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Page 1: Newsletter, Sept 2014

From the Pastor’s Desk

Written or Spontaneous Prayers?

Here is another question that I get asked with some frequency: Is it ok to use written out prayers?

My answer is a definitive Yes! While some people have a gift for being able to pray spontaneous and off the cuff,

others do not. Just because a prayer maybe written out and then read, does not make it any less meaningful or prayer-

ful. And at times, these written out prayers (either ones we write or ones that others have written) can be very mean-

ingful because of the thoughtfulness that went into the crafting of the prayer.

I know some seminary professors that begin each class with a prayer. Some begin with in simple off the cuff prayer,

but other are prepared with a written out prayer that they use. By writing them out, they are able to chose the words

and themes that truly connect with the material they are going to cover within that class. A couple of significant semi-

nary professors (Stanley Hauerwas and Walter Brueggemann) have even published some of the prayers that they used

in classes. I have even heard stories that other students (not in that particular class) would go to the beginning of the

class that Stanley Hauerwas was teaching just for the prayer that he offered at the beginning.

For some, when they ask this question—the issue behind it is about the use of familiar prayers (e.g. the Lord’s Prayer,

the Serenity Prayer, grace at meals, bedtime prayers). And again, I say yes it is good to use these prayers. The critical

thing in prayer is what is in your heart. A written out prayer or familiar prayer can be just as effective in connecting

us to Jesus as one that is done spontaneous. For example if you use the Lord’s Prayer—are you just saying words so

that you can check off the box that says prayed today? Or when you pray those words that Jesus taught, are you sin-

cerely wanting for God’s will to be done, asking for forgiveness, not to be lead into temptation?

Prayer is the way we communicate with God and a way that draws us closer to God. There is nothing special about

one way of praying over against another. One way does not automatically guarantee closeness with God. The issue

becomes a more personal one: what way of praying draws you closer to God? Do you feel closer to God in using

written out prayers? If so, use them. If you feel closer to God and more connected by using spontaneous prayers?

Use them. If it helps your relationship with God to use a combination, then do that.

For me, I use both. I feel comfortable in freely praying without notes, but I also like the discipline of either writing

prayers out or using ones that others have written. By using both, I feel it expands my own personal prayer life and

draws me closer to Jesus. The key is for you to find what is most helpful to you in your own spiritual pilgrimage.

Keep on praying in the new year!

St. Paul Lutheran Church 10792 N Co Rd 210 E, Seymour, IN 47274

Phone: (812) 522-7364 Office Email:[email protected] Web site: 2014

Page 2: Newsletter, Sept 2014

1 Fred Rotert 1 Betty Moorman 1 Bryce Rorick 2 Jackson Rosenberger 3 Matt Schafstall 3 Tyson Marshall 4 Linda Newkirk 4 Tyler Kruse 9 Linda Seitz 9 George Mansfield IV 9 Loretta Hatfield 9 Matt Darlage 9 Mindy Davis 10 Jim Eglen 12 Jacob Rotert 12 Sophia Hoene 13 Amanda Otte 13 Andrew Shuler 13 Noah Rorick 14 Jessica Rotert 14 Kennedy Engelau 14 Susan Kaiser 14 Trenton Brigdon 15 Doris Hoene 15 Brandon Rotert

16 Mark Cupp 16 Kirsten Kruse 17 Nathan Newkirk 17 Carrie Morrison 18 Doris Kleffman 19 Matt Kendall 20 Marcus Taulman 20 Bethany Rust 22 James Reinbold 23 Alvin Otte 24 Mildred Carter 24 Dana Henley 24 Samantha Browning 24 Eli Wood 25 Deryl Paswater 25 Anita Gault 25 Lois Bryden 25 Toby Kleffman 25 Jodi Brown 25 Terri DeVoe 26 Ralph Johnson 26 Robert Runge 28 Angela Rorick 30 Madison McCory

CHURCH COUNCIL Chairman—Terry Searcy Secretary—Linda Newkirk Treasurer—Phyllis Cupp

Financial Secretary—Nathan Otte Elders—Larry Lewis & Dean Dringenburg Deacons—Mark Hoffmeier & Larry Guinn

Trustees—Howard Wente & Charlotte Guinn

October Volunteers Greeters

Dan & Lou Ann Hoevener (8:00) Kendall & Susie Alstatt (10:15) Communion Assistants

Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) The Alstatt Family (10:15) Altar Care

Oct. 5 - Alstatt Family Oct. 19 –Alstatt Family Oct. 12 – Ruth Ann Newkirk Oct. 26-Luci Angel (8:00) Alstatt Family (10:15)

Lectors Oct. 5 - Jodi Brown (8:00) Leon Seitz (10:15) Oct. 12– Dot Goodwin (8:00) Karen Davis (10:15) Oct. 19– Susan Holle (8:00) Kendall Alstatt (10:15) Oct. 26– Ruth Ann Newkirk (8:00) Terri Devoe (10:15)

Acolytes Oct. 5 - Eliana Baker (8:00) Tyson Lawles (10:15) Oct. 12– Erin Otte (8:00) Dylan Hatfield (10:15) Oct. 19– Madison Engelau (8:00) Rachel Hildebrand (10:15) Oct. 26– Abby Hoevener (8:00) Eli Wood (10:15)

Projectors Oct. 5 - Jamie Baker (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15) Oct. 12– Kaelen Eglen (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15) Oct. 19– Madison Jones (8:00) Kailee Hildebrand (10:15) Oct. 26– Doris Rorick (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15)

Flowers Oct. 5—Staci Eglen Oct. 12- Need volunteer Oct. 19—Tammi Reinbold Oct. 26—Need volunteer

Children’s Sermon–Lou Ann Hoevener—Oct. 5 Welcome Center—Carol Mansfield (8:00) Linda Seitz (10:15)

September Volunteers Greeters

Roger & Delores Douglass (8:00) Bill & Judy Wonning (10:15) Communion Assistants

Mark Rorick (8:00) Leon Seitz (10:15) Altar Care

Sept. 7-Linda Seitz Sept. 21-Linda Seitz Sept. 14–Phyllis Cupp Sept. 28-Wanda Engelau

Lectors Sept. 7- Leah Otte (8:00) Ed Devoe (10:15) Sept. 14-Doris Rorick (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15) Sept. 21-Mandy Otte (8:00) Laberta Otte (10:15) Sept. 28-Lois Bryden (8:00) Hannah Wood (10:15)

Acolytes Sept. 7-Anna Holle (8:00) Ariel Douglass (10:15) Sept. 14-Courtney Mansfield (8:00) Lyra Claycamp (10:15) Sept. 21-Morgan Jones (8:00) Cheyenne Douglass (10:15) Sept. 28-Kori Otte (8:00) Jacob Rotert (10:15)

Projectors Sept. 7-Kaelen Eglen (8:00) Chloe Bryden (10:15) Sept. 14-Kaelen Eglen (8:00) Kailee Hildebrand (10:15) Sept. 21-Madison Jones (8:00) Marc Fountain (10:15) Sept. 28-Doris Rorick (8:00) John Pierceall (10:15)

Flowers Sept. 7– Moriah Hendrix/Ben Cragun Sept. 14-Linda Newkirk Sept. 21-Wilma Claycamp Sept. 28-Wilma Claycamp

Children’s Sermon–Leah Otte—Sept. 7 Welcome Center—Shirley Lewis (8:00) Judy Wonning (10:15)

Michelle’s Office Hours Monday: 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

Wednesday: 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Monday and Wednesday she will take a 1/2 hour lunch sometime around noon.

WELCOME DEADLINE Please have info. for the Welcome to Michelle by 12:00 noon on Wednesday.

Page 3: Newsletter, Sept 2014

September 7th: Text— Genesis 6:16-22; 9:8-15

Today we begin a new cycle in the Narrative Lectionary (which tells the story of God beginning in creation through the

creation of the church). This year, we begin our journey through the Bible with the story of Noah. After creation, hu-

manity disobeyed God and sin spread throughout the earth. Because of this, God destroyed the earth through a flood.

However, by grace God saved Noah and his family and established with him a covenant.

September 14th: Text—Genesis 12:1-9

The story of God continues with God calling Abram from his own country and asks Abram to go where God would lead

him. Through this, God creates from Abram a new nation. God makes a covenant with Abram and says that He will

make a great nation with Abram and will bless all people through Abram.

September 21st: Text— Genesis 39:1-23

After the story of Abraham, we move to Joseph who was sold into slavery by his brothers. The story we hear today

about Joseph is his encounter with Potiphar’s wife. This encounter leads to Joseph being put into prison, which unlikely

as it seems put Joseph in a position to save his family when famine strikes Joseph’s homeland.

September 28th: Emphasis—Mission Festival

Today is the Mission Festival. Our guest speaker this year is from Wernle Home in Richmond, IN. They will share the

ministry of Wernle and how they are making a difference in the lives of those whom seek treatment at their facility. You

will hear stories of bringing God presence to people at difficult times in their lives.

Upcoming Worship Below are the lessons and some thoughts about the upcoming Sundays.

Please take some time to look over the lesson and reflect upon the

questions in preparation of the upcoming weeks in worship.

WELCA Meeting

to be held on September 25 at 7:00 p.m.

in the fellowship hall

Items to be discussed: plans for the Harvest Bazaar

plans for outreach updates to Mission Closet

All women of the church

18 and older are welcome!

WINGS is the host group

Adult Sunday



September 21st

We will be reading and discussing Martin Luther’s Large Cate-

chism. Most people are familiar with the Small Catechism,

which is used during confirmation; but most have not had much

exposure to this other writing of Martin Luther. While the Small

Catechism was written for parents to use to teach their chil-

dren, the Large Catechism was written for pastor to use for

teaching parents to give them a better understanding of the

parts of the Catechism. There will be copies of the specific part

of the Large Catechism that we will cover for a particular Sun-

day. These copies will be available at the Welcome Center.

You are invited to pick up copies and read them before the

class. Even if you do not come to the class, you are welcome

to pick up a copy to read at your leisure. Any questions, talk

with Pastor Steve.

Page 4: Newsletter, Sept 2014


Stephen Minister groups will meet in the adult Sun-

day School area Monday, September 22nd from

6:30 to 9:00 PM.


PLATE PALS are being sought by Schneck Medical Center Volunteer Services. ‘Plate Pals’ are volunteers who give one hour per week to help with mealtime for one of the patients at Schneck. Plate Pals help patients with cleans-ing hands, opening containers, and ensuring food is within reach and at the proper temperature; all while having a friendly conversation with a patient during mealtimes. If you’d like to volunteer to be a Plate Pal once a week or once a month, contact Trish. St. Paul-Borchers could choose a day or two of the week and divide it among our volunteers! Make a personal connection and make a differ-ence in the community!

NEW collection box for Lutheran World Relief baby care, personal care, and school kit items is available for use along the wall outside the kitchen. Lists of items being col-lected are posted. “Thanks” to ALL who make the effort to contribute in any way. Our donations benefit needy people all over the world. We appreciate Wayne Rust’s efforts in constructing the collection box and Day Camp junior coun-selors help with staining the box.

LWR KIT MONETARY DONATIONS If you would like to give a monetary donation that would go directly toward the purchase of items for kits assembled at St. Paul-Borchers, you may do so by marking your donation for “LWR kits”or “Lutheran World Relief kits”. Donations marked in this manner may then be used to purchase items for kits during peak sale times. (Donations marked with only “LWR” or “Lutheran World Relief” are sent directly to that organiza-tion’s headquarters.)

FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY , developed by Dave Ramsey, is a Christian-based workshop being led by Debra Schill, CPA, in the adult Sunday School area at St. Paul. The course will begin at 6:30 PM Sunday, September 7


and continue on Sunday evenings for nine weeks. The cost of the video based program is $100 per couple/family. Please pay Trish as soon as possible so materials can be ordered prior to the first session. Sign up at the Welcome Center and invite your friends and neighbors. The course is designed for couples, and families with older children. Please let Trish know if you would be interested in child care for children under age eleven.


MOM’S ANGELS gathered in August for its second meeting. The group held a brief memorial service in Borch-ers Chapel before exploring ways to reach out to newly be-reaved parents in the community who lose a child of any age. Attendees discussed giving the group a different name which might be more inclusive of fathers, as well as moth-ers, who’ve experienced the loss of a child. The next meet-ing for the group will be Wednesday, September 17 at 7:00 pm. If you know of any parents in the community who might benefit from being involved in this group, please pass on contact information to Trish.


Are you willing to use your time, talents, or treasure to serve others? Are you searching for an enjoyable way to contribute to your church family and community? Would you like to make your corner of the world a more beautiful place? If the answer to any of these questions is “YES”, there’s a Care Team volunteer opportunity waiting for you! Needs at this time include:

prayer shawl crocheters and knitters (materials supplied or supply your own, work at home, or work with a group at church)

person or persons to take charge of activities for the HEALTH & WELLNESS CARE TEAM (wide open –focus on health/wellness issues you believe are important; write articles, hold forums, organize health checks-whatever appeals to YOU!)


Sunday, September 7 8:00 am to noon

in the Preschool Room.

Please sign up at the Welcome Center for your fa-vorite time slot. Thanks for continuing to contribute to this vital need! YOU can save a life when you donate!

FOOD PANTRY item being collected in September is tuna. Please place your donations in the wooden box in the hallway near the kitchen, or in the basket near the main entry doors. ALUMINUM TABS are still being collected! If you don’t see the collection jar, just leave your tabs on the Welcome Center and they will be added to our collection. If you have an idea for a particular person or cause you’d like the collection to go toward, please let Trish know.

OUTDOOR PROJECTS! Several folks have offered to

do basic handyman jobs and cleaning chores for anyone

who needs assistance. If you have a job you’d like taken

care of before the leaves start falling contact Trish.

Page 5: Newsletter, Sept 2014


Join seniors for a simple, low-impact exercise time on Thursday mornings. In addition to chair exercises led by a fitness instructor on video, the group occa-sionally varies its routine by adding various exercis-es suggested by experts to promote balance and stamina for seniors. Exercises start immediately af-ter breakfast and end with plenty of time left to play games before noon.


FREE MOVIE for Seniors at YES! Cinema on Tuesday, September 2nd. A carpool will leave the church parking lot at 12:15 and return between 4:00 and 5:00. Please sign up at the Welcome Center so transportation can be arranged. The movie title will be available a few days prior to the event at Questions? Please contact Trish Tangman. Borchers Breakfast Club (BBC) meets every Thursday from 9:00 to 12:00 for breakfast, activities, and social time. YOU are welcome to join the group just for breakfast, or for the entire morning! There will be a special devotional service in Borchers Chapel on Thursday, September 4th at 8:30 AM. Everyone is welcome to this service as well as breakfast follow-ing the service in the Fellowship Room. Leftovers from weekly BBC breakfasts are available to be delivered to anyone who would appreciate this effort. If you or someone you know might like an oc-casional delivery of free breakfast goodies, please let Joe Hoene or Trish Tangman know. 90 PLUS Birthday Celebrations—St. Paul-Borchers is blessed to have several members who have reached the distinctive age of 90 years young!! Any-one who has reached this age deserves a party, and since the BBC always welcomes a reason to party, the group plans to begin having a special celebration each time a ‘ninetysomething’ has a birthday. Cele-brations will include cake and candles the Thursday after each birthday. 90 PLUS birthdays in September are Fred Rotert and Mildred Carter. Fred will turn 90 on Sept. 1 and Mildred will be 95 on Sept. 24. All ages are invited to celebrate with the group!

Our nonagenarians are: Fred Rotert 90 on September 1, 2014 Mildred Carter 95 on September 24, 2014 Bertha Otte 92 on October 19, 2014 Virgil Kleffman 92 on December 23, 2014 Evelyn Otte 92 on March 21, 2015 Maude Kleffman 92 on May 4, 2015




It has been a long process, but their remodeled house

is now HOME for the Guffey family. Jack Guffey would

like to invite everyone from St. Paul-Borchers who as-

sisted the family in any way to visit their home at 8472

N. County Road 300 E for an Open House celebration

on Sunday, September 28th from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.


Although you can’t recycle your entire pizza box, you can tear off the lid and recycle it as long as it’s grease-free!

BOOK BUZZ will meet on Septem-

ber 22 at 1:00. Watch the bulletin for

details about the book we are read-

ing. Come join us! Any questions,

ask Trish Tangman or Michelle Wood.

THANK YOU! to our new volunteers

Jan Otte will be taking care of the new member

display case

Patty Herkamp will be mailing wedding, baby congrats, and baptism cards

CHILDREN’S ACTIVITY BAGS have been cleaned

and restocked! “Thanks” to Carrie Kruse for taking

the initiative to handle this task! These activity bags

contain small toys, books, crayons, and coloring

pages which may be used to occupy very young

children during worship services. They can be found

in the cry room, which is the room to the right just

before you pass through the main doors into the


Page 6: Newsletter, Sept 2014

St. Paul’s Youth and Family Ministries


Those Jr. High Youth who registered to attend the annual IYI Youth Retreat

at Lutheran Hills September 26-28 will meet at the church on Friday, Sep-

tember 26 at 6:30pm. We should return to the church around 11:15am on

Sunday September 28. Be sure to pack appropriate clothing for the weekend.

There are copies of what you need to bring in the folder on the bulletin board

in the office next to the YFM office! Any questions, contact Carolyn. Here is

the list of activities for the entire school year for the Jr High Youth.

September 26-28 Youth Retreat 6:00

Friday, October 10 Corn Maze 7:30

Friday, November 7 Help with Bazaar 4:00-7:00

Sunday, November 9 Shoe Box Breakfast 9:15

Hoosier Hills Rock Climbing 11:30

Monday, December 29 Mega Caverns 5:00

Sunday, January 11 Laser Tag 1:00

Friday, February 13 Valentine Dinner 6:30

Friday, February 20 Talent Show Setup 6:00

Saturday, February 21 Talent Show Meal 6:00

Sunday, February 22 Snow Tubing 11:30

Wednesday, March 11 Lenten Meal 5:30

Saturday, April 4 Hide Eggs 9:00

Sunday, April 12 Sky Zone 11:30

Saturday, May 2 Picnic Woods Cleanup 9:00

Sunday, June 7 Sunday School Picnic Setup 9:15, Games Noon

Regularly check the bulletin board outside the YFM office for updates, sign-up

sheets, and much more.


Carolyn’s Office Hours:

Monday & Wednesday-Mornings

Email: [email protected]

Home Phone: 497-3338

Cell Phone: 521-0281

Tyler Claycamp (Interim):

Cell Phone 216-7027

Email: [email protected]


Luther League will meet on Sunday, September 21 at 5:30 at Buffalo Wild

Wings for our kick off meeting. We will be planning the upcoming yearly events

as well as looking at Mission Trip ideas for Summer 2015. Anyone in grades 9-

12 are invited to join us. Just bring money for your supper!


Regular Sunday School will begin on Sunday, September 7 at 9:15. This

year’s teachers will be: Preschool-Jamie Baker, Kind-Grade 1-Leah Otte,

Grades 2-3 Debbie Herbert, Grades 4-5 Amy Shaw and Marj Rust, Grades 6-8

Troy and Susan Kaiser, Grades 9-12 Amelia Shaw.


TREATS will meet September 10th in the fellowship hall. If you have not

signed up and would like to come, contact Tyler. The menu for September will

be fried chicken, mac and cheese, green beans and jello. Meal will start at

6:00. TREATS will finish at 6:30 pm. Please bring a can of corn!

Page 7: Newsletter, Sept 2014

Kid’s Bells will practice on Wednesdays, September 3, 17, and 24 at 5:30 and 6:00. Kid’s Bells Team 1

(grades 3-5) will play at worship on Sunday, September 21 at both services. Kid’s Bells Team 2 (grades 6 and

up) will play on Sunday, September 7 at both services.


Kid’s Praise Group will practice on Wednesday, September 3 at 6:30. Any child grades K-5 are invited to join

us for Praise Group. They will sing at both services on Sunday, September 7.


Y & F Ministries Continued


Tweeners will be going to Rascal’s Fun Zone on September 7th after the 10:15 service. If you want to go, call of

text Tyler by September 4th.

Wait to buy

your Christmas cards!!

This year at the Bazaar, Tweeners will be

selling Christmas cards, all-occasion cards

and 2015 wall calendars.


Preschool Chapel will be held on Wednesday, Septem-

ber 24 at 9:30. Also Mother’s Tea will be held on

Wednesday, September 24 at 7:00pm in the Fellow-

ship Room.

Preschool Fundraiser catalog is at the Welcome Cen-

ter. Turn in money when you place an order. Orders

due by September 21st.

Pipe Organ Concert

at Borchers Chapel

Saturday, October 4, 2014

11:00 am

Matt Gerhard, organist

Pitch-in picnic to follow at the home of John Rust

With a recital at 1:00 pm on the expanded

original pipe organ of St. Paul Lutheran Church.

Update on David Wunsch

David Wunsch and his wife Kate Lawler were missionaries that the congregation sponsored for several years as they served as ELCA Global Mis-sion Regional Representative in South America. In 2012, they returned to the United States in or-der for David to study at the Lutheran Seminary in Gettysburg. He has completed his theological studies at the seminary and just recently complet-ed his vicarage (internship) at Augustana Luther-an (near the White House in D.C.) His internship focused upon bi-lingual ministry within that con-gregation. He is still in the candidacy process to become an ordained minister.

David, Kate, Emily and Matt are moving to Chi-cago since David has been appointed to serve as Director for Unit Operations and Programs for Global Missions. David is the son of former mem-bers, Jerry and Martha Wunsch.

Market Day Orders

There are catalogs for Market Day foods on the

Welcome Center. Catalogs will be updated month-

ly. This is to support Cortland School. Completed

forms need to be dropped off at Cortland School

before the due date on the back of the catalog.

Page 8: Newsletter, Sept 2014


September 3rd at 2:30 pm


September 16 at 7:00 pm

in the Narthex

RUTH CIRCLE will meet at 7:30 pm on Thursday,

September 4th at Laberta Otte’s home. The Bible Study Leader is Shirley Lewis.

WINGS will meet at 7:00 pm

on Thursday, September 4th in the Fellowship Hall. Mandy Otte is hostess.

HANNAH CIRCLE will meet Tuesday, September 16th at 9:00 am in the Fellowship Hall.

Patty Herkamp is the hostess and Bible study leader.

Thank You

Thanks to all who in some way made the 12th Annual Borchers Golf Scramble another success. With the help of many, approximately $1800 was raised to help the Community Diner provide meals for those who are in need. The staff at Hickory Hills had the course in great shape and the golfers enjoyed the challenge, lunch, door prizes and weather.

The Jackson County Public Library is reaching out to Lutheran churches and schools in the area to see if they woul have an interest in partnering with us to bring an accomplished lecturer here to Seymour on Saturday, October 25 to discuss gene-alogy research—specifically tracing German heritage.

Dr. Michael Lacopo is from northern Indiana. He start-ed doing genealogy research in 1980. Now he is an experienced lecturer on the subject.

In order to bring Dr. Lacopo here to Seymour for a ge-nealogy program, we would need to reimburse him for his lodging, meals, and mileage. If you would like to partner with the JCPL in defraying his costs, or if you would be interested in this program, please contact Kim Dringenburg at 522-3412 option 9, extension 1240.


The new year of Confirmation classes will begin on September 21st. Lunch will be served after the 10:15 am ser-

vice and then confirmation instruction will begin be-tween 11:45 and noon. Youth can be picked up at 2:30 pm. If you have questions please contact Pas-tor Steve.

Confirmation schedule: September 21

October 26 November 23 December 21 January 18 February 15

March 8 April 19

Confirmation on May 3


September 28th Our guest speaker this year is from Wernle Home in Richmond, IN. Watch the Welcome insert for more information. Breakfast will be served on this day.

St. John’s Lutheran—White Creek

Smorgasbord and Bazaar

Saturday, September 20 Serving begins at 4:30 pm

Proceeds go toward church and school projects.

Page 9: Newsletter, Sept 2014

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 No Preschool

2 12:15 pm YES! Cinema

3 9:00 am Preschool

2:30 pm Prayer Shawl

5:30 pm Kid’s Bells 1

6:00 pm Kid’s Bells 2

6:30 pm Kid’s Praise

4 8:30 am Devotions in Chapel

9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

7:00 pm WINGS

7:30 pm Ruth Circle

5 9:00 am Preschool

5:30 pm Hendrix/Cragun Rehearsal

6 5:30 pm Hendrix/Cragun Wedding

7 Kid’s Praise & Kid’s Bells Team 2

at both services

Blood Drive

8:00 am LBW Worship

9:15 am Regular Sunday School begins

10:15 am WOV Communion

11:30 am Tweeners-Rascal’s Fun Zone

8 9:00 am Preschool

7:00 pm Church Council

9 10 9:00 am Preschool

4:00 pm TREATS

11 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

12 9:00 am Preschool

7:00 pm Otte/Mousa Rehearsal

13 Otte/Mousa Wedding

14 8:00 am WOV Communion

9:15 am Sunday School

10:15 am LBW Worship

7:00 pm Prayer

15 9:00 am Preschool (Pictures)

16 9:00 am Hannah Circle

7:00 pm Prayer Shawl

17 9:00 am Preschool

5:30 pm Kid’s Bells 1

6:00 pm Kid’s Bells 2

6:30 pm Adult Bells

7:00 pm Mom’s Angels

18 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

19 9:00 am Preschool


21 Kid’s Bells Team 1 at both services

8:00 am LBW Worship

9:15 am Sunday School

10:15 am LBW Communion

11:45-2:30 pm Confirmation

5:30 pm LL at Buffalo Wild Wings


Newsletter Deadline

9:00 am Preschool

1:00 pm Book Buzz

6:30 pm Stephen Ministry

23 24 9:00 am Preschool

9:15 am Preschool Chapel

1:30-4:00 pm Clothing Center

5:30 pm Kid’s Bells 1

6:00 pm Kid’s Bells 2

6:30 pm Adult Bells

7:00 pm Preschool Mother’s Tea

7:30 pm Prayer

25 9:00 am Borchers Breakfast Club

7:00 pm WELCA meeting

26 9:00 am Preschool


28 8:00 am LBW Communion

9:15 am Sunday School

9:15 am Mission Festival Breakfast

10:15 am LBW Worship

29 9:00 am Preschool

1:30-4:00 pm Clothing Center


September 2014



Page 10: Newsletter, Sept 2014

Harvest Home Bazaar

Watch for Harvest Home Supper sign-up sheets in the narthex in Septem-ber. This year’s event takes place Friday, November 7th. Be sure to sign up early for your favorite job!

If you have canned/preserved items this summer, consider saving a few of them to be sold during the Bazaar.

Planning is underway for Craft Nights to make items to be sold at the Bazaar. Look in the Welcome for more details!!

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