comedy, with Dec purposely looking directly at the reader in order to allow the audience to interpret this in a funny manner so that they will watch the show. Ant stares back up at Dec to give the impression that he is annoyed at being used as a button, with his facial expression connoting him to look up at Dec in disgust, but yet again this is to make the audience engage with them to make them laugh.

Page 4: Newspaper advertisement analysis

Further AnalysisThe typography is curved and slanted around both Ant & Dec on the page, with instantly demonstrates that the show is dynamic and wacky along with the persona of the presenters. This gives the audience information about what the show is like before they see it, which is a positive because it signifies the comedy genre of ITV. This show was sponsored by Maltesers, with the actual background of the advert being a red colour to relate to them through the same branding colours. This is used with two different shades of red to highlight sound waves from using Ant as a button (or a buzzer), this not only is intended to make the audience laugh – but the colours make sure that the Maltesers brand is shown thoroughly. The ITV logo is still able to stand out against the red colour due to it being yellow, with the purpose being for the audience to know that the show is on ITV so making the logo entirely visible is a fundamental aspect of the advertisement.

Page 5: Newspaper advertisement analysis


The advert intends on using two presenters that are synonymous with the ITV brand and ethos, so by using these two as a representation for a flagship view, the audience will instantly be drawn to the advert and this is a very effective technique. Furthermore, the advert looks humorous and uses the two in a wacky way due to the image of Ant being used as a button, but also the curved typography highlights the fun side of the show and it is intended to make the viewer laugh. Information is clearly highlighted on the page, so that the audience can easily see the name of the show, the time and the channel – as well as giving them opportunities to find more information through the use of web 2.0, allowing an active audience to become thoroughly engaged with the show before it is even aired.

Page 6: Newspaper advertisement analysis

This is a double page spread advertisement from a newspaper.

ITV represent their logo and brand identity in the house style to convey consistency as people will see this logo and instantly recognise it.

The name of the show is clearly represented in large typography that opposes the dark colour of the background.

The information about the show is clearly depicted, with this being vital information to allow the audience to know when it is being screened. The image is dominated by a full

frame being smashed, conveying the drama genre from ITV which conveys that they follow their ethos of a range of genres in their programming.

Within the image the characters are denoted to emphasise the period drama genre intrinsically, allowing the audience to interpret what type of show is being advertised easily.

Downton Abbey is known as a flagship show, hence the reason why there isn’t a huge amount of information on the advert, as audience’s are typically expected to know aspects about the show.

Colour is not typical within a period drama so this subverts from the traditional convention, therefore creating excitement for the audience.

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More AnalysisThe tagline ‘A House Divided’ instantly creates suspense to the audience with the intention of drawing them in towards the show, as this creates tension. Furthermore, the tagline relates to the image due to the way in which the photo frame has smashed, hence emphasising the period drama genre and it creates further excitement for the audience. Todorov’s narrative theory is suggested through the combination of image and tagline, as it creates an instant disequilibrium before the show has even been aired.All of the characters within the frame (apart from the character on the far left) are looking directly at the audience with the purpose being to attract them towards the advert as this signifies their importance within the show. The direct contact from the advert will appeal to audiences as it will make them want to see why the disequilibirum has occurred, with this being enhanced further due to the fact that only one character in the frame isn’t looking directly at the audience – which then creates a sense of tension and Todorov’s theory again also.

Page 8: Newspaper advertisement analysis

The Channel 4 logo is used as more of an icon in comparison with ITV, these are just two examples that we sourced from the internet in order to gain a better interpretation into the conventions of newspaper advertisements. ITV is placed upon the adverts in order to allow the audience to simply be able to see what channel the specific programme is on, however the channel 4 logo appears as more of a stand out and iconic logo which we as a group perceive to be effective. This is a positive by Channel 4 because it gives the channel a sense of identity, there is more creativity within the logo and diversity is conveyed between the two examples – however this still relates to Channel 4’s ethos of diverse programming. The image is always the focal point of the advert, with the text playing little part on the page but still containing all of the vital information. A coloured text box is placed in the corner so that the centre of the advert is always in place to highlight the importance of the image. Colour schemes are consistent throughout adverts which is effective as it makes them look more professional and these colours stand out compared to the image.

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The Channel 4 logo is kept on the right side of the advertisement, this is kept consistent which is effective as it creates brand identity.

There is a simplicity within Channel 4 and their adverts, the conventions of adverts are still concurrent.

The information of the programme is stated, along with details about the show itself and the time and date that it starts to inform the audience and allow them to see when the show is on.

The colour of the logo is in place to make sure that it stands out against the dominant image on the page. The typography of the information follows this consistency also.

The emphasis upon the brand identity allows the audience to remember the logo and therefore the programme being advertised, which means it is entirely successful.

The image takes up the entire frame, with all the main characters depicted during a scene of the show, this instantly allows the audience to seek out the characters.

The advert focuses on this key scene between all of the main characters within the show, the image also appears as natural rather than ITV’s characters looking directly at the audience. This alternation conveys the positive relationship between the characters. However, this hints at a sense of disequilibrium within the future, with the fact that all the characters being shown representing Propp’s character types which therefore highlights that each character in the frame has a different role that the audience will learn, this entices them towards the show.

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ITV Newspaper Advert Conventions

ITV logo is prevalent on the page so the audience can see it.

ITV logo is coloured to match the genre of show, blue and yellow emphasise the police crime drama genre. Two main characters are in the focal point to highlight that they are the central characters.

Name of show contrasts with the background, allows the audience to see the name of show.

Advert states that a new series is starting, hence trying to create interest for the audience.

Information about the show is highlighted also, allows the audience to know the simple info, date and time is vital on the advert.

Sponsorship is shown in the top corner of advert.

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Channel 4 Newspaper Advert Conventions

Advertising of show is connoted in the top corner so that the audience can see it, but it is not the focal point.

The name of show is clear on the page with ‘Shameless’ highlighted along with the programme information in a red box with contrasting typography. The title is larger than the info so make it the focus.

Fonts are the same style but a different size, for consistency.

The image takes up the screen, comedy genre highlighted as famous character Frank Gallagher is signified to steal the Channel 4 logo.

Ethos is shown with the genre clearly highlighted, colour matches the banner but is in character’s arms. Focus is on sole character as the show is long-running.

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