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H.Q. Mitchell

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Test 1 Module 1..................................................................................................................................... 4

Test 2 Module 2..................................................................................................................................... 9

Test 3 Module 3..................................................................................................................................... 14

Mid - term Test..................................................................................................................................... 19

Test 4 Module 4..................................................................................................................................... 25

Test 5 Module 5..................................................................................................................................... 30

Test 6 Module 6..................................................................................................................................... .35

Final Test...................................................................................................................................................... 40


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A. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.


Test 1 Module 11. VOCABULARY

1. I was hoping the sunny weather would last, but unfortunately it was only .

a. obligatory b. complimentary c. temporary d. confined

2. The hotel organised guided tours around the city as well as to nearby villages.

a. excursions b. voyages c. flights d. cruises

3. As we were driving through the town, we saw a built in memory of the country’s first president.

a. temple b. cathedral c. mosque d. monument

4. Summers in Cincinnati are always .

a. grateful b. dormant c. humid d. coastal

5. As the festival to be a huge success, the town council decided to hold another one the following year.

a. turned out b. stood out c. made up d. picked up

6. I thought my brother would take my side, but instead, he remained throughout my argument with Eleanor.

a. overwhelming b. neutral c. thrilled d. remote

7. Don had to overcome many obstacles, but in the end he his goals.

a. succeeded b. accomplished c. managed d. arrived

8. I don’t think we can afford expensive accommodation right now; the best choice would be a room in a .

a. cottage b. suite c. hostel d. resort

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

1. Apart from being , our trip to the space museum was also very enjoyable. EDUCATION

2. This is Jake Houston, who works for an company in Boston. INSURE

3. Peter Mack is an extremely professor, who has written many books

and is now teaching History at a university in England. KNOWLEDGE

4. If you require any , please contact the information desk. ASSIST

5. The earthquake was so disastrous that nothing was left . TOUCH

6. It’s best to take your umbrella; the weather is quite these days. CHANGE

7. Unless it rains these next few months, the country will suffer from water . SHORT

8. We stayed in a little village in the western part of the country. PICTURE




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C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do.

1. Frank asked us to some suggestions for the project.

2. What he said really doesn’t any sense.

3. My son is his homework at the moment, so he will meet you a bit later.

4. I went to see the manager and a complaint about the shop assistant’s behaviour.

5. The doctor said it will you good to stay in bed for a few days.

6. business with Ellie was a pleasure.

7. The Simpsons a lot of money when they sold their house last year.

8. Stephanie is always a mess in the kitchen when she cooks. I wish she would clean it up


D. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. Healthy eating and exercise will be extremely good for your body. do

Healthy eating and exercise for your body.

2. This is the fifth year I have worked in this company. working

I in this company for five years.

3. I promise to compensate for making you wake up so early. up

I promise to you for making you wake up so early.

4. There is almost no coffee left. hardly

There is left.

5. I cannot possibly work any faster. the

This is work.


E. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.


1. I don’t think we have much / many time left before the shops close.

2. If you need any advice / advices on how to choose the right colour, I will be more than happy to help you.

3. After their holiday in India, they looked forward to sharing their many exciting experiences / experience with their friends.

4. I called her lots of time / times, but she wasn’t home.

5. Does this position require any previous work experiences / experience?

6. I had such a lot of luggages / luggage when I was returning from Kuwait that I had to pay extra at the airport.

7. Lucy forgot to switch off all the light / lights before leaving the house.




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F. Choose the correct option.

1. Does anybody know people there will be at the meeting tonight?

a. how many b. how much

2. Since you don’t really have money, why do you go shopping every week?

a. many b. much

3. I have coffee cups left; I think I have to buy some.

a. hardly any b. not much

4. She said she had news to tell us.

a. plenty of b. a few

5. With support from my friends, I should be able to get over this crisis.

a. a little b. a few

6. We have very information about the missing child.

a. few b. little

7. All the furniture in this shop on sale.

a. are b. is


G. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple / Progressive or Present Perfect Simple / Progressive.

1. We (study) all morning because we have a History exam tomorrow.

2. A new shopping centre (recently / open) up in the town centre.

3. Helena (always / leave) her clothes everywhere, which drives her mother crazy!

4. Jonathan (work) as a sales assistant until he finds a job he likes.

5. It’s hard to believe that John (never / hear) of Jennifer Lopez.

6. At the moment, the patient (seem) very healthy; however, he needs to rest.

7. This week, the whole family (fly) to Barcelona for my cousin’s wedding.



Every year my wife and I go on a camping holiday in France. Although this is something we both really enjoy, this year I wanted to go somewhere I’d never been before and do something exciting. We did some research and came up with the idea of going to the US. We chose a kayaking holiday in the southern state of Georgia. Neither of us had ever been kayaking before, but we managed to find a package which included lessons for

beginners. Georgia is an amazing place; it’s a crossroad of different cultures and it has had a fascinating and at times violent

past. It is also a place of untouched natural beauty, with nature parks and an unspoilt coastline. We went to Cathead Creek, an area rich in wildlife and scenery. Our kayaking instructor was a friendly local called Frank. As my wife and I had never been kayaking before, we found the first few lessons a bit challenging. In spite of this, Frank was

Would you like to see amazing wildlife and breathtaking scenery? Do you want to learn about a unique culture? If your answer is yes then you should follow in the footsteps of Mike Smith and take a trip to the state of Georgia in America.

H. Read the following text and answer the questions.




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1. The writer

a. wanted to go camping somewhere else.

b. had previous experience of kayaking.

c. had been to the US before.

d. wanted to do something exciting during his holiday.

2. The couple found kayaking

a. difficult at first.

b. easy.

c. hard because their instructor was impatient.

d. dangerous.

3. Mike was frightened when they went on the Darien

River because

a. it was the first time he would be kayaking without his


b. there were alligators in the water.

c. he didn’t like kayaking.

d. he couldn’t swim.

4. If you go to Georgia what kind of food does Mike

recommend that you try?

a. bread and cheese

b. rice

c. fish

d. shrimp

5. In line 24, what does it refer to?

a. the wildlife

b. Cumberland Island

c. visiting the beach

d. touring Cumberland Island

6. The couple went to the Geechee museum

a. because some locals had suggested it.

b. because the woman was interested in it.

c. to learn about the first Africans of the region.

d. to record the Geechee tradition.

7. Geechee is

a. a unique African-American culture.

b. a West African language.

c. a place in West Africa.

d. a kind of music.

8. The last paragraph explains

a. the importance of the cotton empire.

b. the causes of the Civil War.

c. how Georgia is a blend of different cultures.

d. how the slaves learnt the Geechee language.


always very patient and he would constantly offer words of encouragement. After some practice, we became more confident and realised it wasn’t that difficult. We also did a safety course and Frank made us aware of any potential dangers, including the alligators in the swamp! After completing the course, we felt ready for adventure and we decided to go further out along the Darien River. As we glided down the river, I felt a delicious shiver of fear run up my spine as I recalled Frank’s words of advice before we left, ‘Watch out for the alligators.’ �

We quietly slipped past a huge alligator, its unblinking eyes staring at us with mild interest. We paddled on and watched brightly coloured birds fly over the water. We stopped to have some bread and cheese and admire the view. We saw fishing boats returning with their catch of Georgian shrimp, which is the region’s culinary speciality and is definitely worth trying if you visit Georgia. We also spent a few days on Cumberland Island, which is one of the many islands off Georgia’s coast. Cumberland Island is a protected paradise, which makes it both secluded and peaceful. We rented bicycles and followed a trail which led to a beautiful beach. On the following day, we took a tour of the island and this gave us the opportunity to see all kinds of amazing wildlife. It was a wonderful experience and, without a doubt, Cumberland Island is a place of unbelievable beauty.

As my wife is interested in history, we also dedicated some time to visiting various museums. I particularly enjoyed the Geechee Kunda Visitor’s Centre, which some locals had recommended - here we learnt about the first Africans that had been brought to the region in slave ships. A huge cotton and rice empire was built in Georgia using the Africans as workers. The Africans had been taken from different parts of West Africa and each group had their own culture, language, knowledge and music which they brought into their everyday life. After the Civil War the rice and cotton plantations were burnt down and the owners left, leaving the slaves behind. As a result, a unique culture was created known as Geechee. The Geechee people spoke their own language, which was a mix of various West African languages. In the present day, the Geechee Visitor’s Centre has made a huge effort to record the history and culture of these unique people. It was a fascinating experience and something that enriched our visit to Georgia.

We returned from our holiday feeling happy and relaxed and we plan to go back to Georgia next year! �

line 24



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I. You will hear people talking in six different situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. You hear a man and a woman talking. What did the

woman enjoy most about her visit to Glasgow?

a. the architecture

b. the food

c. the ice-skating rink

2. You overhear this conversation. When is the man’s

meeting taking place?

a. tonight

b. tomorrow afternoon

c. tomorrow morning

3. You overhear a couple talking. Where will they

probably stay if they go to Dubai?

a. in a luxurious hotel

b. in a resort called Atlantis

c. in a Bedouin camp

4. You overhear a conversation. What is the man doing?

a. describing his experiences

b. complaining about the weather

c. recommending a travel destination

5. You hear a man talking on the phone. Where does the

man work?

a. at a supermarket

b. at a petrol station

c. at a travel agency

6. You overhear a man talking about things he saw in

Russia. What is he describing?

a. the metro

b. a museum

c. a palace 12SCORE

4. LISTENING Traveller


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A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.


Test 2 Module 21. VOCABULARY

1. The police managed to arrest the before they could get away. CRIME

2. Yesterday’s took place on Main Street, in broad daylight. ROB

3. After a few inexplicable deaths in the area, scientists found that the water contained some

substances. HARM

4. Didn’t you know that it is to smoke in hospitals? LEGAL

5. The two countries got involved in a , meaningless war that cost them many lives. BLOOD

6. His wife had given him an list of things she wanted him to buy from END

the shop.

7. of speech, a basic human right, is something that people had to fight for some FREE

years ago.

8. I think Emma is very to win the competition, because half her answers were LIKELY


B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the box.

1. Unfortunately, someone our house while we were on holiday last year.

2. All the dresses were so nice that I couldn’t which one I wanted to buy.

3. Don Johnson two shops on Oxford Street last night, and

with the money. However, the police arrested him shortly afterwards.

4. Are you sure you want to the divorce? You have two children to think about.

5. The government has to find a way to the economic crisis.

6. They said they would pay him for his work, but in the end they him

his share.

7. Julie said she would be very grateful if we could her friend

for a few days, as she could not afford a hotel.

break into make off deal with hold up

go through with cheat out of pick out put up




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C. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete the sentences.

1. I think I might have his skills. He is a lot less capable than I had thought.

a. overlooked b. overturned c. overtook d. overestimated

2. The government have taken to reduce the number of forest fires.

a. care b. pride c. measures d. notice

3. Michelle is quite in London and misses her friends in Manchester.

a. only b. lonely c. alone d. single

4. From an early age, Sylvia took part in writing and it was clear she would be a writer one day.

a. matches b. games c. races d. competitions

5. There is a cash prize for the winner, but all the in the show will get presents.

a. participants b. fans c. spectators d. audiences

6. Did you hear about the house that was last night?

a. shoplifted b. burgled c. kidnapped d. stolen

7. I was extremely upset when the woman me of theft.

a. sentenced b. charged c. blamed d. accused

8. The criminal had to in prison for the crimes he had committed.

a. serve time b. reach a verdict c. pay a fine d. plead guilty

D. Complete the table with the missing words.


Crime Criminal










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E. Complete the sentences below using the verbs in brackets in the correct Past tense. 2. GRAMMAR

1. The moment we (see) that puppy, we (know) we had to take it home.

2. When Mrs Swain (get) home, her husband (sleep).

3. Professor Jones (speak) for a whole hour when Alice (interrupt) him with a


4. Unfortunately for me, I (already / sign) the paper my boss gave me before I

(read) it.

5. Louise had been driving for an hour when she realised she (forget) her purse at home.

F. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not change

the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. The cost of living is a little higher than it was 2 years ago. slightly

The cost of living than it was 2 years ago.

2. I thought the hotel would be more luxurious. as

The hotel was I thought it would be.

3. I have never met a more responsible individual. ever

He is the most responsible individual met.

4. Linda was not as upset as I had expected. than

Linda I had expected.

5. When we went to their house, the guests had left. by

The guests had left we went to their house.

6. If you leave earlier, it will be easier to find a parking space. the

The easier it will be to find a parking space.

7. It is becoming increasingly dangerous to walk around town at night. and

It is getting to walk around town at night.

8. As a child, Stephen usually spent hours playing alone in his room. would

As a child, Stephen playing alone in his room.





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3. READINGG. Read the text below and answer the questions that follow.

1. In line 4, what does this refer to?

a..breaking the world record

b. her interest in sailing

c. her being a young girl

d. going onto her aunt’s sailing boat

2. Derbyshire is a place

a. near the sea.

b. near a river.

c. which is surrounded by land.

d. where Ellen went sailing.

3. In line 8, what does sponsorship mean?

a. equipment

b. emotional support

c. money to help you do something

d. technical advice

4. How did Ellen attract the attention of her first

sponsor, Kingfisher?

a. by doing well in the Mini Transat race

b. by raising money to buy a boat

c. by going to France

d. by gaining the title ‘Sailing’s Young Hope’

5. The most difficult thing about her voyage during the

Vendee Globe competition was the fact that

a. she was a woman.

b. she had a new boat.

c. she was terrified.

d. she faced dangerous conditions by herself.

6. Ellen is an inspiration to us because

a. she didn’t give up on her dreams.

b. she is a sailor.

c. she is a Dame.

d. she is the only woman to have sailed around the world



Sailing’s Young Hope Sailing’s Young Hope


line 4

line 8

Ellen MacArthur is the inspirational woman sailor who on February 7,

2005 broke the world record when she became the fastest person to sail

around the world. Ellen became interested in sailing at the age of eight

when she was taken aboard her aunt’s sailing boat. This was an exciting

experience for a young girl living in land-locked Derbyshire so far from

the coast.

Ellen faced many difficulties in becoming a professional sailor because

she lacked sponsorship. Despite this, she raised enough money to buy

a boat and when she was twenty, she entered the Mini Transat race in

France and sailed her boat 3000 miles across the Atlantic in just 33 days.

Impressed by this remarkable achievement, a group called Kingfisher

gave Ellen sponsorship. Ellen’s career as a sailor really took off after this,

particularly in France, where she was adored by the public and was given the official title ‘Sailing’s Young Hope’.

Next, Ellen entered the Vendee Globe competition with her new boat Kingfisher; she exceeded all expectations and

finished second. The greatest challenge for her was spending over 90 days alone facing terrifying storms at sea. Ellen

showed remarkable determination, courage and endurance.

Ellen went on to become the fastest solo sailor to sail around the world in 2005. In recognition of her achievement,

she was made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Ellen is a woman who has succeeded despite all

odds being against her and she is an inspiration to us all.


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H. You will hear a radio interview with Robert White, an adventure photographer, who is talking about his work. For questions 1-7, complete the sentences.


1. Robert is a photographer who has received many for his work.

2. Robert prefers to visit places that are .

3. A was set up for Robert so he could take pictures of the birds.

4. During the storm Robert was afraid he might be .

5. Robert believes it is important for him to he is working with.

6. Robert became interested in photography after he .

7. Robert says that he to make a career out of photography.


4. LISTENING Traveller


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A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.


Test 3 Module 31. VOCABULARY

1. He had to pay a fine after the police caught him driving recklessly in a area. RESIDENT

2. I wouldn’t recommend that hotel, as it is located on the outskirts of the city, which is


3. Sadly, his about the tropical storm were confirmed. PREDICT

4. Mrs Brown has very high of her daughter, Jenny, and was disappointed when

she didn’t win the competition. EXPECT

5. Fried bananas and roast chicken are the of this restaurant. SPECIAL

6. The campaign aimed at increasing people’s of the dangers of smoking. AWARE

7. Because of his to medical research, the scientist was awarded a prize. CONTRIBUTE

8. This is an important . Do not leave your belongings unattended. ANNOUNCE

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. There is an extra phrasal verb you do not need to use.

1. The police officer asked us to tell him everything we had seen without any information.

2. The sign says we should the grass.

3. If you don’t the plan, you will be asked to leave the team.

4. Brenda lying about where she had been the previous night, even though we all knew the truth.

keep off keep on keep to keep down keep back

4SCOREC. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete the sentences.

1. Without any , he is the best and most reliable employee of the company.

a. fail b. doubt c. warning d. delay

2. Instead of the usual TV show, Martha suggested watching a DVD .

a. for sure b. for good c. for a change d. for a while

3. When you , you must do everything in your power to achieve it.

a. set a task b. set a goal c. set standards d. set a trap

4. It cost a great deal of money to the antique furniture.

a. recount b. restore c. resolve d. retell

5. The professor specialises French literature.

a. on b. about c. at d. in

6. Gerard concentrated his newspaper and ignored his wife’s critical remarks.

a. on b. with c. to d. in

7. They have bought a small in the suburbs.

a. home b. house c. habitat d. skyscraper

8. Have you checked the weather today?

a. expectation b. guess c. forecast d. prediction




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D. Replace the highlighted words with their American English equivalent.

1. Have you decided which mobile phone you want to buy?

2. Faith said autumn was her favourite season.

3. She was very concerned about Jeffrey’s cough and went to the chemist’s to get some cough syrup.

4. Emily wants to specialise in Roman History.

5. The girls did some shopping in the city centre and then went home to watch a film on TV.

6. To get to the Gallery fast, just take the underground.


E. Choose the correct modal verb to complete the sentences.


1. According to the new law, people mustn’t / don’t have to smoke in public places.

2. Students mustn’t / needn’t pay the fees in advance, but they can do so if they want.

3. Paula mustn’t / needn’t tell John about the present. It’s a secret.

4. I think you would / should stop acting like a four-year-old.

5. They ought to / had better be here on time or else the boss will be very angry.

6. May I / Do I have to go to the restaurant? I really want to go to bed early tonight.


F. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. They don’t have money so they cannot afford to go on holiday. would

If they go on holiday.

2. Harold must quit smoking if he wants his health to improve. unless

Harold’s health will smoking.

3. The secretary has not arrived at the office yet, so the e-mails have not been sent. when

The e-mails will be sent at the


4. In your place, I would definitely call the police. you

If , I would definitely call the police.



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5. Debra will let us use her CD player, as long as we keep the volume down. provided

Debra will let us use her CD player down.

6. I haven’t been paid yet, that’s why I haven’t paid my rent. soon

I will pay my rent paid.

7. If the bookcase is on sale, I will buy it. as

As on sale, I will buy it.

8. They have to be here by 8 to get good seats. will

On condition that they are here

good seats.


G. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences below.

1. A: What are your plans for the weekend?

B: We are going to / about to visit my aunt and uncle in Bristol.

2. A: Can you do me a favour?

B: Sure, as soon as I finish / will finish cooking dinner.

3. Look at those clouds. I think it is raining / going to rain soon.

4. In two months I am going to work / will have been working in this company for four years.

5. By the time you wake up, I will arrive / will have arrived in Barcelona.

6. A: I really feel very sleepy.

B: I make / will make you some coffee.

7. When will your train have left / does your train leave?

8. My neighbour will have travelled / is going to travel to Paris.


3. READINGH. Read the following text and then answer the questions.

The Earth’s temperature has increased by about one degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. This is referred to as global warming and it causes changes in the world’s climate. For example, an increase in temperature will result in more rainfall, and flooding; this will have serious effects on humans, wildlife and plants. Global warming is a serious threat to our planet and scientists around the world are frantically working to develop new ways to deal with this problem. Scientists at the University of Edinburgh have come up with their own innovative idea; they plan to build a fleet of unmanned ships that will travel through the ocean creating waves that will help reduce global warming. The ships will patrol specific areas




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1. According to the writer, global warming is defined as

a. a gradual increase in the Earth’s temperature.

b. changes in the Earth’s weather.

c. rainfall and flooding.

d. a threat to humans, wildlife and plants.

2. The fleet of ships mentioned in the text will

a. patrol all the oceans.

b. operate on sea water and wind.

c. get heat from the sun.

d. spray drops of water into the sea.

3. The waves produced from the ships will

a. cause storms at sea.

b. cause the Earth to become hotter.

c. help decrease global warming.

d. cause the heat of the sun to be reflected back to Earth.

4. The scientists plan to send the ships to

a. the sea around a busy polluted port city.

b. rivers which are heavily polluted.

c. coastal areas in different parts of the world.

d. areas with stormy conditions.

5. What has sparked the interest in the recent use of rotor

powered ships?

a. concerns over global warming

b. the decreasing availability of oil

c. advances in computer technology

d. the increasing price of oil and the availability of modern


6. In paragraph 4, what point is the writer trying to make?

a. that the idea proposed by the scientists will not be


b. that this system could be successful in controlling global


c. that the idea is innovative

d. that the side effects of this system could be dangerous to

the planet

7. Why will the ships be equipped with emergency supplies?

a. in order to rescue people

b. so the staff on the ship can use them in case of an


c. in case of dangerous weather conditions

d. in case they sink

8. The ships will also work as science labs by

a. collecting and analysing water and air samples.

b. stabilising global warming until 2050.

c. making clouds brighter.

d. helping to improve technology.

of ocean, and spray tiny drops of sea water into clouds. These drops will brighten and whiten the clouds; the result of this is that the heat of the sun will be better reflected into space thus reducing global warming. The system will run on wind and sea water so there is no harm to the environment. The ships can be sent to the Arctic to reduce the temperature or they could be sent to seas around coral reefs which are threatened by increasing temperatures. It is planned that they will be sent to areas that have a lot of sunlight, and reliable winds but not violent or stormy winds. Also, places with large amounts of air pollution and dust would reduce the ships’ efficiency. Scientists have already identified the seas off the coast of Namibia, California and Peru as potential locations to operate the ships. The effects on the climate caused by the ships can be adjusted, increased or decreased according to our needs and they will be controlled by computers and staff in a special traffic room. The ‘cloud ships’ as they are called are going to be powered by rotors and the wind. The technology used to propel the ships was used over eighty years ago but has not been used since then; however, last month a German company launched a rotor powered cargo vessel. The availability of more modern materials, the increasing price of oil and the fact the ships are computer friendly has caused a return to this technology. The main questions we must ask is: will this actually work? Will the ships succeed in controlling global warming? Scientists have published a paper showing that when clouds over the oceans of a planet are made brighter or whiter, this cools the planet. They believe that the technology will help stabilise global warming until 2050. The ships will have a number of other uses, for example, they can act as science labs while they are in the water, taking water and air samples which will be analysed. Also, it is planned that the boats will have emergency supplies onboard in order to also act as rescue boats. These ships may be the answer to the problem of global warming and it is hoped that they will eventually become a reality.




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I. You will hear eight short conversations. After you hear each conversation, you will be asked a question about what you heard. Choose the picture which answers the question correctly.






a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

a. b. c.

SaturdayFriday Tuesday




4. LISTENING Traveller


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Mid-term test 1. VOCABULARY

1. It is for the students of our school to wear uniforms.

a. valid b. mandatory c. complimentary d. partial

2. Last year we spent our holidays at a luxurious in the Swiss Alps.

a. hostel b. cabin c. resort d. temple

3. What can I do to he damage I caused to your camera?

a. stand out b. turn out c. indulge in d. make up for

4. Laura’s from the party was noticed by everyone.

a. absence b. lack c. shortage d. loss

5. The robbers quickly got into the car and with the money.

a. broke into b. made off c. held up d. picked out

6. Jamie’s house was last night. Luckily he wasn’t at home.

a. robbed b. shoplifted c. burgled d. mugged

7. This company cannot possibly such a demanding project.

a. possess b. march c. elude d. undertake

8. Mr Wilson takes great in his children’s achievements.

a. pride b. advantage c. care d. desire

9. One of the of travelling abroad is that you learn about new cultures.

a. outcomes b. benefits c. aspects d. alternatives

10. She had high of her son and she now feels disappointed.

a. predictions b. standards c. expectations d. occupations

11. We cannot rely any longer on fuels for the production of energy.

a. acid b. nuclear c. solar d. fossil

12. He is a doctor who in plastic surgery.

a. specialises b. contributes c. concentrates d. relates

13. I will be away on a business for three days next week.

a. travel b. trip c. journey d. voyage

14. It’s in here. Let’s open the windows.

a. confined b. messy c. stuffy d. convenient

15. in the Arctic zone are beginning to melt.

a. Gales b. Geysers c. Particles d. Glaciers

16. After the we couldn’t go out because of the snow.

a. blizzard b. heatwave c. mist d. downpour

17. The dancer was so that the audience was amazed.

a. plain b. graceful c. picturesque d. grateful

Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.



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18. When Edgar threatened to reveal company secrets if he wasn’t promoted, his boss told him that he would never

submit to .

a. fraud b. forgery c. blackmail d. theft

19. They were to five years in prison.

a. charged b. convicted c. accused d. sentenced

20. It’s our that he’s guilty. He committed the murder.

a. belief b. favour c. intention d. response

21. Their for the legendary treasure ended suddenly.

a. skull b. quest c. tusk d. chest

22. Don’t the details. Pay attention to everything.

a. overtake b. overdo c. overlook d. overestimate

23. Is your sister taking part in the 200m tomorrow?

a. competition b. game c. match d. race

24. Lots of people have to long distances to go to work.

a. commute b. undergo c. maintain d. ensure

25. The Browns bought a beautiful house on the of the city.

a. habitat b. outskirts c. residence d. suburbs

26. We haven’t set a for our wedding yet.

a. trap b. goal c. date d. task

27. I’m afraid your advertisement was . Therefore I demand a refund.

a. urban b. inexplicable c. accessible d. misleading

28. Suddenly, a police officer started firing at the crowd without .

a. warning b. fail c. exception d. impact

29. The advantages of their offer the disadvantages. We should accept it.

a. eliminate b. outweigh c. economise d. dump

30. Rachel in passing her driving test and was thrilled.

a. accomplished b. managed c. succeeded d. achieved

31. Anyone who the law should be punished.

a. enforces b. reforms c. prevents d. violates

32. The teacher tried to her students’ confidence before the exams.

a. predict b. boost c. supply d. release




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1. … and now Martin has the ball and yes, he a brilliant goal!

a. scores b. has scored c. is scoring d. has been scoring

2. You’re so annoying. You whatever I do.

a. have always critised b. are always criticising c. criticise always d. have always been criticising

3. Would you like chips with your steak, sir?

a. few b. no c. some d. lots

4. Tina Spanish for three years now.

a. learns b. is learning c. has learnt d. has been learning

5. When we were young, we often fishing with our grandfather.

a. have gone b. went c. had gone d. were going

6. I couldn’t stop him. He was running .

a. fast and faster b. as fast as c. faster and faster d. less fast than

7. She was tired because she the house all day.

a. cleaned b. had cleaned c. was cleaning d. had been cleaning

8. Don’t worry, Dad. I carefully.

a. ’ll drive b. ’ll be driving c. drove d. ’ll have driven

9. At the age of twelve, Peter solve difficult exercises.

a. may b. could c. can d. might

10. I really think you to see a doctor about these headaches.

a. must b. should c. ought d. would

11. When you this button, the machine stops.

a. pressed b. will press c. would press d. press

12. If he isn’t home yet, he still be at the office.

a. must b. has to c. can d. needn’t

13. Sally really enjoyed dinner we had at the new Italian restaurant.

a. a b. the c. some d. –

14. My sister to the cinema twice this month.

a. will have been b. was c. has been d. has gone

15. Andrew didn’t see people at the party. It was boring.

a. much b. few c. plenty of d. many

16. We of going to the new Lebanese restaurant tonight. How about coming with us?

a. are thinking b. thought c. will think d. think

17. They a lot in the past, but now they exercise regularly.

a. worked out b. didn’t use to work out c. would work out d. hadn’t been working out

18. Your children speak English than mine.

a. as well b. the better c. much better d. the best

Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.Traveller


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19. By the time we got to the station, the train .

a. left b. will have left c. was leaving d. had left

20. Look out! You into that tree.

a. are going to crash b. will be crashing c. are crashing d. was going to crash

21. Excuse me, madam, you please put out your cigarette?

a. need b. would c. must d. ought

22. Unless Tony harder, he won’t get promoted.

a. had worked b. doesn’t work c. works d. didn’t work

23. Cathy cook anything today. We’re going to have dinner at her brother’s.

a. had better not b. might not c. can’t d. doesn’t have to

24. In tonight’s episode our beloved couple finally married.

a. gets b. got c. is getting d. was getting

25. We need a(n) of chocolate for that recipe.

a. loaf b. bar c. carton d. can

26. The stadium was almost empty. Very people had come to watch the match because of the rain.

a. many b. much c. few d. little

27. That is definitely the best book I .

a. ever read b. had ever read c. read d. have ever read

28. Her family hasn’t heard from her since she to Barcelona.

a. moved b. had moved c. was moving d. will be moving

29. homeless were provided with food and shelter.

a. Any b. The c. - d. A

30. For information don’t hesitate to call us.

a. far b. furthest c. further d. farther

31. Alan his parents at the weekend but something came up at work.

a. had been visiting b. was visiting c. would visit d. was going to visit

32. By the time the guests arrive, she cooking.

a. will have finished b. is finishing c. will finish d. will be finishing




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3. READINGRead the text and answer the questions. Choose a, b, c or d.

Adventure in Senegal

1. You might find an article like thisA. in an encyclopaedia.B. in a scientific magazine.C. a textbook.D. on a website.

2. What is the writer’s impression of Dakar?A. It is a noisy and unpleasant place.B. The traffic jams are annoying.C. The heat and dust make it uncomfortable.D. It is lively and exciting.

3. What is true about the Dakar markets?A. A visit there can be experienced in many ways.

B. They are the best place to eat. C. People dance to the rhythms of Senegalese music. D. Bargaining is discouraged.4. What does the writer think about the Senagalese

music scene?A. It represents Senegalese traditions.B. R&B is especially popular.C. It doesn’t go by unnoticed in the city.

D. Soundtracks are sold on the streets of the city.

5. What does the writer say about Senegalese football games?A. They are noisy and disorganised.B. Football is played African-style.C. There is more to enjoy than just the game.D. They are more popular than music.

6. According to the text, baobab treesA. grow only in Senegal.B. support tree houses where visitors can stay.C. are the main attraction in Sine-Saloum.D. provide wood for cabins.

7. The Siné-Saloum areaA. is a nature spot.B. has as much to offer as Dakar.C. is best known for its tree hotels.D. is where Dakar residents go to relax.


If you fancy something different for your next summer

holiday, Senegal has so much to offer that it might just

be the place for you. Whether it’s a family trip or a solo

traveller going in search of meaning and adventure,

Senegal has something to suit all tastes.

Once you set foot on the hot, dusty streets of the capital city

of Dakar, the vibrant atmosphere of the city hits you. The

locals strut about in a visual explosion of dazzling African

fabrics. You might find yourself stuck in a traffic jam on

Dakar’s busy roads, but the people are so good-natured and

friendly that you won’t even notice time slip by.

In the markets of Dakar, you can buy anything ranging

from traditional African fabrics, wooden carvings, fresh

fruit and meat (The cow is slaughtered in front of you!).

An impressive selection of food can be found on almost

every street corner; fresh grilled fish, skewered lamb and

rice are the most popular. The shoppers bargaining for

the best price, the upbeat rhythms of Senegalese pop and

the exciting mixture of smells are sure to stimulate all

your senses.

No matter what your tastes are, there’s lots to do in

Dakar, The city has an international music scene which

includes big names like Youssou N’Dour and the R &

B star Akon. Music is everywhere, from the small side

streets to the major roads; the air is filled with the

rhythmic mix of beats that make up the soundtrack of

the city. Football is also big in Senegal, in fact, it’s just

as important as music. If you would like to see a game,

prepare yourself for blowing horns, live bands, beating

drums and African-style cheerleaders. It is impossible

not to get caught up in all the excitement. Water sports

enthusiasts must visit Yor beach; surfers, amateur and

experienced alike, happily ride the warm Atlantic waves

that crash gently onto the white beach.

If you want to see more of Senegal’s natural

environment, visit the Siné-Saloum area. Check into a

tree hotel and sleep in a cabin in the enormous baobab

trees, which are characteristic of this area. It is peaceful

and the perfect place to chill out and relax after the

hectic pace of Dakar. There’s plenty to see and do too;

you can watch wrestling matches at the nearby village or

go kayaking in the mangrove swamps.

Senegal is a country rich in culture and beauty; it will

enchant and entertain you and leave you wanting to

come back again.



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1. You hear a young woman talking.

Why did the woman fail at first ?

a. She never planned anything.

b. She didn’t do enough.

c. She set unrealistic goals.

2. You hear a man talking to his daughter.

What is the man’s purpose?

a. To refuse permission.

b. To make a suggestion.

c. To give a warning.

3. What is the woman’s overall opinion of the holiday?

a. She thinks it’s interesting.

b. She is doubtful it would suit her.

c. She is very impressed.

4. You hear a prisoner being interviewed about his

reading group.

What did the prisoner think was the main advantage

of being part of a reading group?

a. It helps them realise their mistakes.

b. It helps them leave prison.

c. It helps them realise they have other options.

5. How does the man feel about the rock climber?

a. He thinks he took too many risks.

b. He admires him.

c. He thinks he lived a great adventure.

6. You hear a woman talking about a type of home called

an Earthship.

What is the woman’s attitude towards the development

of Earthships in Haiti?

a. She is worried that the project will not be a success.

b. She thinks it’s a creative way to help people and the


c. She believes it is too expensive.

4. LISTENINGYou will hear people talking in 6 different situations. Choose the best answer a, b or c.




You have seen this announcement in an international travel magazine.


Write your article in 120-180 words.

The place I dream of going to!

Tell us about a place you dream of going to. Briefly describe the place and say why you want to visit it.


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A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.


Test 4 Module 41. VOCABULARY

1. are currently trying to find an effective treatment for cancer. SCIENCE

2. The sudden of the population will probably lead to an unemployment crisis. GROW

3. I have a lot of , but the worst is that I can’t stop eating chocolate. WEAK

4. The doctor suggested drinking a lot of water and avoiding to the sun. EXPOSE

5. Many promise things they can’t deliver. POLITICS

6. After the manager’s , the staff held a meeting to discuss various issues. ARRIVE

7. Sharon works as a for a large firm. TYPE

8. Some people don’t want to get married because they don’t want to lose their . DEPEND

B. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d to complete the sentences.

1. After a certain age, your metabolism becomes slower, so it is more difficult to lose the weight you have .

a. earned b. gained c. won d. received

2. Purple was very popular last year, but now it is suddenly out of .

a. date b. fashion c. practice d. shape

3. The of her sick grandfather broke her heart.

a. sight b. show c. scene d. image

4. Did any problems during my absence?

a. rise b. raise c. arise d. lift

5. Her mother tried to convince her to reconsider, but she had already decided to marry Barry.

a. in brief b. in advance c. in charge d. in vain

6. The family offered a(n) to anyone who might have information about the missing girl.

a. income b. salary c. payment d. reward

7. Linda spent the afternoon in the park through magazines and sitting in the sun.

a. gazing b. glancing c. staring d. watching

8. His boss was for being extremely strict and old-fashioned.

a. favourite b. famous c. notorious d. popular




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C. Complete the sentences with the words/phrases in the box.

1. I would recommend reserving a table two weeks in .

2. Apparently, the manager was in , so he promised to see me the following day.

3. We have run out of money, and all the cashpoints in the area are out of .

4. They introduced us to Rea, who was in of the department.

5. Being out of for a long time means both financial and psychological pressure.

6. The chef specialises in spicy recipes. His curry dishes, in , are very popular.

7. I haven’t got all day. Tell me the news in .

8. There was something out of about that man that made him look suspicious.


D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

1. Amelia was when her daughter told her she had secretly got married.

2. The packaging says that the cake nuts and raisins.

3. The police officer asked him a question, but he remained .

4. Fay is the film critic who wrote that nasty about The Dark Knight.

5. Recently, all cashpoints have been from the metro stations.

6. In the US the rental fee the cost of electricity and water bills.

7. To show how much he my help with his assignment, Chris bought me a present.

8. The interior designer that redecorating the house would cost around €10,000.


review include estimate contain appreciate silent speechless remove

E. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use relative pronouns or adverbs.

1. Jessica was talking to a man. He bought the house next to hers.

The man .

2. They were building a school. It was destroyed by the fire.

The school .

3. I am driving Emma’s car. Emma is away on holiday.

Emma, .

4. These actors live in London. Most of them have studied abroad.

These actors, .

5. The Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand. New Zealand is a wonderful country.

New Zealand, .

a hurry charge work particular brief the ordinary order advance




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6. Johnny’s aunt is 75 years old. Her cottage is near the beach.

Johnny’s aunt, .

7. This castle was bought by a duke. It was built in the Middle Ages.

This castle, .

8. Florida is often hit by tropical storms. Florida is a state in the southern US.

Florida, .

F. Complete the sentences using either the infinitive or -ing form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Emily Schumann was the only student of the school (win) a scholarship.

2. (garden) is my mother’s favourite pastime.

3. There is no point in (try) to persuade her. She has made up her mind.

4. Do you mind (clean) the kitchen a bit?

5. It was a great shock (see) him after so many years.

6. That house was too expensive for me (buy).

7. I have always enjoyed (have) coffee with friends on a Sunday afternoon.

8. On her way to work, Monica stopped (pay) a visit to her aunt.

9. Henry bought a book (learn) how to cook Chinese.

10. The doctor was happy (see) that the little girl was doing better.

11. The Robinsons are not wealthy enough (afford) a Ferrari.

12. Why don’t you try (drink) some warm milk before you go to bed?



G. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. Children shouldn’t lie / have lied to their parents.

2. The girl over there can’t be / have been Amanda. She is in Australia at the moment.

3. The little girl’s parents ought to have taken / take her to the dentist as soon as she started complaining about a


4. Jonathan said he might say / have said something to Julie about the party, but he can’t remember for sure.

5. Thank you so much for the present, but you needn’t buy / have bought me anything.

6. Ellie must have left / leave the lights on before going out. She always forgets to turn them off.

7. You should let / have let me know you were coming. I would have cooked dinner if I had known.

8. Jamie must be / have been on his way to the airport as we speak. 8SCORE



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3. READINGH. Read the text and answer the questions 1-6. Choose a, b, c, or d.

1. Bollywood is

a. about Mumbai, an Indian city.

b. an Eastern equal to the US.

c. a made-up term.

d. the largest film producer in the world.

2. In line 2 what does its refer to?

a. Bollywood

b. Hollywood

c. the US

d. the Eastern film industry

3. What is true of the Bollywood film


a. It now only produces English films.

b. It was always successful.

c. It has some Hollywood characteristics.

d. It is becoming more and more popular

all over the world.



4. Aishwarya Rai

a. starred in some of the first Bollywood films.

b. became known due to her extraordinary beauty.

c. was famous before becoming an actress.

d. has acted in recent Bollywood films.

5. In line 18 what does dazzling extravaganza mean?

a. a cultural shock

b. an impressive show

c. an unsuccessful combination

d. a simple storyline

6. On what grounds does the writer recommend Bollywood films

in the last paragraph?

a. because they are funny

b. because they combine drama and music

c. because they can teach us a lot about Hindi

d. because they provide us with a culturally enriching



line 2

line 18

The Western film industry today is closely associated with Hollywood, USA. But Bollywood, its Eastern equivalent, has gained tremendous popularity and is considered to be one of the largest film-producing industries worldwide. Bollywood got its name from the merging of the words Bombay - the former name for the city of Mumbai - and Hollywood. It is used to refer to the film industry based in that Indian city, not to all of Indian cinema as is sometimes mistakenly believed. Bollywood films are for the most part musicals and the language spoken is Hindi. Nevertheless, due to their ever growing international popularity, more films are featuring Indian English and some are now exclusively in English. Bollywood films have been around since 1913 when the first silent film was produced in India and by the 1930s over 200 films were produced annually. The industry has had peaks and troughs over the decades; however, in 2000 there was a boom in Bollywood film popularity around the world. A new generation of actors and actresses caught the public’s eye, in particular, Aishwarya Rai – who is believed by many to be one of the most beautiful women in the world. Bollywood films are usually a three-hour dazzling extravaganza of music, song and dance. Often the plot of the film is melodramatic; there are usually conflicts between characters, a lot of drama and desperate villains trying to hurt the main characters. A Bollywood film will both entertain and thrill you as well as provide you with considerable insight into Indian culture.


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I. You will hear a conversation between two friends, Rachel and William. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. Why did William’s mum cry when she heard Faryl Smith sing?

a. because she was moved by the music

b. because Faryl is so young

c. because Faryl was offered a huge record deal

2. Rachel thinks it’s great that young people

a. are being discovered by major record companies.

b. are making classical music more popular.

c. are trying their luck on the show Britain’s Got Talent.

3. To go on the TV show

a. you need to have some kind of talent.

b. you need to be as good as George Sampson.

c. you need to be a singer or dancer.

4. What is Rachel’s talent?

a. She can sing.

b. She can dance.

c. She can play an instrument.

5. William tells Rachel that

a. most performers don’t feel nervous when performing live.

b. performing live is part of being a famous musician.

c. auditioning is more stressful than performing live.



4. LISTENING Traveller


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A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.


Test 5 Module 51. VOCABULARY

1. The university campus offers to all first-year students. ACCOMMODATE

2. Around two hundred will be interviewed for the job. APPLY

3. Jonathan is a young man, who has a lot to offer the company. PROMISE

4. Learning another language can prove very in many ways. BENEFIT

5. Mike was by the art exhibition; he said he had seen far better IMPRESS

ones in the past.

6. Michelle is a very friendly individual who enjoys with people. SOCIAL

7. In to Tolkien’s other books, did you find this one more exciting? COMPARE

8. Just out of , how much did your new haircut cost? CURIOUS

B. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

1. She a series of difficulties at school recently.

2. Although nobody thought the play would be popular, it to be a huge success.

3. The burglar broke into the house of a man who had recently a lot of money.

4. Rita fainted as soon as she heard the news, and after an hour.

5. Do you know why Bill that fantastic job offer?

6. Please, this document very carefully so that we can discuss it later.

7. Has the government any solutions to the economic crisis?

8. He just at work at 12 o’clock, without even apologising for being late.


C. Choose the correct option a, b, c or d.

1. It is very that Terry will get the job, as he is qualified and did very well in the interview.

a. likely b. unlikely c. alike d. like

2. The bomb squad said that the bomb would in half an hour, so there was little time to evacuate the area.

a. go on b. go off c. go over d. go with

3. It’s amazing how fast my son has a young man.

a. turned up b. turned into c. turned in d. turned out

4. Johnson received first in the school’s writing competition.

a. trophy b. reward c. prize d. award

5. Are you the new tax law?

a. in favour of b. in reply to c. in advance d. in addition

6. The night before the exams, Jenny and decided not to go.

a. turned a blind eye b. was all ears c. got cold feet d. broke a leg


go through turn down turn out come into come round come up with go over turn up


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7. Scientists said that the disease was by mosquitoes.

a. transferred b. transported c. transmitted d. travelled

8. Harold tries to avoid foods which contain colouring.

a. wrong b. false c. fake d. artificial

8SCORED. Complete the sentences using a phrase from the box.

1. There are a lot of things you can do to save money. , when you go to the supermarket,

stick to your shopping list.

2. The women looked desperate and food and shelter.

3. the school, I have to announce that the school trip is cancelled.

4. Henry was forced to stop working his health condition.

5. Christina is very friendly and self-confident. , her sister is shy and introverted.

6. The director did not say anything the crisis.

7. I don’t think she was telling the truth. , I believe she was trying to mislead us.

8. Patty started exercising and she cut down on fatty foods. , she lost a lot of weight and looks

much healthier.

on behalf of in need of as a result on account of

in contrast with regard to in fact for instance

E. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one.


1. People think that the old house on the top of the hill is haunted.

The old house .

2. They are currently discussing some plans about the new metro lines.

Some plans .

3. People say that my grandmother was very beautiful.

My grandmother .

4. They believed that the man possessed magic powers.

The man .





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F. Complete the sentences with either the Passive or the Active Voice of the verbs in brackets.

1. Thousands of computers (buy) every day because they

(become) a household item.

2. When the president (ask) about the issue of unemployment yesterday, he made no


3. Because Kevin was a good student, his parents (expect) him to do well in his exam.

4. A decision has to (reach), as to whether we should sell the house or find other

ways to get money.

5. The wedding ceremony (hold) yesterday in a small chapel just a few miles from the bride’s



G. Rewrite the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not

change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.

1. If there is an emergency, don’t hesitate to call me. case

Don’t hesitate to call me emergency.

2. Diana’s headache was so terrible that she couldn’t sleep. such

Diana that she couldn’t sleep.

3. The bank is far, so we can’t go on foot. enough

The bank go on foot.

4. There was so much rain that it was impossible to drive. lot

There was that it was impossible to drive.

5. Amy’s parents warned her about online shopping; however, she bought a pair of shoes from a website. despite

Amy bought a pair of shoes from a website warnings about online


H. Complete the dialogues using the Causative form where necessary.

1. A: I have to (water/my plants) while I am on holiday. Could you do it for me?

B: Sorry, I can’t because I am leaving tomorrow. But you can always (ask/your brother) to do it.

A: You are right. I am going to (Paul/feed) the cats, too.

2. C: I think we should go to the local beauty salon. My daughter (dye/hair) there every week.

D: Do they (manicure/nails), too?

C: Maybe, but I know Francis (do/nails) herself.

3. E: My neighbour Alice (update/computer) by a technician tomorrow.

F: I always (do) it myself.





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3. READING I. You are going to read a text about Mardi Gras. Seven sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences

A-H the one that fits each gap. There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

A. However, the carnival krewes insisted that they could

organise their parades.

B. It is a visual spectacle and attracts millions of people from

all around the world.

C. Different coloured beads are thrown into the crowds.

D. They each have an important meaning; purple for justice,

green for faith and gold for power.

E. Traditionally, the finder must either buy the next cake or

host the next party.

F. In the 1730s, the city began hosting this spectacular event

every year.

G. They were famous for having a king who is a comedic

imitation of the King of Carnival-Rex.

H. These were large exclusive social events with elaborate

and luxurious decorations.



Mardi Gras in New Orleans

The New Orleans Mardi Gras festival is a world famous

carnival that has been taking place in the city for centuries.

The tradition came to New Orleans from Paris, where it had

been celebrated since the Middle Ages. 1 Back then, the

celebrations included balls, parades and various parties, and

they were organised by secret societies called ‘krewes’. In the

present day, more ‘krewes’ have been formed and they continue

to carry on the festive tradition of Mardi Gras.

A visit to New Orleans by Duke Alexis

Alexandrovitch Romanoff of Russia inspired the choice

for the traditional colours of Mardi Gras. 2 Also, the

invention of the King of Carnival-Rex was created as a result

of the Duke’s visit. He soon became the symbol of Mardi

Gras and each year an upstanding member of the community

was selected to reign over the carnival. In 1873, the organisers

held their first ball during which they selected the Queen of

Carnival. Ever since, balls have been organised every year.

3 The Queen was always a debutante, a young woman

making her first important social appearance.

There were various carnival ‘krewes’, notably the

Proteus Krewe, who had a sparkling parade on their first

appearance with an ancient Egyptian theme. The Zulu Krewe

was formed in the twentieth century. It was comprised of

members of the black community of New Orleans and they

took their name from the fierce Zulu warriors of Africa.

4 One of their most famous Kings was the singer Louis

Armstrong, who ruled during the 1949 carnival. Today, they

are still one of the most important ‘krewes’.

Food is also a large part of the carnival and one of

the most popular kinds of food is the King Cake. It is sold in

bakeries and delicatessens around the city during the carnival

season. The cake is made of braided Danish pastry which is

laced with cinnamon. It is iced using the Mardi Gras colours,

purple, green and gold and hidden inside the cake is a plastic

baby. 5

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina swept through New

Orleans with devastating consequences, and many residents of

the city doubted if the carnival would take place in 2006.

6 Many of the people who took part in organising the

carnival had lost their homes and belongings in the hurricane

but they didn’t let this affect the carnival atmosphere and the

residents’ enthusiasm was stronger than ever.

The New Orleans Mardi Gras season is very special.

7 So, if you want to be thrilled and entertained, why don’t

you visit New Orleans for their next Mardi Gras?


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1. a. watch a fashion show

b. try food from caterers

c. see a musical

2. a. appliances

b. honeymoon packages

c. a wedding dress

3. a. They are expensive.

b. They require lots of preparations.

c. They are possible without giving anything up.

4. a. by making their own invitations

b. by using recycled paper

c. by using the Internet

5. a. donating leftovers

b. serving organic and locally grown food

c. preparing and serving less food

6. a. a small guest list

b. all the travelling guests need to do

c. all the arrangements couples need to make

I. You are going to hear a radio programme about a wedding and bridal show. You will hear the programme in several parts. After each part you will hear 2-4 questions. For each question choose the correct answer.

7. a. invite only those closest to them

b. invite only those living close to them

c. invite only those they haven’t seen in a long time

8. a. that they are not made of gold

b. that they were made with the environment in mind

c. that they are paying the right price

9. a. common sense

b. money

c. lots of time

10. a. it’s made of silk

b. it’s fancy

c. it can be worn more than once

11. a. renting cameras

b. buying disposable cameras

c. hiring a photographer

12. a. throw them away

b. use them over and over again

c. give them away


4. LISTENING Traveller


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A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.

Test 6 Module 61. VOCABULARY

1. Even though alternative medicine is practised by some doctors, a lot of people

remain that it is effective. CONVINCE

2. The man claimed he was a magician who possessed powers. NATURAL

3. There are different of this painting, and some of them are really interesting. INTERPRET

4. Nobody thought he would ever recover from his illness, but one day he

just walked out of the hospital. MIRACLE

5. To set out on such a dangerous journey you need to have a lot of determination and


6. I couldn’t understand Ramon’s . FRUSTRATE

7. The soldier suffered many , but the one on his leg was the most severe. INJURE

8. With a job and three children to look after, it’s no wonder she suffers from . EXHAUST

B. Complete the highlighted phrases so that their meaning is similar to the phrases in brackets.

1. A few months after the scandal, new information came . (was revealed)

2. It really gets when people ask me personal questions. (annoys me)

3. I think it’s time we put to this silly argument between us. (ended)

4. A hammer always comes in every household. (is useful)

5. He wanted to get the boy who stole his bike. (take revenge on)



C. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box.

1. Throughout the lecture, a young man was notes, while others were listening.

2. The war has death and misery in the country.

3. Last night I heard a song which lots of memories from when I was a university student.

4. Why did you so many responsibilities if you don’t have any free time?

5. After the manager died, his son the company.

6. Is it a good idea to buy this huge sofa? It will the entire living room.

7. Thankfully, Christina found a job and started some money to help her parents.

8. It was apparent that the four girls were in a loving environment.



bring about

take up

bring back

bring in

bring up

take down

take on

take over


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1. I have my doubts about buying this car. second

I am about buying this car.

2. A phone call interrupted him while he was thinking. train

A phone call thought.

3. Reading this book will really provide the readers with the opportunity to think deeply and help them solve

their problems. food

Reading this book will really provide the readers and help them solve

their problems.

4. No way is there an elephant in the middle of the road! I have to see this. seen

No way is there an elephant in the middle of the road! This has believed.

5. What are you thinking about? penny

A thoughts.

D. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first, using the word

given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including

the word given.

2. GRAMMAR E. Read the following sentences and turn them into Reported Speech. Use the verbs in the box.

1. ‘You should combine earthy colours and wooden furniture,’ said the decorator.


2. ‘I am sorry I forgot to cook last night,’ said Linda.


3. ‘It was that man who robbed the bank this morning!’ said Mrs Robinson.


4. ‘What was the artist trying to represent in this work?’ I asked myself.


5. ‘I am responsible for the car accident,’ said Beryl.



SCOREF. Choose the correct option a, b, or c.

1. On no account to be opened.

a. is this door b. this door is c. would this door

2. Everyone said that Mrs Davis was a remarkable woman. that she was a thief.

a. We knew little b. Little we knew c. Little did we know

3. Not until the women arrived at the restaurant they had left the door unlocked.

a. they remembered b. have they remembered c. did they remember

4. No sooner had I entered the building I heard a loud noise.

a. when b. than c. that SCORE



admit apologise accuse suggest wonder



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G. Read the situations below and rewrite the sentences starting with the words given.

1. Janice didn’t become a dance teacher and now she regrets it.

Janice wishes .

2. The old woman didn’t know it would rain, so she didn’t take her umbrella.

If the old woman .

3. I would love to have some cheesecake, but I am on diet.

If only .

4. Felix doesn’t like it when people enter his room.

Felix would rather .

5. Ellie behaves like she is superior to everyone else.

Ellie behaves as .

10SCORE3. READINGH. Read the text on the next page and answer the questions 1-10. Choose a, b, c or d.

1. Which of the following would you not

be able to register for only one day?

a. the Dance Workshop

b. the course on Spiritual Activism

c. the Rest Retreat

d. the Special Event

2. If you want advice on how to prepare

food, which course should you follow?

a. Leadership and the Community

b. Psychology and the Art of Meditation

c. Creativity

d. the Rest Retreat

3. Which of the following would you

contact if you had questions about the


a. [email protected]

b. [email protected]

c. [email protected]

d. [email protected]

4. Who of the following could not

attend the Special Event?

a. a nurse

b. a doctor

c. a high school teacher

d. a marriage and relationship


5. Which course would teach you about

how a part of your mind works?

a. Writing Retreats

b. Leadership and the Community

c. Spiritual Activism

d. the Art Workshop

6. Which course should someone

interested in world peace attend?

a. Spiritual Activism

b. Creativity

c. Psychology and the Art of Meditation

d. Leadership and the Community

7. You must telephone 845.757.1717 if

you want to find out more about the

a. Art Workshops.

b. Writing Retreats.

c. Rest Retreats.

d. Special Event.

8. Which two courses can you attend if

you cannot leave Manhattan?

a. Spiritual Activism and the Dance


b. Psychology and The Art of

Meditation and the Rest Retreat

c. Leadership and the Community and

the Dance Workshop

d. Leadership and the Community and

the Art Workshop

9. Which course would require you to

submit a sample of your work?

a. the Writing Retreat

b. Leadership and the Community

c. the Art Workshop

d. Spiritual Activism

10. Which course offers a reduction in

price if you stay a minimum of six


a. Writing Retreats

b. Dance Workshop

c. Rest Retreats

d. Spiritual Activism



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Psychology and the Art of Meditation This offers practical guidelines on how to cope with the stress of modern life. There will be workshops on how to deal with fear, conflict and anxiety. Emphasis is on how to tap into our inner resources and achieve personal transformation.This course is exclusively for health-care professionals, and those working within fields such as psychology, psychiatry and social work who wish to enhance their therapeutic techniques.Friday 7:30p.m.-10:00p.m.And Saturday 9:30a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Make spiritual matters your priority.Stay for any 6 nights and receive a 25% discount.Choose from a wide range of activities, including meditation, yoga or try kayaking on the river. Select the spa treatment that fits your needs. Or simply go for quiet walks by the lake or along country roads in the rolling hills of the surrounding countryside. Optional demonstration classes on how to prepare healthy food and achieve weight loss.




The Omega Institute for Holistic Studies is one of America’s leading centres for personal growth and wellness. Omega offers inspirational courses to improve your body and mind in nearly 200 acres of the beautiful Hudson Valley, New York State. Omega is fully committed to creating a sustainable world for you and your families. Whatever your needs, you will be able to satisfy them at the Omega Institute. Courses marked with an * are also available in downtown Manhattan.


CREATIVITYCreativity allows us to express our inner selves. As Albert Einstein so rightly said, ‘play is the highest form of research.’ Omega courses and workshops do far more than teach you new techniques. The aim is to help you discover and develop the strength and self- confidence inside every human being.

Call 845.757.1717 ore-mail us at [email protected]

Call 845.757.2250 ore-mail us at [email protected]


REGISTRATION•Pay online by credit card•By phone. Call toll free 877.944.4000 in US or 845.255.7777 for International•Fax registration form to 845.266.3768 or e-mail [email protected]•Post registration form to: Omega Institute 15 Lakeside Drive Rhinebeck NY 1252-4953

All courses and bookings are subject to availability. There is a two-night minimum stay for the Rest Retreat.

Call 845.757.1234 or e-mail us at [email protected] for further information

Art WorkshopShows you how to access the right side of your brain, your creative side, while increasing your technical skills. All levels welcome.Dance Workshop *Connect with your body and learn new ways to express yourself artistically. Classes from beginners to advanced.Writing RetreatsMotivates you to begin that novel or short story you have always wanted to write. Offers advice on how to develop plot and character. Some evidence of your own creative writing should be sent in with your application.

Workshops may be taken individually or as a series.

Call 845.757.4321 ore-mail us at [email protected]

Leadership and the Community. *While it is undoubtedly true that change begins from deep inside us, this is a process which needs support and encouragement. Once you are comfortable with yourself you will feel more at ease communicating with the other opinion formers in your local community. Omega provides the training that you need. Omega will show you how to maximise your own greatest strengths.

Spiritual ActivismWe must appreciate our deepest needs and our connection to the Earth. The course promotes harmony and cooperation. See how your gifts and talents make you special and how they can help you make a difference to the peace of global communities.Courses through the year.Courses may be designed for business/corporate clients.



Call 845.757.1234 ore-mail us at [email protected]



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I. You will hear five people talking about why they do or don’t do sports. Choose from the list a-f the statement that best describes each speaker’s opinion. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter you do not need to use.

a. Doing sports requires a certain amount of free time.

b. Sport helps develop a good team spirit.

c. Sport is particularly beneficial for younger generations.

d. Sport helps improve your body and mind.

e. Sport can cost too much money.

f. Sport can be demanding on your personal life.


Speaker 1

Speaker 2

Speaker 3

Speaker 4

Speaker 5


4. LISTENING Traveller


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Choose the correct option a, b, c or d.



1. When we at the airport, Jenna’s flight had already landed and she was waiting for us in the café.

a. arrived b. reached c. got d. approached

2. Beatrice said that working as a is enjoyable in every aspect, apart from the fact that you have to

work outdoors.

a. chambermaid b. stewardess c. tour guide d. travel agent

3. After a week on the yacht, Joshua was happy to be on again.

a. shore b. coast c. beach d. sea

4. When the weather was nice, she liked to go for a walk in the early morning .

a. blizzard b. mist c. downpour d. heatwave

5. The he made online cost him an arm and a leg.

a. acquisition b. profit c. purchase d. damage

6. Joe Donne has been with murder and is expected to serve many years in prison.

a. charged b. convicted c. blamed d. sentenced

7. The hijacker said he would release all the if the police satisfied his demands.

a. victims b. witnesses c. jury d. hostages

8. A new villa is being built the outskirts of the city.

a. in b. on c. at d. into

9. Bill and Denise decided to get married but they haven’t a date yet.

a. put b. set c. thought d. held

10. Everyone likes my cooking. Gerard is just the exception the rule.

a. of b. in c. to d. from

11. Vivian had a very busy year, because she was in several theatrical performances.

a. concentrated b. related c. involved d. specialised

12. Although they were told to keep their voices , they were still very noisy.

a. back b. down c. off d. on

13. Students should attend all lectures without .

a. delay b. warning c. doubt d. fail

14. The windmills were such an sight that tourists could not stop taking pictures of them.

a. impressed b. impressive c. impression d. impress

15. Stuart at his mother’s photo for a second and then continued reading his novel.

a. gazed b. stared c. glanced d. watched

16. The financial scandal, which was revealed right before the Election Day, received a lot of .

a. advertisement b. commercial c. publicity d. announcement

17. Some of the of working for this company are private health insurance, an annual bonus and

commuting expenses.

a. donations b. rewards c. incomes d. perks

18. We while the artist painted Lisa’s portrait.

a. observed b. viewed c. noticed d. admired


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19. I would love to stay and chat, but I am in because my train leaves in about an hour.

a. advance b. a hurry c. time d. brief

20. The doctor said my mother’s blood sugar levels were perfectly .

a. normal b. physical c. common d. average

21. The government is planning to a satellite into space next month.

a. remove b. launch c. shoot d. eject

22. Being a figure can often mean that you have to give up your personal life.

a. celebrity b. star c. fabulous d. public

23. How did it come that you got a job in Dubai?

a. into b. up with c. round d. about

24. Bob was going to propose to Alexandra last night, but in the end he and decided to wait a bit longer.

a. turned a blind eye b. was all ears c. broke a leg d. got cold feet

25. What meanings do you think the writer is trying to ?

a. connect b. transport c. convey d. transfer

26. Although I don’t like using credit cards, they come if you run out of cash.

a. in handy b. into effect c. into power d. to light

27. Joe’s family never believed he would be capable murder.

a. for b. of c. off d. to

28. Throughout her childhood, Denise strove to make her father proud her.

a. about b. of c. in d. for

29. Steve didn’t at work and didn’t even call to let the boss know he wasn’t coming.

a. end up b. take up c. catch up d. show up

30. To meet the deadline we must stop wasting time and get .

a. down to business b. the sack c. even d. on our nerves

31. Geraniums bring memories of my happy childhood in the village.

a. up b. back c. in d. round

32. Her parents have been putting a lot of on her to get a part-time job.

a. effort b. money c. pressure d. blame




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1. Where these past three years?

a. do you work b. you have worked c. are you working d. have you been working

2. Although it is quite unbelievable, these days his diet of watermelon only.

a. is consisting b. consists c. has been consisting d. was consisting

3. The police seem to think that the victim when the burglary took place.

a. had been sleeping b. slept c. was sleeping d. has been sleeping

4. that Mercedes car?

a. Who does own b. Who owns c. Who is owning d. Who did own

5. By 2018 a new airport in the capital.

a. will build b. will have been built c. will be building d. will have been building

6. Students be careful when going down the stairs.

a. ought to b. need c. could d. would

7. On condition that they make an effort, they it in time.

a. make b. will have made c. might make d. had to make

8. I met three journalists, two of had recently been to Georgia.

a. which b. those c. whose d. whom

9. It is important to notify me one week before you .

a. arrive b. are arriving c. will arrive d. have arrived

10. Would you be interested in our new product?

a. to try b. try c. trying d. having tried

11. They had a chance of surviving if they had found water.

a. should have b. might have c. must have d. can’t have

12. Mandy was seen the building at five in the morning.

a. having left b. leave c. to leave d. to have left

13. Some years ago, Betsy Sanders a great singer.

a. was thought to be b. was thought she is c. was thought of being d. thought to be

14. The director at Mr Clean at the moment.

a. is washing his car b. has his car washed c. is having his car washed d. had his car washed

15. You will lose the case you find a better lawyer.

a. provided b. if not c. unless d. as long as

16. Because of the hurricane we not to leave the building under any circumstances.

a. have told b. have been told c. tell d. will have told

17. If only the car I want to buy less expensive!

a. is b. has been c. were d. can be

18. It’s time for him how to drive.

a. learn b. learnt c. to learn d. learning

19. My cat by my sister while I’m away.

a. is taking care of b. is being taken care of c. took care of d. has taken care of

TravellerChoose the correct option. 2. GR AMMAR


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20. Never speak to people you don’t know.

a. should you b. you should c. you shouldn’t d. shouldn’t you

21. what the professor was talking about?

a. Do you understand b. Are you understanding c. Understand d. You have understood

22. The candidate was unsuccessful as he had previous working experience and did not hold a

postgraduate degree.

a. hardly b. little c. plenty d. few

23. The neighbours so much noise that it is very hard to sleep!

a. make always b. are always making c. do always make d. have always made

24. late for work, which makes a bad impression on all her colleagues.

a. Linda always is b. Linda is always c. Linda does always d. Always Linda is

25. They said they regretted us that our application had been rejected.

a. informed b. informing c. to inform d. to have informed

26. By the doctor’s orders, you are harming yourself.

a. don’t follow b. not to follow c. not following d. not follow

27. It was expensive house to maintain that the owners had to sell it.

a. so b. such c. too d. such an

28. his bad health, he is very active.

a. However b. Although c. In spite d. Despite

29. The manager suggested some days off.

a. to take b. take c. taking d. having taken

30. ‘It was a mistake to become a teacher. I wish I Architecture,’ said Stephen.

a. studied b. had studied c. have studied d. would study

31. Ken was the second person his mother in hospital.

a. to visit b. visiting c. have visited d. visit

32. We each other since primary school.

a. are known b. have been knowing c. have known d. knew




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Read the article about Copenhagen. Some sentences have been removed from the text.

Choose from the sentences A-H the one which best fits each gap. There is one extra

sentence which you do not need to use.


Copenhagen-The fairytale city

Copenhagen is a perfect weekend break destination for anyone who wants to enjoy art, culture,

and beautiful architecture. Copenhagen is the capital of Denmark and it is one of Europe’s

most charming cities. Over the centuries, fishing and trading turned the place into a

prosperous town and in 1343 King Valdemar Atterdag made it the capital of Denmark.

The city of Copenhagen and the surrounding areas have many different things to offer visitors

including museums, art galleries, restaurants, botanical gardens, the Tivoli Gardens and lots

more. It is located about 40 minutes outside the city in a 19th century villa which

is built on a hillside which slopes downwards to the sea. It has an excellent collection of

international contemporary art and various interesting temporary exhibitions. Also, the Black

Diamond, Denmark’s striking Royal Library, is well worth a visit. The outside of the

building is made of glass and marble and it houses a concert hall and waterfront café. Another building worth visiting while in the city is

the new Opera House, which is built on the waterfront and is a magnificent example of modern architecture.

There is a bright spacious public area where you can enjoy views over the water and inside the building is a traditional horseshoe-shaped

auditorium decorated with warm colours.

A trip to Copenhagen would be incomplete without visiting the Little Mermaid. She was created in honour of the Danish

author, Hans Christian Andersen, who entertained children around the world with his fairytales. The story of the mermaid who rescued a

shipwrecked prince is particularly well-known.

You can also easily combine a trip to Denmark with a visit to Sweden. Built in 2000, it is one of the longest structures in


Copenhagen is a pretty city with a medieval atmosphere, the houses are tall and thin and there are plenty of boutiques and coffee

shops in the city centre. Hotels are affordable compared with other Scandinavian capitals and there are plenty of

restaurants to enjoy traditional Danish cuisine. In addition, you will be given a warm welcome by the friendly Danish people who are

well-known for their hospitality.


A. A walk around its streets is a visual delight, with striking architecture to be found around every corner.

B. The sculpture sits on a rock in the Copenhagen harbour and is admired by thousands of tourists all year round.

C. One attraction worth seeing is the Louisiana Art Gallery.

D. Tivoli Gardens is Denmark’s world famous theme park which has entertainment for kids and adults, including rides, an aquarium, a

theatre and a concert hall.

E. The city has had a colourful history, starting off as a small fishing village located on the east coast of Denmark’s largest island.

F. The most convenient way of reaching it is by boat, which adds an element of glamour to the experience.

G. You just cross over the Oresund Bridge which links the two countries.

H. It is the largest in Scandinavia and contains many historical treasures.










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You will hear people talking in six different situations. For questions 1-6, choose the best answer a, b or c.

1. You overhear a conversation. How do fashion recycling parties benefit the environment?

a. They reduce the amount of rubbish in landfills.

b. They raise money for charity.

c. They are an economical way to get designer clothes.

2. You overhear a conversation. What is the purpose of the therapeutic gardening course?

a. to keep troubled teens in school

b. to help improve students’ marks

c. to help students feel better about themselves

3. You overhear a conversation. What does the man believe?

a. To like art you have to understand it.

b. Art is a means of expression.

c. Objects in paintings can symbolise more than one thing.

4. You overhear a conversation. What did the man not enjoy on his holiday?

a. the music

b. the camel ride

c. the desert

5. You overhear a conversation. What did the man think of the play?

a. It was silly.

b. The set was realistic.

c. It was entertaining.

6. You overhear a conversation. What does the man say about meditation?

a. Anybody can do it.

b. It takes some practice to get better at it.

c. It takes a long time to feel its benefits.

4. LISTENING Traveller

Write a letter to a friend of yours describing a school event that you recently attended. Say what kind of event it was, what took place and what you liked or disliked about it.


Write your letter in 120 - 180 words.




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Traveller Level B2Test Booklet

H.Q. Mitchell

Published by: MM Publications [email protected]

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ISBN: 978-960-443-619-4

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COMPONENTS:• Student’sBook• FullcolourWorkbook• Teacher'sBook• TestBooklet&CD/CD-ROM• StudyCompanion• ClassCDs• Placementtest• InteractiveWhiteboard




is an exciting seven-level course that takes learners from Beginner to advanced level.

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ISBN: 978-960-443-619-4

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