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Page 1: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24

Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm 86

CervrzKjiovKivi:ppiviuvuyvuiviuoIv,cyuKiuizzzzzzzzzzz In- cline your ear to me, O Lord, and

Crz5zHyrvRv.vryzuzKjivuvuHyyvrtRc,crvyz7zKiŸzoviuvi²zoz:lpzzzzzz hear me; save your ser- vant who puts his trust

CiJuuyuvUYv.vyvuiJuvivyuHyvuvftfuvyvrtreFrrEv,v in you; be mer- ci- ful to me, O Lord,

CrvrereAqvqvderyvytvyJuuyrvRv,vrHyyvyvdrzzetDerzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for I have called up- on you all the day

CdrdtdRv/vvHyvuivivipviviviuvUIv.vuyvuiviv long. Ps. Glad- den the soul of your ser- vant: for to you,

CivjivipivJuvyvyyyvrezRTv/vvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz O Lord, I lift up my soul.

Page 2: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24

Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Gradual

Bonum est (Mode 5) Psalm 92

MwvqvwvrrtvrrwzzFrrtzzDertzSawezzSwwzQc,crvyviyKiiizzKiuo It is a good thing to give thanks

MoiviuviiyzzKiizzHyiozzKiizzHyuYc.czzzzzyvivyizkoviozKiiyizzLoiovKizzzzzzz to the Lord and to sing praise to

MuivytyKiizLoiUc,cioiyzKioiovhihuviizzKiyzzKiizzKiyzzKiiYc,crtyKiizLop your Name, O Most High.

MuizzgHyztˆzuzYRc/vrvHyvrvyvjiopKivivKivoKiitzzjKijozzzKjijozzKiitzzzzzzzzzzzzz � To tell of your lov- ing kind-ness MzjKijoj[zzzK][zLopiYc,chihuzzLkokpzzzzjKipoKipozLiiuYv.vyiLkovovoi:p[kozzKiiyzvz ear- ly in

MyviyKiiivIHyz7zzizzkLozziopzzKiizzLoozIv.vzziizviviovzzozzKjizzutyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the morn- ing and of your faith-

MzzjKizzutyzIc,cuo:piHyvyvyiHytyKiiyzzKiiuzzHyozGttRc.vdrytrvtyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ful- ness in the

MiivKjioiyKioioviizKiyzzKiizzKiyzzzKiiYc,crtyKiizLopuizgyztˆzuzzYRzzz/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz night sea- son.

Page 3: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24

Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Alleluia (Year A) Tu es Petrus (Mode 2) Matthew 16

<FrvtvuiczziuizzHyyTv,vhuiozzKjizrtzzzJutzzzzhJuyuzzRJuuzzzzUGtz6zzUTzzzzz/ Al- le lu- ia.

<uivivoKiiuivIJuuGtyTv,vzGtvtvtJuuzKizouzGztizzJuyrzfGtutzJuutzzz � You are Pe- ter and up- on

<HyrvtrvRv,vttrzGttrzTWv,vrtJuutrzJuuuvKiuyUzTv,vuizzz this rock I will

<hihuzLoiLovovooiJuyrzGtz6zzUTv/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxzzzzzz build my church.

Page 4: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24

Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Alleluia (Year B) Spiritus est qui vivificat (Mode 8) John 6

ByvyvyuLoiuvopoHyuytYv,veHyuHyytzJuouizYv,ceHyuHyytz Al- le- lu- ia.

BJuioYv/vcyyvyvyivioiyvJuiJuuYv,veyvyuKiuyvUYv.zzzzzz � It is the Spir- it that gives life;

ByvyrGtytrGtrevyuKiuyvuvuoyvyvyuytYzzc,czzeHyuHyytzJuouiYzz, the flesh is of no a- vail.


Page 5: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24

Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Alleluia (Year C)

Quoniam Deus magnus (Mode 7) Psalm 95

VeveverHyyzzHyyzzJhuhivUc,cyuKiyzKiuizzJuuYc,cuiGtytezFrrEc,zzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.

VrHyyzzJuizJuutyzFrrEc,crHyuizGtyzGtrezFrrEv/vervevyyvyuzKjivuLooz � For the Lord our God

VLouyGtyuzKiuyzJuyiUzzv,vsusesrzzHyyezFdrdyzzFrrEv,vrzHgyzztyKiuHyytFrvrzzzzzzzzzzzzz is a

VYFrz5zHytzFrervREc.ceyvyvyuzjivhuxyuzKiytJuytzJuiuyzzJuizgHyuytzYTzzzzzzz, great God and a great King

VtvTzHyz7zzjiviuKiyzFruzHytezFrytyvgyguzytzzYFrz5zHyuzHyyzGtrezREc,ctyzJhuzyuzzzzz a- bove all gods.


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Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24

Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Offertory Expectans expectavi (Mode 5) Psalm 40

XtvtJuuJuivuivipKio:pvpvivJuvuuuvTUc,cFrzzzzzztzzzzzzzz I wait- ed pa- tient- ly for the Lord, and he

XUzJuuzzJuuiuvhuiLoiuvIUv,ctvtJuuGtvrzzzzzzztuKiuvuiviJuuGtuiu stooped to me and heard my sup- pli- ca-

XIzGtz6zzfuftvTv.vrtvuuKioJuuGftFfzfyftvzzGtvtJuuHyuHyyvrJuyutHyyTc,zz tion. He put a new song

XuuvtrtvuiJuyuKiiUv.vtvuuJutvtrvteFrtzjizzuyrvtrvGtzzzz in my mouth, a song of praise to our

XtJuuGtrerzGftzzrzEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God.

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Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24

Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion De fructu (Mode 6) Psalm 104

BtvyuvuvJuvytvHyvtvTRv,vGtvyvJuvyvtrvzzzzzz The earth is ful- ly sat- is- fied by the fruit of your

Btz6zzhuvyuvYTv.vtvyuvutvHyvzzzzztvzzzrvtyTczz,zzzzzzty‰zKiuKizzzzzzzzzzzz works, O Lord. You bring forth bread from the earth, wine

BuvoJuuyJuvtvtrverGtreGFrrEv.vtyzJuvuvou‰zKizzzzzzzzyvyuyzzzzzzztez to glad- den our hearts, oil to make a cheer- ful

BdrdtverDewevEWv,vrwverGtyvtrvgy‰ziJuivytvrtvTv/zzzzzzzzzzzz coun- te- nance, and bread to strength- en the heart.

Ad libitum Psalm 104: 34

Btyvytvyuvuvuvuvyv‰zivuvyvTv.vtvyuvuovzzzyzzzzz I will sing to the Lord as Long as I live: * I will praise my

BtvzztvyvtevtvyvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz God while I have my be- ing.

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Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31

Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit Miserere mihi (Mode 8) Psalm 86

XrvuuvtrvtevrtvuuivuvUv,vuvuuzzJurvrvzzzzz Be mer- ci- ful to me, O Lord, for I have

XrtvtvdtdrzGtrervREc,cetzhJuvuvuuuGtrvdrdtdRv.vrvrtJuyJuzz called up- on you all the day long; for you

XuvtuKiuyJuuYc,cyvyujiviyvyivuyvYc,cyvivpppKiiuizz O Lord, are good and for- giv- ing, and a- bound-

XIUv,vuvyuKiuvuuuvTv,vrtevruvuuyJuytJytyFrrczzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ing in love toward those who call up- XdrdtdrcRzzzzzz/vzzzzzzzrvtrvruvuvuvuvuyvuivivuivuvUzzzz. on you. Ps. Bow down your ear to me, O Lord, and an- swer me:

XutvtuvuvhuvuuyvrtvuyvtvRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz for I am poor and in mis- e- ry.

Page 9: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31

Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Gradual Timebunt gentes (Mode 5) Psalm 102 MwvrrtvFrvrvtyFrewGtertRc,crvyrtyKiiLoioviuizzzzzczzzzzz The na- tions shall fear your Name, O

M Lord, and all the kings of the earth


MKiiuzHyiGttRv,vrtHytvyzKiiiyzKiiuzzHyiftzzzzRHyz7zKiuytFrrzHytrGtrvRv/ your glo- ry

MrvytvtivivKivoKiiizzKiyzzKiiyzzKiizzGtyˆzuzdzGtdrzKii:poKiiuYc,zzzzzzzziozzzzzzzz � For the Lord will build up Zi-

MhihuhizzJ[[zKioizzJ[[[pLiiuYc,crvrvdrytrvtyvgyiuyKiiivicKiiYzz,zzz on, and his glo- ry shall ap-pear.


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Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31

Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Alleluia Cantate Domino (Mode 1) CFrvyyvhuzyzKiuivipKiuYv,ct7zKiuzzjKizzyizJuizHyytEc,vrz5zzzgyguzzz

Al- le- lu- ia.

CGGtuyztzFrz5zYRzzzz/zzzzzzzzrjKizzuzlzozzKiouyzzJuuyzzJuuzzHyui:ppUc,ciiuzKiuyJuiuHyz7zKiuy � � � � � � � �Sing

CJuiUzzzc,chihuz:ppKiuzKilzoiLovuvUTc,ctzvfyftzzHyz7zKiuivhuzrytzJgugyzzuyzzzzzzzzz to the Lord a new song CFrz5zzYRv.vFrvrHyyrzzHyyzzFrrtHyuzIUc,cuiJuvi:ppKiiuIv,vyilzLouzz for he has done

CHyyrzzHyyiuzzHyytrzTRc,crHyyyzJgugyvyvyiuivipKiuYc,ctz7zKiuzzjKizzyizzzzzz mar- ve- lous things.


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Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31

Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Domine, in auxilium (Mode 1) Psalm 40 CrvzzzzzHyvzzzyyyvsesrvDevrvyuKiiuvgygugyvYv.cyuHyvuzjiz

Be pleased, O Lord, to de- liv- er me. Let them

CiuvuivzzzzUYvzzzzzz,cyvHyvyvyuvyvFrvrHyyFretRc,cevyyuzzz be a- shamed and al- to- geth- er dis- mayed who seek

CHyvtrvrz5zHytrvRzDez4zGtrezRv,vDevyvyuiuzzKjizzzuyvgyuiHyrHyyzzzzz af- ter my life to de- stroy it.

CFrezHyyEv.vrvzzzHyvzzzzyyyvsesrvDevrvyuKiiuvgygugyvYv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Be pleased, O Lord, to de- liv- er me.

Page 12: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31

Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion (Year A)

Qui vult venire (Mode 1) Matthew 16

BevGtvtvtrvyuviuvtyvtvtrEc,ctz6zJuyzJu‰ziuvytzzzzzzzzzz If an- y- one would come af- ter me, let him

BrevtyJuvuvRv,vuvyuyuvtevtvyrTc,cryvuouzGtyzFrtzzzzzzzzz de- ny him-self and take up his cross and fol-

Bez4zzftzzrwvEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz low me.

Ad libitum Psalm 34:15

BtvyuvuvuvJuvuvuvuovuvuyvYUv,vytvyuvuvuzzzzz The eyes of the Lord are up- on the righ- teous: and his ears are

BuouvyvGtvtttvEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz o- pen to their cry.

Page 13: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 17 Sunday Closest to August 31

Twenty-second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Communion (Years B & C) Domine, memorabor (Mode 8) Psalm 71

BtvftyuYv,vyytyvDeveveytyvyrtevHyvtyvYv,zzzzzzzz O Lord, I will re- call your righ- teous- ness,

BftfyfuLoiLovovuiYvv.vovooovoivuvio:puvYv,vyuLoizzzzzzzz yours a- lone; O God, you have taught me since

BiuLopvovuy‰zKjizzuzTv.vyvYJuz8zLoopvovuyvtyvEc,ctvrtzgyzzz I was young, and now that I am old and gray-

ByrtevEv,vtuzkovtuzkovouiyvYGtz6zzJgugyvYv/vzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz head- ed, do not for- sake me.

Ad libitum Psalm 71:1

ByvuyvyovovzzovoivopvpvopvOv.vouvuovLovooizzzzz In you, O Lord, have I tak- en ref- uge: * let me nev- er

ByuvoivuvYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz be put to shame.

Page 14: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7

Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit Justus es (Mode 1) Psalm 119

BwvevezJhuivuvuvuyTc,cyuvoovfyftvutvuvuz8zLouzzzzzzzzz You are righ- teous, O Lord, and up- right are you judg-

BUv.vuovovpvpopvP{v,vovuovooLouvtyvtrvtuHyzzzzzzzz ments; deal with you ser- vant ac- cord- ing to your lov-

ByGttrverGtrervREc/zczzzzzzzzzztvyuvuvuvzzzuvzuovuvuyvYUc.zzz ing kind- ness. Ps. Hap- py are they whose way is blame- less: *

BytvyuvuvuouvHyvtvtttvewzzERv/vtvyuvuvuvuvzzzzz who walk in the law of the Lord. Hap- py are they who

BuvuovuvuyvYUv.vytvyuvuouvyvGtvtttvewzzERv/zzzzzzz ob- serve his de- crees * and seek him with all their hearts.

Page 15: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7

Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Gradual (Years A & B)

Beata gens (Mode 1) Psalm 33 BttyGttrzGtutrHsysevEv,vevevttyGtuvUv,vuvuoJuuyzzzzzzz

Hap- py is the na- tion whose God

BytvtrvHyytzzHgyguzzzHfyftzzYTv.vuuyuLoozLoiuvUv,ctyvJuuzHytzFrz5zHytyz is the Lord; hap- py the peo-

BYTv,cGtvyvyGttrDeveGtteGtyzzFrtyzDserzDeeWv.vtvyuyJuioKiiviu ple he has chos- en to be his

BhuzyuzyDetzzHzhyzztytzzFrtzzHgyztytzEzzc/zzzzzzzeuvuvuoJuuyJuytzJu‰ziuzHyz7zzzKjizzuycu‰zi own. � By the word of

BuvuozzJuyuzzLoouzzLoozzzLopzizzJhuozzHyytv.zzzvupLopoJuivuvuz8zLovyvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the Lord were the hea- vens

BtuLouIUv.vtvyvyuyzJuozJuuzHyyzzGtz6zzUYc,cutuvytyvtyeGtteGtyzzzzzz made, by the breath of his mouth

BsDerzDeezWc,cstsezTzGtz6zJuyzzJuopLooozJuyzGtz6zJuz‰ziuyvyuvouz‰zKiytuLoovuyzzzzzzzz all the heav’n- ly

BuyuGtrtYc,cez4ztzzHgyzztuzHytrzDez4zzTEv/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx host.

Page 16: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7

Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Gradual (Year C)

Domine, refugium (Mode 2) Psalm 90

XryGttv,vutzzHyutrzzHyrGtvtvutuizkLovuGttHytrvreGtrtzzzzzzzzzzz Lord, you have been our ref-

XtertJuutrzGtz6zJuiJuutyTv.vuuvhJuvuvuvuyuiLouyJuuHyiJuiut uge from one gen- e- ra-

XtuzGtrtzzJuutzzJuuyzzGtuFrrEc.cerzGftuyGtyvrtvutuiczzziuKioiuzLouLopiy tion to an- o- ther.

Xtz6zzuzzjKizuioKioUzGtz6zzUTc/cvtvuvuivzivivzzziovoKiuyJutRc,z � Be- fore the moun-tains were brought

XyrtzzJuuzKioizOc,cuo:piHyuGtrzGtzytrzTc,ci9:po:poiovOIc,civizzzzzzzzzzzzzz forth or the

XPzKiz9z:poivKiviovhohuzzoizzJuutzzJuutzUzJuuzUTc,zzzzzzzzzcuiLoiuLoiuKitvzzzzzzz land and the earth

Xtz6zJutvTv.veverzfGtvtvuytHyrtvutvuivjioJuyuIc,crtzzzzzz were born, from age to age you are God.


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Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7

Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Alleluia Domine, exaudi (Mode 7) Psalm 102

VDeveytvuyuvUv,viuz:poizGtyzJuuyzREv,vuyzzKityzzzJuuyzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.

VrerzTzzFrrEv/veytvuyuvuiopvlpl[zzzzhuhozzzJuz8zLoizzLoiuzzIUc,cyvzzzzzzzzzzz ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� Lord, hear my prayer, and

VyyyvuovjizzuiyvryvtrtvsesrsevEv.veytvyuvuuozzzJuuzzKiozz let my cry come be- fore you. When I call,

VlpzzipzzzLoiuzzKiozzIUv,veveytvyuvuyuvhuzziuzz:poizzGtyzzJuuyzzREc,c make haste to help me.


Page 18: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7

Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory

Oravi Deum (Mode 4) Daniel 9

BrtevrrzGteyFrtGzttDewzzDerewzzDetezFzrtcRv,vRztz6zzhuvuyvyezFrz I, Dan- iel, made my sup-

Brvrrzftvez4zGttrzEv,vSwverevdrztzJuyuvryGttvTRv.vyvzzzzzzzzzzz pli- ca- tion to the Lord, say- ing, “In-

BiiLovyvJuvgyguzzHytrtvTRv,vrz5zHyuvyvyuHyyvGtvrvrytrzzzzzzz cline your ear, O Lord, to the prayer of your ser-

BrrTv.veyzJuyzzzzzzyvuoKivivopLoovUyz7zKiuivIUv,cuzLoozzzLooozzzzzzzz vant. Let the light of your pres- ence shine

ByuvrtvyvuyuzzLoovzzuyzvyizJuuyvYv,vyvyozz:povLovuvzzzzz up- on your sanc- tu- a- ry, and look with com-

Btyzzhu‰iyuvRv,vtvrz5zHyuvyutvDevtezGttzzGtttzYv,vwevwzzzzzzzzz pas- sion up- on this peo- ple, which is

Bez4zzGtyvtrvtyuvUYv,vtvdrztuzHyuzGtezzGttzGttrwzFryRc,cgyzuzHyutezzzz called by your Name, O God.


Page 19: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 18 Sunday Closest to September 7

Twenty-third Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion Vovete (Mode 2) Psalm 76

ZdrtHyvyvTv,vdrtJuvuvuuiJuvuvuuJuvtvuiuvzzzzzzzzz Make a vow to the Lord your God and keep

Zuuuc.ctytrvruyvuivIvRv,cztuzzzzzzzuiuyvftfyftvTc.zzvuzzzzzz it. Let all a- round him bring gifts to him, for

ZuoivuyvuitvTvuyvuivuyTv,vtvuyizLovovoiLozzzzzzzzzzz he is wor- thy to be feared, who breaks the spir-

ZuvivUzyz7zKiuivIUv,vuvuyuvtrGtrwvWv,vrtvtrzzzzzzzzzz it of princ- es and strikes ter- ror in the

ZuuKiyvuyvtyvYTv/vzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz kings of the earth.

Ad libitum Psalm 76:1

ZrzzzzztrzzzzzzzzzruzzzzzzzzzzuzzzzzzhuzzzzzzzzzzzUzzzzzzzzzmzzzzzzzzzuzzzzzzzzzzuzzzzzuyzzzzzzzzuizzzzzzzzzzzizzzuizzzzzzzzuzzzzUzzzzzzzz.zzzzzzzzzzzzz In Ju- dah is God known, his Name is great in Is- ra- el:

ZutctucucucuvuvucucucvuvuvuvzzzzizvutcucyrctyTc/zzzz at Sa-lem is his tab- er-na-cle, and his dwell- ing is in Zi- on.

Page 20: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14

Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit Da pacem (Mode 1) Ecclus. 36; Psalm 121

CervrzjiovKici:ppizzlzLoziouzzIUc,vyuvilzoJuvyvuizHytyzzzzzzzz Give peace, O Lord, to those who wait

CdrdtdrvRc.vrvyycyuczzziuzKilzouzcyuYv,vyvyz7zKilzoivppzKiiuzzzz for you, and let your proph- ets be found faith-

CyizJuivYv.vilzoKiuvuvizlzozJuyzzzzzHyvuvUzyz7zKiuivIUc,cyiui ful. Hear the prayers of your ser- vant and

CKiviuzHyyzFrvrzHyyzKilzouvUv,vyuHyrvrz5zzdydrvRv/vyvuiv of your peo- ple Is- ra- el. Ps. I was

CipvivivKiviuvUIv,vuyvuivKivivipivJuvzzzyvzzzzz glad when they said to me, let us go to the house of

CyyyvrezRTv/vvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzvvvvvvzzzzzzzz the Lord.

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Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14

Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Laetatus sum (Mode 7) Psalm 122

VyyhuvgyuyzFruyuvhuioiJuuyzJhuhihUc,cyuvupvpLoovuvPhJuozi I was glad when they said to me,

VLkokpzzLoipzLoouizUc.ccuivutvgyzrtEc,cectvuuyuzGtytzFdrtyhuvYFrz5zHyzz “Let us go to the house of

VycsesrsEv/vuyJuuzl:p[pzJhuoizLkokpzzLoipzLoouiUc,cyvuvuLoozzLoo[pzLooJuzzzzzzzzz the Lord. � Peace be with- in

VuHyyrvyrHyyrtEc.cuvervgyzruyzJhuhpzLoooivopvPJuoizLkokpzLoipzLoozzzzzzzz your walls and pros- per- i- ty

VuiUc,cervyuyvruyvuiuivuyvYc,ciuzz:kpkozzuoIzJuutzHyutzHyrerz with in your pal- ac- es.


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Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14

Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Alleluia Timebunt gentes (Mode 1) Psalm 102

CryzFrrevyuyvuizJuuyvYv,vyizzlzLoiuzKipzKiplzozJuuYv,cyiz Al- le- lu- ia.


CryzFrrevyuyvuizJuizJuuvyuzKiuzyuvyuYv,vyvyuKiuzHyuRzGtz6zhuzzzz ������������������������� The na- tions shall fear your Name,

CHyytEc,ceverzGtyuzzHyytzRv.vFrvrzHyrtevEzGtz6zzJuyzJuytcUziz9zPIx, O Lord, and all the kings

Cyui:ppKiiizzviuyvuivuiuzHyurzHyyzFrtzFrrEv,veezFrrzzGtyzzhJuzyizJuizzz of the earth

CYzzJuyzzJuizzHyytezzzFrrzzDeqezRv,vrvHyyzzFrtzserHyyzJuyuzKiuyvYv,vyizzzzz your glo- ry.

CzLoiuzKipzKiplzozJuuYv,vyizzLoiuzKipzKiplzozJuuYv,vyizcuiuzHyuRzzzGtz6zzhuzzz HCyytEv,verGtyuzJyytzRv/vzzzvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzz

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Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14

Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Offertory (Years A & B) Sanctificavit Moyses (Mode 5) Cf. Exodus 24

Btyvtvyuvyvu‰zizuyvgugyzJuyTv,ctvuz8zLopzLoozJuiuczzUc,cz Mo- ses con- se- cra- ted an al- tar

BGtvuovOzLooozhuhihUv.vuozzzzzzzzzzyuytvtyvuyzHyyzzHyyzzHytzzHy‰ziuzvUc,zzzzz to the Lord. Plac- ing up- on it

Buz8zLoouzHyyGtycTzrz5zzHyucytyvYTc,zzzzzTuz8zzLopzzzzzzzzopzLoiuvopzzz[pockokpkozzzzzzz burnt of- fer ings and peace of- fer-

BOv,czzzuvopvooivLooovuz8zLoiHyvuzLoozLopvzzzzzoiuvzzzzzUc,cJuczutz ings, he made an eve- ning sac- ri fice, as a

BuovzzozpLoovzzzuzzzvgugyzzzzgugogyzzzJuytyvYTv,cuz8zLovyzzzzzzzxxxtyzJuyzJuiUzz,zzzz sweet- smell- ing sa- vor, to the Lord.

BJuvovouzLoozHyuzLoouzzGtyzGttzDetyzzGttyzzzDewzzsesrsEzzv,vSwvevGtvzzytzzzzzzzzzzzzzz in the sight of the sons of

BGtvyuvhuzyuzLoouzzHyyrzzGtyzzFrz5zzHyyTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzz Is- ra- el.

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Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14

Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite) Offertory (Year C)

Precatus est (Mode 8) Exodus 32

MyitzzHytzzFrz5zHytyvYTv,vyvioKiizJutzYv,vwvrtvrtv Mo- ses ap- peared be- fore the

MytzHyz7zKiuyvtz7zKiuyuzvUYv,vyvtrvtyzJuytyvYTv,xtzKiitzzzzz Lord his God, and be- sought him, say-

MHyyzFryzKitzFrrwzzDerzGtytvTv.vyitzHytzFrz5zzHytyvYTv,vyviozKiizzzzzzz ing: Mo- ses ap- peared

MJutzYv,vwvrtvrtvytzHyz7zKiuyvtz7zKiuzyuvUYv,vyvtrzzzzzzzzzzzzz be- fore the Lord his God, and be-

MrtzHytzrtvTWv,vwFrrwzzDerzzGtytvTv.vtKiioviovKivoKiyzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sought him, say- ing, “Why, Lord, does your

MtyTc,ctKiizzKiiizHyyzzGttzzFrz5zHyuytzvYTc,crvtyzGtyJuvyvTzFrz5zHytyzzzzz wrath burn hot a- gainst the peo-

MYTv.vrtyzKiiizzKiozvJuvivtyTv,vyviizkovytvyytzzJuytzzzzzzzzz ple? Turn from your wrath and in- dig- na-

MHytrzGtyzJuytyzvYTv.vGtvtzzkLopvivoz0zzzJ[pvoviovuiviiuzzzzzzz tion. Re- mem- ber A- bra- ham and I-

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Muv,vIzKiizKiizKiuzKiozzJ[povotzHyuyvYv,vrvGztvzzzyvyovivz saac and Ja- cob to whom you swore that

MiuvyvzzzKiviizzvKiiic,vtyvtvrvTv,vtvtz6zJuyzJuyzKiiyzzzz you would give a land flow- ing with milk and hon-

MKiiyzFFrz5zHytrzGtyzvTv.vrvyvKiviyvio:pvovioIYc,ciz9z:pzzzzzzzzzz ney. And the Lord was great- ly moved, and

MovOzKiz9z:popvPOv.vOzKiizizOvtyvJuvOzKiiizOv,vytviz9z:pozzz re- pent- ed of the e- vil which he

MpvzzzopIvjizzyizLoiuivzIUv,voivoKiiyzKiizzKiytzHyizHyiyRv,crtzz had thought to do to his

MKiiuzHyz7zKiuyvtyzJuyztyvYTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvv peo- ple.

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Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14

Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Communion (Year A) Tollite hostias (Mode 4) Psalm 96

ZiyvioiovuivIYv,vuivgigyzzJuiuvYv,vfuftzJuyuzzzzzzzzz Bring of- fer- ings and en- ter in-

Z to his courts. Come and wor- ship the Lord in


ZyvHyvyiuvtiuyvYv/vzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz his ho- ly tem- ple.

Ad libitum Psalm 96:1

ZoiviovoivipvpvopvOv.voiviovovOviuviov Sing to the Lord a new song: sing to the Lord, all the

ZIvzzzzzYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv whole earth.

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Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14

Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Communion (Year B) Qui vult venire (Mode 1) Matthew 16

BevGtvtvtrvyuviuvtyvtvtrEc,ctz6zJuyzJu‰ziuvytzzzzzzzzzz If an- y- one would come af- ter me, let him

BrevtyJuvuvRv,vuvyuyuvtevtvyrTc,cryvuouzGtyzFrtzzzzzzzzz de- ny him-self and take up his cross and fol-

Bez4zzfGtzzrwvEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz low me.

Ad libitum Psalm 34:15

BtvyuvuvuvJuvuvuvuovuvuyvYUv,vytvyuvJuvuzzzzz The eyes of the Lord are up- on the righ- teous: and his ears are

BuoJuvyvGtvtttvEv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzz o- pen to their cry.

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Proper 19 Sunday Closest to September 14

Twenty-fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Communion (Year C)

Dico vobis: Gaudium (Mode 5) Luke 15

MiyviovOv,vivovopvovKizzzzzzzzzivKivuvovfifofYzzzzz,z I tell you, there is joy be- fore the an- gels of God

MyvtvyrvtyvYv,vyz7zKiuzKioKivyvdrdtdRv/zzvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz o- ver one sin- ner who re- pents.

Ad libitum Psalm 32:1

MFrzzzzzzzyczivizzvivzzzzzivivivivovovIv.vyvivzzzovuzv Hap-py are they whose trans-gres-sions are for- giv- en: and whose sin is

MizvyvYv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzz put a- way.

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Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21

Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit Salus populi (Mode 4) Cf. Psalm 37

CHyyzHyrvtyvuvuvuzlzoivIv,cHyvuviuizJuyztyvYTzzzz,zzz “I am the sal- va- tion of the peo- ple,”

CtyzhuvuKiuyzJuiuvtuHyyvttYv.vruvzzzziuzKiovivuvui:povzzz says the Lord God; “When- ev- er they call

Cppz:pivioiJuivIUv,vuivuvuyviviz9z:poizJuivUv,vv up- on me in their trib- u- la- tions,

CTzHyz7zzKiuzvuyiviz9z:poizJuivIUv.vuvKivuvuyuzjKivuvuutzzzzzz I will hear them; and I shall be their God

CytrzzTRv,vrvrtzHyuvuvppizOzJuz8zLoiuvtuHyyvYTv/viuv for ev- er and ev- er” Ps. Hear

CuivKiviuvuovoviovIv.viuvuivivKivivivuyv my teach-ing, O my peo- ple: in- cline your ear to the words

CuivuvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzz of my mouth.

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Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21

Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Gradual (Year A)

Prope est Dominus (Mode 5) Psalm 145

BevGtvtvteGttzgyzzzGttzGtezGttyzzDdrtzDewztzzsDerzDeeWv,vtyzzzzzzuuzzzzzzzyz The Lord is near to those who

BtuHyvyvuyuLooLouzLoozLoiJuozHyytyvYTv.vzztvuovyvtrveyzzzzzzzzzzz call up- on him, to all who call up-

BtyFrtDeewevEWc,cez4zzGtytzzaSwaezzGtttvytvTv,vuuyzzJuuzzzHyuzz‰zKiytzJuuzz on him faith- ful- ly.

BtuLopzpziozUc,ctyuLooz:p[iozJhuzzy‰zizUTc/ccovoovovpLooozLouzLoouzLoozzzz � My mouth shall speak

BJu‰zizHfyftzzLoozJ[pLooiUc.vuozzzvpoJ[]pLoouc,couzLooovovOzJuz8zzozl:pzzop[zz the praise of the Lord;

BLoo:ppOv.vtuyvyovopLooivlpl[l]vpovoik:pkozzJ[poizOUv,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz let all flesh bless his ho-

By‰ziJuizHfyftvuyvkopoUc,ctyuLooz:p[pziozzJhuzzy‰zizzzUTv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ly Name.

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Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21

Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Gradual (Year B) Dirigatur (Mode 7) Psalm 141

VeveuvfuftzyuFrrEc,ceveytuvuiLoiuizOIv,vyuvizzzzzzzzzz Let my prayer be set forth in your

VppuzIUv,vipvoviyuvfuftyuHyuFrrEc,cyyrHytytvsestzJuiuHyyzzzzzzzzzz sight as the in- cense, O Lord.

VftzzetzFdrtzFrrEc/ccyuvhuhpzzLop[zLooozLouzHyyc,crHyyrzHyyuvyvfyftzzJuoKiopzz � The lift- ing up

VKiiUc,cu:ppJ[cuvoJuutHyiuHyyzFrz5zHytrezFrrEc,cecrvyuvyvruyzJui of my hands as the eve- ning sac-

VuvuutzJhuoizJuoizJuuTc,cyuGtyFrerTzFrrEv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ri- fice.

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Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21

Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Gradual (Year C)

Quis sicut Dominus (Mode 5) Psalm 113

MrrvtyvdydrzztrewzzGtezFrtvrvrtHyytHytvrtHytrtvTRv,zzzzzz Who is like the Lord our God,

MyivKivyvjijovIzJuz8zLoiovOIv.vyvftˆzuytzzHdydrvHyvtvyrzzzzzzzzzzz who sits en-throned on high but stoops to be- hold

MyivKivuivHyvtyvrtFrrtSawaqzzgyzztˆzuzYRv,vdrdydtIzKiiiHyyzzFryGftyzzzzzz the hea- vens and the earth. GMGttRv/vyviovoKiiyKioizzJguioYRv,vyKiioKiiyzzKioizJhuioYRv,zzzzzz

� He takes up

MgHygˆgzguzztuzzKjizzuizJuiYRv,vyrHytrzzHyrtyKiioœzJuiyzKiozJ[[[Ivv,viozzzzzzzzz the

MPLoz0zz;[vo[vKiuKivyvyKiityRv.vrvytvtivivjijozKiozKipozzzzzzz weak out of the dust and lifts up the poor

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MKiuIYv,vdrytrvtyvgyiuyKiiiviiYv,vˆzzuyutzdFryutzdFrytzKiiizzz from the ash- es.


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Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21

Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Confitemini Domino (Mode 2, transposed) Psalm 105

CervrvyrzHyyuzzHyyuvuiHyyEv,vyyzzHyipzzJuytzzFrz5zzYRxxx/xxzzzzzzzx Al- le- lu- ia.

CrvyiuzHyyzFrtrvyrzHyyuzzHyyzJuzzvrverEv,vervruzHyuzGtyrver ���������� Give thanks to the Lord and call up-

Crtvervrz5zzYRv.vervyiuzHyyzFruyzGtezRzHyrzHyrzYEv,vevetzzzzzzzz on his Name; make known his deeds

CrerzHyyzHyrzzhJuizHyytzFrtzFrezREv,vevrwvervyrzHyyuzvuizHyyEv,z a- mong the peo- ples.


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Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21

Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Offertory Si ambulavero (Mode 8) Psalm 138

MtytvrtvtKiyzzJuyzKiizvozKiizJuytzvyyTv,vtz6zJuyzvytvzzzzzz E- ven though I walk in the

MtzFrrzDewvtvtz6zJuyuzvYTc,crtvtzjKizzzyzJuyzKiizzKiiizHyyzGttzRc,cyz7zKiizz midst of trou- ble, you keep

MoivjizuizHyuzzHytzKiizzKiuzzHyz7zKiuvyvtz6zJuyuzYTv.vrtvtKiizJuz8zLoivz me safe, O Lord. You stretch

MioviuvjizzuizHyuzzHyyTv,vtvtytzFrtzFrrzDewzGtyTv,vyvtKiutzzzzzzzzzz forth your hand a- gainst the fu-

MHyyzFryzKitzFrrwzDerzGtytvTv,vutvyviizLopozKiiuvtyvtyUYv.zzzzz ry of my en- e- mies;

MtyvuizLoiyvIUv,vuvioKiiizzKiyzzKiizKiizzKiyzKiiyzKiutzYv,vryzzzzzzzz your right hand shall save

MiutzHytvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzz me.

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Proper 20 Sunday Closest to September 21

Twenty-fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion Tu mandasti (Mode 5) Psalm 119

XutvuivUv.vtz›zyGtrvtvuuuvUv,certvt›yvtrzzzzzzz You laid down your com-mand-ments that we should

XJuvuviuvuiUTv.vt›zyzvGtvtvGtv›zyuvutviuv›zyuzzzzzzzzzzzzz ful- ly keep them; Oh, that my ways were made so di-

XuiJuuzGtz›zyzTv,vertvtz›zyGtrvt›zyzGtrvt›yuz›HytrvtrzGtrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz rect that I might keep your

CerGtrDervREv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz stat- utes.

Ad libitum Psalm 119:1

Xevtvuvuvzzzzzuzzzzzzzzzzzuvivivzzzuv.vtvuvuvuvivyvzzzzz Hap- py are they whose way is blame-less: who walk in the law of

XuvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the Lord.

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Proper 21 Sunday Closest to September 28

Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit (Year A) In nomine Domini (Mode 3) Philippians 2

BrevyvuiviviovIv,vKivooovuz8zLopzLooviovOIc,z At the Name of Je- sus ev- ’ry knee shall bow,

BuyvzzuivUv,vuoivoivzgugyz7zzIUzzzzzzzzzzzzv,vzyvuovLovzovzzzzzzzzzzzz in hea- ven and on earth and un- der the

BipzLopzLooIv.vpvJ[vovpiovuyJuvovipzLopzLooIv,vyvyuzzzzzzzz earth; and ev- ’ry tongue shall con- fess that Je-

BuzzzzzzzzzzzLovzzzzuvgugyz7zzIUv,vzzzzzzzzJuvyvzzzuz8zLozvyvzzrvrtzhJuvuvzzzzzzzzzzzzz sus Christ is Lord, to the glo- ry of God the

BfyftzzzJuytzHytrvRv/vxxxyvuivivivivIvivivivivizzzzzzzzzzzzz Fa- ther. Ps. O Lord, our gov- er- nor, how ex- alt- ed is

BivzzzpvovLoviuvooov.viyvuivivivivKivzzzzzzzooivzzzzzzzzzz your Name in all the world: your maj- es- ty is praised a-

BuyvuvKivYUv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzz bove the hea- vens.

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Proper 21 Sunday Closest to September 28

Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit (Years B & C)

Omnia quae fecisti (Mode 3) Daniel 3; Psalm 119

ByivivKivivLovuvjijovyvkokovupoiocOIv,vKivzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Ev- ‘ry-thing that you have done to us, O Lord, you

BpvkopLooviuvoovyvYv,vuzHyytzzHyuyvryGttvTRv.vrvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz have done in righ- teous-ness and jus- tice, for

Brz5zHyuvyvuuyvytuvuz8zzjozzKiuyuvUYv,vyvuivivLovuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz we have sinned a- gainst you, and we have not o-

BuuvJuvuvzfuftz6zzJuyuvUYv.cyvgyguz8zzLopzLooiyvgygguz8zzLoyvYc,crtzhuzzzzzzz beyed your com- mand- ments: but give glo- ry to

Buz8zzkovfyftzHytEv,vyivjiooLovuvuiUv,vyutrvtyvryGttzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz your Name and deal with us with for- bear-

BrrTv,vtezGtrvtyvyzLoozuivyuytzHyuyvryGttvTRv/vzHyvuizzzzzzzzzzzz ance and a- bun- dant mer- cy. Ps. Hap-py

BivKizzzzzzzzzzzzzizzzzzzzzzzz:pvoviuvoooc.ciyvuivivooivuyvuvivzzzzzzzzzzzzz are those whose way is blame- less: who walk in the law of the

B Lord.


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Proper 21 Sunday Closest to September 28

Twenty-Sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman rite)

Gradual (Year A)


MzzzzrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztyzzzzzzdydrzzzGtrewGtertvRv,crvyrtyKiizLoiozzzzzzzzziuizzzzzzzzzzzz ristus factus est (Mode 5) Philippians 2

Christ, for our sake, be- came o-

MytyKiizzzzzzyvrˆzuvytHyvrvdrdtdRc.zzzzzrHyyˆzJuctvtKiizzzzzzgigyˆz7zKiuzGtz6zzzzzzzzzzzzz be- di- ent un- to death, e- ven death on

MˆzJuyGtcrcRQc,crtyzGdtdrzzzetzHgyzzryzzGftyzzGttRc..zcFrzzzvytvtivivzKivizzzzzzz a cross. � There- fore God has high-ly

MivKivivoKiitzKjijoKjioKiiTccmccjijozJ[][zLkopizzzYzzcmzchihuzzzLjojpzzzjKipozKjipozczzzzz ex- alt- ed him

MzzjzKiiuzzzYzxxzz.zxxxxzzzyvyizkLocovoiz:p[kozKiiYc,zzzycxxzgigyz7zzjKjijozKiopzKiizLooIxz,zzzzzzzz and giv- en him a name

MrvrczrcrtzgyvgyziuyzKiiizzzzzzzzizzzzzzzzzziiYcc,cxˆgugyzzzJutzzzdryutzzzdFrzytzzzKjiiiizzzzzzz which is a- bove ev- ‘ry name.


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Proper 21 The Sunday Closest to September 28

The 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Gradual (Years B & C)

Oculi omnium (Mode 7) Psalm 145

Vevsesrz5zHyyvuHyytrvREv,veyvyuvhuiuHyvuHyytzvyuzzzzzzzzzz The eyes of all wait up- on you, O

VuiuzLooiuzKiuzz:kpkozzipzLoouizUc.zzzcuvjiopovoozLoiuvuiJuutyTv,ctzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Lord, and you give them their

VtyuiLouzHytyzzJuuizHyyzdGtrezREc,cercytyzhJuvufGtytrGtyvfGtyJuyusFrstrezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz food in due sea- son.

VREc,cyyyFsrsytDezrzzseyrtzFrrEv/vJuviJuutzHgyuzHyytzzJhuizJuutzgHyuHyyc,czzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz � You o-

VrHyyzzHgyzzrerzHyytuzzKiytuzzKiuyJuivuivUzzzzzz,zzzzzuzzzzzzcuiuzjLjojoziuzKiuzz:kpkozzipzLoozzzzzz pen wide your hand

VuiUv,vuiuyvyz7zKivivhuizzzJhuizHyyyuzFrrezFrertzRc,crvsesrz5zHytrtzzzzzzz and sat- is- fy the needs

VsrsezvervytvyuyvutvgyguvuiLoouzzLoozzLouzHyyrEcmczHyyyzFrytzzDerzzzzzzzzzzzzz of ev- ’ry liv- ing crea- ture.


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Proper 21

Sunday Closest to September 28 Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)


Paratum cor meum (Mode 3) Psalm 108

Xtt›zgyvruvuouzKiz9z:pp[vOc,chuhiz9zzjpjizz:pizOUc,chuhiz9zzjpjizz:pizozzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.

XJuuTc,ct›zyzzhuiuzKiyzGtyzhuzzHyyTv/vrcdrdtyJuuvuvuivzzziuvuz8zopzzzzzzzzzz � My heart is firm- ly fixed,

XzzzovioiuKiiUv.vuvgugo:z0z J[[v[v[o; :ppOv.vJKucczzozzzvko[zLoouz O God; my heart is fixed. I will sing

XKiiJuuzGtyTv,vtvzzJuuvjioizUIv,vuzzLopizLoozKiizLouIzzc,ciJ[[ozzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz and make mel-

XK:pizLoozKiizLouIc,c[[zzH[opiLzoozKiizLouIc,ctzyzuzKioizJuyzJuytzHyyTc,cuuiuzzzzzz XoivovLooUcmjojizouzG ftizJuuuzHyrzz G ftiuzKiozGttrtWzmcrtzJuutzd FrtzJuuizzzz lo- dy.


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Proper 21 Sunday Closest to September 28

Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Offertory Super flumina (Mode 1) Psalm 137

BtyzhuccuvutHyuzLouzLoyzGttetveeWv,vevewezGttzgyguz8zLoiuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz By the wa- ters of Bab-

ByuytvtyzfJuytyvYTv.vuz8zkozvuytvyz7zz‰zIUv,vuyzzJuyrvtz6zzJuyzzzzzzzz y- lon we sat down and wept

BGttrezGttezGtyzzGttyszDesrzDeeWv.vtevFrvtvyuyzJuouzLoouyvytzJuz‰ziHytzzzzzzzzzzz when we re- mem- bered

BGttzHyuzTRv,vtvtezGtz6zJuyzJuozJuyuzGtezTv,vrz6zJuyzJuouzHyuzGtezGtyzGtyzGtyzzzzzzzz you, O Zi-

BGttzsesrsevEv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzz on.

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Proper 21 Sunday Closest to September 28

Twenty-sixth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion Me

BtvyuvuvyvJuzzvutvHyvyrvGtvTc,crczzrytyzFrrTv,vzzz mento verbi tui (Mode 4) Psalm 119

Re- mem-ber your prom- ise to your ser-vant, O Lord,

BevtuyvJuvytvyuvyvryvttRv.vyuzzjiviuvuvuyvuzczzzzzzzzz be- cause your have giv- en me hope. This is my con- so-

BgyguzHytrtvTRv,vrtFrvevrtFrvevrtzgyvtvryzGtyzGttRv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz la- tion: that your prom- ise gives me life.

Ad libitum Psalm 119:1

BuyvyuvuvJuvzzzuyvyivivuivUv.vuyvyuvuvuvytzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Hap- py are those whose way is blame-less: who walk in the law

ByuvyvRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz of the Lord.

Page 44: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 22 Sunday Closest to October 5

Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Introit In voluntate tua (Mode 4) Esther 13

CrvyrvtvtyvtvtyvtvyyyvTRv,veryvtuytzzzzzzzzz The u- ni- verse is in your pow- er, O Lord

CttYv,vFrvrzzhJuivuvyiuivYTc,cyyyvFrvtvtuHyyzzFrz5zHyrzzzzzz God, and there is no one who can op- pose

CRv.vtvftfyz7zzfKivzzzuvhuiuivytvtuHyyzzGtrezREv,vGtvyyyzzzzzzzz you; for you have made all things: hea- ven

VyrvyuTv,vtvyyyvyrvyuvtvtvzzftfyz7zzIUc,cuyJuvrvzzzzzzz and earth and all the won- der- rul things un- der

CrHyyuFrrevEv.verHytHyvtvyyyvyrvgygiguvytvyyrHyyzKiuyzzzz hea- ven. You, O God, are Lord of all.

CfJuyTv/viuvuiviviviuvuovoviovIvzz.zviuvuivzzzz Ps. Hap- py are they whose way is blame-less, who walk

CivivuyvuivuvTv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzz in the law of the Lord.

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Proper 22 Sunday Closest to October 5

Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Gradual Domine, refugium (Mode 2) Psalm 90

XryGttv,vutzzJuutrzzHyrGtvtvutuizkLovuGttHytrvreGtrtzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Lord, you have been our ref-

XtertJuutrzGtz6zJuiJuutyTv.vuuvfJuvuvuvuyuiLouyJuuHYzzmzKiuKiutzzzzzzzz uge from one gen- e- ra-

XtuzGtrtzzJuutzzJuuyzzGtuFrrEc.ccerzGftuytHyvrtvutuiczzziuKioiuzLouLopizzzzzzzzz tion to an- o- ther.

XJuutrtz6zzuzzjKizuioKiodudtz6zzUTc/czzzztvuvuivzivivzzziovofKifufyJutRc,z � Be- fore the moun-tains were brought

XyrtzzJuuzKioizOc,cuo:piJuuGtrzGtzutrzTc,ciz9:fzpfof:poiovOIc,civizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz forth or the

Xhphi9z:poivKiviovhohuzzoizhzJuutzzJuutzzJfuuuzUTccmcuiLoiuLoiuKitvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz land and the earth

Xtz6zJutvTv.veverzfGtvtvtuytHyrtvutvuivjioJuyuIc,crtzzzzzzzzzzz were born, from age to age you are God.


Page 46: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 22 Sunday Closest to October 5

Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Alleluia In exitu Israel (Mode 2) Psalm 114

<drtyvdyuiHyuGttrvtyzzzzzzzzzYcmctiutzdytzHyycmctz6zKiutzdytzHyycmzzzzzzzzzzzz Al- le- lu- ia.


<rz5zdzHyytvtz6zzduvytvTzzzzzzdudiLooivytdJutrHyyvmvffftfoKiz9zz:fpoiovzzzzzzzzzvz � When Is- ra- el came out of

<ytJyrtdyvdyuiytHytrTc.vtvtyufiviyvuiytJuuyvYv,vFrvyzzzzz E- gypt, the house of Ja- cob from a-

<didyzzKiozKdidyvdrdydtviytzHyytvTcmcrvtyvgyztziJutzHyytzHyyvmzzzztz6zKiutzzz mong a peo- ple of strange speech.


Page 47: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 22 Sunday Closest to October 5

Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Offertory

Vir erat (Mode 2, transposed) Job 1 & 2

<wvdrtyvtvtrtJuutvHyvtrvTRv,vtcczzuuiJuytzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz There was a man in the land whose name

<dtdrz5zHytrtvtz6zzUTv.vhuiyJuvtvgyuivgigyzJuiuivTv,vtzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz was Job: blame- less and up- right, and

<trvtz6zJuiJuuyvtutvtrtyTc.vtwzzzzcdrtyczzztrzzcuiLooivuyvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz one who feared God; and Sa- tan asked to

<tydJuytyzvYTcz.zzzzzzzzzzzztvuvuivjioiovuiviuyJuytycYTcxx,zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz test him; and the Lord gave him pow- er

<GtvrvGtvuyvuyvTv,vuyvuyzzzzztvtytrvtrtyTc.zzzzvtvzzzzzzzz o- ver his pos- ses- sions and o- ver his flesh; and

<twvrvtytrvuyJuiviJuuKiuvuiJuyvrTRc,cftfuzzGtz6zJuyuzzzzzzzztyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz he de- stroyed all his sub- stance and his

MYTv.vuuyvizzvuuyvtrvTRv,vtvzfuftz6zzJuyvtyvYTv/zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz sons, and af- flict- ed him with loath- some sores

Page 48: Introit Inclina, Domine Psalm 86 CervrzKjiovKivi ... · Proper 16 Sunday Closest to August 24 Twenty-first Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite) Introit Inclina, Domine (Mode 1) Psalm

Proper 22 Sunday Closest to October 5

Twenty-seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Roman Rite)

Communion In salutari tuo (Mode 1) Psalm 119

CrvryvytvHyvzzzzuvJuvtycdrdtdrccRv,vDevrvHyccytzzzzzzzzzzzzzz My soul has longed for your sal- va- tion; I have put my

CuiuzKjivxuvzzzzzzzzyuvUYcc.ccxxivzzivziuvzytvzrz5zHytrtvTRc,zzzzzzzzzzzzzz hope in your word. When will you give judg- ment

CyccuivzzKivzivipvivuyvYv.viutvyuGttRc,crcrz5zHyuzjizzzzzzzzzzzzzz a- gainst those who per- se- cute me? Help me, O Lord,

CytrvTRv/vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz my God.

Ad libitum Psalm 119: 41

CyvuivivivivivipviciczzziuvUIv.vuyvuivivizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Let your lov- ing- kind-ness come to me, O Lord: and your sal- va-

CivivKivipivJuvyvyyyvRv/vvvvvvvvzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz tion ac- cord- ing to your prom- ise.