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  • INTRODUCTION: What is a Guyver? The 'Guyver' Unit (or Unit-G) is a living biological armour system that greatly increases the strength and speed of its host while providing the wearer with a wide array of weapons and sensors. The Unit-G was created by a mysterious race called simply 'the Creators' who came to earth to create the ultimate biological weapon and ended up with mankind. The Unit-G was standard equipment for them, but when used on a human subject, the results were phenomenal and the unit was named 'Guyver', meaning 'out of control' or 'beyond the norm' in their language. In its base form, the Unit-G appears as a small, round metallic device housing stringy biological material. Once activated, the device coats its host (the person that touches it) and hardens into the Bio-Booster Armour. The Bio-Booster Armour, when not in use, disappears, and the only obvious marks left are two patches of small tumor-like growths. Two or more Guyvers can communicate through these growths. They are also used to call the Bio-Booster Armor. When the Bio-Booster Armour is called, it goes through a dimensional shift, which causes damage to anything within the host's immediate vicinity with the obvious exception of the host him- (or her-) self. While the blast has a small area-of-effect, it can be somewhat lethal if you are trying to hold onto the Guyver while the shift is made. The damage done by the shift is enough to create small craters in the ground. The metal device in the forehead of the Guyver Bio-Booster Armour is what keeps the biological material that forms the Bio-Booster Armour from going rogue and 'eating' the host as in the case of Guyver 2 and later Guyver I. The armour can heal itself and its host of any wound and can even regenerate the entire host body if the Control Metal is in one piece. The World of the Guyver In recent times, mankind has once again discovered the awesome power of the Guyvers. The Kronos Corporation in Japan discovered the first 3 Guyvers. Kronos is not exactly a company with clean work ethics as it's actually a front for genetic engineering whose aim is conquering the world. To do so, it has been genetically engineering monsters it calls 'Zoanoids' until it came across the first 3 Guyver units. These units later fell into different hands after a Rogue zoanoid stole them. The first fell into the hands of Sho Fukamachi who became Guyver-1. The second was given to a Kronos agent named Risker, who was later killed after Guyver-1 destroyed his control metal. The 3rd unit was given to Agito Makashima, the adopted child of the CEO of Kronos Japan. Together, Guyvers 1 and 3 were able to destroy Kronos Japan and thwarted their influence there. Guyver-1 is currently believed to be fighting his own war against Kronos following the death of his father while the whereabouts of Guyver-3 is unknown. The Guyver: the Bio-boosted Warrior RPG is set after the destruction of Kronos Japan by Guyvers 1 and 3. Although hurt by the loss of their Japanese branch, they are quickly trying to recover the loss. Furthermore, it seems that more Unit-Gs are starting to show up and that there are many more than just 3. Now the race is set to find the new Guyver units and destroy them if necessary before anyone else can get their hands on them before more rebels-rebels emerge like Sho Fukamachi or Agito Makashima. What are Zoanoids? The Zoanoids are a race of biomorphic creatures that were developed by the Kronos Corporation. Kronos believes that Zoanoids are the

    next evolutionary step for humanity, a philophy it has believed in since the initial discovery of the creator's memoirs. Kronos' main goal seems to be turn humanity into Zoanoids (as well as take over the world in the process). There are 3 classifications for Zoanoids: zoanoids, Hyper-Zoanoids, and Zoalords. Generic Zoanoids are the cannon fodder in the Guyver animes, such as gregole, who are constantly being slaughtered by the Guyvers. The hyper-Zoanoids are one step up, being the best of the best of the zoanoid soldiers. The Zoalords are the most powerful kind of zoanoid, capable of controlling lesser Zoanoids with only a thought. Theyre only a handful of Zoalords in the world, often serving as commander or CEO of a Kronos branch. All zoanoids have two forms like the Guyver hosts: A normal human form and their zoanoid form. Common Zoanoids types The 5 below are the most commonly used zoanoid types, mass-produced for use by most branches of Kronos throughout the world. Note that Zerububuth and Enzyme are still new and are in limited production.

  • Gregole Commentary: The Gregole type is one of the more commonly used Zoanoid types. Developed at Kronos Japan, it possesses a large amount of muscle and soft tissue that protects it from most blows. Gregoles, along with Ramotiths, are the common Zoanoids in production. Appearance: Gregoles look something along the lines of a humanoid Rhinoceros, With a Large unicorn like horn popping out of the centre of its forehead as well as a few other, smaller horns. Its fingers are laced with sharp razors (str+2 damage) and its skin is usually a dull-grey. Gregoles are 235cm tall and weigh 250kg, on average. Vamore Commentary: Vamores are the walking artillery units of the Zoanoids. They possess a pair bio-lasers in each of their shoulder pods capable of punch through steel with little trouble. They, physically, are not as built up as the Gregole or Ramotith types but are somewhat more intelligent and faster than the other common Zoanoids. Appearance: Vamores look similar to tall wingless bats with short brown fur and large ears. The most oblivious feature is the large pods that rest on their shoulders. These pods hide their sole weapon, a pair of bio- blaster lasers. Vamore are 210cm tall and weight 122kg. Ramotith Commentary: Ramotith, like many of the other Zoanoids, were first developed at Kronos Japan. The Ramotith type is, as with the gregole type, the most commonly used Zoanoid by Kronos due to the ease of creating them. They possess a large amount of muscle mass, although not quite as much as the Gregole units. Appearance: The Ramotith was obviously developed by splicing the genes of a human and an ape, as its Zoanoid form looks like a giant ape with large, bat-like ears. Their fur colour varies from each zoanoid, but purple seems to be the most common. Zerububuth Commentary: Former head of Kronos Japan, Genzo Makashima, developed this unit. Following the initial version's (and its creator's) death, Kronos has decided that it had an adequate performance to be worthy for mass production. Appearance: It's likely that makashima developed the original Zerububuth from crustaceans- namely lobsters or crabs- as it has a very similar appearance. It's armour and particularly is particularly strong compared to the Gregole type and its acid dispensers have proven effective weapons against the Guyver units. Enzyme Appearance: Enzyme physically could be described as a cross between a giant grizzly bear and some sort of insect. Its head has insect-like eyes and long tail with a sharp point capable of gutting a Guyver. Its layer of fur varies from zoanoid to zoanoid but white seems to be one of the most common varieties. It's fingers end in 10" claws as well. Commentary: The first Enzyme was Genza Makashima, former head of Kronos Japan before its destruction. Displeased by his failures, he was

    condemned by the higher-ups (namely commander Gyro) to be used as the guinea pig for the First enzyme. The enzyme zoanoid is one of the strongest in existence and has been the only zoanoid to ever to destroy a Guyver (although sho fukamachi later regenerated and helped destroy Kronos Japan). Unlucky for the world, Kronos Japan had enough time to send the data on the Enzyme zoanoid type to Kronos' main HQ. Now several Kronos branches have begun using them. Of all the Zoanoids, Enzymes are particularly effective against rogue Guyvers due to the acid they produce in their claws, tail, and fangs. Melee combat is ineffective (Vibroblades will dissolve as will whatever other part that comes in contact with it). The laser blaster also has proven ineffective but the pressure cannon and mega-smasher has no problem blasting them away. HyperZoanoids The hyperzoanoids could be described as the second generation of the original zoanoid types. Each one is faster, stronger, and tougher than the lesser zoanoids, save possibly for Enzyme. Following the defeat of the Hyperzoanoid team 5 in the destruction of Kronos Japan, several of the other Kronos branches are considering mass production of the hyperzoanoids. This is particularly likely now that more Guyvers are showing up and stronger forces are needed to suppress any new Rogue Guyvers. Thancrus (Thann-Cruss) Appearance: Thancrus is a very strange looking hyperzoanoid. Its head is semi-triangular, with one point pointing forward and a pair small tentacles underneath. Its body is cover in a leathery skin, usually white, and its forearms are replaced with a pair of Vibroblades. Thancrus hyperzoanoids stand 220cm tall and weigh 183kg. Commentary: As you might guess, it was created for melee-combat, which it excels at. It is easily the fastest of the five hyperzoanoids and its blades are capable of cutting through most material, even Guyver armour. Gaster (Gas-tore) Appearance: The gaster hyperzoanoid is likely the descendant of the Vamore type. It possess large pods on its shoulders, each holding the bio-missiles and explosive liquid sprayer it is known for. Body colours vary from zoanoid to zoanoid, but red seems to be a common colour. They also are a bit faster that the other hyperzoanoids to make up for its lack of armour and strength. The gaster hyperzoanoid stands at 217cm and 192kg Commentary: The gaster Hyperzoanoid, like the older vamore type, is makes for the hyperzoanoid's heavy artillery unit. It's bio-missiles, although limited in number, can do extensive damage to everything in its path. On the downside, it is also the most vulnerable of the hyperzoanoids due to the flammability of its liquid dispensers. Several Kronos scientists have considered removing them and adding more missiles, so its possible that a few gaster variants exist. Derzerb (Der-Zerb) Appearance: The Derzerb Hyperzoanoid looks somewhat similar to the Gregole model but twice as big looking. Its skin is a very light grey (almost white) and is covered in thick skin. It's unicorn-like horn is longer than the Gregole type's around 2' long. Derzer hyperzoanoids stand 317cm tall and weighs 324kg. Commentary: Derzerb is physically the strongest of the 5 hyperzoanoids, capable of lifting Mack trucks like paperweights. While this a good advantage to have, it is the slowest of 5 hyperzoanoids.

  • Elegan (Ell-agen) Appearance: Elegan looks similar to a humanoid eel or snake. Its body is covered by a thick layer of leather and possesses six 10' long tentacles, each of which it controls through telepathy. Its neck is especially long, reaching about 2' and its eyes are a pupil-less yellow. Elegan hyperzoanoids stand at 312 cm and 217kg Commentary: The elegan hyperzoanoid is known for its ability to conduct electricity. More effectively, it can conduct Bioelectricity through its tentacles and barbeque whatever it's holding with 2 million volts. It can also levitate (I won't call it flying) small distances. Zn-tore (Zentor) Appearance: Zn-tore is the most insectoid looking zoanoid of all. He is covered in a thick exo-skeleton and his head has a pair of sword-like horns on the side. The most pronounced feature on his body is the red sphere-like thing on his forehead, which allows it to shoot large blasts of energy. Commentary: In the original team 5, Zn-tore was the team's leader. Now that the Hyperzoanoids are seeing limited production this isn't always true but it seems that most Zn-tore types develop leadership abilities and a higher amount of intelligent than the others. This often makes them the leaders of most units. As with the original Zn-tore, They are well known for their heavy bio-blaster on their foreheads. Other Zoanoids: The 10 above are just a small portion of the zoanoid army. Supposedly, there are over 50 different Prototypes and one-shots running around in various Kronos Laboratories.

  • GUYVER Bio Booster Armour Warrior Model Cost: 15 Action: Half Duration: Sustained Range: Personal The character may transform their body into Bio Booster form taking a half action to assume the alternate form. In this form the character is able against their enemies attacks to reduce damage by power rank before any damage saves are made. In addition the characters damage saving throw itself is increased by power rank to reflect their ability to resist the damage of any attacks that do get through. The Bio booster armour provides numerous beneficial functions to its host the main of these is its ability to regenerate any received damage, allowing it to recover power rank in stun and lethal hits every minute (ten rounds), also adding power rank as a bonus to their Constitution checks to recover from being unconscious and to Fortitude saving throws to avoid dying and to their stabilization checks. If disabled they get a Constitution check on the following round to recover, with a bonus equal to their power rank. If the check fails they must wait a day to attempt to recover again. So powerful are its regenerative abilities that should the host be destroyed, provided the control metal remains undamaged they may cheat death by making a power check DC 10 + 1 for each stun hit from which they suffer and +2 for each lethal hit from which they suffer, if successful the body is regrown retaining all memories, personality and abilities of the original host. However until the newly resurrected hero is fully regenerated they are uncontrolled and the suit acts autonomously and of its own accord with survival as its only concern. The Bio Booster armour has a number of offensive capabilities as follows. Hi Freq. Swords - These swords which extend from the elbows and in Guyver 3's case the upper knee, match the freq. of the object it about to cut and makes a perfect slice allowing it on a successful melee attack roll to inflict power rank lethal damage. 45 degree Hi Freq. Attack - This weapon comes from the Guyver's "mouth", in effect amplifying the hosts voice. It emits a hi freq. which can cause things to shatter. An example would be that of an opera sing that breaks glasses. Effectively this allows it to Sonically deafen its foes unless they make a Will save DC 10 + PR, in addition it can destroy non-living material, reducing their hardness by power rank. The Pressure Cannon - This weapon generates energy and compresses energy into a small massively focused ball (almost like a sun have having gone nova), causing power rank force damage to the target on a successful ranged attack roll. The Guyver's Strength - The Guyver's strength is a weapon on it's own right adding its power rank to their hosts damage with melee attacks, all strength based skill checks, and Strength checks, it also doubles the carrying capacity for reach power rank. When the armour is not active however the hosts strength returns to their normal unmodified levels. Control Metal Laser - This weapon is located near the control metal. It is a small ball that projects this weapon. It sits over top of the control metal and allows the host to fire laser beams inflicting power rank damage to a target at up to normal range on a successful ranged attack roll. The Mega-Smasher - This is the Guyver's last means of finishing the fight. This energy weapon is so powerful and intense that the weapon when fired can dry a riverbed for a short time that is until the water flowing down a hill catches up to the dried area. The weapon itself is located under the chest plates of the Guyver. The Guyver has to pull the plates open or will it to happen this takes a Half action. There are two ways to fire the weapon; one is with one side of the chest plate open. This is a more controllable way to fire this weapon. The other is the overkill method, both chest plates open (engages the boost effect below), either way it requires a lot of exertion to use the weapon. The actual affect of the weapon is that it causes power rank fire damage to all who fail a reflex save in an area equal to 5 feet per power rank, those who save take half damage, firing the Mega Smasher leaves the host tired and requiring to make a Fortitude save DC 10 + PR to avoid being fatigued which this weapon may be further boosted again by power rank if both chest panels are opened creating a devastating attack and requires a Hero Point to use in this boosted way. Regardless of which method of firing the Mega Smasher cannot do less than maximum damage that. . Anti-Gravity Orb - located in the waist that allows the Guyver to fly with a base speed of 5 feet per power rank, or twice that as a full action. You can sprint at four times your normal flight movement. The speeds a Guyver can reach have never been tested.

  • POWER STUNTS Extra Sensory Orbs - This little feature lets the Guyver know what's going on around him at all times. It helps him in fighting off back attacks and side attacks. Effectively this provides the All Round Vision feat. Dark Visual Perception This feature allows the Guyver to see in the Darkness as if it were day. This provides the Darkvision feat. Focused Attack This feature makes one particular weapon or ability of the Guyver unit more effective reducing the targets effective saving throw against it by 2. Effectively this provides the Penetrating Attack feat. Psychic Link Many Guyver units make their host mentally linked to one other being who also serves as a host for a Guyver unit, allowing them to mentally communicate with each other as if they were speaking as well as know the general direction, distance and condition of the other. This provides the Mental Link feat. Detect Zoanoid The Guyver is able to sense Zoanoids regardless of whatever form they are in, effectively providing the relevant Detect feat. DESIGN BREAKDOWN Base Cost = 1 pp BASE EFFECTS Transformation effect = Alternate Form - Bio Booster Armour +1 pp [Default requires half action, duration sustained, range personal] The actual specific effect of the alternate form is as follows. Defence Effect = Protection +1 pp and Amazing Damage Save +1 pp Alteration effect = Regeneration +1 pp and Reincarnation +1pp

    Extra = Never Say Die +1 pp (reincarnation extra) Flaw = Uncontrolled (whenever reincarnated character is uncontrolled as an NPC until 24 hours passed) -1 pp (reincarnation flaw)

    WEAPON EFFECTS Attack Effect = Natural Weapons (Spurs) +1 pp Control Effect = Energy Control Sonic (Hi Freq. Attack) +1 pp

    Extras = Sonic effect is as Disintegration against non living objects +1 pp Flaws = Restricted (requires use of voice as it is this that is amplified into the attack) 1 pp

    Control Effect = Energy Control Kinetic (Pressure Cannon) +1 pp Ability Effect = Super Strength (Guyver Strength) +3 pp

    Flaw = Duration reduced to Sustained (i.e. only active while armour is active) -1 pp Attack Effect = Energy Blast Fire (Control Metal Laser) +1 pp Attack Effect = Energy Blast Fire (Mega Smasher) +1 pp

    Extra = Area +1 pp and Range (normal to Sight) +1 pp Flaws = Full Effect -1 pp, Tiring -1 pp

    Alteration effect = Boost energy Blast Fire (Mega Smasher) +2 pp

    Extra = Triggered (boost automatically works on Mega Smasher whenever both panels opened) +1 pp Flaws = Heroic Effort -1 pp, Obvious (Opens panels glow with masses of building energy before firing) 1 pp

    Movement Effect = Flight (Anti Gravity Orb) +1 pp Base Cost = 1 pp Effects (12) = +16 pp Extras (5) = +5 pp Flaws (7) = -7 pp Total Cost = 1+16+5-7 = 15 pp per Power Rank

  • GUYVER Bio Booster Armour Psi Model Cost: 19 Action: Half Duration: Sustained Range: Personal The character may transform their body into Bio Booster form taking a half action to assume the alternate form. In this form the character is able against their enemies attacks to reduce damage by power rank before any damage saves are made. In addition the characters damage saving throw itself is increased by power rank to reflect their ability to resist the damage of any attacks that do get through. The Bio booster armour provides numerous beneficial functions to its host the main of these is its ability to regenerate any received damage, allowing it to recover power rank in stun and lethal hits every minute (ten rounds), also adding power rank as a bonus to their Constitution checks to recover from being unconscious and to Fortitude saving throws to avoid dying and to their stabilization checks. If disabled they get a Constitution check on the following round to recover, with a bonus equal to their power rank. If the check fails they must wait a day to attempt to recover again. So powerful are its regenerative abilities that should the host be destroyed, provided the control metal remains undamaged they may cheat death by making a power check DC 10 + 1 for each stun hit from which they suffer and +2 for each lethal hit from which they suffer, if successful the body is regrown retaining all memories, personality and abilities of the original host. However until the newly resurrected hero is fully regenerated they are uncontrolled and the suit acts autonomously and of its own accord with survival as its only concern. The Bio Booster armour has a number of offensive capabilities as follows, note however none of these (with the exception of Strength) function unless the character has three or more ranks of Telepathy. The Guyver's Strength - The Guyver's strength is a weapon on it's own right adding its power rank to their hosts damage with melee attacks, all strength based skill checks, and Strength checks, it also doubles the carrying capacity for reach power rank. When the armour is not active however the hosts strength returns to their normal unmodified levels. Psychic. Swords - These swords which extend from the elbows and are glowing focused psychic energy, which allow it on a successful melee attack roll to inflict power rank lethal damage, which the target resists with a Will save instead of the usual Damage save. These psychic blades may be used against incorporeal beings as if they were solid. 45 degree Control Wave - This weapon comes from the Guyver's "mouth". It emits a specially determined energy wave, which can cause things to obey the guyvers control. Effectively this allows it take control of a targets mind, causing him to do as they wish. The Guyver must make a power check opposed by the targets Will saving throw, if successful the target is under the guyvers control, each time the target is given an order to, which it would normally be opposed make a power check with the DC based on what the Guyver wants the target to do. Add the targets Will saving throw bonus to your DC. This control leaves a target with no memory of what happened to them during the control and does not work against other Guyvers In all other ways it works exactly as described in the M&M rulebook. The Telekinetic Cannon - This weapon generates a telekinetic beam that can move objects through the air of up to 100 lb, doubled for each power rank. This can be used to lift others by making a normal ranged attack roll. Make an opposed power check against targets Strength to move the target or to tear an object from their grasp. This weapon may also be used to immobilise people as if they were being grapple (though they cannot be pinned). The Telekinetic cannon may also be used to deliver a bolt of pure telekinetic force, doing power rank damage on a successful ranged attack roll. Finally the character can produce force fields of telekinetic force around people they are touching providing the guyvers power rank as a bonus to their damage save. Firing the Telekinetic Cannon is very tiring, requiring the Guyver to make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + power rank) to avoid becoming fatigued after using it unless an additional hero point is spent to avoid the fatigue cost. Control Metal Psychic Bolt - This weapon is located near the control metal. It is a small ball that projects this weapon. It sits over top of the control metal and allows the host to fire psychic bolts, inflicting power rank damage to a target at up to normal range on a successful ranged attack roll, though the target adds their Wisdom bonus to their defence in place of their Dexterity. If it hits the target makes a Will save against the damage in place of a Damage save. This weapon has no effect against inanimate objects or mindless targets. The Neural Stunner - This is the Guyver's last means of finishing the fight. This weapon provides a huge bubble of psychic force to extend outwards from the Guyver frying the neural synapses of all within its range rendering them helpless. This weapon takes a Half Action to use and has the guyvers crackling in seething energy as the bubble begins to form and expand outwards to a range of 5 feet per power rank. All within the area must make a Will saving throw or lose any dodge bonus to Defence and are unable to take actions (including free actions). Opponents gain a +2 bonus to hit stunned targets. The target can make an additional Will save each round to overcome being stunned, with a +1 bonus per round after the first. A successful save means the target acts normally on the following round.

  • Anti Gravity Orb - Finally the armour has an Anti-Gravity Orb located in the waist that allows the Guyver to fly with a base speed of 5 feet per power rank, or twice that as a full action. You can sprint at four times your normal flight movement. The speeds a Guyver can reach have never been tested. POWER STUNTS Extra Sensory Orbs - This little feature lets the Guyver know what's going on around him at all times. It helps him in fighting off back attacks and side attacks. Effectively this provides the All Round Vision feat. Dark Visual Perception This feature allows the Guyver to see in the Darkness as if it were day. This provides the Darkvision feat. Focused Attack This feature makes one particular weapon or ability of the Guyver unit more effective reducing the targets effective saving throw against it by 2. Effectively this provides the Penetrating Attack feat. Psychic Link Many Guyver units make their host mentally linked to one other being who also serves as a host for a Guyver unit, allowing them to mentally communicate with each other as if they were speaking as well as know the general direction, distance and condition of the other. This provides the Mental Link feat. Psychic Sensory Perceptors The Guyver is able to sense the use of psychic emanations within its proximity, effectively providing it the Psychic Awareness feat. DESIGN BREAKDOWN Base Cost = 1 pp BASE EFFECTS Transformation effect = Alternate Form - Bio Booster Armour +1 pp [Default requires half action, duration sustained, range personal] The actual specific effect of the alternate form is as follows. Defence Effect = Protection +1 pp and Amazing Damage Save +1 pp Alteration effect = Regeneration +1 pp and Reincarnation +1pp

    Extra = Never Say Die +1 pp Flaw = Uncontrolled (whenever reincarnated character is uncontrolled as an NPC until 24 hours passed) -1 pp

    WEAPON EFFECTS Ability Effect = Super Strength (Guyver Strength) +3 pp

    Flaw = Duration reduced to Sustained (i.e. only active while armour is active) -1 pp Attack Effect = Natural Weapons (Spurs) +1 pp Extras = Mental +1 pp, Ghost Touch +1 pp Flaws = Ineffective (no effect against nonliving or inanimate objects) 1 pp Control Effect = Mind Control (Control Wave) +1 pp

    Extras = Mental Link +1 pp, Mind Blank +1 pp Flaws = Ineffective against other Guyvers 1 pp

    Control Effect = Telekinesis (Telekinetic Cannon) +1 pp Extras = Energy blast +1 pp, Force Field +1 pp, Grapple +1 pp Flaws = Obvious (visible beam of energy) 1 pp, Limited (force field affects others only) 1 pp, Tiring -1 pp Attack Effect = Mental Blast (Control Metal Psychic Bolt) +2 pp Attack Effect = Stun (Neural Stunner) +1 pp

    Extra = Area +1 pp, Mental +1 pp Flaws = Range (normal to personal) 2 pp

    Alteration effect = Boost energy Blast Fire (Mega Smasher) +2 pp

    Extra = Triggered (boost automatically works on Mega Smasher whenever both panels opened) +1 pp Movement Effect = Flight (Anti Gravity Orb) +1 pp Overall Flaw = Restricted (No aspect of the Psi Guyver beyond armour, strength, regeneration and reincarnation may be used unless the character has 3 or more ranks of Telepathy). 1 pp Base Cost = 1 pp Effects (13) = +17 pp Extras (11) = +11 pp Flaws (9) = -10 pp Total Cost = 1+17+11-10 = 19 pp per Power Rank

  • GUYVER Bio Booster Armour Shadow Model Cost: 18 Action: Half Duration: Sustained Range: Personal The character may transform their body into Bio Booster form taking a half action to assume the alternate form. In this form the character is able against their enemies attacks to reduce damage by power rank before any damage saves are made. In addition the characters damage saving throw itself is increased by power rank to reflect their ability to resist the damage of any attacks that do get through. The Bio booster armour provides numerous beneficial functions to its host the main of these is its ability to regenerate any received damage, allowing it to recover power rank in stun and lethal hits every minute (ten rounds), also adding power rank as a bonus to their Constitution checks to recover from being unconscious and to Fortitude saving throws to avoid dying and to their stabilization checks. If disabled they get a Constitution check on the following round to recover, with a bonus equal to their power rank. If the check fails they must wait a day to attempt to recover again. So powerful are its regenerative abilities that should the host be destroyed, provided the control metal remains undamaged they may cheat death by making a power check DC 10 + 1 for each stun hit from which they suffer and +2 for each lethal hit from which they suffer, if successful the body is regrown retaining all memories, personality and abilities of the original host. However until the newly resurrected hero is fully regenerated they are uncontrolled and the suit acts autonomously and of its own accord with survival as its only concern. The Bio Booster armour has a number of offensive capabilities as follows. The Guyver's Strength - The Guyver's strength is a weapon on it's own right adding its power rank to their hosts damage with melee attacks, all strength based skill checks, and Strength checks, it also doubles the carrying capacity for reach power rank. When the armour is not active however the hosts strength returns to their normal unmodified levels Shadow Weave The Guyver is able to change its colour to match its surroundings like a chameleon and also dampens the guyvers sounds providing a bonus to Hide and Move Silently checks equal to the power rank. This ability is constantly in effect making the Guyver suit very indistinct and near impossible to spot or hear. Hi Freq. Envenomed Swords - These vicious swords which extend from the elbows and match the freq. of the object it about to cut and makes a perfect slice allowing it on a successful melee attack roll to inflict power rank lethal damage. In addition the suit produces a bio toxin that it releases along the blades, which on striking a victim also requires them to make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10 + power rank) or they become fatigued (or exhausted if already fatigued, or unconscious if already exhausted), if the victim saves there is no effect. Smoke Generator - This weapon comes from the Guyver's "mouth". It generates thick acrid smoke to fill an area covering 5 feet x power rank, providing up to total concealment for everyone in the area. Those outside the area have the same concealment from those inside it. The Guyver is unaffected by this smoke and can see through it.. The Corrosive Cannon - This weapon generates and fires balls of corrosive energy that eats through and reduces living and non living matter alike to a puddle of goo on a successful ranged attack roll. Non living objects are reduced in hardness by an amount equal to the power rank (destroyed if reduced to 0 hardness), while living beings take power rank in acidic damage.. Control Metal Focus This device enhances all the guyvers senses to levels beyond those of normal people, adding power rank to all checks involving any use of their senses, including Search, Spot and Listen, as well as Survival checks for tracking and so forth.. The Return Mechanism - This is the Guyver's last means of defence, triggered whenever the character is rendered helpless his armour activates and instantly teleports the host to a random unoccupied location which it locates by its own sensory capabilities and can be up to 10 feet per rank, which is further doubled by each power rank. The teleportation takes up to 50 pounds per power rank of objects but cannot take anyone else other than the Guyver itself. Metaboliser Orb - located in the waist that allows the Guyver this devices accelerates the guyvers metabolism allowing the Guyver to run at a speed of 30 feet plus 5 feet per rank and allowing the Guyver to leap 5 times the power rank in feet as a standing jump. The Guyver takes no damage from normal jumps or falls of less than this distance, provided they are able to take a free action to brace themselves for impact.

  • POWER STUNTS Extra Sensory Orbs - This little feature lets the Guyver know what's going on around him at all times. It helps him in fighting off back attacks and side attacks. Effectively this provides the All Round Vision feat. Dark Visual Perception This feature allows the Guyver to see in the Darkness as if it were day. This provides the Darkvision feat. Focused Attack This feature makes one particular weapon or ability of the Guyver unit more effective reducing the targets effective saving throw against it by 2. Effectively this provides the Penetrating Attack feat. Psychic Link Many Guyver units make their host mentally linked to one other being who also serves as a host for a Guyver unit, allowing them to mentally communicate with each other as if they were speaking as well as know the general direction, distance and condition of the other. This provides the Mental Link feat. Enhanced Audial Perceptors The Guyver is able to detect sounds normally undetectable by normal audio, providing the character the Ultra Hearing feat. DESIGN BREAKDOWN Base Cost = 1 pp BASE EFFECTS Transformation effect = Alternate Form - Bio Booster Armour +1 pp [Default requires half action, duration sustained, range personal] The actual specific effect of the alternate form is as follows. Defence Effect = Protection +1 pp and Amazing Damage Save +1 pp Alteration effect = Regeneration +1 pp and Reincarnation +1pp

    Extra = Never Say Die +1 pp Flaw = Uncontrolled (whenever reincarnated character is uncontrolled as an NPC until 24 hours passed) -1 pp

    WEAPON EFFECTS Ability Effect = Super Strength (Guyver Strength) +3 pp

    Flaw = Duration reduced to Sustained (i.e. only active while armour is active) -1 pp Illusion Effect = Blending (Shadow Weave) +1 pp, and Silence +1 pp Attack Effect = Natural Weapons (Envenomed Spurs) +1 pp and Fatigue +1 pp Illusion Effect = Obscure (Smoke Generator) +1 pp Control Effect = Corrosive (Corrosive Cannon) +1 pp Extra = Affects living beings also +1 pp Sensory Effect = Super Senses (Control Metal Focus) +2 pp

    Flaws = Limited (doesnt include touch) 1 pp

    Attack Effect = Teleport (Return Mechanism) +1 pp Extra = Extended Teleport +1, Trigger (when helpless) +1 pp Flaws = Uncontrolled 1 pp (cannot be activated intentionally functions only when trigger applies), Limited (self only) 1 pp

    Movement Effect = Running (Metaboliser Orb) +1 pp, Leaping +1 pp Base Cost = 1 pp Effects (16) = +19 pp Extras (4) = +4 pp Flaws (5) = -5 pp Total Cost = 1+19+4-6 = 18 pp per Power Rank

  • GUYVER Bio Booster Armour Nano Model Cost: 19 Action: Half Duration: Sustained Range: Personal The character may transform their body into Bio Booster form taking a half action to assume the alternate form. In this form the character is able against their enemies attacks to reduce damage by power rank before any damage saves are made. In addition the characters damage saving throw itself is increased by power rank to reflect their ability to resist the damage of any attacks that do get through. The Nano Bio booster armour provides numerous beneficial functions to its host thanks to the trillions of tiny self replicating Nanites moving throughout its systems, the main of these is its ability to regenerate any received damage, allowing it to recover power rank in stun and lethal hits every minute (ten rounds), also adding power rank as a bonus to their Constitution checks to recover from being unconscious and to Fortitude saving throws to avoid dying and to their stabilization checks. If disabled they get a Constitution check on the following round to recover, with a bonus equal to their power rank. If the check fails they must wait a day to attempt to recover again. So powerful are its nanites regenerative abilities that should the host be destroyed, provided the control metal remains undamaged they may cheat death by making a power check DC 10 + 1 for each stun hit from which they suffer and +2 for each lethal hit from which they suffer, if successful the body is remade retaining all memories, personality and abilities of the original host. However until the newly resurrected hero is fully regenerated they are uncontrolled and the suit acts autonomously and of its own accord with survival as its only concern. In addition the character may also utilise the Nanites to heal anyone they touch removing any combination of stun or lethal hits up to their power rank, or remove a stunned condition with a DC 10 power check (with power rank as a bonus) or grant a disabled character an immediate DC 20 Constitution check to recover from being disabled (even their own disabled condition). The Nanites are so potent they can even repair objects restoring one point of hardness per power rank. The Nanites allow the character to interface with any computer he touches allowing him to control and operate them at a distance adding their power rank as a bonus to all Computer checks. Against intelligent computers this functions as Telepathy of power rank. Finally the Nanites make diagnosing and repairing machines much easier and provide power rank bonus to all Repair checks. Should the character ever receive a critical hit their control metal is damaged and prevents regenerations and resurrection from being able to occur until it is repaired. This requires a Craft - Electronics check DC 10 + damage received in order to fix it, with failure meaning another attempt may not be made for 24 hours. The Bio Booster armour has a number of offensive capabilities as follows. The Guyver's Strength - The Guyver's strength is a weapon on it's own right adding its power rank to their hosts damage with melee attacks, all strength based skill checks, and Strength checks, it also doubles the carrying capacity for reach power rank. When the armour is not active however the hosts strength returns to their normal unmodified levels. Hi Freq. Swords - These swords, which extend from the, match the freq. of the object it about to cut and makes a perfect slice allowing it on a successful melee attack roll to inflict power rank lethal damage. The Dissassembler Cannon - This weapon generates a focused stream of Nanites at a target, on a successful ranged attack roll the weapon causes power rank damage against living targets and one ranks of hardness damage per power rank against objects. Each time this cannon is used however it reduces the amount of available Nanites, which reduces the power rank of the guyvers Regenerative, Reincarnation, Healing and Datalink abilities by 1 for one hour, which is the time needed per point lost for the Nanites to construct more of themselves to replace losses. Control Metal Electromagnetic Pulse - This weapon is located near the control metal. It is a small ball that projects this weapon. It sits over top of the control metal and allows the host to emit a powerful electromagnetic pulse directed at one machine or construct, requiring a ranged attack roll. If successful the construct must make a Will save, which if it fails causes the machine to lose its dodge bonuses to Defence and be unable to take any actions (including free actions). Foes gain +2 to hit any stunned construct. The construct may make an additional Will save each round to overcome the effects, with a +1 bonus per round after the first. A successful save means the target acts normally on the following round as it powers back up. Against non construct type machines this weapons causes them to cease to operate for one round per power rank. The Nano Swarmer - This is the Guyver's last means of finishing the fight. This weapons effect is so powerful and intense that the weapon when used can reduce an entire surrounding to dust, destroying all living and nonliving objects to the extent of its radius. The weapon itself is located under the chest plates of the Guyver. The Guyver has to pull the plates open or will it to happen this takes a Half action. There are two ways to fire the weapon; one is with one side of the chest plate open. This is a more controllable way to fire this weapon. The other is the over

  • kill method, both chest plates open (which activates the boost power), either way it requires a lot of exertion to use the weapon thereby requiring a hero point to use. The actual affect of the weapon is that it causes power rank damage to living targets who fail a Reflex save and reduces non living objects by one point of hardness per rank. Those who make the save take half damage. Note however that damage continues via concentration each round as the Nanites continue to disassemble targets. This weapon may be further boosted by power rank if both chest plates are opened, creating a devastating black cloud of Nanites filling an area equal to 5 feet per power rank that cannot do less than maximum damage that leaves the host tired and requiring to make a Fortitude save DC 10 + PR to avoid being fatigued. Animation Orb - located in the waist that allows the Guyver to bring machines to life, imbuing them with movement thanks to the Nanites, even granting them limited awareness. Animating machines requires a half action. The machine gains movement according to its form, otherwise is has a speed of 30 feet. Animated machines have a hardness equal to power rank. Animated machines have a strength bonus equal to their hardness +1 for each size category greater than Medium, -1 per category smaller than Medium. They have no constitution score, and are immune to effects requiring Fortitude saves other than those that normally affect inanimate objects. Animated machines have no intelligence and are unaffected by anything calling for a Will saving throw, except for those effects that normally affect inanimate objects. Animated objects suffer damage just like inanimate objects. Leftover animation ranks may be assigned to give the machine bonuses to Dexterity (which starts out at a bonus of 0), Wisdom or charisma (which start out with a modifier of 5), attack bonus (which starts out at 0), Defence bonus (which starts out at 0), or skill ranks (which start out at 0). You cannot give an object a bonus to an attribute greater than your own. Normally only one machine can be animated as a half action, however if they take a full action and accept a penalty on the animation rank they can animate one additional machines per rank reduced. POWER STUNTS Extra Sensory Orbs - This little feature lets the Guyver know what's going on around him at all times. It helps him in fighting off back attacks and side attacks. Effectively this provides the All Round Vision feat. Dark Visual Perception This feature allows the Guyver to see in the Darkness as if it were day. This provides the Darkvision feat. Focused Attack This feature makes one particular weapon or ability of the Guyver unit more effective reducing the targets effective saving throw against it by 2. Effectively this provides the Penetrating Attack feat. Psychic Link Many Guyver units make their host mentally linked to one other being who also serves as a host for a Guyver unit, allowing them to mentally communicate with each other as if they were speaking as well as know the general direction, distance and condition of the other. This provides the Mental Link feat. Psychic Sensory Perceptors The Guyver is able to sense the use of psychic emanations within its proximity, effectively providing it the Psychic Awareness feat. Nano Resistance The Guyver is exceptionally difficult to damage due to the rapid regenerative capabilities of the Nanites providing the character the Durability feat.

  • DESIGN BREAKDOWN Base Cost = 1 pp BASE EFFECTS Transformation effect = Alternate Form - Bio Booster Armour +1 pp [Default requires half action, duration sustained, range personal] The actual specific effect of the alternate form is as follows. Defence Effect = Protection +1 pp and Amazing Damage Save +1 pp Alteration effect = Nano-Machines +5 pp and Reincarnation +1pp

    Extra = Never Say Die +1 pp Flaw = Restricted (on critical hit control metal is damaged and prevents reincarnation until fixed) -1 pp, and Uncontrolled (whenever

    reincarnated character is uncontrolled as an NPC until 24 hours passed) -1 pp WEAPON EFFECTS Ability Effect = Super Strength (Guyver Strength) +3 pp

    Flaw = Duration reduced to Sustained (i.e. only active while armour is active) -1 pp Attack Effect = Natural Weapons (Spurs) +1 pp Attack Effect = Disintegration (Dissassembler Cannon) +1 pp Extra = Disruption +1 pp Flaws = Degrades (each use of cannon reduces regenerations effective power rank by 1, these lost points are regained 1 per hour as the Nanites replace their losses) 1 pp Attaxk Effect = Stun (Control Metal EMP Attack) +1 pp

    Extras = Mental (will not Fort effect) +1 pp Flaws = Limited (machines and constructs only) 1 pp

    Attack Effect = Disintegration (Nano Swarmer) +1 pp

    Extra = Area +1 pp, Continuous +1 pp, and Disruption +1 pp Flaws = Full Effect -1 pp, Tiring -1 pp and Heroic Effort -1 pp (I felt this made sense as its a last ditch weapon in the series and leaves

    him knackered) Alteration effect = Boost disintegration (Nano Swarmer) +2 pp

    Extra = Triggered (boost automatically works on Nano Swarmer whenever both panels opened) +1 pp Control Effect = Animation (Animation Orb) +1 pp Base Cost = 1 pp Effects (12) = +19 pp Extras (7) = +7 pp Flaws (8) = -8 pp Total Cost = 1+19+7-8 = 19 pp per Power Rank

  • GUYVER Bio Booster Armour Lifeforce Model Cost: 14 Action: Half Duration: Sustained Range: Personal The character may transform their body into Bio Booster form taking a half action to assume the alternate form. In this form the character is able against their enemies attacks to reduce damage by power rank before any damage saves are made. In addition the characters damage saving throw itself is increased by power rank to reflect their ability to resist the damage of any attacks that do get through. The Bio booster armour provides numerous beneficial functions to its host the main of these is its ability to regenerate any received damage, allowing it to recover power rank in stun and lethal hits every minute (ten rounds), also adding power rank as a bonus to their Constitution checks to recover from being unconscious and to Fortitude saving throws to avoid dying and to their stabilization checks. If disabled they get a Constitution check on the following round to recover, with a bonus equal to their power rank. If the check fails they must wait a day to attempt to recover again. So powerful are its regenerative abilities that should the host be destroyed, provided the control metal remains undamaged they may cheat death by making a power check DC 10 + 1 for each stun hit from which they suffer and +2 for each lethal hit from which they suffer, if successful the body is regrown retaining all memories, personality and abilities of the original host. However until the newly resurrected hero is fully regenerated they are uncontrolled and the suit acts autonomously and of its own accord with survival as its only concern. The Bio Booster armour has a number of offensive capabilities as follows. The Guyver's Strength - The Guyver's strength is a weapon on it's own right adding its power rank to their hosts damage with melee attacks, all strength based skill checks, and Strength checks, it also doubles the carrying capacity for reach power rank. When the armour is not active however the hosts strength returns to their normal unmodified levels. Bio Draining Claws - These claws which extend from the fingers, match the freq. of the object it about to cut and makes a perfect slice allowing, which along with powerful bio pumps draw out the vital life giving fluids of any target. Such that it on a successful melee attack roll to inflict power rank lethal damage but also require the target to make a Will save to avoid losing power rank in constitution points as its drains the target of blood. Points drained in this way are regained at a rate of 1 point per hour. 45 degree Bile Projector - This weapon comes from the Guyver's "mouth". It projects a viscous glob of highly corrosive bile, which on a successful ranged attack roll can reduce the hardness of nonliving matter and objects by the power rank, when an object is reduced to hardness 0, it is destroyed. This weapon can only be used 8 times per day as only enough bile for this many uses can be produced. Prehensile Tentacles The arms of the Guyver are capable of firing powerful prehensile tentacles, which on a successful ranged attack roll against a target causes the target to require to make a Reflex save. Targets who fail are considered entangled suffering 2 penalty to attack rolls and 4 penalty to Dexterity. The target may also only move if they succeed in an opposed Strength roll against the Guyver, but cannot run or charge. A second successful snare attack against an entangled character renders the target bound and helpless, unable to move and providing attackers a +4 bonus to hit them, the target loses their dodge bonus to Defence and their Dexterity scores are treated as 0. Targets may break out of a snare by damaging it, snares make Damage saves like an inanimate object with a hardness equal to the power rank. The tentacles can release all trapped victims as a free action should the Guyver wish it. Control Metal Neural Immobiliser - This weapon is located near the control metal. It is a small ball that projects this weapon. It sits over top of the control metal and allows the host to emit powerful rapid flashes of visible light much like a strobe in a 5 foot per power rank radius area, which work on a frequency that causes synaptic shock rendering all who fail a Will saving throw to become paralysed. As a half action a target can attempt an additional Will save each round to break the paralysis. A paralysed target stands rigid and helpless, unable to move or act physically. They have an effective Strength and Dexterity scores of 0, but may take purely mental actions. The Bio Drainer - This is the Guyver's last means of finishing the fight. This weapon is frightening to the guyvers foes and capable of rendering masses of people unable to defend themselves. The weapon itself, which takes a Half action to use is located all over the guyvers body. Using this weapon requires a lot of exertion to use. The actual affect of the weapon is that it causes masses of tentacles to fire out from the Guyver in all directions impaling all within a 5 foot radius per power rank requiring all in the area to make a Reflex save to avoid them. These tendrils do power rank piercing damage that cannot be reduced to less than maximum damage (half damage to those who made the Reflex save), but also requires the targets within the area to make a Will or be drained of power rank Constitution damage each round as a free action that leaves the

  • host tired and requiring to make a Fortitude save DC 10 + PR to avoid being fatigued. Targets may end the drain by destroying the tentacles, which make Damage saves like an inanimate object with a hardness equal to the power rank. Anti-Gravity Orb - located in the waist that allows the Guyver to fly with a base speed of 5 feet per power rank, or twice that as a full action. You can sprint at four times your normal flight movement. The speeds a Guyver can reach have never been tested. POWER STUNTS Extra Sensory Orbs - This little feature lets the Guyver know what's going on around him at all times. It helps him in fighting off back attacks and side attacks. Effectively this provides the All Round Vision feat. Dark Visual Perception This feature allows the Guyver to see in the Darkness as if it were day. This provides the Darkvision feat. Focused Attack This feature makes one particular weapon or ability of the Guyver unit more effective reducing the targets effective saving throw against it by 2. Effectively this provides the Penetrating Attack feat. Psychic Link Many Guyver units make their host mentally linked to one other being who also serves as a host for a Guyver unit, allowing them to mentally communicate with each other as if they were speaking as well as know the general direction, distance and condition of the other. This provides the Mental Link feat. Life Sensor The Guyver is able to sense living creatures nearby providing the character the Detect (Life) feat.

  • DESIGN BREAKDOWN Base Cost = 1 pp BASE EFFECTS Transformation effect = Alternate Form - Bio Booster Armour +1 pp [Default requires half action, duration sustained, range personal] The actual specific effect of the alternate form is as follows. Defence Effect = Protection +1 pp and Amazing Damage Save +1 pp Alteration effect = Regeneration +1 pp and Reincarnation +1pp

    Extra = Never Say Die +1 pp Flaw = Uncontrolled (whenever reincarnated character is uncontrolled as an NPC until 24 hours passed) -1 pp

    WEAPON EFFECTS Ability Effect = Super Strength (Guyver Strength) +3 pp

    Flaw = Duration reduced to Sustained (i.e. only active while armour is active) -1 pp Attack Effect = Natural Weapons (Bio Draining Claws) +1 pp and Drain - Constitution +1 pp

    Extras = Slow Recovery (1 per hour) +2 pp Flaws = Limited One Attribute (Constitution only) 1 pp, Ineffective (against nonliving beings or machines) 1 pp

    Attack Effect = Corrosion (Bile Projector) +1 pp

    Extras = Range (Touch to Normal)+1 pp Flaws = Uses 8/day 1 pp

    Attack Effect = Snare (Prehensile Tentacles) +1 pp

    Extras = Removable +1 pp Attack Effect = Paralysis (Control Metal Neural Immobiliser) +1 pp

    Extras = Area +1 pp, Sustained +1 pp Flaws = Limited Living Only 1 pp, Ineffective (against nonliving beings or machines) 1 pp

    Attack Effect = Natural Weapon (The Bio Drainer) +1 pp and Drain Constitution +1 pp

    Extra = Area +1 pp, Slow Recovery (1 per hour) +2 pp, Duration (continues as a free action) +1 pp Flaws = Full Effect -1 pp, Tiring -1 pp, Limited One Attribute (Strength only) 1 pp, Ineffective (Drain is ineffective against nonliving

    beings or machines) 1 pp Movement Effect = Flight (Anti Gravity Orb) +1 pp Overall Flaw = Bio Dependency (Armours abilities with the exception of the Armour, Damage save and Flight abilities degrade by 1 rank every 12 hours unless it receives equal to its power ranks worth of draining. Keeping it so supplied with blood prevents the degrading 2 pp Base Cost = 1 pp Effects (14) = +16 pp Extras (9) = +10 pp Flaws (12) = -13 pp Total Cost = 1+16+10-13 = 14 pp per Power Rank

  • GUYVER Bio Booster Armour Chrono Model Cost: 24 Action: Half Duration: Sustained Range: Personal The character may transform their body into Bio Booster form taking a half action to assume the alternate form. In this form the character is able against their enemies attacks to reduce damage by power rank before any damage saves are made. In addition the characters damage saving throw itself is increased by power rank to reflect their ability to resist the damage of any attacks that do get through. The Bio booster armour provides numerous beneficial functions to its host the main of these is its ability to regenerate any received damage, allowing it to recover power rank in stun and lethal hits every minute (ten rounds), also adding power rank as a bonus to their Constitution checks to recover from being unconscious and to Fortitude saving throws to avoid dying and to their stabilization checks. If disabled they get a Constitution check on the following round to recover, with a bonus equal to their power rank. If the check fails they must wait a day to attempt to recover again. So powerful are its regenerative abilities that should the host be destroyed, provided the control metal remains undamaged they may cheat death by making a power check DC 10 + 1 for each stun hit from which they suffer and +2 for each lethal hit from which they suffer, if successful the body is regrown retaining all memories, personality and abilities of the original host. However until the newly resurrected hero is fully regenerated they are uncontrolled and the suit acts autonomously and of its own accord with survival as its only concern. The Bio Booster armour has a number of offensive capabilities as follows. The Guyver's Strength - The Guyver's strength is a weapon on it's own right adding its power rank to their hosts damage with melee attacks, all strength based skill checks, and Strength checks, it also doubles the carrying capacity for reach power rank. When the armour is not active however the hosts strength returns to their normal unmodified levels. Hi Freq. Swords - These swords, which extend from the, match the freq. of the object it about to cut and makes a perfect slice allowing it on a successful melee attack roll to inflict power rank lethal damage. Chronol Control Interface This interface allows the Guyver to control the flow of time, allowing them to either speed it up or slow it down for themselves and others. When it is speeded up the guyvers base speed is increased by 5 feet per power rank; their sprinting speed is doubled for every rank; they gain a bonus to initiative checks equal to power rank; they gain a dodge bonus to defence equal to power rank; and he gains a bonus to Reflex saves equal to power rank; it will also halve the time it takes to perform a routine task for each rank in this power. In combat the Guyver may build up a shockwave of air in front of their fists adding their power rank to their Strength bonus when determining unarmed damage. If time is slowed down then the target who is struck by a ranged attack roll must make a Will save or be restricted to as half action each round and suffer a 2 penalty to melee attacks, Defence, and melee damage for as long as the effect is sustained. Targets also jump half as far as normal, nor may they take full actions. Time Freeze Cannon - This weapon generates energy and compresses energy into a small massively focused beam of chronol energy, which causes any who are struck on a ranged attack roll who fails a Will saving throw to become paralysed. As a half action a target can attempt an additional Will save each round to break the paralysis. A paralysed target stands rigid and helpless, unable to move or act physically. They have an effective Strength and Dexterity scores of 0, but may take purely mental actions. Control Metal Scrier - The control metal is a small ball that sits in the forehead and allows the Guyver to see distant places as if they were actually present. The Guyver must scan a place known to them or describe exactly where they are sensing. They can change the spot where they have their ESP focused as a half action, allowing them to view up to two locations per round. While they are using this ability their normal senses are shut down so cannot perceive what is happening around them. The range that can be scried via ESP varies dependant upon the power rank. The Chronol Disrupter - This is the Guyver's last means of finishing the fight. This energy weapon is so powerful it can wither and age people by rapidly causing time to pass for them locally. The weapon itself is located under the chest plates of the Guyver. The Guyver has to pull the plates open or will it to happen this takes a Full-Round action. There are two ways to fire the weapon; one is with one side of the chest plate open. This is a more controllable way to fire this weapon. The other is the over kill method, both chest plates open (which triggers the boost effect), either way it requires a lot of exertion to use the weapon thereby requiring a hero point to use. The actual affect of the weapon is that it causes all within a 5 foot radius per power rank to make a Will save or be rapidly aged, reducing their Constitution scored by 1 point per power rank. These points only return at a rate of one point per month as the targets ages slowly return to normal. The effect can be further boosted by power rank that cannot do less than maximum drain when both chest plates are opened. However this weapon often leaves the host tired and requiring to make a Fortitude save DC 10 + PR to avoid being fatigued. Whether fatigued or not this power cannot be used more than 8 times per day.

  • Chrono Sphere - located in the waist that allows the Guyver to travel through time, vanishing from their current moment and reappearing at their desired point in time. The maximum distance travelled is up to one year at rank 1, and ten times that for each additional power rank. The Guyver can choose to instead create a portal five feet square, five feet from them that remains open as long as they sustain it that anyone can pass through to reach the desired time period on the other side. It takes a double move action to create a portal and move through it in the same round. The portals size can be expanded by five foot square but for each time this is done the power rank, is reduced by one. Using the chrono sphere often leaves the host tired and requiring to make a Fortitude save DC 10 + PR to avoid being fatigued. POWER STUNTS Extra Sensory Orbs - This little feature lets the Guyver know what's going on around him at all times. It helps him in fighting off back attacks and side attacks. Effectively this provides the All Round Vision feat. Dark Visual Perception This feature allows the Guyver to see in the Darkness as if it were day. This provides the Darkvision feat. Focused Attack This feature makes one particular weapon or ability of the Guyver unit more effective reducing the targets effective saving throw against it by 2. Effectively this provides the Penetrating Attack feat. Psychic Link Many Guyver units make their host mentally linked to one other being who also serves as a host for a Guyver unit, allowing them to mentally communicate with each other as if they were speaking as well as know the general direction, distance and condition of the other. This provides the Mental Link feat. Chronol Disruption Detector The Guyver is able to sense those beings who are out of time as well as when Chronol Effects are in effect. This effectively provides the Detect (Time Travel) feat.

  • DESIGN BREAKDOWN Base Cost = 1 pp BASE EFFECTS Transformation effect = Alternate Form - Bio Booster Armour +1 pp [Default requires half action, duration sustained, range personal] The actual specific effect of the alternate form is as follows. Defence Effect = Protection +1 pp and Amazing Damage Save +1 pp Alteration effect = Regeneration +1 pp and Reincarnation +1pp

    Extra = Never Say Die +1 pp Flaw = Uncontrolled (whenever reincarnated character is uncontrolled as an NPC until 24 hours passed) -1 pp

    WEAPON EFFECTS Ability Effect = Super Strength (Guyver Strength) +3 pp

    Flaw = Duration reduced to Sustained (i.e. only active while armour is active) -1 pp Attack Effect = Natural Weapons (Spurs) +1 pp Control Effect = Time Control (Chronol Control Interface ) +5 pp

    Extras = Mach One Punch +1 pp Attack Effect = Paralysis (Time Freeze Cannon) +1 pp

    Extras = Sustained +1 pp Sensory Effect = ESP (Control Metal Scrier) +1 pp Alteration Effect = Drain - Constitution (Chronol Disrupter) +1 pp

    Extra = Area +1 pp, Range (touch to normal) +1 pp, Slow Recovery (1 point per week) +4 pp Flaws = Full Effect -1 pp, Slow (half to Full action) -1 pp, Tiring -1 pp and Heroic Effort -1 pp (I felt this made sense as its a last ditch

    weapon in the series and leaves him knackered), Limited One Attribute (Constitution) 1 pp, and Uses 8/day -1 pp Alteration effect = Boost energy Blast Fire (Chronol Disrupter) +2 pp

    Extra = Triggered (boost automatically works on Chronol Disrupter whenever both panels opened) +1 pp Movement Effect = Time Travel (Chrono Sphere) +1 pp

    Extras = Portal +1 pp Flaws = Tiring 1 pp

    Base Cost = 1 pp Effects (13) = +20 pp Extras (11) = +11 pp Flaws (8) = -8 pp Total Cost = 1+20+11-8 = 24 pp per Power Rank

  • GUYVER Bio Booster Armour Hunter Model Cost: 16 Action: Half Duration: Sustained Range: Personal The character may transform their body into Bio Booster form taking a half action to assume the alternate form. In this form the character is able against their enemies attacks to reduce damage by power rank before any damage saves are made. In addition the characters damage saving throw itself is increased by power rank to reflect their ability to resist the damage of any attacks that do get through. The Bio booster armour provides numerous beneficial functions to its host the main of these is its ability to regenerate any received damage, allowing it to recover power rank in stun and lethal hits every minute (ten rounds), also adding power rank as a bonus to their Constitution checks to recover from being unconscious and to Fortitude saving throws to avoid dying and to their stabilization checks. If disabled they get a Constitution check on the following round to recover, with a bonus equal to their power rank. If the check fails they must wait a day to attempt to recover again. So powerful are its regenerative abilities that should the host be destroyed, provided the control metal remains undamaged they may cheat death by making a power check DC 10 + 1 for each stun hit from which they suffer and +2 for each lethal hit from which they suffer, if successful the body is regrown retaining all memories, personality and abilities of the original host. However until the newly resurrected hero is fully regenerated they are uncontrolled and the suit acts autonomously and of its own accord with survival as its only concern. The Bio Booster armour has a number of offensive capabilities as follows. The Guyver's Strength - The Guyver's strength is a weapon on it's own right adding its power rank to their hosts damage with melee attacks, all strength based skill checks, and Strength checks, it also doubles the carrying capacity for reach power rank. When the armour is not active however the hosts strength returns to their normal unmodified levels. Hi Freq. Razor Claws The ends of the guyvers arms end in hands with long vicious looking razor sharp claws that resonate at a frequency that allows them to rip through objects with ease. On a successful melee attack the Guyver can inflict power rank damage to opponents. Bio Myomer Fibre bundles This is part of the guyvers construction allows the Guyver to stretch to extraordinary lengths enabling the Guyver to elongate limbs and their bodies up to a length of five feet per power rank as a half action (twice that as a full action). By sacrificing their dodge bonus the Guyver can stretch four times their normal distance as a full action. The Guyver adds its power rank to all Escape Artist checks, which is always a half action for them, including slipping out of grapples and snares. They can also slip through any opening regardless of size on a successful Escape Artist check. The malleable nature of the Guyver when activated can also be used to reshape its form into that of other living beings adding its power rank to Disguise checks however this aspect of its function is very tiring and requires the target to make a Fortitude save Dc 10 + power rank to avoid becoming fatigued after using this function. The Neutraliser Cannon - This weapon generates energy and compresses energy into a small massively focused ball that can affect another persons powers, effectively turning them off indefinitely without concentration as a free action each round. Powers with a permanent duration cannot be neutralised. This weapon works by making a ranged attack roll against a target if successful the target must make aWill saving throw modified by either Constitution or his highest power rank, whichever is greater, with a DC equal to the neutralising power rank. If the save fails the powers are neutralised. Control Metal Tri Laser - This weapon is located near the control metal. It is a small ball that projects this weapon. It sits over top of the control metal and allows the host to fire laser beams inflicting power rank damage to a target at up to normal range on a successful ranged attack roll, in addition it may be fired two additional times per round at the guyvers full base attack bonus but if fired in this way all attacks suffer with a 5 penalty. Adhesive Micro fibres The guyvers entire surface is covered in small micro fibre hooks which allow them to adhere to almost any surface, thereby allowing them to walk along vertical surfaces and ceilings. It can move at a speed of five feet per power rank up to their normal speed, with no chance of falling. Any attempt to pull the Guyver from the surface they are clinging to requires an opposed Strength check, the Guyver gains a +1 bonus on the check per power rank and also gain their power rank as a bonus to avoid being tripped. Shroud Orb - located in the waist that allows the Guyver to become invisible for short periods of time making the Guyver undetectable by senses such as infrared, radar, scent and so on. Anyone within five feet of the Guyver may make them out by making a successful Spot check

  • with a DC equal to 10 + power rank. The Guyver receives a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls against targets unaware of its presence, and such targets lose any dodge bonus to defence. Anyone wishing to attack the invisible Guyver must guess the 5-foot square or squares in which it is situated, assuming they guess correctly their attacks still suffer a 50% miss chance. POWER STUNTS Extra Sensory Orbs - This little feature lets the Guyver know what's going on around him at all times. It helps him in fighting off back attacks and side attacks. Effectively this provides the All Round Vision feat. Dark Visual Perception This feature allows the Guyver to see in the Darkness as if it were day. This provides the Darkvision feat. Focused Attack This feature makes one particular weapon or ability of the Guyver unit more effective reducing the targets effective saving throw against it by 2. Effectively this provides the Penetrating Attack feat. Psychic Link Many Guyver units make their host mentally linked to one other being who also serves as a host for a Guyver unit, allowing them to mentally communicate with each other as if they were speaking as well as know the general direction, distance and condition of the other. This provides the Mental Link feat. Bio Sniffer The Guyver is able to pick up faint olfactory traces in the air and surroundings, effectively providing the scent feat. Gene Tracker The Guyver can via a series of enhanced sensory capabilities track opponents with ease, providing the Track feat. DESIGN BREAKDOWN Base Cost = 1 pp BASE EFFECTS Transformation effect = Alternate Form - Bio Booster Armour +1 pp [Default requires half action, duration sustained, range personal] The actual specific effect of the alternate form is as follows. Defence Effect = Protection +1 pp and Amazing Damage Save +1 pp Alteration effect = Regeneration +1 pp and Reincarnation +1pp

    Extra = Never Say Die +1 pp Flaw = Uncontrolled (whenever reincarnated character is uncontrolled as an NPC until 24 hours passed) -1 pp

    WEAPON EFFECTS Ability Effect = Super Strength (Guyver Strength) +3 pp

    Flaw = Duration reduced to Sustained (i.e. only active while armour is active) -1 pp Attack Effect = Natural Weapons (Razor Claws) +1 pp Transformation Effect = Elongation (Bio Myomer Fibre bundles) +1 pp

    Extras = Disguise +1 pp Flaws = Tiring (Disguise aspect only) 1 pp

    Control Effect = Neutralise (Neutraliser Cannon) +1 pp

    Extras = Nullification +2 pp Flaws = Ineffective (against nonliving objects and machines) 1 pp

    Attack Effect = Energy Blast Fire (Control Metal Tri Laser) +1 pp

    Extras = Autofire +1 pp Movement Effect = Clinging (Adhesive Micro fibres) +1 pp Illusion Effect = Invisibility (Shroud Orb) +1 pp Base Cost = 1 pp Effects (12) = +14 pp Extras (4) = +5 pp Flaws (4) = -4 pp Total Cost = 1+14+5-4 = 16 pp per Power Rank

  • GUYVER Bio Booster Armour Turbo Model Cost: 16 Action: Half Duration: Sustained Range: Personal The character may transform their body into Bio Booster form taking a half action to assume the alternate form. In this form the character is able against their enemies attacks to reduce damage by power rank before any damage saves are made. In addition the characters damage saving throw itself is increased by power rank to reflect their ability to resist the damage of any attacks that do get through. The Bio booster armour provides numerous beneficial functions to its host the main of these is its ability to regenerate any received damage, allowing it to recover power rank in stun and lethal hits every minute (ten rounds), also adding power rank as a bonus to their Constitution checks to recover from being unconscious and to Fortitude saving throws to avoid dying and to their stabilization checks. If disabled they get a Constitution check on the following round to recover, with a bonus equal to their power rank. If the check fails they must wait a day to attempt to recover again. So powerful are its regenerative abilities that should the host be destroyed, provided the control metal remains undamaged they may cheat death by making a power check DC 10 + 1 for each stun hit from which they suffer and +2 for each lethal hit from which they suffer, if successful the body is regrown retaining all memories, personality and abilities of the original host. However until the newly resurrected hero is fully regenerated they are uncontrolled and the suit acts autonomously and of its own accord with survival as its only concern. The Bio Booster armour has a number of offensive capabilities as follows. The Guyver's Strength - The Guyver's strength is a weapon on it's own right adding its power rank to their hosts damage with melee attacks, all strength based skill checks, and Strength checks, it also doubles the carrying capacity for reach power rank. When the armour is not active however the hosts strength returns to their normal unmodified levels. Hi Freq. Swords - These swords which extend from the elbows, match the freq. of the object it about to cut and makes a perfect slice allowing it on a successful melee attack roll to inflict power rank lethal damage. Hyper Capabilities The Guyver is developed for speed every facet of its physical and neural fibres is geared towards not only enhancing the hosts speed, but in adapting the host to physically tolerate such intense and persistent motion. The benefits of this are that for each power rank the Guyver receives a +5 feet increase to base speed, doubled sprinting speed, a bonus to initiative, a dodge bonus to Defence, a bonus to Reflex saves and finally halved the time required to perform routine tasks. In addition the Guyver can build up a shockwave of air in front of its fist allowing it to add its power rank to its strength bonus when determining damage in unarmed combat. It may also by zipping past targets at speed hit them with a sonic boom (stun) attack with an effective rank equal to half the normal. This affects all targets within power rank x five feet who fail a Reflex saving throw, who must then make a Fortitude save or lose any dodge bonus to Defence and are unable to take any actions (including free actions), this grants foes +2 bonus to hit such stunned targets. Targets stunned in this way can make additional Fortitude saves each round to overcome the effect with a +1 bonus per round after the first. Using the speed leaves the host tired and requiring to make a Fortitude save DC 10 + PR to avoid being fatigued each time it is used. The Pressure Cannon - This weapon generates energy and compresses energy into a small massively focused ball (almost like a sun have having gone nova), causing power rank force damage to the target on a successful ranged attack roll. Control Metal Elemental Controller - This device is located near the control metal. It is a small ball that projects this weapon. It sits over top of the control metal and allows the host to control and move the air around them allowing the Guyver to create a powerful wind that pushes with a strength bonus equal to the power rank, allowing it to blow over opponents as if youd made a trip attack against them in a five feet per power rank area unless targets succeed at a Reflex saving throw. The Ultimate Imploder - This is the Guyver's last means of finishing the fight. This energy weapon is so powerful and intense that the weapon when fired sucks all air within an area into itself creating a sustained void in a localised area around itself. The weapon itself is located under the chest plates of the Guyver. The Guyver has to pull the plates open or will it to happen this takes a Half action. There is only one way to fire this weapon and that by opening both chest, this requires a lot of exertion requiring a Hero Point to use. The actual affect of the weapon is that it requires all within a five feet per power rank area to make a Fortitude saving throw or begin to suffocate, those who fail must

  • make Constitution checks Dc 10 + PR to avoid suffocation each round with a +1 bonus for each previous success. Failure means the target becomes unconscious, and on the following round the target is dying and cannot stabilise until they can breathe again. This weapon cannot do less than maximum effect, which is that it remains in effect for a power rank number of rounds Turbo Node - located in the waist that allows the Guyver to Boost its super speed increasing it by power rank for a short time. Providing all benefits from this increased rank. The boost begins to wear off at a rate of one point per round until it returns to normal. and when used can leave the host tired due to hit running their metabolism at a high, thus requiring him to make a Fortitude save DC 10 + PR to avoid being fatigued. POWER STUNTS Extra Sensory Orbs - This little feature lets the Guyver know what's going on around him at all times. It helps him in fighting off back attacks and side attacks. Effectively this provides the All Round Vision feat. Dark Visual Perception This feature allows the Guyver to see in the Darkness as if it were day. This provides the Darkvision feat. Focused Attack This feature makes one particular weapon or ability of the Guyver unit more effective reducing the targets effective saving throw against it by 2. Effectively this provides the Penetrating Attack feat. Psychic Link Many Guyver units make their host mentally linked to one other being who also serves as a host for a Guyver unit, allowing them to mentally communicate with each other as if they were speaking as well as know the general direction, distance and condition of the other. This provides the Mental Link feat. Friction Resistance The Guyver is able to ignore heat due to extreme speed and friction, granting the Guyver Immunity (Fire) feat. DESIGN BREAKDOWN Base Cost = 1 pp BASE EFFECTS Transformation effect = Alternate Form - Bio Booster Armour +1 pp [Default requires half action, duration sustained, range personal] The actual specific effect of the alternate form is as follows. Defence Effect = Protection +1 pp and Amazing Damage Save +1 pp Alteration effect = Regeneration +1 pp and Reincarnation +1pp

    Extra = Never Say Die +1 pp Flaw = Uncontrolled (whenever reincarnated character is uncontrolled as an NPC until 24 hours passed) -1 pp

    WEAPON EFFECTS Ability Effect = Super Strength (Guyver Strength) +3 pp

    Flaw = Duration reduced to Sustained (i.e. only active while armour is active) -1 pp Attack Effect = Natural Weapons (Spurs) +1 pp Movement Effect = Super Speed (Hyper Capabilities) +1 pp

    Extras = Mach One Punch +1 pp, Sonic Boom +1 pp Flaw = Tiring -1 pp

    Control Effect = Energy Control Kinetic (Pressure Cannon) +1 pp Control Effect = Elemental Control Air (Control Metal Elemental Controller) +1 pp

    Extras = Area +1 pp Attack Effect = Suffocate (Ultimate Imploder) +2 pp

    Extra = Area +1 pp Flaws = Full Effect -1 pp, Heroic Effort -1 pp

    Alteration effect = Boost Super Speed (Turbo Node) +2 pp

    Extra = Triggered (boost works when Turbo nod depressed) +1 pp, Flaws = Restricted (requires free use of hands to use) 1 pp, Tiring -1 pp

    Base Cost = 1 pp Effects (12) = +16 pp Extras (6) = +6 pp Flaws (7) = -7 pp Total Cost = 1+16+6-7 = 16 pp per Power Rank

    Introduction.pdfINTRODUCTION:What is a Guyver?What are Zoanoids?Common Zoanoids typesGregoleVamoreZerububuthEnzymeHyperZoanoids

    Warrior Armour.pdfGUYVER Bio Booster Armour Warrior ModelPOWER STUNTSDESIGN BREAKDOWN

    Psi Armour.pdfGUYVER Bio Booster Armour Psi ModelPOWER STUNTSDESIGN BREAKDOWN

    Shadow Armour.pdfGUYVER Bio Booster Armour Shadow ModelPOWER STUNTSDESIGN BREAKDOWN

    Nano Armour.pdfGUYVER Bio Booster Armour Nano ModelPOWER STUNTSDESIGN BREAKDOWN

    Lifeforce Armour.pdfGUYVER Bio Booster Armour Lifeforce ModelPOWER STUNTSDESIGN BREAKDOWN

    Chrono Armour.pdfGUYVER Bio Booster Armour Chrono ModelPOWER STUNTSDESIGN BREAKDOWN

    Hunter Armour.pdfGUYVER Bio Booster Armour Hunter ModelPOWER STUNTSDESIGN BREAKDOWN

    Turbo Armour.pdfGUYVER Bio Booster Armour Turbo ModelPOWER STUNTSDESIGN BREAKDOWN

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