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Someone to Watch Over MeTyped by MushuThaLohariProofed by MushuThaLohari & HyoleeCHAPTER 1

"Miss Kendall, can you hear me? I'm Dr Me!calf, and you're a! "ood #amari!an Hospi!al in Moun!ainside $e're %oin% !o !a&e you ou! of !he ambulance no' and in!o !he emer%ency room" #hi(erin% uncon!rollably, Lei%h Kendall reac!ed !o !he insis!en! male (oice !ha! 'as callin% her bac& !o consciousness, bu! she couldn'! seem !o summon !he s!ren%!h !o open her eyelids ")an you hear me, Miss Kendall?" $i!h an effor!, she finally mana%ed !o force her eyes open The doc!or 'ho had spo&en 'as bendin% o(er her, e*aminin% her head, and beside him, a nurse 'as holdin% a clear plas!ic ba% of I+ fluid "$e're %oin% !o !a&e you ou! of !he ambulance no'," he repea!ed as he beamed a !iny li%h! a! each of her pupils ",eed- !o !ell- husband I'm here," Lei%h mana%ed in a feeble 'hisper He nodded and %a(e her hand a reassurin% s.uee/e "The s!a!e police 'ill !a&e care of !ha! In !he mean!ime, you ha(e some (ery bi% fans a! "ood #amari!an, includin% me, and'e're %oin% !o !a&e e*cellen! care of you" +oices and ima%es be%an !o fly a! Lei%h from e(ery direc!ion as !he %urney 'as lif!ed from !he ambulance 0ed and blue li%h!s pulsed fran!ically a%ains! a %ray da'n s&y People in uniforms flashed pas! her line of (ision1,e' 2or& #!a!e !roopers, paramedics,doc!ors, nurses Doors s'un% open, !he hall'ay fle' by, faces cro'ded around her, firin%ur%en! .ues!ions a! her Lei%h !ried !o concen!ra!e, bu! !heir (oices 'ere collapsin% in!o an incomprehensible babble, and !heir fea!ures 'ere slidin% off !heir faces, dissol(in% in!o !he same blac&ness !ha! had already de(oured !he res! of !he room $hen Lei%h a'o&e a%ain, i! 'as dar& ou!side and a li%h! sno' 'as fallin% #!ru%%lin% !o free herself from !he effec!s of 'ha!e(er dru%s 'ere drippin% in!o her arm from !he I+ ba% abo(e her, she %a/ed da/edly a! 'ha! appeared !o be a hospi!al room filled 'i!h a rio!ous display of flo'ers #ea!ed on a chair near !he foo! of !he bed, flan&ed by a hu%e bas&e! of 'hi!e orchids and alar%e (ase of bri%h! yello' roses, a %ray3haired nurse 'as readin% a copy of !he New YorkPost 'i!h Lei%h's pic!ure on !he fron! pa%e Lei%h !urned her head as much as !he brace on her nec& 'ould allo', searchin% for some si%n of Lo%an, bu! for !he !ime bein%, she 'as alone 'i!h !he nurse 4*perimen!ally, she mo(ed her le%s and 'i%%led her !oes, and 'as relie(ed !o find !hem s!ill a!!ached !o !he res! of her and in reasonably %ood 'or&in% order Her arms 'ere banda%ed and her head 'as 'rapped in some!hin% !i%h!, bu! as lon% as she didn'! mo(e, her discomfor! seemed !obe limi!ed !o a %enerali/ed ache !hrou%hou! her body, a sharper ache in her ribs, and a !hroa! so dry i! fel! as if i! 'ere s!uffed 'i!h sa'dus! #he 'as ali(e, and !ha! in i!self 'as a miracle5 The fac! !ha! she 'as also 'hole and rela!i(ely unharmed filled Lei%h 'i!h a sense of %ra!i!ude and 6oy !ha! 'as almos! euphoric #he s'allo'ed and forced a croa&in% 'hisper from her parched !hroa! "May I ha(e some 'a!er?" The nurse loo&ed up, a professional smile ins!an!ly bri%h!enin% her face "2ou're a'a&e5" she said as she .uic&ly closed !he ne'spaper, folded i! in half, and laid i! facedo'n benea!h her chair The name !a% on !he nurse's uniform iden!ified her as "7nn Mac&ey, 0, Pri(a!e Du!y," Lei%h no!ed as she 'a!ched !he nurse pourin% 'a!er from a pin& plas!ic pi!cher on !he !ray beside !he bed "2ou should ha(e a s!ra' I'll %o %e! one" "Please don'! bo!her I'm !erribly !hirs!y" $hen !he nurse s!ar!ed !o hold !he %lass !o Lei%h's mou!h, Lei%h !oo& i! from her "I can hold i!," Lei%h assured her, and !hen 'as ama/ed by ho' much effor! i! !oo& 6us! !o lif! her banda%ed arm and hold i! s!eady 8y !he !ime she handed !he %lass bac& !o ,urse Mac&ey, her arm 'as !remblin% and her ches! hur! !erribly $onderin% if perhaps !here 'as more 'ron% 'i!h her !han she'd !hou%h!, Lei%h le! her head sin& bac& in!o !he pillo's 'hile she %a!hered !he s!ren%!h !o !al& "$ha! sor! of condi!ion am I in?" ,urse Mac&ey loo&ed ea%er !o share her &no'led%e, bu! she hesi!a!ed "2ou really shouldas& Dr Me!calf abou! !ha!" "I 'ill, bu! I'd li&e !o hear i! no', from my pri(a!e du!y nurse I 'on'! !ell him you !old me any!hin%" I! 'as all !he encoura%emen! she needed "2ou 'ere in shoc& 'hen you 'ere brou%h! in,"she confided "2ou had a concussion, hypo!hermia, crac&ed ribs, and suspec!ed in6uries !o!he cer(ical (er!ebrae and ad6acen! !issue1!ha!'s 'hiplash in layman's !erms 2ou ha(e se(eral deep scalp 'ounds, as 'ell as lacera!ions on your arms, le%s, and !orso, bu! only afe' of !hem are on your face, and !hey aren'! deep, 'hich is a blessin% 2ou also ha(e con!usions and abrasions all o(er your1" #milin% as much as her s'ollen lip 'ould allo', Lei%h lif!ed her hand !o s!op !he li!any of in6uries "Is !here any!hin% 'ron% 'i!h me !ha! 'ill need sur%ery?" The nurse loo&ed !a&en abac& by Lei%h's upbea! a!!i!ude, and !hen she loo&ed impressed ",o sur%ery," she said 'i!h an appro(in% li!!le pa! on Lei%h's shoulder "7ny physical !herapy?" "I 'ouldn'! !hin& so 8u! you should e*pec! !o be (ery sore for a fe' 'ee&s, and your ribs'ill hur! 2our burns and cu!s 'ill re.uire close a!!en!ion, healin% and scarrin% could be aconcern1" Lei%h in!errup!ed !his ne' delu%e of depressin% medical minu!iae 'i!h a %rin "I'll be (ery careful," she said, and !hen she s'i!ched !o !he only o!her !opic on her mind "$hereis my husband?" ,urse Mac&ey fal!ered and !hen pa!!ed Lei%h's shoulder a%ain "I'll %o and see abou! !ha!," she promised, and hurried off, lea(in% Lei%h 'i!h !he impression !ha! Lo%an 'as nearby 4*haus!ed from !he simple ac!s of drin&in% and spea&in%, Lei%h closed her eyes and !ried !o piece !o%e!her 'ha! had happened !o her since yes!erday, 'hen Lo%an had &issed her %ood3bye in !he mornin%- He'd been so e*ci!ed 'hen he lef! !heir 9pper 4as! #ide apar!men!, so ea%er for her !o 6oin him in !he moun!ains and spend !he ni%h! 'i!h him !here :or o(er a year, he'd been loo&in% for 6us! !he ri%h! si!e for !heir moun!ain re!rea!, a secluded se!!in% !ha! 'ould complemen! !he spra'lin% s!one house he'd desi%ned for !he !'o of !hem :indin% !he ri%h! si!e 'as complica!ed by !he fac! !ha! Lo%an had already comple!ed !he dra'in%s, so !he si!e needed !o be adap!able !o !he plans ;n Thursday, he'd finally found a piece of proper!y !ha! me! all his e*ac!in% .ualifica!ions, and he'd been so ea%er for her !o see i! !ha! he insis!ed !hey should spend #unday ni%h!1!heir firs! a(ailable ni%h!1in !he e*is!in% cabin on !he land "The cabin hasn'! been used in years, bu! I'll clean i! up 'hile I'm 'ai!in% for you !o %e! !here," he promised, displayin% an endearin% en!husiasm for a !as& he'd al'ays a(oided "There isn'! any elec!rici!y or hea!, bu! I'll build a roarin% fire in !he fireplace, and 'e'll sleep in fron! of i! in sleepin% ba%s $e'll ha(e dinner by candleli%h! In !he mornin%, 'e'll 'a!ch !he sun rise o(er !he !ops of !he !rees ;ur !rees I! 'ill be (ery roman!ic, you'll see" His en!ire plan filled Lei%h 'i!h amused dread #he 'as s!arrin% in a ne' play !ha! had opened on 8road'ay !he ni%h! before, and she'd only had four hours of sleep 8efore she could lea(e for !he moun!ains, she had a #unday ma!inee performance !o %i(e, and !ha! 'ould be follo'ed by a !hree3hour dri(e !o a cold, uninhabi!able s!one cabin, so !ha! she could sleep on !he floor- and !hen %e! up a! da'n !he ne*! day "I can'! 'ai!," she lied con(incin%ly, bu! 'ha! she really 'an!ed !o do 'as %o bac& !o sleep I! 'as only ei%h! o'cloc& #he could sleep un!il !en Lo%an hadn'! had any more sleep !han she, bu! he 'as already dressed and ea%er !o lea(e for !he cabin "The place isn'! easy !o find, so I dre' you a de!ailed map 'i!h plen!y of landmar&s," he said, layin% a piece of paper on her ni%h!s!and "I'(e already loaded !he car I !hin& I ha(e e(ery!hin% I need1" he con!inued, leanin% o(er her in bed and pressin% a .uic& &iss on her chee&, "1house plans, s!a&es, s!rin%, a !ransom, sleepin% ba%s I s!ill feel li&e I'm for%e!!in% some!hin%-" "7 broom, a mop, and a buc&e!?" Lei%h 6o&ed sleepily as she rolled o(er on!o her s!omach "#crub brushes? De!er%en!?" "Kill6oy," he !eased, nu//lin% her nec& 'here he &ne' she 'as !ic&lish Lei%h %i%%led, pulled !he pillo' o(er !he bac& of her head, and con!inued dic!a!in% his shoppin% lis! "Disinfec!an!- mouse!raps-" "2ou sound li&e a spoiled, pampered 8road'ay s!ar," he chuc&led, pressin% do'n on !he pillo' !o pre(en! her from addin% more i!ems !o !he lis! "$here is your sense of ad(en!ure?" "I! s!ops a! a Holiday Inn," she said 'i!h a muffled %i%%le "2ou used !o lo(e !o %o campin% 2ou 'ere !he one 'ho !au%h! me ho' 2ou e(en su%%es!ed 'e %o campin% on our honeymoon5 " "8ecause 'e couldn'! afford a Holiday Inn" $i!h a lau%h, he pulled !he pillo' a'ay from her head and rumpled her hair "Lea(e s!rai%h! from !he !hea!er Don'! be la!e" He s!ood up and headed for !he door !o !heir bedroom sui!e "I &no' I'm for%e!!in% some!hin%1" "Drin&in% 'a!er, candles, a !in coffeepo!?" Lei%h helpfully chan!ed ":ood for dinner? 7 pear for my brea&fas!?" ",o more pears 2ou're addic!ed," he !eased o(er his shoulder ":rom no' on, i!'s )ream of $hea! and prunes for you" "#adis!," Lei%h mumbled in!o !he pillo's 7 momen! la!er she heard !he door close behind him, and she rolled on!o her bac&, smilin% !o herself as she %a/ed ou! !he bedroom'indo's o(erloo&in% )en!ral Par& Lo%an's en!husiasm for !he moun!ain proper!y 'as con!a%ious, bu! his li%h!hear!ed mood 'as 'ha! ma!!ered mos! !o her They'd bo!h been so youn%, and so poor, 'hen !hey %o! married !hir!een years a%o !ha! hard 'or& had been a necessi!y, and !hen i! had become a habi! ;n !heir 'eddin% day, !heir !o!al combined asse!s 'ere ei%h! hundred dollars in cash, plus Lo%an's ne' archi!ec!ural de%ree, his mo!her's social connec!ions, and Lei%h's unpro(en ac!in% !alen!1!ha!, and !heir unfla%%in% fai!h in each o!her $i!h only !hose !ools, !hey'd buil! a 'onderful life !o%e!her, bu! durin% !he las! fe' mon!hs, !hey'd bo!h been so busy !ha! !heir se* life had been almos! none*is!en! #he'd been immersed in !he preopenin% cra/iness of a ne' play, and Lo%an had been consumed 'i!h !he endless comple*i!ies of his la!es!, and bi%%es!, business (en!ure 7s Lei%h lay in bed, %a/in% ou! a! !he clouds %a!herin% in !he ,o(ember s&y, she decided she defini!ely li&ed !he prospec! of spendin% !he ni%h! in fron! of a roarin% fire 'i!h no!hin% !o do bu! ma&e lo(e 'i!h her husband They 'an!ed a baby, and she suddenly reali/ed !ha! e(en !he !imin% 'as ri%h! for concep!ion !oni%h! #he 'as dreamily ima%inin% !he e(enin% !ha! lay ahead 'hen Hilda 'al&ed in!o !he bedroom 'earin% her coa! and carryin% Lei%h's brea&fas! !ray "Mr Mannin% said you 'ere a'a&e, so I brou%h!you brea&fas! before I lea(e," Hilda e*plained #he 'ai!ed 'hile Lei%h s!ru%%led in!o a si!!in% posi!ion< !hen she handed her !he !ray con!ainin% Lei%h's ri!ual brea&fas! fare1co!!a%e cheese, a pear, and coffee "I'(e !idied up af!er !he par!y Is !here any!hin% else you'd li&e me !o do before I %o?" ",o! a !hin% 4n6oy your day off 7re you plannin% !o s!ay in ,e' =ersey a! your sis!er's !oni%h!?" Hilda nodded "My sis!er said she's had (ery %ood luc& a! Harrah's la!ely I !hou%h! 'e mi%h! %o !here" Lei%h suppressed a %rin because, as far as she'd been able !o !ell, Hilda had absolu!ely no human 'ea&nesses1e*cep! one for !he nic&el slo! machines in 7!lan!ic )i!y "$e 'on'! be bac& here un!il la!e !omorro' af!ernoon," Lei%h said as a !hou%h! occurred !o her "I'll ha(e !o %o s!rai%h! !o !he !hea!er, and Mr Mannin% has a dinner mee!in% !ha! 'ill las! un!il la!e in !he e(enin% There's really no need for you !o be here !omorro' ni%h! $hy don'! you spend !'o days 'i!h your sis!er, and chec& ou! some of !he slo! machines a! !he o!her casinos?" The su%%es!ion of !'o consecu!i(e days off !hre' !he house&eeper in!o a !o!al s!a!e of inner conflic! !ha! reflec!ed i!self on Hilda's plain face and made Lei%h s!ifle ano!her %rinIn !he $ar 7%ains! Dir! and Disorder, Hilda 8runner 'as a mili!an!, !ireless %eneral 'ho marched in!o daily ba!!le armed 'i!h a (acuum cleaner and cleanin% supplies, her forebodin% e*pression 'arnin% of an impendin% assaul! on all forei%n par!icles To Hilda, !a&in% !'o days off in a ro' 'as !an!amoun! !o a (olun!ary re!rea!, and !ha! 'as (ir!ually un!hin&able ;n !he o!her hand, if she did as Lei%h su%%es!ed, she 'ould be able !o spend!'o full days 'i!h her sis!er a! !he nic&el slo! machines #he cas! a %lance around !he immacula!e bedroom !ha! 'as her personal ba!!lefield, !ryin% !o assess in ad(ance !he e*!en! of dama%e li&ely !o occur if she 'ere absen! for !'o en!ire days "I 'ould li&e !o !hin& abou! i!" ";f course," Lei%h said, s!ru%%lin% !o &eep her face s!rai%h! "Hilda," she called as !he "erman 'oman bus!led !o'ard !he door Hilda !urned in !he ac! of bel!in% her bro'n coa! around her 'ais! "2es, Mrs Mannin%?" "2ou're a !reasure"

Lei%h had hoped !o lea(e !he !hea!er by four o'cloc& !ha! af!ernoon, bu! !he play's direc!orand !he 'ri!er 'an!ed !o ma&e some minor chan%es in !'o of her scenes af!er 'a!chin% !he ma!inee performance, and !hen !hey ar%ued endlessly o(er 'hich chan%es !o ma&e, !ryin% ou! firs! one (aria!ion, !hen ano!her 7s a resul!, i! 'as af!er si* 'hen she 'as finally on her 'ay Pa!chy fo% mi*ed 'i!h li%h! sno' slo'ed her pro%ress ou! of !he ci!y Lei%h !ried !o call Lo%an !'ice on his cellular phone !o !ell him she 'as %oin% !o be la!e, bu! ei!her he'd lef! his phone some'here ou! of hearin% or !he cabin 'as beyond ran%e of his cellular ser(ice #he lef! (oice mail messa%es for him ins!ead 8y !he !ime she reached !he moun!ains, !he sno' 'as fallin% hard and fas!, and !he 'ind had pic&ed up drama!ically Lei%h's Mercedes sedan 'as hea(y and handled 'ell, bu! !he dri(in% 'as !reacherous, !he (isibili!y so poor !ha! she could only see fif!een fee! in fron! of her car 7! !imes i! 'as impossible !o see lar%e road si%ns, le! alone spo! !he li!!le landmar&s Lo%an had no!ed on his map 0oadside res!auran!s and %as s!a!ions !ha! 'ould normally ha(e been open a! !en pm 'ere closed, !heir par&in% lo!s deser!ed T'ice, she doubled bac&, cer!ain she'd missed a landmar& or a road $i!h no'here !o s!op or as& for direc!ions, Lei%h had li!!le choice e*cep! !o &eep dri(in% and searchin% $hen she should ha(e been 'i!hin a fe' miles of !he cabin, she !urned in!o an unmar&ed dri(e'ay 'i!h a fence across i! and s'i!ched on !he car's map li%h! !o s!udy Lo%an's direc!ions a%ain #he 'as almos! posi!i(e she'd missed a !urnoff !'o miles bac&, !he one Lo%an had described as bein% ">?? fee! sou!h of a sharp cur(e in !he road, 6us! beyond a li!!le red barn" $i!h a! leas! si* inches of sno' blan&e!in% e(ery!hin%, 'ha! had seemed li&e a li!!le barn !o her could 6us! as easily ha(e been a lar%e blac& shed, a shor! silo, or a pile of fro/en co's, bu! Lei%h decided she should %o bac& and find ou! #he pu! !he Mercedes in!o %ear and made a cau!ious 93!urn 7s she rounded !he sharp cur(e she 'as loo&in% for, she slo'ed do'n e(en more, searchin% for a %ra(el dri(e, bu! !he drop3off 'as much !oo s!eep, !he !errain far !oo ru%%ed, for anyone !o ha(e pu! a dri(e'ay !here #he'd 6us! !a&en her foo! off !he bra&e and s!ar!ed !o accelera!e 'hen a pair of headli%h!s on hi%h beam leap! ou! of !he dar&ness behind her, roundin% !he cur(e, closin% !he dis!ance 'i!h !errifyin% speed ;n !he sno'3co(ered roads, Lei%h couldn'! speed up .uic&ly and !he o!her dri(er couldn'! seem !o slo' do'n He s'er(ed in!o !he lef! lane !o a(oid plo'in% in!o her from !he rear, los! con!rol, and smashed in!o !he Mercedes 6us! behind Lei%h's door The memory of 'ha! follo'ed 'as horrifyin%ly (i(id1!he e*plosion of air ba%s, !he scream of !or!ured me!al and sha!!erin% %lass as !he Mercedes plo'ed !hrou%h !he %uardrail and be%an car!'heelin% do'n !he s!eep emban&men! The car slammed a%ains! se(eral !ree !run&s, !hen hur!led in!o boulders in a lon% series of deafenin% crashes !ha! ended in one, sudden, e*plosi(e 6ol! as fi(e !housand pounds of man%led s!eel came !o a bone36arrin% s!op #uspended from her sea! bel!, Lei%h hun% !here, upside do'n, li&e a da/ed ba! in a ca(e, 'hile li%h! be%an e*plodin% around her 8ri%h! li%h! )olorful li%h! 2ello' and oran%e and red :ire5 #!ar& !error sharpened her senses #he found !he sea! bel! release, landed hard on !he roof of !he o(er!urned car and, 'himperin%, !ried !o cra'l !hrou%h !he hole !ha! had once been !he passen%er 'indo' 8lood, s!ic&y and 'e!, spread do'n her arms and le%s and drippedin!o her eyes Her coa! 'as !oo bul&y for !he openin%, and she 'as yan&in% i! off 'hen 'ha!e(er had s!opped !he car's descen! suddenly %a(e 'ay Lei%h heard herself screamin%as !he burnin% car pi!ched for'ard, rolled, and !hen seemed !o fly ou! o(er !hin air, beforei! be%an a do'n'ard plun%e !ha! ended in a deafenin% splash and a free/in% delu%e of icy'a!er Lyin% in her hospi!al bed 'i!h her eyes closed, Lei%h reli(ed !ha! plun%e in!o !he 'a!er, and her hear! be%an !o race Momen!s af!er hi!!in% !he 'a!er, !he car had be%un a fas! nosedi(e for !he bo!!om, and in a fren/y of !error, she s!ar!ed poundin% on e(ery!hin% she could reach #he loca!ed a hole abo(e her, a lar%e one, and 'i!h her lun%s burs!in%, she pushed !hrou%h i! and fou%h! 'i!h her remainin% s!ren%!h !o reach !he surface I! seemed an e!erni!y before a blas! of fri%id 'ind hi! her face and she %ulped in air #he !ried !o s'im, bu! pain &nifed !hrou%h her ches! 'i!h e(ery brea!h, and her s!ro&es 'ere !oo feeble and uncoordina!ed !o propel her for'ard more !han a li!!le bi! Lei%h &ep!!hrashin% abou! in !he free/in% 'a!er, bu! her body 'as %oin% numb, and nei!her her panicnor her de!ermina!ion could %i(e her enou%h s!ren%!h and coordina!ion !o s'im Her head'as slidin% under !he surface 'hen her flailin% hand s!ruc& some!hin% hard and rou%h1!he limb of a par!ially submer%ed fallen !ree #he %rabbed a! i! 'i!h all her mi%h!, !ryin% !o use i! as a raf!, un!il she reali/ed !ha! !he "raf!" 'as s!a!ionary #he pulled herself alon% i!, hand o(er hand, as !he 'a!er receded !o her shoulders, !hen her 'ais!, and finally her &nees #hi(erin% and 'eepin% 'i!h relief, she peered !hrou%h !he dense cur!ain of blo'in% sno',searchin% for !he pa!h !he Mercedes 'ould ha(e car(ed !hrou%h !he !rees af!er i! plun%ed off !he rid%e There 'as no pa!h in si%h! There 'as no rid%e in si%h! ei!her There 'as only bone3numbin% cold, and sharp branches !ha! slapped and scra!ched her as she cla'ed her 'ay up a s!eep emban&men! she couldn'! see, !o'ard a road she 'asn'! sure 'as !here Lei%h had a (a%ue recollec!ion of finally reachin% !he !op of !he rid%e and curlin% her body in!o a ball on some!hin% fla! and 'e!, bu! e(ery!hin% af!er !ha! 'as a !o!al blur 4(ery!hin%, e*cep! a s!ran%e, blindin% li%h! and a man1an an%ry man 'ho cursed a! her

Lei%h 'as abrup!ly 6ol!ed in!o !he presen! by an insis!en! male (oice ori%ina!in% from !he side of her hospi!al bed "Miss Kendall? Miss Kendall, I'm sorry !o 'a&e you, bu! 'e'(e been 'ai!in% !o !al& !o you" Lei%h opened her eyes and %a/ed blan&ly a! a man and 'oman 'ho 'ere holdin% !hic& 'in!er 6ac&e!s o(er !heir arms The man 'as in his early for!ies, shor! and hea(yse!, 'i!h blac& hair and a s'ar!hy comple*ion The 'oman 'as considerably youn%er, sli%h!ly !aller, and (ery pre!!y, 'i!h lon% dar& hair pulled bac& in!o a pony!ail "I'm De!ec!i(e #hrader 'i!h !he ,e' 2or& )i!y Police Depar!men!," !he man said, "and !his is De!ec!i(e Li!!le!on $e ha(e some .ues!ions 'e need !o as& you" Lei%h assumed !hey 'an!ed !o as& abou! her acciden!, bu! she fel! !oo 'ea& !o describe i! !'ice, once for !hem and a%ain for Lo%an ")ould you 'ai! un!il my husband %e!s bac&?" ""e!s bac& from 'here?" De!ec!i(e #hrader as&ed ":rom 'here(er he is ri%h! no'" "Do you &no' 'here he is?" ",o, bu! !he nurse 'en! !o %e! him" De!ec!i(es #hrader and Li!!le!on e*chan%ed a %lance "2our nurse 'as ins!ruc!ed !o comes!rai%h! !o us as soon as you 'ere conscious," #hrader e*plained< !hen he said blun!ly, "Miss Kendall, 'hen did you las! see your husband?" 7n uneasy premoni!ion filled Lei%h 'i!h dread "2es!erday, in !he mornin%, before he lef!for !he moun!ains I planned !o 6oin him !here ri%h! af!er my #unday ma!inee performance, bu! I didn'! %e! !here," she added needlessly "2es!erday 'as Monday This is Tuesday ni%h!," #hrader said carefully "2ou'(e been here since si* am yes!erday" :ear made Lei%h for%e! abou! her in6ured body "$here is my husband?" she demanded, le(erin% herself up on her elbo's and %aspin% a! !he s!abbin% pain in her ribs "$hy isn'! he here? $ha!'s 'ron%? $ha!'s happened?" "Probably no!hin%," De!ec!i(e Li!!le!on said .uic&ly "In fac!, he's probably 'orried sic&, 'onderin% 'here you are The problem is, 'e ha(en'! been able !o con!ac! him !o !ell him'ha! happened !o you" "Ho' lon% ha(e you been !ryin%?" "#ince early yes!erday mornin%, 'hen !he ,e' 2or& #!a!e Hi%h'ay Pa!rol re.ues!ed our assis!ance," #hrader replied ";ne of our police officers 'as dispa!ched immedia!ely !o your apar!men! on !he 9pper 4as! #ide, bu! no one 'as home" He paused for a momen!, as if !o ma&e cer!ain she 'as follo'in% his e*plana!ion< !hen he con!inued, "The officer spo&e 'i!h your doorman and learned !ha! you ha(e a house&eeper named Hilda 8runner, so he as&ed !he doorman !o no!ify him as soon as she arri(ed" Lei%h fel! as if !he room 'ere s!ar!in% !o roc& bac& and for!h "Has anyone spo&en !o Hilda ye!?" "2es" :rom !he poc&e! of his flannel shir!, #hrader remo(ed a no!epad and consul!ed his no!es "2our doorman sa' Miss 8runner en!er your buildin% a! !'o3!'en!y !ha! af!ernoon He no!ified ;fficer Per&ins, 'ho !hen re!urned !o your buildin% a! !'o3for!y pm and spo&e 'i!h Miss 8runner 9nfor!una!ely, Miss 8runner didn'! &no' e*ac!ly 'here you and your husband had planned !o spend #unday e(enin% ;fficer Per&ins !hen as&ed Miss 8runner !o chec& !he messa%es on your ans'erin% machine, 'hich she did #e(en!een messa%es had accumula!ed on your ans'erin% machine be!'een #unday a! one3four!een pm and Monday a! !'o3for!y3fi(e pm, bu! none of !hem 'ere from your husband" He closed his no!eboo& "9n!il no', I'm afraid 'e ha(en'! been able !o do much more !han !ha! Ho'e(er," he added .uic&ly, "!he mayor and )ap!ain Holland bo!h 'an! you !o &no' !ha! !he ,2PD is %oin% !o assis! you in e(ery 'ay 'e can Tha!'s 'hy 'e're here" Lei%h eased bac& "a%ains! !he pillo's, her mind fallin% o(er i!self as she !ried !o %rasp 'ha! seemed !o be a !errifyin%ly bi/arre si!ua!ion "2ou don'! &no' my husband If he !hou%h! I 'as missin%, he 'ouldn'! s!op a! callin% our apar!men! He'd call !he s!a!e police, !he %o(ernor, and e(ery police depar!men! 'i!hin a hundred fif!y miles He'd %o ou! searchin% for me himself #ome!hin% has happened !o him, some!hin% !errible enou%h!o1" "2ou're ma&in% !oo many assump!ions," De!ec!i(e Li!!le!on in!errup!ed firmly "He mi%h!no! ha(e been able !o use a !elephone or %o ou! loo&in% for you The bli//ard &noc&ed ou!!elephone and elec!rical ser(ice in a one3hundred3mile radius, and in many areas, i! s!ill hasn'! been res!ored 7lmos! a foo! and a half of sno' fell, and none of i! is mel!in% #no'drif!s are ei%h! fee! hi%h in places, and !he plo's ha(e only been able !o clear !he main roads The side roads and pri(a!e roads up here are mos!ly impassable" "The cabin doesn'! ha(e any elec!rici!y or phone ser(ice, bu! Lo%an 'ould ha(e had his cell phone 'i!h him," Lei%h !old her, %ro'in% more fran!ic 'i!h each momen! "He always has i! 'i!h him, bu! he didn'! !ry !o call me, or 'arn me !o s!ay home, e(en !hou%hhe mus! ha(e &no'n I 'as dri(in% in!o a bad s!orm Tha! isn'! li&e him He 'ould ha(e !ried !o call me5 " "He probably couldn'! use his cell phone," De!ec!i(e Li!!le!on ar%ued 'i!h a reassurin% smile "Mine doesn'! 'or& (ery 'ell up here 2ou said !he cabin doesn'! ha(e elec!rici!y, so e(en if your husband's cell phone 'as 'or&in%, i!'s possible he decided !o lea(e i! on a char%er in his (ehicle, ra!her !han !a&e i! inside The bli//ard came on (ery suddenly If your husband 'as !a&in% a nap, or doin% some!hin% else, 'hen i! s!ar!ed sno'in%, i! mi%h! ha(e been !oo la!e !o %e! !o his car and his phone 'hen he finally reali/ed !here 'asa problem The sno'drif!s are unbelie(able" "2ou could be ri%h!," Lei%h said, clin%in% fiercely !o !he fairly plausible !heory !ha! Lo%an 'as safe bu! unable !o use his phone or di% his =eep ou! of !he sno' #hrader remo(ed a pen from his poc&e! and opened his no!eboo& a%ain "If you'll !ell us 'here !his cabin is, 'e'll %o ou! !here and loo& around" Lei%h %a/ed a! bo!h de!ec!i(es in rene'ed alarm "I don'! &no' 'here i! is Lo%an dre' a map so I could find i! I! doesn'! ha(e an address" ";&ay, 'here is !he map?" "In my car" "$here is your car?" "7! !he bo!!om of a la&e or a .uarry, near 'here(er I 'as found $ai!1I can dra' you ano!her map," she added .uic&ly, reachin% for De!ec!i(e #hrader's no!eboo& $ea&ness and !ension made Lei%h's hand sha&e as she dre' firs! one map and !hen ano!her "I !hin& !ha! second one is ri%h!," she said "Lo%an 'ro!e no!es on !he map he dre' for me," she added as she !urned !o a fresh pa%e and !ried !o 'ri!e !he same no!es for !he de!ec!i(es "$ha! sor! of no!es?" "Landmar&s !o help me &no' I 'as %e!!in% close !o !he !urnoffs" $hen she 'as finished, Lei%h handed !he no!eboo& !o #hrader, bu! she spo&e !o Li!!le!on"I mi%h! ha(e %o!!en !he dis!ances a li!!le 'ron% I mean, I'm no! sure 'he!her my husband's map said !o %o ei%h!3!en!hs of a mile pas! an old fillin% s!a!ion and !hen !urn ri%h!, or 'he!her i! 'as six-tenths of a mile 2ou see, i! 'as sno'in%," Lei%h said as !ears cho&ed her (oice, "and I couldn'!1couldn'! find some of !he landmar&s If she doesn'! ha(e enou%h sense or manners !o be punc!ual, !hen 'e'll ea! 'i!hou! her" #he nodded cur!ly !o !he bu!ler, 'ho immedia!ely be%an ladlin% soup in!o !he fra%ile porcelain bo'ls a! each place"Philip, I'(e been as !oleran! of !his as I can be," !he 'oman 'en! on, "bu! I refuse !o ha(eany more of !hese !rashy freeloaders as %ues!s in my home" #he !urned her ele%an!ly coiffured blond head !o !he older 'oman sea!ed !o her lef! "Mo!her $hi!'or!h, !his 'ill ha(e !o s!op 8y no' you surely ha(e %a!hered enou%h da!a !o comple!e your pro6ec!""If I had, I 'ouldn'! need !o ha(e !hese people here I &no' !hey'(e been an irri!a!in% ill3bred lo! and a !rial for all of us, bu! you 'ill ha(e !o !olera!e !hem a 'hile lon%er, )arol"Lauren s!ood in !he door'ay, a rebellious spar&le %li!!erin% in her s!ormy blue eyes I! 'as one !hin% for her !o ha(e suffered indi%ni!ies a! )ar!er's hands, bu! she 'ould no! allo' !hese horrible, (icious people !o beli!!le her brillian! fa!her and her beau!iful !alen!ed mo!her5Her mo!her 6oined her a! !he en!rance !o !he dinin% room "I'm sorry !o ha(e &ep! you 'ai!in%," she said, !a&in% Lauren's hand ,o! one of !he $hi!'or!hs bo!hered !o reply bu!con!inued ea!in% !he soup !he bu!ler had ser(ed#ei/ed by a sudden inspira!ion, Lauren dar!ed a s'if! %lance a! her mo!her, 'ho 'as unfoldin% a linen nap&in and placin% i! in her lap Piously bo'in% her head, Lauren clasped her hands !o%e!her and, in her shrill childish (oice in!oned, "Dear Lord, 'e as& your blessin% on !his food $e also as& your for%i(eness for people 'ho are hypocri!es and 'ho !hin& !hey are be!!er !han e(erybody else 6us! because !hey ha(e more money Than& you, Lord 7men" Me!iculously a(oidin% her mo!her's eyes, she calmly pic&ed up her spoonThe soup3a! leas! Lauren presumed i! 'as soup3'as cold The bu!ler, s!andin% off !o one side, no!iced her pu! do'n her spoon "Is some!hin% 'ron%, miss?" he sniffed"My soup is cold," she e*plained, bra(in% his disdainful loo&"8oy, are you s!upid5" )ar!er smir&ed as Lauren pic&ed up her small %lass of mil& "This is (ichyssoise, and i!'s supposed !o be ea!en cold"The mil& "slipped" from Lauren's hand, dousin% )ar!er's place se!!in% and lap in a cold 'hi!e delu%e ";h, I'm so sorry," she said, mufflin% a %i%%le as )ar!er and !he bu!ler bo!h !ried !o mop up !he mess "I! 'as 6us! an acciden!3)ar!er, you &no' abou! acciden!s, don'!you? #hall I !ell e(eryone abou! !he 'acciden!s' you had !oday?" I%norin% his murderous %lare, she !urned !o his family ")ar!er had lo!s of 'acciden!s' !oday He 'acciden!ally' !ripped 'hile sho'in% me !he %arden and sho(ed me in!o !he roses Then, 'hile he 'as sho'in% me !he do%s, he 'acciden!ally' loc&ed me in !he pen and3""I refuse !o lis!en !o any more of your ou!ra%eous, ill3mannered accusa!ions," )arol $hi!'or!h snapped a! Lauren, her beau!iful face as cold and hard as a %lacier#omeho' Lauren had found !he coura%e !o mee! her icy %ray eyes 'i!hou! flinchin% "I'msorry, ma'am," she said 'i!h pre!ended mee&ness "I didn'! reali/e i! 'as bad manners !o !al& abou! my day" $i!h all !he $hi!'or!hs s!ill %larin% a! her, she pic&ed up her spoon ";f course," she added !hou%h!fully, "I didn'! &no' i! 'as %ood manners !o call %ues!s !rashy freeloaders, ei!her"V" T "4*haus!ed and dispiri!ed, Lauren pulled up in fron! of !he $hi!'or!hs' !hree3s!ory Tudor mansion #he unloc&ed !he !run& of her car and remo(ed her sui!case #he had dri(en !'el(e hours s!rai%h! in order !o &eep her appoin!men! 'i!h Philip $hi!'or!h !ha! af!ernoon #he had been !hrou%h !'o 6ob in!er(ie's, fallen do'n in !he dir!, spoiled her clo!hes and me! !he mos! handsome compellin% man she'd e(er seen 7nd by delibera!ely flun&in% her !es!s a! #inco, she had ruined her chances of 'or&in% near himTomorro' 'as :riday, and she 'ould spend i! loo&in% for an apar!men! 7s soon as she found one, she could lea(e immedia!ely for :ens!er !o pac& her belon%in%s Philip had no!men!ioned 'hen he 'an!ed her !o s!ar! 'or&in% for his company, bu! she could be bac& here ready !o repor! for 'or& !'o 'ee&s from MondayThe fron! door 'as opened by a paunchy uniformed bu!ler 'hom Lauren ins!an!ly reco%ni/ed as one of !he 'i!nesses !o her dinin%3room performance four!een years before""ood e(enin%," he be%an, bu! Philip $hi!'or!h in!errup!ed him#!ridin% in!o !he (as! marble foyer !he e*ecu!i(e e*claimed, "Lauren, I'(e been 'orried !odea!h abou! you5 $ha!'s &ep! you so lon%?"He loo&ed so an*ious !ha! Lauren fel! !errible for 'orryin% him, and e(en 'orse for le!!in% him do'n by no! !ryin% harder !o %e! a 6ob a! #inco In a fe' 'ords she e*plained !ha! !hin%s had "no! %one (ery 'ell" 'i!h her in!er(ie' Has!ily she s&e!ched in de!ails of her fall in fron! of !he "lobal Indus!ries 8uildin%, and as&ed if she had !ime !o freshen up before dinner9ps!airs in !he room !he bu!ler sho'ed her !o, she sho'ered, brushed her hair and chan%ed in!o a !ailored aprico! s&ir! and ma!chin% blousePhilip s!ood up as she approached !he arched door'ay of !he dra'in% room "2ou're 'onderfully .uic&, Lauren," he said, leadin% her o(er !o his 'ife, 'hose %lacial personali!y she recalled so 'ell ")arol, I &no' you remember Lauren"Despi!e her personal pre6udice, Lauren had !o admi! !ha! 'i!h her slim ele%an! fi%ure and carefully coiffed blond hair )arol $hi!'or!h 'as s!ill a beau!iful 'oman";f course I do," )arol said 'i!h a pleasan!ly correc! smile !ha! didn'! .ui!e reach her %ray eyes "Ho' are you, Lauren?"";b(iously Lauren is (ery, (ery 'ell, mo!her," )ar!er $hi!'or!h remar&ed, %rinnin% as he poli!ely %o! !o his fee! His la/y, s'eepin% %lance co(ered e(ery!hin% from her (i(id blue eyes and delica!ely molded fea!ures !o her %racefully feminine fi%ureLauren &ep! her e*pression neu!ral as she 'as rein!roduced !o her childhood !ormen!or 7ccep!in% !he %lass of sherry )ar!er had poured for her, she sa! do'n on !he sofa, eyein% him 'arily 'hen he sa! beside her ins!ead of re!urnin% !o his chair "2ou'(e cer!ainly chan%ed," he said 'i!h an admirin% %rin"#o ha(e you," Lauren ans'ered cau!iouslyHe draped his arm casually across !he bac& of !he sofa behind her shoulders "$e didn'! %e! alon% (ery 'ell, as I remember," he mused",o, 'e didn'!" Lauren flic&ed a self3conscious %lance !o'ard )arol, 'ho 'as obser(in%her son's li!!le flir!a!ion, her eyes cool and inscru!able, her e*pression re%ally aloof"$hy didn'! 'e %e! alon%?" )ar!er persis!ed"I, er, don'! recall""I do" He smiled "I 'as insufferably rude and !horou%hly ro!!en !o you"Lauren s!ared in ama/emen! a! his fran&, rueful e*pression, her pre6udice a%ains! him be%innin% !o dissol(e "2es, you 'ere""7nd you3" he %rinned "3beha(ed li&e an ou!ra%eous bra! a! dinner"Lauren's eyes bri%h!ened 'i!h an ans'erin% smile as she slo'ly nodded her head "2es, I did" 7 !en!a!i(e !ruce 'as !hereby declared )ar!er %lanced up a! !he bu!ler ho(erin% in !he door'ay, !hen s!ood up and offered his hand !o Lauren "Dinner is ready #hall 'e?"They had 6us! finished !he las! course 'hen !he bu!ler appeared in !he dinin% room "4*cuse me, bu! !here is a !elephone call for Miss Danner from a man 'ho says he is Mr $ea!herby, 'i!h !he #inco 4lec!ronics )ompany"Philip $hi!'or!h bro&e in!o a beamin% smile "8rin% !he phone here !o !he !able, Hi%%ins"The phone con(ersa!ion 'as brief, 'i!h Lauren mos!ly lis!enin% $hen she hun% up, she raised ama/ed, lau%hin% eyes !o Philip""o ahead," he said, "!ell us )arol and )ar!er are bo!h a'are of 'ha! you're !ryin% !o do !o help me"Lauren 'as a li!!le dismayed !o learn !ha! !'o o!her people 'ere a'are of her clandes!ine fu!ure, bu! she complied "7pparen!ly !he man 'ho rescued me 'hen I fell !oni%h! had a (ery influen!ial friend a! #inco This friend called Mr $ea!herby a fe' minu!es a%o, and as a resul!, Mr $ea!herby has 6us! remembered a secre!arial posi!ion !ha! he !hin&s is perfec! for me I'm !o be in!er(ie'ed for i! !omorro'""Did he men!ion 'ho'll be in!er(ie'in% you?""I !hin& he said !he man's name 'as Mr $illiams""=im $illiams," Philip murmured sof!ly, his smile broadenin% "I'll be damned"#hor!ly af!er'ard )ar!er lef! for his o'n apar!men!, and )arol re!ired for !he ni%h! 8u! Philip as&ed Lauren !o remain in !he dra'in% room 'i!h him "$illiams may 'an! you !o s!ar! immedia!ely," he said 'hen !he o!hers had %one "$e don'! 'an! any obs!acles in !he'ay of you %e!!in% !ha! 6ob Ho' soon can you %o home, pac& and re!urn !o 'or&?""I can'! %o home !o pac& un!il I'(e found an apar!men! here," Lauren reminded him",o, of course no!," he a%reed 7f!er a momen!'s !hou%h! he said, "2ou &no', a fe' yearsa%o I bou%h! a condominium in 8loomfield Hills for an aun! of mine #he's been in 4urope for mon!hs no' and in!ends !o s!ay !here for ano!her year I! 'ould be my pleasure !o ha(e you li(e a! her place"",o, really, I couldn'!," Lauren said .uic&ly "2ou'(e already done more !han enou%h for me< I can'! le! you pro(ide a place for me !o li(e, !oo""I insis!," he said 'i!h &indly firmness "7nd any'ay, you'll be doin% me a fa(or, becauseI'(e had !o pay !he %a!e&eeper a! !he condominium comple* a si/able sum e(ery mon!h !o'a!ch !he place This 'ay 'e'll bo!h sa(e money"Lauren pluc&ed absen!ly a! !he slee(e of her aprico! blouse Her fa!her needed e(ery penny she could send him, and as .uic&ly as possible If she didn'! ha(e !o spend money for ren!, she could send him !ha!, !oo Troubled and uncer!ain, she loo&ed a! Philip, bu! hehad already e*!rac!ed a pen and paper from his sui!3coa! poc&e! and 'as 'ri!in% some!hin% do'n "Here's !he address and phone number of !he condominium," he said, handin% her !he piece of paper "$hen you fill ou! your employmen! papers a! #inco !omorro', %i(e !hem !his informa!ion Tha! 'ay, no one !here 'ill e(er connec! you 'i!h me"7 shi(er of forebodin% danced up Lauren's spine a! !he ominous reminder of !he dual roleshe 'ould be playin% if she 'en! !o 'or& for #inco #pyin% Her mind s&a!ed a'ay in alarm from !he 'ord ,o, she 'ouldn'! really be doin% !ha! 7ll she 'ould really be doin%'as !ryin% !o ferre! ou! !he name of !he !reacherous person 'ho 'as spyin% on Philip's company #een from !ha! (ie'poin!, her mission became no! only 6us!ified, i! became posi!i(ely honorable :or a momen! she fel! .ui!e (ir!uous3un!il she s!ernly reminded herself of !he real reason she 'as no' so 'illin% and ea%er !o 'or& for #incoA ,ic& #inclair 'or&ed ri%h! across !he s!ree!, and she 'an!ed !he oppor!uni!y !o be near himPhilip's (oice in!errup!ed her !hou%h!s "If you're offered a secre!arial posi!ion a! #inco !omorro', accep! i! and lea(e from !here for Missouri If I don'! hear from you by noon !omorro', I'll &no' you %o! !he posi!ion, and I'll arran%e !o ha(e !he condominium ready for you 'i!hin a 'ee&"C" T "The follo'in% mornin% a! ele(en3fif!y, Lauren 'as luc&y enou%h !o find a par&in% space ri%h! across from #inco's offices, direc!ly in fron! of !he "lobal Indus!ries 8uildin% $i!h a mi*!ure of dread and an!icipa!ion, she %o! ou! of !he car, smoo!hed her slim bei%e s&ir!, s!rai%h!ened !he shor! ma!chin% mili!ary 6ac&e! and crossed !he s!ree! !o see Mr $ea!herbyDespi!e his formal, almos! in%ra!ia!in% smile, Mr $ea!herby 'as ob(iously annoyed "0eally, Miss Danner," he said, usherin% her in!o his office, "you could ha(e sa(ed yourself, me and se(eral o!hers a %rea! deal of !ime and !rouble if you had simply !old me'hen you came in yes!erday !ha! you're a friend of Mr #inclair's""Did Mr #inclair call you and !ell you I 'as a friend of his?" Lauren as&ed curiously",o," Mr $ea!herby said, !ryin% hard !o hide his irri!a!ion "Mr #inclair called !he presiden! of our company, Mr #ampson Mr #ampson called !he e*ecu!i(e (ice3presiden!, 'ho called !he (ice3presiden! of opera!ions, 'ho called my boss 7nd las! ni%h!my boss called me a! home and informed me !ha! I had offended and mis6ud%ed Miss Danner, 'ho happens !o be e*!remely bri%h! and a personal friend of Mr #inclair's Then he hun% up on me"Lauren could no! belie(e she had s!irred up such a furor "I'm !erribly sorry !o ha(e caused you so much !rouble," she said con!ri!ely "I! 'asn'! en!irely your faul!3af!er all, I did fail my !es!s"He nodded in empha!ic a%reemen! "I !old my boss you didn'! &no' 'hich end of a pencil!o 'ri!e 'i!h, bu! he said he didn'! %i(e a damn if you !yped 'i!h your !oes" Hea(in% himself ou! of his chair, he said, ",o', if you'll come 'i!h me, I'll !a&e you up !o Mr $illiams's office Mr $illiams is our e*ecu!i(e (ice3presiden! and his secre!ary is mo(in% !o )alifornia He 'an!s !o in!er(ie' you for !he posi!ion""Is Mr $illiams !he e*ecu!i(e (ice3presiden! 'ho called !he (ice3presiden! of opera!ions,'ho called3" Lauren be%an uneasily"4*ac!ly," Mr $ea!herby in!errup!edLauren follo'ed him, bese! 'i!h !he unse!!lin% !hou%h! !ha! e(en if he de!es!ed her, Mr $illiams mi%h! offer her a 6ob because he had been in!imida!ed by his superior 8u! minu!es la!er she abandoned any such idea =ames $illiams, in his mid3!hir!ies, had !he bris&, au!hori!a!i(e air of a man 'ho 'ould ne(er be anyone's puppe! He %lanced up from !he documen!s he 'as readin% 'hen Mr $ea!herby brou%h! Lauren in!o his office and nodded coolly !o'ard !he lea!her chair in fron! of his lar%e des& "#i! do'n," he said !o Lauren To Mr $ea!herby he said cur!ly, ")lose !he door behind you as you lea(e"Lauren sa! as she'd been !old !o do and 'ai!ed as =im $illiams s!ood up and came around in fron! of his des& Leanin% bac& a%ains! i!, he crossed his arms o(er his ches!, and his pene!ra!in% %a/e s'ep! o(er her "#o you're Lauren Danner?" he said dispassiona!ely"2es," Lauren admi!!ed "I'm afraid so"7musemen! flic&ered across his face, momen!arily sof!enin% !he cool, businessli&e fea!ures "I !a&e i! from !ha! remar& !ha! you're a'are of !he uproar you caused las! ni%h!?""2es," Lauren si%hed "In e(ery e*crucia!in%, embarrassin% de!ail"")an you spell 'e*crucia!in%'?""2es," she said, comple!ely !a&en abac&"Ho' fas! can you !ype3'hen you aren'! under !es!in% condi!ions?"Lauren flushed "7bou! a hundred 'ords a minu!e""#hor!hand?""2es"$i!hou! !a&in% his eyes from her face, he reached behind him and pic&ed up a pencil and !able! lyin% on his des& Handin% !hem !o her, he said, "Ta&e !his do'n, please"Lauren s!ared a! him in ama/emen! !hen reco(ered and be%an !o 'ri!e as he dic!a!ed s'if!lyA "Dear Miss Danner, as my adminis!ra!i(e assis!an!, you 'ill be e*pec!ed !o perform a (arie!y of secre!arial du!ies and !o func!ion efficien!ly and smoo!hly as my personal liaison 'i!h my s!aff 2ou 'ill, a! all !imes, adhere precisely !o company policies, re%ardless of your ac.uain!ance 'i!h ,ic& #inclair In a fe' 'ee&s 'e 'ill be mo(in% in!o !he "lobal 8uildin%, and if you e(er a!!emp! !o !a&e ad(an!a%e of your friendship 'i!h Mr #inclair, ei!her by shir&in% your du!ies or i%norin% !he rules !ha! apply!o !he res! of !he s!aff, I 'ill fire you on !he spo! and personally escor! you ou! !he fron! door If, on !he o!her hand, you sho' in!eres! and ini!ia!i(e, I 'ill dele%a!e as much responsibili!y !o you as you 'ish !o accep! and are capable of handlin% If !his mee!s 'i!hyour appro(al, repor! for 'or& here in my office a! KA?? am !'o 'ee&s from Monday 7ny .ues!ions, Lauren?"Lauren raised da/ed eyes !o him "2ou mean I ha(e !he 6ob?""Tha! depends on 'he!her you can !ype !ha! memo 'i!hou! errors in a reasonably shor! !ime"Lauren 'as !oo s!unned by !his cool, unemo!ional offer of a 6ob !o be ner(ous abou! !ranscribin% her dic!a!ion In a fe' minu!es, she re!urned from !he !ype'ri!er and 'al&ed hesi!an!ly in!o his office "Here's !he memo, Mr $illiams"He %lanced a! i! and !hen a! her "+ery efficien! Ho' did $ea!herby e(er %e! !he idea !ha!you're a fea!her3brain?""I!'s !he impression I %a(e him," Lauren said obli.uely")are !o !ell me ho' !ha! happened?"",o, no! really I! 'as all a a misunders!andin%""+ery 'ell, 'e'll lea(e i! a! !ha! ,o', is !here any!hin% else 'e need !o discuss? 2es, of course !here is3your salary"The salary he named 'as U>,??? a year less !han Philip had offered, bu! Philip had promised !o ma&e up !he difference"$ell, do you 'an! !he 6ob?""2es," Lauren said 'i!h a fain! smile "7nd no I 'ould li&e !o 'or& for you, because I ha(e !he feelin% !ha! I could learn a %rea! deal 8u! I don'! 'an! !he 6ob if !he only reason you're offerin% i! !o me is because of of"",ic& #inclair?"Lauren nodded",ic& has no!hin% 'ha!soe(er !o do 'i!h i! I'(e &no'n him for many years, and 'e're %ood friends :riendship, ho'e(er, has no place in business ma!!ers ,ic& has his 6ob and I ha(e mine I do no! presume !o !ell him ho' !o do his, and I 'ould no! apprecia!e his !ryin% !o influence my choice of a secre!ary""Then 'hy did you decide !o in!er(ie' me !oday, e(en !hou%h I failed my !es!s?"His bro'n eyes !'in&led ";h, !ha! $ell, as a ma!!er of fac!, my former secre!ary, for 'hom I ha(e !he %rea!es! respec!, s!ruc& spar&s off $ea!herby from !he (ery firs! $hen Iheard !ha! a bri%h! youn% secre!arial applican! hadn'! hi! i! off 'i!h him yes!erday, I !hou%h! perhaps you mi%h! be ano!her Theresa 2ou aren'!, bu! I !hin& you and I 'ill 'or&!o%e!her e(en be!!er, Lauren""Than& you, Mr $illiams I'll see you !'o 'ee&s from Monday"")all me =im"Lauren smiled, accep!in% his handsha&e "In !ha! case, you may call me Lauren""I !hou%h! I had been""2ou ha(e"His lips !'i!ched ""ood for you3don'! le! me in!imida!e you"Lauren emer%ed from !he dim buildin% in!o !he da//lin% sunli%h! of a 'onderful 7u%us! day 7s she 'ai!ed for !he !raffic li%h! !o chan%e from red !o %reen, her %a/e 'as irresis!ibly dra'n !o !he "lobal Indus!ries 8uildin% across !he s!ree! $ould ,ic& be !here'or&in%, she 'ondered #he lon%ed !o see himThe li%h! chan%ed and she crossed !he 'ide boule(ard !o her car 8u! if ,ic& had 'an!ed !o see her a%ain, surely he 'ould ha(e as&ed for her phone number Perhaps he 'as shy #hy5 Lauren shoo& her head derisi(ely as she reached for !he car door handle ,ic& #inclair 'as no! in !he leas! shy5 $i!h his loo&s and la/y charm, he 'as probably accus!omed !o 'omen 'ho !oo& !he ini!ia!i(e and as&ed him ou!The %lass doors of !he buildin% s'un% open, and Lauren's hear! soared as ,ic& himself s!rode in!o (ie' :or a 6oyous momen!, Lauren !hou%h! he'd seen her s!andin% a! her car and had come ou! !o !al& !o her, bu! he !urned !o his ri%h! and s!ar!ed !o'ard !he far corner of !he buildin%",ic&5" she called impulsi(ely ",ic&5"He %lanced o(er his shoulder, and Lauren 'a(ed a! him, feelin% absurdly happy 'hen he headed !o'ard her 'i!h !hose lon% s!rides of his""uess 'here I'(e been?" #he beamedThere 'as a 'arm, !easin% li%h! in his %ray eyes as !hey s'ep! o(er her shinin% honey hair in i!s ele%an! chi%non, her smar! bei%e sui!, sil&y blouse and chocola!e bro'n sandals "Modelin% for a 8on'i! Teller fashion sho'?" he (en!ured 'i!h a %rinLauren %lo'ed a! !he complimen!, bu! she hun% on !o her composure ",o, I'(e been across !he s!ree! a! #inco 4lec!ronics, and !hey offered me a 6ob3!han&s !o you"He i%nored her reference !o his help "Did you !a&e i!?""Did I5 The money's fan!as!ic< !he man I'll be 'or&in% for is !errific, and !he 6ob sounds in!eres!in% and challen%in%""2ou're pleased, !hen?"Lauren nodded !hen 'ai!ed, hopin% he 'ould as& her ou! Ins!ead he reached do'n !o open her car door for her ",ic&," she said before her coura%e could deser! her "I'm in !hemood !o celebra!e If you &no' a %ood place for sand'iches and a cold drin&, I'll buy youlunch"He hesi!a!ed for an unbearable momen!, !hen a smile da'ned across his !anned fea!ures "Tha!'s !he bes! offer I'(e had all day"0a!her !han %i(e her direc!ions, ,ic& dro(e !he car 7 fe' bloc&s a'ay he !urned off =efferson and pulled in!o a par&in% lo! behind 'ha! loo&ed li&e a narro', reno(a!ed !hree3s!ory bric& house The si%n abo(e !he bac& door, made of dar& 'ood 'i!h %old le!!ers e!ched deeply in!o i!, said simply, Tony's Inside, !he house had been con(er!ed in!o a dimly li!, charmin% res!auran!, 'i!h dar& oa&en floors, !ables polished !o a %lossy shine and copper po!s and pans han%in% ar!is!ically on !he rou%h bric& 'alls #unli%h! illumina!ed !he s!ained %lass 'indo's, and red3and3'hi!e chec&ed !ableclo!hs added !o !he 'arm!h and charm7 'ai!er s!a!ioned near !he door %ree!ed ,ic& 'i!h a poli!e, ""ood mornin%," !hen sho'ed !hem !o !he only unoccupied !able in !he en!ire place 7s ,ic& pulled ou! her chair, Lauren %lanced around a! !he o!her cus!omers #he 'as one of !he fe' 'omen presen!, bu! !here 'as cer!ainly a mi*ed (arie!y of men Mos! of !hem 'ere 'earin% sui!s and !ies, 'hile !hree o!hers, includin% ,ic&, 'ore slac&s 'i!h open3collared spor!s shir!s7n older 'ai!er appeared a! !heir !able, %ree!ed ,ic& 'i!h an affec!iona!e pa! on !he shoulder, a cheery, ""ood !o see you a%ain, my friend," and be%an !o hand !hem hu%e, lea!her3bound menus "$e'll ha(e !he special, Tony," ,ic& said, and a! Lauren's .ui//ical loo&, he added, "The special!y is :rench3dip sand'iches3is !ha! all ri%h! 'i!h you?"#ince she had offered !o buy his lunch, Lauren !hou%h! he 'as as&in% her permission !o order some!hin% !ha! cos! more !han a re%ular sand'ich "Please ha(e 'ha!e(er you li&e,"she insis!ed %raciously "$e're celebra!in% my ne' 6ob, and I can afford any!hin% on !he menu""Ho' do you !hin& you're %oin% !o li&e li(in% in De!roi!?" he as&ed 'hen Tony, 'ho 'as apparen!ly !he o'ner, had lef! "I!'s bound !o be a bi% chan%e for a small3!o'n %irl from Missouri"7 small3!o'n %irl? Lauren 'as pu//led Tha! 'asn'! !he impression she normally con(eyed !o people "7c!ually, 'e li(ed in a suburb of )hica%o un!il my mo!her died, 'hen I 'as !'el(e 7f!er !ha! my fa!her and I mo(ed !o :ens!er, Missouri3!he !o'n 'herehe %re' up He !oo& a 6ob !eachin% in !he same school he'd a!!ended as a boy #o you see, I'm no! comple!ely a 'small3!o'n %irl' af!er all",ic&'s e*pression didn'! chan%e "$ere you an only child?""2es, bu! my fa!her remarried 'hen I 'as !hir!een 7lon% 'i!h a s!epmo!her, I also ac.uired a s!epsis!er !'o years older !han me, and a s!epbro!her one year older"He mus! ha(e cau%h! !he no!e of dis!as!e in her (oice 'hen she men!ioned her s!epbro!herbecause he said, "I !hou%h! all li!!le %irls li&ed !he idea of ha(in% a bi% bro!her Didn'! you?"7n irrepressible smile li! Lauren's (i(id face ";h, I li&ed !he idea of ha(in% a bi% bro!her9nfor!una!ely, I didn'! li&e Lenny a! !he !ime $e de!es!ed each o!her on si%h! He !eased me unmercifully, yan&ed my braids and s!ole money from my bedroom I re!alia!ed by !ellin% e(eryone in !o'n !ha! he 'as %ay3'hich no one belie(ed because he !urned ou! !o be an absolu!e lecher5",ic& chuc&led, and Lauren no!iced !ha! 'hen he smiled, his eyes crin&led a! !he corners In con!ras! !o !he 'arm %olden !an of his face, his eyes 'ere a li%h! me!allic sil(er 8enea!h his s!rai%h! dar& bro's and !hic& spi&y lashes, !hey %lin!ed 'i!h humor and &een in!elli%ence, 'hile his firm lips promised e*ci!in%ly a%%ressi(e male sensuali!y Lauren fel! !he same delicious s!irrin% of her senses !ha! she had e*perienced !he ni%h! before andcau!iously lo'ered her %a/e !o !he !anned column of his !hroa!"$ha! abou! your s!epsis!er?" ,ic& as&ed "$ha! 'as she li&e?"""or%eous 7ll she had !o do 'as s!roll do'n !he s!ree! and !he boys posi!i(ely drooled o(er her""Did she !ry !o s!eal your boyfriends?"Lauren's eyes &indled 'i!h humor as she %a/ed a! him across !he narro' !able "I didn'! ha(e many boyfriends for her !o s!eal3a! leas!, no! un!il I 'as se(en!een";ne dar& bro' lif!ed in disbelief as his %a/e mo(ed o(er !he classic perfec!ion of her fea!ures, o(er her eyes li&e shinin% !ur.uoise sa!in benea!h !heir hea(y frin%e of curly lashes, !o lin%er on her !hic&, honey3colored hair #unli%h! s!reamin% !hrou%h !he s!ained3%lass 'indo' beside !heir !able ba!hed her face in a sof! %lo' "I find !ha! (ery hard !o belie(e," he said finally"I promise you, i!'s !rue," Lauren a(erred, dismissin% his complimen! 'i!h a smile #he remembered 'i!h %rea! clari!y !he homely li!!le %irl she had been, and 'hile !he memories 'ere no! par!icularly painful, she really couldn'! place much impor!ance no' on any!hin% as unreliable as surface beau!yTony pu! !'o pla!es do'n on !he red3chec&ed !ableclo!h, each con!ainin% a crus!y loaf of :rench bread !ha! had been sliced len%!h'ise and piled hi%h 'i!h 'afer3!hin rare roas! beef 8eside each pla!e, he placed a li!!le bo'l of beef 6uice "I!'s delicious3!ry i!," he ur%edLauren !as!ed hers and a%reed "I!'s 'onderful," she !old him""ood," he said, his round, mus!achioed face beamin% pa!ernally a! her "Then you le! ,ic& pay for i!5 He has more money !han you ,ic&'s %randfa!her loaned me !he money !os!ar! !his place," he confided before bus!lin% off !o chas!ise a clumsy busboyThey a!e !heir meal in companionable silence in!erspersed 'i!h Lauren's .ues!ions abou! !he res!auran! and i!s o'ner :rom 'ha! li!!le she could %a!her from ,ic&'s brief ans'ers, his family and Tony's had been friends for !hree %enera!ions 7! one poin! ,ic&'s fa!her had ac!ually 'or&ed for Tony's fa!her, ye! someho' !he financial si!ua!ion mus! ha(e re(ersed i!self for ,ic&'s %randfa!her la!er had enou%h money !o lend !o TonyThe momen! !hey 'ere finished Tony appeared a! !heir !able !o 'his& a'ay !heir pla!es The ser(ice in !he place 'as much !oo %ood, Lauren !hou%h! 'i!h dismay They had only been here for !hir!y3fi(e minu!es, and she'd hoped !o ha(e a! leas! an hour 'i!h ,ic&",o', ho' abou! some desser!," Tony said, his friendly dar& eyes on Lauren ":or you I ha(e canoli3or some of my special spumoni My spumoni is no! 'ha! you find in s!ores," he !old her proudly "I! is !he real !hin% I! is ice cream of se(eral fla(ors and colors, arran%ed in layers Then in!o i! I pu!3""8i!s of frui! and lo!s of nu!s," Lauren finished, smilin% 'armly a! him "The 'ay my mo!her used !o ma&e i!"Tony's mou!h dropped open, !hen he minu!ely scru!ini/ed her face 7f!er a lon% momen! he nodded decisi(ely "2ou are I!alian," he proclaimed 'i!h a broad smile";nly half I!alian," Lauren correc!ed "The o!her half is Irish"In !en seconds Tony had pried her full name ou! of her, !he name of her mo!her's family and had disco(ered !ha! she 'as mo(in% !o De!roi! 'here she &ne' no one Lauren fel! a li!!le %uil!y for no! men!ionin% Philip $hi!'or!h, bu! since ,ic& &ne' people a! #inco she didn'! !hin& she should ris& men!ionin% her connec!ion 'i!h Philip in fron! of him#he lis!ened !o Tony 'i!h a %lo' of happiness I! had been so lon% since she had li(ed in )hica%o and (isi!ed 'i!h her I!alian cousins, and i! fel! so %ood !o hear !ha! .uain! familiar accen! a%ain"2ou need any!hin%, Lauren, you come !o me," Tony !old her, pa!!in% her shoulder as he had ,ic&'s "7 beau!iful youn% 'oman alone in !he bi% ci!y needs some family she can !urn !o 'hen she needs help Here !here 'ill al'ays be a meal for you3a %ood I!alian meal," he clarified ",o' ho' abou! my %rea! spumoni?"Lauren %lanced a! ,ic& and !hen a! Tony's e*pec!an! face "I'd lo(e some spumoni," she announced, i%norin% !he %roanin% pro!es! of her full s!omach in !he in!eres! of prolon%in% !heir lunchTony beamed, and ,ic& 'in&ed conspira!orially a! him "Lauren is s!ill a %ro'in% %irl, Tony"Lauren's eyes dar&ened 'i!h e*aspera!ion and confusion a! his 'ords, and for a minu!e she idly !raced a lar%e red chec& on !he !ableclo!h 'i!h her manicured fin%ernail ",ic&, may I as& you a .ues!ion?" she said sof!ly";f course"#he folded her arms on !he !able and re%arded him direc!ly "$hy do you !al& abou! me, as if I'm some nai(e !eena%er?"$ry amusemen! !'is!ed his lips "I didn'! reali/e I 'as 8u! I suppose i!'s !o remind myself !ha! you're youn%, !ha! you come from a small !o'n in Missouri and !ha! you're probably (ery nai(e"Lauren 'as ama/ed by his ans'er "I'm a %ro'n 'oman, and !he fac! !ha! I %re' up in a small !o'n doesn'! mean a !hin%5" #he paused as Tony ser(ed her spumoni, bu! !he momen! he !urned a'ay she added irri!ably, "7nd I don'! &no' 'ha! %a(e you !he idea !ha! I'm nai(e, bu! I'm no!"The !easin% li%h! in ,ic&'s eyes 'as e*!in%uished as he leaned bac& in his chair and s!udied her specula!i(ely "2ou're no!?"",o, I'm no!""In !ha! case," he dra'led smoo!hly, "'ha! are your plans for !his 'ee&end?"Lauren's hear! somersaul!ed 'i!h deli%h! bu! she as&ed cau!iously, "$ha! did you ha(e in mind?""7 par!y #ome friends of mine are ha(in% a par!y !his 'ee&end a! !heir house near Harbor #prin%s I 'as abou! !o lea(e for !heir place 'hen 'e me! !oday I!'s appro*ima!ely a fi(e3hour dri(e from here, and 'e'd re!urn on #unday"Lauren had planned !o dri(e direc!ly !o :ens!er !ha! af!ernoon ;n !he o!her hand, i! only !oo& a day !o dri(e each 'ay, and she could easily pac& all her belon%in%s in less !han a 'ee& #he had more !han !'o 'ee&s before she 'as !o s!ar! her ne' 6ob, so !ime 'as no problem, and she despera!ely 'an!ed !o %o 'i!h ,ic& "7re you cer!ain i! 'on'! incon(enience your friends if I come 'i!h you?""I! 'on'! incon(enience !hem< !hey 'ere e*pec!in% me !o brin% someone 'i!h me""In !ha! case," Lauren smiled, "I'd lo(e !o %o In fac!, my sui!case is already in !he !run& of !he car",ic& %lanced o(er his shoulder and nodded a! Tony, si%nalin% for !heir chec& The older man brou%h! i! o(er and placed i! on !he !able near ,ic&, bu! Lauren def!ly co(ered i! 'i!h her hand and pulled i! !o'ard her "I am buyin% lunch," she s!a!ed, carefully concealin% her shoc& a! !he !o!al on !he chec&3ra!her e*orbi!an! for !he amoun! !hey had ea!en 7s she reached for her 'alle!, ho'e(er, ,ic& laid se(eral bills on !he !able, and she'a!ched helplessly as Tony s'ep! !hem a'ayTony sa' her dismay and chuc&ed her under !he chin as if she 'ere ei%h! years old "2ou come bac& of!en, Laurie :or you I 'ill al'ays ha(e an emp!y !able and some!hin% %ood !o ea!""7! !hese prices," Lauren !eased him, "I'm surprised all your !ables aren'! emp!y"Tony leaned closer confidin%ly "My !ables are ne(er emp!y In fac!, you canno! e(en reser(e one in ad(ance unless your name is on my lis! I 'ill ha(e 0icco place your nameon our lis!" He lif!ed an imperious arm and !hree youn%, dar&ly handsome 'ai!ers %lanced up, !hen came !o Lauren's !able "These are my sons," Tony said, proudly in!roducin% !hem "0icco, Dominic and =oe 0icco, you pu! Laurie's name on !he lis!"",o, please don'! bo!her," Lauren in!er6ec!ed .uic&lyTony i%nored her "7 nice I!alian %irl li&e you needs a family !o pro!ec! and %uide her in abi% ci!y li&e De!roi! 2ou come of!en !o see us3'e li(e on !he floors abo(e !he res!auran! 0icco, Dominic," Tony ordered !hem s!ernly, "'hen Laurie comes, you &eep an eye on her =oe, you &eep an eye on 0icco and Dominic5"To Lauren, 'ho had burs! ou! lau%hin%, Tony e*plained, "=oe is married"0epressin% her mir!h 'i!h an effor!, Lauren loo&ed a! her four appoin!ed "%uardians" 'i!hhappy %ra!i!ude shinin% in her eyes "$ho should I &eep my eye on?" she as&ed !easin%lyIn perfec! unison, four dar& I!alian faces !urned accusin%ly !o ,ic&, 'ho 'as loun%in% in his chair, obser(in% !hem all 'i!h an amused e*pression "Lauren !ells me she can !a&e care of herself," he said imper!urbably as he pushed his chair bac& and s!ood up,ic& said he had !o ma&e a phone call, and 'hile he did so, Lauren 'al&ed do'n !he hall !o !he ladies' room $hen she emer%ed, she reco%ni/ed his broad shoulders and !apered bac& a! a phone in !he en!rance'ay His deep bari!one (oice 'as lo'ered, bu! one 'ord drif!ed !o her as clear as a bellA "4ric&a"$ha! an odd !ime for him !o be callin% ano!her 'oman, Lauren !hou%h! ;r 'as i!? He had said !ha! !heir hos!s 'ere e*pec!in% him !o brin% a friend, and he 'ould ha(e undoub!edly arran%ed !o !a&e someone 'i!h him lon% before !oday He 'as brea&in% a da!e5,ic& slid in!o her spor!y Pon!iac Trans 7m, !urned on !he i%ni!ion, !hen fro'ned a! !he %enera!or 'arnin% li%h! !ha! %lo'ed red on !he dashboard "I don'! !hin& !here's any!hin% 'ron% 'i!h !he %enera!or," Lauren has!ily e*plained ";n !he 'ay up here I s!opped and had a mechanic chec& i! He couldn'! find any!hin% 'ron%, so i!'s possible i!'s 6us! a shor! in !he 'arnin% li%h! i!self The car is only si* mon!hs old""$hy don'! 'e !a&e i! up nor!h and see ho' i! runs," ,ic& said af!er a brief pause "Tha! 'ay you 'on'! be alone on !he hi%h'ay en rou!e !o Missouri if !he %enera!or does %o ou!""$onderful," she readily a%reed"Tell me more abou! your family and you," he said as !hey pulled ou! of !he par&in% lo!Lauren !urned her face !o !he fron!, !ryin% no! !o sho' her !ension The li!!le 'eb of decei!she'd 'o(en 'as already %ro'in% lar%er and more en!an%led #ince ,ic& &ne' people a! #inco, and she'd delibera!ely omi!!ed men!ionin% her colle%e de%ree on her applica!ion, she 'as hesi!an! abou! !ellin% him she'd been a! colle%e for !he las! fi(e years #!arin% ou! !he 'indo' a! !he splendid %lass 0enaissance )en!er, she si%hed 7 person 'ho 'as inna!ely hones!, she'd already lied !o him abou! her a%e, because she 'ouldn'! really be !'en!y3!hree for ano!her !hree 'ee&s 7nd she'd !old Tony in fron! of him !ha! she had no friends or rela!i(es in De!roi! ,o' she 'as %oin% !o carefully "for%e!" !he las! fi(e years of her life"$as !ha! a !ou%h .ues!ion?" ,ic& 6o&edHis smile did cra/y !hin%s !o her hear!bea! #he 'an!ed !o lif! her hand and lay i! a%ains! his hard 6a' and !o !race !he line of !hose sensual lips His shir! collar 'as open a! !he !hroa!, and she 'an!ed !o !ouch !he dar& hairs !ha! curled crisply 6us! abo(e !he deep + of !he !hird bu!!on 4(en !he scen! of his spicy colo%ne 'as !easin% her senses, in(i!in% her closer "There isn'! much more !o !ell you My s!epbro!her, Lenny, is !'en!y3four no', and he's married and s!ar!in% his o'n family My s!epsis!er, Melissa, is !'en!y3fi(e, and she %o! married in 7pril Her husband is a mechanic 'ho 'or&s for !he Pon!iac dealer 'here I bou%h! !his car""$ha! abou! your fa!her and s!epmo!her?""My fa!her is a !eacher He's brillian! and 'ise My s!epmo!her is (ery s'ee! and comple!ely de(o!ed !o him""If your fa!her's a !eacher, I'm ama/ed !ha! he didn'! ur%e you !o %o on !o colle%e, ra!her !han le!!in% you 'or& as a secre!ary""He did," Lauren replied obli.uely, (as!ly relie(ed 'hen ,ic& 'as obli%ed !o direc! his a!!en!ion !o !he in!ricacies of chan%in% lanes and ne%o!ia!in% !he 'ide cur(e !ha! brou%h! !hem do'n !he en!rance ramp on!o In!ers!a!e QL The e*press'ay !oo& !hem !hrou%h !he inner ci!y before !he scenery chan%ed from urban fac!ories and housin% !o small suburbanhomes, follo'ed by a hu%e shoppin% cen!er and far more opulen! suburbs "$ha! abou! your e*!ra clo!hes?" she as&ed suddenly "$on'! you need !o pac& a sui!case?"",o I &eep some clo!hes a! ano!her house in Harbor #prin%s"The bree/e !hrou%h !he open car 'indo' li%h!ly !eased his !hic&, coffee3bro'n hair 7l!hou%h i! 'as cu! and s!yled !o lie fla! a! !he sides, i! 'as 6us! lon% enou%h a! !he nape !o brush his shir! collar36us! lon% enou%h, Lauren reflec!ed 'is!fully, for a 'oman's fin%ers !o slide !hrou%h i! Her fin%ers Tearin% her eyes from his profile, she pulled her sun%lasses do'n on!o her nose and !urned her head !o %a/e a! !he passin% scenery on !he in!ers!a!e, only dimly a'are 'hen !he endless suburbs %a(e 'ay !o lon% s!re!ches of open coun!ryside ,ic& posi!i(ely radia!ed bold se*ual e*per!ise and confiden! (irili!y 4(en no' she 'as dis!urbin%ly a'are of !he len%!h of his hard, muscled !hi%h only inches a'ayfrom hers and !he 'ay his po'erful shoulders seemed !o d'arf her 4(ery!hin% abou! !he 'ay he loo&ed, and !he 'ay he loo&ed a! her, 'arned her !ha! he could be (ery dan%erous!o her peace of mindDan%erous? 7%reein% !o %o a'ay for !he 'ee&end 'i!h him had been comple!ely ou! of charac!er for her3as ou! of charac!er and une*plainable as !his deep compellin% a!!rac!ion she fel! for him I! 'as also a rash, rec&less !hin% !o do, she admi!!ed !o herself 8u! 'as i!dan%erous? $ha! if ,ic& 'as a demen!ed &iller 'ho in!ended !o murder her, mu!ila!e her body and bury i! in !he 'oods? If he did, no one 'ould e(er &no' 'ha! had happened !o her, because no one &ne' she 'as 'i!h him3e*cep! Tony and his sons, and ,ic& could simply !ell !hem she'd %one bac& !o Missouri They'd belie(e him Li!erally and fi%ura!i(ely, ,ic& could %e! a'ay 'i!h murderLauren s!ole a s'if!, apprehensi(e %lance a! his chiseled profile, and her fea!ures rela*ed in!o a fain! smile Her ins!inc!s abou! people had ne(er le! her do'n before, and she &ne'ins!inc!i(ely !ha! she 'as no! in any physical dan%erThe ne*! !hree hours passed in a deli%h!ful blur The car a!e up !he miles, sendin% a balmybree/e !o !ouch !heir faces and ruffle !heir hair, and !hey !al&ed companionably abou! e(ery!hin% and no!hin%,ic&, Lauren no!iced, 'as e*!remely e(asi(e 'hen i! came !o ac!ually !al&in% abou! himself, bu! posi!i(ely insa!iable 'hen i! came !o probin% in!o her bac&%round 7ll she learned abou! him 'as !ha! his fa!her had died 'hen he 'as four, and !ha! his %randparen!s, 'ho had raised him, had bo!h died a fe' years a%oIn !he !o'n of "raylin%, 'hich ,ic& said 'as abou! an hour and a half's dri(e from !heir des!ina!ion of Harbor #prin%s, he s!opped a! a li!!le %rocery s!ore $hen he came ou!, Lauren sa' !ha! he 'as carryin% !'o cans of )o&e and a pac&a%e of ci%are!!es 7 fe' miles do'n !he road, he pulled o(er a! a roadside picnic !able, and !hey bo!h %o! ou!"Isn'! i! a %or%eous day?" Lauren !ipped her head bac& !o %a/e in deli%h! a! !he lacy 'hi!e clouds drif!in% across !he brillian! blue s&y #he %lanced a! ,ic& and found him obser(in%her 'i!h an indul%en! e*pressionI%norin% his blas? a!!i!ude she said, "7! home !he s&y ne(er seems !o be !his blue, and i!'s much ho!!er I suppose because Missouri is so far sou!h of here",ic& opened bo!h cans of )o&e and handed one !o her He leaned his hip casually on !he picnic !able behind him, and Lauren !ried !o pic& up !heir con(ersa!ion 'here i! had been in!errup!ed a fe' minu!es a%o "2ou said your fa!her died 'hen you 'ere four, and your %randparen!s raised you3'ha! happened !o your mo!her?"",o!hin% happened !o her," he replied Pu!!in% a ci%are!!e be!'een his lips, he s!ruc& a ma!ch, cuppin% his hands around !he flame !o pro!ec! i! from !he bree/eLauren s!ared a! !he (i!al !hic&ness of his dar& bro'n hair as he ben! his head !o !he ma!ch, !hen she .uic&ly lif!ed her blue eyes !o his ",ic&, 'hy are you so uncommunica!i(e abou! yourself?"He s.uin!ed his eyes a%ains! !he aroma!ic smo&e drif!in% up from !he ci%are!!e "9ncommunica!i(e? I'(e been !al&in% my head off for a hundred miles""8u! no! abou! any!hin% really personal $ha! happened !o your mo!her?"He lau%hed "Has anyone e(er !old you !ha! you ha(e incredibly beau!iful eyes?""2es, and you're pre(arica!in%5""7nd !ha! you're e*!remely 'ell3spo&en, !oo?" he con!inued, i%norin% her remar&"$hich isn'! surprisin% because my fa!her is an 4n%lish !eacher, as you'(e already disco(ered" Lauren si%hed, e*aspera!ed by his delibera!e e(asi(eness,ic& %lanced up a! !he s&y, his %a/e drif!in% o(er !he !rees and !he deser!ed hi%h'ay, before he finally loo&ed a! Lauren a%ain "I didn'! reali/e ho' !ense I 'as un!il !hree hours a%o, 'hen I finally s!ar!ed !o rela* I needed !o %e! a'ay li&e !his""Ha(e you been 'or&in% (ery hard?""7bou! se(en!y hours a 'ee& for !he pas! !'o mon!hs"Her e*pressi(e eyes filled 'i!h sympa!hy, and ,ic& smiled a! her3one of !hose 'arm, en%a%in% smiles !ha! .uic&ened her hear!bea! "Did you &no' !ha! you're (ery rela*in% company?" he as&ed sof!ly#he 'as no! par!icularly pleased !o hear !ha! 'hile she found him elec!rifyin%, he found her rela*in% "Than& you3I'll !ry no! !o pu! you !o sleep before 'e %e! !o Harbor #prin%s""2ou can pu! me !o sleep af!er 'e %e! !here," he said su%%es!i(elyLauren's hear! slammed in!o her rib ca%e "$ha! I mean! 'as, I hope I'm no! borin% you""8elie(e me, you ha(en'! bored me" His (oice deepened 'i!h sensuali!y "7s a ma!!er of fac!, !here's some!hin% I'(e 'an!ed !o do e(er since las! ni%h!, 'hen I !urned around 'i!h your %lass of !onic in my hand and sa' you s!andin% !here, !ryin% (ery hard no! !o lau%h a! my shoc&"4(en in her s!a!e of hei%h!ened ner(ousness, Lauren &ne' he in!ended !o &iss her He !oo& her )o&e from her limp fin%ers and calmly pu! i! on !he picnic !able beside him, !henhe reached ou! and dre' her purposefully be!'een his le%s Her hip brushed !he inside of his hard !hi%h, sendin% shoc& 'a(es of alarmed a'areness !hrou%h her en!ire ner(ous sys!em His hands slid up her arms !o %en!ly imprison her shoulders In helpless an!icipa!ion she 'a!ched his firm, sensual lips slo'ly descend !o hersHis mou!h co(ered hers, mo(in% and probin% in a &iss !ha! 'as la/ily coa*in%, ye! brea!h!a&in%ly insis!en! Lauren !ried despera!ely !o hold on !o her fleein% sani!y, bu! !he momen! his !on%ue slid a%ains! her lips she los! !he ba!!le$i!h a smo!hered moan, she leaned in!o him and le! him par! her lips His response 'as ins!an!aneous His arms !i%h!ened around her, imprisonin% her a%ains! his ches!, 'hile hismou!h opened hun%rily, his !on%ue plun%in% in!o her mou!h and s!ro&in% a%ains! hers #ome!hin% e*ploded inside Lauren< her body arched a%ains! him, and her hands lif!ed compulsi(ely !o caress his nec& and slide !hrou%h !he sof! hair a! his nape as she ea%erly responded !o his hun%ry mou!h8y !he !ime ,ic& finally lif!ed his head, Lauren fel! branded by !ha! &iss, permanen!ly mar&ed as his possession Tremblin% 'i!h inner !urmoil, she leaned her forehead a%ains! his shoulder His 'arm lips drif!ed across her chee& !o her !emple, !railin% do'n'ard un!il his !ee!h playfully nipped her earlobe He chuc&led hus&ily a%ains! her ear, "I !hin& Io'e you an apolo%y, Lauren"#he leaned bac& in his arms and loo&ed up a! him The smo&y %ray eyes %a/in% bac& a! her 'ere hea(y3lidded and smolderin% 'i!h passion, and al!hou%h he 'as smilin%, i! 'as a 'ry smile of self3moc&ery"$hy do you o'e me an apolo%y?"His hand slid up and do'n her spine in a la/y caress "8ecause despi!e your assurance !ha! you aren'! nai(e, un!il a fe' minu!es a%o I 'as 'orried !ha! !his 'ee&end mi%h! be more !han you could handle3and more !han you bar%ained for"#!ill da/ed from !heir &iss, Lauren as&ed sof!ly, "7nd no' 'ha! do you !hin&?""I !hin&," he murmured dryly, "!ha! !his 'ee&end mi%h! !urn ou! !o be more !han I bar%ained for" He %a/ed in!o her %lo'in% blue eyes, and his o'n eyes dar&ened 'i!h response "I also !hin& !ha! if you con!inue !o loo& a! me li&e !ha!, 'e're %oin% !o be abou!!'o hours la!e %e!!in% !o Harbor #prin%s"His %lance flic&ed meanin%fully !o !he mo!el across !he hi%h'ay bu! before Lauren e(en considered panic&in%, he reached up and firmly pulled her sun%lasses do'n on!o her nose "Those eyes of yours are %oin% !o be my undoin%," he said 'i!h %rim humorThen he !oo& her arm and led her !o'ard !he carLauren collapsed in!o her sea!, feelin% as if she had 6us! been !hrou%h a cyclone The car en%ine roared !o life, and she forced herself !o rela* and !hin& lo%ically #he had !'o immedia!e problems facin% herA !he firs! 'as !ha! i! 'as no' ob(ious ,ic& in!ended !o !a&e her !o bed !his 'ee&end In his mind i! 'as already a for%one conclusion ;f course, she could simply say no 'hen !he !ime came, bu! !he second problem 'as !ha! she 'asn'! a! all cer!ain she 'an!ed !o say no ,e(er before had she been so a!!rac!ed !o a man, or so affec!ed by a &iss ,e(er before had she so 'an!ed a man !o ma&e lo(e !o her#he loo&ed a! ,ic&'s s!ron%, capable hands on !he s!eerin% 'heel, !hen lif!ed her eyes !o his ru%%edly handsome profile He 'as so a!!rac!i(e, so bla!an!ly (irile, !ha! 'omen probably !oo& one loo& a! him and ea%erly 'en! !o bed 'i!h him 'i!hou! e(er e*pec!in% any emo!ional commi!men! from him #urely she herself 'ouldn'! be such an easy con.ues! ;r 'ould she?7 rueful smile !ouched Lauren's lips as she !urned her head !o'ard !he 'indo' 4(eryoneal'ays said she 'as so in!elli%en!, so sensible, ye! here she 'as, already plannin% !o ma&e ,ic& #inclair fall in lo(e 'i!h her because she &ne' she 'as already fallin% in lo(e 'i!h him"Lauren, !his !rip is %e!!in% a li!!le lonely on my side of !he car $ha! are you !hin&in% abou!?":illed 'i!h !hou%h!s of !heir des!iny, Lauren !urned !o him and, smilin%, slo'ly shoo& herhead "If I !old you, i! 'ould scare you !o dea!h"L" T "Lauren's %a/e s!rayed admirin%ly o(er !he panorama of La&e Michi%an's spar&lin% blue 'a(es s'ellin% and fro!hin% 'i!h 'hi!e as !hey !umbled la/ily on!o !he sandy beach "$e'll be !here in a fe' minu!es," ,ic& !old her as he !urned off !he hi%h'ay on!o a 'ell3main!ained coun!ry road !ha! 'ound !hrou%h !o'erin% s!ands of pine !rees #e(eral minu!es la!er he !urned lef! on!o an unmar&ed blac&!op dri(e'ay :or a! leas! a mile !he smoo!h pri(a!e dri(e meandered %racefully be!'een s!a!ely moun!ain3ash !rees, !heir branches laden 'i!h ma%nificen! han%in% clus!ers of bri%h! oran%e frui!Lauren loo&ed a! !he manicured landscape on bo!h sides of !he dri(e and reali/ed !ha! !he ordinary la&e co!!a%e she'd ori%inally en(isioned 'hen ,ic& in(i!ed her here for !he 'ee&end 'as no! %oin% !o be 'ha! she 'ould find ,o!hin% prepared her, ho'e(er, for !he si%h! !ha! %ree!ed her 'hen !hey sho! ou! of !he dappled shado's in!o !he %olden %lo'of !he se!!in% sun and pulled !o a s!op behind a lon% ro' of e*pensi(e par&ed carsIn !he dis!ance, a%ains! !he bac&drop of a s!eep bluff, spra'led an immense, modernis!ic !hree3s!ory %lass3and3s!ucco house 7cres of lush %reen la'ns, do!!ed 'i!h colorful umbrella !ables, sloped %en!ly !o a sandy beach $ai!ers in li%h! blue 6ac&e!s 'ere passin%!rays amon% 'ha! had !o be a! leas! a hundred %ues!s, 'ho 'ere loun%in% on chaises around a %i%an!ic &idney3shaped s'immin% pool, !al&in% and lau%hin% in anima!ed %roups on !he la'n, or s!rollin% on !he beach#ilhoue!!ed a%ains! a pin&3and3%old s&y, %leamin% 'hi!e yach!s rode lan%uidly a! anchor on !he s'ellin% 'a!er Lauren decided !hey loo&ed serenely unimpressed by a la&e !ha! 'as nearly a !housand fee! deep in places, and unin!imida!ed by !he fac! !ha! s!orms couldra%e across i!s >>,???3s.uare3mile surface, 'hippin% i! in!o a !urbulen! %ray fury,ic& %o! ou! of !he car and came around !o open her door $i!h his hand a! her elbo', Lauren had no choice bu! !o 'al& beside him alon% !he 'indin% ro' of racy forei%n spor!s cars and lu*urious sedans !o'ard !he !hron%s of %ues!s7! !he ed%e of !he la'n she s!opped and sur(eyed !he people 'i!h 'hom she 'as abou! !omin%le 8esides se(eral famous mo(ie s!ars, !here 'ere o!her (a%uely familiar faces3faces she'd seen repea!edly in ma%a/ine ar!icles abou! !he in!erna!ional 6e! se! and !he fabulously rich#he %lanced a! ,ic&, 'ho 'as slo'ly scannin% !he cro'd He loo&ed nei!her impressed nor in!imida!ed by !his %li!!erin% assembly of !he beau!iful and !he rich< in fac!, he loo&edirri!a!ed $hen he spo&e, his (oice 'as !in%ed 'i!h !he same annoyance she sa' in his e*pression "I'm sorry, Lauren If I'd &no'n Tracy's 'li!!le %a!herin%' 'as %oin% !o be li&e !his, I'd ne(er ha(e brou%h! you here I!'s %oin% !o be noisy, cro'ded and frene!ic"7l!hou%h she fel! ra!her ill a! ease surrounded by such famous people, she mana%ed an airof nonchalance and %a(e him a 6aun!y smile "Maybe, if 'e're luc&y, no one 'ill reali/e 'e're here""Don'! coun! on i!," he 'arned dryly They s!rolled alon% !he perime!er of !he la'n, 'hich'as bordered by dense 'oods $hen !hey came !o a bar !ha! had been se! up for !he use of !he %ues!s, ,ic& s!epped behind i! 0a!her !han s!arin% a! him li&e a beso!!ed idio! 'hile he made !heir drin&s, Lauren forced herself !o !urn and obser(e her surroundin%s 7s her %a/e mo(ed o(er !o a cha!!erin% %roup nearby, a %or%eous redhead %lanced up and sa' ,ic&$i!h a smile da'nin% across her perfec! fea!ures, !he 'oman lef! her friends and hurried !o'ard ,ic& and Lauren, her 'ide3le%%ed loun%in% pan!s billo'in% sof!ly a! her an&les ",ic&, darlin%5" she said, lau%hin%, her berin%ed hands already slidin% up his arms as she leaned for'ard !o &iss him,ic& pu! !he li.uor bo!!le do'n and obli%in%ly cur(ed bo!h his arms around her, dra'in% her !o him !o re!urn !he &iss4(en af!er he released her, Lauren no!ed !ha! !he redhead &ep! her hands on his arms 'hile smilin% 'armly in!o his %ray eyes "4(eryone has been 'onderin% if you 'ere %oin% !o disappoin! us and no! come," she said "8u! I &ne' you'd be here because !he phone has been rin%in% off !he hoo& 'i!h calls from your office The ser(an!s and e(eryone else ha(e been !a&in% messa%es for you all af!ernoon 7nd 'ho's !his?" she as&ed bri%h!ly, a! las! !a&in% her hands from his arms and s!eppin% bac& !o re%ard Lauren 'i!h open curiosi!y"Lauren, !his is 8arbara Leonardos," ,ic& be%an !he in!roduc!ions")all me 8ebe3e(eryone does" The 'oman !urned bac& !o ,ic& and con!inued, almos! asif Lauren 'asn'! !here, "I !hou%h! you 'ere brin%in% 4ric&a""0eally?" ,ic& moc&ed li%h!ly "7nd I !hou%h! you 'ere in 0ome 'i!h 7le*""$e 'ere," 8ebe admi!!ed, "bu! 'e 'an!ed !o see you"$hen she lef! a fe' momen!s la!er, ,ic& s!ar!ed !o e*plain, "8ebe is3""I already &no' 'ho she is," Lauren admi!!ed sof!ly, !ryin% no! !o sound a'ed 8arbara Leonardos 'as !he darlin% of !he fashion ma%a/ines and %ossip columnis!s, an 7merican oil heiress 'ho 'as married !o a fabulously rich "ree& indus!rialis! "I'(e seen her pic!ures in fashion ma%a/ines and ne'spapers do/ens of !imes",ic& handed Lauren !he drin& he had mi*ed for her, pic&ed up his o'n and inclined his head !o'ard !he couple 'ho 'ere s!ridin% .uic&ly !o'ard !hem, arm in arm "Do you reco%ni/e ei!her of !hose !'o?"",o," Lauren admi!!ed "They don'! loo& e(en sli%h!ly familiar",ic& smiled a! her "In !ha! case, I'll in!roduce you They happen !o be our hos! and hos!ess, as 'ell as (ery %ood friends of mine"8racin% herself for !he ine(i!able round of in!roduc!ions, Lauren s!udied !he beau!iful brune!!e in her !hir!ies and !he ra!her hea(yse! man beside her, 'ho 'as close !o si*!y",ic&5" The 'oman lau%hed deli%h!edly, flin%in% herself in!o ,ic&'s arms in u!!er disre%ard of !he drin& he 'as holdin% and &issin% him 'i!h !he same in!ima!e, en!husias!ic familiari!y !ha! 8ebe had "$e ha(en'! seen you for mon!hs5" she scolded as she s!epped bac& "$ha! on ear!h ha(e you been doin%?""#ome of us s!ill 'or& for a li(in%," ,ic& !old her 'i!h an affec!iona!e smile 0eachin% ou!, he cau%h! Lauren's arm, dra'in% her in!o !he circle of comradery "Lauren, I'd li&e you !o mee! our hos!s, Tracy and "eor%e Middle!on""Lauren, I'm so happy !o mee! you," Tracy said, !hen she demanded of ,ic&, "$hy are you !'o s!andin% 'ay o(er here by yoursel(es? ,o one 'ill e(en reali/e you're here""$hich is precisely 'hy I'm s!andin% o(er here," ,ic& !old her blun!lyTracy's brea!h came ou! in a rueful lau%h "I &no' I promised you !his 'as %oin% !o be a small %a!herin% I s'ear 'e had no idea !ha! nearly e(eryone 'e in(i!ed 'as ac!ually %oin% !o come 2ou can'! ima%ine !he problem i!'s crea!ed up a! !he house"#he %lanced a! !he purplin% s&y and !hen o(er her shoulder :ollo'in% her %a/e, Lauren sa' !ha! nearly all !he %ues!s had be%un !o s!roll !o'ard !he house or do'n !o !he pier, 'here mo!or launches 'ere 'ai!in% !o !a&e !hem ou! !o !heir yach!s $ai!ers had s!ar!ed !o se! up !ables under a hu%e s!riped canopy, and !orches 'ere bein% li! around !he pool Musicians 'ere mo(in% !heir ins!rumen!s on!o a lar%e por!able s!a%e !ha! had been erec!ed a! !he far end of !he pool"4(eryone is already dressin% for dinner," Tracy s!a!ed "7re you !'o %oin% o(er !o !he )o(e !o chan%e, or 'ere you plannin% !o chan%e here?"Lauren's mind reeled Dressin% for dinner? #he had absolu!ely no!hin% !ha! 'as e(en remo!ely sui!able !o 'ear if !hey 'ere %oin% !o dress formally for dinner5I%norin% Lauren's ur%en! %rip on his forearm, ,ic& said, "Lauren 'ill chan%e here I'll %o o(er !o !he )o(e, re!urn 'ha!e(er phone calls can'! 'ai! and chan%e !here"Tracy smiled a! Lauren "The house is burs!in% a! !he seams< you and I can use our room, and "eor%e 'ill find some'here else !o chan%e #hall 'e %o?" she in(i!ed, already s!ar!in% !o !urn a'ay,ic& %lanced a! Lauren's e*pression 'i!h a 'ry %leam of unders!andin% "I !hin& !here's some!hin% Lauren 'an!s !o discuss 'i!h me 2ou %o ahead, and she'll 6oin you"7s soon as !he couple s!rolled ou! of hearin% dis!ance, Lauren said despera!ely, ",ic&, I don'! ha(e any!hin% sui!able !o 'ear #urely you don'!, ei!her?""I ha(e !hin%s o(er a! !he )o(e, and I'll find a dress for you !here !oo," he assured her calmly "I'll send i! o(er, and i! 'ill be in Tracy's room by !he !ime you're ready !o pu! i! on"Inside, !he house 'as a cacophony of (oices and bus!lin% ac!i(i!y Lau%h!er and con(ersa!ion drif!ed from !'en!y differen! rooms on !hree differen! floors, 'hile ser(an!s hurried in e(ery direc!ion carryin% freshly pressed clo!hin% draped o(er !heir arms and !rays of drin&s in !heir hands,ic& s!opped one of !he ser(an!s and as&ed for his phone messa%es In an ins!an! !hey 'ere in his hand, and he !urned !o Lauren 'i!h a 'arm smile "I'll mee! you ou!side by !he pool in abou! an hour )an you mana%e 'i!hou! me for !ha! lon%?""I'll be fine," Lauren assured him "Ta&e your !ime""7re you cer!ain?"$i!h his compellin% %ray eyes searchin% hers, Lauren 'asn'! cer!ain of her o'n name, bu! she nodded any'ay $hen he lef!, she !urned !o find 8ebe Leonardos 'a!chin% her 'i!h open curiosi!y Buic&ly 'ipin% !he dreamy e*pression from her face, Lauren said, "Is !here a phone I can use some'here? I'd li&e !o call home"";f course $here's home?" 8ebe in.uired casually":ens!er, Missouri," Lauren !old her, follo'in% her in!o a lu*urious s!udy near !he bac& of!he house":ens!er?" 8ebe sniffed, as if !here 'as an offensi(e odor associa!ed 'i!h !he name of !he!o'n Then she lef!, closin% !he door behind herThe lon%3dis!ance collec! call !o her fa!her didn'! !a&e lon% because !hey 'ere bo!h acu!ely a'are of !he e*pense in(ol(ed 8u! her dad lau%hed 'i!h pride and as!onishmen! 'hen he heard abou! her ne' 6ob and salary, and he 'as relie(ed 'hen she !old him !ha! Philip $hi!'or!h had insis!ed she li(e in his aun!'s condominium, ren! free #he didn'! men!ion her bar%ain 'i!h Philip because she didn'! 'an! !o cause her fa!her any an*ie!y 7ll she 'an!ed him !o &no' 'as !ha! his financial burden 'as no' eased7f!er han%in% up Lauren crossed !he s!udy and par!ially opened !he door, pausin% a! !he sound of a cheery female (oice raised in %ree!in% a! !he end of !he hall "8ebe, darlin%, you loo& mar(elous< i!'s been a%es since I'(e seen you Did you &no' ,ic& #inclair is supposed !o be here !his 'ee&end?""He's here," 8ebe ans'ered "I'(e already spo&en !o him""Than& hea(ens he came5" The o!her 'oman lau%hed ")arl!on dra%%ed me here from a di(ine beach in 8ermuda because he 'an!s !o !al& !o ,ic& abou! some business deal"")arl!on 'ill ha(e !o 'ai! his !urn," 8ebe replied indifferen!ly ",ic& is !he reason 7le* and I are here !oo 7le* 'an!s !o !al& !o him abou! buildin% a chain of in!erna!ional ho!els He's been !ryin% !o call ,ic& from 0ome for !'o 'ee&s, bu! ,ic& hadn'! re!urned !he calls, so 'e fle' here yes!erday""I didn'! see 4ric&a ou! !here," !he o!her 'oman said"2ou didn'! see her because ,ic& didn'! brin% her3bu! 6us! 'ai! un!il you see 'ha! he brou%h! ins!ead" The derisi(e lau%h!er in 8ebe's cul!ured (oice made Lauren s!iffen, e(en before she added, "2ou 'on'! belie(e i!5 #he's abou! ei%h!een years old and s!rai%h! off a farm in Missouri 8efore ,ic& could lea(e her alone for an hour, he had !o as& her ifshe 'ould be all ri%h! by herself" The (oices faded as !he !'o 'omen mo(ed a'ay8ebe's (erbal a!!ac& s!unned and irri!a!ed Lauren, bu! she calmly pulled open !he door and s!epped ou! in!o !he hall#ea!ed a! Tracy's dressin% !able an hour la!er, Lauren brushed her hea(y hair un!il !he burnished honey and %old s!rands framed her face and !umbled in %lorious 'a(es o(er her shoulders Then she has!ily applied a rosy blusher !o her hi%h chee&bones, smoo!hed !he ma!chin% %loss o(er her lips and !ossed !he cosme!ics in!o her purse8y no' ,ic& 'as surely do'n a! !he pool 'ai!in% for her The !hou%h! brou%h! a %lo' of sheer happiness !o her !ur.uoise eyes as she leaned closer !o !he mirror and carefully pu! on !he !reasured IC3&ara! %old earrin%s !ha! had belon%ed !o her mo!her$hen she finished, she s!epped bac& !o s!udy !he effec! of !he lon%, sophis!ica!ed cream 6ersey dress !ha! had arri(ed from ,ic& 'hile she 'as !a&in% a ba!h The sof! fabric emphasi/ed her hi%h full breas!s, and !he lon% !i%h! slee(es hu%%ed her arms all !he 'ay !o !he 'ris!s, 'here !hey ended in poin!s a! !he bac&s of her hands The %old lin& bel! nipped in !he sli%h!ly blousy 'ais!line, so !ha! e(ery feminine cur(e Lauren possessed 'as be%uilin%ly displayed, from !he !op of !he s!rai%h! nec&line !o !he hem of !he sli%h!ly full s&ir! 'here !he dain!y %old sandals Tracy had len! her peeped ou!"Perfec!5" Tracy %rinned "Turn around so I can see !he bac&"Lauren obedien!ly complied"Ho' can any!hin% !ha! loo&s so demure from !he fron! be so smashin% from !he bac&?" her hos!ess as&ed, loo&in% a! !he 'ay Lauren's !rim bac& 'i!h i!s %olden summer !an 'as e*posed almos! !o !he 'ais!line "$ell, shall 'e %o do'n?"7s !he !'o of !hem 'al&ed alon% !he balcony, Lauren could hear !he sounds of !he poolside re(elry belo' floa!in% in !hrou%h !he open 'indo's Do/ens of lau%hin% female (oices blended 'i!h !he deeper murmurin%s of males, !hen min%led chao!ically 'i!h upbea! orches!ra music:i(e seconds af!er !hey 'al&ed ou!doors on!o !he pa!io, Tracy 'as surrounded and 'his&ed a'ay by a %roup of her friends, lea(in% Lauren s!andin% alone #he craned her nec&, scannin% !he cro'd for a %limpse of ,ic& #he !oo& !'o s!eps for'ard and immedia!ely sa' him s!andin% amid a lar%e %roup of people a! !he far end of !he poolKeepin% her eyes on his !all form, Lauren carefully 'ended her 'ay around !he obs!acles of %ues!s, 'ai!ers, !orches, umbrella !ables and pool $hen she 'as closer, she could see !ha! ,ic& 'as s!andin% 'i!h people 'ho 'ere spea&in% anima!edly !o him $i!h his head !ipped !o'ard !hem, he appeared !o be lis!enin% 'i!h rap! a!!en!ion, ye! periodically his %a/e 'ould flic&er up and slide o(er !he cro'd, as if he 'as loo&in% for someoneHe 'as loo&in% for her, Lauren reali/ed 'i!h an inner %lo' 7s if he sensed her nearness, he lif!ed his head sharply, and his eyes me! hers across !he &no!s of humani!y $i!h an abrup!ness !ha! bordered on discour!esy, he nodded !o !he people 'ho 'ere !al&in% !o himand 'i!hou! a 'ord simply s!rolled ou! of !heir mids!$hen !he las! %roup on !he pa!io par!ed !o le! him !hrou%h, Lauren had her firs! full3len%!h (ie' of him, and her brea!h cau%h! His ra(en blac& !u*edo fi! his !all, splendid frame as if i! had been made specifically for him by !he fines! !ailor The da//lin% 'hi!eness of his frilled shir! con!ras!ed beau!ifully 'i!h his bron/ed face and formal blac&bo' !ie, and he 'ore !he ele%an! a!!ire 'i!h !he easy assurance of a man 'ho 'as !horou%hly accus!omed !o i! Lauren fel! absurdly proud of him, and she made no a!!emp! !o hide i! 'hen he finally s!ood in fron! of her "Has anyone e(er !old you ho' beau!iful you are?" she as&ed sof!ly7 slo' boyish smile spread across his fea!ures "$ha! 'ould you !hin& if I !old you no?"Lauren lau%hed "I'd !hin& you 'ere !ryin% !o appear modes!""Then 'ha! am I supposed !o do no'?" he !eased"I suppose you should !ry !o loo& a li!!le flus!ered and embarrassed by !he fla!!ery""I don'! flus!er or embarrass (ery easily""In !ha! case, you could !ry !o flus!er me by !ellin% me ho' I loo&," she hin!ed broadly Turnin% slo'ly so !ha! she 'ouldn'! dra' !he a!!en!ion of !he o!her %ues!s, she delibera!ely %a(e him !he full shoc& effec! of her dress :larin% !orchli%h! danced off !he burnished honey of her hair as she comple!ed her !urn and 'ai!ed 'hile ,ic&'s %a/e mo(ed o(er her %lo'in% face, luminous blue eyes and sof!ly full lips, !hen s'ep! do'n'ard o(er !he lush ou!lines of her fi%ure"$ell?" she !eased in !urn "$ha! do you !hin&?"The %ray eyes !ha! finally lif!ed !o hers 'ere flamin%, bu! ins!ead of ans'erin%, he flic&edhis burnin% %a/e do'n her len%!h a%ain He hesi!a!ed, and !hen said abrup!ly, "I !hin& !ha!!he dress fi!s you perfec!ly"Lauren burs! ou! lau%hin% "Don'! e(er le! anyone !ell you !ha! you ha(e a 'ay 'i!h fla!!ery, because you don'!""Is !ha! ri%h!?" he moc&ed, his eyes challen%in% "In !ha! case, I'll !ell you e*ac!ly 'ha! I !hin&A I !hin& !ha! you're e*.uisi!ely lo(ely, and !ha! you ha(e !he fascina!in% abili!y !o loo& li&e an e*!remely se*y, sophis!ica!ed youn% 'oman and an u!!erly an%elic %irl a! oneand !he same !ime 7nd I 'ish !o hell !ha! 'e 'eren'! !rapped here 'i!h a hundred o!her people for !he ne*! fe' hours, because 'hene(er I loo& a! you I become uncomfor!ably ea%er !o find ou! ho' you're %oin% !o feel in my arms !oni%h!"Lauren's fair comple*ion bloomed 'i!h color #he 'asn'! !ha! an%elic, and she unders!ood'ha! he mean! by !he phrase "uncomfor!ably ea%er" Her %a/e slid a'ay from his moc&in% %ray eyes, and she loo&ed a! !he %ues!s, a! !he yach!s li! up li&e brillian! 'hi!e )hris!mas !rees3a! any!hin% e*cep! ,ic&'s !all, hard body $hy had he been so blun!? Maybe he suspec!ed !ha! she'd ne(er slep! 'i!h anyone before, and he 'as delibera!ely !ryin% !o panic her in!o admi!!in% i! $ould i! e(en ma!!er !o him !ha! she 'as a (ir%in?=ud%in% by his fran& a!!i!ude !o'ard se*< !here probably 'asn'! any!hin% he hadn'! done or didn'! &no' $here 'omen 'ere concerned, she doub!ed if !here 'as a sin%le fiber of innocence lef! in ,ic&'s en!ire a%%ressi(ely (irile body 4(en so, Lauren had !he feelin% !ha! he 'ouldn'! 'an! !o seduce and bed a (ir%in ;f course, !his par!icular (ir%in 'an!ed (ery much !o be "seduced" by him, bu! no! .ui!e so soon, and no! 'i!h so li!!le effor! o

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