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Page 1: Mittens for a One Year Old

Mittens for a one year old design by Kerry Higgins Wendt

These mittens are sized to fit a one year old. They

feature a wide thumb entrance, so they are easier to

get on, and a tight cuff, so they stay on.


A small amount of worsted weight yarn – less than

one ball.

US 6 and 2 dpns (or size needed for gauge, 4.5-5


Tips and techniques:

k1p1 rib: *k1, p1, repeat from * to end of round.

M1L: using left-hand needle, pick up the strand between stitches from front to back, then knit

through the back loop.

M1R: using left-hand needle, pick up the strand between stitched from back to front, then knit.

M1: use either M1L or M1R.


Cuff Using #2 needles, CO 24 stitches; place marker and join round.

Work 11 rounds k1p1 rib.

Switch to #6 needles and work 3 rounds stockinette stitch.

Thumb Gusset and Hand

Continuing in stockinette stitch:

Slide marker, m1, place marker, k24

1 round plain

M1L, k1, M1R, k24

1 round plain

M1L, k3, M1R, k24

1 round plain

M1L, k5, M1R, k24

1 round plain

M1L, k7, M1R, k24

1 round plain

M1L, k9, M1R, k24

1 round plain

Put the11 new stitches between the markers on a holder. These will become the thumb.

Rejoin the original 24 stitches and work 8 rounds stockinette stitch for the hand.

Page 2: Mittens for a One Year Old

Mittens for a one year old, page 2

Decrease for Fingertips (k1 k2tog k6 ssk k1) twice

(k1 k2tog k4 ssk k1) twice

(k1 k2tog k2 ssk k1) twice

(k1 k2tog ssk k1) twice

(k2tog ssk) twice

Run yarn through last four stitches to bind off.

Thumb Pick up 11stitches from holder and m1 from where the hand joins above the thumb.

Knit 3 rounds stockinette.

(k2tog k1) four times

(k2tog) five times

Run yarn through last 3 stitches to bind off. When working in ends, tighten up any looseness

around the m1 thumb/hand join.

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