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Page 1: Lights of the Holy Quran · فَبِاَيِّ۲ gالرَّيْحَا وَ الْعَصْفِ ذُو الْحَبُّ وَ۱ مالْاَكْمَا ذَاتُ النَّخْلُ
Page 2: Lights of the Holy Quran · فَبِاَيِّ۲ gالرَّيْحَا وَ الْعَصْفِ ذُو الْحَبُّ وَ۱ مالْاَكْمَا ذَاتُ النَّخْلُ

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Monotheism: Part 2-12- Creation of all creatures (For More Files Please Visit) {} Page 1

Your Lord creates what He wills.

We made every living being out of water.

Allah is the Creator & Guardian of everything; He knows all.

۰۰۶۲و وه ىلع لك ءيش ليكو ١هللا قلاخ لك ءيش } 26 { 93 - سورة الزمر

Allah is the Creator of everything; He is the Guardian over everything. ۰۰۳۱۔۔۔ ١ وه۔۔۔ و ام ملعي دونج كبر الا } 93 { 47 -سورة املدثر

And none knows the armies of your Lord but He.

۰۰۵۵۔۔۔ ١و كبر ملعا نمب يف تومسلا و ضرالا } 55 { 34 - سورة اإلسراء

Your Lord knows all who dwell in the heavens and the earth.

۰۰۶۸ م قلخ ام ۔ ءاش ۔۔۔و كبر } 22 { 62 - سورة القصص

Your Lord creates what He wills.

۰۰۸نوملعت ال ام م قلخ و۔۔۔ } 2 { 32 - سورة النحل

And He creates many things (for you) that you do not even know about.

} 93 { 63 - سورة األنبياء و انلعج نم ءاملا لك ١اورفك نا تومسلا و ضرالا اتناك اقتر امهنقتففوا مل ري نيذلا

۰۰۳۰الفا نونمؤي ١ءيش يحDid the unbelievers (who do not accept the teaching of the Prophet) not realize that the heavens and the earth were joined together as one united piece, then We tore them apart, and We made every living being out of water? Will they, then, not believe?

Page 3: Lights of the Holy Quran · فَبِاَيِّ۲ gالرَّيْحَا وَ الْعَصْفِ ذُو الْحَبُّ وَ۱ مالْاَكْمَا ذَاتُ النَّخْلُ

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Monotheism: Part 2-12- Creation of all creatures (For More Files Please Visit) {} Page 2

He made pairs to multiply the generations.

} 75 { 67 -سورة النور

١و مهنم نم يشمي ىلع نيلجر ١مهنمف نم يشمي ىلع هنطب ١و هللا قلخ لك ةباد نم ءام

۰۰۴۵نا هللا ىلع لك ءيش ريدق ١م قلخ هللا ام ۔ ءاش ١و مهنم نم يشمي ىلع عبراAnd Allah created every creature from a sort of water: of them some one crawls upon its belly: another walks on two legs and still another on four; Allah creates whatever He wills for He has power over everything.

} 33 {76- سورة الشورىسيل هلثمك ١مكؤرذي هيف ١ اجاوزالعج مكل نم مكسفنا اجاوزا و نم ماعنالا ١رطاف تومسلا و ضرالا

۰۰۱۱و وه عيمسلا ريصبلا ١ءيش

The Originator of the heavens and the earth, He has made for you pairs of your own kind, and pairs also of cattle. Thus does He multiply you. Nothing in the universe is like Him. He is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

} 92 { 92 - سورة يس ۰۰۳۶نحبس يذلا قلخ جاوزالا اهلك امم تبنت ضرالا و نم مهسفنا و امم ال نوملعي

Holy is He Who created all things in pairs, whether it be of what the earth grows, and of themselves, and of what they do not know.

Page 4: Lights of the Holy Quran · فَبِاَيِّ۲ gالرَّيْحَا وَ الْعَصْفِ ذُو الْحَبُّ وَ۱ مالْاَكْمَا ذَاتُ النَّخْلُ

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Monotheism: Part 2-12- Creation of all creatures (For More Files Please Visit) {} Page 3

And of His Signs are the living creatures.

And He has set up the earth for all beings.

} 39 - 33 { 55 - سورة الرمحن

يابف ۰۰۱۲احيرلان و بحلا وذ فصعلا و ۰۰۱۱و لخنلا تاذ امكالام ١اهيف ةهكاف ۰۰۱۰و ضرالا و اهعض اناللم

۰۰۱۳ءالا امكبر نبذكت

And He has set up the earth for all beings. Therein are fruit and palm-trees with their dates in sheaths, and a variety of corn with both husk and grain. Which of the bounties of your Lord will you both – you men and jinn – then deny?

} 63 {76 - سورة الشورى ۰۰۲۹و وه ىلع مهعمج اذا ۔ ءاش ريدق ١و نم هتيا قلخ تومسلا و ضرالا و ام ثب امهيف نم ةباد

And of His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and the living creatures that He has spread out in them. He has the power to bring them together when He so wills.

} 325 { 4 - سورة األعراف

برتقا دق نوكي نا ىسع نا و ١ءيش نم هللا قلخ ام و ضرالا و تومسلا توكلم يف اورظني مل وا

۰۰۱۸۵نونمؤي هدعب ثيدح يابف ١مهلجا

Have they not observed the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, and all that Allah has created and that their term of life might have drawn near? After this warning from the Prophet, what can it be that will make them believe?

Page 5: Lights of the Holy Quran · فَبِاَيِّ۲ gالرَّيْحَا وَ الْعَصْفِ ذُو الْحَبُّ وَ۱ مالْاَكْمَا ذَاتُ النَّخْلُ

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Monotheism: Part 2-12- Creation of all creatures (For More Files Please Visit) {} Page 4

There is not a single moving creature on the earth but

Allah is responsible for providing its sustenance.

} 39 { 32 - سورة النحل

۰۰۱۳نا يف كلذ ةيال موقل نوركذي ١و ام ارذ مكل يف ضرالا افلتخم هناولا

And there are also Signs for those who take heed in the numerous things of various colours that He has created for you on earth.

} 2 { 33 - سورة يونس

۰۰۶نوقتي موقل تيال ضرالا و تومسلا يف هللا قلخ ام و راهنلا و ليلا فالتخا يف نا

Surely in the alternation of the night and the day and in all that Allah has created in the heavens and the earth there are signs for the people who seek to avoid (error of outlook and conduct).

وما من دآبة ف األرض إل عل اهلل رزقها

} 2 { 33 - هود سورة ۰۰۶لك يف بتك نيبم ١و ام نم ةباد يف ضرالا الا ىلع هللا اهقزر و ملعي اهرقتسم و اهعدوتسم

There is not a single moving creature on the earth but Allah is responsible for providing its sustenance. He knows its dwelling place and its depository. All this is recorded in a clear Book.

} 23 { 63 - سورة العنكبوت ۰۰۶۰و وه عيمسلا ميلعلا ١هللا اهقزري و مكايا ١و نياك نم ةباد ال لمحت اهقزر

How many are the creatures that do not carry their own sustenance. Allah provides sustenance to them and to you. He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

Page 6: Lights of the Holy Quran · فَبِاَيِّ۲ gالرَّيْحَا وَ الْعَصْفِ ذُو الْحَبُّ وَ۱ مالْاَكْمَا ذَاتُ النَّخْلُ

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Monotheism: Part 2-12- Creation of all creatures (For More Files Please Visit) {} Page 5

O people, a parable is set forth: pay heed to it …

All living creatures and all angels in the heavens and on the

earth are in prostration before Allah.

} 63 - 33 { 35 -سورة احلجرو انلعج مكل اهيف ۰۰۱۹نم لك ءيش نوزوم و ضرالا اهنددم و انيقلا اهيف يساور و انتبنا اهيف

۰۰۲۱و ام هلزنن الا ردقب مولعم ١و نا نم ءيش الا اندنع هنىازخ ۰۰۲۰شياعم و نم متسل هل نيقزربAs for the earth, We have stretched it out and have cast on it firm mountains, and have caused to grow in it everything well-measured. And We have provided sustenance for you on it and also for those of whom you are not the providers. There is nothing except that its treasuries are with Us and We do not send it down except in a known measure.

} 73 - 72 { 32 - سورة النحل

دجسي هلل و ۰۰۴۸نورخد مه و هلل ادجس لىامشلا و نيميلا نع هللظ اؤيفتي ءيش نم هللا قلخ ام ىلا اوري مل وا

۰۰۴۹وربكتسين ال مه و ةكىلملا و ةباد نم ضرالا يف ام و تومسلا يف ام

Do the people not see how the objects Allah has created cast their shadows right and left, prostrating themselves in utter submission to Allah? All living creatures and all angels in the heavens and on the earth are in prostration before Allah; and never do they behave in arrogant defiance. (Prostration)

} 47 - 49 { 66 - سورة احلج ول و ابابذ اوقلخي نل هللا نود نم نوعدت نيذلا نا ١هل اوعمتساف لثم برض سانلا اهياي

۰۰۷۳بولطملا و بلاطلا فعض ١هنم هوذقنتسين ال اـيش بابذلا مهبلسي نا و ١هل اوعمتجا

۰۰۷۴زيزع يوقل هللا نا ١هردق قح هللا اوردق ام

Page 7: Lights of the Holy Quran · فَبِاَيِّ۲ gالرَّيْحَا وَ الْعَصْفِ ذُو الْحَبُّ وَ۱ مالْاَكْمَا ذَاتُ النَّخْلُ

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Monotheism: Part 2-12- Creation of all creatures (For More Files Please Visit) {} Page 6

Thus Most Blessed is Allah, the Best of all those that create.

O people, a parable is set forth: pay heed to it. Those whom you call upon besides Allah cannot create even a fly, even if all of them come together to do that. And if the fly were to snatch away anything from them, they would not be able to recover that from it. Powerless is the supplicant; and powerless is he to whom he supplicates. They have not formed a true estimate of Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Powerful, All-Mighty.

۰۰۱۴هللا نسحا يقلخلان ۔۔۔ كربتف } 37 { 69 -سورة املؤمنون

Thus Most Blessed is Allah, the Best of all those that create.

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