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Gurry acknowledged that digital technology and the internethave created unprecedented access to knowledge. Theycreated “the most powerful instrument for thedemocratization of knowledge since the invention of

moveable type for printing,” he said. “They have introducedperfect fidelity and near zero-marginal costs in thereproduction of cultural works and an unprecedentedcapacity to distribute those works around the globe atinstantaneous speeds and, again, near zero-marginal

costs.”But he argued that there must be economic incentives to

reward creativity and “foster a dynamic culture.” It wasunclear whether he would agree that dynamic cultures hadalways evolved without copyright as well.

Rather, the new technologies “have given a technologicaladvantage to one side of the balance, the side of freeavailability, the consumer, social enjoyment and short-termgratification.”

And as it is impossible to reverse technological advantage andresulting change, it must not be resisted. “Rather than

” “

“Rather than resist it,” Gurry

said, “we need to accept theinevitability of technologicalchange and to seek an intelligentengagement with it. There is, inany case, no other choice – eitherthe copyright system adapts tothe natural advantage that hasevolved or it will perish.”

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- -01 07 29

Ÿ ,VUKMIR 2002

The Past, Present and Futureof Protecting Software in aDigitalized, Wired World

ITechLaw 2011 Annual Meeting &World Technology Law ConferenceSan Francisco, CA, USA2011-05-12

Speaker: Mladen Vukmir

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/ /04 06 02

Topics & Theses

Keep it simple!

People digitaly wired flattened the Globe, means no soverigntyas we know it

No sovereignty means no territoriality principle in the future IPRsystems

Technologies bring consequences, always did, legislation onlyfollows the business models established by new technologies

Lawyers always had difficulties predicting or driving socialchange, but in the flat world this might spell the end of the road

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Topics 2 & Theses 2

The emergence of brain-machine interfaces means that humanswill be able to communicate to the machines directly by thought

This means that machines might become able to communicate toother humans by thought

As a consequence we will abandon embodying the ideas and thecopyright will cease to exist as we know it

IP law will change because the creativity needs it to change

IP will change but our relation to the creativity results is going toremain property based

Now, let’s take things in turn and look finally at the twotechnologies that will move things even further

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/ /04 06 02

Topics & Theses

World digitaly wired, the globe flat means no soverignty

No sovereignty means no territoriality principle in IP

Technologies bring consequences, always did, legislation follows

No law in creativity creation, little law in creativity exploitation

Technical means content exploitation management

Brain-machine interface means no embodiment. No copyright?

IPis going to change because the creativity needs it to change

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"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come.”Victor Hugo

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