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Presented by :Onika Blandin Shemin Charles Janelle Charles

Jo-ann Hepburn- Hall Candace Joseph

Natasha Warrick

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• Explain the term spirituality and faith.

• Define a spiritual person.

• Identify the characteristics of a spiritual person.

• Discuss how these characteristics are shown in our bible character.

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• The word spirituality brings to mind the glowing

images of light peace and a sense of wellness, there is

no singular explanation but rather a multifaceted

connection of the seen and unseen dimension of the

human experience, demonstrated by faith fueled by

belief in a higher power, an awareness of life and its

meaning, the centering of a person with purpose in life.

It involves relationships with God, with self, and with

the world around the individual (community).

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Who is a Spiritual Person?

A spiritual person is one who• Walks by the Spirit (Galatians 5 :16 )

• Does not fulfill of the flesh (Galatians 5 :16 )

• He/ She subsequently referred to being “led by the Spirit”

(Galatians 5 :18 )

• He/ She cataloged “fruit of the Spirit, which are developed

by obedience to God (Galatians 5 :22-23 )

• Live by the Spirit (Galatians 5 :25 )

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The Equation of Faith - Heb. 11:1

Faith =

SubstanceGreek: hupostatis; hupo - of, by or under; statis - state

literally – of state or of standing something you can stand on; a solid base


The Substance

The Evidence




Things hoped for

Things not seen

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“But the fruits of the spirit are…Love,





against such there is no law”


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Characteristics of Spiritual Person • Love• Joy• Peace• Longsuffering • Kindness/Gentleness• Goodness• Faithfulness• Meekness• Self-control/Temperance

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Galatians 5 I Corinthians 13Fruit of Spirit Love or Charity…JOYPEACELONGSUFFERINGGENTLENESS



“rejoiceth” “hopeth all things” “beareth all things” “endureth all things”

“suffereth long” “not easily provoked”

“is kind” “envieth not”

“rejoiceth not in iniquity” “thinketh not evil”

“believeth all things” “never faileth”“not puffed up” “vaunteth not itself”“behaveth not unseemly” “seeketh not her


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The Mind of Christ = Fruit of Spirit

“love one another as I have LOVED you” John 15:1“that my JOY might remain in you” John 15:11“my PEACE I give unto you” John 14:27“Jesus Christ might shew forth all LONGSUFFERING” 1 Tim.1:16“…the Lord [Jesus] is gracious [Gr. chrestos, KIND = gentleness]

1 Peter 2:3“ Can there come any GOOD thing come out of Nazareth?... Come and see” John 1:4

“Christ Jesus who was FAITHFUL to him that Heb. 3:2 appointed him”

“by the MEEKNESS and gentleness of Christ” 2 Cor. 10:1“Every man [includes Christ] that striveth for mastery is TEMPERATE

in all things” 1 Cor. 9:25

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• It is the self-giving love that gives freely without asking anything in return, and does not consider the worth of its object.

• Agape describes the unconditional love God has for the world.

• It is ultimately exemplified in Yahweh and His Son.• John 15:12• “This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I

have loved you.”

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• Joy is more than happiness.• Joy is the unconditional state of mind that accompanies

fellowship with God.• Joy founded upon the certainty of Yahweh’s love and

mercy – protection against despair and hopelessness that the guilt of sin brings.

• Joy that comes from deep-seated spiritual security.• Joy that comes by knowing the Kingdom will be


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JOY Cont’d

Example of Christ “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy

might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. ”

John 15:11

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The way of peace “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give

unto you” John 14:27

“let the peace of God rule in your hearts”

Col. 3:15• True peace is obtained by developing the other fruit

of the Spirit and constant “delight and meditation on the Word of God”.

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• Isaiah 66:12 “Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream.”

• Revelation 22:1,2• Psalm 1:3 “like a tree planted by the rivers of water that

bringeth forth his fruit in due season”• Psalm 37:11 “meek shall inherit the earth; and shall

delight themselves in the abundance of peace”• 2 Peter 3:13-14• Col. 3:15 “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts,

to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful”.

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• English word – joining together of 2 words• Original Greek – also combination of 2 words

• makro and themeo• Literally “slow anger” or “long temper”• Also translated “patience”

• Newer versions (eg, NIV & NEB) translate this fruit of the spirit as “patience”

• But, there is a difference between Biblical “Longsuffering” and Patience (as we know it).

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• God is described as being “slow to anger” Neh. 9:17

• Exhibited this characteristic many times - e.g., time of Noah (see 1 Pet. 3:20)

• “…but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance”. 2 Pet. 3:9

• “And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation.”2 Pet. 3:15

• “…Jesus Christ might show forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on him to life everlasting” 1 Tim 1:16

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The word gentleness in the Greek is chrestotes

More often translated “kindness” in AV

This fruit is better understood as Kindness

“…the Lord [Jesus] is gracious 1 Peter 2:3

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Kindness – principle attribute of God’s graceGRACE

favor generosity allowance mercy

goodwill clemency beneficence

Jesus: Treated others with sympathy and understanding by “ministering grace unto the hearers” and using the art of careful listening

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GOODNESS• Greek word – agathosune• “ Can there come any GOOD thing come out of Nazareth?...

Come and see” John 1:4 • Jesus may attribute goodness on His own terms; but it’s not

inherent or earned.• Even Christ said “there is none good but one, that is God”

Matt. 19:16-17

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Faithfulness• Loyalty - sticking to original choice despite other options

• Ideas of firmness, steadiness, sureness, steadfastness, trust, honesty, safety, and certainty

“Christ Jesus who was FAITHFUL to him that appointed him” Heb. 3:2

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• Greek: Praotes – gentle, mild and gracious• But it does not connote weakness or timidity in the way

the world would consider meekness.• Biblically defined as gentle, controlled strength• True meekness as a fruit of the Spirit can only be

developed as a characteristic of believers. It can never come naturally.

• It arises from the strength and security we have in trusting Yahweh.

• It grows within as a result of our continued delight and meditation in the Word.

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The Meekness of Christ

• His life exemplified ‘controlled strength’• From the time of temptation in the wilderness• Slipping away from those who threatened to kill him though he

had the power to deal with them• To his last entry into Jerusalem, riding on a lowly animal;

hearing the cheers of many who would call for his death• And finally to be crucified as a common criminal.• Jesus resisted the temptation to use his power and

acknowledged the source of it.• And in this knowledge lies the secret of our meekness.

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God-reliance• A Biblically meek person realizes the affairs of his or her life

are in no one’s hands but God’s.• Meekness is God-reliance not self-reliance.• Meekness is not weak, isolated or dependent on self.• He/she is therefore strong and connected as a child of Yahweh

but at the same time, independent in the sense of John 8:32 …

• “The truth shall make you free”• Free from sin and its attendant anxieties.• Free from the cares of this life; knowing the security and

strength of being in Christ.

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Biblically-meek person…

• Doesn’t need to prove anything or impress anyone for…• behavior such as bragging is a sign of insecurity and not real

meekness• His/her first priority is what God thinks and so…• Radiates a quiet God-confidence knowing the outcome of

everything is in His hands• For they have a deep trust that at the same time brings

humility• Recognizing that what He decides is the best for us is not

always what we would have expected• And reason for always saying and thinking “God willing”

(see James 4:13-16)

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A Life of Meekness

• Biblical meekness is a valuable asset in every facet of life…At home, at school, in the ecclesia, daily activities: chores, errands, appointments

• And especially at work (“as to the Lord”), preaching to others and instructing believers we believe are in error.

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Blessed are the meekBlessed are –

• The poor in spirit• They that mourn• The meek• They which hunger and thirst after righteousness• The merciful• The pure in heart• The peacemakers• The persecuted for righteousness• The reviled, falsely accused, for Christ – rejoice, be glad.

The fruit of the Spirit is –

• Longsuffering• Faith• Meekness• Temperance

• Love• Goodness• Peace• Gentleness• Joy

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TEMPERANCE Biblical temperance is all about being strong

in the control of our natural tendencies -- the primary drives of the flesh.

“Every man [includes Christ] that striveth for mastery is TEMPERATE in all things”

1 Cor. 9:25

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• Jesus exhibits the controlled strength of meekness (the last Fruit considered) to perfection.

• Temperance works alongside His meekness as part of His character.

• “Every man [includes Christ] that striveth for mastery is TEMPERATE in all things” 1 Cor. 9:25

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“But the fruit of the spirit is…

Love,Joy,Peace,Longsuffering,Gentleness,Goodness,Faith,Meekness,Temperance,against such there is no law”

Galatians 5:22-23 All of which was demonstrated by Jesus

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