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  • 1. History, by many students is considered boring
    Film is the answer

2. Cross curricular content
experience a range of historical evidence eg primary sources and secondary sources including films
explore the difference between fact and opinion eg compare first- and second-hand accounts of events, compare original film footage of an event with a fictional film version
3. A vision of k-12 students today
The need for more technology in our classrooms.
The way technology aids in educating the new generation of learners.
The majority of educator's dont know how to use these technologies.
The Western society education is falling behind.
4. The film expresses the ideas of the movie with children holding signs explaining facts about technology and how it is not often used within their schooling.
5. The good & the techniques
Shows students how to express ideas within a film context. Which in history could be a tool to make the less fun subjects more entertaining.
Camera angles
Quick transitions of technology
6. Area for development
The whole film essentially is teaching bashing suggesting that the teachers are to vain to use technology in their classrooms.
Where in most cases the schools cannot afford to give teachers use of this equipment, maybe the film could be more government bashing demanding more funding?
7. Points to take forward
The style in which films can be created and the way in which some concepts can be expressed through the use of film.
8. forbidden
Film is essentially useless to aid in history teaching
Slow, not very engaging and would be difficult to enforce a class of year 7 history students to view this video
9. The end

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