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In This Issue:Principal’s Message 02 – 03

New Staff/Babies 04 – 06

MOE's Long Service Award 07 – 08

Recipients of the “Most Caring Teacher” Award 09

Floral Harmony 2011 10 – 12

CNY Celebrations 13 – 17

Total Defence Day 18 – 19

International Friendship Day 20 – 23

Singapore Huayi Festival 24

Beijing Immersion Programme 25 – 26

Shanghai Immersion 27 – 28

A Heart for the Community 29 – 31

A Heart and Mind to Serve 32 – 34

Winning the ICE challenge 35 – 37

P1 Orientation 38 – 39

P3 Cultural Camp 40 – 42

P5 Adventure Camp 43 – 45

P6 Camp 46 – 62

A Grandparent Volunteer's Reflection 63 – 66

Video Links 67

Editor's NoteThe highlights of this issue include contributions

from three generations of the Nanyang Family. Be inspired by

a grandfather's reflection, a mother's new mission and a child's

heart for the community. The song accompaniment for the bookview

of this e-newsletter , "南小, 我的母亲 " is composed by Mrs Chan

Mok Sze Hui for the publication "童声稚曲3"in 2011. • August 2012

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Principal's Message

的每一个学子的成长 保驾护航!

为了给孩子 创建一个更 好的学

习环 境,南小正在筹建新校舍 和翻

新现有设 施。俗话说:“前人种 树,


从精神、行 动等各个方面给予南小帮

助与支持。今年 5月26日的南小艺术

节筹款活动和 8月15日至18日的95

周年筹款 演出,诚 邀 您的参与,为建

设南小的美 好明天贡献 您的力量!



斗转星移,岁月沧桑。95 年的历

程 里,南小发生了很多的变化,但唯

一不变的是一代代南小人一直坚 定

地将“培育最 优秀的人才”为目标。

十年 树木,百年 树人。南小 培育的不

仅仅 只是学业优异的栋 梁,更是 德

智体 群美全面发展的人才。希望每一


谦恭 礼让、勤慎 端朴,成为对 社会有

用的人,能够给 他 人带去温暖,带去


95年的春华 秋实,95 年的不断


家长 及教职 员工的支持与贡献。随

着时间的积 淀,南小这个大家庭在


希望我们能够日益密切地 联系在一

起,凝 聚成一股 绳,秉着“一切为了






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The Principal’s Message

2012 marks the 95th anniversary for Nanyang Primary School. The celebrations include a sparkling array of activities such as the Arts Carnival in May and the Fund-raising Musical in August this year.

We commemorate not just the illustrious history of the school but it is truly an opportunity for us to remember, honour and be thankful for the Nanyang spirit. This Nanyang spirit is embodied in the selfless sacrifice of all who have given or will give of themselves in one way or another to the school through the years.

Behind every success in NYPS stands the Nanyang family. We are proud to have a dedicated School Management Board which works tirelessly to help the school achieve its vision. The contributions of our vibrant alumni, parent-teacher association and parent volunteers

cut across a whole spectrum of our activities. Our resourceful teachers and non-teaching staff also play key roles in our joint successes.

In the process of giving, we are showing our children how they can make a difference. This year, the school has organized character development and parenting talks for teachers and parents to foster closer partnership in raising the children of Nanyang. We look forward to a fruitful time of learning together.

The Nanyang family represents our past, our present and our future. Every cent donated, every minute volunteered and every effort made to benefit the children of NYPS is a step towards achieving our vision of raising generations of eminent leaders. As Mother Teresa said, “I alone cannot change the world but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” I thank you all for your contributions.


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New Staff

Welcome our new staff!

Mrs Eileen Ng Ms Guo Hai Ming

Mr Chan Tai YaoMs Ho Li Ming(Jan-July)

Mrs Ong Hui Khim(VP–Instructional Programmes)

Ms Carel Chee Ms Judy Lee Hwei Woon(HOD-Curriculum)

Mdm Ong Hwee Yen(VP–Administration)


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Mr Yeo Leong SengMrs Sophia Christian Ang

New additionsto the Nanyang Family!

Mr Alexander Ho Kok Hui(Jan-June)

Ms Carolyn Chan May Young

Mr Rahmat Bin Ramli


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Staff Baby Photos

Mr Fei Meng's baby girl, Jing Tong

Mr Tan Ying Kiat's baby girl, Hannah


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MOE Long Service Awards

MRS LILY LEE, 25 years in service

The long service award goes to ...



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MR PANG KIA KENG, 20 years in service

MS NG HUEY FERN,10 years in service




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Most Caring Teacher Award

The most caring teacher award goes to...




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8月15日,南小庆祝校 庆之际见证

了校 史另一个新的里程碑。

在南洋学 校历史的长河里,李光


士早已落下他们的足 迹。他们俩眼

光独到,早 在五十年代 就把 三个 子

女:李显龙总理、F&N 主席―李显

扬先生 及中央医院脑神经科董事


洋小学接受教育。从 此,李资政一

家与南洋学 校结下了不解之缘。当

时,南小建校艰辛,李资政慷 慨解

囊,多次以私 人名誉捐款 给我校。


这实 在是我们的极 大 荣幸!

Since 2003, our school has been partnering closely with our PTA to organise the intra-school and inter-school floral art competition. Last year, in conjunction with the World Orchid Conference (WOC) held at the Marina Bay Sands, we also invited international participants to take part in the floral art competition. A total of more than 100 pupils from 14 schools took part in the competition.

Judges and visitors to the WOC were impressed by the quality of the arrangements produced by the pupils, some as young as seven years old. It is our pride and our joy to showcase our pupils' floral art talents.

Nicole Cheok, Megan Hong, Tommy Tay, Jed Goh came in First in the Under 13 - Floor arrangement. Their arrangement won a Gold Medal in the WOC Class 210: Standing Floor Arrangement, Under 13s (Team)

9th Floral Harmony 2011By Mdm Lau Hwai Bing and Mdm Mok Sze Hui


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Siow Lih Jiang, Sean Wee, Alexandra Egan, Vivien Sim and Serena Lee Oh received a Merit Award for their arrangement in the Under 13 - Floor arrangement

Participants from other schools working on their floor arrangement

Intra-school Lower Primary Yung Chien Corey (‘Gold’)

Participants from other schools working on their floor arrangement


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Judges at work

Intra-school Upper Primary Nera Mok Yun Yan (‘Gold’)

Mrs Lee presenting a token of appreciation to GOH, Mrs Joy Balakrishnan

Mrs Lee and our distinguished guests


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新 春 佳节临近了。1月13日上

午,一群热 心的家长义工们特 地在

学 校礼 堂设 起一个 个的小摊位,为

学生 示范新年糕 点的制作。她们除


糕 点的制作方法 外,也慷 慨 地让学



们通 过食 物加深对农历新年的认

识,也能让他们感染 春节的气氛,


1月26日大年 初四早上,大家都

带着 愉快的心情回到学 校一同庆

祝 新 春。校园里处处都可听到祝贺

声,充满了浓 浓的春节气氛。升旗

礼 过后,掀开序幕的是一场精彩的


度的挥春比赛。全 体四年级的学生

在广场上准备就 绪后,挥春比赛 便





在挥春比赛进行的同时,礼 堂

传来了阵阵悦 耳的贺年歌曲。原 来

是小一、小三 和小五各班的代表正


拜年。同学们个 个手上握着两个橘


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子,在一片欢愉的歌声中向师长 们

献 上他们的祝福。拜完年后,便是


南小武 术校队的十四名队 员为大家

呈现了一段充满朝气 和活力的集体




声,而幽 默有趣的相声表演— —

“黄鼠狼给鸡拜年”则把 大家逗得

捧腹 大笑。庆典 在全 体师生捐献爱



祥龙贺 岁

迎 新 春! 福


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Total Defence Day By Asfalinda Binte Asmawi

We commemorated Total Defence Day on 13th February 2012, with an interesting ‘Soldier Talk’ by an ORD officer, Mr YH Lim. Mr Sapiee also recounted his life as a soldier to the pupils. A video was screened to the pupils about the life of soldiers in camps. Then, we were further enthralled by the star appearance of Mr Wayne Toh who appeared in full army attire with a fully camouflaged face. He shared about the features and the purpose of the attire. The NE drivers then gave a short talk about the importance of Total Defence in Singapore. During their recesses, the pupils visited

the Camouflage booth manned by Mr Oh Chee Siong assisted by Mrs Rebecca Goh, Mr Ting Huat Seng and Ms Teo Chiang Yen. The pupils tried painting their faces with camouflaged cream. Classroom activities were planned for the pupils in their respective levels and conducted during Social Studies classes. The Primary 5 pupils had a special activity where they tasted tapioca and sweet potatoes. These were food which were given out during the war. On 15th February 2012, the actual date for Total Defence Day, we had our first fire drill in school.

Our Macho Presenters Good job, Mr Ting!


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Wow… pretty face!

Commemorating Total Defence Day on 13th February 2012..


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InternationalFriendship Day 2012By Mdm Yee Yin Mei

We commemorated International Friendship Day on 9 April 2012. The theme for this year is ‘Singapore in the World’. On that day, we encouraged our pupils to interact with our new citizens as well as the many non-Singaporeans who have chosen to make Singapore their home. They bring with them different perspectives, vibrant cultures and exciting ideas which will enrich our lives. Our teachers, Mdm Joanne Ang and Mdm Sharon Chen, shared on the cultures of Japan, Korea and Philippines with the Primary One and Two pupils. Our three young speakers – Brandon Norton of P4E, Heather Bell of 4F and Mei Togawa of 5B presented during the Upper Primary Assembly on the cultures of Australia, Scotland and Japan respectively. One of our teachers, Miss Bai Qiong, also provided an insight into the culture of her homeland, Xi An province in China. It was a meaningful and enriching day for all of us.


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Happy International Friendship Day!

Our 3 young speakers – Brandon Norton of 4F, Heather Bell of 4F and Mei Togawa of 5B


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Pupils in ethnic costumes


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Teachers were dressed in ethnic costumes


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Forty-five of our P4 pupils took part in ‘Melodies of Classic Virtues: San Zi Jing and Di Zi Gui’ at the Esplanade on 4th February 2012. The concert is one of the many performances for the Chinese Festival of Arts (Singapore’s Huayi Festival). Our pupils recited Di Zi Gui (Standards for being a Good Student and Child) in the concert accompanied by the Singapore Chinese Orchestra. This is in line with our school’s Civics and Moral Education curriculum which focuses on the recitation of Di Zi Gui for the Primary 1 and Primary 2 pupils and understanding and applicating the values they have learnt for the Primary 3 to Primary 6 pupils.

Singapore Huayi Festival By Mavis Tan

Our Principal, Mrs Lee and our Chairlady, Mdm Wee posing with our Primary 4 pupils


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子 们还沉浸在南洋艺韵嘉年华会的




在 史家小学浸濡 的5天里,同

学们体 验了中国五年级小学生的课


等课程 外,他们也上了茶艺、造 纸


有的体 验让他们意 犹 未尽。另外,



在 史家小学的儿童节庆祝会



舞“ Si n g a po re Fa nta s y ”,并且


这 几天里,同学们还参观了华




抵充满历史气 息的古都西安。在那





依不舍 地 踏上归途,期待下次有机



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Shanghai ImmersionBy Miss Jayla Tan

On 6 March 2012, a group of forty pupils and four teachers visited Shanghai for the annual Aerospace Immersion Programme. Once again, we were warmly welcomed by our Shanghainese counterparts from Fudan-Vanke Experimental School. Our pupils had an enjoyable stay at the homes of their hosting buddies

The Science Learning Journey Portfolio of Heather Bell

and families. This is an especially meaningful year as it marks our fifth year in collaboration with Fudan-Vanke and it also serves as a testimony of the strong friendship forged between the two schools. The highlight of this immersion programme was a day-trip to Su Zhou, a place that is known for its scenic gardens and hills. Our pupils’ learning throughout this trip was recorded in a learning portfolio, which is a purposeful compilation of their understanding, efforts and reflection. This is the first year that every pupil is allowed to keep a learning portfolio and it has proven to be a great success in charting their learning!

A completely new life opened its doors to me.


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Our pupils waiting eagerly to fire their rockets

Waiting eagerly to fire the rockets!

Our little astronaut at the rocket launching simulation centre


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Service Trip to Cambodia

A Heart For The CommunityBy Claire Li Ker Shin, 5M


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The rainy season in Cambodia often results in floods in Koh Rokar village, the village where we were heading for community service. That explained why houses on stilts could be seen everywhere! Floods had subsided when we arrived but the remnants of the damage caused by the flood could still be seen.

Walking on the uneven ground dotted with splatters of cow dung, I marvelled at the broad expanse of farmland and the simplicity of life. People there live with the bare minimum, with almost no furniture in their houses! At night, stars illuminate the night sky, providing the source of light on the road for the villagers as they make their way

home. It was a scary (for I was afraid to fall into the river) albeit thrilling experience to walk in the night with only the starlight as my guiding light when I switched off my torchlight!

My fellow schoolmates and I assisted our parents or any teacher who needed an additional pair of hands during the two to four hours of English lesson a day. When we arrived at the school, the children were seated attentively at their desks and all of them had enthusiastic expressions on their faces. Every lesson, the children were taught to make a simple handicraft relating to the topic we had taught them that day. We could see most of them waving their handicraft as

It had really been an eye-opening experience!


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they went home. I felt that they really appreciated what we had taught them. In my opinion, children in Singapore are very fortunate. While we get to choose how many and what kind of pen we want, the children in the village only have one pen each and that is their only stationery! They do not have any fans or electric lights in their classrooms. While their classrooms are partitioned, teaching instructions and students’ responses from the other classrooms could be heard distinctly. Yet amidst the heat and cacophony of sounds, I was surprised that they could still concentrate on the lesson.

To be of service to others, one should get to know them better. Not really knowing where to start, I tried holding the children’s hands and reciting numbers with them in both languages. It was easier than I expected! Although the children were a little shy at first, they soon included me in their games. Playing the games with them brought much

laughter and joy to us all.

It was a trip I yearned to stay on for many more days. Though we did not have the luxury of the comforts of home, I learnt the importance of adapting to a new environment and making the best of a situation, respecting each other’s culture and to better appreciate what we have in Singapore. It had really been an eye-opening experience for me and I would really like to go and serve them once again.


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A Heart And Mind To ServeBy Sandra Thum (Mother of Claire Li)

To learn beyond the four walls of a classroom in a third world country is an atypical opportunity for a primary school student studying in Singapore. Thus, it became my motivation and that of many parents who went on this service learning trip to Cambodia.

All of us had set off on this trip with a heart and mind to serve. Koh Koul Primary School was the school in

which we carried out English lessons for 7 to 13 year-old children. Due to the recent flood, the floor of their classrooms was caked in mud. It was an impossible task to clean the classrooms with the school’s limited manpower and lack of tools. The teachers had to conduct the lessons outdoors. So, on the first morning, with the principal’s blessings, we, adults and children, took to the cleaning task like a team


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which we carried out English lessons for 7 to 13 year-old children. Due to the recent flood, the floor of their classrooms was caked in mud. It was an impossible task to clean the classrooms with the school’s limited manpower and lack of tools. The teachers had to conduct the lessons outdoors. So, on the first morning, with the principal’s blessings, we, adults and children, took to the cleaning task like a team of busy bees, armed with shovels and brushes! The camaraderie of our teachers, parents and students shone through as we all worked tirelessly together.

For the four days that we were there,

we did some manual labour at a construction site but spent most of our time conducting English lessons through an eclectic mix of handicraft, flashcards, songs, games and the good old blackboard. The synergy of our energy and expertise brought about a very warm and giving atmosphere. The students, with their earnest and humble attitude, were enthusiastic and eager to learn.

While many of the parents of these students view education as one way to break the poverty cycle, we understand that there is still quite a number of children who miss school as their parents need them to help out in the farm – a labour-intensive


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intensive job in a land where modern farm machinery is almost non-existent. Thus, we were pleasantly surprised at the above average attendance of the students even though the principal had extended the school hours and had asked the students to turn up for school on Saturday.

At the end of the trip, what we learnt was so much more than what we had given. To be able to participate with our children in a meaningful endeavour, guiding them towards the principles we believe in, is indeed very gratifying. It certainly was not an end but the beginning of many more community service trips for some of us.

The success of a community service and school building project lies in its continuity and accountability. I look forward to Nanyang Primary School’s continued involvement and support of the school building project in the village of Koh Rokar.

What a meaningfulendeavour....


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Winning the ICE Challenge By Jarrett Lee (P6 2011, Green Club Chairman)


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On the day of the competition, we arrived at Changi City Point Mall, feeling extremely nervous. We needed to set up our table with the mock-ups of our products displayed alongside the tables of other ten secondary and ten primary schools. The judges, who were managers and directors from several companies, came around to all the teams and we were required to do a presentation for them. It was an eye-opener presenting to the panel of expert judges. We impressed one of the male judges so much that he offered to buy a bottle of our mock-up product, the egg fertiliser. We were more than happy to offer him a bottle for free, but due to competition rules, he gave us a token of appreciation to us instead. He was our very first customer.


What an enriching experience!

On the 12 November 2011, I took part in the ICE (Innovative, Creativity and Enterprise) Challenge organized by Spring Singapore in conjunction with the Global Enterprise Week. It was held at the new Changi City Point Mall.

During my Green Club sessions, our CCA teachers engaged vendors from The Money Tree to instruct us on entrepreneurship. After the training sessions, the trainers decided to choose two brilliant ideas and submit them for the ICE competition. We did our presentation and the trainers felt that our idea of eggshell fertilizer was quite interesting. Therefore, our team and another team working on kinetic fans were selected to move onto the next round, which was the semi-finals.


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Working together as a team to form the "production line" for the Odourless Egg Shell Fertilizers

we gained many valuable lessons from it. It was a milestone in my schooling experience, and I am more motivated than ever before to excel in future research projects as a result of this victory and enriching experience.

In addition, I am very thankful to my CCA teachers, Mdm Yow, Mdm Serene Leong, Mrs Rebecca Goh and Ms Jayla Tan for giving us such a good learning experience and The Money Tree trainers for their sharing. Together with my wonderful teammates, we had gained much!

By mid-afternoon, the results were released and we had sailed through! There were a total of four teams from the Primary School Category. We prepared ourselves for the final round in which we would have to go on stage and present to another panel of judges. The Guest-of-Honour, Mrs Jessica Tan, MP for East Coast GRC, was also present in the audience.

We presented and gave our best shot. The final moment came when they announced the results and the popular MC, Mervin called for the winning school. “The Eggcillent” which was our product was the winning entry and we were too surprised to acknowledge that we were the champions! We shedded tears of joy as this was an epic journey that took us so far and


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开学的首三天是 迎新日,学 校

特 地安排了一系列的活动,让一年




扬的,礼 堂里挤满了学生、家长、老



孩子 们亲切地交谈,各班的级任老

师也 和孩子 分享“苹果”的故事。

所有的孩子也 和五年级的学

长学姐配 对;休息时,这些学长学


么排队买食 物,也带着 他们参观校

园,让他们熟悉学 校的环 境,知道

一些重要场所的位置,如礼 堂、庭


由于校园很 大,第二天,学长 们

继续带着学弟学妹 们参观校园,给

他们介 绍更多的地方,如办公室、


育老师的带领下,玩了几 项益智


最 后一天,校内的牙科医生与

孩子 们分享保 持口腔 卫生的重要


每一班的级任老师派 选一名学生表

演节目,答谢家长义工们这 三天的

帮忙和照 顾。孩子 们各显才华,表

演十分精彩。最 后,孩子 们也都送

了一份自己制作的手工作品给 这些



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课 到礼 堂去集合,还说我们

明天会进行 一些有趣的活

动。听 说 还 有画画课,是吗?


小文:对,是Ch i n ese Pa i nt i n g,

老师说 还 有Ch i n ese k n ot呢!

小兴:哦….. 老师说 过要讲华语,我



小兴:其实Ch i n ese Pa i nt i n g是

中国水墨画,Ch i n ese k n ot s

是中国绳 结。我曾经在电视上看

过 人们示范中国绳 结,挺有趣



问他明天还 有什么有趣的活动吧!


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小兴: 陈老师早安!

陈老师: 同学们早!

小文: 陈老师,明天的文化营除了

水墨画和中国结外,还 有


陈老师: 你们会 通 过 服装来认识中

国历史,还 有机会认识我




小文: 老师,我吃过!它里面有花

生碎和 糖,香 香甜 甜的,很


小兴: 我没吃过……

陈老师: 没关系,明天你就有机



杂 技一样,挺 好玩的,你们


小文和小兴: 好啊!我们真的很 期待



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班 级表现奖。。


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P5 Adventure Camp By Miss Marie Lim

Hooray! We managed to get our fire started to cook our dinner.


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Camping is an integral part of our school programme. As we hope to develop our pupils to be versatile and all-rounded, two 3-day residential camps were held at the Bukit Batok Home Team NS Clubhouse for the Primary 5 students during the month of February 2012.

For many, it was their first experience sleeping in tents, kayaking and starting a fire from scratch! The spontaneous cheering, team-building games, high elements and kayaking were some of the highlights

Yes, I made it right to the top!

of the camp. The camp ended with a blast with engaging performances by the Primary 5 students during the campfire night. Despite being physically tired and weary-eyed, the Primary 5 students cheered their classmates on during the campfire night as they were still reeling with excitement from the shared experience and bonds forged over the course of the camp.

Camp Alpha and Omega was indeed one of the most memorable events for the Primary 5 cohort of 2012.

Together we can!


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The Fivers and their beautiful smiles for the camera!

Yes, I made it right to the top!


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P6 Star CampBy Mdm Jean Lai

A band of brothers

Here we go....46

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The camp was held on 9 and 10 February 2012. The camp is sixth year in its running. It was a 2-day camp, planned for all P6 pupils to achieve the following objectives:

• Help pupils set realistic personal goals, acquire effective and practical homework and study skills

• Promote team spirit among pupils and teachers

• Instil discipline

• Enhance pupils’ Social Emotional Learning

• Enhance National Education (NE) through food and other cultural experiences

• Enhance NE learning and experience through visiting places like Maritime Experiential Museum


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On the first day of the camp, pupils were treated to a number of ice-breaker games to help them mingle well with their group mates. They were also involved in coming up with a group name, mascot and group cheer to promote team spirit amongst group members.

On that same day, pupils were whisked off to Sentosa for the Amazing Race challenge. Each group, led by one facilitator and one teacher, set out to accomplish a series of tasks that were planned to inculcate values such as

Amazing Race here I come!

- Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Compassion and Harmony.

In one task, for example, the group was expected to approach some tourists to do a dance or to say a line in Chinese. Pupils had to learn to ask politely and should they be turned down, they had to be resilient to continue to approach other willing tourists to join in the fun. Many pupils had fun interacting with the tourists at Sentosa. They also felt a great sense of satisfaction when they succeeded.


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A picture with our friendly tourist

Campfire is burning

During the Amazing Race, pupils also had to learn to be creative and resourceful in order to complete the tasks assigned and acquire the points to win the challenge. Many pupils had fun playing the numerous games that required each member to work in harmony to achieve the desired outcomes.

Apart from the games, pupils also had the opportunity to visit the Maritime Museum. This is where numerous artifacts from Asian countries such as Vietnam, China, India and Malaysia pertaining to

shipping and trading as well as the cultural aspects of each country are housed.

On the second day of the camp, our pupils attended lectures on how to set realistic goals for study. They also learnt various study techniques and skills along with effective planning.

There were also a series of team building games for pupils to build better relationships with their classmates. Each game was specially designed to help pupils realise the

Respect, Responsibility, Resilience, Integrity, Compassion and Harmony

Amazing Race, here I come!


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Drawing for one another

lanterns. Pupils also learnt some simple stances in the Malay martial art of Silat and played traditional games.

On the whole, the P6 STAR, though short, was a fruitful one for teachers and pupils as we concluded the second day with a campfire where groups got to showcase what they had learnt during in the Culture

importance of working harmoniously as a team. Pupils had fun playing the games using simple props such as towels, ping pong balls, pipes, hoola-hoops and many others.

Not forgetting the cultural aspect, pupils were also treated to a series of hands-on activities in the Culture Quest segment. Pupils learnt simple Malay dance called Dikir Barat; designed rangoli; observed the making of the traditional Malay delicacy- Putu Piring, and tasted them; learnt Henna drawing; tied Indian saris and made Chinese


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Hand in hand Having nasi briyani for our dinner

P6 STAR Camp was fun!


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“I loved the Amazing Race which allowed my class to bond together as one.Cheers of ‘HYPER! Go!’ were heard along the way. Also, we are extremely grateful to the spontaneous tourists who helped us on our tasks. The cheers really boosted our morale.”

Celeste Ng 6L

“I loved the Amazing Race. I loved the class cheer. I loved how spontaneous we were. Most of all, I loved the STAR camp and how it allowed all of us to shine in our own ways. To all P6 pupils: May the STARS in your hearts continue to shine for the WORLD to see.”

Rachel Rina Cheong Wen Xiu 6L

Let 's hear it from the STARS...

“The camp is fun and I have learnt good values from it and I have also learnt to be independent.”

Toh Pei Qi 6F

“I really enjoyed the Amazing Race at Sentosa on the first day. Our class worked together as one. Getting the tourists to do the ‘chicken’ dance with us was pretty funny! :) We came home dragging our feet but happy. It was a job well done! I also loved the campfire. I had a lot of fun cheering for my class. Thank you NYPS, for organising this fun team building camp for us! :)”

Chelsia Low 6L

“I think the STAR camp was very educational and fun. I enjoyed the Amazing Race and I learnt about the Malay and Indian cultures too.”

Ian Chia 6D


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“The P6 STAR camp was really great! I really enjoyed the campfire night! Although it was pretty strenuous on the first day, our class bonded throughout the Amazing Race. Thank you, NYPS for giving us this opportunity to have this camp! :)"

Beverly Fu 6K

"The camp was very interesting, entertaining and educational! I like the teambuilding games as I learn the importance of teamwork.”

Jeric Teo 6J

“The camp has taught me about teamwork. My favourite was the campfire. I remember the part when our class won the hoola hoop competition. It was a wonderful to taste success. The camp was really memorable for us!”

Kum Jia Xuan 6G

“I thoroughly enjoyed the P6 STAR camp. My favourite activity was the Amazing Race as it helped me to interact with more friends and get to know them better.”

Celine Foo 6G

“The camp was very fun and enriching. The Amazing Race taught us teamwork and how to cooperate with others. In all, the camp was brilliant!”

Gwyneth Chua 6J

“The P6 STAR camp left a deep impression on me. The Culture Quest has increased my knowledge of other cultures. I had a wonderful time!”

Kene Woon 6J


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“Awesome! Exciting! Crazy! The Amazing Race and the campfire were the best!”

Soon Da Ren 6I

“The camp was fun and interesting. I learnt a lot about different cultures through the games we played. I hope to have such a camp again.”

Jason Loi Wen Han 6H

“The camp was enjoyable and exciting. My favourite was the campfire.”

Yeow Jun Hao 6J

“I learnt the importance of teamwork through the camp and I had great fun too! Campfire was the best out of all the acitivities.”

Jarell Co 6J


Exciting! Crazy!

The Amazing Race

and the campfire

were the best!


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Henna drawing Here comes the ball

Hercules in the making

Photo Gallery


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Henna drawing Hear us ROAR


Lantern-making is fun!

Dinner is served!


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On our way to pit stop Our awesome volunteers

My classmate and I


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Our friendly volunteers Our STARS at SILOSO

Our YOGA gurus Say Cheese

See how we balance Seeing STARS


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We are the STARS

The team V for victory


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This is how to make the putu piring

Tied together

We are buddies!


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Where is the match?

We are buddies We are connected


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Wow! what BIG feet I have!

United as ONE

We are United as ONE!


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《勤慎 端朴伴你长》

‘U nc l e See’的感触。。。。

回眸当年进南小,活泼可爱蹦蹦 跳,兴 奋疑惑无人晓。

随师兄姐勤于习,朝暮书声从不息,义务照 顾 无空隙。

六载小学眨眼毕,快乐相处 终须别,相别依依 难离舍。

今朝孙儿学业成,老朽心中乐开 怀,喜悦热泪由衷来。


勤慎 端朴伴你长,勤于学习慎择 友,品德 端正朴须有。







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The year 2006 was the beginning of years of joy after I retired. At 69, I became a grandparent volunteer at Nanyang Primary School. For 6 years that followed, I watched fresh batches of kindergarten graduates join NYPS and attended as many Graduation Ceremonies. This last year 2011, however, was particularly significant. It was the graduating year for my eldest grandson and the commencement of Primary 1 in NYPS for my second grandson.

At my eldest grandson’s Graduation Ceremony, scenes of his first day at NYPS flashed back. Like the 400 other fresh kindergarten graduands, he ran about excitedly without a care and struggled to queue in a canteen packed with parents while PTA volunteers and P5 ‘buddies’ who guided their P1 charges around the school campus helped them settle in.

Parents were out in force, capturing

those precious moments on film while grandparents like me, looked on enviously at the youthful energy that flowed through the children. At that moment in time, I did wish I was one of them.

Not long after, the school administration asked for parent volunteers to assist the teachers in taking care of the lower primary pupils during recess; to guide them, manage them, and keep them from harm in the canteen and playground. In the beginning, I hesitated, but I gave it a chance and volunteered. From that day on, there was no stopping for me.

Year after year, the lower primary pupils got more physically active and seemingly difficult for me to keep up. Although it was tough to manage the relentless jumping and running about, I was glad I was able to keep them in check.

A GrandparentVolunteer's ReflectionBy Mr Jack See Tian Min, grandfather of Daryl See


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Little did I know that since then, my life gradually took on a new meaning; from a leisurely pace and humdrum routine of post retirement, to a fast-paced and meaningful one. Each day I looked forward to going to school to ‘shepherd’ and interact with the children. Each day, they would have a new story to tell me or a riddle or two to let me solve and jokes or a new toy to share with me.

The schedule was just packed. Apart from daily canteen duties, I often assisted the teachers during outings to the Zoo, Botanic Gardens, neighbourhood walk, Science centre and parks visits, museum, Chinatown tours, dragon boating, Maths trails etc. During the weekends, I would volunteer at the NYPS Boys’ Brigade. It was like being one of the boys again as I accompanied them on wild adventure camps in Malaysia and Sabah, climbing mountains, trekking in jungles, sleeping on canvas beds, swimming under waterfalls, boating in white waters, abseiling, flying fox etc.

This graduation ceremony of the Class of 2011, holds a special

meaning for me. The cheers and ‘claps’ faded, and as my ‘buddies’ sang the graduation song that filled the air, I knew it was time to say “adieu” as I tried to hold back my tears of joy.

Till we meet again, God bless you 'friends' forever!


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“In sound of joy, I ‘relived’ my childhood amongst you. We ‘grew up’ together through your primary school years.

And, with great joy and love, I shepherded the ‘flocks’.

I watch you learn, I watch you play, I watch you grow and graduate,

In glee, albeit reluctantly, I bid you farewell.

Now, that you have graduated and going your separate ways, I wish you well, as your familiar silhouettes hurried away.

I will surely miss you all dearly as always.

In God I trust, you will be blessed, as you have been in NYPS, May you be joyful in school of your choice, as you have been in NYPS,

Forget not, D P R S, the Motto of NYPS, For they are: Diligence, Prudence, Respectability and Simplicity, 勤慎端朴

Till we meet again, God bless you ‘friends’ forever.”


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Video Links

A Grandparent Volunteer's Reflection (The original version as penned by Mr Jack See)

Primary 6 Graduation 2011