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Life Lessons given by Hall High Baccalaureate Speaker Mr. Carlos Buie

on May 18, 2014 for the Graduating Class of 2014!

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Life Lessons – Mr. Carlos Buie - Baccalaureate Speaker atHall High School on May 18, 2014

Ms. Rhodes Web Design classJournal Writing Assignment using Gaggle Blog

May 19 and 20, 2014

Directions given to students: Log into your account, click on Blog and select “New Post”. Read the “Life Lessons” which were given to our seniors at the Baccalaureate Program by our Speaker, Mr. Buie. Select one or more “Life Lessons” and write two or more paragraphs. Share in your writing, why you selected that “Life Lesson”. Spell check your blog before posting your blog entry. Note: To see a list of “Life Lessons”, see Page 31.

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Mr. Carlos Buie Baccalaureate speech, May 18th- Life lessons Posted on 5/19/14, 3:25 PM CDT by ARONTAE M SMITH The baccalaureate was a successful event. Those who contributed in organizing the eventdid an amazing job. One area of the program that stood out was the speech done by Mr. Carlos  Buie.  Mr. Buie speech was founded upon inspiration and motivation. His intent was to leave a lasting impression on the graduating class of 2014 as they prepared for a new chapter in their life.  Mr. Buie accomplished just what he set out to do by implementing life lessons into his speech.   One of Mr. Carlos Buie's points of emphasis was "Always put business before pleasure".As the seniors transition into college this is an imperative lesson to take with them. College is often said to be the most enjoyable days of your life. The connotations that are associated with colleges are parties, fraternities, and frequent campus activities. Because you’re exposed to so much fun in college it is very important to remember “Always put your business before pleasure."  This lesson speaks to me and other people planning to go to college. This lesson reminds you that even in the mist of having fun you having to remain focus on getting an education.                Another key lesson in his speech was "Motivation is a fire within each of [us]".  This life lesson talks about the burning desire in your body that propels us to succeed. I love this life lesson. I choose it because I began to realize that the motivation in me really exists.  We as people often look for others to help us stay focus. Someone always has to say words of encouragement to us, such as "you can do it"and "Keep going".  Mr. Buie reassures us that we possess the power in our own mind and body to will ourselves to success. I personally believe in myself and self-motivation is how I have dealt with situations in which I felt like giving up.                   The lesson in Mr. Carlos Buie speech that I find the most important is "Don't surround yourselves with people who will pull you down, surround yourselves with people who will build you up.”  There are two parts to this lesson, that are each equally important.  The first part of the lesson is to not have people in your inner circle that will hold you back from accomplishing your goals. These people are hard to let go because they are a lot of fun. They distract you, and temp you with things you enjoy to do, instead of dong what’s best for you.  After eliminating people that will bring you down, the second part of the lesson is to surround yourself with people that will build you up. Finding people who fit the criteria of part two is difficult. There are so few people who want to see you succeed and have your best interest at heart. If you can find these people, keep them in your corner.  

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Baccalaureate Program Speaker Mr. Buie Posted by DONTARIAN K HALL         At the Baccalaureate Program on last Sunday evening, there was one of the most profound speakers that I have ever heard in encouraging and motivating youth graduates.  Within Mr. Buie's life lesson speech, he spoke on staying focused on your goals, developing a support team, and that we all have gifts.          One life lesson Mr. Buie spoke on was staying focused on your goals.  I believe he chose this topic to remind the youth and others to let nothing get in their way in accomplishing the goals they have planned for your life.  In previous years and still now, teens tend to "loose track" of what they really need to be focused on at their age.  Some let their guards down and do inappropriate things. But the only possible reason they would do that is because they think their grown and that they can do whatever they please.             Another life lesson Mr. Buie aforementioned was to develop a support team. When he said that, I immediately thought of my family.  That's the only actual support team I've established in my life, because friends, some will turn their back on you, they may move to different states, and it can be a rarity that they will ever be contacted ever again in your life.  But when you have family, they're there no matter what may happen.  Deaths in families, people would always come together to support the descendants or other relatives that may Posted by DONTARIAN K HALL

Posted by DONTARIAN K HALL con’t

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have been connected to the one that had died.  Majority of those people, they're certain to be family, and they're there to support each other, all because of love for each other.          One last life lesson Mr. Buie informed us on was that we all have gifts. Throughout my life, I had an urge to search for my own gift because everyone else that I grew up with had already found theirs and I felt as if I was the only one who had no gift.  Then, my family came together to celebrate another year of my grandfather's birth.  One of my aunts are very well-known when it comes to playing the organ and the piano.  So we were at one of my families churches, and I asked her, "Auntie, at school, all the kids I know have gifts that I have no idea how to do, and I can't find my gift."  So my aunt and I went to the piano, she played the E flat scale, and told me to sing the note that she played.  When we finished, she said,"I believe we've found your gift, hun!!"  From that day on, I've been singing for maybe 12 years now, and I've enjoyed every bit of it. Because of this gift God has blessed me with; He's blessed me even more by sending me to one of the most greatest programs in Arkansas to better enhance and inform me on this gift so I can keep lifting up the lives that surround me.      

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Real Responsibility (Baccalaureate by Mr. Carlos Buie) May 18, 2014 Posted on 5/19/14, 1:49 PM CDT by MAKAYLA E HUDSON                   Wow, real responsibility really starts when you get in high school. Once you get in high school you can't play around like you did when you were in middle school because now you have credits. You have to have a certain amount of credits before you go to the next grade and a certain amount before you graduate.  High school can either be easy or hard it just depends on how seriously you take it. If you the type who comes to class with no materials then you’re not going to do so well in high school.  But if you come to class ready to learn with your own materials then you will do very well.                   The reason I picked this particular topic is because, I look at it when I was in middle school and all the people I knew and I look at them now and see where they are in life and they're either in jail, pregnant, or dead because of the decisions that they made. Most of the time, I feel sorry for them but another part of me says it was their decision and now they have to pay for it. It’s so many teenagers these days that will not go to high school because of their decisions. That's why this particular topic is very important to me because I have so much to talk about to other kids that are younger to me because I don't want them making the same mistake those us teenagers will make, because they're following us when they grow up. 

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Life Lessons: Baccalaureate May 18, 2014/ Mr. Carlos Buie Posted on 5/19/14, 2:49 PM CDT by JORDAN R ALLEN

"Promise yourself that you will never give up even though you may fail". This quote, single handedly, is a life rule. It is a building block in life. You should promise yourself to not give up, no matter what. Failing is just a way of life; believe it or not. You should want to fail in some occasions, so you’ll know better for the next time you try. Essentially, giving up is so much worse than failing. When you give up, you're telling yourself that you're not capable of finishing. You would be depriving yourself of having that accomplished feeling. You're your own worst enemy.

You never know what your next step in life will be. You don't know if you'll have it easy or not. I picked this quote because it speaks to me. It makes me realize that I have the ability to mold my life into what I want it to be. I will be knocked down a few times that will happen. Though, it is my choice of whether or not I choose to get back up. Failure is not an option; it is an excuse; and a terrible one at that. Look at it this way, how will you know that you have it in you to take the heat, if you don’t allow yourself to get burned.

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Promise Yourself that You Will Never Give Up Even Though You May Fail Posted on 5/20/14, 10:19 AM CDT by AYJAH B ROGERS Dear Mr. Buie,      I tell myself this just about every day; because that's the only way I won’t give up. When I fail that's always a sign that I am even closer to making it. I believe that if you try to do something over and over you're going to do it right sooner or later. If you do something once and do it right the first time there was no work put forth.       When I try to do something I like to fail because then I know that it’s something that I have to work toward. Life is hard and the real world is even harder, when you get through life doing things the easy way when something comes up hard it’s going to be even harder for you. Like when I rode my bike with training wheels for the first time I dint think I could do it. But every time I scratched my knee I knew that I was getting better. Then I got to ride my bike with the big kids, and go just as fast as them. Now I have to prepare myself for the failures of the road and driving. But for each time that I put my turn signal on too late, or turn left instead of right, I’ll be one failure closer to getting my driver’s license.  

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We All Have Gifts Posted on 5/20/14, 10:02 AM CDT by AYJAH B ROGERS

     Mr. Buie said that We All Have Gifts, during the baccalaureate on Sunday. Many people like to say I don't have a gift or I don't have a talent. But God gave everyone a talent that he wants us to use. Gifts are something special that you can’t ever give up, or not have, or that can be taken away from you. A gift is irreplaceable.

        When you find your gift you're supposed to use it because God gave it to you for a reason. Sure you may have the same gift as someone else, but no two gifts are alike. A gift is one of a kind, even if you and your friend can both do nails neither one of your techniques will be the same. Like when Alicia Keys sings you hear a lot of harmonies. But when John Legend sings you hear more masculine tones. They are both great singers but you hear and feel their music in two different ways.

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Life Lessons-Mr. Carlos Buie- May 18th, 2014 Posted on 5/20/14, 9:35 AM CDT by DIAMONIQUE M MITCHELL -Promise yourself that you will never give up even though you may fail.          Life is full of hardships. Everyone will have trouble with a goal or completely fail at what they want to succeed at. Life is too short to sit and mope about why you didn't succeed. When you fail, that is another step you have built onto the ladder of success. That is your chance to go back and see what you did wrong and come back ten times stronger.            You can't allow someone or something to keep you thinking that you can't succeed. Just because you failed the first time, doesn't mean that you can't do it at all.  Don't think about it as failing. Think about it like you just found a way NOT to do something to help somebody else. Giving up isn't an option. All you can do is keep moving forward.  BONUS (Diamon Mitchell) -You must know that you have something no one can take from you           No one can take away your knowledge. No one can take away your pride. No one can take away your ability to strive in what you want to do. There will always be somebody trying to knock you down and hope you fail at what you need to do. You can't let that get to you. You have to use that negativity to push you forward.

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 Diamon Mitchell – con’t          Work hard. You have nothing to prove to anybody.  It doesn't matter what anybody says. Be confident.  -I need you to succeed- I need you to overcome all obstacles           I've been through so much over the past few years. I turn 17 on July 8th, but it feels like I'm aging another decade. I've been forced in situations no child should ever be put through. I've been forced to grow up too fast. I understand more than what most adults do.  It's hard to be so young and be able to see how messed up this world can be.  I didn't have a childhood. I don't know what it's like to not have a care in the world. I'm jealous of people who have had that.                    I want to yell. I want to complain. But I can't. I have no time I can waste on what has already happened. God puts His strongest soldiers through the toughest battles because He KNOWS they can overcome it. I have been able to go through every obstacle that has been thrown at me, and I haven't given up. I can't. I have people depending on me. I want people to look up to me. I want to show everybody that no matter how hard things get or what has happened to you, you can be whoever you want to be because you DESERVE true happiness. I think that's all anybody wants. To be happy is one of greatest goals to ever reach.  


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Life Lessons Baccalaureate on Sunday evening - May 18th Posted on 5/20/14, 9:29 AM CDT by ZAKIRRA D FOSTER

Dear Mr. Carlos Buie,

From your “Life Lessons”, Ms. Rhodes said you did a great job at the Baccalaureate on Sunday evening for Hall High Seniors.  You have a couple of tips that I love, but the main two that caught my attention is "Don't surround yourselves with people who will pull you down.  Surround yourselves" and "Motivation is a fire within each of you".

"Don't surround yourselves with people who will pull you down.  Surround yourselves."  Why be around people that let you down all the time?  Be around people that motivate you to do better.  People that will be an inspiration on your life.  You should like to be around positive people ALL THE TIME!

"Motivation is a fire within each of you." Everybody needs to motivate themselves.  Long as you motivate yourself you could get farther in life.  All you got to have is hope and faith in yourself.

Next year will be my year; hopefully I'll have you as a speaker. You have some good encouragement words.

Love,Zakirra F.

Life Lessons, Mr. Carlos Buie,

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Posted on 5/20/14, 9:38 AM CDT by TERREE C BEDFORD

Motivation is a Fire within You   Motivation Is The Key To It All. I Decided To Talk Upon This Topic Because It Is So True. Motivation Is The Strength To Strive, Push Forward, and GO FURTHER. When I'm At School on Those Type of Days Where I Wish I Was Graduating, I Just Tell Myself to hold on and Keep Pushing Forward. You Will Have Some Times In Life And Stubble Upon Some Substances That's Can Make You Want Stay Down When They Knock You Down , But You're Better Than That , If You Keep Telling Yourself You Can’t Do It, Your Brain Will Think The Same,  So It'll Send Out A Signals Telling Your Body To Give Up When You Can Keep Going. Can’t anybody bring you down but you?  Your One Of Gods Soldiers, Pain Will Occur, Your Mission Is To Ignore It Words Will Never Hurt You; Unless You Let Them Words Influence You And Create An Action That Will Only Cause A Discipline Action Back Towards You. Trust me it’s not worth It. One Mistake Can Mess Up Your Whole Life But Still Even Then When You’re Down And Out And Want To Give Up, Have Faith. Hold On. Just Stay Strong Through It All Because You Gone See Plenty Of Better Days To Come. For Every Bad Day there’s going to Be a Good Day, You Just Gotta Over Come Whatever Being A Bother To You. Such As A Fear, If You Can’t Move On Because Of Your Fear. Grow Bigger Then It, Step On It And Keep Moving. Motivation Is Within You So Why Care About What People See Outside You? Focus From Within And Release Out!                                                                                                                       

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Life Lessons Mr. Carlos Buie-Baccalaureate May 18th Posted on 5/20/14, 9:23 AM CDT by NAKYLA A SHELTON

 Mr. Carlos Buie once said, "Promise yourself that you will never give up even though you may fail."  This life lesson quote is very inspirational because it tells

you its okay to fail as long as you never give up.  You can never give up on yourself no matter what happens.  Failure is a part of life that everyone

experiences, its part of what makes you human.  If you've never failed at anything, you don't have a purpose in life.

Sometimes things get hard and we feel like giving up but, Mr. Buie gives us those words of encouragement to inform us that it is okay to fail.  No one was

made to be perfect, even the nicest pair of shoes has small imperfections in them.  It’s okay to want to give up, but it’s never okay to give up.  How can you be successful without ever failing? You can't, but you can succeed by learning

from you failure. When you fall, pick yourself up, put on a band-aid, and continue forward on your path to success.

 "I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed."

-Michael Jordan 

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Real Responsibility – Charisse Elijah 

Every day you have responsibility that you have to do. Responsibility is the biggest key in life.  I have 3 responsibilities every day.  My three responsibilities are to stay out in school, clean up, and stay out of trouble. I do that because I have a younger sister and brother looked up at me. As long as I know what to do they will to. For me, I think my responsibility is to put other before me.  I think before do something and that right thing to do. Responsibility plays a big role in everyone's life. Thank you Mr. Carlo Buie for these life lessons at Baccalaureate.  

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 Life Lessons Posted on 5/20/14, 9:16 AM CDT by ROBERT N MORGAN Dear Mr. Buie, I was really enlightened by the life lessons you introduced to all the seniors. Especially the one about how motivation is a fire in all of us. All of us have the potential to do anything. We just lack the motivation to accomplish these goals. In all of us, when we are properly motivated, can accomplish what we are seeking with hard work.   Motivation isn't a fire in all of us at first. Rather, it is something that has to be brought out of us, whether if we get a reward for our efforts, or simply the reward is from the result of the hard work we put in the first place. Something like getting good grades for example. We can be motivated by our parents like new clothes or games to try order, or to lose certain privileges if we fail. Or simply in college, we work hard to achieve the necessary grades we need to ace the field we wish to study in. Whether our goal is long term or short term, motivation is always there. We just have to push ourselves or get someone else to give us the necessary push we need to truly bring out our inner motivation. So, I get what you are trying to teach us and all we have to do is bring out the motivation that we all have and need. 

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Promise yourself that you will never give up even though you may fail Posted on 5/19/14, 2:50 PM CDT by ONTARIO J WEST  Dear Mr. Buie You gave some wonderful advice to the seniors at the Baccalaureate. The first advice you gave to the seniors is what really caught my attention. Everyone will experience a fall in life. Not everyone will get back up and dust themselves off. You gave the seniors a chance for advising them that it will be a time when they'll fall and they need to promise themselves to get back up. I made myself that same promise. I tend to struggle a lot and everyday that glass mirror get tougher to watch. Once you fail, it will only make you stronger. You’ll become more experience in life and give others a head's up. Thank you for letting the class of 2014 has your advice and tips of life.

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Mr. Carlos Buie Posted on 5/19/14, 2:52 PM CDT by MICHAEL WILLIAMS

                                                  Mr. Carlos Buie's Baccalaureate Speech

     One of Mr. Carlos Buie's tips that I could use was (Don't surround yourselves with people who will pull you down.  Surround yourselves with people who will build you up.  I chose this prompt because it is true; when you surround yourself around people that pull you down you will end up in a bad situation.  I agree with this prompt also because, I use to be around people that pulled me down but I changed my life around and the people I communicate with.  When you are around people like this, they influence you to do things that are not right and could get you into serious trouble.  Now in life I try to surround myself with positive influences building me up and staying on the right track to get on with my life.

     While I'm at home, I have certain people that I am around when I go do things like playing basketball at the park.  People in my neighborhood could be a bad choice to be around because they could stop you from succeeding at things and could pull you down from being a good person.  I try to build myself up and stay away from people that pull me down.  People these days don’t understand that the people you communicate with or be around can affect you and how your future will turn out to be.

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Life lessons Baccalaureate- May 18th Posted on 5/19/14, 3:20 PM CDT by JOVETTE NAPIER

Mr. Buie We all have gifts in us by Mr. Buie. This “Life Lesson” speaks to me because we all have a special qualities, talents, and skills in us that might change the world. It really raises our self-esteem make us not so feel useless. We weren't born on this world to be here, we all have a reason to be here and we just need to try harder to find our special gift. You might

like the gift that you found and might help Hundreds of people or something.

Don't surround yourself with people that bring you down, instead surround yourself with people that support you. This “Life Lesson” speaks to me because they will be people

that won't be on your side or help with problem. This is why people have family and friends to be there when you need them the most. When people keep bringing you

down, it feels like you can't do anything and your life means nothing but they are people who would bring you up and won't let you think that way. So, stop doubting yourself and

shrug off the worries and be with the right people.

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Life Lessons Baccalaureate May 18, 2014 Posted on 5/19/14, 2:58 PM CDT by EUGENIA A JOHNSON

  Dear Mr. Carlos Buie,  

              I feel like you did a good job at the Baccalaureate last night. I'm not a senior yet, but all of these quotes that you said last night help me out a lot. I really like "Keep pushing and focus on your goals”, and I like "Don't surround yourselves with people who will pull you down. Surround yourselves with people who will build you up."  Keep pushing and focus on your goals helps a lot. Because when things get's hard sometimes, I just want to quit and give up. But I feel it’s only right to keep pushing for my goals and to not give up if I want to do well in life. So for me seeing this on this paper means a lot to know that I have been doing the right thing the right way.           "Don't surround yourselves with people who will pull you down. Surround yourselves with people who build you up." I really like this because it’s good to surround yourself with positive people who will help you become something in life. Surrounding yourself with negative people will only bring you down. I keep this with me to know that being around negative people who I feel will pull me down I need to let go and to stick around with the positive people.                All and all, every one of these quotes is true and will take many a long way just like myself. I hope next year we have a good speaker like you.  

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Life Lesson Baccalaureate May 18th Posted on 5/19/14, 2:58 PM CDT by DIANESHIA D BROOKS Dear Mr.Carlos Buie, My Life lesson I selected is stay focus on your goals. Because, in life, goals are important in life; it take you to make them come true. Also, we all have gifts in life and it take a lot of hard work which means not giving up and keep pushing yourself everyday to work hard no matter what life throws at you. I need you to succeed, I need you to overcome all obstacles - I love to hear people tell me and other that because it make me more supportive with my goal and myself make me remember I can do anything I put my mind. Having real Responsibility Is also important; I feel you need to have that all your life no matter what it is all these quotes we were giving are encouraging and supporting to us at this age because we all needs to be pushed to do thing; our generation is like if you don't push them to do some they not gone push they self to do it. Thanks for sharing these wonderful “Life Lessons” with us.

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Mr. Carlos Buie tips to life Posted on 5/19/14, 3:03 PM CDT by JVON J BRYLES                   A tip that really stood out that was given by Mr. Carlos Buie was "Stay focus on your goals". I think he meant to say if you want to be successful you must focus on goals, at school, and also in life. To focus means to concentrate. Things that won’t help you in life should be put aside. Tune them out, try to stay focused on your main job, which is being successful in life. Some people have a hard time blocking out unnecessary things in life.                   Another “Life Lesson” that Mr. Carlos Buie said that, I appreciated was "Promise yourself that you will never give up, even though you may fail". This quote says a lot. I think what he meant by this quote is even though you have failed, fine another way that will succeed. As Thomas Edison once said, "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won’t work". Both of these quotes basically have the same meaning. You should keep pushing forward, even if you keep failing, there’s always another solution. 

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We all have gifts Posted on 5/19/14, 2:06 PM CDT by LADERRICK P CONLEY We all have gifts -- I wasn't able to attend the baccalaureate last night to here the speaker talk about these various subjects and to learn his or her outlook on these subjects but to be the fraze we all have gifts says even if they are not discovered yet doesn't mean there's none at all. So many people stop believing that they have special gifts because they are told that they have none or from lack of proof from where they live or the people they are around. The fraze we all have gifts can mean a lot of things like someone can have the gift of gab or someone could be born a natural debater and they go into politics or become a lawyer. Someone might have the amazing gift to create nice things out of wood or clay material.

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Baccalaureate - Mr.Buie!! Posted on 5/19/14, 1:29 PM CDT by TAYLOR M. JONES        ”Never Quit - What will make you lose drive “Mr. Carlos .Buie This quote was the one that really stood out the most to me. Because to me personally giving up is never an option for me. I was always taught to stay in the fight. “Never Quit " is good when it comes to everything. This quote can relate to any obstacles, trial, or tribulation that anybody may endure. Personally I think telling somebody to; '' Never Quit” is one of the best thing you can tell a person that is going through some.

         What will make you lose drive? Quitting will make you lose your drive. Also to have the drive is important. To have the drive for something to me mean that nobody can't make you give up. My mother always told me, if I ever want to do something or accomplish something, I must first have the drive for it. This quote really relate to me. I have heard them a million times. So they gotta be important. 

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Baccalaureate Posted on 5/19/14, 1:57 PM CDT by TODGHIE T BUTLER  Promise yourself that you will never give up even though you may failEvery day I promise myself I'll be something great in life. Even though I may fall a couple of times in life, but God gives me the strength to get back up. I promise myself but not just myself but my family to that I will always put business before pleasure. Everyone in life has a goal that they will like to complete but you have to work hard to get their first. You must know that you have something that no one can take from you.

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Life Lessons Posted on 5/19/14, 1:24 PM CDT by MAALIK S SHAHEED "Promise yourself that you will never give up even though you may fail"  Days continue to go. You have things that you need to take care of. Sometimes when you are working hard to obtain something there are things out there that might try and stop you, could even make you fail. If you’re able to try again you keep going. The main reason you need to keep trying is because you don't want to have any regrets. I chose this one because I keep trying to make sure I wouldn't have to let go. 

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Life Lesson Posted on 5/20/14, 1:21 PM CDT by THEODORE A ANDERSON          During the baccalaureate that was held Sunday evening May 18 our speaker Mr. Blue spoke about my life lessons that motivated me; one that caught my attention was "We All Have Gifts". In my belief God gave us as human beings special gifts to be used throughout our life time as a turning point. We might not know what it is at the moment, but its life that helps us discover who we are. Life is a movie that everyone plays a part in. The saying that my grandma used to say all the time was "Just Keep Living".         That was a message from God when times get hard to never give up, because there’s a sunny side even through the storm that can't be seen. Even through all the sins that we commit God forgives us the same way we should forgive others. This message also makes me think about the responsibility that goes along with finding the gift that God gave you to utilize. A vision without action is merely a dream and time waits on no one.

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Life Lessons - Baccalaureate Posted on 5/19/14, 1:26 PM CDT by JAQUAYLA D BAKER I chose my topic as staying focused on your goals.  I chose this because, if you stay focused on your goals, it will help you succeed in life.  Let’s say in high school your goals are to maintain good grades throughout the whole school year and graduate.  You have to stay focused on your class work and homework.  Staying focused at work could also help you from getting fired. The reason why I chose this subject, instead the others is because, I think it's the number one life lesson.  In order for you to get through life you have to be focused on your main priority.  Focusing on your goals keeps you from being distracted by other things.  Mr. Carlos Buie, the Baccalaureate speaker, gave some great life lessons on May 18, 2014.

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Life Lessons: Baccalaureate - Mr. Buie Posted on 5/19/14, 9:25 AM CDT by CHRISTIAN B AQUI "Don't surround yourselves with people who will pull you down. Surround yourselves with people who will build you up."  -- Mr. Carlos Buie      Surrounding yourself with people who will build you up is a very important thing. It is the foundation to having a successful life. Surrounding yourself with people who will pull you down can lead to many bad things; such things include doing something that you wouldn't want to do. It can, if not fixed right away, lead to a person from innocent to deviant.      I agree with this life lesson as I believe that in order to have a successful life, you'll need a good foundation. If you feel that you are being surrounded by people who may pull you down, it is best to get it situated as early as possible. Talk to them about it now and get it situated before it is too late.

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Life lessons Posted on 5/20/14, 1:26 PM CDT by RONALD D. KIDD Ronald Kidd MAY 20, 2014 A-3 Stay focus on your goals: You must keep your goals to keep your grades up; you never know somebody may see it in a college.  If you keep your goals up, you may receive a scholarship.  So, try to get with people who will build you up! Try hard, and work hard and you will get it done.

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Baccalaureate May 18 Life Lessons Mr. Carlos Blue Posted on 5/20/14, 2:09 PM CDT by DANYELLE M. EASTER "Promise yourself that you will never give up even though you may fail""You must know that you have something that no one can take from you""Always put business before pleasure""keep pushing and focus on your goals""Don't surround yourselves with people who will build you down. Surround yourselves with people who will build you up" 

   These are some of the life lessons that popped out and touched me in some type of way. The first life lesson came to me because many people give up after a few tries. Some people don't even attempt. They are too scared they will fail and they will never know if they would have succeeded or not. For the second lesson, I think it’s important that everyone in the world knows it’s something in them that makes them unique and different that no one can take from them. It’s something in all of us that we must respect and cherish in each other.  The third lessons are something I'm now working on. You should always try to get whatever it is you’re trying to do out the way because, you will always have time to come back to what makes you happy and what you love to. The forth lesson is to "Keep pushing and focus on your goals"; this should be on top on every ones list but this is important to me because this is something I must do to get where I want to be and do what I want in life. And my final lesson is "Don't surround yourselves with people who will tear you down. Surround yourselves with people who will build you up". If you don't put yourself with good people, you will fall thru the cracks and you might not be able to take control of your life again because the people you’re around have more to do with what you do than you think.  

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Life Lessons

Posted on 5/19/14, 1:11 PM CDT by JOCELYNNE L. DOTSON "Always put business before pleasure" – Mr. Carlos Buie Putting business before pleasure helps you to get work done way faster. If you were to pleasure before business you would get into the habit of procrastinating all of the time. It is better to have your work done first because; you won't have to worry about it later on. After your work, you can do the things you like and depending on how much work you have done you can spend even more time on the things that you enjoy. Remember to "work hard, play hard"   You may not want to do your work but, it has to get done; doing everything that you are supposed to do will pay off eventually. I chose this life lesson because sometimes I tend to procrastinate. This reminds me of myself right now. I should really go by this for now on and keep trying.

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Promise Yourself that You Will Never Give Up Even Though You May Fail Posted on 5/20/14, 10:19 AM CDT by AYJAH B ROGERS

Dear Mr. Buie, 

     I tell myself this just about every day; because that's the only way I won’t give up. When I fail that's always a sign that I am even closer to making it. I believe that if you try to do something over and over you're going to do it right sooner or later. If you do something once and do it right the first time there was no work put forth.      When I try to do something, I like to fail because then I know that it’s something that I have to work toward. Life is hard and the real world is even harder, when you get through life doing things the easy way when something comes up hard it’s going to be even harder for you. Like when I rode my bike with training wheels for the first time I didn’t think I could do it. But every time I scratched my knee, I knew that I was getting better. Then I got to ride my bike with the big kids, and go just as fast as them. Now I have to prepare myself for the failures of the road and driving. But for each time that I put my turn signal on too late, or turn left instead of right, I’ll be one failure closer to getting my driver’s license.  

We All Have Gifts Posted on 5/20/14, 10:02 AM CDT by AYJAH B ROGERS

     Mr. Buie said that We All Have Gifts, during the baccalaureate on Sunday. Many people like to say I don't have a gift or I don't have a talent. But God gave every one a talent that he wants us to use. A gift is something special that you cant ever give up, or not have, or that can be taken away from you. A gift is irreplaceable.

        When you find your gift you're supposed to use it because God gave it to you for a reason. Sure you may have the same gift as someone else, but no two gifts are alike. A gift is one of a kind, even if you and your friend can both do nails neither one of your techniques will be the same. Like when Alicia Keys sings you hear a lot of harmony's. But when John Legend sings you hear more masculine tones. They are both great singers but you hear and feel their music in two different ways.

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Motivation Is A Fire Within Each Of You Posted on 5/20/14, 9:33 AM CDT by AYJAH B ROGERS

     At the Baccalaureate on Sunday May 18th, 2014, Mr. Carlos Buie gave some inspiring lessons on life. Life is hard and you can’t just make it somewhere without any effort. When Mr. Buie said that Motivation Is A Fire Within Each Of You, I believe that he was telling us that in order to make it somewhere, we have to be motivated within ourselves first. If we are not self motivated first then no one around us will help us get further than we already are.

     When we look at the people who accomplished their goals in life like Lebron James, Chris Brown, Oprah, and etc, all of them had to be self motivated. Once people saw and realized that their dreams were real and not just something that they wanted to do for a year then stop, they got help accomplishing their goals. When colleges came looking for people to sign and saw Lebron on the court all night making baskets they knew that he isn't just playing basketball to play. But they looked at him and knew that he wanted to make something of himself with a basketball in his hand. When you have a goal it doesn’t matter what you want to do, what matters is how bad you want to do it.

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Page 35: Life Lessons Baccalaureate Mr. Buie

Directions: Students, go to and write a journal entry using Gaggle Blog for at least one of the life lessons from Mr. Carlos Buie. He was the speaker at the Baccalaureate on Sunday evening – May 18th .

Good morning staff,

I just had to send a few of the life lessons from our speaker Mr. Carlos Buie. These can be excellent writing prompts for our students.

Promise yourself that you will never give up even though you may fail The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers Wake up Always put business before pleasure You must know that you have something that no one can take from you I need you to succeed – I need you to overcome all obstacles Stay focus on your goals Real responsibility Keep pushing and focus on your goals How can you handle the situation differently? Never quit – what will make you lose your drive Develop a support system Don’t surround yourselves with people who will pull you down. Surround yourselves with people who will build you up. Motivation is a fire within each of you We all have gifts

To the Baccalaureate Committee, thank you so much for choosing this speaker. He motivated me to do much more. J

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NOTE FROM Ms. Rhodes…

Thank you once again Mr. Buie for the wonderful and inspiring “Life Lessons”.

I received more inspiration while reading my student’s blogs-journals entries which are based on your “Life Lessons” that you

shared with Hall High.

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