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Page 1: Metrics of digital marketing

Metrics of

Digital Marketing

By Pushkar

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Types of Metrics in Digital Marketing

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Social Media



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WAP / Mobile -


Micro - Site

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• The percentage of visitors who view the site & immediately leave the by closing the browser/tab or typing in a new urlBounce Rate

• The total number of individual visitors to your site during a specific period of timeUnique Visitors

• The total number time spent by visitors on the website.Time on site

Most/Least preferred pages

Return Visits

• The percentage of visitors who view site for their mobile phones or tabletsTraffic by device

• A comparison of the pages on your site that receive the most and least traffic

• The return visit rate is the percentage of visits from visitors who have visited the website before

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Landing Page

Bounce rate Exit rate Conversion rateLead to conversion rate

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Landing Page

A Head LineA secondary Head Line

To the point copy

Form to Capture Details

Strong Call to action

Minimum links on the pageCall to action – above the scroll

Key thinks to remember while creating a landing page.

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Impressions: One view or display of an ad. Ad reports records the total impressions per ad.

Cost per lead – CPL : Total cost of generating one lead for an entire campaign.

Cost per click – CPC : Cost per click program where advertisers pay each time a user clicks on the ad or link.

Click Through Rate – CTR : The click-through rate is the number of times a click is made on the advertisement divided by the total impressions.

Click Per Impression – CPM : Cost per thousand impressions.

Cost Per Acquisition – CPA : Is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for each specified action. Purchase, registration.

Cost Per Visit – CPV : The cost of driving individual visits to the web site.

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Engagement: The ratio of likes+comments+shares received over the fan base of the page over a fixed period of time.

Post Virality: The Ratio of likes+comments+shares received on a page post divided by the no. of people to whom the post has reached over a period of time.

People Talking About: This metric is a sum of likes+comments+shares received on the PAGE + the number of new fans acquired on the PAGE over a period of time

Post Reach: Each post published on the page reaches an X no. of fans on the page out of it’s Total Fan base.

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User analytics: Tell you things like which pages users have viewed the most, which call-to-action buttons they’ve clicked, and how many tasks they’ve performed while using your product.

Banners: The main purpose for creating a banner, knowledge of different sizes and innovations to be done for them.

Promoted posts: Need to have less than 20% of text, or the post is considered as a spam.

E-mailers: Need to focus on the Open rate & Bounce rate of the previous mailers. And implement them

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Coding: Also know as programming or development of a website. This is also an important metric. The no of lines written for a page, determines the rank of the page.

Page name: Also know as html file name, should contain only letters, digits, and underscores—no spaces, punctuation, or special characters.

GA code: It’s one of the most important metrics. It help us monitor visitors, results of marketing campaign, optimise website, evaluate traffic .

Page rank: It is a metric which Google uses to determine the importance of a web page. Highest ranked pages are the pages with the most links leading to them. PageRank has an significant impact on websites Google rankings.

SEO: Internet is made up of content in the form of words, images & video’s. An search engine helps user to search answers or content. The process of increasing visibility of a website or a web page is called as SEO.

Inbound link: Also know as back link is one of a metric to find out how popular a website is. Inbound links brings traffic to your web site from other web sites which also increases web site ranking in the search engine. Better search engine ranking brings a lot of hits/traffic on to the web site.

Compatibility: Bowser, Platform & Device play a key role in determining the website visits / bounce rate.

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