Please tick the box to continue:

  • THE SPRING RACES wil* commence over I he Bascomhe Course, near Mobile, on the 17th ol March, and continue four days. Particulars will be given in due time.

    leblft 66if JOHN CLARK, Proprietor.

    THE undersigned him just received an assoiiiueiit of Spring Gouda which lie offers for vale at the following prices:

    Summer Cassimeres of various colon, all wool $1 60 a 1 76

    Merinos. 80 a 3 26 Vestings.1 00 a 6 00 Cravats. 25 a 6 00 Drillings, pure linen. *0 a 1 45

    Do linen and cotton. 40 a 90 White Muslins, plain and figured. 35 a 90 Jackonett d'Ecosse. 86 a 60 Jackonetts. 25 a 70 Suspenders. 40 a 2 50 Also, various other articles, such as Twine for

    Seines, Netting, kc, fehl4 65umo GUILLEAULT, 20 Conti at.

    l^NGLISH CHEMICALS, DRUGS, fcc-Lai.d- MlA ing per British ship Duncan from Liverpool— 250 lbs pure Bi Caib Soda

    2000 lbs Epsom Salts; 50 do Calomel 100 lbs powdered Rhubarb 50 lbs Blue Mass 50 lbs assorted Extracts, Colocynth, etc

    Carb. Magnesia, Calcined Magnesia Tartaric Acid, Rochelle Salts, Kreusote Morphine. Nitrate Silver, with a great many other Chemicals too numerous to mention. For sale

    wholesale or retail at very reduced prices. feb20 _MOSELY & TUCKER, Druggists. NEW SPRING GOODS—Daniels & Brady have now for sale at very low prices the follow- ing new and fashionable Spring goods:

    New style Silk and Wool Balzarines New style Rarage and Foulards New and beautiful elyle Tissue Muslins French Jaconet and Swiss Printed Muslins New style Scotch Ginghams Plain black Rarage and Mouselin de Laines Plain bluck BombazineB and Clmllies Black and white Ginghams and Caliches Light French and American Calicoes French ami English Linen Checks Irish Linens, soft make and at very low prices.


    RW. ANDREWS & CO., 8 St Michael-street, • have in store, received per late arrivals, a •oiuplete assortment of Fancy and Staple Dry (roods, which are offered to dealers at New-York Pearl-st

    {■rices, among which are— jowell, Petersburg and Pntapsco Osnaburgs Lowell Linseys and Kerseys Brown and bleached Shirtings and Sheetings Blankets, 8-4 and 9-4 Dultil, Whitney and Macinaw Flannels, white, red, yellow and fine Welch French, English and American Prints Rich printed Cashmeres and Muut>eline DeLaiues Alpacca, Iris Cloths ami Meriuoes Super black French Bombazines Black and colored Silks, for Ladies* dresses Ladies* Silk and Cotton Hosiery, and half Hose Ladies’ and Gent’s super black, while and colored Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings [Kid Gloves Laces, Edgings, Inserting*, &c. feb!9

    MED1TERKANEAN PKOUUC E—Fruit, Wines, &c., d*c., now landing from brig Silen- xio a id (or sale by

    JAMES GANDOLFO, 70 Commerce-st Almond*—common, lutrd and noli shell Walnuts, Huxle Nuts nnd Cliesnuls Maccaroni, Vermicilli and assorted Paste Parmesan Cheese, assorted Pickles, Conserves Anchovies, Sardines, Olives, (iarlicks Olive Oil, in baskets nnd jars Malaga Lemons and Figs Muscatel Kaisins, io whole, half and qr boxes Sweet Malaga Wine, in hbls Claret Wine, in whole, half and qr pipes Catalonia lied Wine, in do do do St qr casks superior French Brandy White Wine, Orange Flower Water Freucli Crockery Ware French Claret Bottles and Corks Large Earthenware Jars, for water or oil, dif-

    ferent sixes; 10 pieces white veined Marble. feblS

    G BOCK KIES—26 boxes Maccaroni 100 sacks Old Government Java Coffee 100 boxes New Bedford Candles 100 boxes Patent Press do 25 do Verinicili 150 whole and half boxes No 1 Brown Soap 20 bbls New Bedford winter bleached pure

    Speriu Oil; 200 single Molasses Bairels 10 bbls New Bediord Spiing bleached pore

    Sperm Oil; 10 bids winter bleached Whale Oil 20 bbis East Boston refined Crashed Sugar 20 do do do do Loaf do

    r»' 10 boxes do do ds do do 50 packages Cranberries, halves, qr & eighths

    10t* bbls Chenango Potatoes, in fine Older 50 bbls Silver Skin Onions, do do.

    In store and for sale by febl5 J AS. A. HOOPER, 40 St Michael-st

    OLD BROWN WINDSOR SOAP, *c.—Just received pet ship Duncan from Liverpool— 10 gross assorted Tooth Brushes

    1 gross Nail Brushes 250 lbs Old Brown Windsor Soap

    6 gross Cuclion Droiuatiza 2 gross Camphoia'ed Chalk for the teeth 1 gross English Court Plalster

    A large assortment of llair Bells and Gloves, etc. For sale wholesale and retail by

    ieb20 MOSELY & TUCKER.

    f|AO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND PLAN- X TERS—Damkls & Huadv are now selling oil at reduced prices for cash the following:

    Negro Kerseys and Negro Blankets Reulucky Jeans and Satinets Brown and bleached Domestics Lowell, Virginia and Carolina Osaaburgs Calicoes of all descriptions Tickings, Hosiery, Linens, lie. Silk Shawls and Mouaeliu de Lames. Ieb28

    Ci WES TFELDT & BROTHER offer lor sale e Bugging—1000 pieces Kentucky Rope—800 coils Kentucky Twiuft—30001b* Northern and Kentucky CofTee—800 lings prime Kio; 50 do Laguira

    150 bags Java; 50 uo green Havana 100 bags Maracaibo

    Rice—150 casks Charleston Refined Sugar—300 bbls Boston Loaf, Pow-

    dered and Crashed. mill

    CIOKDOVA PLATNS.KErn'lJCKY JEANS /AND PL INS, be. 10 bales Cordova Plains 10 do Kentucky Jeans 10 do do Liuseys 20 do Vinginia Kerseys

    —A very superior article for Negro Clothing, for sale by [Iebl5j BEERS & SMITH.

    IL—10 bbls Bleached Whale 20 casks Judd’s winter strained Sperm 10 bbls bleached Lamp Oil 20 bbls Bridge’s Linseed Oil 10 bbls western do do [Io bids Tanner’s Oil. In store on consign-

    ment and for sale by feb27 WHITAKER & SAMPSON, 20 Conti-el UNDKILS —100 bbls Ker.lilied Whiskey

    $ 20 casks new Cin Sides, Shoulders and Haiua 150 bids superfine Flour; 30 hiids lair Sugar

    10 hints air telly prune Sugar 600 bags prime while Corn; 300 do Brun

    60 tibia Molasses, instore uud lo unite per ■etna Hornet and Cora, lor ante by

    mh* MARSHALL, ROWE & CO.

    Si ClMlRAIuS—5tl bbla Cruahcd uuu L ui augur

    I 20 bbla Powdered Sugar 10 Id bbU Pickled Pork 10 III do Fulton Market Beef

    4 do Smoked do 100 dried Bullalo Tongues, lor ault by


    DRY HuODS—10 bales Portland Sheetings 10 bales alout Pori land Heniius 100 dox each ll, E, M and L Cotton Flagg Hdkfs 600 pieces imitation Pongee Hdkfs 100 d »xeu light Cottou Shawls; 5 cases Kerseys

    For sale low to close consinniuent by IcbU JAS. A. HOOPER, 40 St Michael-nt

    c UFFEE—Fur • ile by

    U. WEdTPELDT & BllO. 2000 bug* prime Kiu

    21 f) ilu Jew end Old Uarernnienl Jura 100 do Laguira 76 do Muraculbu 60 do lluvuiiu Mil 5

    ■ DOMESTIC LIQUORS— MJ 50 libie Monoiigalielu Whiskey

    60 ho.r bbla do do

    20 bids lain, 30 hills Brandy la store on cumigimieiil and lol .ale by

    Ieb27‘ Willi rtKEK it SAMPSON,20 Conn-st

    ^UNUKIKB— lOUenska Nuila, uaauried sises O 50 kegs Wrought Iron Spikes 20 bbla Lout Sugar 20 bbls elurilied, eruslied and powdered Sugar 12 bbia augarltouse Molasaea. Fur sale by

    fcbX-i. W. II HLAUKLEK. 0 Waler-sneet

    B~ AOtllNG, HOPE ititd rWlNE— 1000 pieeee lieal Kenlueky Bugging 000 i-oi la do do Rope

    6000 Ilia do do Twine For aula uu eoiiaignuieiil by

    li-blN BKEKS h SMITH, 22St Michael-«l estehTTphouuue— 15J bbla a f Flour, 60 do Whiskey

    16 eu.ka Ciu Sides, 16 do dp Shoulders 60 kega Lord* For sale by

    feblO _JAMES SAXPd fc CO.

    O- II.—15 bills Tuiuier’a 16 bbla blanched Whale Oil 2 tierces uu>l ti bills Lump Oil

    Receive J per bark Ranger Irmu New York and fui frlilO a lie by W 111 l\\ KKK tt SA UPSON

    g UFFEL aoU CAN llLES — V/ II2 sacks prime Kini India Coffee

    150 boxes Sperm C.imtles For sale low to close consignment by

    fcbffl J. H. RIVERS It CO.

    Exchange hi sigtu on NEW-YORK BOSTON



    t1 HECKS oil New Oi leans and New York, Ibi sale by fel>27 St JOHNS POWERS & CO.

    EXCHANGE on Boston at right, and oil New York at right to .‘{0 days, for rale bv feb27 ARCHIBALD GkAClE.

    EXCHANGE on New-York at 60 day* for sah tnh4 by GWATHMKY, FORBES A CO. li^XCHANGE on New-York at 60 day* for rah Mil mh4 bv 1. BEI L. Jr.

    EXCHANGE on New Orleans at Bight, for rale Ieb24_ by J. LeCESNK. EXCHANGE on New-Orleans at sight, for rale fel>26 by 1. BELL, Jr 22 St Francic-Htreet SIGHT EXCHANGE on New-Orlean9, by fel.26 HUNTINGT )N & CLEVELAND. EXCH A NGE on New York at sight ami 60 daya right, for sale by

    feb24 E C. CENTER & CO

    SIGHT CHECKS on N. York, Chat lerton and New Orleans bv fel>22 HUNTINGTON & CLEVELAND.

    EXCHANGE oil New York, for rale by ARCH’D. GRACIE, fel>2l corner of Royal and Si Francis-sts

    Exchange on N«w*Vork m im3 6o”days right, liar sale by Ieh20 I. BELL, Jr., 22 St Franeir-rt

    EXCHANGE at sight for sale by ARC’D GRACIE. fel>19 corner Royal and St. Francis-sts

    EXCHANGE Oil New-Orleans, for sale by GEO. CLEVELAND, Jr., feb5 coi ner St. Francis and Poyal-sts

    XCHANGE ON PHILADELPHIA—Bill* at 60 days, for rale by

    ian28 BEERS & SMITH. 22! St Michael-st.

    EXCHANGE at Hialit on New York, Borion and Philadelphia, for rale by jan7 WHITAKER A SAMPSON, 20 Conli-st

    EXCHANGE on Providence at 60days riglil, for sale by jan7 WHITAKER & SAMPSON, 20Conli-st

    E~ EXCHANGE ~ON ENG LAND—Payable at A right, in ruiur of £ 6 to £100, for rale bv dec24 GEO. CLEVELANI). Jr.

    SIGHT Exchange on New-York and Him lor ton. for sale bv febl9 HUNTI'VGTON & CLEVELAND.

    AMERICAN GOLD, Tennessee Bank Notes an I Alabama State Bank Notes. For rale by GREGORY & SILSBY.

    nn31 corner Ro\aland Daunhin-streeis.

    DOUBLOONS—300 Mexican and Spanish, lor Ieb22 sale by ESLAVA, MURRELL & CO. American gold—For sale by iuh4 JAS. SANDS It CO.

    DVANCES on Colton to New-York by feh26 E. C. CENTER & CO.

    ADVANCES on Colt on shipped to New-York by feb20 70uw B. AMES, Si Franc is-at DVANCES on Cotton to New-York made by feb‘20 LAIRD & LITTLEJOHN.

    DVANCESon Cotton to Liverpool and Glas- gow, by ffebl5J D. WHEELER.

    ADVANCES—Liberal advances made on ship- ments of Cotton to New York, Philadelphia and New Orleans, by

    mill F. W. McCOY & CO.

    |M1E SUBSCRIBERS will make liberal advan- ces on cotton consigned to their Iriends at the North or in Europe.

    feb21 L. E. MONTANDON & CO.

    r| HIE undersigned are prepared to unite liberal JL cash advances on shipments of Cotton I.* their friends in New-Orleans, Philadelphia, Ne*v-York, Boston and Liverpool.

    jan28 BEERS & SMITH, 22 St Michael-st. DVANCES ON COTTON—Liberal advances made on Cotton, lor sale in this market, or for

    shipment to our friends in Liverpool, New York or New Orleans. E L. ANDREWS & CO

    dec 12kiiio corner Coin. Front and St l.ouis-sts The subscriber Advances on cotton- will make liberal advances on cotton consigned

    to Messrs. W. A. & G. Maxwell fe Co., and Messrs. Fletcher, Alf.xandkr & Co., of Li- verpool. Also, on shipments to his friends in N'ew- York. [nov20] T. MeGRAN. 34 St Michael su

    DVANCES—Liberal advances will lie mu le on

    consignments to our friends in New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Charleston, Richmond and New Ot leans by

    oat23 JAMES SANDS dr. CO.

    LIBERAL Advances will lie made upon consign- ments of Colton to my friends in Pliilabelphia and Liverpool. EDMOND M. SAGER,

    jau9 St Michael-st.

    ADVANCES will be made by the undersigned on shipments of cotton to Liverpool, Havre, llam- ourgli, Antwerp, Bremen and the northern ports by


    ADVANCES ON COTTON consigned to our friends in Liverpool, Havre, Hamburgh and New-York, will lie made by

    dec25 JAMES MAGEE & CO 66 Com-st

    DVANCES ON COTTON shipped to Messrs. Baring, Brothers & Co Liverpool, or to Messrs.

    Goodhue & Co., New-York, made by dec,24 ARCH’D GRACIE, 26 St. Francia-st

    ADVANCES ON COTTON—Liberal advances on Cotton made by jan23 E. C. CENTER & CO.

    ADVANCES made Oil consignments of Cotton to my Inends in Boston. janH W. H. BLACKLER, 6 Wnter-st

    ADVANCES—Liberal advances made on ship- ments of Colton to New-Orleans bv jan 13 F. W. McCOY & CO.

    LIBERAL Advances made upon consignments of Cotton to Providence, R. I by jan9 E. M. SAGER, St- Michael-st.

    ADVANCES made on consignments of Cotton to our friends in New York, Liverpool and Havre, jan3 HUNTINGTON & CLEVELAND.

    ADVANCES will l>e made on Cotton consigned to the friends of the subscribers in Glasgow or Liverpool [nov28] JAMES REID fc CO.

    LIBERAL ADVANCES made on consignments of Cotton to Boston by nov29 T. H. CHEEVER, 40 Commerce-st.

    ADVANCES ON COTTON—The subscribers will make liberal advances on Cotton consign- ed to C Dklling er, Eb subscriber will make liberal advances on Cotton consigned to Itia frientla in Liverpool.

    oct!8 GEORGE MARTIN.

    TIXHE SU11SCIUUERS are now prepared to X make liberal advaucea on Cotton shipped to heir frieuda in New York, 1'rovidence and Boston.


    ADVANCES on Colton consigned to Messrs. Drown, Shipley &, Co., Liverpool, or Brown, Brothera fc Co., New York, will lie made by

    m,7 GEO. CLEVELAND, Jr.

    D OCT. B J. HARRISON ihas returned to the Hia office (aa heretofore) ia at the Drug Store ol^T. Wai.jh, S6 Royal atreet. felilS

    DR N. WALKLY may be found at the office lor- met ly occupied by Dr. J. C. Nott, No. 37 Royal atreet. feb8

    w ANTED—An active Boy ua waiter iu a pri-

    vate family. Apply at No. 42, St. Michael mill

    LONDON PORTER, Scotch Ale, Eaal India

    Beer, in quarts »nd pints, for aule by mliB JOHN O’REILLY ft CO.

    FLOUR AND WHISeEY—180 bills a r Flour; 100 bids Rectified Whiskey, landing this day, mh3 for sale by JAMES SANDS & CO.

    PLANK—8000 feet while pine Plank, will be sold very low to close consignment by mli3 J. H RIVERS fc CO.

    nAMS—Schoolcy & Son’s celebrated, superiui to any hitherto received, for sale by ml,3 JOHN O’REILLY fc CO.

    SUGAR— 5li hlida, landing this day from aclil Boston from Allakapaa, for sale by inhS JAMES SANDS Ik CO.

    POTATOES—300 hampers real Irish, in ex cellenl order, for sale low by ml,3 J. H. RIVERS fc CO.

    SIDES AND SHOULDERS—30 casks Cincin nan, in (tore and lor sale by inh3 JAMES SANDS fc CO.

    f 11 WILLED OSNARURGS—For Awnings, fo: X sale by R. W. ANDREWS 4, CO

    feb28 8 St Michael-st.

    jjAGGING AND ROPE—30 coils aud 80 piece superior quiliiy, for sale by feb28 D. WHEELER, 28 St Michael-at

    GREEN PIPE HEADS jobi received aud fo

    saleby HAVILAND, CLARK & CO., feb28 45 and 47 Waier-at

    WHITE LEAD—son kega superfine No. 1 am

    Extra, for sale bv Ieli53 D. WHEELER, 28 St Michael aL

    LIVERPOOL coal—120 tons Liverpool Orrs

    I Coal lor sale bv mill E. C CENTER fc CO.

    GLASS—30 boxes 8*10 Window Glass inator and for sale low by ml,I T. H. CHEEVER, 40Com-at


    FOR LIVERPOOL. The firm class Hr. bark AGNES GIL

    MOUR, Amler«on muster. For freight,Hp [mMj GEO. MARTIN. FOR* LIVERPOOL.-"

    The splendid A 1 coppered and c.*ppe fastened Hr ship WALLACE* Capt Main

    having a consider'able portion ol her cargo engager will have quick despatch. Pur freight or passage having elegant accomodations, apply to inbS JAMES REID It CO.

    FOR LIVERPOOL. The Hriiish thip ENGLAND, Thompson

    £$&£(£ me si er, having part of her cargo engaged will have despatch For freislit, apply to



    The A 1 Hr hark DRUID,Capt. Perriam IS&KiLburthen ahont 1000 hales cottu receive cargo.


    ready tc For freight apply to


    The A 1 American ship FARWELL, _Soudder master, can take 600 hales cotton

    For freight of which apply to ARCH’D GRACIE,

    fel»28 corner Royal and St Francis-st FOR LIVERPOOL.

    300 ro 400 bain wanted to complete, cargo. The A 1 British ship JANE, Potts, master,

    having the larger part of her cargo engaged, 1600 on board. For freight of the above quantity, apply to

    Ieu24 I). WHEELER. 28 St Michael street ~FOR LIVERPOOI_Passage only.

    #£& The splendid new ship JOSH U A RATES, JrfiaKMurdock, master, built expressly for a packet between Boston ami Liverpool,and provided with all the modern improvements lor the comfort of passen- gers. For passage, apply to Captain Murdock at the Mansion House or to ARCH’D GRACIE,

    feb21 corner Royal and Si Fraiicis-sts FOR 1 1VEKPOOL.

    The British ship HARMONY, Jameson, master, has 2200 bales cotton engaged and

    going on board. For freight of 160 bales, apply to feo2I ARCH'D. GRACIE.

    FOR LIVERPOOL. The A I Br ship IIELLEN, Hicks master,

    StHSfLhaving a part of tier cargo engaged and going on board will have dispatch. For freight apply to feb!8 WM. MILLIGAN & Co.. 34 St. Michael-st

    FOR LIVERPOOI. The Br. ship ALFX’R EDMOND, Capt.

    Strang, has the greater portion of her cargo engaged and going on board. For freight of 500 bales Cotton, apply to _fehl5 GARDNER & SAGER, St Michael-st

    FOR ] LIVERPOOL. The A 1 Br. ship SYMMETRY, Captain

    Mc.Kinnell, has the greater portion of her cargo engaged ami going on boaid- For freight of 500 bales Cotton, apply to

    febla^ GARDNER & SAGER, Si Michael-st. for Liverpool.

    The fine A. 1 Am ship VIRGINIA wants 500 bales Cotton to complete her cargo. For

    freight applv to feb!4 JAMES MAGEE & CO., 66 Cnm-st.

    FOR LIVERPOOL. The A 1 Br. nil ip NESTOR, Smith nmi-

    ter, will have despatch for the above port. For freight apply to jai»27 ESLAVA, MURRELL & CO.

    FOR GREENOCK. Jg* The ship COUNTESS OF LOUDON, Uinrlii«in mauler, will have despatch. For

    freight apply to fe!>22 LAIRD fc LITTLEJOHN.


    _master, can lake 160 to 200 bales cotton.— For freight of which apply lo

    inh3 D. WHEELER 28 St. Michael street FOR GLASGOW.

    The A 1 well known fast sailing hark BLONDE, Crawford master, will have de-

    spatch. For freight, apply to febft_LAIRD & LITTLEJOHN.

    FOR HAVANA' The schr GIL BLAS, Sampson master,

    will sail about 3d March. For passage only apply to [lel>28] C. LkBARON.

    FOR CARDENAS, (Cuba.) The schr CHARLOTTE. Uapt. Lewis,

    lean accommodate passengers in about a week for tile above port. Apply to

    feb20 C. LkBAKON. FOR NEVV-VORK.

    The first class ship MANCO, Capt. Nick- Is, is now loading and will have quick des-

    patch for the above port. For freight or passage apply to

    inh3 FOSDI^K & CHARLOCK, 83 Com-st FOR NEW YORK.

    The bark R°LLA, Giberson, master, is J^ready to receive freight and will have des-

    patch. Applv to feb27 WHITAKER & SAMPSON, 20 Conti st

    FOR NEW YORK. The packet bark REFORM wants 200 bales

    lof cotton to complete hor cargo for the above port. For freight, applv to

    feh2l J. C. RYAN, 18 St Michael sireet FOR PHILADELPHIA.

    The schooner EMMA, Bancroft, master, .wants 60 to 76 bales cotton to complete her

    cargo. Apply lo Ieb20 WHITAKER & SAMPSON.

    FOR PHILADELPHIA. The brig HUNTRESS, Baker master,

    _^having most of her cargo ei gaged will linve despatch for the above poit. For height or passage, apply to

    n.li4 BEERS & SMITH, 28 St Michael st. FOR BALTIMORE.

    The schoone.- NIMROD, fcliase, master, wants 60 to 75 bales cotton to complets her

    cargo. Apply lo inh4 JAMES SANDS & CO.

    FOR TAMPA BAY The packet schooner PATRIOT. Captain

    iCrockeit, is now ready to receive freight.— Applv on board or to

    mb* I H. RIVERS & CO.

    FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The schooner EVEL1NA, Captain Peter-

    son, burthen 110 tons, is non ready for busi- ness Apply on board or to


    The ship NORTH CAROLINA, can take ,100 bales Cotton on deck. Apply to


    Wanted, a VESSEL of about 100 to 160 lions, to load with lumber for the above port.

    Apply to fel>20 C. LkBARON, 86 Commerce-street

    WANTED—A vessel lu load Cotton for ^Huvann. Apply lo

    lel>26 C. LeBAKON, 66 Commerce-Street. WATED to load for Barcelona, u VESSEL

    carrying 10 or 1200 bales cotton. feb27 ESLAVA, MURRELL & CO.


    FOR SALE—The fclir ROAM—can car- \r\ as a Lighter 250 hale* cotton. Apply to

    E. C. CENTER & CO.

    R A131 NS—500 buxes, for sale by inltS JAMES SANDS & CO. ■ * AY—100 bales Portsmouth Hay, lor sale low 11 mill by J. H. RIVERS & CO.

    B It Tl'ER—15 lirkim Butler,fur sale by mhl E. C. CENTER & CO. IJA1.M LEAK HATS—20 cake., for sale by 5-1,28 T. H. C11LEVER, 40 Com. it. o LIVE OIL—25 baskets very stiperioi, for sale I«b28 by D. WHEELER. PLOUJC—200 bbls supeibne, for sale by feb27 _MARSHALL, ROW E *• C™. SUGAR—5 hhds choice, in stoie and lor sale by fob27 C. W. OGDEN, 75 and 77 Water st SUGAR—250 hhds, inferior to siricllv choice,for feh27 sale by JAMES SANDS & CO. F LOUR—150 bbls superfine, for sale by feb27 JAMES SANDS 27 JAMES SANDS & CO. £1 ALT ill bleached sack., in .lure Mill tor .ale liy © feb27 D. WHEELER, 28 Si Micliuel-.lieel

    fV AILS—Best Junielln Nails, lor sale by fab27 l>. WHEELER, 28 St Michael-street [RnN—10 tons Band Iron, fur sale by £.1)27 D. WHEELER, 28 St Michnel-atreet s


    LATE—50,000 a.eorled hiius, liir .ale by Ieb27 D. WHEELER, 28 Si Miclmel-M

    AVA COFFEE—20 bag. of a prime article, fui .ale by [feb26j S I It I 1 JONES ALT ill .lore ami tor .ale by feb25 JOHN UIHSON, SO Si Michael-.t

    SE1DL11Z POWDERS—A superior article, lul ■ale by [Ieb2«l T. WALSH, 86 Koyal-.t. SOAP—500 boxe«, in .tore ami lor .ale by 5-1,26 H- I. y Ieb21 E. C CENTER & CO. L 1

    AN DING- 150 casks prime Rii;e, fur Rale b; ful>2 ft G WKSTFELDT & BRO.

    RON—150 tuns assuried sixes, fur sale by Ieb24 W. H. BLACKLl.R, 6 Water si

    150 CASKS prime Rice, lor sale by fe‘>24 G. WESTWELDT & BRO. W HITE Wine and Cider Vinegar, tor sale b feb24 JOHN O’REILLY fc CO.

    | Steam between Blew-York and Mverpool TheCieat Western ntmim Hhii | Jship GKRAT WESTERN, | i. «tth«»wb, ami their new iron ; steam eh ip < K F.A T |K1TA IN, Cnpi, Hoskens, are appointed io mil duriitg the veer 1845 a* follows: —

    FROM LIVERPOOL Great Western.Saturday, 29th Mairli. Great Western.. .Saturday, 17th May Great Western.Saturday. 5th July. (•real Britain.*. .Saturday, 2d August. Great Western.Saturday, 23d August Great Britain.Saturday, 27th September Great Western.Saturday, 11th October, Great Britain.Saturday, 22d Notember.

    FROM NEW-YOKK. Great Western.Thursday, 24th A| ril. (•real Western.Thursday, 12th June. Great Western.Thursday, 31nt July. Great Britain.Saturday 30ili August. Great Western.Thursday, 13th Septemlier Great Britain.Saiurduy, 25th October. Great Western.Thursday, 6th November. Great Britain.Saiurduy, 2thh December

    Passage money per “Great Western,** from New* Ysrk to Liverpool, $100, and $5 Stewards' fee.

    For freight or passage apply to RICHARD IRVIN, 08 Front-st, N. Y.

    febll I). WHEELER, 28 St Michael-st. Mobile RATES OF LIGHTERAGE, ETc7

    Per steamboat ARKANSAS, Captain R. West. Cotton at the curient rate9 of lighterage. Tow-

    ing of vessels to and Irom city over Dog iver bar and intermediately:

    For vessels under 200 tons.$20 do do of 200 and under 400 tons 25 do do of over 400 tons.30

    FOR OUTER BAR. For vessels under 600 tons. 50 do do of 600 and under 800 tons. 60 do do of 800and under 1000 tons. 70 do do of 1000 and under 1200 tons. 80 do do .over 1200 tons. 90

    Lighter $5 through the pass* $10 to Lower Fleet. Passage, in Cabin $1,25; Deck $1,00 Application may be made on board to John J. De-

    •hon, or to JAS. REID & CO. GO“ J J. De.dton will receive and receipt for cot-

    ton in absence of the steamer. febll

    TARRANT’S EFFERVESCENT SELTZER APERIENT, STILL retains ns high character and unsurpassed re|>uU)tion, fur being (he most delightful, refresh- ing and health restoring remedy ever submitted for public patronage, in the cure of various disorders which render the southern States or warm climates so prejudicial to travellers and others, whose avoca- tions require their sojourn in those parts for any pe nod of (line. Possessing qualities of a highly cura- tive nature, it has received the approbation, and de servedly too, of medical men, whose standing and reputaiion in the estimation of the public, are placed fur too high to induce even a passing thought that any medicine unworthy llieir confidence should re- ceive such stmii* and flattering recommendations.— An Aperient possessing such medical properties, and which will retain its viitues in any climate, may, without the slightest inconvenience, be prepared and drunk ut any period, affording speedy relief to the body, oppressed and weakened during the overpow wring heat of a southern climate; and by its mild and s»re action on the system will assuredly restor strength and health to the individual suffering under Bilious attacks, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Fevers etc., the sure attendants upon a southern latitude.— Its se has been strongly recommended in the diseas es named above, and its success lias been such that cures have lieen effected hi many cases which had long battled and defied (he ski 11 and experience of physicians, but had speedily yielded under the ope ration of this highly esteemed and truly efficacious preparation. Compounded strictly and carefully of those useful and health giving ingredients which im- pregnate the Seltzer Spring of (iermaav, such im- provements have lieen made, by the addition of large quantities of the most vnluable articles, which must (as acknowledged by chemists) improve its etticucy, and which have rendered

    Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient unrivalled, in the opinion of the faculty; and which, moreover, has also enabled it wholly to supercede the Seidlitz Powders, as they are not found to possess the same valuable qualities, but lose their virtues through exposure to dampness, and require more time in their preparation, without any of the medi- cinal propei ties or the ugreeableness of the Seltzer Aperient.

    Those who have used this Aperient on ship-board have expressed themselves highly delighted with its effects, and experienced decided relief from it in every instance which they had occasion for it as an Aperient, or tell an inclination to partake ol a beve- rage refreshing and iiivigoiating. Adapted for a warm climate, it is deserving the favor ol travellers as a preventitive and dispeller of those Sick Head Aches, Languor of the Body, Loss of Appetite, Aci- dity of the Stomach, etc., the forerunners of bilious or febrile attacks, which so often impair and pros- trate the healthy, sound constitution, and reduce it to extreme weakness and debility, and often death, when unaccustomed to the many sudden changes so usual at the south.

    Captains of vessels would find this preparation a serviceable and valuable addition to their medicine chest, and with such as have supplied themselves, it lias high favor. Planters would find it a very desirable medicine for family use, at home or when travelling, being very portable and convenient.

    Testimonials from gentlemen of high standing in their profession, hereto annexed, strongly guarantee its efficacy and valuable character, and commends it to the favorable notice of an intelligent Public

    Testimonials—Edited by James Johnson, M !)., From the Hon. John M’Keou, Counsellor of the Supreme

    Court of the U. Suites; late Member of the Legislature ol New York, and Member of Congress. "1 take great pleasure ill recommending the “Ef-

    fervescent Seltzer Aperient,” prepared by Mr. Jus. Tarrant, of this city, as an exceedingly useful and valuable medicine. John McKeon.

    New-Yokk. Nov. 18. 1844. From John M-Cooper. Esq., Attorney and'Counsellor at

    Lav, and Proctor iu Admiralty. “It affords ine sincere pleasure iii giving this tes-

    timonial of my unqualified approbation ol your Effer- vescent Seltzer Aperient. No preparation ol the present day possessing similar qualities, can, in inv opinion, compare with this delightful A;>eriei)l. ft is agreeable to the taste—and gentle, though effect- ual in its operation. Having experienced manifest and decided benefit from its use, I would strongly re- commend it, us one ol the most useful, convenient and agreeable preparations of the present day; as from its high and truly medicinal virtues, it must become the most popular medicine ever submitted for public patronage.” John M. Cooper.

    To Mr James Tarrant, > New-York, Aug. 1, 1844. $

    From Hon. Jno. B Scots*, Counsellor ut Law, and late Member of the Legislature, and of the Coiumuu Council of the City of New-York “1 have iiied Tarrant's Effervescent Seltzer Ape-

    rient, and am much gratified with its successful oper- ation. It is mild and gentle, but effectual in its ac- tion, though without pain; and with less uneasiness of sensation, than any purgative with which 1 am acquainted.” Jno. B. Scoles.

    New-York, August 7th, 1844.

    ofilie City of New-York; Counsellor ol' the Supreme Court, mill Judge of the County Court. “1 fully concur in the opinion expressed by Alder*

    man John D. Scoles, and John M. Cooper, Esq., as to the favorable character of Tarrant's Effervescent Selizer Aperient, as it oossenses medicinal proper- ties of a highly beneficial nature. Janes Lynch.

    New-York,’August 81, 1844. From Hon. F. A. Tnllumdve, Member of the Common

    Council, late Benalor of the State of New-York, Coun- sellor of Supreme Court, aud Recorder of the City and County ofNew-York. “I take gieal pleasure in recommending the Effer-

    vescent Seltzer Aperient, prepared by Mr. James Tarrant, of this city, aa a most useful ami valuable family medicine F. A. Tallmauge.

    New-York, September, 1844 From James Maurice, Esq., Counsellor of tho Supreme

    Court, unil Master in Chancery. “I have made use of Tarrant's Effervescent Selt-

    zer Aperient, and cheerfully concur in recommending it to public favor. It is a most agreeable prepara- tion, and wild and benificial in its effects on ih« ays* tem." James Maurice.

    New-York, September 21, 1844. From M. C. Paterson, E«q., late Member of the Common

    Council; Counsellor of the Supreme Court, and Dis rict Attorney for the City and County ofNew-York. “I have used Tarrant’s Sellzei Aperient,and found

    it both useful end agreeable.” M.C. Paterson. New-York, September 14, 1844. For sale wholesale and retail by

    MOSELY A TUCKER, Wholesale Druggists and A|>otbe«ai iea,

    corner Dauphin and Royal-sis., Mobile, janl7 4lMino Agents for the Proprietor.

    NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Orphans' Court, Mobile County, >

    Febnmry bill, 1845. y Green D. Caller, dec’d, ) f 11HIS day came The*

    Estate of y -I- ophilus L. Toulmin, Executor of the last will and testament of Green D. Caller, dec’d. and filed an allegation and schedule in writing, setting forth that such estate is insolvent, and praying that the said estate may be declared in- solvent. whereupon the third Saturday in March next, has been appdiuted by the Court to hear and determine ihe same, wlieu and where all persons concerned in adverse interest may ullend if they think proper.

    Ieb8 bOif D. THOMPSON. Clerk.


    COMMITTED to the jail of Mobile countv on the 14ih Feb. 1845, by C. A. Hoppin, Esq.. Mayor of the city of Mobile, a runaway slave called EDWARD, black complexion,5feel ID inches high, aged about 21 years, and says lie belongs to T. De- vine, of Butler county, Ala, who purchased him from James E. Zuntx of Mobile about two yeare ago. The owner is requested to come forward, orove pro- l>eriy, pay charges and take him away, otherwise he will be dealt with according to law as in such cases made und provided to pay jail fees.

    leblft 66tf C. BANCRQF l\ Sheriff M. C.

    UAGING.ROPE AND TWIN E—500 pieces Maysville Bagging; 500 coils do Rope ; 5000 bu iches Twine, in store ami for sule by

    mhl F. W McCOY k CO. 8ft Com st A H EN ANGO POTATOES—130 Uriels Maine J Chenango Potatoes,.this day lauding in prime

    I order, for sale by mhl J. II. RIVERS fc. CO.


    Managers.. U'DLOH A SMITH Third iiiglu of Mr. Ani>krson.

    WtONCiDAY, March 5. 1845. Shakespenie’s comedy of

    MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. | Benedict.Mr. Anderson Dun Pedro.Mr. N'eafie Dogberry.wr. T. Phicide

    Beatrice.Mrs. Stuart Pas Seul.La Petite Cerilo

    To conclude with ilie farce of THE NEW FOOTMAN.

    Bobby Break window.Mr. T Placide OO* For f>Htiicul:in>. sec small bills.

    Great .Musical Attraction.

    M A DAM F HA M M A IIS KOI. I>, from Stork holm, pupil of the celebrated Piauiste, IIKMII HERZ, and MR. BARTON, Flutist, pupil of the celebrated CHAS. NICHOLSON, bate the honor to announce their intention of giving a GRAND CON CERT on W f.un ksda y F v k n n o M at ch 5, til the Waverly House.

    PART FIRST 1 Grand variations on Tenia by Herz, Piano

    Forte—Mad. Hatntnerskold. 2. Grand Flute Solo, in 3 flats; 4th Tema by Km-

    elie Berbiguier, introduction to French air and va- riations— Mr. Barton.

    3. Song—Aria from Gazza Ladra, Rossini—Mad. E. Ilaiuinerskold.

    4. Solo—Flute, Bolero, by Nicholson,introducing Irish air of Kitty Tyrrell—Mr. Barton. ft. Ancient National Swedish Song, composed in

    15th ceniuty, aethor unknown—Mad. E. Hammers* kold.

    PART SECOND. 1. Louis and Polka, for Piano Forte, composed

    by Mud. Haintnerskold; anti Grand Waltz by Cho- pau—Mud. Emilie Haintnerskold.

    2. Solo—Flute, Scotch Melody, Kinlock of Kin- lock, with variations by Richard-ton --Mr Barton.

    3. French Romance, Tit Dot, by Louisa Puget — Mad. Hammerskold.

    4. Flute Solo—Pot Pouri, introducing Life let us cherish, Auld Robin Gray, and La Matilda, Nichol- son—Mr. Barton.

    ft. The Star Spangled Banner—Madaine Emilie Hammerskold.

    DtpConoeil to commence at H o’closk. Tickets fcl each—to be bad at the usual pla-

    ces and nt the door. inh3 a ukif—i lit*, rum.iu.

    Arrival of thr celebrated SCOTCH GIANT AN1) GIANTESS.

    MR. AND MRS. RANDALL, from Eurone,late of the American Museum, New York, where they were visited by upwards ol two hundred and filly thousand persons, and ncknowIndeed to la* the finest specimens of the human race ever exhibited to the public notice. Mr. Randall is the largest and bent proportioned man in the world, and no* to be equalled. His height is near eight feet: his weight 432 lbs. is 57 inches ro'uid the chest, 19 round the arm, 22 round the leg, and can span fioin the top of the thumb to the end of the finger, 13 inches and a half, lie is social and agreeable injhis manners, and converses freely with his visitors, lie is accompa- nied by his laily, the celebrated Rco’ch Giantess. She is a native of Aberdeen, Sc it land, and is,doubt- lews, a descendant of the immortal Sir Win. Wal- lace. Sht is 6 led 6 inches high; she is perfect in symmeliy and has every grace and accomplishment peculiar to her sex. They tender their compliments to the citi/eus of Mobile and solicit a share of pat- ronage which their merits deserve. They will hold their levees day and night, at the Franklin House, Royal si Hours of exhibition from 10 to 1, from 2 to 6, and from 6 to 9 o’clock.

    QtT* Admission 50 cents; children half price fel>22 2w


    feb5 57cmo No. 59 Royal-street, JAMES GANOOLFO,


    feb7 No. 70 Commkrce-steet

    A CARD. — H. Moffett, House Carpenter and Builder, respectfully offers his services to tlie citizens of Mobile. He feels himself competent to give satisfaction to all who may wish to patronize him. Flans and specifications for building all sizes and descriptions drawn at the shortest notice, and at l».w charges.

    Qt Jobbing attended to at short notice, REFERENCES.

    Bartholomew Lopez, Richard L. Watkins, Robert L. Walter, Thus. J. McCoy

    All orders left at T. J. McCoy’s Paint Store, n0 58 Royal street, or at my residence,third door below Church, on Ceader street, will lie promptly attended to. (janl7 41) H. M

    AMERICAN POWDER COUIPANw7“" FI1HE ttubesriber having been appointed agent for -I. the sule of this celebrated POWDER, lias just received a supply of Rifle and Sporting, which lias been prepared with great care, is fre« Irom all damp- ness and warranted equal to any manufactured in the country. JOHN PHILLIPS.

    feb!2 corner Conti and Water-sis


    Receiving from ships Peter Hattrick and Mu- ry Frances, a large and desirable assortment

    of the above mimed articles. For sale by WM. H & H. F. CRAWFORD,

    feb5uw 17 Dauphin-street RECEIVED per ship Mary Francis a very

    superior at tide of gentlemen’s Reaver, Nu- tna. Moleskin and Cassimere Hals, of the la-

    >*st N ew York fashion. For sale by W. H. & 11. F. CRAWFORD,

    febouw 17 Dauphin-street. RIVER PLANTATION I OK SALE. —

    _Plie subscriber offers bis plantation with a >uflaud acres ol land for sale. It is situated on the

    Alabama river, about 65 miles by laud and 10 hours run for a steamboat from Mobile. 125 acres are cleared and 300 under fence; a good wood yard; a comfortable dwelling at the yard; gin house; barns and negro houses, all framed- There can be cleared in one field 400 acres of good swamp and up laud.— This plantation would suit any one living in Mobile. There is a hcalty summer retreat within 24 miles of the plantation. For further particulars, apply to G. E. Holt, Mobile. [nov4] WM. WALLER

    f&, tbousai

    /A VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FoKcfALE. bilB—That desirable frame dwelling with brick kitchen and stable on the north east coi ner of Church and Conception streets, at present in the occupancy of J. C. Hodges, Esq. The lot has a front on Con- ception of 70 feel by a deptli of 121 feet on Church si reel.

    Anthony and Joachim streets, having a front of 156 feet oil St Anthony and 84 leet on Joachim at reel.

    AIho—Vacant lot on Joacliim utreei. adjoining the new Methodist Church on the south, having a front on Joachim street of about 43 6-12 feet, by a depth of 120 feet.

    Also—Frame dwelling and lot southeast corner of Third and Walnut streets, having a front on each street of 110 feet.

    A |>art of the purchase money will be required in cash—balance can remain on mortgage. Apply at the office of the Merchants Insurance Company, No. 44 St Francis street.

    jai»31 T. VV. McCOY, Secretary. yjA FOR SALE—The two story frame Dwell Jg££ing, situated on the north side of St. Francis, between St. Joachim and Conception streets, now occupied by l)r. Nott. This house is in good repair and the lot 73 feet front by 100 feet deep tenns, apply to

    janll 36tl THOS. S. KING, Sec’y REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—In order

    .to close the account ol the intere»l the lateAu- (jnsrus Wf.stficldt hid in our Grin, we offer for sale the STORE and WAREHOUSES nowoccupi* ed by us—the lot having 40 feel 10 inches fronton the east side of Water-st, by a '‘eplli of 110 feel.

    ■uhl G. WESTFELDT fa BRO.

    IOT FOI! HALE—A most desirable building J lot eligibly situated near the business part ol the city. For sale low and on long credit. For orice and terms, enquire of

    T. W. McCOY, j;tn31 at the Merchants Insurance Office.

    Office of the Mf.rchants Insu range Co. ) Mobile, January 14, 1845.

    TIHE Board of Directors of this Office have tins day declared a dividend of fife per cent for he l ist six months, on the capital stock ol two hun-

    dred and fifty thousand dollars—payable to stockhold- ers on and after 16th instant.

    janl6 THOS. W. McCOY, Secretary. Aoi:ncy of the Mutual Safety »ns>. Co, )

    Mobile, 22ud Jan. 1845. $

    IJR1NTED Certificates of Insurance on Utie *hect are issued from this Agency on Marine Risks for Cotton lienee for Northern ports and Eu- rope, with an order on the President of the Company in New-York, for such sums or amounts as may in case of loss become due, in the same manner us if a separate Policy had been issued at ihe office in New- York. ROBERT S. BUNKER, Agent,

    corner of Royal and St. Francis-sis., jan22 45tf »M> Suir8-_

    LAND FOR SALE—We offer for sale on favor-

    able terms, the following LANDS in Wilcox county, vis :

    Section 22, township 14, range 6 east, containing 640 acres more or less.

    Also—South east 4»section 21, townsKtp 14, rangs 6 east. ijunl8 42amoJ E. L. AN DREWS k CO.

    PHILADEI.PTTIA SAllDLKR Y—Fresh supply —The undersigned is now receiving per brig J- Patten, a fresh supply of Saddlery, which he will sell on very reasonable lei ms.

    Also—Stock aud materials for Saddlei’s and Car- riage Triramor’s. _

    ra>l4 S. BOULLEMET, No. 2 Dauphm-et. CRASHED AND POWDERED SUGAR— 60 \ybhl* Woolsey fa Woolsey*s Refinery, in store and for sale by __

    M.28 MARHI1ALL. ROWE fc CO.

    C’l RAN BERRIES—10 liaIf barrels extra Clan-

    y ^rrie., r0. ...I« hm jSp R, VRRS k CO. ("STOPPER_10 ear.. Sheathing and BraiierV, > landing and for bale by

    mh) EDW. C. CENTER & CO.

    BAO JI.NU.ROPE AAff I’WlNE .uniumly

    on liiind, and fur ial« in inla In .nil puirlm.rt.i b.1,1 by F. W. McCOV k CO. 85 Com-il

    PUBLIC SALES. •IV H. 1. St | |. JOVKS

    I JONES, Auctioneer. PHIS MOKin I Sti, >it 9 o'clock, al out grocer)

    • lie* room, will be «uld .in kSHortment of Groceriei Mud Western Produce.

    At 10J o’clock in our Dry Good* sale* room, A Ini go iiiioiinienl ol Foreign mid Dome?!n

    Piints, .SihsIiiih, Capes, Hosiery, Hoots, {Shoes. Slippers, bl.u k ;«nd * Brogans, &C. T*rn « .»-k

    BY MAHHHALL. ROH E ft. C o. A. S. HCJNTINGTON. Auctioneer.

    THIS DAY, .it 1U o’clock, ul Hales room, Vai ion* him idea ol Groceries and Western Fro.

    dime. After which, 40 cases men’s and hoy’s kip,culfund ncal Bio-

    guns; women’s calf and seal do. The above being balance of invoice will he sold

    without any reserve. Purchaser* will find it to tlieii interest to attend die Hale

    Also—Sundry *rtides of Dry Goods, embracing Apron and Furniture Checks, striped Shirts, cotton- ade I’ants, 4 hales brown 4-4 Sheetings.

    Terms cash. ISY .1. II. im Kits.

    J. H. KIVI RS, \uclioneer. Postpon'd on account of the weather

    THIS DAY, Wednesday 4tli iiioi., at 12 o’clock will he sold,

    100 bills Main Chenango Potatoes 75 do do White Unions 60 do Dried Apples, AO do Mackerel

    200 hampers Irish Potatoes 50 boxes prime Codfish, 50 do No 1 Soap 13 sacks Havana Codec 30 bids Rosin; 30 kits IMo 1 Mackerel 20 half hhls Cranberries, with other articles.

    TH*S DAY, (Wednesday,) 5th inst, at 12 0 clock, by order of the Pori aniens, on account 01 who n ii may concern, at Howard’s ways—

    2000 IIm 0 hf do do do 50 pr do do

    25 qr do do tlo 50 kits do

    jeh26 for sale by HUMPHRIES, WALSH A CO AD LIKA—Black bum’s, impotred in in wood and glass. The same brand ol more re-

    cent iniporinttun. For sole in fluanMji-^1" •|,tljp«i■ cha.etu b, tfel.24] J. 0._>KILLY * CO. DllUflS o»d MKniCINBS—A scn.™l


    ment ttlwavs on hand, fur mile u“ n.v fel,26 T WAI.aH. 3d Royal .iri-el

    tSHKHM l’AM>LK»—9« b«xe. ufn .ulterior nr

    “eb^wnrrA^KR t sampson. 20 cn„ti-. Perfumery and fancy soaps—a great variety, for sale low by

    fel»25 T. W ALSU m Rmv a I ftp ret

    Lti.NDON DOCK B’.iAS l)Y —AUo, Pnlc am

    Onld of choice brand., for ntlebjr feU24 JOHN O'KEll.I.Y ft CO

    UTTF.K—15 beg. (iu.hen Duller iu .lure nn fur .ale lew le clow n eon.igmneut.

    inhl T. 11. CHEEVER, 40 Com-M B


    J%jm ICE id hereby given that in pursuance of »n order of the Honorable the Orphans Court for Mobile founly, inode on the fifteenth ay of Eebru- ary, A. I). 1845. I shall proceed on the seventh dnv of April, A. I). 1845,to sell at public sale for rash, to the highest and heat bidder, ai the Court House in the city of M bile, the loll-.w n.o described real es'aie, lieif.g the pr periy of the estate of the late Joseph Allze, deceased—that is to sav, all that lot or parcel of ground, liegmning at a point on the cast side of Claiborne street, one hundred and ten feet southwardly of the •oiiib-east angle of (loveru- uieiit and Claiborne streets, the nee by a line running eastwardly eighty-four feet parallel with Govern* inent street to a post, thence by a line running southwardly anlparrallel with Claiborne street nine- ty led to a point, thence by a line running west- WHidly parallel with the first descril»ed boundary, eightv feet to a point on the east side of Clai- borne street, ihence along the ea*7tds

    Ml MU I- t V5 SALBi.

    WILL be sould for cash in from of the Court House door of Mobile county, on Saturday, the 2.1 day ol August, 1843, between th«* hour* of 11 o’clock, am. and 4 o’clock, pm of said day, a runa- way Negro Man called BOH, aged about 21 yers, 5 feet 2 or three niches high, and has a scar on both Hides of hi* neck, caused from a swelling, and says that he la-long-, to William (lilliuore, o< Montgomery county. Alabama. Said Negro man having been committed to Hie Jail of Mobile cnunty, by Alvin Weallierby, Esq on the 21*t day of December, A. It. 1844, and Ins owner having failed to come for- ward, prove property, pay charges and lake hint away; he therefore is to be sold incompliance of the statute ia such cases made and provided, to pay Jail fees. CHARLES BANCROFT,

    jan24 47tds Sheriff of Mobile county. OCf-TUe Montgomery Advertiser, State Journii 1

    and Flag, Tuscaloosa, and Huntsville Democrat will publish the above till day of sale. C. B.


    WILL l»e sold lor cash in front of the Court House do >r of Mobile county, on the l^th of April, 1845, Iwtween the hours of 11 o'clock a. at. and 4 o'clock p. m of said day, one negro roan called JOHN, aged about 23 years, and says that he be- longs to one Mrs. Nancy McClary, of Beaufort coun- ty, South Carolina, from whom he was stolen about six years since; ihe said slave John is black, about 4 feet, 7 inches high, and has a scar on the bottom o! Ins lelt loot, cut try a glass bottle when a boy.— Said negro man hnving been committed to the jail of Mobile county as a runaway slave, by Charles A, Hoppin, Esq., Mayor of the city of Mobile, on tire 17ih day of September, 1844, and his owner having failed to come forward, prove property, pay chaiges and take him away, lie therefore is to be sold in compliance with the statutes in such cases made ami provided to pay jail foes.

    net 18 2lftu!a C. BANCROFT, Sheriff, M C^ ~Si7hH28 opposite the Mansion H> u»e.

    fVCKSON'S PRACTICE OF MEDICINE— M-f McCarter & Allen of Charleston, South Caro ua have in press a work on the Practice ol Medicine, bv' Sit in'I llenrv Dickson, M. IV, Prnfes-. r of die Institutes and Practice of Mediciue, in the ( harle* ton Medical College This work will he lead or d- liverv about the 1st of April. Orders for the work received by J. M. Sl’MWAM &C

    feb28 86 Dauphin st M»mwi.

    IN ilLS—300 ken. for aiilr hv

    ,.b23 H. A. SCHROEDER.

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