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Page 1: May 2016 Newsletter


the spirit of saint paul

May, 2016  Volume 51, Issue 5 


Page 2: May 2016 Newsletter



St. Paul Lutheran Church

A Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Community Phone: 505-242-5942

Fax: 505-242-7067 Email: [email protected]

Website: Pastoral Care Emergency Phone : 505-249-9859

Calico Butterfly Preschool Phone: 505-242-4504

Email: [email protected]

Sunday Service 9:30 a.m. Holy Communion


Patricia L. Holman


ORGANIST Beverly Pettit



Saint Paul Lutheran Church, as a community of faith in Christ,

is radically welcoming, strives for jus ce,

and loves its neighbors as itself. 


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Table of Contents From the Pastor ............................................................. 2 Confirmation Ministry ................................................. 3 Youth Faith Formation ................................................ 3 From The Congregation President ..................................... 4 125th Anniversary Committee .......................................... 5 Adopted Families ............................................................ 6 Albuquerque Interfaith ................................................... 7 Border Immersion .......................................................... 7 Calico Butterfly Preschool ................................................ 8 Cakes for Las Vegas ........................................................ 9 ELCA Advocacy ............................................................ 10 Fellowship Dinner ......................................................... 10 Free Meal for Children 3-18 years ................................... 11 Friends Feeding Friends ................................................. 11 Gay Pride .................................................................... 12 Monthly Youth Group Meeting ........................................ 12 Movie Night ................................................................. 13 Music Director Update ................................................... 14 Sunday School Thanks You ............................................ 15 Sewing Group .............................................................. 15 Stephen Ministers ......................................................... 16 Sunflower Orphanage.................................................... 17 Thank You from Rijasoa ................................................. 18 Caring for Our Faith Community ..................................... 19 Council Highlights ......................................................... 20 Congregation Council .................................................... 21 Calendar/Volunteers ................................................. Insert

BULLETIN & NEWSLETTER DEADLINES (except as otherwise noted)

SUNDAY BULLETIN: Each Wednesday at 9 a.m. JUNE NEWSLETTER: May 16 at noon


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From the Pastor With good courage couched in thankfulness! Many of you were able to join in on the festivities marking the 125th anniversary of St. Paul Lutheran Church, ABQ NM. The anniversary committee is to be commended for the thoroughness with which they approached their task. I am grateful as well to the staff and partners here who helped welcome Bishop Gonia and make the year of remembering a memorable one. It is good to take time to remember where we’ve been so we can give thanks and inform our “yes” to God’s future with those on the journey now.

Just before the weekend we received the following message from The Rev. Jeff Louden, associate pastor here in his first call as a pastor, who is now retired and volunteering at Holden Village in the Chelan Mountains of central Washington. He writes, in part:

I remember well attending the 100th anniversary celebration and even better serving with you in Albuquerque for my first four years as a pastor in my first parish, one that I still love and one that shaped and molded me for the rest of my life. Thank you.

You have continued to be a mark of grace upon the city and the state of New Mexico with service, advocacy, ecumenical relationships, clear thinking and centered quality Lutheran worship.

You were a gift to me 34 years ago. Who knows what you will be in another 125 years in 2141? I hope you dream that far ahead. I am confident that your witness to the Gospel will continue and that you will shape other young pastors and whole congregations in the vision of God’s gentle kingdom in the New Mexican land of enchantment.

I am here at Holden for a few more months helping with their recycling program. As many of you know, Pastor Erlander [St. Paul associate pastor in the mid-1970s] also served here. Like we often say and pray here, may you have “good courage” couched in thankfulness.

Well said, Pr. Louden.

So here we go my friends with good courage couched in thankfulness – we are Church, better together!

<><Pr. Pat Holman

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Confirmation Classes CONFIRMATION CLASSES conclude with the final Sunday session on May 15, 2016, from 11:45 to 1:15. We will participate in Confirmation Camp at Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp (RTLC) in two groups, some going June 26th others going July 17th. On behalf of Rotsy, Bella, Christian and Kieran I thank you, people of St. Paul, for your generous support of

this educational and pastoral ministry of the congregation. It is a blessing for me to share in this effort which helps our middle school youth grow in faith and trust of the God who names and claims and sends them forth to serve! <>< Pr. Holman

[P.S. – Carrying forward the enthusiasm generated by their week at camp in confirmation, seven high school youth will be going to Senior High camp at RTLC in July as well. They raised over $500 at the Easter breakfast in March to help cover their transportation costs to this Colorado camp – thanks again for YOUR support.]

Youth Faith Formation YOUTH FAITH FORMATION wraps up on Sunday, May 22nd with an intergenerational event in the Fellowship Hall. Please join us as we give thanks to those who have taught and led and learned together this past program year. There will not be a regularly scheduled Education Hour during the summer months (Memorial Day weekend Sunday 5/29/16 through Labor Day weekend Sunday 9/4/16]. Watch for news about the GOD’S WORK OUR HANDS events planned for 9/11/16!

<><Pr. Pat Holman

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From The Congregation President By Alicia Ruch-Flynn

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who helped plan and participated in the 125th Anniversary Celebration of St. Paul Lutheran Church. It is an honor to be a part of this great congregation.

Now in its 125th year, St. Paul is looking towards its future with enthusiasm and hope. If you attended one of the April Gathering meetings, you heard the exciting ideas received through prayer and shared ideas about how we can transform ourselves in a way that preserves most of what is essential about St. Paul currently and is faithful to our mission and resources. We welcome everyone’s participation in the next steps - analyzing all the ideas presented in Ad Hoc committees.

All of the ideas presented at the April Gathering meetings will be grouped by theme (all the ideas about connecting with the neighboring health care providers will be grouped, all the ideas about worship experiences will be grouped, ideas about sharing our building will be grouped, etc.).

An Ad Hoc committee will be formed for each group of ideas. The Ad Hoc committees are open to everyone and you can join one committee, or multiple committees. The committees will have the summer to research how their group of ideas would transform St. Paul in a way that preserves what is essential and is faithful to our mission and resources.

At the end of the summer, each Ad Hoc committee will present their findings to the council. The council will then retreat to prayerfully ponder the ideas to discern those to present to the entire congregation.

We are all blessed to be a part of this congregation, and I am enjoying the journey we are all on as we discern our next steps. Please plan to participate in this next vital part of our transformation process.

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125th Anniversary Committee The 125th Anniversary celebration was a wonderful time to share a meal, stories and be together. Dinner at the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center was delicious. Diana Mullen created a slide show that ran with the Senior Choirs CD music in the background. She did such a great job. We had several speakers who are members of the congregation along with Bishop Jim Gonia and Pastor Holman. Each one talked about what makes St. Paul special. Several letters were read from those who sent their best wishes to St. Paul.

Sunday we enjoyed the celebration service with Bishop Gonia as guest preacher. Many visitors from the community came to congratulate the congregation for 125 years. The 125th Anniversary booklet which contains a timeline of the church's history was fun and interesting to create.

We are a very active congregation and I was only able to scratch the surface of all the things we do and have done. Several people helped with dates and events and I know I missed a lot! AnnaMarie Padilla, our office manager, was instrumental in getting the booklet and dinner program formatted and printed. Thank you AnnaMarie!

There were so many people involved in making this a grand celebration. All I can say is "Thank You". I wish to give the 125th Anniversary committee a very special thanks for all their work this past year. The committee members were: Jo Browning, Jan Krakow, Pat Montague, Matt Pettersen and me.

Submitted by Nancy Jenkins Chair of the 125th Anniversary Committee

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Adopted Families By Kay Schoenefeld

A woman came to St. Paul looking for rent help. Her story tugged at the hearts of everyone who heard it. She recently lost her daughter to cancer and is now raising her three grandsons (ages 8, 9, and 13). In late March she, herself, was diagnosed with cancer; her surgery was scheduled for mid-April. Her neighbor was helping with the transportation of her grandsons to and from school but she was quite concerned about how things were going to work out after her surgery. She had paid a little toward her April rent but still owed quite a bit. Needless to say, she was quite stressed. Since I was told that the woman spoke broken English, with her main language being Spanish, I asked our first adoptee (she is from Mexico and is now a good friend of mine - I've known her for over 25 years!) to talk to the woman and get the needed details (landlord's name and phone number, etc.). It took some persistence but my friend was finally able to reach the woman; I know it helped the woman just to have someone to talk to. I contacted the landlord and sent him a check for the remainder of April's rent. That took about all of the money we had in our account but the woman was VERY grateful. Hopefully her surgery went well and she will soon be back at full strength.

Also last month one of our members had a refrigerator and some other furniture to donate. Another "old adoptee" knew of a family in need so Randy Kearney picked up and delivered the items. Again, the recipients were quite grateful.

We continue to have a special need for adult diapers (size medium for women), and we can always use furniture, toilet paper, laundry soap, dish soap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, shampoo, cleaning supplies, TVs, blankets, bath towels, sheets, dishes, silverware, pots and pans, lamps, and anything else useable. If you have large items to donate, call Kay to arrange for pickup; bring small items to the narthex coatroom (by the Adopted Families sign). To donate money, make checks payable to St. Paul, mark them for Adopted Families and place them in the Sunday offering or church office.

Thank you for thinking of our families.

Adopted Families Committee Members: Kay Schoenefeld, 281-4037, Cheri and Ted Parson, 291-8394, Dave Lund, Susan Matsui, Pat Curtin, Bill and Paula Eglinton, Randy and Marsha Kearney, Paul and Mary Thompson, Fred and Helen Disque, Hal and Cheryl Schultz.

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Albuquerque Interfaith By Ivan Westergaard

MAY 1ST DELEGATES ASSEMBLY Delegates from Albuquerque Interfaith member institutions will gather at First Unitarian Church on May 1 to ratify the organization's issues agenda for the year and to hold an Accountability Assembly for County Commission candidates. Stories related to our issues agenda will be shared. Issue Development Papers will be presented on the following:

a. Behavioral/Mental Health b. Public Education c. Workforce Development d. Immigration e. City/County Comprehensive Plan

The Issue Development Papers will detail concerns that have come out of many house meetings and research actions and how we will act on those concerns. The Accountability portion of the assembly will ask candidates if they will work with A.I. on these concerns.

The Assembly will be held at First Unitarian Church, Carlisle and Comanche NE, 3 to 4:30 pm, on Sunday, May 1. Members of St. Paul are encouraged to attend.

Border Immersion Trip

We are heading back to Cristo Rey in El Paso, Texas, for a 4 day Border Immersion experience, June 2nd - June 5th. St. Paul, in conjunction with the New Mexico Faith Coalition, is coordinating this trip. If you attended the 'Micro-Border Immersion" here at St. Paul over the MLK weekend, if you were inspired by Pastor Rose Mary's sermon that same weekend, or if you are interested in learning all sides of a complicated issue that speaks to our faith, please plan to join us. Let Alicia Ruch-Flynn know if you are interested in going on (or before!) May 22nd. The cost is $175/person, and there are scholarships available. I hope you will consider joining us on this educational and profoundly eye opening trip. - Your Outreach Team

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By Doreen Kleinsasser

The curriculum theme for May is “Bugs”, an absolute favorite of many children. They can spend countless hours corralling their favorites on the playground. Our bible memory verse is John 15:14, “You are my friends”.

On May 5th the preschoolers will be enjoying a Mother’s Day luncheon with their invited Moms in the Fellowship Hall. They are busy making gifts and rehearsing several songs that they will perform. The Calico Butterfly Preschool board will be helping host the event.

Our school year ends on Friday May 27th. Beginning on Tuesday, May 31 Calico will begin its 10 week summer program that ends on August 5. Our summer fun will include Water play, Science for Kids, and Alphabet Appetite, a faith based program that teaches the children good nutritional eating habits. We are still taking registrations for summer fun. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like additional information for you or a friend.

Helping Hands Trace around your child’s hands on paper, and ask him/her to name different ways he/she is helpful. Maybe he/she takes care of the dog by feeding him and helps you by dusting. Together, write each example on a separate finger. Then, hang up his/her “helping hands” to remind him/her how help-ful he/she can be.

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Cakes for Las Vegas

Once again the congregation of St. Paul Lutheran Church and Highland High School Culinary Arts Department has come through with the cakes!!! We were privileged to present the NM Behavioral Health Institute with 93 cakes. Thank you so much for the donations of cake mixes, frosting, and cash to buy the eggs, oil and extra mixes and frosting. A big thank you to the cake bakers. Your generosity is extremely appreciated. I want to especially thank the following people without whose help I couldn’t have accomplished this task. They are Matt Pettersen, Donald Beard, Darlene Beard, Marlys Weinhold, AnnaMarie Padilla, John Adolphi and Bob Matthews. Thank you everyone. Sharon Hamilton

A Letter from NM Behavior Health Institute at Las Vegas It is always a pleasure to hear from your Church yearly to be able and ready to pick up baked cakes which makes a Big Difference in our patient’s lives. When birthdays come around they are able to celebrate their birthday thanks to you all that makes this possible. The Hospital is 127 years old this year. Founded in 1889 and many years of history. But, your church has also worked many years in preparing, baking, and packing birthday cakes or other events that we use them for. This year we picked up 90 cakes which is wonderful.

I would like to personally “Thank You” for all that the church has done and the congregation as a whole. All your support and hard work is noted here at The New Mexico Behavior Health Institute in Las Vegas. A special thank you to all the members of the church.

Sincerely, Lisa Apodaca, Public Relations Coordinator.

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ELCA Advocacy in Washington, D.C. Our Advocacy Office researches issues that come before Congress and provides that information to ELCA members so that we may contact our legislators regarding our concerns. Email letters are provided on-line that can be submitted to your

senators and representative. As indicated in previous articles, in 2016, ELCA Advocacy will work on issues related to peacemaking, care for creation, hospitality to our neighbors, concern for our brothers and sisters living in poverty and justice for all. Specifically, under hospitality to our neighbors, the policy focus is:

"Ensure immediate protection of displaced Central American children and families while focusing on long-term solutions for bettering conditions that cause people to flee."

As Christians, our faith leads us to "strive for justice and peace in all the earth." ELCA Advocacy works to create and influence public policies that embody our biblical values, as indicated in the 2016 policies. For more information or to sign up for actions on issues go to

- Ivan Westergaard

Fellowship Dinner

Fellowship Dinner Groups are Re-Shuffling for a new set of groups for the months of June through September. These are groups of three to five St. Paul households comprising of up to 8 people who meet up for a pot luck dinner and fellowship once a month in the home of one of the group members. This is a great way to become involved

at St. Paul and get to know each other. We welcome everyone to participate. If you are already a member of a group, and plan to continue, you don't need to do anything to be included in this round. If you plan to take this round off, please let Alicia Ruch-Flynn or Kathy Branson know. 

If you would like to join, please fill in one of the cards at the Welcome Center by Sunday, May 29th. This is a great way to get to know other folks at St. Paul.  Hope to see you in a group! - Alicia Ruch-Flynn

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Free Meals for Children 3-18yrs old

Children ages 3-18 can receive a free healthy meal seven (7) days a week between 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. at one Presbyterian Albuquerque location only: Downtown Presbyterian Hospital (201 Cedar SE) - in the cafeteria. No ID or other documentation required. The meal must be eaten at the hospital and anyone over 18 (parents/guardians) who wants a meal must purchase their own meal. No voucher for the children is required, just order from a cashier in the cafeteria. This is a USDA at-risk feeding program which will transition into the summer feeding program when school is out for the summer. (Presbyterian is also offering this at their Socorro and Clovis hospitals.) - Else Tasseron

Friends Feeding Friends We recently received the following note from Carla (volunteer leader at Project Share) -

“We are so very grateful for your service at Project Share and St Martin’s this last year and we are now celebrating our first year with St Martin’s. I just want to say Thank You to all of you for continuing to provide your luscious meals to the clients at St Martin’s as well as helping us in making this transition so very smooth. I know that there have been challenges, and I do appreciate you all so very much for being flexible.”

Beginning this month (May) we will begin serving food at 4:15pm instead of 5:00pm. This is due to the closing of the winter shelters and the need to serve everyone in a timely manner (200-250 meals a night).

If you can cook, we need you on a team. If you have some free time on the first Thursday of the month, we always need people to help serve the meal. Servers need to be at St. Martin’s by 4:00 pm. St. Martin’s is located at 1201 3rd Street NW, Albuquerque, NM. 3rd Street is a one-way street going south and St. Martin’s is on the west (right side) just south of Summer St. We also gladly accept any donations to help defray the costs. Check can be made out to “St Paul Lutheran Church” with “FFF/Hospitality Fund” being noted under remarks.

If interested or you have any questions, please contact Marsha Kearney at 505-899-9705 or [email protected].

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Gay Pride Parade

Gay Pride Parade is Saturday June 11th! Plan to ride in our 'float' or walk with our banner in this year's Gay Pride Parade. This year many of us from St. Paul will meet at St. Paul at 8:30 am on the morning of the walk to travel together to the parade grounds. There, wearing our St. Paul T-shirts (available at the Welcome Center for $10), we walk the parade, and hand out candy/St. Paul information cards to the parade attendees. The parade is always a good time, and this year we will also participate by having a table at the fairgrounds after the parade. If you are interested in joining us in one or both of these ways to participate, please let a mem-ber of the Outreach Team know--or just show up at St. Paul at 8:30 on the 11th! Hope to see you there. - Alicia Ruch-Flynn

Monthly Youth Group Gathering

MAY 14th Saturday 9 to noon (or as long as you can) - we will join the St. Paul clean up day and have a blast working and laughing and eating together.

MAY 21st Saturday evening 6 to 8:30 p.m., gather upstairs in the youth room for a game evening. Supper provided but bring snacks if you'd like. We will also discuss summer plans and schedules.

RTLC. Coming up this summer for many of you. See Diana to work on brief presentation to council for youth camp funds.

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Movie Night

Please plan to join us again on May 20th for a showing of My Name is Khan.

My Name is Khan is a PG-13 rated movie about an Indian Muslim man with Asperger's syndrome who takes on a chal-lenge to speak to the President seriously, and embarks on a cross-country journey. Shah Rukh Khan, the Indian film star who stars in this movie, is a Muslim star in a mostly Hindu country. Khan says he has always been interested in the challenge of starting from a real-life incident and weaving a fictional story around it. "And there is an aspect of Islam that needs to be addressed now, otherwise this demarcation, this divide we keep on increasing," he says. "So I just thought we should have a message about a film with humanity. Just goodness."

Please plan to join us for this movie (and some Indian food!), and discussion starting at 6 pm on Friday May 20th, in the Fellowship Hall. - Your Outreach Team

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We will be changing liturgies during Pentecost to the familiar Now the Feast. We have a need for any players of musical instruments to play along with the liturgy- be it Saxophone, flute, cello, horn, spoons - you get the idea. I have music for C instruments, but I can adapt it for all instruments that you think you can play. If you feel moved by the spirit during this "normal" time to dust off your viol de gamba or just want to explore the space with your steel drums, then this is your time to shine and make a glorious noise (some practice will be needed) to the lord. I have openings from May to August, so please consider sharing your unique sound - and I am aware that there are many of you out there, so don't be shy! Inquire about all possibilities and availability by calling me at 505-331-3679 or email me at [email protected].

Peace, Seth Hartwell, Director of Music

BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND – FAVORITE HYMN SUNDAY! This year we will observe Favorite Hymn Sunday on June 12th. Watch the May bulletins for inserts you can use to submit your requests for this special day. You may also email your requests to [email protected] and they will be forwarded to our Director of Music for input to his planning. Any hymns we are not able to include on June 12th will be included in the worship on subsequent weeks through the rest of summer.

Thanks! <>< Pr. Pat Holman

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Sunday School Thanks You ALUMINUM = TOWELS

If you have donated aluminum to the students in our Sunday School, then this note is for you:

On behalf of our Sunday School, THANK YOU for donating the aluminum recycling money to our outreach efforts. We used $27 of the money to buy 9 towels for our "Baskets of Hope" project. We made 90 kits. <>< Pr. Holman.

We continue to collect aluminum - help the kids do minis-try! Leave your donations in the blue bin next to the refresh-ments table in Friendship Corner. Thanks. - Nancy Matthews

Sewing Group

After taking off the month of April, you’ll be able to find us back in the fellowship hall the third Tuesday of the month (May 17th). Thanks to those who find time to make quilt tops and laprobes at home, we have a number of quilts that need to be finished before distributing to those in need of assurance of God’s love and care.

As always, we greatly appreciate the supplies (such as fabric and bedsheets) and funding that so many of you provide. We are always looking for others to join us, and you don’t even have to know how to sew! We usually meet the third Tuesday of each month in the fellowship hall 9:30 am until 2:30 pm.

Any questions, contact Marsha Kearney (505-899-9705) or Susan Latella (505-508-2001).

Sewing Group members include Pastor Holman, Kathy Kimler Altobelli, Marilyn Kraemer, Peggy Neiman, Vonna Hopkins, Ruth Kimler, Barbara Maxwell, Susan Latella and Marsha Kearney

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Several times in the past we have written an article to communicate what Stephen Ministry is and how it might be something you are interested in but might still be confused or unsure. In a recent conversation with an ailing member of the congregation, she was asked if she was interested in having a Stephen Minister. Her response was, "Oh no, I am not at that point yet!".

This response leads me to think that we need to clarify what Stephen Ministry is NOT.

STEPHEN MINISTERS DO NOT: 1) provide hospice care

2) provide solutions for life's problems

3) provide psychiatric treatment

4) replace the companionship of friends and family

Rather, Stephen Ministers are caring, compassionate listeners who maintain a confidential relationship.

Paula Eglinton, Stephen Minister

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Sunflower Orphanage by Hal Schultz

A MESSAGE FROM SUNFLOWER Greetings Everyone, As you already know, Kilen Koeng,( aka Len) is the director of Sunflower, a small "family" of HIV positive orphans in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Len is an amazing person. Following is a message from him to everyone.

Kilen wrote: Dear Sunflower friends/supporter, We want to thank you for the greatest gift You have given to our Sunflower family. What a different world this would be if we all took more seriously the deeper implication of our brotherhood in Christ in our hearts to God for the special fellowship that You have given us. We are extremely grateful for the gift that you have given to our organization Sunflower Orphan Center. We know how important it is to keep our children smiling. IT IS YOUR HELP 100% of every $ goes directly to support the children. Their psychological health and well-being is just another thing we take responsibility for. The life we give our orphans must be like the life we would want to give our own children. The Sunflower children are simply the best, and most deserving of any help that can be given to them. Even all our staffs are volunteers. We have worked tirelessly to give them opportunities and raise them in a supportive family environment. We are happy to know that there are kind-hearted people like you who help the Sunflower children. It is great that you are supporting Sunflower. These children are in real need. Sunflower does not have many regular volunteers and we do not have enough resources to give sufficient support to the Center on behalf of Sunflower. We sincerely appreciate your willingness to support these children. Thank you for your time and kindness. Your support and assistance has provided great help for the Sunflower family and a lot of happy times for the children. ONE GOD - ONE WORLD. We thank you greatly for your kindness. We appreciate your help and look forward to get more help.

Sincerely, Len and the Sunflower family

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Thank you from Rijasoa & family My family and I would like to thank the St. Paul community and friends for their presence and support of the Madagascar teachers’ workshops fundraiser on Saturday April 23rd 2016.

The event was a great success thanks to each of your contributions in many ways. A total amount of $2,300 was raised so Thrivent Lutheran Funds will be able to match it with an additional $750 thanks to Marsha Keaney’s advocacy.

All the money will be used exclusively to cover workshop attendees' meals, materials (badge, lanyard, handout, certificate etc), and the seven foreign language teachers’ meals, accommodation, and transportation.

In total, three workshops in three different cities in Madagascar will be co-designed and co-facilitated by myself and the teachers who have worked with me in the project of implementing a culturally relevant pedagogy in foreign language teaching.

During the workshop those teachers will share their discoveries from their classroom experiences with other teachers. I will receive feedback from the workshops’ attendees to hone my doctoral research topic in collaboration with Malagasy teachers.

A special thank goes to Pastor Holman, Terry Cole, Mino Rakotoarijaona, Beth Brennan and Tom Wilkinson, Kikao Josoa, Peter Njagi, Merone Tadesse, Ranja Andriamanana, Alicia Ruch-Flynn, Megan Tucker and the UNM faculty in LLSS who helped me in many ways before, during, and after the event.

Thanks so much for supporting education in Madagascar as one body in Christ!

Your support is truly appreciated! Rijasoa Andriamanana

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Caring About Our Faith Community CONGRATULATIONS to the following young people who

have made their first communion and have claimed their spot at the Lord’s Table:

Molly Geneva Korff

Kira Peterson

Leah Katherine Gorence

CARDS TO SHOW YOU CARE. Often when we come to church we hear about someone who is ill, hospitalized, or in some way needing of our prayers and care. Your Stephen Ministry Team has set up a card station to help with this. Now you may write a note on a card, address it, and leave it to be mailed. Feel free to bring in cards to donate, as well. Look for our table by the West doors in the Welcome Center. - Your Stephen Ministry Team

THANK YOU! Many thanks to our St. Paul “family” for all the prayers, visits, cards, meals, rides, communion, Easter lily, encouragement and everything else during Karla’s hip replacement surgery and slower-than-expected recovery. Your support really means a lot and is greatly appreciated. Hoping to be able to join you again in May! God bless you all! Gratefully, Karla and Jonathan Ice

MY MOTHER WISHES TO THANK YOU ALL for the prayers you are lifting up on her behalf. She can feel them! Each day she rests more deeply into the peace that God provides and her trust in God’s purposes for her life. Evie Holman fully expects to celebrate her 90th birthday at the end of October! You have my gratitude as well. <>< Pr. Pat Holman

WE PRAY HEALING PRAYERS FOR those who have had recent surgeries:

Phil Wangberg

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May 19, 2016

Discussed the next steps in the congrega on’s transfor-ma on process following the April Gathering Mee ngs. 

Created an Ad Hoc Commi ee of Alicia, Cheryl, Shirley and John to organize and categorize the ideas generated at the Gathering Mee ngs. 

Directed the Calico Bu erfly Preschool Ad Hoc Commi ee of Paula, Roger and Kay Fulton to submit proposals to the Calico Board regarding ways to work toward clearer fiscal accounta-bility. 

Established an Ad Hoc Commi ee to clarify rela onships be-tween Calico Bu erfly Preschool and St. Paul Lutheran Con-grega on in order to update procedures and standardize management between the two bodies. 

Approved a gi  of $12,500 ($100 for each year in recogni on of St. Paul’s 125 years) from the St. Paul Endowment Fund to the Seeds of Hope project. 

Renewed St. Paul’s Mission Partner Agreement with Camino Di Vida. 

Respectfully submitted, Shirley Nilsson, Council Secretary

May, 2016

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As a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Community, this congregation specifically welcomes gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered persons

as partners on the journey of faith.

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