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  • 7/30/2019 Marketing Using Twitter


  • 7/30/2019 Marketing Using Twitter


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    INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 1

    Welcome to Social commissions - Twitter ........................................................... 1

    Chapter 1: Getting Followers for Your Twitter Account .... 3

    Step 1 - Create a Profile that People will Follow ...................................... 4

    Step 2 - Create an Account thats Worth Following .................................. 6

    Make Sure Your Account is Interactive.............................................................. 6

    Retweeting .......................................................................................................................... 7

    Responding to Tweets .................................................................................................... 8

    Asking Questions ............................................................................................................... 8

    Make Sure Your Account is Informative ............................................................. 9

    Make Sure Your Account is Personal .................................................................. 10

    Step 3 - Use Hash Tags .................................................................................................... 11

    Trending Hash Tags ....................................................................................................... 13

    Tweet Chat......................................................................................................................... 14

    Step 4 - Make Your Profile Visible ....................................................................... 16

    Adding Twitter to Facebook .................................................................................... 16

    Adding Twitter to Google+ ........................................................................................ 18

    Adding Twitter to a Website ................................................................................... 20

    Profile Widget ................................................................................................................. 21

    Search Widget .................................................................................................................. 22

    Faves Widget ..................................................................................................................... 22

    List Widget ......................................................................................................................... 23

    Adding a Widget to Your Website .......................................................................... 27

    Blog ......................................................................................................................................... 28

    Wordpress.Com .................................................................................................................. 29

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    Wordpress.Org................................................................................................................... 30

    Email Accounts ................................................................................................................ 30

    Chapter 2: Running Promotions on Twitter ................................ 33

    Wildfire Interactive .................................................................................................. 33

    What is a Sweepstakes? ............................................................................................ 34

    Purpose of a Sweepstakes ........................................................................................ 34

    Engagement ........................................................................................................................ 35

    Attracting More Followers and Fans ............................................................... 35

    Creating a Sweepstakes ............................................................................................ 36

    Twtpoll................................................................................................................................ 39

    Polls ....................................................................................................................................... 39

    How to Create a Poll ................................................................................................... 40

    Type of Question ............................................................................................................. 40

    Question ............................................................................................................................... 41

    Answer Type ...................................................................................................................... 41

    Answer Choices ............................................................................................................... 42

    Using Polls ......................................................................................................................... 42

    Surveys ............................................................................................................................... 43

    Type of Question ............................................................................................................. 44

    Questions ............................................................................................................................ 45

    Answer ................................................................................................................................ 45

    Demographic Questions ............................................................................................... 45

    Running a Survey ........................................................................................................... 46

    Summary of Promotions .............................................................................................. 47

    Chapter 3: Sponsored Tweets .............................................................49

    Paying Others to Advertise Your Products..................................................... 51

    Pay Per Click ..................................................................................................................... 51

    Cost Per Click .................................................................................................................... 52

    Budget .................................................................................................................................... 53

    Tweet Approval Process ........................................................................................... 54

    Tweet Timing .................................................................................................................... 54

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    Tags ........................................................................................................................................ 55

    Locations ............................................................................................................................. 56

    Content Rating ................................................................................................................ 57

    Frequency of the Tweets ........................................................................................... 57

    Paying Per Tweet ........................................................................................................... 58

    Maximum Cost Per Tweet ............................................................................................ 58

    Minimum Followers ....................................................................................................... 60

    Minimum Followers Ratio .......................................................................................... 60

    Maximum CPC ....................................................................................................................... 62

    Premiums ............................................................................................................................. 64

    ClickWatch ........................................................................................................................ 65

    Getting Tweeters ........................................................................................................... 66

    Selecting Tweeters ...................................................................................................... 66

    Advertise for Others ................................................................................................... 68

    Build Up Your Following ............................................................................................. 69

    Set Up Your Account ...................................................................................................... 69

    Price ....................................................................................................................................... 70

    ClickWatch ........................................................................................................................ 70

    Tags ........................................................................................................................................ 70

    Select Offers .................................................................................................................... 73

    Chapter 4: Ready to Go Big? ...................................................................74

    Promoted Tweets ............................................................................................................ 75

    Reaching Non-Followers ............................................................................................ 75

    Engaging Followers ...................................................................................................... 77

    Target People Who are Like Your Followers ................................................. 78

    Which Tweets Should be Promoted Tweets? .................................................... 78

    Promoted Trends ............................................................................................................. 79

    How Promoted Trends Help Businesses ............................................................... 80

    Promoted Accounts ........................................................................................................ 82

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    Tips for Using Promoted Tweets, Trends and Accounts ........................... 84

    Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 85

    Congratulations! ........................................................................................................... 85

  • 7/30/2019 Marketing Using Twitter


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    Welcome to Social commissions - Twitter

    Twitter is one of the most exciting social networks available today. The micro blogging site has

    175 million users, many of which are willing to purchase products.

    The question is, then, how do you tap into that market? How do you tweet your way into anincome?

    There isnt one answer to this question. Instead, there are several.

    If you are going to tweet your way into profits, you need to:

    Build up a following Engage your followers Understand your followers Use Twitter applications and features Use services like Sponsored Tweets

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    We are going to show you how to do all of this and more in this book. As you go through the

    book, implement the steps so your campaign will be on track by the time you reach the last page.

    Lets get started with chapter one, where will show you how to grow your following.

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    If you are going to be successful with Twitter, you have to attract lots of followers. Your

    followers are the people who see your Twitter stream. If you have lots of followers, lots of

    people will see your marketing messages.

    In this chapter, we are going to show you how to get more followers by:

    Lets beginby going over ways to create a profile that people will follow.

    Creating a profile that people will follow Creating an account that is worthy of following Using hash tags Making your profile visible

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    Step 1 - Create a Profile that People will Follow

    When people first open up a Twitter profile, they are usually so excited to get started that they

    leave most of the profile fields blank. This is a huge mistake. These types of generic profiles

    dont stand out, which means they dont attract lots of followers.

    Therefore, you need to dress

    up your Twitter profile so you

    can get as many followers as


    First, you need a picture. Dont choose a picture of your dog, your child, or

    your favorite location. Choose a picture of yourself. This will add a personaltouch to your Twitter account.

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    Next, you need to include your location. That way, you can attract some local Twitter users.

    Finally, consider changing thebackground and design colors on your

    profile. You can upload your own theme

    or you can choose a theme thats already

    available on Twitter.

    Most people use the default theme, so your profile

    will still stand out even if you use a preloaded

    theme. Just make sure its not the default theme.

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    If you incorporate these things into your Twitter

    profile, it will be attractive to users. That means

    people will click Follow when they come

    across your account.

    Now lets move on to the next technique.

    Step 2 - Create an Account thats Worth Following

    People tend to follow accounts that are worth following. They want to get something out of the

    Twitter experience, so they look for accounts that are:

    Make Sure Your Account is Interactive

    Many people use Twitter as a sounding board or a place for them to talk and others to listen.

    People who use Twitter in that way really miss the entire point of the micro blogging site.

    Twitter is really a place to interact with others. That means you cant just talk without doing any

    listening or interacting.

    Interactive Informative Personal

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    Instead of just tweeting, you need to:


    Retweeting is the process of reposting someone elses tweet. This is a great way to interact with

    Twitter users. Its also a simple way to provide your followers with relevant content.

    Dont just retweet every post that you see, though. Make sure it is:

    Also, dont retweet several times a day. Retweet sparingly so people will pay attention when

    you retweet something.


    Respond to tweets Ask questions

    Relevant to your audience Interesting

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    Responding to Tweets

    Responding to tweets is a great way to take part in conversations on Twitter. It will also make

    your profile more visible to other users. This will lead to more followers.

    Youll have several opportunities to respond to tweets each day. For instance, someone might

    post an article. You can read the article and go back to Twitter and post a response. Your

    response can say something like, I really like #4 on the list. Thanks for sharing. Something as

    simple as that can lead to engagement.

    Asking Questions

    You can start your own conversations by asking questions. You should ask questions that are

    related to your Twitter account. For instance, if you talk about internet marketing on your

    Twitter account, you can ask people what their favorite marketing technique is.

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    This will start a conversation, and will help you get more followers, especially if you use hash

    tags. We will show you how to use hash tags later in this chapter.

    Now lets move on to the next step.

    Make Sure Your Account is Informative

    Your followers dont just want to know what you had for dinner or what you are doing at the

    moment. They want to get useful information that they can use in their own lives. Tweet linksto helpful blog posts and articles, and give tips.

    When you do this, dont be afraid to send links to information that is not your own. As much as

    you want to market yourself, you cant push your products 100% of the time on Twitter. Mix it

    up so your followers get the best information possible. This will help you build a strong


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    Make Sure Your Account is Personal

    Being personal doesnt mean tweeting what you had for dinner or what movie you are watching.

    Its actually much simpler than that. All that you need to do is use personal messages when

    tweeting links and other information to your followers.

    Forexample, lets assume you wrote a new blog titled 5 Ways to Eliminate Computer Viruses.Most people would just tweet a link to the blog. If you do that, the title and the link will show

    up, but nothing else will.

    This is generic. Instead of doing it that way, add a personal touch. For example, you could


    You could also write:

    These are just a couple of examples of how you can take an ordinary blog post and turn it into a

    conversation piece.

    Now lets move on to hash tags.

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    Step 3 - Use Hash Tags

    Hash tags (#) represent categories in Twitter.

    People use them to categorize their tweets. For instance, if you posted something about internet

    marketing, you could tweet #InternetMarketing.

    Notice that internet marketing is one word when used as a hash tag. Thats because all hashtags are one word. You can capitalize the first letter of each word to make it easier to read, but

    you need to make sure you combine multiple words into one word.

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    When you use hash tags, its easy for non-followers to find your posts. For instance, if you used

    the internet marketing hash tag for one of your posts and someone conducted a Twitter search for

    internet marketing, your post would come up.

    If the person likes what you posted, theres a good chance he will follow you. Thus, this is a

    great way to attract new followers.

    While you want to use hash tags to make your tweets easy to find, you do not want to overuse

    them. Save them for your top posts. For instance, if you create 100 tweets on internet

    marketing, ten or twenty of those posts would be worthy of hash tags.

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    Along with using hash tags for your regular tweets, you need to use:

    Trending Hash Tags

    Trending hash tags refer to the most popular hash tags at a given time. These are the hash tags

    that people use the most when they talk on Twitter. They can change at any time.

    You will see a list of trending hash tags from your Twitter profile page. The list is located on the

    right hand side of the page.

    Trending hash tags


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    When a hash tag is trending, theres a good chance people will actively search for it. That means

    theres a good chance you can reach more people with your tweets.

    If you choose to join into a trending conversation, make sure it pertains to your business. You

    dont want to confuse your followers by tweeting off topic.

    If you do find a topic that is related to your business, join the conversation. Make sure to createtweets that are informative and have a real value so you can attract followers.

    Tweet Chat

    Finally, use TweetChat to join into hash tag conversations. TweetChat allows users to type in

    hash tag topics and then join in conversations related to those topics.

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    You will find TweetChat at Once you sign in, you can type in the name of the

    hash tag you are interested in. For instance, you can type InternetMarketing.

    At that point, you will see all of the hash tag tweets related to internet marketing. You can join

    the conversation right from TweetChat.

    This is a great tool if you want to position yourself as an expert and get more followers in the


    Now were ready to move on to the next strategy for gaining more followers.

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    Step 4 - Make Your Profile Visible

    Finally, you have to make your profile visible to other Twitter users. You can do this by

    connecting it to:

    Adding Twitter to Facebook

    The Twitter Feed for Pages app is a simple way to display your Twitter feed on Facebook. You

    can find the app at

    Facebook Google+ YouTube Website Blog Email accounts
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    Usually, you just need to click Add to my Page when installing an application, and then you

    can do everything for your Facebook page. This isnt the case with this app, though. You

    actually need to click Go to this App.

    Once you do that, you will be taken to the Tradable Bits website.

    You can add the application to a page and link your Twitter and Facebook accounts from thissite. When you are finished, you will be able to view your Twitter stream from your Facebook


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    Adding Twitter to Google+

    You also need to include your Twitter feed on Google+. If you arent familiar with Google+, we

    are going to take a moment to go over this new social networking site.

    Right now, Google+ is still in its infancy stages. However, it is growing at a rapid rate, and it

    could end up going head to head with Facebook. Thats because Google+ offers many of thesame features as Facebook does, along with some extra features that make the site unique.

    While its in its infancy, its still a good idea to include your stream on your Google+ account

    (and sign up for a Google+ account if you dont already have one).

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    Once you have your account, you can add Twitter to Google+ by installing the Google+Tweet

    application. This app is available

    After you install the application, you will need to log into Google+ and go to the Twitter icon onyour profiles dashboard.

    Then you will sign in with your Twitter account.
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    Once you authorize the app and click Go, your twitter account will be visible to other users via

    the Twitter tab. Additionally, your Tweets will show up in your Google+ stream.

    Additionally, you can follow and unfollow people, retweet, mention and send direct messages

    from your Google+ account.

    Its important to note that people will only be able to see your Twitter tab on Google+ if they

    have also installed the Google+Tweet application. However, they will still be able to see yourtweets in your Google+ timeline. Additionally, you can still use the management features

    available on Google+

    Adding Twitter to a Website

    Integrating your Twitter feed with your website is simple, thanks to Twitters widgets. You can

    find widgets for the website at

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    You will need to choose from the:

    Profile Widget

    The profile widget will allow you to display your most recent status updates on your website.

    It will show your tweets, retweets and mentions.

    Profile widget Search widget Faves widget List widget

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    You can choose how many tweets will appear by clicking on the preferences after you select the


    This is our favorite widget for websites, since it shows the entire stream.

    Search Widget

    The search widget allows people to search for keywords from your website. It displays results in

    real time, making it a good tool for live events.

    Most people dont need this widget on their websites. However, if you host or participate in live

    events, you might want to add this widget to your site.

    Faves Widget

    This widget shows off a stream of your favorite tweets. Its also in real time, so you can start a

    tweet as a favorite and it will show up immediately.

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    It will show up as a Best of Twitter According to (Your Name) box.

    Again, you probably dont need to add this widget to your site. However, if you build up a large

    following and you want to showcase some of your followers, you can install this widget.

    List Widget

    Before we talk about the list widget, we need to explain Twitter lists. The List feature is a way

    to organize Twitter users into groups. Then, you can find out what each group is up to byclicking on the list.

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    You need to create a list before you can use the list widget. If you want to create a list, log into

    Twitter, click the List tab and select Create a New List.

    Once you do that, you can name your list. For instance, you might create an Internet

    Marketing list.

    Then, you can add users into your list. Youll do this in one of two ways. First, you can type

    their username directly into the box once you create the list.

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    Second, you can go back to your twitter feed and click on the user you want to add to your list.

    Then, you will click on the icon that looks like a person and select Add to List.

    At that point, you will add the person to your list.

    Once you create a list, you can add the widget to your site. Then, the list will appear on your


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    This is a great option for people who market different products and have different websites. For

    instance, lets assume you are marketing:

    You have separate websites for all three items. You could create a list for each item in Twitter.

    Then, you could install the list plug-in and display the right list on the right site. For instance,

    your antivirus software list will display on your antivirus software site.

    Antivirus software

    Adware software Registry cleaning software

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    Adding a Widget to Your Website

    After you decide which widget you want to add, you will need to get the code so you can put it

    on your site. Fortunately, this is really simple.

    All that you need to do is select the appropriate widget and click on it. Then, customize it if you


    Click Finish and Grab Code.

    Now you can add the code to your website or to Blogger.

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    If you are using Blogger, you will use the widgets that we just went over.

    If you are using a different type of blog, you will need to follow different steps to integrate

    Twitter with your blog.

    Were going to show you how to add the feed to: is a free blogging site. They actually host the blog for you. is free blogging software. However, if you use, you will have to

    pay for hosting.

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    Wordpress.Com has a Twitter widget that is really easy to install and use. Once installed, the

    widget will display your latest tweets.

    You can install the widget by logging into your

    account. Once there, click on the Appearance tab and select


    You just need to add your username and choose your preference. Then your Twitter feed will be


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    If you want to add your Twitter feed to, you will need to install a plug-in. You

    can find plug-ins by going to

    Once there, type Twitter into the search box. A list of plug-ins will appear. You can choose theplug-in you want and then add it to your site.

    Each plug in comes with a list of installation instructions. Just follow the instructions and

    Twitter will appear on your blog.

    Email Accounts

    Your email can also help you gain some Twitter

    followers. Just add a link to your Twitter account, or put

    a Twitter button in your email signature line.

    The link is simple. All you will need to do is copy your

    accounts link and save it to your email signature.

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    The button is a little bit more complicated, but it looks more professional. Thus, we recommend

    that you actually add the button to your account.

    In order to use this process, you will need a Twitter icon. You can find an icon online. Just go

    to Google images and type Twitter Icon for Email Signature.

    Once you find one, download it to your computer. Then, make sure it is the right size. It should

    be 24 by 24. If it isnt the right size, download Irfanview. This free program resizes pictures.

    After you resize your picture, you need to upload the icon to your email signature.

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    Once the icon is uploaded, you will need to add a hyperlink.

    The hyperlink should be a direct link to your Twitter account.

    Then, people can access your Twitter account from your email.

    Now that you know how to gain some exposure and build up your followers, youre ready to

    move on to the next chapter. In Chapter 2, we will show you some advertising tools you can use

    with Twitter.

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    In this chapter, we are going to show you how to run promotions on Twitter. Promotions will

    help you engage your audience and increase your followers. Additionally, they will help you

    learn about your audience.

    While there are several applications that host promotions, we are going to show you:

    These are two of the best and easiest applications for promotions.

    Wildfire Interactive

    If you purchased the entire Social Media Domination program, you probably remember Wildfire

    from the Facebook guide. In that guide, we showed you how to create different types of

    Facebook pages with Wildfire.

    Wildfire Interactive Twtpoll

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    Now, we are going to show you how to use Wildfire to create a sweepstakes.

    While Wildfire has lots of different promotions available for Facebook users, it only offers

    sweepstakes for Twitter. Still, this application is powerful enough to justify signing up for a

    Wildfire Interactive account.

    What is a Sweepstakes?

    A sweepstakes is a giveaway. It is free to enter, and the winner is randomly selected.

    The winner receives a prize. The price can be a gift card, product, eBook, set of videos, or

    anything else that you want it to be. The only thing is, you need to choose something that people

    will be interested in so they will enter your sweepstakes.

    Purpose of a Sweepstakes

    A sweepstakes does three things. It:

    Engages your followers Helps you get more followers Helps you get more fans

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    Sweepstakes are a great form of engagement. When people see that you are offering something

    for free, they will sign up.

    Additionally, they will continue to read your tweets so they can get information about other

    contests. That means they will see your marketing tweets as well as your sweepstakes tweets.

    This type of engagement will help you make more sales.

    Attracting More Followers and Fans

    Sweepstakes will also help you attract more followers and fans. In order to understand this, lets

    look at an example.

    Joe follows your Twitter account and he also has 1,000 followers of his own.

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    Joe enters your sweepstakes. His entry is announced in his Twitter feed and on his Facebook


    Joes friends and followers see the tweets and posts. They also like to get things for free, so they

    click on the link and enter as well.

    When they enter your sweepstakes, they also decide to follow you on Twitter and Facebook.

    That way, they wont miss out on future sweepstakes or contests you offer.

    Therefore, you end up with more fans and followers.

    Creating a Sweepstakes

    You can create a sweepstakes by signing up for Wildfire Interactive at Once there, click Create a Campaign and choose

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    Most of the steps are basic. You will need to name your campaign, provide a description, and

    choose a start and end date.

    While this is simple, you might need a little help when it comes to creating your entry form,

    which is Step 3 in the sweepstakes creation process.

    You have lots of different options for your entry form.

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    Most people like to load their forms up with one question after the next, but that isnt a good

    idea. Keep the form simple so you can get more signups. For instance, you can just ask for the

    persons first name, last name, and location.

    Then, you can include some fields that arent mandatory. For instance, you can add Join

    Newsletter to your form, but uncheck the This Field is Required box.

    You should also include Like button. This will allow people to like the sweepstakes on

    Facebook. While you are running the promotion on Twitter, it will still be nice to get the

    additional exposure. You can add the Like button right from the entry form builderon


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    Then, you can link it to your Facebook account.

    After you finish the form, you will need to:

    Now lets move on to the next application, which is Twtpoll.


    Twtpoll allows people to create polls and surveys and advertise them on their Twitter accounts.

    Were going to talk about both options so you understand how they can help you build a

    presence and understand your followers.


    Polls are used to engage Twitter followers. The more engaged your followers are, the more

    likely they are to pay attention to your tweets, click on your links, and purchase your products.

    Select banners

    Create rules Publish the sweepstakes

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    While you can engage your followers in many different ways, polls are one of the easiest (and

    most exciting) ways to accomplish this.

    Engagement isnt the only reason that polls are so beneficial, though. They can also help you

    learn about your audience. You can create polls that will help you find out more about your

    followers interests, buying patterns and more.

    Now, lets look at the poll creation process

    How to Create a Poll

    If you are going to create a poll, you will need to choose your:

    Type of Question

    You can ask several types of questions. The type of question you choose will determine:

    While there are lots of different options, you want to choose one answer multiple choice

    questions when you create polls. Thats because poll shouldnt be complex.

    Type of question Question Answer choices Answer type

    The number of answers people can give The way they select answers (multiple choice, matrix), rating, ranking


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    Next, you will have to fill out the question. This is the most important part of the poll creation

    process. You need a question that will grab your readers attention. It should also fit into your


    For instance, assume Max markets Xbox Video games. He can create a poll and ask readersWhats your favorite type of video game?

    This question will:

    Answer Type

    Next, you will have to choose your answer type. You can select from:

    You should choose Text. Again, this is because polls should be quick and simple.

    Appeal to his audience Engage his audience Provide him valuable information about his followers interests

    Text Images/videos Twitter handlers Addresses

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    Answer Choices

    Your answer choices are the choices your followers will have when they answer your poll. In

    the previous example, Max asked users what their favorite type of video games is. Possible

    answers for that question include:

    As you can see, you want to give people several answers to choose from when creating a poll.

    Using Polls

    Now that you understand the set up process, lets look at how you can use polls to understand

    your followers. In order to show you this, we are going to go back to the previous example.

    As you recall, Max set up a poll in which he asked followers about their favorite type of video


    First person shooter Third person shooter Fantasy RPG

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    Lets assume the poll has run, and Max has his answers. The

    statistics show that most of his followers prefer first person shooter


    This is more than an interesting statistic. Max can actually take that

    information and use it for his marketing camping.

    Since Max knows that his fans prefer first person shooter games, he

    can start tweeting more about those types of games and less about the other types of games. This

    will increase his engagement, since his followers will be more interested in his links than they

    were in the past when he tweeted about all game types equally.

    While Max wont stop tweeting about the other games, he will tweet more about the games that

    his followers like. This will also boost sales.

    Now lets move on to surveys.


    If you choose to run a survey, you will need to decide the:

    The title and description are self explanatory. Thus, we are going to dive right into the type of


    Survey title Description Type of question Question

    Answer choices Answer type Demographic questions

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    Type of Question

    When we talked about polls, we said that you needed to use a simple multiple choice question.

    Thats not the case with surveys, though. You can actually use the different options, and add

    additional questions.

    First you will need to choose a question type and fill out the question. Then, you can go to thebottom of the page and click Add Question.

    At that point, you can add another question.

    This time, you can choose a different question type. For instance, if you chose Multiple

    Choice for the first question, you might select a Rating Scale for the second question.

    Its important to mix up the question types. This will allow you to get quality information, and it

    will also prevent survey takers from getting bored before they complete the survey.

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    You need to add a broad range of questions that will provide you with important information.

    Some question ideas include:


    Your answers are going to depend on the question type you choose. However, no matter which

    question type you choose, your answers need to:

    Demographic Questions

    You can also include demographic questions in your surveys. Demographic questions include:

    This will help you understand the demographics of your followers.

    How much do you spend on (product)? How often do you purchase (product)? What is your favorite type of (product)? Are you interested in learning about new products?

    Provide you with important information Give you some marketing ideas Help you understand your audience

    Gender Age Education Ethnicity Marital status Annual income

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    Running a Survey

    Now that you know how to set up a survey, lets go over an example of a survey in action. This

    will help you understand why this process is so important.

    Lets go back to Max. As you recall, Max is marketing Xbox360 video games.

    Max creates a survey where he asks:

    At the end of his survey, Max analyzes the results. He

    discovers that his audience prefers first person shooter

    games. He also found out that his followers spend

    approximately $60 on games a month.

    What is your favorite type of game?o This is a ranking question

    How much do you spend on Xbox games each year?o This is a multiple choice question

    How much do you spend on accessories and extras?o This is a multiple choice question

    What are your favorite accessories and extras?o This is a ranking question

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    Additionally, they spend around $30 on

    accessories a month, and game add-ons are

    their favorite accessories and extras.

    Also, Max discovers that men between the ages of 24-34 make up most of

    his followers.

    Max can use this information to make his marketing campaign more targeted. Additionally, he

    can start offering accessories and extras, since he knows his followers are interested in them.

    Summary of Promotions

    We have gone over a lot of information in this chapter, so we are going to provide you with a

    short summary.

    Sweepstakes are used to engage and attract followers. You wont get a lot of useful information

    from running sweepstakes, but they are a valuable part of a marketing campaign.

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    Polls consist of a simple question and multiple choice answers. They will help you engage your

    audience and make wise marketing decisions.

    Surveys are in depth and will help you get a lot of information from your followers. You canfind out how much they spend, what they are interested in and more.

    Now that you understand these concepts, you are ready to move onto the next chapter, where we

    will talk about Sponsored Tweets.

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    In this chapter, we are going to cover Sponsored Tweets. Sponsored Tweets connect advertisers

    with tweeters. Once advertisers and tweeters partner up, the tweeter posts advertisements, and

    the advertiser pays for the tweets.

    This can be paid per tweet or per click.

    Once an advertiser and tweeter partner up, the advertiser will provide the tweeter with a list of

    instructions about the advertisement. Using the instructions, the tweeter will construct an

    advertising tweet. Then, he will either publish the tweet or submit it for approval prior to


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    Along with the tweet, the tweeter will need to include a disclosure statement. The disclosure will

    need to show that the tweet is sponsored by another company or is an ad.

    For instance, you could tweet AD first and then fill in the tweet.

    You could also say This Tweet is brought to you by

    This type of disclosure protects the tweeter and the advertiser.

    Now that you know how the process works, lets lookat your two options for using Sponsored

    Tweets, which are:

    Paying others to advertise your products Making money advertising other peoples products

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    Paying Others to Advertise Your Products

    If you have products you want to advertise, you can sign up with Sponsored Tweets as an

    advertiser. Then, you can have other people advertise your products for you on Twitter.

    The first thing you will need to do is decide if you want to pay per click or per tweet. If you

    choose pay per click, you will only have to pay for clicks. That means you might have 100

    tweets published, but you will only have to pay for the number of clicks.

    If you choose to pay per tweet, you will have to pay for each tweet, regardless of how many

    clicks the tweet receives.

    The method of payment isnt the only thing that differentiates these two types of campaigns.

    The set up process is different as well. We are going to show you what you will need for each

    type of campaign, starting with pay per click.

    Pay Per Click

    If you choose this method, you will need to decide the:

    Cost per click Budget Tweet approval process Tweet timing Tags Locations Content rating Frequency of the tweets

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    Cost Per Click

    This is the maximum amount you are willing to pay per click. The minimum amount allowed by

    the system is 5 cents per click.

    You can start off at 5 cents and see if you get clicks and conversions. However you may need to

    increase your cost per click so you can attract powerful tweeters.

    If you increase your bid, make sure that you are making money off the system. For instance,

    assume you are paying 25 cents per click. On Monday, you have 10 clicks. Ten times .25 is$2.50, so you spent $2.50 on advertising.

    Out of the ten clicks, you made two sales. You earned a total of $51 off the sales. Since you

    spent $2.50, you are ahead by $48.50.

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    This is excellent. In fact, its so good that you could even raise your price per click in an effort

    to attract powerful tweeters.


    Next, you will have to decide on a monthly budget. This budget will determine how many clicks

    you can get each month. If you set your budget too low, it will be difficult to benefit from this


    For example, if you bid 20 cents per click and set your monthly budget at $5, you will only be

    able to get 25 clicks for the entire month.

    Thats not very many clicks, so you would need to increase your budget.

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    Tweet Approval Process

    You also get to choose your tweet approval process. If you choose auto approval, the tweets will

    automatically go out once they are created by the tweeter.

    If you choose to approve the tweets, you will receive the tweet before it is posted on Twitter.

    You will have three days to approve it. If you do not approve it in that time frame, the user can

    publish the tweet without approval.

    When you first start with Sponsored Tweets, approve each tweet before it is published. Once

    you become comfortable with the system, you can start auto approving the tweets.

    Tweet Timing

    You can decide if tweets go out:

    As they are submitted Between specific hours

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    The afternoon is typically the best time to tweet. According to Kissmetrics, the highest number

    of retweets occurs around 5 PM. Thus, set your tweets to afternoon hours so you can get lots of



    You will also have to choose tags. Tags are keywords. You want to choose keywords that are

    related to your product. This will help you find targeted tweeters.

    For example, if you are marketing Xbox360 video games, you would type in Xbox360 and other

    related keywords.

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    As you do this, the number of available tweeters will go down. Thats because you are

    eliminating the tweeters that arent in your niche.


    Then, you can choose the location you want your tweets to appear. For instance, if your products

    are only available to people in the United States, you would only select United States.

    If they are available to people in the United States and Canada, you would select United Statesand Canada.

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    Content Rating

    Youll also need to choose the content rating. This refers to the tweeters Twitter page content

    rating. Your options are:

    Since you are using this for advertising, its a good idea to choose Everyone.

    Frequency of the Tweets

    The frequency of tweets refers to the number of tweets and the time between tweets. The

    number of tweets doesnt refer to the number of original tweets. Instead, it refers to the number

    of retweets the users will make on the original tweet.

    Everyoneo The user doesnt post any foul language or say anything

    questionable on his Twitter feed

    Matureo Some questionable content and adult language may be used

    Adults onlyo This type of site has lots of adult language and questionable


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    As for the time between tweets, there must be at least one day between tweets.

    Now lets look atpaying per tweet.

    Paying Per Tweet

    If you choose to pay per tweet, you will have to decide the:

    We went over tags, locations and tweet timing with cost per click advertising, so we are only

    going to look at the other options.

    Maximum Cost Per Tweet

    This is the most you will pay per tweet.

    Maximum cost per tweet Minimum number of followers Minimum followers ratio Maximum CPC Premiums ClickWatch Tags Locations Tweet timing

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    The easiest way to decide on a cost per tweet is to look at what some of the tweeters are

    charging. You can find a list of Sponsored Tweeters at

    Celebrity tweeters are at the top. You can reorganize the list by clicking Price.

    Youll find tweeters that will tweet for as little as 20 cents per tweet. Some of these tweeters

    have thousands of followers. Use this as a guide as you choose your cost per tweet.
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    Minimum Followers

    This is the minimum number of followers a tweeter can have. If you are going to be successful

    with this system, its a good idea to choose 500 as the minimum number of followers. If they

    have fewer followers, your tweets wont reach enough people.

    Minimum Followers Ratio

    This refers to the ratio of followers to friends. In this case, friends refers to the people the user


    If the number is one, the user has as many friends as followers. If the number is 2, the person is

    followed by twice as many people as he follows.

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    You can also have smaller numbers, such as .50. If the number is .50, the user has twice as many

    friends as followers.

    You dont want to go below 1 when selecting this number. Thats because the higher the ratio

    is, the higher the quality of the Twitter account.

    When people have low ratios, they tend to follow anyone and everyone. They usually dont

    target specific groups of people. Instead, they are all over the map.

    Additionally, they dont get many followers because they dont provide quality tweets.

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    When someone has a high ratio, he tends to be selective about who he follows. He also tends to

    get lots of followers because he provides interesting content.

    Thus, the higher the ratio, the more engaged the audience tends to be. Keep this in mind when

    choosing the minimum followers ratio.

    Maximum CPC

    While you arent paying per click, you can still target people based on their maximum CPC. In

    this case, it refers to the average cost per click for the account.

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    For example, assume Joe has been a tweeter on Sponsored Tweets for quite some time. During

    that time, he has posted 500 Sponsored Tweets.

    The average cost per tweet was 25 cents.

    That means he earned $125.

    100 people clicked on the tweets.

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    That means it costs around $1.25 per click.

    The lower the cost per click, the better the tweeter is. Choose accounts with low cost per click so

    you can get the most bangs for your buck.


    Premiums refer to premium tweeters. These are typically celebrities.

    If you choose to include premium tweets, the system will ignore your budget and demographic


    You will get a large audience if you use premium tweeters. However, it will cost a large sum of


    Thus, dont include premium tweeters, especially when you are first starting out. If your

    advertising budget grows, you can try premium tweeters out, but until then, use standard tweeters

    who have good statistics.

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    ClickWatch was designed to protect advertisers on Sponsored Tweets. The system checks a

    tweets click performance after the tweet has been live for 48 hours. If the cost per click is above

    $1.50, the tweeter will have to create a new tweet.

    Once the new tweet is live, the system will check it again in 48 hours. If the cost per click is still

    over $1.50, the tweeter will have to create a third tweet.

    This will help you get quality tweets. Thus, its a good idea to only use advertisers who have

    signed up for ClickWatch.

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    Therefore, be sure to check the ClickWatch box when setting up your campaign.

    Now that you know about the different campaign types, its time to learn how to select tweeters.

    Getting Tweeters

    Both options allow you to get tweeters in one of two ways. You can either ask for a specific

    tweeter or you can have the system match you up with tweeters.

    Were going to give you some tips for selecting tweeters.

    Selecting Tweeters

    If you choose to select your own tweeters, you will need to look through statistics in order to find

    users that fit what you are looking for. You can do this by going to
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    Once there, you can flip through the different tweeters. When you find one you are interested in,

    click on the Twitter handle.

    Then you will see stats for:

    Followerso The number of followers the user has

    Friendso The number of people the user followers

    Average CPCo The average cost per click for all Sponsored Tweets

    Clicks per tweeto The number of clicks per tweet for all offers

    Date the person joined Twittero The day his account went live

    FAR (Follower Activation Rate) score

    o This measures the influence the person has on his followers.The number is on a scale of 1-10, with 5 being the system wide


    Klouto Klout is a numerical representation of the users influence. A

    high Klout Score indicates that the person has followers that will

    respond to tweets and listen to what he has to say. Scores

    range from 1-100.

    Gendero The gender of the user

    Ageo The age of the user

    Date the person joined Sponsored Tweetso Date the users account went live

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    Look through these statistics and find users that have a great deal of influence. Then, you can

    request a user or users when you create your campaign.

    Now we are going to look at using Sponsored Tweets to advertise for others.

    Advertise for Others

    You can also choose to advertise for others by being a tweeter. As we mentioned earlier, whenyou advertise for others, you can make money with your Twitter account.

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    If you choose this option, you will need to:

    Build Up Your Following

    In the first chapter of this book, we gave you some tips and techniques for building your

    following. You need to follow those tips before you use Sponsored Tweets as a tweeter. Thats

    because your profile wont look attractive to advertisers until you have a large following.

    If you sign up for Sponsored Tweets and only have 20 followers, advertisers will pass you by,

    even if you only charge a few cents per tweet.

    Make sure you are at least over 100 followers. If you can get close to 1,000, you will be in really

    good shape to use this service.

    Set Up Your Account

    Once you get your followers up, you will need to set up your account. During this process you


    Build up your following Set up your account Select offers

    Set your price Enable ClickWatch Choose keywords

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    The default price per tweet is 10 cents a tweet. You can leave it at ten cents while you build up

    your following or you can increase it slightly. When youre first starting out, you should charge

    between 10 and 20 cents per tweet.

    ClickWatchWe went over ClickWatch earlier in this chapter. Its a good idea to enable ClickWatch so you

    can get more offers. Advertisers are more trusting of people who use ClickWatch, so you dont

    want to miss out on the different opportunities.


    Next, you will have to choose tags. Choose tags that are in your niche. That way, you will

    receive offers that your followers will be interested in. This is essential, as you dont want to

    alienate your followers.

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    In order to understand this, lets look at an example.

    Assume you sell pet accessories. You have always tweeted about pets and accessories, and over

    time, you have built up a following. You have a great relationship with your followers. They

    know they can visit your Twitter page to find great deals and information.

    You sign up with Sponsored Tweets and you dont pay much attention to the keywords that you

    choose. Basically, you choose a broad range of keywords so you can get as many advertisingopportunities as possible.

    Some offers come in, and you take everything you can. Before you know it, you have tweeted


    Beverages Clothes Electronics Teeth whitening supplies

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    The broad range of tweets alienates your followers. They are tired of reading about a new offer

    from an unrelated niche every time they log into Twitter. They originally followed you because

    you had such great information about pet supplies, but now, they have a hard time finding that

    type of information since you are so busy sponsoring products outside of your niche.

    Your number of followers decrease and you become less attractive to advertisers.

    Now, lets lookat the other side of the coin.

    You have a popular Twitter feed thats focused on pet supplies and you use pet related tags when

    signing up for Sponsored Tweets.

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    You receive offers to sponsor pet related products. You tweet about the products, and your

    followers are receptive. They click on some of the ads and purchase some products, which

    makes the advertisers happy.

    By staying in your own category, you managed to make your followers and advertisers happy.Additionally, youre happy because you have engaged followers and youre making money with

    Sponsored Tweets.

    Thus, only choose keywords that are related to your category.

    Select Offers

    Once you fill out your information, you will start receiving offers. You dont have to choose

    every offer that comes your way. Be selective. Just as you had to choose the right keywords,

    you need to choose the right offers. Only choose offers that your customer base will be

    interested in. Even though the offers will all be related to your category, you still need to pick

    through them to ensure they are the best option for you and your followers.

    Now you are ready to move on to the next lesson. In the next chapter, we will teach you how to

    use different Twitter applications.

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    After you spend some time marketing on Twitter, you will be ready to go big. By going big, we

    mean increasing your advertising budget so you can get a big return. While you wont be able to

    start a high priced advertising campaign right out of the gate, you will be able to after you make

    some money using the advertising methods outlined in this book.

    When you decide to go big, you can use the advertising options available directly from Twitter.

    These options are:

    While the opportunities are auction based, the minimum advertising budget to join is 5,000 per


    While you might not be ready to spend that kind of money right now, you should still take some

    time to learn about these options. Then, you will be ready to use them when you have the


    Promoted Tweets Promoted Trends Promoted Accounts

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    Promoted Tweets

    Promoted Tweets can help you:

    Reaching Non-Followers

    If you want to reach non-followers, you can use Promoted Tweets in search. These tweets

    appear at the top of search results. This will help you generate more followers.

    For instance, assume you create a Promoted Tweet about Xbox360 video games.

    Reach people who arent following your Twitter feed Engage your Twitter followers Reach people who are like your followers

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    As you can see, this can help you gain exposure and get more followers.

    Engaging Followers

    If you want to use Promoted Tweets to engage your followers, you can use Promoted Tweets

    targeted to followers. These tweets appear at the top or near the top of your followers timelines.

    This will help your tweets get more exposure. You wont have to worry about your tweet getting

    lost in a busy timeline. It will show up, even if your followers are following lots of different


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    Target People Who are Like Your Followers

    This is one of the most exciting things about Promoted Tweets. You can actually target people

    who are like your followers. The system will find people who are similar to your followers and

    place your Promoted Tweets in their timelines. This will help you reach people who have

    similar interests. You can really increase your number of followers when you use this.

    Which Tweets Should be Promoted Tweets?

    Its important that you are selective with the tweets you showcase as Promoted Tweets. You

    need to choose tweets that are engaging and interesting. For instance, you might want to use

    tweets about deals or contests as your Promoted Tweets.

    Note: As of the date of this writing, Promoted Tweets are in beta and not open to all advertisers.

    However, Twitter is planning to open the program up to everyone soon. Thus, continue to check

    the program status by going to
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    Promoted Trends

    In Chapter 1, we talked about trends. If you dont recall, trends are available on the right hand

    side of your Twitter profile.

    These trends refer to popular hash tag topics.

    With Promoted Trends, you can choose a trend that you want to promote. Then, it will appear onthe right hand side ofpeoples profiles.

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    How Promoted Trends Help Businesses

    Promoted Trends will help you start a conversation with Twitter users. When you have a

    Promoted Trend, theres a good chance Twitter users from all over the world will click on it and

    join in the conversation.

    This will generate some excitement around your niche. It will also help you connect with people

    who share similar interests.

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    Third, they appear to the right of search results, under the People Results.

    |These accounts wont show up for everyone, though, since they are targeted by interests.

    Promoted Accounts are targeted by interests, so you can find targeted followers. This will help

    you find followers in your niche. This is essential, since you want highly targeted followers whowill be interested in your products.

    Additionally, you can geo target by country or region, as long as the region is in the United

    States. If you run a local business, this will be a good option, since it will help you reach your

    customer base.

    Now that you know about the different Twitter advertising options, were going to provide you

    some general tips.

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    Tips for Using Promoted Tweets, Trends and


    If you use Promoted Tweets, Trends or Accounts, be sure to:

    Keep these tips in mind as you move forward with your advertising campaign. Then, you will be

    able to have success with Promoted Tweets, Trends and Accounts.

    Select your tweets and trends wisely. You want to make money offthese advertising services, so you need to choose tweets and trends

    that will engage people.

    Make sure you have a profile that people will want to follow. Weexplained how to create such a profile earlier in this book. Follow those

    steps so you can put your best foot forward.

    Analyze your statistics. These services all come with analytics. Keepan eye on your analytics so you know what is performing and what

    isnt. Then, make changes based on those statistics.

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    Now you understand how to run a marketing campaign on Twitter. Be sure to use this

    information as you move forward with your marketing campaign.

    Additionally, you will need to monitor your campaign and make changes as you move forward.

    This will help you hold on to the followers you have and continue to grow your customer base.

    For instance, you need to take the information you learn from polls and surveys and integrate it

    into your marketing campaign.

    You also may need to adjust your Sponsored Tweets based on statistics.

    Additionally, keep this book by your side so you can brush up on the different techniques


    If you do those two things, you will put yourself firmly on the path toward success. Then, you

    can begin making money with Twitter.

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    Copyright 2012,Adrian Morrison

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without prior writtenpermission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certainnoncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Although the author and publisher have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and completeness of theinformation contained in this book, we assume no responsibility for errors, inaccuracies, omissions, or anyinconsistency herein. Any slight of people, places, or organizations is unintentional.

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