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Page 1: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

List of third-partyapplications used byEventLog Analyzer

Page 2: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

Scope of this document.

 This document outlines all the third-party applications that are used by EventLog Analyzer for its effective functioning. The document contains details about the library and Java

script dependencies and the third-party platforms they are sourced from.

Java 8.1.51  Sun Microsystems, Inc. Binary Code

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

Postgresql 10.3 Postgresql License Postgresql

Apache Tomcat 8.5.27  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

activation.jar 1.0.2  Sun Microsystems, Inc. Binary Code

Sun Microsystems, Inc.

antisamy-1.5.3.jar 1.5.3  The BSD 3-Clause License

 The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

antlr-4.7.1-complete .jar

4.7.1 ANTLR


aws-java-sdk-core-1. 11.126.jar

1.11.126  Apache License, Version 2.0

aws-java-sdk-s3-1.1 1.126.jar

1.11.126  Apache License, Version 2.0

batik-awt-util.jar 1.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

batik-css.jar 1.7beta1+r522428  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

batik-dom.jar 1.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

Page 3: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

batik-svggen.jar 1.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

batik-util.jar 1.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

batik-xml.jar 1.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

bcpkix-jdk15on-1.52 .jar MIT License

bcprov-jdk16-146.jar 1.46.0 MIT License

cewolf.jar 1.0 LGPLv2 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

commons-beanutils -1.8.0.jar

1.8.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-chain-1.2. jar

1.2  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-codec-1.6 .jar

1.6  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-codec-1.7 .jar

1.7  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-collection s.jar

2.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-collection s4-4.1.jar

4.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-csv-1.4.ja r

1.4  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-digester.j ar

1.8  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-fileuploa d-1.3.2.jar

1.3.2  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-io-2.2.jar 2.2  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-lang3-3.1. jar

3.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-logging-1. 1.3.jar

1.1.3  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

Page 4: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

commons-logging-a pi.jar

1.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-logging.ja r

 Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-net-3.3.ja r

3.3  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-pool2-2.4. 2.jar

2.4.2  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

commons-validator- 1.3.1.jar

1.3.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

compiler-0.9.3.jar 0.9.3

concurrent.jar 1.3.3 GPL

dom4j-1.6.1.jar 1.6.1 BSD license MetaStuff Ltd.

duoweb.jar Duo Security, Inc

eclipse-collections-8 .2.0.jar

8.2.0 EPL With BSD Eclipse

eclipse-collections-a pi-8.2.0.jar

8.2.0 EPL With BSD Eclipse

eclipse-collections-f orkjoin-8.2.0.jar

8.2.0 EPL With BSD Eclipse

edtftpj.jar 2.4.0 LGPL  Enterprise Distributed Technologies

elasticsearch-rest-cl ient-5.6.4.jar

5.6.4  Apache License, Version 2.0

elsa-3.0.0-M5.jar 3.0.0-M5  Apache License, Version 2.0

esapi-2.1.0.jar 2.1.0  Code License - New BSD License,Content

 The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)

guava-18.0.jar 18.0.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java

httpasyncclient-4.1. 2.jar

4.1.2  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

Page 5: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

httpclient-4.5.1.jar 4.5.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

httpclient-4.5.2.jar 4.5.2  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

HTTPClient.jar 0.3.3 LGPL Version 2.1

httpcore-4.4.1.jar 4.4.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

httpcore-4.4.5.jar 4.4.5  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

httpcore-nio-4.4.5.ja r

4.4.5  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

httpmime-4.3.1.jar 4.3.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

iText-2.1.7.jar 2.1.7 MPL 1.1

iText.jar MPL 1.1

iTextAsian.jar MPL 1.1

jackson-annotations -2.6.0.jar

2.6.0  Apache License, Version 2.0


jackson-core-2.6.6.ja r

2.6.6  Apache License, Version 2.0


jackson-databind-2. 6.6.jar

2.6.6  Apache License, Version 2.0


jackson-dataformat- cbor-2.6.6.jar

2.6.6  Apache License, Version 2.0


jakarta-oro-2.0.8.jar 2.0.8  Global Enterprise OEM Agreement

 Apache Software Foundation

jasperreports-fonts. jar

3.7.3 LGPL 3 Jaspersoft

jasperreports.jar 3.7.3 LGPL 3 Jaspersoft

javassist-3.12.1.GA.j ar

3.20.0.GA  Usually Distributed-MPL 1.1

 Shigeru Chiba, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Page 6: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

jaxb-api.jar 2.2.7 BSD license Sun Microsystems, Inc.

jaxb-core.jar 2.2.7 BSD license Sun Microsystems, Inc.

jaxb-impl.jar 2.2.7 BSD license Sun Microsystems, Inc.

jaxb2-basics-runtim e-1.11.1.jar

1.11.1 BSD license Sun Microsystems, Inc.

jbcrypt-0.4.jar 0.4 MIT

jboss-j2ee.jar 3.2.6 LGPL 2.1 JBoss

jcifs-ng-2.0.6.jar LGPL Version 2.1 jcifs

jcommon.jar  ManageEngine Internal Software


jedis-2.9.0.jar 2.9.0 MIT Jonathan Leibiusky

jfreechart.jar LGPL Version 2.1 JUnit

jsch-0.1.53.jar 0.1.53 BSD

json-simple-1.1.1.jar 1.1.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

json.jar 2.0 JSON License

jstl.jar 1.1.2 CDDL, GPL 2  JavaServer Pages Standard Tag Library (JSTL)

JstlTlds.jar  Apache Software License, Version 1.1

 Apache Software Foundation

jt400.jar  IBM Public License Version 1.0

IBM Corporation

jtds-1.3.1.jar 1.7.0_45 LGPL Version 2.1 jTDS JDBC Driver

kotlin-stdlib-1.1.0.ja r

1.1.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

Page 7: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

kryo-4.0.1.jar 4.0.1 BSD with Apache 2.0

lang-mustache-5.6.4 .jar

5.6.4  Apache License, Version 2.0

log4j-1.2.17.jar 1.2.17  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

lz4-1.3.0.jar 1.3.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

mail.jar 1.4.1 CDDL Version 1.0 Sun Microsystems, Inc.

mapdb-3.0.5.jar 3.0.5  Apache License, Version 2.0

maverick-all.jar 1.6.12  SSHTOOLS SOFTWARE LICENSE

J2SSH Maverick

MimeUtil.jar 2.1.3  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Medsea Business Solutions S.L.

minlog-1.3.0.jar 1.3.0 BSD with Apache 2.0

msgpack-0.6.7.jar 0.6.7  Apache License, Version 2.0

MessagePack for Java

mysql_connector.jar 5.0.7  Commercial License Agreement from

NamedRegEx.jar Apache 2.0 named-regexp

nekohtml.jar 1.9.20  Apache License, Version 2.0

 World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

netty-3.10.6.Final.ja r

3.10.6.Final  Apache 2.0 With BSD, MIT and LGPL

The Netty Project

netty-buffer-4.1.13.F inal.jar

4.1.13.Final  Apache License, Version 2.0

The Netty Project

netty-codec-4.1.13.F inal.jar

4.1.13.Final  Apache License, Version 2.0

The Netty Project

netty-codec-http-4.1 .13.Final.jar

4.1.13.Final  Apache License, Version 2.0

The Netty Project

netty-common-4.1.1 3.Final.jar

4.1.13.Final  Apache License, Version 2.0

The Netty Project

Page 8: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

netty-handler-4.1.13 .Final.jar

4.1.13.Final  Apache License, Version 2.0

The Netty Project

netty-resolver-4.1.1 3.Final.jar

4.1.13.Final  Apache License, Version 2.0

The Netty Project

netty-transport-4.1. 13.Final.jar

4.1.13.Final  Apache License, Version 2.0

The Netty Project

objenesis-2.1.jar 2.1 BSD with Apache 2.0


2.5.6.SEC01  Apache License, Version 2.0

oscache.jar  The OpenSymphony Software License,

The OpenSymphony Group

parent-join-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4  Apache License, Version 2.0


percolator-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4  Apache License, Version 2.0


poi-3.17.jar 3.17  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

poi-ooxml-3.17.jar 3.17  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

poi-ooxml-schemas- 3.17.jar

3.17  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

postgresql-42.2.2.jre 7.jar

42.2.2.jre7  Apache License, Version 2.0


postgresql_jdbc3.jar BSD Postgres

radclient3.jar 3.43p  Radius Client License

AXL Software

ransport-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4  Apache License, Version 2.0 with MIT

 Apache Software Foundation

reflectasm-1.10.1-sh aded.jar

1.10.1 BSD with Apache 2.0

reindex-5.6.4.jar 5.6.4  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

RXTXcomm.jar 2.17 LGPL 2.1 RXTX

Page 9: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

Saxon-HE-9.8.0-6.jar 9.8.0-6 MPL 2.0

slf4j-api-1.7.2.jar 1.7.2 MIT License

slf4j-log4j12-1.7.2.ja r

1.7.2 MIT License

smslib-3.5.2.jar 3.5.2  Apache License Version 2.0


SMSLib.jar  Apache License Version 2.0


SMSServer.jar  Apache License Version 2.0


ss_css2.jar 1.4.1_06 LGPLv2.1 Silicon Graphics, Inc.

standard.jar 1.1.2 Apache 1.0  Apache Software Foundation

stix- The MITRE Corporation

struts-core-1.3.11.ja r

1.3.11-SNAPSHOT  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

struts-el-1.3.11.jar 1.3.11-SNAPSHOT  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

struts-extras-1.3.11. jar

1.3.11-SNAPSHOT  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

struts-taglib-1.3.11.j ar

1.3.11-SNAPSHOT  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

struts-tiles-1.3.11.ja r

1.3.11-SNAPSHOT  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

taglibs-mailer.jar 1.1  Apache Software License Version 1.1

 Apache Software Foundation

taxii- BSD MITRE Corporation

tika-core.jar 1.19.1  Apache License, Version 2.0

 The Apache Software Foundation

transport-netty3-5.6 .4.jar

5.6.4  Apache License, Version 2.0


Page 10: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

transport-netty4-5.6 .4.jar

5.6.4  Apache License, Version 2.0



ua-parser-1.3.0.jar 1.3.0 BSD UA Parser

vijava5120121125.ja r

BSD License VMWare

wrapper.jar 3.5.15  Tanuki Software, Development

Tanuki Software, Ltd.

xercesImpl.jar 2.11.0  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

xml-apis.jar 1.4.01  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

xmlbeans-2.6.0.jar 2.6.0-r1364789  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

xmlParserAPIs.jar  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

zip4j_1.3.2.jar 1.3.2  Apache License, Version 2.0

 Apache Software Foundation

zxing.jar 1.4 ZXing

bootstrap.js 3.3.7 MIT license

bootstrap-select.min.j s

1.10.0 MIT license

calendar.js  GNU Lesser General Public License


calendar-en.js  GNU Lesser General Public License


Page 11: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

calendar-setup.js  GNU Lesser General Public License


chosen.jquery.js 1.1.0 MIT license

date.js 2.0 Apache License

datepicker.js MIT and GPL licenses

daterangepicker.js 2.1.25 MIT license

drag.js  GNU Library General Public License

dynlayer.js  GNU Library General Public License


highcharts.js 5.0.10

excanvas.js 2.0 Apache License

jquery.flot.grow.js MIT license

jquery.flot.crosshair.js MIT license

jquery.flot.categories.j s

MIT license


jquery.cookie.js MIT and GPL licenses

jquery.columnmanage r.js

0.2.5 MIT and GPL licenses

jquery.bxslider.min.js 4.2.5 MIT license

jquery.flot.pie.js MIT license

Page 12: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

jquery.flot.js 1.1. MIT license

jquery-1.12.2.min.js 1.12.2

jquery.ui.nestedSortab le.js


jquery.tablescroll.js MIT license

jquery.scrollTo-1.4.2-m in.js

1.4.2 MIT and GPL licenses

jquery.multiselect2sid e.js

 MIT and GPL licensesś

jquery.mousewheel.js 3.0.6 MIT license

jquery.mCustomScroll bar.js

2.8.2  GNU Lesser General Public License

jquery.jstree.js MIT and GPL licenses

jquery.hotkeys.js 2.00.A BSD license

jquery.form.js 3.28.0 MIT and GPL licenses

jquery.flot.tooltip.js 0.6.1 MIT License LICENSE_FLOT.txt

jquery.flot.time.js MIT License LICENSE_FLOT.txt

jquery.flot.stack.js MIT License LICENSE_FLOT.txt

jquery.flot.selection.js MIT License LICENSE_FLOT.txt

jquery.flot.resize.js 1.1 MIT License LICENSE_FLOT.txt


jquery-ui.min.js 1.12.1 MIT License

Page 13: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

jquery-ui.js 1.8.16  MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses

no-data-to-display.js 4.0.1

mouseevents.js  GNU Library General Public License

moment.min.js 2.13.0 MIT License

luceneQueryValidator. js

2.0 Apache License

jstz.min.js 1.0.5

jstorage.js 0.3.0 MIT-style license

overlib_anchor.js 1.1

overlib.js 1.1

overlib_shadow.js 1.1

overlib_hideform.js 1.1

overlib_followscroll.js 1.1

overlib_exclusive.js 1.1

overlib_cssstyle.js 1.1

overlib_crossframe.js 1.1

rangy-core.js 1.2.2 MIT License

prototype.js MIT-style license

xregexp-all.js 3.0.0-pre MIT License

Page 14: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

sorttable.js 2 MIT License

bootstrap-select.js 1.10.0 MIT License

typeahead.jquery.min. js

0.10.5 MIT License

typeahead.bundle.js 0.10.5 MIT License

moment.min.js 2.10.3 MIT License

moment.js 2.10.3 MIT License

jstree.js 3.0.9 MIT License

jquery-ui-1.10.0.custo m.js

1.10.0 MIT License

jquery-1.4.2.js 1.4.2  MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses

jquery.mCustomScroll bar.concat.min.js

3.1.12 MIT License

icheck.min.js 1.0.2 MIT License

daterangepicker.js 2.1.17 MIT License

diff_match_patch_test. js

2.0 Apache License

diff_match_patch_unc ompressed.js

2.0 Apache License




Page 15: List of third-party applications used by EventLog Analyzer

EventLog Analyzer is a web-based log management solution that automates log collection,

analysis, correlation, and archival process. The solution comes with more than 1000 predefined

reports, 800 ready-made alert profiles, and over 25 predefined correlation rules that helps meet

the auditing, compliance and security needs of enterprises. This solution is also capable of auditing

business-critical applications such as SQL and Oracle databases, IIS and Apache web servers,

perimeter network devices (such as firewalls, IDS/IPS, threat intelligence solutions), and user

behaviors. Further, EventLog Analyzer has a best-in class log search engine that helps you with

e�ective forensic analysis.

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