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Page 1: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Classroom Management With Young Learners

Natalya Posukan

They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them

feel.Carl. W.Buehner

Page 2: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

My pedagogical credo: importance, values and priorities. Nowadays, it is extremely important for each individual to preserve basic human values and develop essential knowledge, skills and abilities that will help him/her to live and achieve success in the contemporary world.

My pedagogical credo:

Page 3: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

For me it’s about: Creation a positive atmosphere for learning Involving learners in important decisions Ensuring good discipline, order in the

classroom Social skills Active participation in classroom activities

What’s Classroom management?

Page 4: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Classroom management - the art of carefully preparing, presenting, disciplining and controlling activities.

Discipline - is about teaching people appropriate behavior and helping them to become stronger or more in control of his emotions and being independent and responsible.


Page 5: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

What teachers want?

Knowledge Habits Skills

interests and


Discipline Attitude Ideals

Page 6: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

What teachers fear…

Angry parents? Spitballs? Unruly children?


Page 7: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

A great teacher is ???

Eloquent Energetic Ambitious Cheerful Humane Talented Resourceful

Page 8: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

LEAD Instantly impact students by helping

them develop skills they need to compete in a challenging global market. Parents and colleagues will appreciate your work as they see students using these skills in daily life.

Why do we teach??

Page 9: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

INSPIRE The role of the teacher has changed

significantly: Rather than being a purveyor of knowledge, the teacher joins the students as the learning leader. Share your knowledge and use your imagination and ingenuity to bring your subject to life in ways students will always remember.

Why do we teach??

Page 10: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

INNOVATE Do it by removing the walls between

classrooms and real life. Be innovative yourself. This is the kicker, because

innovation requires the willingness to fail, a focus on fuzzy outcomes rather than standardized measures, But the reward is a kind of liberating creativity that makes teaching exciting and fun, engages students, and—most critical—helps students find the passion and resources necessary to design a better life for themselves and others.

Why do we teach??

Page 11: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Effective classroom management:

Establish and sustain an orderly

environment in the classroom.

Increase meaningful academic learning and facilitate social

and emotional growth.

Decrease negative behaviors and

increase time spent academically


Page 12: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Effective classroom management:

Establish and sustain an orderly

environment in the classroom.

Increase meaningful academic learning and facilitate social

and emotional growth.

Decrease negative behaviors and

increase time spent academically


Page 13: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

If a child lives in society and understanding, he learns to find love in this world;  

If a child is criticized, he learns to hate; If a child lives with patience, he learns to understand others; If a child is constantly ridiculed, he becomes withdrawn; If the child is praised, he learns to be appreciative; If a child lives in a hostile environment, he learns

aggressiveness; If your child cheer her up, he learns to believe in himself; If a child lives in a clean, he learns to be fair; If a child lives in security, he learns to believe in people; If the child is supported, encouraged, he learns to appreciate


Vital truths that will help the class teacher in the education

Page 14: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Problematic students are the nightmare of every teacher but there are ways to deal with them. First, remember to praise any naughty kid for any good thing they do in front of all the other children. If necessary exaggerate! "Look everybody! Leyla has her notebook today! Well done! You are a very good student, Leyla! I'm proud of you!", and so on. After a few weeks they will crave your praise, so then feel free to use that. Make little naughty-no-more kids your helpers. Let them distribute the worksheets, play with the puppet etc.

Problematic students

Page 15: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Categories of High-Needs StudentsCategory Definitions & Source Characteristics Suggestions


Behavior that avoids the domination of others or the pain of negative experiences. The child attempts to protect self from criticism, ridicule, or rejection, possibly reacting to abuse and neglect. Can have a biochemical basis, such as anxiety.

Fear of relationships:Avoids connection with others, is shy, doesn't initiate conversations, attempts to be invisible. Fear of failure:Gives up easily, is convinced he or she can't succeed, is easily frustrated, uses negative self-talk.

Provide safe adult and peer interactions and protection from aggressive people. Provide assertiveness and positive self-talk training. Reward small successes quickly. Withhold criticism.

Page 16: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Categories of High-Needs Students

Category Definitions & Source Characteristics Suggestions


Behavior that overpowers, dominates, harms, or controls others without regard for their well-being. The child has often taken aggressive people as role models. Has had minimal or ineffective limits set on behavior. Is possibly reacting to abuse and neglect. Condition may have a biochemical basis, such as depression.

Hostile: Rages, threatens, or intimidates others. Can be verbally or physically abusive to people, animals, or objects. Oppositional:Does opposite of what is asked. Demands that others agree or give in. Resists verbally or nonverbally. Covert:Appears to agree but then does the opposite of what is asked. Often acts innocent while setting up problems for others.

Describe the student's behavior clearly. Contract with the student to reward corrected behavior and set up consequences for uncorrected behavior. Be consistent and provide immediate rewards and consequences. Encourage and acknowledge extracurricular activities in and out of school. Give student responsibilities to help teacher or other students to foster successful experiences.

Page 17: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Categories of High-Needs Students

Category Definitions & Source Characteristics Suggestions

Attention problems

Behavior that demonstrates either motor or attentional difficulties resulting from a neurological disorder. The child's symptoms may be exacerbated by family or social stressors or biochemical conditions, such as anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorders.

Hyperactive:Has difficulty with motor control, both physically and verbally. Fidgets, leaves seat frequently, interrupts, talks excessively. Inattentive: Has difficulty staying focused and following through on projects. Has difficulty with listening, remembering, and organizing.

Contract with the student to manage behaviors. Teach basic concentration, study, and thinking skills. Separate student in a quiet work area. Help the student list each step of a task. Reward successes; assign a peer tutor.

Page 18: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Categories of High-Needs StudentsCategory Definitions & Source Characteristics Suggestions


Behavior that is geared toward avoiding the embarrassment and assumed shame of making mistakes. The child fears what will happen if errors are discovered. Has unrealistically high expectations of self. Has possibly received criticism or lack of acceptance while making mistakes during the process of learning.

Tends to focus too much on the small details of projects. Will avoid projects if unsure of outcome. Focuses on results and not relationships. Is self-critical.

Ask the student to make mistakes on purpose, then show acceptance. Have the student tutor other students.

Page 19: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Categories of High-Needs Students

Category Definitions & Source Characteristics Suggestions

Socially inept

Behavior that is based on the misinterpretation of nonverbal signals of others. The child misunderstands facial expressions and body language. Hasn't received adequate training in these areas and has poor role modeling.

Attempts to make friends but is inept and unsuccessful. Is forced to be alone. Is often teased for unusual behavior, appearance, or lack of social skills.

Teach the student to keep the appropriate physical distance from others. Teach the meaning of facial expressions, such as anger and hurt. Make suggestions regarding hygiene, dress, mannerisms, and posture.

Page 20: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Establishing 'ground rules'Proposed Rule Clearly

stated Reasonable Enforceable General Stated Positively

Respect each other. X X X X X

Be prepared to participate in class. X X X X X

Care for classroom materials and equipment as if they were yours.

  X     X

Talk in an indoor voice.   X     X

Raise your hand for permission to talk. X   X   X

Stay in your seat at all times. X   X   X

Complete all your work on time. X X     X

If you make a mess, clean it up. X X     X

No eating, chewing, or drinking in class. X X X    

No hitting, running, or horseplay. X X X    

Page 21: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Being fair is vitally important if effective learning is to take place. The teacher cannot be unfair, either to the class as a whole or to particular students. Most teachers have students that they like or dislike more than others, but they cannot allow themselves to show their preferences and prejudices in front of the class. When the teacher has a negative attitude to learning and does not really care what is happening in the classroom he or she is also likely to lose the respect of pupils. Losing the respect is the first step to cause problems of misbehavior

Being fair

Page 22: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.






The dipiction of reasons for students misbehavior

difficult sutuation at home parents' attitude towards teachers and educationstudent's experience with previous teachers unfair treatment by the teacherboring lessons anappropriate activities (too easy or too difficult)another factors e. g. the time when the lesson takes place

Page 23: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Parents take their child to school with the hope that it will fall into the hands of intelligent, humane teachers who will provide it with appropriate care. This is not enough. Only if joint, co-ordinated activities teachers and parents can achieve success in your work.

Working with parents is the key to success.

Page 24: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Forms of interaction between the class teacher and family


A visit to the family of a pupil

Questioning of parents

Participation in

educational Events

Individual consultatio

ns of a teacher

Page 25: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Forms of interaction between the class teacher and family


Lectures Parent trainings

Teaching reading Discussion

Page 26: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Forms of interaction between the class teacher and family


School-wide parent


conferenceJoint trips, excursions Family holidays

Page 27: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Forms of interaction between the class teacher and family

Main tips in work with parents…

Treat impatient

– patiently

Treat shy –


Treat angry – friendly

Treat hurtful – especiall

y tactfully

Treat rough – gently

Treat everyone together carefully!

Page 28: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Teamwork, games and sense of competitiveness (students love competitions and young learners are no exception)

Page 29: Natalya Posukan They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel. Carl. W.Buehner.

Smile! Hug! Pat the students' on the heads! Whatever happens, try to be positive and optimistic. Make an angry face when the students are naughty but don't shout. Children have to know that you are also their friend.

Never forget the power of one person to make a difference in the life of a child.

Positive attitude

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