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Cuvânt înainte




MEAL Chapter 7 - AT THE HOTEL Revision Test 1 (chapters 1-7)

Chapter 8 - AT THE BANK Chapter 9 - BUSINESS TRAVELLING Chapter 10 - RENTING A CAR Chapter 11 - MASS-MEDIA Chapter 12 - AT THE DOCTOR Chapter 13 - SPORTS Chapter 14 - MANAGEMENT AND COMPANY

STRUCTURE Revision Test 2 (chapters 8-14)


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Cuvânt înainte

Prezentul suport de curs contine capitole numerotate de la 1 la 14, continând un vocabular de specialitate de baza si notiuni de gramatica pentru începatori. Pentru fiecare capitol sunt afectate câte 4 ore de studiu, în total cumulându-se 56 ore de studiu.

Cele 14 capitole au ca finalitate, asimilarea, de catre studentii anului I, a unui bagaj de cunostinte generale despre limbajul în afaceri, precum si a unor notiuni gramaticale de baza în limba engleza.

Capitolele trateaza teme specifice limbii engleze în afaceri si au ca scop familiarizarea cu vocabularul si expresiile tipice fiecarei situatii în parte, precum si punerea în practica a cunostintelor, prin rezolvarea exercitiilor si a temelor de casa propuse.

Vocabularul si expresiile sunt însotite de traducerea în limba româna, problemele de gramatica sunt tratate în limba engleza si explicate prin exemple si tabele edificatoare.

Textele de specialitate în limba engleza din interiorul capitolelor, precum si cele încadrate ca si lecturi suplimentare, se vor parcurge cu ajutorul dictionarului, unde este cazul, si se vor discuta în timpul orelor de curs, studentii sunt invitati sa puna întrebari si sa comenteze asupra lor.

Toate exercitiile si temele de rezolvat acasa, precum si cele doua teste de recapitulare, sunt pregatitoare pentru examinarea studentilor la sfarsitul fiecarui semestru.

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Capitolele 1-7, împreuna cu primul test de

recapitulare, corespund primului semestru. Capitolele 8-14, împreuna cu al doilea test de recapitulare, corespund celui de-al doilea semestru.

Examinarea se face la sfârsitul fiecarui semestru în perioada sesiunii de examene si va consta dintr-un test similar celor doua teste mentionate mai sus.

Good Luck!

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Chapter 1



Read the following formal greetings and introduction expressions and try to retain them: Moments of the day:

1 Buna dimineata!

- Good morning! 2 Buna ziua!

- Good afternoon!

3 Buna seara!

- Good evening! 4 Noapte buna!

- Good night! 5 Salut! - Hello! / Hi! 6 La revedere! - Good-bye! Special Occasions: 7 La Multi Ani!

- Happy Birthday!

8 Paste Fericit! - Happy Easter! 9 An Nou Fericit! - Happy New

Year! 10

Craciun Fericit!

- Merry Christmas!

How to introduce ourselves: 11

Sa ma prezint, ma numesc… - Let me introduce myself, my name is...


Sa vi-l prezint pe dl / dna / dra…

- Let me introduce to you, Mr. … /Mrs. … / Miss …


Ma bucur sa va cunosc /

Îmi pare bine de cunostinta

- I am glad/pleased to

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meet you!


Johm, ti-o prezint pe Aless. - John, please

meet Aless. 15

Încântat(a) de cunostinta!

- It’s nice to meet you!


Bine ati venit!

- Welcome!


Salut!/Buna ziua/încântat(a).

- Hello, how do you do? / How are you?



- How do you do? 19

Pe curând! - See you soon! 20

Ne vedem data viitoare! - See you next time!


Tinem legatura!

- Keep in touch!

The Personal Pronoun (Pronumele Personal)


- I (întotdeauna cu majuscula)


- we


- you voi

- you el

- he ei

- they ea

- she ele

- they el/ea

(obiecte/animale) - it

- they

Let’s Start a Conversation (Sa începem sa conversam)

Before you do that, just keep in mind that in order to start expressing ourselves correctly in English, first of all we need to know how two of the most important verbs in any language are conjugated,

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notably the verb „to be” and the verb „to have” with their affirmative, negative, interrogative and contracted forms. On the following pages, we will learn how useful these two verbs can be, at the beginning of a simple conversation.

The Verb „To Be” (Verbul „A fi”)

The Affirmative Form:

eu sunt

- I am noi suntem

- we are tu esti

- you are voi sunteti

- you are el este

- he is ei sunt

ea este

- she is ele sunt


- it is ei/ele sunt

- they are

Contracted Form: I’m we’re

you’re you’re he’s she’s it’s


The Negative Form:

eu nu sunt

- I am not noi nu suntem

- we are not tu nu esti

- you are not voi nu sunteti

- you are not el nu este

- he is not ei nu sunt

ea nu este

- she is not ele nu sunt

- it is not ei/ele nu sunt

- they are not

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Contracted Form:

I’m not we’re not / we aren’t you’re not / you aren’t you’re not / you aren’t

he’s not / he isn’t she’s not / she isn’t

it’s not / it isn’t they’re not / they aren’t

The Interogative Form: sunt eu?

- am I? suntem noi?

- are we? esti tu?

- are you? sunteti voi?

- are you? este el?

- is he? sunt ei?

este ea?

- is she? sunt ele?

- is it? sunt ei/ele?

- are they?


I. Write the contracted form of the verb TO BE (she’s / we aren’t … etc):

1 He is - 5 It is - 2 They are - 6 I am not - 3 She is not - 7 You are

not -

4 I am - 8 She is -

II. Write the full form of the verb TO BE (she is / we are not … etc):

1 We aren’t - 5 They aren’t - 2 I’m - 6 It isn’t - 3 You’re - 7 She’s - 4 He’s - 8 We’re -

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The Verb „To Have”

(Verbul „A avea”)

The Affirmative Form:

eu am

- I have noi avem

- we have

tu ai

- you have voi aveti

- you have

el are

- he has ei au

ea are

- she has ele au


- it has ei/ele au

- they have

Contracted Form: I’ve we’ve

you’ve you’ve he’s she’s it’s


The Negative Form:

eu nu am - I have not noi nu avem

- we have not

tu nu ai - you have not voi nu aveti

- you have not

el nu are - he has not ei nu au

ea nu are - she has not ele nu au

- it has not ei/ele nu au

- they have not

Contracted Form: I haven’t we haven’t

you haven’t you haven’t he hasn’t she hasn’t it hasn’t

they haven’t

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The Interogative Form: am eu? - have I? avem noi?

- have we?

ai tu? - have you? aveti voi?

- have you?

Are el? - has he? au ei?

Are ea?

- has she? au ele?

- has it? au ei/ele?

- have they?


I. Write the contracted form of the verb TO HAVE (she’s / we haven’t … etc ):

1 He has - 5 It has - 2 They have - 6 I have not - 3 She has not - 7 You have not - 4 I have - 8 She has -

II. Write the full form of the verb TO HAVE (she has / we have not … etc ):

1 We haven’t - 5 They haven’t - 2 I’ve - 6 It hasn’t - 3 You’ve - 7 She’s - 4 He’s - 8 We’ve -

How to Ask/Tell our Age (Cum sa întrebam/spunem vârsta)

Sometimes, when meeting other people, we might be asked about our age.

In the Romanian language, the main verb used to ask about age is the verb „to have” whereas in English, we use the verb „to be” to express age.

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Read the following examples and notice the

difference: 1. Câti ani ai ? Tu ai 8 ani.

- How old are you? You are eight years old. 2. Câti ani are ea? Ea are 5 ani.

- How old is she? She is five (years old). 3. Câti ani am eu? Eu am 23 ani.

- How old am I? I am twenty-three (years old). 4. Câti ani avem noi? Noi avem 13 ani.

- How old are we? We are thirteen (years old). 5. Câti ani are el? El are 15 ani.

- How old is he? He is fifteen (years old).

The ending „years old” may be left out after expressing the actual age, when responding at the classical question „How old are you?”

But in order to express our age properly, we need to have a close look at the following chart:

The Cardinal Numeral (Numeralul Cardinal)


- one 11

- eleven 10

- ten 2

- two 12

- twelve 20

- twenty


- three 13

- thirteen


- thirty


- four 14

- fourteen


- forty


- five 15

- fifteen


- fifty


- six 16

- sixteen


- sixty


- seven 17

- seventeen


- seventy


- eight 18

- eighteen


- eighty


- nine 19

- nineteen


- ninety


- ten 20

- twenty 100

- one hundred

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Our Family

(Familia noastra)

When getting acquainted with someone we

have just met, it may occur to talk about our families too. The verbs ‚to be” and „to have” and the following list of words might be of great help in this case.

1 parinti

- parents 10 bunici - grand-parents 2 mama - mother 11 bunica

- grand –mother 3 tata - father 12 bunic - grand –father 4 fiica - daughter

13 nepoata

- grand –daughter 5 fiu - son 14 nepot - grand –son 6 copii - children 15 nepoti

- grand –children 7 copil - child 16 nepot - grand –child 8 sora

- sister 9 frate - brother

Notice that on the second column, there are the same words, but with the prefix „grand” in front of them.


unchi - uncle 18


- aunt 19

nepot - nephew



- niece 21


- cousin

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I. Ask your colleague or partner, his or her age and then answer yourself to the same question. The rest of the students shall do, one by one, the same conversation exercise.

II. Read the Vocabulary at the beginning of the lesson and then practice, orally, some of those expressions with your colleagues.

III. Ask your colleague the following question: 1. How many brothers/sisters do you have? (Câti frati sau câte surori ai?) Or – sau: 2. How many cousins do you have? (Câti verisori sau câte verisoare ai?)

Answer this way: 3. I have ____ brother(s) and ____ sister(s) /cousin(s). (Am ____ frati si ____ surori / veri).

Or – sau: 4. I don’t have any brothers/sisters/cousins. (Nu am nici frati, nici surori/verisori)

IV. Note down the unknown words from the following exercise and search them in the dictionary. Complete with: am, is

or are

and then translate the sentences into Romanian:

1. The weather very nice today. 2. I ____ not your sister. 3. This girl ____ very young.

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4. These boys ____ very tall. 5. Alice and Tom ____ 9 years old. They ____ twins. 6. Look! There ____ Carol. 7. It __ hot in here. Can you open the window, please? 8. This child ____ 5 years old. 9. My uncle and I ____ great football fans. 10. I ____ at home, but my father ____ at work.

IV. Read the following basic conversation, along with its translation in the brackets. Underline the verbs “to be” and “to have” as you find them in the text:

1. Good morning! How do you do? (Buna dimineata! Îmi pare bine!)

- Good morning! How do you do? (Buna dimineata! Îmi pare bine!)

2. Let me introduce myself, my name is Paul Johnson.

(Permiteti-mi sa ma prezint, numele meu este Paul Johnson.) - It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Johnson.

(Sunt încântata sa va cunosc d-le Johnson.)

3. What is your name, please? (Cum va numiti, va rog?)

- Let me introduce myself, I am Mrs. Laura Braden. (Sa ma prezint, eu sunt dna Laura Braden) - I am pleased to meet you, too, Mrs Braden. (Încântat de cunostinta, de asemenea, d-na Braden)

4. How old are you Mr. Johnson, if I may ask? (Ce vârsta aveti d-le Johnson, daca-mi permiteti?)

- I am 45 years old and you? (Eu am 45 de ani si dvs.?)

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- I am 32 years old. (Eu am 32 ani) - Ohh you seem to be a lot more younger, Mrs. Braden. (Ohh pareti cu mult mai tânara dna Braden)

- Thank you, you’re very kind. (Multumesc sunteti foarte amabil)

5. Are you married Mr. Johnson? (Sunteti casatorit d-le Johnson?). - Yes, I have been married for twenty years now and I have three sons. (Da, sunt casatorit de douazeci de ani si am trei fii.) - I also have three children: two daughters and one son. (Si eu am trei copii: doua fiice si un fiu)

- Please send my best thoughts to your family Mrs. Braden. (Va rog trimiteti familiei dvs. gândurile mele cele mai bune) - Thank you, I will. You do the same for me, please. (Multumesc, asa voi face. La fel si din partea mea, va rog.)

6. Where do you live Mrs Braden? (Unde locuiti dna Braden ?) - I live in England, here in London. And you? (Locuiesc în Anglia, aici la Londra. Si dvs.?). - I live in America, New York, I am here with some business. (Eu locuiesc în America, New York, sunt aici cu niste afaceri).

7. I’m sorry Mr. Johnson, but I’m afraid I have to go now, my plane for Paris has just arrived. (Îmi pare rau d-le Johnson, dar mi-e teama ca trebuie sa plec acum, avionul meu catre Paris tocmai a sosit.)

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- Oh, don’t worry Mrs. Braden, it’s ok. See you next time! (Oh, nu va faceti probleme dna Braden, nu-i nimic. Ne vedem data viitoare!) - Ok, good-bye! Keep in touch! (Bine, la revedere! Tinem legatura!)


Copy the conversation, from the previous two pages, in your notebooks, replacing at the same time, the underlined parts, with your own name, age and living place and the ones of your colleague.

Try to retain the main lines of this written conversation, for an eventual future oral conversation of the same type.

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Chapter 2




country = tara

question = întrebare nationality = nationalitate

word = cuvânt foreigner = strain

sentence = propozitie

foreign language = limba straina

what = ce capital = capitala

where from? = de unde? city, town = oras what are? = ce/care sunt? to speak = a vorbi who is? = cine este? spoken = vorbit(a)

called = numit, chemat to read = a citi to like = a-i placea

to answer = a raspunde to travel = a calatori

Frequent Questions (Întrebari frecvente)

• Where are you from? = De unde sunteti?

• What is your country? = Care este tara dvs.?

• What is your nationality? = De ce nationalitate sunteti?

• What language do you speak? = Ce limba vorbiti?

• Do you speak English? = Vorbiti engleza?

• Do you like traveling? = Va place sa calatoriti?

• What countries have you visited? = Ce tari ati vizitat?

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Countries, Nationalities,

Languages and Capital Cities (Tari, Nationalitati, Limbi si Capitale)

Country Nationality Language Capital City

Argentina Argentinian Spanish Buenos Aires Australia Australian English Canberra Brazil Brazilian Portuguese Brasilia Canada Canadian French /English

Ottawa China Chinese Mandarin Beijing France French French Paris Germany German German Berlin Great Britain/ England

British English London

Greece Greek Greek Athens Holland Dutch Dutch Amsterdam Hungary Hungarian Hungarian Budapest Italy Italian Italian Rome Japan Japanese Japanese Tokyo Mexico Mexican Spanish Mexico City Portugal Portuguese Portuguese Lisbon Romania Romanian Romanian Bucharest Russia Russian Russian Moscow Spain Spanish Spanish Madrid Sweden Swedish Swedish Stockholm Switzerland Swiss German /

French / Italian Berne

The United States of America

American English Washington, D.C.

Turkey Turkish Turkish Ankara

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Spelling and Plural (Ortografie si Plural)

1. In English, the names of nationalities and languages are always written with a capital letter; for example: The French students learn German and English.

2. Some of the nationalities can be spelled with an -s- for the plural form (the Italians, the Romanians, the Brazilians, the Germans, etc), others are formed only with the definite article (the French, the British, the Portuguese, the Spanish, etc.)

3. The word “people” (popor) can be used with both groups (the Brazilian people; the British people), but when we refer to a single person, for nationalities, with a plural form, we use simply a Brazilian, for example, and for nationalities, with no plural form, we use the form: a French woman/man/person.


I. Read in a loud voice the countries, nationalities, languages and capital cities in the table on the previous page and try to retain them.

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II. Write the plural forms of all the nationalities given in the table on the previous page.

III. Complete the following sentences:

1. Lisbon is the capital of __________ 2. Ankara is the capital of __________ 3. Canberra is the capital of __________ 4. Amsterdam is the capital of __________ 5. Bucharest is the capital of __________ 6. Berne is the capital of __________

IV. Complete the following sentences:

1. I am _________ , I live in France and I speak _________

2. You are ____________ , you live in the United States of America and you speak ____________

3. He is _________ , he lives in Mexico and he speaks _________

4. She is _________ , she lives in Brazil and she speaks _________

5. We are _________ , we live in Turkey and we speak _________

6. You are _________ , you live in Hungary and you speak _________

7. I am _________ , I live in England and I speak _________

8. Victoria is _________ , she lives in Russia and she speaks _________

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9. Jan is _________ , he lives in Sweden and he

speaks _________ 10. They are _________ , they live in Japan and

they speak _________

V. Choose about 10 words from the Vocabulary at the beginning of the lesson and form sentences with them.

VI. Write a dialogue of 12-15 lines: use the frequent questions studied in this chapter and add the proper answers to those questions.

VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What are the countries where the first language is English?

2. What language is spoken in Sweden? 3. What are the people from Greece called? 4. What is the capital city of Russia? 5. What languages are spoken in Switzerland? 6. What are the countries where the first language

is French? 7. Who speaks Portuguese? 8. What language is spoken in China? 9. What are people from Israel called? 10. What country are you from? What is your

nationality and what language do you speak? 11. What are the countries that you would like to

visit? 12. Do you speak any foreign languages?

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I. Look up in the dictionary for other countries, nationalities and their languages and write them in your notebook.

II. Complete the following sentences, with the name of the people from the country given in the brackets, using the correct form of the plural for each nationality: Example: She’s spoken with many Italians. (Italy) They’ve travelled a lot with the Spanish. (Spain)

1. I do a lot of business with _____________ (Germany)

2. _____________ women are usually very elegant and fashionable. (France)

3. He’s always found ____________ very friendly. (Greece)

4. Do you think that _____________ are reserved? (Britain/England)

5. _____________ are disciplined. (Japan) 6. We met a lot of ___________ on our European

tour last year. (Holland)

III. Describe, in a few lines, a trip abroad that you particularly enjoyed, write about that country and the people there, about their language, etc.

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IV. Write a dialogue of 12-15 lines, using the frequent questions studied in this chapter.

Supplementary reading (Lectura suplimentara)

My Friend Peter1

My friend's name is Peter. Peter is from Amsterdam, in Holland. He is Dutch. He is married and has two children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is from Boston in The United States. Her family is still in Boston, but she now works and lives with Peter in Milan.

They speak English, Dutch, German and Italian! Their children are pupils at a local primary school. The children go to school with other children from all over the world. Flora, their daughter, has friends from France, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden.

Hans, their son, goes to school with students from South Africa, Portugal, Spain and Canada. Of course, there are many children from Italy.

Imagine, French, Swiss, Austrian, Swedish, South African, American, Italian, Spanish and Canadian children all learning together in Italy!

1 Beare, K., 1997, Reading Comprehension for Beginners - My Friend Peter, Guide to ESL,

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Answer the following questions:

1. Where is Peter from?

a. Germany b. Holland c. Spain d. Canada

2. Where is his wife from?

a. New York b. Switzerland c. Boston d. Italy

3. Where are they now?

a. Madrid b. Boston c. Milan d. Sweden

4. Where is her family?

a. American b. England c. Holland d. Italy

5. What are the children's names?

a. Greta and Peter b. Anna and Frank

c. Susan and John d. Flora and Hans

6. The school is:

a. international b. Big c. small d. difficult

True or False? 1. Jane is Canadian. ____

2. Peter is Dutch. ____

3. There are many children from different

countries at the school. ____

4. There are children from Australia at the

school. ____

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Chapter 3




- comert


- furnizor market

- piata


- depozit price

- pret


- plata

to increase,

to rise, grow

- a creste Brand image

- imaginea marcii

to go down

- a scadea


- vânzari

to deposit

- a depozita income

- venit loan

- împrumut customer

- client to withdrawn

- a retrage price list

- catalog preturi

exchange rate

- rata de schimb

to negotiate,

to bargain

- a negocia, a se tocmi

plastic money credit cards

- carti de credit


- scump


- cont cheap

- ieftin accountant

- contabil offer

- oferta

small business

- întreprindere mica

corporation, concern

- întreprindere, firma


- factura


- livrare receipt

- chitanta


- gratuit transaction

- tranzactie


- reducere financial

- financiar turnover

- cifra de afaceri


- comanda


- bunuri

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- sucursala, filiala


- servicii


- personal interest rate

- rata dobânzii

• Read the following text, put down all the unknown words in your notebook and then discuss them in class with your colleagues and teacher:

The study of a foreign language is mainly based, at the beginning, on the learning of a wide range of simple basic sets of words. Accumulating a simple English vocabulary will allow a better understanding of the written and spoken language. This will also help the students start forming simple sentences of their own and consequently, they will be able to initiate and sustain a simple, formal or informal, conversation.

For instance, when dealing with business meetings and different business documents, like office letters or contracts, it is always imperative to specify the precise and correct date (day, month, year) on the contract that has been agreed upon and the time (the exact hour) and place where a certain meeting shall take place.

In such important situations, any confusion between the days of the week, the months of the year or any spelling and grammar mistake is not only inexcusable, but can also prove to be irreparable for

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that specific business context: the contract could be declared null and void, the business meeting cancelled, consequences which could even lead to the loss of big sums of money within the framework of a company.

To avoid situations like that, we need to study the sets of words mentioned above.

Read the following sets of words and try to retain them as quickly as possible:

The Days of the Week

(Zilele saptamânii)


- Duminica


- joi Monday

- luni Friday

- vineri Tuesday

- marti


- sâmbata


- miercuri

In English language countries the days of the week are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Most business and social calendars in the United States and Canada mark Sunday as the first day of the week, though in the United Kingdom, Australia, South Africa and South America, Monday is considered the first day of the working week.

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The Months of the Year

(Lunile anului) January

-Ianuarie July







-Martie September



-Aprilie October



-Mai November



-Iunie December


The Seasons (Anotimpurile)


- spring toamna

- autumn vara

- summer iarna

- winter

THE PLURAL OF NOUNS (Pluralul substantivelor)

a) Generally, the plural of nouns is formed by adding an S at the end:

Singular - one Plural - two or more

a flower (o floare) - some flowers

(niste flori) a week (o saptamâna)

- six weeks

(6 saptamâni)

a baby

(un bebelus) - two babies

(2 bebelusi) a nice place (un loc frumos)

- many nice places

(multe locuri frumoase)

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b) The plural is es

for words that end in:

-s; -sh; -ch; -x; -o 1 bus

(1 autobuz) - 2 buses (2 autobuze)

1 dish

(1 farfurie) - 2 dishes (2 farfurii)

1 church

(1 biserica)

- 2 churches (2 biserici)

1 box (1 cutie) - 2 boxes (2 cutii) 1 potato (1 cartof) - 2 potatoes (2 cartofi) 1 tomato (1 rosie) - 2 tomatoes (2 rosii)

c) The plural is ies

for words that end in: -y preceded by a consonant

1 baby (1 bebelus) - 2 babies (2 bebelusi) 1 party (1 petrecere)

- 2 parties (2 petreceri) 1 dictionary (1 dictionar)

- 2 dictionaries (2 dictionare)

- Ydisappears in the plural form BUT! If -y is preceded by a vowel, we add just an –s for the plural form 1 day (1 zi) - 2 days (2 zile) 1 boy (1 baiat)

- 2 boys (2 baieti)

1 key (1 cheie)

- 2 keys (2 chei)

d) The plural is ves

for words that end in: -f ; - fe

1 shelf (1 raft) - 2 shelves (2 rafturi) 1 knife (1 cutit)

- 2 knives (2 cutite)

1 leaf (1 frunza)

- 2 leaves (2 frunze) 1 wife (1 sotie)

- 2 wives (2 sotii)

1 life (1 viata)

- 2 lives (2 vieti)

1 wolf

(1 lup) - 2 wolves (2 lupi)

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e) Some nouns do not add an S

in the plural

form, but their spelling changes:

1 man (1 barbat)

- 2 men (2 barbati)

1 child (1 copil) - 2 children (2 copii) 1 foot (1 picior) - 2 feet (2 picioare) 1 mouse (1 soarece) - 2 mice (2 soareci) 1 woman (1 femeie) - 2 women (2 femei) 1 goose (1 gâsca)

- 2 geese (2 gâste) 1 tooth (1 dinte) - 2 teeth (2 dinti)

1 person (1 persoana)

- 2 people (2 pers./oameni)


I. Write the plural of the following nouns. Then read them loudly and say what they mean in Romanian:

1 transaction 14 leaf 2 businessman 15 child 3 market 16 delivery 4 rise 17 umbrella 5 watch 18 person 6 country 19 family 7 knife 20 holiday 8 businesswoman 21 service 9 address 22 city 10 sheep 23 branch 11 tooth 24 subsidiary 12 money 25 warehouse 13 loan 26 price

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II. Choose about 10 words from exercise I. and form sentences with them in their plural forms.

III. Put in is or are and translate into Romanian:

1 ____ the firm open?

2 ____ the firms open?

3 My office ____ empty. Where ____ everybody?

4 My tea ____ cold.

5 My prices ____ low.

6 Where ___ my coffee?

7 Where ___ my contracts?

8 Where ___ the employees?

9 Your coat ___ dirty. Take it off.


Your offer ____ really good.


Who ____ those businessmen? They’re the



Who ____ that businesswoman? She’s my boss.


Who ____ those people? They’re our business



This ____ a small business. It ____ a family



Where ____ my invoices?

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I. Complete the sentences. Use one of the question forms listed below and add is or are:

Where (unde), How (cum), Who (cine), Why (de ce), How old (câti ani), What (ce), How much (cât costa)

1. ______________ my customers? In your

office. 2. ______________ the time, please? Quarter

past ten. 3. ______________ their price list today? Very

low, we should order now! 4. ______________ that product? Not so

expensive, it costs 5 euro. 5. ______________ our new business partners?

Mr. Johnson and Mr. Harry. 6. ______________ your manager? 47 years old. 7. ______________ the banks closed on

Monday? Because it’s New Year’s Eve. 8. _____________ you from? London. 9. _____________ this paper on your desk? An

invoice. 10. _____________ that woman in your office?

My lawyer.

II. Write a short summary, of maximum seven lines, to tell briefly what you did each day during the last week. Use the vocabulary studied in Chapter 3.

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Chapter 4



Read the following sets of words representing different jobs, institutions and means of transport.

Then, tell your colleagues which one of these jobs is yours, what institution you work in and tell by what means of transport you go to your working place.

If your job or institution does not figure in these charts, add them yourself.

JOBS (Meserii)

I am a/an ... („an” is used for words that begin with a vowel)

1 muncitor

- worker 9


- accountant 2 doctor

- doctor 10


- architect 3 pompier

- fireman 11


- policeman 4 electrician

- electrician 12


- lawyer 5 inginer

- engineer 13


- judge 6 profesor

- teacher 14


- notary 7 mecanic

- mechanic 15


- manager 8 operator pc

- pc operator 16


- secretary

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I work in a/an ...



- factory



- hospital



- school



- corporation / company



- university 6


- airport 7


- train station 8


- faculty 9


- museum 10


- theatre 11


- police station 12


- pharmacy 13


- tribunal / Court 14


- City Hall 15


- bank 16


- post-office 17


- customs-house 18


- hotel 19


- cinema 20


- restaurant

MEANS OF TRANSPORT (Mijloace de transport)

I go to work by ... 1


- train 7


- boat 2


- bike 8


- tramway

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- bus 9


- parachute



- plane



- car



- ship 11


- motorcycle



- truck 12


- subway

The Definite and Indefinite Article (Articolul hotarât si nehotarât)

When talking about our job or place of work, we need to learn how to use the indefinite article (a/an) and the definite article (the)

„a / an” - The Indefinite Article (Articolul nehotarât)

„a” - used with consonants; it expresses not a specific object, but one of a number of the same objects. Examples: - I am a secretary. (Sunt secretara)

- I work in a bank. (Lucrez într-o banca)

„an” - used with vowels (a,e,i,o,u); it expresses not a specific object, but one of a number of the same objects. Examples: - I am an electrician. (Sunt electrician) - I work in an airport. (Lucrez într-un aeroport)

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„the” - The Definite Article

(Articolul hotarât)

„the” – it expresses a specific object that both the person speaking and the listener know. Examples: - I like the offer. (Îmi place oferta) - But I don’t have the permission to send the order. (Dar nu am permisiunea sa trimit comanda)


I. Read the following two examples and complete the chart for the rest of the nouns with the definite or indefinite article:


- number portocala

- orange numarul

- the number portocala

- the orange un numar

- a number o portocala

- an orange numerele - the numbers

portocalele - the oranges

numere - numbers

portocale - oranges

inginer profesoara



un inginer o profesoara

inginerii profesoarele ingineri profesoare

aeroportul banca

un aeroport banca

aeroport o banca


bancile aeroporturi banci

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avion seara avioane o seara

un avion serile avioanele seara

avionul seri

furnizor saptamâna



un furnizor o saptamâna

furnizorii saptamânile furnizori saptamâni

oras capitala



un oras o capitala

orasele capitalele orase capitale

verisor matusa

verisori matusa

un verisor o matusa

verisorii matusile verisorul matusi

avocat secretara



un avocat o secretara

avocatii secretarele avocatul secretare

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II. Translate the following sentences into English, by placing the right indefinite article in front of the nouns.

Use the vocabulary and the verb „to be” studied in the previous chapters.

1. Ce sunt eu? Eu sunt profesor. = What am I? I

am a teacher.

(use the inversion of the verb „to be” with the subject

to form the question)

2. Ce esti tu? Tu esti inginer.

3. Ce este el? El este avocat.

4. Ce este ea? Ea este studenta.

5. Ce este el? El este un tren. = What is it? It is a


(use „it” for objects)

6. Ce este ea? Ea este o banca.

7. Ce suntem noi? Noi suntem piloti.

8. Ce sunteti voi? Voi sunteti arhitecti.

9. Ce sunt ei? Ei sunt pompieri.

10. Ce sunt ele? Ele sunt secretare.

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III. Translate the following sentences into English, by placing the right indefinite article in front of the nouns.

Use the vocabulary and the verb „to have” studied in the previous chapters.

1. Ce am eu? Eu am o firma. = What have I? I

have a company.

(use the inversion of the verb „to have” with the

subject to form the question)

2. Ce ai tu? Tu ai o factura.

3. Ce are el? El are un depozit.

4. Ce are ea? Ea are o reducere.

5. Ce are el? (vaporul). El are un capitan. = What

has it? It has a captain.

(use „it” for objects)

6. Ce are ea? (masina). Ea are un sofer.

7. Ce avem noi? Noi avem o întreprindere mica.

8. Ce aveti voi? Voi aveti o contabila.

9. Ce au ei? Ei au un cont.

10. Ce au ele? Ele au un catalog de preturi.

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I. Choose about 15 words from the vocabulary studied in chapter 4 and form sentences with them, using the definite and indefinite article.

II. Translate the following sentences into English, by placing the right indefinite article in front of the nouns. Give Yes/No short answers to the questions, according to the examples.

1. Sunt eu notar? Da, sunt. Nu, nu sunt. = Am I a

notary? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.

2. Esti tu electrician? Da, esti. Nu, nu esti.

3. Este el mecanic? Da, este. Nu, nu este.

4. Este ea asistenta? Da, este. Nu, nu este.

5. Este el un avion? Da, este. Nu, nu este. = Is it a

plane? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.

6. Este ea o livrare? Da, este. Nu, nu este.

7. Suntem noi parteneri de afaceri? Da, suntem,

Nu, nu suntem.

8. Sunteti voi politisti? Da, sunteti. Nu, nu


9. Sunt ei doctori? Da, sunt. Nu, nu sunt.

10. Sunt ele studente? Da, sunt. Nu, nu sunt.

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Chapter 5



Expressions with the word “shop”:

shop assistant, seller – vânzator, vânzatoare;

shop window – vitrina;

shopping centre, mall – centru comercial; window shopping – a da o raita pe la vitrine, fara a

cumpara ceva;

shopping list – lista de cumparaturi;

to go shopping – a merge la cumparaturi;

to do the shopping – a face cumparaturile

Types of shops: supermarket, department store – magazin universal (cu

autoservire); grocer’s – alimentara;

greengrocer’s – aprozar; baker’s – brutarie;

butcher’s – macelarie; chemist’s, pharmacy – farmacie; boutique, fashion store – magazin de haine; bookshop – librarie;

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Useful verbs when going shopping:

to go

- a merge to like

- a placea

to buy

- a cumpara

to take

- a lua

to want

- a dori, a vrea to ware

- a purta

to need

- a avea nevoie to cost

- a costa

to help

- a ajuta to open

- a deschide

to dress

- a se îmbraca

to close

- a închide

to try

- a încerca, a proba to sell

- a vinde

to change

- a schimba to pay

- a plati

to look for

- a cauta

to check

- a verifica to leave

- a lasa, a pleca

to wait

- a astepta

Things that you can buy from different shops:

1. CLOTHES (Îmbracaminte)

1 haina

- coat 11


- shirt 2 rochie

- dress 12


- socks 3 bluza

- blouse 13


- jacket 4 plover

- jumper 14


- shoes 5 fusta

- skirt 15


- hat 6 pantaloni

- trousers 16


- scarf 7 costum

- suit 17


- gloves 8 curea

- belt 18


- raincoat 9 cravata

- tie 19


- boots 10 geanta

- hand-bag



- T-shirt

2. FOOD (Mâncare)



- bread 11


- wine 2


- butter 12


- cream 3


- soup 13


- cheese

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- sugar 14


- fish



- salt 15


- chicken



- pepper



- pork



- milk 17


- egg



- coffee 18


- omelette



- tea 19


- salad



- ham 20


- cake

3. FRUITS (Fructe)



- apple 8


- walnut 2


- pear 9


- orange 3


- grape 10


- lemon 4


- cherry 11


- nuts 5


- apricot



- banana 6


- plum 13


- pineapple 7


- peach 14


- strawberry

4. VEGETABLES (Legume)



- potatoes



- mushrooms 2


- onion 9


- pumpkin 3


- beans 10


- pepper 4


- carrot 11


- eggplants 5


- tomato 12


- cucumber 6


- peas 13


- cabbage 7


- spinach 14


- garlic

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Demonstrative Determinants

„This” - used to talk about things, persons that are near us (here); it has the same form for both genres and it means: acesta, aceasta;

- its plural form is „these”, which means: acestia, acestea.

„That” - used to talk about things, persons that are farther away from us (there); it has the same form for both genres and it means: acela, aceea;

- its plural form is „those”, which means: aceia, acelea.

singular ?

plural acesta acestia


this these



acela aceia there



aceea acelea

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I. Put in this or these and translate into Romanian:


This seller - acest vânzator

6 _____ shoes


These shops 7 ______ skirt


______ coat 8 ______ shirts 4

______ socks 9 ______trousers


______ hat 10

______ suit

II. Put in that or those and translate into Romanian:


That wine - acel vin

6 _______ eggs 2

Those salads 7 _______ fish 3

______ coffee

8 _______ cakes


_______ teas 9 _______ plates


_____ cheese 10

_______ soup

III. Translate into English:

libraria aceea

strugurii acestia piersica aceasta lamâile acelea

prunele acelea aprozarul acesta perele acestea capsunile acelea

marul acela

cartofii aceia varza aceea ardeii aceia usturoiul acela rosiile acelea

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IV. Role play: read the next few dialogues together with your colleague and notice the typical questions and expressions used in a shop: 2

1. Good afternoon! Can (May) I help you? – Buna ziua! Pot (îmi permiteti) sa va ajut?

- Yes, I’m looking for… - Da, caut … - No, I’m just looking, thank you. – Nu, ma uit doar, multumesc.

- I’m being served, thank you. I’m waiting for your colleague – Sunt deja servit, multumesc. O astept pe colega dvs.

2. What are you looking for? – Ce anume cautati?

Are you looking for something special? – Cautati ceva mai special? - Yes, in fact I do. I’m looking for a special gift for my friend’s birthday. - Da, de fapt chiar caut un cadou mai special pentru aniversarea prietenei mele. - No, not very special, I’m looking for my daily facial cream. – Nu, nu foarte special. Caut crema mea de zi, pentru fata.

- Where can I find it? – Unde o pot gasi?

- Over there, on the second shelf – Acolo pe al doilea raft.

3. How much does this product cost? – Cât costa acest produs?

2 Redman, S., 1997, English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate-Intermediate, University Press, Cambridge.

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- Not too much. It’s not very expensive. It costs only 3 euro. – Nu prea mult. Nu este foarte scump. Costa doar 3 euro. - Yes, you’re right. It’s really cheap! – Da aveti dreptate. Este chiar ieftin!

4. What sizes do you have for that product? – Ce marimi aveti la produsul acela?

- We have all sizes: big, small, medium. – Avem toate marimile: mare, mica, medie.

5. Where’s the changing room (bathroom) please? – Unde este cabina de probe (toaleta) va rog?

- It’s there on the left side of our shop. – Este acolo, în stânga magazinului nostru.

6. Have you decided to buy something? – V-ati decis sa cumparati ceva?

- Yes, I’ll take this. – Da, o voi lua pe aceasta. - No, sorry, I’ve changed my mind. – Nu, îmi pare rau, m-am razgândit.

7. Excuse me, where’s the cash desk? – Scuzati-ma, unde este casieria? - It’s right over there on the right. – Este chiar acolo pe dreapta.

8. Do you accept cheques / credit cards? – Acceptati cecuri sau carti de credit?

- Yes, of course. – Da, bineînteles.

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- No, I’m sorry. I’m afraid you’ll have to pay in cash. –

Nu, îmi pare rau. Ma tem ca va trebui sa platiti cu


V. Write a short dialogue of your own. Imagine you are in a shop and you need help to buy some products. Use the questions and expressions from the previous exercise.


I. Put a number on the left of each of these sentences to indicate a logical order of this woman’s actions. 3

Then copy the whole text in your notebook and translate it into Romanian:

She took off her skirt.

She paid for the new skirt.

She went back to the shop assistant.

She put her shoes back on.

She tried on the skirt.

3 Redman, S., 1997, English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate-Intermediate, University Press, Cambridge.

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She took off her shoes.


Alicia went to the changing room.

She took it off.

She put her skirt on again.

II. Complete the following sentences with a suitable verb (infinitive form). Use the list of verbs studied in this chapter. Translate the sentences into Romanian.

1. I go to the boutique to buy clothes. - Ma duc la magazin sa-mi cumpar haine.

2. You go to the cash desk _______ for your products. 3. He goes to the changing room _________ a pair of trousers. 4. She likes _________ shopping. 5. We wait for the shop assistant __________ us. 6. You need ________ the shopping. There’s nothing left in the fridge. 7. They want _________ the shirts for smaller ones. 8. I go to the greengrocer’s __________ some vegetables. 9. You go to the chemist’s _________ some medicines. 10. They want _______ these dresses.

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Chapter 6


People in the business community have always

affirmed that the best deals they’ve ever clinched were during or after long useful and pleasant talks, in a restaurant, over a good delicious meal.

Vocabulary tonight

- diseara

within a week

- într-o saptamâna

this afternoon

- dupa-amiaza

tomorrow morning

- mâine dimineata

Friday evening

- vineri seara delay

- întârziere to postpone

- a amâna to call off

- a anula to set up / fix a meeting

- a stabili/fixa o întâlnire convenient

- convenabil appointment

- întâlnire oficiala


- întâlnire personala

to have dinner

- a servi cina guest

- invitat to suggest

- a sugera to refuse

- a refuza 7 o’clock sharp

- ora 7 fix early

- devreme late

- târziu what a pity!

- ce pacat!

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(Mesele zilei)

Micul dejun

- breakfast

Masa de prânz / Dejun

- lunch

Masa de seara/ dineu

- dinner

Cina /supeu

- supper

When making an appointment for a business or a restaurant meeting, it is imperative that you mention the correct date and time on your invitation.

In order to express the date, you need to take a good look at how the ordinal numeral is formed.

The Ordinal Numeral

(Numeralul ordinal)

1st The first 2nd The second 3rd The third 4th The fourth 5th The fifth 6th The sixth 7th The seventh 8th The eighth 9th The ninth

10th The tenth

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Then notice the two possibilities of expressing

the date: The Date


Example 1 1st January 1971 The first of January, nineteen

seventy-one or

January 1st, 1971 January the first, nineteen seventy-one

Example 2

23rd June 1945 The twenty-third of June, nineteen forty-five

or June 23rd, 1945 June the twenty-third,

nineteen forty-five Either you place the day before the month or

vice versa, but always use the ordinal numeral to tell the day. When reading the years: read the first two figures (remember the numbers from 11 to 20) and then the last two figures.

Exercises: 1 aug 1998 -

2 dec 2007 -

16 apr 1983


24 feb 1975


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Always be punctual at a meeting. Respect the

time that both you and your partner have previously established.

The Time (Ora)

For time comprised in the first half of the clock, use „past” as in the following examples: 01:00 It is one o’clock. 01:05 It is five minutes past one (o’clock). 01:10 It is ten minutes past one (o’clock). 01:15 It is a quarter

past one (o’clock). It is fifteen minutes past one (o’clock).

01:30 It is half

past one (o’clock). It is thirty minutes past one (o’clock).

For time comprised in the other half of the clock, use „to” as in the following examples: 03:00 It is three o’clock. 02:55 It is five minutes to three (o’clock). 02:50 It is ten minutes to three (o’clock). 02:45 It is a quarter to three (o’clock).

It is fifteen minutes to three (o’clock). 02:30 It is (half) thirty minutes to three (o’clock).

Exercise: Write the time indicated below. 05:00










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Useful questions and expressions4

1. Asking for an appointment I’d like to make an appointment. – As dori sa stabilesc o întâlnire. Yes, certainly. I think it would be a good idea. – Da, desigur. Cred ca ar fi o idee buna.

I’ll just have a look in my diary. – Va trebui sa-mi consult agenda.

2. Suggesting a date What day would suit you? – În ce zi v-ar conveni? Are you free on the 2nd of May? – Sunteti liber pe 2 mai? Might I suggest tomorrow morning at half past nine? – As putea sa va sugerez sa ne vedem mâine dimineata la ora 09:30?

3. Accepting the invitation That suits me fine. – Îmi convine. Yes, I’d like that. – Da, mi-ar placea.

I could manage later in the morning. – Da, as putea sa ajung mai târziu dimineata

4. Refusing the invitation I’m afraid I’m at a conference all day. – Ma tem ca în acea zi sunt la o conferinta.

I’m sorry, but I can’t make it on the 2nd of May. – Îmi pare rau, dar nu pot veni pe 2 mai.

4 Murdoch-Stern, S., 2008, Engleza pentru vizite de afaceri si relatii sociale, Teora, Bucuresti.

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I would have loved it, but I already have an appointment tomorrow morning. – Mi-ar fi facut placere, dar am deja stabilita o întâlnire mâine dimineata.

Maybe some other time, thank you. – Poate cu alta ocazie, multumesc.


I. Role play: imagine that your colleague is your business partner; you would like to invite him/her at the restaurant. Use the words and the expressions studied in this chapter in order to start a conversation.

II. Choose about 15 words from the Vocabulary at the beginning of the chapter and form sentences with them.


Write a dialogue of 15- 20 lines making an appointment for a business dinner: use the frequent questions and expressions studied in this chapter.

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Supplementary reading (Lectura suplimentara)

Making an appointment

Stabilirea unei întâlniri

David Brown is making an appointment with his bank manager. 5

D. Brown: I think it would be a great idea if we met to discuss this further. John Barry: Yes, I agree. Just see my Personal Assistant for an appointment. D. Brown: I’d like to make an appointment to see Mr. Barry, please.

Personal Assistant: I’ll just have a look in his diary. What day would suit you? D. Brown: Might I suggest Tuesday morning? Personal Assistant: I’m sorry; he already has an appointment in the morning. Would some time in the afternoon be convenient?

D. Brown: Yes, I could manage early in the afternoon… Mr. Barry, would you like to meet for lunch?

5 Murdoch-Stern, S., 2008, Engleza pentru vizite de afaceri si relatii sociale, Teora, Bucuresti.

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J. Barry: Yes, I’d like that… I’m sorry, I would have loved to but I can’t make it on Tuesday. Let’s try on Wednesday. Are you free on Wednesday? D. Brown: I’m afraid I’m at a conference all day. Would Thursday suit you?

J. Barry: That suits me fine I think, I’ll just check with my assistant… D. Brown: Where would be the most convenient for you? J. Barry: We could meet at the bank at about noon, and there’s a very good Italian restaurant just around the corner. D. Brown: That sounds perfect. I’ll have time to sort out the figures and bring along a complete file with me. J. Barry: I look forward to seeing you on Thursday, then. Goodbye! D. Brown: Thank you, goodbye!

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Chapter 7


Businessmen use to travel a lot to take care of their company affairs. They may sign a contract in London today, and tomorrow they have to be in New York to sign another one or attend to an annual international congress. Some of them spend a good part of their lives in hotel rooms.

This chapter unveils a little bit of this dynamic world.

Vocabulary to make a booking,

to reserve

- a face o rezervare

full board

- pensiune completa

a single / double room

- camera dubla/single

a suite

- un apartament bath / shower / bathroom

- baie / dus / sala de baie

front room

- camera cu vedere spre strada


- sosire/plecare to settle the account

- a face plata all-in tariff, all inclusive

- inclus în pret

conference room

- sala de conferinta

conference facilities

- aparatura pentru conferinta

special group/

weekend rates

- tarife speciale de grup / weekend


- cazare

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to require

- a solicita

provided services

- servicii oferite

fully booked

- toate camerele rezervate


- disponibil

registration form

- formular de înregistrare

reception desk

- receptie


- valet

night porter

- paznic de noapte

baggage / luggage

- bagaje

Typical questions and expressions 6

• How to make a booking

1. Havana Hotel here, how can I help you? (Hotelul Havana. Cu ce va pot ajuta?)

- I would like to book (reserve) one room in the name of Donson. (As dori sa rezerv o camera pe numele Donson). 2. Certainly, Sir. What date? (Desigur, domnule. Pe ce data?)

- The 18th of April for two nights. (De pe 18 aprilie pentru doua nopti).

3. I’m sorry, we’re fully booked on the 19th of April. (Îmi pare rau, toate camerele sunt ocupate pe 19 aprilie). - Could you tell me the price, please? (Îmi puteti spune pretul, va rog?)

6 Murdoch-Stern, S., 2007, Engleza pentru calatoriile de afaceri. Ghid practic, Teora, Bucuresti.

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- That’s 50.30 € per room per night. (Face 50.30 € de camera, pe noapte.)

Including breakfast and VAT. (Mic dejun si TVA inclus).

• How to ask for a confirmation

1. Could you hold the room until 8.45 pm? (Puteti retine camera pâna la ora 8.45 pm?)

2. Could you please confirm this booking by post? (Îmi puteti va rog confirma aceasta rezervare prin posta?)

3. For a late/early check-in we’ll require a deposit. (Daca sositi mai târziu/devreme este necesara o garantie).

- You will receive by fax a cheque as agreed for the deposit. (Veti primi prin fax copia unui cec pentru deposit, conform celor convenite). 4. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can provide the accommodation required. (Va rog sa ma anuntati cât mai rapid daca ne puteti oferi conditiile de cazare solicitate). - No problem, Sir. We look forward to meeting you. (Nu va faceti probleme, domnule. Va asteptam cu placere).

• Check-in

1. Good morning Mr. Donson, have you got a reservation? (Buna ziua d-le Donson ati facut o rezervare?)

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- I’ve got a reservation for two nights including breakfast. (Am facut rezervare pentru doua nopti, mic dejun inclus). 2. Ok, could you please fill in the registration form? (Ok, puteti completa formularul de înregistrare, va rog?) 3. Here’s your key/key-card, room 224 on the second floor. (Iata cheia / cartela dvs., camera 224 la al doilea etaj). 4. What time do you serve meals? (La ce ora se servesc mesele?) - Breakfast is served between 7.30 – 10am, lunch between 12.30 – 2pm and dinner as from 7pm. (Micul dejun se serveste între orele 7.30 – 10am, prânzul între 12.30 – 2pm si cina începând cu ora 7pm). 5. Would you like a wake-up call? (Doriti sa fiti trezit printr-un apel telephonic?) - Yes, please ring at 7.45 tomorrow morning until I answer. (Da, sunati va rog la ora 7.45 mâine dimineata, pâna va raspund).

• Check-out

1. I’d like to check out and to settle my account, please. (As dori sa plec si sa platesc, va rog).

- Certainly, which room were you in? (Desigur, în ce camera ati stat?)

2. What time do we have to vacate the room? (La ce ora trebuie sa eliberam camera?)

- Please vacate the room before 12am. (Va rog sa eliberati camera pâna la prânz).

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3. Did you use the telephone or the mini-bar? (Ati utilizat telefonul sau minibarul?) 4. How would you like to pay? (Cum ati dori sa platiti?)

- With my company payment card. (Cu cartea de credit a firmei mele). 5. Sign here please. Have a good trip. (Semnati aici va rog. Drum bun).


I. Choose about 15 words from the Vocabulary at the beginning of the chapter and form sentences with them.

II. Read once again the typical questions and expressions presented above, underline all the unknown words and discuss them in class.

III. Connect the beginning of the phrases in the left column with the corresponding ending from the right column:

a) Good morning, Leeds Hotel,

1. a double / single / twin?

b) I’d like to book 2. we’re fully booked. c) Certainly, what 3. could you hold the

room? d) Would that be full 4. rates? e) Would you like a suite or 5. a confirmation by


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f) How much does it cost 6. how can I help you? g) The price includes 7. a deposit. h) I’m afraid 8. at 11am and 5pm. i) Could you send me 9 breakfast and all taxes

j) I won’t arrive before 7pm 10. conference facilities k) For all reservations, we require

11. date?

l) Do you offer weekend 12. per night, please? m) We will need full 13. a room. n) We should like refreshments

14. a cheque for the deposit.

o) Please find enclosed 15. board or half board?

IV. Role play: imagine that your colleague works as a receptionist at a hotel; you travel to England for business purposes and you need to make a reservation for several nights in London as you must attend to a conference there.

Use the words and the expressions studied in this chapter in order to start a dialogue with the receptionist and make the necessary arrangements, for your accommodation in London.

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Possessive Determinants

In chapter number five of this book, we learned about the role of the demonstrative determiners in the English language. This chapter proposes furthermore, the study of the possessive determiners also very important for the cohesion and coherence of expression when we want to dialogue with someone.

The words: my, your, his, her, its, our and their, are used before nouns to show ownership. They are called possessive determiners.

Read the examples of the following chart and their translation and discuss in class the differences between the two languages:

I I like my job - Mie îmi place meseria mea.

you You like your job - Tie îti place meseria ta. he He likes his job - Lui îi place meseria lui. she She likes her

job. - Ei îi place meseria ei. we We like our jobs. - Noua ne plac meseriile

noastre. you You like your jobs - Voua va plac meseriile

voastre. they

They like their

jobs. - Lor le plac meseriile lor.

it The dog (it) likes its food.

- Lui îi place mâncarea lui.

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I. Complete the sentences according to the model. Use the corresponding possessive determiners and translate into Romanian:

Ex: He works with his colleagues. (El munceste cu colegii lui).

1. They work with _____ colleagues. 2. We work ______ _____ colleagues. 3. Katy works _____ _____ colleagues. 4. I ______ with ____ colleagues. 5. Joshua _____ _______ ____ colleagues. 6. Do you work ______ ______ colleagues? 7. Most employees ____ _____ ____ colleagues.

II. Complete the sentences according to the model. Use the corresponding possessive determiners and translate into Romanian:

Ex: I’m going to book my

room. = Am de gând sa îmi rezerv camera

1. She’s going to settle ______ account. 2. We’re going to fill in _____ registration

form. 3. He’s going to book _____ room. 4. They’re going to cancel _____ reservation. 5. Are you going to vacate _____ room?

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I. Complete the sentences according to the model. Use the corresponding possessive determiners and translate into Romanian:

Ex: I like my room. = Mie îmi place camera mea.

1. Do you like _____ room? = 2. Does your client like ____ room? = 3. Mrs. Clark is checking out and she would

like to pay ____ account. 4. Mr. Donson has to vacate _____ room until

12am. 5. Here’s _____ key-card, sir. 6. I’d prefer to pay with ____ company credit


II. Write an imaginary dialogue with a receptionist where you try to make the necessary arrangements for the accommodation, at a hotel in another city, taking into consideration that your company will organize an international conference there.

You will find the information, from the following supplementary reading text, very useful.

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Supplementary reading (Lectura suplimentara)


Best facilities at the “Bavaria Hotel”7

We have an excellent range of rooms to offer on the business market, which provide a variety of sizes for different applications. This leaflet contains the floor areas, power and telephone connections, capacities and travel details. However, if you have any special requirements, our Manager or reception will be pleased to help.

Advanced booking is essential as the “Bavaria Hotel” is used commercially all year round. The restaurant: this room is ideal for banquet, buffet or formal settings, as well as a large meeting room for conference or seminar activities. The Well room: this is a room with plenty of light for smaller business meetings which can be serviced easily for bar and catering requirements. The writing room: a small private room off the main lounge/reception area, ideal for small board, committee or sales meetings, interviews, etc. Seminar equipment includes: flip charts and pencils, television and video, OHP (overhead projector) and

7 Murdoch-Stern, S., 2007, Engleza pentru calatoriile de afaceri. Ghid practic, Teora, Bucuresti.

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screen, beamer, fax machine, computer with Internet facilities. The bedrooms: all forty bedrooms (single, twin and double) are comfortably furnished and are en-suite with Sky T.V., radio, direct dial telephone and courtesy tea and coffee. Laundry and dry-cleaning facilities are available. Other hotel facilities: indoor heated swimming pool, gymnasium and steam room, private enclosed car-park, express checkout and free airport shuttle. Disabled facilities including lift. Golf, equestrian and fishing facilities available nearby.

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Chapters 1 to 7

I. Translate the following words into English:

1 curând 11 contabil 2 unchi 12 sacou 3 limba

13 brânza

4 tara

14 convenabil

5 scump 15 a amâna 6 întreprindere

16 rezervare 7 primarie

17 cazare 8 aniversare 18 comert

9 strain

19 inginer 10

disponibil 20 a vinde 2 pts.

II. Translate the following questions and phrases into English:

1. Sa ma prezint, ma numesc John Davidson.

2. Câti ani aveti

? 3. De unde sunteti?

4. Ce limbi straine vorbiti?

5. Îmi pare rau, dar mi-e teama ca trebuie sa plec acum.

6. O persoana care locuieste în Elvetia, se numeste elvetian.

7. As dori sa negociez pretul acesta.

8. Va oferim catalogul nostru de preturi.

9. Cine sunt noii nostri parteneri de afaceri ?

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10. Ce ai tu? Tu ai o factura.

11. Eu sunt avocat si lucrez la tribunal. 12. Tony merge la servici cu autobuzul. 13. Femeilor le place sa mearga la cumparaturi.

14. Cât costa acest produs?

15. As dori sa stabilesc o întâlnire.

16. As putea sa va sugerez sa ne vedem joia

viitoare la ora 2:30pm? 17. Ma tem ca în acea zi sunt la o conferinta.

18. Va rog sa ma anuntati cât mai rapid daca ne puteti oferi conditiile de cazare solicitate.

19. Îmi pare rau, toate camerele sunt ocupate în acest weekend.

20. Am facut rezervare pentru doua nopti, mic dejun inclus.

4 pts.

III. Write an imaginary dialogue of maximum 10 lines (questions and answers). Choose one of the following situations:

1. Make a hotel reservation for a conference that your company organizes in some other country.

2. Invite your business partner to have lunch with you.

3. You’re a shop assistant and you help some customers decide what products are best for them.

3 pts

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Chapter 8


• Introductive financial and banking terms

bank account

- cont bancar

bank draft

- bilet la ordin bank statement

- extras de cont banker

- bancher bankruptcy; bankrupt

- faliment; falit banking

- operatiune / afacere bancara

share; shareholder

- actiune, actionar bond

- obligatiune

pay cash/by cheque

- a plati în numerar / prin cec

foreign currency

- valuta

exchange rate; quotation

- rata de schimb; curs stockbroker

- agent de bursa

falling/rising market

- piata în scadere/crestere

to plunge

- a fluctua cashier’s desk; to cash

- casierie; a încasa savings

- economii cheque to bearer

- cec la purtator

rubber cheque

- cec fara acoperire

to deposit

- a depune to withdraw

- a retrage interest rate

- rata dobânzii to borrow

- a lua cu împrumut to loan, lend

- a da cu împrumut

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to issue/write a cheque

- a emite/scrie un cec

to mortgage

- a ipoteca

pay back, reimburse

- a rambursa

• Typical questions and expressions 8

1. I have a cheque to the value of 2.000€ on your bank. (Am un cec în valoare de 2.000 € asupra bancii dvs.) 2. I want to cash this traveller’s cheque. It is payable at sight. (Doresc sa încasez acest cec de calatorie. Este platibil la vedere).

- I am sorry it is not yet due / overdue / not covered. (Îmi pare rau nu este înca scadent /

este expirat / nu are acoperire). 3. Will you, kindly, note on the back the sum received and the date of the payment? (Fiti amabil si scrieti pe verso suma primita si data efectuarii platii).

- Your signature, if you please. (Semnatura dvs. va rog). 4. Where is the currency exchange counter? I’d like to exchange some foreign currency. (Unde este casa de schimb valutar?) How much do I get for 850$? (Cât primesc pentru 850$?) 5. What sum do you wish to deposit? (Ce suma doriti sa depuneti?)

8 Popp, M., 1978, Engleza vorbita. Cuvinte si expresii de uz current, Sport-turism, Bucuresti.

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- I should like to deposit the sum of 2.700 €. (As dori sa depun suma de 2.700 €). 6. How much is the interest you pay? (Ce dobânda platiti?)

- It depends… between 3 and 5 per cent a year. (Depinde… între 3 si 5 % pe an). 6. The depositor may withdraw any sum of money from any branch office of our bank. (Depunatorul poate retrage orice suma de la oricare sucursala a bancii noastre).

7. Fill in this form and present your identity card, please. (Completati acest formular si prezentati cartea de identitate, va rog).

• Idioms (expresii idiomatice, proverbe):

- Marry into money (A se casatori din interes).

- Time is money. (Timpul înseamna bani).

- Money begets money. (Banul la ban trage). - Money never smells badly. (Banii n-au miros). - A penny saved is a penny gained. (Un ban economisit e un ban câstigat). - Money can’t buy happiness. (Banii n-aduc fericirea). - It’s money down the drain. (Sunt bani aruncati pe fereastra).

- The penny dropped. (I-a cazut fisa).

- To be in (rolling) the money. (A înota în bani). - To pay somebody hush- money. (A cumpara tacearea cuiva).

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In chapter number seven of this book, we studied the possessive determiners. This unit proposes a quick overview on the role of the genitive in the English language, the genitive being used to show possession, ownership, as well.

In English there are two types of genitive:

a) For possessors (human beings) we use:

The Synthetic Genitive - It is placed after the owner and consists of an apostrophe, followed by an „s”: ’S. If the noun (the owner) is in the plural form or if it ends in „s”, only the apostrophe is added ’ Read the following examples:

contul lui Nick

- Nick’s account biroul directorului

- the manager’s office Plural: cecul actionarilor

- the shareholders’ cheque

falimentul bancherului

- the banker’s bankruptcy Plural: plata angajatelor

- the employees’ payment împrumutul fam. Palmer

- the Palmers’ loan economiile d-lui Roberts

- Mr. Roberts’ savings ipoteca fam. Cliff

- the Cliffs’ mortgage depunerea doamnei Cliff

- Mrs. Cliff’s deposit semnatura d-rei Smith

- Miss Smith’s signature

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b) For possessors (objects, abstract things,

animals) we use:

The Prepositional Genitive (“of the”) It is placed between the object (feature, property) possessed and its owner. Read the following examples:

falimentul bancii

- the bankruptcy of the bank

actiunile companiei

- the shares of the company cheia seifului

- the key of the strong room dosarul procesului

- the file of the process cursul dolarului

- the quotation of the dollar caderea pietei

- the fall of the market


I. Translate the following constructions, using the correct genitive:

plata angajatilor

- banii clientului - obligatiunile actionarilor

- valoarea cecului - casieria doamnei Palmer - semnatura domnului Cliff

- sucursala bancii

- cecul domnisoarei Smith - datoria Cliffilor - dobânda depunatorului


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II. Role play: imagine that you need to withdraw a sum of money from the bank and your colleague works as a cashier there; use the words and the expressions studied in this chapter in order to start a dialogue with the bank clerk.

III. Connect the beginning of the phrases in the left column with the corresponding ending from the right column. Translate the sentences into Romanian.

a) Good afternoon, Mrs. Donson,

1. the interest you pay?

b) I have a cheque 2. I’ll give you the necessary information.

c) Yes, would you like to

3. opened at this bank?

d) I’d like to deposit another

4. any sum of money from any branch.

e) Ok, fill in 5. at the cashier’s desk, please.

f) How much is 6. how can I help you? g) It has been recently settled

7. if you please.

h) Can I draw 8. I’ll wait in the bank lobby.

i) Certainly, you can draw

9. deposit or make a withdrawal?

j) Your identity card 10. money on demand? k) Check the money 11. this form, please. l) Can I have another account

12. to the value of 500$ on your bank

M) Yes, of course, 13. 500$ at interest. n) Thank you sir, 14. at 7% per year.

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IV. Fill in the blanks according to the model and translate into Romanian. Ex.: Tom is Mrs. Cliff ’s boss. (Tom este seful doamnei Cliff).

1. Katy ___ Mr. Palmer_ colleague. 2. Mr. Cliff ___ Tony_ supervisor. = 3. Mrs Palmer ___ Clare_ mother. = 4. The Cliffs ___ Tom_ friends. = 5. _______ is the Palmers_ daughter. 6. He ___ the Cliffs_ son. 7. The Palmers ___ Clare_ parents. 8. ___ Mr. Palmer Tom_ father? 9. Tom ___ the Cliffs_ friend. 10. This ___ the Palmers_ rubber cheque.


I. Choose about 15 words from the Vocabulary at the beginning of the chapter and form sentences with them.

II. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Cine sunt ei? Ei sunt parintii fetei. =

2. Cine sunteti dvs. ? =

3. Sunteti dvs. doctorul Palmerilor? =

4. Este el fratele doamnei Cliff? Nu, nu este. =

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5. Este ea studenta domnisoarei Smith ? =

6. Nu, nu este studenta domnisoarei Smith. Ea

este verisoara ei. =

III. Write an imaginary dialogue with a bank clerk, at the cashier’s desk, where you try to deposit a sum of money in your bank account.

Use the words and the expressions studied in this chapter in order to start a dialogue with the bank clerk and to find out the information you need for this bank operation.

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Chapter 9



Business/Economy class; first/second class

- clasa business/ economica; întâi / a doua

apex flight

- zbor - tarif promotional

a single ticket

- bilet dus a return ticket

- bilet dus-întors a long/short flight

- zbor lung/scurt jet lag; time difference

- obosela diferentei de fus orar ; decalaj orar


- escala

traveller’s cheque

- cec de calatorie


- plecare, decolare cancellation fee

- taxa de anulare a rezervarii


- asigurare to book a seat

- a rezerva un loc high-speed train

- tren de mare viteza

customs office

- vama

hand luggage; suitcase

- bagaj de mâna; valiza

overweight; scales

- greutate excedentara; cântar

unauthorized goods

- obiecte neautorizate to pack the bags

- a-si face bagajele check-in desk

- birou de înregistrare to land/to take off

- a ateriza; a decola departure lounge/gate

-sala/poarta de îmbarcare

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control tower; runway

- turn de control; pista

non-smoking carriage

- vagon de nefumatori


- peron


- pasager


- autobus supraetajat

dining/sleeping car

- vagon restaurant/de dormit

stewardess; flight attendant

- stuardeza; însotitoare de bord / tren / vas

pilot, engine driver, captain

- pilot, mecanic de locomotiva, capitan

harbour, ship, deck

- port, nava, punte

seat/life-belt; life-boat

- centura de siguranta; barca de salvare


- linie, cale ferata

trip, journey

- excursie, calatorie

Typical questions and expressions9

• Travelling by plane 1. Which terminal does flight AE805 go from? (Din ce aerogara decoleaza avionul pentru cursa AE805

?) - Your flight will be called in about half-an-hour. (Zborul dvs. va fi anuntat în aproximativ jumatate de ora).

2. Where do I check-in? (Unde fac înregistrarea?) - The check-in desk is over there. (Biroul de înregistrare este acolo.)

9 Murdoch-Stern, S., 2007, Engleza pentru calatoriile de afaceri. Ghid practic, Teora, Bucuresti.

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- You must check-in 60 minutes before departure. (Trebuie sa va înregistrati cu 60 de minute înainte de plecare). 3. Go to the departure lounge in time. (Mergeti din timp în sala de îmbarcare). - Could I have your ticket and your passport? (Îmi puteti da biletul si pasaportul dvs.?)

- Here is your boarding card. (Poftiti biletul dvs. de îmbarcare). 4. Have you got anything to declare, Sir? (Aveti vreun obiect de declarat?) - Do I have to declare my camera? (Trebuie sa declar aparatul meu foto?) 5. Could you open your briefcase? (Va rog sa deschideti servieta).

6. Go through the green channel, please. (Treceti prin poarta verde, va rog).

7. Go through customs and immigration before the duty free shops. (Treceti prin vama si pe la biroul de imigrare înainte sa ajungeti la magazinele duty-free –fara taxe).

8. Please fasten tour seatbelt and extinguish all cigarettes. (Va rugam sa va puneti centurile de siguranta si sa stingeti tigarile).

9. We are preparing for take-off / landing. (Ne pregatim de decolare / aterizare).

• Travelling by train 1. What time does the next train for Madrid leave? (La ce ora pleaca urmatorul tren spre Madrid?)

2. Is this train going to Lyon, please? (Acest tren merge spre Lyon, va rog?)

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3. Which platform for London, please? (La care peron soseste trenul spre Londra, va rog?)

4. Where will the carriage be on the platform? (Unde va fi vagonul pe peronul respectiv?) 5. Is there a waiting room? (Exista o sala de asteptare?) 6. Upon arrival there are connecting trains. (La sosire, exista trenuri care asigura legatura).

7. We can get a train right through to Paris. (Putem lua un tren direct spre Paris).

OBJECT PRONOUNS (Pronumele personal cu functia de

complement direct)

The object of a verb receives the action of the verb. The personal pronouns me, you, him, her, it, us and them can all be used as the object of a verb.

Look at the following two sentences: - Paul needs these two tickets. - He wants to buy them.

In the first sentence, the noun “tickets” is the object of the verb needs. In the second sentence, the pronoun “them” is the object of the verb buy.

Here are some more examples that show personal pronouns used as objects of verbs. In the first chart, you will notice the subject role of the personal pronoun, while in the second chart you will notice the transformation of the personal pronoun when it becomes an object.

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I I like Ann. - Eu o plac pe Ana.

you You like Ann. - Tu o placi pe Ana. he He likes Ann. - El o place pe Ana. she She likes Ann. - Ea o place pe Ana. we We like Ann. - Noi o placem pe Ana.

you You like Ann. - Voi o placeti pe Ana.

they They like Ann.

- Ei o plac pe Ana.


Ann likes me. - Ana ma place pe mine.

-me Ann likes you. - Ana te place pe tine. -you Ann likes him. - Ana îl place pe el. -him Ann likes her. -Ana o place pe ea. -her Ann likes us. -Ana ne place pe noi. -us Ann likes you. -Ana va place pe voi. -you Ann likes them.

-Ana îi place pe ei. -them

Examples: - This ticket isn’t for you. It’s for me. = Acest bilet nu este pentru tine. E pentru mine. - Where’s the engine driver? I want to talk to him. = Unde este mecanicul de tren? Vreau sa vorbesc cu el. - Who is that lady? Why are you looking at her? = Cine este acea doamna? De ce te uiti la ea? - We’re going to the airport. Do you want to come with us? = Noi mergem la aeroport. Vrei sa vii cu noi? - They are going to the railway station. Do you want to go with them? = Ei se duc la gara. Vrei sa mergi cu ei?

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- I want that suitcase. Please give it to me. = Vreau valiza aceea. Va rog sa mi-o dati.

- I want those life-boats. Please give them

to me. =

Vreau acele barci de salvare. Va rog sa mi le dati. - Diane never travels by plane. She doesn’t like it. = Diana nu calatoreste niciodata cu avionul. Nu îi place (avionul).


I. Complete the sentences with: him/her/them… and translate into Romanian:

1. I don’t know those stewardesses. Do you know

them? (Eu nu le cunosc pe acele stuardeze. Tu

le cunosti?)

2. I don’t know that pilot. Do you know _____?

3. I don’t know those passengers. Do you know


4. I don’t know Fred’s wife. Do you know ____?

5. I don’t know his friends. Do you know ____?

6. I don’t know the woman in the black coat. Do

you know ____?

7. I don’t know Mr. Stevens. Do you know ____?

8. I don’t know those people. Do you know


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II. Complete the sentences. Use: I/me, he/him, she/her, they/them… and translate into Romanian:

Ex: I want to see her, but she

doesn’t want to see

me. = Eu vreau sa o vad pe ea, dar ea nu vrea sa ma vada pe mine.

1. I want to see him, but ____

doesn’t want to

see ____. 2. They want to see me, but ____

don’t want to see _____.

3. We want to see them, but ____

don’t want to see ____.

4. She wants to see him, but ____

doesn’t want to see ____.

5. They want to see her, but ____

doesn’t want to see ____.

6. I want to see them, but _____

don’t want to see _____.

7. He wants to see us, but _____

don’t want to see ____.

8. You want to see her, but ____

doesn’t want to see ____.

III. Translate into English; use the typical questions and expressions:

1. Scuzati-ma. De unde pleaca avionul pentru zborul AE 356?

2. Poarta 14. Înregistrarea se face cu 30 de minute înainte de plecare.

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3. Unde se face înregistrarea? 4. La biroul de înregistrare, chiar lânga biroul de

imigrare. 5. As dori sa ma înregistrez.

6. Desigur. Îmi puteti da biletul si pasaportul?

7. Aveti bagaje de mâna?

8. Da, am poseta si umbrela. 9. Ma tem ca zborul este amânat cu trei sferturi

de ora.

10. Sper sa ajungem la timp în Bucuresti, am o intalnire de afaceri la ora 12:30am.

11. Desigur. Va rugam sa acceptati din partea noastra o cafea la barul duty-free.

12. Poftim biletul dvs. de îmbarcare. Poarta 14, la ora 09:15am. Sa aveti un zbor placut



I. Choose about 15 words from the Vocabulary at the beginning of the chapter and form sentences with them.

II. Write an imaginary dialogue at the information desk of an airport, where you try to book a plane ticket for your next business trip.

Use the words and the expressions studied in this chapter in order to start a dialogue and find out the information you need about the flight.

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Chapter 10



driving license

- permis de conducere

the ins and outs

- detalii limited mileage;


- limita de kilometraj; rezervor

traffic jam; rush hour

- ambuteiaj; ora de vârf

underground car park

- parcare subterana


- cheltuiala

huge distances

- distante uriase

main road; motorway; ring road

- drum principal; autostrada; centura

road signs;

traffic light

- indicatoare rutiere; semafor

single lane traffic;

- drum cu o singura banda pe fiecare sens

comprehensive insurance

- asigurare completa

speed limit

- limita de viteza

highway police

- politia rutiera

road works ahead

- atentie-drum în lucru no over-taking

- depasire interzisa

type/kind of car

- tip de masina

charge / toll / fee

- taxa

flyover / overpass

- pod rutier crossroads; bypass

- intersectie; drum ocolit

dead-end street

- strada blocata


- trotuar

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Typical questions and expressions10

1. I would like to rent a car. (As dori sa închiriez o masina)

- Could I see your driving license please? (Pot sa vad permisul dvs. de conducere?) - Yes, of course. Here you are. (Da, desigur. Poftiti.)

2. Could you fill in this form? (Puteti completa acest formular?)

3. There is unlimited mileage and the car has a comprehensive insurance cover. (Nu exista limita de kilometraj si masina are asigurare completa la toate riscurile.) - Ok, I see the tank is full. (Ok, vad ca rezervorul este plin.)

4. There is a drop-off charge if you leave the car elsewhere. (Daca lasati masina în alta parte, trebuie sa platiti o taxa suplimentara.)

5. Here are the keys. The car is in the underground car park. (Iata cheile, masina se afla în parcarea subterana.)

6. I have to pick up the car at the airport. It’s on my own expense. (Trebuie sa iau masina de la aeroport. Este pe cheltuiala mea.)

10 Murdoch-Stern, S., 2007, Engleza pentru calatoriile de afaceri. Ghid practic, Teora, Bucuresti.

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1. Follow the directions carefully. (Urmati cu atentie instructiunile.)

2. Do not jump the traffic lights. (Nu treceti pe rosu la semafor.)

3. Leave home early to avoid getting caught in a traffic jam. (Plecati devreme de acasa pentru evitarea blocajelor în ambuteiaje.)

4. Be careful the road is icy / snowbound / fogbound. (Atentie drumul este ghetos / înzapezit / cetos.)

5. Visibility is down to 20 meters. (Vizibilitatea este redusa la 20 metri.)

6. Wait they are gritting the road. (Asteptati, pe drum se arunca cu nisip pentru împiedicarea deraparii.)

7. The seat-belt is compulsory. (Centura de siguranta este obligatorie.)

8. Do not exceed the legal speed limit. (Nu depasiti limita de viteza legala.)

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The Comparative and the Superlative

The comparative form of an adjective is used to make a comparison between two people or things. The comparative form is formed by adding -er at the adjective.

When comparing two things or people, the word than (decât) is used: - The red car is cheaper than the black one. - This car is faster than mine.

The superlative form of an adjective is used when we want to compare three or more people or things. The superlative form is formed by adding -est to the adjective ant the article the before the adjective.

Take a look at the following chart to see the three types of adjectives and how their comparative and superlative forms may vary according to their type:

a) Short Adjectives


- gras fatter

- mai gras thin

- subtire


- mai subtire


- mare bigger

- mai mare

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- fierbinte hotter

- mai fierbinte


- dragut


- mai dragut


- greu heavier

- mai greu


- înalt (oameni)


- mai înalt (oameni)


- înalt (obiecte)


- mai înalt (obiecte)


- batrân (între frati)


- mai batrân (între frati)


- batrân


- mai batrân


- mic smaller

- mai mic light

- usor lighter

- mai usor fast

- rapid faster

- mai rapid slow

- încet slower

- mai încet long

- lung longer

- mai lung short

- scurt shorter

- mai scurt young

- tânar


- mai tânar

SUPERLATIVE - the… ___est the fattest

- cel mai gras the thinnest

- cel mai subtire

the biggest

- cel mai mare the hottest

- cel mai fierbinte the prettiest

- cel mai dragut

the heaviest

- cel mai greu the tallest

- cel mai înalt (oameni) the highest

- cel mai înalt (obiecte) the eldest

- cel mai batrân (între frati)

the oldest

- cel mai batrân

the smallest

- cel mai mic the lightest

- cel mai usor

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the fastest

- cel mai rapid

the slowest

- cel mai încet

the longest

- cel mai lung

the shortest

- cel mai scurt

the youngest

- cel mai tânar

b) Long Adjectives


- dificil more difficult

- mai dificil interesting

interesant more interesting

- mai interesant


- folositor more useful

- mai folositor boring

plictisitor more boring

- mai plictisitor


- placut

more pleasant

- mai placut


- frumos more beautiful

- mai frumos


important more


- mai important


- agreabil more enjoyable

- mai agreabil

SUPERLATIVE – the most the most difficult

- cel mai dificil the most interesting

- cel mai interesant

the most useful

- cel mai folositor the most boring

- cel mai plictisitor the most pleasant

- cel mai placut

the most beautiful

- cel mai frumos the most important

- cel mai important the most enjoyable

- cel mai agreabil

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c) Irregular Adjectives



- bun(a)


- mai bun(a)


- bine better

- mai bine


- rau


- mai rau


- putin


- mai putin


- mult more

- mai mult many

- multi (multe)


- mai multi (multe)


- departe farther

- mai departe


the best

- cel mai bun(a)

the best

- cel mai bine the worst

- cel mai rau

the least

- cel mai putin

the most

- cel mai mult the most

- cei mai multi (multe)

the farthest

- cel mai departe

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I. Write the comparative and the superlative:

1 heavy = greu - heavier

- the heaviest

2 big = - ___________

- ___________

3 slow = - ___________

- ___________

4 expensive = - ___________

- ___________

5 old = - ___________

- ___________

6 strong = - ___________

- ___________

7 happy = - ___________

- ___________

8 careful = - ___________

- ___________

9 important = important

- ___________

- ___________


bad = - ___________

- ___________


high - ___________

- _________ 12

dangerous - ___________

- _________ 13

quick - ___________

- _________ 14

cheap - ___________

- _________ 15

difficult - ___________

- _________ 16

large - ___________

- _________ 17

far - ___________

- _________ 18

serious - ___________

- _________ 19

crowded - ___________

- _________ 20

pretty - ___________

- _________

II. Write the opposite: 1

younger - older


colder - ___________ 3

cheaper - ___________ 4

better - ________________


nearer ______________

- ________________


easier _____________ - ________________

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III. Complete the sentences. Use a comparative. Translate them into Romanian:

1. Sue’s car isn’t very big. She wants a bigger

car. (Masina lui Sue nu este foarte mare. Ea vrea o masina mai mare.)

2. This house isn’t very modern. I prefer more

modern houses. 3. You’re not very tall. Your brother is ________ 4. Bill doesn’t work very hard. I work

__________. 5. My chair isn’t very comfortable. Yours is

____________________. 6. Jill’s idea wasn’t very good. My idea was

____________. 7. These flowers aren’t very nice. The blue ones

are _________. 8. My case isn’t very heavy. Your case is

___________. 9. I’m not very interested in art. I’m

____________________ in history. 10. It isn’t very warm today. It was ____________

yesterday. 11. These tomatoes don’t taste very good. The

other ones tasted _________. 12. Britain isn’t very big. France is __________. 13. London isn’t very beautiful. Paris is

__________________. 14. This knife isn’t very sharp. Have you got a

_____________ one? 15. People today aren’t very polite. In the past they

were ____________________.

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IV. Connect the information in the left column with the corresponding translation from the right column:11

a) Keep left 1. Gabarit redus b) Watch out for children

2. Iesire

c) Give way / Yield 3. Drum cu 4 benzi d) Exit 4. Aprindeti farurile

e) Reduce speed now 5. Alunecos si umed f) Halt 6. Stop g) Diversion 7. Drum cu suprafata

provizorie h) Low bridge 8. Sens unic i) Dual carriageway 9. Pod jos j) Road works ahead 10. Viraje pe 1,6 km k) Bends for 1 mile 11. Tineti stânga

l) Turn on lights 12. Panta abrupta

m) Waiting limited 13. Limita de asteptare

n) Weight limit 14. Conduceti cu viteza mica

o) Height restriction 15. Deviere p) Single file traffic 16. Atentie la animale

(cirezi) q) Slow 17. Drum în lucru r) Cattle crossing 18. Atentie la copii s) Slippery when wet 19. Înaltime limitata

t) Steep hill 20. Reduceti viteza

u) Temporary road surface

21. Cedati trecerea

11 Murdoch-Stern, S., 2007, Engleza pentru calatoriile de afaceri. Ghid practic, Teora, Bucuresti.

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I. Choose about 15 words from the Vocabulary at the beginning of the chapter and form sentences with them.

II. Write an imaginary dialogue at a Car Rental centre, where you try to rent a car being a tourist in some foreign town/country.

Use the words and the expressions studied in this chapter in order to start a dialogue and find out the information about the car you need.

III. Translate these sentences into English. Use: than (decât):

1. Eu sunt mai batrâna decât Tom. = I am older than Tom. 2. Eu sunt un înotator mai bun decât Suzy.

3. Tu esti mai înalta decât Tom.

4. Tom începe serviciul mai târziu decât Suzy. 5. El lucreaza mai mult decât ea.

6. Suzy este un sofer mai bun decât Tom. 7. Tom este mai prietenos decât tine. 8. Suzy este o mai buna dansatoare decât sora ei.

9. Suzy este mai inteligenta decât ei.

10. Ea vorbeste engleza mai bine decât el. 11. Tom merge la cinema mai des decât sora lui.

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Chapter 11


TV, Radio and Journalism


Sunday/morning paper

- ziarul de duminica/dimineata

tabloid/gutter press

- ziar / presa de scandal


woman’s magazine

- revista de lux / de specialitate / pt. femei

cover; front page

- coperta

; prima pagina

headlines; article

- titluri ; articol gossip / obituaries


- rubrica mondena / de decese

classified adds

- mica publicitate to print; to issue;

come out; subscribe

- a tipari; a publica;

a iesi pe piata; a se abona

journalist; newsman

- journalist; stirist newspaper editor;


- director de publicatie;

editor news bulletin;

news flash

- buletin de stiri; flash de informatii


- public; audienta

to tune in (to a station)

- a regla postul to broadcast

- a emite; a difuza be on/off the air

- a fi/iesi din emisie

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cable/satellite TV

- televiziune prin cablu/satelit

remote control, zapper

- telecomanda

TV channel / decoder

- canal/decodor TV

to watch TV

- a se uita la TV

turn the TV on/off

a porni/opri TV-ul

evening programme

- program de seara

air/prime time

- timpul de emisie / de vârf

the rating

- indicele de ascultare/vizionare

variety/quiz/talk show

- spectacol de varietati / joc / dezbatere

series / cartoon

- serial / desen animat trailer,

commercial break

- banda cu anunturi,

pauza publicitara

commercial, advert, spot

- clip/reclama publicitara

to entertain

- a distra, amuza to be on the screen

- a fi pe sticla/ecran

to present the news

- a prezenta stirile hold the audience

- a captiva publicul the fourth estate (press)

- a patra putere în stat the freedom of the


- libertatea presei/de exprimare

a newsmaker,

a muckraker

- un subiect fierbinte, de scandal

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I. Complete the following sentences with: in, of, on, off, on, out, back and translate them into Romanian.12

1. Switch ____ the TV. I can’t bear this newscaster.

2. Why do you always tune ____ to that stupid radio station?

3. Turn ____ the TV, I’d like to watch the news. 4. This magazine is new; the first issue has just

come _____. 5. Journalists should be aware ____ their power. 6. Is Mr. Barry ____? 7. Oh, I can’t possibly wait any longer. Just ask

him to call me ______ as soon as he can, please.

II. Translate into Romanian the definitions of the following mass-media terms:13

1. An event which makes the news is a newsmaker.

2. A person who casts the news on the radio is a newscaster.

12 Fromont, J., Leguy, I. si Fontaine, G., 2008, Învatati engleza contemporana, Teora, Bucuresti. 13 Fromont, J., Leguy, I. si Fontaine, G., 2008, Învatati engleza contemporana, Teora, Bucuresti.

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3. A journalist who rakes the muck is a muck-

raker. 4. A person who can’t stop watching TV is a TV-


III. Read the following text. Search for the unknown words in the dictionary and then discuss the main ideas of the text, in class, with your colleagues.

Mass media14 is a term used to denote a section of the media specifically envisioned and designed to reach a very large audience such as the population of a nation state. It was coined in the 1920s with the advent of nationwide radio networks, mass-circulation newspapers and magazines, although mass media (like books and manuscripts) were present centuries before the term became common.

The term public media has a similar meaning: it is the sum of the public mass distributors of news and entertainment across media such as newspapers, television and radio.

The concept of mass media is complicated in some internet media as now individuals have a means of potential exposure on a scale comparable to what was previously restricted to select group of mass media producers. These internet media can include: web radio/television, personal web pages, sites, forums, blogs, etc.

14 Internet Article, Mass Media, Wikipedia,

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I. Choose about 15 words from the Vocabulary at the beginning of the chapter and form sentences with them.

II. Imagine you’re a journalist at an important newspaper. The manager of a major local TV channel asks you to write a propagandistic article about his TV channel.

Use the words and the expressions studied in this chapter to write this article of maximum 15 lines.

III. Complete the sentences. Use: than (decât), the comparative form of the adjectives and then translate the sentences into Romanian:

1. This channel isn’t very interesting. I know one which is more interesting than it. (Acest post nu este foarte interesant. Cunosc altul mai interesant.)

2. The newspaper editor isn’t very old. She’s older than him.

3. I don’t write very many articles. You write ______ articles ______ me. 4. He doesn’t smoke very much. I _______ more than _____.

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5. She’s not a very good writer. You write ________ than _____. 6. We don’t know many publishers. They know ______ publishers than ____. 7. They haven’t got much rating. We’ve got ______ rating than _____. 8. I can’t hold the audience very well. He can hold the audience _______ ______ me. 9. She hasn’t been on the screen very long. You’ve been on the screen _______ ______ her. 10. I didn’t turn the TV on very early. Ann turned it on ______ than _____.

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Chapter 12



physician, doctor

- doctor general practitioner

- medic generalist surgeon, paediatrician,

psychiatrist, dentist

- chirurg, pediatru, psihiatru, dentist

(male) nurse, midwife

- infirmier(a), moasa


- ambulanta

medical examination

- examen medical prescription

- reteta

give a shot, injection

- a face o injectie

drip, blood transfusion

- perfuzie, transfuzie de sânge

surgical operation / intervention; abortion

- interventie chirurgicala; avort

X-ray; ultrasound scan

- radiografie; ecografie lancet, stethoscope

- bisturiu, stetoscop take the pulse

- a lua pulsul sound the chest

- a asculta inima be under observation

- a fi sub observatie

dress a wound

- a bandaja o rana

be hospitalized

- a fi spitalizat social security

- asigurarea sociala

health insurance

- asigurare medicala

sick/rest leave

concediu de boala/odihna

out-of-pocket health care

- servicii medicale platite

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The Human Body (Corpul omenesc)



- head 11


- throat



- eye 12


- chest



- nose 13


- back



- mouth 14


- arm



- lips 15


- shoulder



- teeth 16


- hand 7


- tongue



- finger 8


- face 18


- leg 9


- ear 19


- brains 10


- hair 20


- heart

Typical questions and expressions

1. What can I do for you? What is the problem? (Ce pot face pentru dvs.? Care este problema?) - I’ve got a terrible stomach ache. (Ma doare rau stomacul). - I’ve been feeling sick / dizzy lately. (Am avut stari de greata / ameteala în ultima vreme).

2. When did it start? How long have you had a stomach ache? (Când au început? De cât timp va doare stomacul?) - I think… about two weeks. (Cred ca… de vreo doua saptamâni).

3. Have you had any other symptoms? (Ati mai avut si alte simptome?) - I can’t remember now. (Nu-mi pot aminti acum).

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4. I’d like to examine you. Take off your clothes, please.

(As vrea sa va examinez. Va rog sa va


- Can I put my clothes back on? What is wrong with me? (Pot sa ma îmbrac la loc? Ce problema am?)

5. I think you’re suffering from…. (Cred ca suferiti de…) I think you’ve got a severe type of indigestion. (Cred ca aveti o forma mai grava de indigestie).

- Oh, I hope it’s not too serious doctor. What should I do? (Oh, sper ca nimic grav d-le doctor. Ce trebuie sa fac?) 6. I’m going to write you a prescription: take one of these pills twice a day. (Urmeaza sa va scriu o reteta: luati câte o pastila din acestea, de doua ori pe zi).

You should follow a simpler diet and drink more water. (Ar trebui sa urmati un regim mai usor si sa beti mai multa apa). - Thank you, doctor. I will feel better now, I hope. (Multumesc d-le doctor. Ma voi simti mai bine acum, sper).


• Translate the following sentences into Romanian and then put them in chronological order.

a. I went to the chemist’s with my prescription. b. I had not been feeling well for the past two days.

15 Fromont, J., Leguy, I. si Fontaine, G., 2008, Învatati engleza contemporana, Teora, Bucuresti.

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c. I bought my tablets: a painkiller and vitamins. d. He examined me: he sounded my chest and checked my blood pressure. e. I went to the general practitioner. f. He diagnosed a general weakness – nothing to worry about really. g. After a week, I felt much better. h. He said that the medicine should take effect quickly. i. The doctor prescribed a light treatment. j. I felt dizzy, and I had suffered from painful headaches. k. The treatment proved really effective.

A. The Present Simple Tense (Timpul Prezent Simplu)

I. Usage:

1. To describe an action repeated regularly; specific time expressions are used, such as: every day, always, usually, often, sometimes, etc. People go to the doctor every day. (Oamenii merg la doctor în fiecare zi). Do you read every day? (Citesti zilnic?) 2. To express a habit: Tom sleeps a lot. (Tom doarme mult). She doesn't smoke. (Ea nu fumeaza).

3. To express a general truth, for example a physics law: Water freezes at 0 degrees. (Apa îngheata la 0 grade).

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The Earth spins around the Sun. (Pamântul se învârte în jurul soarelui).

4. To express the occurrence of some shorts events: He unlocks the door, comes in and takes off his shoes near the door. (El descuie usa, intra si se descalta lânga usa).

5. To express an action planned in the future, especially when time of its occurrence is given: The plane leaves at four o'clock. (Avionul pleaca la ora patru). We go to the medical examination tomorrow morning. (Mergem la examenul medical mâine dimineata).

6. With some verbs: - verbs which express a feeling (love, hate, prefer, like, dislike...); ex: I hate injections. (Urasc injectiile).

- verbs which exclude the notion of duration (seem, want, belong, know, mean, wish) ex: You know him. (Tu îl cunosti pe el). - reporting verbs (say, tell, ask, and answer); ex: What does she mean? (Ce vrea ea sa spuna?)

II. Form:

1. The affirmative form: Subject + Verb I write = Eu scriu You write =Tu scrii We write = Noi scriem He writes

= El scrie

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She writes (–s is added for the 3rd person singular)

• Verbs that end in -s, -ch, -sh, add an –es: watch – she watches ;

• Y (preceded by a consonant) changes in: ie+s: study – he studies

They write = Ei scriu

2. The interrogative form: Do / Does (3rd person sg.) + Subject + Verb?

Do I write? = Scriu eu? Do you write? Does

he write? = Scrie el? Does she write? - (the verb loses the –s) Do we write? Do you write? Do they write?

3. The negative form: Subject + do not (don't) / does not (doesn't – for 3rd

pers. sg) +Verb

I do not (don't) write = Eu nu scriu You don't write = Tu nu scrii He doesn't write = El nu scrie She does not (doesn't) write - (the verb loses the –s) We don't write You don't write They don't write

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I. Write the he/she/it form of these verbs (the 3rd

person ending):


read - reads

= citeste 7 push -


repair - = 8 do -



- = 9 think



listen - = 10

kiss - 5

carry - = 11

buy - 6

have - = 12

go -

II. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of these verbs and translate into Romanian.

Verbs: boil-close-cost-cost-go-have-like-meet-open-smoke-speak-teach-wash

1. She’s very clever. She speaks

four foreign languages. (Ea este foarte inteligenta. Ea vorbeste 4 limbi straine).

2. Steve _________ ten cigarettes a day. 3. We usually _______ dinner at 7 o’clock. 4. I _________ films. I often _______ to the cinema. 5. Water ________ at 100 degrees Celsius. 6. In Britain the banks __________ at 9:30 in the morning. 7. The City Museum __________ at 5 o’clock every evening. 8. Food is expensive. It __________ a lot of money. 9. Shoes are expensive. They _________ a lot of money.

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10. Tina is a teacher. She __________ mathematics to young children. 11. Your job is very interesting. You ___________ a lot of people. 12. Peter _________ his hair twice a week.

III. Write the negative form and translate into Romanian:

1. I play the piano very well. – I don’t play the piano very well. (Eu nu cânt foarte bine la pian). 2. Jack plays the piano very well. – Jack _______ play the piano very well. 3. You know the answer. – You _____________ 4. She works very hard. – She ______________ 5. They do the same thing every day. – They _______


I. Write the opposite (positive or negative) and translate into Romanian:

1. I understand. – I don’t understand. (Eu nu înteleg).

2. He doesn’t smoke. – He smokes. (El fumeaza).

3. They know. – They __________ 4. She loves him. - _____________ 5. They speak English. - _______________ 6. I don’t want it. - ______________ 7. She doesn’t want them. - ______________ 8. He lives in Rome. - __________________

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II. Complete the sentences. All of them are negative. Use: don’t/doesn’t + one of these verbs; translate the sentences into Romanian. Verbs: cost-drive-go-know-play-see-sell-smoke-wash-wear

1. Have a cigarette! No, thank you. I don’t

smoke. (Serveste o tigara! Nu multumesc. Nu fumez).

2. They _______________ newspapers in that shop. 3. She has a car, but she _______________ very often. 4. I like films but I ________ to the cinema very often. 5. He smells because he _______________ very often. 6. It’s a cheap hotel. It __________ much to stay here. 7. He likes football but he ______________very often. 8. I ________________ much about politics. 9. She is married but she __________________ a ring. 10. He lives near our house but we ____________him very often.

III. Search in the dictionary the unknown words, and then translate the following sentences into Romanian.16

1. If you are allergic you may suffer from asthma. 2. If you drink heavily, you may suffer from a

liver problem.

16 Fromont, J., Leguy, I. si Fontaine, G., 2008, Învatati engleza contemporana, Teora, Bucuresti.

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3. If you don’t wear warm clothes in cold

weather, you may suffer from a cold or a sore throat.

4. If you have a high level of cholesterol, you may suffer from a heart condition.

5. If you smoke heavily, you may suffer from lung cancer.

6. If you don’t drink enough, you may suffer from kidney trouble.

7. If you work too much and over-exercise, you may suffer from fatigue.

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Chapter 13



in/outdoor sports

- sporturi de sala/aer liber

team/individual sports

- sporturi de echipa/individuale

sports facilities

- echipamente sportive athlete, sports(wo)man

- atlet, sportiv(a)

amateur, professional

- amator, profesionist to practise a sport

- a practica un sport to exercise/do exercises

- a face exercitii sportive


- campionat final competition

- competititie finala

stadium, tour

- stadion, turneu to take place

- a avea loc the top three

- primii trei calificati

to break a record

- a bate un record changing/locker room

- vestiar coach, trainer

- antrenor warming-up

- încalzire

match, game

- meci, joc winner/loser, score

- învingator/perdant, scor

gold, silver, bronze

- aur, argint, bronz prize, medal

- premiu, medalie crowd, supporters

- multime, suporteri

cheers, applauses

- încurajari, aplauze

to overpower, to outclass

- a domina, a surclasa to score a point

- a marca, a înscrie challenge, competitor

- provocare, concurent

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- gymnastics



- handball



- swimming 12


- boxing



- skating 13


- rugby



- fencing 14


- baseball



- body building



- athletics


arte martiale

- martial arts



- cycling



- basketball 17


- diving 8


- volleyball 18


- skiing 9


- tennis 19


- sailing 10


- football 20


- jogging

Typical questions and expressions17

1. Do you go in for any kind of sports? Do you practise any sports? (Practicati vreun sport?) - During my leisure hours (spare time) I enjoy jogging or playing basketball. (În timpul liber, îmi place sa alerg sau sa joc baschet).

- I take a great interest in summer sports ant outdoor games. (Ma intereseaza foarte mult sporturile de vara si în aer liber).

17 Popp, M., 1978, Engleza vorbita. Cuvinte si expresii de uz current, Sport-turism, Bucuresti.

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2. Have you ever played volleyball? (Ai jucat vreodata volei?) - It’s a game I’m not particularly interested in. (Este un joc care nu ma prea intereseaza).

- Oh yes, I adore it! / Not a bit. I hate it. (Oh da, îmi place foarte mult! / Nu, deloc. Îmi displace.). 3. Do you happen to know who won the championship? (Stiti cumva cine a câstigat campionatul?) - I can’t remember now. (Nu-mi pot aminti acum). 4. Do you bet at horse-races? (Pariati/jucati la cursele de cai?). - No, never. But I enjoy watching gallop races. (Nu, niciodata. Dar îmi place sa privesc cursele de galop.)

5. Are you a member of any sports club? (Sunteti membru al vreunui club sportiv?) 6. Where is the stadium? What time is the kick-off? Where are our seats? (Unde este stadionul? La ce ora începe jocul? Unde se afla locurile noastre?).

7. I don’t think I’ll manage to get there in time. (Nu cred ca voi reusi acolo la timp).

8. Do they broadcast the match this evening? (Se transmite meciul din seara asta la TV?). 9. I’ll watch the match over the TV. (Voi privi meciul la TV). 10. Taxi, to the stadium! Drive like fury! (Taxi, la stadion! Cu toata viteza înainte!).

11. Are you fond of tennis? (Va pasioneaza tenisul?)

- I am crazy about tennis! (Sunt nebun dupa tenis!)

12. What team do you cheer for? (Cu ce echipa tineti?).

- The one that plays fair! (Cu cea care joaca cinstit).

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Translate the following sentences into Romanian and then give your own answers to the first questions:

1. Are you a sportswoman?

2. Do you play rugby?

3. What do you think about the Olympic

gymnastics team?

4. When did you last go to a basketball match?

5. Have you ever gone to an Olympic Games

Opening Ceremony?

6. This is the greatest stadium in our capital.

7. The most important international

championships take place here.

8. Last year several athletes from all over the

world took part at an international athletics

contest on this stadium.

9. Our football team is now on a tour through


10. People in our country are taking a great

interest in sports.

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B. The Present Continuous Tense

(Timpul Prezent Continuu)

I. Usage: 1. To describe an action which takes place at the moment of speaking; specific time expressions are used, such as: now, at the moment. Look! He's throwing the bal. (Priveste! El arunca mingea). What are you doing there? (Ce faci acolo?)

2. To describe body positions: She's standing. (Ea sta în picioare).

He's leaning against a wall. (El sta sprijinit de un perete).

3. To express a future action, foreseen or planned: They're playing with The Lakers on the 3rd of June. (Ei vor juca cu The Lakers pe 3 iunie). What are you doing next Friday? = Ce faci vinerea viitoare?

4. To express something that may occur at any time: Look! It looks like it is going to rain. (Priveste! Cerul arata de parca va începe sa ploua).

5. It is used with “always”, to express irritation, disapproval: She's always giving up when we are about to win the game. (Ea întotdeauna trebuie sa renunte fix când suntem noi pe cale sa câstigam jocul).

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I. Form:

1. The affirmative form: Subject + the auxiliary “to be” + VB-ing I'm running = Eu alerg You're running He's running We're running They're running

2. The interrogative form: inversion of the subject with the auxiliary “to be” + VB-ing: Am I running? = alerg eu? Are you running? Is he running? Is she running? Are we running? Are you running? Are they running?

3. The negative form: the auxiliary « to be » + negation « not », most often in the contracted form, but never after “am” + VB-ing: I' m not running = Eu nu alerg You aren't running He isn't running She isn't running We aren't running You aren't running They aren't running

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I. Put the verbs in the brackets in the Present Continuous Tense and then translate the sentences into Romanian. Example: Diana (play) volleyball now. - Diana is playing volleyball now. (Diana joaca volei acum).

1. Everybody (wear) blue equipment today. 2. I (run) in the park at this moment. 3. What (do) the coach in the locker room? 4. We (organize) a swimming championship this week. 5. Our trainers (plan) a special warming-up for the competition these days. 6. I (meet) with my best friend at the stadium tonight. 7. My father (watch) the football match on TV now. 8. This week, you (go) to the tennis field with your friends and colleagues. 9. At this moment, in London, it (snow). 10. My friends (ski) in the Alps this week.

II. Correct the false sentences as in the following example: Jim is playing baseball. (football) - No, Jim is not playing baseball. Jim is playing football.

1. Maria is doing some exercises at this moment. (watch TV) 2. The crowd is cheering the team now. (leave the

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stadium) 3. All my colleagues are working hard for the final skating competition these days. (walk in the park) 4. Ann is jogging now. (ride the bike) 5. The supporters are taking some photos of their favourite players (demand autographs) 6. Cyclists are drinking coffee now. (drink water) 7. The child is swimming in the pool. (sleep in his bed) 8. I am practicing martial arts now. (do body building) 9. It is raining today. (snow) 10. We are sailing to the island. (travel by plane)

III. Translate the following sentences into Romanian and then write their interrogative and negative forms. Example: I am having lunch at this moment. (Iau prânzul în acest moment). - Am I having lunch at this moment? - I am not having lunch at this moment.

1. We are playing football. 2. Mother is running in the park. 3. My brother is swimming in the pool. 4. We are kicking the ball against the wall. 5. They are skiing now. 6. My family is planning a trip to Paris these days. 7. George is sailing on the Mediterranean Sea. 8. You are watching a rugby match on TV. 9. Your sister is cycling in the Tour of France. 10. I am practising my gymnastics elements now.

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I. Translate the following sentences into English; use a dictionary for the unknown words:

1. Vreti sa mergem luna viitoare la un meci de baschet?

2. Ni s-a spus ca daca nu cumparam bilete acum, nu vom mai gasi mai târziu.

3. Daca vreti, putem merge împreuna la stadion.

4. Îmi place foarte mult sa ma uit la patinaj artistic la TV.

5. Cine a câstigat meciul aseara?

6. Unde va avea loc urmatoarea olimpiada?

7. Cine a batut recordul mondial la sarituri?

8. Ai jucat vreodata baseball?

9. Ce echipa sustii?

10. Faceti parte din vreun club sportiv?

11. Îmi place la nebunie handbalul. 12. Boxul este un sport care nu ma prea


II. Translate the following sentences into English and then write their interrogative and negative forms: Example: Tu muncesti la acoperisul casei. (You are working at the roof of the house). - Are you working at the roof of the house? - You aren’t working at the roof of the house.

1. Elevul deseneaza pe coperta cartii.

2. Noi citim aceasta carte.

3. Ea paraseste orasul Sibiu.

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4. Tom conduce o masina mare si alba.

5. Voi cumparati 2 rochii. 6. Baietii sed la masa si fetele beau cafea.

7. Elevul spune o poezie. 8. Baiatul ia penarul de pe masa.

9. Avionul aterizeaza în acest moment.

10. Mama mea plateste pentru toate produsele.

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Chapter 14



Vocabulary Board of Directors

- Consiliu de administratie


- ordine de zi financial year

- exercitiu financiar


- revizori contabili articles of association

- statutul societatii

holding company

- societate-mama

corporation, concern

- societate, întreprindere shareholder; shares

- actionar; actiuni

takeover; debenture/bond

- preluare; obligatiune

Chairman; to chair

- presedinte; a prezida one-man business

- întreprindere individuala


- societate de persoane public/limited company

- societate anonima/SRL

state-owned company; P.L.C.

- companie de stat; S.A.


- asociati

Annual General Meeting

- adunare generala

Annual Report

- raport anual Company Secretary

- secretar general minutes

- process verbal accounting department

- serviciul contabilitate Share capital

- capital social To hold a position

- a exercita o functie

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head office

- sediu social

to incorporate

- a se constitui în societate

to issue

- a emite (actiuni)

manage, run

- a conduce

to merge (with); merger

- a fuziona (cu) ; fuziune

employ, hire, take on

- a angaja

to recruit

- a recruta

the management

- directiunea, conducerea

Managing Director

-presedinte-director general

Sales Manager

- director comercial Human Resources


- director resurse umane

staff; employee

- personal ; angajat downsizing

- reducerea efectivului corporate identity

- imaginea (marca) firmei branch, subsidiary

- filiala

How a Company is Organised in U.K.18

• Remember the vocabulary above and read the following questions and answers to find out how to set up a company in U.K.

1. If our firm had a subsidiary in the United Kingdom, would that subsidiary necessarily have to offer shares or debentures to the public?

18 Brookes, M. si Horner, D., 2002, Engleza pentru afaceri, Teora, Bucuresti.

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- No. Overseas concerns which operate in the U.K. through a subsidiary do so by means of a private company. 2. What are the minimum and maximum limits of the authorised share capital of a company set up in the U.K.? - For a public company, there must be a minimum of £ 50,000 with no upper limit. For a private company there are no regulations. 3. Can this share capital be increased and must part of the capital be owned by residents of the U.K.? - Yes. Share capital may be increased by the resolution of the company in a general meeting. There is no requirement that some part of the share capital must be held by U.K. nationals. 4. What does plc mean? Is it different from Ltd? - plc means “Public Limited Company”. The term “Limited” or “Ltd” applies to a private limited company. 5. If our firm had a subsidiary in the U.K., would its director have to reveal how many shares he held in our holding company? - No. Exemption has been granted as regards notifying a company which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a company incorporated outside Great Britain. 6. Would it be possible to have a subsidiary that is an unlimited company? - No. One of the conditions for existing as an unlimited company is that at no time was the company a subsidiary of a limited company.

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7. If we were to set up a firm in the U.K. would it be necessary to hold an Annual General Meeting within the first financial year of the firm’s existence? - No. A newly-incorporated entity must hold its first meeting within 18 months of incorporation. 8. Do joint ventures with British firms pose any legal problems? - No. They are not regarded as separate entities. 9. Must a director automatically be a shareholder of a company in the U.K.? - No. There is no statutory requirement that a director must be a shareholder of the company. 10. If we set up a firm in the U.K., would we have to conform to the British system in filing our accounts? - Yes, subject to any exceptions which the Department of Trade and Industry prescribes. Accounts may have to be translated.


I. Read the dialogue above, underline the unknown words and discuss them in class.

II. Answer the following questions: 1. What is the dialogue about? 2. Who do you think is the person who asks the

questions? 3. Who do you think is the person who answers

the questions?

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4. What is the difference between plc and Ltd? 5. What is one of the conditions for existing as an

unlimited company in U.K.? 6. When must a newly-incorporated entity hold

its first Annual General Meeting? 7. Would you like to set up a company of your

own? In U.K. or in your country? 8. Do you work in a company? What position do

you hold?

III. Write a short paragraph where you describe how the Romanian companies are organised.

Then read your paragraph in class and discuss the differences and similarities with the British system.


I. Read the vocabulary at the beginning of this chapter and then chose 15 words and form sentences with them.

II. Translate the text into Romanian.

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Supplementary reading (Lectura suplimentara)

Strategies and Decisions

Bob, Sally and Patrick review the recent developments of their company, and discuss one or two points.19

Bob: Right Sally. Let’s get going. What can I get you? Sally: That’s very kind of you, just a cup of tea, please. I’m afraid I haven’t got the latest blueprint for the factory layout, it’s not quite ready. I’m sure that Patrick will be able to bring it to us during the afternoon. Bob: How would you like it? Sally: Just milk and two sugar lumps, please. Bob: Here you are. It doesn’t matter – if not, we can pick it up later. Have you got all the calculations ready? I’m afraid I can’t make the meeting with the Japanese next week. I think we should look over all your slides and make sure you have the answers to any difficult questions. Sally: Oh no! I’m really sorry but I’ve split my tea all over in your in-tray. Bob: Don’t worry, it can happen to anyone.

19 Murdoch-Stern, S., 2008, Engleza pentru vizite de afaceri si relatii sociale. Ghid practic, Teora, Bucuresti.

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Sally: Now, I need some advice. What do you think I should say if they ask about reducing our purchase prices? You know that most of our suppliers have increased their prices, so it’s difficult for the purchasing team to bring the prices down. Bob: If I were you, I would talk to them about the buying programme with our subsidiary – that should bring prices down a little. Sally: Yes, of course. The again, what’s the best way to justify the increase in overheads? They’re not going to like that either! Bob: I think you should point out that we are increasing production. Even if there is a slight increase in overheads, it will be compensated by the high increase in production – so the costs should be covered. Sally: Right. Patrick: Excuse me. I’m sorry I’m late but we had problems with the printer. Here is the new factory layout. Bob: It’s alright. Thank you. These are very clear. Now we would seem to have everything we need to make our presentation. Do you have any other questions Sally? Sally: One or two. Could I ask if the project we are going to discuss next week is public knowledge, or do the workers know nothing about it now? Bob: Good question. For now, I think we should keep things under wraps, at least until things are decided. Sally: Would you mind my asking what effect all these changes might have on the job situation?

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Bob: I’d rather not say for the time being. That’s a problem we’ll have to tackle once we’ve got the practical side of things sorted. […]

• After reading this text, think about what positions these three persons hold in that company. Who are they?

• Imagine an ending of their dialogue.

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Chapters 8 to 14

I. Translate the following words into English: 1 rata dobânzii 11 concediu de odihna

2 valuta

12 împrumut bancar

3 sosire 13 antrenor 4 escala

14 a surclasa 5 semafor 15 zbor 6 ambuteiaj 16 intersectie

7 a difuza 17 cazare 8 a se abona 18 a fuziona 9 strain

19 reducerea efectivului 10

radiografie 20 companie de stat 2 pts.

II. Translate the following questions and phrases into English:

1. Doresc sa încasez acest cec de calatorie. Este platibil la vedere

2. Unde este casa de schimb valutar? 3. Completati acest formular si prezentati

cartea de identitate, va rog.

4. Trebuie sa va înregistrati cu 60 de minute înainte de plecarea avionului.

5. Aveti vreun obiect de declarat?.

6. Unde va fi vagonul pe peronul respectiv? 7. Pot sa vad permisul dvs. de conducere?

8. Daca lasati masina în alta parte, trebuie sa platiti o taxa suplimentara.

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9. Nu treceti pe rosu la semafor.

10. Opreste televizorul. Nu-l suport pe acest

stirist. 11. Nu-mi plac pauzele publicitare lungi. 12. Ati mai avut si alte simptome?

13. Urmeaza sa va scriu o reteta: luati câte o

pastila din acestea, de doua ori pe zi

14. Ma doare rau capul. 15. Practicati vreun sport?

16. Golful este un joc care nu ma prea intereseaza.

17. Ce dobânda platiti?

18. Nu este stipulat ca un director sa fie actionar al unei companii.

19. Capitalul social poate fi marit printr-o hotarâre a companiei în cadrul adunarii generale.

20. Domnul MacKay a fost numit director al departamentului de resurse umane.

4 pts.

III. Write an imaginary dialogue of maximum 10 lines (questions and answers). Choose one of the following situations:

1. You are the general director of a company and discuss some problems with your partners during a business meeting.

2. You go to a bank and demand for information about how to open a current account and deposit your savings.

3. Book a plane ticket for a business trip. 3 pts

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Ashley, A., 1991, A Handbook of Commercial Correspondence, University Press, Oxford. Bantas, A. si Nastasescu, V., 1999, Dictionar economic roman-englez, Editura Niculescu, Bucuresti. Beare, K., 1997, Reading Comprehension for Beginners - My Friend Peter, Guide to ESL, Brookes, M., Holden, D. si Hutchinson, W., 2003, Engleza pentru juristi, Teora, Bucuresti. Brookes, M. si Horner, D., 2002, Engleza pentru afaceri, Teora, Bucuresti. Chiriacescu, A., Muresan, L., Barghiel, V. si Hollinger, A., 2006, Corespondenta de afaceri în limbile româna si engleza, Teora, Bucuresti. Chiriacescu, A., 2003, Language Study and Practice (The Noun and Determiners), Teora, Bucuresti. Fromont, J., Leguy, I. si Fontaine, G., 2008, Învatati engleza contemporana, Teora, Bucuresti. Internet Article, Consumption, Wikipedia, Internet Article, Mass Media, Wikipedia, Internet Article, Protect the Environment: At Home and in the Garden, James, D., 1998, Letter Writing Skills, Teach Yourself Books, London. Levitchi, L. Si Dutescu, D., 1965, Învatati limba engleza fara profesor, Editura Stiintifica, Bucuresti.

Mackin, R., si Eastwood, J., 1988, A Basic English Grammar with Exercises, Oxford University Press, Oxford. McCarthy, M. si O’Dell, F., 1999, English Vocabulary in Use. Elementary, University Press, Cambridge.

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Murdoch-Stern, S., 2007, Engleza pentru calatoriile de afaceri. Ghid practic, Teora, Bucuresti. Murdoch-Stern, S., 2008, Engleza pentru vizite de afaceri si relatii sociale. Ghid practic, Teora, Bucuresti. Murphy, R., 1990, Essential Grammar in Use, University Press, Cambridge. Pawlowska, B. si Kempinski, Z., 2004, Teste de limba engleza, Teora, Bucuresti. Popp, M., 1978, Engleza vorbita. Cuvinte si expresii de uz current, Sport-turism, Bucuresti. Redman, S., 1997, English Vocabulary in Use. Pre-intermediate-Intermediate, University Press, Cambridge. Sargeant, H., 2007, Basic English Grammar for English Language Learners, Saddleback Educational Publishing, Singapore. Tabacaru, O., 1999, Dictionar de expresii idiomatice al limbii engleze, Editura Niculescu, Bucuresti. Vladimir, H. si Calciu, R., 2003, Dictionar juridic român-englez, englez-român, Lumina Lex, Bucuresti. Voroniuc, A., 1999, Dictionar englez-român de termeni economici si juridici, Institutul European, Iasi.