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  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana


    C h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f o r e m i n e r a l s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h

    g o l d a t t h e P r e s te a m i n e G h a n a


    Geo logica l Inst itu te , Un ivers i ty of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Toky o 113, Japan



    De partm ent of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Toky o Inst itute of Technology, Ookayama, Meguro-ku,

    Tokyo 152, Japan

    b s t r a c t

    Go l d i n Ea r l y P ro t e roz o i c B i r i m i a n g re e ns t one a t P re s t e a i n Gha na i s a s soc i a t e d wi t h ba se m e t a l su l ph i de s a nd

    su l phosa l t s i nc l ud i n g a r s e nopyr i t e , py r i t e , sph a l e r i te , c ha l c opyr i t e , py r rho t i te , ga l e na , t e t r a he d r i t e , bou rnon i t e ,

    b o u l a n g e r i t e a n d j a m e s o n i t e . T h e o c c u r re n c e o f t h e g o l d i s i n t i m a t e l y a s so c i a te d w i t h a r s e n o p y r i t e an d t h e

    su l phosa l t s , a nd t o a l e s se r e x t e n t wi t h t he o t he r su l ph i de s . The t e t r a he d r it e s a t P re s t e a c ons t i t u t e t he ma j o r

    c om pone n t o f su l phosa l t s a s soc i a t e d wi t h go l d a nd oc c u r r i ng i n t wo d i s t i nc t t ype s . Type I show i de a l

    s t o i c h i ome t r i c c ompos i t i on . Type I I t e t r a he d r i t e s de v i a t e d f rom t he i de a l s t o i c h i ome t ry a nd a re r e p re se n t e d

    app rox im ate ly by the av erag e form ula (Cu,Ag)9.61(Fe,Zn)2 .39(Sb,As)4S13. The te t ra hedr i te s co- prec ip i ta te d

    wi t h go l d e xh i b i t i de a l c ha ra c t e r i s t i c s i nd i c a t i ng a n e qu i l i b ru i m s t a t e o f t he mi ne ra l i z i ng f l u i d du r i ng

    p r e c i p it a ti o n . T h r e e t y p e s o f p y r i t e s w e r e d i s ti n g u i sh e d b y e l e c tr o n - m i c r o p r o b e an a l y s e s b a s e d o n t h e i r A s , C o

    a nd N i c ompos i t i on . The As c on t e n t i n t ype I va ry f rom 0 .15 t o 0 .37 wt , a nd c on t a i n up t o 2 wt . C o .T ype

    I I py r i t e s a re As - r i c h a nd fo rm t he mos t domi na n t wi t h As c on t e n t ra ng i ng f rom 0 .2 t o 2 .69 wt . . N i c on t e n t

    va r i e s f rom b e l ow -de t e c t i on t o 1000 pp m. Typ e I I I py r i t e s a re poo r i n t he t r a c e e le me n t s a nd c ons i s t e n t wi t h

    t he s t o i c h i o me t r i c c ompos i t i on . The m i ne ra l i z a t i on oc c u r re d i n t h re e pa ra ge ne t i c s t a ge s f rom a t l e a s t a t wo -

    p h a s e h y d r o t h e r m a l f l u id , w i t h s t a g e I I f o r m i n g a p r o l o n g e d a n d m a i n s t ag e o f th e o r e a n d g o l d m i n e r a li z a ti o n .

    R e d ox c ha n ge s i n o re f l u i d wh i c h we re t r i gge re d by e p i sod i c p re s su re r e l e a se s du r i ng f i s su r ing a nd f r a c t u r i ng

    c a u s e d f l u c t u a ti o n o f t h e a c t i v it y o f t h e A s / N i r a t i o a n d s u b s eq u e n t o s c i l l at o r y z o n i n g o f N i i n A s - r i c h o r e s.

    K~YWORDS: ore min era l s , gold , green s tone , P res tea , Gh ana .

    I n t r o du c t i o n

    IN G h a n a , g o l d m i n i n g f o r m s a m a j o r e c o n o m i c

    ve n t u re a nd ha s c on t r i bu t e d s i gn i f i c a n t l y t o t he

    e c o n o m i c d e v e l o p m e n t o f t h e c o u n t ry . T h e g o l d

    oc c u rs i n Ea r l y P ro t e roz o i e B i r i m i a n g re e ns t one s

    w h i c h b e a r m u c h s i m i l a r i ty w i t h m o s t A r c h a e a n

    gre e ns t one d e pos i t s , pa r t i c u l a r l y i n t e rms o f i t s h i gh

    g o l d p o t e n t i a l . T h e g o l d m i n e r a l i z a t i o n i s m o s t

    p r o m i n e n t a l o n g t h e w e s t e rn m a r g i n o f t h e A s h a n t i

    be l t (F i g . 1 ). De sp i t e i t s w i d e sp re a d oc c u r re nc e a nd

    l a rge mi n i ng a c t i v i t i e s , doc um e n t a t i on on go l d i n t he

    B i r i m i a n i s l i m i t e d . N e a r l y t w o d e c a d e s a g o , t h e

    g e n e s i s o f g o l d i n t h e B i r i m i a n w a s n o t w e l l

    M i ne ra l og i c a l M agaz i ne , D e c e m be r 1997 , Vo l . 61 , pp .

    9 C opy r i gh t t he M i ne ra l og i c a l Soc i e t y

    u n d e r s t o o d . I n r e c e n t y e a r s , s e v e r a l w o r k e r s

    i n c lu d i n g N t i a m o a h - A g y a k w a ( 1 97 9 ) , B o w e l l

    (1992) , E i s e n l oh r (1992) , Mumi n e t a l . (1994) ,

    O b e t h u r e t a l . ( 1 9 9 4 ) , M u c k e a n d D z i g b o d i -

    A d j i m a h (1 99 4) , H a m m o n d a n d S h i m a z a k i (1 9 9 4 )

    ha ve c a rde d ou t i nve s t i ga t ions on t he se de pos i t s

    i nvo l v i ng t e x t u ra l a nd pa ra ge ne t i c s t ud i e s , f l u i d

    i nc l us i on , s t a b l e i so t ope a nd o t he r a dva nc e d a na l y -

    t i c a l t e c hn i que s t o i de n t i fy t he f l u i d sou rc e , sou rc e o f

    go l d a nd o t he r spe c i e s in t he o re f l u i d , t r a nspo r t a nd

    de pos i t i on o f go l d , a mo ng o t he r s . The se s t ud i e s ha ve

    c on t r i bu t e d s i gn i f i c a n t l y t o t he unde r s t a nd i ng o f go l d

    ge ne s i s i n t he B i r i m i a n . In t h i s pa pe r , we p re se n t

    a no t he r c on t r i bu t i on ba se d on t he mi ne ra l og i c a l a nd

    8 7 9 - 8 9 4

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana


    8 8 0 N . Q , H A M M O N D A N D H , T A B A T A

    3a 2a p

    . , . ~ ~ - - ~ :- ' -~ - - T- '- ~ - - + - -~J~ ~ - - ~ - - ~ ' ~ - ~ ' ~ - - ' % n- ~+ -~

    ~ ~ ~4 '~-§ + . . . . . ~ ,- - S ~ ~


    9 -/+ + , + 4".AT~ ~

    \ i + + + + ~ MOD~F IED GEOL OGY OF

    , ,+ + § + C E N T R A L A N D W E S T E R N G H A N A

    § + + + § + ( ~ , / . _ . ~ L E G E N O

    S O


    l | l

    3o ~o


    Flo. 1. Geological m ap o f southwestern Ghan a showing the posi t ion of the Prestes (P), Bogosu (B), Obuasi (O) a nd

    the Kono ngo (KG) gold deposi ts a long the northwestern margin of the Ashanti volcanic bel t (Modified aider Leube

    e t



  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana




    geochemica l compos i t ion o f the o re mine ra l s

    associa ted with gold a t Pres tea and a probable

    paragenetic sequence of mineralization.

    eological setting and mineralization

    Early Proterozoic Birimian greenstone assemblages

    (2100 Ma) constitute the majo r geologic units in

    Ghana. T hey occu py about twenty percent of the total

    area of Ghana, and form par t of the West Afr ican

    eraton that outcrops extensively in other parts of the

    subcontinent, including Cote d 'Ivoire, Burkina Faso

    and Mali . The greenstone uni ts in Ghana are

    characterized by five evenly spaced volcanic belts

    t r end ing N E -S W in te r spe rsed wi th sed imen ta ry

    basins, (Fig. 1). The volcanic rocks range from

    tholeiitic to acid volcanics, and commonly inter-

    bedded with graywackes and carbonaceous phyllites.

    The sedim entary uni ts consis t of shales , s i lts ,

    greywaekes, tufts and chemical sediments. These

    rocks have experienced greenschist to amphibolite

    grade metam orphic facies (Kesse, 1985).

    Locally, the Birimian is subdivided into a lower

    uni t of metamorphosed sedimentary rocks and the

    upper uni t composed of volcanic rocks . Tarkwaian

    elas t ic sediments (da ted 1900 Ma) over l ie the

    Bir imian unconformably . Both formations were

    subjected to the Ebumean thermo-teetonic orogeny

    resulting in the folding, metamorphism and the

    in t roduc t ion o f g ran i to id s o f d ive r se chemica l

    com posi t io n (Black , 1980) . Kesse (1985) and

    Eisenlohr and Hirdes (1992) have described in

    detail the characteristics of these granitoid suites,

    namely Cape Coast , Dixcove, Winneba and Bongo

    granites. Geochrono logical dating of these grauitoids

    range between 2.18 and 2.17 G a (Hirdes

    et a l .


    The Birim ian voleanies have been dated at 2166 4-

    66 Ma by Taylor et al . (1992). Davis et a l . (1994)

    a lso dated Bir imian metasediments be tween 2184

    and 2135 Ma.

    The Prestea gold mine is located in the south-

    western sec t ion of the Ashanti gold bel t of the

    Bi r imian wh ich tr ends in an NE -S W d i rec t ion

    (Fig. 2). The belt represents an important carbonac-

    eous shear zone hosting major mining companies,

    and accounts for over 60 of total gold production in

    Ghana . Two types o f go ld mine ra l iza t ion a re

    identified in the Birimian: a quartz-vein type with

    gold occurring as native gold, and as disseminated

    gold in sulphide ore, where the gold occurs as

    submicroscopic grains in the sulphide ores. Gold

    production at Prestea is lim ited to the quartz lodes. A

    main re e f and two subs id ia ry ree f s hos ted in

    carbonaceous metasediments constitute the quartz

    lodes at Prestea. Based on their textures, four types of

    quartz veins have been identified; smoky quartz

    cha rac te r ized by f ragmen ts o f hos t rock and


    5~ ' -



    Huni sandstone and

    Dompim phyllite

    ~ Tarkwa phylli te

    Banket series

    Kawere conglomerates



    ~ P o s t Birimian intrusive rocks

    [ f ]

    race of mineralized zone

    ~ Upper Birimian rocks

    I [ Lower Birimian rocks

    P 1kin,

    FIG 2. Geolo gy and location map of Prestea mine area (modified after a Prestea mine drawing).

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana




    laminations of cabonaceous materials, massive quartz

    with disseminated sulphides, grey to white laminated

    quartz and glassy massive white quartz. This study

    focuses on the smoky quartz which carries the bulk of

    gold mined at Prestea. Deep min ing has been

    developed to depths of about 1.6 krn along the

    main fissure.

    nalytica l methods

    Auriferous quartz samples from various mining

    levels of the Prestea deposit were examined by

    reflected light in polished sections, and the paragen-

    esis of the ore minerals was determined based on

    their textures and assemblage. The composit ions of

    the minerals in selected samples were analysed by

    electron microprobe at the Tokyo Institute of

    Technology and the University of Tokyo. Operating

    conditions were 25 kV at 30 nA, 100 s counting time

    for Ni and Co, and 20 s for all other elements.

    Backscattered imaging was applied to investigate any

    heterogeneity in ore minerals. Systematic map

    analyses across grains were also conducted at

    25 kV and 60 nA, to ver ify the spatial distribution

    of specific elements in zoned samples.

    Ore mineralogy and mineral chemistry

    The ore minerals associated with gold consist of base

    metal sulphides and Sb-bearing suphosalts.

    Arsenopyrite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, pyrrho-

    tite and galena are the principal sulphide minerals

    present. The sulphosalts include tetrahedrite, boulan-

    gerite, bournonite and jamesonite. In addition,

    ullmanite and gersdoffite were observed in trace




    forms the most dominant sulphide

    phase occurring with gold at Prestea. It occurs as

    euhedral to subhedral crystals with characteristic

    rhombic to angular shapes. Two generations of

    arsenopyrite were identified based on their textural

    relationships. The early phase is readily identif ied by

    the coarse and large grains greater than 100 ~tm and

    common fracturing in most samples (Fig. 4A). This

    fracturing may be attributed to a later deformational

    event. Arsenopyrites is also characterized by

    oscillatory and growth zoning which in most cases,

    reflects the variat ion in As content. The As content

    generally increases from core to rim in zoned

    samples. Systematic map analyses across some grains

    revealed variable Ni contents alternating from core to

    rim (Fig. 5A). High levels of Co up to 3 wt. were

    observed in growth zones along the margins of some

    arsenopyrites. But total Ni and Co in analysed grains

    were less than 0.2 wt. . Inclusions of rutile or

    ilmenite are common in some crystals. Later formed

    arsenopyrite is characterized by fine and smaller

    grains less than 300 ~un and free of inclusions. They

    occur as isolated grains or coexist with other

    sulphides and sulphosalts. In places, they occur as

    aggregates in a continuous array, probably indicating

    the direction of shear during recrystallization. Zoning

    is present in some crystals on a small scale mainly

    due to variation in As irregularly across the grains.

    Gold is intimately associated with these arsenopyrite

    along grain boundaries and in cracks in the

    arsenopyrite (Fig. 4B).

    Pyrite is the second most abundant ore mineral

    after arsenopyrite. It general ly occurs as euhedral

    coarse to fine grains and ranging in size from 50 grn

    to 3 mm. Alteration of pyrite to marcasite is

    commonly observed. On the basis of their trace

    element composition As, Co and Ni, three types I, II

    and III were distinguished by microprobe analyses.

    Representative data are presented in Table 1 and

    illustrated in Fig. 6.

    Type I pyrite is Co-rich and homogeneous. It

    contains up to 2 wt. Co with average value of 1.8

    wt. , and As composition averaging 0.2 wt. . The

    type I pyrite is rare and may be attributed to a local

    occurrence; however its occurrence provides useful

    information on the paragenesis of the ore mineral

    assemblage. Identified type I pyrite form the core o f

    type II pyrite (Fig. 3C). A sharp compositional

    boundary exists between the two pyrites reflecting a

    rapid change in the chemistry of the ore fluid in the

    crystallization sequence. Type II pyrite is As-rich

    and forms the most dominant phase. The As content

    range from 0.2 to 2.69 wt. . Ni contents range from

    below detection-limit to 1000 ppm. Oscillatory

    zoning is commonly observed in these As-rich

    pyrites. Microprobe point analyses indicated varia-

    tion of As content in each zone. There is a general

    decrease in As content from the core to rim in most

    of these pyrite grains. A systematic map analyses

    across some of these grains also indicated

    oscillating concentrations of Ni in the As-rich

    pyrites (Fig 5B). In some cases, the As-rich pyrite

    contains several inclusions, mostly of chalcopyrite,

    arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite (Fig. 3A). Some of the

    arsenopyrite inclusions indicated elevated levels of

    Co up to 2 wt. in growth zones. These inclusions

    presumably represent relics of remobilzed early

    formed minerals. Type III pyrite contains little or no

    trace element content and has less than 0.2 wt. As.

    The Ni and Co contents are below the detection

    limit of microprobe analyses. The pyrite occurs as

    discrete grains or as overgrowths on the As-rich

    type II pyrite (Fig. 3A and B). They exhibi t various

    shapes and sizes and have a uniform composition.

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana



    TABLE 1. Representative microprobe analyses of pyrites (wt. )


    Type I (Co-rich)

    Sample point Fe Co As S Total

    SQ2.91 44.52 1.85 0.21 53.55 100.13

    SQ2.92 44.55 1.8 o. 15 53.44 99.94

    SQ2.93 44.43 1.9 0.19 53.7 100.22

    SQ2.9 44.37 1.91 0.28 53.63 100.19

    SQ2.10 44.69 1.77 0.23 53.56 100.25

    SQ2.11 44.84 1.48 0.15 53.49 99.96

    SQ3.3 44.27 2 0.37 53.05 99.69

    Type II (As-rich)

    Sample point Fe Ni As S Total

    3 SQ2.100 46.91 0.09 0.44 53.25 100.69

    4SQ2.108 46.79 0.04 0.35 54.19 101.37

    4SQ2.1 46.64 0.08 0.49 53.65 100.86

    4SQ2.2 46.53 0.05 0.44 53.5 100.52

    5 SQ2.7 46.38 0.04 0.31 53.23 99.96

    5 SQ2.8 46.77 0.04 0.22 53.78 100.81

    SQ3.1 46.11 - 0.51 52.99 99.61

    SQ3.2 46.02 - 1.03 52.41 99.46

    SQ4B 10 46.04 0.08 0.59 53.2 99.91

    2SQ2.13 45.84 - 0.53 53.51 99.88

    SQ4.1 45.72 0.1 0.66 52.26 98.74

    SQ4.12 46.72 - 0.33 53.06 100.11

    SQ4.13 46.51 - 0.41 53.14 100.06

    SQ5.1 46.09 0.06 0.36 52.65 99.16

    2SQ5.8 45.81 0.02 0.29 52.87 98.99

    2 SQ2 45.67 0.06 2.69 51.38 99.8

    2SQ2.11 46.32 0.04 0.82 53.37 100.55

    3 SQ3.16 46.46 o. 1 o. 63 52.47 99.66

    4 SQ2.2 46.64 0.03 o. 18 54.35 101.2

    Type III (Normal pyrite)

    Sample point Fe Ni As S Total

    3SQ2.101 46.98 - 0.06 53.86 100.9

    3 SQ2.102 46.87 - o. 12 53.4 100.39

    4 SQ2.106 46.73 - 0.23 53.38 100.34

    4 SQ2.107 46.77 - 0.08 53.99 100.84

    4 SQ2.4 46.96 - o. 11 54.04 101.11

    4 SQ2.4 46.96 - 0.11 54.04 101.11

    5 SQ2.5 46.82 - 0.13 53.24 100.19

    5 SQ2.6 46.55 - 0.12 53.32 99.99

    SQ3.5 46.45 - 0.16 53.22 99.83

    1 SQ3.6 46.48 - 0.08 53.43 99.99

    SQ3.12 46.04 0.03 0.08 53.1 99.25

    SQ4B6.45 45.85 0.1 - 53.5 99.45

    2SQ5.12 46.87 - - 53.34 100.21

    2SQ5.10 46.07 - - 53.88 99.95

    Some type III pyrites have been subjected to

    fracturing. In a previous study, Mumin e t a l

    (1994) reported overgrowth of As-rich pyrite on

    As-poor pyrite. This observations we interpret to

    mean the As-poor pyrite crystallization occurred in

    two stages at Prestea.

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana




    FIG. 3. Back scattered elec tron images o f the three forms

    of pyrite at the Prestea gold deposit. (A) Inclusion-filled

    type II pyrite overgrown by type III pyrite. (B)-

    Oscillatory zoned type II pyrite overgrown by type III

    pyrite (oscillatory zoning is due to variation in As

    content). (C) Overgr owth of type II pyrite on typ e I

    pyrite (core).


    occurs as f 'me euhedral isola ted grains or

    closely associated with gold, sulphides and sulpho-

    salts . Grain size ranges from less than 50 to about

    500 ttm. It shows a quite homo gene ous com position in

    each grain but var iable f rom grain to grain in pol ished

    section. The Fe content in sphalerite has no detec table

    variation with the sulphide or sulphosalt association. A

    range from 0.5 to 4 wt. Fe was obtained for all

    analysed grains. A sphalerite inclusion in pyrite

    attained the highest content Fe o f 4.5 wt. . Cd

    composition is generally less than 1 wt. . This

    variation o f Fe in sphalerite is attr ibuted to lack of

    buffering mineral assemblage and inhibits its use as a

    geobarometer (Hutchison and Scott, 1981).


    is common as inclus ions in coarse-

    grained pyr i te or in tergrown with other sulphide

    minerals . A few isolated grains were also observed.

    Gene ral ly i t has a composi t ion cons is tent with



    i s a m i n o r c o n s t i t u e n t o f t h e o r e

    assemblage and most ly coexis ts with the Pb-Sb

    sulphosalts . I t occurs as rounded or lens-shaped

    inclus ions in bournoni te or in tergrown with boula-

    ger i te . Bi and Se were detected in a l l analysed

    samples and show a uniform composi t ion with

    average values of 0 .22 and 0 .61 wt . respect ively .

    Sb occurs in a l l analysed samples with var iable

    comp ositions up to 0.91 wt .


    i s a m inor co m ponen t o f the o re

    assemblage occurr ing as vug f i l l ings or inclus ions

    in pyr i te or arsenopyri te . Fe composi t ion var ies f rom

    45.0 to 46.7 at. . Pyrrhotite inclusions in pyrite are

    re la t ive ly en r iched in N i averag ing 0 . 4 w t .

    cons i s ten t w i th N i p re fe ren t i a l pa r t i t ion ing in

    pyrrhotite (Hawley and Nicols, 1961).

    Ullmanite gersdoffite.

    T hese N i -Co-Sb-As -bear -

    ing minerals occur in t race amounts in t rapped

    carbonaceous mater ia ls in the quar tz vein and are

    m o s t l y a s s o c i a t e d w i t h p y r i t e . T h e y a r e v e r y

    heterogeneous and largely non-s toichiometr ic . Ni

    exhibi tes a wide composi t ional range in gersdoff i te

    from 14.85 to 33.24 wt. and As varies from 32.22

    to 44.61 wt. . Co is also variable from 0 to 7.32

    wt. . The Ni content in ul lmanite shows a l imited

    range f rom 24.26 to 26.19 wt . and Sb var ies f rom

    48.59 to 53.05 wt . . As in ul lmanite ranges f rom

    5.01 to 9.38 wt. .


    commonly occurs as nat ive Au int imately

    associated with arsenopyrite, the sulphosalts or as

    isolated grains, and ranges in size up to 200 p,m.

    Some rather rara microscopic gold grains occur

    associated with other sulphides , p ar t icular ly sphaler-

    i t e , py r i t e and ga lena . Go ld as soc ia t ion w i th

    arsenopyr i te mainly occurred with the la ter miner-

    al izat ion phase, f i l l ing fractures o r develop ing along

    the boundary o f the grains. No vis ible gold or

    m icroprobe ana lyses found any ev idence o f go ld

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana



    FIG. 4. A) Back-scattered images show ing intimate association of native gold Au) with arsenopyrite along grain

    boundaries. Note the con tinuous array of recrystallized arsenopyrite. B) Oscillatory zoning of As in early

    arsenopyrite. C) Secondary electron image showing co-existing Pb-Sb sulphosalts boulangerite Bgr), bournon ite

    Bo), and jamesonite Jst). D) Secondary electron image o f gold Au) intergrown with arsenopyrite Asp) and

    boulangerite Bgr). E) Secondary electron image showing gold Au) in association with tetrahedrite Td) and pyrite

    Py). F) Secondary electron image o f tetrahedrite Td) enclosed in pyrite.

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana




    5. Elec tron microp robe traverse across arsenopy rite (A) and As-rich type II pyrite (B) show ing similar

    ascillatory zoning of Ni. (See Fig. 3C for back-scattered imag e of B ).

    associat ion with the early stage arsenopyri te grains;

    however the possibi l i ty of gold occurring in lat t ice

    s i tes , which cannot be de tec ted by EP MA cannot be

    ruled out . Gold associated with the sulphosalts also

    o ccu rs a lo n g g ra in b o u n d a r i e s o r p rec ip i t a t ed

    together in quartz fractures. The int imate associat ion

    of go ld wi th arsenopyri te a long the gra in boundaries

    may in d i ca t e a co ev a l p rec ip i t a t i o n w i th o re

    mineral izat ion, or gold released from the crystal

    lat t ice of recrystal l ized arsenopyri te.


    The sulphosalts include tetrahedri te, boulangeri te,

    jameson i te and bournoni te . They are f ine gra ined and



    A ype Ipyrites I

    : T~y~c IIIPpY;:





    o o

    o O o




    0.05 0.10





    0 0 ,

    0.00 0.15 0.0 0.~ L0 1,5 2 0

    Ni (wt, ) Co (wt. )

    ~ Type pyrite~


    FIG. 6. Plots illustrating the va riation of As, Ni and Co in Prestea pyrite. (A) Ni and As and (B) Co an d As.

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana



    0 . 6 0


    A g

    O. 20


    e 9

    I 0 imer v e in

    9 m~urgln

    o [] 13 n l

    0 . 0 ~ ' ' ' ' ' . . . .

    8 .8 9 .0 9 .2 9 .4 9 .6 9 -8 1 0 .0 1 .6

    C u

    1 . 8 ~ - - - - ~ . . a F e +Z a =- 2

    e u g

    1.4 9 9 9

    9 u

    Z n


    0 6

    i i I i

    0-8 0. 4 0.8 1 .2

    F e

    Fro. 7. Compositional variation of (A) Cu and Ag, and (B) Zn and Fe in Prestea tetrahedrites.

    2 0

    occur as isolated grains, coexist or associated with


    L e ad- an t im ony su lphosa l t s .

    Jamesonite, boulan-

    gerite and bournonite are the main Pb-Sb sulphosalts

    (Fig. 4C). They show uniform composition, however

    variable amounts of Bi occur in these sulphosalts.

    0.57 to 1.38 wt. was detected in jamesonite, 0.47 to

    0.73 wt. in boulangerite and 0.06 to 0.36 wt. in

    bournonite. The composition of Se is relatively

    constant in each sulphosalt with average values of

    0.25 wt. in jamesonite, 0.30 wt. in boulangerite

    and 0.35 wt. in boumoni te.Their general formula is

    represented approximately as Pb4.o3Feo.9s(Sbs.s4.

    Bi0.11)x5.95(S13.93Seo.07)E14 Pb5.01(Sb3.s6Bio.06)~3.92

    (Slo.938eo.07)Zl1 and Pb1.01Cul.03Sbo.98(Z2.98Seo.02),r3

    respectively. The occurrence of these Pb-bearing

    sulphosalts indicates a significant concentration of Pb

    in the ore fluid.

    T e t rahe dr i t e accounts for the greater percentage of

    the observed sulphosalts at Prestea. It occurs as

    isolated grains or coexists with the Pb-Sb sulphosalts,

    sulphides and gold. Pyrite is the most common

    sulphide mineral intimately associated with tetrahe-

    drite, in close contact or filling interstices in pyrite.

    Some grains were also observed intergrown with

    chalcopyrite and sphalerite. The composition of

    tetrahedrite is quite homogeneous in each grain, but

    exhibits some variation between each grain in a single

    polished section. At deeper levels of the mine,

    tetrahedrite occurs only rarely in the sampled quartz

    vein, but is relatively common in samples obtained at

    the 400 and 600 m levels, where it is mostly associated

    with gold, Pb-Sb sulphosalts and sulphides.

    T e t rahe dr i t e c he m is t r y and c or re la t i on

    Studies on the tetrahedrite-tennantite solid-solution

    series in ore deposits have provided valuable

    information on the compositional variation which is

    attributed to changes in the chemistry of the

    mineralizing fluid during crystallization, bulk

    composition of the host rock, co-existing mineral

    assemblages and variable

    P - T - f o 2

    conditions. The

    spatial variations of the elements in an ore deposit

    have provided a guide to the compositional changes

    during crystallization, or the direction of flow of the

    hydrothermal fluid. These trends have been demon-

    strated by several authors; Wu and Petersen (1977),

    Miller and Craig (1983), Hackbarth and Petersen

    (1984), Lynch (1989). The ideal structural stoichio-

    metry o f tetrahedrite-tennanantite is simplified as

    (O'Leary and Sacks, 1987) (Cu,Ag)~R~ [(Cu,Ag)2/

    3(Fe,Zn)1/3]6TET(sb,As)4SMsls, where TRG, TET and

    SM represent trigonal planar, tetragonal and semi-

    metal sites respectively. The chemical formula may

    be written as (Cu,Ag)lo(Fe,Zn)2(Sb,As)4S13 with

    possible deviation from the ideal formula due to

    substitution in metallic sites (Sack and Loucks, 1985;


    e t a l .

    1986). Such deviations have been

    reported in naturally occurring samples by some

    authors (e.g. Lynch, 1989; Slim-shimi

    e t a l .


    Miller and Craig, 1983).

    In this study, 35 grains oftetrahedrite in auriferous

    quartz samples from the inner part and margin of the

    vein with the host rock at the 9 and 12 levels (400

    and 600 m respectively below surface) were analysed

    to assess their compositional variation in the ore

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana




    deposit. One tetrahedrite sample SQ28 in the inner

    vein from the depth of about 1200 m was analysed.

    The number of atoms were calculated based on M +

    + M 2+ =12 where M + and M 2+ refer to (Cu+Ag) and

    (Fe+Zn), respectively, Table 2. The data show low

    Ag contents up to 3.83 wt. in all analysed samples.

    Higher Ag contents (up to 17.4 wt. ) have been

    identified in samples from deeper sections (1000 m)

    at the Prestea deposit by Mumin

    e t a l


    Generally, samples from the margin show higher Ag

    contents than those from the inner parts. The low Ag

    composition in the inner vein inhibits the observation

    of any well defined correlation with Cu; however,

    they show a negative correlation in samples from the

    margin, indicating a direct substitution between the

    two elements (Fig. 7A). The tetrahedrites are

    generally enriched in Zn over Fe with the Zn

    ranging from 0.78 to 1.66 atoms per formula unit

    (p.f.u), and Fe showing a wider range from 0.43 to

    1.71 atoms p.f.u. The two elements show two distinct

    negative correlation patterns suggesting different

    conditions of crystal lization or changing composition

    of the fluid (Fig. 7B). Zn and Fe substitution in type I

    is consistent with ideal stoichiometric composition

    with total Zn and Fe averaging 2.03 atoms p.f.u. All

    the analysed tetrahedrites showing ideal character-

    istics are Cu enriched with nearly 10 atoms p.f.u. Zn

    and Fe in the type II deviates from ideal

    stoichiometric composition with total Fe and Zn in

    excess of 2 atoms p.f.u. The general formula is

    represented approximately as (Cu,Ag)9.61(Fe,Zn)2.39

    (Sb,As)4S 13.

    Exper imental work by Sack and Loucks (1985)

    demonstrated that (Fe-Cu) and (Zn-Cu) substitutions

    in tetrahedrites account for the Cu-defieiency in those

    tetrahedrites. A plot of Excess (Fe+Zn) against Cu

    (Fig. 8A) for Prestea tetrahedrites shows a well

    defined negative correlation consistent with the

    observation of Sack and Loucks. Fig. 8B however,

    illustrates that Fe substitution for Cu accounts for the

    Cu deficiency in the type II tetrahedrites at the

    Prestea deposit. Reaction of an Fe-bearing mineral

    assemblage with tetrahedrite to produce Cu-bearing

    species such as bournonite and chalcopyfite which

    are commonly associated with the tetrahedrites is

    most probable evidence for the Cu deficiency. In

    particular, at the vein margin where most of the

    tetrahedrites show non-ideal stoichiometry, chalco-

    pyrite is the most dorminant Cu-bearing species and

    is most likely the controlling factor of Cu in the type

    II tetrahedrites. Tetrahedrites co-precipitated with

    gold exhibit ideal characteristics. This may suggest

    precipitation occurred during an equilibruim state of

    the mineralizing fluid. Further observation also

    indicates that the Ag composition in the tetrahedrites

    at Prestea is a funct ion of the Fe/(Zn+Fe) ratio in the

    hydrothermal fluid, with Ag composition increasing

    with increasing Fe/(Zn+Fe), Fig. 9B.

    Figure 9A shows a positive statistical correlation

    between Ag/(Ag+Sb) and Sb/(Sb+As). Sb shows a

    restricted range in the periphery compared with a

    relatively wider Sb range for the inner part of the

    vein. One tetrahedrite sample SQ28 from the inner

    vein at a depth of about 1200 m showed a relatively

    higher Ag and Sb content compared to the shallow

    samples. This shows that the Ag and Sb relationship

    varies in the same manner in the Prestea system.

    Thus, Ag compositions increase with increasing Sb




    0 4

    0 8

    0 2


    9 []


    g o [ ]

    I : ' z ' , 7


    1 . 2

    F e

    0 . ~

    0 . 4


    o []









    I i n n e r v e i n

    9 m a ~ n



    0 . 0 , , 9 n O.a ~ ' '

    8 . 8 9 . 2 9 . 6 1 0 . 0 8 . 8 9 . 2 9 . 6 1 0 . 0


    C u

    FIG. 8. Plots illustrating variation of (A) excess (Fe + Zn) and Cu, and (B) Fe and Cu in Prestea tetrahedrite.

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana






    0 . 0 8

    0 . 0 6



    0 . 0 2

    onnerveinouattllm J

    s, -~

    0 . e 6

    o w v ~

    9 m~rgln

    0 . 0 6

    9 9 ~-~ 0 04 9 9

    u 8 u

    0 . 0 2

    9 e e o 9

    t 9

    [ ] [ ] o

    u o n a o o o om o

    O . ~ ' ' ' ' ~ _ . ~ c o , ~ o n I ~ I

    0 . 8 8 0 , 9 0 0 . 9 2 0 . 9 4 0 . 9 6 0 . 9 8 1 . 0 0 0 . 2 0 . 4 0 . 6 0 . 8

    S b / ( A s + S b )

    Fe/ Zn+Fe)

    FIG. 9. Relationship between A) Ag/ Ag + Cu) and Sb/ Sb + As), and B) Ag/ Ag + Cu) and Fe/ Zn + Fe).

    content. This observat ion may be consistent with the

    proposal by Mumin

    e t a l .

    1994) which indicated

    reducing Ag and Sb contents in tetrahedrite with fluid

    ascent. The higher Sb and Ag contents in peripheral

    zones at Prestea are also consistent with general

    observations e.g. Wu and Petersen,1977; Hackbarth

    and Petersen, 1984), an indication of early crystal-

    lization of the marginal tetrahedrites. The total As

    and Sb in all analysed grains is nearly constant with

    average of 4.02 atoms per formula unit. The

    relationship between the two elements indicates a

    coupled substitution.

    G e n e s i s o f t h e o r e m i n e r a l s

    Based on the ore textures observed under reflected

    light and electron microprobe analyses, three possible

    paragenetic stages can be recognized Fig. 10).

    Faulting and fissuring initiated stage I of the

    mineral ization accompanied by the formation of

    chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, pyrite type III) and

    arsenopyrite. The early precipitation of the

    sulphide-rich phases and local disequilibruim

    between the As-bearing fluid and crystallizing

    arsenopyrite resulted in the progressive increase in

    As content from core to rim of the arsenopyrite.

    Stage II is composed of two phases, IIa and IIb,

    and forms a prolonged and main stage of the ore

    mineralization. This stage affected most minerals of

    stage I through mobilization and recrystallization, as

    well as the precipitation of new minerals including

    native gold. Stage IIa was marked by a period of

    fracturing and the subsequent introduction of new

    pulse of hydrothermal fluid with elevated activities of

    As and Au complexes, subordinate concentration of

    Pb, Sb, Ni and Co leading to the precipitation of Co-

    rich pyrite type I), arsenopyrite, As-rich pyrite type

    II), and sphalerite in that sequence. Stage IIb

    represents the later phase of stage II, characterized

    by an increase in the Sb and Pb concentrations.

    Tetrahedrites were the first Sb-bearing ores to be

    precipitated in the sequence followed by the

    precipitation of the Pb-Sb sulphosalts boulangerite,

    boumonite and jamesonite, and finally galena.

    Stage III formed the final stage of mineralization

    with the ore fluid depleted of trace elements and

    further precipitation of type III pyrite and some

    chalcopyrite and sphalerite.

    D i s c u s s i o n

    The ore mineral assemblage at Prestea reflects the

    relatively reducing condition of the fluid. A

    decreasing trend of As content from the core to the

    rim of the As-rich type II pyrite, and the lack of As in

    type III pyrite, which in some cases occurs as

    overgrowths on the type II pyrites, gives an

    indication of an increase in As concentration in the

    fluid from stage I as the mineralization progressed.

    The paragenetic sequence further suggests the As

    activity attained maximum value during stage IIa of

    the mineralization.

    The occurrence of As-rich pyrites has been reported

    by many authors in gold deposits Arehart

    e t a l .


    Dill e t a l . 1995; Fleet e t a l . 1989; Rytuba, 1985) and

    in high temperature geothermal systems Ballantyne

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana


    8 90 N Q H A M M O N D A N D H T A B A T A


    e t o

    , a m



  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana


    O R E M I N E R A L S A S S O C I A T E D W I T H G O L D 8 9


    ~ 3

    o i



    , ,?






    7 . , . ~


    7 . -

    7 ~

    t ~


    O ~ t ' q ' ~

    ~ e q e ~

    O h r o q


    Cr ~ r , t : p

    o i v q

    < . N ~

    ~ +

  • 8/19/2019 Mina Prestea, Ghana




    A r s e n o p y r i t e

    Pyrite I

    Py rite II

    Py rite III


    P b S b S u l p h o s a l t s

    Ga lena

    G e r s d o f f i t e

    U l l m a n i t e



    N a t i v e g o l d

    Chalcopyr ite

    N . Q . H A M M O N D A N D H . T A B A T A

    Stag e I S tage I Ia S t a g e H b

    FXG. 10. Paragen esis o f ore m inera ls a t the Pres tea g old deposit .

    S t a g e H I

    a n d M o o r e , 1 98 8) . T h e m e c h a n i s m o f f o r m a t i o n o f t h e

    A s - r i c h py r i t e s i s s c a r c e ly doc um e n te d . F l e e t

    e t a l .

    ( 1 9 8 9 ) c o n c l u d e d t h a t A s i s i n c o r p o r a t e d a s a

    m e t a s t a b l e s o l i d s o l u t i o n i n p y r i t e . B a l l a n t y n e a n d

    M oor e ( 1988 ) a t t r i bu t e d i t t o a re dox d i s e qu i l i b r u im

    r e a c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e A s - b e a r i n g o re f l u i d a n d

    c r ys t a l l i z ing py r i t e s . R y tuba ( 1985 ) a nd D i l l e t a l .

    ( 1995 ) s t a t e d t ha t A s - r i c h py r i t e a t the C a r l i n - type a nd

    K h a r m a g o l d d e p o s it s , w e r e t h e r e s u l t o f A s c o a t i n g o n

    py r i t e su r f a c e s . A t P r e s t e a, t he t e x tu r a l r e l a t i onsh ip o f

    t h e A s - r i c h p y r i t es s u g g e s t a c o m b i n a t i o n o f t h e a b o v e

    m e c h a n i s m s i s l i k e l y t o a c c o u n t f o r th e d o m i n a n t

    oc c u r r e nc e o f A s - r i c h py r i te .

    O s c i l l a t o r y z o n i n g i s a c o m m o n f e a t u r e i n t h e

    a r s e n o p y r i t e a n d A s - r i c h p y r i te a t P r e s t ea , i n d i c a t i n g

    a n e p i s o d i c f l o w o f h y d r o t h e r m a l f l u i d d u r i n g

    m i n e r a l i z a t io n o r a d i s e q u i l ib r i u m b e t w e e n g r o w i n g

    m i n e r a l a n d a d j a c e n t f l u i d d u r i n g c r y s t a l l i z a ti o n ( e. g.

    F l e e t

    e t a l .

    1 9 8 9 ; S i b s o n

    e t a l .

    1988) . S uc h a

    m e c h a n i s m f o r o s c i ll a to r y z o n i n g i s e v i d e n t b y t h e

    o c c u r r e n c e o f o s c i l l a t o r y c o m p o s i t i o n o f A s i n

    a r s e n o p y r i t e a n d A s - r i c h p y r i t e . Y a r d l e y

    e t a l .

    ( 1 9 9 1 ), h o w e v e r , g a v e a n o t h e r p la u s i b l e m e c h a n i s m

    a t t r i b u t e d t o c h a n g e s i n t h e a c t i v i t y o f t h e i n v o l v e d

    s p e c i e s i n t h e f l u i d , as a c o n s e q u e n c e o f r a p i d

    c h a n g e s i n t h e f l u i d o x i d a t i o n s t at e .

    T h i s m e c h a n i s m m a y e x p l a i n t h e o s c i l l a t o r y

    p a t t er n o f N i o b s e r v ed i n s o m e A s - r ic h p y r it e a n d

    a r s e n o p y r i te a t P r e st e a , w h e r e m i c r o s c a l e z o n e s o f N i

    a l t e rn a t e w i t h i n b o t h m i n e r a l s ( F i g . 5 ). T h e p o s i t i v e

    c o r r e l a ti o n o f N i a n d A s , a s i l l u s t r a te d i n F i g . 6 A a l s o

    i n d i c a t e s a s y m p h a t h e t i c r e l a t i o n s h i p b e t w e e n t h e

    t w o e l e m e n t s i n t h e o r e f l u id . A l o c a l f l u c t u a t io n o f

    A s a n d N i a c t i v i t y r a t io d u e t o r a p i d c h a n g e s i n t h e

    r e dox s t a t e o f t he o r e f l u id i s a t t ri bu t e d t o suc h a n

    o s c i l l a t o r y

    z o n i n g .

    T h i s c o u l d b e t r i g g e r e d b y

    e p i s o d i c p r e s s u r e r e l e a s e d u r i n g f r a c t u r i n g a n d

    f i s su r ing .


    W e e x p r e s s o u r s i n c e re a p p r e c i a t i o n t o H . S h i m a z a k i

    f o r a n i n i t i a l r e v i e w o f t h e m a n u s c r i p t , a n d t o S .

    M a r u y a m a a n d Y . I s o z a k i f o r t h e i r e n c o u r a g e m e n t

    a n d s u p p o r t d u r i n g t h i s r e s e a r c h . W e a r e a l s o

    i n d e b t e d t o M . S h i m i z u a n d A . I m a i f o r th e i r

    s u g g e s t i o n s a n d a s s i s t a n c e . A r e v i e w b y R . J .

    H e r r i n g t o n g r e a t ly i m p r o v e d t h i s m a n u s c r i p t . N Q H

    w a s s u p p o rt f m a n c i a l l y b y t h e J a p a n e se M i n i s t r y o f

    E d u c a t i o n ( M o n b u s h o ) .


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